ri.w-fi-fr&&r-yaFer Wl ? EVENING T,EnaER--PHILAt)ELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, IQlfr Ml4l Mi fJAEFNEira FAMILY LIFE SPURS HIM TO WORK 4 FOR A BETTER CITY MRted to Be Next Chairman of Councils' Finance Committee, He's an "Humble Councilman" I. If t tkBOY SCOUTS OFFER TO SEARCH FOR CHILD I Continued from Iiice One from Station D, located at ISth and Chris tian streets. Every detective nsslcncd to llnd tho Meeklns boy feels patlHlled today that tho kidnapper la besinnltic to show sluns of weakening. The police expressed tho opinion today that It wouldn't surprise them at nil If the writer of yesterday's letter would ultimately surrender himself to the authorltleu or desert the boy In some part of the city when he realizes that his capture Is rapidly becoming In evitable. Though the police refused to name the Bian whom they suspect of kidnapping the Meelclns boy, and nlso of being the author of yesterday's missive. It was learned that since last evening their sus picions have been turned townrd a cer tain person whoso hnndwrltlng Is being cpmpared today with that of yesterday's Bote. EXPECT SECOND LETTER. .Another letter from the same source will reach the Meeklns family, the de tectives believe. The writer of yester day's letter, which was written on the back of an advertisement torn from an evening newspaper, promised that he would write again. Mrs. Annie Jleeklns. mother of the missing boy, and other relatives today jttre patiently awaiting the arrival of the i postman. Detectives were also at the : house waiting for the letter carrier to r arrive. Director of Public Safety Drlpps today Mid that his department was doing everything possible In the way of restor fisi? the boy to his mother. He said that I ha was taking a personal Interest In the I cue. Since the receipt of yesterday's tetter, Director Drlpps has Issued Instruc tions to his secretary that he be notified I at ence by telephone of new developments I in the event he Is ubsent from his ofllce. "There have been several cases of mlss- tnff children In this city, some of whom have been abducted for spite," said Di rector Drlpps. "The severest penalty Mould oa meiea out 10 any person una kidnaps any child. The Detective Bu reau has been Instructed to assign the Vest men on the Meeklns case, X feel cer tain that something will develop which fwlll lead to the recovery of the boy. Most ( tne ueiccuvca uuu puut-cuicii wuu am arching tor Richard Meeklns and his tductor are fathers, and they are work- ' bar with great zeal." MOTHER MAKES APPEAL. -.The mother of the boy requested that i&e newspapers publish her appeal to the I kidnappers of her child and which she f-ennel herself. The appeal, wnicn Is aa- i Aressed 'To the kidnappers of my little y" and signed by Mrs. Meeklns, reads u follows; Ever since my little Richard was taken away I have been crying. I Hurrah! The buttons for Farmer titjUth's Rainbow Club will here tomorrow. Join rtw1 Peek at Page 19. FARMER SMITH, . . The Children's Editor. Evening psdgr. NOT TALKING MUCH NOW 'His amlly life will cnu.o Joncph P. ffultnev. who hns been elated to succeed Edohn P. Connelly as chairman of the . rinoncn nommlltM-. the most powerful f- fcody In Councils, to work for the Im provement of Philadelphia on a compre Msntlvti scale. ' "I have a wife nnd five children," said Mr. rlftfrnv Indnv. "and for that reason L twill do whatever I can to make 1'hlla- , 4elphla a better place tor tnem to live in. .tnunnnFB that Is a selfish reason, but yt 41 a,t ivhv nv.rr nnp wants to Vetter conditions In his homo city." Mr. uarrney insisieu iwu up i "' "humble Councilman." notwithstanding I the fact that thp Organization lenders liavo decided to place him at the hend or the Finance Committee, and he declined to give his views on the Important mat ters that will come before the Finance Committee In tho next two years. "There's many n Blip 'twlxt the cup ; and tho lip," ho remarked. SILENT JUST NOW. $ Jftln that "the wind won't change," nnd I that Charles F Iielley, common uotm- ; cllman from the l"th Wnrd, who was the McNIohol candidate for chairman, may vet be appointed, insisted that until 'it after ho had been appointed he would I. ba. Jla.H.. .I.n ln..n n .. t 111.11.., llA S 1IUI UI9CUEB lllf IIIIUIIKV Ul'lii'io "u would have to pass upon as finance . chairman. "If I nm appointed chairman of the i Finance Committee I will be Kind to i stale my views on any matter that comes j ( beforo tho, Flnarice Committee," ho said. ',' "It I cannot express my own opinion, I jWlll at least say why. At present, I am only a numoie uounuiimun, iwni iny iu ;as a humble Councilman arc not not wanted," Mr. Oaffney. however, said that whether 5he "remains a humble C' 11 " fit r i becomes chairman of the Finance Com- E mlttce" he will give the new Mayor nil tho support he can In his program for the development of Philadelphia. THE TRANSIT PHOIILKM. Concerning transit, which Is tho most important matter that will come beforo the FInnnce Committee under tho next administration, Mr. Oaffney had this to say: 'I have lived In South Philadelphia In the 28th Wnrd all of my life, and the South Broad street subway Is going to work wonders for that section. The same is truo of other sections of the city, I suppose." Mr. dafTney's opinion of the Job of chairman of tho Finance Committee In tho next two jeara Is this' "It's enough to paratzp n man. "With JM.000,000 to spend for great public Improvements, every one will bo watching how It Is spent Mr. Smith has outlined n program of improvements that will benefit the entire city. The Finance Committee, however, will have to bear the real burden of expending this vast sum." Joseph I. Onrtney Is a young man ho Is only 35 vears old and Is a member of one. of the most noted law firms In Phila delphia, that of Drown, Simpson & Wil liams. He has been associated with Francis Shunk Brown during most of tho time he has practiced law, and that may bo a reason why he was selected as the Vare candidate for chairman of tho Finance Committee. wish I could tell you Just how I feel If you are a mother or a papa I guess you can Imagine how I nm suffering. Little Rtchnrd love his mnmma, I know he does because every night be foro he went to bed he wou'd sit In my lap and tell me that ho loves his mamma. If you don't believe me Just nsk Richard about It. My nerves are all unstrung. I feet that I can't live much longer without my little Richard. Unleis Richard Is returned to me I will die, nnd that means Richard won't have a mamma. Ask Richard If he wants his mamma to llvo nnd he will tell you that he doesn't want her to die. Treat my little boy like ou would tike others to treat your little boy or girl. Should you be n kind person I wish you would kiss Richard for me. Tell him nlso that his mamma sent him the kisser t feet sure that some day you will return him to me. When Richard ns-ks for me tell him that I am nway buying him Christmas pres ents. Won't you brighten the heart of n little lad by returning him safely to his distracted mother? Please take care of Richard, as the weather Is cold nnd his lungs tiro not strong. I wonder whether you nro n mother or father? If you are, I feel sure you will grant my dying wish. (Signed) MRS. ANNIE MKEKINS. Mflrslir-fl and meadows In the southwest em part of West Philadelphia were ngnln searched today by a squad of policemen working under the direction of Police Lieutenant Mnrple. The searchers went over acres of ground In the vicinity of 79th street and Elmwood avenue. This search was Instituted by tho police nt the rcciticpt of the mother, who. although she Is sure ner boy wns kidnapped, resperts the opinion of those who think her son mny liavo wandered to that section nnd polished after meeting with an accident. For n little while the pollco thought to day that they had found the Meeklns loy. A clairvoyant told the police that the buy wns nllvn and could be found underneath a bed nt G.H Tnsker street. Lieutenant M.irplc telephoned ti tho po lire of the Mojamenslng avenue nnd Ulcklnson street station, and sovcinl po llccmen were sent to that address. At the Tuskpr street address the police found a llttlo boy who boro a htrlklng resem blance to the Meeklns boy. Shortly after ward other clues began to leaci tho po lice from clairvoyants. VAKE JIAV (iKT TRANSIT WOKK Lowest Bidder to Construct Frank ford Elevated Foundation From Unity to Dyre Street Senator Edwin II. Vnro probably will win In his llrst effort to obtain transit construction work, ns his estimate of 517,700 for foundations for the Frnnkfonl elevated, from Unity to Dyro street, wns the lowest received by the Department of City Transit. The contrnct will bo granted after the Public Service Com mission grants a certificate of public convenience. Senator Vare refused to bid on tho sub way and earlier Frnnkford vlevntcd con tlncts last foil, and his action wna attri buted to an unwillingness to embarrass his brother. Congressman William S. Vare. In tho event of his election ns Mayor. Tho hearing for u certificate will be held on Momlaj, but this Is ex pected to be nothing more than a for mality. The firms bidding and tho amounts of their estimates follow: 1JI.1. Danli-1 J. I.Mich. 4W7 Mantua live. . fl'il, 400.00 1Mb In II. Vnrp, Lincoln UlclK 17.70o.00 !"r.ink Nardy & Urn., 11CS riunatir. 30,415.00 James F. fx-ury Construction Co., 311 'Mtlcr Hid., Itociirster. N. Y. ... 10,100.00 Hlrh.-ra Walsh . Sons, Inc., BOSS Ta- conv axe 33,300.00 Carl n. Cunip, ."riwrr BMg S.1.S11.0Q ItnLut Loinlnr.ll. 1.00 I.lnt'oln nidi;,. 7,000.00 Wllllnm A. Miuul'. 2-"-3n 8. Alder. 31.530 00 Peoples llrothcrs, inc., 237 Commer cial Trust lildk- 11,4II0.C0 riillaJolplil.. I'nuiiB Co, l.l in Arch. S7,S7.".G3 rrriiirli-K T. Ilucklua, Jr., 40.'0 Kcn- MlnKtun ac 5S,S.'5.0O James U. Dorncv. 11XU B. Moiitcoin. cry ave 20.000.00 LOVED HIM AND "LICKED" HIM Wife Says She Also Pushed Husband's Head Through Glass NHWARK, N. J., Dec. 8 Lovo caused Slrn. Helen Bennett Marsh, New York woman lawyer, to push her husband's head through a glass partition while vowing eternal devotion, and helped her slap his face in the midst of writing a sonnet to him. This was Mrs. Marsh's testimony In the hearing of her suit for divorce from James 11. Marsh. She explained that she both loved and hated Marsh and read aloud a poem she had written to him. Canadian Government Rup Stolen The theft of a rug valued at 2j from the office of the Canadian Government, at 1337 Walnut street, was reported to tho pollco today. The robbery occurred last night, when the thieves gained ad mittance to the office by forcing a glass In the door. The Gift for All Cunningham- M ade PL A YER PIANO H50 TERMS: S2.00 WEEKLY A Piano that is worthy of the recipient as well as the giver. Made in our own factory right here in Philada., and sold to the home direct. 25 to 30c0 U what you save when purchasing any Cunningham Piano. &2 1kNO 11th and Chestnut SU. MAIL THIS COPfrON Plcai null art catalog and full In formation of your factory. to-hem plaa of kcUlnc NAME CITY ATTACKS HIGH LAND APPRAISAL OF ELECTRIC COMPANY Item of $2,35G,400 for Unused Property Held Regarded as an Exorbitant Valuation DEFENDED BY ENGINEER The Incorporation of n land Item of f2,3.V!,40O In the $31,562,015 appraisal of the phvslnl valuation of tho Philadelphia Kleetric Company was attached at today s session of the hearing before the Public Service Commission of charges by Di rector Coolie, of the Deportment of Public Works, ngalnst tho alleged cx cesslvo rates and Inadequate service of the company. Tho Just valuation of the land was not questioned, but tho Item wan nttacked because It contained tho valuation of vucntit, unused plots of ground not In tended for Immediate use, which the Director maintains does not yield revenue nnd therefore should not bo Included. The ltm, which docs not Include tho valuation of buildings, placed nt t2,S67,X), was dofended by William C. Ij. Uglln, sec ond vice president and chief engineer, who has been connected with tho com pany since It wns organized In 1683. Ho wns tho first company witness called for direct examination by Ralph J. Haker, Jr., of tho company's counsel. Frank II. .Mnssey. n real estate denier, of 13th and Oreen streets, who mndo the estimate of the land vnluc, was tho second witness called. Joseph II, McCall. president of tho com pany, will bo called to tako the stand tod.iv, It Is expected. Tho Importnnco or acquiring land far In atlvnnco of the tlmo when It will be utilized wns emphasized by Mr. Kglln, who pointed out the site at Beach nnd Palmer streets, on the Delaware Illvcr, as an exnmple. This site was purchased by tho company after having surrendered its option at the urgent icqueat of tho city. "This site is very desirable because It fits two prime needs of a power plant, nn available coal and water supply," ho said. "The plant which we contemplate erecting thcie. skeleton plans for which nro ready, will be a 2:3,0W-horBepowcr station. Wo will save 3W,0OT by build ing It there In prefcrenco to other sites only half a mile away. It Is Intended to supply electric power to the northeast manufacturing district." How necessary It Ib for a power com pany such ns the Philadelphia Klcctrlc Company to plan ahead In obtaining sites safe from fire menace, wns Illustrated by Mr. Kglln, who said that his company furnishes light or power for nil trolley lines in tho city, nil telegraph and tele phone s stems, and most of tho amuse ments, elevators, newspnper plants and street lamps. Stations At and AI, on the Schuylkill water front, nt the foot of Christian street, which are equipped with n conduit 10 feet I Inches In diameter, use ns much water per minute as the entire water system of tho city per min ute, he testified. BOY OP 14 SAVES FAMILY Rushes to Summon Firemen, Returns and Assists Mother and Sisters From House A H-year-old boy, the oldest of a. fam ily of nine children, awakened rrom his sleep nt i o'clock this morning nnd dis covered that the house was on Mre. Ho ran nvo squares to summon firemen and then returned to assist his mother, brothers and, slaters to escape from the house by climbing down n shed In tho rear. The boy Is Thomas Doblosky, of 10 League street. Asleep on tho third floor, he wns aroused by the odor of smoke. He quickly slipped on some clothing nnd ran to Water nnd League Btreets, where tho station of Engine Company 46 Is sit uated. Thcro he gave the alarm, but learned that meanwhile some one had summoned Knglnc Company No. 3, from Queen street below Sd, He rushed back to the house nnd dashed Into tho smokc-niled structure. His mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Doblosky, a 1-ycar-old baby, and his four sisters were asleep on this floor. Ho guided them to the rear and helped them out on tho roof of n one-story shed In tho back of the house. There neighbors and firemen assisted tho members of the family to the ground. Firemen extinguished the blazo with out great loss. varestandsputs state's congressmen Phila. Representative Deter mined to Get E. R. Kiess on Congressional Committee WASHINGTON, Dec. S.-Hcprcscntntlvo William S. Vnre. of Philadelphia. Is start ing out early In an attempt to assume at least a partial leadership of tho Pennsyl vania Itcpubllcnn delegation In Congress, nnd his first move In this direction Is to ho found In tho canvass ho Is making to have Hdgar II. Kless, n stanch Hrumbnugh booster from the Wlllamsport district, plnced on tho Republican Congrcslonal Committee. Mr. Vare, however. Is meet ing with some unexpected oposltlon In tho person of Mahlon M. Garland, Congress-man-at-lJirgc, a Penrose adherent, who 13 grooming Representative Charles It. Row hind, of Phllllpsburg. for tho place The Pennslvanla Republican delega tion Is divided on this question and It Is difficult to predict tho outcome, although Mr. Vnro asserts that Kless will bo an easy winner should thero be it light. On the other hand, Mr. Garland luus been very active In behalf of Rcpresntntlvo Rowland nnd ho nays his caudldato for the committee will win. Both tho Philadelphia nnd tho Pitts burgh delegations aro split on tho ques tion, although severnl of tho members have taken no definite stand as yet. The same division of opinion is noticeable among tho other members. Severn! mem bers who aro very friendly to Senntor Penrose declare that the action of Rep resentative Vare In fostering tho Klesa candidacy Is merely reflecting the wishes of Governor Brumbaugh, nnd they resent It, because they declare tho Governor should not Intcrfero In n purely Con gressional matter. PHILADELPHIA Pearl Merchants Pearl Necklaces Necklace Pearls Choice OAK or MAHOGANY "Clear-Vision" Places This Book Case in Your Home Balance on Eaty Termt, Liberal Diicount for Caih, "The Beautiful New Way" M acey Thy do not look Sectional, but they are T uscan Book Cases Lafferty-Mace Co., 811 ArcK St. OFFICE APPLIANCES LIBRARY FURNITURE BUSINESS SYSTEMS PRIOSCAFIAFFONDATI AL LARGO DI DURAZZO DA NAVI AUSTRIACHE La Spedizione Italiana Per la Serbia E in Viaggio I Va- pori Sbai-cavano Muni- zioni pei Serbi SUCCESS! S U L CARSO ROMA, $ nlcembre. Irrl sera II Minister dclla Guerra pub bllcava un comunlcato ufTlclalo net quale si onnunclava die gll Itallanl avevano preso ngll austrlacl una nuantlta dl mu nlzlonl sul Cnrso. Ecco II leslo del comu nlcato: . ., "VI sono state Intense nzlonl dl aril gllerl.i da nmbe lo parti lerl, speclalmcnte nella vallo Gludlcarla e nella Val Concia e sul fronte dclla Cnrnla. "In scgullo nH'attlvlta' della nostra fanterla sul Cnrso nol nbblamo potuto lm padronlrcl dl una grnnde nuantlta' ill uw ulzlonl o dl nltro materlnlo da guerra, compresl furlll o granale a mnno." OI.I ITALIAN! VHIISO LA SERBIA. I'll ti'legratnma da Londia dlco cho dispaccl gluntl cola' da Vienna an nunclano cho la spedizione Itnllnna In nluto delta. Serbia c' gla In vlngglo. Infattl un comunlcato ufTlclalo nustrlaco aimuuda cho cinque plroscafl carlchl ill munlzionl dcstlnato nl scrbl sono stall affnndatl sullo costa nlbant-ae mi domcnlca scorsa. Sebbeno II comunlcato nuslrluco non speciflchl la nnzlonnllia' del plroscall nffondntl, h' rltlono cho essl uon possono rim pssne Itallanl, nncho perchc' si an nuiiclnva plu' tardl n Vienna cho un plrosrnfo nrmato Itnllano era stato nf fondnto, montm si dlrlceva ilnlla costa Itiillana a quella dl Uurnxsn, da una squadrlglla dl slluranll austrlnchc. Iai comunli'nll nlllclnll nustrlacl rlsulln dunqup elie la piomessn fntta du Sonnluo di mnndaio nlutl nlla Serbia si material Izza, r- do' vliie n costltulro un nuovo linpnrtantlsslnio elcmento nella sltuazlone baicniilcn. 1 PlltOSCWrt AITONDATI. 11 comunlcato ufllclalo austrlaco dlco rho I'liicrou'iatoio No vara nccoinpagnnto d.i parccchle sllurnnti nffando' al largo dl San QloMinnl dl Medua II ." corrente tin grnndl e due pltcoll vaporl o pnrccchlo bardie a vela mentro scarlca vano munlzionl da guerra. L'no del plroscall snlto' In aria. La siiuadrlgll.i nustrlaca fit bombardata vlolentcment da terra, da una vcntlna dt cannonl, ma scnz.a Doet your ptrl know the tatlc of Chocolates $1.00 per box Solil at oit fourteen hundred retail Blorcs. iiuxiiv.s niocoi, txz co. 310 Market M. GAS APPLIANCES For Mechanical Purpose! SC.VD FOR CA.TA.LOO L. D. BERGER CO., 59 N. 2d Street Bell Market H. KevitonrUatn oti. LjJS itiiHi. $10 1 1, Willi tbf Ulilil erlei. ciz rosntr oiiior uui " imiuwi iihi- SUOO KOKSE OVER-SHOE. Guannlced la -i Lk JI.a II nMmtinlfnM AUStrtftCO. II comunlcato dice pdro cho II No vembre le ellurantl nustrlacho onJ",lJ un vnporo itallano nrmftto dl tro cannonl o con carlco completo, mentro navlgava dft Brlndlsl ft Durnzzo, cd un sottomarlno frnnccse, II Frcsnel Che em stato vnrato ncl 1909. ANCI1E UN VAPORE AMERICANO. Glunge notlzla cho un plroscnfo amorU cano, II Communlpaw, cho era catlco ul petrollo, o" stato nffondato aulla costa della Libia, al largo dl Tobruk, da un sottomarlno la cul nazlonallta' non e ben stftbllltn. Alunl piroscatl greel cd Itallanl die accorscro nl segnalll dl aluto del Communlpaw non trovarono traccia dell'cqulpagglo. It plroscafo nffondato porlava un equlpagglo dl J3 tiomlnl e cinque ufllclall amerlcanl, ed era coman dato dal capltano Nordsttom. II plroscnfo era dlretto nd Alessandria. Appartonova nlla Standord Oil Company. LO STATO EB II. VATICANO. Le parole pronunclato nl Conclstoro dal papa lianno a-uto un'cco nella Camera del Deputatl. Ola' l'asserzlono cho g1I lnvlatl teutonic! prcsso it Vntlcano nve vano douto lasclaro Romn per proteggcro la loro dtgnata' lm sollevato In Ilnlla tin Intercsso plu' grnnde quasi dl qucllo tlolln guerra, tanto cite l'lilea Nazionntc rnc cogllo oggl In voce die II segretorlo ill Htnto pontlHelo, cardlnalc Gnsparrl. sta pensando dl dlmcttersl pcrctm' non np prova plenamento lo, parole del papa. La xoco c' sniPtilltn ncl rlrroll vnll cnnl, nut le discusslonl sono vlvndsslino. Nella sedtitn ill marledi' nlla t'amorn Ton. Lombntdo picsento' tiii'lntermgn zlono per sapere dnl mlnlstro Orlando elm cosa II governo pensasse dello parole del papa cho "sono rontiHrle ngll lnlir cssl dell'Itnlla." II mlnlstro risposn die 11 goveino non nvevn nulla da iigglungrre nlt'lnterpretnzlone cho dnl IStO si era ilnln nlla legge tlello guarpnllRle. dlchlnrnndo niiclie encrRl cntiiPiitc che gll lnvlatl fp desco cd austrlaco presso II Vntlcnno avevano Insdato Roma dl loro spontn ncn volontn'. "Rllengo sin una gloria ilnl'ttnlln nggliinsc II mllil.slto ill Grnzln o Glustlzia che II ponteflec romnno nbbln poputo gnileip In Roma In plu' Inrga llbrrtn ed liidlpcnilrtira. Clo' c' inostrnto dnl fntfn die si r' nppeiin tcnuto un con-riair-tn n nil ban piirtnclpitto carillunll dl ognl prolenzn bclllgcrante." Shipyard to Go Under the Ilammtt The real estate and machinery or u John II. Dialogue nnd Sons' shipyard t Knlghn Point. Camden, will b eoij M auotlon today by Samuel T. Kreem&n f,j Company. Tho sale will begin at u o'clock and will bo continued tomorttw at 10 o'clock. The company -ntnt InU bankruptcy more than a year ago ,.J the sale Is to bo made on the ordr Henry F. Stockwell, trustea In bnv ruptcy. H. G. WELLS' NEW NOVEL The Research Magnificent "As a conscientious study of character and as a novel of distinct interest with a powerful appeal to the intellect, 'The Re search Magnificent' de serves well of that section of the public that thinks while it reads." N. Y. Herald. Fifth Edition Now Ready. ....... .lla.t.B on !. Birll.l -n .... eld itios lit a chute. S!tli Sit 4 then, iMpgid fi my out C.O.D. Jl 50. Ktra.nHft.Cl.l420ri.H.Wlih!irlea)n,C J Good Etchings never go out of style but endure "down the centuries." The Etchings of Rembrandt will always be cherished. We have some excellent examples of newer masters Fitton, Cameron, Affleck, Syngc, etc., that we have marked at moderate prices. $12.00 to $75.00. Ask to see the Etching portfolios. The Rosenbach Galleries 1320 Walnut Street Christmas Cards and Calendars. r v-v. v -Mi - m HEPPE The genuine Pianola M5 The Weber Pianola Grand Pian on talc at tleppc'a exclusively the instrument that is always chosen when quality is the ONLY consideration Despite every statement to the contrary, it is a well-established fact that the genuine Pianola, of all player-pianos, has always been chosen when quality alone has been con sidered. Every great European court has honored the Pianola. The world's greatest musicians use it and heartily recommend it. And in America Dracticallv everv nrominent citizen is a patron of these great Aeolian-made instruments. And in spite of this undeniable suprem acy of the Pianola may be secured in Phila delphia at a price no greater than that asked for "imitations." The Aeolian Family of the player-piano world is on sale at Heppe's and includes Pianolas $550 to 4100 Steinway Pianola(grand)$2100 Weber Pianola (grand) . 1800 Steinway Pianola .,,... 1150 Weber Pianola , .$1000 Wheelock Pianola 750 Stroud Pianola ....... 550 Francesca-Heppe Player-Pianos , . , , $450 Aeolian Player-Pianos ,....,.,. $395 Write for complete illustrated catalogs. C. J. HEPPE & SON 11174119 CHESTNUT STREET. SIXTH AND THOMPSON STREETS. ADDKESj Ky. Leaser. a jeasaai; iBti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers