Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 09, 1915, Night Extra, Page 15, Image 15
"e3ex- '"M -- ' EVENING LEDGERPHIfrADELPHIA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1915, 15 IN MHMORIAM ..uiV-MAnaARET ANN, wldnta of John tUi.'hi- An" mother of thn Rev. John P 7'.K who i erarted this life December 10, W.w'1b annliffBiry Requ em Mum nt St. rA Notice Are Printed in Ifie Evening Ledger Free of CiWre inntlTT.-On December 8, 10 IS. JOHN 11, husband of Charlotte Abbott. nRed 4. v ears. ttlces una tricnos ni cup ianiiij-, mru im B?tV of V O 8. of A . Camp No. 4ss, .mo" .Mutual Heneflrl.ll Association. Order i? Independent American Mechanics Chester vJShii of Malta mental Commander) No viMnd tmploiM of Win Cramp Mhlpbulld-.lcomr-ins arc Invited to atten.l tbo M i".?.1 .erUcci. rrll nt P '" l his late "JmIbcJ 81.1 Mercer ft. Interment Chester "cemetery Snlurd.iv. at 1 P m IVM . ... t,.- " 4rHK tr ihu TJ. t,- it, i , iiirh Msss "f Requiem at St Joseph's Clloreh at i) n. m. Interment at Holy Cross iSr-On Deromber 0. 101.1, WILLIAM T. iiisoiiirt of the Inte Ullrnbeth A. Arzt. need E'J-r, Relatives and mends ore Invited ! attend tho funeral son Ices, Frld lv nt 2 i in at '"" residence of his sonln-la. rhjrles H Freeman, 2.11 North liwreiiio ,t interment ot Northwood Cemeter He mains may to viewed Thursdn), nftcr 1 p in. iTill'HIIOl.T. - On December ,, liu ,, TiOMAS c Tllt:iUIOI.T, nRrd Til years, iislatlvt- ind frltr.ds also Olivet Lodge. No. i in F, and A M nro Invited to attend the ruiYcral serMres, at 15.10 Fnlrmoiint nve. on Thursday, at S l m. Interment private, i.iestown I'a Frldi) a. in iTHINhON. On December 0. 191.1, FRANK i ATKINSON, aged III enrs Relatives anil friends are Invited to nttend the funeral ISrvlces. on Frldnv. at 2 P. m.. at tho apart mints of W. U. M. Uurrcll. 427 Market t.. Oitnden, N J Interment private, nt Arling ton Cemetery. nfAirON. On December 7, 1D1.". SAHAlt JANE, widow of Oeorite . Henslnn. In her ?th iVar llelallMs and frl'lids nro InMte.l la attend the funeral serxlces, on saturdiv, it 2 n m nt the rcsldonco of her son. r,103 Ctitster ae. Intermtnt nt Fernwood Ceme tery. lilKI,Ell.-On Dei ember S. 101f. MOhl.V, ivlfc of Ja'ob Itleler nueil l0 xenra. Ilcln lives and friends ale Invited to nttend tho funeral serltes, on Katurdn), nt 1 p in, it the resldenca of her son-ln law. Harry Stem, 2i5-) North llih st. Interment at North mxl Cemetery Hcmalns may bo lewed on Friday eenlnu. ni.ANCIIK. On December (I, lOlfl, MAH (Mltnr T, daushter of the lato Dinlol nml Julia lilanche, need M eara. ltelatlves nml friends aro InWted to nttend thn funeral. Trl dy at 8 a. m , from tho residence of her cousin. John Qulnn, 2M Kast Hector st.. Con. iholiockcn Solemn Iteuiilem Mass at St Matthew a Church, nt II n. in. liilerincnt Holy Cross Cemetery. Automobile funeral M tt ...i.1a,u mi December 7. 1(11,. JAMKSA . Iiusbinil of Jane Hold (neo Mat .,.1.,,, ti.iniu, nml irlends. a so the ciranlte Cutters' Cnlnii and tho cmplovcsJ of ihe Atlantic KeliniiiR tompnnj, nie in "iteij to attend the funeral ei vices, on .sat urdflj. at 2 p m. precisely, nt his Into nst dence. 1110 youth J Id st. Interment nt Kern wool Cemetery Itemalns may be Mowed nn Frldaj. between S nnd 10 p. in. Automobile service. BltOMI.Kl On December S, Hlin, 1IJI.MA tl wlfo of John K Hromley Heshlente. .1.12 (hccnwlch st Due notice uf the funeral will be given BHOHN. On December 7. 191", DANIHI. VINTON WtOVVN used 01 lears. Services an I Iniermcnt strictly private. C.1IN. On December 8, Kill, AI.HXANDHU CAIN, ltelatlves and friends, also members of the alliens' Itepuhlluin Cluh. are In vited to attend tho funeral, on l'rlua), nt 10 a. m. fiom funeral parlor of William 1', Allmond ,vi Sons. Iu2t Lombard st Interment fioldleis National Cemetery. Hcmalns mn be viewed Thursday nt nbovo iiddrcss, from C to 10 p, m. CAIAIN.-Suddenlv, on DeLcinber 7, 1015, .NANCY W widow of John Culvln, lined !J )iars ltelatlves and friends of the family are tnvlted to attend the funernl services, on Saturday ntternonii, precisely at 2 o'clock, at her lato rcsldcmo, .HIJ N. 23th tt. Intn ment at Mt. Morlnh Cemetery. CAMI'lli:!.!.. Suddenly, on Dcccniber s. IK10, TbllUSA. wlfo of Arthur Campbell inse llradlo) ltelatlves and friends, also II. M dodallty. Altar and ltosary .So ciety and Confrati inltv of Rai.red Heart, aro i Invited to ntun I the funeral, un Hnturdav, at 130 a m, from her Lite residence. 4IU0 Aireu st. Kolemn ltciUlcm .Mass at tho Church of Our Mother of Sorrows, at 10 . m Interment Holy Cross Cemeteri. CASKY. On December 7. IDIS, MAIIV. daughter ot tho late Daniel and Bridget L'tiey ltelatlves nnd friends nre Invited to attend tin funernl, un Saturday, at X 10 a. ra from her lato lealdcnee. lit South Utli tt. Solemn lllh'li ltequlciu Mass at the .aureh of the Annunciation, nt lo it. in in terment Cathedral Cemeteri. C4SMll). On Deccmbor 7, 1913. PATRICK, busband of the late Cathcrlna Cassldy un i father of the ilov Murk tusiildy, O. S. H. ltelatlves nnd friends, uImi Conn I'aMjunl;, t of A., are Invited to attend tho lunerul, on I'rldnj, nt 8 .10 a. nt., from his lato resl denci, VM South "Id st. Solemn Mass of Ittijuieni at St. i:dmund's Churi.li at 10 u. m. Intermtnt fit New Cathedral Cemetery. COOl'Klt. On December 8, 1915, LAUHA, wife of Louts Cooper, uEed Is tears, ltel atlves and friends, also thn Jumes U. tllulmi Council No 2, S uud D. of l, un- Invltid to attend tho funeral airvlers. on S.tturd.i, ft 1 p. in , ut her lata residence, .1122 U st. Interment IVrnwood Cemetery. Itemalna may be viewed Friday, alter 7 p. m. Norrln tun papers please cupj. COKNUf.. On December S. 1015, IJLLA. wlfo of Milton Cornut: and dauiihtei of Jnlm ,.i If. fc'I'HbMh DoiiBherty into Iiixkiiih). Itelalhes and friends me Invited to intend tne funeral, on Saturday, at ! .10 n. in . rum iii'ito .rl'-l'en''o, S. H. cor. Hmcnild and '. .J10 !' Solemn HIkIi Muss of Itriiulem ,.UM,.C,.1.',1C,,,,, Asitnslon. nt lo a. m. In terment Holt Cross Cemetery. COSIIY.-On Deeemher 7. 10LV I'l-wn. aauttitrr of William and Kllrabeth Cusbv. n her 21st year ltelatlves and friends, nlsii Ills members q the Ontario I'resbyicrl..n CJurch nml memUra of fnellenburi! Hhk. nclal Ansoclatlon. aro Invited to atund tho funera. services, on Saturday, at .1 p. in. ut i,Vaprenl!''.rc"l,,,!ntv- hos r;at IVistinon Und st. Interment llelvue Cemetery. It, -mains may bo viewed lTldaj. after 7 p. in. CKAWrOltl). On December 7. 1915, JAML'rf 11.. son of James W. and Buiuh K. Crawford. Med it cars. ltelatlves and frlemlH nro In- Bvited to attend the funeral, FTIdai, at -'.JSl'.ilPyi ,'" "Wn of his parents, avlj and Oalt avos . Clifton Heights, Del! to., i'a. Intern ent at Fernwood Cemetery. Cnoivi.KV, on December H. lm.v inuv Charll... Hl'YJ. ".",, 11 yw- rcteiltly of 1- .F ." v c- Itclattvea and friends uro v,icAl0 ",ten1 the funeral, un " utird !)? ttr '-?' 12" ,,roI? '.nB reslJence of his Ma W.'.t ihiiaM- Ji ,1It'0.irt hy. 210 a. luth at. S r.m.'i' SoLcm" u" " H4ulem at r.,;?16.3 Church ut 10 o. m. Interment rf'v 1 M?'11'?! cmetery. Automobile service k.. ''"! "" December u, 1918. JOSEPH. 5erb?n'r.0,,..1"'u"l,,l, M Ounurii. used 77 aftn.'i .ilf'17tlXtb ""' frltnds uro Invited tu HIS! at !ne. """!, oil I'rldu. ui 1...U j.. i, Lervi.i1 Vlt. "flJenrv. Almoneason, N. J Er?n7Urr..i'il. lhT house. Interment Aliu,.ua: tour n"'.?ile"v'' WooUburj Station evti ctliic v Ibilf-lipur. Automobile funeral. hU.tand,TeO'.D,:S8mb01' lul5' THOMAS. Jotn 1) cur.",??6 r-.ufmn und ,father ' Or "imber'AVi'I i.",t",Ues uni1 frlenls. also Boci.tt to lna u.oli Name Society, ltosary VhVceit daBi,a?f 't Sacred llcari uud at. ltuceii ae Paul u bo. letv of Hi Churl,,. feh "..'"' tottend the8funefaaL1on nrnnill)-U" ."?,i,"V " " f smiuei vrcgoo.i .nice t.ougneri)) Siitllves and friend? are invited to nttend Re'J.V-.r.i on Frkln). at 7 30 n. m, from 111 IMIHi"M -. it" (..! it.. 1. -irinrr. iui nuii-ii iiiiiiliick hi K dmre '1M.T r-hVi..,' m: 'r.01P nla " "! nl Cemetery. ' """"" a' catns. oVJeo7nAUtiS,'mt!?er I ,luIBt. MAItY. Wife incl Emnf. i" yS'"?1"1 ""(inler of (icorso atlv.s, e;!""11"6! aKetlJil yeira Jtel VnVrli" 0I1 fSatJrdJ1r,! ln. ,ea to -"'"ad the ff(S;, e. i.,S'"'V ."' .Vi? '" Jaine. aiiel Cf trhlr-k Z. '""u a'1". UI attend the iiinerai lm;.ml.cr are lnvltI 10 l00llui?S)n, nw Cathedral Cemtury Snce of hli Von' Sii" ",'"' rrom the real Requiem Ma's S? '.hi TA,Ul!,-cr, " Solemn Cmtary " '"""mm! New Catbedrl t 2 o'clock t hi. i'.. ' .'."day uitemoon. in at. l...i-,., '"!?.:lcleiicc. 2220 Wbari &mim B.r.i ptnoie. at Mount Morlan Saturday? ,,,1')t'ni ,ht,,uJ,ru "lura nlallva,.alf..i.r . 'i0.""") ' Kllll) -s- iiciaiiiia jiiii ir snila 11 orsan zatlons trN irwr io" - MAUgJI 'f. Hfmber h. 1913. Mr.. ReUtielf -i IJ)lHtUTY ineo Curran). W -A lnte1n!2at. ?,',55a;.'5A ' hurch , 10 UIVK it fi t'r" "v." iemtery Htan. iff' hustaud of the lute pca ItS? k Kf'a'fveii ,ri rrf.pd,, )'? ' si A. O. J J are lU-iuJ 10 DEATOS attend the funeral, on Saturday, nl7-aoT CoWne?m5 ir-c"?'.Wch of "ia"nl John Interment at New cathedral Cemetery ireV'"0T,ihi"'S'n,t'''' 7' ,n,? nellie f ft i t..?h,t. p- ".'"J"1 nnJ daughter of the LS"1 t rival... at Hnrlelgh Cemetery. J i.li 1 1" ,lew "mains on Friday from FARKKt.L. -,hf.. Methodist Fplseonit '"""c, iwraiMT i. Mils. MARIA FA tHULT. ?"' . ."8 . " .Relatives and friend, aro It TK,ineImont ona I;,,?eley avenues. Frldnv, menVAenfete'r';-. " ,n,e"" Mon": rr.rri'.lts. on December 7, Kit.-.. AMEt.H KltANC :s FRTTKIIS (nee' (larren). i Vlllw of Charles Fetters IteHtlves nnl friends nre Invited to nttend the funernl services on Oliver II mir, 1S20 Chetnut st Interment rr.vnte. "Iral I'll NT. On December 7. 1015. RAnAlt widow- of John Frnntr, In her 77th ir ltelatlves rind friends nro Invltcil t" nftenT the funeral services, on Friday, nt 0 n m nt her late residence, Li:, llrandrwiiio st' Iiilerment at naptlst Ceme)ry. Mount Horn. N J Itemalns mny bo viewed on TliursI dnv from 7 to 9 p m. "urs ClAltlMTY On December 7. 191.1 ANvtn C. datiRhter of Austin and Elizabeth Oarriiv nRed Hi years ltelatlves nnd friends m.n 11 V M .indalltr InBue of the ??, lleirt and Mtir Socletv of St. Columha'i Church and ompojes of the- l'hiisSI?. i ? Knlttlne Mill, are Invlin. . it,.S,l,JtI',1'' neril. from nircnts' re.ldence. 2001 " in dlant aye. Friday mornlnit. at 8.10 o'clock IllRli Mass of lienulem at St. Columbvs church, at 10 o'clock. Interment at IlolJ Sepulrhre Cemoterv. ,oly (IAHIt,M.- At Mnoretdown, N. ,f nn r. comber 7. ln-, ANNA, .lau.liler of '.Lirv c uti.l Iho mte Arthur M Oartland, aBed 11 Stars 5 months ItelatUes nnd friends nr" In vlled to attend funeral, rrom the re.ldeneo of her ninlher. yt Mnniiim. n.n :..u nt fi n. m. IIIrIi Mass nt Chureh of Our llnji nf flood counsel nt 9 a ..i. Int. rment Mount Cnrmel Cemetery. OIjAnH, f)n December 7, int.". III.IZ t lfo of VIIII1n1 (Has, nnd iIiub iter or i:Um- m" vS,'.h,h9. ft0 F'".';' h'n"'" "ldciiTc. nil North 2Sth st Funernl services n! VmIw Smnitt ". !",nct.nX Piinent. 3n"t Jl.irkct st of which duo notleo will bo Itlvcn HIIAIIAM. At Hlverslde, N. J, on Deicm h" J. JO IN W. OHAHAM. beloved luiVbil I or Catharine Ornhiim. Itelntlves and friends, nlsn lllshop Neuinnim Council. No 14111. K of . emploves of the Kcjslone Watch Case Works of Itlverslde. N. J and all other anc etles of which he was n mouther, urn Invited to attend thn funeral. Saturd.iv. it H 11 111. from his late residence, 2u."i t'levc land avenue. Itciiulem Mass at St. ivter s c. hurt li. nt 11 n. 111 liilerincnt nt Holv Cross lemeterj. 1'hlM . Pa. Automobile funeral. IIAMMEI.L. At lloverly, N. .1.. tin Decom lier 7, nil.-.. JOSEPH U, husband of Emnii llninmcll, in his 75th rnr ItelttUrs nnd friends aro Invlteil to attend tho funeral serv lte. on I'rldav, nt 2 p. m at lits lato r"i denco. 401 laurel st , Hourly, N J. In terment nt Cotiperlowit Cemetery. HANKEV. On December 8, 101B. EDWAIID ... son of tho Inte ITImer and ll.irl.nri llaiikev. nRed III vrors and 11 months. Itiiv t..!al!!,., fflfni'jfro "ix"ed to nttend funoril. Siturdaj, at S 10 n m.. fiom the resident n SW,M,n?I5er:.."?- 2TO ?f"!V! ..". ltettulcm Mass nt St. Ann's Church, at t ? ,'."' Interment New Cathedral Cemeteri. Ualtlmoro papers ptcaao copy. HAItt.AN. On Det ember 7, 1913. EI.I.nN I; I. , widow of O Passmoro Harlin. Helti. lives and trlemls nre Invited to nttend tho funeral services, rm I'rldav, nt 11 -t. ni.. at tlt resb once or her tlauuhter. .Mrs. Huilicr Aires. 2111 nrsnr ave., Swartlimote, I'a. In terment tirlvatc. nOLDIIN. On December (I, j)15 MAItY nalZ'Lr Holdcn. -'nKe,l 7S jenrV I iineral from the residence ot her son. lid iiiunil J. Holden. Mnnlo ave. Sharon HIM. Pa nn I'rldav . nt s-bo n. i. Solemn ltt nulem Mass at ChurcK of tho Holv Spirit, ut 10 11 m. Interment Holy Cross Ceinetcr). ,,ii,lt').'S',0" IJct'oniber H, 1915. A INII'OHD H. llornn. wlfo of John Hontn. aee.l L"i jears. ltelatlves and friends of the fanll,' nrt invited to nttend funeral, Saturday V,t sin a. tn , from her Into residence, silo larley nvc lllsh Mass at St. Itnphael's tliur'li, at 10 a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemtery. "." .i-iiiiK. On December N. loir, 1 A W ''""V"i:ilOI'I!. husbaiM "f the lato ,rfct,','"?rnl,cr''c.r aBCI' "s J earn. Uelatlv.a nnd , mends nro lilvited to nttend funonl services, on Siturdaj, nt s p. m , nt tho residenco of his son, Curtis Hortibcrnor. 21110 Aspen st. Interment at Cressnnn, Sehuvlklll Co.. Pa., on Sunday afternoon. Pottsvlllo .i.'vin iicttnu lupj. ttend funent. nn Frldiiv. 8 n m.. rrom his lato resident c, In ltariifK.it. N. J. Interment nt Atlantic t'lty Cemeterv. Ploasnmvlllc, N. J., on Satunla). nt 12 noon. Itemalns may bo viewed nt Ctmetet) chapel. Atlantic City papers pleaso copy, HOl'SEH. On December 7, 101.1, MARY, wiro of the late Joseph Housei, nRid 71 yenr. ltelatlves und friends nro Invited to attend tho runenl services, on Frl.lny. nt 2 p. in . at tho residence of her son In-law. Alexander Honey. 11721I Kostnno St.. Ta enny. Interment nt tho convenience of the fnmlly. lirilllMII). On December 8. 1913, ELIZA HETII 1).. widow or Charles P Hubbard, 'ormerly of I'lttsbursh. Pu., In the 7,!d jeur or her ace. ltelatlves and friends are Invited to uttend tho funernl services, nt tho resi lience of her tton-ln-ltivv, v. J. Seeds. 2212 North Van Pelt St., on Saturday, nt 19 11. in , preclael). Interment private. I'tttihurRh pa pers pleaso copj. JAM IX On December 8. 1915, LEWIS II, husband of Mury JumcH. In his ssth cur Ittlatlvea nnl friends ure Invltetl to attend the funeral servlcts. Siturdav, ut It .1. 111.. at lib. Into residence. 1V0.I Morris at Intel nient private, at West Laurol HIM Ceme terv. JONES. On December 7, 1915, EDWARD j; . uusDuna 01 e,uue v. jones ineo iiocuei. ltelatlves and friends, ulso employes of tho .vmerlcun Ice Company, aro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Frld.i), nt S 110 11. in. from i.e.. lac rsl,!pni 1 LI SJnrth 1Kth mt. stnl.,...,, High Itertulem (ae at the Cathedral, nt lo n in Interment private. Automobile funeral. JONES. At Oil Clt). Pa, on December 8, 1915, MAHIOHIE, daughter of Arthur S. unci Edith H Jones, lilted 11 months, ltel atlves and friends aro Invited tn attend the funeral services, on Friday, nt 10 11. 111 . pretlaely. at the residence or her uncle. Rev. V. (liny Jones. 1I0J North IStli street. Interment private. 1 KEI.CHNEH. On Deeemher 0. 1915. EM MA A . wile or John M. Kclchner tnfei Illeu nrds), uavd JJ ear. Relatives und rrlends 01 the lamily ure respectfully Invited to at tend the fuiieral services 011 I"rld.iy at I Ik m. precisely, at her lite rcsllence, S2I N 2th st. Interiuent private, ut Northwood Cemeier) lttmulns muy be Mewed Tnurs d.y. 7 to l p. in. KF.NNY. On Deeemher 7. 1015. JANE, wlfo of Henry Kenn) Relatives und friends uro Invited to uttend the funeral services, on Saliirdai, at :i p. 111., at her lite residence. 11112 South 3U st. Interment at Mt Morl.ih t emi'tery. Remains may bu v lowed on Frl da), between S jni 10 p. m. Automobile bervice. KLEIN'- On De. ember fl. 191.1. JENNIE, wlfs of John I'. Klelnz und daughter of tho late UcorRe and Ellen I'lvnn. Relatives and frlenda nro Invited to attend the tuntral, on Saturday mornlmr at 8 o'clock, from Her lata residence. 11J Lomburd t. HlKh Re tiulem Mnsu ut bt. Joseph's Church, at 920 o'clock. Interment ut New Cathedral Ceme- LWlilERT. On December 8. 1915. (IKORliE W., husband of Nanmh II. Lambert, a und IK vcars. Relatives and friends, ulso Frank ford council, No. 12:1, 11, u, Krankiurd Council, No 1711, I'. P. A., and emploies of Frankfortl Arsenal, are Invited to attend the funeral services, Friday, at 2 p. in , ut hi lato residence, 27U.1 Pratt street, Itrtdesburs, Interment private, Rlvervlevv Cemeteri, Lum bertvllle. N J. IiANDEII. Suthlenly, on December 2. 1013. JOHN R, Irloved husband of I'hlllpini zander, In his ill )tar. Relatives and frlendF, also Ellis I'ost, No. li. l. A. ll. . EI1U Camp. No. 9. Sons of Veterans, em plut.es ur l-ander &. Moran. are Invited tt uttend Ihe funeral services, on S.rturdav. at 2 M p. 111., ut his lato residence, r.'lt Alrdrfa street, iiosion unu Atlanta papers please e opy. LARSON. On December II. 1915. LENA LARSON, daughter of Sofua M. und the late I-eiia. I.irsun, uited 21 years Relatives an I Irlends are Invited to view remains Thura d.i, from 7 to 11 p 111., ut the residence of her parents, V.'ll M)rtle ut Interment brtday, ut the convenience uf the fumlly I.KAIIJIAN. On December 8, 1015, KMIL, hucbund of Irma 1. laiihman nee Da Casaerea) used .17 jears. Relatives an 1 friends, also Sheklnah I.oJt'e, No. 2lil F and A. M., und employes of E. l-eahuian Com juny, ure Invited to attend the funeral aerv Ices. on KrlJ.n, at 2 p. 111.. at his late resi dence, lbJ'J Erlo ave. Interment private, ut Aduth Jcshuruu Cemetery Klndlj omit flow ers. New York papers pleani copy. I.IIK. Suildeul). on December b, 191.1, HICHARD HENRY LEE. of Lebanon. Pa ltelatlves und friends are Invited to uttend the funeral, without further notice, ut hla lato realdence, Hathaway Park, Lebanon on Friday, at S SO p. in, Interment on Saturday at Lewlstown. pu. I.KSOV Suddenly, on December 7, 1913. ItcTlt T . uauvbU'r of the late Thomas and Sarah Lenox. Relatives and frlenda uie In vited to attend tbo funeral services. 00 bat urja) afternoon, preclaely at 2 o'clock, ut her late residence Villi Hides ave.. Iloibur ousU fforirierly of 1231 Taakar at.). Intar-pi-nt at South IjumI Hill Cemetery. J: mains may be viewed Friday evenlne, I.KON. At ItlVeralde, N. J,, on December 7, I'EIHHK, huabarul of Anru M. Lecn, a gel 71) years. Rslatlves and friends ure Invllad to ittenJ lb funeral, ou Saturday, at 8 30 a. m.. from bis lata realden.'e. Ill,1 DaUwsre ave.. Hlverelde, N. J Hlth lla.a ut St. Peter's Church, at 10 u- m. Interiuent ui st Peter's Cemetery LEWIS. On December 8. 1015, at the real den u ol her nephew, Uamuel Trlcktti. id 10 U!ar uva.. 8ARA11 i BVV1S dauiht.r or the late Join U. and Eilta, P Mwts and Miter Inlaw of ttte late Colonel John fm, v mra u! )"n, L'ue colli e ef the fvinerjt wn b given. "O.-At narnecat. N. J. on December 7. ,i --..... -.,.- Kl!.cHh7nPTi??.VrtSVrnw,n December 7. 11115. lives and rrlends of thVfnmfl 1. UwTniSt JAHY W vvKo of IViiJamln K P.trteii Trlbo No toil linn. o. It. M.. star of At- hi liner inec- Smyth). uEed it) enrs Itcl l.intlf LolKe No. 2t. Khephenls of lleihleh.111 iiiIvch uud rrlrnda are Invited to ntum! the Atlantic City Acrlo No. ill, Fraternal On r funeral sorvltes, on Jrlclii). at 2 p. m pro of r.ieins. nr intii..i ,n It, V -..,.... t Isely, at iho LovciliiRton Presbyterian DEATHS l.Ol ETf-At Whites, ave . Plymouth. town ship, on December fl. I.iJtITIA. widow of Joseph Lovctt, aired it years. ltelatlves nnd friends are Invited to nttend funeral, from her late residence, Ilclf Fnrm, Plymouth township, Montgomery County, Pa, on Fri day, the loth Inst., at 2 p. m. Interment at Darren Hill Cemetery All services at tho home MONM, on December 7, 191.1, MAIIV ,T COSTL'LLO, widow of Morris I.jnns. ltela tlves nnd frlenls nro Invited to nttend funernl, Saturday, nt s .10 a. m . from her late resi dence sill S. Hutchinson st. HlKh Mass of Itomilem nt the Church of the Kplphanv nt 10 a. m. precte!y. Interment private at Holv Cross Cemetery, .MAtilllti:. on December S, 101.1, IIIV1NB K.. husband of Irglnla M Manulro.tnee i'srels), son of the Into James nnd Mary MfcRiiire, in his ifld ear. ltelatlves and friends of tho family, also the lodses nnd so lelles or which he was n member, arc In vito 1 to attend tho funeral services. Sttur div. December 11, , At 2 .tfl n m . at the residence of his brother (labrlcl I Moeulro, 7M Wright avenue, Camden N.J Interment private, llnrlelch cemetery WAIIAl'l't -On December 8. 1013, .10 SI1PI1 M , son of Joseph W. and Annie. I. Mnhaffy Ilesldence, 2110 South IMh St. Due notice of the funernl will be Riven. MASON. On December 7, 1915, WILLIAM (I. MASON ltelatlves nnd friends, nlso E 1) Hiker I'ost. No 8. U A 11.. 71st l'enm. Volunteers, Ilncampment No 2 If. V L., nnd the emploves of tho West Dental Mnnufne turlnu Co , arc Invited to attend the funeral services. I'rtdn), at 2 p. m, precisely, at E. D linker Post Hall. 1117 W. Columbia ave Interment prlvnte, Fernwood Cemoterv MCDONNELL. On December 7. 1915. JAMES v., son of Patrick ami the lato Jen nie .McDonnell. Helntlvis nnd friends, nlso ir v. M Sodality, Holv Name Society nnl members of tho iircnd Fraternity ore Invited to nttenl funrrnl, on Saturday, nt H ,1u a in from the resldenco of his hrother-ln-l iw Ambrose Dudley, 5917 Ellsworth st. Solemn HlRh Mass of Itertulem nt Church of the Most lllrsscd Hncriment, at 10 n. 111 tiiteimenl at Holy Cross Cemetery McHTi:Hlt On December 8, 1913. XUA.K HUTU McKEEVEIl tnee rendition), widow of James McKeever ltelatlves and friends, nlo Class Vo. 1, Simpson M. E Sundaj Stbool. nre Invltetl to nttentt funeral servlcts, SaturiMy. at 2 p 111 , nt the resldenco of her sister, Mrs C i'lelcr, 2U.1J North Orlnnna st Interment strictly private, at (Irecnmount Cemt ten .MeKIM.E On December ", 1 II I .".. WILL- , IAM McKINI.r.Y, formcily of Emilne Com Prtit 12, P I" U, son tu" tho Into John nnl Mniy McKlnlev. ltelatlves utid rrlends aro Invite I 10 attend tho funeral services, on Sttiiidttv, at 2 p ni , nl the funernl parlots or ttei.rKo S Itowen. 2741 North 5th st. In terment at tluenmount Cemetery. IIHI'.NAN. On December It. 191.".. SOPHIA wife of D-vnlcl J. Meetmn (nee Hroweri. nt,e H vtrtrs ltelatlves and friends nre Invited to attend funernl ecrvltcs, nn S1t1trd.1v, nt 2 11. in., at her late residence, 2in.n Norlh 3.1 st Interment private, ut Nnrtltwood Ccm t'i'i. Itemalns nni) bo vlcwul on I'rldis after H p. 111 MEKIIIAN. Sutldeiil), on Det ember 8, ItU.'., JOHN MLIOHAN. In his Ulth Je.tr. lit lute residence, oil Cpland ave , Noble. Due notleo of the funeral will be Riven, MILI.EH. On Decembtr 8, 191.1, STEPHEN Mll.l.Elt nitol tV. Duo notice of the funei i will bu Riven, from his lute residence, I'll.'i Wullnii uve .Miril'.N. On Dei ember 5, 1915, EDHAIt KENM.'I'II. Infant son ur IMRar C and Mnrguciltn I., inec Arllnir), or l.iurcl SprliiRS. N. J. Ml lll'IIY. At her residence, tho Ilelcravlv Hotel, on December 3, 1 1113. 1.YDIA OKl'lV. wire of niter Uinilell Murpli). Funenl sen l( es and Interment strict!) private. NlCIIOI.t. At Herlln. N. ,I on December 7. ELr.AIlETH II wife nf Edwin II NIi hots men Shiveler). ltelatlves nnd rrlonds Hre Invited n attend the runt rat servl is on Saturda), tit 10 .'til 11. m., ut her Into lesltleine. llcrlln, N. J. Intermoiu Luke Park Crmetciv. Sivedtsboro, N. .1. Train leaves Market s't Ferry s and S .Ml n m. Auto serviie Olll'.ltl.i: on Detomber 7, 1915. JOHN. husbiind nf Ell2theth Oberle Ittlatlvea and friends, also Keystono Circle, No. 15, It. of A.. J01111 II. Flue Lodge, No. 2", O. H. ot II., tiro Invited to attend the funeral services, nn Saturda). at 2 p. m . nt his late residence, Un'. S. Peach st. Interment private, nt Mt Pttico Cemetery. Itemalns may be viewed I'rlda) cvcnlnR. Automobile funeral. O'KEII.IA. At Harrlsbure, on Docember 2, I'HOMAS. eldest sun of tho Into Mlutucl 0 llellly, Edlnbureh, Scotland, aged 02. In ttrinent private. ii'lttll HUE. On Det ember 7, 1913. Sl'SAN. uidmv of Patrick 11'ltourl.e. Itelitlves un I frit nds. ulsn II V M. Sodality of St Stephen's Church, nre Invited to attend the rtincrnl, on I'rldav, nt H .10 a. in., from her 1 ito resilience. lt,ni Dntinton tt. Soltmh IIIrIi Mass of Itciiulem at St. rtophon'H Chun h. nt 10 n. m. iiilerment iioi cpuicnre c-eme- church, ltldce und Lovirlnxton uvea. Itnv- bmoush. Interment private. FERRY. On December 8, 1D15. MARY E. dnimhter of John T. nnd MarKaret Perry ineo Wiseman). In her 2:1.1 jeur." Relntlira mill friend t, ulso tho II. V. M SudJliv.,i.r the ,'hiirch of the Vlsltntlon, anl Clnss of 1911, Alumnao or thu Holy child Centre. 1110 Invited to u'teud the funeral, on .Mon day, ut ," a .111 . rrom ner parents' resi lience, 2il2i l"rankfonl ave Solemn rteo,ulein M.m at the Chureh of the VTsltatlon, nt Hi a. in. Interment rrlvate, ut Holy Sepulchre Ct meter). Automobile service. rilll.l IPS. On December 8, mi". Miss HI.l.FN PHILLIPS, aged luu ears Rela tives nnd friends nre Invited tu attend the funeral, on Morula), at s in 11. ni from tint resldenco of her niece. Miss Hannah Mc Tanmey, 2i..'5 East Albert st. UMh W'nrtll bulemn Itenulem Mass nt St Ann's Chun li, at 10 a. m. Interment nt St. Ann's Ceme tciy POW ERS. On December 7. 11)1.1. KATH ARINE C, dauKhter uf Ihomas P. and th,. I un .Miry A povveis uiee llruwn), nRed HI years. Relatives and friends, ulmj Imruu 111 ' tho Sacred Heart, are Invited to intend the funeral, "n Saturda). ut 8 id it nt , rrom the residence of her father, 5,'ls Ifujel ave, AS est Philadelphia. Solemn Muss of Re quiem nt the church of the TninstlKurutlun, at 10 a. ni Interment at Holy Cross Ceme tery. ItEU'l'. On December 7. 191.1. EDWARD, son of the lato William and Annlo ft. I IT Relatives and friends ure Invited to attend Hit funeral, on Friday ut 1pm. from his brother'tt residence, Ralph RellT, StflS Morton st , cJertnantown Interment private, at Ivy JIUI C CUIf-lt'i.., ..giumunii, IK) ( II, On Docemui-r 7. 1011, .. EMMA wire of John It. Roach Relatives and frit nds also Columbia Avenue M E. Uhurc'i lllble diss No 2. aro Invited to attend tho funrrul servlcts, on Saturday, at to a 111 at her late residence, 2730 Oxford st. In terment private. Friends may call Friday, nfter 8 p. m Delaware papers please copy. HOHINMIN.- On Dec-ember 7. 1915, IID Ml'ND S husband of Elizabeth Robinson (11,0 Si'hvvartlei, aged 71 years. Itelitlves nnd Irlends are Invited to attend thu funeral st 1 vlt is on Thursday, at 8 p m , nt his late lesldenee, 311K North Shrrman st In. torment prlvnte, at Doylestovvn, Pa HOW VN On December 8. lull, SARAH I ROWAN Relatives nnd rr'ends are Invite I to attend the funeral services, on Frld.i j, it " su p m . at Iho varlora of J II ."lancer jt Ilro.. 131'! Frunkford uve., Frunkrord. In terment private, ut Oakland 1 eiueiery Its mains mi) bu viewed 011 Thtirkdit). from 7 to 10 p. in. Pleaso omit flowers llllW AVI). On Dett'ilibiT II. 1911 ANNE II, daughter nf the lato Joaeph and EHzihetl. Ruwand. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral strvbes nn Friday, ut H p. 111 . at tho parlora of c It II irir.tnfi. 31'u't Gcrmantovvn uve Interment private ltAV--Oll Dei ember 8, 1915. HICHARD RV.AN, liusbautl of c'atluirtnc Ryan una 1 01 nit late jonn una Man iicuii. ,1 11 r KIP ravent). e'ount) elulvvay, Ireland Ifela tlveu nn,l friends are lnv Iteit to ,itt.l tit.. funeral, on Monri tv 111 s to 1. ni , from his late residence, 2010 Montrose st. Solemn Iti'iiili'iu Mass hi nt e harUs' (hut, 11 it lo a. m. Interment at Holy Cross ceme- SCHNEIDER. On December 7. 1911. MAR HARET DARK SCHNEIDER daughter of Margaret Schneider ineo Dark), In her 13th eur. Relatives uud friends, also Ihe pupils . the) Kelly school, ure Invited lo attend the funeral services, on Frlda), at 2 n m. pre tlaely ut her late residence 27.1." W. Oxford st. Interiuent prlvute. Remains may bo vlowed Thursdav, from 7 to U m. St IICl ItlM.EIt. till December 7. 1913 Htl.'DERICKA C. SCHEl'lUNDKIt inte eh), widow of Gottlieb Si lieurlliger age 1 14) veara Relatives uud filends, alo Tabca joules' faciei) 01 St. jauacus Herman Luth eran chureh. are invited to attend the funeral cervices, on Frlda). ut 2 p. ni , at her lain residence. 817 N. Palethorp at. Interment at Oreenmount Cemetery. Bl'Dl l suddeul. un December 7. 101.1, HARRIET (1. COOK, beloved wife nf Will iam 1) Scott Helallvea und friends of th famil), also Ladles' Auxiliary of Pennsvl vunla Commander)', No. 70. Knights Temp lar, ure Invltetl to attend the funeral crv- r Ire, on Saturda), at 2 p. 111. precise!), at her late reslueme, i'ojii W Lehigh ave. Interment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. SH.U'lillNKssY On December 7. 1UI3. MICHAEL SIIAIHHINI.'S.SV. husband ot Jaue Shaughnessy. Relatives uud friends, also Col. Daklgrc n I'ost, Nu XI, O A. It , are Invited to uttend thu funeral, Friday, ut 7.30 a. 111 , from hla late residence. 1113 Wrl kel at Requiem Mass ut church uf Nativ ity ut 9 a m. Interment Hoi) Sepulchre Ccu.etei y. SlIEl'KLEN On December 7. 1013. ISAAC, husband of hutbrlae E. bheckleii. In his 30th e..r Relatives and friends, also Tacouu Tribe. No. 277. I O. R. M Tucomu Ha makers' AaaoeUtlon. No. 277!j. Koatone llenertclal Aasoclatton, und emplojea of Ilc-nry DUstnn & Bona, ur Invited, to attend funeral, cu Uuturday, at 2 p. in., from his late real dene. .1311 Uenner at., Wlaslnomlns. inter inent MavmolU Cemetery tfllEl'I'AHU. On December 7. 1915. ELEANOR V.. wife of Francis Bheppard and daughter ot Joim J. and live lain Mary Dough erty. ageJ 31 joars. ReUtivH and friends are Invited lo uttend the funeral. Saturday at 7 -W u. 11).. from her late reeldsncs, 3174 Livingston st. High Muss ut the Nativity Cburcb, at 9 . m. Inteimeat Holy Redeemer eemstery gl OAN - Suddenly. u December 8. 1913. MINNIE; wife ot John Sloan. Jr and daugb. ter of too tate Jacob and Annie Hetx. Rela tives and men is, also Csanckslnlc Cuneil, lc, 10c. I il uiv lnv lied to attend the DEATHS funeral servl.es, fenturdiv, nt 2 p. m., at her lato residence, 2110 North 11th st In terment private, nt Northwood Cemetery Re mains may bo viewed Friday, from 8 until 10 p. m. 81'IHIULE. On December ft. 191.1, WILL IAM C, husband of Eleinor M. Sproule and son or MirRiret and the late William Sproule, In his 2Hd tear. Itelntlves nnd rrlends, also Voluntary Relief Department nnd employes of the Pennn R. R, Co., nro Invited to attend funeral services, Friday, at 3 p. m , at hit late residence, southoist corner or 01th st, and Dickens avo.. West Phlla. Interment at Mount Morllli Cemetery. Remains mnv t viewed Thursdny evening from 7 to 9 o'clock flTAf'KllorsE. On December n, 1915, SAMtEL H. STACKlIOt'SE. aged 74 le.trs Itelntlves nnd friends are Invited to attend the funernl, Friday, nt 11 a, m, from Ihe llnptlst Church. Pcmberton, N. J. Interment a M E. Cemetery. STEPHENS On Decomber 7. 1915, .1011 V HENRY STLPHIiNS. Itelitlves and friends, also Aurora Lodge, No. 403, I. O. O F. . Fliemen's Relief Association, Post No. 3C.I, l A. R., nnd employe!! of I nlrmount Park, are Invl'ed to alien 1 tho funeral services, on Satunla), nt 1 p. m , nt tho residence nf his d.inehter, 21:7 North Juniper st. Interment prlvnlo Remains mny be Mewed nfter 7 p m Frld iv TIERNEY On December 0, 191.1. FLOR ENCE E, wlfo of Joseph llerney (neo Itl-lnrdson), nged 31 jears. Relatives ind rrlends nro invltetl to attend funeral, nn r rl lijr. nt 8 3D n m , rrom her late residence, 3018 North 8th st. Solemn High Retitilem Mnss at St Veronica's Chureh nt 10 a. m Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. 1 0N'.N'iEM). -On December 7. 191.1. nl r.1 . l.dRcwood st , Jt'LIA S. wife of Albert Townscnd Itelatlvea and friends nre IiivHmI to nttend funeral, Saturday, nt 10 n in , from r.v .l". ntiren, nx 1 nnti iversnavv sts . w . Phlla. Interment Calvary Cemetery 'rj.lilA. P2- 7." Hecember 8, tnifi. ANNIE I.I.IAIIETII, wife of John Twelves llel nllvcs nml friends nro Invltcvl to attend fun rrnl, on Saturday, nt 2 p. in, from the resl ,.,,r'.'.ro,?f h!' son-in-law. Chnrlos R. Mathers 1!'LK. "'hart st Interment rlvnte, nt Norlh Cethr Hill Cemetery 1 l's,.,,?!'i A1 JYnoilstovv 11, N f . on December I. till.., MA S. wlfo nf HeorRO W Tjeon. ,,1p'Vli',, nl"1 frlendi of Iho family are In vited to nttend tho funeral eervltes. nt tha chapel In Arlington Cemeterv. Lntisdowne. P.i . on Det. 10. nt 2.10 p ni. i:iniKi;i(-On December li, int.". HOW All!) M, son of (istiir 1'. and Untie II. Wehmover, r.ge I 11 nionlti" Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to attend the funernl erv Ices on Thursdny. at 2 p. tn , nt his tnr, nts' lesldenee, nl'17 Dltttnati st. Ihterhlcnt pri vate. H.H I.ESWOR 111. On tlecemher fl. 1011. ANNA S wife of tho l.llP J. C. WlRgles worth, nged 02 enrs. IteHtlves nnd friends are Invited In uttend tho funernl services, on Thursday, nt H p tn , at her late icsldctice 12IU Alden M i..71li nml tllrard ave), Trnln leaves Ita.tlr.10ro nnd Ohio Station, 21th ami Chestnut sts , on Frld.i), nt 0 n. ni Inter num M Rlirrvicw Cemeterv. Wilmington Pel W llinliigtnn papers please copy. RltillT. On Dei ember 7. 1015. IIRID Oirr. wife of Thomas Wright. Relatives nnd friends, nlso I), v. M Pacini I ty. Altar nml Rosary Lcuriio of the Sicred Ilenrt. St Frnncls' Ioidles' AtKIIIary, Knights of SI. John Mild l.idlos Tcinper.inco s'oelctrv, nro Invited tn nttend the funeral, nn Frldav. nt '."o .1 111. from lit r lite resident e 71n North 22,1 st. Solemn II, .iiilein Mass nl the Chun h or St. Francis Navler. nt 10 n. m. li, turnout 1 all 1 dml Cc mt ttr W 1111,11 1'.-On December II, 1915. CLARA c. vile of Jimcs W. Wright. Relatives ami filends ire Invited to attend the fiint rnl, on Ptldnv. at S lo 11. 111 . from tbo nsblcnee of lur husband, 29.IS Mtsclier nt. Hi'tiiilem HlKh Mns at the Churili of the Visitation, it 10 h. 111. Interment prlvnte. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENMNG LEDGER This STYLE TYrE for llko this) One time 15c per tins Three times one week J2!4c per line Six times one week 10c per tints Situations Wanted, thren times one week 10 cents per line per Insertion. Place your order for three or more times and it will be inserted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two time rnte for Evbmso I. mora and Pubiio Lrt'iint combined Is 19 cents per lino with Iho exception of Help Wanted nnd Situations Wanted, which U 15 cents per line. FOR TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which is permitted In nil chislflcatlons ex cept Help nnd Situations Wanted. Lost and Found, Personals. Hoarding nnd Rooms, add K1V cuvm I'LII U.tC 1U ANVOF AUOVC RATES. There is a (Imp store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at oilicc rates. HELP WANTED FEMALE CASHIER'S ASSISTANT III largcpiTbllihlnT h use, Addr ms o.vn handwriting. statinc. ag', rtf . wages expected, J 1,11, Lttlger citiice CHAMUERMAID uud waitress, white, assist Ironing, wages U. Ualu, Pu. Wrlto II 222, Ledger Of tie e. CHAMIIlfltWuitK and w rilTngExperlor.cVd wliltu Pr.testnnt for Media wagt-s 0, Meet l.dv for Interview. Room 230. Public l.cil,cr, Fildtiv at 2 n't lock. iniiK wanted, white orcolored, help with I utndry ami dnwnatalra work, reference re quired. Applv 15 Ridge ave. Daruj, LOOK. French, gem I, wanted In email family. itrerenio required Mrs rr.wer, u.' spruce street COOK, competent: Protestant suburbs, smafi otliiltfarnlIy2rt;ferenci".II 2.'8. lo-dgeriJIIlce. CO' iK and downstairs wc7k. fumll) of":i adults. 2ut West I'psal si., tlermantown. OENERAL HOlISEWOIlK-airls who are ex" iierlenced and capable can secure good posi tions, either In the city or suburbs, bj con sulting "Miss Herd." who Is tonstantlv in tr 11, 11 with persons wishing this class of help. I.lthr tall or phone WALNUT .imm hiiiI )oii will it. tive valuable Information which will promptly secure you a moat desirable, position, 'tills Mtrvbe is renderttl turoiiah thf lltil'sil HDLDRIIISTRY HURHVU OF THE IM'II I.lt' Lr.luiER. und la free to I.KHiii:il AD NEKTISEItS. cj I III S Wanted tn'fced automatic gluing ma chines on folding !uper bugs, experienced otierainrs pr.feried llrowii .v. Halley Co. Fmnxlln ind W'lllovv sts HOSIERY Expcrlcnicil knitters nnd loopers unil learners, sternly work, good pay. 1320 N Inwrenie HOUSEWORK In family or .1. nsslst with uimhlnK ;'n7 h. (Iruver's lane. Chestnut Hill. Teli.dinne Chestnut Hill vi. HOFSinVOItK, genernl. riper, girl, ret. CuTl lil Falrv lew ave, Luiisdnvvtie, ph lins. 1112 HOUSEWORK fgenerul) filrl wanted, refer, enec IcVi W Otkdaleave.. Ulensjde, I'a, HOUSUWOltK Woman "ivllli small ehlld;fam tlv 2. country. llJ.Hi, Ledger Dfllce lliil'SF.WOItK illrl" wanted, sleep out. Call 39I0 ChrlsUanst IRilNER Must llvo In tho housH. Apply Su perintendent Hebrew Orphans' Home. IStli at and Orceniano. KNl'FrKRS. experienced on Irrular, stirlrig Leant nee.Uo ma'hliies steudv work. )l)gl enlc Fleetetl Ululerweur Co., 2llN Huwjtrd. LEDC'VIK CLEltK-Muat be neat, exp.. excel lent penman, knowledge nr bkpg., mint to Hie-jrolc. Apply In Mis Dean. Irfd. Central. puifl.ic STENOtlRAPHER can have olflce spa"ti free fcr light work. 02 Mercluiiu' tulHlng. 41 N lth at SALESLADIES, experienced, ror dr goods atore. steady pos , reL reti.2723 Olrard ave. SAI.IWWOMEN Inimcullate positions for competent sales women In ULOVHt, MBN'8 FURNISHINGS CHINA AND CUT (ll.SS ppl) at Bureau of Eniptoireut, 4x floor, before 11 a. rr. bTIlAWrtRIDOE S. CLOTHIER STENOGRAPHER Must be qulek and ntcu ra.e In taking dictation and have a general knowledge of oniee work, tlllug eorrctstumd ence etc. Applletunls will pleaae state age. tiuallltcatlons buIns experience and tlve references $12 a week to atari. J ail. Led ger Central xAJiAVKRS Experienced weavers wanted on Knowlss looois. steudy work, good pay Ap. ply John iruw.Mii llulr cloth Cnmiuii) Ken aington and Gleuwool ayes, and Venango st. WOMEN 12). or roan aud wlfo, white, to do entire work for family ot four la NerrU tewn. Apply 2211 ut Vernon at., city. YOl'NU LADY to mark papers tn exchange for tualneas college courae. state age and edu-c-ltun. p q-,. loidgtr Oflice. NOW IS THE TIME for young ladles seek ing commercial pcsltlona to consult "Miss Dean" si Ledger Central, llrcad aud Cbsst nut sts. A epeolal service Is rendered 10 KTEMXlHAPlrBRS, ROOKKEEPERS AND CLi-RKS Ihrcugh the ComutercUl Depart meni to I.EDUER ADVEHTIsl R3. una a treat number ef )0ung ladles hive been bene Ated by ibis (crtlce. HELP WANTED FEMALE (lenernl PHILA. Women tlovt. clerks exam comlrg, J70 mo ; sample ques free, write Immed'telj Franklin Inst.. Dept 715 K, Rochester, N. Y HELP WANTED MALE AUTOMATIC OPEUATORS-Orlaley Acme ami Cleveland automatic machine hinds wanted, tlrat-claes men only, highest vvsges paid Apply Standard Roller Hearing Co.. 49th and Merlon ave. HOY, bright, wanted for filing and errands, salary to start, l per week. 1 30fl, Ixdger Office. HOYS, colored, over 18, Inside, steady rvork. AplyI.F Houghton. 210 W. Somerset HOYS, li; nnd over, to work In wallpaper fac tory Apply, nt once II1U2KER, Bill I'll PAisf. Water st and Snyder ave. HOI S wanted It F, DEW11B5, 1122 Uiestnut stnM'i iWI'TLEIl nnd houseman, white, with experi ence In prlvnte work, city reference for work nnd character required M iw, lyslger Cent. OAIHNETMAKEHS wanted Apply Lincoln Furnliuro Company, mth nnd Lehigh ave. CAHINETMAKERS' HELPERS wanted. Apply Lincoln Furniture Co , luth st. A Lehigh ave. CARPENTER Mill eumentee wanted Apply John t, Jnmes Dobson, Inc., Illankct Mills. Scott s lane, Falls of Si In) kill. CAPE FITTERS wnnlcd Apply Lincoln Furni ture Compnn), 19th mil Uhlch ave. . ELECTRICIANS wanted. Rood men e,n fin ished houses need unl uppl). MIS North I ranklln, ESTIMATOR for printing, one r.imlllsr with advertising folders, halt-tone and color work, Kivu full paituulars In letter, age, cxperl jencc,salar.J(ilJ. la?tlRert.'entral FARMER Wanted, n while farmer between the neo of 31 and 50, must be thoroughly expeVuntetl in all farm woik, Including run ning nnd rirlng for R.isollne engines tin I rami mnrhlner) , must also he willing to tako the lend In nil work nnd see that It Is done ncrordlng to owner's Instructions, whoso Inter, st he will bo expected to look nfler at all times, references nlmolutcly netessir. Tu nut h a man win le Riven n permanent and rnmfnrtnhlo home ami compensitlon con siderably In excess of ordlnar) fnrm wages P O. Hox loi.Wot Chester, Pa. FIREMW and assist mt engineer, out-ol-town work pre!. , men who have Ncw Jersey Hemic, rivo experience nml reier- . inci' M MT. ItlRci Central tlRINDEIIS, Sellers tool, wanted: tlrst-clasi men only. Apply standard Roller Hearing Co . 49th und Merlon nvc. KNITTERS, exptrleneed oncircutar, srrlnR" bein neetlle mnehlnes, steady work. 11) Rt title Fleeted Underwear Co.,2ll(i N Howard. I.AHOREIli WANTED; colored; InsltleVsteadv work, npplj lintneillatelv. II. F. Houghton Comrnni, JIO W. Somerset. i.At'NDRY MAN, nble to mtnaro smalt laun dry, must live In tho Hnusc Apply Superin tendent, Hi brow Orpluns' Home, l:m nnl Hreen lane PACKERS l.xperlencetl pickers Tor dry goods, china Mini tovs. Applv nt "til Filbert st.. tlrsl llcior. STRAWlJRIDOE .Vi CLOTHIER PAPER "DOXTES-Experleticed man'oirsliTtlng nistpliie. steady work. Ilcrmnn Iicb i Co.. J 2IN. ljiwrence at. SALESMAN, arqiivlnted with grocery trades .f (US Ledger Centnil. SCRlJW MAKERS, linnd, able to set up riti3 adjust tunc blues, and skilled laborers, citi zens fall Frankford Arfcnnl, between 8 nn I 0 n 111 STENOtlRAPHER "and tjpewriter Want an experienced voting man, must bo nn expert stenogrnnher, with knowledge ot hookketplng, state references, former emplovcrs nnd siti nrv desired H 121, ledger cilflce. STENHORAPHER nml clone, lttiMmo ex perience Prntestniit irelerreil silary to slirt JIO. Call Thursday, between 11 and 1, 12-' South li,tli st WANTED An experienced" man to tnko In ventory In n general merchandise store out of city; give references. J 411, Ledger Con- . I15"1 WANTED Experienced clnuffeiir on Ford nnd Overlnnd car: none but experienced need ap pl) A. Kcppcl. 723 North 2ltll St.. ill 10 30 n. m. W ATi'lf.M VKIill-Experlented man. tierninnnnt sltiiatlnii tor 11 ileslrable workman. Addiess yatclmiiUfr. Postoftlce Hox 1.11 1 WATCHMAN waiitel In "factory. Sundavs and hnlldavs must tind'stnnd hollers. P 301, 10. Cienernl till N. HROAIV ST. Tho Oldest Original AUro.Monii.n school Teaches )ou how to repair and how to drive autos. F. I'ETZ. Oil N. IIIIOAD ST. AGENTS AOENrS wiiuted to roll graphoplionca and Use records, gool mono exclusive terrllorv Riven Fur Information address Imperial Phonograph .Co,, flu.'., Pougliktipalc, N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ASSISTANT book'ceoper und stetiog . Wni PriinJIIgh: Umiw. ejxp. J II. Ledger I'ciu. IKniKKLliPEIt, naalstiiut. Kenernl-clerk. 10 vis' evp., 1 apable. Lest refa J ill. Led Cent CU Ml. Hll Alt 1 unil-waitress. sidtclTT'rtit?. auburbs: I'oat ref. 20 E. Ourfleld st.. (I'towu. I'll VMIiERW'ORK nml waiting or housework. In small ramll) . Protestant, reference. 11 22D. la-ci.-cr Olllce. CirMUIERWOItlv and -washing. IrlahPcxpo- rlencetl, countrv 1, referred 1) Umi, laid. iitf. Cil.UHlEHWOHK and" waitlnR.-experienced louiit girl. 110 Hashing. 2112 South cII st CHAMHERWOI.K, acwlng or nurlng-n?7 ilirin.in girl, rcfenncj Phone Raring 221. C' MPANION. "ehaiwron, managing"-houVe" keeper, .apablo vv,,m,t-i of culture: exper. In mnsHugo treatment fond of children anil cx- tellent mnmiKer refs J II3J, Led Cent. CiiMPAMuS', use-fuL gotsf server. ns"slsitTii ury capaeltyln bourehultl 1IJM7 Led On. COMPANION, nurse, rnasseusn, good "reader i.nd travejer. rellneil. II 22U. Lcslger Office. COOK, and b.iktr, Rood, very clean uiiTlT'ftv liable, best reference, can do all kinds of housework. Si ter week. J c.1.1. i...,!i-..e Central. C"Olv Exiierlence.:, capable, no washing: city or suburbs, reference 7JI Spruce. Phono W aluut 71-13 W. ' CfitiK capable up-State woman, good bread baser, city or auburbs II 2"J. Ltd. Off. COOK Fxrcrlenccd joun; white" woman: no washing, cRy. Jl 2l Ledgcr Oftlc'e. CO11K. white, gooil. reliable. referente.llHS Pcmberton at. m DRESSM VKKR, French. would""llkn" work "to do at home or by tho clay; .'.3n a day. J 012, Ledger Central. DRESSM VKER wants engniteraentsT" $27rJ) ttaiiy. rets, f-...', ea-ti nr.. ttin anil lilr.tr.l. DltlSMAKER wishes more customers, de signer, rem'r. 3sJ.I Hamilton. Preston .V01W GOVERNESS. Hoilanler, tenches Herman an I I'rciuh tnilned nurso. cun sow and do urt needlework, reference. IS07 ,y, Rroad st. IjOVEIINESS. Herman, Protestnnt. wishes en gagement for 2 or 3 weeks, small cotnpensu- tt"ii. guol hiime. J .I.V., Is'dger Central. GOVERNESS- Lad) iteslres imsttlnn for gov trnese. I, I clger Brant It. ''Out N. I2th jt tiOVURNESS or userul i,impanlon"to"ederl l.nl) , experlen. ed. II 221, !-dgor Office. LAUNDRESS or thuniLermald, with llrst class references wUhes issttion Pleaso .all Tues- ua aim vveunesiay utuo vvnintlt st. NURSH graduate, private Jewish or German fumilv cure of Invalid rellevu emulator household duties, ref. II 219. Ledger Office. Nl USE Capable woman desires cao or will ad as managing housekeeper for gentleman; highest ifferences. M S.13, l.ed-er Crntral Nl'ItsE, rxperlenirtl, jiraitlcul; caro lor in.u- lld. c,iMi rererence. J 1,3.1, !.eder Centrul. NI'RSU graduate, dealrea full chargo or In fant or older children Phono Spruce 2107. SCALP SPECIALIST, with private huilness" wthes to usslst purl time In hulrdressliu l.ir lors beat icrereiues J 2il, ledger Central SEAMSTRESS Young woman wishes poa. In institution best rererences J 4)1. it.. Cent SEi'ltEI'AltY-Correspondent-i'ollege nnnuin of exi4T!riicc4 uesires iiiiori who proresstonil man. woman or llrni. tjpist J .til, Led. Cent brENiXlRAPHER exp. rapid, with exscutlv"e abllltj. now empIoed. desires t., make u change tlrst-class refs Jlio, Ledger 111TI STENOOIl-APIIBU Neat, dcutndoble volJH; Iad des. pos. . mo, I sal J ,130 Led. Cent. SrKNOGRM'HER. IhorotiKlilj exp in bunking educ-atlcsial midlc.il uurk J V.H I.e.l Out STBJ'fXlltAPIIER. experienced? neair"rellablcr veryvviljlus best rels J 211. Ij.I cvut. ' STENOtllflPHER, 11 eur"s' extr 7"eapabTi taking full charge of oftlc. J 41s, Ijj. Cent, STENOilRXPHER, neat, eiiubler'energetic7' rapid typlat Try'me. J 511. lotdger Central! STKNOGRAPHI.Tt hlh school and business r1a K&ul rati a iiiM-tnla.a 14 1 .. Ti .T ... ivvill.iiu, -td., J,H I'CU. TEI.BPHONK OPERATOR, nriv. blanch ne horauiirily exiriHceil J Vil. I.wjger Cent TELBPIIONK Oiwrutar. clerk, thoroughl. xu deslrtis private brunch, refs. Mill 0,g ats' WRITING or tajHT work to do at home, rc Bible woman, good iwniiuen. no (riilers. J ftVi. Ledger Central Vbl'Nii I-DY with goal refereTuces. capable ot cltwlgning and drsssuuklng, desires a per- loaiumt u-tllt-n In a fsiully ot retlDeiuent J 433. Lerlger Central. CONSERVATIVE efUcLeiit unique aocl most valuable wrvlcc Is raiulsred through tbe Com cuerctal Detertmtuii to firms aeskUig hlgh grad f-c hli. "Miss Dean" at I.vJ;ar CeaUral nas llsletl the quaUdcatloas of )Oung U lies exprijina in all kinds of of flee detail work and has bad special training In se lecting "the right person for 'be right post, lion ' A ciuuiiit her with )our needs either by pernor il 1 i or telephone Walnut 30ta3 -an I 1 1 r-on 1 attention wilt bo given prompt. In 'ihi is e !re ten Ice to LEDGER ADM l T'M 1 S SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Yol'N fJLADY with years' exp. as gen. of fice assistant, knowledge) of stenography, de sires permanent jpnsltlon. J fllO. lx-dger cent, iOl'NO 'WOMAN, 7 jears" experience In detail clerical work, Intrh Alo tiling, etc , good pon man; capable. J 338, Ledger central. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT OPEN FOR HNO'AOEMENT, TEMP. OR PERM.. 13 YRS ' BNP t OR OANIZINO, SYS'ZINO AND OFF. MT,; PHII.A. ItEFS II III.), LKIX1ER CENTItAl. HANK CLERK wants accounting, bookkeeping, stenographic, clerical, cashier work evenings. . P SDH, ltidger Central BOOKKEEPER, 4 jears' exper. stenographer, tako charge of D H books reliable, accurate, Eootl ref . mod salary J 4"-s, Led. Cent. CHAUFFEUR, prlvalo family; good mechanic , .'I )ears last place jjiv, 8.13, N. W alts St. CLERK Young man, best reference, over 9 )cars' clerical experience J 014, Led. Cent COACHMAN, single, wishes po L understands nuto. .1 ears ' excel, rets J nie, locl Cent, EXECUTIVE Prnetlcnl clealgner, varied tne chanlcnl and stru turnl experience, chief draughtsman nnd 'sslstnnt to oxccutlve In ,,m .rtn.n.. ma , H.M.(M.t ..All n.l,,AqMil .",, imivtf. "R' .. . ,,i..l,v.J, ,-v.. u.... .. executive nhlllt), wishes responsible position J 310, ledger Centml OAHDI'.NER, pnctlonl ftrsl-class chnrncter. Ilretlme ox erlenco In droit Hrllnln nin! America, no family. Ad lress McNIchol, 1011 W ebsler st ,NeedhiimiMass JOH pressman nnd eomposltnr. 11.1 ear;' experl enee,iompctent, des. ws, D112, Led.Orf. MACHINE designer, tlrsl rlnss, with rrentlve nbll.. wide exp on automatic machinery. J L'lS Ix-dger Central . MAN AND WIFE, colored, good cook nnd rhamtierinild good relerences. city or sub- urbs.Adilres 811lMontrnse st. . MAN AND WIFE, white. tft-clnM butler. lioueman ninl took, refa J 134, l-d. cent. POSH I H heater. N Smith, 191 10th st PORTER, colored. In store of offleoi first-class references H.IO l.udwlg nt fti:ci:tv(i. STIIPPINU ANI) STOCK KUOVl CLERK Jinn, fl'.i, desires to connect with Urge business firm; 20 years' practical exp., tan handle podt, or trust and tcsii. Hustler, 4U'i Conily nve,, vti'ollJigwtid,N J. STENoaitAI'lllirt nhd bookkeeper, capable, exper : will demon, ability, J r.ll,t.cd. Cen. WANtRT) An'opportunlty. Versatile joung martled mnn w'li.irtnn School graduate, vvntttn position Willi a future. At preeent cntp Interview solicited. V 110, Led or. YOt'Nfl MAN, engineering graduate, desires to locate with responsible firm, with oppor tunity to enter sales department after learn ing details of business. J 413, Ledger Cen tral. YOUNO MAN desires to connect with reputa ble concern, preferably wholesale tleweirv). steel, nutomuhlle. etc), thoroughly, com potent nnd experienced: capable of producing, ref 1 rentes. J US J, t-edger Centrnl. Vol Ntf.M'f.V Rood education, with thiee years' experlenco In stenography, elc . fa miliar with thenilc.il terms und routine of tbo work, desires stenographic position. J !. Ledger Central. To I NOMAN."llelglin, good education, fumll lir with mechanics, wishes position ns it chnulfeiir or employment In motor business. JJ17.l.edRer ORIce. YOUNO M VN for clerical duties experienced umi cnpnle,bet referent es. I 11-1. Led en COLLEGE VlllADl A'lU. cmplovotl. three Jems' pr.ntli.il experlen e, Porltlon with electrlml contraetoi. having desires J UP. l-eiiRer 1 enir.ii. JAPANESE "ok, hutler or houseman thor nughl) cuinpi'tent. II 227. Ledger Offlce EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS ""nICHOL-I, 19211 Itnlnbrldge st. Compe tent mile uiul female help supplied Wanted, cooks, tinman and other nurses, wnltresses, chnmbrrnialds. housemalila. Phono Locust 2i.:o MISS Rose Dougherty, b'll.l W. Olrard ave - Wuntod tooks elinni s uiul houto girls, girls tor Instl'n. First-class help want positions .1RS7 MIN.LAKF, I'.no Christian illcklnspn Sl.il, supplies nil kinds or .help, male and fe in.ile.etli iiidl'rj Ilollnud che; rls. JlA'DAME Alli:. I rench Emplovmeht Ilurea 1. 1.131 Christian si -Helliblo help supplied and wantetl.ull nationalities. Prot. and Cath WANT"oiing tooks an I housework girls, city or country, supplies lst-class help. M.vrv I McCirthy. 2107 ChrlstlinLocuat ll'Ll MADAME" PLAT.. JV S Cnlnni. supplies tlrst-clisH white help without advance AUTOMOBILES For f-'ille HliKiEST USED CAR SALE IN YEARS INVi:NTu!lY-:AitANCIl No other dealer has uvci"!iad lad sue n rtgari r h a larte l-breuklivv , "Elsht" iiasortment or ttsnd curs TI10 reception ot ino iypo . w. n.iu ICIl us mm 7.1 USED CARS WHICH UST HB SOLD BY DEC. 31ST. WE HAVE MADE PRICES THAT WILL DO IT Inclosed Curs, Touring Cars and Roadsters all of stuldard nukes. Muny have been overhiuicd und repainted. Several Type 51 Cadillac "Eights ' are Included. We luive CARS AS LOW AS $150 For the benefit of those who find It In convenient to Inspect theia cars In daytime, wo will bo OPEN EKNINCIS UNTIL pnCDMDEU 1ST1I AUTOMOBILE SALES CORPORATION 112 NORTH BROAD STREET Cudtllao Distributor. BUICIv AND FORD CAIt. bariralns, 2SC0 N. 3-' Hi st. Belmont 07 12, ' COLE. 1013. DEMONSTRATORS, SLIGHTLV FSED, FOR SALI- !, S. BOWERS CO.. 211-11 N. BROAD ST FRANKLIN c-nra." nil models, nvcrliauletl and guaranteed. F. L.Pxsnn. 31S0 Ohestnut st. S-G-V. 1911, touring, equipped with eleetilc gear shift starter and lUnts. i.evvl painted und overhauled. I. tell. Lodger Central. WHITE, 1912. 7-passenger. tl-tyllnder tuurlngt In gem. eondillon mt cli.mliall) . tiles In cock! cnndlll'in. J. C. MuSKR, 210 N. Braair .t. All Cars Bought for Parts' SCHOBER. 3311-43-4.1 MARKET; " SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN OF FSED CARS GOnSON AU1Q EXCHANGE. 23 N nROAD M'unteil STOP' LOOK'. AND LISTEN' We buy old uutos In an) wrecked condition Get uur price before you aell them Phone or write Southwestern Junk Co 1701-7 Carpenter AUTO LIVERY AND OARAGES FULTON I i AH AGE STORAGE .1 I P FIRST-CLAS-i MACHINIST GIRARD AVE.. FULTON AND lilll STS. TO HIRE open day and night) Ihand-new 5-puas touring car. with robes, $1 2ft hour; ulu brand-new 7-iss limousine t! MO hour; weddings tuueruls, etc Poplar 1U17 W TO HIHF Vlon Pierce niiw trucks will equll. ia diidrtd an 1 .rurute in v mr service. MINK. 1401 ARCH. LOCUS!' 1)0. AUTO REPAIRING FORD UWNERS I can do the Job. Stop the ull depositing on your spark 1'iug. I will guarantee s-ima 111 tntty way at mull cost. Call Adulpb Fuy. 103 Berkeley &t,JW'a)ne Jujolonmtwn 3111). FORD engine ovcM-uaulsd. $19. tranam'n" $3. geais, $1. cyls. decarbonlzl. valves ground, $2.50. O lenalb s, SlfO Thonipson Bel t3tl. 7 SPEEDOMETER TROUBLE 1 t SEE BILLY-SIS N BROAD t CYLINDERS HEBORED. new listens and rings furnish!, weldings and braztsg H. E. Underwcud . Co IC21 Hamilton at Phlla. f'OR llUPMOBlLB REPAIRS SEE JACK Starr, the Hupp expert. 3313 North Carlisle at Phone. Tioga 8401 AUTO SUPPLIES HEARINGS Niw Dsnarlurs Ssrv Sta Ttta Gwllllam Cm 1314 Arch at. Phone Walnut 47. Race 303.' AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4090 tnllsa. Conipars prices. u-y.ii, tw um KNUAMC. ORIM'S. 3ti Broad st. HORSES HORSE -Ntc aorrel horse. Havs no work for Also harness snl wagon. Sell at s-c rilce 1343 W Somerset al Tioga XI-KD, DOGS AVII1TE Highland tirrler puppy, male, tit mte; price, 130; can bs seen at the house of Mr. A Nalle, Lenghouse, Dryn Mawr. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES . A TIlntVINO CORPORATION WITH DISTINCTIVELY NEW-PATENTED ARTICLE, WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM HlfllH.Y RESPONSIBLE 11USINE83 MEN WITH FINANCIAL HACKINO IN PIIILAa DELI'ItIA AND St'RROUNDINO C1TIF.8 AND TOWNS FOR EXCLUSIVE. MCBNSH TO HANDLE PATENTED ARTICLE, ONLY 1AIDE-AWAKE. KNEROETIC MEN NEED APPLY. AS TIIS PROPOSITION, BEINO SOMETIIINO ENTIRELY NEW, WAR RANTS AN INCOME OF NOT LESS THAN JIO OOtl PER YEAR. TELEPHONE TIE FOUR II) A. JL to R. nOSENHERO. ItRLLE-VFK-STRATFORD, OR WRITE FOR AP .J'OINTMBNT! WANTED -An agricultural chemist of 1$ ears' experlenco In the manufactura of alt milk products is perfecting three milk foods, one will be the nearest to mother' milk ever produced for Infant raising, and the other two will he the greatest breakfast foods ever put on the market. The man or woman that helps me now finan cially will receive half of everything we make, and this proposition will grow Into nno of the largest corporations of this kind In a short time. I need 12.100 at once for nddltlonnl laboratory supplies, chemistry bonks, etc. Do not answer unless you mesji business Address M 201. Ledger Office, WANTEO-rARTNEn WITH THE CAPITAL. TO MANUFACTURE A PATENTED CUBH ION HIM FOR AUTOMOIIILE WHEELS 1011 EITHER WIRE. WOOD OR ALL .METAL WHEELS, RELIAHLE, CHEAP AND IJI'ICK. LONIl LIFE AND COMFORT ABLE. I'AHY TO PUT ON. NO HOLTS OH SCREWS USED IN FIXINO RIMS TO TUB WHEELS J II M! LLIN, 1.11 NORTH 1.1TH STHIIUT. WHITE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. SALESMAN We have a good position for a young man with some experience as a sales man, ho must Invest small amount In com pnnv, which Is returned after 3 montrs. Ap plications must be attnmpnnied by references and will be treated subtly confidentially M 81 Ledger Centml PATENTS-ARTHUR E PA10E, 714 Walnut st,, Phlla.. mechnntc.il nnd electrical enrl mer, registered patent attorney, established hero 30 vears; Inventions developed! patents, trademarks, copyrights secured and tltl gnleM anywhere, rejected applications proar- ruled preliminary advice rree. PENNSilROVE lots, adjoining du Pont works, .ICm upwnrd. ens) piments buildings being ertcted on nil sides, great opportunity to make money Call nr address Pennsgrove Jjniiroiveiricnt Company Pcnnsgrove. N. .T WOULD lOU INVEST small amount of monev . proven legitimate, constant success; SO )onrs, profits large; closest Investigation solicited, prlmlpnls only, nn trlilers: no sthenic, worthy of attention, details; Inter- vlevv Jl l,t.Lcdger Central HAKERY (corneri. well etnhllshed on main street two enr lines, lot 1.1x107, 3-story brick building 0 rooms nnd bath, bake oven, 2 storv brlrlc stable, 3 Stella Price $.1000. 11. 1'. CAMERON EST . 2811 Kensington ave. WANT MAN WITH IIOiM to help me finance hilerv manuincturlng business, profits not large, but eventuilty will be to man satisfied with reasonible returns to start, rellabla references furnished. P 221, Ledger Office. MOTORCYCLE AND Hlt'YCLK STORE FOR nie. best corner on Hrnad St., uptown; would make grod nut 1 suppl) store, oils, etc. Itrusan for polling, other business. John C. Black, 1701 North Broid st WANTED A mnn with JfOOO to $000 to In' vest In n good pivlng bualnesa which la In crentlng evry da) will prove everything satisfactory to right man, P 231, Led Off. GROWING ORCHARDS nil nges. for aala. HARRY DARLINOTON 1420 Chestnut st. PROP POCKET COAL YARD ON P. AND It. FOR RENT I0 MONTHLY 1110 WEST TIOOA ST. VICTOR J. EVEN'S ft CO Patent Attornee Washington, D. C Write for descriptive booklet. PICTURE THEATRE. ICM - Earns 30-t40 weekly: good business location, old estab.: gcniune sai-llle nUUUPT 201 N. Hroad. I'Ni'EPTioNAI. opptrtunltv t. Invest tW.COO In estnhllshed mnnufne luring business; nttva int. rest If ,1. sired P 222 Io-oger OJTIce Fcilt SALE-Estnhllshetl fruit and produce stort .sickness. ,2D7 n.iltlnioro nve IlUSlNF.SS"fnr sTle at hnirvaluntlon of the In-"1 ventorv. M 818. Ledger Central BUSINESS PEKSONALS FULL 1) It ESS SUITS Cutawavs Tuxedos and Sack Suits To bit e und n.ndct to order NEUIIAUUn. THE TAILOR in N. Otb St. Hell phone. Walnut 2018 SUPERl'Ll'OUS II MR removed by electrolysis, tho onlv permtnent wsv. Kvebrows arched. MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre BIdg. Miss Iluppe. halrdresslng fac. massage, man" Icurlng. form Mint Arcade, with -tl-s Smith. rvBMNfl CLOTHES TO HIRE Full dress ami Tuxedo sulta latest styles; silk and open bats Open evenings SCHULTZ. 227 N. Oth St. . FULL DRESS SUITS All new stylish goods: laiau iirnnrtnient SUIl'KI. COOPER. 1010 tllRARD AVE PHONE POPLAR 0342. CARPEI' CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT Hell phone Locust 1080. wl'ST PHILA M'lNWlCII Rr'IRXOE CO? W'KST PHILA. 3C. PER. YARD. tVIMTI'IIIIA. '.S7U-TJ U.M", .ASTER A"iB. DIAMONDS AND JEWELBY WE REMODEL jour old Jewelry into the lat est designs it faclorv prices MARTIN W. ABRM 711 snnaoni st Phll-delphlO; I Itt'Y dt.tni inde. Jewelry und jiuvvn llHketa lor cash Aiiply 2 10 to 4 10 p. m Wm Flick. Room im 021 Chestnut st EllESSMAKING AND MILLINERY HEMSTITv'HI 'tl. 10 tents a yard, all mate rials A REICH HID 1111 CHESTNUT ST. PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS DRESSMAKING tauBht. short practical. Inex pensive erurse patterns ,nit 30c. Mac Powell ","7 Den. klillldg tlth und Market. POTTER SCHOOL OP DRESSMAKING-Daily nnd evening sessions 113.1 Glr.inl uve. FOB SALE BILLIARD and pockei table ahuffleboard. new and slight!) used, liberal tcrina. renting, repairing it supplies Horatio 2-2 3. Sth BILLIARD AND POCKET TAULES Alaa laiwllng ale)s, eaij payments niU'.NS-W1CK-HAI.KE COI.I.ENI'Ht CO..10crJ A"h. IIILLIARUT roikei, Jl-hind tablet, repairing. supplies. Clirk-Herd Mfg Co 242lN. FrOrji BILLIARD. ikI. combination. 2d-han&,boulR, sold, rentecl. each d Keatar. J21I Glrard uVe. CASH REGISTERS new and aecond-hand; to tu! acldcra as low as $.,0 on easy monthly payments, alt reglsteia aol.l by ua fully guar uiitced. The National Cash Register Co., 734 Chctnut at. PLSlvS. tiling cublncta, safes, telephone booths and office tutntture anil fixtures of svery de scription uted. but tn tine condition, and very cheap freo delivery anywhere lLt,0Liiti LVTLLA-?'U ni'TTO.vwooD. DESKS, large assortment uIm. household fur niture. Puling Central Second hand Furni ture Con-pan). IslimUl CallowhlU at. PLAYER l'MNO. grumt tondltlon, good makiT with inuali rolls, leather library suit, private part). Call afternoons, 1319 North Broad at. 129.50 VICTRC HOLV VI AND SIX 10-1NCH D F RECORDS guaranteed to be In perfect condition An excellent outfit for one who Is looking tor a good machine at a reasonable- price. Fifty cents weekl) accepted. Call or v.rlt for complete deerrlptlons ni largo Illustrated catalogues. 1 HEPl'Ea UPTOWN STORES, Cor. Olh and Thompson sts, Philadelphia. Pa. oetTa. ICTROI NOW l,t' PAY FOR IT NEXT TEA! Call or wrlto for our new special Payment Plan whereb) ou can have u Vletroia for Chrl.tmas. and atari to pay for tt next year, HEPPE'S UPTOW'N STORES. Cor. Oth and Tbompn sts., Philadelphia Pa. FIFTY CENrS A WEEK BUYS A VlCTROLa. Call or write lor partlculara. HEPPE'S X'PTOWN STORES, Cor. cHh and Thompson ats.. ' PhlladtlpbU, pa, -" lkt"meselT that plailxi. diamond, automobile, fur or an article of value, total cost 10 you. XQ.' Writ, call or phone Poplar 0150. aicJiuvio men ana t-opisr. JDIKX) UFXI'TIFUL UIVllONIl NECKLACE, PUIIK WHITE STONES. TOTAL UlillUti' 183 KARATS ORIHIN'AL COST $U,UX njRllKR S LOAN OrIi F l.S MARK VT ST MOO-DIAMOND AND" PL.TIM M lVAL- I.1KIIK 21 BLUE W HITS llAS10NHi. VAI.UK $175. RIEl'ERS 1-OAN Cfklll, 1M.A11KF'1J ST ' fS-I CHIES' DIAMOND TH's'ANY LNilAiJb ML'M KING. 8LUK-WH1TE. PFRt KCT, A MMl' VJN RIBUER'3 LOAN UFJi'Ic !. IMS MAKKBT ST t - $6 00--OKNUIN'E II INK SET Value $.7,1.00 JUKirt-LIBRARY TABLE. Worth tSSM I'OPla.R LOAN OFFICE. 1100 Poplar ax X91U CALENDARS "to suit a., tmsl5ei 1M.00 In stock, at acrtruiiig price- Z,ii calendar pads Penn ftwr C is N ctt Iftu. IUAUONI 1UNO. PlThK UHITE) AND PbllKKCT VALUE $10. rflEDl R S LOAN WE l'V -II Talkln. Machine Records. W'i exchaugt talking machlna rcon)a. So. ZV6 RWgs an.I.in. 11 p i fc " ic 11 Sl'lTAUU. c-hrteumos gifts at PlaoEctf - t,I4vl le. Fron ,t Cu,!er?' rti-V Other I J-ailiie-J Ads cu ej 1'iig. i-J--