ly55!5?Wiy!' fffWffWW1iWHWWWtWW 'IMUgQWIUMHipl ' I1 , p-.T--a,f'-aa?crpf -,0 EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, .1915. . 16 HEATING MAK1N UBISKT HEALTH HEAT M better and eheapir than steam or hot water. ror Ifesn mr with normal moisture MAKIN KELSEY, UN 1Rth t Phllft INSTKUCTION BTENOOBAriir-SSc. A lesson. 201S N. Npa t. near 31st and Huntingdon sts. MACHINEKY AND T00L3 SHAFTING SAFETY SPLIT C'OU.AUS AND YOCOM haner nnd pillow blocks with .fin ished tall and S'.iket bearings art i the beef for all shifllne; purpose" HllAfTINO AND MA, IIINK WOlclX i&Ng. POWEIt-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamo, motors, boilers, steam and oil en gines, rumps air compressors. FRANK TOOMEV, Inc., 127 N.Jtd St. si ri'i.tnfl or f.vf.ry description for tt:xtim: induhtmhs. rllAS hond & v, r.20 ARCH ST. DYKAMUS, motors nnd machinery boMRht, sold and rented; nrmaturca repaired. Main 111. Market 300.-i. Yearsley Co, 221 N. 3d st. HrnsTt.vo n.vntNn-ii'.T m. -a & s." . ( D n. boiler and swinger. Seyfcrt s, 437 N :id tt 80. '!. 40. 42. 4-lnrh Extractors or Whltters, eiiRlne riven, 20 21. 2. .'in-lnch belt-driven Extra tors. NFTI'AI.t,. 17IS North nthst plpr Fnwid-liand. all slse Phlla. hand Pipe Supi ly luttl N. 7th st. Second MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS .1 LAItOr ZONOPHONE TVLK1NO machine, with cabinet nml .to record, finished In beautiful ijunrlfiel oak, tost new J8I. Can be tut id i." cents weekly. An excellent baiRaln; In pood rendition. Write lor com. mte ll'it oi IwiBflhi. and sped il trial offer. 1 HtM't'K'S M'TdttN RTORES. Corner (ith and Thompson sts., Phlla., Pa. r.UtSON DIAMOND POINT PIlONOOnAPlt Cost frfl new. This outllt Is complete tvlth retards ind wll; lit sold foi 3S payable 73 cents weekly. Call or write for complete de crll.tlon4 anil hirue I) uMrnted dialogues. UUPPK'S tPTOVAN STOIHM Cor. r,tli and Thompson sts. riinniicipnia, l.i. UPRIGHT PIANO HAnOAI.f!-Stclnway,17S; rhh kcrlnir, $1." Itsinis.lell. It IV Mnrcellu. 111! other uprights. m, -fn.", $12.": practice I Unos, J is players, ?2?.", $12.". Ilnsliea Ilros., fp.H X. lOtil PLAYlIIt PIANO, fiimoui make: cabinet. SS-nnto music rolls, private family. m Cnll Hftcrnniins, Kill N Hroad. not Sundnv. 85 CHICKf.ltlNO ITPItlOlIT PIANO HOWARD VINCCNT. MS N. Oth. OLD GOLD 1IU lll;.ST priMn In the ilty fur old Rnld, silver, platinum, fatso teeth, old coins bought and mild. Ji nelry l.xi linuKi, 2U4 S. Sth. OLD GOLD. sller, platinum, plated nare, old- sijlo Jewelry, teeth plates bought for enjn. Est. 1S70. J I.. Clark, refiner. V)7 Sansom. CAB1I PAID FOIt DIAMONDS, PltDrlOfS et)nes, Rnld silver, platinum, fnlpe teeth, Phlla. Prr-lllnc nn.l llrf. Co.. 12H 3 11th St. OLD (OLD-Hsti paid Tor i Id Kold, silver, snllTi'o clmks nlll ..ill 111 II phnnc l-ociut 12111. ItOODHS. J7 S 17th st. PRINTING DL'Y YOlIt ritlHRTMAR CAIIDS LAIILT .M.iko your sclei tlons rrnm 12." dcslxns; pries 23 to CO cuts per dozen. 'Hie Card Shop, ,1001 Chestnut st. Open eienlncs. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS WE coat leaky roofs at small ion! and EU.iran tee them 10 e"rs, let us estimate. AMERICAN ROOFINO CO.. ISO Itldge ave. - j : STORAGE CONTI.NUNPAL stohaiii: Aiti;norsr. 20T11 ST. AHO II IIILST.NIIT PACKINti. JIOVIM1, SIIIPI'INO. Rues, Cartels cleaned, scoured, stored. Hell, Locust 1000 I'hones Key. Race 41110 Your Troubles Arc My Business 8toraee and money orrnnKod, all parts of United States; liberal advances made. Prcs- ton IJ. Lee. llroker, aos Llpplncott HulldlnB. Walnut 1719. LIDERAL ADVANCE ON FURNITURE One munth free, stoniRe, $1 pep load: mov ing, p.icklnR and shliauni;. Rldgo Avenue KtoraKe Comruny, 013 Wtsv Norrls t. Phone Kensington 11811. FIDELITY FIREPROOF vVAREHOUSCS. 1811-1S1U MARKET ST. WALKERS STORAOE. 13th above Dauphin Separate locked rooms, paiklni; and shipping to ull points; auto vans for moving; carpet cleunlng. .'c. yard liuth HioriiS; ATL.VS STORAGE WAREIIOI'SE Storaee, moving, packlr, shipping, carpet cleaning. PhUarlnit7,-i2 for estimate. Market and 37th. WcCANN'S STORAOE HOUSE. 174S N. Iltn st.. movine, packing. shlpplnE! auto vansllolh phoneLet us etlliiiale. FREE STORAOE tho first month; movlns by auto vans, shipping, pnLklnt', carpet cleaning. Levin's, 20H Ridge. Park Olid A. WANTED BROKEN JEWELRY, false teeth, plstols.colns. Coin book, with prices I pay, mailed. 13c. J. .UomJPeople'a Store), 2oU S. lltti. Wal. HSd. CAST-OFF CLOTHING SPECIAL 10C0 oults wanted this month. Hi? demand, nig prices paid. SPECIAL Highest prices for full-dress suits, sack nultfl, overcoats, trousers and Bhocs. Wilt cull anywhere, any tlmo DERKOWIT'. 003 North 10th st. Poplar C300 Poplar Mill! CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED - Highest prltej paid for ladles' evening gowns nnd ncntlemen s clothing, summer and winter; acrid pos at or phone Immediately and our buyer will cult, city or suburbs, day or eve. Phnne Market 2000. BB1.1GSOHN. Mh and Spring Garden sts, CAST-OrF CLOTHING We positively pay 50 more for gentlemen's clothing, shoes; send fostal. wo call, day, evening, city or suburbs, 'rln'.inan Ilros.. 1114 South st. Phone Dick inson 0133 FURNITURE, rano. carpets, antiques: entire or part boutes bought for cash; no matter how largi. J. lierntteln, 1334 Ridge ave. & OLD FALSE TEETH J Broken Jewelry, Gold. Silver, Dla. Bought. Keyst nne Cn T33 walnut street UIIC VU, p,ui.l,.l ..ii.l" HIGHEST PRICES PAID for diamonds, old gold, platinum, falsa teeth, also pawn tickets, 1300 Filbert st., 2d floor front. WANTED, to buy, part or entire household furniture. Levin Bros.. MIS nidge ave. - .n ..- ROOMS FOR RENT ARCH. 2021 (The. D!smond)-Nlcely furn..clean, warm, single and double rooms, Yale locks; hot and cold water; $1 per day or $2,90 to $3.60 per week. Phone Spruco 3304. ARCH ST,. 2035-Flnety furnished front rooms, also two back rooms, kitchenette, complete; reOned surroundings. Race 6440 D RROAD, N.. 2810 Comfortable rooms In a real horns. BROAD. N., 1310 Attractively furnished front rooms, with all conveniences; reasonable. BROWN, 1311 Warm communicating; sltttnr and bedroom for gentleman ffuest; owner; CECIL. S.. 721-Nlcely furn. room In private family for consenlal business woman. CHESTNUT, 1604 Attractively fum. rooms, alflula or en suite, with or without bath. CHESTNUT, 2003-SlNGLH ROOM, DOURLB ROOM. SUITE WITH 1JATH, REFERENCE. 6OPM0& ARCS IS RICMT.PETTCV . OlSM To HAWD HE., T Verity UEeR? OUT PE-lETi CeAR? V- S-T f 3TM. M J U Sou-TVi CAROL! WA , I JXTAa, t WAS. ) MHKX IS IT, FlSVY - )( 'LC HtWiC CoX4 ( - HAWK Sool J Q jl V. v g ZJ I OUGMTEfii Kijqw' J V MiTAVitVJ ' JrJ HASM oc. Po.k. Fly yjU UP A J TlMB jtlJK. V NTOKAL ,) r- Ml llS. : SA05ACE5, TAKE LT ."w atgAK. ) II ynA m2 TlD ll 1 ROOMS FOR HENT l HP.STSVT 3T01 TPrautlfulh furnished rooms! electric liaht. apply on premiss CHESTNUT ST.. 3-comfortable, rms., dou ble or slnslOj noil heated, exceptional bd. np. JHFFF.RSON, 1010-n run, porecl. tub ft rlnh. CAM AC, N.. 23C0 T roams; reduced rent. I.OCt ST, 1211- Desirable roomi adjoining bath; hot water heat central location, phone LOCUST. 121.1-15 ft.lon'a Headl-Fuml-died apts., suites and rooms with private bath. LOCUST, 1MB Furnished wiitlo room. M floor front. 513 n month. Ith lloor room. $10. LOOAN SQ.. W., 21S lareo 3d-slory front room, overlooking square. Locust 3303 W. LOGAN SQ. fK .V. tth)-HouekcepIns rms furn..nnrurn., electric llsht. runnlns water. SIT. VBRNON. tni3-2d front, attractive. Inrne. gunny, running; water, refined, reasonable. PARK AVK 2007 Attractively furn. rooms, single or en suite; conys. ; Rooit location. PINK. IWII Nlcelv furnished room for fccntle mtn; hoard optional; phone. Helmont 3738. PINK. 1323-Attractlvely furn. rooms, shiRto or en suite; runnlnffwnter, prl Tom ; phone. niTTENiiotisE so. 2in s. inTin f arKe, beaittlfullv furn rms. and apts. 1 or 2 rooms: rrlv. baths, hot-water heat: first class In appointment and service. Spruie.twi. SPIH'cIi 1337 ltoom, single or en sulle, priv. but lis: prof, offices .stearnliat ,electrlclt v. SPRt'Ci:, 2022-Attracllvelv furn. bachelor apt.. 2 rooms, prhate bath.tlreplace. phone. SPUI'Ci:. 1732 Wcll-ruriHho.l. cheerful i-ooms. natn. steam neni; rererences excnunRjii. SPltrci:,llI.'i 2it.t'y front, benutirully fur.; runnlnic water, electric IIrIU: slnele vninhe w VLLACn, 1i;17 Furnished rooms, slnRle or en sulto;liot.water heat. enuthrrnexpnsure. W MATT. 3331 Lime. furn. and unfiirn. com front rooms. runntnit. nter. hot-natcr heat. WALNitT. .MKS-rumlsTir.! 2d-story front room. Jienr L; phone. Helmont 3321 J. WALNIT, .MHO 2 unfurnished rooms, phono! Kas, olectrlclIsht: convenient tn L. Kirir R. 300 mpp. Clinton) Attractive rooms, with or without bath well heated, plenty hot wnterinewljr renovated. Ph walnut fiflll. 12TH. S. 2ini--chcerfully fnm. room adjoining liatlKBertlemrn. Apply MA. 0l, on proms, l.Vril. S.7 3M-COMFORT.MILY FFtt. rlfCWT RnoM. ADJOLMNO HATH: PlinNK. lilTIL N.i 1101 Two rooms, housekeeplnit, ?.: stnete rooms, ?2. firriir.V.T 1M1-Attrne. room furn. orunfurn.; refined, privaie home: rererences: pnone. p l?Tlt ft MONIinMKIIY Two rooms for bach" elorprU-.ite rimil ,ref. I! 1117, Ledger cent. fsTtl, S'., ""'I"' I.irpe lttina room: suit rteti Hit, pifvnte adult fumlly, also slnnle vacs., 'urn or unfurn. rcosnutbie. Dum. IH W 21ST, H.T .3 Atlrnclhely film, nr unfurn. rnom, slnitloor etisulte; few ntH0 pernio. 'IsTII, S?, 221 -Comfort, furn. double rooms; southern exposure, board optl. rSBuJIr ': 43Tll7s., Ill Slnsl ninl double ruinn In cx- iluslie, refined modem home Phono. MTII. S., HTI- liree. newly furnished, papered, wnrtn, sunny, second-lloor front. In small fnmllv: rcaeonahle B2D ST., N., 227 Well-furnlsheil, attractive room, prlvnte family. Helmont 1 112. 1703 N. IMST Furnished or unfurnished front rooms, rctlned partv , alults; all ennvenlences. . BOARDING I1ALT1MORE. 4111-Attractlve house. Just opened; slneje. iloiiblej-nis.: prlv. Jialln; btl. RALTIMOilE, 4IP.I I.irKef sunny, second-floor room: couj le or gentleman, ccelpnt tiibh. ITJvTriMlTRi:,-4ill02d and .Id story iront," next to bath; prlv.fumllv : board. Woodl'd, 1113 .1. HAZ1JL"aVE.. I7oh Warm furnished room; cood home tnblc;prlv!ite family; phone. r.l'.nllill AVE.. W.. UH7 Private fnmllv has few front vacancies: excellent table, nil con- venlences: electricity. Phono Tlona73rqW. SPRPCE. w.o Secoiid-stooultojlosfront room bPRUCK, 1010-Roonis with board, running water, elevator, rltocrt ,.ini v . m SPRUCE. 10.32 fjirco second-story room; southern exposure, also table boiru SPRUCE. 122I-2U iflrlsmondo) Furn. rooms, single, e.v suite. prLate baths: tnbjioara WALNUT7 4331-Rooms with board 2d nnd 3d Moors; near L. references, H.T I fN .7"l4'IOri A N D -C) M El . Y Ft I R N I SI IE D RUIJM. RUNNINC1 WATER: VIRST-J-'LAsS TAlll.i: HOARD, PRIVATE I'AMj tAj. 41ST. S, ,'03 Pleasant room, 2d atnry front, with running water. Rood table; other rooms. Phone ItirliiR 7731! .7. silTH ST.. S . 321 Large, double rooms; re- lined, moaern iqoio pqaru. xicn inmuw. i'RIVATE mmlly will'takc Infant to board. Phono Tlosa 2'i00 W. Hiiburhan OVERHROOK ramily of 1 adults. large mod ern home, hive thlrd-fioor front, bath ad- .Joining, for gentleman, with superior boird. M hV.. Ledger Ccntrnl. SANITARIUMS REAUT1FUL location; special EClentltlc care; nervous; clderlv; every romfort. nurses, Rooklct. Dr Hriidnl. City line. Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS N. E. CORNER 17TH AND WALNUT STS. This 13-story concrete and ateel fireproof structure ree.clies the highest point of devel opment as ct attained In apartment con fctruulon, and may bo properly styled a per fect place of abode. An earnest erfort has been made to offer a matchless home to those whoso first con sideration is not to count the cost alone, but to procure that vvhkh they dedlre, where thero Is only perfection, the tlzc nnd char acter of which may te selected and shaped according to the distinctive requirement! of the Individual. Suites are arranged from two rooms nd on bath to seven rooms nnd three baths. The location Is excellent, being convenient to tho business and chopping centres, nnd et not too near. All things considered, the rcmuls aie mod erate. Further information, arrangements for In spertion and reservations may be made turouch NORMAN S. SHERWOOD itll Walnut street. 1830 South Rittenhouse Square Threo apartments enlarged during the sum mer are ready for occupancy; one (a Duplex) contains 12 rooms and 4 ha; tho others S rooms and 2 laths and 10 rooms and i; baths; also a small apartment of 7 rooma and bath. O. ANDERSON. Superintendent. WALNUT, 1131 Apurtmeut of 2 rooms and bath, second floor, unfurnished, very desir able; alia one lurnished apartment: first-class service Apply Brum bqugh & Parker. 2d lloor SPRING GARDEN. fsi7-Escellent apts. la S different houses; some furn.; kitchenettes. THE PARKSIDE 10T nAnD AVENUE OPPOSITE leAIRMOlTN'r l'Anlf One to four rooms and bath, reasonable terms. Phone Baring 221. UP-TO-DATB APARTMENTS at reduced rates ro Booa tenants. Apply to owner at 1825 Diamond bt West Philadelphia I OFFER a large variety of apartmenta at varied prices and to meet almost ana require ment. Call or send for list. Automobile service to Inspect apartments If desired. NORMAN S. 8IIERWOOD. 1411 Walnut sL SPRUCE B2C0. RACE S025. FURNISHED APARTMENTS SPRING GARDEN. 2121-Attracttve apts.. with private baths. In private home. Poplar 3074. APARTMENTS WANTED THPRK I? Mi.SoLI'TKLY NO REASON WHY ANY ri:S11LM I.K Al'ARTMILNT SHOULD HE VACANT AT THE PRESKNT MOML'NT. The number of applicants for apartments handle I by this oiflce frequently averages over one hundred a day. , I Place at the disposal of my clients the 'est equipped. Urgcst and most attractive offlcea ever devoted to the business of rent init npirtments. 1 filve them hluh'.y orpanlred, courteous and efficient service. I liavo prlvnto branch et cnanees to Mr.dle phone Inquiries, two auto mobiles waltlmr n show apartments to pros peetlvo tenants, and In every way olve serv Ire of such a character that the apartments Placed In my hands are rapidly rented Will jou not nelp yourself and nt the s-ime tliro assist me by furnishing me with com plete Information relative to your vacancies? K'Mdt. Pi'oNi: or Writf. NORMA V S SHDRWOOD Mil IUI.NVT RT. SPKL'CH 02fii RACK 302.1. fnhnrbnn XVANTED by jounjr marrleil couple, small furnished house or npnrtment In suburbs, prerenury with sleepinR porch, not over $73. D 1M. ledcer Of lice. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS HROAD. N., 2011-3 rooms, Idlchen. bath. 4th floor, sttnm heal, can and elec. J.O. M. Isen, I1ii" Real i:stntoTrust Hide. Filbert 3l-(.0. IWII AND .MT. VHRXOX-Apts.." Sand S rooms, with bath, steam heat electric llsht: all outside rooms; -oriier. COLFMIIIA AVE PRIVATE RVTII HI 1-1 ROOMS. WITH M.L CONVENIENCES. 'DIAMOND 1311 Hnndsomo corner flats, MS andJcio3 rms.,Jh.ith. porrh: modern con vs. DIAMOND, 21 12-Three rooms, bath, kllrlieiiT hot water hent and hot wnter. 23. I'HERI: ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT You ran look at ono after another Until you flhd one, or You ran go around tn tho different agen cies until In despair jou tnko one, or You Can Call, Phone or Write to I Ins Olfice It Is quite true that nearly tpry desirable apartment In Philadelphia Is listed with and may lie rented through us Call upon us In our new ofllces; they are really quite attractive; jou will he given tho most courteous and clllclcnl servtco obtain able. An automobile Is uniting to take you to Ihe list of apartments you designate, and If by nny rharice vou nre not perfectly suited our entire organization will be placed at jour disposal to procure for jou exactly our henrt's desire. Think of all tho trouble sou will have saved and how glad you will be to know you have found Hip one npartmnt In Philadel phia which mnt nearly approaches sour exact Meal NORMANS. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. Spruce 02(10. Race 302,"!. 'I'LIP NAH 1527-20 SPRUCE STREET 1 HI- 1-WVOn HOUSEKEEPING APART- MENTS ajlilIMIOFI'.SIONALrFlCES. HOPSEKEKPINO APTS.. all parts of city: rents $23 to $70 per mo. Call, phono or write forliifnrinnllnn. Samuel Stern, 1201 Chestnut, M VY. C.REIMS, originator of Apt. Ilureau Service, will qulikly find vou tho apt. tbnt suits, inn Rcil KM, Tr. Hid if. Ph. Will. 237. FOR modern furn. or unfurn. apartments. Northwest Phlla. or Tioga, sen us Orst. HCIIOIJPI'Y A: CO., 1317 Montgomery nve. FIVE-ROOM APT., 1210 Olrar.l nve.: entire r-econd lloor. newly remodeled; hot-wntcr heal, low rent. Wnfd man.IJ Pi fllrard nve. WCjT PHII.ADF.l.PHIA CHESTNUT ST. .1003-7 T.eonc)-Elcgant apt'-. reduced rent. On 11 3 to u. Jan. Ph. Hir. 70lflW DREXEL APARTMENTS OVERHROOK STATION (In hntigli.onln ,,!, tl rinma nnA liilh. $SI,3t per month; or.. rurnlshed suite, 2 I sleeping rooms, ono exceptionally largo living room nnd bath, $75 per month; publli dining I roorrKRhnne Over.'rook',3'..Mi. THE RUTLAND APTS.. JUST COMPLETED LOCUST ST.. .'.ITH TO 33TH &T. 0 and 7 room npnrtmcnts. with nil tho latest conveniences, $37., .0 to $43 per month. HORERT PUTS. AGENT Hell phone Dclmont 443.1, Bill Locust sL KINGSCOURT 30tli ami chtstnut sts. JUST COMPLETED. MODERN HOUSE keeping riiartmenls, llrepioof doors, eleva tors: public dining rooms Apply THOMAS M. SEEDS, Jr.. 1207 RACE RT. GREY OAI1I.ES. 312-311 N. 33D. very attractive npts., '1 to 7 rooms, furnished or unfurnished; all nutsidn rooms; shower baths, etc , leasnnable, s mln. from City Hall. $30 TO $no CHOICE SELECTIONS KERSHAW fc CROWD. 321,1 Chestnut. ESSEX. 31th ami Chestnut: Monterey, 43d and chestnut, Itelmoni, :;ith iind Spring Garden. Inqulru Janitor, or cresse, 30S Halo BIdg, GERMANTOtVN WALNUT LANE. E.. 1104 and 3 rooms snd bath, hot-water heat, private porch. $23 to $13. THERE ARE A FEW FOLKS WITH' "KIDDIES'' who positively will not rent an apartment In the lHv. So in order to plc.iso them nnd others .who MUST have a suburban home THE QUEEN LAND APARTMENTS WERE Rt'lLT No, yol nevr hive men anything quite like them chnmea are vou never will again. Fresh air, trees, birds, grass, country sur roundings in a word, thv great outdoors all about vuti. A block uoin Queen l.nne Station, same dls. tance troni the t.crmantown Cricket Club, tlneo blocks from Wayne avenue. The rrlco Is $50 a month nnd As to the apartments. They have five rooms and bath, plus an extra maid's room: hot vv.iter heat tho best obtainable; ampin hot water, exceptional closet loom; built-in book raca; private porches, unusual construction and dt orations, jou muht iro them to know that they aro just what you have been look ing for. and our automobiles will niako this an easy matter. We might furnish one nr two at, say, $70 a month. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1111 WALNUT STREET. APARTMENT HOTELS THH I'KLMAH-MOIUtlS OERMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE STATION, TENNA. RAILROAD 20 MINUTES FROM HROAD Sl TERMINAL. ATTIt.Vi'TlVRI.Y l't'RNISHED AND UK. FURNISHED SUITES AND HOUSEKEEP ING APARTMENTS. HOTEL COLONIAL Spruce at Eleventh st. An apartment hotel noted for Its cuisine and perflation of service, newly refurnished and redecorated, par.or, bedroom and bath, with meals for two perons, $33 per week and up. Special luncheon. 73c. Table d'hote dinner, $1. THE GENEVA 16T1I STREET ABOVE WALNUT High-class apartments, with or without pri vate bath, entirely renovated and refur nished; under new management. DOUGHTY 4; MARSHALL THE GLADSTONE llTiIT,AEJINB APARTMENTS FOR WINTER MONTHS FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE COVINGTON. CHESTNUT AND 37TH ST3 IL F. ENGLE. MANAGER. ALSO THE ENGLESIDE, llEAfll HAVEN. N J. THE ESMOND s- K- "ker. isth . ..- i-oinwiiu SPRUCE SUITE OF 2 ROOMS ANDUATII; ' THE TRACY PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS 38TH AND CHESTNUT PETEY Never Mind, Pete, You'll REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY r.n .. .tit fvn.-1-siorv building. sessel sn.,w). price $VK); terms can be nr- raMteil. this is $2000 less than it 1s vvortn. J. EDWARD LUTZ, 210 N. 17th t. iKH LOCUST ST. Handsome, modern 4-story brownstor.e dwell ing. Especially fitted for professional office., Low price nnd eisy terms for quick sale. IS12 .TEKFERSON ST. IJCSiraniy locaien iiwi-ii- Ing, must be sold to close an estate, rent $30 month. prl-e$l3oanertolet, HU0N. 10th et. MAS, 'HER, near Dauphln-S rooms, btthj.lot lilxSd. rent $10. assessed Jl.oO; price $1i00. CAMERON. 211 Kensington ave; 3S2I N. I'ARlv" AVE. for sale. flOCO. NOR- MAN II. JIAFLEIOH. T FOR RALE at special prices to close an estate. sr.20 Market st. (through to Ludlow et ). store and dwelling. 212 McAlpIn st dwelling rooms .1S23 Folsom st , dwelling rooms 32it Folsom St.. dwelling rooms .TAMER O. WtANCt.701Wn!nut st Ff-VOU'WANT TO MORTOAOE. rent, buy, sell, exchange or Insure, SF.E TAFLANi: AROUT IT' 000 Walnut st. SITES FOR SALE Suitable for erection ot business building, large or small. Invest ment properties. Money Tor mortgages ARTHUR HOSVELl..233 JjStll ; CfiNfltAL PIloi'ERTiEs for sole or rent. YVRROW VAN PELT N. K eor 17th nnd Chestnut. OROUND AISl.Ntl N E. HOULKVARD JOHN d. WILLIAMS. .727 Walnut st. Smressor liwls II. Redner. WARD'S PARK-FRONT ilOl'SES ARE WORTH INSPECTION Ol'l'll i: 1211 V. ITH STREET "REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT" HVRTMAN & CO. 1201 chestnut st IIAROAIN, roil Ol'lCk SALE-IOS-IO'- N. 0TI1 ST.. MAKE OFFER. D. II. MLVNICK. Kill lit DOB AVE. CENTRAL I'ACTORY-tinod site for mod. bus? hlilg . 3 streets, silo to close nn rstnto, might rent. Jnroli A Frllr.. "23 Land Title HMr. RJCAifLVE 2020 N fltli st., " .Hstorv "brick dwelling; public sile, December 13. 1013, nt Freeman's. 1 1 1 ! Chestnut St. tlulldtng IOls, Factory Sites, Rio. FALI OF SCIIL'YLKtLL nltOUND Lame and Small Tracts for DWELI.INO or MANITACTURINa F.XCEL1.ENT RAILROAD FACILITIES Prices on Application. ' 1t. JOHN DOHSON. Mil Chestnut st. ClIOfCE building lots and largo tracts grounl In nil pirls ellv; nlso over 200 manufacturing sites. Melvln. 1313-10 Real Estnte Trust Hid. Iluslness Properlles nml Stores " CENTRAL ST3RES MANFFACTURINO FLOORS of nil kinds In central buslnern eecllon; ex ceptional opportunities in rentals, ora.M & MORGAN, 1321 Chestnut st. r,cS'sr5Vvvv'" '. Miss Dean Business men and corpor ations desiring competent, reliable Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Clerks and commercial help of any kind, can secure them by getting in touch with Miss Dean at Ledger Central. The Commercial Department renders a free service to Ledger Adver tisers and by co-operating with it you can save time and annoyance and secure the maximum of SATISFACTION. Call or write Ledger Central or phone Walnut or Main 3000 and ask for Miss Dean. fisssss.:.; . WEST PIIII.AIlF.I.t'lllA YOU WILL APPRECIATE Tho Suhstnnliul Construction, the unusual flnM. nml iimmatlon ffiun! In our fxcep tlonally nttrjctlve furnlblied .Snninlo .House W H 1 T BY AVENUE 56th to 57th Street rt (squares couth of llaltlmnre acnue A Real "1916 Model" Home A rooms urnl luttli on hwoiiiI tlonr. Porrhen 10 ft. x t( ft. l'nrquetr floors throughout. DAVID CRAiW l"jlui:u t ow.nkii, Tako i;oth at. tars to Ssth ami Whitby imp, (1 frojuare from houses) Market Mt. "" itinl i .ittl.imti ue tarH pafH oer M)th Ht. 11 mlnutea to nt. via I. IE. I:. Angor.t Station" fefiuares away. UHJl AltCH ST."" ' Three-story, .tnrt'h-fnmt property. 10 room;, corner of two main ata. ; ton v. to I station; aaspuse'l atue, t.".(U, for Irai tlnn J'lOO. qi'ick . imo, iiitf.. s s. -iucn ot. .Modern Sunlight Homes In Hcamlful Sherwood Jl'tHi Cash. Trices. 55SCO. Haiy terms. Kent. SII. Well limit. Modern. Heautlful. Frailer st.. Thomas to Horfman ave. ARent, loll, s Trailer ht. MATLItl L MAN'S SAC'IHFICB Heuutiful new torner, with Karage prlvlleEa Ir, rear, hanilnomely appointed and mcklern In rvery ditail, nssiimed for debt; built lo hell for tlU',.iHi. will consider lilelicst oltir over morLtuKo siiiiu. TAYI.OIt .V; i-ON, '-'I lllldJM South jqth6t. 31W)-S HOOMS. hot-vvnler heat, bus and elec7 trie llBht pauiuetry lloors. shower baths, nas KUvhens and all other modern appointments. DANIEL CHAWFOHD. JIL, IllJlLDEn. r.Sth and Hadtleld sts. POTTS & TOWNSKND. WEST PIIILA. HOMES. 4-105 HALTIMOItE AVE. SEND FOH LIST. SALE OH HK.NT JOS. M. DAKEIt 62d and Haltlrr.ore ave. WHELAN'S HOMES BOTH AND PASOHALL AVE. APPLY 1011 CHESTNUT ST. YOUlt PHOPHHTIKS can bo rented or sold nuirkly by placlnc them with DAKIN & klLPATRICK. 6135 Market at. 13900 t'.NEQUALEP HOMES. 53th at. above U-vnsdovvne avo. Every known convenience. JAMFS C KNIIUHO. nullder. HAHOAIN Market et. near Md st. , ossessrd lloon; 1st mtise. jadiO; price J1C00; act quick. J 013. Ledger Central WEST PHILADELPHIA HOMES W. EDWIN HLAIILM7 S. 10TII OKHMANTOWJf ItEUAKKAOLE bargain, .'to and 32 Church lane; assessed flBOO each; price $11:00 each; large lots. Marshall II. Smith. 1011 Chestnut street. IK YOU AIIK IJOKINO FOH A HOME In Mt. Airy or Cheutnut Hill, con hult me. A. It. Median. 0717 Germantown ave, HE3IDENCB SITES Ground In beat kectTon of Oermantown and Chestnut Hill. H, H LISTEH & SON. 5iit2J!ermantovyn ave. WE CAN assist you to Iind that house you are looking for.. Oermantown Trust Com pany, Chelten and Oermantown aves. Know, the Worst in a Day or Two By C. A. YOIGIIT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE UKRMANTOMN RVtAT T. I WPSTMENT HOUSES, almost do! Slar for dollaY. M orYNDON PRIF.STMAN. ,".3r0 Oermantown nve. . ASSESSED taO each,' price $100 rncli iclear). 21.". nnd 217 callom st Marshall II 8mlth, 1011 Chestnut st . rhesimit IIIII NEW SALE AND RENT LIST READY Pelham, Mt. Airy nnd Chestnut Hill. PELHAM TRUST CO . 0740 Ocrmantoan nve. Tlogn IMS OAYUdA ST. Three-story, terraced. porch front modern dwelling, lot l,'x12S feet: 10 large rooms fine condition: 1 square from boulevard; $4100 North Phlla. Trust Co, Rroad nnd Erie ve. WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOOA OH LOOAN KENNEDY A RAMRO, 3740 Oermantown, Logan LOOAN REAL ESTATE SALE, RENT AND EXCHANGE M. M. Smith, Hrnad st . oppLognnStatlon. REAL laTATB, rnortga,ts nnd convey ancing W.M D CHAMPERS, 4013 N. liruad at. KURL'RIIAN BETWEEN TWO AND THREE ACRES at steani and high-speed electric stations: Lans dalo section: very neat 8-room dwelling, hot water heat, bath, electric lights, pressure water, etc.. stable, eplrndld vnung shide an I fruit. The onlv one of Its kind nt the price. . Drown a Cloud. Norrlstown, Pa, " HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT WENDELL A MASSEl. Reil Estate Trust llldg. CHOICE RU1LDINO SITES and acreage. ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND. 1.anghorne, Pa. SUHURRAN REAL ESTATE Any price. All locations sile or rent. i II l, ..!.. J. iintiu .- I.U.. .Morris limg. SELECT PRoPERTins-Country seats, farms. List orders now. LEWIS T. IIROOKE Sc SON, 1411 South Pcnn sq. FOUNDED 1870. LARGE LIST OF SUI1URHAN HOMES, sale or rent, nn tho Main Line or Reading It, R, WM If. WILSON H CO.. Morris tlulldtng. SUnt'RRAN RESIDENCES for sale or rent! attractive locations; prices right. Maurice J Hoover, Real Estate Trust Hide. Suburban Lots 'ROSPKCT PARK 11 ncies, with 1400-fct frontage on tl. A: O, Rullifind; splendid loca tion for maniifnitorvor small dwellings; price attractive lo close an account. YOCI M & POWERS CO. 2fi S. 1Sh Ft. 0110 Woodland nve. Atntiler, Pn. SEND FOR LIST or suburban homes, farms, (.ountry setts, building ground, etc. 1 have n largo and varied list In Montgomery and Rucks Counties, ir vou are looking for anv. thing In the way of country real estate, do not fall to get my ll-t before you buy. THOMAS ATKINSON. viiiuici. tti, F.ltSiHTounlry pl.icca mid "uburbkF-iroHr on tlm ItrartlnaV Ilotlilchm ami DoyleMown hlflnrlir. II II ippr Ittr AmliUp Ii i.winciir1M, ,j. U.IRIT. inc.. AmiiKr. 1 a. Amnier. ia. Llkln Pnrk. In. HOMHS loll SAI.i: Oil lll'.ST SICL'OILMICK .1- McTOIIMICK. . 1011 Chrstnut. Hnd Klkltn Park. TlBAHTIPI I. IIIIILDINO HITi:, lilRtf lucntlonT nr.r Irnln nml tmllr, at leciilil Inrsaln, iill Imprnvomcnls. I' Inn, I.nlKcr Office. iilonntilr, Io, HOUSES AND LOTS, rverv ilrFcrlpllmi. HHNNINIIHH HILN'MNOLH Hrnnrl un,l Wnlintt nts lliillnliri1, Pn. V-OO CASH for in-rom moilcrn hoif; .1 min utes frum atntion: cnrrylni? cliarues only SIS prr month. I.irgo lot, H IS. Iilsrr Central. . MAIN LINK. PA. It. It. DHSHIAIILU PliOPHHTIKS KVI.i: OH HUNT WAHNOC'K i, D.Ml.EN. ijiiimiicrclal Tr Hlilg. 1IEST LINK OF MAIN LINK HOUSES . I.I ttier for p&lu or rent, at nil prices. H 1 1 1ST & McMIJLI.lN. Wrst Hnd Trim Hide. blJIlI'ltliAN IIOMt:."." vountry plaivs and Imildlnj; sites to suit nil requirements; Main Line. If. C HHNTHI8. Wliyne. Pa. MHV .IKIt.SKY llnililnn Ilrlciits. N. J. LtPPINCIJTT LOTS AND HOMC3 IIADDON HKIOHTS. N. J. WII.LKT LIPPINCOTT Maple Miiiile. N. .1. THI7 OltHATHST privilege ot the 20th rentury Is to own u little one-aero fnrm close to Plillndelihl-t, nnd rcmemlier $1 ttown bua one. $." monthly pas lor It. For a squaro deal rail on or vvrlto 1IAHLOW ,t CO.. Maple Shide. N. J. ML Kiiliriilm, N. ,1. O.VK-ACHi: FAHMa Mt. ttphr.ilm, N. J. (.iiljolnlns Hnddon HclRhts), only ,1 miles from Camden (2 stn tlnns on trait), $."00 to ffluo per acre, title insured: f-ee died: no taxes for mir,, CAMDK.V COUNTT OAHDDN FA1UIS CO. 1-0. Hroadway. Cannlcn. N. J. SHASIIOUi: Cape May. X. .1. L'OTT.Uit; rr.iled by u relinfala builder is satin 'action attractive plans submitted free. OTISSI.l OWNSEND. Ocean Clty.N. J. Oeeun City. N. J. LOTTAOi: erected by a reliable builder Is a Katidfuclion, attractive plans submitted free. OTIS M. TOWNSEND, Ocean City. X. J. i pi:n.ns i. ania i'ailms NINH-AC11I3 vIIIuko fnrm: 7-rooni brick house. I ham, outbulldlnKs: 1 square off Norrlstown I trolle , nrliav W-iKI. SfiOO ciali down Write I lor Jack's Now Hiilletln of Dorm ll.irK.ilns. Jaek'a Farm Acency 215 Ktepuen uir.iru unu , 1'imaiieipnia All iirirKetiiblo rommodltles have "jrono upT7 Ileal Datnte, eseclally farms will ro up. We havo i holci offerings at rc.iboiiHble price.. i j'. j'ETijii.s .v. son, uis cmarrNfT st. V." ACHES, STOCK. CHOPS, good bulldlnus: J2.-JO. half ras.i IlUNSnEllllEirS FAHM AdENOY. Hrten J-inc j?.i CHOIC'G PENNSYLVANIA and New Jersey farms :or snip, oil sections. Write W. V IIOOOENTINE. .VI.MiOcrmantoivn ave. OENTLEMA.N'S PAIIJI, IS aires, Hroad rt Ijinsdalc: mod, throughout: batlu: Ftilt. for lommuter: H.UOO, A, II Tton. Ijnsilile.l'a. M AfUES. Main Llrto P. II. H -Harjaln; 7,'iiO .1. 11. THOMPSON. Went Cheater. Pa. NEW JEKSI'.Y FAItJIS HUItLINOTON COUNTY FARMS All sites, ull purposed Establish"! IhOS. A W. DRESSER. Burlington. N. J. KEAX ESTATE SALE OR KENT CITi UUY A HOME FROM US-Monthly payments, S17 to $50. N. Phlla. and Oermantown; prices life) lo J7C0O. Merchants' Union Trust Corn, pany. 715-711) Chestnut st. CENTRAL PROPERTIES For Sale and Rent. JAMES D. WINCHEI.U 17 ill A Sanpom sts. SUIIUIIHAN CITV AND SUIIURIIAN rropertlcs for sale or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Company. Land Title Building, Philadelphia. Pa. llala-Cjnuyd, Pa. LAHGE LIST HOUSES, sale or rent, at all prices. SAMUEL C WAGNER, Jr.. Commer cial Trurt Hldg., 15th and Market sts. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE DESIRABLE PROPEim on Tioga St. Will consider Investment houses or ground. WILL IAM IIAltlt. Ml) and Oak lane. REAL ESTATE WANTED WEALTHY owner, selling nt bargain price, would be godsend tn gentleman and wire. education nnd, taste; finances red "Jf ''; entity imperative, going back lo the land. Desire good house, ronven'ences. not Isolated. iinder ?S000, within 20 miles Philadelphia. . three or jnore acres. J 410, Ledger CcntroL tlt-v;T! AND INTEREST I i LLKCTRIJ. mott- gagM and fire InViiinnce rla.ed nnlckly. See Ksnefo" prompt results. 235S Thsker et. WANT listing of country rents nnd fnrm. IL H. McCOLLFM. 3H, Walnut st. Hon t Forgit the Number. DESIRARI.E proprrt In the vicinity pf 40th and Chesti.ut under $10.0(0: full pirtlculnrs. Hox 00"'. Nnrberth, IVt. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT cj .140 S. I5TH ST. It rooms and i bilhs. MKARS llllOWN. 202 3. tMh st. 02t JF.FI' '5I(M)N PT.. .1 story. H rooms, good order; main street, $12. Wji U CRAVliN'S SONS. 13411 N. 7th St. . iltrirLOCL'ST ST.- 10 rooms nna 2 bath;, elec tric light hardwnid floors. EDOAR i. CROSS. 1411 Walnut st. 40.3 lttnilTER ST -7 rooms. $20. U P. At" hreiht, 2114 W. I.ehlgh nve. STORES AND DWELLINGS In all sections of city. See our list in the Ledger Snturda). SAMUEL T. I'TJX A- CO. s. E. cor. nth and Callow hill. MANY OF Otill HOUSES, large and fmalt. have been put In good repair, phone or .vrlte f MYERS fc RARTH, Ridge nve. and 10th. . SEND FOR OUR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST COMPANT Rroad and Chestnut sts. RENTAL LISTS' .1110 N. 2tST ... 11H2 N. I'amae 2(1.11 N Marvlne 3 S 4 M . . . I.VH Itcnrlleld 131.3 Frilirh ::'Jln Sin-ni er JI2.f,(l ... i ... ii $23111113 Ingersotl ... 211 III! N. I.'d ... . 2ul II il I'nmbrl.t .. 211 2viu tirlnnnn .... is 221 Orlann.i .... 1) 1 112 I'nilivallader 32! Indium IAJ2HHI C.ithnrlne .... ALFRED II. WILI.IAMS ."22 Walnut St. Iluslness Properties unit Stores MARKET ST.. (HI Hntlre building thiough to Commcrco st,; suit retnll or wholesale business; Immediate possession. Applv Pennn. Co, 31, Chestnut st. CENTRAL STORES MANI'FACTI RING FLOORS of nil kinds In central business section; ex cepttutinl opportunities in rentals. ORAM & .MORGAN. 17.21 Chestnut St. 7u7-7iri ARCH ST. STORE AND HA hUMEN'T l.en Estntes. 700 Sanborn st. Factories, H'nrrliniiscs, M fc. Hoots foil 'RENT- One lloor. li.til square fret, tire pruor building: titinhstrui ted light all sides, freight nnd parsenger elevators. Insiii.iiue lute iilsiut ."(I cents, sirb'th modern building for anv inntuirHrltiriii!; jiurposes, rem rate lower rensonnhte. look Into this If In tensteil. Sen Sain llerson. ,1iu N HUh si., nr pnone lieu, ru o lii.'. i - n"0HihaVin?,1i,nrC"l,onl.','!'n,r,J!1!!Lnl U'JUV ?,i',',V,.ir.nlS !&!.,. L,i..inmi ,fV lllirc, rillllD.lli SlUllljt. HlllJ.DSlOlTICO In llUlltl n(.. 0(.nlP(, ,, ,,,,.!, Boulll r JInrtnt M '. .1. MlLNi: HON, I Ith und Wo.lilnRtun. ME IK' 1 1 A. NTS' lll'H.DINCl u NoitTii 4TH sTitnirr DKSIIIAIILH DOOMS, I'OWHH AND LI011T HHOAD AND llulldlrR) Dooms. WALLACD (Metrojiotltntt 40.1X0: chenn: MX l to jiovvri. Aiiil to Hto. I Lasher. 1 17 N. toth. FACTOItV FI.DOIIS nnd warerooins, larjto ami nmnll; (rntml'v Im-.a. il. IIAHUY T. SAI'S'I CHS. .11 S. P-th st, HAVn'PAHTV vvho will crnct LiillJInp. ren-- tral or other loritltn, or RitUfartory tenant. DIHTIllCll, T.17 W'n'nut st. Ol'FlCHSHU.MNKhX ICOOM.I, ETC. WALNUT ST., 1211-Klno Bulto of .1 tonncetlnx rooitis. newU painted and papered; suitable for oiTlcis, tullnMni; or other busineFH; lm medl ite posyesslon; rent to healn January 1, Applv nn prenijses CHESTNUT ST.." 1200-1 fliiht7"sVvrral"e"o"ir. nected roomx, opi urtunlly, buslne's or of lltes; windows, Clieitnut rt. , fliovvrun;, en- tlllU'O 1,'llii IHHAHD AVK.Scconu "nnd thlr.llloors; HUltntilo for n photngrnpli gallery: $10; gnnrl siiind O, P. Coward Co..aith and Jcfferfon. DHENEL HLDOT OFFICES Annual "llentnlST single rooms, ;inn,$i'jti Sinn, S'juo fsini ,im. Sllllev 2 mis., tl.Vl, M7."i. 2II0, 'J2.", f.'.,n.$'.'i.i. Suites :i rms., J275. $100. $l.',0. S'uo. ".0. 7J-i. Corner Suites. I lo s rooms, t."."u to $10"u. ELLIS UWII.I.IAMS, r.uiI)reel Hulldlng. Ol'FICHS nt low rent, bavins ileum hent" electric llsht, passenger nnd rrelght elevator rervlce; .' ItuiMiu, northwest Mil nnd Chestnut. Applv on nn morn Ing, nr call J. A. Patterson Co.. I.'ip Sl.llh. A FEW DESIIIAIII.E OFPHllfd HENT VEHY HEASdNAItLE H011KHT MOHItlS TIII'ST Ct. I1I.DO. !27.!12!l CHESTNUT STIIEET. P L A 7. A II U I L D I N O Oflleis Slnglu und in suite. 1.-.0.--07-I1P AIICII ST. MBit CHANTS' HUILDINO 41 North Ith street. Very desirable offices. Heat and llsht. CENTRAL OFFtens. STUDIOS " AND lU'SINESS prtni'EHTii:. J.CiFI'LI.KII! 10 S.1S1'I ST. OFFICES for rent: flm "floor miltnuln for; smaller nfflre" on oihtr floots. FOlt. E'lyj HUILDINO. IP) S. 4th st Unnm L'5. FOH TlENT-Hafl, suitable for dancing nca'L eniy. 27ISGerinantovvn nve, Professlnnnl Offices PROFESSIONAL HUILDINO. 1S.!J-:n Chestnut V' .A "'w ""lies lor plivHlilnns or dentists. J. T. JACKSON CO. I'lieslnnt nnd Pith. 2 1ST. S.. .1 Detlmldo lo.-ntlou for physUlan or 'lentist; eJfniidinrilngviiterreaHnriablR. Desk Room DUSTC ROOM for rent. Including VlepnTinVaiM Jtengr.ipher's serv lies. Apply Albert U. IlUs.Ui;iW,.,.t End Trust 1 In t 111 In g." WEST PHILADELPHIA DWELLINGS. STORES AND APAIITSIhNTS WM. II. W. OI'ICK ,v PRO,, INC.. S t-OUTH 40T1I ST. HERMAN "llROS., C010 MARKET Hiiusis. Apartments, Stores NEAR :0TH ST. "L" STATION For Rent or gale. V".,.,,"l:V- hTOiHKS. 11 rooms, hardwood liiilsh, others, ,1K to $12.50. H. H. APKI.17Y, 5tli and Sprlngfleld ave. NEW HOUSES KOR HENT-107 S. indsTT (nflni: Cobb's Creek Boulevard: rent $I2',0. JAM. N. MITCHELL 4iith nn.l Mniket. "Tliltr.I i:iIANTOH- $30-DWULL1NOS. 11 ROOMS .. .... Seni1 tor List. Contlnental-Equltiible Trust Co . 21 s. 12th st. MT. AIHV DWIJLIJNas-20 to $150 month. " Cet lIstT Pelham Trust Company. 117 III Oermantown Tloia l'OR IlENT. TILUA-Couy 2-stoVy ll-roonffoTcTi dwelling; all convenleneen, elegunt neighbor, hioil, 2111 . Pncltlc t., near 22d and is-a It-Ib ave. JOHN J TURNER. 1201 chestnut st. Logun 005 LINDLEY AVE.-Ten-ioorntw1n dwelllne; all conveniences, key at 5101 N. 15th St.; rent reasonable. ' WALTEH OAHELL Hroad and Erie ave. SUIIUIIHAN WAYNE. IS rooms. 2 baths, steam heat. ..345 St. Davit's, 10 rooms, large lot, ronva.... 30 O M. AMA.V. 1201 Chestnut St. t Darby. I'a. TWO nice stores Just oft main btreet; suit any business, SIO each; will alter to suit. Swopo & Sons. Darby ' 5IA1N LINE. PA. It. IL MODERN HOUSES. flO to 200 per month: various stations. Bend for special list. Hur. tyrt & Claghorn, 201 Ilalley Building, tVnnevvnoil 18 MANOR ROAD Modern; 13 rooms. 2 baths; rKre,.I.and: il0K! "" Walter Basset! Smith, Wnnewood, Pa. FOR RENT FURNISHED hF.ASH(IRR i At.'nntle CHy, Nl Ti.NTK" m 1-or rent b meit. fully fmnlshed cottage, s h, drooroVVt Tt1' inens ,nl silver lm iud d ill " '.iTiWlln: nve. neir new Trnvmoie and l'onr"ll,'nol, Mngnolln Springs, n for he: furnlshe. ..wnii bs'ivT end i old vv.itir Per particular. ?1:. "'I Magnolia Sprlrgs Hotel (0ar'. ,". springs, fla, J"tno:n MORTGAGES Large Amount TRUST FUNt KCH FIRST MOIlTmn U1'La limnetliate Atten on IIOHAI'K A. FRITZ 713 WALNUT ST MONHY FOR MORTGAGES " ' $500 $1000 $1200 SI 500 Si COO S5ooo 3'-n- "op- M2 Nonius st. .io to Loan on heal pqTATtT" A ue;i,edm.mCll",,0 M,,te -SSJs?a edw. m. moll 133 S. 12TII ST. MoiiTfiAoi: money " Sumi to suit n , I'1 ..'.'!., ".O? Seconds. 0 C. SEIDEI, & CO INC 4th and Callowhlll its. X It. ItARPKV ft SONq " Adfro.s seretnrj. M ln.1. Ledger Ortic, "" ' jagkT.v,u Kr.reZ'h nIS; S49.750 fp?cla,' f, "' for n"rtg.,j7tt ,5o 1227 W (iirnr.l it. ALL AMOUNTS 1ST AND 21. MOUTtMol- ...,,,....,. .. .Oulek aniner. "utl AUItIej:Jj MATSINOEIt Ileal Est TrBIl, FUNFS FOR 1ST An(2D MORTOTSST" "OTTS& THOMSoA.MS;l!iN?rankford t FIRST AND HLIJfl. ASSO. MOItTaTaEr, J; vn,NASo, ipK,1 ,nn"nk n , trust y. riMTnyfiSXb LANIJ Tl'l't-n I I'll mvJ LOANS ON IVIHHEHT IN ESrATT ' tntrv a'.'V.'-V1."'.'-' UllAIKlES - '"-v A." UAHRY. 5117 LAND TITLE DLUli DEEDS DIIAWN.1 j MORTOAdrasoT UJ2 Llncolr. Ilulldlng "lloth phones. FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MCdYrOAnFT' T.rr-n ?.ICViT!LA.r:i:H ''"1 SALE E3 .J'HLO. E. NICKI.ES. 2510 Oermantown .... Am'2LNnlVr. '"":'""" ,0 ' "invested In o"nTo7 iroro llrt mortgigcM. W.M '. HENKERT. 1500 Arch st FIRST AND SECOND. ANY AMOUNT-" t...1.15'.01" "ulnirhs Quick service. . JAMES I'. SIMPSON, 1120 ehetntit st. READY FUNDS for good (lrst mortsaitr '.'..".L"? "'."" "I'ldluitlnn 'wiM, UHA4 I.. IIIIOUN . fo, Mt7 K jtrmj.t, I.OANH-Liiittn or Minll sums nn real cstateT Weill? 0l7. or mrKi!P'. lmns on unset. :ld estates. iJi'inp-e ,v, i i , 27 m. n,tn, FUNDS lor III nt nnd wnnd morigages Tiir nmiiiint quirk nnsweis ell.XS w Mill l.Elt. 401.107 Commonwealth ' itldg. Mo.MOV fur tlrwt and secund mortgugrs. SuiTS Ing uss ii ttriil Instalment mortgages Willis. ln(heiterCompnny. 1001 Chestnut st. Jlf"?'.IJ,v lnr llr8t' sl' "",l lllcl "l'1" miirtgH!i; building iifoi latlon funds llnwaid II, VI1 son& Co., 2122 Oerrnuntown nve OJV.VIIHS If your mortgage has bien enTeir I vlll tnke t i p: n No 2d mortgage memr ( D It'oTTNEIl. 1I2M ('he'tnllt X SIOOOOO KOH FIRST, so. nnd or split tnn giges. "Mn us Hist " AIIKRNETHY HJI North r.tlj. 1M South 12th ' FIRST and 2d rntgs. nr on noie. am nmounti '.,,'wr?!r": IniniPdlatp answer I N Delani, 11I2 Lincoln HldB., Broad nnd lvnn squArs. AUl' !.0,A,",?., '" '"" "n lFlt "n'1 -'' """ en is. V. no Ynnng. IW W End Truvt DUf. MONEY TO LOAN A New Company : New Methods YOU CAN GET A LOAN nf ua quliltly and on vrv ens terms Yom rrlcnds, liidgldiois or emi loyer will not kno- of, ,'" dealing here. We nrp n new n. tiiMished rompnnv bond' d 'n the stnte. I. cimtil nnd Bnpprvleil bv the Uaiiklns Dc 'nrtment of Pennsjlinnla We are locatrl at 111 South Itrond stmr In tb, heart of ho IihsIiipb iPatrl't. li lm n in sums msll' n I0 ami laicc. as $201 on ven easy trrmi. YOUR .MONTHLY ONLY S.I. PAYMENT ON f'.(! 13 572 1 YOI'II MONTHLY- PAYMENT ON ONLY ,ii f vvlih Interest nt ".'it YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT ON S132 IJ YOUR 'MONTHLY PAYMENT ON SIOl II ONLY ?17 ivvltli Interest nt 2). AkIc nui rntes nml methodi before gnng el:. where. Yoi: win Iind us prompt. Other loaa ompanles paid on ami moro money varippd. Wo nlso nnl.o lonni In (lerinantnvvn, Nlcs town, Cl.estuiit.llill nnd Mimayunk HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. ' 131 S. Broad St. SECOND FLOOR. NEXT To FOURE31 THEATRE rilONE WALNUT 1105 OPEN S TO . SATURDAYS TO 0 CHRISTAAS MONEY u V AT LEGAL RATES If you aro keeping houso or steadily em plovcd, wo will make you a loan of 910, or more, nnd tnko jour promie to pay rceurlly. All we asl: Is nur nrsurance that )ou can pay tho small payments required. THE TOTAL COST OF IS $2.50 $55.00 IS $1.15 SW0.00 1H S.23 $i'1 Oil IS $H.eS JUP.KI IS $1.11) $75.00 IS $7.(3 Other nmounts In proportion. PAYMENTS AB LOW AS $2 00 MONTHLT HE.MLMHER, we do not go to your em plover, relative and friends Inquiring a'pul ou. Our tirvlre Is strictly confident!!. quLlc. courteous and consldcrnte. NO ONE KNOWS YOU ARE BORROWING CONFIDENTIAL LOANS TO LADIES LOANS MADE IN CAMDEN AMERICAN LOAN CO. LICENSED BONDED 120S CHESTNUT STREET (Entlra Seventh floor.) . Kevatoiif. Rnco 40). Bell. Filbert 4M- 1 -VOU CAN BORROW MONEY CN DIAMONDS. JEWELS. ETC. IJ1 AND Ul fV $100 " 'J?" ' JMO " ' l!5 , RIEDER'S ! -SvAoxFon WB U3&N MONEY On Your Furnlturo At lajwest Hates ,,,. , REMEDIAL LOAN CO OF PHILA. Call, Pnone or Write. Ul S l'h J.ocust 2010. Room 303. ii