Mtmtiimiiww jiJuwMWPWWIlyfT, - J,--!-- h 8 NEW DOCKS DIRECTOR SEES GREAT FUTURE FOR PORT OF PHILADELPHIA George S. Webster, Who Will Be in Mayor Smith's Cabinet, Says City Has Golden Opportunity MAN OF BIG DEEDS Till In I hi- flrnt of n ajrrlea of In tertlMTn wllh the new IJIreclorn of cllr ilepnrtmrnta, npiinlnfrit liy 3lnror-teot .Smith, on Ihrlr pinna for n Rrcnlrr t'hllnitrliililn. IWtry ton of steel. Iron, coal and other products turned out by tho tens of thou oands In the great Industrial 'tatu "' I'emisylvanla should move through the port of Philadelphia when the pinna or the hew Director of tho Department of Vhnrvei, Docks nnd Terries are consum mated. OeorRc S Webster, now chief of the i Survey IJureau In the Department of Pub lic Works, is the man named by Mnyor elect Thomas li. Smith to direct tho e nendlturi' of the $9,m.(H provided for In tho J90.noo.000 loan for port and harbor Improvements and other great sums that will bo appropriated, The vision of the- new port seen by Mr. Webster Is a irlowInK one, but thero Is nothing now or recent In It to him. Tho vision has been expanding with tho port for n few months les thnn 53 years, which Is tho length of time Chief Webster has spent In the service of tho city. In nil that tlmo ho has been In but ono bureau. It Is said hv those who know at City Hall that he has had homo Important part In virtually c-ury ureal public Im provement mnilo within the last 1 or ?) years, Hln appointment as Director of Wli.trvcs, Docks and Ferries was hulled as a surprlso by the polltlclms only. Those who know of his record In the De partment of lul)llc Works, whero eight Mnyom of all shades of political belief have npproved his work, were not oven mllill. surprised. In his present post Mr Webster lius had much to do with the plans for the South Philadelphia grudo crossing lemovals. Ho Is in direct touch with nearly every im jirovemcnt planned for the whole water front, and what Is being done In South Philadelphia, with what will ho done, is nt his linger ends. In many ways tho Departments of I'ubllc Works and of "Wharves. Docks unci Ferries are Inter related Tho co-operation that ahvuys has existed between them should bo ntronger than ever under the Smith ad ministration. "This i ihe golden opportunity for tho port of Philadelphia," said Mr. Webster toda) "Never lti tho history of thy city has there been such a chance for 11 to take the pluco It should hold among tho other great ports of the Atlantic sea board Defore tho term of my appoint ment runs out 1 expect to neo this port .Jirmly established as the outlet for nil tho great Industries of Pennsylvania. It is now the natural outlet, and only the lack of facilities, a lack that Is soon to bo remedied, prevents It from handling an enormously Increased volume of busi ness." Chlif Webster reached into n flic nnd produced the ordinance covering tho South Philadelphia agreement between tho city nnd the railroads Ho pointed out tho clause which provides that tho Holt Line l' shall bo open not only to all roads now enteilng this city, but to thcrs that may establish connections here. s ilone," ho said, "means that Phil adelphia must and will provide ever In creasing facilities for export. It means thru -i railroad hero now, and those that may come, may Instantly ho put In touch with any part of tho city s long river ironi in lieu now nas r tracks as far north along tho Delawnro ll n TlHlnalt,r, T.-tr- titan nlnnv flin T"l,l aware may be reached hy It, and event ually a large part of tho Schuylkill Itlver water front. "I am for a greater port for Phila delphia I have been for It all my life. It Is a great port now, but It Is to bo greater than ever. I do not ngree with those who contend that thero are too many dillicultles in the way of the Im provements already planned and those contemplated or proposed. There Is every rcaBon why tho port should develop. STATE AND NATION CONCERNED. "I believe the State should realize that It Is to the Interest of the wholo Com monwealth to develop Philadelphia aB the great port of Pennsylvania. There Is every reason why the Industries of this State should ship through this city when adequate facilities are provided. And In my opinion there will he no dlfllculty whatsoever In setting tho business once we havo tho facilities now being estab lished. "The Federal Government Is beginning to realize that more should be done for the Delaware. Philadelphia as a port will be helped by the preparedness propa gancla. It will not be long before tho Del aware Is dredged to a depth of S3 feet. AVo then can provide for the largest ea sels. Two piers of tho great Moyamenslng group are completed. Work has been started on another. The grade crossings are being removed In South Philadelphia. Along tho whole stretch of river front there Is Increased activity." Almost coincident with this statement by the new Director dispatches from Washington set forth that appropriations totaling J2.163WO) for the Delaware had been requested In the report of Secretary McAdoo, submitted to Congress. Should this program go through It will mean that Improvements by the Federal Gov ernment and the city will keep pace. If it should not go through Philadelphia's work in the development of tho port will forse ahead of the Government's. NEW DIRECTOR ON THIS WORK The records and personality of the new Director of Wharves, Docks and Ferries are of Interest to all Philadelphlans In view of the work he Is to be called on to supervise, He Is an engineer who has won his spurs on sheer ability. It was as an engineer, not as a political leader, that he got the appointment from Mayor elect Smith. Since he was 22 years old Mr. Webuter has been in the employ of the city. lie was born in this city October 19, 1&6, and educated at Friends' Select School and the University of Pennsylvania. The 1'nlverslty has twice honored him with the degree of bachelor of science and doctor of science. His first appointment was to a position hi the Uureau of Sur veys, In which bureau he has remained ever since. This was in January of 1ST. On May 1, leSO, he wan elected surveyor and regulator of the 10th survey district. Twelve years later, on February 1, 1S92, he became principal assistant engineer In, the bureau. After three months he was appointed acting chief engineer and he was confirmed as chief of the bureau February 1, 1333. He has supervised the construction of 750 miles of sewers, of the sewage treatment plant at Torres data and the design and construction of the great concrete arch bridge over the WUsahlckon at Walnut lane, the Falls, Cray's Ferry and Passyunk avenue bridges over the Schuylkill. la conjunction with his assistant, George E. Dateaman, who has been ap pointed by ilayor-elect Smith the Direc tor of the Department of Public Works, ilr. Webster wrote trie voluminous report on. the (23,000,000 sewage disposal system that Is to bo constructed lit this cUy. If e also has had supervision of the widen ing of Delaware avenue, from Vine street to South street; the, erecting of tbo three treat municipal piers nnd the dredg ing cf the channel of the Delaware Klver t reus the ettjp to Kiksi Hack, t'stU M car aa wtur c depart LAt. A b. JkA iHiHsiH " i nneKi KKHmAXEREmfM? I ' i ii ' hi i " rt .i1,.i.rti.iiftrt.wA, I'holo ,v 'lutekunst GEORGE S. WEBSTER ment of wharves, do ks nnd ferries In this city. The work was handled by tho Department of Public Works and, ns head of tho Ilureau of Survuys, Mr. Webster was tllrcclly In eharge of mutiy great public Improvements. Many Philadel phlans do not rember that it was the city that dredged the Delaware ltlvcr to tho 23 foot depth us far down un Murcus Hook. Tho Government took up the wotk at that depth nnd dredged the ptcsent ."0-foot channel. Mr. Webster Is married mid has a on :S years old, who nlso is an engineer. Ho will go Into his new oilier; with i diep rooted enthusiasm for the work ahead of him and a linn bi llcf In the great futuro of the port r Philadelphia. Ha also will have the biit wishes of Ihe leading en gineers In this mid other cities, who know him through association In tho following organization American Society of Civil I'nglnters. Amerlenn Society for Testing Material'. Xiitlnnal Conferenco cm City Planning. Philadelphia Knglnuera' Club, Franklin Institute, Municipal (Engineer ing Sen-let, tho t'liambtr of t'niumvrco nnd the t'tilon League. 'Die looks of the new direct"!- do not betray hli 00 ents. Ills luilr i hist about as gray os with the nve,--- an ot 1, but for nil his solid liullil he moves mnro like one n ,i0 years, lie Is illicit and I n pld In his spi ei'h, nnd thorough. TIhmo who know him we. I mi that altogether apart from his enginei-tlng skill, to which the work he has done Is ample tribute, ho Is Mimethlng of a diplomat He has ma Jo many friends In anil mil of his pinfesslon and his nlllco The day his appointment was uiinmilKi'd lie learned that shaking hands for am ngtli of time Is hard work. Ho did It nil day. .MOTHER HiKADS FOR RELEASE OF SOX WHO STRUCK HER Love Greater Than Injury, and Mag istrate Grants Request A gray-luvlrcd mother pleaded for the releaso of her son in the 25th nnd Oxford streets station today when the youth was nrrnlgned before Magistrate Watson ac cused of striking her. Tho youth was Jacob Martin, 22 years old, of 1S37 Van Pelt street. Policeman MacN'ameo told Mngistratn Watson ho had arrested Martin last night at the Instance of tho mother. Ho said tho youth struck her nnd Mrs. Martin had screamed for holp. Mrs. Martin said tho boy often camo homo nnd demanded money from her. nnd when sho refused to glvo It to him he broko furniture and dishes and btruck her. When tho mother had testllled tho youth broko down and pleuded with her not to send him to prison. Tho mother's lovo was greater than tho Injury ho had done her, and sho asked tlm Magistrate to glvo him another chance. Maglstrato Watson said bo was tempted to administer a thrashing to the youth, and after a severe reprimand re leased him in tho custody of his mother. TO CONFER ON STONEMEN Heads of Fellowship to Meet Minis ters in Few Days The conferenco between George Whar ton Pepper, tho Itev. II. C. Stone nnd a group of Protestant ministers, It Is ex pected, will bo held In a few days. Tho P.ev. Dr. William II. Roberts, stated clerk of tho Presbyterian Assembly, said today that on the committee, of which ne Is chairman, will bo the following conferees. Tho Itev. David M. Steele nnd Francis A. Lewis. ProtestantKpIscopal; the Itev. Dr. J. W. Trout, Methodist Protestant; the Itev. Dr. O. W. Izor and Cyrus D. Foss. Methodist Kplscopal; the Itev. W. J. Miller nnd A. D. Chlquolne, Lutheran; tho Itev. Dr. R. C. Kartman nnd II. 1J. Paisley, Reformed; tho Rev. Dr. George D. Adams and It. O. Stretch. Baptist; the Rev. Dr. A. K. Harnett and William Gibson. Reformed Kplscopal; the Rev. Dr. Robert Hunter nnd Richard II. Wal-v luce, Presbyterian; the Rev. Dr. I. C. II. Hoffman nnd L Augustus Miller, Luth eran (General Council); the Rev. C H Adams and llnrton F. linker. Congrega tional; the Rev. T. I. Winter and Dr. J. W. West, Christian Disciples; the Rev. Dr. II. J. D. Rlnker and J. C. llarbaugh, Kvnngellcnl; tho Rev. Dr. N. H. Grubb and Joseph II. nechtel, Mennouite; the Rev. John S. Romlg and Louis Hysen bach, Moravian; the Rev. John D. Hicks and James Shade, Reformed Church In America; . the Rev. F. M. Wilson nnd J. M. Steel, Reformed Presbyterian; the Rev. Dr, D. D. Turnbull and William E. Graham, United Presbyterioji; tho Rev, Joseph Elklngton and Joel Borton, Friends. POLICE PROTECT SHOPPERS Detectives Assigned to Watch Central Business District Superintendent of Police Itoblnson and Captain of Detectives Cameron today as signed patrolmen and detectives to spe cial beats alone Market, Arch and Chest nut streets, in the central business dis trict, to keep trattlc movlnff, watch for pickpockets and tnko other similar meas ures to protect the shoppers from loss and inconvenience. Krom 26 to SO men have been put to work at these tasks between the Inter sections of streets, there being at least cne man and In some cases three or four men to tho block. You'll be delighted to see how at tractive Pinkerton can make your old pine floors look for less money than new carpet would cost. PINKERTON 3 Year$ in the Floor 3uaint9t 3034 W, York St. gtfJBTfc miHiiiumiiimiiiiimiJHuK ML HARDWOOD ft &J&UWS2SXJi!l-BJ,'-JUl"" UL'"1- J JjJS EVENING EEDGTBE-PHrEADEIJPinX TTJESPA-Y. DEDEMBEB DONNER MAY LEAD IN STEEL MERGER Incorporation of Company in New York and Cambria Chnnges Cause Keport As n result of the Incorporation of tho Donner Steel Company, In New York, rumors of n hugo steel merger have been widely circulated, tt Is asserted thai Wil liam If. Dunner, president of tho Cambria Slrel Company, Intends to retire from the company of which he Is head, and Hint lariro Interests will sell their I Cambria Steel stock at $M n share nnd will take part In a great steel combine whlrh will have that company ns n nu cleus. The New Vork Slnle Steel Company, which Donner recently purchased for 12,- 'TMCH will be taken over by the Dnn ! ner Steel Company, nnd will havo a capi tal or fJ.CKO.ooi, half preferred nnd half c-mmoii stork, according to reports Al though Donner refuses to say who Ihe other Incorporators are, the farts are taken to mean that he has been forced out of Cambria Steel and Is preparing against the future. It In said that Donner is anxious ! obtain control of the PciiRlvanla Steel Compnny, and has mndu an offer to the Peniisvlvanla Itallrond and the Heading Coal and Iron Company, which hold be tween them 3S per cent, of the slock. It Is also said that the otters were not nltocether satisfactory to the rnllrunili and tlmt further attempts will be inado to obtain the stock. I'roni thli It Is thought that tho Penn sylvania Steel Company Is to form n link in Donner's new corporation. Weight Is given to the reports by persistent rumors to the effect that the Itcploglo syndicate Intends le'llng Cambria Steel slock at JV a share ti. certain Interests which tire dealing with them nt present This syndicate will net n handsome profit If the leport In true, ns approximately nilljiM shares of Cambria Steel were bought by them at ?"' When the reporlB of tho merger weie iliculatrd late jestcrday, Cambria Steel stei k fell oft' In the market and trading was lighter than on any ilnv for several weeks. The companies who nro thought to bo considered ns forming part of the merger are the Cambria, Lackawanna, lull-nil and the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Companies. WAK HOUSES MAN'S KETTKK SIDK. SAYS 1)11. J. J. WALSH New and Better Civilization Will Rise in Europe, Speaker Assorts War brings out tho best In mankind, never tho worst. It makes n selfish man unselfish; It Imparts courage to tho weakling nnd honor tn the craven, ac cording to Dr. James J. Walsh, a faculty member of Cathedral College. New York, who delivered nn address In the Roman Catholic High School for Girls, 15th and Wood streets, last night. Doctor Walsh asserted tlmt while he was opposed to the present war In Europe ho by no means considers it tho worst thing that could havo happened to Hurope, for a new nnd better civilization will nrlso out of the ruins of tho present. In speaking of the brighter side of tho present war ho said: "It has taken tho ugly night llf-s away from Jjondon, and given tho people some thing finer, moro splendid, more enduring nnd moro lusting. It abolishes trivialities; they nro all gone. Mnn hasn't changed any in nil tho ages; this war shows it. Tho evolution has been grentei, but tho netunil Instinct hasn't died." WILL TEST EGGS FOR AGE Pure Food Experts to Try Out Chem ical Process Hero A chemical test to determine the ngo and quality of every egg for sale In this city will bo conducted soon by the State Dairy nnd Food Department In an effort to determine whether Western dealers aro shipping eggs of questionable quality to tho markets of Pennsylvania. The tests have been mnde possible by a discovery of Dr. F. T. Aschmnn. of Pittsburgh. Ho can determine the egg's status by means of a simple chemical process. Professor C. II. La Wall, tho Philadelphia representative of the State Dairy and Food Commission, will be m charge of tho Investigation In this city, while ngents in other parts of the State will conduct a similar test. It Is thought that the Investigation will be begun next week. The project was approved In Harrls burg December 2 nnd 3, when the process was explained by Doctor Aschmnn to 10 pure food ngents who met with Govcrnoi Hrumhnugh, Deputy Attorney General Harjea and Secretary of Agriculture Pat ton. Norwood Horticulturists Election Norwood horticulturists last nlgit ile, t ed these otllcers I resident. In John A Uornenmii; vice pieaulent. John S llixh. secretary. Dr II A Ickos; treasurer, Harry L Heppen PURE FRESH PAINT oeJIeve Me We'll show you the HOW of any kind of good painting for any building, in side and out. If you want the best, phone Kuehnie Painting and Decorating Oct Our EsUuuxtt Vint Both Phones 28 S. 16th St. &r ITAOver. - $15.00 &" left on our bands. Some made by th roost reliable ullors. FRIDENBERG'S Loan Office COIL 8T1I AM) UUTTO.NWOOU UTS. FNRNITNRF Sample &SlighUyUied I UIUU I UiC RUGS-A1I Sizes One-piece Aimlnsttr Uugs, 8x12 113.00 Vulvet Hug . . . io.qo Three-pltco Adamn atylo. Oenulno Cir cassian Walnut Bureau. Cblffonlsr una TrlpWd Mirror Dressing Table. S3 00 Dining-room. I'arlor. Kitchen ana Other Furniture. OPEN EVENINOS FEINSTEIN STORAGE CO. 8. K. Cor. 8th and bprlog- Garden Bts. ItEtl'IlOtSXEHINO 8-riCxS 1'AKLOlt UC1TS re- uphoUterad and reconstructed lk new, I, 10. f3. tiUo covsra II cacl ikh. ki Vrlta or cbone -ombard 3180 estimates frea. ivr liiopiss. t'roHO t'pbUtrr Camojuu ee LEDGER WAR FILMS SHOWN AT CHESTNUT Official French War Pictures Show Varied Life at the Front Dy Iho Photoplay Editor Somo ono has yet to write of the lug nnrt motion nlctures have Plu.ed In mak ing tho (Jrent War a reality. There hn've i been plenty of fake': few hac borne the ollklal guarantee of those shown at the Chestnut Slieet Opera House .tstcrday through tho enterprise of the Public l.tnuRil and the ncumen of E. Alexander Powell. Ytt a moving picture of even what was once a battletlcld carries Its visual messngo of drab, unromantlc de struction, the big fact ot modern wnrfatc. And how much tnoro powerful Is this note in such genuine ".lews at tho front ns these of "Fighting Hi France." WonN could never have made us see Iho machinery and evolutions of war as moving pictures have done. It Is impos sible, for instance, to Imagine from ex en tho most vivid of description the com- motipltue honor of tho military fur.crnl shown In these lllms. A torn and dirtied body carried to the pit's edge on a rnck ot sticks, the Identification mark torn from tho neck by an ollicer, nnd tho body toppled oif the rough poles Ignomlnlously lulu the earth These were not easy pictures to take, for few show mere maricuveurs Few In dued show such comparatively safe sub jects ns King Albert, President Polncaro and Kltihrliir. Thero aro big guns In action and mltntlletises, ton, nnd hand grenades. Two olllrlal photographers were wounded In tho taking and four cameras unrislied. "The liirth of a Nation" continues Us successful run nt the (Inrrlck. This great film Is hiiocd on Thomas Dixon's book, "The Clansman." The east Includes Henry B. Walthall, Mae Mnrsh. Lillian Dish and Spnttswooil Aitkin. "The Untile fry of Pence," with It.i remarkable night photography nnd battle "rones, continues at the Metropolitan. The lllm shows the Invasion of America hy a foreign Power and calls on us to preparo to lepel such an Invasion. Tho cat Includes Charles Rlehmnn, Xorma Tnlmndgo nnd other well-known Vita grnph stars. Tho Arcadia for tho first half of the week Is showing "The Unfaithful Wife," with Rolurt Mantel!, whllo for Thursday, Friday and Saturday "Tho Labyrinth," with llnll Krine. In the feature. The Stanley is showing "June," with Charlotte riieenwnod and Sidney Grant, the first three davs of the week. "Tho Unknown," with Lou Telllgen, Theodore Roberts nnd Tom Foreman, closes tho week. The Regent for today shows "Itarhnra Piletchle," with Mary Miles Hunter nnd Mrr. Thomas Whlffen. On Wcdnesdny and Thursday "Tho Danger Signal," with Arthur Hoops and Itiibv Raymond, will be sircetifd, and for Friday nnd "iiiurdnv "The Greater Will" will be featuii '. KNICKERBOCKER PLAYERS PRESENT NEW LEADING MAN Tho Knickerbocker Plncrs, headed by Frank K. Elliot as their new leading man. nro giving a skilful presentation of Charles Klein's melodramatic pla, "Tho Gamblers." this week. I'Uiot mndo his debut In line style, por trnlng the part of Wilbur Kmcrson, tho banker's sun. who had taken chances with other's millions and lost. In a dramatic manner. Ruth Robinson, ns Catherine Darwin, made her usual hit with the audi ence by her convincing acting. Ted Hnickctt, as the dogmatic, brow beating assistant district attorney, also roused enthusiasm. Thomas Shorn er put .lust the ncedid humor In the perfoim nnce, with his quaint sayings about man kind in general, other pnrtH wero taken hy Cnnle Thatcher. Phillip Lord, John Geary. Richard Stiles, Charles T. Moore, Anna Dohcrtj and Frank Carter. The piece was excellently staged. "The Gamblers" Is the story of a young banker who replnces his father's anti quated banking methods with those of the 20th rciitury. He gambles nnd loses, fac ing his deserts as a man. lie wins, how ever, the love of the woman he ban al ways wanted. XEW C0XDUCT0U LEADS IN 'LOIIEXnillX" TONHiHT Chief Interest In the performance of "LohenKrln," which will be done by tho Metropolitan Opera Company totiliht at llnmil nnd Poplar streets, lies In the first 1 1 ... riinie In this city of a new Wag nerian conductor. Tho cast assembled for tho opera Is familiar to this city, nnd the opira Itself has a stroni? follouintr , ii"ie. iiiiur iuiiaiisKy, wno tool; the place of Alfred Hertz, the ereat con- ... fS8!Z-. ., and make the boy happy by purrlius- Ine a blcjcle fur Mm Viu i-uii bu him no Bin he ulll en Joy so much. Cash or easy payments to butt our com, entente $12.75 and Up 1IICVCI.KS ANlt .M.I. HI'.MIIIIKS fitiCKs ct'T you Tin: ikii.idavs All lilgh-Brade bicycles, ami fully guaranteeil Call anil look them over before purchasing elsewhere and you mil sae money. We ham a full line of sundries, lamps, tires, bells, pump. We ure iheuper thull the Wieap ami our Koods are better than th best. Call una bo CONVINCED MALONE oi.n iii.i. iaiii.e i-'iia;iit.Mtii.i u OPEN EEMMiH Uedjdtti Si-l - JkAtSMtt,A r "Site '' 4 7 Visit P MaloneS .'l T) 63-15 t MsTiiitmimrnTn TlriTiisH s M A slPsPlPfs H ft JHi.llH At ' ?HiisllHKi ' ROBERT MANTELL At the Arcntlla in "The Unfaith ful Wife." dttctor of Wagner with the Metropolitan, Is the newcomer. Mr. liodnnsky's methods have already established him In the dimcult place of .Mr. Hertz. He is n good Wagnerian, but he has somo svmpnlhv with tho desire of the auditors to henr what Is good and get nwny. His cuts in Wagner aro never violent, always snipping hero and thero rather than cutting out wholo scenes. What he has dnnu to "lyohengrln" re mains to be seen Tho i:is:i or the rat will be Mmo. Itap pold, who was heard here In "11 Trova lore," somo weeks ago. Mme. Mnt zcnatier will have the principal feminine role and .lutiues Crlus will bo the Lohen grin Otheis in the cast nro MSI, Uraun, Well and Schlegel. Vaudeville i KcitJr. A llltlo bit of evcrj thing that goes to in.tko up present-day vaudeville Is glon on tho bill at Keith's this week. From nn aitlstlo standpoint, tho honors of the show went to George. MncFnrlane, a pleasing baritone, who letulered a wide range of songs. Ills repertolio was chosen with n view ot pleasing nil tastes, ami by way of good measure hu added n comic song to contrast with those which cur ried a tinge of sadness. Tho singer wa.t gcneious In his cncoies, and tho applause which gieeted his efforts was truly tie seived. Doiolh Toe. who mado her first ap pearance at Keith's, proved that her hill ing, "tin girl witn two voices," was Justi fied. She sang soprano and tenor selections- alternately, nnd her tenor was Just ns robust as many wo hear In opern. Sho won emphatic approval. Many laughs greeted Lulu McConneK nnd Grant Simpson In their now sketch, "At Home" Hilly H. Van and tho Ilcntl mont Sisters presented their familiar comedy, ".ipooks.- to tho usual good re sult. Wlllard, tho man who grows smaller and taller while ou look at him, mysti fied nnd pleased. Other nets Included Ualleu and Fuller, two worthy, old-tlmo favorites, wlio pre sented "The Corridor of Tlmo"; Dclmore j and Lee, In all artistic gymnastic novelt . Kddlo Kane and Jay Herman, In "Tie Midnight Sons," nnd the Ioleen Sisters sharpshooters on the wire. Here and There NIXON'-GRAN'D. Thero is an abundance of wit In "The Furnace Fixers," a comedy which head lines the bill at the Nixon-Grand. It serves to show how the average work man will take advnntngo of tho boss when opportunity offers. Other acts which pleased were George Rarry and Mnudo Wolford, in their singing skctcli vi ' ' - '.mjrZ? ..... uimimij-- e) ' t iSihi Sodka Grmom TIIK following; theatre" obtain their picture throueh (he STANIXV Hooking- Compuiiy. which la n guarantee of curly Hhonlnga ot Iho flnest iirniliictloiiH. All pleturea reviewed before exhibition. Ahlc for the h tut re In your locullty obtulnhii: pkturra tliroui.ii the STANLIIY Hook Ins Company. I U1MDD A 1-th, Itorrls It. raesyunk Ave. ALllAHlDlAli.t Uallyat i!; Ev?a,70. JIJlHlllIl...ViiuJe11oil,iirftmTt j,lclures Mary Pickf ord ,n 'MADAMH HL'TTClll'LV" ARCADIA iSSSJFffii Hobert 11 Mantell and Oenelee Hamper In "THE UNFAITHFUL WIFE" APOLLO 830 AND THOMPSON MATINim DAILY IRENE FENWICK in THE GltEEN CLOAK" AUDITORIUM 21 NT:$r7TH n. VIVIAN MARTIN in THE LITTLE DUTCH rjlltL" BLUEBIRD "8 N0RTH 13n0AD ST VALESKA SURATT in THE HOVU OP WtOADWAY" THE prrjAD THEATRE lwE.UK BOTH 4 ( l'01'LT.An "wlalrtt. BOTH 4 CEDAn ('has Frohman presents PAULINE FRED- i:itlCKM In "ZAZA." A Paramount Picture. Hear Our New Ortrun FAIRMOUNT !0TH AND fllHARD AVE. DONALD BRIAN in THE VOICE IN THE FOG" GERMANTOWN 8!08tSwS.maS BLANCHE RING in 'THE YANKEE OIItL'' n rnv own market ULUDL Stat j.js Eg 7 t n. "'0'ru LAURA HOPE CREWS in "ULACKD1RP3" r ID AUn AVENUE THEATRE IjmrtlVI-S TTH AN, oiltARD AVE. i'nn . "THE CLIMBERS" AMATEUR CONTEST TONIGHT JEFFERSON 20T,! sATltDEETsup,"N Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle in THE WHIRL OF LIFE" LAFAYETTE 29H KEN8,SuB "NEAL OF THE NAVY" Nell Craig in "The Second Son" I IRFRTY DROAD AND - 1 Es I 1 1 COLUMniA Robert B Mantell t Genevieve Hamper In "The Blindness of Devotion" LOGAN THEATRE "StSSg Robert Edeson in "The Cave Man' PARAMOUNT PICTURE Weekly Programs Appear every Monday In Motion Picture Chart KENSINGTON I 1 1 A li r FRONT BT AND I v "J v G1RAKD AVE. I .3' MEESOX'B WILL I . , riE5f.a ." THB NORTHI.ANiy' I ABlmatrt Wajkly Sit.ty First and Last" 7, IDIS: "At tho Song Ilooth"; I.ear nnd Stone, In "The neauty Shop"; Cliff Bailey nnd Harry Rose, and Herbert's dogs, which performed a number of tricks equally ap preciated by tho grown-ups ni well ns tho children. NIXO.V. Thrilling feats amid picturesque sur roundings mnde the act of the i Ten "rt lid "Ioom a fitting hcadllner nt the Nixon. In many of their gymnastic tricks a slip meant probable death, but they were perform' (1 without tear, nnd, In fnct, tho Moors seemed to enjoy those feats which , were the most prllous. mv Lesser von abundant npplnuse with n number of orlglnnl songs, many of which had the element ot novelty. Other nets Included tho Victoria Four, Plinno nnd Illnghntn, tho Symphonic flex-ttti-o nnd he dramntlc sketch, "Tho Real Mr Q." which abounded in thrills and surprises cross Ktiys. good supplv of comedy, which Is In tel mingled with catchy songs, makes ' The Fe-mnll Clerks" ono of tho best fealuro nets seen nt Cross Keys this senson. Prominent In tho cast nro Clay ton crouch nnd Tommy Toner, whoso nnllcs go a long way toward keeping tho Inughs moving. Other nets which plcnsed nn enthusias tic nudlenro were Harry Thompson, Or ren nnd Drew, Tho lister Trio, In "A ltathroom Mystery;" Carry Llllo nnd tho Gorsch Sl'tcrs. Tho pictures wero cqunlly entertaining. GLOHK. Tho Ilatilka Orchestra tops tho bill this week nt the Globe. Thoso persons who couldn't get to the Itnsnlnn nTfnlr hist night nt tho Hellevue-Htrntford found nmplo enjoyment In listening to this company of sterling muslclnns. who rpltomlrn tho snd nnd passionate music of their native land upon Ilttsslnn Instru ments, ns well ns ninny populnr selec tions that nppealed to the audience. Tho players nlso livened their net by somo splendid dnnclng, Madeline Ilnrilsou tak ing the honors in this department. Other nets on tho bill were Ilrnd and Mnhoney, the Hon Fong Lin troupe, Lo Roy, Harvey nnd compnny, Hud and Nelllo Helm, Iloattlnl und Shelly, Grade Kmmet and company, Murlo Stoddnrd, La Hello Onrl, tho Pcisountlly Girls nnd Kay nnd Vernon. Theatrical Baedeker llltOAl) "Outcast", with Wale Ferguson, Ds- til I'nurll and Nell Coriiptnn. A tlrnma of IIiikIIsIi life, hv Henry II. HaIc. The rlsln joung Btar plays the part of n woman of the atnets, who helps a mini from tho down path, only to refine marriage. 1'OKIinBT "StopI Look! Listen!!! with Oaliy DcBlys, I'rnnk Lnlor. Joseph Stanley, Harry Iilccr, Doyle and Dixon, Tctnpeet and Nun alilnc. A lili: rnue on tho latest Dillingham tnoilel, with musical tr'mmlngs ly Iterlln nnd lyrics by Harry H. Smith. An excellent op portunity lo view new costumes anil ptylcs. I.YIIIC "UiibkI's of Hrd Onp." with ltalph Hrrz. LoiiImii Hale anil Clcorpo Hnnkell. A cnmecly, with mualc, from the nmuslnir sto ries hy Henry l.cnn Wtlnon In the Haiunln lonlmr I'om. The mUenturca of tin Eng lish butler In America. AIH'LI'III "A Full Holme, with May Vnken, Herbert Cortbell ami Oeorga I'araons, Three lauftlis and two roars every other lino over n crook, n cop and a chorus Klrl. L1TT1.K TIlUATIti: Stngo Society of I'hllt dniphln In n pantomime, "Tho King of the Itlack IMis." niul three one-act plays, "Klfty lifty," hy It. J. Ilejinlah, "The Ittrtliilay," by l.udwlg Thomas, and "Miles Dixon," by LEG SUPPORTS VAIHCOSi; VHINS. t'l.C'KItS. Weak AnMen, Siwiillcn I.esN, Ktr. aim: hvhni.v Mi'i'oim;i) hv thi: usu ok Tin: Corliss Laced Stocking SAMTAKY, ns they may bo wuaheil or boiled Comfortable, mode tn measure. All HLAS'IICt Ailjimtnble: lacea llko n legging, light & durable. ECONOMICAL. Cost L73 each. or two for thn same limb $3.0U. postpaid Cnll nnd br meanurrd free or wrlto tor olf-moaure-ment lllauk No. 19. Wo nlso make non-elaatlo Ab dominal Helta to order Hours 0 to .1 dally. Sat. 0 (o 4. I'cnna. Corliss Limb Specially Co 43U Heed Hide Phono Walnut Dot. 1211-13-15 lilbert St.. lilllu., f. fmusimfiiMB'S' --v -w j"Tk Tr- t r PWUM1 JN 1LJN 1 M PHOTOPLAY PRESENTAFIONS 1 i nnKT wd and !- J U O 1 LOCUST STREETS THEDA BARA in TI1E GALLEY SLAVE" Logan Auditorium ""MS, s... CARTER DE HAVEN in "THE COLLEUE ORPHANS" I FAnFR forty-first and JEirtLS.EiI. LANCASTER AVENUE HAZEL DAWN in "THE MASQUEHADERS" Market St. Theatre 333 MAK STREET C. Audrey Smith ,n JOHN GLAYDE'S I in volt" PATHE GOLD ROOSTER PLAY ORPHFI TM GERMANTOWN AND VIXI ULiUlYI PHEITEN AVES. TKIAXai.K FICTVKE8 "Martrs of The Alamo" Ily D W GrlrTith "Saved by Wireless" Dy Mack Bennett "iRIFNT 02D AND WOODLAND AVE. VllCill X Uay SIa, , j;vg.. 0:SO ,0 Il R011ERT WARWICK'S Greatest Success A Photoplay of "The Wheels of Fute" THE SINS OF SOCIETY" PAT A PIT J2" MARKET ST. X rt I,rtCi 10 A M t0 ll!j5 Pi M- MARGUERITE CLARK in "STILL WATERS" PADtr RIDGE AVE. and DAUPHIN TrtXVXV Mat.. 2:15 Ecs., 0:30. Continuous. "INSPIRATION " a mutual -rorillAllUU, MASTERPIECE Featuring AUDREY MUNSON PRINCESS ,0,s8tree?et "THE TAINT" RFlTNT M MARKET STREET II-.VI-.l UJIA.V VOIOB ORGAN LIONEL BARRYMORE in THE YELLOW STREAK" RI1D V MARKET STREET D HELOW TTH STREET ROBERT WARWICK in THE SINS OF SOCIETY" SHERWOOD "t"aLTImorb raK8ESTB FREDERICK PERRY in 'THE FAMILY STAIN" SAVOY i:il MARKET STREET "tlil "IKilt'U 'THE WATER CARRIER OF SAN JUAN" "A TANGLE IN HEARTS" VlfTniflA MAnKBT ST. lvl UK1A ABOVE NINTH THEDA BARA in THE QALLEY SLAVE" CTAKII rV MARKET AROVE KITH 3 1 WILiC I CHARI1TTE GREE.VIVOOD CONTINUOUS and SYDNEY GRANT in U-VpVm. "JANE" CERM.VNTOU N PPI HAM OERMANTQWN AVENUE X XiXlTIrtlYJ AND 8IMRPNACK ST "Adventures of Terence O'Kourke,' No. 2 "When a Queen U,ved O'ltouxke." feaiurlnx Warieo Kerrljiaii in 8 Acta. Edna llajol Brjaat WMbburolo Despair. 8 . Oltirs Ollbert Cnnnnn. Frldnv n, ..- . Three novel, entertaining pia 'gj t'rti . with llcnry a Walthal m?I i.usmi fipottswood Altken. u. ;V nS.WuS moth photoplay of tho Civii0'1'' ni fJ,.nn1n;nt."C,an"man'" UV JtnTItOPOl.lTAN'-'TJiltl c ., . Vltagraph's great film on "pJ&Jh with Charles nichmond "na fir"3 It show, tho tnvn.lon of Am?rW k?,.,. "Si Power and calls us to prepare i tn7'1 an occurrence. Tho blti K:.i? ""t hS ,T-in, wun inruerit nA us be shown, nntl tor ThnrMav VtlSl1. i unlay, "lielia Donna," utarhnl !' fl Freilerlck. will bn thn feature F5K CHRSTNFT OTItnKT OPERA ta "riclitlng In Trance" n new ,m.?V plctures of the I-tnttc t.r.Vr,t, Vko.lV.1 armies now engaged In battla. tK " show many unusual InclJentj it $? wnrfare. " n owe, ".r.,' J!" S?PM, ".. Orant. whllo for Thursday. PM..fnl Saturday. "The t'nknow th lilV-l ren, Theodore Roberts. Torn SJiS?. I,n' I Dorothy Davenport, will he TcrSS,"14 'Ml THI, IinOENT Tuesday, "Harb r.... . nrllh Mi. Mil.. Ml.','.. "'J?8! 'flMt!,!. Whlffen. W'ertneitlay and ThiifiJ;.'n-13l," wfth T.Arthm'iSS' "ft I "Tho Orctter Will.' W"K M al AHCADIA Tuesday nnd Wednemti. nratthful Wife," with Itobert lSlnTJ Jlenevlevo , Hnmrer Thursday, j-fEffJ Snturdny. "Tho Uhyrlnth." wlthkiJV1 IIKLMO.S'T-"Tlie doiden aim." ,w H lU.rl.calo; TI, He," of 1 ntndij. WtVKS' M,aJcBenl,0r,fl W,rc'8 ?u VAfOCVlM.K ICntTII's Oeorgo MncI"nrlanI, Bill? n . nnd llenvmnnt Slaters, In Snook" M Dorothy Tor, McConnell nnd Slmri S3 len and Fuller, Dclmore and Up. Ki?. ..! ltcrrrnn. tho Ioleen Slalere ' Kt,,1 ciioss KiiiH-Mrii nnir or week. "r.v.. ?W V. 'ttrr,'!...T',0'nMnn- on DVi' Second halt of week, Fe.iffll ciJ. Prolson nnrt iloldlo. Klau and ihii. Inland Carr nnd comrn, win Admi Inlands. OLonU-tlalnlalka Orfliestra tlradr i.i v. hony, San Fong Lin Troupe t.o ltJr. iiiil nnd compnny, Ulril nnd Nelllo llelm. 3 tint nnd Shelly, nmmet and conuwnr vS Stoddnrd, Knv nnd Vernon. Ia I'ctlti Am ailANI-"The I'urnnro fixers." Oeorf KU and Mnudo Wolford, Herbert's t)t S and Stone. Cliff Hnlley. Harry Hon. " at roi'L'An rrticEs. rinpLn'P-"At tho Old Croj nMj. J rural comedy 'I STOCIt. KNtClCi:nrtOCKIK - "Tho fUmMiri." r.1 Knlrkerboi!ker Plat era In Vl.ln'. 7.SI Klein's tianl nlnv. nuitLcsqi'U. DUMONT'S numont's Mtnstrcla In bsrlinnl and traeatles of tho times. "" "For All AmerUant" The Military Unpreparedness of the United States By Frederic L. Huidthoptr Every man who wishes to undo,! stand tho vital issue of today rniul read this new book, written by til foremost authority. It is absolute! indispensable to a thorough knori edRe of the subject. It contains faeti hitherto inaccessible to the jenen! public, basing on them a sane d practical program for national & fense. "Hy far lite most significant trori 1 that lias appeared in Us fttla: Tic New Republic. $1.00 Till: M.U .MII.I.AN CO., l'ubj.. ', 1 1 (Rend or a Chrinlmas Catalog 1 rw?f IVLhT l'IIII.AHi:i.rilIA nRAlMn r,2I) MAIIKHT STnEETJ VJlVftlNL MTINi:n DAILY. 2P. JLk THEDA BARA in "A FOOL THERE WAS" OVERBROOK IV! n AKD ii nitratD! nitOADWAY FEATtmE HOBART BOSWORTH in "THE WHITE SCAR E, U K C n. A MHM.MT sTR'trl " T T " -l WJ- ft JIIT1T ivn HOLMROOK HL1NN & VIVIAN MARTWI "Butterfly on the Wheel" CHAS CHAPLIN In SltAXOHAIEP vvrq'r- v w catii 4vn IlYirtKlAL wMN-tTSTBna EDITH STOREY in "The Island of Regeneration GARDEN BM WTlUf DUSTIN FARNUM in "CAPTAIN COURTESY" n tr. v, w . w cftt-u .VM CPTItTf ifKULt """ CTRB! " THE OUTCAST " Mutual Masterpiece Ojlff llltll DARBY THEATRE m "THE PRETENDERS," 4 Acts THE PRINCE IN DISOUISB" , "THE FOREMAN'S CHOICE" Great Northern n8&8$Pi$ Dally ,sn p n Cirnlnes T 1 TRIANGLE I'ICTL'IIES DOUGLAS FAIItHANKS 111 lol"'1lr?S WEHEU & FIELDS In The Rest of P"i Broad Street Casino nil0c"? EVENING TilS AND 0 ANTONIO MORENO in, 'THE GYPSY TRAIL'' COStED TIVOLI Theatre !& "The Broken Coin." No. i "Does Flirting Pay," LKJ MlllTHWKisT We8t Allegheny ',h .t" Foil Preivnts FreUerlCB "" THE FAMILY STAIN in a "--j,, Foundej t.-lt (l.lmliiii'a TM " U1S iUlltV II4W" " i.eUtfUge." Ann mnfc ..... , , , , 1, .1 , .,. 1 Siimiehnnia T,ifXBKrr. FLORENCE ROCKWELL b i. "BODY AND SOULVJS NIlHTHKAhT STRAND 2T" "a!?,,,IiAwAV ALB;. B. FRANCE3 w "AFTER DARK." 5 Acts HAM AND UUP In "ON TIIEJl-Js SOL'TH I'llIUWKU'HIA. I OLYMPIA UU0AP BEfe DIAMOND FROM THE SKI" -"- I4T-L1C- 11711 C-1IJ I TFE' inn x.jittx- rwi -" 7.WJ911 I Ard Otbera. fomtiyjfi. Weekly Program Appear every Muoday I" Motion Picture CbsA o.'.;..'. . : ;,;- , m
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