--ii- -ryprr t U 1C EVENING LEDGEK PniLADELPniA, MONDAY. DEOEJttBEfi 6, 1915. FINANCIAL NEWS NO LET-UP IN GASH BUYING OF STOCKS IN WALL STREET New York Bond Sales Total Volume Has Shown Signs of Increasing Instead of Diminishing Tennessee Copper Doing Well. General Motors Jumped 32' Points NUW YORK, Doe. C. The cnih ImjInR of atopics throughout the reront jicrlml of spooulnllvo tngnntlan lins continued without the ntlRlitcst let-ink. In fnrt. the total olumo has tended to Increase rnther tlinn decrease, although, naturally, the demand turns to now tiuaitera as the lexel of prices rliiuiffpi. Tor some time past It has centred on the railroad list rather than the Industrials. The railroad stocks nro heliiK consumed. The result of this process of ovnnoni tldn Mill ho seen when the ne.t speculative wine selves the public Imagination. In the meantime, the cash Inijlntf has heen correcting a steadily oerloui?ht speculntUe position. Nobody expected the market to do much today until the President's mes sbro Is safely out of the wiij. While Wall street Itself. tlirottfrh Its advance information on the stihjcct, has had ample opportunity to discount the Presi dent's recommendations, there still remains the puhlle, Nevertheless, despite the Roneral restraint upon speculation, prices today looked ns though thc i wanted to go up, unci the whole market nn stronger. All tho copper shares linvo done better. I'tah In partlctdar duplicated Its previous IiIrIi point at 81 nnd cnconripted the belief In recent predictions made by Inllticntial qperators that the stock was on the vvaj to par. American Hoot Sugar was also iiRKresslvcly strong, making n new high mark, itiggestltig that, so far ns this stock Is concerned, important market Interests are satisfied with tho tone of the 1'iesldent's speech. Central Leather, another stock which has been persistently "litiinpliiR at tho top," acted In nn Impressive manner. The people who have been In charge of the market In Tennessee Copper tire cheerful over the recent action of the stock. Tennessee Copper has had a long rest, nnd theie ale signs that the bull Interest which was accumulated In the rapid rise from nrotmj -10 to 70 In the summer has been ".sweated" out. The j company Is natural!) benefited, with the other copper shares, from the very Btrong position of the metal, although It Is now more of a chemical company than a copper company. 1'rodts from sales of copper not onlv meet full divi dend requirements, hut leave a comfortable margin besides, l'rollts on the manufacture of chemical products are, of course, very large. The president of the company 1ms Just returned from a trip to the South. The object of this trip has been kept secret, but It is supposed to be concerned with the making of arrangements for the enlargement of the output of sulphuric acid. Tho development of activity In Tennessee Copper at this level may therefore bo significant Union Pacific has been supplied rather freely around this level. The bill ing has been excellent and the Street Is potentially bullish on the stock. Hut each attempt of the stock to go up has been met by stock. This was the case last Saturday, when a few minutes before the close 1000 shares were dumped on the market. The explanation offered In speculative quarters Is that the stock comes from Gcrmtn sources. It Is alleged that Ktihn, T.oeb & Co are still holding 'a considerable amount of Herman-owned stock and are quietly making a market for It as occasion offers. Uuslness on the Stock I'sclunge tod i was almost entirely professional. Commission houses did not do ver much, showing that the public Is still out of tho market. War specialties were the most active, nnd the feature of that group was Cleneral Motors, which hounded up .12V5 points to a new high record No news accompanied tho wide advance. Among the railroads Norfolk and Western was the strongest, at one time being up nearly 2& points ns compared with the final of Saturday. The strength in that stock was attributed to the good earnings statement for October, which showed an Increase of 1,3G2,23S In gross and $1.0fiC.SGS In net. Cash bujlng also had considerable to do with the strength In It. There Is no speculative position of any consequence In Norfolk and Western. The stock has been going out of the Street for years, and tho present floating supply is so small that It requires n relatively smnll volume of buving to move the price up to new high levels. There was a lata upward movement In the whole m-irket. stocks going to new nign points ior me nay in many cases. General .Motors was an exception, losing five points of Its ndvance. The railroads were the active features late' in the session. llleh m s.;' tri in m i I4"oo Unit . Ohio c I'js H7 1IKK1 li - (I I t. IS A V V lm N?V. 1;imt IHIt A ( rlwn .!", 'i (i'.fll llrlh Strcl rf.l n .1nl .-.- i. rf " .. li .....T,':."' 7 i.mni inKn imp IT n mil 1 JVOOO Amc-r Acr dob 5 . Wi Amcr slt Pro n oiii Amrr lei conv it awl Amor Tol cvt 41511 27iw Atchlnin Eon 4 lion Atchhon mil 4s. Simo Itnlt ft Ohio VM i ,x"i imii t cum 4S l.ow. Cloee 102U 102' tlRNl Vnt (lA rotm .'Vif Chill Copper Ts liK thou . O ev 4'41 SlMI ilo 4'4 aorni .1) r.s . . won Chi A Vtton Si(g . aoc i hi (It Won 4s sow rhl el Nti .'.Us fim 1i1 It I V rf I I -.In) II ft i) Joint In 4 mm r II X. tj III T5s .two V it A m V rp f.s Hill iti cv 4'4s .vh o Conn (I u e iln , 411)0 Don ft II O I- .. .'MO Dclmlt IMIron lt An IMipO ll Sec Corp Tm 4(00 llrln aeci 4s . . (11(1110 ilo mm Jd Ser II uiiiii ciririi l'i H tini lleil riec ilrh fn VHK) den i:ieo t'4s 12(1000 Hill . Man In ." livo llti l ft Mn rM "s 7000 III Steel etch 4 . I"ti Ins Coptsr c ( . imo lnlerli .Vet 4's llfioo lnterli 11 P ref . Silldeo Internl lisr evt f,s .1 (HW Jkp ncn (1 a tM,s KXlil I iicki Steel Tm low) Ijickn Steel Sn lliil I.'ihki IjiikH Steel " l'l"4) 10VO Uc Hh ilcli In l'l.'S I1KS1 l, She i'eb Is pill ICXX) I.ortllira ns lusi l.ili ft N'n-li I" 1(KI Vtuli Stutn Tel S . Kmu .Minn . St I. ,"s . L4I0 Mill t l1 8 M Is. .'Hi Mo Knn ft T lt 4s Vm) ilo 1M 4s . Its 0 iq ,-, 1IKXI Mo i'nc 4s ... . 1(0 ilo CV 'i .mil Mn Pmtflo cons (,s (4ssi Mont I'oner is. limiHl . V Cent e ( I4iii N V C Ki II l'i frf s w I N V C ft I til I 4n 41 N 1 Clt 4s 111. I 7'KJO N V r Ity 4V.S linn tltosl S V City 4tis I'llll Hksi N V City 4K,s llsll Mn ii N v ( Ity 4'is lm.l jcoo x city 4Vas M- r,7 I4KI N V N II A II m II (O N Y Kl ll JJ ." HKWt N Y VV C ft II 4H,s 4(4100 Norf ft West nt I'.jS Mux Norf ft VVpt 4 Ji(S) .Norf ft VVttt c 4 lSnnn Nor I no prior Is Sinou Nor I'nc gen ns 7(H) I'nc tic Tel ,'s . .TikiO I'ennn ncn et 4's lirno I'ennn en 44s Who Hn Con Copper (Vl liniH) lieaillng iten 4s loco Itcp Ir ft S 5s. WHO Itorl, iKlnnl rf.l 4n '.'iks I St It I M ft S t,vn ? liSKsi Sriliniinl A It nJJ .Is . ."1(100 South I'nc Is . . Winn South 1'n Is KVio ilo c nt f p fis ai4K) South I'nr rM 4s . . .(HO smith Hvs rot l . 4m trrtith ltn eon fis . Kxsi T-nn ( op n t f p ." Imsiii v s Hut her ( .'.'l (10 C S Meel "3 J siisi t'ntnn l'ie Int In . llnoo I'nlon l'.u i Is ."((i t nion IMe rM 4s Kico Vn I Itrown llro nun Wnlniih In ." I mm Will..!' T .'.I it 4s . ceo Wet M.I lot 4s l(oo Wlscnn Cent Kin 4 loo iui lli.'i lilji ItVi. . 41 71', V2U i. nnfi . nsk .107 .101 .1.1) . sa .laui . Sll It lirtU 7S, 11 7(li im IS! . 77H till! 7IJ. HI1 IIS . til HIV. mm Ill's I IK) , SS4 . HI 711 II I JOT IUS 87 III IHM 'J23 loit 11WH 101 liv. S7,S ift-N 14 7IJ, IHU tistt S'., 107 WIS ISO 711 I Ml 71. -ovt R1 12', liV, 7(01 dl'li 1SI 77H tm1 HI 744 mil IIS tlU! 1114 H.I-, 1I4 tll'k 100 ssw, III 711 lilt 107 107 1'jJV Ul "5 ni 101 fl't HI 3 10-.', II 71- V.'(, It'll 1 sic, SV, W7 ion, Wil s,l W14 71. 7U Ml 11 leT.H Vih 7(11. tlllj 1st FOIIEIGN EXCHANGE Put. Mterllnic lllh, tT. ts. Cloe. Cnlilos.. ., i.lltf, 4.71 .7IMi 4.71 Demand.. . 4.10j, 4.70H 4.70'K. 4.70 rrnncs I'nliles.. (1 S0 B.Hfl fiBJ'j llemnn.l... flOV, f8oy. fl.ntll', RMy, Marks Tnliles. , 7dm 71 7fP 7n Demsnil ., 7n"i, 7d"u 7o",. 7, SaleB in Philadelphia Saturday close. 41 Am On 122 0.11 Am Illwya ..... w TO Amer Bmeltlng HOH 1 Ilnld I-och pret.,112 oco 11 ft s urer l c r,i NEW HIGH MARKS FOR WHEAT PRICES Trading Largest in Many Months Spring Receipts Were Heavy 71 4'.4 4CV. 1004 111 llll-i, M tlJK. list, nn; 10.' IIMJ4 I Mil. 1I1IP II I .tS HIU. I'JOjJ r.'n m 1 nj 11114 wo'; lll". I27U ll-l 07 Il7t, IllOV, 4214 K'l'. 7,'i; in.1 IISUj 101', ion, HT. in Kilij 71 4-,'J 4'lV, llKl'i IM I 111', SI 11 J 4 tISIl, 101 v HI.' 11X1", ltn); 10114 in 0.1 H14 1204 121' in'. 141 J till' I imi'd ld-.v, 1274 in 117 1.71, lone, i3i, so', MM, 1 1)1 IX, ST, 714 Krjs, llsi, mil, inn, 07', tn, 'ii r.-. 10:11 j tun, I'l'i 714 tun us in' 1 mil, HIS lull . tll'd KM) SHll HI 711 r.7 71 4 Vi loiji i(' tio HI ll.'Uj list, 1011; II).' Hill's. Kl'l'c, J,..,4 ,l H14 li i.'ii fif" 11114 li'i'i 100'J linv, U7',' 11-. 117 1.71, II f. Mil It'll , 107 .')', 101 lis'i 1(11', HIP, !I7', tl!t llll'i NEW YORK STOCK SALES Adams Kiprosc Alaska Juneau Ahslci R0I1I I , AllLH-Chalmcrs Mfir Allls-Chalm Mf: pf. Am An C hcinlcil . Am licet Vizir Am Can Am Can pf Am Car & Knumlrj Am Coil rrcxliic t4 Am Coal l'roct pf Am Cotton Oil Am Kipre4 Am HlilcS. Lci1hrr Am Hida A I, pf . Am Ice Securities . Am Lltism! Am Lhs'i-1 pf Am Ixx'omothe Am Malt . . Am .Smelt A. Itcf Am Sui K Itof pf Am Steel Foundries Am buinr lief Am Tel & Tel . . Am Toba-co Am Woolen . . Am Woolen tr r Am Woolen pf tr r Anaconda Copper Atch T4SK Atch T4SF pf Baldwin Loco UaHlmora i- Ohio Daltlmore i O pf Uatopllaa Mlnlns Urookljrn Itap Tr 1)ron Shoo IiruiuIck Term . liutto & Superior Cal retroleum Cat Tetroleuni pf Canadian I'adrtc . Cent Ijeather Co Cent Leather Co pf Cent & S A Tel Chesapeake i. Ohb Chlla Copper Chlno Copper Chi at Uc-it Chl Gt West pf Chi Mil & St 1'aul C C C & bt L pf Chi & Notthest Chl It I & I'ae Cluett Tea & Co Colorado Fuel & I Col & Southern . . Comp Tab Reo Consolidated Gas Continental Can Corn Trod Itef Corn Prod Itcf pf Crudbld hteel Cructbla Steel pf . Cuban-Am bujar Den & itlo Or pf DbtUlers Securities Dome Mines , . Erla .... Erie 1st pf ... , Krl 2d pf . , . Una Chemical . , General Electric . . General Motors ,, (Jeneral Motors pref urrene-uamnea ... Goodrich 8KC0 Goodrich B V to pf Great Northern pref Gt N cfs for oro prop Guggeahelm Kxpln . JUlooU Central lot Hanroter N, . lot Harvester Corp later Coo Corp Inter ton Corp pref 1st Agricultural Int Agricultural pref Inspiration, Copper Jot M M pf c( dp Int Nickel Inteitutloaal Paper Kansas tltjr Southern KIdzj to B l, P Lack Steel Lehigh Valky Loos Inland loub & tsb SHcVay Co pf May Uept Mores Majr Uvpt Stores pf ilunell Motors II ai Motois Jit pf Jlix UuUjo & pf llnkao 1'etroleiiin M Petroleum pf MMI'ISbU llaa i Liu. oS Iist eloae 1-Jtl 11 J.-.' Tl K2f "Hi, 71', (il'f 110 S2 null 1294 in. 2o ism 15 f.- iin 114H .Ma M'f 724 .24 72' i 72 njtf 01 j 1I2'5 111 hJJj Sl,' ir lxn. Clno 128 128 1() 2IJ f2'4 in; 21U :u'i 82', 72'J 7i. JTM 12,llj ll'i 20' nn 70l IH( 0'), 111 fi2'j 117 12V,' 12M 210 220 Wi 50 504 514' 07'j 0715 S'i',' ivS1, 5S 130 114' 524' 201-3 21 12lj 71). ll'i 10(1 111 0.j li; fil'i 112'j 82', 153 11 IH 111! j 5S 12S ll'f 52'f 201, 24 Mi 71i 10'i Ci'i HI at 1174 1-JSH 12.S'i 2111 22) 12S Utf 524' 204 21 42', 704' 104' 9'1'i 1104 111 1101 50 50 07 h7' ro 511 1' 07)i S8J. ll)7, lOIJi 110). im, 77',' 24' 00) i 10 l.i 7.14' 28iJ 58j ISih' OOlj 111) 1.15 OIU 2.5. 551i 15H JSlf 04'i 77 132 51)( 30'i 43 14 Hi 11.1JJ 143'( 14 ii bU bO bO 89 lb'f lbi IMi lh)i b'J, S0)j 891, 80)5 74 7i 74 741, 111 UIH 111U UUi 1(1!) 188 10S 108 27 27 27 27 47 47H 47 47 28JS 30,' 29H aO'j 44 44Ji 414' 44M S8 5S! 58)j 58i 504 5.' 5l)f 52 315 318 31b 318 175IJ 178 170VJ 170X 492H 530 500 5.10 1101. 12JH lib 121)5 I1U 44), 41)j 74) j 72t 74)( 112 112 112 120 125)$ 120 50!i 49)f 50VJ 78! 771 i 78) j 10S4 I0.S4 108)i 111!, 110 Ul 75 75 75 22K '22)1 22)f 70J1 25!i 01), 4U!i UU 1004 107)5 100, 101)i 101), 101), 1114 1174 1144 014 lii 914' 774 774' 77'i 24' 24' 24 00), 00), 00, 45 40 40 . 10)$ 13 11), 72)4 71 72'f 20)5 28)5 204 50 59'f 5S)5 18215 lbMlf J82 l0),' 0')4 fi0)j no no 110 .133 135 1.15 Ol'f Oil,' 01'5 aWi 25). 25), 54U 55) J 514 15), I5!i 154 39 39). ;t8if 05)i 'J-Hi Olh 75 77 77 132 132 132 ..19H 20 10'f 7,1 74 7.1)f 51)5 52H 51)i 30 30U 304 42 41),' 4J 17 31 UH 774 120 80 30 Ill's t'54 104' 117 7.V5 102'i 294 118 74 11")4' 0 O'i fl' 1174 414 .15' j lO'i', 8.1 183 Ol'i 115', 107', 45 2.V5 44X 72i 111 125K 40)5 78 108 lOMi 72), 221 80 23 GO 40 07 ISO aii :u 120)5 128 81 bltt b2J SJ 21 23) 128)i 130 WH ftjli Ull, U3 70U 25)J 01 45J, G55 10 IU ISO 114 114 32 70),' 25)i 01), 45), GO), ia, 11 32 127h l't b2h 81) 82.4 8.) 2:14 214 12M 130 05) 05 ii 044 OI!i 103 IOC), 10i4 lt, 76, 77 753J 70 100 I00j 100)5 WOir, 55Ji oi 55J5 68 02' aPf 924 01 88 ttiSJ'OO 014 123 1231 1231 J2J i Ji j) li L'-i' 824 101)5 no J ,. .. Iiat close Mo han A Texn 7 mo Knn A TcTis pf Mlatnl Copivr Missouri 1'idflr -Montini I'oner Vitlnml lllscult pf Nat CloU A Suit N'nt Kntmel & S Nat l.'namel S. S pf Nat Load Nevada Con Copper Nc ork Mr llrake N Y II A II Ne Inrk Ontnl V Y O A W.t Norfolk A Western North American N'orthirn Piclfle Ontario Sll M . I'aclflc Mall IVnna It It People's das thlcajo Philadelphia Co Plttsbureh Coil Plttsburch Coal pref Pitts C C A bt L P Lorlllard Co Pressed Steel Car Pub N.r Corp N" J Pullman Co It) Steel bprine . Hay ton topper Ileadlns Hep Iron A Stcvl Hep Iron A Steel pr Hock Island Co pref . bt Louis ASF St Louis ASF 2d pf St Louis Southwest St L Southwest pf Seaboard Air Line Seaboard Air Una pf bears Hoc A to Sloss-Shef h A I Co So Porto It Sugar So Porto It Sui; pf Southern Pacific Southern Hallway . . . Southern Ity pf . . . Studebaker Co . Tenn Copper Texas Co lei Co sub rue f pd Third Au'tiue United Clear Stores Vn Cigar stores pf United Cigar Mfrs . Union Pacific Union Pacific pf United Fruit. U S 1ml Alcohol United It)S Invest U b Rubber U S Hubber 1st pf U b bteel U H bluel pf U b Express Utah Copiur . . . . Va-Car them ... Va-Car t'hem pf . Va Iron Coil A U . Virginia Ity A P Wabash w 1 Wabash pf A w I Watush pf II w I Western Union Tel estlngbouso E & M Wells argo Kipress Western Maryland,,,, 3IH vtaeei a. lacu truj , a WUlys OverlanJ . Wlltys Oterland pf IIUli 7'-4 17'f 31 0 78 120 80 31 ll5 (.04 104 Iw. Clo-e 174 17'f 31 31 ,5f (I ll 704' 120 120 SO SO 30)5 31 l'5 01'5 00' i l04' 104 104 137IJ- 137 1.17 754 754' 7.V 103 10'5 KXl'5 304' .10', 304' 120 118)5 120 755 71 754 117),' 1154' 117'i 04 04 04 10'f 94' 104' 594 594 59', 1174 1174 1174 114 414 114 354 354 354 10S4 lS'Pj U)s4 814 81 S14 1844 1S44 1814 0" 0 in 110 111! 110 107), 1074 1074 It'4 154 104 254 254 824 824 51 514 110 110 n n 44 44 04 74 21 2.1 45 45 184 184 41),' 414 177 180 014 024 03 H 153 15 153 109)5 100), 100)5 102 101), 101'5 ittl 2J!,' 214 02 (114 02 150), 1524 155 59 57', 58 J 5 217 210), 215 21.1 21.1 211 01)5 Ul 01)5 0)5 0)5 9), 11)5 11)5 114 01), 0.14 IH4 1J0), 13S4 139), M SI 81 140 11)4 111)5 122), 121 121), 22), 21), !, 50 55, 55), 1084 1084 108), 87 hOii fell!. 1154 lit) lib 110 43),' 47!f 40 47),' 79)5 81), 80 81J4 40 47), 40l 47)5 ll.i4 113)5 11.D, 1KI, m 04 OJ 45 184 11 1704 02 152 110 101)5 2)4 014 .1524 57', 211), 210 . 014 . 9)5 12 024 138 . 824 no 1214 21!, 511, 107). 80) H. 7), 21 11 184' 114' 180 XHW YORK CUKIt I1M Arkeil Amerlenn 7lne I'l'i (lini llrmlen K.4 I'.'i llrllirh-Amirleiin Tolmeo oil .. .IP, I ."'5 llrltlfli Anirrlrnn Tolmrio new IP, 14 rnMllelil Iras . 1 '1 10 1', Hen lee Mfir 20 11 International Mririm 174 17' Interimllnnil Marino rref i '",4 ''"4 Kciiho" itt Copim r ".I'i "T.. lellUIl Vnllri t'nl hilea .. . . .'' '-' Miunii l oppcr 1" 1"'4 Ml.liul 7C.4 7i-.i, Otis irelutur 71 71 HUH i:imlrr jircf 02 1" Hiker Ileiieman '4 0'j .ster ln.r flum "'i 2S MHiimirlv . W 41 ""i Tobacco Prniluttfl '.t "0 trltel front Mnrlntr new I' 2 Wtrll rilin 1 44 ukon tmll -1' ' CH1CAOO, Dec, 0 Now hlfih Icvcln for lite 191S crop ncro Bcorcd In tlio whcnl innrket todny, December RolnR to Jl 20 nnd Mny to II 204, reprcflcntltiK nn up turn of more tlinn 5 cents n IiiirIicI from tho low point of tho niornltm. December closed nt Jl 19U. ft net nchnnco of 2'4c for tlio dn Mny closed nt Jl 15T5, nlthln He. of tho hlRlicnt nrlco touclied nnd with it net BOln of VM' for tho scbhIoii. A Rood denl or cTiMtcmont nttended tlio ilnfl trndr, vihlcli ns Inrfter nnd liroider tltn.11 for m.iii inontliR It secmul n thoilKh tho public lind tnken control of the Hlluntlnii nnd n btilllnt; priced re Kurdlc's of nown or condltloni All offor ItiRs wont Into utrotiir linndfl. Tbcro wna llttlo cxldcnco flint forclRncrd Mere In tho market, iiotwlthstntiillinr tho fact Hint lluropi will lie lotnpellcd to bu 11 prr-nt tlctl of Mhcnt In this country In tho next sir tnontlic, IrrcspectlM" of prices SprltiB wheat receipts ttero heavj. nnd tho ncnthur contlntiid rood Tho visible HUpph In tho t'nltcd Htntci Incrtnseil 1970.000 bnilicli for tho 11ek to IS.THO.OCO bushels Corn Mas etronc on a bullish visible supply stiitctnent, unfaiornblo tnllc ns to the feuding viluc of tho crop and nctlso coloring b shorts Iho lslblo supply In tlio United States increased 17T.O0O bushels for the week to 4,311,000 bushels. Oits also showed streimth, following eislness inrly. The lslblo supply In the f tilted titcs Is lD,r7,000 bushtls, 11 de crease of 1,531,000 bushels for tho neck. 6 Mthouirh shipments Irotn North Amer ica for tho week were turner than had been oxpected, umountlnir to 13,101000 bushels, their effect wns offset In the niirkct .tt l.lierpool b the slinrp rise hco on S iturday StreiiKth character ized the liiiKllsh mirkrt, spot ndinnclnir 2 to Id. Manitoba and winter cargoes, Is nnd Plates, !M rurther anvlety was noted In llrltnln becnusf of the Inadequacy of supplies and oor tho rcplenlslilnir of rescues. Im porters cici where show great stretiKth In their lews, and dllllcultj Is expel 1 enced in Atistt.tllu and Aimntlnn because of the fiLlKht situation The Continent not 4,7W,0OO liiishelH of Inst week's ex po! Is The receipts at Mlnneipolls and Duluth today wire 2737 cats, against 10OJ cars n ear nKo, at WlnnlpeK, 27SI cars, imalnst 131 curs, at Chicnto, M cats, iiKolnst 130 huh Ltadlng future 1 ran,;eil hr follows Minm 7lS H't J" 70 Si lsji n K,y, no) HlUh. Mi loo 111 !)) W 70 71, 2lli 11. ."' 7n fi'i l"i. OS, fiil'i UIH nn's mi', HIS j, III ttrlll .1 (I ... .',1 I0S2S Cam Steel 7R'i 411 CrumM t c.. R 4( I Klec RtorAne.. . l .'01 l.rlc .... MK) Oen Asphalt. 10 do tref .. 1 1'oirth Ht Ilk . 2 Ins Co N Am 41 Kcjt T Co t e J(l Iike. Hup Corp '.'00 Lehlrh .Sav T I.eh alley lit) Leh Vnl Tr . 27 ilo pref.. .. 11 North Central In) NMiulft Tons lull I'ennn Itallrond 1111 I'rnni Kilt inir n to I'ennn bteel rM 2f lui l'ltts Coil tM. Iiis'l in I'h t'o cm Pf IT? I2?( 014(1 1'hlln l.litctrle. , Z7'(, usu r it T ir ctts 10 llilln Traction I'll ttuy ton 1(K) Iiwjs Ht' Rpr 17n Itenillnp (1 ln Int rref 101 1 Tnnopnh llel. 10 tJtnb Copper fuel 1 nlnn 'Imctlnn 7ul rnlteil (Ian Imp ni 2S.I0 r H Steel . . M'i .-, Uelilnelt . 4", n Mar Ir A. Ht . 10'1 12 M Jer & Hcah 0(15 1(1 tctmor Coal . 1,7 llONMrt. tt rrev enle. lltnh -nn Am n ji. 11 r. . ss hs loud lleth Steel (.1 120 110 21 C ) (rp Noi '10 US mi (In 1 eb 11H7 101 ,-n On May 1017. 101 4() rlty 41 rp '40 mon l'lec & Pen Tr 4s W)'l 20CII Key Tel 1st Ss H'!4 1!iw-i I.eh nl Ken 4- l WKKI I.eh VI Tr 1-t 4a I1110 ilo fn 21000 1'enna Ken 4'4 100', 2(Hi ilo cons 44s 1()", 4(KO On ens 44s '4S 100 .11100 I'hlla Co 1st .".a ino'fj 1120II On fin 10T. loco Iteaillnir Ren 4s If! loon Htntnl U & i: Cs fl'i turn Vn f lly fiR si 4 Mi(H) NVftP Kn 4s silj 1000 Wclnbncli 0a . Il Lon. 122 .'TO loo 111 CO 77'J SO CS4 44 .f 7 IS 11. 42'4 2S1 iuU 211 7I'-5 7n'i 2-.I5 2-.S H 4 "J lO'J 074 4". en, 77 1. 711 83l i!S, 1(1, us;, "'! 10SJ 42 SS i'!!s 2H4 40 Hi 44jJ 4" ns 101', iot'4 102 SO I1.-.4 niij tn 1oj, 101 1l)-r"i 100 101 loiu in', ir. IK)l, M ll-l. XtOVC. SS 120 IIS 101 Kit 11-.' HI III'? Ill 102V 1W)1i inv, UK) tot jo.', 04 H.-I Kl'l, S2'4 OT, Clou. 12.IJ, )() 100 111 OS 50 ls5i 70 44H ,15 71-4 215 2I"4 14'5 70 Si'i 1S ,1S4 104 US' siJ lost, 42i Ibji "! 214 40 "'?4 $ KSJ, SOS li W),S 1.7 1 5 Close. ss l.o ns lot 101 102 SO if.' 4 ni4 til li--'. too', lm-., loo lot l(ll'4 in', o'i HOI, M tl-'i PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD GAR ORDRib SIGNIFICANT STEEL TRADE PACTOffl Philadelphia Electric and Rapid Transit in Demand, Local Exchange Cambria Steel Still Keeping the Street Guessing Tho distribution by tho Fennsjlvania H.illrond of nn order for UOO cars amonK tho Tullman, Haskell nnd Barker and American Car and Foundry shops calls attention to ft recent development In the. steel trado of decided Importance. It Is understood that the car builders have already secured options on some 60,000 tons of steel required for building these cars, nnd It Is said tint there are not less than S0.000 more cars being contract ed for by vnrlous other ronds. This Is purely domestic business, having only in direct connection with tho tnuch-lnlkcd-of wnr order boom, nnd shows how gen cral homo trnclo Is doi eloping Today on tho local exchnngo the cus tom ir notlxltv In Cambria Steel en countered some competition in tho shape of n sudden Influx of bujlng orders for Philadelphia Klectrlc. which lifted the price close to (ccord figures, ltnpld Trnn slt also became strong nnd nctho No particular news nccompnnled these de clopments, other than the theory that tho new cltj goernment would nelopt a nioro congcnlnl policy with nil the locnl public utilities It wns also said that ns fcoon ns the present Philadelphia Ulec tile Investigation Is completed tho com pany Is llkeh to nnnounco some Im portant financing In tho bond division Vclsbnch Es uoro n feature of strength. Tho usual sinking fumi r.......... --- ,. -niltCliatlflfl. ...r be forthcoming shorttv ' J Tho Cambria situation contlm,,, 1 mjsterlous ns ecr. With reV.S J rumo' of a consolidation witv iiJUf nn Interest closely In touch win, ,?C roirs or notn concerns wns Ineii ." ridicule the report, saying that ti?? cal merger would be MIdvile and r. .fr as the fotmer concern manufactnr.1 the shipbuilding company rui.. h to the latest buying movement -. brln, it was snld today that nm. York capitalists not assodabS' N" either lleplogle or Donner had ; L T" the mirkct during tho list fortnli iS tho purposo of accumulating a 11 .? tho stock because they regaroVii 1 ehenp below DO, nnd that ns nellh.. i." ner nor Rcplogle hna netitnl control"' moderate concentrated holdlne r ."' rtock would constitute a powerful l.i' In the nffalrs of the company, Zf If there Is a project to form i S lion of nny kind Cramp ShlS shares Jumped over three poln , S nhovc rumors In connection with tlri wns clnlmed thnt certain Inter....! offered ns high fta 12T, a share fof ii.2! or Urnmps "linreforcon Late In the day n report got lata . culntloti that large holders of cllSi .Steel who had been holding out toS a sharo for their stock In a prZS merger of Independent concerns h5T elded to accept ISO n share N0 coniw lion of the rumor was forthcoming j I Local Bid and Asked Copper Output Smaller Ni:V YOItK. Dec It is estimated Hint the output of rellnccl copper In No vimbcr wns IC.OOO.cno pounds, or about 10,000 0u) pounds less than the record breaking output III October The de llvoilen Into domestic consumption nre estimated nt 13) Ooo.OOO pounds, prnbnlil tho heaviest evir reported, and the e parts were approximately r,0.0OO,0OO pounds, or total deliveries of 170,000.000 pounds This Indicates a decrease of about 5 0O0, 001 pounds In surplus stocks carried by the producing Interests nt tho end of the month. The most prominent feature, however, during November was the enor mous huv lug for domestic consumption, probnhl 10 per cent of the purchases, however, vere made to satisfy fiuelgn contracts Sales for direct cport were of moderate proportions. Wheat- dim IIIkIi. tnn. Cie el tc l Pinter . lis I .' 1.14J, ! Hi', 1 in , .la . I ls'4 1 '.()", 1 r tl 1'i'h 1 10'. com iiiou ilellier) liei.inber ' li ''" ('7 1(.S', "(if, .Mai .... 71 7.'4 7d, 71', t7l)'( ()1 ts- Duunlcr 41U 4t'l I.'', ! tij t4l Jin) .. . 4-., I(i4 4'i 4i,', 4Va Ul 1 civ ile enibir .... . ti'.".' Ill 2J Jiini.nr) . I'l'i t)..u HI7 Iil7 to .vi Mn . . , n 70 'i Ml ti 7(1 ttl 77 "1 77 III ba lled ml cr . . . . t 7J 11 77 laii'inr) !i7n 11 7.' H (,7 ti TJ 77 MlJ tIKJ Oil, ll til t'l .0 t' 07 fork llti ember to 4U 11140 10 17 111 17 Mi. 21 Janimr 17 'f. Mr, I7tij tso-j is 7-, Stnv . . 17s- is 10 17 vo 117 117 Ms 10 nil tAblml Todaj lllil Asked 244 214 ltnrr A R119 do pref -'44 llule'iln U'ijn CinibrU iltiil .. n'j l.ledili Htnraco .... ds General ABiihnlt 0' 1I0 pref il'i do t e 14 fjike -Sup Corp .. !; 1 phlch Nill s. I.ehluli nllei .. S24 I.ehlKli Vul Tr is', , '3' YesteMny U1J AskeJ 21", ilo pref 1 1", (,'i .'HI '174 7!l S.1 111 :is4 .-1 1 114W 7IO., ('4 l-'l, 71 11 s'i SP, 1s', :is ci l4 ns 7S 70 1(1 71'4 144 H4 70 III JS'. TO TUKN OVER CAMRKIA HOLDIXCS AT $80 A SHARK ABrocmont Snid to Have Been Reach ed With Larger Holders Tho Ilnanclul district this afternoon had a leport Hint the sjndlcato which has under wn negotiations for the merging of a number of Independent steel com panies had received notice that large holders of stock of the Cnmlula Stiel Compnn had decided to accept an offer of $"0 it shnro for their stock Heretofore shareholders of Cambria nrc understood to have held out for PO n .share, but It Is said that on Satuida afternoon tliei decided to turn over their I holdings at $so u share Accoidlng to this, It would give tlio sincllcite two ! properties, as It Is understood that nn agreement has nlre.idv been reached with j tho Youngstown Sheet nnd Tube Com pany. An offer has been made for the shares of the Lackitvanna htiel Com pany, but no ngrieinent ns to tho price lias been reached LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CIIICAOO. Dec ll-IICXIH-llrrilpts, 7100(1. Market lie loner Mtcel anil butelieri. 1t01(iso Boo.1 beavi, (l Iniiil.v0. rough biii. $(11IR'.'1 IlKht iiOKiUbl, Iks, II tin ,1 10 bulk. 4H 10(11! 11. CAni.l! llcie'ins II 0(K). Market 10?0e. loinr llteics, )1 J1In ul rows ami lulfirs ll'JIdSlO, Itxniis. Ji, 10jS.ii. cultei. Js V) 10 HIIKKP Itecelpts .'1000 Market 10c. Inner .Natliu uml Western, M.-.'mi 0.1.1. lamba, jo 1S19. Want Grain Trade Tax Reduced CHICAGO, Dec. C President Canity , of the Hoard of Tinde, Is In Washington seeking a reduction from 1 cent to H of t per cent per MOO In tho war tn on all Hades. Iteventio on speculative tindo reached $.0J,000 nnminllv . or $UW.0OO more tliun Congress expected NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET MiVV lOIIK, Deo. (I llunlli any vnrlatlmis were noceil at llio (oftre nitnine loll) hiles iBi.rBiited but 1OJ0 Iwgs inil tv u Saturday's cipinln?. tlnti. January nMfii.li I'ltnuiry n.-.Viil.s Marcb ,il,.Hi n.-..1(l m) I Apn iti. Jliil l.i Mj IinijiiTI ui.liii. i.n I Juno n.71 11(1111170 July 70 iirtfn. 7". Auxuat 1(171 H7Si,i:7i. r.epti inber i s.'llll 1.1 ils.lfiiisl Octnler dSHibOO nssdiisi, Des-ember 0 Wflll 1.1 I KIJ MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOl'AH STOCKS. NEW YORK IIUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK. Dec it HUTTnu -Market firmer on tun t,rarte: receipts SS7J jwclcages. etru, 3.11(8 i4e, lilKher rcorlne. Sii.iail'ic. Mala Ualr, 3l03.'e , Imitation ireumerr! Ke.Uri Market Ormer. receipts. B4I7 nncle Ke, Klru llrst. Si.fiSSe . Hri-tH. 11(1 ne nearby whites. 41i'.J( mlxesl mlnr J.ifi inc refr'Berator tlrts, iJ45i'.3c ; nearby browns SSxlSc COTTON Gl 47 1G 40 SI 87U b'J .lilt 0J 02 (ii 48!i Mi iHH 1UU 10 1114' 404' 454 llW VJii :HJH '."J'J to B7'i Hi 0U)i IVJ b'Jli ldJ 13J U.' Mil 3--i 3-'lf 5)i 5i. 5i 2-10 235 235 2J5 1131, 113X U3H IUH Wooliortti t VV lo J14J, HbH 115 US LOCAL RESERVES LOWER Ranks Report Increased Loans and Larger Individual Deposits A decrease of 12,154,000 In reserves hell by the Philadelphia bonks was shown in tho weekly statement today. Louna ex pandtd. Jr.i53.000, while individual deposits rose llU.OOO. There was a slight gain In excess reserves. lnerta 2.U.I.(IC0 1,511,000 4.C4M 30.CU) 11(1.0(10 4.407.OUO -'.13I.UU) l.ll.liiO De. 6, 1915. H.UTU)(i , J0--',7J1.1XJ0 lO.Sll.ouu 71 &.1S.UIO 130 Mil (Oil i-j ill ooo lerirll.uxl ij-i.ai uuu IjMUt , De(ult lluj.) Clr ulalwa iue (rom banks . . Dcptmlu of bunka i f. clearliiK huJM ItMtrvca bU Jtwrve4 rvuulxed i cert me PhiladeltAiit'Commrreial Markets Will be Found on Page 17 r NCW YORK, Dec. 6 -Cotton opened Btronger this morning at an ndvance of 7 to 10 points. Tho upturn was due to good cables trom Liverpool and n fairly good demand Trading was not large, but what demand there waa was from ge od sources Tho selling was scattered and prices continued to rule firm through most of the afternoon being 13 to 15 points above Saturdnj's close Sal close Open. High. law January . . 19 M inn ia at i. t', December . li 83 lias 1J 41 12 ss lurch .... li 70 1.-7H 1J.S1 12.71 May . ...... liliO litis 13 ot 12 ni July J.-U7 13 OH 13 11 13(14 October . .12.17 J.' m lira ini Spot li.zo Close 1 2. .13 12 l-'.M 1101 13 01 l.'UI 1J.IO METAL MARKET SEW YOItK. nc. (L-taJ offered nt 5 SSc tin. beat). jY.JJSJS 23c. TtM mtrket to Prime Weatern siwt, lite lions ranire from JVjC down to J!c. per pounJ silter nas easier. i'eevmoer. 10c , second Quarter, lniii. Jlm Ilinier Maenriara MlilH.'V .Mlzpnb Kx'enslnu Montana Ni.rih .star mTor.ojnh Ilclninnt lnnciuin Jlxte nJinii 'luriniuli Mining IIomii- Lull West i:nl cioi.nrii:i.i) hiocKb. Atlanta nun. nun ili.ulh Ilullilog C O u e'ombluutlon Trartlon niamon Itlet.l II II ImIh . Florence) , elolineld Conmliiliitcd (lot lliel.i Mrrt-er Jumbo Uxt Hid 1.IJ . em .14 ,11, .17 14 4',. lis Ml 01 .311 (CI .0.1 Ke'wan is Oro hind Kin Silver l'lclt K.ilrt A lec KImf.iTb . . Net Hill Nev Wonder MlbCUl.UVNI.OL'h. .01 .01 .M Ill l.'.'O .'-'I .11.1 .07 .07 .01 . (IJ . .17 J.M Asked 1.11 en II) .11 .IS 4'. V" 1 .10 , .11 1 "' I 04 I .OS I 111 .01 1 '17 I 1.J3 .'I .07 .lit .!i 1 Enfflish Gold Holdings Larger LONDON, IJec. G. Reginald JIcKcnnn, Chnncellor of the Kxchciiuer, announced In Commons toda th.it the amount ot gold coin held bv I'ngllsh banks on June 10. lSl), was foJl.COO.OO), ngalnat JI1I.WO, (00 on June CO, 19N On June 30. 1313, tho public held JXI.OOO.OOO of gold, against J50,WiO,OW on Juno J), 1911 Drop in German Deposits HI'ItMN. fee. 0 The statement of the Itclchsbank ns of November 27 chows In cieates In metal stock, treasury certlll catei. and notes on other banks of 00.S0O0OO marks, of which GOO.OOO marks were gold, dl'LouiilH and ticasurj paper, 4,!fW,t0 marks: loans, S.O'M.OOO marks; securities, 3,:il,OiO mnrks, nnd note circulation, 231, o'.I.OcO murks, Tlu deposits dl'creusl-,, Ui-).0G0 marks RATES FOR MONEY The follnning rates for money nro quoted to broLern anil nro not neceas irll tbo rates for other lonna Call Time New York , n.iflJ 2'i'd I 1'hllidelphla I'Jli I l',il llicton . ... I I'm Chl iko . IIWSJ 4 T44 Conimerclel nper, threo to six months, l'lill anilplita I'.fii jer cent. ,0.1 1 I i I. no I'hlli llOrtlOll New York linltlmoro HANK CLEARINGS Il.irk clearlnKs today compared with corre sponding da last tuo )ears l'Jll 11114. inn $2"'.U.'1.70 Jill 14h S'll 22. no oil . Si' lull. 13S lliOlinsv f.")3.lir.' VIS IJI3 MII.IIJ4 2H KS.I (I.1S I ll,(,Sl.ltl 5 703 HU 0,2111,1,12 1 BAR SILVER LONDON. Dec. ll The price of rormnerelil bar silver today adtanced H pence to 27J.1S pence In New 'lork the prtc of silver waa S0'4 cents, up IH UnitedSlales Government contracts on hand $6,642,000 Lake Torpedo Boat Co. Earnings on the above should show at least 50 on stock. Thlt It only one of iht factors dealt ulth In our tlrtular. Bluett & Hollins IS Broad St. I.'ew York Financial Briefs The annual report of tho United fruit Company shows a balance (Unliable for dividends ot 10.1 per cent, compared with Cl per cent, 'he preceding vctr. No ad ditions were made during the venr lo (muled debt, hut Issues aggregating II, 77',120 were mnde by subsldlnry compa nies, mainly to pay for new steamships Hands ana debentures were retired dur ing the ;.rnr through tho operation of sinking Hinds nnd redemptions to the mount of $1,093.1)07 Darclns & Monro were hujers of Phila delphia Electric. The New York banks gilttcd $231,000 from the SubtrcnRtiry Saturday, nnd since last Trldny, JW.000 The federal lteseive Hoird today an nounced the election of P. A. Walls and David C. Hlggs ns directors of the Pod cm! Unserve Hank of St. Louis, nnd of I. P. lllllver. of Axon, On., nnd J. A McCrnij, of Decatur, Ala., as dltcctors xof the federal Iteservc Hank nt Atlnnta Klchmond hns become nsso Charles C Hnnlson, Jr As Pr.tncls 11 clateel with Co. Addltloml capital stock of various com panies added to the tegular list of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange Include $ilG,M)0 Ameilcan Telcginph nnd Tele phono Ceunpnnv. Issued j-07,7C0 In o chnngp for J'd.'.SOO convertible 4'is can celed and stricken fiom list, and $9100 In exchange for $12,000 convertible 4s can celed, nnd $1500 Ameilcan Gas C'ompnnv Issued account of conversion of like nmount of collateral trust convertibles concelcd DIVIDENDS DECLARED Mr till rnwl O Itiirllncton. reEiilnr oimrterlv 5 to etork of recort if nintlp December cember 20 Ar.ierlrnn Woolen Compnn rulr m,. torly ljv, rr rent on preferred Mi'bu'ff unri 11 to Rloek of record Deecnbrr It I'rov blent Life nnd Triift t ominr, rmi. (ltinrterl tl per cent, pnablo on demtif Factory Floor For Rent Manufacturer has one floor of over eleven thousand square fee! in his new fireproof building to rent, light on four sides, one block from Second and Market, occupancy March first. Reason able alterations can be made ia specifications and plans by apply. ing at once. No agents. The John Crompton Co. 328-336 North Randolph St. Telephone Market S.'Ol Keystone Telephone Co. First Mortgage 5 "ft Bonds Due 1035 Ilnnds iitf.tmidlng represent nbimt one half the iininutit of cnrdi Invented In the prnpertj. Net earning fnr pnit four years over tnlee latere t e biirgrH. I Med on Hie 1'hllu. .Stock Richnnge l'ltici: 'jo n:i.i) AiiotJT Free o( Pcnnn. State Tax uksciiij'ti i: nitt'Lr.Ait on itMiuKsr Harper & Turner Investment Dangers Oillres: 1000-1013 stocjc i:rn.M.K iilii.dinc, I'lilluilelpliln vim ' ,, ' aw P., C, C. & St. L. 4s Series D Due November, 1915 Price on Vppllcnllon t BOND SALESJIAN We offer a position to an experi enced bond salesman who contros a clientele of his own; communi cations confidential. A. Ii. LEACH & COMPANY A 6 INVESTMENT The above refers to a first refunding mortgage 5 gold bond due in less than 13' years. The company is controlled bv and under the management of THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT CO. . We own and offer subject to prior sale a limited number of these bonds to yield 6 on the investment. Full information upon request. REED A. MORGAN & CO. SJi&'iMai lKE.tUf xrasra -- - --" l)llli:CTOIIV OK ACCOl'.NTANTS terllllril 1'iiltllf ,Vfriiuntant J-AWlttCNeU E. JJKOVVN 18J5 Itb'AL JJaTArB TIIUU1 A. CO tiuit.ui.Na. ItUltNS fc srUVJCMAN Th Hourte. Forehandedness January is one of the largest investment months of the year Next month oer $200,000,000 will be distributed for interest and dividends. In addition to an already largo and increasing demand for good bonds, a substantial proportion of this great sum must oe invested. We therefore recommend the selection of January Investments from OUR DECEMBER LIST Th2dliS?iltel7ndr onlSeyiJanUary by " BANKERS Established 1892 Slembera New York and Philadelphia Stock Exchange Broad and Chestnut Stb., Philadeu-hia 30 Pine Street New Yoek The American Railways Company cami)i; o i'l'i en 41T-4IO .Market .Street Cumden, N. J, rim, vniM.i'iii v oiticb 1)04-017 ltlirrpo(.ii llnlMlu; ViSl Wiilnul street I'hlla I'n. To the Stockholders of The American Railways Company:' In response to the offer of the National Properties Company, as out lined in the circular to the stockholders dated November 13. 1915, sufficient stock of the American Railways Company has been deposited with the 4 Continental-Equitable Title & Trust Company, Trustee, to warrant, in the j opinion of the Board of Directors, the statement that the plan will become op- erative. Nevertheless, in the judgment of your Board, it has been deemed ad- visable to afford an opportunity to' the remaining- stockholders who have not -availed themselves of the offer to do so for an additional limited time. In the exercise of its discretion, therefore, the Company, under the power vested in t by the agreement, has extended the time of deposit with the Trustee, the Continental-Equitable Title & Trust Company, Twelfth street j P, M. No further extension will be made. WALTER W. PERKINS, Secretary. November 30, 1915. J. J. SULLIVAN, President T