Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 07, 1915, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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Miss Mary Dercum Will Be Introduced This Afternoon,
"Lohengrin" Will Be Given at the Metropolitan.
Gay Doings of Gay People
Ctlil will Introduce their second
daughter today nt a Inrgo tea to bo
elven at tliclr home, 1719 Walnut street.
Their elder daughter, Elizabeth, canto
out two seasons ago and was a great
guccess. Mary Is a very pretty girl
also, and Is having a mighty good time.
She will have a number of debutantes
. receive with her, among them Fran
cc9 Scott, A'nrjory Taylor, Edith
J page, Josephine Foster, Corlnno Free
man,' Marlon Button, Helen Marshall,
Olivia dazttun. Mary Scull, Molly Ccr
1 bonl t'ytendale Bnlrd, Margaret Davis,
,. E1en'nor Verner, Katherlno Everett and
, jane Everett.
After the tea Doctor and Mrs. Der
cum will tnlto tbo receiving party and
jtt-a men to the opera.
The Busslun I'rnzdnlk, nlthough
marked by the sameness of last year,
had several very Interesting new
comers on tho program, probably tho
most diverting being Madame CJannn.
Wolsca, whoso wonderfully fascinat
ing personality, combined with her
charming voice, made her tho hit of
tho evening. Mrs. Marlon Dougherty,
T,ho arrived late with her guests, tho
Prince and Princess Troubctsltoy,
slipped "behind the scenes" to see tho
diva, and seemed much disappointed
that' she could not Join them at sup
per In the "kittle Cafe," as the trans
formed Cloer Iloom was known, for
as one of tho lions of tho evening, of
course, she sat nt Mrs. William Ellis
Scull's table. Ills Excellency the Itus
1 slan Ambassador and Mnditmo Bahk
meteff, the Edgar Kcotts and tho Ed
wird F. Healcs were also among tho
guests at Mrs. Scull's table. A Jolly
,n little party occupying a table In ono
corner of the room consisted of Suslo
Ingcrsoll, Mnrgot Scull, Cornelia
Lcldy, Charlotte Hush, Geoffrey Tower
and the Thayer boys.
Quito the most exciting featuro of
the late evening was the, to say tho
least, sensational dnnclng of Marlon
Dougherty and her gray-haired but
energetic partner. "Whether It was the
Slavic atmosphere that had given them
the Inspiration or whether they wcro
merely Introducing a new step Into
our stnld midst, certain it Is that they
dashed madly across tho floor, poising
for just a second to recover their
equilibrium before making a fresh
onslaught, and you may be sure that
nil timid dancers made luisto to crawl
t out from under.
Among others noticed were Mr. and
1 Mrs. Samuel D. Riddle, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Earlo White, Mr, nnd Mrs.
Charlemagne Tower, Mr. nnd Mrs.
J Charles Piatt, Jr.: Mr. and Mrs.
fr. Stanley .T. Flagg, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry
& Maybln Mart, Miss Alberta Brlnton,
f Miss Kitty Brlnton, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
W ward Sydenham Page. Mr. and Mrs.
jl A. J. Droxel BIddle, Dr. and Mrs.
UHcnry K. Dlllard. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
" Eaton Cromwell and Miss X.tsa Norrls.
t Tho third pcrformanco of tho Mctro-
polltan Opera Company, "Lohengrin,"
E will take place tonight. Society re
f; gards tho opera as ono of tho most
I" Important things In Its round of doings,
and tho grand tier will be filled as
usual with beautiful women wearing
' gorgeous Jewels.
Tho James Francis Sulllvans will
entertain tonight In their box and tho
Henry Pratt McKeans will give a din
ner at tho Bcllovuc-Stratford nnd en
tertain afterward at tho opera. Tho
Nicholas Biddies wilt give a box party
In Mrs. Blddlo's parents' box, tho J.
i Bertram Lipplncotts, and a host of
others will ho there.
Struthers Burt and his wlfo seem to
keep up a contlnunl house party on
their ranch out in Jackson's Hole,
Wyo. It must bo a splendid life. So
many outdoor sports. Tho winter baa
well sot In out thero and skating and
coasting are the chief pastimes, as well
as skiing. Tho guests who are there
now are Jean Burt, Dr. Howard Cam
cross, Frances Mears, Francis Biddle,
Florence Stleff, of Baltimore, and
Charles Miller, of Huntingdon.
The use of confetti instead of rice
has grown o,ulto tho rago at all the
fashlonablo weddings of late. It la true
It is far less dangerous, but the trouble
is the principals In tho affair aro not
the only ones who Buffer, and it Is
awful to get rid of. I went to a wed
ding at least 10 days ago and I am
till picking small pieces of paper out
of my cuffs and the few trimmings on
ray hat. But a chauffeur about ex
pressed It the other day when he
looked solemnly at a weddlnjr guest
lad said, "My goodness, ma'am, but
Sour hair Is Just full of that spaghetti."
Valentine Mitchell's second at home
will come off this afternoon, She Is
certainly a stunning- girl. I am Buro if
r grandfather, the late Dr. S. Weir
Mitchell, could see her he would have
. righteous feeling of pride. As I said
list week, she is as clever as she Is
Margot Scull, Katherlno Bowie and
Agnes Brockle will receive with her
this afternoon, NANCY WYNNE.
-Ir. and Mrs. Arthur Freeman Hagar
"ave returned from Bermuda and are oc
cupying their new home, 625 Westview
venue, Germantown. Mrs. Hagar will
oe remembered as Mlsa Gladys Wylde
. Jr. and Mrs. II. Clinton Beagary, of
Hit Spruce street, spent the week-end in
Atlantic city, N. J.
The first of a series of dansants was
ven on Saturday afternoon at the Al
oine from 3 until & o'clock under the
-Waperonage or Mrs. Faust. These little
m oauces, which promise to be popular with
Waener mo N Broad 8c. Phone Dia. 838.
Cl . SoclabU Every Wed. Bat. Eg
sCnoIars,r'"; Tonight anl Ever" Mon-
JMUot" Benefit Dance, Fri. Eig-., Dec 10.
PRAYER'S " B" BiuIoMf tichooi.
" f 801-807 ChMtaut Btmi,
the younger set, wilt continue through
out the winter.
Tho Triangle Club, of Princeton, will
present their annual performance in the
ballroom of the Bellcvuc-Stratford on
Vednesday evening, December 22, nt S-13
o clock. Among some of those who will
emertain box parties will be Mrs. William I
U Mel-can, Mrs. Charles A. Potter, Mrs
J. Jvonrsley Mitchell, Mrs. Samuel M
Vauclaln, .Mrs. John Grlbbcl, Mrs. Wil
liam Coleman Freeman nnd Mrs. Itlchard
ivnin .Moirs.
Mrs. B. IT. Bayard Bowie will receive
Informally this afternoon at her home,
ltlu Walnut Btrcct. after 4 o'clock. Xo
cards have been sent out.
The usual weekly meeting of the Fac
ulty Tea Club will be held this nfternnon,
from 4 until 0 o'clock, nt 120 South 31th
street. Mrs. Itoblns will bo hostess, as
sisted by Mrs. J. S. Adams, Mrs. It. B
Evans, Mrs. George 13. Fisher, Miss
Travis, Mrs. O. Ptceploman, Mrs. .1. V
Stanford, Miss E. V. Seeler. Mrs. C. W
Swing, Mrs. C. ,1. Mnrshall nnd Mrs.
James Wlllltts. Mrs. E. B. Morris will
preside nt the tea table, Musical selec
tions from Grieg will be given by Mrs
Laurence Dudley, violinist, with Mrs
Herbert Everett nt tho plnno.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Walsh will In
troduce their daughter, Miss Elbaboth
Mssct Walsh, nt n tea to be given tills
afternoon nt their home, 02j Walnut
street The hostess and her daughter
will bo nslslsted In receiving by Mrs A.
A. Hirst, Mrs. Frnncls B. Llssct, Mrs.
John J. Cronan, of New York; Miss Mil
dred Cronnn, Miss Marguerite Thornton
ami Miss Isabelle Mosher, all of New
York, nnd Miss Eleanor Hogan, Miss
Chnrlotto Vnre. Miss Ida Vnro nnd Miss
Sarah Hanson, of this city.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Howard Gnlbralth, of
Washington, D. C , are being congratu
lated on tho birth of a daughter on No
vember 22. Mrs Galbralth will bo re
membered as Miss Anna M. Scanlan, of
Along the Main Line
MEIUON. Mr. and Mrs. Shcpley AV.
Evans, of Highland avenue, will enter
tain n family house party over the
Christmas holidays. Their guests will In
clude Mr. Evans" two sons and daughter-in-law,
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. 8. Evans, of
Glenrldge, N. J , and family, nnd Mr.
nnd Mrs. Wilson Evans nnd their chil
dren. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Waters and
Mr. Georgo Henderson will also be among
Mr. nnd Mrs. Evans' guests.
Mr. and Mrs. John Herbert neadlng,
Jr., of South Latches lane, have sent out
Invitations for a small Informal dancn
to be given In honor of Miss Helen Mc
Ilhcnny, of Baltimore, on tho evening of
Wednesday, December 3. Miss Mcllhenny
will bo the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bead
ing for the Christmas holldas.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Earle Haines and their
little daughter will leave the 21st of this
month for Lynn, Mass., where they will
spend tho Christmas holidays with Mrs.
Haines' mother.
The Cynwyd Club will give tho fourth
of Its very enjoyable subscription dancon
Friday night, December 10, when tho
hostesses will bo Mrs. John Storey Eber
bach and Mrs. Frank H. Sykus. The com
mittee In charge of this year's dances
consists of the following men: Mr. Itobert
Pntrlck, chairman; Dr. Theodore Le Bou
tllller and Mr. E. W. Chambers.
Mr. and Mrs. Fran Sceburgcr, of Edge
hill road, Bala., will give a dance nt the
Cynwyd clubhouse tho night of Tuesday,
December 23, In honor of their daughter.
Miss Ursula Secburger.
Tho 10 members of the Phi Sigma Sor
ority gave a "cosey" at Miss beeburgcr's
home Saturday night to meet eight guests
who may later become members of tho
sorority. The evening was passed In
dancing, followed by an Informal supper.
Miss Dorothy Black, of Wheeling, W.
Va.. and Count Mlnotto will be tho guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick English, of
West School Houso lane, and will attend
tho Charity Ball while here.
Mr. Arthur II. Jones, of East Walnut
lane, who has been seriously III for two
weeks, Is now convalescing at his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ryland W. Phillips, of
330 Duval street, announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Miss Margaret
Phillips, to Mr. Charles Dillingham, of
Newark, N. J.
Women Winters' Club
The annual meeting of the Women
Writers' Club, of Philadelphia, was held
last night at tho club rooms, 1210 Locust
street. The election of officers took
place. ...
The president is Miss M. L. Dlehl; vice
president, Miss Edith M. Burtls; second
vice president, Mrs. Jane Quennell; re
cording ecretary, Miss Ida Ferris; cor
responding secretary. Miss Jennie R.
Owen, and treasurer. Miss Jessie Duval.
The chairmen of tho various committees
are: Membership Committee, Miss Eliz
abeth Anderson; House Committee. Mrs.
John Avery; Press Committee, Miss
Eleanor K. McDonnell; Library Com
mittee, MUs Mabel Zlmmerling; Dinner
Committee, Mrs, William Beed McGlII,
and Entertainment Committee, Miss
Agnes Keppllcr, 2d,
The retiring president. Miss Edith M.
Burtls, gave a resume of the year's work
of the club, and Miss Ida Cleve Van
Auten, the retiring treasurer, read the
annual report of finances. It was stated
that 33 new members had been accepted
In the year.
jpj;j J? ij pry- -4 3
I. . i V .IN , TV j.i"i i
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Utulor tho direction of Vladimir
the Russian balalaika nt the Russian Prazdnik last night nt the
The marrlagn of Miss Prlscllla Murray
Ilohlen, daughter of Mis. Woodvllle
llohlen, to Mr. Steven ilonsnll Brooks,
of Baltimore, will take placo quietly this
afternoon nt 4 o'clock nt the homo of the
bride's mother, 2217 St. James street. Tho
Itev. l'rancls H. Iioyer. of New Bruns
wick, will officiate. The bride will wear
the conventional white satin gown, with
n tulle veil and orange olossoms, nnd
will carry a bouquet of lilies of the al
ley. Her sister, Miss Mary Eleanor
Ilohlen, who will be maid of honor, will
wear a dainty frock of yellow tnffota,
trimmed In silver lace nnd tulle, nnd
will carry n large nrm bouquet of yellow
and bronze chrysanthemums.
Miss Ellen Mary Cassntt and Miss
Frances Brooks, the bridesmaids, wilt bo
gowned like the maid of honor. The lit
tle llower girl, Miss Ellen Ilohlen, a
cousin, wilt wear a white lace frock, tied
with a blue sash, nnd will also carry
cllow and bronze chrysanthemums. Mr.
Brooks will have his brother, Mr. Wnlter
II. Iiroo.s, Jr., as best man, nnd thero
will b'j no ushers. Tho ceremony will be
followed by a very small reception for
the Immediate families nnd a few Inti
mate friends. Mr. and Mrs. Biooks. after
a short wedding trip, will return to this
city to spend the Christmas holidays,
after which they will occupy their now
home In the Green Spring Valley, Md.
Tho marriage of Miss Hose Blumen
thal. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Ulumenthnl, of 2210 West Tioga street,
to Dr. Leon J. Tunltzky. will take place
tonight In the Lotralne Hotel. Broad
street and Fnlrmount avenue. Tho cere
mony will bo performed nt C o'clock by
Itnbbl Max D. Klein, of tho Adath Jeshu
run Temple. Ilroad nnd Diamond streets,
and will be followed by a dinner nnd re
ception. Mr. Blumcnthnt will give his
daughter In marriage and slio will bo at
tended by Miss Fannie Tunltzky. the
bridegroom's sister, as maid of honor, and
theso bridesmaids. Miss Lillian Blumen
thal, Miss Lillian Lubln, Miss Bannlo
Baern and Miss Jennie Blumenthal.
Tho bridegroom will have for best man
Mr. Max Perger, and for ushers Dr. Jos
eWi Turner, Mr. Snmuel Hank, Mr. Her
man Illumcr nnd Mr. Maxwell Myers.
Doctor nnd Mrs. Tunltzky will Icavo on
nn extended honeymoon trip and will re
ceive after January 1 at 3S3) West Glrard
An Interesting wedding will bo solemn
ized tonight In the Temple Beth Israel,
when Miss Minnie Hnber, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Haber, of 1627 North
33d street, will be given In marrlnge by
her father to Mr. Benjamin Elnhorn.
Habbi Marvin Nathan will perform the
ceremony at 6:30 o'clock. Miss Beba
Haber nnd Mrs. Albert Stein, sisters of
the bride, will be mold nnd matron of
honor. Tho bridesmaids will be Miss
Yetta Weinberg. Miss Rose Wclsen, Miss
Lillian Elnhorn. Miss Rea Elnhorn. Miss
Bella Flock nnd Miss Cecelia Stein. Tho
bride's niece nnd nephew, -Miss Estello
Relnlsh and Master Milton Reinlsh, will
act ns flower girl and page.
Mr. and Mis. James N. Andrews, of
Slnglo Oak. Chevy Chase, Washington.
D. C., motored to this city last week to
Bpend a few days with Mrs. Eugene du
Pont, of Pelleport.
Congressman and Mrs. Thomas W. Mil
ler loft for Washington Friday to take up
official llfo at the capital. They will re
side nt 1710 ISth street.
Mrs Spottswood Garland entertained at
a tea last week for her daughter, Mrs.
Martin Griffin, of Vancouver, B. C, who
with her two children will temaln hero
until after Christmas.
Mrs, Edward T. Canby, who came from
New Haven, Conn., last week, to visit old
friends here, remained with Mrs.
Charles O. Rumford until Friday, and
then she became a guest of Mr. and Mrs.
J. Ernest Smith. Miss Anna Lea enter
tained at cards for Mrs. Canby Monday
afternoon, nnd Mrs. Harold Smith gave
a tea for her Thursday afternoon.
George Allen inc.
1214 Chestnut St, 1214
Never have we presented so many
remarkably attractive hats and such
unusual values as in this
Millinery Sale
Our Entire Stock oi
Dress and Street
For Women Misses and
ETl Keduced to
S u. fti. $&
-r - 1 "T T '
to $20
Th. Greevskv. of Petrocratl. in
Annual Affair Will Be Given at the Aldine Hotel by
Members of the Alumni Charity Ball is
Anticipated With Pleasure
THE Society of Musical Alumni of tho
University of Pennsylvania will hold its
annual banquet In the Aldlno Hotel, De
cember H. The members nnd their guests
expected to bo present Include Dr. and
Mrs. Hugh A. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
A. Wadlow, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley T.
Rcltr, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Moloney, Mr.
nnd Mrs. William J. Bochm, Mrs. Grnco
Welsh Piper, Mrs. Marian It. Mattmann,
Mrs. D. Hartmau OsiiIr, Miss May Por
ter, Miss Anna C. Barrow, Miss Else
West Rulon, Miss Helen Bocrlcko, Miss
Davis, Miss Corlnna E. Manges, Miss
Harriet A. Etlenne Henry, Mr. Joshua L.
'Bailey, Jr., Mr. Albert J. Dooncr.
Society is anticipating tho 3Gth annual
Charily Ball, which will be held on
Thursday, with great pleasure, and all
the boxes have been taken for that night.
Among the boxholders will be Mrs. Bor
neo Trumbaucr, Mrs Fcrreo Drlnton, Mr.
Joseph 1). Toivnsend, Jr., Mr. William II.
Barnes, Mrs. George W. Boyd, Mr. Ar
thur II. Len, Mrs. Cyrus Horgner, Mrs.
Arthur E. Pew, Mrs. Charles A. Potter,
Mrs. Samuel F. Houston, Mr. John W.
Gear, Mrs. William J. Clothier, the Jeffer
son Hospital, Mrs. I.angdon Mitchell,
Children's Hospital. Miss Clara A. Wil
letts, Mrs J. Ileitram Llpplncott, Mr.
Horace Eugene Smith, University Hos
pital. Mrs. Roland L. Taylor, Mrs. J.
Vnughan Merrick. Mrs Charles Drlnton
Order your
S -i liiiHaiiiiiiiiiiHV(, t Wa I iiiiiM III I IM il diiiM
tho -ari-colored peasant costume of Russia, who snnrj tho choral music and played
;he Bellcvuc-Stratford, for tho relief of Pvar suflfcicrs nnd St. Michael's Church.
Coxe, Mr. Theodore N. Ely, Mrs. Frank
T. Patterson, Mr. Wnlter Llpplncott, Mrs.
John 1. Combs, the Sheltering Arms, Mr.
J. Franklin McFadden, Mis. William W.
Filler, .Mrs. William W. Carter, Mr.
Thomas DeWItt C'uyler, Mr. Ellis A. Gliii
bel, Mr. Joseph H. Hutchinson, Dr. and
Mts. Norton Downs. Mr. Lewis A. Riley,
Dr. George Tales linker, Mrs. John V.
Lewis, Mr. Charles P. Vnughnn. Mrs.
Louis Rodman Page, Mrs. C. Howard
Clark. Jr., Mrs. William Kills Scull. Mis.
Georgo W. Chllds Drexel, .Mrs. Cralge Llp
plncott, Mrs John W. Pepper, Mrs. Jnmcs
Largo Mr. Charles Longstrctch, Mrs.
Harry S. Roscngnrtcn, Mrs. Alexander
Vun Rensselaer, Mrs. Louis C. Madeira,
Mr. Howard S. Graham, Mrs. William
Herbert Dcrbjshlro and Mrs. J. Gaidncr
The Young People's Auxiliary of the
Women's Homeopathic Hospital gave an
nlumlnum shower to Miss Emily B. Wat
son In the reception room of tho hospital
Friday afternoon. Miss Watson will bo
married nt her home, 1623 Mount Vernon
street, December 21. to Mr. Walter Sup
plcc. The members who participated In
tho shower are Mrs. J. I.ewis Vnn Tine,
Miss Annlo T. Yorkes, Miss May E. Jar
den, Jlrs. Francis O. Gross, Miss Helen
M. Myers, Miss Lillian Thatcher, Mrs.
Alfred Keint, Mrs. Hnrvcy Freeman, Mrs.
Walter Stiong and Mrs. II, U. Voorhees.
Miss Watson Is president of tho Young
People's Auxiliary.
The funny Friend
III xyf t; , jii
Free With The
Punky Dunk comes to all the kiddies next Sunday.
A real book the first of a series tells the tremendously
funny adventure of "Punky Dunk and the Spotted Pup." It is
a 32-page book, illustrated in colors, and printed on the finest
kind of book paper.
Punky Dunk stories are not mere illustrated sheets they are
real books the kind you would give your children as gifts.
You can buy them in the book stores only at 35 cents the copy.
With the PUBLIC LEDGER they are given free, Every other
Sunday they will appear. Be sure your children receive copies
of the first "Punky Dunk and the Spotted Pup."
Given FREE With Next Sunday's
copy now. The demand for
Mr. and Mrs Jowph W. Berkclbach
arc nt homo .it 33J North 13th street.
Mrs. Berkclbach will bo remembered as
-Mi-s Leola M Longstreth. daughter of
Mrs. Alfred Tompkins, of Tioga.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Milton Shearer,
foinvrlv of Tl)ga and 21th streets, who
left tills suburb to live In Poughkcopsto,
N. V.. hate returned to Philadelphia and
will make their homo In Jcnktntown.
Miss Nettle Halm, who had been spend
ing some time visiting friends In New
York, has returned to her home, 2103 West
Ontario street.
nnTrTO-iArrrnM jm j;a um km im. siai iai
Our new and varied stock affords a
never before equalled choice of fine
and moderate priced plates for pre
sentation purposes.
Wright, Tyndale & van Roden, Inc.
1212 Chestnut Street
Punky Dunk!
of the Little Folk
Public Led
these children's git
Along the Reading
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer K. Mulford, of
Church road, Wyncote, have m their
guests Mr. nnd Mrs. John B, Mulford
and their two sons, of Penryth Farm,
Lodl, N, T. They will remain until nfter
The Woman's Club of Wyncote will
meet nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Mau
rice J. Hoover tomorrow afternoon,
December 8, at 2:30 o'clock. A lecture,
"Trees In Winter," will be given by Mr.
Edward E. Wlidman.
On Tuesday evening, December 28, at 8
o'clock, Mrs. Cyrus H. K. Curtis will b
tho hostess, and the subject of the lec
ture will ba "An Evening With Tom
Tho regular meeting of tho Logan
Unique Club will tako placo Wednesday
evening at the home of Miss Caroline Jar
don, of North 13th street. New ofneer
will be elected, nnd arrangements will be
made for tho annual banquet and dance to
be held In January.
West Philadelphia
Dr. nnd Mrs. R. Webb, of 403 South 42d
street, entertained their bridge club Sat
urday evening at their home. A sup
per followed the game. Tho members
of the club Inctudo Mr. nnd Mrs. George
McLaughlin, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank B.
Stocklcy, Mr. and Mrs. E. J, Rowan and
Mr. and Mrs, John R. Maxwell.
Miss Lucille Elliott Morris, daughter of
Mr. nnd Mrs. James II. Morris, of 4901
Spruce street, nnd Miss Knthcrlne Muller
havo returned homo from a visit to New
York nnd East Orange, N. J.
Miss Mao Bowie, of 3303 Powclton
avenue. Is visiting relatives In Trenton
for ono week.
Miss Elva Bishop, of 214 North 33d
street, who was n guest at a houso party
In Stroudsburg, Pa., returned Saturday.
Mrs. A. C. Trapold, of Wllkcs-Barre, Is
the guest of her daughter, Miss M, Tra
pold, a Btudcnt nt tho Mary Drexel In
stitute. What's Doing Tonight
Dinner. Lutheran Social Union, Downtown
Club; S o'ciock
Opera, Lohengrin,"
llouiio, 8 o'clock.
Vubllc LedBcr War
Ktrcet Opera House.
Metropolitan Opera
Pictures, Chestnut
im javjm ai av av a iTXIM im j.m 3ai j
Holiday Gifts
't books is enormous. WMik