Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 07, 1915, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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    -v &wr'.---rr'" . "MrVj jji pi ,&p
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EVJilflG LtiDUURlB.lLADtibLttlA, T UJiibDxli', 1) Ji,i W xi J 1 jlg
Capture of Important City
Gives Control of East
, ern Montenegro
DCIU.IN, Dec. T.
Simultaneously with fhe niinotinccmcnt
thnt the Monleneftrlr. town of ttek hnil
been cnpturcil, the aermnn Wnr Oflldo
stnted todny thnt the Trench troops In
southern Serbia hml been forced to
The French forces lmve been out
flnnkod, and their withdrawal w.ts made
necessary hy threats of envelopment.
Hj cnptiirltiR Ipek Urn Teuton forces
have catnhllsheii themseUcs firmly In
eastern Montenegro Ipek Is 71 miles
from Scutari, where the Serbian Gov
ernment Is now located
The followliiR icport from the General
Start wns Issued nt the War Otllce:
' I)all.an thcatic of war Ipek hna been
reached The pilsonets broiiRht Iti tlur
Inp Jrstcrday's (iKhtitiK number 12J0.
The Trench have been compelled to
lve up their position in tln salient
formed by the Corna and Vnrdar Itlveis
ovvlnc to threatened envelopment."
Tlorcf IIkIiIIiir In northeastern Monte
ncRro and a. sudden vault by the Util
itarians acnlnit the rlKlit wine of the
Flench arm marked tho icnewal of Im
portant actions In the Halkans today.
Tho city of Ipek Is tho largest city In
eastern Montenegro.
After holding the eiicm In check for 4S
hours by vnllnul resistance, tho Serbs and
Montenegrins are reported In retreat, 111
saltcd on their right Hank by bands of
Whether the Hulgnrlnn onslaught
against the French mark the beginning of
ah effor' to throw the AIIUs back to Ha
lonlcn. It Is too early to determine. Lack
ot dcllnlto Information regarding tho po
sltUn of Tleld Marshal Macki'iiscn's
main army adds to the anxiety fi.lt In
sorho quartets over the position of the
Anglo-Trench forces Markensen, It l
believed, may bo prepailng to hammer
the expeditionary forces back across the
Grcfc border Jit uno mighty smash.
The Bulgarian nttack was pioculcd by
lolont borrhardmeiit of the Trench pol-
tlois noar Val.i'tdovl. The Infantry on-
' slivijrhts wvro Intiuehed Sunday night
Tho nult of the lighting Is 111 doubt
La Rumania Impcdisce Che
1'Austria Attacchi dal Fiumo
lc Forze Russe Concen
trate a Reni
PARIS, Dec 7.
ft Is tnpoitcd that RttmanU has de
cided (c stop all foreign navigation on
tho Lcnubo wtc the river runs tliiough
Hutnanla-n noil, as a measure of self-protection.
The Montenegrin Government, fearing
complete subjection of the country. Is
sending Its treasure to Italy for snfo
Tho success of the Austro-German cam
paign In northern Serbia and Montenegro
and tho reverses Inflicted upon tho Anglo
French tnHjps by tho Bulgarians have
hiid marked Influence upon the Greek
Government and King Constantino.
Scalded Babe Dies
A 3-ycaro d child who fell Into a wash
boiler ntlv with sc.ilaliig water died nt
tbd Polyclinic Hospital last nlgl t She Is
JStzaboth Patton. of S& rhrlKnn street.
Trio accident occurred when the girl's
niotner wns In the yard hanging out
Official Forecast
For eastern Peiirevlvnnla and New Jer
seyPartly clniidv tonight and Wednes
day; not much change lu temperature;
light variable winds.
Cloudj and moderatelv cold weather
has prevailed thtoughout the northeast
ern portion of the country during tin: last
:i hours, whllo generallj clear weather
and freezlns tcmper.itiires are reported
from tho southeastern States, excepting
Florida A dlttuil.tnie on the Tevas
const and one ovir .Manitoba are united
by a comparative troughllKe depression
The, Southern disturbance has caused
moderiflj heavy rains over Texas, whllo
the Northern one has been attended by
snow Hurries
U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin
Oliervattons taken nt 8 a. in., liistcrn time
k Ut R3tn- rlni.-
Station. ii in n't. rail. Wine lty.-aih..r
nt fi ,. " ';.-.w .-
Annum. ;.i
AtiAiitii nn . i
ilaltlmnre . . .11 :..'
Hlamarrk X it :u :t-
Boston Mds 1J .in
IIutTalo. N X . -'.i .'i
I hurlmlon. s C lis ill
ChlcaEO, III . ,TJ .IJ
lnUnnatt. O. ., 2S :1
I levciand. O m Mi
Dtmer, Col, JH 2i.
Detroit. Mich su mi
Qalveiton, Hex . ill o:
MarrUburK Pa.. :ij IJ
tutterua, N' "' :i .in
Halifax, N. S,.. .'! a
Helena, Mont, . 2H lis
Huron, S. D. .:: .it
IndUnapolla, InJ, us -H
laclcionvllle, Kla. -tti 10
Kansas City I'-' .is
inoxiille, Tenn -H .'!
I.IUte Hock. Ark 4ii 411
txs Angelea. Cat. ir- 31
IuJavllle. Ky 'J 'JH
Montgomery. Ala. HI I"
Montreal, Can. . lit 1".'
Naahv I1U. Tenn. 2S ZH
N Orleana. La. Ml AH
New York . :io :s
Norfolk. Va . ' '-
Oklahoma Okla 411 4it
Omaha, Keb. 3H .is
Philadelphia M Jt
Phoentx. Arlx. - 44
rtttaburgb. Pa. , SO su
I'ortlanJ. Me , .12 :
PortUnd. Ore... 4H 4ii
Quebec Can . ., :s ;ii
at. Loull, Mo. , .1 M
St. Paul. Minn... .'14 JJ
Bait Lake. Utah.. 3U 114
b. Antoulo. Tex. to Ui,o8
Ban yrancieco. oj
Banta Vt. N. M.. X! 3.'
Sa. Sta. Maria. , -4 HI
Scranlon t'a. .... 1'S l'ii
Tampa, Fhu... r- B-
Washlnston . .. 2S 8
Wlnnlixr. fan . Jl 2S .OtJ NW W) Snow
J . P Cloudy
.. N 14 Cloudy
Ml' .. Cloudy
. NV HI Clear
. NW 10 Cloud
NV .. Cloudy
N 14 Clear
M rj Cloudy
NR . Clear
HV 10 Cloudy
h . Clear
. . MV Kokkv
1 4U K a! cloudy
NV III Cloudj
. .V 21 Clir
.1X1 NK H Cloudy
. KW Clear
.W IN Clear
NK Cloudy
N 1 Clear
S Cloudj
XK . . P Cloudy
NE Cloudy
XK .. Clear
K . I'.CIoudy
. K . P.Cloudy
XV 0 Cloudy
K . Clear
K 12 Cloudy
XVV 2l Cloudy
X It Cloudy
. X . . Cloudy
XW Cloud
X 18 Cloudy
i: .. Clear
XVV 10 Cloudy
NVV . Cloudy
2U Si: 4 Kaln
.. NVV .. Cloudy
H . Clear
8H- 8 P.Cloudy
NK . Clear
..08 NB 14 Rain
B .. Cloudy
X . . Clear
SB Cloudy
. N 10 Cloudy
, N ,, Cloudy
.. NW .. Clear
IIO.MA, 7 Dlcemhrc.
II Mlnhtcro dclla aucrra pubbllcava
lerl sera It scguente cotnunlcnto ulTlclnlo
bnsnto sul rnpporto del genernle Cndorna.
"N'ella ?ona del Carso brcvl ma nudacl
avnnzato cl hnnno dnto nlcttnl vnntnggl,
grazle nl vnlore dclla nostra fanterln.
"A7lonl dl nrtlgllcrla si sono avuto su
tutto II frontc nonostautn II raltlvo tempo
o le condlzlonl ntmosferlche poco favorc
vol I.
"I.t nostra artigllerla ha dlstrutto nl
cunl rlparl netnlel nella Carnln ed ha dls
lierso reparti ill truppe ntistrlache nella
valle del Seehich, mentro lo batterlo tietn
Iche hnnno fatlo qunlcho danno n Paul
nro c .Moufalcone.
' I Islnccamentl nemlcl, favorltl tlalla
nebbln, tcnt.irono dl forznro lo nostra
llneo In varll ptinll, ma furono resplntl, e
Holla zona dl (llobna furono contrnttac
call dalle noitro for?o e tnessl In fugn "
l.a sltuazlone balcanlca si fa dl nuovo
Intcressnnto per cnusi dclla Itumanla.
Un dlspncclo da Hucarest dltc Infattl rhe
II governo itiineno, nllrt scopo dl Impedlro
tin nttacco degll austrlacl contro le forzo
russe concentrate nella lless.irabla, ha
declso dl thludcre a ttlttl I vnporl esterl
qucll.i p'.trte del Dnliublo die e' esclusl
vninento ruiiieti.i.
Questn azlaue c' stnta cntisata dal
fatto che I monltorl austrlacl cho si
trovatio nel porto danublanu butgaro dl
Itiitscluk si prcparnvano n. partlro per
bombardare n Henl le truppe russe cola'
concentrate. Per tecarsl a Itctil I monl
torl avrebbcro dovtito passare per II
tratto del Dauublo che e' escluslvnineiite
Nell'lstcsso tempo si apprendo che lo
czar dl Russia ha dl nuovo telegrnfato
nl re dl Serbia proincttcndo un'nzlono
milltnre tussa nel Ualc.inl a breve sea
denza. SI apprende pure die gli nlleatl oper
nntl in I llnlcani sonu stall notcvulmento
A Itiiuia si stu teuendo uu conclstoio al
(iua! p.irteclpano aiichc nlcunl cnrdinull
fruncesl tidcsclil, fatto (uesto che ha
fatto sorgcro vocl dl posslblll trattatlve
dl pace, vocl che sono smentltn da dl-
chl.iiazlunl avutesl In tuttl I pais! p.irte
clpantl alia gticrrn. Invece II papa ha
pailatu al concisloro per far sentlre nti
cor.t I suol Ininentl fcr la muncaiiza dl
llberta. come se Invece. dl essero In un'
ofocn da democrarla e dl lotte per II
princlpli) dl n.izlonnllta' si fosse ancora
al tempo did terzo Impeiu. II papa ha
"fc'eBiiendo rcseinplo del nostrl prede
cemorl no! nbblamo lamcntato che la nos
tra poslzlono dl pontcllce romano sla tale
da non permettercl dl its.tre dl tutta
quclla iilena llberta' chu e' assolutamente
necessarl.i nl governo delln chlesi. Ma
chl e' cho non vedo qucsto reso ancora
plu' evldente dalle clrcostnnzo attuall?
"fertumente coloro che governano
1 Italia non mancano dl buone Inten
rlonl per cllmlnaie gll inconvcnlentl, me
c' clilainmente dlmostrato che la poslzl
one del pontellce dipende dalle autorlta'
clvlll. Con un camblamento dl uomlnl a
dl clicostiiuze questn poslzlono potrebbo
divcnlre pcgglore
"Nol cl llmltcremo nd osservare. cho
alcunl atnbasciatorl o mlntstrl accredltntl
presso dl nol dal loro sovr.tnl furono
costictti a paitlre per proteggeie It loro
dlgnlta' personnle o lo prciogatlvo del
loro ulllclo, do' che signlllea per la Santa
Scilo una rldurlona del silo potere o del
suo dlritto c I'lndcbollmeiito dl una ga
ranzla necessaiia, eguall alia prlvazlone
del inlglorl c plu ordlnnrll mczzl dl comu
nlcaziono con i governl esterl A questo
rlguardo dobbinmo rlclilamtue 1'attcn
ztouo nl fatto che tta lc nazlonl In guerr.i
sorse 11 sospetto che nol, per forza dl
clrcostanzr, cl lasclassimo guldare nel
trattaie gll affarl delle niuionl In contesa
dul suggeilmentl dl coloro cho potevano
glungero lino a nol col vivo della loro
II papa avova dlmcnticata che prnua
bllincnte la paitenza ilegll ambs.iclatorl
teutonlcl nccredltatl presso II Vatlrano
era nun fmba mossa del loro governi
per crcare una sltuazlone cqulvoca al i
Vntlcano per dlscrcdltarc 11 governo i
Itallano presso I cnttollcl del paesl ncutrl '
lnlauto a questa accusa del papa il gov
erno Itallano ha dovuto dare una smcu- .
tltn, dlmobtrando che gll iuvlntt teutonlcl I
presso II Vatlcano non avevano sublto I
aleuna restrlzlcue neH'adcinplntento del j
loro doverl dlploniittlcl. 11 comunlcato
governatlvo dice:
"11 guvetno itallano dlede ample
ganinzle pn la pioteziouti ileU'nzlont.
dlplomatUa del i.ipprescutantt dlplo
ni.itici degll iniperi central! piesso II
VntUann, I quail lesclurono Roma dl loro
propila volonta'."
Tutll I gloinull conimentnndo I'nllo
ciizlonc ilol papa la delinlsconn nlmeno
Inopportuna, e rlcordano e difendono la
leggB delle guaientlgle
Austrian Arrested, Explo
sives Seized in New York.
Lamar Fomented Strikes
NEW YORK, Dec. 7.
A continuous series of Investigations,
Indictments and trials of alleged pro
German propagandists, In the Govern
ment's war ngilnst tho campaign of
strikes, violence andviolations of Amer
can neutrality, was promised here today
by Federal officials. Numerous Arcs
aboard Btcnmshlps leaving American
ports ni-e believed to bo accounted for
with the Indictment of "Lieutenant" Rob
ert Pay and his associates. Strikes are
now being tnken up and munition factory
(Ire probes will follow.
labor's national peace council, ot which
Congressman Prnuk Buchanan, of Illinois,
for n time vvns head, Is now admitted to
be under Investigation. The associates
of Anton P. Mente, 24-year-old Austrian,
nrrestcd vcsterd.iy In his ' bomb studio."
nie to be sought. The Government will
lav especial stress on numerous mvster-
lous striken In American plants In pre
senting evidence Involving the labor coun
cil. David I.nmal, the "wolf of Wall
Rtrcet," nnd Pranz von Itlntclcn aie
nnmed by the Government as lenders In
the strike crusade. Von Itlntclen Is. now
In prison In Knglnml.
According to District Attorney Marshall
the principal work of the organization
was 'he fomenting of strikes IIo charged
thai the tlf-ups were financed by tho
Inpcrlal (Irnran funds, distributed In the
I' llti'tl Stales bv it series of aermnn nnd
Amoiitnii ngeiits Samuel Oompers, Mar
shall unld, disapproved the labor council's
ph lis Qompcrs was expected today to
be seived with n mimmons to tell tho
ii-nnd Jiii what ho knows of tho rcla
.Ion ot tho labor council to a series of
sudden mid costly strikes In American
Iniltisttlnl plants.
Indictments were looked for today or
The Gland Jurj began Us activities
on the nrrlvnl In New York of C II.
Cauodo nnd William V. Kramer, of Chi
cago, labor lenders. In response to Gov
ernment subpoi nan. The men, It Is un
derstood, are anxious to Inform the Grand
Jury what they have learned of the ef
forts by German svinpathlzers to stop tho
output of munitions nnd supplies for tho
San Luis Obispo 'Wireless Closed
I.OS ANOULKS, Cnl , Dec. 7. The
wireloss station nt San I.uls Obispo,
which has been In operation hero for
some lime, has been closed by the West
ern Union Telegraph Company.
$100,000 IN GIFTS FOR
Continued from Piute One
for the servnnts nnd was distributed by
tho young Mr. Wldcncr. Public opinion
around the postomce and tho barber shop
nnd the stores at Ogontz, where the
servants do their shopping nnd chatting,
has crystallized Into several conclusions,
In spite ot tho secrecy to which tho
servnnts nro said to hnvo been sworn.
$100,000 FOIl SBUVANTS7
Seventy-five thousand dollars went to
the servants on the big estate, Ogontz
citizens nssert, nnd tho remainder to em
ployes of tho Land Title Uulldlng. Only
those nt Lynncwood Hall In the service
of the Into financier himself were In
cluded, nnd no term of scrvlco was too
brief to mnko a footman or n maid In
eligible for n gift. Thero were 40 on tho
lato Mr. WIdcner'a personal pajroll and
all were remembered
Tho largest amount went to Charles
Cook, Mr. WIdcner'a vnlct, the employe
who was closest to tho dead philan
thropist In tho lost U years of his life.
Vlllago gossip hns established that $23,000
In trust and his salary for life was the
rewnrd of his service.
"Lucky Charley!" thev sny at the
barbershop "lln'a n gentleman of leisure
himself now, with nothing to do but walk
'cross country with his dog."
"All I can say Is that I've been very
handsomely remembered," says Cook.
Several years ngo his employer presented
him with a comfortable homo nt Klklns
"Hilly" Cosgrove, general "handy man"
on the estate, who entered Mr. WIdcner'a
employ 2."i vcarn ago, and to whom Is 'n
trusted the getting of the mall and shop
ping, received a check for flOOO, they say.
So did his brother "Steve," one of tho
night watchmen, nnd Thomns Cnvnnnugn
nnd Harney Kelly, who helped guard tho
treasures of the cstnte during the night.
Henry I.nngevln, who enme from Trance
seven vears ngo to become Mr. WIdcner'a
personal chauffeur, received quo votilez
Vous? No one will say! not he, nt least.
Hut that It wns n fnt num no ono can
deny perhaps 10,000 or 15,(00 frnncs.
Of the women employes, Illlina CJulst,
parlor tnttld, received perhaps, ns much ns
any other female servant, busing cnlculn
tlons on length of service. She recently
put $1000 In the hank, the villagers sav
utithorltntlvelv Mis. W. L Unruh, the
housekeeper of the spacious mansion,
who distributed the gifts among the
women under her, was remembered
gonernuslv Other femnle servants who
wipe awnv n tear as they recall the death
which swelled their savings are Mary
Hut ton, Louisa Osten, Margaret Qulst,
Illlm.i's sister, Miugnrel Matthews and
Agile Clovtrstone, nil chambermaids
Two of the servants, dusky, faithful
servitors, bow their bends with gratitude
The nie Jennv Laws, n chambermaid,
who was Mrs Wldener's ucrsoniil attend
nut while her mistical lived, and William
lohnson, caretaker of the gallery nt
Lvnnewood Hall which houses the $12,
00O.010 WIdener art collection Hoth of
them have served tho WIdener family for
vearu and lire all that lemalu of the train
of servants who cured for the WIdener
home when It was on Ilroad street. That
vx s
v os
There is always some
thing New to be seen
at The Rosenbach Galleries
When you are in the vicinity of
Broad and Walnut Streets stroll
through our galleries and look for
the things that a few weeks before
were shown for the first time in
Europe. The newest "creations"
of the masters abroad are always
exhibited here the first time in
The Rosenbach Galleries
1320 Walnut Street
Christmas Cards and Calendars.
a i
fcjssstssaa 8wl
Britain liars Logwood Enorts
JAMAICA. Dec 7 The Government,
on Instructions from the Secretary of
State for the Colonies, has prohibited the
eport of logwood, except to Great Britain.
r Greens
Order booked now for Holly
Wreaths, Mistletoe. Laurel and
Immortelles A large assortment
of immortelles novelties, such as
Belli. Wreaths, Strings and Stars.
Delivery made on any specified
date Send for price, list
J18 MAKrr ST.
Slji ii iL .
Ill 1 1 111
I If you want milk 1 ,
that is much
richer and j ,
r cleaner than ordi jji
nary milk, have Wfi
"A" milkIJ
:rved at your home. Ill
eanliness and food Tlj
lue unequaled. I Hi
Abbott.' "A" Milk his dally ll
curia Hat. In tha country;
l the Ideal mlllc (or chll-
Lttetts AUme; Dairies
81st & Chestnut fits,.
tht milk YOU'RE JJ
For Christmas Gifts
Our stock offers probably the
widest assortment for selection
in this city ; yet every diamond is
of a uniform, fine quality. We are
direct importers, make our own
mountings, and our prices are as
low as is consistent with high
standards. For example
Diamond Rings from $9.00 to $1900.00
Diamond La Vallieres $35.00 to 2250.00
Diamond Brooches..., 25.00 to 2100.00
Diamond Bar Pins,,,, 30.00 to 900,00
Diamond Bracelets. ,. 12.00 to 725.00
Diamond Scarf Fins., 25.00 to 1000.00
Our new catalogue contains
20,000 photographic illustrations
of the best in Diamonds, Watch
es, Jewelry and Silverware, all
accurately described and priced.
A copy is yours, free for the
Diamond Merchants
IUO Chestnut Street
doting Uour 81a o'clock Until ChrUtmat
tvnn before Mr. "WIdener Imported serv
ants from nurope.
Other heads ot departments nnd em
ployes In tho large household who re
ceived checks said lo have been In four
figures nro James Kelly, chief engineer,
Charles Shlpe, day Ruarili William Kcl
Inhclnz, head gardener; Albert Turner,
butler; Fred Hnrth, baker; dudtav Delt
erlch, chef; Thomas Barber, houseman,
nnd Henry Holland, Herbert Powell,
Oeorsa ForbeB nnd Thomas Morton,
These are the S3 employes who have
been in the WIdener scrv Ice for two years
or more. Thero nro others who donned
tho livery of P. A. B. WIdener slnco then
nnd who were rewarded, but, as everyone
frnmo Humor la a careless dame.
Whoso accuracy, nt beit. Is lme
Charged That One Section Hns Been
COPENHAGEN, Dec. 7 -Thero Is ft
considerable section of tho Grcclt press
that has been subsidised by German in
terests, whllo there nre other journals
that nre sincerely anxious to hnvo Greek
neutrality maintained nt nny price.
Ono Greek paper Is quoted n saying:
"Germany conquered UelBlum nt the
price of her soldiers' blood. The Allies
nnt to conquer Greece without spilling
a drop of tnclrs."
. .
Trolley Company to Imokc the Courts
WlkKKS-HAlUtH, fa.. Pee. 7 -T A
Wright, general mnnagor of tho Wllkcs
llarro Itallroad Compan, tho lines of
which have been tied up bj a strike for
tho last eight weeks, niniounccd this
afternoon that tho compnnv would go
Into the courts of l.uzcmo County with
the view of forcing striking carmen hack
to their posts.
"A Afn Tfnld "PCDDCr Night"
Advertising men got together last night
at the Poor nicJmrd Club for what they
term a "Pepper Night," Thero were 43
representatives from nil agencies. They
aro working up the "pep" necessary for
tho success of tho Associated Advertising
Clubs of tha World's convention, to bo
held here next Juno.
Dirds Carry Matches; Churches Burn
MAnLBOnoUOH, N. T., Dee. 7.-A
loss of close to $50,000 occurred hero early
today, when the Methodist church was
burned to tho ground nnd tho belfry of
tho Episcopal church wns consumed by
fire. It Is believed that birds, which were
nesting carried matches Into tho Metho
dist church tower nnd Ignited them.
Philadelphia Delegates Go to w
ington Meetinc "H
Philadelphia delegates to ine v.
Itlvcrs nnd Harbors Concr. """M
meets In Washington tomorrow i.,t!llcl
todny. Among them were J, a K'il"
ton, president of tho Maritime Pw 1-
president of
William P. Tucker ,.:'
1 of Trado; GeorRO v
of tho Commissioners Wl
George E. Barto,
Bourse; William
tlio Hoard
secretary of tho Commissioners or v
KiiuuM, jmiii i. iiiurecnt, secrol.. "
tho Bourse; Captain John v vJ. "
president ot tho Pilots' Association, fr
Meigs, Director Department of vV,h'
Docks and Ferries; E. n, SharwnM rTM
rotary of tho Marillmo ExchTn' 8,c
Dr. Hobert M. Kcely. xcnanse, tsi
llarnato's Son to Wed American
LONDON, Dec. 7 A mnrrlngo has been
nrrnnged between Second Lieutenant
Woolf Joel Bnrnnto, of tho Roynl Field
Artillery, nnd Miss Dorothy MncLnnit
Fallc. of White Plalni, N Y. Mcutennht
Ilarnato Is the son of tho Into Barney
Bnrnnto, the famous Kouth African millionaire.
milk raises
the price
FOR while the quality of
milk is cheapened, the
price remains the
same. So when you buy
blended milk, you receive
less milk value for money
expended. The nutriment
is reduced, either through
adding skimmed milk or
by taking out cream.
The price is therefore
raised through selling an
inferior product for the
price of pure milk. The
extra profit is taken out
of the customer's pocket
without the customer's
knowledge or consent. The
customer has no opportu
nity to protest or com
plain, because the practice
is a secret one.
There is no test that
you can apply that will
protect you f r.om the
blending milk dealer. Tho
dealer who blends adroitly
accomplishes a raise in
price. In some cities, in
addition to raising the
price, the dealers resort
to blending in order to
secure still another iprofit.
The practice will even
tually prevail if the dealer
who blends meets no ob
struction. Supplee milk is not
The Supplee
Alderney Dairy
Jlilk Cream Ice Cream
-- I I 'nKBBMHBauu
Getting 100 out
of modern methods
Machine speed and legibility applied to the Library
Bureau card ledger give high-power efficiency.
The card ledger long ngo proved its superiority over
all other methods of keeping accounts, reducing the
time and lessening the labor. Now comes the machine
to do the posting and adding, taking the remain
ing drudgery out of the job and giving the guarantee
of absolute accuracy in the results.
There arc largo and small posting ma
chines, according to the size and needs of a
man's business. Likcwlso, there are large
and small L. B. card ledgers especially
adapted to the posting machine.
If you adopt mechanical posting, adopt
the L. B. card ledger. That will give you
100 per cent on modern methods.
Our new catalog, "The L. B. Card Ledger
for Mechanical Posting," is freo.
Library Bureau
Manufacturing distributor! of
Card and filing systems. Unit cabinets in
wood and steel.
910 Chestnut St.,
Human nature is exacting in its
demands for the right kind of
We recognize that patience is more than
virtue in tailoring it is a necessity.
And it is our unvarying rule to pay
particular attention to satisfying the
most minute details of our customers'
Social Stationery
Now for a December book business which will
break all rocords Our sorvlcs, our store, and our
stock will contribute to this end.
A henlthy optimism permeates oach calespenon
who Is anxious to sorvo you.
tot us demonstrate our fitness for service.
11. TtSwU.Art
rfsJ'7i -ab'MThVr; :, lt .rt.vu'u".-.i 11
kZYnivj T .K'ttfriVKua.vi:vair: . tri. :
aWtf..' rf LC : Wi i
lr""l nifH lHli.j,...,,Sni).,., H"l"ii
cM are our Nationally approved
Aa Timely Xmas
" a 'J
A -wonderful -ortmtBt
of beauti
ful deiius tnj col
oring of Rudi
from wrack you
iafr ' lid 51
g &j ,1 1220
Iwick &? Magee C
1222 Market Street
1 I i l " JL'-HB1- l.C""U-.L IA.
7i?fL3rBn:Il,r, i.
wu-fL vswrnrs rn
Wtiwr'-ifr:-' i
1 i L 0a IRS UXPi msUAr at? 1
In our Oriental
Ru Department
you may find num
berless gems, thin
which, for Xmas,
nothing is finer.
? W grTi'-;' u. -v
.41 .11-. UU. J -xCTTt
I if'H '' 'IiT
imyjlgjIinMrajjHjijmncmffl SaJ mni.niifrffl
. .tai.37t.jm.nviki "V
r l ati'i.T''rki!t.;T,.T?--Tr,iat
'T?Tr.y t vjci jw ;. A-