Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 07, 1915, Night Extra, Page 17, Image 17
!W T&wn&r-'iy&fg: fj 9r & "f?r-v . ' EVENING EEDGER PHILADELPHIA', TUESDAY. DECEMBER 7, 1915; f 17 RICE COMMENTS ON THE ATHLETIC WORLD LATEST NEWS FROM THE BOWLING ALLEYS -mtR wipMUMHW ! CROSS-COUNTRY EVENT DATED FOR CATHOLIC RUNNERS ON DEC. 18 Y( Victory of Joo Schwartz in Senior Hill and Dale Race Vindication of 1914 OTHER TRACK COMMENT Catholic Young Men's Archdlosecan Vnton official-) have announced nn open htndlcap 3'J-mlle cross-country rnce. De cember If. ocr the I-'nlrmoiint 1'nik course, stnrtlns from the XnIcr Athletic f'dub hcailqiinrters 8 The race Is open to all members of the ' nthollo clubs of the- city, titiri blanks mi be hail at the C. Y. M. A. U. ortlco. T,e vUtoiv of .loo Helium U. of the ilwcury A f . I" ll' tcccnt senior cross country clinmplouslilp inco was n Mnitl tutlon of Inst ven s performance. I.nst :,.r Schwartz wn.i one of a iiroup that Vtai ntrn "hlle lemlliiK the puck ilttr ln the runnliiK of the championship. Thls enr Srhwnrtz familiarized himself llh the couise and set the pace most ..of the n Ul IMblnovi Itz, of the Hoys' flub of , ih( Church 'ltil. with another cur'i fxperlfiice, will have to be considered ' monff championship poshIIiIIIUcs. Ho made HehwnrU run his hardest. .Schwartz A,iy celled up ii !3-ard lead at tlio fiul The vetcrnn. Stanley Itoot, was ' third , , Mcrcurj A '" nmiiers upset calcula ''llons l earrMnir off the team trophy . on0 of the closest contests of the whole. vw Hut four points separated the first three f . . . Old Home WeeK nt the Clerinniitfmn rtoV n ? " , Wr sun cs Tli" nthli-tlr nssocU t pronto.! to .i oonsl.lcr.ildc extent, ns tlio Hits were lilRli ... Urnlo HJertlifrg llio HneJisli ntlilcllc orni-li, known trnm one en-l of Amcrlcn to the otlii r. ! riPKlM to visit this country III a fen nontha. HJertherK has written a friend, nn rTounclnir omc Intercstlnc plans Among otlier IhlnsJ. the Sue lldi truck exmrt proposes to tiki an American tuiiil of athlelcs on a orW tour. ... . Tlie Metropolitan . V. I'. tirrl'len must tike some n, tlon. n tlio ilonnii.ln for t lio re- f natal of Hi" up-mte ofrirlal nlio IlKUred prominently In tho Klvlat-Hmlth caso are Itcrcanlnff. ... Mel gherpird, coach of tlio ffith IteKlinent thlatcH. liopes to hnto his proteues on eilitn for the Raines next Tliursilny. Mieirmr 1 onlv ncently asumeil rlnrKo of tho athletes ut the Cith. and would llko to start oft with u victory. . . . According to Olinlrniiin J J. MarOounn, of the itlllroi.0 A. A. Howard 1'. Drew, tlio ipnsatlonal colored sprinter, will bo on niuul for the nnnnal Ktimos to ho held January 'M at MaJlaon Snunro Harden. Nc ork city. ... IVora those In cloje tourh Ith the llouMIni; e It la learned the rturccs are unfounded against UeorKO (loutdliiK, tho world s cham pion pedestrian. In a letter to a friend In this clt, Howard P, Drew, tho sprinter, writes 'M nthletlc 'enthusiasm has returned and I am training like a Rood fellow for futuro contests 1 lmo tn irultilni; numo time and am moving iUoiib In flno shale. ' aHOPPE'S high run v- BEATS KOJI YAMADA Billiard Champion Gives Great Exhibition of Skill at Allinger's ' By maltlne n spectacular run of 121, Willie Hoppe, champion, won fiom Kojl Tamada, tho Japanese titlcholder, bc- f fore a blij crowd nt Allinger's Academy last nlsht The ultimate count was 400 to IB. at IS 2 balk line. The match was , an exhibition affair. When Hoppe clipped oft his 100th shot . in tho 11th InnhiK n, thrill of applause. 1 ran throuRh tho onlookers, but tho world's champion never paused. Calm as a Quaker, he nursed tho ballH In nnd out at tho bottom rail until he had Katli rtd 1S1. With every ono pulling for Hoppe to core MO, while he was making his lS3d stroke the tlrst object ball kissed oft the cub ball, but as tho barest shove hail been given tho cue tho ball traveled true, and then thero was considerable clapping and btnmplng. lloppo kept right on going. All tho time ho had the balls down nt tho lower rail. Hero ho kept them going In and out with clock- . like precision. On his lS'Jth attempt, how ever, they again became scattered. When he turned his 200th shot. Impetus ias given to the feat by him pulling a hard cross-fire bank shot. After mak o Ins all these brilliant shots Hnppo slipped up on a comparatively easy shot off tho rail, on his SJlst stioke This was nls high run of the game , Yamada's best effort netted him 81. i'he Japanese dlsplajed wonderful form, but h could not como up to the standatd t by his opponent. Charles McCourt, of Pittsburgh, leader In the State Three-cushion Billiard Leasue, win tonight play John Dankel- mn, the local representative, at the Ito- Itnt Academy, 1203 Market street. This J ill be the tlrst league game played n j this city tor three weeks, as DankelnTan J has been making a tour of the league's circuit, Uankelman Is now tie for eighth place with Capron, of Chicago, and Ileal, , of Toledo ' Hoppo and Yamada will play exhibition limes atraln this afternoon and this eve- ' nlag. -Vr'sjz ' n i i ii . 1 1 i ' ' - M I j ' n --sj n "f AMZI F.5HWORM.THE ONEONTA f WMWWrmS IToUGHTTOBEABCTrElC U U -V J OIANT,WILU WRC5TUE WITH fZ I THAr'iHUTMML BOUT THAN TUG OATMEAL'S f I OCHT RECALL 7 Ll j TWO 3AVACE. WHITEMICE. J .1 AMOTE OF IT AT t SCRAP WITH THE SERBIAN i k I THIS FISHWORM CHAP A Vou MISCRABL.E v " mu-jl "-eIl " CwrV. Mil. tf KV I.W rA T "" " 5 ffli 'ii, , . ,.;. k ....... . . .. . B -.- - .- . -s. . -.- . ..-., . . .... . ; . , . ai1;jyi;aBts3Ea HOWLIXG RESULTS Haverford, Royal Arcanum Leader, Gains on Philadelphia No. 1, tho Runner-up .-l,n i ",0 .Pal Arcanum league matrVs ff,"rJn.nJhft. ''nslno ?n. ,a't night Haver' rord. Oermantonn and Iennslvanli won two ?,'iM i ,,l.rfl fa" 'rom Phlladelphli, No I, PhUadelphH. No 2, and Vct l'hllndelphls, rcapocmcly. .Scores 1'iituv. no. i. nwr.nrouD. fmltli. . ir, 147 la jiupj.... jj; i;i i-, I'enchyrd. 121 1U7 112 Hacker . r.0 ITU 1TI itoedei ., us ni m itp.i. .. ns m n0 Lewis.... -Mi ins 11T Hellof . 177 170 Its , . Hindlcap. 21 21 21 Totals... B.S ,"71 fsn - . . Totals 17 0 0I T'MHjA. NO. 2. lir.HMA.NTOWN. flarton... Its IX 1TI I.CRK .... IW 174 14S Beott . Ill 12:1 m Utile .. 174 lit 1,11 i:ans .. 1.1(1 114 171 droome... 107 111 1lii llleerkner 141 117 1M Wall ... 141 11,1 14J llnndlcap. 2 2 2 . Totals STS r,w RCO Totals.. SI J f.JP T.62 , i'i.,ati,vAiiA v. i'iiii,Aiiia,i'iii Mellrlle. 1',1 ISS 1ST II. t-lmer 1CU 14s rrt PlI, nU Will t.l I'.l tMl.l.AH ,,- II, 1111 n,i I'lnkerton si 111 12-1 Illlnd . vi 111 llirker.. nil 112 l.'t Wilson... Hai l.vi ltlekle . lis lilt no t:nns. . 170 ll'l Handicap. II 14 2S tiormer . ... in n i Totals . f,13 72s" 70", Totals . 72l 714 CO'i The "I'lillnilelphla Mide" Hardware l.eaun lolled their srheduled ' Christmas eo" matches last night nn Culno alios. llntrrpMse ilr leated Miller t.ock three games, whllo fnyitte II. l'litnili downed North two out of three llelthelmer, nf enterprise, registered COl for Ids three games. Scores: NtiltTII . . PAVnTTU ll I'M Mil fnldlnl II,-. 12U 1U Knist... Ill 111 1J liri ... . KoiUrherg vsl 12.1 nil 121 l.'l ll'l l'oeht ... tl 111 US 12'l 111 . llogl.'flll 1U2 122 lis 171 142 llill Minders . llll Ml 1 ' ... l.M 14-i Handicap l'j jo ii . 1U2 - - Tiitn!. . r.ln l.s'i .is. lgpy . '.w kkc r llnilit W elr Snider... rismnii.. Totals . nil II.V, .'H rorgu'snn.'uu n.l ll'l lirlprs..! i, ...,. in, ii t i,..-... I'.NTIlllPItlrti: . Mlt.l.Ult IJfK tst I , I, 11 I, ,,' II. ., HT-IKI(t iihllg ... 1 II 1 II 1 it Horrmnn Skirt.. . lis in IP2 Hrtntz ltnllh',,1Pl ill J till 1IIS I'nllnt, llll 1 II III 1M . 121 II" lli . llll llll llll . 40 111 l Clillds MM Hdcp. Totals . 7IKI 7411 us 'Points. 022 711 II" Tho AuiTli'nn Ire l,aguo mat, hrs rotle 1 on tho Terminal allovs rrsultnl In Station No I wlnnlm; thnn games from .station No. s, Main orflco ilofentlnc Station No '.i In nil Ihron K'ltnes while Mtimifaclurlni; ilowntd Stores In two matches Scores STATIOX I STATION S I.onni- ... lal 12s '2 Itiirns ... 121 in, 102 '.iinnbFtl 1i"l lli'i I.Vi Itenshcr. Ill 1.-, 1 I T. liiiily 11,1 US l.lli McCnnn.. lis 1.KI .-. 1'iillalnn I.-..1 1,12 1.17 Lynch .. 1U2 117 II" Wdwanl 1IU in 111 urk .... 1.12 U". 127 Totnln iiTil II7H Oil .main- nrrict:. Armstr'g. l.M SI 127 HUli . ...i.'tn lid lr.'l M'l'and's H7 111 121 l.cnls ... 1.11 17'1 121 (1. N.IRlO 1IH 12U IWl Tot Us. "027 "iwii uSs MAMiPAI'TritlNII .lerferson I2.S 122 nn I'rum.iii lai 12,1 Ill J -it nun .. tin nil 1.12 Wrlcll ... 112 11 HI i-ommers. 122 P7 10.' Totals. "Est .71 Tvs Totals . r,'i7 .STATION Miller ... 117 l.owrey . h Itronn ,. H." llourc's.. ins (.'r.maton. ini 1,21 Ml 12.1 13 i s-T I1.T lOil 1.111 III 111-. llll Totals, n-,., 01,. STATION It. I.indy .. HHi irn KeniliiR . 107 71 IS'I i,i lis Sohm . . H7 Mllklnn 1H2 f'rowhy . 12S It. Narlo ins 112 II, lo.'I 110 Totals. .'I NORTHEAST SOCCER TEAM PLAYS CENTRAL Championship Match Is Sched uled at Houston Field Today Episcopal Has Game Todny's Scholastic Schedule MH'CI'It orllirnst is. Central IIIkIi, nt HoiKtou I'leld, 29lh nnd Somrrxet streets (IllterM liol nHtk Soeier lieneue Kniue). J'IiIhi sipul .iadein s. tlielntit Jlllt Aiiidriii, nt "-t. Martin'". It IMUvTUAM, Mist l'lilladelplila IIIkIi ts. Trndes Sdiool. at Al est riilladelphla lliitli Kyiiinnsluin. A chauiplnnshiii soccer match between Northeast IIIkIi School and Central IlljJh School will bo held on Houston I'leld this afternoon. Tho two sriuads ato mem Ueia of tho Intcrscliolnstic r-'occcr I.cngui!. I'plscopal Academy and Chestnut I llll Academy will play soccer nt St. Martin's. In basketball, West Philadelphia Hlsh School will oppose Trades School at tlio Spcedboys' quarters. SYHACUSE AGAIN WINS New Yorkers Defeat Occidental Col lege, 3G to 0 LOS AN'OKLCS, Cal . Deo 7. The football team of Syracuse University closed Its tour of tho West ".esterdny when it dcfc.ttcd the eleven of Occidental I'olleRe by a score of 33 to 0. Tho Cali fornia men were much llRhter than their Kustcru opponents, and could offer only feeble reslstauco to tho attack that was hurled against them. Only onco was the Syraciibo jjoal line in dnnuer. In tho last quarter Occidental, In a aln attempt to score, carried tho ball to the Syracuso 1-yaid line, but then the Orance team cot toncther for a perfect defenso and the ball went to the men from the Salt City on downs. Syracuso punted out of danger on tho next play. One of the thrilling Incidents of the game was n run nearly the length of tho Held by Slater, tho left halfback on tho Syracuso eleven. Ono accident marred tho play. Captain McClung having his right leg broken when he was tackled hard by Slater. WRESTLING MATCH IS DRAW Ivan Linow Fails to Throw George Bothner NEW YORK. Dec. T-Ivnn l.inow. the giant Cossack, has again failed to down Ueorgo Hotlmer, former lightweight champion catch-as-catch-can wrestler. Ivan hauled and mauled Bothner for so minutes at tho international tournament last night, but Bothner's wonderful leg holds held the Russian safe at all times. Tho bout was called a draw, Wuldek S5bszko defeated Wllhelm Ber ner. of Germany. In 21 minutes and 8 sec onds Dr. Ben Boiler, the American, and Sulo Hevonpau, of Finland, wrcmled 20 minutes to u draw. ABSENT-MINDED S ATRoaTl6S., M (rwST y ATROCITlE5! t - M IT VBK r" ' t 4 SAY) int Talk WH6R tiiTCl fr,.n -n.i '&eR Oflfi., r ABOUT GlgM W)ERe p, Wll- Z,? U-R-P. jjismyah v. - I 'rcitiks.m: i uirerJ Joe-hire 1 RhO&S 6ET1 MOTVUO'I A.T- KU55lMS- HEV.r T yfl0H J I O0RMSR mTt-ri butabar. Vrta"A Yes! Tuer-Re ,Mn,RMMioi) A0o-rrn Ty Fuu CO I AtiMi-r A"-1- WIGHT NOW, I "S 3TARTGU1ri y Talk tack it -iM I HEf!? OH Yc-s! . This war! T ( Talk! wm't S U:ut-!a,u VJ - J 1 lES' pLrY i cvs sight ro' .. fArm Vg?z&? tj3o 2r I RICE RECITES A FEW LINES ON He Intimates Also Thai They Think Too Much About Gate Receipts and Too Little About Their Ring Work By GRANTLANH RICE "rpiIK former Yale captain who picked JLltockwell as Yalo's best quarterback hns anotliiT gucs3," writes A. I. S. "Tad Jones was the best qunrter Yolo over had." And then, ngaln, thero is Hurry Ucrchci. rorj;otteii7 Never fall In mentioning unbLiiten teams, whv fotget the Colorado AkrIcs? They won the Rocky .Mountain I'onforinie In de clslvo fashion, and the title thus won Is tho first In years to be gained without a. defeat or a tlo or u hold-up of some sort II C.T. Nn. 1 for Nine Years i The olllclni ngures liavo dispelled any glowing doubt that n Mr. Cobb, ot l -trolt. Is again In front of his cliuilt, for the ninth consecutive) time. I Wagner, at his best, led the Vatlon.il j League one lime four enrs In succession So tho nugtiitude ot Cobb's aeliiov emi nt i can bo summed up from tills comii.it Isun Nor can any one chnige Cobb with piinv competition in a Llrcuit that has had Speaker, Collins, Crivvforil. Jncl.soii. Lajole and Mclnnls In help tty to il' tlirone tho ficorgl.t Slnunnn Cobb, in these nlno ears of leadership, hns averaged .37:,. And j,ct thero .ire .i number ot athletes who expand their chests bejond tho limit when they etui maintain this average for nine weeks I'ntll wo can find out delinltely whether .less Wlllard Is to mitt Frank Mornn oi rulton for tho title, v don't cpei t to get another night's sleep. Can't Mum on disperse tho tenlblo strain b i pilling tho answer? The I'iir's Rejoinder They say I stalled nnd framed 'cm, uiid thm countered tclfi i Mas; Then jeered mo lit tho clinches nnd thru I mossed mo tolla u hoot; , Ihry ininncd nit- lo ii creamy froth hut Kindly tell wo this: I ifoio can ii hloKe count up the home and pit Afs iiinii to baatr l'.nch time I lump an opentny and start one for his bun I pipe another hunch of Knlo and to 1 lune to icnlt; I like to tap a guy's oolifcooii as icell as any one, But that ain't IlKc the thrill that tomes from adding up "the yate." They'll tell you that I threw 'em down they say I framed and stalled They say I double-crossed tho pumc and made a play with it: It maKes a lot of dlffeiencc, I pness, uhat 1 am called. As lony as I can nip the swap and pet away ulth It. Another Grapple SlrW'ien tho AU-lfamiid team is or ganized I'd like to enter an opposing ag gregation that would give It some oattie ; Hete It is an All-Pennsylvania eleven , Left end. Scatlett; left tacKlo, Hare; left j guird, McCracken; icntie. Torrey, right j guard, Wharton: right tackle, Zleglei , i right end, Brooke, quarterback. Steven- I son, halfbacks, Ilollenback and Mercer, I fullback, Smith. I HDBBniVr HILMIAN. renn, 1515 lite uig aunt Fritz Malsel outplirereil coon in in, j nnd a number of experts outlined the i theory that at last a greuter base-i miner l tnan ijrus imu uiuveu So earlj last spring Ty went out after ( ABNER He Is Mistaken KELLY WAR TALK THE TROUBLES OF A PUGILIST Filtz to give tin- Vault thiid-sucker a grapple. With this result In stolen basen: Cobb, Ort; JIalsel, Gl. And nt that I'rita was seuund In his circuit. Onsitle Kicks Opportunitv Knocks but ntico at llio duois of some and nt othei Hint Ions it hammers its wav In with an axe. Being prepare d Is something. Hut being nblo to sidestep nt tin- right moment is something plus. Mr. Hrlckley picks four Harvard nnd two Cornell men In liln nll-stnr team. Wo stem to have Inst trmk ol the se i hoii's smies U liou minv Imu IhJoimis did Ilinvnm li,,it Coim 11 ' iU.WdiT.3J.'AJys-i'sr, TAXI COMFORT FOR WOMEN Women who appreciate the conveni ence of the taxicab can now ride with added comfort and ease in knowing that no dispute will arise with a Quaker City Taxi Chauffeur. After the ride there can be' no ques tion now as to the amount of fare, no error can creep in through either the pas senger's calculation or the chauffeur's. Every Quaker City Taxicab is now equipped with a bill-printing taximeter. YOU GET A PRINTED BILL BEFORE YOU PAY YOUR FARE These new Ohmer Taximeters com pute automatically and make the' final calculation, even to showing the "extras," as to what you are to be charged, without any possibility of error. The amount of the fare shows on the face of the Taximeter, which is illuminated at night. All a woman need do is compare the amount showing there with that on her bill. It will always agree. She has two means for checking up. This bill-printing Taximeter eliminates the per sonal element of accuracy in either chauffeur or rider. The Quaker City Cab Company has installed these Taximeters for the benefit of its patrons. It is the first and only company in Philadelphia, and the first in the world to use this modern method of com puting and checking up taxi fares. QUAKER y Ilro.uI St. Station W. I'liila. Station N. 1'hila, Station Market St. Ft-ro li afrmxiWravwrn'jvf.uuxu', for a Masher and Mashed mom: it vi i: m moks Lonj-uo Mnjrnuti's lo Meet on I' ritlay NI , i i i I-,, T KiimniH oi pi aro li'twiin nr.inlil bull and tin- l'i di-i.ils were going their usual rounds again to day. Frldav the Federal Ixmiruo magnates will meet hen- to decide tin- fato of tho Newark club Hesplto assertions bv the t'Vdernt that llu-s do not want O. II friimhlso, mid boasts by the organized forces that they have none for Mile, tho sett trim til talk would nut be downed, ami Blgnlflciinl developments wero looked for. 'I ho National League, solnns will meet here Di-ci-mber II, nnd tho iwo iiin-M-ntioti.s wero closely linked In tho sputt oircle war gossip. Ifnrry Sinclair Is i-xpeeted to dispose of his Newark holdings in 1'iiday's confab and buy Into the New Vol K club. I'lojiperl AVIits Sheiiandouh Shoot SIIIJ.VAJjrmMI I'.i 1io 7 Tin- last Rrrlc3 nf Miootn held t Hi,' shrniinilouli Hun uml lto.l i lull for llio I venltnf lli-uilil Hllver loWng i uii no pin m'fi, r 1 1 .iiti-i iim-n In tin- Rlu-n in.ln.ili 'liuittiis l-irk tt.iH t,ii In V 13 l'lo,pi-rt. ulili a tot tl of si tii nf lis, nn,. loiki. I.otiln , tunt. huh ,i i ,,n I null - . in! J.itni h turn li tlilr I nllli-l Ih. . i I , illur .ui.l hljli wliils mih -In.., Mni. illiri ult .QUAKER FARE .1. OI 50 I j CITY CAB COMPANY, Twelfth and STATIONS ( licstnut St. Terry lintel Walton Tin St. James Hit. Carlton Hotel Aik'lphia Hinxhitm Ilmise JTF7rKtTrff!B';rjff., as a Consequence! By WALT McDOUGALL i SIX-DAY RIDERS JIKHISD L'ORMKR MARKS At 34lh Hour Majority of Teams Aro Tied in Rnce At 1 p. in., the SItti hnnr, the riders hml rniered R00 miles 2 hips, Ifl miles 3 laps nhciiil nt the 1 lilrnRo mnrk of Ust month, M:W MltlK, Dec i IVeauent sprints bv the six-dav blctlp riders In thn early hours tudny failed to set new mark?, nnrt at S n. ni. thn tending teams wero ntifl mllo and one lup bohhut tho record. At Hint hour II tent'is wno tied, ono tenm wit si lap bohllul. nnother two laps be hind and two other teams four laps be hind the leaders. The tour teams not up with tho leaders weie lapped during the hard riding earlier in th" iliy. a t,crles of sprints bv tics, m uhldi tliern were numerous spills, k.iiniiiR the advantage. jnie i np' sK nnd Kill 70. M VaiiinrH. nnd Speafs ('i', ' I'ooIt nnd Cnrmnn 7'i- u I nnrvnie and UnKIn .1"', il .. 7(if. . . 7o- .. :i- . . 7(1-, . . 7ii'i lie hiiI lmnuv . ill, ll Inoii.h and Corr ...... Mttt.n ntt I ITancn .. It m an 1 Thrmn Mo in ami Wnllllfllir Ilti..t nn,l lnllri,r. ...... ........ 70 1 70-, ur. 70", 701 70-, 711 i'! 7ill 701 1 I it ii ami Mullen...., i s nn I r.ltinrt lb.tl. mil tl.llstm.l. illvan an.1 Andctson n r nut Mtdonnn . .' ni, -ind Kopskv i t i tnt.tn niul niiil(.riitiivrt 7111 Hip r nrd Is 70l miles 1 lip. mads by Twiw i .tI Itoot Inst month nt I lilraKO (ii:iniNT()VX ACADKMY MKKTS FRIENDS AT SOCCER I'oothall Slars in Academy Line-up for Gnmo This Afternoon The nermnntown Academy soccer fim Mi strengthened by tho addition of Unions nnd Lamb, two membets of thfl ronii.-ill tenm. met tho IJerm.iutown I riends eleven nt Coulter stteet nnd A issiiliUUni) n venue this afternoon. Tho game was scheduled lo Mart at 3 p m. Sim i- the close nf tho scholastic foot b ill season tins wecor elecn. with lloniis In tho forward linn anil Lamb nt hilfbiuk, has not met with a defeat. The 1'ilenils' tenia has tnadi- an excellent roi-nrd In noerer. losing only to the Ituv ei ford School. The tennis lined up as follows: i.iinnntn Aiml ttcriimul'ii lrlrn,N. 'Ipliluiirr .. . . Boat lAcm-ril Harrow tlulit futlljiek Carniktincl Cornell loft fullback llnrrts Vtsrhi-r rlKlit hnltliack Imllorh t.rtir-1 centre lmlfli.irk Wrn Uunl) lift lmlfkick Ani.lt liirtnn initnlile rllllit llacon ltolnua Inside rliihl lKililis ii'ioniiell rcntro fonvnril ration Uiukoii Inside loft Wool Miniums . . nutMilo left J.iimev itofereo .Innies Kerr. I.lm siiien Connor nml Thompson. Time of halves 10 minutes SEA INUNDATES SHORE ROAD Capo Aluy Point Cut Off From Com munication CAIT. MAY. X J.. Dec 7.-Capo May Folnt, a borough of 3M people at this (.eiihnu of tlio car. Is cut oft tod-iy from latlioad triiiisportntlon beeausu the Cape May, Dclawaro and Sow ell's Point Ball road Is liiuiidnted hy the high tide. This mninlug the sea wns wnshin over the. li.ic-k .it a point neni 2Lst avenue. Mt Vernon, tho Cerman settlement biiween hero nnd Cape May Point CITY CAB COMPANY "tun no. ca I EXTRAS 1117 10 I D 6'4 ilW 10 I M UPAYTHE TOTAl QP FARg ANfLESffiA iBflllllSl ( WX. 3 I StHOTICKtr. flAME AI.DADDHIS5 WITH 's2KJfl0J ll V3"J I Ohio, who have made 90 of such devices for street cars. That is a guarantee of accuracy. The Quaker City Cab Company is the oldest operating cab company in the service of the public in Philadelphia. Quaker City Taxicabs outnumber the taxicabs of all other companies combined. When you need that instant response to your call, that quick action that you must have our big experienced organization and absolutely modern equipment is ready for you. Call Race 90, or Filbert 2500. lintel Majestic Itittenltouse Hotel The Union League JWffiisymm MWMWMM WHY NOT PROMOTE NATIONAL ATHLETIC MEET IN THIS CITY? Annual Indoor Games Could Bo Held in Convention Hull, Where Arrangements Are Ideal SEATING CAPACITY GREAT Amateur Athletic Onion ofllclals will roon decide upon the place nnd date for tho annual Indoor track and field cham pionship meeting, and ns New York has held the games so long It would seem fair to grant nomo other city tho titular affair. Last year, It Is sild, tho Now York senior championships wero run nt a loss of W)0. Tho promotion of tho gnmes call for a big outlay of money nnd It will tako a decided boom In Interest to make them pay there. Philadelphia Is centrally located, so far ns Indoor track games go, and It would bo a big accomplishment for local ofllclals If they put In a uld for tho meeting. Thero aro places wheic tho games could Im conducted properly. Tho Convention dlnll Hack Is largo enough nnd tho seat ing capacity Is till that could be desired Boston, St. I-ouls nnd Baltimore are to irako a bid for tho games. Philadelphia, with her ndvantngo of central location, should be nblo to attract a, great field Since Ocorgc J Turner wns elected president of tho national body, Bnlllmoro'fl athletic pulso has become strong. If the South Atlantic Association rlllcers get the spirit of the leader, the gnmes will bn held at the f,th Regiment, wheru n lP0-nrd straightaway and nn S-lnp-to-the-mllo track Is to bo had. If the games were held In Philadelphia nihil tes from the North nnd South could n neh hero without n gteat expendituto of money. Paddy Itynn, the Irish-American A. C.'i giant weight thrower, who until recently held tho world's iccord of 30 feet S'. Inches for throwing the 2-pound weight from tho shoulder, will attempt to better Mlko O'Grnily'a record mado In Tlppo rary, Ireland, last September, which was 37 feet 0 Inches. TIanncs Kolohmalnen, tho world's cham pion umateur dlstanco foot runner, is back at his old tr.ulo laving bricks. Untitles is helping to put up it 15-story building in tho vicinity of 4.'d street and Bioadwav. If Ilnuncs can lay bricks as fast as ho enn run tho construction com pany that bus tho Job should make a record. Vole on "Wright Toduj Tho most Important tliliiK lh.it wns scheduled to como up I'oforo tlio bonr.1 of illrectors of tlio athletic niwiclHtlon or tlio I nlverelty. of 1'cnnsylMinl v nt Its mnnttih meeting today u.is tho ratltlcitlon of the ri.oimncnJn.tlon to obtain tho servKea of Joe WrlRlit, Toronto, for coach of the Itcrt nnu nine trews It Ih virtually certain tint IV right will l,n numed. Ho will report lure It is under Ktiiu.1. on Jnnuirv 11. when Ih, viratty crew will bi-Rln work for tho season Tin allium! mietlng of tin ntlttotla asso ciation will ho hflil next Monday night at Houston Hull Tho honnl of directors will la. i looted at tint gatlierliiK aarain'ramajuan 'i iJiinWi-JWH-iWi MffHwafflaeaMMPa ,AliB.aiI.'.alr ,1 II m tmt These meters have been installed by the Ohmer Fare Register Company, of Dayton, Vine Streets Racouet Club Kittenhouse Club Kairmount Inn .Metropolitan Opera, rmmu-jM iJMm,By-)gwsfi, oe3