v-'3T rfT - EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER & 1016: 13 HELP RANTED MALE TTtoMOUILE HELPER, tiling In northern iIii5.Sf eiiyt must be over 1(1 years and fSSlih fnce. U. F. Dowees, 112J Pan torn st - :., .. in. wanted by stock brokerage r? , AdilreM m own handwriting, m'.iw ?ierriii. II MO. Urigcr Central. . i.t not under 10 jenrs, for messengers, with EVJAnmnt, l. Including lunch. I1 !!. Ledger Oiilcc. . .inVi.TMAKnilS nntcil. Apply Lincoln ftJmnituT"wmi"ny. lithand Lehlghave. rAlilNI-.T..lAKH(8' HELPERS wanted. Aludy Lh'oI'i I'utnlttiro Co..IUthH. A. Lehigh ave p.n- FITTtlJS wanted, Apply Lincoln Furnl luie t-on.nr.v, liitlinn.lLchl(.li ate rLOTH WEAVERS wanted. Apply John &. Ljm IJolmn. Inc.. Itlnnkcl Ml.ls, Scott's rnHHlNATICN monotype operator, thorouehly I mliar villi In vvwk; steady oiuon'lor SXntUii. C Ul. Ledger Olllcej. rtniAND I.OV- Musi bo over 111 jnira.nnd furnlfii rcierei.ee It F. Dewtos, 1121 San win st . i'll-t'llAN i customed to stokers; only mini in.e" to furnish M'd lelotcnir ctviisldnrAI. ccud Jol. mr good mall A ply Snuiiuay morning. S. W ioincr nth nna fit-own. Fjii III- HANDS Cleveland, Acrrc, flrltflr-y ill Turiel lathe hnlida wanted; , Isl-clast n,,i unl), hlliet wages pain. Apply Sland er' Holler-Hem Ing tn lutli ft Mellon me riTlli: HANDS uniitcd. Apply Jitmoa ll.ircr, liiioriratfil. tl, huh CnjuM .Ib. f.iAEItS-OlT and llttcrs-up on structural Mk! App v Steward Stcveni. 1IHI North Uh, tr.. urvifW Wanted, experienced vise irtrds (II. ci" and finisher nn.l milling ma- I Sliic huiu-. I' 21U. lcdRer Ufllco, J UMlCI H") VV allied, a im or ncill nppinr aroo In oiiue or wholtaiile houe. stale ago and menu. v J nl. longer fiiilnil PilorodltAI'HEH Uanlcd. 11 oiouahlv " mm relent comirorclul timli. I 223,,l edgerorr. BVIESMAy wanted tiy ol.f-ostabllshe I mmu rnturlim lonfecllnner for exclusive mica of largest fine or osPihllsbcd specl-tltlcs fur Pa cific ioan and Rocky Mountilil territory; uperlcnro In ran ly Hue not n-iessary, mm who tan sell only lowest-priced gnoJs nut wanted permanent position mid liberal treat ment to light nmn Applicant mum M.ttn ' rcrmnncni address, experience, hrc, whclhor niarrlcl or tingle and mlnlnuun oiunlniM de ilreil. Hlih icfcreiii'in roKnidltis charactri. mlrlcty ImbKa nnd iil.llits. Htrl t innt1deni.o amured Vdilrrta I' ."Ji, l.cdurr Ofllip BAT.r.MAN IIiiKtcrn Shore, M'rUnd mid Uelaware for Importer Iucih omlnoldcr v nnrl nt(imif ti'rci nnd ilNtrllimnr nutloni iini Udlea' ready-lo-tJr,only those h.ulnx cc trtlillslutl Iradi ami experience In tlte nhore lines iteeu ipplt . good plnie Tor the right . man. Addres II 711. Ledger Central BALHS MANAHLIt for lare miniutiii'turltiR corcem i-rlllug retail trade; must ho familiar alth orfti - (ietalla nnd used tn handling men. ildtndld ipporlunlly.lno2. Leilger urtlce. BT:i.l.nil TOiTl, riltl.NliKllfT nnntnl: llrst dass men only. Apply, Standard Holler-Hear-Inn Co.. 4'itl and aiirlnn nu. BBfTriTtHP. Iibi cl.isa, wnntril mi Idg. proflt plde prottealtlon tn ic hiunthed In I'hll.i'lct pliU viiln next few iMs. Addresa, Rlln aue, experience and lefercnccs. 11 Sl., Ledger Central flTHiVnillSAI'linn ho can tnile ilhtatlnn nc cur.itely ni.it typcwr.lte notes nicumtolv nod fpilekly, cool ttageH, dealr.ihle pos'n; N. IT. i seitioii. Atinresa i- -", i.euncr u;nce. STIIN'ndll l'Hi:it-U. lilted, elerlt III ahon of :it-U .lilted, elerlt III shop of inanuiai luring plant; nh(o tu and run typewriter. M M2, fice or largr iiian take ' iet.ition I eilger Central. Tfdl'.VO MKN Hleidy uorlt. (lllllnder (Hani Works lss'noinlng: lciieml till N. IIHOAD ST. Tno Ulitent Urlglnnl AL'-l(,iMOIIILt: SCHOOL Tea lies ou how to repair and bow tn drive nums. K, I'LVZ, lilt N, UltOAl) 8T, ur.si.s-K.K.s sunvitn company l-OSITIUNK Kbit lllmi-CLAHK MILS- ONLY lltlfl LAND TITLi: IIUILtllNQ ' AGENTS AQKNT3 wanted to tell gr.iphopones and dlso reci rdo. gwd moin-y, excliihlxe territory i!ieu I'm In toini.it Ion addicts lnueiial a'lia-iOf.iapli Co . In .. IMughkecpxlc. .S. y. El'iliA.lJNS WANTED FEMALE irfLNiMM' ,.r icrsuti, aicndln. nonu re tren.i . nurbo tu IimiUd ur elUtrly vll ; In good 1'iotestailt 11 MU, Ledger orrkc. tliA.M'..HiiuUi lll(i w.1,.111,. iiiii-.ii l'rut- e'laiu. my pro.'erruii, i'Tin Alrcaiord it. LriAfti, Hit, v.iit,v and Wnittnt,, -mail innilly. t CU ..ui,i n rme-iiuini. u .ifct, i.e.iei uiuce. Col.i'tf W'..1N vxiahea lioiitcwurk. noli ins, u.iirh-.. tfoiid woilnr. I'll-' Uairl at. , COOh. i:p ih'ii. ei couk df-flrts iloiuutalra uuik. iu.' rcni Li. .il. Mums, IHU Lunuatir lien u CUOa, exiitilLiticd Coimg while woiii.tn, Muln 1 l-l"e,- ! icrente. II Jin. Lialgcr Oltl 'o. i CiTRSsiiAKUh w-ufitH ' fiiraKeiiHfnfa; r-'.rriii JK rB ''t1'-'. Led, lir.. lajth and UliarU. ' EltlLiall l.idy, i'ruUtiTam, bett " reference, 1 would take intlro Lhaue oi bj' helir or wM-mer alianio 2,111 W Cumberlam; tt. HOI .NKvvllliK, kvneral. expil. wHl'te 1'rot. girl cat I'hll.i hee Mls-i Itced. Led. Qlt. ' tnLLLMdt w.ahca poaltlon; salary rio object i If oi.poitunlt-i to g.un cxinrUiii.0 on lino hats and irl.imnni. ( II, Ledger U (be. NUItaL', undtrurauuaie, uitdufc potliluu, guud jmrnce.i U-uger Urancli, lwai .Murktt. , BE'ItKrAIlV-atenoBrapber, lone'bualiusa ex- perjei.te. g-ioil cori-t kpondent, with ixemtUu atllliy, now roldlng loaltlon of trust, dealna l make rh.in.ic nrst ot year, Al rolircncca. Add ri mJ I (I3J. Ledger Central. BnfNOaitAI-lfKlt, neat, accurate, depend able, l ejy rapid typlu. H HU, Ledger Cent. , WOMAN, colored, capable, wants cooking and" dowiisulra work-tret. 172.1 Christian. "OMAN, retlned, dcalrea iwalilun, lull charge or njine or net hi chaperon, 11 4 II, l.ed.i , nt. W OM N, colored, nunti wanhfn- atJiome; good reference. l-i2ilniijriit. nf.lr.?IH.?,lJv,:n nici1 nf " STLNOOHAl'linit, ' .a;vT "nJ do not llnd an ad which i?.'.'11., l".r rer-ulrenicnu. phone "Mlaa JSfnL Ledger Central, Walnut :ionn. an.l !.! '"'r -,.'!ur ""J" nil" "HI lulimlt far lour consideration several jnunc la. Ilea, ex perienced and nualttled to fill our lun Hon. Itlrough the COMMEltCIAL Dt-f.Ht'niK.ST ii 1-"jer Central a great many llrma halo 1 ffl "I'.1? to. eure competent ojflce help. TM tenlco is free to Lodger advertisers. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 'T??f!T-ik.-"I,P.p.I,N' ron RXOAOBJinNT, TtiU. Oil PERM 1". VI?? pvi . nil ?;in;q! hvs" i5co an ? or1 ii : AMfSr''AiVr a.n ofrc.e manatter; thorouehly tnrtB ii i --i."Vl ." " i;- -. ,,w., L.t-uKer v-enirai. eSKNnVJ,"r'D,rlce ana "alesumii. 2. vtlda slrst ISaflco".'-!f manv u"t"u-it ability, .de. sires position, Address It 111.1, Ledger Central. i?U'.VAN7 ""J"- cr"3" ""d collection --2K-t--?IJ4Jde, change, il mi. Ledger Wnt. ADVq, AND 8ALU3 DEPT. WORK ' xwuSn?'J;R':t,.ral "nowlcdie of general ad If mfiS' i..1,sr,,'lep,ar ment work- Preparation SilsSI .. ,,.eK" dealers' co-operative cam. hv. .?Ii?,V.nK' Jf.1."" BOOJ rorresiKndint: lent .u").e "I'lllty and Initiative; 101111. ii!i 5e"c-n ambitious and can "mike ."By. JAji3ie,ACentral.,!m',;': '"''"'"' OBKEBt'KK. I). E.. und ..ilirTToVT 3 il 757 'fS?,rJ'e'- reliable; nioderatB 'salary. 1 v, wi-w. reliable !iiLIdger Central. Han it a U.L SINUSS MANAOKIt houie- 111 ,lrf l" ."" with large huslnesi bran?!, ttoli"- ,llrl eP. as maifager of tri7.i .'i0'" "' arS ceta I concern: pos. of jj? and responslbnity. H S31,Ledsef Cent' tiit. .!.f1l 33i thorbughly compe". iUMndfl'rtc,e', a". cars, absolutely "eacV- g tfJV1.? fumlah unquestioned ref. II A iinlea,r.S.."i10P a"d the road. Addresa eurStrl '""uil2J IteeU sL. Philadelphia. iVwlwfcA'?- "iPv?5!; rnrledr"maV5aU "i TinV S.V' "rst-class meclianic. cajiablo CHai- ' re',rence- O 423. Lder dfflce. Km. r"RhH.hlit,Eocd ,r,ver: work' roun.) OAnni.it!.. 0,L,er,ESr"ons.101li Soulh 23th. rVlubiiro'ddla aged; drlvcar:-ioberT tlwi; JVefiv i?.'hese fradate. dfslres"Toijr; IrllnK Vr- with. contractor: four yturs'ex. jerieace, best reference. j'fi3. txb?tt da- jSiAial!n deTrrp.HitTr77haTTSd tlvlyrt2 yeBi'"',cltr'',"?i 3 yeir' execu UVini , JS",,1, elllne Mperi-nco: tapabte of Sin on th.' roi'i"'"?, Sf 0fflc,.a an,l hTndlDii- 6ALPTw . t- " - " lii dgr Central. W?knc?' fLifUh ,lllne recofdr BTeaFa3 hoUM will ,Lalre connection with rellabla viVZ IrtLfjraoee. P 220. Ltd, Off. Asdv'inJfi' a rnlddle-agid" msii77obi7; Hon L honil'8'' (urn)h Al reference, posl Jt1? h";man or work around hotel; can tgg'l-'"!- " ML Ledger Central. cuiiS"1!00' "le res posltigu reQuIrlak x- triil t,rT,4(ul aouuy or position of SJ s v t? rtary and icting- treas- JvliZa ?? velUneous tleUU work. . vcuinti. .UAN t9- U1 KWe ""d outalde ex-ZLuff.'- U0ViJ lika Pillion 'Where the. VlUMiSM ? luaW excellent refer- Yni ' tlger Contntl SilM0eiJiANI wtireducated, buslnew ablUiy, tdVan??." !'. posiilon with pruapefts of iaanceia,nt, excellenr, nf. H WI, Led.Cenl hon.?vH't,i "hes.to connect with prlntlns ia.lo4er 4)4 tut,t. o -lit, liit Ofnct. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Pnl-? f A.' 5 ',,r'1' 'lert-tl experience ost anlrRjroaa mcountlng. II ;.Vt, i.ed.fen. fot'NO MAN, capable, ileslrea Hcrlml pos. Hon; exper.juid references. Jt7l Leil. Cent. CrlmiiJ,,'.B .V.'i?1' Mn"- R2Tperfettly familiar with South American export busl S.i' ""Jdes hailng exiw-nco In ilnanc a! i.?Ji ""d creillta, manager of mamifactuiing .ineI ,for l.n 5'f"r" and a years n trno- -''. desires to connect ivllh buxlnesa that tjnnta n h.ud worker ttlth executive nt Illy, nnuid make n aluahle manager or nsdlant !.. "n k.Vc".,.h,. ,n nnan lal or business Jiouse. n 811. Ledger Central. I'(MSLS.SIM) organlratlon. exeeiithe nldllty; nigh character. Hh practical experlen. e. plant nnnniaettirlPK operations. I desire .con nection with established or hew eonccrs n r.rilcr manager or chle' clerk unquestionable refs., mod.sal. 1) r.OO, I'rers Off., Atlantic ;ity. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES ilAlUMK ABIIB. french KmplnymentJlurenuT 1..S3 Chr stlan si -tillable lielp supplied nntl wanted, nil natlonailllos, 1'iot. and Catholli., WAN'TllD-Lpb-eopal office. 112 H. tL'th eook; w.tew. ehainbtrnalra nnd houfe glrli. AUTOMOBILES 1 or Male lilHCK-lllIF, Model r-ST louring car. In excel- ltllt'.SHOl!i:. Spniic illlll, CAUl l.l.AC. 4 i j limit r. self starter, cTeclrie lights, eleilrle g,ar fhlfi all nioilrin lm-lii-o.einents. toiirliig bo,l; lnsu. V. C. uwrn, nil ralnlcw ae., Uuimlowne. CAUll.lAL, 1 ill, tniinng car. overhauled .nn I f.WlWt' t'.1!1 eiiiilpmenl; price J7.-U, Alra 8Al.nS CUllI'dliA'llO.N, 112 N. Ilroil St. cllf.VltoT.r.T llill touring. Iflll Tord towii tar; both these cars are In Al condi tion mid i an be limigiit 11101111 Appl lyv. slnni' Auln Supplt "onin.ni,t. Ncrrlttonn, nA COLL", IHI.'I, d-cj Under. 7-piss. touring, ux ccllcnt londlttnn, newly pointed, J7P0 l.OCOMoltlLl-, aill .fatket st. Locust CO. . II. A, .1E.SKM, Mgr. Exchange Car l)cpl. COI.U lain, niJMiiNSTttATOttS, SLiiiitTLY l'si:d, roit kali:. L. S. IIOUIIIIU CO.. 215-17 N. UU(lAI) ST ilAINLM llill touring mi. clerlrlo I glili and starter, newly imlnted, lit (Itst-flasa tno hanl- cal condition: tlrea In to.nl abape. one extra; prlie isn. I. IUH, l.tdger Central. l'ACKAIll) 1 l-is pinetnti, Packard :io, wllh Hnioiiilne an I tourltiif. ttp, Ath 7-tiasrngi-t . tlnse iMra are In Al cnn.Won and innli bnllullt rnrap Apply Itevalona Auto Kupply I oiupauy, orrlaiiiwu. I'a. S. (I. V lull touiltiK. equipped wllh ele, trie t:car shirt starter and llgbta, newly painted .in.) overhauled. I. ill", Ledger Central. STANLr.Y tteai.iera tic up. niso limousine body, call, make offer I I'm Westmoreland. WAVKIII.V KLKCTKIC In "good " condition riiii. 111.' N. lllh -t. viuri5"TOL'itiNi. nin. n-rt under, ro ii.i." 7-paatcnger. self slnrtei. slectrlc lights: Jlnt- ilaea cendltlon: prl.e H.0 LC. MOSCII, 2HJ N. llroad st. ' AtJTOMonn.K nwNr.ns YAKi: NOTIC11! You can storo sour car In a modern fireproof stcrago bouse on dead atoragn for 2 I'llll MONTH. CUTAIAIt STOIIAtli: COMPANY, 4fin Aspen st Phnnoltetmont Iflt. 11 A lit! A1N Cord wiui eiose.1-PuU5 . f.lral for station duty or taxi. In excellent c. million, nearly new: Price MOO. Phono Still Kllhert. William T. Tajlor, llroad und llace troct. A.MEIIICAN liAUAtii: and Maihlne Hhoi. 1(11 LaeiiHt st.. tnnkn gears and parta fr Pai. b.ir.1. Simplex, Iteiniili, Mer'edea. Delaunay, UclUllle and atl roclgn cars. SKNli KDIl Vlinv Itl'LLKTIN rr r!Ei caps COltSOX AI'TO nNCIIANdi: 21S N lltiriAD AUTO HVERY AND GARAGES TO IlIIIU Plerce-Arrowa. Pael.nrits, Peril Llni. Cant. Speclil thntiplng rate, fLfiii ptr hour. rord Town cars. Anton for Weddings nnd Kunernl. PACKAltK SIKJIVMCR COMPANY 1111 I.OCU-1 tt. " llaco 2,1. Spruce :iII0. TO lllltl!"(ni)e'n day and night) Irrand-new n-r.asa. touring lar, with robes, 'Li'.", hour: also brand-new- 7-pass. limousine, St. .10 hour, vteddlnga. tunernla, etc. Poplar lf.17 W, PACKAHU rar to hire. fl.r.O per hour. Chad" wick tpnlr Shop, LI14I S. Chadnlik' llf-Y AUTO PAINTING al'ECIALTY made of fine automobile p iln(lrr mid upholstering Lit on estimate vour wotk before going .Isowherc. A-tll'lllcAS,' (1A18 AOE ANIi MACHINE SHOP. 111 Locust St. AUTO Rr-PAIRTNCJ KOHD OWNHIIS " I can do the Job. Slop the o I deposllln,'- on vour sparl: iilutc. 1 will guarantee mnie 111 rvery way at small comi. t ill Addlph Pav. lii.'l llcrkcley jit.. Wayiu- Junction, (imtivn. ,11111. ANY CAIt completely fivcrhailltd by exjisit lucrhnnl.s, .Inc. per hr matevl.ils. f 11 AD WICK llEPAin SHOP, 2011 8. Chadivl.'H 'i Dickinson H'-S Y. , roilli cin-luc. ovcrliaulcd, ?1S; trnnkm'11,' t-'l, ge.us, $1, cyla, deinrbonlre I, valves rround, J2..",D. Ol-nnth'r. flHJi Tliompaoii. liel. USUI. "" 7 SPECDOMETEH, TltOUULE ? 7 7 7. 7 SEE nil.LV ."IS N'IUtOAD 7 WINDSHIELD .ILASS HEPLACED ' W .1. ItOSIinltnUlHI 12'.'0 Calluwhlll Bt. CYL1NDEHS nnnoItl'D, new pistons nnd rings furnished, ncldlngs nnd bnizlng. II, K I'nderwrod fi Co. 11)21 Hamilton it..l'hllt FOH lirrjtnniLi: ItEPAlItS "skk jack Starr, the Hupp expert. 3.1 lil North C.irllMe at. Phone, tiokh stni. AIUOS Btorerl and repaired, reasonable rale's O'tenther's O-rx-etlt N lt0th. ItelTlent lll-IW. AUTO SUPPLIES -IlnAItlNUS- New Departure Serv. Fta.. The Cwill'am Co , MM Arch st. Phone Walnut "lO.". Ilnce .10.'J. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TlltKH Ouaranteed -trfO miles. Comparo- prices, (la ml I ne i.ic- per gallon, niUM'H. 5SIH N. llroad st. VULCANIZINO 3300 Chestnut xiot Woodland ave. It. WM SHI-LDflAtfB Prexon 2101. HORSES CHP.AP IIMISE. single wagon, double .-four-post wagon. Holden, -1123 Krankfonl nve. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES CDOKU1IEUS l-OH SALE-S C. 2J.t egg strain. S'l and tioward. W, Leghorns, PALMEU POCl.ritY -fi., llrblgeport, Pa. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ACTIVE PARTNER WANTED To a young or middle-aged man of character and refemicea an opportunity la offered to become connected with an tutlve, Kruwlnir bus ness whoso books show the names of some of the most reputable llrma In the city. JluOO Is needed. Wo want a live, up-to-date tuslness man of ability 10 take place of naitlvc tllciit partner. TO A MAN WITH SALES KXI'L'IIIENCE THIS JS St'IlEI.V TOO (lOOD TO UK OVEltl.OOKEl) Dustiness is Incorporated about .1 years an.l has large orders on hand. Held Investiga tion Is solicited. If you are really interested, we will be glad to giant ou an Interview and explain our proposition In full. Wo will satisfy you aa to our responsibility. V 123, LEIX3EH OFFICE WANTED A lady llvlns In Ihe country ana bavins a select egg und poultry business desires tu Interest u part) who baa tl&U) to invest to bcHoioa Iiiiireslrtl and, to da soma of the city end of the work. An Investment of the ubova amount will allow me to pay 113 per week to start and besides a nice pro.1l to party becoming iu Ureattd. I have the finest, trade In Philadelphia, and the seashore, jend ncod the umliunw of a retlned lady or gentleman to assist me. l'leate advlso in first letter It you aro ready to talk business, and address M efJ, Ledger Office. patei;ts wanted Write for List of Patent Buyers and Inven tions Wanted, ll.OoO.OOO tn prlxcs orttrod for inventions. Baud sketch for free search. Wrlta for our i books sent Ires upon re quest. VIOTOH J. EVANS 4c CO.. Washing ton. D. C: PHILADELPHIA OFFICE. U2U. Chestnut st. lkll plvone. Sprut U333. Hours, U to 5.Mo"dajs until t p m. SOU SALE Ice cream and bakery, known all ever South Philadelphia, good business lha tear around: near u bis" Catholic church and school; will sacrlttce to quick sale, reason for selling goliiK South, this I a. splendid oppor, tunlty for a man who will cuter to uorkluif class of Pjople. H I3L Ledger Central AN-INVESTMENT of JIS500 will sectir an executlvj position, and good salary In new company Just iormlng; money fuUyA pro. tectsd by real estate and repays bie to In. iestor out of first proceeds of business; ref "inces demanded and given, 'm J33. Led ger Central. fErneSAHTHlJK E PAIGE. 7H Walnut rV, Pblla." iBetbanlcal and oleculcal engi neer, registered patent attorney: ctublljhel fieri 80 year. Invention developed Paients, trademarks, copyrights tetured snd lltl mtted anywhere. lejVied appUcufgns prose cuted. prebtnJiiary advice fre.e. ANold-estaWlsbed con'srn ueeda a promoter to lnt-Kst capital In business wltS x.p lloral proflt-roakln tapaclUra promoUot. entirely on comaJaslaa bxsls. 31 f W. Ledger CcntraL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES . nni.AWAnn county .hotel 2., rotms it lurcn. on t ncord plke.ibelween ch-atrr and Wilmington. SIS,00U yearly. L. H Tr,ncimrd, 120s Arch. WANT MAN WITH 40ni) to help me Onanco h wiery manuineturlng business; profits not large, hut eventually will bo to man tatlsfled with reasonable returns to start; rellaMa referen.'M furnished. P 221, Ledger Office; W ANTED, n man to invest some money In a Tood pailng, established hulnessi good op portunity Tor tho right maps reference re quired. C 121. Lodger IMflre. M'.VUriAL strictly flrst-clasi theatre to ex change for good Investment properties: every thing In picture theatres. Uarrlst, 201 N. llrosd, UltOWlNH ottCltAllOR. all ages, for sale. I1ARIIY OArtLLNnTON 1420 Chestnut st. tmop-l'ocKKT rnvt, YAitn on P. A n. for rent. $10 month, .nrio w. Tioga st. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity (ol nvst $10 one) In established manufacturing business: active . Interest If dralred. P 201 ledger Office UScnpTlONAl. opportunity for parties with JlOn nnd up to secure profitable Interest In establlhMl mfg. business. P mSLedger OJ. WA.Vm Agent to sell Investors on nbso- lutelv safe guaranteed 7 ter rsr.l Investment; tlbrral rnmmlssinns II ."". ledger Cenirnh INVnsTevn-Wanted. Km nnd upward:, 10 P . e guaranteed pos'lbllltles greater; indus trial slock lionrs, Inlervlew. II if.I-ed.Cent. IVnnieil WANTED -10 shrs. slock Penna, Co. for Ins. on Ll"cs. etc. II 1U, la-dgeij Central. BUSINESS PERSONALS . fft.l. IIIIESM 31'ITS cutaways Tuxedos and Sack Stills To hlle and made tn order. NntrilAt'l.... THE TAILOU. Ill N. th At. lt-ll phone. Walnut 201S Sl'PI-ltt'H'ofM HAIll removed by electrolysis. Ihe nlv periuanent wav Evetrows arched. MISH SMITH, 102 Keith Theatre llldg Mls Hnpre, htlrdrerslng far. massige. mail" b urlng; fnrm. Mini Annde. wlthMIrs Smith, rfl.L PIIES3 SPITS All new, stvlhit rood; large a-ortment. Pamuo' ctioper, 1010 nlrnrd nve Pop fni2. CARPEi' CLEANING C UNTI N i: N T A L CAIIPKT CLEAMNtl llnt'SI. JOTII SI-. AllOVi: ClIESTNfT Hell plume Lnuist 10CO. ur-rr I'liit.v UE.ST PIIII.A. Wl:T Pllll V. MONVlltll THtlli: CO. .1c. I'KIl YAHIV. IS70-7J LAM'ASTKll AVE. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY WE IIKMODEL otir nl.I Jewelry Into the lat est .bslKits at factory prlcca. MAItTIN W. AllllAMH. 711 Sansnni at.. Phllndelphla. I lll'Y dl-inuiiiis, Jewelry and pawn tickets for ensh. Aiiply 2 " to 4.".0 p. 111. Win. Hick. Ilnom .10"., 112 C- --111111 at DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY ImiiSfMAKI.Nl) tnucht. short, pracllcal, Inex-piu-ivo course; p.ttems cut, c. Mac l.owcll. '07 In nek 1 1 Ulilg., 11th and Markut. llEMSTITvlll vfl, 10 irnia a nnl. nil mate rials A Itl.U'll ltl. 1l:i CHITNt"r ST. P.-TOU1AL ltVIEW PATTEHNS POTTEu SCHOOL OV 1HIESSM VKINU, dally anl evening aesslona Jit.1, (tlrnrd ave. ItivrsiJ ritr.iililid. hlch-grade work only. 1 Plain. Spru. e 'J22 I TOR SALE UtLLIAUD and pocket tntdis, ahntTlehonrtl. new and illghlly used, llbrrul terms; renting, repairing & supplies, ltoantto. 222 3. Sth UILI.lAttD AND POCKET TA11LES Also bowling nllcvs; easy pdyments. Hlt'i.vs- j-ij;bMbLu:j;(M.LENjH:nw..i(i2-ch. Hll.l.IAItD, l-ool. iiniiblnntteti, 2d-handbought, sol l.nnied, cm li'il. JeaferL:!21iO Irani !ive UILt.IAP.D. t.niki't, 2d-hand tables, repairing, supplier. Clark-Herd Mfg. Co.. 2121 N. Front CASH ItnniSTEHH. now and second-hand: In tnl adders aa low as $10 on eav monthly p.iMiienw nil registers sol! bv us fully guir nnteed. The National Cnth Heglttcr Cott 7:0 ilie-tn.lt st. DESKS": SAFES ." noli top ibaks, typewriter, bookkecucr desks, tiling cablncti. lelcphone bootba sires, house hold furniture. DulInK Central 2.1 Ilaif.l Furni ture Co. HO I bOli-ll C.illnwhlll. I'll Filbert 41I1X. i'l-SKS tiling cabinets, sales, telephone booths nnd office furniture and ilxtures or every de rlpilon. tired, but In tine comlltlou, and tiry rln up free delivery anvwhere IirnllES. 11TH AND llfTTONWOOD. " " $2n..'o VICTItOLA VI AND SIN lll-INCII D F UF.COHDM nuranle,V-la ho-In -perier-t ,11,11 Itlon- An excellent outtlt for one who Is looking for n gedd machine at a reasonable price. l'lftv cents wceklv nuepred. Call or write for complete descriptions mid largo Illustrated catalogues llEPPl.'S UPTOWN STOIIES. Cor. tith and Tlinnipsott sts., l'llllndelphla. Pa, ai:T AvicrnoLA now 1 PAY Port IT NEXT YEAlt Call or write for our new special Payment Plin whereby ou can Invo o Vlctrola for Chrlstnris. and start to bay for It next year. iinnPK'H riTovv.N- STOitns. ' Cor, (llh and Thompson sts.. Philadelphia. Pa. FIFTY CENTS A WEEK HUY8 A VICTHOLa Call or write for particulars. HKl'I'E'S UliTOVVN STOKES. Cor. Oth and Thompson sts , Philadelphia, Pa. MIT MU SELL that piano, dlimond. automobile, fur or any aitlcle of valuo: total cort to you, 10S. Write, cjll or idione Poplar (1130, MOIlItIS 10th nnd Poplar. , JU.VX1 HEArTirt'L DINMOS'D NECKLACE pciti: uiiti: Mxn.viis, total weioht. irta KAHATS. OHKIINAL COST. 12 0PO. ItlEDKIt'.S LOAN OFF1CE.128 MARKET ST. tJ3I.r":S"llLMnND"TIPFANY ENnAllB". MUNT IHNO. P-LCE-WHITE. PEHFKCT: A HAIl' MN. rtil-DEtt'S LOAN OFFICE. I2S MAH'CET ST. . , Tio-IirMONrr AN) PI.ATINl'M LAVAL- I.IKIIi:. SI HU'K WHITE DIAMONIM; VAl.l'E 173 HIEDEIt'U LOAN OFFICE. 12S MAIIKI'T. WE lll'V nil Talking Machine fteeofds. Wo exchango talking ntaclilna records, ,1c, 2rtil Itldge nve.L7 R in.. 11 p. m. SO -DIAMOND IUNC. Pl'ltE WHITH AND PEHI'FCT ViLVE Jnn- UIEDEH'S LOAN OFFICE. 12S MAItKBT 10l CAI.ENDAltS to soltnny business; 1.000.- (s In stock, at eacriflilng prices. Penn Pa- rr Ca. 2S ;n. fllh st. . . WI.VTEP. OVEIICOAT. 11 stout: new: evo- nlngs. 2217 N. it'th st. Diamond 37,10 W. HEATING MAKIN-KEISEY HEALTH lU'T is better and choipir than stoam or hot water. Pure fresh air with normal moisture. MAKI KELfBY. n N. lBlh st. I'hlln. INSTRUCTION STKNOaHAPIIY-23c. a Urson. 21113 N. NP-i n.. near (list and Huntingdon sts MACHINERY AND TOOLS DON'T LET MACll'Y or shafting run nu or Ui VOCOM FHICTION. Ci.l'TCIl Pulleva will keep conveniences una ireuoni from liaxards within your reach-. KHAFTIMI and MACHINE WORK'S. 115 North hecund. JAMES YOCOM i HO.-M " POWEH-l'LANT EQUIPMENT Dnatuo4, motors, boilers, steam, and oil en gines, pumps, air compressors. FItANK TOOMEY. nc.t 127 N. 3d st. KECOND-HAND PIPE Cut and threaded to sketch; large, quantity of all sliea 111 stock. Hrifnth. -H(P20 Moer st. fiTTYrVoF!t LEATHElt lfELTlNH DinECT FHOM THE MAM'FAC-PCltEIt., CIIA3.nOND CO.. g-O AHCll ST DYNAMOS, motors and machinery" bought, sold and rented: armatures repaired. Main bl. Market "M!S. YearleyCo.,22l IS. :id st. s5,RBL"I'IJV.TE KXHAt'ST FANrM-lnch Huf faio. ai-Tncli i ijuare outlet, 'SEyFERrS 17 North ;u st. ibxln-FT. llenderron heavy metal spinning lathe; smaller ttxes. speed lathes, engine lsthcs. Nl'TTALL. 1718 N 3th. l'lFE-Sicond-hand, all slica. Pblla. Second, hand Pipe Supply. 100.1 N. 7th stj MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS I3S LAHOF. KONOPIIONE TALKING machine, with cabinet and M records, tlplshed In beautiful quuitfred oak, tost new ISI. Can ba paid 13 tents weekly. An excellent bargain. In good condition. Write tor com-ulttc- list of bargains and spetbil trial offer. V JIEI'I'sTS Cl'TOWN bTOHES. Coiner Cttf and Thoiupsou sts., Pblla., Fa. EDISON DIAMOND POINT PHONOGRAPH Cost ICO nevv. . This .outfit Is complete with records and will be sold for $38, pa j able 7$ cents weekly. Coll or write for complete de scriptions sud large illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'3 CPTOWN STOIIES Cor. tub and TbempsoQ sts. Philadelphia, p synT STEIN vVAYirpniOT7TlC3r Cblckering uied pianos. d3. 113. Its. fl monthly; play ersV73 up. nt'OHEa UHQ3..8.13 N. loth. CHOOSE a taster plaitr or piano, bargains, some s tgotly csvcl ..easy, uaymeot Send for Ust. FA biOttTU CO.. 3211 Ketujiogton. NLW F1ANOS and plajer-planoa, (200 to J073. ooen veringa. ATKINSON fjq, 123 N SOtli. tS3-ciiJCKEniNa uFrigiit piano" " T HOWARD VINCENT. 3S W. Ctk. OLD GOLD HIOHEST prices In the city paid for old gold, liver, platinum, false teeth, old coins bought and sold. Jewelry Kxchango, 201 S. Sth OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old- atyle Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash.' .. Est. 1870. J. L. Clark, refiner. SO" sansonr, OLD HOLD-Caah paid for old gold, silver, antique clocks; will call. Dell phone. Locust 1210. llOOBltS. 87 8. 17th St. , cash paid ron DIAMONDS, Piinciors Mines, gold allver, platinum, false teeth. Phlln. Sn-eiilnt; and Itcf. Co., 12S a 11th st. TOULTRY AND SUPPLIES THE PALACE POt'LTHY SHOW, New York rltv. Dersmler 7 to It Don't mls attending. 1 D. HOWELL. Secretary. Mlncola. N Y. PRINTING 11I-Y YO'III CIlrtlSTMAB CARDS EAIILY Make your selections from 121 designs: prlco 23 10 "o cents per doren. The Card Shop, tool Chestnut st. Open evenings. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS Wl! coat leaky roofs at amall cost and guaran tee them 10 jears. let us estimate. AMEHICAN IIOOFINO CO., 13.13 Itldge ave. STORAGE i.ovtet'tni V. KTOttAUK WAltEHOl'SE 20TII ST. AilOVE CHEST.NUT PACKLMI, MOVING, SHIPPING. IltiRs, Cartels cleaned, rcouted. stored, lleli,l.oMistloiJJ Phones Key. Itace 4IW fIdeliiy ntiiipiioor wAiti;iiousi;s, 1SI1-ISUI MAltltET bT. WALKEIt'H STOItAOE, Lllh above Dauphin beiarato locked rooms: packing and shipping to all points; auto vans for motlng, carpet 1 leaning, . c. ya m Uotn plinncs. ATLAS STOItAl.l: WAHEHOI'SE Storage, n. living, packlrg, shipping, carpet (Meaning. I'll. Karlng 73J for cstlinato. Market and .'17th. UltlAllIi NTOPAfli: CO., PIS (llrnrd nve. Moving bv unto: packing, storage; -separate moms, carpet 1 leaning. Hell phone. Pop. r2iCi, LEVIN K HT'JIIAGi:- irovlng by auto vans; Packing; shipping. Carpet clennlng.' 20IS 2lllge nve Park 3IM1 A. M. ('ANN'S KTOIIAGE IIOl'SE 17IS N. Iltn nt.. motlng, pniking, shlppliiK: auto vnns llolh phones. Let us estimate. THE NOItTHEUN STOHAHi: makes ndvnnces on hottsehol.l goods; moving. IH1I to' 1H2S S. llth st. and 1510 N. 7th st. WANTED ANTUIUB furniture, falso teeth, broken Jew elr, gold, silver, dlamonda, feather beds biMlghl. 7.13 WhIihiI. Walnut 732H, i:st. '1.0. HIIOKEN JEVV ELHY. Talso teeth, pistols. colnsT Coin book, with I rices I pny, mailed, 15c. J. 11, liqss (People's Store), 2tl S. llth.wnl. ISrt. CAST-Olrr""cLOTflINn-Wo positively pay fS moto for gentlenicn'a dnthlng. shoes, send postal, wecall, day, evening. 1 Itv or suburbs, rrlcdiunn llros, 1114 South at. I'hone Dickin son ill,,,". ri'!lNiTrilE."f'n"nos, cirpets, "anttrTuea. entire or pa.t hotisi's t ought for rash, no" matter hir.v large. J. Ileriisteln, 1.1M llldge live. MENS CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED- Hent prhes, we call anywhere, ana tlm l'lione Wol t;sn.-.. j. Sihultx. 2J7 N. I'll! st. liifini.sT pftu'Es paid Foit diamonds; old gold, platinum, false (cedt: also pawn tickets Irion Filbert 2.1 floor front. C J A SET PAID - Kim falsi: tehth LEE'S OLD HOLD SHOP 712 WALNUT ST. ROOMS 10R RENT AlU'll, 2U2I 1TI10 Dlamondi Nicely turn.,i lean, w.ir.n, slngb? und dnjl.lc rioins, Yat lo'ks, hot nnd tuld water, $1 per da or 2.30 to J.I3u p rwtvh. J'h.uie SprtKo d.'ill. llAl.TIJlOlli: AVE.. :iii.-.1-Sulte of a furnished 1 ooms ami bath. Uarlug lli.V.) J. UAItlNd. lull - n.aiHlvH. man nnd wife, single mill, iiinderaii' prlci ; home comforts; phoni Picslon HI112 W. ncarelevntcd. 1IIKJA1,, N 2Mli-i-omrontatily furnished rma slngh' or en suite. tejlni-d private home. IIHOAD. 8., 120. Apartments. 2 rooms nnd hnth, nnd single rooms with bith. Sat tp , 3Ioore. T.ltiiAD. sT, 21211 Ftirnlrbcd roonis. all conven iences, private fam. liionc Dbklnion 201ft J. CATJIAUINi:"sf.. ri23-.Nrely furnlshnl rms.. nil conveniences. I'honn Woodland lll'l.'i It. CECIL, H, 721-Nicely turn room In private latnllv lor eungi nlnl lajblmsa vvonian. CEDArl AVE , 4WI-A(trnclivo front roiiniT well hetti'd jnilt physbkin or.lresamaker. CHEST.NCT." n-'S-lA'slrubfc. uell-luinlslleil rooms, with or without- prlvnlo hath. CII:-(TN'-T,-lJs-l!cautlfiilly"furnlsheilfrotit rooms: run, water: elc. : steam heat, lef. CHESTNUT, Ul." Attractively rurnlsked front room. C-ffr.N IIT, 1127 'hob v "2-room apt. nnd bath.well Jurn., eh-itrblly. oposte Aldlne CHESTNI'T, 2KI3-SINOLH ItOOM. DOI'lll.i: HOOM. St'lTE WITH HATH HEFEItKNl'li. CHESTNI'T. 20r.-Slngl or en suite, clectrlcl tv; hot-water heal: now manngemeiit. ref. t'OLI.E ,E AVE, N. 2(111 jliioms, single of n FUlte: newlv furnished, private bath If de sired; overlooking (llriinl college: II tnln- utea to City Hall. Call Poplar 120! J. LOCUST, 1303 Furnished shmlo room, 3d floor front, ft 1 a innnlh. 4th lloor room, flu. la hi A. s T( wTI 2 in lairvrc .Id-stury front room overlooking a.jiilre licust It-UHI W. MAIISKAI.L. N . tiilS-'l reiomB nnd hath, 2d llo.ir; all conveniences; smill family. NiillRIS, W It 17 .1" large 2d-tlnir looms anil bath, flngle'or en suite; heat, light; suitable 2 or 'I gentlemen $-'3 monthly, phone. OXFORD STl, NO, HISS a modern apartment bulluing. having llnitied numb, r ot single ricma, vvlih bath, rurnlshed, at reasonable rates. Tlike any enr running west to iioth st., wllh free para to Ovcrbrook car, which runs iircit to i.d and Oxiord sts. A delight tul semlKiiburtnn location. In a restricted lesl'luitlal nelrjhborhooil 1'AItK AV'i; Vu7 AUrncllvely""furn. rooms,' slngleor en sullo: j.onv'8 good location. PINK, lift SlNill.E KiiiiMS. NEAR HATH, REFINED SCRROCNDN10S. PINE. Si.0 Well turn, rlngle, double rooms, private Inlh. steam heat, electric light. pTnT:, "mi2 lies'rableVlurnlshe.l IVrgo front loom, also ilnirlc room, near bath. P1NH." l.VId Furnished room, with or without bath, electric lights hot-wader beat filVK SJIS Nicely furnished room for gentle man, bonrdoptbtnal: 'phono. Iletmont '1710. SALFORD ST.. N.. 131 (near Ofith and Jtarket Neatl) furn. room, priv,cfe ramlly; reasonable. HANSOM ST. I3J0 I'rlvate famllv having n.oJern homo will rent el ur 2 very dcslrablerooma. Preston 27-.I J. UI'HUi'E. 12UI -Large room, "running wuter; cunvenlent to bath. oth r vacancies. ril'UL'CI.'. 1110 Two- unfurn. rooTns, brlvnte lialh, furn. room, running' water, board opt. SPRUCE, 13-I7 Itisims. single or en suite; prl. bathf, prof, orfltes. steam heat, electrlrlty, Sl'RUCE. 2022-Attractlvely furn. bachelor npi.. 2 rooms, private bath, fireplace, pnone. SPRl'CK. 1130 Well-furnliheil rooms; hot water heat, gentlemen, reference. WALLACE -ST . 1017-Nieelj furnished rooms, single or en suite, hot-water heating. WALNUT, 1111. Attractive rooms private bath. Unfurnished, or wlllfurnlth. WALNUT, :ni8 Furnished apartment 4 rooms, bath, sJnfiderooina hnt-waterheatjng. WALNUT, XSII lalrge. unfurn. coniinunlcattng front rooms, running w'ater. hot-water heat. WALNUT AND 4ITH For men. two most dcslrablo rooms, single or en suite: contin uous hot water, every modern convenience; excellent table. Clermont Apts., it 4. WALNUT. 300TI Thlrd'-floor communicating front fooms; hII conveniences; nearl WALNUT, 3002-Furnished 2d-stnry front room, near L; phone, Ullmont 3324 J. 10TIL 8.. 301 2d lloor. furn. front room fo"f gentlemen, running water; fl and 14. ilTll." S., .'122 (The Carlton) Clean, well-fur-nlshed rooms for refined people, steam heat; qbundat.ee ot hot water, central; reference. FJTH." S.. Soil Cheerfully furn " room, adjoining bath: gentlemen. Apply MI K. Oat, on preni. 1STII, N.. lfis---l-arse sitting room, suit den tist, private adult family, also single vacs., furn. or unfurn. i reasonable. Dlam, 4Uos v. fiTHrS-T'Sll-COMFOUTAllLVFURNtSHEp V116.NT ROOM.ADJOINIIATH PHONE, l.-.TII. N., HI2U- IItOE. D.ESIRA11LK XU FRONT; 'EVERY MUHERN CONY PHONE. 13TII N. llflK Hirhelor ants., furnished, two r,cm,rrivatetathsLBarage and jhone. itiTII. N., 2323 Two 3d story front rooms. luT nlshed fur light housekeeping, running water. respectable 1'rol. lanniy. wiamonq iaac vv. 17TH & MONTGOMERY Tu rooms for bach. elor; private family: refJI 617. Ledger Cent. St-TIL 8., 221 Comfort, furn. double rooms; sojlhern tspoaure: board optl. Prea. 3727 W. 3JST. 8., ,1ft Large and imall furn. roams; electric light, hot-water heat. Phone. 52D. 8.. 2S2d-story fronrroora. nicely furn., hot-water bU; nearj L; phone. 02D, N.. SU Attractive furn. rooms, hot-water heat. Lelnout 3315 t. " "4111 WA-LNUT " Large sunny roonis with bath -" 32d" and "Sansoii - turiilst 1 WEST DRANCH rooms; 1 men only; meals, Y. M. C. A. shower baths, near L; all the comforts of home. Phone Uel- tnent -ittSl. Key., West 3s0. OENTLEMEN. If you desire t or 2 attractive rooms, with or without bath. In a beautiful, well furnished, quiet home, on Spruc st, near Droad. write M. B5U. Ledger Central DEST LOCATION on Walnut street, in West Phlla. Two rooms In private bouse, may lx rented together or separately, references re quired. AJdres II V4U. Ledger Central. TW iiomi-llke rooms with adjoining bath la private family comfortable furnishings let references gertdemejn preferred. Ht3. L C cbilFOKTAHLU mro room. reonsble:eooT" to rais private farsliy Tioga 31-41 W Ruliufban UERMANTOWN-Sd-floor front room, furnlsh J. ir-ell betted; crtrat fatpUr. Qta, 333-1 Vf, BOARDING DALTIMonn AVI2., -tilt -AHrae. house. Just . open. ; elngie, double rms.; prlv. bathji board. HALTlMOREi 4110-Iatrge. sunny, second-floor room, couple or gentlemen; excellent table. HALTIMOllE. inio2,l andnd'story front, next to bnthj prlv. family; toard. WooiH'd, 1113 i. WS'X.V. AVlt., 470S Warm furnished room: BOOilhom tabh! ; private family; phone. SPRDt'E, 722- Women's Catholic Hoarding AwiocUtlqn' rooma, with board, lVl.f-3 weekly. f SPhtJcn. 12.10 Secorj,d story suite; also front room. RPRl'tlE, tOIO-ltooms, with board: runnln'r waJer;elevator. Phone Pllbey 5393JV. SPRUCE. 1028-30 Second floor front, prlvals bath, choice table table bonnh SPRCCE, 1220-Altrnrtlve roome. single or en . suite private bath; Inble hoard. SPItl'i E, 1221-20 (Hrlsmondei Ftirn. rooms, single, en suite, private baths: labia board. WAi.NPT, 45.11 -Rooms with board, 2d and 3d" iionrs. near 1. reterences, lf.TIf. .'., I4-.0 llAN'DSOMELY FrRNISItht) U6oM. ItfNNINO .WATER; riRRT-CLASS TA1ILE HOARD. PRIVATE FAMILY. iitTH ST.. s, 521-I.arfe. doiiWa" roome; re"- flncd,modern table board. Hell phone. PRIVATE family, no other lonrdera, can so coinmodale 1 or 2 persons, neighborhood of Md and Chester nve Phone Woodland IO11I L. , Table lloanl TI('(IA-3.V17 N llillij excel, tab. hrd.; near eta.; rood home rooking, Tioga 2.M3 J. WALNUT LANK.W., 4 1-Attractlve front room In select section of nermantown: ennv, to trains nnd trollcjs. Phono Iltn. 1000 Y. SANITARIUMS HEA1 TirUI, locallon. special scientific care! nervous, elderlv , every comfort, nurses. Honklet. Dr Kendal CID line, Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS 18 Jo South Rittcnlioiise Square Tl rec Anirtmenls, enlarged during the sum mer, are ready for meupancy; nun (n iluplcxl coiitnlns 12 rooms and 4 baths; ihe others H rooms and 2 baths, and in rooms and II baths, Also a small aiMrtnicnt of 7 rooms and b.itn, O. ANDERSON, ttupcrlntcii.tent. WAl.NCT AND llTlT ST.-C (S." W. eor.l-Mod sullen et.eptlonally alltactlve. targe, high ceilings; abundantly lighted ell 3 sldis. Also 2(M Smith llth st. Suitable for housckirepliig If desired. Ilentnls tin mm IT.'. Janitor on comer premises. HARDER. HARTMAN Ac CO . I2ut Chestnut st. RITTKNIIOUSE Sq. (210 8. lOTlff Large, beautifully furn, rms. und apts.; 1 or 2 rms.; prlv. buna: bot-w'ater heat; 1st class In nppolntmrnt jindrervlce. SpjAico 3(102. N. W." COR.i7TH AND'S'ANSOM STS.-TWO np.irttuents, 1 room and bath nnd 2 rooms and bath. Apply on premlt'S. DIAMOND ST.." 1S23 t'p-to-dale six-room artment for rent: all conveniences. A, ltonnein, - LOCI'ST," 1213-13 (Lion's Hend)-Furn. npta,, sultes and roonis with prlvato bath. SPRING GARDEN, lsi7-Excelle"nt a'pls. In 1 different housea. some furn.: kitchenettes. 101 H. 1ITII ST.- Ilachelor apartments; excep tional y derlrable 2d lloor suite. 2 large ronrsa an.l bath. vcry modem Improvement: Jani tor on premises steam heat Included. HARDER. HARTMAN .VI CO., 121)1 Chestnut. OXFORD. 21111s Nenr Park, first and "second; single or together, hot-water heat, . AIIERNKTIIV. I'M S. 121 tl. ' Slid" "ill IX 1 13 AVE - Heeninl floor, 3 rooins'and hath: JIO. C. P. COWARD CO.. 20th ami .Jefferson sta. TIOGA, VV., 1117 -2 rooms and luilli-l front, large, nlielv furnished. THE PARKS1DE 4OTH A?n!vtTAI,D OPPOSITE FAIHMOUNT I'ARK One to four rooms and bath; reasonable terms. Phone Raring 221. " ' VHP. KI3NNINHTON PINE, I1EU1W IIROAD Now upaitmints. open (or Inspection. YARROW a VAN Pl'l.T 17th and Chestnut sts. EOt'ITARI.E APARTMENTS Ml-ino Norlh Mb st , 1st tloor, 2ii; second floor, $13: heat, hot water: Janitor In rear. CHARLES W. SNYDER 2(PO N. lllh t. West I'lilladclpliln POVVEI.'TiiN, lull 1 ouiHldo roima. bath, poreh. 2d lloor, SIO. Inqulro Kit!) Powcltun uve. Phone I'rcstou Id.'iii CHI-STNI'T ST.. 3C03-7 (Leone) Elegant aptsr. reduced rent. Call 3 to 3, Jan. Ph. Uar. 7lilV 1 OFFER a largo variety ot apartments at varied prbes and to iccet almost any require ment. Call or send for list. Automobile service to Inspect apartments If desired. NORMAN K SHERWOOD. 1411 Walnut st. SPRUCK U2C0. RACE 3023. CHILTON rirst-llocr rooms. The Chilton. No. JiCIS luring; light and heat Included: (30. Mrs. Pelle Mrdiln, manager of Chilton. Criiwyil, I'm. 1. e ocvu- iiniTi.-" '! fjnwid on A (H LST HOUnL Montgnnurv Ave. , Half block from atatlon, 20 minutes nroad St. Sta., unl'iuo nnd distinctive every com fort and iiinv. npts with or without lioard; good table board' t7 weekly. Tel. Cinwvd 7ir; FURNISHED APARTMENTS SPRING GARDEN, 2121-Attractlvo apts.. with prlvato baths; In prlvato home. Pop. u07l. APARTMENTS WANTED T1II3RB ISAllfeOLi'TI3LY NO REASOn'wIIY ANY DEHIRAHLE Al'AltTME.ST SHOULD UE VACANT AT THE PRl'.SENT MOMENT. The number of applicants far apartments handled by this office frequently averages over one hundred a day. I place at the disposal of my clients tho bett equipped, largest and moat attractive 4mca ever duvoted to tho builncis of rent ing iirlarimentB I give thtm highly organised, courteous and efdclent nervlce. I have private branch ex changes 10 handle phone inquiries, two auto mobiles walling to sh.iw np-rtments to pros rertlve tenants, and in every way give serv l'o of such a character lhat the apartments placed In my hands are rapidly rented. Will ou not help joursclf and at the same tlmo assist me by furnishing me with com pleto Information relative to your vacancies? CALU PHONE OR WHITE NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. SPRUCE 0200. RACE 3023. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 31111, N 1UTII hT. Deslnibly located modern ll-room housekeep ing aiiartineiits. steam hint; Janitor; con venient to trains and trolleys. HAML'EL T. POX & CO S. E. COR. UTIt AND CALl.OWIIILL 15TH. N., 1112 Modern npti.. redurec! rentals; apartments Just renovated through ,ut: jani tor 011 iremltrs. Appl) til Lewis A. Tuular 8 W. ('or nth und Walnut sts. IIROAD, N, '.'tUi.-;t 100ms, kitchen, bath. 4th floor, -.team heal gat and elec. $'.0 M. Isell, 11. .7 Ileal Kalate Trust llldg. Filbert H-eiO. N'f.l 8. IIROAD ST", HoUHckiepIng apartments ' JHUIIHY T SAI'NHhRS. II Houth INth st. THERE "ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT You ran look at ono after another umlt you rlniJ on or , , You can tea around to the n Iff rent B(cn cip until In (Jepjr ou take une. or . You Can Call, Phone or Write to This Office It Is quite true that nearly every desirable apartment In Philadelphia la listed with and may be rented through us. Call upon us in our new offices; they are really quilo attractive, ou wilt be given the most courteous and efficient service obtain Aii automobile Is waiting to taka ou to the list o( apartments ou designate, and It by any chance ou are not perfectly suited, our entire urganltatlon will be placed at your disposal to procuro for you exactly your heart's desire. , , , . Think of all the trouble jou will have saved, and how glad ou will ba (0 know tun have lound the one apartment In Phlladei phla which most nearly approaches your esact ideal. . NORMAN S. SHERWOOD llll WALNUT ST. .. Spruce 6200. Race 3023. THE WARWICK HHyi-Ua-10 Sanaoni street. A modern 7-story, fireproof building, con taining suites 01 apartments having 4 to ci rooms with all conveniences for Housekeeping. The entire water supply in this bullilng is HUt-red. Tbeie will be 2 or 3 desirable ya caiu'Lr, cue suite on lbs -1th floor, containing B rooms, at ?33 per month, and one on the 3.; Hour, ut -'J per month. There Is a caterer In the building, who will terve meals wbwn wanted, either In the public dining room or In tho airttneuta. ' WHITESIDE & McLANAIIAN N. W tor nu and Pine sis. TUB MONTEVISTA. 11I AND OXFORD STS. Withlu 26 minutes of City Hall vis Market street elevated and GOlh street croeetown line, which runs direct to ctd and Oxrord sts. Suites of from one room and bath, to seven rooms and bath, ranging In price from 30 Dining room located in building, PHONE OVERUROQK, SOiM. HOUSEKEEPING APARTilBNTS ALL PARTS OP CITY DENTS 23 TO 70 PEH.VSjjNjni V-Al-l- I-HCNK OB WRITE yoa INb'OItUATIO.N SAMt EL STK1IN ISSl CHESTNUT STREET J-HOOM AIT. U0 OIHARD AVE. Entlreaa door, newly remodeled hot vvsUr but. law rvjnt, Val4nuo. Ilia Glrard ave. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS CORONADO 22J AND CHESTNUT HT3. 4 rooms and bath 7 rooms and bath 12 rooms and 3 bath THE DA11t.ES 1000 OH York rond; a few choice 0-room hoasekeeplng apartments; all conveniences; I0 per month Apply to Israel Hecht, 1218 Ch-stnut fit., or Janitor, onpremlses. THE ENOLKWOOD, 320 8. 11TII BT.-tdeal eenlral hoiisebeer.tnr nnarlmenlsi Hilltes. .1 rooms, kttchenettn and bath. Apply Janitor, en premises, or lewis A. taulanb, pwi en prcmls Walnut st M W. OREIMS, Originator of Apartment Ilu reati t'ervlce, will uulckly nnd the apartment that suite, jou. Phono Walnut 8237. 03(1 RcalJt tato 1 rust llldg. TUP NAtl 1B27-20 PPRUCI3 STRnirf 1111- 11VOII HorsEKEEPINtl APART MENT8 jtndl'noFEPSIONAI. JIFKICKS. FOR modern furn. or unfurn apartments, Northwest Phlln. nnd Tioga, see us first. SCHOEPPV A- CfltSU Montgomery nve.f POPLAR APARTMENTS, intl-2f) Poplar -Sult.s fur. or iinfur . hot-water heat, private (nths: hot wnter: beautiful first floor. WEST PHILADELPHIA 3ITH AND CHESTNUT (The Ksseil-Ti rooms, bath, pantry and reception hall, rjevator (day nnd night service), Colonial finish, white china gloss paint, mahogany doors, hardwood floors, combination wall safes, laundry, vacu um cleaner, roof garden; watchman all night; M.I to t'tO month. 34TH AND SPlUNd HARDEN (The Iletmont) Nice front apartments, mahogany flnle'i. private porches, hardwood ftoorsjN porta rochere entrance, desirably situated: nowlv renovated, papered and painted, $21 nnd $27 month All desirable new housekeeping npts. Apply Janitor, or CREH.1i: 'Ids Hole llldg. 3IT1I AND BI'ltlNd HARDEN (201 Helmonl Apartments) Onlv $27 month: nice corner apartment, 3 rooms nnd bath, private ball, hardwood floors will paper and decorate to suit tiiinnt. Inquire Janitnr. J 411) AND CHESTER AVE. (101 Monterey Aparttncntsl-Only f'13 month: 4 rooms, bath nnd reception hall: hardwood floors; all rooms face street. Inquire Janitor. DREXHL APARTMENTS OVERIIROOK STATION One housekeeping suite, n rooms And hath, $H.ill per month; one furnished suite. 2 sleeping looms, one exceptionally largo living room nnd bath, $73 ptr month; public dining room. Phone Over, rook G32S. . THE CHANCELLOR APARTMENTS Chaniellnr nbnvr .lllh llest value In West Philadelphia, 22 ft. living room, splendid condition, 3 roonis. bnlh nnd large jsirches; evi ry modern convenient e, rent $-10 nnd $32. Apply Janitor. n premises, or KERSHAW & CROWD ,1213 Chestnut St. THE RUTLAND APTS.. JUST COMPLETED I)CL'ST ST, MTH TO KiTII ST. fi and 7 room apartments, with nil the latest conveniences, $17.i0 to $13 permonth. HOI1ERT P1TTH. AOENT Hell phono Helmont 4I.T1, 3113 Lncustjt. THE l.AHCHMONT. 1100-02 H. 40TII ST. Hllth and Chester live.) One of the hand somest second floor np(s. In Philadelphia; 0 larco rooms, all oiltsldo: reception hall and bath, with private porch. Taylor & Son, 21 nnd 211 S. 40th t "SATTERLEi:" CHESTNI'T AND lirril STS. A I'evv Vacancies. EDWARD Ht'TCHINSON JR. 122 F. ftTII. or 117 S. KITH. OREY CARLES. 312111 N. 3.1D. Very aHraetlve apts.. 3 to 7 rooms, fitriilsheil or unfurnished; nil nulsl.lo rooms: shower Inths.j'to :ieasonible; S mln. from City Hall, ONLY JO' mouth. 20d Isex Apartments. 34lh and chestnut, nhe corner apartment, 3 rooms nnd hath nnd private hall: will paper und decoralc to suit tenant. Inquire Janitor. 110" TO $01 CHOICE SELECTIONS KERSHAW iCOWI;,i2l3j;hcatnut. WELL-FUHNISHHD sunny hoiisckeeplni: ntit", I roomi and bath, elevator Itarlng l,s7. OER.1IANTOWN SCHUYI.JR ST., 322S-3l)-32 - Houockccplni! apartments with porches, U rooms and bath, hoi wuter heat, elei trie lights, domestic hot wuter; otic minute's walk from Queen Luna St.itlcu. Apply P C. Scbeld, 13th and ony.lcr ave. Phono Dickinson t.lR. WALNUT LANE, 1,.. 1304 rooms and bath; hot-water hcat; prlvnte porch; $.10. 1 THERE ARE A PEW POLKS WITH "KID DlES"vvbn positively will not rent an apart ment in the city. So in order to please them and others who Ml'ST have a suburl an home THE QUEEN LANE APARTMENTS WERE lll'ILT No. jou never have en anything quite like them chances are you never will ngaln. rresh nlr trees, birds, grnsi, country aur roundlngs; in a word, tho great outdoors all about nu A hlock from Queen Lnno Station, same clUtanio fiotn Ihe Cermantowii Crlckit Club, three blot ks fmni Wnvne avenue The prlco Is Kitty Dollars u month nnd As to the apartmenta: Thc have llvo roo: is ind bath, plus atl extra maid's room, hot-water heat the beat obtainable nniplo but water, exceptional closet room, built-in bookcases, private porches, unusual construc tion and decorations: ou must see them to know that they are Just what von have been looking for. and our automobiles will make this .111 easy matter. Wo might furnish one or two at. say. Sev enty Dollais h month. NORMAN 3. SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut street Mnln Line. Pa. IL II. IIAVERKORD-RRYN MAWR 7 rooms, conva., livvn. shade; near station. C. p. PETERS A SON. (.08 CHESTNUT ST. Hnvrrfnril. Pa. HAVI3RKORD. PA. Nenr station and club, new- nparlments, 7 rooms, 2 hatha, $70 to $m per mouth; south ern exposure: beautiful outlook, large duplex apartment. Iico per month. Mel I. VAIN A: CO. 13IS lJtid Title Hulldlng. l'hlla. APARTMENT HOTELS IT 18 WITH A PEELING of particular pleasure and satlslactlon that I announce tho opening of 223 South Droad st. bultes consist o1 1 room. 2 rooms und 3 rooms, arranged with private hatha If de sired. The furnishings, decorations and appoint ments are iiulte perfect, and the resultant combination Is an illustration of the fact that tho small apartment hotel may reach a heUhl of comfortable and homelike dezlrubl Itv which it Is physically Impossible to achieve ; claeu here. I 1 do not believe lhat 1 shall ever be ablo to 1 offer a mora perfect residence to those who I desire their every requirement und wish 10 S po anticipated. Hero ou may. In truth, select jour home to day, and without tho spending nf a single extra dollar or aivinu the matter anotn-'r thought, may occupv your apartment tumor d row- wiin every Housekeeping prouiem solved for you In udvunce and every care and worry eliminated und vor without the loss of the true hiimellke atn.o,pbere. of 23 suites ottered for occupancy, twelve havu teen reserved. Your earlv reservations will, therefore, be greatly appreciated Ml llil AN S. SHERWOOD llll WALNUT ST. THE I El.llAR-MOItlUS OERMA.NTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE STATION. PENNA. HA1LHOV.D '.0 MINL'TES 1 flOM IIROAD hT. TERMINAL ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED SUITES AND HOUBEKEEP INI! APARTMi'NTS. THE CLINTON TENTH UELOW SPRUCE SJ III I IMS. E'ER CON.K.MhNl'H Funihhed or unfurnished; either by lcae or traiulentl) . suites of one to four rotms, wllh lath. 'THE GENEVA 10TI1 STHEirr AliOVE WALNUT HIsh-class upartmenta with or without pri vate bath, entirely renovated and refur nished, under new management. DOUOHTY fi MARSHALL THEGLADSTONE UTlhiSgrllNB APART31KNTS FOR WINTER MONTHS FL'HNlMlhli Olt 1'NFI HNLSllED AKSOLUTEI.V FIHEPHOOF THE COVINGTON. CHIM'TNUT AND I7TH ST8 It. F. ENIILE. MANVClF.lt. ALSO THE ENC.LESIDE, IIEACH HAVEN, N J. THE EDGETON s" AND Three rooms and bath. One room and bath. Dining service. - ' THE ESMOND b- & COUNEIt 12TH 1 nc comvjixu AND Bi,MLiCB 8UITE OF 3 ROOMS AND BATH THE THACY PERMANENT OR THAN4SIBNT,aUEST3 3trrii and ciiHeyrNu'r' REAL ESTATE 7QR SALE crrv lUkJ LOCUST ST. Handsome, nioderu 4-story erosriistofi) dwell ing. Especially fitted for prufecsional offices. Low price and easy terms for quick sale. 133 N VIST ST For sale, modern dwelling. 11 ruocus and baths, southern otpoauxe; lot lSxbo. clae to Parkway. t J. EDWAHDLUT ,0 North Jh at 23.10 N. 1AR1C AVE. -Uf1 rooms, porch: lot lag 107. hardwood floors. ga logs, sun parlor; excellent condition. See Wll7 U. Ul.EN.vl 300-Xl Land Title Dldg.. 151 T Colun&U ve! IIS N THIRD 8T.-Lars 4-story brick bulid tng, sultablo for luanufarturlag . purpwes. i-jI.vs v JIILLEU. 40.Kil cwnrfionwealth Duiuiag 1003 CM'UOA ST -2d-;ory por.b front flwell ng. seven rooms, batb and receptlnu ball, modern Urouyut. CHARi.Ea W MILLEK, 401-407 Comnnnstalth Building. 1321 SOITTH'ST AND IU3 KATEU rT.l5r IS.JH20. MAKE OFFER. .Ys- WINNICK. J&3 IHDOB AYE. READ ESTATE TOR BALK CITY 3.141 N. 22D 8T.-Poreh-frenl dwelling; good condition! cheap1. 1 illicit ti. c vvicjUiamk, KTim walnut et. lrrril ST., n 2213-rent, 10 ROOMS, MEW . ly papered and renovated. M.Oet sl Bth A York 821 N, 8T1I-Rrnsonahlo price, and terms. jv, ji. cv ii.i,i.t.tin, oza vvainot si. 1020 MANTON 8T.-2 tory! rent $13s price $12.-.Q. 13. Illasl, IMP Ellsworth 3324 N. PARK AVE. for sale, $5000." NOTD MAN H. HAELEKIIt. FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE HOMES On Very Easy Terms MANY LOCALITIES SOME VERY HIGH-RETURN . INVESTMENT PROPERTIES See Us Before Buying CENTRAL TRUST AND SAVINGS CO. Market and Fourth Streets NEAIt TAIRMOUNT PARK roun mlocks prom 1VISSAHICKON DRIVE Thren modern semidetached porch-front dwellings, 7 rooms and bath, electricity nnd gas tile Imth. parquetry floors, con venient to schools, stores nnd churches, LOT8 23 MY 110 20 FEET BETWEEN EACH HOUSE $.1000 TERMS TO 8UIT This Is a big value, good location, A rcRular $1300 home. .. JOHN J. I-ORAN ill" Cresson at., Manayunk. - TO BE SOLD 1.?S )' Dauphin, cor., rent $.100; mnkn offer. 1,.!2 (Ireen, 2 baths, steam heat, garage. .37 Corinthian ave.. It rms., lRxl20 tn st, 20111 N. Hllh, Or., $11100; assessment $4000. Wallace, near 20th. $3ooiij assessment $3,100. Sp. Oarden, near 20th, 2.1x130, isooo; assess men( $1KKX). 1417 N. 17th. 11 roome. 11x31. 221.1 (Ireen. brownstone. 4lxl.V). (22 N. KKli, cor., 11 rms.. $4300s rent JlbO. tJHfi N. 12th. 10 rms.. 111x100. only s.1200. 3(11(1 N. 21st, porch, hot-water heal, etc. iir.'-j .tit. vernon, sine yard, petow assessment. HIIIIIEltD II. WORRELL & CO.. K.13 N. 17th. $2VO ONLY O.VB LEFT flist sldn of 2Ulh St.. south of Allegheny nve., 2-atory, brlek, porch-front houses. 7 rooms and outkltchen, hardwood finish, hot wntri heat, electric lb;lit. cabinet gas rnnge: combination bookiase and writing desk 'n Dutch hall. It will be worth your while visit ing theso houres heroro deriding elsewhere. BXMPI.E HOUSE OPEN EVERY DAY J. A, McNELIS Agent on premises, or Somerset St., west ct Jld. , . roil SALE nt special prices, to close an estate. 311211 Market st , through to Ludlow st store and dwelling. 212 McAliiln St.. dwelling, 7 rooms, 3N2.I rolactn st , dwelling, 1 rooms. 3V.2H Eolsom st.. dwelling. 7 rooms. JAMES O KHANClH.70.-i Wnlnut St. EXAMINE THIS UAROAIN $1200-1) roonis. side vard, $3,10 below build er'a price, never occupied: IVtl Chew st.. Tabor, large lot: hot-water heat, clecttli light, parquetry flooring; terms arranged; 2 trollei- block from station' 4 bedrooms. AI1BRN13THY, 133 S. 12th, 2721 N. Sth. IiEAl'TlKl'L HOME with garage, corner Perry and Erie ave.; s rooms, bath and reception hall, all modern conveniences; large Inclosed porch; excellent condition throughout; lot 17xli2; one-story brick garage In rear. SHOEMAKER. Till and Erie. OOT AN AI'TO OR A KOIIDf Private -garage with our beautiful Ruscomb st. homes (Put wear of Logan Station), e.tt this 4200 for home, garage and 120-rt. lot. v $.vio. See Logan ad. MIEHNEt'HY, 2721 N. Sth. home, garage and r.'0-ft. lot. witnout garage. 133 S. 12th. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for sale or rent: send uk your requirements. YARROW VAN PELT N. i: cor. 17th and Chestnut sts. Phono fllMl Spruce or 2071) Race. THREE HOUSES, renting at $11 per month each, can Ic bought for $1401 cash. MORT (1A11ES $liOfl caih. Theso are worth Inves tigating WM P. HAI.LINHEH, uth and Market. Camden. SITES FOR SALE Suitable for" erection of business buildings, large or small. Invest ment properties. Money for mortgages. ARTHUR IIOSWHLL. 23-1 N. 13th St. IF "YOU WANT TO MORTOAOE. rent, buy, sell, exchange or Insure, ' SEE TAl'LANB AIIOFT IT" too Walnut St. ONl.v $2Hiii for lull! Cani.it! st , II rooms; gn.,d neighborhood; asaessmeiit $.'120(1; bar gain. WM. tl. (1LENN. 3(0-01 Land Title Hull line. 1317 Couinhliave. HAROAIN tl th st., nbove PnrrTsh st.,' three story hrlik store and dwelling and three story brick dwelling In rear. CHARLES W, MILLER. 101-107 Commonwealth Hulldlng. RENTS COLLECTED Mortgages. Conveyancing ECHTS. 2114 W. Lehigh AI.HRK WARD'8 PARK-FRONT HOUSES ARK WORTH INSPECTION OFFICE 12:11 N "Til STREET stotai CASH hula l" Investment hnusrai always renieii nc s ratu. i'j. i' vi-n.. J. W. CLAYTON. v. 11.1 J Frankford ave. DFSIRAIH.E DWELLIND. :iiki N 21st.; make offer; owner will aril cheap A. II "I'll VMS .1'.-. Walnut st. 2-STOHY bilck dwelling, with all conven lenccsi'ln ni location: all renteel for 520 mo.; price $2.-00. Cameron, 2S1I Kensington. ATTRACTIVE a'airtnient house site, rood lo cation, re.isi.mble price: lot 100x230. IIAIIRV O C. WILLIAMS. 322 Walnut st. Hulldlng Luis, Factory Sites. Etr. 3d LOTS, opposite square. N. W cor. 32d and Reed sts.: trollej . all street Improvements; easy terms, low price. 71 lots, south of Dickinson st. between 27th and SWIi sts.: trolley, street ImtiroTe meiita, atlractlvn price. 21. i Stephen ulrard llull.llng. or jour ownhroker. THREE-STORY factory nnd IV1 "lots at JHs" pah. S". .1.; rillroad siding to factoryi on square from station: good chance for manu facturing concern, plenty of labor. C P. COWARD CtT20lh and Jefferson sts. 8ITFH "HAII.IIO.Vd. for "a lie." Pennsylvania and Reading $2,m(i per acre and up, accord ing ta locitlon. inquire for terms, D1ETEIMCH, 717 Wnlnut. RIPE TRACTS, large and small; will srrariis ndvsnces. AIIER.vnTHV, 2724 N. 3th. 1M S. 12th. VAI.l'AHLi: rentrnl site, 130x100; .1 streets: good bulldlnp t-ile to close estate! easy term. J. A. Frlti. 323 l-and Title llldg. U LOTS, choice location, near L station, all Itnprovemcnts c 413. I edger Off Ice. 1VKST PHIIM)KI.PHIA SU 8. 4ST1I ST. Attractive corner property, situated on ths best street In 4!ith st. reel Ion, 10 large rooms, 2 bathe, new electric fixtures; artistically painted and decorated, southern exposure: open to an offer. W H. W QUICK A HRO INC. R South 40th St. THETHOME YOU WANT Hae thone weary wtepi un4 flni yovir Ideal In thfe !autlful Home... WHITBY AVENUE .Itlth tn 37th Streets, 3 squares south of Maltlmore avenue. Ws offer ou ihe greatest value on the market today. An Inspection will convince you of their superiority; 4 rooms and bath on sec ond floor. Porches 10 feet by 16 feet. Par quetry floors throughout. See our fully fur nished sample house, DAVID CRAM DU&PFHi?M?s.En- Take coth street cars to 38th and Whitby ave. (1 square from houses). Market btreet "L' and Haltlmore avenue cars pass over ftoth street; 11 minutes to llroad street Yla P. R. It. Angora Station 2 squares aniy HEST VALUE IN PHILADELPHIA I'NEQUALED HOMES BOTH ST AHOVB LANSDOWNE AV8. West Side. $3000 Every Known Convenience. Hardwood Floors Throughout, JA8, C. ENOURQ. Uullder MR. HOME BUYER YOUR OPPORTUNITY SEE 7HESE SUPERIOR HOMES IN OVERIIROOK HEIGHT! SOT1I. HADD1NC.TON TO JEFFERSON ST. SunpU house furnished. Agent on premises. t?r BERMNLBROS., 6019 Market IlBAUTIFl'L HflME. 3 bedroom. " sitting room. lath. .xtrtor. reception, hall, large, d n Ing room, large Kitchen, finished la hard wood, hot-water heat, modern Improvements ,' end houso: heart ot West Philadelphia. cBr going Wtst ruuat sell at sacrifice, pries $iiu.O, $2300 cash, balance mortgage. 4011 55- - . " VEltY CHEAP lust tvoi. Bne porch resldenc property la desu-abu- iurt ef southwest Pallet delphU. within IS mlnules of town centre U sul-auiface car- It be seruldetacheU and lor. Is 23im feet. 2 baths, laundry and loft b slue the usual other room. Dctwsoa i Adarrs14 flermaaloan ave. Modern Sunlight Homes , 1 3 Ueauiliul Sherwood . Pl Cash.' I rices. tl.Mt). Bitty term. Rent iZ. Well Iul)t Madtrn. Ueaijltfcjl. Ftaxlei st. Thomas to Hoffmaa vi.. AynU-leld 8- Frasbir L ' - , U4W Clit.lttcJ A4 sa at Vmm4 . K m 4 I ), viVi 5.AVi