-"- i j,ni,'nipHP.'iiMM'W"WM''11 I'lU'i'iiiiiA--p Ift'WW'Wwyfr Jn7 .r r A! If SXwnY WYNNE'S COMMENTS ON r THE VARIOUS SOCIAL AFFAIRS The 36th Annual Charity in the Old Academy Wright to Be Given an At Home i ,-nrtiGHT tvc will bo able to retire ?T,n the wee sma' hours and think wo ' , at last, but tho debutantes en r . -i in for they will have Hutchinson's danco next day. It ,, been some week-so far. After all the rehearsing of many -In the long-anticipated pageant of . rharlty Ball will bo given tonight, P ii,o ball will be its usual I .1.1 success Is no exaggeration, for F .fAn Ire "world and his wife" will it not to dance In tho pageant, at 'feast to see daughter or son do that M,T a"so much better plan I think ,. ECt tho peoplo you want to have .itend the ball to take part in some lint, such as tonight's affair, for .hi they will tako a personal Inter s' .sL and thero you are. Of courso mum - - Hons In tho various groups which nuiko 0 . n.. imtv .11,1 hn linnnrm 't st aSK qucaiiuuo, .... -.---- ..-.. -- In that group anu wnui v tuuu hunch for that one to bo with? How- t ever be that as it may, n is sums i" ? be great, and I for ono will be on j? hand early, so as to seo them all at I ....i. ndna. Some of tho performers, ..Hv the debutantes, will go after i (he pageant over to tho Norrls' supper- dunce, which tney win give ior uor othy, at the Bollovuc-StriUfonl. f In the afternoon, Hannah Wright b hi bo given a tea by her uunt, Jtrs. f Henry Cndwalader Chapman. Hnn f nah Is tho daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. f Sam Wright Her mother was Hrlolsc .. conover. Her older sister Margaret ' roado her debut two seasons ago; they i re both very popular girls. Hannah's 1 brother Whitney Wright's card was I tent in tho Invitation to Mrs. Chap s' man's at home. Hannah Is tall nnd fl -1.1... aim rnmp4 llV lior stvlo VGTV 5 1 ., a. i,n. nmllipr nnd her aunt. i honestly, ns her motlicr am tier quih, i k who Is Mne Conover, have nlwnys been , 5 noted for their smart looks nnd frocks, Thv snend their summers In Bar f Thc spenu inoir ami Harbor always, tie girls being among , '' ihs few of the younger sot who go there, i and they have the time of their young ' t ,nyn imnn tnlrl hv home who lives, I hac been oWW bome w iio, frequent uiai uxtiuanu ..u , ground. S I ' Just as I said, wo were all thero and i V j. 1...1 n rrrnnt tlmol Tonv was ns rfe had a great time lony was, as I. usual, in his own genial element. For , ' lomft reason he did not Introduce his j i jongstcrs this year, though he did lead i Ms daughter-in-law out on the stngo k himself. Mrs. Blddlo .Tr.'s volco is good B and shows careful training, p It Is kind of hard on a tenor to havo l i voice like Noah Swayno's prcccdo S) Urn, but Dan did not mind; ho nrgucd ? wUh tho audlenco that "All tho world loves a lover, so why does not Betty love me?" In such sorrow that we all wanted to help him out. J All tho brothers In the Blblo Classes ttre about tho room, and every now 1' ind-thcn they would be called npon to ilng wvernl hymns, two of which had been written specially for, tho Classes. Tho only trouble with the- concert Is that It Is too long; If only amateurs ; wouid not glvo encores unless they are absolutely demanded, It would mako their performances so much moro en- Joyable. I tremblo to think of what would have happened If Mrs. Balrd hnd i been able to sing and Elizabeth Lattn had come toward tho end of tho pro gram as was tho first plan. Ab It was the sang at tho end of tho first part, . and It Is no exaggeration to sny she brought down the house. That girl has (j big future before her. Best of nil he loves her work, she enjoyed every minute of It, and even In long-seasoned r Professionals I havo seldom seen such $ ease and charm of manner. Sho was , a picture of youth nnd Joy and was un- doubtedly tho success of tho evening. S She Is only about. IJ, having made her i debut last year. I wish moro peoplo . could have heard her. but they will I tooner or later. C It seemed a sort of fato that tho two ft best should havo been at tho end of r ih ...... ... . . .. t viuiiiuiii. roriunnieiy .miss i.aua was put forward, but Itobert Armbrus C ter played In his regular turn, and tho t audience, having mostly loft to catch jf trains, missed a very fine performance. X Mr. Armbruster i3 another very young person, out his success as a pianist is wen established, and he nlnved with ?eat "Presslon. Of course, there wero a u0 om ravorltes, Doctor LIpshutz nnd Arthur Jackson, who have both splen- o voices, and Mrs. Anders nnd Mrs. nelen. The Stotesburys had a Box and the Genrirn TV rhll.iD -riravaia In the front of thn rirov.i y,n-r , m f Gardner Cassatr. Arm w m,i o,. "3 Mrs. Craig Blddle, nnd I thoughW JooKea at them, "No wonder Phll Me!phla is famous for its beautiful omen." That there is nothing much sweeter m ,aU ,n thIs world tnan tne heart of t, I ?! b0y ,s wetl "lustrated by tho et that as a fmat tribute to tho late ! James Mapes Do'dgo the boys of ! ti ; " "u"ui who nave always on r ., the 8kat,ne Pond on his grounds Z" "cved many of his other kind "sses, have given of their very own ,-", ana raised quite a nice sum, ;i and sent Mra T" i. v'.k a 8Weet sort ot tribute from fOUth tn n .. . , . ,1,,, : " """ we(i iovea oy nis LWends, both great and small. NANCY WYNNE. Pfii'Rnnnlcj rT), -.j .. -v.w EUiued iCi. m wr" Downs have Icn PriHnvltatlona for a ball to be given l&tock L e??nln& January SI. at XO Etonor -.M ,theJ Bellevue-Stratford, in P'aarton Downs!aU,5hte Mlss Ellzabeth e. D'- and Mm n. .. t,... . IWlMil i,?.,' io ruiea uaner iiuyo IC in ''"ona for a ball on January r2iuS,f..on!r f .Wlaa Rachel Fitlcr. ,,"" Ui -"r and Mrs, William W. E?e .t'?h, Edward, of ?t$9 Bin hnLnU,alnd Informally at U IwhI.0' J"lIe- Croix, of Genev Locust : luncheon otkr ,. .'u,,e- rolr, of Geneva. The RW ..f'.'3 wer MHe Ccclle de P. UlJ' 3"' Mitchell Harrison, Mrs. "ryor and Mrs. tUchard S. Edwards. Unalf"008 bave ben issued by Lieu t na Mrs. C. T. Blackburn, U. S. gyjggjjfg Ball Will Be Given Tonight of Music Miss Hannah N . for a farewell reception, to he Riven at their home, 2516 South Lambert street, on Wednesday evening next, In honor of Mr. nml Mrs. W. P. Cochrane, who will leave the city very shortly. Much regret is being felt In nil circles, particularly among tho naval Ret, over the departure of this ch.ltmlng couple, and Bcvernl do llghtful affairs have been planned prior to their departure. The guests on Wed nesday evening will Include: Hear Adlmlrnl-nnd Mrs. ft. T. Mall V. S. N, : Commander and Mrs. S. K. Rldgely, lr. S N.; Commander nnd Mrs. n. B. nicrer, 17 s. N'.; Lieutenant Commander nnd Mrs. William Leo f'ryor. IJ, S. N,; Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. Guy A. lilssctt, U. S. N.s Lieutenant Commander nnd Mrs. W. II. Allen, U. S. N.; Lieuten ant Commander nnd Mrs. C. Ij. Arnold, tf. s. N. ; Lieutenant Commander nnd Mrs. V. II. Nnlle, V. S. N.; Naval Con structor nnd Mrs. A B, Court, U S. N.: Nnvnl Constructor nnd Mrs. Allen J. Chantry, U. H. N. ; Navnt Constructor and Mrs. It. D. Weycrbncher, V. S. N.j Naval Constructor Lloyd Unnkson, U. S. N , Paymaster nnd Mrs. O. V Simmer, t S. N'.i I'nymnster and Mrs. J. P. Hatch, V. 8. M.; Paymaster D. M. Addison, t S. N.; Dr. nnd Mrs. A. II. Allen, V. S. N.i Dr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Toulon, U. 8. N.: Dr. nnd Mrs. Dunne, t". 9. N.; Dr. nnd Mrs. J. V .McAlplne, V. S. N.: Dr II. M. Tolfree, l'. S. N.; Dr. Gordon Hnlc, U. N. N.. Chaplnln and Mrs K. Scott. tY. S. N.; Lieutenant nnd Mrs. Homer II. Not ton, f. H. N.; Lieutenant and Mrs. H. K. Welle. I', a. N.i Lieutenant nnd Mrs. David Ducey, L'. S. N.; Lieutenant and Mrs. T. II. Winters, V. S. N.; Lieu tenant nnd Mrs. It. C. Glffen, I'. S. N'., Lloutennnt and Mrs. J. C. Hyrnes, t. S N. ; Lieutenant nnd Mrs. George F. Pnr rott. t S. N.; Lloutennnt nnd Mrs. II V. McKittrlck, tT. S N.; Lieutenant nnd Mrs. C. A. Dunne, U. 8. N. Lieutenant nnd Mrs. llydrlck, U. S. N.; Lieutenant nnd Mrs. L. R. Bratton. V. S. N.; Llcu tennnt and Mrs. Frank Lostln, U, S. N.; Lloutennnt nnd Mrs. Hoohler, V. 3. N.; Lloutennnt nnd Mrs. Philip Seymour, U. S. N.j Llcuteunnt and Mrs. Charles P. Tlullock. V. S. N.: Lieutenant nnd Mrs. G. S. Payne, U. S. N.; Lieutenant nnd Mrs. J. S. Lowell, If. S. X.: Lieutenant nnd Mrs. C. It. Shaw, V. S. X ; Cnptnln and Mrs. Drnko, V. S. A.; Cnptnln nnd J,rs V Ij- Rockwell. U. S. A.; Ensign nn( JIrs g R n TT. s. n.: i;nslgn nlul Mrs c N ingrnham. it. p. N.; Colo- ncl nnd Mrs. Cyrus Itndfcrn, IT. S. M. C.; Captain and Mrs. Nelson P. Vulte, U. r. j,. C; Captain nnd Mrp. P. D. Kll- RorC( t- g Jr c. lieutenant nnd Mrs. nnlph L. Shepnrd. V. S. M. C: Lieutenant and Mrs. Samuel W. Ilogan, V. S. M. C; Mrs. Hnymond S. Keycs, Mrs. Fcrnald, fJ Dcck AlexnIulc; H Williams. Mrs. William Morris, Mrs. Charles A. Lutz, Mrs. John Marston, Mr. and Mrs. Delano. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank M. Gilpin, Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel S. Herman, str- n,ld Mra' F- T- Stevenson, Mr. and chnrIc3 DavSi Mr nnd Mrfl c,,nton -VllHams, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Grnvcs. Mr. nnd Mrs Lucius Jjccbo. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. S Fillmore. Mr. nnd Mrs. Her- IVnneri Mr anfl Mrs Ochauson Mr, ,nd jirs. John Handy Hall. Mrs. GcorKe Georco ucucnncvino Kcim, Mrs. Bassett, Mrs. P. S. Harris, tho Misses Harris nnd Messrs. Murk Stembnch, George C. Plinyro. Dr. W. A. Wood, Frank Cramp, J. P. Mettcn, J. H. Mull nnd William Blnkemnn. Mr. and Mrs. Hollinshcnd X. Taylor will entertain at dinner beforo the first junior cotillon. Tho Plays nnd Players have sent out cards for an Informal tea to bo given on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at tho playroom, t3 South 18th street, to meet tho members of "A Full IIouso" and "Rugglcs of Red Gnp" companies. Sir. and Mrs. Andrew P.. McCown have returned from a short motor trip to Co lumbus, X. J. They were accompanied by Miss Marlon Sharpless and Mr. Frank Clark. Tho run was made to Broolcdalo, tho country house belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rich Wallace. Mrs. Wallace was Miss Anna Taylor beforo her mar rlago In the oarly autumn. Mr. nnd Sirs. William D. Heebner. of Bryn Mawr, aro occupying their winter homo In Ornngo City, Fla. Mrs, Heebner will remain In tho South all winter, Mr. Heebner returning to Philadelphia about January 1. A social for the benefit of" the working girls of Bryn Mawr will bo given this evening by the Women's Club In tho club rooms. Mile, de Brabrant will givo dances, sing several songs and tell stories of Belgium. German town Tho annual Christmas danco given by tho members of the Valley Green Canoe Club, on tho Wlssnhlckon, will be held nt tho Bclllcld Country Club, on Tuesday evening. December 28. Mr. and Mrs. J. Helnhold, formerly of 00 West Chelten nvenue, havo returned from Wlldwood, where they spent tho summer and fnll months, and are now residing at 1W West Seymour street. Mrs. John A. Myers entortalned at luncheon yesterday afternoon at her home, 6211 Wayne avenue. The Stenton Country Club Dancing Class, under the direction of Miss Con stance B Saylor, met Tuesday evening. The members include Sir. and Sirs. E. A. Deschamps, Miss Mnlsle Kenwood, Sir. nnd Sirs. J. A. Ewing, Sir. and Sirs. George Donnelly, Sir. and Sirs. Slyles Hlselns. Sir J. F. Wllday. Sir. and Sirs. Theobald, Sir. and Sirs. James SIcArdle, Sir. and Sirs. E. R. Rodgers, Sir. and SlrB. Lewis Wagner, Sir. and Sirs. Rob ert Wagner and Sir. and Sirs. Earl Put nam. Along the Reading Sir. and Sirs. Daniel Leahey are occupy ing their new home at 6504 North Park avenue, Oak Lane. Sirs. Charles Glbbonoy, of Oak Lane, will be hostess to the members of the Mothers' Circle tomorrow afternoon. Sirs. O. Schlliski, of 13th street above Oak lane, will entertain the Pioneer branch of the Civic Glub tomorrow after noon. Tea will be served from 3 until 5:30 o'clock. Sir, and Mrs. Joseph La Rue, of Wag ner avenue, Logan, will entertain at dinner and cards this evening. Their guests will include Sir, and Sirs. George Lenning, Sir. and Mrs. Albert Soprano. Sir. and Sirs. Joseph GrlfUth, Sir. and Mrs. Rowland Hlltner and Mr, and Sirs. Philip Talley. Sirs. William C. Kent will give a luncheon and bridge party today at her home on Bent road, Wyncote. Delaware County SIUs Emma Hower, of Brookllne, Is spending several days this week In New York. Mrs. Robert Norrls, of Media, la visit ing In Washington JIIjs Ethel Wonder, of Garrettford, en tertained at "SUV' yesterday afternoon. Her guests Included Miss Mabel Young. Silas Harriet Zell. Miss Bessie Bachler, Miss Nancy Walsh, Miss Eva Sprout and illss Jean WaUh. LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THUE ? UKfiBmoV'4' S9iHllllllllllllllllHillllllHaBllillllillllllHi HiiiliiiiiDBiBHHIIBffiHHbi. , bbSbmSIIIBI.IIIIIH IIIIIIIIIIIIIIEBllHaEoHSiiaHIBii&E. fisBlHIliHSBiiiiiiiiiiH HiiiBiiiiHialiiHM s. A1jjhMMBI------i-------------H Wwl -XiTirniSiSHiZS N Thoto by Kllmcheck. MRS. W. KEMBLE YARROW AND HER BABY Mrs. Yarrow will bo rcmombcrcd as Miss Phyllis Hnre, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Emott Hnre. Sho is ono of tho most popular of the younger matrons. South Philadelphia Sir. Frederick Romlg and Dr. C. S. Legnlbrls, of Passyunk nvenue nnd Mooro street, nro spending 10 dnys hunt ing in northwest Pennsylvania. Stlss Isabel Boch, ot Sth and Wolf streets, is staying at Allentown as the guest of Sir. and Sirs. Harvey Kraus mctz. Sirs. Joseph Relnhart. of 1620 East Passyunk avenue, hns gone to Memphis, Tenn., to visit her daughter, Sirs. Hurry Burnett. Mr. nnd Sirs. Abner G. Klausen, of 6th and Pino streets, nro visiting friends in Egg Harbor. Sir and Sirs. Raymond Raster, of 2117 South Lambert street, entertained a num ber ot friends last Wednesday evening. Miss Edith Simon, ot 1630 West Pass yunk avenue, has returned home from a month's trip ns guest of SI lis Slao Henry, of Tnrnaqun. SIlss SInrgaretta Kane, of 1230 Wolf street, spent last week end visiting SIlss Slarle Lauthen, of Conshohockcn. SIlss Verna SIcKcnsIe, of 6th and SIc Kenn streets, is visiting friends In Read ing, Pa. A- masked party was Riven by Mlss Rcba Zangwell and, SIlss Lena Zangwell at 60S Slorrls street on Saturday evening. Tho house was tastefully decorated for tho occasion. The guests were received by Sliss Grace Kendcl. Sir. nnd Sirs. Wllmer A. Insull, of 11th and Jackson streets, aro spending this week at Wcstvllle, X. J. Sir. William Slaskln, of 2d and Do Lnn cey streets, has returned from Buffalo, X. Y., where ho was tho guest of Sir. John Mackey. Sirs. Slary C. Costa, formerly of 13th and McKcnn streets, hns retired from business and is living at her new home. 22K South 11th street. A birthday party was given for SIlss Bella Burke, at her home, 1229 South street, by her parents, on Sunday eve ning. Frankford SIlss Carrie Rowland, of 5616 Xorth Third street, Olnoy, and her nephew, Sir. Arthur Hutchinson, have returned from Pitman, X. J., where they spent some time with Sir. and Sirs. Charles Rowland. Tho Neighborhood Bible Class will meet this evening at the home of Sirs. W. Klnkaid. 11010 Howell street, Wisslnoming. Sir. nnd Sirs. Robert Boa!, of Holmes burg, have closed their home for the win tnr months and will spend the season with Sirs. Boal's mother, Sirs. Slary Weed, ot Walker and Decatur streets. Sir. and Sirs. H, T- Stanwood, of E0O0 Grlscom street, have as their guests Sir. nnd Sirs. Walter P. Bills, of South Chelmsford, Slass. Sir. nnd Mrs. George W. Glotz. of Frankford avenue, nrrived at their home Saturday evening from California, where they have been spending tho last six weeks with Sirs. Glotz's sister. Sirs. Albert W. Fields, at her home In Los Angeles. Sirs. William Carroll, ot 2606 Rhawn street. Holmesburg, is planning to give n .,,,.. n.,,1 ,lnrn nt St. Joachim's SCllOOl hall, Church street. Frankford, on Jan uary 20 for the benent ot tne tiouae 01 Correction Chapel. Camden and Vicinity Sir. and Sirs. G. Pine, of 453 Berkley street, Camden. N. J., announce the en easement of their daughter, SIlss Sarah V T,l fw Wollar n Srhmldl. of jt 4 mo, lu , ......... . -...... , 1217 North Sydenham street, Philadelphia. No date nas oeen set mr mo wcuums riac, irntherine Parker, of Lebanon. Pa.. and SIlss Slary StcGee, of Baltimore, have' been visiting SIlss Slary fllagoun, ot tiau donfleld, whose engagement to Sir. Forney Parker, of Lebanon, has recently been announced by her parents. Sir. and Sirs. Henry Elbert Slagoun. Sir, and Sirs. S. C. Ott, who have lived In apartments for a number of years, have taken a house In Merchantvllle, where they will live In the future. Sirs. John F. Starr, of Sth and Linden streets, is spending the holiday season with her daughter in Baltimore, Md. Mlss Caroline Hunter, of Howard and Berks streets, Is visiting In New York for several weeks. Notice far the Society paa nlU be accepted and printed la the Krenlnr Ledger, but all audi notice mutt be nrltten on one tide f the paper, most be tlsned la full, with full addre, and when poKklblo telephone, number uiut be eItcu. fiend U ucb communication to "Socle t j Editor," Evening Ledier, MS Chestnut fired. t'nlcm theo requirement ar carried out o that TerlUcatlpa may be powlsl. (be notice, ulll not J publlbs1. 5lifj v.'-ivtowfc-.w -v-- -iMiUiv. wll'ma' BRILLIANT CHARITY BALL ASSURED TONIGHT Opening Feature Novel and Beautiful 240 Participants in Dance of the Seasons Every Indication seems to point to an unusually brilliant nffair tonight nt tho Academy of Sluslc, when tho 36th annunl charity ball will take plnce. Thero Is moro Interest apparent this year than ever before. A far larger number of tickets havo been subscribed for; every box could have been sold three times over, nnd both tho older element, ns patronesses, nnd tho younger, partici pating In tho opening feature, have taken a more active interest. Tho Pageant of tho Seasons is tho title of the opening feature, and each of the four bcncllclarles will bo represented by ono of the sea sons. Each month will havo a set of 10 couples ot dancers, making In all 240 participants. Although Tuesday's rehearsal was tho tlrst In which nil of tho dancors wero brought together, It went off with a pre cision nnd snap unusual at a dress re hearsal. Mr. Charles Slorgan, tho old SInsk nnd Wig stnr, has thoroughly drilled each set, and In spite of the fact that every month has a different dance, characteristic of tho season and entirely original, tho dances wero well executed nnd promise to crcato a sensation, as compared with group dances of tho past. Costumes of the dancers In oach sot have been especially designed nnd made to be npproprlnte to tho sensons represented. As usual, tho ball will bo opened to night by a band concert nt 8:30, nnd tho pngeant of tho sensons will begin nt 9, Following this will be general dancing, nnd supper will be served from 11 until 1. Elnborate and artistic decorations have been designed, and tho stage will bo divided into four parts, representing spring, summer, autumn and winter. Spring will, "of course, havo a profusion of white blossomH, and the winter sceno will be qulto unique nnd picturesque, a pine wood covered with snow. There are 40 dances on the general danco program, of which 18 are ono-stops, 12 fox trots nnd 10 waltzes, indicating tho relative popularity of the modern dnnccs. Spring, representing tho Children's Hospital, will be the tlrst event in the pageant, this group being directed by Sirs. Joseph B. Hutchinson, assisted by Sirs. William Ellis Scull and Sirs. Henry Paul Bally. Preceding tho pageant will bo a prologue delivered by J. B. French, nn ex-SIask and Wig man, which will descrlbo the pageant to follow. Slarch, tho tlrst month of h print', will be sym bolic of St. Patrick's Day. April, tho rainy month, will also havo a character istic dance. A real Slay pole dance will be given by the Slay set, nnd after tho three months in each season have danced separately they will have an en semble. Tho Jefferson Hospital, another bene liclury, will be the summer season, and has been In charge of Sirs. Charles SI. Lea. June rose maids will be In white dresses, with pink sashes, bows and para sols. July will be distinctly national. The harvest month, August, will bo most pic turesque. The ensemblo nfter this sea son will be a riot of flags and a vivid color picture. Representing autumn will be the Shel tering Arms group, directed by Sirs. William A. Piatt. September will be dis tinctly a golf representation; October, reminiscent of Halloween. In this group are some of the best dancers In Philadel phia, and their steps are quite unique and spirited. Hunting and polo will be the theme ot November. Winter will represent the University Hospital, nnd is under the direction of Sirs, George Wharton Pepper. There is considerable mystery about the costumes of the girls In this set, but It is believed that they will dress as Christmas trees. The men will be Krlss Kringles. Janu ary will be the skating month, both girls nnd men dressed all In white, and should be most effective. St. Valentine's Day Is represented by the February set nnd these costumes aro quite unique Following the pageant all ot the 120 couples will participate in a grand march, which will break up into general dancing. Northeast Philadelphia Sir. and Sirs. Nuss, of Duluth, Minn., will spend the week-end as the guests of Mlss F, Rambo, of 2119 East Cumber land street. "Sirs. Brlggs, of the Poultry Yard," a comedy In three parts, will be given by the Colonial Dramatic Association at tha Beacon Presbyterian Church, East Cum berland and Cedar streets, in Dlsston Hall on next Thursday evening. Sir. and Mrs. J. M. Chester, of S3 North 5th street, announce the marriage of their nelce, SIUs Ellzabeth Target, to Mr. Wil liam Kerber, of Baltimore, Sid., on Sun day, November 23. The Rev. Dr. Kraus kopf officiated. Sir, and Mrs. J. Xaidwlg, ot Kensing ton avenue and Clearfield street, en tertained the members of their "MO" club at their home, Saturday evening Those present will be Dr. and Mrs. Borzell, Sir and Mrs. Samuel Moffet, Sir and Mrs. William Kerr, Mrs. Clara Snyder and Mr. Harvey Ackerman. SJDAY, DEOEMbii Weddings HENDER80N-STRADLT3Y. Mlss Lillian W. Stradlcy. daughter of Mr. and Sirs. Isaiah Stradley, of HID West Montgomery avenue, became tho bride of Sir. George Derrcm Henderson last nifiht In tho Drawing Room, 1620 North Broad street. The Rev. A. E, Harris, assist ant pastor of tho Grace Baptist Church, Broad nnd Berks streets, performed the ceremony, which was followed by a re ception, The bride wore a gown of white georgette crepe, draped over white pussy willow taffeta and trimmed with net, em broidered with pearls. Her veil of tullo u-aa nrmnff-fd with n. enn of dUCllOSS Ince, The veil was caught with sprays of lilies of tho valley and similar flowers wero combined with bride's roios In her bou quet Sir Stradley gave his daughter In mnrrlngo nnd SIlss Florence Walker, ot Cheltenham, wns mnld of honor. Her gown was of pink pussy willow lanem, trimmed with gold lace. Mr, Alan Henderson was his brother's beat man. Tho bridegroom and bride left for nn extended Southern trip nnd will be at homo after February 1 at 6534 An gora terrace. BEDELL HEXTT. A pretty homo redding took place last night at 7 30 o'clock, when Mr. Lewis Jnmes Long Bedell, of 1213 South 20th street, nnd SIlss Elslo Mathilda Henty, of 2 Xorth Salford street, wero mnrrled. rrl. .........Mn.. .ntf nli nt thn brldp's linmn nml wnn nerffirmml hv the IleV. P. . j. I Ifnli nt Sr Pnff.r'fl nprrrtnn l.lltllCra Church. 47lh and Parrish streets Sir. William J Broomcll was best mnn nnd the bridesmaid was Mlss Anna Stelger. The brido woro n gown of white crepe de ohlne, with a tullo veil, nnd carried a bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. Tho bridesmaid was gowned In bluo satin nnd cnrrled pink roses. A wedding supper was served nt tho Hotel Wnlton, after which they left en a wedding trip to San Frnnclsco for three months nnd on their return will Uvo In West Philadelphia. West Philadelphia Sirs. Adam Southern Conway will give a brldse this nftornoon at her apartment In tho Avondnle, 33th and Looust strets. In honor of SIlss Elizabeth Smith, of Xorfolk, Vn., who arrived on Tuesday for a week's visit. Mrs. Henry B. King will entertain the members of her brldgo club tomorrow nftornoon, nt her home, 1614 Spruce street. Her guests will lur'udc Sirs. Jesso Ellis, Sirs. William D. Baker, Sirs. Elmer Fnuncc, Sirs. Wnlton Glbb, Sirs. Norman ForBC, Sirs. Slcllhonny, Sirs. Ulomor Davis, Sirs. Leo Haggorty and Sirs, De Haven Yocum. A theatre party yeBtcrday afternoon In cluded Sirs. John Helsler, Sirs. Richard Parker, Sirs. Guy Jones, Sirs. LoylB Gold smith, Sirs. Charles DuFour and Mrs. El mer J. Schnll. Sir. and Sirs. Frank D. GcrnRhly, of EaBton, Pa., have returned to their homo nfter spending some time with their re spective parents. Sirs. Gcraghly will be remombercd as SIlss Florenco Schoener, of 3S32 Glrard avenue. The trip was mado by motor. Sirs. S. E. Geraghly, of S07 North 40th street, has ns her guests Sir. and Sirs. John B. Kruegcr, of Wilmington, Del. Tioga SIlss Edith Well, of 3300 North Broad street, will entertain SIlss Margucrlto noscnau, ot Baltimore. Sid., during this month. On Thursday evening, December 2, the Catholic Social of Tioga held n mooting at tho home of Sir. and Sirs. SIcCooley, 1S2S West Allogheny nvenue. Among ., .... .r. Twins Surah Focarty. SIlss Itltta Bnsh, Sllns Helen StcDprmott, . ' ii. -".. , Minn fn tai SIlss Jinrgueriie uxnim, . ,j O'Hara, SII33 Alice Lnughlln, Mlss Slary Gnltcn, Sir. John SIoKcaney, Sir. James Fogarty, Sir. Ignntlus Bash, Sir. Harry Sloote, Sir. William .SIcCooley and Sir. Thomas O'Byrne. After tho meeting tho social was entertained by srr. William SIcCooley. What's Doing Tonight Lecture, "Smoke." by V. F. SI. Goss, Frnnklln Inetltuto. 8 o'clock. Ictum on "Irritable Plantd." Wagner Free Institute of Science. 17th etreet nnd Mont Eomiry avenue; 8 o clock, rree. Sfanayuntc Hoard of Trade, Monayunk; 8 o'clock. Free. Lancaster Avenue and Md Street Bu.lnee; Men, Lansdowne nvenue nnd Md street; 8 o'clock Free. Haddington lloard of Trade, airard avenue and 00th street; 8 o'clock. Free. Germantonn Improvement Association; 8 o'clock. Free. Logan Improvement Leaitue. Broad etreet nnd Wlndrlm nvenue; R o'clock. Free. Motion pictures. "Flghtlne In France." un der auspices of tho Fuslic LcDQr.li. Chestnut Street Orera House. Third annual Food Show, Heading- Terminal Market. Charity rail, Academy ot Music. Zclosoplito Society, play and dance, New Century Drawing Itoom; 8:15 o'clock. Play. "The Purple Mask," nnglneerliiK nulldlng. University of Pennsylvania; 8it5 o'clock. PurchaBlns Agents' Association. Hotel Wal ton; 8 o'clock. Free organ recital. Drexel Institute; 8 o'clock. Parent' Meetlnr. James O. Blaine Public School, ISOth and Norrls streets; 8 o'clock. Philadelphia Single Tx Society, 1411 Arch street; 7.45 o'clock. United Oas Improvement Company safety rally, Witherspoon Hall; 8 o'clock. Lecture, Spruce Street Baptist Church; 8 o'clock. llrewcrytown Business Men's Association, 2S0O Olrard avenue; 0 o'clock. Free. Homeopathic Medical Society, Hahnemann College; 8:30 o'clock. Mendelssohn Club concert. Horticultural Hall; 8:30 o'clock. Military reception. State Fencibles, armory. Broad and Itace streets; 8.30 o'clock, Concert, Curtis Orchestra, Auditorium, Curtis Publishing Company; 8-15 o'clock. Lecture, "Inspiration of Greece," by I. B, Stoughton Holborn, 1421 Arch street; 8 o'clock. Lecture. "Siory of Modern Science," by S. C. Schu.ucker, Association Hall; 8 o'clock. W1NTKII HEsOItTS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Superior location with an I unobstructed view of beach j and boardwalk A recognized! standardof excellence 1 C.cnv 60CJ. VaLTRJ.BU2Sy THE LEADING RESORT MOTEL Of lilt WORLD MariDorouflfciQKttiin A.TL.ANTICJ OITY. N. J, OWHCIISHIF U1N-QCUCHT JOSIAH WHITE A. SONS COMPANY TRAYMORE Largest In Atlantic City LAKKtVOOII. N. J. l'lNL-WOOD HALL i'lney air, near beautiful lake. Electric and NauJhelo hatha. BooLlet. STEAMSHIPS Traveler' Department Tbe Land Title and Trust Company Broad and Sansom bts., Pblla. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES STRAYFR'S ?b Bt Busuxts ticboot, dtnniud S01-S0T CbcMaut Sirsi i 9r " ATLANTIC CITY. 9, Illo. UNIQUE CLUB HOLDS ANOTHER MEETING WILL RAISE FUNDS Miss Helen Margolies Entertained the Club, of Which She Is President, at Her Home Supper Party Given for Grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Rosenberg MIS3 HBL-EN MAnGOIiTES, ot 239 Qreenwloh street, cntertftlned tho Unique Club, of which eho la president. Preparations nro belnc made for tho bazaar and dance to bo given on Febru nrjr 2, 1916, at the Gladstone Club rooms, southwest corner of Susquehanna avenue nnd 16th street, for the benefit of the war Biifferers. Those present at the meeting were Misn Jenn Baron, Mlss line Baron, Mlss Pearl Bernstein, MIrra Fannie Cohen. Mlss Ea slo Deulsch, Mlss Sarnh Gcrson, Mlss Hose Krnkovlti", Mlss Helen Lblang; Mies Iteba Meltzer, Mien Gertrude Sil ver, Mlss Matilda Lovlt, Mlss Melba Buxbaum, Mies Freda Buxbaum. Mlss Mary Segel wns tho visitor of the eve ning. Tho next meeting will be held nt the homo of Mlss Helen Leblnng, S8M North Broad street. Mr. and Mrs. I Rosenberg, of 701 Fed eral street, gave a supper In honor of their grandchildren, Francis, Jeanetto nnd Jaolt Rosenberg, on Saturday eve ning. Among those present were 3Ir. and Mrs. Samuel Rosenberg nnd their chil dren, Francis and Jeanettc, Mr. nnd Mrs. Isidore Rosenberg nnd their son, JacJc Mr. and M'3. Nathan Rosenberg, Mr. Albert Rosenberg, Mlss Ethel Goldberg, Mlss Sarah Rosenberg, Mlss Sarah Such man, Mlss Anna Rosenberg, Mlss Reba Rosenberg, Mr. David Rosenberg, Mr. Samuel Chalnll, Mrs. Deborah Rosenberg nnd Mr. Morris Rosenberg, Mlss Elizabeth H. Meltzer entertained the Frcssers Sewing Circle at her homo North Philadelphia Mr. nnd Mrs. Julius C. Levi, ot M18 Diamond street, have Issued Invitations for the wedding of their daughter, Mlss Mildred L. Lovi, to Mr. Eugeno M. Loob on Wednesday, December 15, at 6 o'clock, at the Bellovuo-Stratford. Mlss Lovi will have Mlss Olga Loeb, tho bridegroom's sister, as mnld of honor. Mr. Alvln L. Lovi, tho bride's brother, will be Mr. Locb's best man. The servlco will bo followed by a dinner and dance. Mlss Ruth Sickles, of 2203 Diamond street, has returned from a visit to Rich mond, Va. An evening gathoring was given by Mlss Sadye Greenblatt at her homo, 2030 North 32d street, on Sunday. Dancing, singing, elocution nnd music formed the entertainment. Thoso present were Mlss Sadye Green blatt, Miss Jean Goldborg, Mies Dolly BIcrns, Mlss Sadlo Lcvlck, Mlss Tlllyo Nofsky, Mlas Esther Rotter, Mlss Helen Rotter, Mlss Grace Weiss, Mlss Sylvia Wnldman, Mlss Sarah Greenblatt, Mr. Max Insllman. Mr. Samuel Shevlln. Mr. Morris Schenfleld, Mr. Benjamin Gllck mnn. Mr, C. Blumberg, Mr. Sidney Blum berg, Mr. Harry Hecht, Mr. Hnrry Tap per, Mr. William Kaufman, Mr. Hnrry Rosenoteln, Mr. Conrad Li,ber, Mr. Joseph Cresaon nnd Mr. Thomas Miller. Bala-Cynwyd Invitations havo been Issued by tho Cynwyd Club for tho second danco of tho Junior members, whloh will tako place Friday, December 17. This dance, whloh Is tho young people's very own, Is being looked forward to with much pleasure by the club members from 12 to 16 years of ago and promises to be as delightful an affair as the first one held last spring. "He Wishes the Many Years "So there would be speeches at the wed ding!" Zapp said. "Ain't there speeches at every wedding?" Birsky demanded. "Roosevelt will speak also. I bet he gets up and says he hopes the bride and groom will be as happy as he has been in his married lives. Also he wishes the bride and groom many years full of health, wealth and prosperity, and that with out military training a nation could got ex ports of eighty billions annually, and what is it am I right or wrong?" Who wrote that? You're right! There's only one Montague Glass, and his work is easily recognized. Birsky and Zapp are funnier than Potash and Perlmutter as you'll agree when you read Saturday's lEuentng S53XUsL' w 11 on Monday evening, at 3W3 Berks street Among those present wero Mlss Mollis Cohen, Miss Suo Segal, Mlss Sara Wru bol. Miss Rac Borland, MIbs Elizabeth Cohen, Mlss Berdle WrubcL Mlss Suo Meltzer. Mlss Elizabeth Dabrow and Mist Dora Flovcs. Mr. J. Harold Lynch, Mr. David Strcep er Klaudor, Mr. Ramsey McKlnney, Mr. Jack A. Nlehaus, Mr. Jnmes 'Mnrtln Paw son, Mr. Lloyd, M, Seaman, Mr. Joseph Clnrk, Mr. Wesley Wallace, Mr. Zachary Taylor, Mr. Charles Gouert, Mr. Samuel Holttngswood, Mr. Paul Garrlgues and Mr. Harvey Garrlgues, A surprise party was given for Mr. Da vid Leon Cuporsmllh In honor ot his birthday at his home, 4S02 Woodland ave- nue, on Sunday ovcnlng. Among tho guests present were Mlss Clara Berko witz, Mlss Helen Appelbaum, Miss Helen Blaokman, Mlss Mabel Gross, Mies Hen-, rietta Cupcrsmlth, Mlss Gertrude Cuper smith, Miss Freda Harris, Mlss Hazel Cowan, Mlss Helon Cowan, SIlss Anno, Schneider, Mr. Louis Ratnor, Mr. Albert Plncus, Mr. Morris llorr, Mr. Meyer Frlcdmnn. Mr. Edward Poarlstetn, Mtv Louis Poltzman, Mr. Herbert Dercder, Mr. Burrcson nnd Mr. Ginsburg. The Bryant School alumni held its monthly meeting at that Institution on Thursday last. Most of the graduate classes wero present After tho usual business meeting titer was an entertainment. J. Wesley Moor gave a recitation, Mlss Luoy Mander a piano solo, Miss Emily McPhoatus plane) solo, and Mlss Clara Jennings solo. The graduates wero chaperoned by two tcaoh ora, Mlss Lewis and Miss Halloway. Lansdowne Mlss Edna Robey and Mlss Evelyn Roboy. 26 West Greenwood nnmis t,rt iMiss Alma Underbill, of 27 Bast Strat ford avenue, will give a party on Decern ber 27 at the homo of tho Roboys. Thortj will bo 24 guesta present Mrs. John C. Hlnes, of Lansdowne, an nouncca tho engagement of her daughter Mlss Dorothy nines, to Mr. Benson Hazelton Dowloy, also of Lansdowne. Tho Rev. Cro3well McBeo and Mrs. Mo Boo will be nt homo to tho members of. St. John's parish In tho now rectory, IS Wost Baltimore nvenue, on December 14 from 8 until 10 o'clock. Mr. Clnrenco Burt, of Owen avenue, hns returned from a business trip to Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. Bcchtold, of Owen avenue, are receiving congratulations on tho birth of a son. Mrs. Bcchtold was Mlss Alico Ridings. Wilmington Mrs. Alexander R. Abrahams, of 803 Washington streot, entertained Mlss Pau lino Cobaugh, of Philadelphia, over tho week-end. A smell theatre party was given in her honor on Saturdny after noon and a "COO" party was given for her in the evening. Those present nt tho "600" wero Mr. and Mrs. Eluood C. UI rich, Mr. and Mrs. James Kerrigan, Mr and Mrs. Harry P. Grimth, Mlss Sylvia Beste, Miss Mary Kates, Miss Vera At kinson, Mlss Helen Hayes, Mr. H. Merrill Lynch. Mr. Charles J. O'Nell, Mr. Chnrlcs H. Simmons nnd Mr. P. Wnrrorv-Gteeri Mlss Cobaugh returned to Philadelphia on Sunday night. Bride and Groom Full of Health" Blrftger .N..ii3Kr J .h hAifci34 iSk-6 -&wimM&