. yxr-,. wh- v -If" -3"i r 3 r"t -y i EVENING EEDGEE-PHirADELPHlA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1915; 'm g -' "''JMWWWiBUJf!! t iUGIILIN WILL BAR flD TAPE' IN SUPPLY DgpARTJiral VYUKli T-nmnlnto. Inanection feWill Not Bo Permitted PnZL ' 03 JUllvv NEW CABINET RAISES P . i. the second of n series "f 'n I'fnJ1", it Tlionuu II. Smith, con I H ,,r".'.1 nl.n, lor the ndmlntstra- ;SjSp.rt-- L. rlnconiplcte Inspection of mippllos, ifi", UBe' will be the nrst targets of T Director of tho Department nt 51iij. Joseph S Macl-aughlln. The STLiM by Mnyor-ctect Thomas n. !? . heal this Important branch of Wl"1 r. far llin nnt fnlir m. ?dtT' gove"1""-" . - --- ---- & today outlined his plans for tho tit of tne !" - v- . 1.1a frtrmnr nnnnnn- Lmir becauto ... - !Wu"" . .il..l,r of ttm rlxnarf. IIISSW""' u...v. -.- F!L i- U to Klvo a progressive, ceo- E "TUT '111 "" li nd business-like administration Bremen . - n ij r EtfLrhlln. "In common with tho tiTmembers of the new caoinei, 1 do 1 . Xt this admlnlstratlon.hns a golden SrfMltJ 'to make Philadelphia, a bet PC0"0.;' ...nnno a modern eltv that Xt be i IsBSlm? hchlnd others In any- rf Is a little ainicuii " uunuie pimm tii department before actually tak- "?. V... mm lint I know of It I ... -. PJ&tkr that two of tho most Impor t necessities are a meaBuro to ox jltsthe handling of small accounts and fetter system of Inspection. WANTS QUANTITY AND QUALITY. SL i-i...f in trlvn ntrlet attention to K. inspection of supplies, to sco that mot. Mr .....i. ......111. .....I niinnllh. City fi"Wl PflUI UIIIJ UIIU MCH.HW En drawn specifications may be, If sup KtlM M not furnished In accordance Efti thenl. tho cltV ls bound to bo lm End on In these two respects. Nothing jutroys open competition so quickly as lack or rigid inspection. . i- klMia fTiaf TiTifn n. rnntrnrtor sJllT6S the Inspection wlU not bo thor- i. -..A vlHlnnt. hn mnv bid below a Ejr price In order to get tho contract El endeavor later to make his profit by Ejjng to deliver quality and quantity. Kl(a the trade sees n. contract go at a Krloe that It knows Is below tho market E& Diner couiru;iors wiliiutuv irum MiUInf and comnctltlon ls destroyed. niMmiiM) of this I believe the De- ftutment of Supplies needs a. larger Kgrps of Inspectors. Just how large an KcniM In tho present forco will be Ejcesrory I would not caro to say until KUve taken charge." WfLIi UnOB CKANQES. Tis matter of doing away with red tpa In the small accounts of tho Depart Eat li looked upon by tho now Director cm of the mOBt Important tasks he bdn;. This will bo a matter for Bffblitlro action, and he probably will Kick a bill to bring about the desired It m pointed out by sir. AiacXAUgmm that under tho present laws It la lm- Hi9le for any holder of a big publlo to run that omco In exactly tho nay ho would run a prlvato kftbui. Certain methods of meeting etrtiln contingencies are prescribed by Uw. Tho,. office holder has no Htkirtty to do otherwise. a w case of small accounts, this fcetcs that It costs tbo Department of hjtlltJ Just as much In ofllco expenses BW PO worth of meat as It does to Bh$l a contract for a half million dollars. Tfcit Is more Important, It means an aenno'us wasto of tlmo every week. iThere are measures that can bo wat to tho attention of tho Leglsla- PbW said Itr. MacLaughlln, "to expe- ssaii Dusiness matters, as tne worK HOT crjndURtil flmnll plnlmn miiRf m Krngh the lame procedure as the larg tt contracts. This has. In the past, Bright the department In for severe elUdtm from many merchants not fa mHUi xlth the legal conditions surround- oty contracts. 10 OVERCOME DELAYS. iV the Ledslature iHvas thn rtlrfrtnr PMer discretion In these matters many tfthus delays can bo overcome. Tho olt would bo beneficial not only for i nercnanis rmt also for tho city, as Would save monev for thft dnftrtmnr. fed ifould enable tho expeditious han PI cf the dty'n business In that de- panaent" ilr, llaolaurhlln. llkn thn rnt nt lh set, juts himself on record as "thor "Puy la accord with tho policies set Ptt by Mayor-elect Smith." He be- JJJt tne now Mayor haB picked out a fcet that should nr-rnmntlnh irrpnt rj' la his opinion, the new directors Ptjiwlted In every way to work to- fSr tiro yearn lindAl trt rtrnt nA- Wrtratlon Mr, MacLaughlln was assist. awwr ot the Department of Sup ! H also was assistant director of Department nt Thihiii "nrntm ti.A. Keyburn administration, und l fnmii. X1U elty affairs. He Is a lawyer. vmuuiea irom tne university of i-7muua, ana was admitted to the H 1335. He haa been assistant Dark and assistant city solicitor. IT - 4 MtJM Manufacturer of ShlrU, Gowns, Pajamas. Etc. Importer of Uudexncar, Hosiery, Glovcn, Cravats JOSEPH S. MAC LAUGHLIN UPPER WISSAHICKON MAY NOT BE OPENED TO AUTOS Plan to Use tho Sugar Loaf Road to Obviate It It Is expected that at a meeting of tho Falrmount Park Commission lato this afternoon Theodore Justice will offer a resolution ratling for a survey and an estimate of the cost of opening Sugar Loaf road to obviate any necessity for the opening of Upper Wlssahlckon drlvo to automobile. The two roadways tra verse practically the samo section, and It Is said that the Sugar Loaf road would answer the purpose of automobiles In that Bectlon of the city. Tho question of opening the Upper Wls sahlckon drive, which has aroused so much adverse comment from persons and associations anxious to preserve tho nnt ural beauties of tho drivoway, can only bo raised through n discussion of tho pro tests received during tho month. Jesse Vodgcs, chief engineer of the Park, and tho" official Instructed to make a survey of tho drive, together with nn cstlmato of tho cost of tho change, has not completed his work, and If nny re port on tho subject is mado It will bo a tentative ono and not one that could be acted upon at this time. TILEFISH GAINS FAVOR Dealers in Seafood Roport Increas ing Popular Demand Tho tllcflsh ls becoming a popular fish In Philadelphia, according to tho testi mony of dealers In seafood In tho Read ing Terminal Market, who say they have hnd qulto a largo demand for tho fish of late. The tllellsh has been on sale In tho Reading Terminal Market for tho last month. The Commissioner of Fisheries at Washington has been boosting tho tllo flsh of late, and has been praising Its edible qualities. The tlleflsh ls known scientifically as the lopholatllua chamac leontlceps, but in order to buy some of tho meat It Is not necessary to know tho scientific name. Tho tllcflsh was thought to have been exterminated, and It ls only recently that the Commissioner of Fisheries has de termined that they had "come back" In sufficiently large numbers to be of com mercial value. - The Very Thing " A KODAK From HAWORTH'S Kodaks, $6 to $65 Brownies, $1 to $12 A Visit to Our Eton la Bur To Golve Borne of Your Gift Problems. Albums, Calendars, Projectors Picture Frames Electric Novelties HAWORTH'S EASTMAN KODAK CO. 1020 Chestnut Street Have An Extra Fins Enlargement Made From Your Farorlto Nesatlre. DIAMONDS SPECIAL DAKOAINS its, La Valllere, Diamonds. 30, Five-stone Diamond Ring. (00. Beautiful Diamond Princess Ring. 125, Pure White Diamond Ring, Hi-kt. Sl'jus. Large Pendant, 17 Pure White Diamonds. fSOO, Blue-White Diamond Ring. Numerous other articles cheap as the above. WM. LAYCOCK Room ti Transportation Bid., 13 S. 15th St. Mann & Dilks tf2 CHESTNUT ST. S Tyrol Wool (A knitted fabric) It's new is better than any other fabric at twice the price Men's Overcoats A a to we?ght, ' 13.50, 16.50, 18.50, 22,50 Rainproof Will not wrinkle A fabric that fits Mann & Dilks 112 CHESTNUT ST. WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT PHILADELPHIA? ASK E. J. GATTEL He Will Be Retained as City Statistician by Mnyor-elect Smith This Is E. J. Cattell's birthday annl- crsary. Nobody knows how old he Is excopt Mr. Cattcll himself, anil ho admits that he Isn't quite sure. In fact, nobody cares how old ho Is In years, because Cattell the man and the personality is so young that his tlmo on earth ls seldom re corded, . It may be necessary lo assume' that there are In Philadelphia a few Individ uals n hd have never heard or seen or read about htm. It Is, therefore, here explained that Edward James Cattcll Is city statistician. But that title Is so In adequate as to bo almost useless. Mr. Cattcll Is a statistician nnd some people believe ho Is ono of the best In the coun try, but he exercises many functions of ficially and otherwise, through which he Is known throughout Philadelphia and tho rest of the United States. Not the least Important Is hli record as ono of tho host amateur baseball players In Philadelphia. In the summer ho playB at loaat onco a week, and when ever a bushiest association needs n team that will nich a champion from another beloved but envied association Cattell Is elected an honornry member Tho next step Is to make him captain of the base ball team It has been Bald that Cattell haa played In games In which he has not mado n homo run, but If there wero such real Instances they have been proverbially few and far between. HAS SPOKISN AT 5000 BANQUETS The role In which he li moit widely known Is that of after-dinner speaker. In tho Inst 10 yeirs ho has spoken nt tOOO banquets In all parts of tho United States, England and Prance. As he was cutting His birthday cake at tho Bellovuc-Stratford Hotel today, ho remarked: "I have been making speeches over since I was a boy a hundred ears ago. I have even been known to talk In my sleep. Sometimes tho audiences have been tolerant and sometimes Indulgent, but In less charitable circle they have proven tho efllcacj of carrots for other than eating purposes by actual demon stration." The fact Is that Edward James Cattell ho refuses to be called Doctor Cattcll In spite of tho fact that at least a half do7en universities have given him tho right Is ono of tho most enthusiastically applauded orators In America. At moro than one banquet ho has been carried about on the shoulders of the diners, like a football hero after a Thanksgiving Day contest. To enumerate all of tho organizations that havo elected him honorary member after hearing 1dm speak would bo a usurpation of space Introducing Our Mev? Blucker Button Boot Selected Styles for Winter are now being displaced in our windows varied and unusually attractive models and many exclusive novelties. Among those of special Interest It this exquisite pattern rvhich may be had in black or four most fashionable colors. Black Glace Kid, $6.50 Bronze, Blue, Pearl or Battleship Grey,'' $7.50 Juadwiet Shoes and 1204-06-08 1 Put a smile in your I 'holiday buying! E It isnJt alone the tiresome rush and h H bustle of down-town: it's the saving of H time and trouble which makes the Bell Telephone the way to shop, You've a gift list daily newspapers and your telephone directory will give you stores and your Bell Telephone completes the circle for early and easybuying! H To-day and every day E Use the Bell BBBBBBF' HBJBPBfl jHsL ISRbbbbbbH BBBHBiHHSlBn BBBBDLlLIBBS BBJBJBflBJHBflBjBBBMSJBBHKiSSHPJBSIB .r- - ii li photo by OutcJtunst. "HOW OLD IS E. J 7" In tho news column that should bo do voted to tho European War. It may be sufficient to Bay that if you want lo know anything about Philadel phia that Is worth whllo knowing, you can consult Edward James Cattcll, In his ofllce on the second floor of City Hall, that If ou belong to a Sunday school, a commercial organization, havo ever nttcndrd commencement exercises or dedication ceremonies nnd don't know Edward James Cattell. your education li lacking ns much ns If ou wcro nover enrolled In a primary school Cattcll physically Is as much a marvel as Cattcll mentally HI ruddy faco and white beard would mnko him a graceful flguro In nny .ballroom or nt nnv ofllclal reception In Washington. Ho has nover declined nn Invitation to mako an ad dress lieemiso of ill health. Ho has never denied himself n single meal becauso of indigestion, and he has never failed to ent at least somo part of a dinner nt which he has been a speaker. Unllko many men of prominence, ho docs not attrlbuto his health to careful self-discipline Ho refuses to hold him- Hosiery Market St. nmmat wmWmMM BginHili! !o: I J I illfll llin I TTM U Bwfpfl bsBbsiH IbMP.9M II I I p I Ml WBIIII M J r M ill W --- iW fit wmt self up as a model for youth to follow, and admits that he Is a heavy smoker, that he sometimes smokes more than Is good for him, and that moro than onco he haa eaten mince pis before retiring. It ls so with his personality. It would be Impossible to desverlbe him thoroughly and definitely. Ho Is so versatile In his talents and has a nature that ls so variant and adaptable that to call him ono thing or characterize him in any ono way would be to misrepresent him. If he Y anything moro than another he Is Edward James Cattell, optimist extraor dinary. He will be retained as statistician by Mayor-elect Smith for the noxt four years. Mr, Smith made an announcement to that effect yeetorday, declaring that ho had "been an asset to tho Blanken burg administration and I want him to be an asset of mine." FINDS WIFE DEAD ON FLOOR Asthma Victim's Lifeless Body Dis covered in Gas-Fillod Bathroom Mrs. Minnie Sloan, for 15 years a suf ferer from asthma, was found dead on the floor of the bathroom of her home, !U6 North 11th street, early today Tho room was filled with gas when her hus band, John Sloan, a plumber, broke down tho door. They had been out walking last night, nnd Mrs. Sloan was In good spirits when thoy retired at 11 o'clock Mrs Sloan had said nothing about sut clilo, although in the psst she had often complained that tho suffering from her chronic Illness mado llfo Unbearable. At .1 o'clock this morning hor husband miss ed her and searched tho house. He no ticed tho odor of gas nnd suspected that It came from the bathroom Ills wlfo had been dead sovcral hours Six Strike Pickets Arrested Six persons stationed at tho Roienau Brothers' shir tw all t factory. Id street be low Market, as pickets during tho strike which haa been called at that plant, have been arrested accused of raising a dis turbance, nnd are held In ball for further hearing. Thej aro Mary Blltzensreln. Cecelia Rubenstcln, Elizabeth Rartoo. Clara Golden, Isaac Cardrich and Ben jamin Rubinstein Tho arrests wcro mado last night nnd preliminary hearings wero given tho prisoners at the night court. rV? rTfflvY n 7rc ir-yvT-jl Ix, . (T' f y.v-T- K I At- &&. t- -gar 1 ;raa fu'lAu JiiWWyiii, VV. . A aV ! T3ggj8l,iiiiLnmmincri--gW i mini iinm.WOTiwjnte H T .1 K m 11 ia llK'Ji&tiir'K jmmsr, .-"mi, ,,r'3lWnM Bl - The Gratifying Surprise That puts joi and sunshine and contentment in your home for ALL the family all the year is a PLAYER-PIAfJ It is the best Player-Piano for any home because of the following reasons developed in the most rigid tests and comparisons with other leading makes : It is easiest to pedal. Requires no effort. It has perfect, repetition with soft, or light, pedaling, giving same effects as when played with light touch by human fingers. It has perfect repetition, pedal expression or accent under heavy pressure. It has a new accenter, found only in the Lester Player Piano, by which you can bring out the full melody or accent ami note at will. It has an automatic tracking device, which insures perfect musical effect. Its patent selector enables the performer to select and play just that part of the music roll desired. The Lester "Pause" Button makes possible a full stop at any chord or note until resumption at same tempo, or time Its patent expression device enables the performer to imme diately produce the softest pianissimo, or the loudest crash or fortissimo. ' Its wonderful simplicity of design and thoroughness of construction make it trouble-proof. No experts are required. Compare the Lester Player-Piano yourself with all the leading makes and you will see that it is far superior to the others in every rjoint 1 , yet, with all its great superiority, it is as easy to own a Lester as one of the many inferior makes, because it is sold direct on EA 7V rniunr DENTIAL TERMS. No Jobbers' or agents' profits for you to pay No extras whatever. Free cartage, bench, scarf, 12 rolls of music and a year's tuning with every player, L music F. A. NORTH CO. 1306 Chestnut Stfeet All Stores KENSINGTON 3244 Kensington Ave. CAMDEN 820 Broadway TRENTON 209 East State St. V (4kKFSr NOW "BILLY" IS BACK! Bikod It to Railway, N. J. Rend the Talet Fourteen-year-old "Billy" Framley wanted to go to Now York. Not to eo Broadway this he stoutly denies but to visit friends. So, without saying anything; to his relatives, he left his home on Tas ker street above 7th. Ho hired a bloycle and was ferried over to Camden. That was Monday. Today he was brought to this city from Railway, New Jersey, which Is about IS miles from Newark nnd 20 miles' from New Tork. Ho faced Henry P. Richard son, superintendent of tho Houso of De tention, rnther shamefacedly. He de clared that he didn't caro a hang about seeing his friends In Ootham, and pleaded to bo allowed to remain forever at home. He said that ho "blked" from Camden to tlurllngton, from there to Trenton, and thence to Railway. When almost within sight of his goal ho was arrested by sus picious constables nt the last place. He slept at farmhouses the two nights he was on tho road He admitted that he had attempted to reach Now Tork once before, hut the first attempt wn by walk. Ing. He gave It up In disgust when ho reached Burlington and returned to Trenton. Centemeri Gloves Finest Quality French Kid, 16-Button, $3.50 There is nothini n girl appreciates more than a, pair of Long Gloves Centemeri for choice alwnys. Xmas selections will bo packed in an XMAS BOX FREE Delivered Anywhere Any Day Our Gloves Aro Always Exchangeable 1223 Chestnut Street LESTE U Open Evening Until Chrhlmai WEST PH1LA. 302 S, 52d St. READING WILKES-BARRE 170 South Main St. NORRISTOWN 22S West Main St. 15 North Sth St. SCRANTON 526 Spruce St. Will Organlre Arms Workers BCRANTON, Pit, Dec. 8. Announcing that ho came to this city solely to or ganize the machinists employed tn tha plants making munitions Charles Sehl, of Washington, arrived In town this morn Ing. None but tho men employed In tho six factories engaged In making war supplies aro to bo visited according to Sehl, who declares that he simply wants to strengthen the union. Dollar Scarfs for Xmas Gifts Thousands of new, rich, heavy, beautiful silks at this popular nrlce. A tremendous stock of special Christmas neckwear. REEfor" 1114 Chestnut St. 11 S. 15lli St. 1119-21 Market Si M fl 1 SA X NORTH T o jf COMIMNY wJ ? s W S-i? S 30a ClitUt J J X St.. I'Ulla, 2 I . jr Please send me a I r complete description 5i j of your Lester Player- J & fiano. also details or f jr ? f easy-payment plan, without V SJT A interest or extras. 1 f Cr Jr Namt ,. .,.... , 1 s.? s u v jf .Idtlrcti .......... . E. P 128 I 'J ffl -1 '1. r-i ; el hi 1 A IT et oil Hit Ini AS M KU.) I OR &A 1 t' tit JUT tl i) 'el t ' a. ll v ITI 4 v Jf : tra w 1 x5 "!WJ 3 Mil rt HI 9'i. M " Mt 15- nt I" - fli,l tMWsdfrkmBa&ii,