lfrkgm H g.-MfOBP gm r i-f"'S'"-'rfi P-'i'iUPiiiMB OMifJ" Evening ledger phiIjAPElphia Wednesday, deoembeb s, 1915, : i 15 FINANCIAL NEWS OUTSIDE PUBLIC NOT HEAVILY REPRUaJlilNTJJJlJ 1JN STUUlt DJUAblJNGS I Large Amount of Shares Taken for Gash Midvale Steel Jijpisoae a riu,er uisappoinc ment Silver Strong " NEW YORK, Dec. 8. nlnna on the Stock Exchange nro still belnff carried on by the profes- ." . t fhUnnl nliiMAnt. tVin nntaldA mildln nn( hrttniy honvllv rntirA. ''""led In the tlenllnBa, except In nn Investment way. The nmount of stock r ht for cash each day is very large. At tno start or. trauinB touay tnerc U8ft continuation of the selling movement which began late yesterday, and tV.15 . .11 ..I...... Via il.A timl l,la nna fnttiAV dlanrtnnlntlnfr in ttin 'HeS were on nil uiuh ; "- " .i.k- . t as It had appeared that the main upward movement was to bo resumed, Bat being a trndlng market, the reaction was entirely logical, both as to the fllUQ .i..t ntttitlst ilnitittttfirtt Via a Vntrt an Hinrrtito-li Itf ttrnll titinwn probably no irapuiuun i'"" u-"" "-" "" -" "- . iu. afreet In advance as was the President's message. People who bought '" . 8 m lne inttcr part of last week let them go yesterday, and the small specu f 7.. im sold out at the low prices last week eagerly rushed In and took them iwk when the trend appeared to them to bo upward. pa , ..H uinol in tnnkn n now hloh mark throtish thn 88 lino tirob. Tne iniiuic- i .-- - --- "-- blv had more to do with unsettling sentiment than any other ono factor, creel has made a tremendous "line" at the present lovcl. On November 1 list the stock first sold at 88-li. It has been In these latitudes ever since, cross- iBnir 88 Oil two uwiui ""'"'""" "" " - - - -- ' ail t .t... ...... 1n.ini ...1,11.. ntliArlni. a t ,a, rrt 1, ?tf nnntlin hjlldUlng US POSUIOH "1 U IJIfOCIII. ,tici . ...... v., ,(, o.. V...P,... ,.. w...... upward spring. Consequently, every time It crossed 88 the assumption was ir 'xjt ln6 pnmbllng was more substantial. Therefore, when the stock "went V- through 88 yesterday the Street at once jumped to the conclusion that the long-heralded move through 80 was under way. '''' Disappointment was correspondingly keon when very heavy selling forced !? (hc prjcc back. As noon ns it was obvious that tho stock was hesitating at 88W t'10 whole trndlng element Immediately took tho short side again, and v ii selling became general for both accounts. While tho failure of Steel 'J&P , get through Its old line may have a largo scntlmenal Importance with the trading element tne way it nas maintained iiseir. in mis icvei, rrom tno broad point of view cannot be regarded as otherwise than extraordinary. As a bull argument, the fact that tho corporation will offer stock to Its employes after Its usunl fashion next Jnnunry should offset any unfavorable considera tions, it Is the custom of tho corporation to permit Us employes to sub scribe to the stock at a tillght reduction from he currcn market price. If the corporation does so now it will suggest a belief on tho part of the man agement In the pcrmnnoncy of tho factors responsible for tho present price level. Ontario Silver, Untopllns Mining and several other small fUocks which have been knocking about the Street for years have developed a very strong market In response to tho tIbo In silver. This rise In silver metal Is appearing due .to something moro than mere lnllatlonnry Influences. Tho prospects for a more extensive use of silver In tho currencies of continental Europe from now on appear to bo well based. Somo authorities say that It will bo a generation before continental Europe gets back on, tho gold baslB obtaining before the war. 'The market becamo strong and active In the afternoon session, with sharp gains In many Issues. General Motors, which had lost seven points In tho morn ing, regained the lass and 19 points more, hitting a new high mnrk. Stude baker also became strong, gaining 10 points, while many other Issues scored good advances. The great rlso In General Motors possesses an academic Interest for jt, tho speculative community generally. But actual Interest In It Is, of course, small. R.1....... I.nn V.AA. . n f..nl. lYiaftfAl allied ft .1 AAn Im Tl.llil.ltitn. Dln.1 H y AlltriU IIUJI UTJVII liw . .;... ..,.. nwb nun un awn 111 UV WIIUllC'lll OtWl HIS soon as the stock began to appeal to the public imagination. The peoplo who Sc" have been buying in these levels are peoplo who know what they art doing. L Rumors of deals of various kinds, such aa nn absorption of the Chovrolct, I lmvn Impn flnnlnl In resrionsiblc nuarters. It is Intimated, hnwnvnr thni onmn kind of a readjustment of tho capital so that it shall be moro in proportion to tho earnings Is in contemplation. Tho market finished the day strong. New York Stock Sales lH close. Hlh. Ijw. Closfc Alaska Jnnenn 10!i KM 10 10 AlMk Oold M 23U 21 23 23 AlUi-Cfulmcri Mf.... 32H S3H 3l!( 32H Allls-Chalm Mfc pf... 82 82U 81?i 82! Am Ae Chemical,...., 72K 72 72 72 Am Beet Sugar 7U 72 70W 2 AmCan 01! 61!. f0! 01H AmCanpf,.., 112J4 112 112 112 Am Car & Foundry..., 82 81Jf SOX 81! Am Coal Product! US 160 147J1 149! Am Express 128!f 128 123 128 Am Hide A Leather.... 11 11 10) 10!f Am Hide A h pf..... B2H 62 61H 62 Am Ice Securities 20H 2(M 2051 20M Am Locomotlre 7n 7nl 68' 70)4 Am Icomotlre pf 102H 102H 102) 102M Am Smelt & Kef 09 09 OSVi 09W Am EmaltcrsrfA 00 00 00 90 Am Steel Foundries... 01 03H S2H 03M Am Ruear Itef U7M 118 117X 117H Am Tel A Tel 128X 129X 128 12SJ4 AmTobpfnew 108U 109 100 109. Am Woolen tr r 60 nOU 40M 40)f Am Woolen pf tr r. ... 07$ 08 OS OS Anaconda Copper. 87? 87H 80H 87H Assets Ilcallratlon 10 10 10 10 Associated Oil 00 60 00 00 AkhTASF 107 107 100 107 Alch T A S F pf tom 10W 101H 101K Atlantic Coast Lino.... 115H 115 11B 115 Haldwtn Loco 110U I17)f 114U 110 llaldnln Loco pf 112 112 112 112 Iialttmore A Ohio Bllf 04)1 03'f 3t Ilalllmore A O pf 77J 771j 77 77.lt Dank of Commerce.... 177)5 178 170 178 Itatopllas Mining..;... 2J 2SX 2l 2M Hethlehcm Steel 470 4S0 408)4 4 69H licmichem Steel pf. ... 1G0J4 100 160 100 Brooklyn Kap Tr mH 'JO'f urown Shoopr VSH llrunslck Tetm 13H Burns Brothers 81 Butto A Superior 721S Cal rctrolcum 27J" wai retroicum pr 07 08 14 81 72 27! i 67 89J 03 13U 81 711i 27! i 67 Canadian faclne 18,'llj 183)4 18.' 00)4 ..111) . 63)4 .. 25)4 . t,lH . 164 . SOU 04 H WHEAT LOWER; LONGS SELLERS Many Private Reports Indi cated Winter Area Was Much Smaller CHICAGO, Dec. 8. Wheat surTored a further eetback today, with sentiment nervous and price changes erratic. The volume of business was far less than that of yesterday. There was selling by who missed tho bis bulge on Tuesday and who took cognlznnco of tho absence of a demand from abroad.. Thcro were many private reports pub lished, Indicating that the area seeded to wheat this fall was much loss than that of last year. There were rallies at times, scattered buying .by commission houses and outsldo Investment orders putting prices above yesterday's. December sell ing at 11.17! and Mny at H.lSi, but from this level tho market weakened again, finishing at ILli for December, against 11.16H at the end yesterday, and atSl.lGTi for May, compared with J1.17S, yester day's final price. Todays' low points were Jl.HVi for De cember and Jl.167 for May. Tho Ohio report for December made the condition of wheat 86, against 97 last December and 1.03 last July. Reports from tho north weit said that country offerings were larger than for somo time, , and a dis patch from Winnipeg stated that stocks In Interior elevatorB were 41.0C3.HO bushols. The Price Current report was bullish. It put the area of winter wheat around 35,000,000 acres, a Iobs of 15 per cent, from that of last year. Tho greatest decrease la In the soft winter wheat States, where It averages 25 per cent. The market at Liverpool was affected by the setback hero and favorable reporta from Areontlna, which caused pressure. Spot declined 1 to Hid. and Manitoba's Ed to Is. British Interests took a more hopeful view of tho supply situation, fol lowing Armour's figures on tho quantity of mlllable wheat In tho United States. Liidlng futures ranted as follows Noon. wntat- Open. pmter i.iau May 1.11 torn mew ceuteryj pweraber uay ., 0ti December May lrd l)cmber Jmiry Hay .;.....,. Dmbr ..... "nary May ,,, Perk PMimber HurVLi:.:::: Bid. tAiked. 43 43 lllxh. 1.1TW 1.18$' ISO! 43; 48H Ytafd'a Low. cioae. l.ltl 1.17 ... D.D2 ...10.20 10.00 10.30 1.1a?; I.IT',1 ess 172)1 o.eo 0.82 10.20 U0.13 8ft 43 45 0.02 ...10.07 '10.12 . . .10.30 10.33 10.0T 10.30 10.03 10.02 10.2S ..MUM . .,18.0.1 ...1S.T2 17.13 18.03 '18.82 18.05 U6.00 18.80 18.37 18.72 '18.60 New York Bond Sales I2O0O Ada ma Hxprcti 4a. :iO0O Arnor Agr dob C. , huw Am ICO um. High. Low. CIoko. ..82 82 82 .. IMI'4 liilti, iiil't 8 3 LESS COTTON GINNED WASHINGTON, Dec. 8.-A report Issued by the Census Bureau of the Department of Commerce today Bhows 9,711,453 bales cotton, counting round as half bales, tinned from the growth of 1915 to De cember 1. compared with 13.073,356 for 19U and H,053,412 for 1913. Round bales in cluded this year 83.341, compared with 39. BS for 1911 and 86,878 for 1913. Sea Island Included 77.161 for 1915; 63,021 for lDll and M.0B for 1913. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET &?r?T .Y0JK; De. B.-Prlce chanarea ln( the "vaet (or coffee future al tba opening today ., Irrilar and deallnga wera on a amaller acala. Quoiatlonn follow: K lS"nbr . asa-::::::::: ir Aurtia '"! m oSit?'' r:.';:::;::::: u.'oofte.o3 a uctober u.WflT.00 Today opening- I'sloi I'i'io I'i'ii Teaterday'a closo COtiStf.M auifto.eu B.fOilfl.71 0.71KII.7.I B.734S0.73 0.7JiHM U.81ll.$.i B.SGfiil.8.3 e.wiinw) U.UOUH.UL' u.wau.ia Liverpool Cotton .Yfi?.0?1" Dec. 8.-Cotton. cloae: Janu l7tn4.,F'1ruary' T.OlHd.! March and April, taw VfA,"J Jun 7.40d.; July and Au fl. TJJJid., October and November. a0Vid. BANK CLEARINGS Bank flnt.t..- ..... ....... Mart nm '.I. J it", 'r"' wl"rsa "" WIH- '- - w av io arcani 20000 Halt & Ohio aw o:i 4.VM Italt & Ohio 4a Uli 10H0OO llalt & Ohio CV 4Hs. . . 07(4 .'WOO llalt A O Hwn ;lis... 02 2OU0 lleth Steel lat Ss 102U v 7000 lleth ateel rtd On 101 1000 llrook Up Tr 6a 1018. .lOOAi :i(KM Cal Qaa & nice Aa... mV, 0000 Cent Leather lat 8a...l0oli 1000 Cent I'uc lat 4a lOOTi 4000 Cent 11 II f J fia 113. 22000 Chill Copper 7a ll 14000 Chos & Ohio cv 4Hu.. 87i MHKl Chi at Wdt 4a 74 L IHKMM) Chi 11 & Q joint 4a..,. VHU. IIOO0O Chi II & Q gen 4s.... UlCJ 2000 Chi 71 & Q 111 la...;.. 113 37000 Chi M & ?t I' gen 4n.. 03H 1000 Chi M & St I dlv 4a.. (P2Vi 1001) Chi Mil Ht V cv 3.107 3000 Cht M & St r cv 4'.5a.ini'4 3000 Col & .South 1st 4s.... 01 1000 Cuban-Am M Us 101 2000 Del At Hurl 4a 1010. ..100W 400( Dt fe'ecur Corp 3h.... 71U 103000 Krlo ronr 4a Ser II... 84 'i 2UUO Krle prior 4a SIM 3000 lien Eloc 3 103U 2OI0 Hud A Man In 5 UOt tHOO do rfd 3a 731a 20i III Steel deb 4K 02 lixiO Iowa Central 3a 00 JIODO lna Copper ov () ISO :ai Intcrb Met 4Ua 11 203000 Interb n T ref Ba I)04s 720Jil Int Mer Mar ct 4H... lVi 20000 Jap new a S 4Ha 74, 13i)0 Japanese new 4a 7u 2.VXO K H Ft 8 A M 4a 78 1UXI Kan City So lat Ha 70ft UXt do 3a 04 1000 !.acka Steel .V 1023... DHVi 1700O do 3a 11)30 IXI ICO Irlllarrt 3a 101K 1000 Lou Nash ABM 4s.. 10 0SO0O Mo Kan A T lat 4s.. 80 1000 Mo Kan A T 2d 4s. . . 37 30110 Mo l'HCltlc Us IOIIVj ailOO Nat Tubo 3 101 1000 N Y Air Drake cvt Us. 10.1J1 040OO N Y Cent Oa 110',; 3000 N Y C-M C col JUJa. . 8,1 1000 N Y U A Hud 4a 02 11000 N Y C A Hud 4V)s KIM BOOO N Y City 4s 103.S ORt? 13000 N Y City 4Ua 1003. . .10tl 2(iuo i n ii a ii 4000 300(1 inno finno Norf A West cv 4H.10S (isooo Nor I'ae prior 4a KIK 70CO Nor rac gen as 2000 do reg :mx roco coil 3s 4000 Pa gen ct 4V4 1WKS) Reading gen 4a 11000 Hep Ir A S 3s 20CO Rock Island 4s 1101)0 Rock Island rfd 4a. . 1000 St Louis Swn 1st 4a 3000 Seaboard A 1. ad) Bs 5000 South Hell Ba soooo South Pae cv 4..... 23000 do cv ret f. p 3a.. 430O South Pac rid 4s. . . . 3000 south Hwy gen 4s... 2000 South Hwy con 5a. ., 5000 Third Ava adl 5a... 1000 Tol Po A W 4a... llnoo II S Bteel 3a....... rwuu union i-ac sv 80u0 Va Car chm Oa.. 7000 waDasn sa os.. li:l 01? 1)7 02 10214 101 loos .mm 107 101U 01S 101 C 100W 71 ? Mn M'.i 103 aiiji 73 oi4i Cent Ijeathet Co. Cent Leather Co pf. . Chesapeake & Ohio.. Chile Copper Chlno Copper Chi (It West ChlOt Wcstpf Chi Mil A, Ht Paul.. C it Jl St 1 pf C St P M ft 0 pf . LIU II I ft Pac Cluctt Pea Co.... Colorado Kuel & I . . . Comp Tab Itcc Conllnental Can Consolidated Oaa.... Corn Prod Iter Corn Prod Itef pf..., Crucible Steel Crucible Sleel pf. . . . Cuban-Am Suzar Delaware & Hudson. Dfn & Itlo Or pf. ... Detroit Kdlion Distillers' Socutltics. Dome Mines Erie Krlo 1st pf Gen Chemical General Electric General Motors General Motors prof. Grcenc-Cananca Goodrich 11 F Co... Goodrich D P Co pf...U2 Great Northern prof. ..127 Gt N cfs for oro prop. 49) QuEcenhclm Expln .. 78 Illinois Central Int Agricultural 25 21 Int Agricultural pref . . CO 5!)f Inter Con Corp 22 22X Inter Con Corp pref. . 70U 80 Int Harvester Jf J....110H 112 Int Harvester Corp,... 80 81 Inspiration Copper..,. 45 46H IntM M pf cf dp O-IH OnJf Int Nickel 103J. International Paper pf. 47 Kansas City Southern. 32W Kansas City So pf. . . . 04 Lack Slcoi 82K Lehlch Valley 82H Llgcctt & Myers 232 Llcsctt & Myers pf....l20 Louis & Nash May Dept Stores.., May Dept Stores pf, Matwell Motors...-. Max Motors 1st pi. ...101 HOll OS 14 81 72 27H fi7 18,'IU COM 60JJ COJi uoh noli now MM 0.1 ftllj 23 24JS '2Vi 53" i 13f 39 0.1'f 35 1515 39 OHf OJlt 13M 30! i 0411 .13351 132K 1.12J. 132!f ...130f 133 135 133 ... l!)!t l!f 10U 19U ... 73JJ 73! 73 73 ... fiUi 52!f 51 51! ...43 43 43 43 ... 00H BOH 89 89 ...143H 143M 142 143 ... 18) i 18)1 18H 1SX ... 89 00 90 00 .. 71 7IH 72U 74)4 ...HHj 111U 1UH lllii ...ir,o ion 105 ioo ,151; 152 152 152 . 20K 20 29 29 .132H 13US 131M 131M , -17J4 48)i 40 48 . 29) i 20.U 28 28 J i . 44 43JX . 5S) 68H .315)4' 315 ,170'X 177 .521 510 .123 43) i 53 315 im 73M 431 57K 315 175H 177 618 5-10 128)4 123 128)4 44M 44 4U, 74!f 72! 74)4 112)4 112)4 11214 120)t' 120 120)4 49)4 -I81J 77H 77 10SU 108M 109 21 SO), 22 70J4 19)4 7714 103 24 SOW 22H 80 UOH 112 81 81 44)4 45 air oo)f 108 103 108 mi mi 40! ( 32J4 31 J4 32)4 03)4 0354 ftX'4 82)1 8Uf 82 82)f 8H4 81J4 255)4 255 255)4 120 110)4 HOW 130 130)4-130 130)4 . 01 0114 01 01 .100)4 100)4 105J4 100)4 0)4 77)4 73)4 77)4 101M 100)4 101M 5S!f 50 58 15V4 15) I5)f 35)4 34)4 34)4 Max Motors 2d pf.... 57)4 Minn & St Louh 15 Minn Hi Kt Loull pf... 30 Mexican Petroleum.... 03 01 02)4 03 J4 M ex Petroleum pf DHf 05)4 OStf 05M Mo Kan & Texas 7)4 74 7)4 714 Miami Copper 31 3-1 34 31 Missouri Pacinc 5J4 5T4 5)4 5J4 Montana Tower 75 70)4 74f 70 Montana Tower pf ....114 111)4 111H HIM Nat Cloak & Suit SO 80 80 80 Nat Enamel 8 30 30)f 29 30M Nat Enamel Spf.... 00 07 OOlf 00M Nat Lead C5M 05 05 05 Nevada Con Copper... 10)4 10)4 10)1" 10 Jf New York Air Drake.. 137)4 138 137 13S KYNIUII 751 75'f 74)4 75). New York Central ... .10314 101)4 103)4 103)4 N V 0 & West 31 31 31 31 Norfolk & Western.... 120H 120)4 119U 120 North American 75 75 74)4 74H Northorn Pacific 11U15 117 115 117 7Ji U54 10 10)4 4414 45)4 69M 13!f 35M Ontario Sll M , Pacinc Mall PaclflcTcl A Tel Penna 11 It Peoria Eastern Pittsburgh Coal Pittsburgh Coal pref. . Pressed Steel Car Pressed Steel Car pf... 105)4 105 Its' Stool Spring -16)1 40 8 0J4 44)4 59 13)4 34)4 108M 10S14 107!1 108)4 05 05!J 01), 05)4 105 15 69)4 1314 35 9J4 10)4 45 50)4 13)4 35 H reg da. 118 (V.H 1114 lOOt! S3I.. (17 Ji 70K 70 no; . . H1114 ,.lOdj .. 70H ..102 :: 33? ..101H ,. OTM ..lonu mi USJi Mil Si! OilH $Z Jo (101 0 loa oo 24001 Wab Equ ct 4a fn..,.1045? WXW Vab.P lat ct 4a. . . IS 2000 Weat Md lat 4a 73 SOOO West Shore 4s 81 Financial Briefs rwiadelphU 138,120,183 23,72.'273 I23.W7.U9 of Rapid Transit, Some wide advance were scored at the auction sale of securities today, some of which were as follows; Northwestern National Bank. 13; Commercial Trust Company. 15: John B. Stetson common. 19i- Glrard Fire and Marine Insurance. Us Belmont Trust, IVii Writ National BanH was down 10. Following the regular meeting of the Pennsylvania Hallroad directors today, It was announced there was nothing to give out. The Electrlo Boat Company declared an extra dividend of 15 per cent, on both the common and preferred stocks for the year ending December 31. 1915 payable De cember 31 to stock of record December 21. The Submarine Boat Corporation de elated an Initial quarterly dividend of JIM per Bhare, payable January 15 to stock of record December 31. The New Vork banks gained from the Subtreasury yesterday $7,000, and since last Friday J3.213.om Thomas S. Gates was elected a director of the Insurance Company of North America In place of the late Nathan Trotter. An extra dividend of 1 per cent, was declared by the Savoy Oil Company. a. A. Huhn & Sons were Urge buyers 105 45 25)4 82 42)4 55)4 110 V, 2)4 5 5 5 45 45 45 4054 40)4 40)4 IbO 177)4 180 GO 01)4 UU OSM OSM 9S)i 149)4 149)4 149)4 108)4 10S!4 108)4 ..10014 10114 100)4 101!. 24 23)4 23)4 23)4 Hay Con Copper 25)4 25J4 25M Readlnit 82 82)4 81)4 Readme 1st pref 42)4 42)4 42)4 Rep Iron & Steel 53)4 55)4 53 Rep Iron & Steel pf...H0 110)5 110 Hock Islam! Co pre!.., U U H Rumely M Co 3 3M 2M St Louis & S K 5 St L Southwest pr 45)4 Seaboard Air Line pf. . 40)4 Sears Hoe A Co 179 Sloss-Snof S A I Co-. . 05 Sloss-Shef S & I pf . . . . 09 So Porto It Sucar 150 So Porto It Bus pf.,.,110 Southern racliic. .. Southern Hallway. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Yea. filerllnr !II.h, I-ow. f.at. Cleae. Coblea 1.7814 " ! "' Demand.., 4.11J4, 4.714 Ul"!. 4.71',, Franca Cabled..... 8.(16 SMVt &Wt Demand... 8.S7V4 S.7Vs B.87',4 S.tV4 Mark Cable. 79V, 784 70V, ". Demand... 79i4 70 70V4 79 LONDON STOCKS' HOPEFUL TONE RAY OF PEACE Condition Ascribed by Many That End of the War Is Near , 02)4 (I2M 02 0: . 81 82)4 82)4 82)4 . 83M 82 82 82 .150M 170)4 158 170)4 ...111)4 113 112)4 113 ...58 58)4 57M 57)4 ...212)4 215 211 215 01)4 01)4 01)4 0U4 0311 7)4 SO 7)4 29 0)4 07 8)4 88)4 7)4 27)4 0)4 05)4 7S4 SO 7)4 29 0)4 05), 7)4 89 7)4 29 0)4 United Ris Invest-, United Rys Invest pf. . U S Cast Iron P & F. U S Realty A Imp. .. . U S Rubber.. Sales in Philadelphia 20 Alll Chalm :io Amor Milling.. SI Am .Hallway. t . Am i.oco ... , 1S0M Cumbria Steel 121 Kiee Ktorase 100 Krlo h lien .inpn rrer Tea. close. High. Ley. Close, .554 iv ...... 71'4 Heel. . ToJ te ... 6M4 i nrf. T.1&4 10 I.nkn Sup Corp. l 12 I-ehlgh Nv ... 7PS 0 Ionian Val Tr. 18S EXCHANGE IMPROVES By FRANCIS W. HIRST Editor London nconomlat. Special Cotle Dljialeh to Evtntng l.tiotr LONDON, Dec. 8. Tho contldcnt under tone of the Stock Exchange must be nicrlbed to the belief held by mnny prom inent members thnt tho end of tho wnr on satisfactory tcrma mny be approach ing. A cable measano from America In dicating Ocrmnn wllllnRtiesn to compro mise over Alsnco-Lorralno lins mnde n marked Impression. Helglnn Independ ence, Polish autonomy and tho permanent nettlcment of the Alsace-Lorraine ques tion take n foremost place. Few seriously hope by the British action to pacify tho Ilnlkans or Induce tho Dal kn. rncen to embrace n perpetual pence. Constantinople as n free port would plcnse our commercial classes. Tho German Austrian cttstoms union Is harmless. An International gunrnntco to small Statos should, however, bo conditioned by n low tariff. Discussion of this point Is emi nently desirable. The Improvement of American exchange gives satisfaction, ns docs tho strength of the American mnrkcts. Tho Idea of n nnmnn nnrv lonn lor nil intuiiiu t navel s Is cnlnlng ground, but the culty of compelling the poorer to savo uppears Insuperable. Ilrltlnh exports far the Inst month look remarkably good and prove the wonder ful vigor of our home population. Doubt less unfavorable exchanges liavo stimu lated exports, and Blocks may have beer, drawn upon. SECURITIES AT AUCTION Tho follnwlne securities were sold at auction lonuy uy nuniw ... .... - SOS do pref t Lit Schuylkill. 20 N Penna 8.12 Tcnna n II.... OS I SAlt Mfg.... 33.1 I'hlln Kleo . . . . f,0 l It T 12a do tr ctrs HI Phlla Trae ... 110 Iteo I & S ... GSt Heading SI 300 Foulh Kwy . . . . 725 Ton Me Imont . . R50 Ton Mining . . IS11T Union ITae . . . l.'W IT (I I 3810 It H Bteol 10 Warwick I A 9. 23 V Jer ABB.. 70 W N V A 1' .. .TO M J4 28 in inn 78'4 4(V, 8SJ, suit tow 10 ILt 3?H 7?U Cl Ik BS m MJ4 P0V4 21 20H 201, 70 MH 82VI 23 Vi ,v, 0.1 no ao -o ;oji 7lS 7.1 u-sU tw,, k :sfe i8 18 3S 3S IW .n m u mi, t 1'9'4 28 20H 207. 70 MW S2 nt. P8' 29 20 ten 70 35' t 8l'a 9.1 tfc 4 11-in 4',4 0 lo-l'l u w-iu 47!4 40i 47ii son leu CO 4 10 ftSJ, 874 10(4 OOVi 10 S?8 im, r.o'.f, 10 Tolnl aalea, 10,M9 shores, compared with 11,077 nhsres Trsterdnri thus far thl week, 188,1(17 hnre some period It eek, 181, 18(1 chare. nONDS. Laatprev. eale. High IM Am (1 1 Kl .la.. fl 2iwi lleth Hterl C...120 18 C S sen May '17.102 tu ., tyt. tul? mi rooo City 4 1914 ... UHi Intorstato ity 4a 38 (WOO l.eli v gen -iH.lol 1000 Leh Val CI Ba-.tOSJi 3.I0OD I'a grn 41i 10(l't 100O Pro I'nss T C 4a M 200 l'Mla El ..... 10l'-i 3000 Itdg rr Is.... II..'. 1000 Bph-,fm I C 10- sn 120 101 Ji 101 5 W2, 3Hj, llll Kl 1-V IK! Low. Cloe. S8 8H 120 120 101, lutj-i l(ttt 102U 1(14 IM, losV wU l(lt(, nn ioh mm 11.1 111 102 102 Tolnl sales, 33,83(1, eompsred with $101, 023 yesterday) thin for thla week, 25fl,IUIt same period Insl week, $500,731, Asked 1.12 .03 .13 dlffl- MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TOSOI'AH STOCKS. nid Jim Itutler L'P, MacNiimara VJ Midway AS Mlapah Kxtenslon -' .111 4Vi 7 .0 .St COLDFlIiLD STOCKS. 3 MontAnn Northern Rtar .... Tonopnh llclmont . Tonopnh i:tenslon Tonopnh Mining .. llescim F.ula West End Atlanta III110 Hull llooth nultdoe C O 1) .... Comlilnntlon Krnctlon Dlumnndneld II II Daisy nlnRRnd I llorrllCO cinssos ()0(lnoll, con.oiidated noldtleld .Merger Jumlm Rxtcnslon Kownuas Oro Knml Krn Silver l'lck lln-na A l.nll.1flll! 24 shs. rhiln. lloursc com.; mr ,... ; 23 shs. Sanitary Co. of America prsr., iw 13 J'.OOO "oyatono 'Mining n'n'cl Msnufucturlng IV., llenderBm. Ky.. 3 per cent.. IBl miSW.. tuuywuo .,-... l,er. due 1113(1 '..;,, ' $0000 Clover Leaf Coal Mining Co.. llllla toro. 111., 0 per cent., first lutge.. coupona Januury and July, due 13 shs. Oirard''Nut.''l'l!ii'k;''pnr jioo. . .. . .333 30 hs. 1-lirmcrs unci Mcclianlca' National Dank; par JIOO........... -3V4 3 ahs. National llnnk of Northern Lib erties: par $UO .".-'" 30 thn. First National Itank, I'hlUdel- phla, l'a.; par J100 i'1" r. shs. Mutual Trust Co.; pnr 30 J3 111 rha. Philadelphia Wnrehouslng and Cold Storage Co.; par 10n 0ono Ctnte of Mlchncl Olbbona, ae f .000 tJa,,,e(, lliJ),rlc,allI1B certlllcntca. .. 00 $1000 Wlnthrop Uuhlgren, (I per cent., es tate bonds. January 23 nnd July 23. due July 23. 11)14 ::.," - 20 she. llestonvllle. Mantua and lair mount 1'iiraenger Ilwy. Co. com.. 3 shs.PYleston'v'lilV." 'Mantua' 'niid Fylr mount 1'usseiiKCr Itwy. Co. pref.; .,Hr j-,0 w 11 shs. Lumbermen's Ins. Co.; par ..100 mr flto ' 3 nhs. Ilelmont Trust Co.; par ;". 1 sh. Fidelity Truat Co.; Pr 100.. J hs. Quariintco Trust and Safe posil 1.-0,; par w. .... 5 shs. Quaranteo Trust and posit Co.; par $UO n -t. t.-I.A t.mplnttiin...... 3 nhs. 1'hllo. Trust Co.; par JIM) 1 sli. Provident i.uo par $1(K) 3 shs. Provident Life pnr 10n 7 shs. Provident Life pur S10O ; 5 shs. 'L'nlted Security 01 311 02 03 nn 04 04 33 lk Ill 1.17 24 03 07 07 MISCELLANEOUS. Kelrv Alloc .... Klmberly Nevada Hill Nevada Wonder .01 .02 ...1.83 .34 .IS 4, .10 .81 .24 .03 .11 .III .03 .(IS .(13 .03 .:it 13-UI .is 1.20 .23 .III) .(VI .OS CAMBRIA STEEL COMPLICATIONS STILL STIRRING THE STREET Local Financial District Full of Rumors Heavy Buy ing of the Tractions Lifted Them to New High Levels for the Year Ileports of a hitch In tho Cambria Steel deal tvero current In the local financial district today, but as no actual fncta re garding any combination whatsoever have as yet been forthcoming, tho Street was hot greatly flustered oy the news. The name of Frank A. Vnnderllp Is now fig uring In tho Cambria rumors. Accord ing to dispatches from Pittsburgh, the National City Hank of Now Vork Inter ests have been tho buyers of Cambria In the open market of late and have also ar ranged to take over the 240,010 shares of slock owned by the Itcplogle group at S0 per share. It Is said tho Maryland Steel Company will be purchased from the Pennsylvania. Steel Company and merged with the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company and Cambria. There arc still somo people, however, who believe the Cramp Shipbuilding Company will bo Included. This week final settlement will bo made liy the Drexel-Hoplogte syndicate for the block of Cambria stock purchased from tho Pennsylvania Company. The price paid was around $M per share, or a total of approximately $14,400,000. With regard to a change In control of Cramps of a merger, it Is will to remem ber that tho company's outstanding cap ital Is $8,098,000, shares of par value of $100. Of tho 60,980 shares issued 53,465 havo been deposited In tho voting trust which was established In June, 1J03, bo that even though a considerable W6ck of stock lias been acquired recently by New York Interests, both through private pur chase from tho Cramp family and In the open market, thcro Is not much chnnce of swinging control of the property unless tho voting trustees are dealt with or the trust dissolved. Todny on Chnngo Camorla was active and rather weak nt Intervals, but met support below 76. The real feature of the market was the strength of the traction Kroup. which was heavily bought, both Itapld Transit and Union Traction making: new high records for the year The chief buying was by a house which formerly used to figure largely In local traction af fairs. In tho nrbltrago grodp tho general tone was heavy, with some pressure In United States Steel and Heading. Later ft this was relloved and prices hardened all around. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUU WltKAT. -ltecelpts. 172,414 liush. Tho mar- . . r... J-. ...........1 r.nm ., wun lair Kiuii. .. - porters nnd mllfcrs. Offerings were moderate. Quotations: mr lots. In Mpnrt elevator: No. e.,1. innl nn.l tjereinbor. ll.lWl.vi, no .. southern rod. fl.KW1.lJ ,"tenijr No. 2 red, I.IR(il.lT; No. 3 red, f.1.vpi 17: rejected A, fl,12mn.l4i: rejected 11. xl.tHil.l.l. ConN.-lteVelpts. l.VKl bush. Supplies were small and prices ucro lc. higher, but tradawM nulet. quotations: Car Iota for ocnl trade, a to location-Western No. 2 yellow. fosle.. Western simmer yellow, TUIIMH-.; Western No. n ATsl-HMe'lPts. 31.017, bush There . fair Inquiry and prices ruled rteody under light offerings, guotntlons: No. 2 white. 4np49'tc.. standard white. 47WT4c : No. 3 white, 4tl'i 4i47c: No, 4 white. 44jVt)4.Vr.; sample oats. 42flle.: purified olts. urnded, 4,4JC. FI.OUH. Iteeelpis 3IW) bbls. nnd 2.0n.4.iO Um. In Mcks. Icmi;tid was llsht and vatvies .. .- AM..,.. ...n n.l fl.tiitii tlnnM ner lll(i IDS. in wood Winter clear. ..13',...4I1: da. slrolcht. Kansas. ntrnlgnt. H3.30R3.73: do., patent. clear, luto sacks, , Jute VncVs. $3.40f(n.i.O S3.0SC10; do,, patent, tvifpnt. s... cks. $3113.13; do.. NEW YOUK.CURB Mid. Asked. Safe nnd ' nnd nnd Life Trust TTUBt Trust .403 .... 30 ....710U Do- ....IM De- ....34ll(i ....733 Co.; 811 Co.; Bll Co.; ....843 Insurance and Trust Co.; par 100. ......... .140 m .h. West Knd Trust Co.; par iuu....ii :i.i nh. Camden Flro Insurnnco Associa- C hs. CahiSen KlVo'lnsuranco Associa, tlon; par 3 :...':::.' 11 shs. Olrard Fire ana Jiarino in.ur- anco Co.: par 10O -10 1 kh. I'hlla. IJfn In. Co.; par lp. 10U i slii. I'hlla. IJfn lna. Co.; par 1 10 ..... OU shs l'enna. Ilro Ins. Co.; nnr J100...410 1 & Mlnehlll and .Hrhuylklll Haven It. II, Co.; oar $30 "Hi 3 shs. John U. Stetson Co. com.: par tOH 0. 110 shs. O Ian t Portland Cement Co. com.. 2!i j000 Tcrro Haute, Indlanopolla and tast cm Traction Co.. 3 per cent., nrst and refundlnu mtRe., couponB April and October, due 1IM3 03 tlOOO Scranton nnd Wllken-Ilarre Traction Corporation. 0 per cent., collateral ti-ust. coupona April and October, due 11134 " 43000 Atlantic Coast niectrle It. II. Co, r 3 per cent.. Hrst mtge.. Interest Mov and November, due 1343 Oj',4 lilCOO North Snrlrnfleld Water Co.. 3 per cent., flrst mtge.. coupons January and July, due 1ft2S 82 1500 8prlnxflId Consolidated Water Co.. 3 per cent., first mto.. courons May and November, due Iti.VI S1V, 500 flprlngneld Consolidated Water Co.. 3 rer cent., nrst mtae., coupons May nnd November, due 105S 81 55 2 shs. Commercial Trust 303 10H 10V4 American Zinc Urnde.11 : ; llrltHli-Amerlcnn Tolncco old.. llrttlsh-Anicrlcan Tobacco new. Cor Ught ;,,.: ColdHeld Consolidated Hendee Manufacturing International Marino International Marine prer Kenc't Copper I-hlKh Volley Coal bales Magma Copper Midvale Nlplsslng OtlB F.lcvnlor Otta Elovntor pref 1'enn Mnr Ord Illker-llcgeman HterlliiK Oum Submarlno Tobocco Products United I'roMt new World FtlM Yukon Cold Ex dividend. (in 'i "0 13', 1(1 14 1 13'.i 13 13a 7U 7jv, V J." 30 32 111?, in (CI (H r.2K m KO 82 7.3 72!i 7lb 73'' P2 114 aili 0214 r.i.i a 2H 2S 44Hl 43 31 33 li 1" 4 4U 2i 3 MIDVALE TO EXPAND Company Will Spend $6,000,000 Improvements i Ity mills, regular .-!.lWiM, ' imitriit, ".- i.r t,rni.,s winter. straight. 3.Migft.7Bi weighing 3 lbs. apiece and under, 13T14o.t nni heavy fowls, In barrels, fnncj-i, weighing miK.'t'.H .,,. -:--. 4ih.-. i,s. niaere it.-. smaller sliea. 12Xjllc.; old roosters, , "" Plekwl. I3M,e., chickens-Jersey, fancy broiler, !titHi oilier nenrby fancy brpl era. 24c.: .....-- ,...n... L-nllilnfr 11t,fi!2 11,9. SDleCS. ,, and upward Kouthern Ity pf- Standard Mllllne,... 6tandard MllUn: pf. , Studebaker t'o. . . Studebaker Co pf Tenn Copper. Texas Co Third Avenue Tln City Kap Tr. . Toledo St L & W... Underwood Type.... Union Has & Paper. Union Bas- & P pf . . United Char Store. Union raclfle 13SH 138H 137U 138j Union I'acUlc pf 83 83 8,1 81 Unital Fruit 115 14'JJi llltf 1181f U S Ind Alcohol 122)j 12-JW 110 1215 ?3 :;jji Ji)i -'Hi iOH 40!i 402 40H 251 25 25 25 42!$ 42 42 42 5511 55)f 54U 55 irs iinhber lit tf....l08U 10814 108H lOSSi UBSteel mt 87H 80H 871f U8Steelpf 118 IWi HOlf 11611 UB Express 47H 48 47 48 Utah Copper 80 SOU 70 8051 Va-Cir Chem 47 47 47 47 Va Iron Coal & 0 631, 02! 62 62, Wabash 1 16K 18K 15K 10 Wabash pf A w 1 4QH 4811 45J. 48;( WabashpfBwl 20J( 201i 29 29 Wells Fareo Eipress.,.i:l 130 130 130 Western Union Tol.... 88 b9)f SS 89)f Westloshouse E & M,. 60 6'JH 6SH C9H wtin"house 1st Df... 765f 78H 7SM 78H Western Maryland.,.. 32U 32X 32H 32) Wheel A Uks Erie.,.. 5 5U 5 51( WUlys OrerUnd 214H 240 240 240 WUlys Overland pf,.,.113J, 114 1131J 114 WooUorth F W Co., .lis 118 118 118 Quoted ex dividend. Receiver tor Inland Castings Co. TEBBE HAUTE, Ind., Dec. 8. The In land Steel Castings Company, a 150,000 corporation, bas been placed In the hands of receivers, on petition of the Standard VhceI Company. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Dec. R.-H0O3-Iecelnts. 43 000. Market 10813c. higher. Jllsed and butchers. Iil0."u.83: good heavy. Jil.43Hi1.N3: rough heavy HUIWIH.-IS: aht. S3.78tHl.7U: pigs, $SW 6.33: bulk. Jil.3MliI.75. o CATTI.E-Hecelnts, 1S.00O Market aJ'Tdv. neeves. Il.23ffl0.73: rows and heifers. S3.339 813- Texans. IH.S0SR.33: calves. .R08 10.23. 'SHEEP llecelptk, 18,000. Market steady. Native and Western. W.230.50: lambs. Id.23tp 0.2S. NEW YORK IlUTTEIt AND EGGS NEW YOI1K, Dec. S.-Tll'TTEIl.-Market , uteady: receipts, 30.VI packuges; extra, 33Vi4? 3ilc.: higher scoring. :iii437e.: KUte dairy. 32rt33e.; Imitation creamery. 23021c. IHiaB. Market Arm: receipts. 1(1.144 cases; extra firsts. 37i3Ko.. firsts. 33B.inc.; nearby whites, 30i32c; mixed color, 3340c.; refrig erator first. 2lti23ltC.; ncarbj niowna, loai-le. OHIcIal announcement was made today that thn Mldrule Stcol nnd Ordnance Coinnanv has authorized additions Improvements which will of 16,000,000. Of this, nbout 4,000.000 will bo expended on tho Worth Bros, plant, nt Coatcsvlllc, nnd $130,000 nt the N'lcetovvn Steel plant. Important additions will nlso be mado to tho machine shop equipment of the main works. , , These additional will Rive nn Increased capacity, so ns to enable them to handle orders which have been recently taken from the United States Government for hr-nvv ordnance, such as 14-Inch and lb Inch nuns. 70 feet in IciiRth. Official confirmation was nlso Blvcn or the acquisition of the capital stock of Duonn Vista Iron Company, a corpora tion ovvnlnR oxtcnslve oro deposits In Cuba. itdJolnlnK properties owned by tho United States 8tcel Corporation nnd the Pennsylvania Steel Company. It Is estimated that this property contains 303,000,000 tons of merchantable Iron ore. COTTON NEW YORK, Dec. 8. Huslness was comparatively small on tho Cotton Ex cliunEo this mornlne. Traders nnd Wa'l street houses mado heavy offerings, but the market factors, the Rinnlnc report showlna- a totnl of 9.711.00O bales, and a shnrp return In the Liverpool market, were so bullish as to hold tho market tlrm In the face of the supply. Uptown Interests nnd commission houses were buyers. First prices were 9 to 11 points higher and tho demand was sufficient to hold the market at these levels durlnp the early trading. Cables from Liverpool said that the market there was 12 to H points better than had been expected. Later prices slipped off all around, leaving the market about on a parity with Tuesday's close. Yea. close. Open. rn..nn. .rjl,.' 12.711 dt.l.WH. J ... nn a.,1 ., iber '--, A-".r. .13.10 13.18 . . 13.21) 13.2 . .12.77 12,7(1 Tll iO rlenr. 3. 13(33. Ill: do. ,- .......... 91 ururMI in "".-L,'":"'v.f":w"",'.. ..., II .,,,. IIYB rl.nuil whs nrm "",',. "'"",,,, piles, hut trnde was quirt. Wo quoto at J3.23'ff3.30 per bbl., lis to quality. PROVISIONS The market ruled firm with a fnlr JobblnB demand. . Quotations: (Ity beer, in sem, smoked nnd nlr-drled. 2IS2jc.; "cat ern beef. Ir. sets, smoked. 2l02.ic: city beer, knuckles nnd tenders, smoked and alr-ilrlea, 211927c; Western bee., knuckles nnd tenders, rmoked, 2(i1i27i-. ; bitf linma. S2SH.I0; porK family. J23.SWI24. bans. S. I', cured, loose, 1.. eU'M.i do., skinned. Inoso, 12ttl2t4c; do., do., smoked. 1313',4c; other hams, smoked' city cured, as to brand nnd iivernKe, I.SJliWc. hams, smoked. Western cured, li si like: do., rolled boneless. 22c. : picnic shoulders. 3. I. cured, loose. 1214c: do., smoked. 13Wc.: nellies. In Pickle. necordlnK to avcrago. loose, 13W 1314c. ; breakfast bacoii us to .brand and aver nee. city cured. 17lBc.: breakfast bacon. Western cured, 17lHc. lard, Western. rcnnoJ. tierces, lie.; do., do., tubs lie; lara pure city, kettle rendered. In tierces lie., lara. puro city, kettlo rendered, In tubs. lie. DAIKY PKODUCTS rtlTTnn. The market ruled tlrm on fancy stock with demand readily nbsorblnpr tno limited offfferlnEs. Followlnc are the quotations: Western. sotld-p.icked crcamer. fancy speclali, 37e.; oitrn. !13c: extra firsts. 32aMe.; tlrsts. 301141c.; seconds, As-'c. nearby prints, fancy, 3Sc: do., uvcraeo extras. xSff37e.: do., tlrats, 305132c; do., sec onds 2dH2!ic.; JobblnK sales of fancy rrtnts, 414c. , IKltlS. rino new-laid ecus were senrce ami prlcea advanced 30c. per cose, or lc. per flox., under iv i:ood demand. We quote: tree cases. nenrDy extras, sac. per u.. ... SlO.sn per standard ease: nearby current re ceipts, $10.20 per case; Western extra tlrBta. JIO.M) per case; nrst. J10.2U per c.iao; re frlitcrntor erKs. fancy. $7..'.iitt7.80 per case do.. Ilrsts, J7.20 per case; do., seconds. ( flil.no per case: do.. Inferior lots, lower: funcj selected candled eggs were Jobblns lit 410 J.lc. per lox ',,, CHU13SE. Tho market rulil firm under llBht nffcrlnirs and a fair demand. Cniotntlons fol low: New York, full-cream, fancy, now. i't 17",c; "opeelals" hlKher; do., do., lair ti isowir new. W.IWl;; ilo., part aklms, 014c. POULTRY UVC Tho markat wns qulot nnd unclianKed with moileratc. but ample, offer nss. Quota tions: Kols. ns to fclae nnd quality, 13SI-.. rroiters. IISISc.: sprlnit chickens. accordlnB to quality. I.lfil3c; turkeys. 1820c; ducks as to vlao and quality. WOlJfc :. Kcese 1,'--plcons. old, o.cr pair. 22B2jc; do., young. 1 'nnKfiSEPOft'erlngs of desirable stock were moderate and values generally ruled steady, hut there, was little tradlns. Quotations: Fresh-killed turkeys fancy, nearby. iltl.4c.. ilo., do. Western. dry-icked, 22ail.-.; do., fair to good. 2'Ki21c: do., old ;om. Wc: do. Interior. l.VtflKc; fowls, 12 to box. dry-Picked ",H .Irv.nacked. fancy sclivted. lc. , vveUtllllB au.3lbM. onleco 17'iC ; welKhlng 4 lbs. iiplece. inViC weighing 3", lbs. apiece, loin ellTIl l)lu ivir, ".,.. r- -, ---- .... ,- aittlKc.; northern Illinois chickens. lancy.yei. low. welghliiB 4 lbs. nnd over, lttvc . "orlV em Illinois, fancy, weigh i lift ,21i3 i lbs., in Ijoxcs. Hfl7c; northern Illinois. Miiey. weJ?n; lim 8,CT3 lbs.., In, barrels, 1 inc. .other Western, 4 lbs nnd over. In boxen. It (111. other Western. vvelnlilnR 2',1i.l j lbs., In boxes, l.vrfliie.. other Ai'estein. wclghlnR aijH.Pi lb.. in bbls.. 13ftillc; Inferior. 13c; 'PrlnBdijcka. nenrby, 1MI20C.: do.. Western, fancy 'SC'; fair to cood, 12fft3e., Reese, nenrby, 11MI18C.1 do.. Western, Hfilde.. squabs, per dpj. White, welglilng 11 to IS lbs. per dot., 4.00 H3.40: while, weighing U to 10 lbs. per jlof., 1UI.:0: while. vvelgliliiB8 tba ler dox., J.I.-3 73.r); white. Weighing 7 lbs. per doa., 2.30 i3; white, weighing IKWVS lbs. per dox.. J2SS S.2.1; dark, ai.7MI2.23; small and ho. 2, tin 11U' FRESH FRUITS Choice stock was In fair request and gen erally steady under moderate .offerings. ..Quo tations: Apples, rer hbl, .loniithnli, fancy. S3.3U3H; do., fair to goon, ,iMi .mu.i.ju..., i:nii: Smokehouse. .l3.30: Orlmes' . Uolden. .7.M3..V1, Willi nip, S2. i.Vd.l..K), ounce, tlmm ..I n v. Itloek Twig. 11 a.m. 12 m. ', I2.I13 12.IO December March . . i.May .... July ... October -pffered, 12.ni 13.111 13.23 12. RS i:i.0 13.111 p.m 12.1X1 iiii'iO 13.11 13.20 REFINED SUGARS There was little trading, but values were firmly held. Wo quote: Extra fine granulated, 11.1.3c.: standard granulated. n.20c. : powdered. n.23c.: ronfectlonera' A, n.00c. : soft grades, 5.3083.00c. RATES FOR MONEY Call. M1B VftW York Philadelphia 3HO Hoston ?,,, rhl,.r.i ... 3U$f4 Commercial paper, three to six months, Phlla. delphta, 3Vi94 per rent. Time. 23 3U?t 3VJB4 4 B4H Tax Free in Pennsylvania Penna. R. R. Cons. 4,2s I1UK AUfi. 1. 1601, Particulars on application. A. R. LEACH & CO. 115 South Fourth Street I'ltOl'OSAI-S KI.KCTION NOTICE MAHUKT HT1IKKT NATIONAL HANK Philadelphia. December 7, 1013. At a regular meeting of the Hoard of Directors, held this day. Mr. David Hurpee was elected a Director of this bank. W. !' SINNETT. Cashier, 1QI3 TIIK DKI'AUTJIKNT OV THE COHO- NkTi "ill receive bids for supplies for 1DU1. Schedule on me In Coroner's Office, apd con be examined, any nay iwhii uuu .; o'clock. All b ihi must ne eaieu ana win Se opened December IS, 1913. at IS o'clock poon. JOSEPH A MAHON. Chief Clerk. DHtECTOKV Of ACCOL'NTAXTtt Cerlllleil I'uhlle Arcnuntante LAWHENCU E. IIROWN t.CO , IC1B IlKAL ESTATE JTHUaT UU1I.DINO. iuJi"3 ft 8PEAK11AN The Tloursa. BAR SILVER NEW YORK. Dec. 8. T6 2G? aca at Xialeo- pric of mercla.! bar silver 53 cent tod. oom-wlth Investment Securities Graham & Co. BANKERS 435 Chestnut Street Our December circular of invest ment offerings will be gladly sent upon request. This list includes many bonds that are Tax Free in Pennsylvania 3t,c: (.VvrfTTirYn I mVi'Yvfl ri i a Y?Si ivx I ,2.731(3.3(1; llaldwlll, ?2.73'33.n0: Hlofk TwlB. f2.30il3.23 York Imperial. 2Si3.23; Twenty nunce. 21i3; i'lppln. 23: Hen DttVla. 1.7.9 1 .,-.. AI,M- v.rlAtl... ai .MI1I2..V1- No. 2. 3K6 1.23; apple. In bulk, per 100 lb.s-..?.W'-r,u: apples. Western, per box. $t.i.fT2.7.r; pears, rer bbl.-Feekel, l10: Sheldon, flR.V.' Ucurre d'AnJou, J2.rH3.30: Kriipcs. New -Jork. per 4 lh. Imsket-neHwnrc. Umi2c.; NlaCTrn, 10 12c; conconl, 1012c ; crapes, New Tork, per 211-Ih. basket-Concord. 4iM?30c.: NlnKara. UV Me.: orannes, I'lorldn. per crate. l.7fl2..i0; tanccrlnes. Florida, per strap. $3f.1.sni urape fruit. Florida, per erato, ?2fl3; lemons, per box. 21i3. plneiipples, per erntc I'orto HJco. 2Ji3: cranberrleM. Cipo Cod. per bbl., $37i do., Capo Cod. per crate, fl.75fl2; do., Jersey, per irate. $1.30-ij2. VEGETABLES Demand was fair for choice Block and v-nlues generally were well sustained. Quotations: White pntitoes, Pennsylvania, per bush. Choice. I)0fiti3c. ; fnir to cood, bO!iS.ic; white ,ntiiloc., Jersey, per basket No. 1 Rose, -13JJ 33c: No. 1 other vnrlellen. Wirincp No. 2, 2iKif23e.; avveet potntoos, Jerseyy .ped basket No. 1, I0fi."0o.: No. 2,.1323c.;, sweet potatoes, Virgliiln. per bbl., t1.fi0frl.no; 'onions, per 11,0 Ih. lOB-Nn. 1. tl.73tl.83; N0-2. 4W73C.: -.1,1,., t.nl.l. ....- tf.n Q r,fKT.fl- no.. atili.it-n lv.mlli l.p lf,n. H.r,0IZllr do.. domestic, per ton, t3f(il; celery, New ork. per bunrli, 1311 Hie. ; Littuce, Florida, per li.isl et, I.30f:i; do.. North Carolina, per b.isket. tllfl.,',0: beans. Florida, per basket, 2ii(3.23. pens, Florida, per basket. J.3"w 3.30. eKRplant. Florida, per crate, 2.'231I2.73; mushrooms, rer 4-lti. banket, tlWl.SU.- Phila.&WcstcrnRy. First Mortganc 5 Bonds Due 1060 "llondx" oiilHtnnillnir represent lesi Ihnri 3f .per cent, of cush cot or property. Kuriilnii now nt rule' of about twice Interest charcr". 1'ltICi: TO VlllLUVIIOUT - 5.10 Free of Penna. State Tax llKSl'IMl'TlVi: ClltClI.Ml on ItEdllJST Harper & Turner Investment Bankers Olllien: IOflO'1012 STOCK KXCHANOK IIIUI.DINO riilladrlptila $25,000 Lehigh Valley Coal Co. 1st Mort. 5 Bonds Due 1933 I'rli't uii Application Sip There has never been a fatal ac-1 cident with a submarine of 1 Lake design Lake Torpedo Boatjj Company Tills is a punnfj' fsilur ;u lie cvnull ere, In the anriinl lale kulimarlne latlldlnu eoiilnen -nl:til (or lij the Nn1li.mil ll.feui.' p.na. This Is only am 0 the fatorv dealt with In our circular. Bluett & HoHins 15 Broad St. New York Forehandedness January is one of the largest investment months Of the. year. Next month over 200,000,000 will bo distributed for interest and dividends. In addition to an already largo and increasing demand for good bonds, a substantial proportion of this great sum must bo invested. We therefore recommend the selection of January Investments from OUR DECEMBER LIST Bonds may be reserved for delivery in January by arrangement, Tho list will be furnished on request. Established 1802 Members New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchantjea Buoau and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia 30 Pine Stueet New York Brown Brothers & Co. Fourth and CrresrrNUT Stkekts PHILADELPHIA ' High-Grade Investment Securities Upon request we shall be glad to enter on our mailing list the names of investors who desire to receive regu larly our security offerings. Investors will be furnished with Descriptive Circulars any time upon application. s-Jm&&M-X -t ;rKttLjBi.
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