Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 07, 1915, Night Extra, Page 19, Image 19
ffmrm-- EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER f, 1915 iJ -PHILADELPHIA MAKMSXB miAtN AND FLOUR r -. o. int. 2M,U bushels. The kwll"', "- , i 1c. with good buying h FsrX't d.T".,'rtn. Quotations: Cnr lots. 8K "ld.J?iir No. 5 red. spot nnd De !"'. fl',i'si NO. 2 Southern red. M.l SMiW il o - red. (l.uwi.lii: no. :i P0.. 51-f VVjIed A. (1.1l'?l.iC'4; re fa in ill K?t 1. J".. n elds 10.140 bushel, Prices nd )TtN. nci Vvmi.n hv with tho West, but Ys"' ' 'Sic' 'Juolntlons- Car lots for Kle .. T.i location Western No. 2 vel- ,1JJ2en; Western steamer -enow, .sw.ue.: '. " vi' ,1 Yellow 77g7o. .; Ijditcrn "kssttAia t)minr1 0ATS 'ir,'ri; advanced le. under strprK- ,aftn . I eV quotations No. 2 white. rf'-'r, S,u Vo. 4 white. 4M4fllV4c.i ? ;.-,'r iwllr purified oats, graded, li mmpi- - ' . ,. norelnts 1301 bills, nnd t FlJ0t;n. n '"! ', ,,,,1,, lrndlng. miit 1M. 1" '".. iirmlv held, Quotations per inn IM. 1" ?! ii. 00 do, patent. ..lOft.i.l'.p; KfiWht. iiT? Ju e mW JJ.MJ1B.I0. do.. iKinM". ,'lr,.,Vka f-,.2j3.u0; do., patent. 'itrslfM. J.u,et"?ii 3, spring, first clear, iStf "! straight. (" MR-'.""! do.. lOSS-S'mfli 0 do. favorite, brands. JJiifl. teS.or,eht-w;0; d0- J. PII",.,', .... ii. but steady, under I .mllUVr" W "ioto at ISQ3.33 Per bb... tii ?uiity I'KOVISIUiNH e.n,,.n?VU'tyn heW Jr .', !?i""V,UnC; n,i if- dried i ."'" west rn beef, knuckles ami tenders. ""i'V "f,iii" beef hams, (2i;l0; pora, NffnJ rere' ll '" ier eV " 1 Ki uVrdT fjfe tlty. kettle tendered, in uis. ii. IlKl'INEII SUUAllO . ji..u l.iii) nutAl Vn nunin: t-Tiri flnc irannlated. lU.v.: standard prnnu; EJJ? (l" rodered. tisr.c.: confectioners' J"J-c" ' soflnulc. S.30.-..W)c. DAIKY PRODUCTS riTTEIT Demand waa fair and prices tilled . nnt.er ( inTinKfi u,i.....r .. .. J v "rl .1 T extra. :;:;c.7,oTtr. firsts; terv,;,,. .i..i.ii..ia seconds, aw.. -RE5K fflSI." r Vj': K- eftiiV lW-1,c JonulIlB h lies ui nviivj' in iitin, rnci C'hobo mphIi stt,ck rulcil (lrm with ,S' ':- ...".nel up. Wo nuote: 1-rcu II0.V Pr standard .ate nialby turrcnt re J.ms J ' i i -nsc. Western extra llrstB. iiuV) lr aw tlrsts, fli.lii) per case, lc Irlroratot esRs. fan. . ?T.f.U7.!-0 per rase, toffrits. fM fir nsi. do., seconds. ?d.i,i) dfliOO mr -'apt nun im imp, iui.i ,:: 42e. rer t102 l,....l iH nAAil nnrl tlin tvflt"1rtt raled tlrra an,l ',. lilRher under llKht offer- IflfS. UUOlaUOIlS IOIIOW .; ain. i.i mm. fa..r. ne. l-i.Ol-iic.: ;y.P'nJ' iu .in !n . f.iir tu koo I. new. lli'.iwlic.; te, part skims. I2i. POULTRY tt'i?T.w u nn.t i liickeus cro dull and lc lower ur.b r fjlrlj llbcrul orferliiKK. Other Ji'jcrlptlons slnnied little chango. (luotntlonH. rl as to si;e end iiunllty, Wffl.'c. j roost- n llfi 12, .prliic chickens, according to ua'lltr l.lfl." tuikevi). 120c.; ducks, ns u ilu and nu.illtv lljilOc.. gecso. 14H Hie. : pifecns. old w-r pair, 22t)2.-.c; Uo.. youns. Itr pa'1"' lsUS"' , Ot:kM:n Turkt ro mom freely ottered mJ iiii'T under u llnht demand. Other kinds . r.M.i.r, ,,,., L.Hturnllv nulet and tdioneu little chanse l"uilmlnB arc tho quotation.-!. rinll-MHed turhi's, iani. nvuiny, --"-.. it. do. Wenlrrn, drj -packed, 22ft2.le. ; do., Mr to soui .'Uii2li . do, Inferior, IMflSe.. UVU. li 10 Mix, urj -piCKCU nnu nry-iatjt-u, tancj selected 18c weighing IVjIiS lbs. wlae, U'ji welshing -Iba. aplegc. IOVjc: nkliuw ''j II" apieie, lTiil.l'ic; wtlghlns .1 U. ifclece and under, latjllc; fine, heavy ItwU, In i.arrels. fani', neighing -I'ifiS Iba. tplcrMTc weighing -I lbs., loc.; smaller sizes. Ktihp oiij roosters, ury-picacu, i.ic. ; uikk-at-Jmf fun,i broilers. 2l2i'.c, other tertjr fan, y broliera 22ti21c.; Western broll m vekhtnc ll72 ibq nolece. 2b'u22c. : north- in JUIrols . Ijtikens, fancy, yellow, weighing I lu Mil or IsfilUi . do. fancy, weighing riW, ibs l.v.ili.1.. other Western, weighing Ills, and over 17iiilSc . do., do., weighing 2'i tatj Its.. lHil'.i Inferior, i:ic: spring ducks, itvtiy, lSH20t., do.. Western, fancy, 17ftl8c., nlr to good, r.JilSc : geese, nearby, lttilSc,; do., Writcrn, Will lie. ; auuabs, per doj. V.'bllt. wclihlni; 11 Io 12 lbs. Per doz.. M.IV1 (JJIO; white, neighing U to 10 lbs. per doz., Ilttlio, Kldtt. weighing 8 lbs. per doz., f'l.2.'i UlW: white, weighing 7 lbs. per doz., J'.'.KI Ml uhlte, weighing UflO',4 lbs. per doz., KM tM; dirk, 1.70ij-.-3; email and No. 2, iW 110, FRESH FRUITS r. Thft general marKc-t ruled steady under moil- ralft firTorini uml r fnlr .Iniii'iinl t ImtMi I Infrn iplilt per itlii. Joint linn, funcy, f:iV)4 4 ; io., (sir t kooiI, f.'.:-m:i, Mcintosh, $:.'-; CA,-.U . ..... .L ..! . .... . .. . bui'mhiuubc. i'ai..i i, runes (.omen, ?-. i.tp J.W; Wlnesap. J2 7."ib.'l.W. Greening, 2.i.v(f W Laid In ( j.j:,f(.i 2.-., Itlaek Twig. 2.raMji - . iuik iiuprriui. .ua..J, 1 wciuv-uuili K KW; rippln 2'il I Hen U.ivls, $l.'Sil2.23; tntr Varieties Jl -Jlfi2.r, No, 2, J1W1.25. AP- P'ca. in uuiK DCr JtSI IRS, ItUC.9tI.UU; UO., WtkUrn, !wr box, $1 T.,ifr.'.T.t. l'rara, per bbl. -sersei. riu. wnciuon. JUai.v; iieurro u'aii. Joa. K.Sfni.!.Mi Urnpcs. New Vork, per lib. bajket-D-l.iwire I0il2c, Niagara, lugu'c, PflltVF.I llb,). I !. fi... ...... ... ..-.1. -.nm iw riuriun, per cniiu, .(! t.cnions, pur box. 1-1. I'lneupples, J'ortii Klco, ver crutc. u$3. CniuberrlcB, Cuno CoJ, per bl , ?."iJ erati, $I.Mlf2. VEGETABLES Cbolce stock sold falrlv nnd values cenerallv I e :adll he d ljuotutlons: Whlto pota- I UeS. IVr.MilhlvK.li., t.i.p I, nut. Phnlpa l.'Vfi.linn ' liilrtogoed. 73iSi whlto potatoes, Jersey, i rr uei- ,-o j linse, -i.mouc, ,0. l oiner iwiiej, wmn. no 2. 2ui23c.; sweet iiota ""t.'ersey. jer bakct-Nu. 1, -livasoc.; No. 2, i. 7.zs: i poittioiB, Virginia, per udi., fL'iOBl.tJO; onions, per 100-lb. bag-No. 1, l& llJ? "" ' :'U'7"M .nbluge. Danish, per ton, P''"0-' domestii, per ton, Mnlj celery, Aesj; York, nee linn, h ir.r,an iminpi, winr. jM-wr' basket. 1 SOtt.T, do.. North Carolina. KU?.',ke, '"I1 "" beuns. b'lorlda. ier basket, r.gjj, pens, Florida, pir basket, ll.S0U3.CO, want, Florida pir crate. J2.23u2.75; mush bni", per 4-lb basket, HSll.bu, Mrs. Hannah Blood Mri.llaiin.lll Pilnnd 71 v.nra r,lrl nf T?17 wjfno treet, Germantown, died early J?y at her home, following a Bhort wnw. She was tho widow of John -- --- vntxMiiaiiv HID ilUIIU UlUUU W. V'2lOSl4ry m1"3 ln th'3 clt'- Sll 'a sur Lr.TU b)r tour son". The funeral will ba " jaursaay afternoon at 2 o'clock at the urcena tr ,i.i- ..., .t. -n... ,iAatchorn, of the Central Methodist (Cpiscopat Church of Frankfprd, will of rrSSv Interment will bo at tho Knights fonT l,reenW00ll Cemetery. Frank- 33entf)J Thtit Nailr-, A, p,;n.,; ; .- wning .etger Free of Charge !&$Bniti)'Slla December 6, 1015. JO tii 7t ,ban1 of tbe late "Ma Ackcrman. Chil-r; ml ' ""ive anu mends, also STSClk,'n Chollm, are Invited to attend 'SL .."?'. B,c"l. on Wednesday after S; '-oelock precisely, at his late real, sctmwiiii? N. Front et. Interment at Idivis "" ""'" venieiery, GUUjonv ir8TS.rli K- J- on December 0, tSvltS iih.?fari Relatives and friends are IriSSl. l'?"il the funeral services, on lni7 riiir v-a m;at hu Iate residence. I3;i iF.;urcl anl wllmerton sts.. iJeverly. rUfMBi "'mtn ttt t-oopertown Cemetery, iiDEMrMTT011, December 5. 1015. ANOELB Ssunsaeri '.'!"!; ooipn Aaameit inea frUof i'..11!.11 .? " Helatlves and ItttSS. f! Invited, to attend tho funeral sUtonij u vveanesday, at 3 p. m.. at her Po1tiSM& N- "? t. .IntTrment at Bm.T?'?? Cemetery. Kem&lns may bo 5wivi "c,dy' 7 p. m. UBiS'i?'' On December B inia t iw. ifilyelii" 'S'f'?'1 Iat Mary Alplgtol, aKBd "lasrib T-hSof,ety' .. Invited, to attend ltuSi,.Tlursday, at 8:30 a, m.. from bl vu.'?.11?;"'- 800 N. 62d st. Interment nrl ternA """"oouot Cemetery. Iwif'iV'V-On . December 8. 1915. ifAmr. ("iSUM. 7SU',L Arejood (nee Dougherty). ItSrJil" a friends ara Invited to attend RH Verai. on Frldav. T-sn wuiii. nn uiio a. rw.ar. fia Mail111' South lUncockst rvzr. OX Reaulom at at- TAe.dr.u a. m., urom lUncock st iSSShu 8 Twwl r Uoly C?S3 iMV ItelaUvoa and lunerai iil ilarketu K?K' dosMnned loose. llUla'ic: do., do.. '&' rill" !. other hams, smoked city nkcl ' ''Vrsnd and average 17f. He.; ?1' .TOked Western cured. l-ftlTHc: do.. ""! iu according to average, loose, i:i1l .In rlW. Tt httinn bs to brand nnd ner- 5..C,'cUrcd"lfls. . tarf. Western, renneu. l""-vi'i, -tnji - uiuinin. Kv tuiit, I'll 50-Ib. Latkti C'oiuor!, UHioDc; XUurarn. -t."ti Wu, Oranctn. ytorMa. vvr crate. ft.73!.5i. rDterlncj Vlorld.i, per btr.ip, ?ii3.5u. dnipo- ?it?St?rr-On December a. loin v HSra&.Hs H ! TE..oa VtuuFit a rrst4 .i?K. DKATIIS FoTremetery!- lntcrm'nt ' 4 Arllng- ,,-AJ,a!-S, On Dseymher R, 1015. WAl.Tnn iii." Tn Jf.nobert W. nnd Florence Clay l--liarrni." f'lo'nfe. SI15 itedla si. Inter ment at l;ernwoo,t Cemetery, nenwlns may be Mewed Tuesday evening. Perry County (IM.) papers pleaso copy. lll.MOI). On December T. 191.., HANNAH, widow it John Illood. Funeral services on Thursday nfternoon. nt 2 o'clock, at the residence of her son. fSV7 Oreene St., (ler mnntown. Interment private ,l!y.,-I,,:.!rr.t.,l.1,,l,nl,, on December I. I?.',7'' S tAiU,nH I!,.I10IUKJ, hubind of Helen llorden, aged 30 years, itelatlves nnd friends are tmitcri to nttend th funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.. nt his rrr.nl".. residence, 14U4 Mill st , Mount Holly, .V .1. Interment at Itrotherhood t'emo tery. Itemalns may bo viewed on Tuesday, from 7 to o p. m. llltliN.M.Mir.lt. Huddenlv, on neeembcr r, 101.-.. Dr. IH.l.pN '., widow of (leerge .1. Ilrenslngor. Helatlves and friends are In Mted to nttend tho funeral serlees, on Thursday, at 2 n. m.. at her lato residence. 22.1.1 N. Mth st. Interment private. Itt'NTIMI. Suddenly, at his resldenco, 3 Comley Court, on December 5. 1015. WILL IAM 11. HUNTING, aged 70 years. Itela tlves, also William Curry l'ost, No. 18 t) A. It., arc Invited to nttend tho funerai services, on Wednesday, nt 3 p. m , at tho apartments of Oliver It. Hair. 1S20 Chestnut Bt. Interment nt Mount Morlnh Cemetery. CHAIIor. On December fi. Into, I.AUIIA K CHAllOT. daughter of tho lato Cyprlen nn.i Itesllo Chabot (nee Clclssel), aged Ml ears. Intel ment strictly prltato. from tho resldenco or her brother-in-law, John V. Dennler. 102 (ith ne.. Hhddon Heights, N. J. CI.AItK, On December il. 1015, ANNIH It. helmed daughter of Wllllnm v, and Mary ('. 1'1-uk. Itelatlves and friends nro United to ittrnd tho runcrnl on Thursday at H .in a m , from her late residence. 51 1.", N. Amerl inn t., olney. Kolemn Heqiilem mass at tbe Church or tho Incarnation, nt 10 a. m. Interment at Cathedral C'cinctir). Automo bile funeral ,'!?.N.,.:,'," n Herembcr 5. 1015. .to ?''.'!! '- ";n.?f ohn nnl "0"'" fonncll. Itel.itUes nnd friends, nlno tho Holy Nnmo hoilcty or St. Agatha's church, are Invited to nttend funernl. at ( Hu a. in., Thursday, rrom nin pirrnts' resilience, 717 N. l'restou st. Solemn Xtasa and ltequlem nt St. Agatha's Church nt lu a. ni. lnteerment at Old Ca thedral Cemetery. Cttt;i,Ti:tl. On December fi, lnifi. III.ANCHU ll wife or John Coulter (tico .Mcts). HelalUes and friends nro Invited to attend funeral, Thursda. at 11 a. m.,) from her late residence, dul'onl inc., ()lbbstow:i, N. J. Interment North Laurel Hill Ceme tery. C'l'ltllAN, On December I, 1015, THOMAS, husband of Hose Curr.in nnd father of Dr. John l. Curran. lteiniive nnd friends, also members or tho Holy Nnmo Society, Itosary Society. League or tho Sacred Heart nnd St. lnccrit dr Paul's Society of St. Charles Uiurch. mo Invited to nttend the funeral, on 1 rlday, nt s.'.o n. m , from his late resl denre, lv. Christian st. .Solemn High Mass of Itonuicm t St. Clnrles' Church, nt 10 n. m. precisely. Interment at New Cathe dral Cemetery. D.VI.i:. On December 5, 1015, WnSt.IJY I, l.&i 1? o',Annlo.Mi,u,.vl n,ul 'no 'a'" Wesley W. I'ale. of Southwarlt, aged in years. IlelatUes nnd friends. a(s0 Ocorgo ilnncroft Council. No 571, O. of I. A., nro Invited to nttend tho funernl, on Wcdnesd iv at 1 p. in., from bis late risldencc, win i;,i: mund st.. Tncony. Interment at Norlhwood ( cmetery. Itemalns may bo lowed on Tues day evening. DIIIKiAN. On December !, J015, HANNAH widow of Michael Deeg.in. Itelatlves nnd friends and Altar nnd Sacred Heart Societies of St. IMvv.ird'H Church, nro invited to at tend tho funeral, on Thursday, nt s 50 n. m from her lato residence. HOI W. Dauphin st Solemn ltequlem Mass at St. IMwnrd'i Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Seoul hro Cemetery. Auotomobllo fumral. 1)11. 1. .MAN. On December I, 1015, JOHN II husband of KMMA U DII.I.MAN. Itelatlves and frleiulH aro Invited to attend funeral services, Wednesday,, nt I p. rn., nt his late residence, 1200 N. 12th St. Interment strictly private. IIIINDIIUK. On December 5, 1015. MAR TIN, husband of tho lito Sirah Donohue. Itelatlves uml friends mo Invited to nttcn i funernl, Friday, nt s:."0 n. rn., from tho resi dence of his son, :U.'I2 Mircer st. Solemn lteiiulm Mas at tho Church of tho Nativity at 10 o'clock. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery. IlltnU'lIS. On December 5. 1015, DAVID Jl.. son of Solomon nnd tho lato Hannah Drelfus. Itcla'tves and friends, also DIs. rnell Lodge, No. I, Jiulnlc I'niou, Schuyl kill Arsenal Ilcn, Asso.. nro Invited to. in tend tho funernl. on Wednesday, nt 1.50 p; m. sharp, from his late residence, 132G N. 7th st. Interment at Adath Jcshurun Ccineterj . DltU.M.MONI). At Conshohockon. Ta., on December -I, 1015, JACKSON W. DnllM MO.VI). husband of Elizabeth (neo Kline) Drummond. nged 7il years. Iteiattves and friends aro Invttcd to nttend funeral, from bis lato residence. 207 Harry St., Conshn hocken. Thursday, at 2 p. m Interment pri vate. Darren Hill Cemetery, Montgomery County, li. DtllTIH.L. On December 5, 1015, Tton HltT i:.. son of John II. and tho lato Mary H. DufTell. aged 20 euis. Itelatlves and friends, also tho members of tho Simpson Memorial M. K. Sunday School, nro Invited to nttend funernl, WcdmVday. at 1.30 p. in., from tho residence of his father. 1021 i:. Madison st. Interment nt Northwood Ceme tery. DDI'FV. Suddenly, on December I, 1015, SAItAH A., vvlfo nt Daniel Duffy nnd daugh ter of the lato tleorgo nnd Itoso Peoples. Itelatlvca nnd rrleuds arn Invited to attend funeral. Thursdav, at H:30 a. rn.. from her lato residence. 2703 Ann st. 15th Wnrd). "Solemn ltequlem Mass at tho Church of tho Nativity, II. V. St.. at 10 o'clock precisely. Interment .it Cathedral Cemetery, KltNST. On December II. 1015. OHOrton 1I:lMONT KUN'ST. aged 2S sears. Rela tives and friends, nlso Court Somorvllle, No. 1.1S, V. of A., nro Invited to attend funeral services, Thursday, at 2 p. in., nt his lato residence. (K0S Clearvlovv St., Germantown. Interment private. rAWfr.TT. Suddenly, nt Ilrldgeport. N. J.. December 5. JOHN N. rAWCKTT, aged isl years Itelatlves and friends, also Salem IxicJge, K. of 1., No. 7. nnd fo'alem tTnion l'lro Compnny, aro Invitud to nttend tho funeral, from tho residence of his ton-ln-law, Thoma.i KHIe, nt Ilrldgeport, N. J., Wednes day December X, at HKS0 a. m. Interment llaptlst Cemetery, Salem, N. J. I'lSIl i:it. On December fi, 1015. SAMHKI. husband of tho lato l'llzabeth Fisher. Ilel i tlves and friends, also Washington Camp, No. no. P. O. S. of A.; Wawapam Tribe. No. 03. I.nip. O. II. M ; Uoxborough llaptlst .Sunday School Iltblo Class nnd all other organizations nf which ho was n member, art Invited to nttend tho funeral services, on Thursday, nt 2 p. m . nt th residence nf Miss Kmma C Fulton. S3S3 Manayunk live.. Itnxbnrough. Interment at Westminster Cemetery. He mains may be viewed on Wednesday evening. riT7.tir.IIAI.Il On December 11, 1015, PAT RICK rnv.ui:t.W.D. husband of tlin late Julia Fitzgerald. Relatives nnd friends nro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday, at 0 a. m., from his late residence, 21 Hast Stewart live., l-ansdovvne. Delawaro County, l'a Solemn Mass of Requiem at St. Phllo menu's Church at 1030 a. m. Interment at St. Denis' Cemetery. l'l.ANAtiAN. On December -I, 1015. KATD. vvlfo of William Flanagan, aged 51 jears. Itelatlves und friends aro Invited to attend funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., at her lato residence, 2011 Martha st. Inter ment private nt Ureenwood (K. or P.) Ceme tery. Remains may bo Mewed on Tuesday ovcnlng. Automobile funeral. GAItltKTT. At Wnlllngford. Delaware. County. Pa., on December 5, 1015, EDWIN ATLUK C.AItnKTT. Relatives and friends aro invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m at the apartments of Oliver IT. Hair, 1820 Chestnut st.. Phila delphia, Interment private. Kindly omit (lowers. OAYLKV. On December 0, 1015. ESTHER 1'ATNAM wife of tho late Edward II. Gayley and daughter of the late Henry I, and Caroline 3. Tutnall. Funeral services ut tho residence of her Bister Mrs. Walter D. Bush. 2108 Wlllard St.. Wilmington, on Wednesday, the 8th lnst., at 11 a. ro. Inter ment private. GIXNN. On December 6. 1015. MARY J.. widow of George D. Glenn. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 8 a, m.. from the residence of her brother, Philip J Taulane. 173J.South 17th st. High Mass at Church of St. Thomas Aaulnas at 8.30 a. m. Interment at Old Ca thedral Cemetery. Auto service, GRAHAM. At his residence. 201T Kater st . on December U, 1015, JOSEPH A., husband of Marie Graham, aged 41 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, Thursday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, at Gospel Hall, 20th and Dickinson sts. In terment private, at East Cedar Hill Ceme tery. Friends may view remains Wednesday evening from 6 until 10 o'clock. GRAHAM. On December 3, 1015. THOMAS. husband of Nancy A. A. Graham (nee Gurncs), oged 41 years, son of Mary A. and the. lite Thomas Graham. Relatives and friends, also Thomas It, l'atton Lodge. No. mi v! A. M.: rrunkltn Party Committee, "uth Ward: member of Third Baptist Church. Broad and Rltner sts.. and Stono roen's Fellowship, are Invited to attend fu neral. Wednesday, at 1 p. m.. from his late residence. 108 S. 16th St. Services at Bip tlst Church at 2 p. ro. precisely. Interment it Ml. Morlah Cemetery, Itemalns may be Viewed Tuesday evening. Auto funeral. r.KVY nee O'Nell) On December 0, 1013, EUZABETH. wlo of Edward Gray. Rela tives and friends, also tbe Ladles' T. A. II. society and the League of the Sacred Heart of -the Visitation Parish, ore Invited to attend ha luneral on Thursday, at 8 SO a. m from he? husband's residence.' 2819 Ruth st. (near Knnslnston ave. and Somerset st.). Solemn itSulem Mass at the Church of ths Visita tion at 10 a-W- Interment at'lloly Sepul chr Cemetery. HARRISON'. On December 4. 1015. WILL IAM HARRISON'. Sr.. aged U yews. ReU tues and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. in., otw. "te residence. 1225 South eid st. Interment private. Remains may be viewed Tuesday, after 8 p. m, II 4HUJTNS. On December 4. 1913. JOHN J., husband of Alma B. Harkins (neo Zudehaer). Itelatlves and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday at 8-30 a. m . from bis late residence, 1012 Earn st. High Mass at Church of tbe Immaculate Conception at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Ceme tery JJASEtTlNE Suddenly, at his residence. 1831 Ctesuiut L, do. PttCicUicr; B. HIS, di:atiis CIIARI.ES FIELD HA3EI.TINE. In the 7flth year of his nge. Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to nttend the funeral Services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m.. At the Second rresby terlan Church. 21st and Walnut sts. Inter ment private. HEIMLICH. On December ft, 1013. JEN NIE, wife of Famuel Heimlich, aged 43 years. Itelatlves and friends, also Ilenetlclal Society of Friends. Pennsylvania Lodge, No. JO I. o. n. A., nnd Ilrlth Sholom lodge, aro invited to nttend tho funeral, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.. from her late residence, 422.1 Ridge nve. Interment private. HEtlt.ER. At Pembcrton. N. J., on De cember 4, 11115. WILLIAM II. HEISi.EH, nged 72 years. Relatives and friends are In vited to attend tho fnncril, on Wednesday, nt 2 SO p. m., from his late residence, Pem berton, N. J. Interment nt M. E Cemetery. Train leaves Market st. ferry. Phllidclphla, 10 4.1 a. m. nnd 12:50 p. m. tor Pemberton. HI'I'I'INIiTON. On December (t. 1015. JOHN M. HtJrTINOTON. Relatives and friends are invited to nttend tho funernl services, on Wednesday, at 8 p. m , at his lato residence, 1003 Poplar st. Interment private, at Itlvervlew Cemetery, Wilmington, Del , on Thursday. .IKNNIMI4. Suddenly, on December 5, l'.i in, MILES J. JENN1NU3. nged 44 years. Itelatlves and friends nre Invited to nttend tho funeral services, on Wednesday at 2 p. m , at his late residence. 0153 Elmwood ave., Welt Pnllndelphla. Interment private. Krlen Is may call on Tuesday from 7 to 0 o'clock. Auto service. , Ki:i.t'IINi:il. -On December 0, 1015, EM MA , wife of John M. Kelchner inee Rlcli nrds), nge,l fin jears. Relatives and friends of tho Inmlly nre respectfully invited to at tend the funeral services on rrldnv at 1 P. m. precisely, nt her lain residence, S2-t N 2Mb st. Interment private, at Northwood Cemeterv. Remains may be viewed Thurs day, 7 to 0 p. m KI.l'.lSZ. On December ft. 1015. JENNIE wire ot John P. Klelnz nnd daughter of the lit Cenrge and Ellen Sijnn. I'uneral from her lite residence. 112 Lombard street, due notice of which will be given KNAPP. Suddenly, on December 5, 1015 J 0 KNAPP. huslnnd of tho Into Catheflno Knapp, aged 08 years. Relatives and friends nlso members of Hnrleysvllic Ileneilclal As sociation, nro Invited to nttend the funernl services, at his late residence, 21104 North Hodine st. Requiem Mass at St. Ilonifnce's Church nt 10 n. m. Interment at Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery. KORMANN. On December 4, 1915. MARIA C, daughter of Theodoro nnd Catharine Kor mnnn tnee Schilling), nged M jears. Rela tives and friends, also II. V. M. Sodality of St. Edward's Churth and Stnr of tho Scv Clrrle. No. 470 c. of I of A., aro Invited to nttend tho funeral, on Thursdiv. nt 7 111 n. m., from her parents' residence, 2107 I.iwrenro st. ltequlem Mass nt St. Bonl faclus' church, at 0 a. m. Interment nt New Cathedral Cemetery. KHAUSS. On December 4, 1015. JOHN, hus band of Josephine K-nuss. aped 57 years, itelatlves ahd friends, aim the Brotherhood nf Decorators nnd tho Llederkrnnz Singing 80 cUty. nro Invited to attend funeral, Thuis ilay, nt S.10 n. m.. from his Into lerldence, 2121 N. 20th st. Solemn ltequlem Moss nt tho Church of tho Most Precious Illood nt 10 o'clock. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. l.AITEHTV. On December 5, 10I5.HENRY, husband of tho lato Susin Larrerty (neo nark) Relatives and friends nro Invited to nttend tho funeral, on Thursday, nt 7 no 1; m., from tho resldenco of his son-in-law, John List, 2210 S. Bancroft st. (Jackson st. ahovo ir.th). High Requiem Mom at Chur-li of St. Monica nt 0 a. m. precisely. Interment at IIolv Cross Cemetery. I.ARKEY. Suddenly, on December 4. 1015. JOSEPH, husband of tho lato Ellr.i .1. Lnr kc. HelatlvcM and friends are Invited to nt tind tho funernl services, on Thursday, at 2 P m., at his eon's residence, 1715 Brown st. Interment private, nt West l.uirrl Hill Ceme tery. Automobllo funeral. I.EESER. On December 2, 1015, JOHN, husband of Mary E. Looser (neo Mngrnthl. Relatives and friends, nlso tho emplojos of tho Hero Manufacturing Company, nro In vite 1 to nttend the fumrat, on Thursdav. at 1 .10 a. m.. from his lato residence, 2,1 10 11 Norrls st. Solemn High Requiem Mass at tho Church of tho Holy Name at 10 n. m. 3IAI.IN. At her homo nenr Appiebnchs vlllc, on Friday. December 3, 1015. SARAH K.. wllo of Prank It. Malln. IKIatlvrn and friends nro Invited to nttend tho funernl, on Wednesday, at 1:30 p. m., from Friends' Meeting House, Quitkcrtnwn. Pa, The Allen town limited leaving COth st, nt 11.57 a. m nrrlvcs at Quakcrtown 122 p. m. nnd stops threo squares from Meeting House. McllRIDE. On December I. 1915, ALEX ANDER, husband of Elizabeth A. Mcllrlde. Relatives nnd Mends, nlso employes of tho Atlantic Itcnnln Company nnd tho Will iam (1 Wliaper. Ilenetlclal Association, aro Invited to attend tho funernl, on Thurs dav, at 8'30 n. m., from his lato residence. 11102 South 21st st. Solemn Mass of Requiem nt St. Edmond's Church. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. McllER.MOTT. On December 5, 1015, EL LEN, widow of John McDormott. Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend tho funernl. on Thursday, at 8:30 a. m.. from her lato residence. 2210 South 15th nt Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Monlcn's Church", at 10 a. m. Interment at New Cathedral Cemetery. MEIERHOri'. At Contesvllle, Pa., on De cember li. 1015, bOLOMON, husband or Ger tlo Meverhorf nnd father of Dr. Irwin S. Meycrhoff, of Philadelphia, In his niith year. Relatives mid friends nro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday, nt 12 nonn. from tho chapol of Adath Jcshurun Cemetery. In terment at Adath Jcshurun Cemetery. MILLER. At Rending. Pa., on December 5, liit.1. JOHN F. MILLER, formerly of Ml N. lutli st., Phlln Relatives and friends, nlso members of tho Vol. Relief Department of the Pemm. R. R.t Pensioners nnd Veterans, tire Invited to nttend funeral servlrcs, Wednes day, nt 2:50 p. m., nt tho apartments of Oli ver II. Hair, H20 Chestnut st., Phlln. Inter ment private, nt Mount Morlah Cemetery. MOM1IE. On December 0, 1015, THEO DORE II. Momme, ngel OS years. Relatives nrd friends aro Invited to nttend funeral on Thursilayi nt 1:15 p. m.. from his late resl ib nee, near Washington Square. Friends can take trolley from Norrlstown, Yost Ito.nl. Services and Interment nt St. John's Church, Centre Square, at 245 p. m. NEEDIIAM. Oil December 1), 1015, ELIZA BETH ANNABEI.E, widow of tho lato Rev. ileorgo '. Ncodham. Funeral services at her lato residence. 101 Chestnut ave., Nnrberth. Pa., on Wednesday, nt 2:30 p. m. Interment prlvnte, nt Muiuliester Mass. O'NEII.. On December I, 1915, MAR GARET F., wlfo of Charles O'Nell, daugh ter of Patrick J. and Margaret A. Kealcy. Itelatlves and friends nro Invited to nttend funeral, Thursday, at S n. m , from her lato residence, 1112 South 23d nt. Solemn High Class of Requiem at St. Anthony's church, nt 0:30 n. m. Interment Holy Cross Ceme tery. I'Al'l.I.EY. On Dei ember (I, 1015, MA TILDA D.. widow of Goo. W. Paulley. Reli. tlvcs and friends tiro Invited to attend funeral services, Wednesday, nt 2 p. m.. at the resl denco of her son-tn-law, I). S. Caldwell, 4017 Powelton live. Interment private. l'l'HOMMEH On December 4, 1015, JO SEPH GOTTLEIB PFHOMMEll, husband of the late Margaret Pfroinmcr, of 1210 Cad walader at. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend funeral services, Wednesday, at 2 li m.( at Bethel Church. Crease and Ilel grado sts. Interment at Grcenmount Ceme tery. PETRI. On December fi. 1015, CLARA VIR GINIA, wlfo of Amtl II. Petri (nee Ander son), aged 33 years. Itelatlves and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral serv ices, on Wednesday, at 2 p. in., from her late residence, 2204 North 20th st. Inter ment private, at Northwest Cemetery. Re mains can to viewed Tuesday evening. PRICE. Suddenly, on December 5, 1015, JOSEPH C. PRICE. In his 07th year. Rela tlvts and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services. 011 Wednesday, nt 2 p. m , nt his late residence. 810 Linden st., Camden, N. J. Interment private. Friends may call on Tuesday, from 7 to 0 D. m. PVI.E. On December II. 1015, WALTER PYLD. In his 77th year. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 1 P. m.. from his late residence. Cor.cordville, Delaware County, Pa. Inter ment at Uethlehem Cemetery, Carriages will meet noon trains at Concordvllle Station. RICllTER. On December 4, 1015, ADBIE M., widow ot George M. Rlgnter, Rela tives and frlem. aro Invited to attend the funeral, Wednesday at 1:80 p m. pre cise!, from her late residence, 070-1 Wood land avo.. West Philadelphia, Remains can bo viewed on Tuesday from 7 to 0 p. m. Interment private at Northwood Cemetery. HOOP. On December B. 1015. KATE R.. wife ot Joseph C. Roop. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m. precisely, at her late residence, 2721 North loth st. Interment private. nORAY. At Palmyra, N. J., on December I. 1015. HENRIETTA 1.. A wife of AC. Itorny. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m.. from her late residence, 31 Henry St., Palmjra. N. J Interment at Morgan Cemetery. Train leaves Market St. ferry for Palmyra, at 12:40 p. m. ItOl'SK. On December 0. 1015. ANNA It. ROUSE, inher 63d year. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 1 p. in., from the residence of Iter husband, Charles Rouse, Wllllamstonn N. J. Services at the house. Interment at Wllllanistown. N. J. ' bEIU. On December 4. 1015. HENRY, hus. band of ADELLA SEIU. aged 50 years. Rel atives anl friends aro Invited to attend fu. neral, Wednesday, at 1:30 p. m., from his late residence, 4311 N. 15th st. Interment strictly private, Chelten Hills Cemetery, Re mains may be viewed Tuesday evening, SEVERN'S Suddenly. on December 4 Biai3. THEODORE V.. husbaml of Roianni Severns. Relatives and friends, also the Camden Mutual Association and employes ot the Camden Coke Company, are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at S P. m.. at his late residence. 811 Mt! Vernon St.. Camden. N. J. Interment at Harlelgh Cemetery. Friends may call on Tuesday, after 1p.m. uo SILCOX. Suddenly, on 'December 4. 1815 HENRY, husband of Mary Sitcox, at his late residence. 840 North 27th st. Rela tlves and friends, also Washlsgtoa Camo. No. 317. P. O. S. ot A.: Malta Council. No. 003. O. of I. A.i Stonemen's Club ot Phila delphia, and employes of the Bureau ot Water, are Invited to attend funeral serv ices, on Wednesday, at 11 a. m.. instead of 1 p. m., at the Trinity Baptist Church. Poplar et. near 27th. Interment at Phoe olivine. Pa. SINNER. Oa December 8. 1913. EMIL SIN NER, beloved husband of W'Uhelmwo, Sin ner, inee Hclmgaertner). aged 32 years. Rel atives and friends, also American Council. No. SO, Fraternal Fatrlotlo Americans, are lavitc4 to attend the. (uaeral serviccx,' oa DEATHS Thnrsdiy, ht 2 p. m at his late residence, 27.11 New kirk St. Interment nt Northwood Cemetery. St.lCHTEH On December ft, 1015, FRANK, husbanl of tho Into Anna Slichler. Itelatlves nnd friends, nlso members of St. Peter a confraternity of tho Holy Nnmo and St Peter's Altar society and Purgatorial So clety of St. Peter's, nre Invited to attend tho funeral, from his lato residence, 32.1 W. Thompson St., on Thursday, nt .10 a. in. High Mass t St. Peter's church nt 0 a, m. Interment at Holy Redeemer Cemetery, SMITH. -Suddenly, on December II, 1015, I.ET1TIA lt wife of James Smith. Rela tives and friends nro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday, nt 1 P. m from her late teddence. nenr Runnemede. N J. Serv ices at home. Interment at HoddonOell. Train leaves chestnut street ferry at 11 a. m. for Runnemede. SNYDER. On December 3, 1013, Rev. JOHN PHILIP SNYDER, D D , husband of Mamie M. Snyder. Relatives and friends of the fnmlly, also Order of Knights Ho pltnlleix nnd clergymen of the Congrega tional Methodist Church, nre Invited to at tend funernl services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., nt his lain residence. P. E. Cor. Maple nnd Hndd'in nves., Westmonl. N. .1. Interment nt Harlelgh Cemetery, rrlenda may Mew remains on Wednesday, from 7 to 0 p. m. SPROl'l.i:. On December n. 1015. WILL IAM C. husband or Eleanor M. Sproulo nnd son of Margaret nnd tho late William Sprouie. In his 23d venr. Relatives nnd friends, also Voluntary Relief Department nnd employes of the Penna R, It. Co., nre Invited to nttend funeral services, Friday, nt 3 p m., nt his into residence, southeast corner "f 01th st. nnd Dickens ave.. West Phlln. Interment nt Mount Morlah Cemeterv. STH.I,. On December 5. 1015. OEOnclH, husband of Marv n. Still inee Simpson) nnd son of tho Into Edwnrd V. and Mnrtlm Still. Relatives nnd friends, nlso So Incta Tribe. No. .IDS. I. O It M . nro In vited to attend funeral i-ervlces, on Wed nesday, nt 2 p. in . nt his late residence, 013 Auhuni st. (Oth nnd Cambria sts.). Interment prlvnte. Friends may call on Tuesday, from H to 10 p ni. STRAIN. On December 5, 1015. SARAH, widow of Thomns Strain, ngeil 70 jenrs Relatives ami friends nre Invited in nttend funeral services, uii Wednesday, nt 2 p. 111 , nt her lato residence, loll North Uber st. Interment prlvnte, nt Ml. Morlah Come, tery. HetnnlhN mny be viewed Tuesday, nfter 7 p. m. Automobile funernl. St'LI.IX AN. On December 3, 1015, THOM AS, huahind of tho Into Annie Sullivan. Relatives and friends nro Invited to nttend tho funeral sorv ices, on Wednesday, nt 1 p. m.. nt his son in-law's residence, John W. MiflnrrlKle. 1111 S. 2d Bt. Interment at Fernwoo.1 Cemetery. Remains may bo viewed on Tuesday, from S to 10 p. m. TAGGAHT. On December 4, 1015, FRAN CES, wiro of Georgo Tagairt nnd daughter of Frances nnd tho Into William skerrett. Relative and friends nre lnvltrj Io nttend the funernl, from the residence ol'fier mother. Wit OUvo St., on Wednesday, at s , m. High Mil s3 at Church or (Jcsu, nt I .30 a. m. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. Auto mobllo funeral. TAMNEY. At his residence, 1000 North 21st st.. on December .1, 1013, BENJA MIN F., husband of Martha Tnmne (nee Hart). Relitlves nnd friends. nlo Melita Lodge. No. 205, F. nnd A. M ; Mellta Roynl Arch Chapter, No. 231; Wnshtngtim Camp, No. 5IU. P. O H. of A; Philadelphia And Heading Relief Association; I'enn Treaty Division. No. 71. H. of Ifc II , nnd members of the Stonemen's i-'oliowsnip, are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wed nesduy, nt 10 30 a. 111., at thu npnriments of Oliver H. Hair, lH'jn Chestnut st. Also services nt St. Peter's Evangelical Luth eran Church. Barren Hill, at 11:30 a. in. Interment at Barren Hill Cemetery. Re mains may bo viewed Tuesda, from 7 to 10 11 111. THEI'.. On December 5, 1015. formerly of Sea Islo Cl'y. N. J.. FREDERICK, Sr hus. band of Anna Trcrz. aged 53 ears. Rela tives and friends nro Invited to attend ru ncrnl. Thursilaj. at 3 p. m.. from his Into residence. 2.1IS N. 3d t. Interment South liurel Hill Cemeterv. Remains mny bo viewed Wednesday evening, nfter 7 o'clock. M''li:ilMAX. On December II, 1015, ANN. wirj or lnnlt Vlckertrun. Due notlco 01 tho funeral will bo given, from lur husband's resilience, ,1150 Simn)sldo nve, liills ut Sclmviklli. WAI.Z. On December 4. 1015. VIRGINIA II. T. WALZ (neo Rowlette). wlfo of Ed P. Wnlz. Relatives nnd friends aro Invited to nttend tho funernl, on Wednesday, nt 1 'IO p. m.. from her late residence, lsli McKoan nt. Interment prlvnte. Friends may call Tuesday evening. Willi.'!'. Oil December 5. 1015. .TACOll J Wllll.T. husband of Anna Whllt, In his 81st year. Relntlvos nnd frlondB, nlso Richmond Irfslge, No. 230. F. ami A M. , Kensington Council. Jr. O. II, A. M., nro Invited to nt tend the funernl services, on Thursday, nt 1 p. m., at his lito residence. 2327 South (ith st. Interment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. Remains may bo viewed on Wednesday evo nln, WHHll.H.SWOHTH. At her Into residence. 1210 Alden st., ANNA SARAH. Due notice .if tbe funeral will bo given Wilmington papers pleaso copj. Wt'NDER. On December it, 1015. Dr. FRANCIS T WI'NDi:it. aged 77 enr Rela tives and friends nro Invited to attend fu neral services Wednesday at Y'.'IO p. m., at his late residence, trjll Germantuwn nve.. Gerniaiitown. Interment private, Thursday morning. YOt'NG, On December 5. 1015, SARAH. widow of the lato George Young, aged NI vears. Relatives and friends nro invited to attend funeral services, on Tuesdav, Fe 1 ember 7, nt s::io p. in,, at her lato residence, liwi N. ,1th st., Camden, N, J Interment private, nt llurlolgh Cemetery at tho con venience of tho family. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STYLE TYPE (or like this) Ono time lfio per line Threo times ono week 12to per line Six times one week , loo per line Situations Wanted, three times ono week 10 scents per line ier insertion. Place your order for three or more times and it will be inserted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two time rate for Evemno. Lr.Dor and Poauo I.tMrii combined Is 10 cents per line with the exception of Help Wanted and Bltuatlona Wanted, which Is 15 cents per line. FOR TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which Is Dermltted In nil rtnDinntinn. ... cept Help nnd Situations Wanted. Lost and .."P.AJ0."?.1.".: Boarding and Rooms, add r.1.vJ.5?KNTS l U" UNK TO ANV op ABOVU RATES. There is a drup store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. HELP WANTED FEMALE CHAMBERWORK and waiting, eiperlenced white woman: beat Reference required. Call N. W. cor. Willow Grove nve. und Lincoln gJMffffrv"'1-cartaru pa,'i-or phon'' CHAMBERWORK and waitlns Experienced white Protestant for Media: wages Id. Met lady for Interview. Room 230. Publlo Ledger. Wednesday, at 2 o'clock. CHAMBERWORK und sewing. ep. whits girl: reference. Apply Tuesday. . 230 Tulpehocktn st., Germantown. Phone Uermantovwi 312. CLOTH WEAVERS wanted. ApplyJohni James Dobson, Inc.. Blanket Mills, Scott's luiie1Fallf Schuylkill COCK Wanted, an experienced cookYor a prl vate family ln a small country town, prefei ably of Swedish or Norwegian descent. Ad dress applications to Miss Hart 'Irvine, Mer cersburg. Pa. COOK Wanted at Haverford. thoroughly 10m uetent, Qermun or Austrian preferred. Apply Wednesday morning at 10.30.13i1 Walnut st. COOK Experienced "Protestant cook for small private family; no washing: references, ts.OO Address J 450. Ledger Central. OIRLS wanted to learn paper box inakln. good pay to begin; unubual opportunity, steady work. Cull National Meral Edge Box Company, bth and Willow sts. HOSIERY Exp. examiners and mendcrsK hosiery: also girls. 18 jears & over, to learn, ApPlyW2mil;TaubelInc. 1Mb Ss Bristol. HOSIERY Experienced knitters "and looners and learners; steady work, good pay 13M N.Lawreuce. HOUSEKEEPE'n. working, for" Caflio!tcreA toryj experienced, capable, Catholic woman; one In family. H SSI. Ledger uWe. HOUSEWORK Neat, competent girl, white. I'rotestant, for family of 3 small apartment In Norrlstown: no washing: good agea; ref erence required. Meet employer for Interview. Room 230. Publlo Ledger. Wednesday, at 2 o'clock. HOCSEWORK Middle-aged. Protestant wom an for country family 2, meet lady (or Inter- vlew. Room 230. Pub. Led..W'ed.. lTo'clock. HOUSEWORK "Whlto girl; no washing" dr Ironing, references required. Call 00 Ortho- dox1t..orjhone FrankfordMJiJ3. HOUSEWORK Neat, competent white girl 2 In family, city, wage Id. H 121.Le3. Oft HOI'S EWORK Competent white tiTC. in famlly. Call after 10 o'clock- 5010 Sprudjtst: HOUSEWORK Olrl wanted; sleep out. Call 0010 Christian st. IRONER-Must live In "the house. AppTySu vertntendent. Hebrew Orphans Home. i"ia LLDUER CLERK- Must be neat, exp, excel- I lent penman, knowledge of bkpg., must b accurate. Apply to .iU Dean, t4 Cetat, ' HELP WANTED FEMALE Nt'RSE, French, wanted ns maid for growing children: must bo good sevver. have highest references. J -112. Ledger rentrnl. TArnn IIOXns-Hipertenred operators inn have portions where gwd wages can be madei Itlvo age, eipcMenrc. etc. Call Bell . Phono Market 2105. PUBLIC STHNOORAPHER "ran have oftlre space free for light work. 102 Merchants' BmWn5.tlN.lth L SALESLADIES, experienced, for dry gbbJs store steady ios. , tef. ren 2T25irdjn STENOGRAPHER wanted by Hrge trust eom panv who has had experience In banking t brokerage business, salary (no a month nnl lunch. l'or Information see Miss Dean, Ledger Central, Broad and chestnut sts. WEAVERS Experience,, weavers wanted on Knonies looms; steady work, good pn'i Ah" pl3 John M.iwson Hair (loth Company, Ken- slnRton and Oienwood aves. nnd Venango st WOMAN, educated, wanted: good appenrance nnd human sympathy, to cnll on motliera of sehool ehlldreij. I) 115. I.cdger Office. Yni'NH LADY to mark papers In exchinge for business college course, stato ago and edu ration. D 1O0.I.edger Office. WELL-KNOWy VOICE SPECIALIST. wishes to glvo lessons In exchange for accompanv- . Ing. P. smith. 330 S. 15th at. NOW IS THO TIME for voung ladles seek Ing commercial rosltlons to consult Miss Dean nt Ledger Central, Broad and Chest nut sis. A sr-elal service Is rendered to riTENOdUAPIIEIlS, BOOKKEEPERS AND CLERKS through the Commercial Depart ment to LEDOElt ADVIJIITIKKIIS. and .1 great number of young ladles have been bene nted by this service. Oenernl GOVERNMENT positions open to women, t'S month. Write Immcdlitely (or freo list. Prank lln Institute. Dent. 715 J. Uochester. N. . HELP WANTED MALE At TOMATIC OPLRATORS-Grldlev Ac 10 nnd Cleveland nutoniatl.' mm hlno hands wanted; lirst-cl.iss mm onli . highest ungoi timid. Apply Standard Roller Bearing Co , t'.lth nnd Merlon nve m BENCH moulders wanted. Apply James Barker Incorporated, t.th nnd Cnugn sts. I Bihikkecper uanted for n paperThouso": state nge experience nnd last cmpltyntent. I .101, Ledger (Kike. r Bo Bright, energetic boy, about In yiire nf hc-, uimi 1 nance lor noviuicemcm nt I' ,001. i.eiiger iiiuce. Boy, wbite, over '1(1, drug isi anil I'inc sis. I 1 CABINETMAKER wanted, lhnulre W. Am- llioili', 225 South .Id st. ) CAI INETMAkEIIS wanted , Applv Llruoltl l'urnlliiro Company, null andi Lehigh nve. CAIIINETMAKERS' HELPERS wanted. Apply Lincoln I'urnlturuJ'o., l'lh st ftj.ehlsh live. CARPENTERS, Orst cluls, ivnnted by du'l'ont Co.. Plant 2, Pcnn-grove. N. J. ' . CASE KITTI.ItS iviiiniiil. Apply Lincoln furni ture Conipm.i, lOth nnd Lehigh nve. ' CLOTH WEAVERS wanted, Annlv John .t .amis iioukoii, inc.. It liiT'c, l-alls if Schuylkill Blanket Mills. Scott's IIRUtl SUNDRIES REPRESENTATIVIJ" wanted by ono of tho largest New York drug sundries houses; to tnikr headquarters In Philadelphia nnd travel Baltimore und Washing-ton; foreign nnd domistlc lines; character, abllty 'ind Industry essential. Address In contblenie and give full particulars ns to previous nnd present emplojmcnt, uunlltlca tlons, nge and salary. Box 10, Phlladelphl 1 Public Ledger, Metro. Tower, New- York city. PARMER Wanted, a white farmer, between the ago of 55 and 50; must be thoroughly expeienred In all farm work, including run ning nnd caring fur gasoline engines nnd farm machinery; must also be witling to take tho lead In all work nnd see that It Is dono according to owmr's Instructions, whoso Interests ho will be expected to look nfter at nil times; roferencea absolutely necessary. To such n mnn will lie given a permnnent and cnmfortuble home nnd compensation con siderably In excess of ordinary farm wages. P. O. Box KM, Westchester. Pa. (TltlNDERH, "Sellers tool, wanted. " llrst-chiss men only Apr!)' Standard' Roller-Bearing 10, loth a nd Merion nve. i.Al N'DiiY MAN. nblo to manage small laun dry; must llve'ln tho House. Apply Super intendent, Hebrew orphans' Home, 12th and llreeii lane. t MACHINIST "wanted for an Important travel ing position, young American Protestant with practlinl experlemo as machinist. Address, vvlth full pirtlculars, D 20. ldgerOfllce MACHINISTS Wanted. experienced vitn"hnnds," Otters uml 1 flnisheri nnd milling machlno hands. P 210. Ledger Office. SALESMEN -ARE YOI7 LOOKING KOR SO.METIHXO GOOD TO SELL? CALL ON MB. SCIIUNCK, AT 1510 WALNUT ST.. AND HE, WILL DO THE REST. TENTH H "MACHINIST named. Apply John and J.U114S, tmbson, In'., Blanket Mills, Hcatt lane. Kails of Sclullllll. TUTOR High-class man for boy nf 15. to ni company student to neahy result. Sub let ts. History, Algebra, German and Eng lish: referen 'o reiiulrcd: state salary. Ad dress 31 201, Ledger Ofllce WANTED A young man Tor nil night clerical position In orflco of largo crocery house: salary to start. $" per week, stato nge und experience. Address P. O. Box 120. WANTED An experienced man to lake In ventory In n general merchjndlso store out of rlty; givo references. J 111, Ledger Cen tral. YOUNG MAN for stenographic nnd clerical work, must bo neat nnd accurate; state nge. experience (If any): references nnd salary deiireib J IIL ledger Cntrnl. ldl'NO MAN. uliout 17 yearsof nge, experi enced nn laying up ijnth In shirt factory. RoxfordKnltilng Co.. Randolph fc Jefferson, first-class eluct metal workers wanted. Como ready for work. I)U PONT COMPANY PLANT NO. 2 PENNSGROVE, N. J. General flit N. IITIOAI) ST. Tile Oldest Orlgln.ll AUTOMOIIII.E SCHOOL Teaelies ou how to repair and how 10 drive nutos. !. PETZ. till N. BROAD ST. BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY Several experienced draughtsmen and fore men wanted other positions wanted. lOOO Land Title Building. AGENTS AOENTS wanted to sell graphopnncs and dlso records; good money; exclusive territory given. l'oi Information ,nl,lrets Imierlal Phonogluph Co.. Ill" , Poughkecpsie. N. V. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ASSISTANT bookkeeper and stenog.: W; I'enn High' 0 moa.' exp. J II. Ledger Co' rn. Coil. BOOKKEEPER and stciiographer.Ut-iiass ccr resiKindent. ..ipatde of taking entire chnrge: fl ears' exp.. highest refs II 053, Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPER. D E.. thoroughly experience!, capable of taking entire ch.irgu of bookken- Jng nnd cashiering del t. J 1 12, Ledger Cent. BOOKKEEPER, aislbtant. general clerk: 16 )s.' exp.; cuiMble; bent refs. J 451, Led. Celir. BOOKKEEPER, tvptst; 5 cnr' exp.; capaole, rellablo; best refs. J 217, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER Experienced, bent of rcf.. de sires llrst-ctass iHisitlou. J 155. Led. Cent. CHAMBERMAID or parlormaid. clt ; gold sewer: experienced: reference. II 212,I.ed, Off. CHA'MBEBMAID "and waitress. Scotch ProV, suburbs; bebt ref. 20 E. Gardeld st.. G'town, CHAMBERWORK and washing; Irish: cxpe rlenced; country preferred. J) l0,Led. Orr. COMPANION" to elderly lady, or any position of trust, very capable, rellablo and cultural. J HO, Lede Central. COJH'ANIO.N useful, goo.l herver. assist lr. any capacity in householl. 11 217. Led.Olf. COOK, understands alt branehos. One desserts, puff iwistry and sugar work, entrees: vvagtf SJO to $w) per month. 41. Ledger Rrancn, 2Uth und South. COOK German. Protestant, experienced, wunts steadyjiosltlon; reference. II2S Columbia uvo. COOK wishes position In una 1 1 farn. . no hikII- lng;bet refs. UBS I Musgrove st Mt. Airy. COOK Ml'ldle-aged embolic American wishes rMltlon as cook, good refs. 2i)Ot Wharltom COOK, exiierlence.1 ouns tvoriun. wishes lt cook. hkw. reference. 2tB Pluwater tt. COOK, caiuble, up-State woman, good bread baker: city or suburbs. 11 2S0. LedOff. COOK. vxil. young woman wishes sllujtlu-i cook.housekeeper. ref. Kit'iKluwater; COOK Experienced voung white woman; no vvasiiing; cuy. 11 -- i-umer vniic-e COOK, capable white woman. Hrst-cUss city reference. II 201, I-edger Office. DRESSMAKER of New York dt sires engage ments, advance stvles; evening gowns spe cialty. Walnut JM5S. DRES3MAKBR wants engagements: " 12 50 dally;iefs. b500. Led. Br., both and Clrurd. GOVERNESS. German. I'rotestant. wishes en gagement for 4 or U weeks: small cotpen4 ttun. goo.1 home. J .1.V Ledger CentraL GOVERNESS Lady desires posltlan for goy- ernss. 3. Ledger Branch. 5MK N. I2th st. odVEKNESS or mother's helper. German; Prot. . good sewer, goodref. D 52iLJ.Oit. HOUSEKEEPElX, Cultd.. cap.. "moth. & daughT wish hskpg.ij'fndti. refs. J 453, Ledger Cent. fNEANTS VlTRSEv English Protestant, expe rienced, capable; reference, wages IS. II 215, Ledger Office. LAUNDRESS or chambermaid, with first-class references, wishes position. Please cull Tues day and Wednesday, J80U Walnuts! LAUNDRESS, first class desires position; "best references. D 101. Ledger Office NURSE, graduate, private Jewish or German family: cars ot Invalid, relieve employer household duties ref II 210. Ledger Office. NURSE Capable woman desires case or will act as managing housekeeper for gentleman, highest references. M b52 Ledger Cintral. NI USE. child, or rhamr'erw Tk. waltln -Scot hYrut ref. 20 U lisrdei H. (,er taw 1. SCALP SPECIALIST with iri-ate business, wishes to assist part time in hxlrdreasuic Wr lor; Xii. totereagea. 3 213. LeUw Csatnj, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE - - "i ?V?lKH8 Young woman wishes pos. In nwvr.if . best references. J -HI, I-ed Cent SECRETA y.Correspondent--Co1Iege woman of cxptrlen.J desires position with professional man, wo an or Orm: typlst J nnl. Led. Ce.it. STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, 7 years' fs-perienre-ln law. real estate, banking; capable of taking full charge. J 357, Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER, expert. 0 jears' eiperlenc,e; familiar with technical work; good corro apondent nnd secretary. 11 047, ledger Lent. STENOGRAPHER -Exp., rapid, with executive nMllty. now emplrjed, desires to make a hange, flrst elissrefs.IiIlu, LedgerJJtT STENOGRAPHER, assistant bookkeeper. familiar with all office details, wishes jtood polilon. J 4I7, LeihjerCentrab , STENOORAPHER - Neat, dependable young lady rtes.pos. : mod sal. J.150, Ix-d. Cent. sTENOGRAPirEif, hlgTTa.Iiool gra.Tuate, slight exper. : willing to karn. IKSil N 4th St. STENOGRAPHER, exper. In general eni;e work. iles. is. Immed. J .131, Igd. cent STETJijriRArriiElt,""'neKt, cnisiiin-, energetic"; exp.: rapid typist, try me. 11 vt. Iad. lent. S'l ENMGRAPilEIt. 0 ears' e"Sp.; neat,"csqa; bio, reliable, best refs J 440. Led. Cent. STEN'iGRAPirEft,"expericrTccd, neat, reliable, very willing; best refs. J 211, Led. Cent STENOGRAPHER. II venra' exp.. capable tak- lug full 1 barge nf office. .1 41", lx-d. Cent. stenogIlU'IIeil tiigh s"FEool. :t- ll.onlhs, exp., 1110, 1, rule witari. II 75", Ledger CenL STENoniTv. I'lIPR. "iV"raprir,"nciurate"rmod. salary, trial soIbUed. J 57. Ledger Central. STENcittH PHUH. IiIrIi school and business college, neat, rella,. romp J 452 ld. Cent Tl TOR Brsn"3fawr graduate stuilent wishes polt'on ns tutor In prlvnte rnmlly during t. hristmas holidays, expenses only; releienco rc(ulred D I0.Idger OfHcc. YOI'S'G catholic Irish girl "wishes position", chamberwork nnd waiting or plain rooking nnd downstairs vmrk, 7 soars experience, ren run c vm sou s. l.'th at. l,f'NG. Ifght roTured vvonian, cafeciiidfen." elderly lady, apartments, liousswork. lorm erlv lady a m.iid, refs Call US Wallaie at. IIXPERIENCEO, useful compnn., refined, gooTl rdr. . trav . nursn, uuisseusc 11 -'21. lsil orr. COLORED illltl. wniiti housMvnTkTiipS'rtnie'rTt Preferred, gouil referem e. 1707 Rodman. C??f,i5K,nrAT,yn'. "'"'"ient,, unique and most iiliiuhle snli is iinoered through the Com mercial Department to linns seeking blgh MS'.le office help ".Ms Dean" at Ledger J entr.il has listed the iiiiallilrntlons of voung ladles experienced In nil kinds of oniic detail vvnrk. and hns hui s.tiIiI trnlnlng In se lecting ''tho right person for tho right posi tion. Aiiiuallit lur with jour neos either ov prrsonil call or tcieplmne Walnut .lns) f"d rn.w3nn.' ''ttentlon will lie given prompt AilVERTlKERM, '"" "c",c0 ,0 LfJDUHU SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT. OPEN TOll EN'OAGEMENT, ., IM '. Ju 1 l.tl.11. flANWINo; SVSZi.VG AND OKI' ''(Vr' I'HlLARIrsjjl,-,, LEIIIIEIt I'ENTIIAlV io 1 118. EXP.! UII- J 05or -Ledger Central. "'"" "DrK c"nlnS"' 1 .., K'v!; ''''I' and stenographer; joung man 7 i. -: IVr" '"' uuvauccmeiu. .J 1 411, -.h- . VII, 1,, 1, 1Ji,)0nli1it.'.i!;,1:,U .- Vou''g "in, expeflence"cr knotviedge or stcnngriipliy. D Km, l.vd. Off! 110cY,7oi,IR!.,i ch?:,1 !" wnnts position niter schooi ind on Saturday. 1) ail, d. Oftlce. OAliI'1:u ,.i.'1 llorlFt' "Ingle. thoroexp: good refs.. wishes position. l 12, l.ed. Ofllci l'iAHi"iLV,i,'"rY.9l,nif r,"h I'rutestaut. nge n,on""i; ffi's,!"i'i V" '-"""'" " -'!.,Al'.,'KI5l'l'-"i",lnuV ramny. good meclunbT: :i 0.1 r him pia e. Lee. s.-.l N. Watts st. t. II A II I I.I It, pxperlomed. tlmrnuali mechti. le: turn, best of refs. W.. 2i2:i Prnnuf.ir,! ,. CIV II. ENGINEER desires position In technical w clerical jjnc.J 457 Ledger C.iVtrnl.' l!;Vt.!il:'i1:,1,'' ,mrrl0;1- wishes sit.; nenileuinnn plce ur lnrlst:refs. lllW Spmerset st. HOUSEMAN and butler, colored, wishes poi" Hun, cook; private tnmlly rltj. suburli: best iel iemo ll 1,.dgeoftice. I!.,J,.S1,,:V.0"'cTT',il'"',,e'1" Industrious. gen"al hswk. Ill small fain.; best ref.Y.. I4'ne. M.;V,'i".,N.I:, ,J'gr.er. Ist-cliss, vvlth 'creative i is .,' L.c?p- ,on, nutonmtlc machinery. ' -s. Ledger Central. M.ANt..nn.i1 wlrpv .wiilte. "Vcsmnt7"buTle7"and eiinlt thoroughly iupnblc.H SI'I, Led. Off .MAN AND WIPE white, Ist-ciass "butler! houseman nnd .00k. ri-rs. J 451., Led. Cent! K"w5 ir V,l't'i'!ircrenc'edrbest"refcrcnce3; I) 10!, ledger Office. u.l"?rtil.lNs',' M""!,1'''1" AND""s"rcTc"TRrJoTl 11, 'A' i.,"-'1"1' oI!l' d''"les to cortnect with largo business nrm: 20 years practical exp.. 'liV? '""Io posit of trui and icsp. Hustlcf l ir.i"omiv ave., WestiJiilMngirood.N' ViTH...S!l'I''-'T'A',,'liJ,''l""' SELL. h!y&lll,l ,1.5, YEARS' ROAD EX PERIENCE. DESIHCS CONNECTION WITII,, RELIABLE HOUSE; WILL ENCrs A"s01'L''rI"'''-' Al REl'ER. i'l'oSS. LEDGER CENTRAL lOlTM. MAN, engineering gradtialo.ilcslres to locnto with rcsponslblo linn, with oppor tunity to enter sales dep.irtment nfter learn ing details of business. J 113. Ledger iOUG MAN desires to connect with reput able concern, .preferably wholesale (Jewelry, steel, automobile, etc.); thoroughly oomp tcnt and experienced: cnpible of produrlim; refctcncca. J 3.12. Ledger Central. JOUNG MAN, good education, with three years' experience In stenography, etc.. famil iar with chemical terms nnd routine ofllce work, deslreH stenographic position. J 353. Lcdgcr Central. YOUNG MAN, stenographer and "typewriter! general ofllce woik, wishes position. Address W. A.. 225 NortU 3d et. lOUNG MAN wishes clerical "position, expert enced; Al reference. J 12. ledger Central. HAVING SOLD MY FARM, I ilea ro a position to take chargo of farm or gentleman's country plaio; near city; understand greenhouse, poultry nnd gardening. H 050, Ledger Cent. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS NICHOI.I.H. 1020 luinbrldge. has compe tent French, Swiss, German butlers, bectind tllt-ll, huUMineti, louples, cooks, (25 to (75; also )oung German cooks, waitresses, cham bermaids, governenaes, ladles' maids, nurses, housemaids, vvlth relereuces. Phonu 1-ocust 2IS11. EDUCATIONAL and Domestic Employment Club. 225 S, Sydenham (15th-Walnut) Excel lent cooks, wnltrtsscs, nurses, governesses, housi keepers, butters supplied. WANTED Cook, housework girls, half-grown girls nnd girls for Institutional work. First class help want positions. Miss Rose Dough erty. 1313 Glritru ave. MADAME ASHE. French Employment Bureau! 1533 Christian st Reliable help supplied and wanted, all nationalities, Prot. nnd Cath. WNT voung cooks and housework girls. citT or country, supplies Ist-cl.isa help. Mary T. McCarthy. 2107 Christian Locust llui. AUTOMOBILES Fur Sals 1IUICK AND FORD CAR. bargains, 2S-30 N.55th st. Belmont 0742. I CADILLAC, 1013," touring car; ove"rhauledand repainted; full equipment; price (Ijftr AUTO aALE8 CORPORATION, 142 N. Broast. CuLE, 1013, U-.-yllnder, 7-ioss. touring, ex cellent condition, newly iMluteJ, (700 LOCOMIUIILK. 2314 Market st. I.ofust 450. II. A. JENKH. Mgr. Exihange Car Dept. COLK. llll3"DKMONSTRATORS. SLIGHTLY USED, FOR HAI.K' L. S.BOlVER8 CO. 2JV41 N. BlttfAD ST S-O-V lull, touring, enulpped with electric gear shirt starter and lluhts. newly p-Ow-ed and overhauled. I. 031. Ledger Centrnl. WHITE. ItHS. 7-pueuger, 0-cj Under iourlne. In good condition ineehHiilcall : tires In ciioJ concilium. J. C MOSKR 210 N. llrcd7L AH Cars Bought for Paris SCH011ER. 3311-43-45 MAHKBTT SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN OF USED CARS GORSON AUTO EXCHANGER'S N.BROXD Hunted STOP' LOUKI AND LISTEN! We buy old uutua In uny wrecked couiilrlon. Get uui price before uu sell them. Phone or wilts SouthvMstern JuuV Co..l70i-7 Oirpenter. AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES TO HIRE (open day and night) Brand-new e-puss, touring car, with robes. 11. 'i hour; also brand-new 7-pass. limousine, (1.50 hour; weddings, tunerals, etc PopUr 1017 W. AUTO BEPAIRING FORD OWNERS I can do the Jub. Stop the oil deposUTng on vnur MOark Dluc. I will suarantee funis in guarantee same every way at small cost. Call Adolpu Fay. II Call AJoIuh Fiv. mt Berkeley at . Wayne JuuliIoh. Umtim. 3119. FORI) cnu lues 01 ci hauled. (IS. tnuujn'n, (3, gaais. 9.1. vyis. accaruiiise-i. vaivps grouaa. (2.50. c.isnaiu r, mw aikmujvu. ui. u.vvo. T 8PEEDOMETER TROUBLE SEE BILLY 31S N. UROAffi WINDSHIELD GLASS REPLACED .vfc rSfiSl",?"?" r ' . , """" - : atiitrtv . : i.uiwui,d .t.,... - fc-."- rinzs furnished weldings sod bra-un' Vnderwcoa et vo n -v an,inou FuK HUPMOBILE" iieifiiDu asV - Starr, the HuPD. exer 3313 Nortv st Phone Tioga 8404 r AUTOS stored and re-Niirea. rmsomuH, GutstW aax(e,413 M.SOtb, litlut AtJTO SUPPLIES -nUARINOS-- New Demrture Serv Rti.. The Owlll'am Co.. 1511 Arch St. Phon Walnut S4'17. Race WM, AUTO TIKES , PULLMAN TIRES 7 Guaranteed 4000 miles. Compsro prices. Gasoline ISc. per gallon. nniM's, n n. Broad st. HORSES HORSE Nice sorrel horse. Have no frerk for. Also harness and wagon. Sell at sacrifice. IJI.i W. somerset st. Tioga 03-80. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES , " A THRIVING CORPORATION " WITH DISTINCTIVELY NITW-PATENTED ARTICLE. WOULD LIKE TO HEAR KROM HIGHLY RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS MEN WITH FINANCIAL BACKING IN l'HILA DELPHIA AND St'RROUNDlNO CITIES AND TOWNS KOR BX( LUSIVE LICENSH TO HANDLE PATENTED ARTICLE, ONLY WIDE-AWAKE, ENEROETIC MEN NEED APPLY. AS THIS PROPOSITION. I1E1NO SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW, WAR RANTS AN INCOME OP NOT LESS THAN (10 0ISI PER YEAR. TELEPHONE XV.' FORE 10 A. M. to B. ROSENBERG, BELLE-VUB-8TRATKOHD. OR WniTE FOR AP POINTMENT. WANTED-PARTNER WITH THE CAPITAt TO MANUFACTURE A PATENTED CUSH ION RtM FOR AUTOMOBILE WHEELS FOR EITHER WIRE. WOOD OH ALL METAL WHEELS, RELIABLE. CHEAP AND yl'ICK. LONG LIFE AND COMFORT ABLE: EASY TO PUT ON: NO BOLTSOR SCREWS USED IN FIXING RIMS TOyrllB WHEEL". J. If. HULLIN, 155 NORTH ldril srilHET. WRITE TOR rUKTHHH INFORMATION. FOR SALE Ici cream and bakery, known all over South Philadelphia: good business the year around, near a big Catholic church and school, will sacrifice to quick sate; reason for telling going South; this Is a splendid oppor tunity for a man who will cater to working class of people.M75l, Ledger Central m AN INVESTMENT of 13500 will secure an executive position nnd good salary In new company Just forming; money fully pro tected by real cstato and repayable to In vestor out of (Irst proceeds ot business; ref erences demanded and given. M 753. Led ger Centrnl. PATENTS-ARTHUR 12. PAIGE. 714 Walnut St., Phlln. mechanical nnd electrical engi neer, registered iatent nttorney, tsifcbllshsd here So years, inventions developed! patents, trademarks copyrights secured and liti gated nni where, rejected applications prose cutcd; preliminary advice free. AN old-established concern needs n promoter to Interest enpttnl In a business with exctp tlor.al profit-making capacltleepromotlon. entirely on commission basis, u 810. Ledrsr Central. WANT .MAN WITH JIOOO to" help mo finance hosiery manufacturing business; profits not large, but eventually will bo to man satisfied with reasonable returns to start; reliable references furnished, P 221, Ledger Office. StOTORCYCLl. AND BICYCLE STORE FOR enle: best corner on Hroid st , uptown: w-o'jtd mnko cmd auto supply store; oils. etc. Rtnson for selling, other business, John C. Black, 3701 North Broad sr WA.N'TED--A man with t,ooa to (MiOO to In vest In n good paying business which is In rressing cvry dny; willyfrove everything satisfactory to rich' man. P 234, Led. Off. GROWING ORCHARDS, nil ages, "for sale. ' HARRY DA1UJINGTON 1420 Chestnut st. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. Patent Attornevs. Washington, D, C. Write for descriptive booklets DROP POCKET COAL YARD ON P. AND It. FORRENT' I0 MONTHLY inti WEST TIOGA ST. PICTURE THEATRE. J050 Earns (30-J40 weeklv . good business location: old estnb.; gcmune smrlflce. HAHIHST. 201 N. Brood. EM'I'I'TIONAL oppirtunltv to Invest Jlu.OOO In established manufacturing business: active lnterest If desired. P222. ledger Office. ROOMING HOUSE 0 rooms: well furnished: oil nrcun.sd. will sell cheap: centre of city. Jl ll l-odirfT central. BUSINESS PERSONALS FULL DBESS SUITS Cutavrns Tuxedos and Sack Suits To htie and made to order. NEUUAUUR. THE TAILOR. 10 N. Oth St. Hell phone. Walnut 2018. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis, the only permanent way. Eiebrows arched. MISS SMITH, 402 Keith Theatre Bldg. Ml-s lloppc. halrdresslng. fac. massage, man Icurijig. form. 3dint Arcadewlth Miss Smith. "evening clothes to" hire Full dress nnd Tuxedo suits, latest styles; sill, nnd opera tints. Open evenings SCHULTZ. 227 N. Oth St. FULL DRESS SUITS-A1I new stylish goods: large assortment. SAMUEL COOPER. 1010 OIRARD AVE. PHONE POPLAR 0312. CARPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE SOT 1 1 ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT Bell phone. Locust 1000. WEST PHI1.A. MONARCH STORUIE CO. WE.STPHILA. 3e. PER YARD, WHSTP1UI.A. 3S70-72 I.ANCASTEH AVE. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY WE REMODEL your old Jewelry Into the 1st- est designs at factory prices. MARTIN W. ABRAMS, 711 Snnsom St.. Philadelphia. I BUY diamonds! Jewelry and pawn tl-kets for cash. Apply 2.30 to 4 30 p. ni. Win, Flick. Room 301. 023 Chestnut st. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY lIEMSTlTi'HIXG, 10 1 cuts a ard. all mate rials A HEICHARD. 1113 CHESTNUT ST. riCTOIHAl. REVIEW PATTERNS DIliJSSMAKINO taught, short, practicsl. Inex pensive course putterns cut, 50c. Mac- Jiowolh3H7 Denckla Bldg.. ItJndMarkeL POTTER SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKINd; daily un1 evening sessions. 143 Glrard ave. FOR SALE BILLIARD and pocket tables, sfjiftleboard. new and slightly used; liberal terms; renting, repairing A supplies. Itosatto, 222 8. Sth BILLIARD AND I'OCKET TABLES Also bowling alles, easy payments. I1RUNS-WICK-jlALKE cni.I.ENDER CO..10O2 .Vrch. illLLIARD. poiket. 2d-hand tables, repairing, supplies. Clark-Herd Mfg. Co.. 2121 N. "Fronts BlLUAHlCpool, combination Sd-luand boughtT sobb jeiiU'd. exch d. Keafer. tm Olrard aye. CASH REGISTERS, new nnd second-hand; to tal adders as low as (10 on easy monthly P4 meats: all registers sold by us fully guar, antced. The National Cash Register Co., 739 Chestnut st. DESKS, tiling ,-ablneis. safes, telephone booths and office furniture and fixtures of cvety de scription. ued. but In One condition, and very cheap free delivery anywhere. HUGHES. 11T11 ANllRUTTONlVOOD; DESKS, large assortment, nlso household fur niture Dullng Central Second-hand iurnl- ture Company 004 on-H Callowhlll st, SAFES Flrcproof,all sixes Bargains! Repair? Ing. Low prices. 1131 l'rankford ave, bHO CASES wall cases shilling On. Moor cases, for sale. heop 24' Market st. TOYS Theatre, fort and set of trains; chance for Xmas. JJJ4JI.cdgerCentral; (20.50 VICTROLA VI AND I SIX 10-INCH D. F. RECORDS 1 guaranteed to ba In perfect condltlorl. An excellent outfit for one who la looking for e. good machine at a reasonable price. Fifty cents weekly accepted. Cull or v.rtte for complete descriptions and large illustrate.! catalogues. HEPPirs UPIOWN STORES. Cor. Lth and Thompson sts., Philadelphia, Pa, GET'Tr'WCTnOI.A NOW Ul PAY FOR IT NEXT YEAH Call or write for our new special P-ymsnt Plan whereby ou can have a VlctruU fur Chrtstmas. and btart to pay for It next year. HEPPE'S UITOWN STORES. Cor. Oth and Thompson sts., Philadelphia. Pa. FIFTY CENTS A WEEK RDYS A VICTROLA call or write for particulars. HEPPB'S UITOWN STORESI Cor, 6th and Thompson sts . Philadelphia. Pa, ' LET MB SELL that piano, diamond, automobile, fur or any article or value; total cost 10 you. I OS. Write, call or phone poplar 0130, ' MORRIS, 10th and Poplar (?nUDY'S DIAMOND TIFFANY ENOAOE. MENT RING. BLUE-WHITE, PERFECT. isSSkw st DEK'a I-oanThtice i.5irffFAl TIFUL IlIAMONDNEf'KLACET PURR WIITE STONES TOTAL WEIGHT! in KARATS ORIGINAL COST.- ( I ? uOfl" RIBDER'S LOAN OFFICE. US JIARKET ST (lOu-DIAMO-ND AND Pl.A'TINUM I AVAL, LIBRK. 24 BLUB WIIITE DIAMONDS. &lY.PIi lUEOKIfS LOAN OFFICE. 1S AlAlllvJvl. 191 B CALENDARS to suit any b;,:,; l.iOii.l'OO In stk at sacilOcmg prjecs, alsa ttlnifa' pads Peon Paper Cc. . SS N oth. rii 1U )ri,"-n mtxx 'nenn'" ....?.. . RING PCRK ttillTP xiarv ALUF S0O f ' )N OFCIf E. J2S MARKET. r using usetila Records, -(king machine records 5c. t n ' &. U1.S tomn.b -Shinto, tj 1,-- put IEATINO HEALTH HEAT Is pette tun or bot neater. Pur First Sundalch, 101 welir irmoj mo-sture, UAKIN. Second Swidwlct) net inuch muncy jobs I i. st Phlla U-T --. . j. -sj; -l- V Ad oa .JirAt rfM 1 1. t. I .? 1 fctarBacJfeiw-ja -, -t p is. -