EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER G, 1915, r f MANUFACTURERS FEAR LIFTING EMBARGO ON DYES WILL NOT HELP oay Germany Probably Has Not the Stocks U. S. Needs or British Will Take ilium f PRICES STILL SOARING .- os tlint fcnclnnd tins lifted the !oJ the evportntlon of dycstulTs mtofO on i ro,iucc,1 little or no kl people realize what n serious mat- itheprrn famine In i dye-stuffs mo, it, .i I.r the eountrv, nnd more especially ! 7 ihiV city, whir'' Is the centre or nn " ' lmis textile Industry. In every dye- ' Z Mttbll hment mock of .lye material ire he lowest ebb. !' for ,lye nm- ?.ril have soared beyond nil reison. M, uuer depcnilMtce not only of the -it states, hut also of every other Sintrv on Germany for n supply of dye .t.rlils is emphislzed by a visit to the JJJ,K establishments In Phlla- d Waller ttultoti. of the Hulton DjelnB and Finishing f'ompaiiy. m Krnnkfpnl Sh wnbnrRO has been lifted, nnd I hope n,rm"nV will trade for cotton or Bold. If ' n onl sot the cotton Into Ocrmany Ze will get the dyes Our stock of dyes Every low. ami the prices demanded for : "vestuffa are soarlnc out of nil bound.. 9 . .... t .i.1 '. n nnmul for IL black j uhlrh t boiiKht before the war for H cents a pound, nnd what I boimht yes- terdny I' not "" K00'1 ns wh0" wns y tiavlns 22 cents for It." V' II Urchin, of Urchin & Stehlc, Tren ton "nnd Atlesheny n venues, said: "Oer minr has something which no other coun ,,,. has and which every other country tiants She will not exchange destuffs for KOld Hhe wants cotton, nnd will In sist on RcttliiB It. otherwise there will bo no trmle The fact that Ktmlnnd has raised the iinharRo on dycstulTs means nothing, llnfilnnd Is aa badly ort for dye stuffs ns o "re. A few days iiro nt n sate of unclaimed baRBOBc nt a rallioad station In HnRland a smnll bat; of dye stuff broiisht $1.',00. Under ordinary conditions It would bo worth nbout $100. The de situation Is n very serious one, and Is RCttlmr worse. It Is not nlono a. matter of price for dyentuffs, but the absolute scniclty of the dye materials, and no menus of replacing them." "It Is n question with me," said Albert Foster, of Firth & Foster, of Ilmerald and York streets, "whether or not Ocr many has tho Roods to deliver. It Is n prison offense, today to send even n smnll bottle of nnnlllno dye by parcel post or any other wny out of Germany. I don't think the raisins of tho embargo by Kiik land amounts to nnythlliB. UiiRl.nntl Is as badly off for dyes-tuffs ns wo nre. 1 bousht some dyestuffs from KiiRland months oro. They nre lyliiR over there on the docks nnd I have not Rot them yet. The amount of tlyestnrfs niado In .this country Isn't n bagatelle, not n drop In the bucket One of tho rcifsons why I think Germany hasn't the dyes hcr 'wlf Is tho fact that all her expert , chemists and scientists nro In tho 'trenches The only nallablo part of tho 'population for Industries nre tho fnrmers' Cboys, nnd they can't make dyes." C THE WEATHER f U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin j WASHINGTON", D. C. Dec. fi. ' Tor eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey Tartly cloudy tonight nnd Tues day; continued cola; rrcsn to stionB northwest winds. ! T.lfrht rniii nr snnw occurred In sent- fttrecl areas from tho I.nko reRlnn east BwarJ, and llRht ruins covered about one fhalf of the cotton belt during tho last 21 Jhours Fair weather prevailed clsewhcio 'fcept in the Fnr Northwest. The tcm 'pcraluns are Renernlly bolow the normal throRhout the eastern half of tho coun Ctry. tho deficiency rntiRlns from 2 deRices to 10 degrees, whllo seasonable conditions 1 'prevail in the plains States, and nn ex J cess Is reported from Texas nnd the Fnr I We. .', U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Obienatlons taken nt 8 a. m".,i:. intern time, R jt Haiti- Vcloc Stalk n. n in n't. r.ill wind. itv.Wrmlipr. Atlanta. (In ... rj in .11) sw h IM'lou.lv nt.i. ..... .... Baltimore . . . :in .lil .. numarck. N n. i-j si .. "ton, Masi .11 :ri .. PuMalo. N v . mi .. Charleston. S C. II II .12 Chcago, in,. . :n a .. Onclnnntl. O ... lis ml .. Cleveland. O : ail .. Denver, Col . . . :i i :i Detroit. Mich... :u -js .. nartenton. Tx . ill ill .. mrrtfabunr. Vn .tn . Ifaltaraa NT r. , ,. V Halifax, 'n. 's. . .' hi iu .'irj sn Jleleni, SInnt. . ."is ml .10 KV NW N N NR ni: N Huron, S. U. . M 30 inaianapnlls . . . a) ai Jackionllle.Kl.i. r.il m Kamai city.... An 40 Jtnoivllle.Tenn. 10 40 Utile Hock, Ark. M -IS loi Anpeles ... nn 4S Loulivtu. I-Tv vs ?.! Montrom'y, Ala, r.a 4S .nil Nn ;!ww'vu nn -n -,1 o- w nunvuie. Tenn. ;u 3J fiew Orleans ... ui nn New York 2S 21 Norfolk. Vn as i ywanoma. Okla., K! .12 Omaha, N'eb.. . ail SI I rniiaaeipnia.... as ai aoenU. Ariz .. 42 40 PliUbursh. I"n sil 21 j-oriian.i. Mb Portland, Ore. Quebec. Can . . K, 1 -..I- ..- t . Sf! Pnnl 'f ' Sri."T-V.. ",' " t S .TJ "II 4akC I1IHII .ll -l an Antonio . . 7n ns s ri' ni m 4n 4ii i as m: 2S 20 .. NIJ nn tii l 3(1 M '.. UK KK KH NW 1 fMnuilv N H 'lnu,ly .. I'lcnr 12 flouily 14 Cloudy 111 rinuily .. Cloudy . . Olrar .. Clouily jo tnar NW 12 Clumly n 12 Clouily NW in Clouily an clear HI Cloudy IS Ilnln 10 Cloudy .. Clear .. l'.uioudy 10 Cloudy .. Clear . . Cloudy . . Clear .. Clear 4 Cloudy 10 Cloudy .. Clear Clnllllw ?iw 21 uiouiiy NW 21 Cloudy Hi: 10 Cloudy I" . . Cloudy NW HI Cloudy K .. Clear NW 14 Clnu.ly i L.IHUIIX 4 Cloudy IS Cloudy . . Clear ., Cloudy . . Clear 20 H.i In HI'. Nn N n NR ni: NK N ni: ni: r - uu,ii . . it, ,o .. nr. .u li.llll ' gan Francisco . . r,4 r.2 . . HIS . . Cloudy ( Banta Fe. N. M. Ss 31 .20 NR 10 P.CIoudy , a. ste. Marie... HI HI .. NW .. Clear I ! wanton. I'a IS 21 mi r,i Tamiia. PU is Raahlntton . . 80 2S ninniper. Can., 20 21 KNIGHTS OF MALTA INCREASE IN NUMBERS New Commandery Instituted by State Officers Malta Tem ple Formally Dedicated That Mnltn. KnlRhthood Is boomlnR nnd the membership RrowttiR nt a satisfactory rate In tho Jurisdiction of Pennsylvania is evidenced by tho dally reports received from local nnd dlstnnt commnmlcrle. telling of nn lnllu of new members, as well ns the many applications for ot Knnlzatlon literature received by Grand Itccordcr Sir John II. Hoffman, nt head quarters In this city. Pnliirdaj' afternoon. Phoenix Commandery. O illll Una fmall, InBllltilA.I ,1 tnnt,a I Hook. Iiy tlrnnd Conunander C. II. Hlniam.ui. of Itc.idltiB. nirlnted by the ileputv nf Chester tounty. Alcxnnder Smltli, fttid other granl oilkeis The new commandery start with n Hit nf ICil members, with William P. Hobcrts ns , the lirst sir knlRUl enmnmnder. It was or- K:iiil?c.l by Andrew U tlreen. nsslated by I ''entity Alexander Smith and Hlr Knight 1. . 1 rlnn, nf Lorain, Ohio. The entire 12 de- Kites nero eneinpiined nt tho Institution Sat- tirdny afternoon, ! SntunlRj' affrnnon, ltnrsed a hilt parade i nt Lnticastei, nf a lare number nf romman f dcrle. of crntrnl lvntiailnnli. nrrllmlnnrv to the rormal drdlcatlou jfstrrday of the new nnd tnmmedlmis Malta Temple, Just com pleted In that dtv. The new bull. tins Is nn linpnlng structure. liniutirmiy fiiinlflieil and mil W dented wholly to the work of Mnltn Cotnmanderlis ntnl nuxlllart Imdles. In addition In merl ins moms, irrleetlj equipped, the temple wilt cnntnln i Ill.rnr un I metal rnoms whi'ro sir Kiilalits innj meet In social Interinnrfp. At the (errnonlis esterdny tlrand He- oner John If. Mnmnnn, iVIInred the dedl ciilnry nildresi nnd ilrnnd t'onimnnder C. II. IllnRiimnii recelied tho liulMlntt on behalf of the order nnd turnm It nvir tn the board nr trustees of the three Ijincaster rommnn dcrlis. Last week Ornnd Itecnrder Hoffman lsltM PleRp of Acres Cnmmindery, Nn 37, nt Mo rrnicnheln. and nsllcil In mnferiliiR the in lilKher degrees upon n class of wall ni? candi dates. flrnnd Commntuier C If. IllnRnman. nerom Panled liy rir.tnd ltrcnribr Hnrfmin, nn Tue dny lnt visited Slilnar Commnnderv. Nn. 1 la nf lleltn. The pnst commander's dtpren was tonferred nnd nn Instiucthe historical ad dress delivered ujion the unwrtten work of tho order. tm Mystic Cross Comtmndi-rv. Nn Sin. which meets at 2dl South mill strei-t. Is nn" nf the later nrillt nns to llio nnler In this eltv stinted In July last. It ulrendv has nn ex cept onilly liri;e number nr unuormed mem bers, has organised nn orchestra, nnd Is Inltt ntinR at evpfv tneetlnK n Rnodly number of sutitnntlnl, well-splecti'd ranilldntes. At Its next rr.cctlnK nnotber lnrRc el iss of candidates w II receive the 10 higher degrees of Malta Knighthood The Knlchls nf Malta Is one of the few fraternal organisations whtrh eets nshle for nnnunl obserMiiifc n memnrl il dnv, upon which to hn'd rultnbln exercises In memorv nf sir Untulitn wliii mn tmvp,l tn tlin rrrnt bpvnlld. Plliler t'lP ponetltlltlon nf the order S"' temper for tho "rally," and arrangement will be completed at a commander tini record Keepers meetlnc. which will precede the Installation committee meeting nt Mrs. Tajlor's on December 10. A (treat effort Is belnp made by nil Hevlews to secure as many members ns possible before tho re duced feo for admission closes on Decem ber 31. tletsy rtoss Hevlew mourn the death of Past Commander Mrs. Sophia llnrtmnn, who passed away Krldny. Mrs, Hartman was also a member of the central commit tee, which attended the funeral nt her late home, 9S.1 Hast Westmoreland street, this afternoon. THE 1.0YAL AKCANUM The Carnation Club Elects Offlcers and Plans Work for tho New Ycnr Itepresentatlves' night was the special feature of the monthly meetlnff nnd din ner of the Carnation Club last neelt. All representatives of Philadelphia nnd vicin ity to both, upi erne nnd Rrand councils weie present by special Invltntlon. An entertainment followed the dinner. Intirsptrscd with addresses by tho grand resent nnd Rrand secrotnry of the State nnd .Supreme Trustee Harry Lathy nnd T. W. Wallare, of Irving Council. Tho election nf nirteers for l'Hil resulted as follows President. V J Stoklnger; vice presldpnt, Iilehird U Wnttenberg. speretnry. J. Rlnnrd Kllburn. Irensurer, Arthur II. Luton ltrother V.nttenberR nns reappointed chlrmnn or the Kntertnlnment Committee. .The next meetlnu nf the club mil be held I'e emlur 2n, fpaturert n n ladles' Christmas night, with i Christmas tree and scleral novel attractions as a part of the program. The thlid nnnunl euchre and dance of the Itmnl Arrinuni pneeil lnt hlstor pitnes dav evening In t.u l.u Temple. Tho member" and thrlr lamllns epent u .ica.i..l '!'"' with n host nf llovnl Arennum irlends. The pining of innts under the mpervlslnn nf I r. lames II Itennlc mis faultlessly conducted and Hrothrr ili-nrgp K. N'elsser Is entitled to credit for the rplindld manner In whlth tho music nn 1 dance floor were mannged. Among the prominent Arrnnlnns ntlendlni were urnnu Ifegent I.. II. (IcIirtilicrRpr. or Ivmcnuter. tlrnnd Secretary Webster c. cls, or lit thlrhem. tlrnnd Trustro William I.. Young. Supreme Trustee Henry K. laithy nnd Suireme Ittircsentnthes Arthur II, Kntnn and .N'pwton l:. Hoedel. About 1(m) members nnd friends pnitlclpatrd The Undies' Auxiliary Mns muih In evidence at this function, nssl't lng sjbstantlallv In dlspoliiR or the i arils of niimlssbin, ns well ns conducting tho enter tainment. A 'tidles' Night" In Continental Council Thursday night brought i,ut a large gathering of mptuhcrs and their frlmds The Ijvdlea' Auxiliary was well represented, nnd Mrs. Itnei'pl, preildrnt nf this active organization, spoke ttpnn the helpful work being neeoin pushed Py Hip wnmen In tin- Milium ement ot llnjiil Arcanum Interests An excellent enter tainment was given, refreshments served nnd nn uddrisa dellveted by Pint Orand Hegent Arthur IJ i:uton. Foresters of America The degree team nt Court Wyomlsslng. No. 130, of Ite'idlng. under the leadership of Chief Hanger Clarence lllngamnn nnd Cnpta'n Kd ward Dremer. nt the last meeting of Court Lebanon. No. 2IO. nf l.pbnnon. hdtrd thnt hotly and cnnferrel the tnltl itory degree In 12 nf rneli vpar Is dprlgnnted ns Memorlvl mpresslvc manner utwii a ehiss of eight Iinv. thin being Hip nnnlversary of the siege cnni'iiimcs nf Acrp. ni.e Sf thp grpntpst vents In the " theaie takin-par, n the "erclses TilMory of this nnelnt order. The onlrr In I'rnn,yhnnli now rmbrnrci npwHM or l'mi nruir rnnimannpTif wnn mrmii-rnii l" rnxim.ninir uero flr.mil Subchlef lliiiKcr HoiMinl U. Oool 1 driuKl Chief HnnRcr Harry H. ttVhcr, win, of Ilrnfllntr; (Inunl Fiiretnry Itohtrt Com lur. or rMMdripm.i; r.int (iratui senior ooi wanl Hnuunl M . Drrnu r, of Untdliiit; iJrputy n- .nn . I .... lilllini v.iuri i.'HiHit i.n..t f. M'nvi " ."..I.OOn fltHl nFf-rilt I lt.n,nPM f If Ulmntv Tnum.h If Uuntfnr tin, of mori. than ; tlOit. rrom rront Imllrn- i t. iiriir.ipr.' of ' Court i'.olnnon: John A Tran lSSrtAlSS 4la PfPHillllAll i " Z '. a. m k. and d tl nt. thpstp f1furrH ulll tin lnraclv nticmrtitcd uhfn llRtircH nr roiui'llod nt tho rloro of the , current rratern.it ynr. THE MACCAHEES ' General Committee of Local Hives Plans for Public Installations The first inoetlnc of the Installation Committee of trJla-lW. was held In K. O. II. Hall Tuesday evening, Supreme Chap lain Miss Minnie K. TIurRln presldlnR. Election of olllcers resulted ns follows: Chairman. Mrs. Arabella Itotcnhury, of Philadelphia ltevlew; assistant chairman, Mrs, I'llzalieth Collutn, of Keystone He view; secretary, Mlsi Klenor Illll, of Hetsy Hoss Ilevlew; correspondlnR secre tary, Mrs. Ituby Taylor, of Quaker City ltevlew; treasurer. Miss Mary Collins of Olivet ltevlew; chaplain, Mrs. Mary Smith, of Liberty Hell ltevlew. The next meetliiK of the commtltcc will be held at the home of Mrs. Ruby Taylor, 2101 North Park avenue, on Friday evening next, at whicli tlmo further arrangements will be i made for tho installation and entertain- ' ment In Lu Lu Templo Wednesday, Jan uary :. The December meeting of the Central Committee was held under tho auspices of Opus ltevlew members In the hall, 1121 Oermantown nvenuo. The commander of Opus ltevlew, Mrs. Louisa Jones, could not be present, owing to Illness. One new member, Mrs. Arters, lieutenant com innndor of Olivet ltevlew, wns present, and another application from Olivet He view was presented for the next meeting. All the sick were reported ns doing well, excopt Pnst Commander Hartman, of Hetsy Hoss ltevlew. The Jnnuary meeting will tako place under tho auspices of tho membeis of Philadelphia Review, at tho homo of their commander, Jlra. Anna Hanoy, 2317 South 17th street. Quaker City ltevlew conferred tho "short form" on ono applicant nt its meeting Thursday evening nnd voted to Join tho "rally" to be held nt the closo of tho year. Four commanders were present, Mrs. Morrissey, of Quaker City ltevlew; Mrs. Hnney, of Philadelphia Ho vlew; Mrs. Helms, of Keystone ltevlew, nnd Mrs. Knglnnd, of Hetsy Hoss Review, nnrl Lieutenant Commander Arters. of Olivet Review. Other visitors were Rec ord Keeper Olson, of Philadelphia Re view; Flnnnce Auditor Collins, of Olivet Review, nnd Suprenie Chnpjnln Hurgln. Commander Haney, of Philadelphia Re view, nnnounced a cuchro for, the benefit of the Central Committee In the Park way Building. Broad nnd Cherry streets, tomorrow evening, nnd Captain Crouch, of tho uniform rank, cnllcd attention to the benefit for the uniform rank in Kngles' Hall, 1338 Spring Garden street, Wednesday evening, December 15. It Is expected that all Reviews will unlto els, Ilnrry II l'etprs. Hurry II. Nnll nnd Din IpI Lnrnli, of Cou'-t Wyomlss ng. nnd Hobert I.i'onnnl. of Court (leorge itclu, No. 3.1U. of I.ebmon. . . After the close i the session a "Dutch lunch" wns served nnd a general pood llmo enjoypd. A rpvlval nf Intprcet now lulnp ex pel Icmctl by the two courts Incited In l.pba non hns In en productive of good results. Can didates htp hpig proposed nt nltnost pvrrv nitetlng. nnd class lnttlntlnns held nt regular lnti-rvnls, nml the members nre working hard tn sccurp sotiip nf thp prizes orrirrd by tho Grand Court for Increnslng the membership. Knights of Pythias At the last convocation ol Quaker City 1 1, Inc. No. Ill, whph meets nt ilcrmnntown avenue nnd l'rlip ntrrpt. ilrother J. Ituswcll Wln'lpr wns unanimously eleited mnnager of the polo team for the inmlng cnr. A marked I inrt nlltl u.inrc will ni' given nv mis ioiiko I'rit.iav rit'iiiuu. nn, tiiiii't ,,. i,iili, i,i uiiiii'.i to bo an enjojnble roelat feature of tho winter ...... MM-4lt. t.ws til tias.1iia lsrfc t4n H'ilOII. iiiliii- r i unit i ini'n li i iMi it ii in it nf tho nntertalnment Contmlttro, In nrr.tnR Inc an nttmrthc prnsram for tlila occnBlon. & Company Be:spoke. We gladly herald the incoming of a new lot of the popular $ 1 5 Oxford Suits. One-quarter with silk. lined Collar tyje p 1 u s collar comfort U a permanent ad vantage made possible only by our Sounlesse method of laundering. It assures flexi ble, snow-white neckwear that withstands more than usual wear. Neptune Laundry ieni ri. i: a NE Lt Clear (T T T N 14 Cloudy Iv 1 i SB 10 Clear lr kL.'feZi Hi lrViJe-l!sr;f)A:,-fMSs: , LmJ r i iJttfcWsbaSSnM&B . JRfl I The more you hurry us the J jf uciicr we UKe it. INo order II s (' too little or too big to merit ) ' " 5 V and get fM A IMMEDIATE SHIPMENTl f IH I i MnniHuJ li II . O M WfcJmt f uwdrur.nensonato. iaj I ft structural iumoer and Timlir ) Tf P U I'oplnr St. AVharr, rhlla. I '" 153 I V m Jr rl2.50 I & 1 Jf kUP & ! Cff Days f sp A few dozens have been laid aside for men who be-spoke them; But there arc sizes for all who read, 34 to 44 regulars, stouts and s I i m s in the original model "Bretton." 1524-1526 Chestnut Street Shoo Early- lSave yourself Time Trouble Giva' WatHlans (Ideal) FouriapPen (JTrjfe ReadtheAds The Present That "Makes Good" With Everyonei Everywhere. Self-Filling, Safety and Regular Typci to suit every hand. Pen Points in gift styles exchangeable after Christmas. Sold at the Best Stores Near Home L, li, Wtcra Comjpaoy, 173 Broadway, New Ywk m a v BROTHERHOOD CIRCLES IN ANNUAL ELECTIONS Grand and Subordinate Officers to Be Chosen by the Brother hood of America Grnnd Scroll Keejvcr C. A. T,ctiB has sent out to nil subordinate circles the nnnunl reports nnd necessary election pnrnpher nalla Incidental to the election, which wl'l ho held In nil circles the second meeting night of this month. In nddltlon to sub ordinnto olllcers, the following Grand Circle offlcers will be voted for: Ornnd Chief Washington, Itobcrt W. Solly. No. Si; Ornnd Chief Jefferson. John A. Stover, No. 47; Ornnd Chief Franklin, John Held, No. M; Krand scroll keeper, C. A. l.eng, No. Hi prnnd treasurer, rMlflt-ll Znlant Vm tti nrflml l.nrnlrl . drew It Scliiitor Vn R?. nrnnd untrlirr lrotnerlioo,l or mrmbfrrv of their Inmlllrs are .1 , ;.rfi . '.R .? .. rrlvt'ettcl to rrtlclrate of the day, W II nm 0. Tongue, No. "I; f. Tonitoe. of ffo. li, was elected chairman of "'The I'uih" Committee. The uree! nf the tlasj Initiation held In trie northmmoro eetlon of the city Ut month. ho started nnnther movement for n blK i1m Initiation, which It in rropoe1 lo hold In I-'eh. runry. An effort will U made to Interest every elrelo and to necure nt leant 100 candi dates for the occasion. Keyrtone Circle, No. IS, lat week celebrated their oth anniversary In Allemanta Hall, Mh Urtrct ahove Dauphin, The cntertnlnment fur nlshel vvn an enjoynMo mlntrel show, itlven hy mrmher of I'olnmhla Circle, N'o. 87, under the direction of Wemel llee. fallow Ina thn entertainment, which was well attended, re freshments wero served Tomorrow evenlnR. Mary Ann Dnv la Heme, No. 4S, Irving Hall, IirlJc-hurs, will receive nn ulllrui visit from Klmirn V Heller, (rrand nunrtian, who will le accompanied by Knth ryn rnit, tmnd scroll keeper, nnd other Brand homo ofilctrs. Tho (rvme oWclnl" on 1 hura day cvtnlnK will MMt Quaker City Home, No 41, nt 4(r.'il Lancaster nvrntie. This scries of official visitations belnir mide by the srand ofneers Is lirlnRlnn out many Interested members nnd It Is believed will re sult In much practical beneflt to the or-Khrlrntlol-.. Tlio Supreme Association of the Continent of Amerlin. Charles A. Staler, secretary, will Rive lt annual Lnmtuct Monday evening next, at Mnsebaeh's Casino Covers will be laid ror :ni persons nini nil members ni mo prand watcher of tho nlffht, William U Ilnrtliolomew, No. 91; cratul trustee, II. M Cramp, No. "2; reprcscntnllves to the Su preme Circle, John Wills, No. IS; Theo A. Itomnn. No. M; Valentine Mnn, No lo, Wlllinm II. Itcntier, No 59, Arthur i: Kllclien, No 71; William H. Mllcr, No M; Wharton 1'. t.nrterly, No. R7: Charles W. HpliiRler, No 31; William Thomns, No. 82, nnd Tlico. O. Dost, No. D7. , OrRanlier Cliarlcs t. Hess of Quakrrtonn, lias Issued n call ror n preliminary mcetlns. to Iw licld nt WjomlsslnR. Herks County. Sat urday next, for th purpose of nrRnnUlntr a I'l-vv subnnllnn'.e clrclo I'pwnrd of .V) sis tmtures linvo already teen secured to the ap plication ror n i barter, and n Rood, henltli flrclo seems to be nssurrd tlrand Scroll ktepir I.enp nnd Supreme Sicrollkecper Wal ler, of this city, will both nttrnd the prelimi nary meetlnR mid address the prospective can. dlilatra. The committee In charre of the demonstra tion of the members nf the II. of A., nt tho dedication of the Frnnkford IIIrIi School, on ThanksRliInc Day, n.et Inst week to wind tip the affairs of the committer. All hills have been paid nnd, ns there Is a surplus, the committee dorhlcd to Rive n banquet to the active workers with this fund on Jnnu.ir) 17. Tho Deputy Ornnd Chief Washington, of Philadelphia, held a meetlni; In tho office of the ilrnnd Scrollkcepcr Inst wick to .lis cuss uuesttons affecting the Rcncinl vwirnrn nf the brotherhod. A tommlttee was uppolnteil to arrnnRo for n series of formnl visitations stnrtlnR enrlv In January, and to embraro every circle In the city nnd vicinity. Willi mi AKTISANS' OUDKIl Local Assemblies Show Membership Gains In Final Efforts of the Year M. R. Master Artisan Smith hns Issued an otllelal circular In which he tirRcs every nssemhly to take full advantage of tho Kreat wave of enthusiasm nlonB the line of membership KettltiK thnt Is sweep ing over the order nt this lime. He sur Kests that special moetliiRS bo held to ward tho end of tho month for work nnd in order thnt no opportunity may lie lost has nrranced to hold n muss-mooting of Artisans December 31. lu tho Parkway DulldlnK. nt which time nny assembly inn brltiR in candidates, fnr Initiation. All members of tho order are cordlnlly In vited to attend on this occasion. It will practically be nil Artisan open bouse. Tbe largest claps of new members ndmltted during tho current jear vvas received In l'.issyunlc Assembly on Thursdnv evenlnR Jxtv-ono novitiates were received at this intitliiff. This Rives the "limiins" un tin uiicstlomhle lead Tor llrt honors tor the Rr-at-est numler of eantlldates ror the e.ir, th v li'ivhiR initialed Un. This splendid effort wns made at the Instance of MnBter Artlsvn Ilejde Ills comrrchcnslvo riiisp ot the nit.ilrs of the assembly lias stimulated action qIohr the line of member Rettlnc and will rcult hi nnoiher large class of Initiates prior to the "lose of the yeir. Itnst i:xirllnt Inspector I'aullnu iie- llvered a brilliant address upon Artlsanshlp. Past Most Excellent Master Arttsn Orsathend nddressefl tho new Initiates tn the presentation of emblems. The four New York assemblies will hold ft re union at the hall of IlrooMjn Assembly. No .1. Tuesday evenlnR. The occasion will be the tenth nnnlvcrn-y or the assembly. The first number on the prosram for the evenlnR will be a dinner at f) trt o'clock. This will b fol lowed hv the regular assembly meetlnR, at which there will be n class of candidates for Initiation. The most excellent officers will be rrescnt. Tassyunk Assembly. No. M, held ft Rala nlcht and Its seventh anniversary In ii I.u Temple on Tuesday evenlnR last at which over 1000 persons were present. The affair took tho form of a vaudeville entertainment of unusual merit nnd a dance. Dr. S W, Oadd mndo the address of welcome, and later In tho evenlne M. IX Master Artlsvn Smith wns Introduced to the audience and delivered nn Interesting talk on artlsanshlp. Isaac C. t'nderdown Assembly, No. SS, held an enthusiastic meeting Thursday evening and admitted 27 new members. Tho members of tho assembly were Jubilant over the presence of Past Master Artisan Conrad llafner, who Is back In active service nfter n prolonged Illness The assembly adjourned, to meet again December SN, when another class of candidates will bo received. William Pattnn Assembly, which meets to morrow evening in the Parkway Ihilldlng, will doubtless have an Interesting and wotl-attendel session, circular letters have been mailed to all members urging special efforts on behalf of enndtdites for this, the final meeting of tho venr class of 2 candidates Is promised, although It Is thought even this number may he augmented. Officers -will be also elected for the ensuing; year, . Eureka Assembly, iia. .13. Is meeting- with a. fair -degree of success In its new home. In Itocklan Hall. 4Slt North Mnrvlns street. Tho convenient, attractive .hall Is noticeably Incresams attendance, with the natural se quence of more numerous candidates. At ths Ieeember seseien, Wednesday eventnir, a full corps of officers was elected for the. comlnf year. Keystone Assembly, No. 2. will eelebrsts Its 42d anniversary Friday, December IT, with i,n organ recital, vaudeville entertainment nnd dance, to be given In I.n 1m Temple, I.T17 Spring Oarden street. Tho affair will be of n complimentary ehtracter, and Is certain to attract a largo outponrlng ot mehibert and friends. CAN'T SHAME DELINQUENTS McAdoo'a Plan to Got Money Duo U. S. Foils WASHINGTON, Dec 6.-Tha plan ot Secretary of tho Treasury McAdoo to shnmo Americana plvcn money by the Government to fict them out of tho war zono Into paying; back the funds by pub lishing their names has proved n failure). Tho list of delinquents, containing; about 1400 names, was made public on Novem ber 1. During November J83S3 was repaid nnd approximately $330,000 of the money advanced to the Americans abroad still Is outstanding. enieri Moves Wo have on hand for Xmas jjiftg Genuine Kid Styles ( rfi?,;y; ) From $1.25 Up The name, famous for 50 years, Etiainntecs each pair the ideal pift for men, women and children. 17 days to Xmas. Select now. Xmas Selections XMAS BOX FREE Delivered Anywhere Packed in an Any Day 1223 Chestnut Street 1 MmmmmmmmmmmMmm 'Do you remem- h wrFKSik "4HBH1 T TE were sitting in the y y dark, mjr wife nnd I, thinking of the long ngo. ber that old song we used to sing, Will?' she asked suddenly. I pressed her hand, and rising softly put 'Love's Old Sweet Song' into my Pianola. I played very softly as one can do simply by pressing gently on the pedals. Then she began. Fuller and fuller her dear voice rose and, as it did so, I increased the pressure, holding the tones by a touch of the Sustaining Pedal. I was supporting her by an exquisite 'sustained tone' effect, which none but a master musician can accomplish upon the piano. As the notes came quicker I touched the wonderful Mctrostyle lever which quickens or retards even the slightest phrase. "When she paused I pressed it to the side and paused too. Every whispered in flection of hers I was able to follow by means of the wonderful patented 'expression' devices of the Pianola. "There was a pause when she finished. Then she whispered, 'What a wonderful accompaniment I' "It really was but the Pianola itself is wonderful. "With a little pleasant application it enables you to reflect every phrase of a singer's feeling in the accompaniment every efiect a practiced pianist can de velop on a good piano. Every slightest pause, every lightest accent is brought out with the most delicate reflection of your mood. You can linger on a passage or quicken it. You can sink it away or swell it Jm finrfnnf' forth. And you can do all these things through but three simple r ' levers which have placed the Pianola far above the performances of any ". sll0Ud Wlder- i . i i ,.i J stand that there ts mechanical player I' bnt ono Pianoia: ;. .-, vuide only by the Aeolian Company: it handled in this city by us, and is obtain able in the following models : Tuc Stiut-at Puxou TnsWlIL-ELOCC 1'lAMOLA The Stoui Piamou Tue Famous Webzh Pianola Prices from $550 Moderate monthly payments. m PIANOI Enables you to pay the piano toel JLl Sj i k wRHIkI Wo want you to come to our store and hear the genuine Pianola. The Aeolian Company, who make this wonderful instrument, have developed it so that every one can play it well. Herein it differs from the host of player pianos which attempt to imitate it. We are representatives in this city for the Pianola, and we handle no player-pianos but the Pianola line that wonderful group of instruments embracing the finest pianofortes in the world at their respective prices, com bined with the genuine Pianola action. C, J. HEPPE & SON 1U7AU9 CHESTNUT STREET 6TH AND THOMPSON STREETS .Copyright, 191S, Th"A.eotton Company. tvuijiijiimmiMmiti wtrm 8M,'i-lVt- n-