"3---f "? EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA', TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1915: IS y jT Hfmgg'ifl FINANCIAL NEWS BREADTH OF BUYING MOVEMENT IMPRESSIVE FEATURE IN MARKET New York Stock Sales Sentiment Cheered by Improvement in War Stocks. I Vast Number of Tips in Circulation Talk of Increase of New York Central Dividend NI3W YOKl", Hoc. 7. The stock mnrliet linn ilc eloped the most pronounced Htrctmtli witnessed slnco the period of speculative stntrniitlon set In mime little time since As n whole, the stock mnrlcct cannot he said to !uio deflnltol left Hie rut In -vhlch It has ticcn movliif-, hut It has shown a pronounced tendency to do so. A most Impressive feature has been the breadth of the ImMnrr movement, which has nlTected all classes of stocks. Sentiment has been Kreatly cheered by the Improvement In the principal war stocks. As one writer puts It, the market nppenrs to have recovered from Its "nlKhtmaie of price." There Is little, question but that sIbus of renewed speculative iultlitive In the war xpcclaltles Is most cncouraRltiB to the speculative jurtv, iitilte apart from tho conclusions derived therefrom as rcpnrds the basil for the recent pence talk. Undoubtedly a rise In stocks like Italdvvln Locomotive and Crucible Steel will be considered as ilRnlfvIiij- an Improvement In technical conditions and tho removal of nil overbought speculative position that vv.ih a menace to the market as a whole. Tho effect upon sentiment of the lmiirovement In the tn.irl.-ni h.-iu i.,.i. the circulation of a vast number of tips, livery ono had ft favorite stock which he was certain would do better ns soon as the Koneral list showed signs of wakliiK up. The pools, which have been resting on their oars until market conditions made it advisable to resume, are ucKlmilnK to bestir tlirm- buhch nuain. ami all tlie other sltfns of bull activities are appearing. ...,. .u, uu mis is, 01 couise, tlie met that the ouslde public has hovvn a slight tendencj to ctend Its speculative position. Whether this outside Interest will be sustained remains to bo seen, Sloss-Sheflleld made a new liltjli record today nfter quite a marked rise during the last week. The general reason for the advance Is, of course, the strength of the pig Iron position. The spiclHc reason appears to bo a visit to Now- York of tlie president of the companv, who has talked very optimistically to his friends about the current business and proscpcls of the property. An esti mate of current earnings from a sour.e that should be well Informed Is that thev ivro at the rate of IT, pel cent, on tlie stock Technically speaking, the market for bloss-Shrllleld Is probablj In rather good condition for an advance, Insofar ns the position of the Homing supplv of the stock Is loncerned. In the ncent boom In the steel and Iron shares, .Sloss-Hhellleld took a verv small p.ut, so that Mi ndvnnce from this level. If It occurred, would thcorellcullv be less likely to encounter liquidation fiom outside sources than other stocks which were well distributed on the former bull peilod Uesides all these arguments for higher prices. It is reported that strong market Interests have tnken the .stock In hnnd with the intention of putting It up A figure of 7", Is mentioned as a possiblllt The speculative element In the New York Central in inagement Is reported to bo In favor of putting the stock back on a li per cent, basis, and It is not unllkelj Hint the subject will be discussed fiom lime to time in the Eosslp of tlie Street. Cm rent earnings are, of couise, mnking staitllng com parisons with a ve.ir ago. ns is the case of all the big trunk lines; but Central's prosperitv lias hem rather short-lived to nuke It reasonable to suppose that the company will Immediately Increase the distribution The conservative element in the management Is against nnv such movement it Is recalled that It Is onl about a ear and a half ago that theie was serious question in the minds of many people of the solvency of the road. The Centinl Is ono of the roads whose earnings when they once begin to Improve do so very raphllv. Conveisely. they also decrease verj fast when they once start .. ....,. ..w.v, K,..ue. .nisi in present nn Important factor making for uwu..K . io ccHs.il ion or construction work, which affects the operating ratio radlciillj. In any ease. Central around 10,", alrentlv appears to have dis. counted a C per cent, dividend. At leas,. It Is higher than Southern IMcl ,c and not so verj far under Atchison, which is on a solid 6 per cent basis Some of the war specialties made very wide gains In the market tod iv ranging from three points to marly eight, the largest being In Studeb.iker. Some' ,tl,r",rr,,,,r :V:.rC..!l.."C.U'."lcrV,u' " Jor.,y them were a ....... ... ......,. .wiMumii-einoni unit mo Interstate Commen ..o.u juauiicu msiicr rnies on points of the L'nion Pacific In stock und It was a fraction up. Tho 1'resK en s message was about as had been expected, and was regarded more u n bullish document than a bcarlbh one. and the market took on re newed strength follow Ingll Its publication. The proposed tax on Iron and steel products was discounted, forecasts of tho message in tho St.eet during the latter part of the last week having contained this fnct Strength In Baldwin Tho mock " ",rBCly d" ",C f"Ct 'hat d" V"m "norOS,S ucr "''mulatlng ie Commission Kansas helped that LONDON STOCK MARKET LONDON, lice 7 -While there was no improvement In business In securities on tho Stock Kxi'hungc today, tho tono of the market was steadier on better reports from the Hrltlsh army In .Mesopotamia Tho Stock Kcnansc Committee has for mulated further rules to prevent the members of the Kxeh.inge from sharing commissions with outside dealers operat ing bclcw minimum prli.es. The for, Isn department presented a cheeked appear ance. Chinese, descriptions were he.iv), on news from Hhanghul telliiu of out breaks by bands of rebels. Selling by Paris caused Spanish Issues to drop again. The American group was more cheer ful later In the day, following rlsis at New York, but it lacked vigor. Sup port wns tarnished to Can idlnn Pacific. The gilt-edged section was easier, not withstanding inonetaij slackness Home railway shares were llrmcr in spots, but South American ruils were Irregular. After scoring a fresh advance, shipping shares receded a little. The tone of mines was hard. New York Bond Sales Union N. Y. .... cloe. i nun. Atchison nn. pip. n. B A. Ohio irttj iu; Can Pacific I, .. .nn im t? Ches & Ohio 117 1:1 1. i ' Chi Ot West Hi ).-, 14 nn ji & st p iwi, niv 1 Erie ... 4i,3J II IV I .aula A Nash l,ii J si 1 JIo K & Tex sv4 ts 1 New York Central ... . Hi, lttr7 . Norfolk & Western . .. 127 ISO'S K New York Ont 4. West . .LI .11 1. Pennsylvania 1,1 "o' 1. Heading St M i Union Pacini. 147L lis, ! United mates bteel Hl but; S Decrease, 4-Increase. METAL MARKET NEW YORK, Pec T -Tho market for spelter la weak. Prime Western, l"?l'l-Gc, De cember, 14'ftI4iC futures ringe from 1U down to llV,c, lead dull offered at 5.15c tui. 3.5033,75. ires BBIWIiliilllilllllilililini iLEE IJffilTtiffllilllilliillllllllHililillHilllliilllHlililiiiililB MM A-JM b TnJ wkk wtk s31 j laia m V ' ( ,n"TrM4 Mii"i'j,,yiiniMiii..iiniffi Thesa tires mark tha end of road trouble. They are guaranteed Puncture-Proof Blow-outs are also guarded against. This gives LEE tires excep tionally long life. ZIg Zag Tread checks skidding. Lee Tire Sales Co. 330 N. Broad St. 2X! 'J,nPr Kr lh r,i . oou Ars-onllne .Is KM) AllKlo-lT I, JiKM) Amer lei clt An . . iiho Amer Til cm IUi 000 Armour Co !,' nil"; Auniaon K n U . .(HJ AtrhlMin .idl la 1 .VtUll.on 1 v 43 ll,() HK Atclllwn Ss . ii:: iv.v;''0':'"".. u litNJO Pall . Dliio u' . Willi ,, A ()ll tl , Ml K?f. ." fe".. .tlXN, Ititti .s,., 1 .r 1 i"u" nrsn it.n -la lllKh ; ,!.T" ii! 11 i mil, 11C !7 M ni. II: . ln.'U lncu Tr 5l!ll, liaiK, .IUUI (t.l I! ... V ,.. 'K i,Vnt 'rather lat "a LOKi fPnt It i v j ; , ' " 'tilll Copier 7a . li) Chea .t o lv I ' I nn no ii a .. " lUHO Chi lit VVejt la -Nino V II a. o Joint Is :i)iKI ,io reK 4a Mum c M .1 St I Cv r,s IN"! Jo 11, KKiO s St P M : 11 la liOCo Comput Tab i,a ., SIMM Cuhan Am H i IftXl lieirolt Killton 1st 5s SOW) Detroit I nltcil l3s. fOn Ills (ec Corp Ss . "(l Erie iteii Is L"iin ilu innv la her A. !7iKK do Ser II . 1000 do pi, col Is .. ""DO do prior 4s . . i:ifKI Hud i. Man In 5s , Usui do rfd 5a . l'ssi II! Leiitmi la llir,.' lll do I!IM . .. funno interb Met 14s rKi Inurb It T ref v 2.7JIHJ Inter Mcr Mar IH;s HOflixl do n , , 1mi Jap new 1; s W s . low J ipancw 44s . . 0iO liktt Meet r.s 10VI. lli0 do r.s 10- . . . 1 l.eh Val Ika U ) Lor! I lard Ss 1000 do 7s . IflO Iiuls A Nash la . .I!!", J!lnn 11'hSHli liOiK) Mo Kan & T 1st Is 1000 Mo l'ai. Is . " 1000 Mo Pac col Sa '1J . 2TUHI Mo Pac . . WX) Mont Power Ss. .. JO00 N Y C U b 3 . 231000 N Y C Cs . ... 1000 N Y C . H 3Hs . llM NTC II Is 11 NYC. II 1(43 KOI N Y llty IU flDO IOiiO N Y Cltj ls 1!HEI IrtK) N Y Oily i lis llibj 10UO N Y State ls !tt N Y N II & li Cs , KOOO N Y Ity adj ns . 20OO Norf & Win 4a JOOOO Norf . West cv 4V-.B. Wl 111.VJ .I0.Ih !l"i( 117 ...l.o'itr.s, . Si'. S7i, Low. 117 '.'-'. 'Mil, 111 Kit, 11171 Hit, 21'' 107'- nu-" 7'; HI lllUj 111.1; fij lOL't. imt; nvj Hi 7I (lsls .list, lllil, Wi till NI .101 .tail, Till! . rjt; . SM, . MS , Ml .11 . 711 VI', . Wj . 774 . 111. mvi, 111 HSI lilt urn; ww fJIU DII III!, 7I, W 10014 7S'J HIS XI 112 "US 102 iuJ 11.1 ui m 71 lisij, IISl, 11171, lOP'J lili M ll 1HI, 7SK 7IV 7n TJ e47, S7J Ml ::l 711 fc'jT, Mill. 77; 01 if' mm; tnt-j UMl pus 1-MU in 'J i 7'" Ml S.S KOi, 1IK 7M, 111 l 02 iu5 IIU ir,ii, im.ii iu im.'I 4xi Nor Pai. prior 4s tm.i nor ac Ken as . . . JViiO l-acllli. Tel Ss 1200O I'cnna sen ct 4tjs . . LiKK) Penna in 44s MIO I'enna 4k UU1 1000 Hay Con Copper lis IOik) Itork Inland rfd 4s HOI. I St Louis Swn 1st Is MO South Hell 5a SVI South Pao Is fi'.'0nn boutli Pac cv 4s liOOO do cv ret r p 5s 4Ui South Pao rfd 4s :jynl houth Itvty gen 4s. J0i do con 5a aui Tenn C rvt t p triaa Texas Co ls W"l V a bteel 5 HiM Vnlrn Pao 1st 4s . . "IIJ) do cv 4s .1000 Va Car Chni Ba llOisl Va Rwy 5 1(10 Wat, Pou ct Is f u. lOUt Weal Mi 1st 4s .VJl Wast K Jt 11 cv Ss. ltrnO West l'nion 5s . O.H. . iii lOO'i 101! 79I 1 MIS 12014 .10.-. .104 . 07W . U.UI .va . WVj .10s Wis .10s .101V US M'i JSllt, ait: Ul'J 1111s 1001' io-,J 101S io'2 uai 7ii, 102 120VJ iruii 1UTB U7Vi ftiv; imt 10.-. 71H lai 101W LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS C1IICAUO, Dec 7.-I100S.-Re.clpt. 40 000 head market ntalc. Mixed anl butchers, i-1 60 3il.T. sol heavy. J1l.4n40.73. rouah heaty, eais.2i iiaht. ti eojiO.U); pis. 11 sooa 50. bull. B.UIJftfiO u CATTI-'-- l.ecelpts. iKM head, market weak Beeves. l 2Mjl.h.-,. coaa and lieirera I1M 810 Toxoids tf.5oe8 . calves. il..V)a 10 K. SI1BK1' - Uerelpls. n.WO head market steady Natlie and Western, I5WCU50, wn.bs, (CbOdOa. GOVERNSIENT BONDS Adami EinrMi Aluks Jnresu Ahskii (iol.l M Allh-Chilmeri Mfu Allls-fhalm Mf pf Am Ab Chpmlcil . Am Tlcet Sneir Am llwt Sucir rf Am HratM' SI.F Am Can . Am Can pf . Am Car A. roundry Am Coil Products Am ( otton Oil Am ( otton 1)11 pf Am lllilcv thither Am Irp v-viitlllfs Am Locomothc Am Ixx-omollippf Am Mtlt Am M.ilt pf Am .smelt . Itrf Am smelters pf A Am Moel Kojndrle Am sueir Itif Am Niear Itef pf Am lei A. Tel Am loharro Am I oh pf nc Am Woolen Am Woolen Ir r An.nrondi t opirr As"(t IteilUallon Avu'latnl Oil Ateh V Jl S V Alch T . S V pf 1 Ilaldnln Loco llildnln Loco pf JLilllmnre ft Ohio lliltlmore A O pf llitopll.11 Mlnlnc llnllilhnnt Slnnl rho 1 iirooLbn Itap Ir Ilroun Shot1 llrown hhoB pf lltiinsli-k. 'lerm Hums llrnllior.s . . . Unite X. suiK-tlor nutterlck Co . 1 al I'etroleum ( al I'etroleum pf . . Canadian Pacific . . ( ent leather Co .. ( ent Leather Co pf . Chesapeake . Ohio . t hile Copper C hlno ( upper t hi Cit West C III (it WWpf C 111 Mil .1 st Paul C ( C A. M L Chi A. North est t hi It I A, I'.ie . . Cluelt Pe.i A Co t olorado Fuel V I . t onsolldateil (1 is . Continental ( an . Com l'roil Itif . Corn Trod lief pf . Crucible steel Ctiulhle ste'l pf . Cuban-Am su; ir Oivre A. Co pr Delanare A Hudson Den A lllo (irindu lien A Hlo dr pf Detroit Kilison Dlimoml Malrh DUtlllers1 s.urltles... Dome Mines Erie . . t'.i.. 1.., ""i Krl,. il nf deneril hleetric . . deniral Motors .... (iimral Motors pnf . Cioodrleh II F Co . driat Northern pref .. Gt N ch for oro prop. Ciut,'i:c!ihc!m i;ipin .. Homotake Mlnlic . Illinois Central lot Vxrlculturil Int Agricultural pref Inter Con Corp Inter e on Corp pref. Inter-Met vot t c . . . int Harvester SI... Int HanesUr Corp ... Inspiration Copper Int M M pf cf dp , Int Nkkel Internatloml Paper Inlirn itlonal Paper pf Kansas City southern Lack steel Lohlch Vallej . . Maj Dept Stores Maxell Motors . . . Max Motors 1st pf. . Max Mutors I'd pf M &t I'ia!) M .. M St PASS M pf Minn A. M Louis pf Mexican Petroleum . Mex Petroleum pf Mo Kan A Texas Miami Copper Missouri Pacllle Montana Pouer National Iliscult Nat t loak A Suit Nat C loak A Si It pf Nat irnamel A S Nat Ity of M yd pf .Nat I j ad . . Nevada Con Copper. Nr York Air Hrake n y s ii i ii . . Ne York Central . . Norfolk A Western . . North American Northern Pacific . . . Ontario Sil M PailHeMall . . Pacllle Til A Tel Penna It it Prorli A Eastern Petttbone-Mulltken Philadelphia Co. Plttsburuh Coal .. Plttsburch Coal pref Pressed htetl Car . Pub Serv Corp N J Pullman o Ity steel sprlns Ha Con Copper. . . itvadlnj Rep Iron A. Steel . .. Hep Iron A bieol pf . Hock- Island Co pref. . St Louis it S F . . St Louis Southwest S-aboard Air Lino pf beam Hoj & Co . hlosD-shtf S A I Co hlo5-shif s A I pf bo Porto It Suz pf southern Pacific southern Hall ay. . . . Southern H pf Standard Mlllln: pr Stildebaker Co ... Tenn Copper . Texas Co Texas A Pacific. Third Avenue Union Has A Paper United Clear Stores . United Clsar Mfrs Union Pacific Union Pacific pf United Fruit U S Jnd Alcohol V b Ind Alcohol pf United II J s Invent United Itj, Invest pf U S Cast Iron V A F U S Realty A Imp U S Rubber U b Rubber 1st pf . U b Steel U S btcel pf U b Express Utah Copper ... Va-Cai C'hera Va-Car Chem pf ... . Va Iron Coal 10 Wabash w I Wabash pf A w I . Wabash pf 11 I . Western Union Tol Wetiiibouso K A M WelU Farso Express Western Marjlaml WheeUns i 1, K 21 pf Willys overland W'llijs Overland pi Wbconsm Central 2 to Last close High Iaw pm 12S 120 129 120 nx mi- wi if'i . "Ill 24tS 21'i 2IH m's mit aiji aaJa H2ii 83 82 R2J 72'f 72X 72X "2'i 7J', -H 72 72'i OPS 01 01 0 02i 10.1 10) 101 am oju oi'i ru'i 1I2' 112'j 112!i 112' K-'lj SJ'j 82 h2ii i;,2j i.,t'? iw ir,i o'i's out nn U( UH Ui 2-i 20'i 2n'S 7I' 71' 70H l()2'i I02' 1()2'S 111' 11',' 11 ill" J O'Ui S'l'il no; 117IH 117i I2S'i 17'i ltK)U 00 rjij no 118 1 mi's I'Hj WO'i 2-'0 los'r los't 10s .VI iVI'f 10',' o()U SO (Hi dO I07'i 101'j llli'l XV i 0'1'i sou oi'i I17' 118 IIS IIS US' S' ll'l'l ll'l anti 71W 10." II :i7U Oi'i 00 oi'i FOREIGN Nterllnc Chle.. Drmnnd Primes Cables. Demnnil 'Inrks Cnlile Drmnnd HlKh. 4.12 4.7IM (imvs 70'f, 79 EXCHANGE ton. t nt. lof. 4.7J 4.72 4.5IM l.71"i 1.7IM 4.71 IS nV& HBV4 (I 1 Rli B.7'4 oM?', 70 70', 7 7BTA 70 7?j. Sales in Philadelphia Yesterday close HlKh 2 40 I.OW P M. 10 Am Itxvja ... "0 .1 do pref .. . 03'4 100 Am Loco S lmldln 1-oc pf .111 S fiS', l()7J 10IS 11m, 11'j'j 112 . 77'a 77'a 2'1 !2 170 170 . Wl'i IHI' VI' iWf 8S I 00 120 220 HH'.' WC 4' oO'f SS'f 0 (,0 107 II174" ion mi' in fin ns', os1, . 1:1 id . SI si . 7.1'f 7.1 . 2h'i L'hi . oS'i fiS'j 18H. 18li 18)' . till' i 00't lid' .110'ti IHI',- IW'i 110!t 110!: 112 IH'a 77' i -"( IIS' a 110' lll'j IIS ID'S 81 72' i : 2S 7 112 MV 771i 2' i lOS'i til)' i no OS'S n'i 81 72' :i2 28f r.s ts tsf no's "VICTORY LOAN" CONTINUES TO MAKE STRIDES No Drain Shown on the French Bank Accounts, Says Expert ALL EYES ON BALKANS MH t!.i'J Wi . :;o lkVf 10 1.12 . I05' . 7.JU . r, .141 . 00 10' i . 80' , 7n; UJU 10s 0(1' i l.'ll'. ll'i . 27'n 132! 1 .112 17 IH'i 414 .IS', .12 170' u'fl) 122 7,','i 12ll' 111' . 7s 121 lOS'i IIP 2.V, ",",'4 lo'j ;ios wi', 40 M o.v 1 VI M' 2.VS O.VS 1,V,' ;io 0'i'i 10 11." j 1.1." j i:tJ!S 20 10'. 2(1 7.PS 7.13 1 7.P.' 5.P.' r, auj IIIs. Ill' ltl'l HO' j OII'S IIOJi lO'n 10 10 8'l'4 S0' 80'' 7.V, 71V 7.1V lltii lll'i lll'j ir,o', ins 100 !)i5' 1 00'. 00' i I.'iPi 1311 l.,l'( I.V4 L" IV. 20' 2S 20' j l.uji n."j 13." i 111 111 111 IS1, I7'J 17'S 20'. It's .ISIj fll's 17li o'!0 122 7I' 12(1' a I3'. 7',- 12.: no's 4t8 CS', 20', 41i ,riS 177', Ml) 12.!', 7d 127' TiO', 78' j 121 lOS'i 17ll .") 12.1s 1 71', 127 flll'f 78, 123 10S' lOs'i J 10 P M. (IT !'-'l 117', HI INM. 'lx S7 inn S7'. 11. 01 ' 70'.' 2."; Ill . 15' . 1.(1 ions HIS ll'i ll'i (II 22' , 80 , 22), 11. "t 8) Hi III.'.' Ift'j 32 1 1 . M'i . 81 or, . 70". .101 57,' 121', 131 01 22'i 70', 221. Ill', 70', 4J'j dl'j IO.V4 ll'i I.".', 8.", 82' i 01', 70' a 100'i 101'. Klli (,1 22'i 70', 2Jli 112 SO K1S3 Ik", IOs Wi 17 32 j 81!i 8-', (M'i h 111 1-, ,.r llljj 101, 1IHX, tii.S llT ll'.lj 117 J'13's. zy 7i, nsi. PM, 107' 102 mi M l(ll III 11, 78V, 7l'j 7'.'.. 7 I'd -'. 7V, sil .11 7il vi'. w.i 774, li'l, IH'a ii' IIM, !LI, Uk'i HUH 1!M. IH'3 UP, 7'l. 'O S 1(0', ll'i 7KlJ HI S.I Itt LI, 10. 3i;; IS 7fi, 111) 31 0 l)i Ki'i . 01 . on.- 7f 3t)i li 7liv7 121', 12(1 . 70', 80 100 31 0 . Cfi'i Ki'i .137 . 77' i lODv .121 7.-.U 117). . II'. . 10), 12' t . ,VH 1 13), (ll!i ll'i 30 IOS), . d. .ii7' n 107)j 107j 4(,li U". . 25 2o), . 8.1), Ml, . M'i 55H .110 111) 1 J. 1 32' 1 81' 8.1 01' 78J 101', S'J'i 12.1',' 121', 123), 131 131 Oi'i lit :r, o.- y,- 131 30 03'. Oi'i 7!i 31', .-.' 7fltj 12(5 h() 110 30'i 0 0.1! i l(ii 130'.' 77 70'. 70' j 101'i 10.1)i 101', 121 120', 7.1 117 0)j 10)j 11 .I'l'i 1.1), 01 41', .'III 3P, .1', 7(1 120 80 110 M'i 0 fti'a l(i 1 10 137 (i'i 1171, 8), lll'i ll'j no i.ni 01 UJ. 31P, 10s, lili 121 117),' K II)', 4Di Oil Pl'i 0.1 41), 3(,'t lOS'i lOS'S OS), Of! 1 1(1' j 117 107j 1G7JS Hi Hi 2.1M 2o'i 82), 82i 5i 51), 110 110 h n 2.1 41!i .-4 41 i.''4 10). --'4 41 IIS 5.1', 1VUJ Ul. M linu Hs 1MV. 1014. l.)J 117), iS w JOD'A t" tinj HW 1U1H, int ion. U7U ftii; 10a loa 7HV, KM 101V. uliukb'J.li.lrTK jiimiu.siuii.m 3 e( lino rrslsternd . . or usiu coupon Panama 2s registered Pwuffia 2 lltt rcsUHred ' PaoAiaa tssr a rcttred Vuoasui "' s cown 2 al IWI restatueJ I)11. AskJ. to us M 10t, lOttf .-l'JPi ,. ISO 182h 18KS 182 lil'4 Mi'i 01). 07 03 Ohij lUSi 111) 110 102'i 102'j 102 21 21!,' 21), 02)i IK'i 0."i 81 8i)i 81) 150 10.1! i 15.11 58) i 50 58 4 215 21(14 214 15)S 15)i 15)i 01'.' ODi l!Hj 7)j 7!i 7' 03 0)i OM (jP, (it 03) 00 00 uu 102 21!, O.Hi 83)i KklH 5SJi 215 15)i ill), 7). 91i 63JS Wlien Allies Divide Turkey, Greece Will Be Paid in Ac cordance With Acts Hy YVES GUYOT IMitor I, Accncc Kionomlque ct Plnnclcrc. Spcctnl Vablr IHipatch to thtning Ltilper PAH1S. Dec 7-Suhcrlptloiis to the "I0.111 of lctoiv' continue lit lilKh maik ulthout eiilncrlhors yet Inn ins hesun to borrow nt the bank on tliclr stock, while neither ilo current nccountH nnd deposits nt the htnk slion Hint they nrc bclnB (lrnwn on On the contrary, deposits In Imnk Increased from fiH.O 0,000 on No- ember 23 to J"'l".000.fi00 on December 2 Ilnlknn questions do not worry sub scrlbers to tho lonn Hcry ono knows how IlulRnrln plnjed with the Allies nnil secured JJ70X).00i) In koIiI nnd JiOO.OOl.OO) In mnterliit from C,prninn, hut still sub scriptions to the "lonn ot Uctory'" ko on Whnt Greece will do Is still undecided In Dcnjs Cochin we suit u Rood friend of tiie Orceks to Athens He wns re ceived entliimliistlcall bv the populntioti, In a friendly manner hy the KlnB and w llh considerable coiistrnlnt hy the Queen, who is 11 sister of the Knlser. JI Cochin had a Krcat personnl success, but tho ICIhr of Clrcrco rejoiced nt the defeat of the Scibs, while the Queen waits Impa tient for the time when the Greek iirmj will bo Invited to Join forces with tho Germans, IlulKnis and Turks. As to the Greek people, they would like to Rain somctliliiR In the limiting of others without JolnltiR In themselves Ono re calls tint It was the treaties of 1S27 nnd 18.10, imposed on Turkey hy France, Hiir land nnd Russia, tli.it m.iilc Greece, nnd It was the protocol of London In ISSH that R.ive the Greek crown to the father of tho present KltiK of Gicccc, who was a Dane Constantino also forccts that it wns the samo three powers who kept his crown on his head In 1S07, when Greece had to call on her old friends to help her out after Turkev had defeated her In war. Turkey was to evacunto Tliessaly after Greece paid an Indemnity of ?20, 000,000, hut Greece had no money and KiiRland, Prance and Russia. Rave 11 10I kitlvo Riiarantco for a Greek loan of $.'.1,000,000 at J'- per cent It was not the credit of Greeco that enabled her to raise mono at less than :i per cent. At that time tho brother of tho Queen of Grcico icfuscd to help Greece by sub scribes to the loan ho bo IL On the day when the Allies divide up the Ottoman Kmplro Greece's share will bo in accordance with what sho has done In the war. 22111 Cnm Steel. . 1I Chill C oppec 7(1 IJIcc Stor .. in I.-rlc ... 4 Ins Co S A . 21 Key Tel Co . too t k 8up Corp . 2.H1 t.eh Nav (0 lh Vol ..(Hi l,ch V11I Trnn IHI Northern Cent. V.7 Pennt It It 17J Pa Suit Mfu . ,1 Penna Ktecl II do pM .. .. to PhlK Co 1207 Phlli 13cc ... I7HI P It T t c .. . 2J PhlK Trac ... Km ltn Cons . . lvn Itcnillnir 10 Po Pnclllc . . (Wi Tonopih Pel .. LO Tonoprth MIn . 10 P S Itubber ... Ms Pnlon Traction lis IJ (1 I toll P M Steel . ... rt Wnr tr & St . .1 V Jcr & H M . . 2,1 Cramp & Sons. 77 , 70 IP, 2P. H'S 04 70 S24 1M. .vit, 1.1 Sl'4 J1I, 29' , P. TO'i 2.H4 2'1. '4'fi SO 111 7l'i 1121', 7'i 2.Vi 70 44'i 24'i U P'i 71', S2 Hl sot. 00'j nt ll'i 2SH 20 70 2-1 S.1 102' i 4, M'i Ill's RS SSI, I0i .10 ts 4S'i sS-1, sn 101'j .v S.S UOSVH. Iit prev. site, lllffh, 20O) Allrglichy V 4. . R" wo Am a & r.i r.s s ss scon It ild I.oc 1st r.i ion 100 IOS C S scp Mis '17.101 102 II "10 City 4s llll.l . 1(12 102'. 100 P.l fc P T Is . 80 M'j 11000 t, N eons l'4s. 10.' 102 Mum lli V pen 4s. til'j OPj 1000 do Ren 4s ....lolij 101H 1000 Pa cons 414s . 101 lOIS llixm do rcii IM 100 lot :.00O PhlK Co cons na .S M IfMsl P Herv C N J Ss t"i'a 00 000 Phlta Kl R .101'j 10H4 Klimn nradlnR pen Is. 01 01 MXI0 ilead.J Cent 4s HI l' .10 (15 tl'4 112'. 73 2S 07 4i'i 2P1 lfl I" 3 7S W ls 0'i .10 01 ot 81 tm 2S 10 70 2(1 82 102'. 1 4) SO'. 40 S S'l's 10', .10 ss no 01 71'i 112H ',. 2.1 CO 4 Pi 24 '4 11 n'i 70 82 1S 80' t r.o twii, B4 81 ll'i 2S PP. 70 20 fcl 102't 1 7 Ml", 40 8S ss 10 MS SS MONEY MARKET A SHADE FIRMER AS END OP THE YEAR APPROACHES : " Many Rumors of Deals Afloat in the Local Financial District Optimistic Predictions Regarding j Cramp's Tractions Again in Demand ding j 2 40 l5. P.M. S7 SS 100 102 10211 82 '4 102 ni'4 101", 101 101 ss 00 10114 03 01", 87 ion 102 10; SJIj 102 nl '4 101, iov lot 8S 00 104j I'I 0.1 A jllfihtly firmer tone has developed In the local money market this week. So far thero hns been no actual chance In current rates, but somo bankers are In clined to believe that quotations for funds will harden as the end of the J ear approaches and arrnnRcments for the heavy .tnnuary dividend nnd Interest dis bursements nre under way With the new venr will nlso come considerable corporate llnnnclnR, especially If somo of the blR deals so prollflcnily rumored 01 late arc actually consummated The most pronounced indication of an upward tendency In the money market so far has been the attitude of note brokers They nre now offcrliiR to sell their commercial paper to the banks nt i to '4 of 1 per cent above nominal quo tations, Short maturity paper hnd been offered down to 2 nnd 2'i per cent, hut now the hanks are rocelvlnn bids of 3 per cent There Is little doinR in collateral time lonns, ns most of the car-end ac commodations have been nrranped for. Commercial paper brokers do not look foi tho appearance of much drypoods paper until the new year, when the huvliiR of sprltiR stocks will set In. In the local llnanclal district todav Rosslp centred about tho various steel merger reports. The only definite de velopment, however, was the announce ment of the application to Incorporate tha Donncr Steel Company, with t- OOO capital, to tako over h v"' State Steel Companj, recently 'nnrM,. by Mr Donner for t3.TuO.Con 1 o ?f 1 tno name or the Pennsjlvnnla Stef Vv1 pany has been linked with thl. ,, Mr. Donner owns 39 nor m -..!cIlei Hal stock of tho latter and the r.,o!J' 1 own 39 per cent. It is said Mr t.Md I has mndo a bid for this block but ,1 . It did not meet the ilRurcs n. whh J?1 railroads would be willing ,, ch " Cambria Steel was Inclined to ... , 'l thouRh talk of a hlR J.TO.O00.O00 ttotiL ''' I hinatlon. with tho Cambria comS" I a nucleus, continued There was nlsn n r.nn,i .1 , about the Cramp Shlphulldl.iR cnmS!slM It was said several different ?,,Tp.an ! m-iile bids for control, hut that th 1.. n csts novv In the saddle are Unvlmii?'," part with It In xiew of the expeeffi '? several cars of hlK business In ffi,"f boats It Is confldcntlv predicted th.i I' ship construction boom will . l,, Ions while after the end of the . vvrougu loend c iim luciii mictions weic ncaln ,1.. . nnd nicctrlc and People's bonds roS?m two points. rtn.,i,i t "":,I0S0.?)m 1 JO. the v ear's top, price, nnd TTW T tlon mndo n new lilc-l, r...i , ."'. " " " .-ssiiu ,or 1315, view of the crent ile.stniriinr. Already there Is talk of a tllvlnW Crnmn l.nio " "IVUlend Financial Briefs 130), 139)4" 1'JUlf 139)i W SL), bi')j W), 14 Pi 115Ji llUi U5t, f.'Hi 123) KJ)i 1.M1J lU-lh 101 jai)4 ll! ..') j.i i'i :i :t'J 41' id mi l!o)j 2j -JSH '3)4 41),' 42), 42h 4.')i . 55!i So!- 5.5W 55), lOoli lttS)5 108' j IDS), fcOJi 88)i SO), 87)4' llll 1IU1 47)J 47),' Nl). 81 47 47 Hill. Illll, Wi 47JI 8U), S0!i 47 47 U.i) Ul!i IUV, 11.1'i MooUortu K W Wool 01 th pf Co e.i! 01 Gl), 65 . 10!i 10' lo),' 16)j . 40' -id1 4oH 10)5 :n 204 -Mii 'M'i . o-S ,v-15 88 8S o'JM 70), Ij'Jh 70 l'JJ llUi U0 130 32) J 32 3J)j 32) j 5), an a en 23'J), 245 210), 245 ' llJJi IUH IUH IUH V J 4U 4U US 117) 123JS 121 117 121 117), 124 NEY YORK BUTTER AND EGGS KMV YOKK. Doc 7 JIlTrua Market llrmcr (or top tirade, receipts, MXS parkaxes ..ru a,'sVi-K , Dinner siorujff, oU'OJTC. '1jT3c , ImlUtloQ Uik. sreamery 23 Ht.it. dairy. U.iC E4JOS. Market flrmer receipts. CS15 park asres. extra nrsts. :i7jj1i'. Ursts. J4&3b nearby whites DiuXic ciixed uIor 34u0., relrlKtrtvtor flrst733HC oby trewej, 8Ws. WHEAT EASED OFF ON PROFIT-TAKING Stock in United States and Can ada Smaller Liverpool Market Strong CllllWdO, Dec 7 -Protlt-takliiR caused a setback of Vijill cents In tho wheat ni.uket at tho opening tod.ij. After the start the market was nervous and irregu lar, .iIIIiourIi It leKHiucil part of the loss The iccelpts at Minneapolis and Uuluth tod.i were 871 cars, acnlnst 70fi Lars 11 jc.tr hko ; ut WilinlptR, 1171 cars, iiRalnst 131 cars; at Chlcaco, 136 cars, iiBiilust 33S cars. Tlie visible bupil of wheat In Canada Is 7.1,024.000 bushels, a decrease of L'.bOl.OOO bushels, and compans with 1.1.075,000 bushels last e.n. Total stock In the United States and Canada, 133,. 7OJ.O0O bushels, a decrease of 230,000 bushels for tlie week, and compares with l.'l,70J,000 bushels last jear. The sup ply in i:uiopu is 73,100,000 bushels, u de trtaso of 1,100,000 liushels, for tho week, and compares with 7.',000,000 bushels last j car Wheat nt Liverpool continued to move upw.tul, with absorption on a laise scale, vslth prospects of difficult) In oMuinlm; punhuses later Notwithstanding the In ducements to make purchases leicntlv. thu foielRneis held off too loni; nnd then; Is approhtnslon In Uteal Ilrltaln that that i-ountij vslll once inoro drift Into a dangerous position with regard to stocks. It will lcqulro heavy weekly contributions to lepIenUh supplies abroad. Orecce will require large amounts, but Is pi collided from the llalkan slat's, where the Central Powers arc offerlns good prlies. Itnl also must continue n buyer The tonnage situation continues critical and there has been a further rlso of .'a Cd to 115s in Argentine freight rates Corn also was easier under selling due to larger receipts, which amounted to 500 cars hero today Oats started llrin, but turned easier. The receipts here todd were 333 cars. Leading- tuturea ranged as follows Noon Vest'd's Wheat Open, IUkIi. I.o, close Pe.emter l.lu l.Pil. lis 1 nil, Maj L10!4 l.s.) . js tl.lU', l urn mow dellierll.. Deeeml.r 'sS Mas Oats ) rimber ,,,,. Mill , l-rrd rKcr.nts.r January . ..... Maj . ...,'. nibs Deivmber ...., Januan Mas , I'urk December January . Maj i:M. fAsk.d 71S 4VA GO 7JS (.7, 71). 11. IJ 1)00 l.7." 10 U.'i 16S). 711. I'J 'llll Wi Ib'i 11 17 0 77 11 M 1114) 0 07 10.17 0117 1(1.70 IKll-i .18.15 MM 1K..V1 ISI1! ia?o 1S.O.-. 1S.13 5100 BONDS 111a. City ot llalllmoro Is, WU .... 01, 'lt or Chi. Harbor Coin. 4s, 11117 tui City of New Orleans Imp 5s. Jluu. no 0 7i 0 7.' UH7 111 .IT IS. 02 '1T0T Asked. 11V. City of Vaneomer 4V. l'Jt new tora l uj reK 4V..S, I'Jisi . New York 'lt r.K i'ia, ino II JL- 11, O S. I. K 1st Is. UTJi Central Vt ll 1st nil 4s, lli.'O , C 11 I, .) Drain Kit 4s, I'C (' M i ht 1' O IK Con . J014 O 1U bl I' Cons 4V:a. 1UIJ col a bo net &. Kit Pis 1:1.13 N V Cent Conv Deb ts, 1UU . N Y A O L iKrle) 1st 3s lulu v v v 11 x, 11 I' r. ru .!L.U in-j. N V X 11 i II c Deb re lis, 1UIS 112 ,or ..est is. . uu is. iwki io Par. clan Fran Ter 1st 4, l&'a) Virstnlan Ilvty 1st Ss. lUiSi Am As Cbem Conv Dsb Cs 1IIJ1 Am Ice rlecurltles Deb 0. llr.'l Am T & T Coll Tr Ctfs 4s. luja Am r 4. T Conv 4Vjs, IWI3 Ileth Steel 1st & Itef .Is, 101.' Cent Leather 1st ree is PJ23 Cities Serv Conv Notes 7s 11)18 lorn P Ity & Llsbt Conv 0 MIS. ( P Co of Mlna Coll Notes ts. 1917 Denver (In, & Klit 1st in, l.U'j .. Ocneral Electric Deb U'.s. 1UIJ . Laikawanna, Steel 1st con Ss. 1030 Iu-led Gas 1st ,1a. IV 10 Ussett & JJiers Deb rte 7s, lull Uitott fc ilyers Dsb ref Ss. 1031 oniiara u.u reK ,s, iie.1 '111. lus 101 i7 70 lm. IwV. 101 87W ll'lii wi niu. S4 UTVj : S3 u 6u lr.1 M tiUVi alj U4 7S14 Dll 10O 121 101U lOlrV ll'-'l. IU7!, 1"1 00 1U' 11(1 Sit? 107 101 101 lOPj 101 US', io.: '3 44 Complete returns of trust compnnlps In this city to the call of the Hiinklng Com missioner foi reports of condition No venibei II, 1913, show total deposits ot l7ti,872,S70, wlilih are record fiRtires. Loans and discounts nt $177,4C0,913 nre also Inrgtr than ever reported before. Surplus and undivided piollts have been steadily increased until this Item now stands at MI.ISs.TtM Tho Atlantic Steel Copan, of New Yoilt, wts chartered todav with 51,730,000 capital, to manufacture and sell Iron nnd steel H. Ilurnhnm Jloffntt, (J. Low, Jr., and Divld T. Wells, nil of New York, are the Incoiporatots Tho Bradcn Copper Company 111 No vember produced 3.6S1.000 pounds ot copper, comp.ucd with 3,7.'i,O.XI In October, and 3,;3:,O0O In September In November, 1911, the output wns '.MO.'.OOO pounds. The Harrctt MaufnUurinR Companv, n subsldlnry of tho American Coal Pro ducts Company, will build u largo plant In YounRstown, Ohio, to handle the coal tnr products of tho Youngstown Sheet and Tube Conipum There was listed today on the Phlladcl phl i Stock i:clnngc $1,100,000 additional common stock of thn Philadelphia Com pany, making the total amount listed JI0,lU,rX. Tho city of Worcester, .Mass, will re ceive bids until December S for the pur chaso of a temporary loan of JI30.0W. Shipments of bituminous coal over the Philadelphia and Heading Itnllwny !n October totaled 1,601,014 tons, compared with l,335,oI9 tons for the same month Inst jear, and 1,1S,197 tons In September, 1913 Cotton receipts nt New York today were estimated nt B3.000 bales, against 76,9i7 bales last year. The Autocar Companv , of Ardmore, Pa , has inci cased Its authorized capital from 91.C00.fO0 to J.'.OOO.OOO, to tnlso taie of Its rapidly Incicnslng business, and tho board of dliectors has been Incrensed from five to teven h electing James H. Austin and Prank C. Lew In. M Albert Linton has been appointed associate nctuary of the Provident Life nnd Trust Company. Reserves held by members or the Phila delphia Clearing House Association for the week ending jesterday follow: Philadelphia National North Amrrlia P rmrra and Meeh mica" National Nnfl Hand of N. Liberties .. . houth" ark National KcnsliiKtoii National P. nn Nattonul ManufJiturer" National ilnrd Nation il Tradesmen's National Corn LxchaiiRe National , I nion .National , Klrnt National Third National Sixth Natlonil nishth National Central National Nntlonal Security Centennial National Ninth National Tenth National Norths. eatern National Houthuestern Nntlunal ............ Pturtli hlroet National Murkd Mr cot National Quaker City National Northern National Franklin National Textile National Land Tltlo und Trust Co ILal L'state Title Ins and Trust... (llrard Trust Company West Pblla. Title and Trust Co .. Philadelphia Trust Company Provident Life und Trust Company. PtTnailv .nil Company, etc Total, Total, national banks trust companies Total, nil members fM,f71,0no 1,U'.i,Oiio LIil)".ii u 17,1110 .174.000 .U1.0OII l.s-n.ooo in.'.onii S,7Wi,4 o 1,(1.11,0111 4,II.D,llll 1 IH'.I.OOH .V.'OI.IK'O lull. KI0 iM.lOO 7-J.l.lKl ..!l'l.l .I'll 1.0011 Il77,lll in,iiii mi.iHiu iis.ron rii.inin 1 1 SL'l.,1 ui i,7ks i no I.T..I to I'll. IK) ,1,7Mi.loi) L-.'l.d.) L'.;i.il.wi n-.i.noo 11,1 17.000 i.sj.onn I'.S.M.IM.l S,7".(l.f0il .lts.t(hl . J75.O53.000 . S'i.'JSI.OOO .?102,03l,l) PUBLIC UTILITIES The Standard Gas nnd Klectrlo Com pany has sold to It. M. Hjltcsby & Co 1509,000 :o-year 6 per cent notes, which nre being offered on n 6 73 per cent, basis. This snte will retire substantially nil short-time ohtiRntlons of the company, Including the $1,7TS,"0) serial 6 per cent, notes due June 1, 191. The Octoher pross cnrnlngs of the Jje trolt United Itnltwavs shoncd nn Increase of JPS.221. The net gain was 995,615. The Consumers' Power Company for October reported a gross gain ot 930,817 and a net Increase of 942,331. The Cumberland County Power and Light Company's Rross October earnings Increased 9H.9S5. The net Bain was 93762. Tho MonoiiRaheia Vnlley 'fraction Company for the year ended September 30, 1915, rcpoits net earnings of 9173,691, compaicd with bond Interest of 9230,000. Tho Umpire District Electric Company, supplvInR power to the lending zinc min ing districts of Missouri and Knnsns, re ports substantial Increases in carnliiRS us a lcsult of the lcvlval of nctlvlty In min ing operations In this territory. Tho com linnv reported a Rain of 21 per cent, in gross nnd of 32 per cent. In net for tho cnr ended October 31, 1315. Tho IniRcr pait of this Improvement was made in tho Inst sl months. Gross earnings for the jear aggregated 9I,0)5,S30, with net of J 171,37s. l'or nllcgcd failure to furnish the number of seats required for pnsscngers In street cars, the State of Wisconsin hits sued th,' Milwaukee Electric Hallway nnd Light Company for penalties aggregating 91.560,000. The State law prescribes a pen alty of from $100 to $10,000 for failure to obey n law requirement of the Hallway Commission RATES I'OK MONEY Nctv York Phil idolphla lloston . . Chi MRO ( all lVt2 'HI I ,T .Tlmi 3 513? 3S8I .ufe,i?,,aCr!i,i'irrcn;fl:',C, ' '""" Thl,! Uescrvc Banks' Discount Kates Pass- in oi less .1 :i . .1 3' i i KAILKOAD EARNINGS hOUTllLItN ItAlIAVAY. lnia Inireao Pourth week November. $1 S0H.7.HI ?(l.'.nr, Month 1,ss.'i,l7l M1.01I Prom Jul 1 . . 2H.0V,1.V r.7ll.s.j.i CHICAQO UIIKAT WPSTLItN. Pourth week Nuv ember. $ni",7(ri 9i0.77i Prom July 1 . . n.s.'-'.hss i"i,(a. ST L0PI8 bOLITIIW PbTKItN. October gross . Jl.'JL'l.sIt, Net after taxes . .. 31.1.111 Surplus utter charges .TJl.tMO Konr months' gross . 3,071,771 Net after taxes 1,2J(1,4')7 burplus utter ihirgcs . 117,0.12 PKm: MAitquKTTB. October cross 9l,si2,o;j Net .VHI.4SI Four months' gross ... (I,74S,..."i Net ?,(i70,.-77 ItUTl.ANI) IlAILItOAIi October gross .. 9.II1I.11IU Net .. . . . .. IP-V.-.il Ten months' rn"s . . t.YHll.S.'l Net .. . TIU.I'.'S WLhTr.IlN MARYLAND. October gross .. . t0V.Wt Net :117.1ns Pour months' gross 'I, (.(hi 00" Net 1.K.0.I.-.1 I1UIILINOTON. October gross 90,4'H.IJS Net aft. taxes .. . I,ir."i 101I Pour months' gross a.1,0... ;.'o.i,:.oi ..ai.iTi; .''A.17J 171.711". K12.I .VI 171, ."III 911.-..7H OMli.7 .".II.I.UU 21.1, :vi l 1.7VS 21.S.II IH.IIII 17,0'iS s.moiio 147. r.-j l,so,7",7 Ili7,73l lloslon . .. New York . Philadelphia Cleveland .. Atlinta .... Clikago .... .St. Iitds . , .Mil iieniiolla Kllll!tlS Cltj... . Dillss ..... . . Sin Prt-nrlsco. ,'l Oier in o.er .7) Oitrra up to .0 up to ui. uptS& i 4 i ,1 AnrUuI, Trado 11. cr-iilntiic. Huston Neu York I'hlladelnhlii Closelaritl .", Illrhmond ,', Atlanta .". ChluiRn .', h't. Louis .... .' Mlnneaprlls . .". Knnis Cltv .. ." DiIIik r Sin Prnnclsin. 1! 4 4 1 i i- O.ertio. fptoio wi to 00 moX 1 1 1 .11, L'n to .'0 d.iH. c o ci (0 to HO, l9 per tent, cent. I 1 ll to 141 I fer r-pnt . und 01 er IK) 3 rer I ,p, 1 i n 3 MH HANK CLEARINGS 11 ink clearlnuH to I iv tonip.irrl .orrespondhiB il.iv Iiu.t to venrs IHI", Pitt Philadelphia. Jll Ml, nil 2t,o r,,jss New "Vork lui.sioiml .Ti, ,11 ;os St txiuls . 1 1 .V.'ii. ,, II1I7SJ7 Chicago ui 71)1, 1st .(! '127 ill I with tin 1013 fit itia Li?d lt 71S 13 ' I 1 1,111 .11,0-; .'i3 1Z 70 if ml- 4 1 13I.J DIVIDENDS DECLARED PeiinsjlvuiiH Water mid Poncr Comranr. reg'ilar qinrtdlv 1 itrirnt pisiiblc Januari ?t t n uti. If Mt fisrtnt9.! Ilfi ntnl.aiM IT s w ui ut, iusvi'i s- lmiuvi 4.V Itcllanie Instirun.c I'ouitiius rrsular irnl- iiiuiuui 1 per 11 nt. rnsuuii tic oilier stotu oi rciord Dc.cniier 11 I I. Case Threshing Mm blue fompsnr, reulai iiuiutcrl I '. per tint on prefcrrei ' pnjahlo J.muarv I, HUH, tu nto k of record' Uct ember II, III. Cniitlncntiil Con Cmunniis rrLUtur nuartcrl 1". per itnt. on pieferrid. mid P. lereentl on coinmon, iiijniii.. jmiu irv 1 10 stocx ot record Dciimmr 2". AUblson, honilannti il 2' p. r ent on pr. fcired. piablt Pebiuar 1 to Moik of record j December .,1. Trade Ualance $31,026,193 WASHINGTON. Dei 7 The balance ot 1 trinlo In fnvor of the I nltcd '-laiin rlurjni Iim ivri.( nndr.,1 ni otiilinr I lit UHI V..1 lot, I'i.. the cxnorta vsero t'i(l."ill 111 uhlle ll ii Imports nKKrei.ntt.1 ? i'r.i.l l.'i .11 I lie eipom II of cotton during the samo nuh tnt.iiei 111 iv. , balei. making n total slnco Auitu.t 1 ct . 1,hst!,l)71 bales Net aft. taxes Octoher gross Net Pour months Net Decrenee. 12,us.-,12l WA11ASH. 9J,nvl,7., . .. HUM II gross ., ll.Oiil, III .? I.OIT.MH 9M.1.I07 7W.(J'i2 2IM.2I5 10.', 1S2 SIOIl.-.'l .'ll.'i. UU 427.II1S u(14,7s.' COITON NEW YORK. Dec. 7. Sentiment was bullish on the Cotton Exchange this morning, and prices were 9 to 13 points higher This was considered a poor start, however, owing to tho strong market at Liverpool, which came 11 to JtVs points higher, or 10 points better than had been expected Liverpool and uptown Inter ests purchased, while the selling was scat tered and unimportant. )(g. cloc Open. 11 u m January December . Match May Jull October 12m. 2 pm. r-'n.i wi.., 1Z.UI ijot 12 ii- IJ.41 l.'.-n . . .... 12 SI 12 !il 12 'II 12 HI 12 tu tim ll.l.' Ill" nit !!!"' J.'.-Sf ,J-- ',-:, ia-i li.tit 1.' 77 . . .... .MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TDNOPAH STOCKS. Hid Jim ilutlcr MafXauiaru .... Ml In ay MUl'.Ui Hxieuslon . Vloiitiiua .Sortbiru St ir Tonoiuh llelmont .. Tonopiti Hxleuslon Tnuo..ih Mlnln; . . IteMUe tula VVebt l.llU ...1.12 ... OI . . II . . 2S ... .Ml . . .17 :::.! . . .Isl aol.DPIUI.D hTOUKS. Atlinta iduo nun Ilooib , Ilulldog , (' O 1) Combination Fra.tloii niamondncll 1! II D.s Plorsltcu (loUlncId Consolidated fioldneld Merker JimiLo llxtcnslon Kessanas , Oro .and Ken allver Pick MISCKI.I.ANKOL'S. Palrv Altec , Klmberl Nes .da Hill Nevada Wonder .01 .I'i (It .01 .07 .ot .01 111 .1.17 . .07 . .07 . 01 . 02 .IS .1 bO Asked 1.1". .117 .1(1 it " 111 .f.j II .Ot .mi a, is H is 1 .0 -i .Oil .00 CO LOS NEW YORK CURB The Investment Market Now and After the War Few, if any, othir question are of such supreme impor tance to private investors and officers of financial institutions as the probable course of the investment market after the war. A summary of the arguments advanced on each side, includ ing records and charts of the financial markets following the panics of twenty and forty years ago, are given in a paper which we believe should be read by every one controlling investment funds. We will send copy on request for Circular No. 294 William P. Bonbrigh! & Co., Inc. MORRIS WISTAR STROUD, Jr. Manager 437 CIIIPilM'l Mltl.Ll- Philadelphia New York lloaliin Hetroll London: William V Honbrlcht . Co. Paris: Honlirlght . Co i Liverpool Cotton LlVUIlPOOU Pee. 7 (! steady, 7bj to 11 points up. Imludlnff OfOO Amerkan. 7 47V,d., March-April. 7.411 Jul-Au-ust. 7-'Hd ! P. in I Futures Sales. 10,000 bales, Januar -February, . May-June, 7.JJJ., ilart Deb res Ss. 431 inil i -v-i NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NKW 'VOI!K, Uce 7. Trading was fairly active In the market for eolfee futures todav Prices at the cpcnlnjr were unchanged to S points abose yesterday's finals ou sales of 2000 lass. Today's open. Yes close. '113 uiJOfiu m U.U2QU.11I .... itil.flli.ia, u.L-sao.7a iiiussiuo H.70fl(1.7' fti-HjIUS ll.7-tfiU.7l ik7oan.M a7oau.78 U.K&IIKU HS0il!2 lslil,.N-, ail030.04 HS7SU.KI ti.aioti.ud December Januaiy Keoruary March ... April ... May June .... July . August September October om red. Dar Iron Advanced PITTS-'H BOH, Dee 7 An advance of 3 to U a ton fcas been tua.de lo tto prts of bar Iron. The omruoulty U now LU to I ha! ctvcry to be made at tho conveniens- of ttt Amrikaii Zinc Hraden Ilrlt'sh-AnKrtcan Tobacco old. . llritl.h-Amcrlran Tolacco new. far I Itfht ColdHeld Coneolioated ...... . . He:' 'Ice Manufactures Interuattonal Marine lntun.itlon.il Marine pref I-hltli Valley Coal Hales Mantua L'.-vir Mltvale Nil U.lllK Otis i:ievulor Otis Kl'vutor pret I'enu Mar Ord HlkLr-lleaemau blerllni: Hum bubmarlno Tolacio Pro.luc.ta United Profit novs World Kllm Yukon Hold Hid Asked tali Tin, lit ; IV- , TU ; -J,'" , IT (HI 80 17 T tI4 112 M 31 J Kl'. ni ,T25' 13V, hi in if BAR SILVER LONDON. Dee. 7. The quotation for com mercial bar sllter declined V today to 2tt"-l(l pence. In New York the price of bar silver was 50',, cents, with Mexican dollars at 41 cents. Tax Frte in Pennsylvania Penna. R. R. Cons. VAs I1UK Ali. 1. 1300 Particulars on application. A. B. LEACH & CO. 115 South Fourth Street Philadelphia School Dislricl 4 Bond $15,000 Due 1931 20,000 Due 1935 PI! I LPS '111 1LI.I 3.95 Free of Penna. State Tax Harper & Turner Investment Bankers OITiresi 1000-1012 STOCK Kt'llMiK IIUIIUIMI I'hlladelplila PltOPOSAIS JIAILIIOIU n.,,1.- .,& W'wVI V 4 V f V I., -.'-"". r;. i tlJJ...4."S4 .. .. L ., . fi to tho AOOllsomtu. -. L-ncoinu. "- Work (trade appurtenant Crossings on tllsl 'beoisd proposals for the work under UJ j following coniracc win oe r.s.i -- liDj otllte of tno uiiio; engineer '""'" Vui.J Ilroad Street btatlon, Philadelphia, "" 1 Uerember 17. 1913. at IS o'lo.U """"-.-.es-J Vl: CONTIIACT NO. I POltCI fcLIE AVENUE I'AbSK.MIUIt siajiui ---Jij( INtJ AND IlAlbING PHEbUNT STU- Ul.n. ,n,.ln,alln,u ., t, ,1 lillltllf foriAS I.0" bidding' may La obtained at the office ' ',,, Chief Engineer, lloom C07. JJroad "" -, 'a,lon .i..nl4l The right Is reserved by the at?ljS3k Ilaliroad company ts. reject any - A. C. bllANP. M E. B. TEMPLE. Cblef tins".-- Assistant Chief Engineer IlIECTORVorACCOCNTANTli Cerlliled I'ublle Arrauatanls ....-V,v,,Nl-u BKOWN si CO. 1M" KBAL E3TATE- TRUaf nUlLDISO. BURfB A. SPEAKUAN TOs llourss. DIS THE UKPAItTJIKNT OP TUB JPB-j iiivr.u vuii re.eue uu lor "yf"nmers 101U. ScbeduU ou tlla In Coroner y i and can be examined any dav b'"' "a nnd 3 o clock AH bids must be "le, jjl f'llacL jHHiu. . ...-, JUHbTtl A "."Wi, Caitl ) 'I fell I .T-jnlMMt - . it ftdptfOTldj m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers