t 1 j .. Wl IBM ML 111 I'?E If Sfi'l ia g IM I'fefi !r m fas US I IS EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DEOEMBEB 8, 191gj AEE SALARIES OF COT WORKERS SUFFICIENT? COUNCILS MUST REPLY Case of ChieC Engineer Quimby, of Transit Department, Given I as One Where Remuneration la Below Service A BUILDER OP BRIDGES Docs rhltrtdelpliU tiny licr servants suf- th rrtfp of thoso technical experts whoso wort nctunl'y rcRUlls In lirra snvinRS. is tliclr twnmpeiue commcrn'U'-nte with tho Tnrs thM- hnvo made to help Philadel phia take her place among the cities of tin roimtrV This Is the question Hilch the Finance Committee of Councils will decide when It' ilther grant or refuses the request of Director Taylor to rnlso the salary of rhici Kiielnwr Hsnrv II. Qiilmby from teflCO to 12,(VX). At llrst blush It would appear that the request will incet with ( rooMon; but thero are other factors whirl' make It apparent that Director Talnr's request will recclvo favorable cnn,rlnntlon. Mr O-ilmbv Is heat known to the coun- I try by one of his many monuments. He Is Iho designer nnd supervisor of the con trur,'nn of the now-famous Walnut t.an brldRo. at tho time of Its erection flip longest span of concrete In tha world tpr.liieiitnlly. It might be added that Mr Qiilmry recently was consulting cnslncer Nfo- n Innecr span brlrlRO over tho iiocKy Itlvnr irowever. It Is with this city that M'. fjulmby has been most closely ns sorla'rd. Vor 13 years he was bridge engineer In the "urcau of Surveys. During that tlnm he developed concrete bridge build ing from n crude, almost oxpcrlinentnl, undertaking to tho point where Philadel phia bridges became models for beauty of construction and economy of design. Store than TO bridges were designed by him during that time. Including tho lift bridge over the Schuylkill Hlver nt Pass i'unk avenue and tho 42d strep4 bridge, which Is regarded as ono of tho most pleasing designs In this country. This latter bridge was constructed nt a sav ing of more than WO.000. lie also dovelopcd tho present perma nent typo of concrete bridge floor. This was flrtt used on tho bridge over tho Pennsylvania Railroad nt tho Junction of Belmont and Olrard avenues. The orig inal design called for steel buckle plate floorlrjf. The Improvement saved tho city approximately $30,000. The Improved floor consists of concrete arches between steel beams. This type will bo urcrt exclu sively on tho Frankford elevated section of tho transit development nnd will In effect put Into tho pockets of tho city about $1,000,00). This Is tho saving which tho Improved door will cltect over tho ordinary method of construction. In the design of tho Frankford de viated "road It Is estimated that Mr. Quimby has saved tho city more money than It can ever pay him In Balary. It Is, however, for his work In the Transit Department that Director Tay lor icqucsts Councils to reward him with an adequate salary, a salary commen surate with tho unflagging work he has done In preparing the thousands of plans, with trio efficiency with which the work was carried out and with the saving to the cl'y which his skill has m:id! possi ble. He has saved the city thousands of Collins by tho efficient administration of the itrpartmcnt over which ho has super vision. Ho has Introduced n tlmo value schemo of striking originality which has caubed the nctual work on the first part of the operation to bo done at n record breaking speed, nnd with utmost sntls fuution to the contractors engaged on tho woik. He has turned back to the city treasury thousands of dollars from the appropriations by employing only sufll- r--$ """" '"""""Tic I ii ' in Mil iiniinu I'liiim 1 "LOHENGRIN" PLEASES LOVERS OF MUSIC Performance of Many Virtues at the Metropolitan Last Night HENRY II. QUIMBY Chief Engineer in the City De partment of Trnnsit, whoso salnry will be doubled, from $6000 to ?1U,000 n year, if Coun cils grant Director Taylor's re quest for an increased budget. clcnt men to carry out properly the work of design and computation IIo lias pre pared tho plans and specifications with such rapidity Hint they aro ready for Immediate advertising when Councils gives the word. It In notable that New York pafl Alfrcil Craven, Its subway maimer, u "alary of $M.0CO; his assistant, S12.000. and nllow.i three assistant assistants to him at a snlary of $70". Mr. Quimby, who, by the way, was called to Now York as u consulting engineer following the recent subway collnppo, receives only JiMX) for his work In this city That ho is amply qualllled to carry out tho work of Improving tho cli'H tran sit facilities Is sufllclently proved by the long record of successful achievements, not alone with this city, but also In other fields. Uoforo he became connected with the Huron", of Surveys, Mr Qtilmhv was In chnrne of the erection and design of the Fulton nnd Liberty streets elevated inll- road In Brooklyn. This section Is now Included In the Intcrhoiough system of New York. Ho was consulted In the de sign of elevated railroads In llostou nnd In the design of both subways and ele vated systems In New York. He was consulting engineer for the de sign nnd erection of steel skysciapors In Chicago, New York and Philadelphia. In this city he noted In a consulting capacity In the erection of the North American Dulldlng. He constructed steel ocean piers at Cape May nnd In Cubn. While in the Bureau of Surveys ho not only designed nnd constructed all bridges built by the city during that time, but nlso constructed sowers and graded and paved a large number of streets. Two Die in Kentucky Hotel Fire LOUISVILLE. Ky., Dec. S. Two men were burned to death nnd several others narrowly escaped In a tire which early to- daj destroyed the Seventh Avsnuc'Hotel. Nothing could be Inauspicious, nothing could be less than fine, In a. performance at the Metropolitan which was heralded with the announcement that nt last, nnd after all these years, "Der Itosenkavn- Her" Is to be sung next week. Stirred by that entrancing prospect, the auditor sat back expecting nothing As Mr. rites terton lias said, ho who expects nothing Is nlnajs dlranpolntal. The performance of "Lohengrin" was superb. It must have been of sm passing and surprising fineness, slnco In It Arthur Hodanzkv, tho new genius of tJcrmnn opera, made his llrst appearance In this city nnd In it Jacques iritis and Jimc Margarets Matzenaucr snng ngaln their accustomed parts, and oven Mine. Mnrlo 1 Itappold, from whom no little good could i havo been expected after her disastrous 1 night In "II Trovntorc," found herself i 1 placo In tho good wishes of a. multitude. I But why 'Lohengrin" should nppear at ione lime ns mistical claptrap nnd at an other as poetic ecstasy Is something which oven these phenomena cannot ex plain. Mr Bodanzky's leading la probably as closo a key to the mystery ns will como to hand. It may bo seriously said that thoso who came to Hertz remained to praise More fluent, more gracious read ing of a scoie has not been heard In Wagner. Mr Hertz's methods In the King, particularly his Intention of mak ing the voice a part of Hie orenestra, woro a godsend to Wagnorlans; but It In questionable whether the same methods had place In 'Lohengrin " To Mr. Uo datizky "Lohengrin" Is still wrapped In operatic tlailltlnn, nnd he conducts It with such Infinite shadings of orchestra us to unfold ovct lat beauty or single voice and chorus. "Lohengrin" may bo lirunimnecm. but Mr. Hodanzkv con ducted it with a slncoio mid humble ac ceptance ns pure gold. Ills cuts were decreet, almost reverent, nnd since he disclosed new beauties In the clean and IMS'tonntc rending of his score one felt doubly grateful for the omissions. Becnuso .Mr. Bodnlizky allowed now liberties to the plngern, their part was the more dllllctilt nnd their acquittal last night the more notewoithy Alone, a black d.nnnlng nppniltlon of evil, the Ortnul of Mine Mntzonnucr was an ap palling creation. The sharp, slashing notes of her declamation, tho wealthy lesources of her softer voke, were Incomparably tine. Alas that we have yet to hear hor n.illln. which. h the token of Inst nlsht. must to an unlmnglnnble pleasure' Twice, within tho llrst half of tho s-crond net. she boio lesser singers with her on the wings of Inspiration and took part In two of the loveliest ducts in our evpoilonce. With Tolramund fllerninnn Welt) she was u thread of burnished silver against a cloth of tome dark rich sturf. With Mme. Itnppold's L'lsa she was bernclf the vo luptuous ami lowering dnrk cloud, against which Hashes of lightning shone forth. In both, In every moment of singing or sl leiu'e, she was n gient artistic personage. So crniul was this figure that mere com petence elsewhere would have sufllced. Hut Mr. 1'ilus has long passed the days when ho was satlslled. It over ho were, with what was sulliclent. He needs Tris tan to he nt his greatest, but ho has the trained singer's faculty of Impnrtlng something of his tpcclnl grandeur Into whatever part. Ills Lohengrin was hardly medieval, but it had Its Hashes of mysti cism, nnd in a few dramatic moments he could suggest what no other singer ven tured to bellcvo necessary a human emo tion. He was In lovely voice, and no lengths could tiro him. Mine. Itappold nt last mado It clear what Is meant by Now York critics when they speak of her lovely voice. She. Is still unhappy In her high register. She still lacks the faintest spark of Imagination. But she has a soft, clear voice, to which n, mellow grft clousness may some lny be added. Mr. Braun's Ilelnrleh was nobly ges tured nnd well sung, and It was rather a pity that tho antlphonnl Herald was not of deeper volume and higher sound. The chorus had tho familiar excellence of the Metropolitan! the settings had tho fa miliar medlocrllv. Therefore, nnd In spile of lesser cavil lugs. In consldcrntlon of an evening un spoiled, ono Rives thanks to the Metro politan. It little matters that the audi ence went home at the end of tho first sccno of Act 3 or that n coughing spell overtook largo sections of It nt Inappro priate moments, It matters even less whether this opera Is In grandeur of Imagination and In majesty unexcelled In the works of tho master. Some think It Is, some not. But thero nrc no two thoughts concerning tho performance G V 8, News of Theatres William Qlllette will bo the holiday at traction at tho Broad Street Theatre, be ginning a two weeks' engagement on Monday evening, December 27. Ho will appear the first week In "Sherlock Holmes" and the sccona in "Secret Serv ice," and tho positive announcement Is made that these are tho final perform ances Mr, Olllcttc will give of Ills famous successes In this city. "Wntch Your Step" will come to tho Forrest Theatre Monday, December !7. The compnny Is led by Mrs. Vernon Castle, Frank Tlnncy, Bernard Granville, Elizabeth Urlce, Charles King, Harry Kelly, Harry Kills and several others Whose names are almost equally known. Andrew Mack, In n now play entitled: "The Irish Dragoon," will bo the open lug attraction at tho Walnut Street The atre, which will begin Its new icglme wuii a matinee on Chrlstmns anernoon. The new play, which Is the work of Theo dore nurt Snyie, Is founded upon that fnsclnntlnc old story, "Charles O'Malley," which Is one of the classics of tho Hng 1lsh language. The author of "Charles O'Malley" Is Charles Lover, tho most fa mous novelist of Ireland. A notable addition to the rnnks of the Knickerbocker Thentto players, com mencing with this week, will be Frank Elliott, who has a widespread reputa tion as one of the most versatile of mns cullno stage figures who has nppearcd In stock productions in many years. He Is an actor of commanding physique, and Is possessed of a personality which has .cored a hit with nil audiences before whom he has appeared and Incidentally won for him a host of friends, both on and off tho stage. Iluby Hoffman nnd Arthur Hoops, stars of "The Danger Signal." will attend the ' movie ball tonight. Tho I'atho Company will send the following: Louis J. Gnsnlcr, general manager; M. Knmlrez Torres, as sistant managing director; Jose Colllnx. Lois Meredith, Marie Wnync, Arnold Daly, Sheldon Lewis and W. A. S. Doug-Ins. 1 Kpp ( II OWARD FIELD I. ATT AY RATTAY AVITH RIDDLE CLASS Philadelphia Violinist Will Bo Assist ing Artist Tonight Howard Field Ilattay, violinist, tenchcr concertmelster of a well-known talking machine company's orchestra, will bo the assisting artist nt the Blddlo Bible Class concert tonight. Mr. Itattny has been long nnd favorably known to tho concert going public In Philadelphia, and his ab sence from public concerts Is considered liv many to bo a misfortune. This season Mr. Itattay will bo assisting artist with the Shubert Band, and a number of re citals In nnd about Philadelphia are promised. Organ Kccitnl nt Drexcl Tho Drexcl Institute's free public con cert this Thtirsdny evening nt 8 o'clock nt tho Auditorium will Include Itnlph Kinder at the organ and Mnrlo Stono Lansston, contrnlto The program: I, Sminta In A minor fell. Horonnltl 'j, Vocal cs) "Tho Uilnlmw Child." H. I'olcrldRe Taylor (hi "Alone t'pon the lloiietnps." Toil II. (Inllnmiy (c "The Itlilh nf Morn". ...franco Lconl a. Amlnntp dntnlille !'. t. TechalkowsliI U'rom tho b'irih Hyinplimi ). 4. Concert Home In I) major. Alexandre Cliillmiint r. "Oonilollcra" IrKlnnlct rins-climtnra II. "Jour ilo I'rlntemps" (new)., .ltnlpli Klniler 7. Vomi ca) "When the Kje Como Ilimc," CJeorRo II. Ncvln lb) "Inter Non" Alexander Mticfailyrn s llcrepue irrom "Jocoiyn").Hi,nJnmln Corlnnl X "Marcho Aux n.inibcaux",Dr. Jsinc H.-irton Mrs. Sandby's Rending This evening Alfhlld Sandhy will rend her play, "Dream Pictures of the Llfo of Mlans Christian Andersen," at the Cen tral Y. M. C. A. Audltoilum, 1421 Aich street, before tho University Kxtenslon Society. The dramatic value of the read ing Is given color and depth by music composed by the author's husband, Her man Sandby, the gifted Danish cellist of the Philadelphia Orchestra. Flora MncDonntil will bo tho nccoinpanlst. FILM WITHDRAWN NOT UP TO STANDARD Pathe Voluntarily Substitutes New Series for "Who's Guilty?"x Dv the Photoplay Editor Pathe Film Company makes tho Inter cstlng announcement, which shows the good faith that this company keeps with the public: "After vlcwtig tho last episode of 'Who's Guilty?' It was felt that It was not up to tho Pathe standard, and. there fore, the series Is withdrawn, to bo re made by Arrow fiom new stories by Mrs. Wilson Woodson. In tho meantime. The Bed Circle,' with Itutli Roland and Frank Mayo, will bo substituted nnd re leased December IS. Thero will bo 14 episodes of two reels each." The recall of this series must entail a financial loss of considerable sum to this company, but evidently It realizes that tho good wilt of tho public Is worth moro In the long run than a lower stand ard mid quick return, which will cause poor support In the end. The Hot Oyrcle, "Nevermore," first eplsods of rallio Halhoa series, featuring rtuth Iioland anil Frank Mayo. A new mystery scries which, Judging by the first episode, bids fair to equal If not excel tho "Exploits of Klnlno" will Boon be released by I'atho Balboa. Tho story hinges on tho criminal taint of a certain fnmllv. Onco n generation It Is found, nnd tho ono afflicted Is cursed with a red clrclo on tho hand. Tho series opens with the death of the lnfit two known members of this family and seemingly the end of this peculiar mark, but Just bc foto tho "to be continued" tho hero, n dls lilct attorney, sees a girl In nil automobile and on her hand tho awful mark of tho red circle. Chnilcs Chaplin has nearly complotcd another Hssntmy-Chaplln comedy and It will bo released shortly. Tho tltlo Is "Charlie Chaplin's Burlesquo on Carmen," In two nets. Again Chnplln Is found In an entirely now role. There Is less of the slapstick variety of fun and moro of tho subtlo points of gcnulno humor. Movlo fans, got our your best bib and tucker, for tonight Is tho tlmo for tho great Exhibitors' Ball, and tho placo Is tho Turngcmclndo Hall, Broad street and Columbia avenue. Hero you will see all tho great stars of tho film world who have shonu forth In their many charac ters. How often have you wondered what they would look Uko In real life! Put that thought In use this evening and meet them all, from tho extra people who supply ntmospheio to tl.e celebrated lead ing players. In order that you may sec how somo of tho fllmi nro made, a vaude ville entertainment has been arranged, In which one of tho feature acts will show this Interesting part of tho work In detail. Theatrical BaIkT BnOAD-'-OutCMt". -lis t,w feKf vin roweii and NirrwJ2" tret Hnrlih llf. i, tErtlLKPSten. '15 r..""F tr.5"1?? " pVrV S1: si pth,' only'to reTu'." t?ruV";i FanMs-:r"s.topt Look! t..:..... YPtir&& rnrti. SiiS'EWS ?. tn: tffi'VKn IjtIcs by lurry D. Smiti? BR.kBr portunlty to view iffih&tBJ S'lUn?yWaSr. ftifi"?. " .The avnh,." WJ non ouuer in America, --- oi i, AtJET.riitT in TH..1, ... lancta and ta"Sg SS&W .. . vP na a enornt ( PHOTOrXATS. T,iRuG,A,nnicK"Tn, ' MnTHOPOLITAN "Bum. 3 yllh churles Richmond 5mT!5H?3. ji unows me invfts on of Amefi if "t ai rower and calls us to mSEi. L tSt on occurrence. Th bultlo iri.Ti ""s ing and the film rmmable!ran " -9 r'CE-Wedne8daT, -still w.. tu&"rlng PMU" &KK3l "F ghttng In Franc." a new i.rtJ'S! pictures of tho Posuo LMt. J32J S rmle now engaged In batti7 SPSsi show many unusual Incident! M SS 8TAF.LETWedneday, "Jne." vlih n... I Oroenwood and Sldnay Oranl v!?5 known," with Lou Telleren. tS.mT?.1 oris, -mm iroroman end Dorothr raZ."9 will b screened, ' Tal(B Tlin IIROBNT-Wednesday Bj ftl "Tha Danger SlknaU" with Arld-PSSI nnd Ruby Raymond, and tha wrt n&M Tha Greater Will." ,Ml """H Wife." with Robert 'Jtantell and aSSS iramoer. Thurnday. FrldA 7ii SWhl "Tho Labyrinth." with flail Kis.1? IlELStONT "Thn OnM.n n.n .-'l Trouble," "Tho Beat of Enemies'' "jS1 VAUDEVILLE. KBlTH'B-ocorga MacFarland, Blllj s - mu Beaumont Rlaters. In "SnnAV.. .'I Dorothy Toye, McConnell and Slmtim.1 Herman, tho lolccn Slstcra. -rj CHOSfl KBYS-Klral halt of weelt, '7nJ Clerha," Harry Thompson, Ow( 25 lrfstor Trio, Carrlo Lille, Oormh 3 Second half of week. "Fa-Mall (Si rreison ana uoiuio, Kiaum ml ttai Lclnna carr ana company, will AlicT Lelands. OLODS Balalaika Orchestra. nrn- ..i . I hony, San Fong Un Troupo. Ls Ror Ul-ZM and company, Bird and Nellie Hitaj2I Btoddard, Kay and Vernon, La Feuti Ds-uj GRAND "Tho Furnaco Fliers." Rnn.'JJ and Maudo Wolford, Herbert's Don i3 AT POPULAR rRICW PEOPLE'S "At tha Old Cross EmJi' i 8T0CK. KMCKiiiiuuuKER "Tha Hamblen tM Knickerbocker Playors In Klein's faja BURLESQUE. DUMONTS Dumont'a Minstrels ta bUerJ Vl,.VVttVVV..lV..Y.M m ) PROMINENT PHOTOPLAY PRESENmriONS (craj m 10JSrhi Sot&na Grmmu THE follonlnc theatres obtain their pictures through iho HTANI.KT Ilooklnc Company, which is a guarantee; of early nhnulnc of ilia fliicat iiibductlona. AH ptclurra reviewed before exhibition. Aak for the Ibeutrr In your locality obtaining picture through the bT.tNLKV Book Inx Company. IIU1MDDI 12th, Morris & Paasyunk Ave rUHAHBRA Mat. may atp:ET Mary Pickford ln "mS$3&Bri.T- ARCADIA BELOW'WTH ARTHUR HOOPS and RUBY HOFFMAN in "THE UNFAITHFUL WIFE" A Dm T r -D ND THOMPSON AjrULL.U MATINEE DAILY EMMY WEHLEN in "TABLES TURNED" AUDITORIUM w TiSth sr HOLBROOK BUNN in "THE IVORY SNUFF BOX" LOCUST Geraldine Farrar 52D AND I.OCt'ST RTREETa "CARMEN" Logan Auditorium ." MAURICE COSTELLO in "THE MAN WHO COULD NOT BEAT GOD" I PAnPR FORTY-FIRST AND t-.KUC1 LANCASTER AVENUE THEDA BARA in THE GALLEY SLAVE" Market St. Theatre 33S UASRT " HIS WIFE " COMEDIES OTHERS nt nnnipn s-w north tSLiUCDlrxlV droad street CYRIL SCOTT in "NOT GUILTY" CEDAR THS$?5 iOTH CEDA.R THE POPULAR HEAR OUR NEW OROAN FAIRMOUNT SOT" QAinS0 AVB. ROBERT WARWICK in "SINS OF SOCIETY" GERMANTOWN tSwe. MARY MILES MINTER in UA it UAH A FRIETCHIE" ! riRC Bn-"'I 1URKET ULVJDC Mat.. Slla. Evc,.. Ttt PAULINE FREDERICK In "SOLD" Paramount Offeni AVENUE THEATRE ITU AND GIRARD AVE. GIRARD MURIEL OSTRICHE in "A DAUGHTER OF TUE SEA" JEFFERSON 2BTH ATtRDEA3l,p,nN ITRANC18 RVSHMAN A BEVERLY BAYNB " "Petmington'. Choice" PIg LAFAYETTE S8H iaa'wJ$$& CHARLOTTE WALKER in "OUT OF DARKNESS" Lf RFHTY BROAD AND 1 D C. ft, l COLUMBIA FRANK KEENAN in 'TUB LONG CHANCE" LOGAN THEATRE ,n$$jg" BLANCHE RING in THE YANKEB GIRL" Weekly Prograiru AstMSK svery Monday In Metic-a Picture Chart ORPHFI IM OEUMANTOWN AND Wra. Fox Present NANCE O'NEIL In "A Woman's Past." Mr A Mtr. Sidney Drew In "All for tho Loe of a Girl." Vita. Feature. ORTFNT -D AND WOODLAND AVE. WllCl-i I Dally Mat 3 Ee . Oi.10 tn tl PATHE COLD ROOSTER PLAY Ceo. Frobert and Fanla Marlnoff fn a wonder ful and beautiful production, "NEDRA." WEST PHILADELPHIA fiRAlMn 52D MARKET STREETS VJlVrtniV .MATINEE DAILY. 2 P. M.. Ba WILLIAM FARNUM in "Tlie Wonderful Adventure" OVERBROOK C3D AND IIAVERFORD IVH WORLD FILM: CORP. PRESENTS HOLBROOK BLINN in "A RUTTERrLT ON THE WHEEL" EUREKA l0TH AND Li U A L, 1 M MARKET 8TREETS FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN in "THE SILENT VOICE" IMPERIAL C0T11 AND '- --r"- WALNUT STREETS NANCE O'NEIL in "A WOMAN'S PAST' GARDEN S3D " t'iW? GRACE DARMOND in "House of 1000 Candles" S P R II C F W)TH AND spruce O r I l E. STREETS Hi-nrv R. Ullk11 "Birth of 7 .JLi.. . :: Nation PAI APF -2l- MARKET STREET -rrtlrt--- 10 A M. to ttiin P M MARGUERITE CLARK in "STILL WATERS" PARk' RIDOE AVE. and DAUPHIN rflJttlJ,, 2:111. Evt;., OjSO Contlnunua "THE WARNING" World Masterpiece with HENRY KOLKER PRINCESS "Friend Wilson's Daughter" 1018 MARKET RTHKET RPP PNT 1B3 MARKET KTREBf .VE.JE.11 1 HUMAF YOWR ORfJA.V ARTHUR HOOPS RUDY HOFFfAN In "THE DANGER SIGNAL" 1TD V MARKET STREET ' - - l RELOW 7TH STREET THEDA BARA in THE GALLEY SLAVE" SHERWOOD MT"ADLTUfORE Jena L. LasVy Pharlolt Wallroi in "OUT OF DARKNESS" 1211 MARKET STREET p,tb. coWRno-... ARNOLD DALY in "THE HOUSE OF FEAR" Present SAVOY V1TTORIA MARKET ST. V1VI VIVlrt ABOVE NINTH EDWIN ARDEN in "THE OBEY CLOAK" CTA1MF PV MARKET ABOVE 16TH O I UML-C I 1 CHARLOTTE GREEN1VOOD CONTINUOUS I anJ SYDNEY GRANT In 11 A. M. to I I A N F II tIS I. M. ' J A n C. i hUA UE-VSINUTON jJUMBO I FRONT r. AND GlUAHn XV R NStAIj OB" TOB K1V v. 1 "STANLEY IN STARVATION CAMP" FIEHY TKaOUCTI03!S UEU1IANTOWN PI?F HAM OERMANTOWN AVENUE I ClTTVll AND guARPNACK ST DOHIS PAWN and SYDNEY AYRE3 In HIS GOOD NAME," 2 Acta Alls HOLLlfcTER fc Ruland BOTTOMLEY ta TUB NET OF DECEIT." S Aeu in "BEULAH," 6 Parts t arris Others DARBY DARBY THEATRE DAPnABT JOHN BARRYMORE in I!?.1?' Incorrigible Dukane," Paramount PUtura "Mlsa Btlcky Moufle Kiss1' Mat and Eve. NORTH Great Northern brad st erie a vncainunucrn GEnMANT'N AVEa T R l A. N Q L B FEJLTVRBB DAILY, B:30 P. M EVENINGS. T and 0 DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In "Double Trouhls" WEBER & FIELDS In "Tha pg.to Enemlea" Broad Street Casino nnoDn""' MATINEE, 2:30 EVENING, T and 0 MAURICE COSTELLO in "SAINTS ANP SINNERS" COMEDIES TIVOLI Theatre ?aRmunt ave. "'v'-'1 iiicaire below istkst. CHAS. CHAPLIN in "A MUP 'Larry O'Neil, Gentleman' Others NORTHWEST West Allegheny gf? , &;?& rasa. isss.-risrA g?gg: P'ab,'na $&&" 8&foK2X&t. J Susquehanna ueIFS avE. EUGENIE BESSERER t STELLA RAZETO "The Circular Staircase" FIVE ACTS NORTHEAST STRAND ,rrH lwul oirard Ava a-UVrtlXl Mat. WedTlnd Bat ULLIAN LORRAINE in "NEAL, OF THE NAVY." JJo. S "THE SOUL OF PIERRE"' OTHERS bOUTH I'UILADEWHIA Til YMPIA B--OAD BELOW ,r" vjl. i mr-i BAINBRIDOB "GHOSTS" with Henry Walthall One of tho erfitest plars tret produc4 And Dos (iceraJ profraa M N M ext Sunday Punky Dunk! In a real book, Punky Dunk comes to entertain ! ittle Folk with the adventure of "Punky Dunk and the Spotted Pup" And he comes free with the Public Ledger I TlERE is the greatest gift any newspaper has ever secured for the kiddies. Punky Dunk stories are not coarse, comic strips, on badly drawn and badly printed newspaper cut-outs. They are children's books of the finest qualityrin reading mat ter and in get-up and entirely different from anything ever given with any news paper. Many a youngster will gleefully roam with Punky Dunk in. the dim dkwn of unristmas morning for good old Santa pst luiauuas muming ror gooa old ixai brings Punky Dunk as one of the n wonderful gifts in all his delightfully mys terious bag of good things. ' Next Sunday, in soft covers, the Public Ledger brings the same gift book for the children. Punky Dunk is just the kind of companion you want to grow up with your children. Remember, Punky Dunk stories are real, ready to fold and bind in soft covers and printed on the tmest kind of book paper. You will be proud to give them to your boys and girls, Free withXNext Sunday's v PUBLIC ilt.lt,VL.t.t.t.l..tlL..lVYt.A..... ...... ......... LEDGER T -, ---"""""".l,'.V,1ViVV',VVVV IWVWWWWWWWWWHWWHVWWWHWWWWtt. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers