Trff'iW'wi Wrv zt 17T TJt- 1 "9 -;?- y JWfcl "fr V ta ! 12 SCCKtiS JOIN FARMER cmiti!(3 nuviinur rrmi UilllLJlO Wlllwv 11 w'u 19 Your Name in the List of Mem bers ? Th'o following i n list of Ihose who joined Farmer Smith's Hnlnbow Club this week up to Thursday nlRht. 1b your name here? If not, bcp Hit! chili new, on another pase of the Kvenino Ledoep. toilay. There you wilt find out how to Join the Unlpbow ciub: Florence ltlchly, Wood street. Hessle Cohen, South Clifton street. Hoy Ulllcsple, Itecse street. Aimft Ornf North Orlnnna street. ltobcrt T. Abbott, KnBt Ashmcad street. I.otils Ooltlberir, North Sth strccti Head-Inn-, I'ri. Joseph K. Want, Kast Ashmead street, Uessle Shafter, Hoffman street. William I'esmtoro. South Sth street. Leonard lllttcrman, West JlontRomcry A'enue. Yetta Nledlrman, Lombard street. Anselo M. Torrl, South Sth street. Homco Mlchclottl, South Sth street. Grace Dohblnaon, IrvlnB street. Msry Mcivcon. Wood street. Jennie Shaffer, Hoffman street. Anna Shafter, Hoffman street. MarEarct A. Hutchinson, McKean street. Tholma Wlllard, Ulcnwood avenue. Violet Juvenal, South 20th street. Kllxnbctli Heaps, Commerce street, Darby. Chnrles Hlehar s. North Orkney street. 1'orqthy Klirllc. Montrose street. Autorio 1)1 Hunt I. Carpenter street. Kretlt rick Fucllcr, lllensltle. Homo, South llth street. Chnndlee Mott. North Camac street. Pntsy Kelly, Wnjnc, l'n. Andrew Falrom, South Sth street. Tony Atetlq, I'assyunk avenue. Wa.tcr Kelley, Jr., Folcroft, I'a. IVnrl Ucord, fc'outh Tth street. Alexander II Jincll. Woodland terrace. Mary Farrell, South isth street. Mnrcaret Fnrrdl, South ISth street. Charles Tlnney. Jr., Cheltenham, Pa. Louis lloker, Ocrmantoivn avenue. Lillian llablnnwltz, Frceland, ra. M.irlnii Kustacc, Malcolm street. Itcnato Olardluclll, South 10th street. Jlnrtrnret McMlchncl, Fernon street. Vyilllam lllumen8tcln. South 13th fltreet. Norman I.lntlrnhelm, Snyder avenue. W. It. Howell, Spruce street. Kaymond Kntferliodlne street. Viola Kaffer, llodlne street. Charles KafTcr. llodlno street. Dolores Kaffer, llodlne street. Frmk Kaffer, llodlne street. J. Hammer. North 5th street. Wllllamctte linney, Germantown avc ' nuc. Horace Callahan, North Percy street. Kthel Voorhees, West Thompson street. Knthcrlnc Callahan, North Percy street, t John D. Kdwnrds, South Front street. Grace, McOlbney, Norrlstown, Pa. Klmcr McXnmuin, Camden, N. J. Calvin Gilbert. Aberdeen, Md. Katherluu !.azar. South Cth Btrect. Joseph Walker, North tth street. Rose Fransch, South Front sticct. Zadok Chance, South Front street. Hairy Stclller, West York street. Amelle U. Sclxns, Wlssalilckou avenue. Esther Hill, North College avenue. Everett Sllbcrt, Gray's avenue. Percy Hannum, Jefferson Pa. Myrtle Deputy, Wilmington. , Samuel Mcllncoff, Woodland nvenue. Pntsy Perrone, JohnsonburR, I'a. Victor KIsenberB, Susirjeb.ann.i avenue. Lillian Wollman, Cross street. Mary, Helen, Anna. Catherine, Alice, "John and James Lawless. Montrose street. ."Wilbur Spencer, South Carlisle street. Anna Daly, South Rosewood street. James H. Duly, South Itosewood street. Dorothy E. Grese, North 8th street. Gladys Gwynn, Jasper street. Morris Borkon, Cantrcll stivct. Grace Saanl, Poplar .street. Anna Itnutzenbcrg, Philadelphia. Rose Aratn, New Market street. Hynian Kohen, South street. Clara Surman. North lid street. Charles Marola, South Sth street. Sproul McCabc. Kerlln street. Joseph Roebuck. Philadelphia. Harry Hollander, Poplar street, Gcorse Scharlach. North Sth street. Mlchall Caprio, South Sth street. Elizabeth allien. Peach street. Ireno Haines. West Ludlow Terrace. Beatrice Flskel, Tree street. Margaret Williams, Roscmont, Ta. Otto Kaufman, Butler street. Gertrude Klernan. North llth street. Jlary Wcener, South ii'd street. JIarRaret IJurn, Crum I.jnne. Kntharyn IJurn, Crum Lyune. Minnie Horner, South street. Etliei Goldman. Gasklll street. 5 Harold Wlllard, Glenwood avenue. Ernest Brown, Aldan, Pa. Louis Reeves, South Camac street. Cecelia Freeman, Parkslde nvenue. M. Ems. West SedKley avenue. Dominic Falconl. Ellsworth avenue arary Wrlsht, Spring City, Pa. Margaret Strackle, Spring City, Pa, Mllle D'Ornzlo.. Ellsworth avenue. John II. Lewis. North Wales. Pa. EUsha Kent, Jefferson street. Elva rtlch. Spruce street. Rose Sylvester, South 6th street. Anna Malamut. North 10th street. Martha Barr, North 27th street. Anna Heaney, North 27th street. e Jacob Levy, South Sth street. Otto Kauffman, Butler street. Romeo Copozzl, South street. Francesco Romeo, South llth street. George Tanguay, Arch street. Sidney Burruss, Darby road. Anna M. Gardner, Upland street Veronica Skerland. Dayton street. Louise Skerland, Taylor street, Benjamin Altshulcr, Poplar street. A. William Altshuler, Poplar street. Chajrtes. Cohen. Clifton street. Orlando Sazzaro, South Sth street. John Monk. North Water street. Madeline Capozzi. South street. John McSorley, Colwyn, Pa. Louisa Capozzi, South Btreet. Morris Farnoff, North American street. Marguerite, Virginia and Wilson Davis, Westminster avenue. Katherine Lazar, South 6th street. Winifred Quirk, Addison street. Urban Quirk, Addison street. Loretta Stahl, West Somerset street. Lillian Wollman, Cross street. Louis Tomallno. North 17th street. Charles Klotz. North 23th street. Alfred G. McCIean, North 30th street. Abe Grosser, South street. Dorothy Bloomfleld, Venango street Gertrude Shaw, Parkslde avenue. TALK ON CANNIBALS Fugi Island Natives in Pictures at Central Y, M. C. A. Pictures and stories of cannibals -will he the attraction at the Central Branch T, l, C, A. tomorrow, at 3:30 p. m., when Alfreu roster, ot tne tugi jsianu. an. extensive, traveler, will deliver an Illus trated fre lecture on "Cannibalism and Christianity." Miss Ethel Sykes. so prano. Mill sing prior to the lecture, JottRK. Mclntyre, superintendent of the Whosoever Mission, will address a mass meeting for men In -the Locust Theatre, id and Locust streets, tomorrow after noon, under the auspices of the West Branch -Young Men's Christian Associa tion. Ho will speak on 'The Value of a , Kl4 "Word," 1 -The Rev. Dr. Robert Bagnell, pastor of V Park Avenue Methodist Church, -will beglu & series of four Sunday after- uon Addresses at the North Branch T. L C- A-e 1913 West Lehiifh avenue, - tssrrw t 4 p. m.. on "The Message : httjMe Gope1 to This Generation." tie -win twwwer questions. Madame L. Bara- :, lult wtX give faer third Bible lecture yiHayvnlng oa "God's Covenant With : Tlk kf Drr Hervey Woa4 fh IWv. Dr. Kenrey Wood, of New t-iek. va of tho foremost temperance ad- YSKatM Mi tt ceuotry, will preach on rittaraecUusT-WWclr tlhe Rox- v JBapltt CliureH ton8rw eve- W o'clook,. Tfc4 Kvv. Dr. Jh "t ORGAN DEDICATION FOR i maimiv riiiinrii ntnTiiti.iv I "iu I VI1UHU1I ifiiimini President Singmaster, of Lutheran Synod, Speaker at Five-day Celebration Tho 15th anniversary services of the Trinity Luthcrnn Church, Darby, will he marked tomorrow by tho dedication of tho new pipe organ, altar, cross and lec tern. The Rev. Dr. J. A. Slngihastor, presi dent of the General Synod of tho Lu theran Church and of the- Gettysburg Theological Seminary: the Rev, William J. Milter, James 11. Robertson and James S. Itunkln will spenk nt the morning services. At the "old-time night" serv ices Monday the Ilov. William 11. Hard ing, of Audu'ioii, N. J.. Hit etiurch's first P pastor, will spenk. Open night will be observed Tueday, and Wednesday eve ning wilt be neighborhood night, when tho pastors of both Darby and Colwn boroughs will conduct the services. Broth erhood night will be celebrated Thursday. Tho church sprang from n Sunday school organized November 2J, I port, lit the Gotschnll Hall. In the following month the Rev. Mr. Harding ami the Rev. S. D. Daugherty organized the church, the former being selected pastor August 31. 19.13, The coriurstono una laid n month previously. The church has 1C9 communicants and SSI Sunday school pupils. DIDDLE HOME TO OPEN Exercises to Mark Opening of Bible Class Headquarters The winter home of the Drexcl Riddle Whip classes, at 1917 Mount Vernon street, will bo opened formally tonight. Classes from nil sections of the city will take part In the program, which Includes music. The Drexcl Diddle Entertnlnirs will hold a meeting nt the homo Monday night. Tho Southwest Philadelphia district will open Its basketball season tonight with lfi tennis playing. Tho Rev. Dr. Joseph T. Wilde will address a Rally Day meet ing at Holy Trinity palish house tomor row morning nt 3:30 o'clock. The ladles' class ot Holy Trinity Church will have chargp of the Inasmuch Mission services Monday night. TENDERLOIN CHRISTMAS Orphan and Poor Children in District to Be Remembered Christmas cheer for the poor children and orphans of the Tenderloin Is being prepared by Major and Mrs. H. S. Houtz. of the American Ilescuo Workers, It charge of the Mission Hnll and Free Temporary Dome for Homeless Women, at 147 North Oth street. A start of workers Is collecting fruit, candy and toys for the children. Father less children will be measured nt the hall for new shoes nnd stockings every day after 3 p. m. except next Monday. Crip pled children will bo especially remem bered. Contributions to fill empty stock ings ore being received nt tho hall. RELIGIOUS BREVITIES "Power That Means Failure." vwlth a prelude on "Stoncmanlsm," will be the subject of tho Rev. George Chalmers Richmond tomorrow evening In St. John's Episcopal Church. In the morning he will preach on "The Night In Which He Wn Betrayed." Dr. Henry B. Wright, of Ynlc Univer sity, will speak nt the university service nt 'tho Tabernacle Trcsbyterlan Church at S o'clock tomorrow evening. The Rev. Dr. John Allnu ltlnlr, pastor, will preach n sermon on "The Divine Compulsion" at "the morning service at 11 n. m. The Rev. Dr. Edwin Heyl Dclk, pastor of St. MattheWri Lutheran Church, llroad and Mt. Vernon streets, will pi each to morrow, at 10:15 a. m., on "The Incarna tion and Sonshlp," and at the evening Bervlcc. nt 8 p. m., on "With Open Eyes." At the Meanliti Lutheran Church tho Ilev. Panlel V.. WelKle, p.iitur. will preach on "Tno i:nity I'ett" nt 10.MU a. in., and on "Who Is Jiaus?" nt 7:13 p. in. tomorrow. The Itev. John II. lllcka, pastor ot the First Dunh llc.ormeil Church In America, l.ith nn-l Pauiltln streets. lll rmuluct i.reparatury services Wedncaaay nnd l'rlday evenlnss. At tho SwedcnborKlan Church nt the New Jerm-ili-m the ltev. Charles W. Haney. pau tnr. will priiu'li un "Our Two (Jrcat Clnlmants: Ood und Man," at 11 a. m. tomorrow. At the Kplicopal Church of ihe Halour, "Mh nnl I'hotnut rtrecta. Maunder's fotrcd can tata "llethlchcm" wilt he given by the rholr of the chureli under the direction ot uasslll Lena tomorrow nlsht nt 7:4s o'clock. The -o-lotits will lie Master Clarence lllalne, so prano: Earle W. Marshall, tenor, and K. . Cottmln. baritone. The Re. Dr. Hobert Johnston Is rcitor of the church. lllshop McCormlck, of Mlchlsan. under the nusplcea or the Nation-wide Preaching Mission of the Knlfcoinl Church, will deliver a terles of noonilny ndilresses. beclnnlns nt Il'i.tJ o'clock, nt Christ Church, on Monda, Tues ilay. Wednesday, ThursJav and Krlday of nett week. The Itev. lxuts C. Weshburne. rector, will preach tomorrow morning-. Hervlcea will be held In the afternoon. The Itev. Frank Kailmer Jane way, pastor of tho llrlck ITesbyterlan Church, New York, will preach tli srrmon at the evenlnc service at the llrjn Mawr Cnllese Christian Associa tion tomorrow at S o'clock. Dr. John Henry McCracken, president of Larayette Collcse, will address the Presby ter! in Ministers' meeting In Westminster Hail, Monday morning mil o'clock, on "The Chris tian College." A muslcale will he Kiven at the Kmmanuel Tteformed Episcopal Church. East York and Sciivla streets, December S. at 8 p. in. Maun der's "Song of Thanksglvlnu will be sung by Mrs W. 11. HarUeli, soprano; Henry Ciurncy. tenor: George C. Detwller, basso, and a i horns. Krnest J. Youngjohns Is musical director and Mrs. Alan 1 Holt, organlat. The Hev. Frank V. C. Cloak Is pastor. "Remembrance" will be the subject of the Rev Dr. Robert Hugh Morris, pastor ot tha Central North Hroad Street Presbyterian Church, tomorrow at lOilO a. m.. and "Life's Voage," an Illustrated sermon, at 7:13 p, ni. The Rev. Oladstone Holm will begin a aeries ot sermons on "Paul's Voyage and Ship wreck" In the Methodist Church at the Advo cate, aermunt'iw n. tomorrow evening, with "Leaving lite Pair Havers'' as his first topic. Holy communion will be administered at tha morning service. "Why the Deluge In the Time of NoahT" will lie the sermon preached by the Itev. R. K. Wllllans, pastor of the Welsh Presby terian Church, tomorrow at 10:.1o a, m., and "N'oah Entering the Ark" at 7:30 p. m. The Rev. Pr. J. Gray llolton, pastor of the Hope Presbyterian Church, will preach on "The Gospel ot Failure In Europe: Why;" at 7i45 p. m. tomorrow, Joshua Wanhope, editor of the New York Call, will speak on "After the War What?" at the llroad Htreet Theatre tomorrow at .1 p, m.. under the auspices of the Socialist Uter ary Boclety, Maunder's "Bong of Thanksgiving" be na.rri bv- tlw choir with a chorus of n.-v inters at the Episcopal Church of the Holy Apostles tomorrow evenlnc at 7:43 o'clock in tne BeCUUU ,i.wu,m. ...u.,.. ,ii,,k y (us season. The sixth lecture on "Modern Occultism." beln; given before the Ethical Culture Society by Alfred W. Martin, will be "Theosophy and itelucarratlon." a.t the Uroad Btreet Theatre tomorrow at 11 a. m. I'rof. Morris Jastrows Old Testament class -will meet at 10 a, m. Dedicatory services will be held at the Cethieuiane Uithcran Church, COth and Cal lowhill streets, tomorrow. The Itev. Dr. 1L II. Weber, of York. 1., will preach In the rrorn tns and tha dedicatory sermon will be deliv ered by the Tier. Dr. J. A. Singmaster. presi dent of the Lutheran Ocneral 8) nod and of the Gettysbirg- Theological Seminary, In th even ing Btrvlcea will be held next week also. General Nelde's Funeral on Slonday The funeral otT Brigadier General Hor ace) Nelde. who died yesterday, will be hela on Monday from falg home, SS21 .Chestnut street. Bervlces will be held in. th mprnlnij' at 11 o'clock, and In the afternoon the body will be taken Xor burial to Pottstown, whero he wag born. General Nrlde was 78 year old1 and a veteran, ot the Civil War. Ho contracted bronchitis several weeks ago. Complica tions followed with fatal effect General Nelde lit survived by a daughter. Miss Mftncho K- N.clae, and a sister, Hiss yaxtlus KcMe. EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER Dr. Gcorse K. Ulnklcy POTTflVlLLE, Pa., Dee. ,.-Dr. George K. lllnkley,. ft practitioner of medlclno and pruprlefor of nn apothecary for 43 years nt Orwlgsburg, died this morning In his TOth year, He was a graduate of the Fnlvcrslty of Pennsylvania, president of the Southern Schulllll County Medical Society and n member of the Schuylkill County Medical Association mid the fnlted Stntes Pharmaceutical Associa tion. Docfor lllnkley was a Mason, He served n year In the Union army dur ing the Rcbclllcn. He leaves a widow. IN MEMOIUAM O'DotfNKLL. In loving remembrance ot our dear mother, Itnai-:. Died Dec. 4. 1013. Oor plar.s. Use lilies, pure nnd whlto tin- We !' not tear tho closo-shut leaves Time will 'reveal the ealaxri of sold FAMILY. THOMAS. tn fond remembrnnco of WAL Tllll (.'UTHBEItT THOMAS, who depnrted this lite December, 4, l:H4. Ml. LI AN V. n. MOOllK. 23eatljs Thtie Ncticet Are Printed In the Evening Ledger Free of Charge i AHIIAllAJIS. On December S. 1P1. .IO Hi:i'll, lmlinnd nr the Inle llertha Abri hnms. nerd till vrnra Itelntlvrs nnd friends nre Invited to nitrnd the runeral sptvlics. on Kiindn). nt 10 n, m prrlely, at hla lato resl.hnce, Its North Ruby ft t.'.ld nnd Airli) Interment private, at Adnth Jcshurun Cemetery. Kindly omit lliweis. AllltAIIAMM. On November SO. lot.., HKKTIIA, wife ot Jn.eph Abntlinm-. imoi r.S ears. Relatives mul frlendi Hre Invited to nttind the funeral cervices, on Hund.i, at in n. m, precisely, nt her Into residence, lit .orin limy sf t..iu nnil .vrenj interment prlvnle, nt Ailnth Jcshurun Cemetery. Kindly nmlt lloer.i. On December , 101.". AN.S'IK I , wife nf Harry J Arnold nnd daughter of Arnle and the Into Ilernard Heron. Iteln tlvei nnd friends nro Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, nt n. m., Irnm her latn residence, .1222 North 2d nt. Solemn Muss of Requiem at Ht. Veronica's lliurch nt 11 n ni. Interment nt Holy .Sepulchre Cenictel. 1IAIM:L On December 1. 101. "i, JOHN. husluiii 1 of Mirinirot nnd on of the Inte Antn&ny nnn .Mary iincnci. iteintives nnd friends nre Invited to attend funernl. from his lato residence, stun K. Dauphin St.. Mon day, at S.lo n. ni. Solemn Kciiulcm Mast nt Holy Name Church nt U n. m Interment Holy Redeemer Cen.ctery. IIAKIIII. On November .10, lMfi. ltn.S'RY IIAKHII, hukband nt the Into tiunn lLikor. Relattves and friends nra Invllcil to attend tho fuiural services, on Sunday, nt 2 p. m nt Ms late residence. 102s W Hllver Bt, In terment prlvnte, Northvvood Cenietcry. IIAI.I.INGAI.I.. On December 2. 101". JA.MKH II.. Sr.. husband of Jane llalllngall tuee Ncison). Relatives nnd friends nre In vited to nttend funeral services. Hvinday, ut 1 p. ni., at hia late tesldcnre, liKXI H. Ring gold st. Interment Kcrnwnod Cemetery. Re m.ilns mav bo viewed Satunlav. between S nnd in P. m. Automobile service. ILlltTON. On December .1, lUIS, HARVHY 1IAHTUN, nued 7 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to nttend the funetal mid, on Monday tnnrnlng, nt It ii'ilock. at his late residence, Willi Knox St., lir niartown Interment private. lli:i.L. On December ", 111 in, .lOSIlPlt. husband nf Annie Hell. Relatlvea and friends, also employes of tho Fran I; ford Itjrn of tho I". It. T.. are 'nrltcil to am ml the, on Tuesday, nt N .10 n. m from his Into resi lience, S37 June St., West Philadelphia. Sol emu Requiem Mass nt tho Church of Our Mother nt Sorrows nt 10 n. m. Interment at St. Denis' Cemetery. HRIIKiKlt. On December I, ini.-,, CHARLES AL1IERT IIItlDtlER. hu-bnnd of the lato Adeline L. llrlilger Relatlvra and friends. uHo rrogresslvo Asstmbly. No. 4, A. O. M P.. nre Inv ted to attend tho fu neral services, on Monday, at I1 p. m., at his Inle rcsltleni.e, TIIiihi Wynluslng ave. In terment nt Mount Vernon Cemetery. Ro mnlns may bo Mewed .Sunday, bitvvcen 1 nnd I) p. m. 1IHI1.I.. On December .1, 101.".. CHARLES C, .ion .if tltarge nnd Mury 1 1 j 111 ineo Uir Blu. In lit" 11 1st year. Relatives and friends, alyo tin iiicmLers of the Rescue Council, No. l.V rnit-rnal Patriotic Americans, are In vited to attend the funernl scrivces, nn Tucs day. at 2 p. m., from the residence of hli parents. 1112 N. 4th at. Interment at (Irem mouitt Cemetery Remains can bo viewed Monday evening. IMOWNlNtS. On December 2. 101", J. CLEMENT RHOWNIXtl, son of the lato J. 1'. ami Amelia C. Ilrovwilmr. Relntlvea nnd frlenilH are Invited to uttend the funeral scrv on Monday, at 11 n. in., at tho residence of l)r W, It. Jennings, 2::u Klnits HUhway, HaddonflcU. N. J. Intcrincnt private. lIRVSSr.Mt, On Decembir , 101,1. PETER, husband of Eluabetli A. Jlruastar. Rela tives and Irlendi are Invited tu attend tho funtml airvKt-s, on Moudny, nt 2 p. m at his late rcstdenic. 4120 l'nwelton avu. Inter ment slrlitiy private. ItcaUins tl'a.) papers please copy HUsCH. On Friday morning, December .1, lul". HENRY E. ilfSCII, in the Mith year of his bbc. 1' scrvlcea at his late reiddincc. 10OU Hpruco St.. on Monday, tho Uli Inst., at 10 a. ni. Interment private. lltllNK. On December 2. 1U1., THOJIAS II. inllNU, husband ot Cithariiio llyrue und son of Ellin and tlu- late John liyrne. Rela tives and friends, also!nyea of tlui IMilla delphlt and RradlnK Itnllnay shops: Court Shamrock. No. JM. !'. ul A ; Division No. ."1. A. O. II.. are Invited to attend tnn funeral, on Tuesday, at S:.'iU n. m., from his mother's resldcmc. 2U.VI lielgrado st. .Solonii. Requiem Masa nt Church of the Nativity, at lo a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Ccme tt ry. CAItJLtNY. At Atlantic City. N. J., on De cember 2. lUt3. GEOUGU V. CARMAN Y. iiko ."1 years. Relatives and frlenus, al.-i lodges No u, K. nnd A. JL. Orknlal chap ter. Kauosh Onmmatulery, No, 20; Tall Ceuara of Lebanon, 1 orrst No. 11, Atlantic Commaiiuery KnlKht Templar; Lu Lu Tcmnlo A. A. O. N. M. a., it. I'. 1). ElKs, No. 2tll: Men r Is GunrUh bhleld of honor, Juncer Maennerebor; Hotel Men's Association, ami all otlur uiKariziitlana oi which hu was n member arc Invited to attend funeral serv ices; ni Monday, at 2 p. in., at the Church of the AsvcpMon, Kentucky and Pacific aves., Atlantic City. Interment private Remains may be viewed on Sunday evening, iiIbo on Monday, from 10 to 12 u. m., at his late residence. Hotel Fredonla, IBS South Ten nessee ave. CI.AIIC. On December 1. 1015. PRI8CILIA D.. wifo of Jessie R. Clntr. aged 70 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Saturday, at 8 p. m., at her late residence. "MT Race st. Inter ment at Morris Cemetery. I'hoenlxvllle. I'a.. nn Sunday, at 2.TUI p. in CI.VRK. On November 30, 1013. HENRY It CLARK, aged Ml years 10 mouths Hurled, on December 3. In St. Andrew's Graveyard, Mt Holly. N. J. COHEN. On December 2. 1013, MARCUS "j, husband of Ello K, Cohen, of the Do te, Lorraine, In his SOth year. Relatives and friends, alio Orient Lodge. No 2vi, I-'. and A. M.: Joshua Lodge, No 2:1. I. O. II. n, and all other organisations of which he was a member, urc Invited to attend the funernl services, on Sunday, nt 2'.'IO p. m. precisely, at tho parlors of Morris Rosen berg's Sons. 2IK.I North Hroad at. Interment at Mount Slnal Cenetery. COHTKI.lX At Laurel Springs. N. J., on De- remuer . .Ai.uiaiin i.-. son or tne late Martin nnd Ellen Costello. Relatlvea and friends are Invited to attend funeral, Tues day, at h.30 a. m., from the residence nf Mrs. Mary Mahan 1-nurel Springs. N J. High Maes ut Ht. Lawrence's Church, at 10 a. m, Interment Holy Cns Cemetery. COHTEI.I.O. On December 3, 101.1, hTEL LA, 'wife uf Elmer J Costello and daughter of Frank and Annie lioman and granddaugh ter of the late Jottn and Eliza McXutly. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral, on Tuesday, at h:30 a. ni. precisely, from her lata residence, 4320 North On mac st Solemn High Mass at Church of the Holy Child. Logan, at 10 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre. COX Suddenly, on November 20, 1015. WJLL1AM CO.V. Jr., son ot William. Sr' and Hannah Cox, aged 3.1 years. Relatives and friends, also Ellsworth Castle No. 07. O. K.. and employes ot Scott brothers, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, at 1 p. ro.. from his parents' residence, lit Ullllln si. Interment at Cheltenham Ceme tery. Remains may be viewed en Saturday evening, IJECKEIt. On December 3, 1013. ROSA, beloved wife of the bite Joseph Decker (nee lluechele). In her T3d year. Relatlvea and friends, also the Women of the Holy Family, Rosary and Altar Societies of St. Ilonlfaclua' Church, are Invited to attend funeral, on Monday, ul 7:30 u. m.. from ber late resi dence. 2l0d North Hope at. Requiem Mas at St. llonlfaclus' Church, at U a. ni. In terment Holy Redeemer Cemetery, UIET2, On December 1. 1915. HOWARD V.. son ot Emll und Augusta Dletc (nee Rclnauer). In hla Slit year. Relatlvea and friends sure Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, ut S:'HI a. m.. from his parents' residence. 3XM North Uurnock .' uith Mass at Bl Stephen's Church, at 10 a. in Jnttrment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Automobile service. 1HI1IEKTV. Suddenly, at Atlantic City. N J., on December 2, ll. WILLIAM J, n of Sarah I- and the late Robert J. Dohertv nea Noone). In his 30th year. ItelatlveVanJ friends are Invited to attend the funeral U&lces. ai bU late residence. SSlimyhSu konrl ave., Atlantic City, on Sunday ai 33 P..ra-. Interment at Cedar HUlTCeme tery. Philadelphia, aa Monday, at 11.15 a. m -IONNKM.V. pa December 1. I91S. men: ARD, husband ot the late Susan Donijiji Relatlvea and friend of the tamUy. lio VfiJ Nitloaal VtaKIZle Asso are lnvltt ij attend the funeral, on Mond.y. at Sao from hi mother residence. 2412 North lotn It. lllsh Mas. at St. Edward'. ChurchT it 10 a- m. precisely Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. "' PKAKP. On December a. 1913, at the Old Ladle'. Iloow, . H fuulBonilur. SARAH M DRAKE, aged 0 year. Relative and trlenu sra United to attend funeral services. Mon day, at 9 IB. at the tome. To protteJ to Malvern Cemt'-"'!' oa. 10 1? train from T coay DVt VEIL (Suddenly, on. December 5. 191B, TJJOilAS 1 bujbiiad ef Warit j. r- nnATlts nwyer (nee Flenarti). Relatives and friends, nlo members ot Telephone Pioneers, oc Am' erica, nnn employes oc jrai icirpnouo npany, are Invited to attend the funeral Com! sen Ices, on Monday, nt 2 p. m. precisely, nt rnent prlvnte. Friends may call Sunday, rrom 9 to 10 p. ni. El) KINS. On December ,1, in IS, t.T.S' FORD, son of William V. nnd Sarah J. Ed. kins. Relatives and friends, also Dlrleo Coun cil, No, 1021V, Jr. O. If. A. M. f'armony Council. No. 124, S, nnd D. nf I : Wyoming Tribe. No, 7. Imp. O. It. M.: Mount Sinai Lortce. No, n.1. L. P of A.: Pnssyunlc Avc nuo Ituslne-- Men's Association, are Invited ttlnttend the funernl, nn Tutsdav, nt 2 p. m , from his pnrenta' residence, ion.1 South 12th at. Interment nt .Woodlands Cemetery. Re mains may be Mewed Monday evening. EVANS. On December 1, 101.1. JOHN tt of the late Mary Evans. Relatives and friends, also orders nnd Ro-ary Society of St, LMmond'n Church, are Invited to at lend the funeral, on Mommy, nt 8:30 n. m., from his late residence, l"2n South 20th st. Requiem Hl-h Mns nt the Church of Bt, r.dmond's nt 10 a. m. precisely. Interment at Hnlv Ornsi Cemetery. T'Altltr.t.L. On December .1, 1nt", MAR tlAHET .1., daughter nf Jane and the lite John Farrell. Relatives nnd friends nre In vited to nttend the funeral on Monday, nt "30 n. m., from her mother's resident, 1MO West Master st. Solemn Requiem Man at the Church of the Oesu nt In n. m. Inter ment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. Automobile funeral FELSni'lMI. On December .1, tfil". ELt.KA NOtt, wife of Frederick M. Felshure and dnUBhter nr ine mie i-enrose ani i;mma llartn. Relatives aim rriends nre Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday, nt 2 p. m., nt her latn residence, ,rj2 North Sydenham street. Interment prlvnte. FINK. On Deiember 1, 1013. snf.l.VA, widow ot Frederick Fink. Relntltes and friends are Invited to nttend the funernl services, on Sunday, nt 2 p. m.. nt her late resldenre. 3S2J Knorr st , Tucony. Inter ment nt Mt Vernon Cemetery. Remains may lie vlened nn Saturday after 7 p. m. riNKNAIIi:!,. On December 2, 101". CON RAD riNKNAdEL. -do of Itnltluifcr nnd tho Into Elizabeth FlnknaRel. Relatives and friends nre Invited to nttend runrr.ll seiv lce. Tnrslnv, nt I p m., nt his late re. detire. 2KI1 S. Lnrllile st Remains may be viewed on Monday evening nt 7 o'clock. In terment nrlviite. nt Fernvvood Cemetery. Flvll. On December 2. 1013. ED.Mt'ND M, belnvcl ron of Edmvnd nnd Alwlldla M. Fish und Krnn'Ison of chnrlea I'. iinl All veb'lnii chirltnn. In I. Is 3d year. Remains mny be viewed on Monday evening, nt his Krannpnrents' residence, IIS llutclr ave., AmblT. I'a. Interment irlvnte. FI.F.MINO On December 2, 1013, CATH ARINE, wire nf Jrweph Flenilnu, aped ,'18 years. Relatives ntnl friends nre Invited tn attend the funeral sen Ins, nn Monday, nt 2 ii. in., nt her late residence. 102s Kltur- scsilntr ave Inteiment nt Mount Morlah Cemetery. Remnlns may be viewed Sun day, from 7 tn ti p. m. FRANCO! On Decembers, IfllS. HARRY. htisbnnd of Ella 1-rnncoK aged ."I years Relatives and friends, nlso Indercndenen Lodge, No. .". I. O O. P.; Division No. 477. A. of S. nnd E. R. R. C, nnd emplnves p. 11. T. Co.. are Invited tn nttend funeral. Monday, at 2 p. m. rrom his lnte residence, l.'cjii Porter st Interment nt Arlington Cem etery. Friends mny cnll Sunday evenlnir. FRIEL. - On December .X 101.".. CAT1I AI'INE. Inn-liter of the lnte William and Kllmlvth Frlel. Due notice of funeral, from :i0rt SprlnK lnnl"n st. (MINCE. On December .1. 1IM3, WILLIAM T IION'CF. need a) years. Relatives nrp In vited In attend tho funernl services, nn Mmi rtav, nt 2 p. in., nt his Into residence, .',17 N.' Hobart st Interment prlvato, nt Mt. Morlnh Cemetery. MIDI). on Dei ember 1, 101.".. LEWIS li mn nf Annlu mid the late John It (load. Relatives and friends also Anna M. Ross Council, No- 3.11, F. P. A., are Invited tn nltend the functnl services, nn Sunday, nt 2 p. m.. it tils lnte residence. 2113 South illt at. Interment nt Mt. Morlah Cemetery. Re m.iln mnv bo viewed on Knturdny evenlnc;. (iOODItlCII. On December 2. 1013. HENRY II. GOODRICH. Rclntlvca and friends nre Invited In attend tho tiiiierul servlcts. Satur day, at S p in., nt hla lato residence. 22U3 Mt. Vernon st. Interment at Tioga, TIobh County, Pa. filliri'Tril. At West Chieter. Pa.. on SIMh-ilav. Twelfth Mnntll .'Id, 101.",. IMIOEIIE tlRIFl-'lTII. in tho Mth year of her ase. Relitlvea nnd friends nre Invited tn nttend the ruurr.-ii, without fuithrr nntlte, frnm the 1'llendn' Mectlnir Ilnuac, Nnrlll High St.. West Chciter 1',:., nn Second-day. nt 10:30 n m. Intirment private. HAOELM'IN. On December 2. 1013. FRED ERICK, husband o, Eva Hunelstln (nee Smrtel). RLlillveiund friend, nlio Tetitonla laiiUe, No. 4, 1. O I). II. S , und (lenrge VVashlnitton Yearly Association, Nn. 1, are Invited lo nttend the funeral t.erv Ices, on Sunday, at 2 p. m. precisely, nt his late residence, .."2 East Hevvsnn st. Inter ment private, nt Orienniount Cemetery. HANNFM. On December 2, 1013, KATE St., widow of vvmiam K. Hannum ineo Court ney). iih'e-1 (El years. Relatives und friends are Invited to attend the funeral, nn Sunday, at 2 p in., from her late residence, Cnopers tnvvii, Deliwure County, l'n. Interment ut the Mirple Presbyterian Cemct, ry. Car Mines will bo at (lakmont nt 1:30 p, m. to inut trolley at ii.ith at. HARTVIANN. On December 3. 1013. SI'I'HIE, wlfn of Emll Hartiliann. iigeil 47 years. Relatives and friend", ulso Relay Itnss lllve, No. 211; Central Committee of W. It. A. nf tho MaccabecH, and Entre-Nour Social, nre Invited to uttend the funeral sel v Ices, ml Monday, at 2 p. m., at her lain residence, H3.I Eust Westmoreland st. Inurment in Oakland Cemetery. Remains m.iy lie viewed on Sunday, utter 7 p. in, Autnmoblli futunil. HATCHER. III Atlantic City, nn Dei ember I. 101.".. MARY M., widow of Charlea M. Hatcher, aged 31 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the runeral, on Sunday, at 2 p. m., from the apartments of William II. Uattersliv. :niil N. Hroad at. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. HAl'IIY. On December 1. 1013. CHRIS TIAN. huImnd of Anna Hnury. Relatives nnd filtnUs. ..Ifcu employ es ni the Atlantic RellnlPK Ctimmny, arc Invited tn attend the funeral, on Mcuuay, at "u a in., tiniu his Inte iisldence. 11I4U Rltner st. High Renulem Mius ut St. Monica's Church, at lu u. in. In terment .t Holy Cross Cemetery. IIOI.V.ER. Oil December 3. 1013. CARO LINE M., widow or Julius Holier. Sr In her h7lh year. Relatives ami friends are In vited tu uttend the tervlces, nn Mon day, ai 2 p. in., at Her lato reildcncv, .'OIU Diamond st. Interment prlvute, at odd Fellow' Cemetery. Il(10 Elt. On December .1, 1013. FRANCIS C, himbii'id of'Mnrletla D. Hoover, aged 70 years. Relatives and friends, nlso Washing ton Cnmp. No .'IKi, 1'. o. s. of A., are In vlicJ lo attend the funeral, on Monday, at 2.311 p. m., from lloehm's Reformed Church. ISlue I ell, I'a. Friends mav take tho 12.02 train Irom Reading Terminal to I'enllyn bta tlan, also the 1:30 trolley from Norrlstown to Cetitru Square Interment ut Roehm'a Ccme tcty. KELLY. On December 3, 1013. ANNE KELLY, widow of tho late John D. Kelly (nee McQlynn). Relatlvea and friends lire Invited to atlend the funeral, un Tuesday, at B--.30 a. m., from her late residence, mm w'. Columbia ave. Solemn Requiem Masa at the Church of the Oeru at 10 a. in. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. KERM1AW. On December 2. 1013. ELDJA UETH SMITH, widow of Robert Kershaw. Jr., ageu ut yeais. iuintivia aim mania are lnv lied to nttend the funeral services, oil Monday . nt 2 p m , nt her lato residence. :tca North llth st. Interment ,u Northwoud Cemetery. KIKFNER On November 30, 1913. MAHEI, KIEFNER. ince Jlanslleld), wife of Frederick Klefne-r. Relatlvea and fritnda of tho family are Invited tu atlend tha funeral, on Sunday, at 1 SO p. m., from her husband's residence. 1130 N. Marston st. Interment FrrnHoo. Cemotcry. Remains can be viewed on Satur day, from 8 to 10 p, m. KIHhCHMKII. On November 3il. 1013. JO SEPH ft, husband of Mary E. Ktrschmer und son of Joseph l. and Anna II. Ktrsclimer.ageJ Ji yraia. lielativra und iriellus, ais,, tsjgu No. 73. H. L. 1 ',, and Etiglneera' Pennsyl vanla llailroid ll-llef, and Court Tlnnicuin, F of A., are invited tu uttend the funeral, oii Sunday, at 1 p. in., iroin his parent' reslJence, 8I1W Olbson ave Interment ut Mount Morlah Cemetery Irlends may call Saturday evening. l.EESEK. On December 2, 1015, JOHN. husband of Mary E. Leeser (neo Magrath). Relative and friend, also employes ot the Hero Maiiuiacturlnif Company, are Invlled to attend tho funeral, on Thursday, at s-do a. m.. frorn hi late residence, 2SH) East Norrl st. Solemn High Requiem Ma at tho Church ot the Holy Name, at 10 a. in. LENNON. On December 2. 1913. S1ARY a daugnter of Owen and the lato Mary Lennon' aged II year. Relative and friends, also the children of the Church of Visitation 1-arochlal School, are Invited to attend fu. neral. on Monday, at Mil a. m.. from her fatlier's residence, MX) M. Cumberland st. Solemn Masa of Requiem at the Church of th. Visitation at 10 a. m. Interment Hold Cross Cemetery. LEONARD. On December 2, 1915. Urol her LEONARD, aged , ta years. Funeral on Monday, from St. runcl' Induitrlal School. Eddlngton. Pa. Solemn Maa of Re quiem at 8:a0 a. in. Baltimore. New York and jeuww. ... . fB vwpy, IJI'l'INCOTT At Mount Holly. N, j.. 0 EVcemter 2. 1013. lip.NH irrTA O. cla'ggn" tir of the late Joshua and Mary Llpplncott Relatlvea and frlende or Invited to attend tho funeral on Monday at 1 p. m,. , the residence uf her brother, J Ulihen Lip. plncott. 11 l'tarl t.. MX. Holly, jj. j. J. ferment P'jvato. at Methodist Eplacopul Cemetery. Vlncentown, N. J. ' "-"""i I.OlK. OnDcember 2. IBIS. JOHN j., husband of Emily J. Logue and Ann Logue ReUtlvea anJ ir.ends. also survivor oj 'ina OOth Regiment, 1'ennsvlvanU Volunteer, and HlUrulan A. A7 urn Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday. $ a- m.. frSm bl. late residence, aJSlIvortb tth t. Solemn Mui it B-avJ,",. "tM. erou c' Chiirch st 10 a. m. loterment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. TrkV:KimiiE. On Twelfth Month a ..- "WILLIAM 11. LONGSHORE, huabS'nd oH ivrwvd trtun,a Sacond-day, h lnat.. at 10-30 g. ra., at hbl ?? reld?ice, 15M N. 20th st. FrUndJ'oS Sll KlTKtday- Bth lust.. 7 to 0 p. to. "g. terment private. Mc.l.Ll!'KB-T?a P,ccffab,r.a- .V'B. CE CELIA, daughter of the late Huga and Vjn McAlUster Rtl and (rlmei. aUo tSu of the Sairccl Heart and Altar Sj ciety ot St Matesby-s Church, are lijvlud to attnd th luntral, CO Monday, al aW p" m, trora her Ut. esUtnce, lioj North Uaxvlse st Solemn tc'ddoj Ma-ia at St, nuAins M Why's Church at 10 a. m. Interment nt calhcdrnl Cemetery. .. MeKENNA. On December . 1,, 191 . nOR.? I). (Dot), datiRhter of the late John ami Rose McKcnni. (nee Dagn.y). e';,l'f" , ,n friends nre inv Red to nttend the funeral, on Mn-l.tay, nt S-30 a. m.. from her IMe resl ilcnce. 2211) North 20th t. Solemn High IlaM of Requiem at St. Ellnbeth's Church at 10 a. m. Interment nt cathedral t-emo-tery. MeMAUON. On December 1, 1013, JOHN. husband of Annie MeMnhon. "''"."!; friends, n so members of St. Philip Holy Name Society, nnd police officers of the did District, are invited to attend funernl Moil day. at I30 a. m.i from his late residence, 21.rMontrt.s' St. Solemn High Mass nf He Sulem at St. Philip's Church nt 10 o'clock precisely. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. MIN.-On December 2, 19,13. ASHE1. JODD MIX. nse 01 years, lielntlies, and friend nre Invited tn nttend the funirnl jervlees, nn Sunday afternoon, December 3, nt 1 n elnck, nt the residence of the Rev. S. O. Nell, 481.1 Ilenumnnt ave.. West Philadelphia. Inter ment nt llrlvloi. Conn. tU'lt'IIY. tin December 2. 1913, ANN, widow of Thomas Murphy, formerly of 303' v barton st. Relatives ami menus arc in vited lo nttend the funeral, on Tuesday, at B!3i) a. m.. fretn the residence nf her ron-ln-law. Thomas .1. MeAnnny 2310 South llth St. Polemn Hlsh Mnsa nt Requiem nt Church bf the Epiphany nt 10 n. in. precisely. Inter ment nt Holy Cms Cemetery NEIDK On December 3, 1013, nt his late tesldence, .121 Che-lnut St., Itrovet llrlgn dler (lentral HORACE NEIDK, IT S. A., retired, son nf the late Joseph and Rehecca Frnfer Nelde, In hli 7Mh yenr. Due nntlco of tho funeral will be (riven. OCDF.N. On December 1, 101B, THOMAS OODEN. ?n nf tho late James nnd Sirah Ogdeu. aRen CO years. Relatives and friends, also Uhnknhapn Tribe, No. !3s, t. O. It. M nnd lllshop clarkson's Illble Class, are In vited tn nttend funeral, Monday, nt 2 p, m., from his late residence. t400 .Adams ave., Trankford. Horvlces in St. Mnrk's P. E. Church nt 3 o'clock. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Remains mny be viewed Sunday evening, nftcr 0 o'clock, (KILE. On December 3, 1013, JOHN MOR RIS, husbnni nf Florence S. Ogle. Rela tives nnd rriends nre Invited to uttend tho fui.eral services, nn Monday, at 2 p. m., ul his late lrn.httro, I2I North Dearborn st. Interment nt Fcrnwond CemcWy. PILI.A. On December 2, 1DI3, MICHAEL I'll. LA. von uf Rosa I'llla. aged 2.1. Relit llvei, and friends are Invited to uttend the funernl services, on Monday, nt n, in., nt Ills resldenee. 717 Clymer at. High Re quiem Mass at the Church of St. Mary Mag dalen elo I'nrxl, nt S:.'I0 u. in. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery, IIEADIM1. On December 2, 11)13. ED WARD i:.. husband nf Ellen Rending (neo Clinthntn) nnd boii of Annie nnd the late Ed ward Reading. Funeral, to which relative! and friends nro Invited, Monday, H n, m. rrom his lato resident e, 210 Wntklns st, Masa of Requiem nt Church of tho Sacred Heart, 0.30 precisely. Interment Holy Croa Cemetery. Autn service. IIEIK. On Derember 2, 1013, HEHNARD C, li'isl itllil of Uora M. Hels, aged 33 years. Relatives mil frlende, also Rev. D. J. lirmichal llenellclil Society, Deutscheii Krleitir e. l'h.lndelplila (Juartct Club, nnd I'htliilclphla Haengi rkrels, nre Invited to attend tho Itinernl services, on Monday, at S:30 a. m,, at his lnte residence, Hninis St., eist nf striitnn nve. High Mass ut tbu Church f the lmnucnlntc Ccmceptlnn nt in n. ni. Interment nt Holy Sepulchre Ccnie t ry. RHOADS. Suddenly, on December 3, 11113, EDNA S., wire of ilertrnlu Rbnads nnd tlauahter of Robert C. nnd Harriet S. Seldom rldsc. Relatives mid frlenda urc Invited to attend the luncral rervlre's, on Sunday, at in a. m , nt her late residence, -outhvvest corner 33i! st. and Klngsiwlng live. Inter ment ut, l'n. Friends may call Saturday, between S nnl in p. m. ItlEdER. On December 3. Ill IS. WILHEL MIKE RIEClER. witlow of Conrad C. Itleger, nt tho residence ot her son. Sill N, 24th ,t. Duo nntlco will bo given. ROCHE. On December 3. 1013. MARY J. ROCHE (nee HniUley), wile of Thomas J. RiHhe. Relatives and friends nre invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 0.30 n. m.. from htr lato residence, 212 Cowen nve., Mt. Airy. Solemn Requiem Mnrs nt the Church or the Holy Cross, nt 11 n. m. Inter ment strictly private. Plense omit flowers. KOTH.SCHII.I). On December 2. 1015. JACOI. husband of Amelia Rothschild, aged 3, yearn. Relatives and friends, ulso Mount Morlah Lodge, No, 133. F. and A. M.; Phlln clelphla Lodge, Nn. 2, II. I. O. E.; Joshua laidgc. No 2.1, I. O. II. II., are Invited to ut tern! Ihe funernl, nn Sunday, nt 2 p. m. from his lite residence, 1211 V Allegheny av-e. Interment tit Mount Slnal Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers. SCANLON. On December 3, 1013, ANNIE. ' wldtiu of the Lite Michael J. Scalllon (neo Urothers). Relntlvis and friends are Invited to attenu funernl, on Monday, nt H:30 u. m., from her late res'.den-e, 315 North Front st Solemn Hrqtilcm Mnss at St. Augustine's Church, at 10 it. ni. Interment Holy Crosa C-metery. M'mVEHINF.R. On December 1. 1913, THEODORE, husband oi Carrie .N. Schwcrlner, of 31 West Chetten ave., tjer iiuntuwti. In his 73,1 year. Relatlvea and friends, ntto Ellis Post, No, u. O. A. It.: Masonic olenitis nf I'ennsylvnnla, and Court tlermailtown, No. 3J, F, of A., aro Invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday, ut 2'3i) P. in., from hla 1 rother'a residence, ."so'i Jlc. Mahon ave., (lermnntown. Interment nt Adnth Jcshurun Cemetery. Kindly omit Hew ers. SMITH. On Derember 2. 1013, JOHN, hus band of tho late Sarah Smith. Relatlvea und friends hio, invited tu attend the funernl services, on Monday, nt 2 p. in., ut the residence of his son-in-law, Alfred W. Haw kins, 1721 South 17th st. Interment at Mt. Morlah Cemetery. Friends may view re mains nn Sunday, from S until In p. m. STEELE. On December 2, 1913. AIII1IE VARNAL. widow of Joserh It. Steele. In her year. Relatlvea and frlenda nre Invited In attend the tuneral, on Sunday, at 2 p m., Iroin the residence of her boii. In-law, Charles A. Smith. Sworthmore, Deianare County, Pa Interment strictly private. STDECKI.E. On December 2, 1013. Alien. I'll, husband ot the late Anna Maria Stoecklei (nee Ruck), nged tai years. Rela tives nnd 'rlenils, also men nf the Holy Fam ily of St. llonlfaclus' Church and Emerald llencdelal Ai.o., arc Invited tn nttend the funeral. Tuesday, at 7:30 n. m . from tho reildcnee of A. J lludeni, undertaker, 178 1)1 imond st. Requiem Masa at St. Ilnnlfa iIuh' Church at 0 a. m. Interment St. Peter's Cemetery, hTHIMi FIELD. On December 3. 1013, WILLIAM 11., husband of Mary Ella String held luce Jones) and son or Margaret II. nnd the late Oinrcei W. Strlngtleld. Relatives nnd friends, alio Ivnuhoo !alxe, No. 4ln, F. null A. M : Columbia Roynl Arch Cliapicr, No. 1)1. Philadelphia Council, No. 11, R. s. and No. 33, It T., Philadelphia Consistory, k P. R. 8 , 32d: Lu liVl Temple A. A. N, O. M. S. : Funeral Directors Association of 31, ai.; t orniiiiuiii e.iatn.cur uimmHllciciy, l'lillndelnlila. members of the 211th Ktr,.t M. E. Church, and nil other organizations of which he was a member, are Invlteiy, to at tend the tuneral services, at his late resi dence. 3003 West Susquehanna nve., on Mon day, at S p. m. Interment strictly private. STUART, Entered Into rest, on December 3, 1013. MARGARET A., widow of Andrew J, fitunrt. Funeral services private. Monday, nt K p. m., nt hor lato residence, 4)01 Haiti more n,e. Interment private In Pittsburgh. Pa., on Tuesday. WALTON. On December 3. 1013, HARAU T.. wife of Albert W. WALTON (ne.. Hry iian). aged 23 years. Relatives anil rriends arc invited to attend funeral services, Mon day, at SP. m., nt her brother-in-law's rrs. deuce, OcorEe II. 1 tallies. 2111 Orthodox st., Frunkford. Interment prlvato at Oakland Cemetery. Remains may be v lowed Sunday, from K tn 10 p. in. VVKIIH. On December 3, 1013. EMMA D.. wile of Dr. 1.. . Webb. Relatives and frlene's are Invited to atlend the funeral rerv. lees, on Monday, at II a, m. precisely, at her late residence, 342 West Lehigh uve. In tcrme.A private, Vt'KMTON, On December 2. 1013. ANNIE MARIE, wife or Captain William Weston, aged 33 year. Relatives and friend are In vtfd to attend the funeral, on Sunday, at 2 p. m., from her late residence, 3.13 Corro ave., Esslngton, Delaware County, I'a, in. terment private, tVILhON. On December 3. 1013. WILLIAM CALVIN, son of Magglo (nee l-rlce) and the lato John E. Wilson, In his 33th year. Rela tives and friend, also James , Rialno Council, No. TCtl, I. O. A., of Philadelphia, and the employe ot Wlldmaa's Iron Foun. dry. nre Invited to attend funeral services, on Monday, at 7 p. m., at his late residence, 22 W. Heech st.. Norrlstown, Pa, Service also un Tuesday, at 2 p. m., at the chapel In North Cedar 1(111 Cemetery, Frankfonl, In terment North Cedar Hill Cemetery. ViOKHNKIt. Suddenly, on December 2. 1U1S. aEOROE T huband of Caroline Woenier. in hi 07th year. Relative and friend, also (ierbere Fnteratutiuug Vereln, Eureka lanlge. No. U. Hhleld of Honor: Ven erable Encampment Ialge, I. O. O. H., No. 'A3, and liuttenberg laydge, I. O, O. 1",, No. 100. are Invited to attend funeral service, at hi late residence. 1141 E. Tioga at., on Sunday, at 2 p. m. Interment strictly prl- j V1C1V. AULVIUUUIIB .MWE.I, RELIGIOUS NOTICES ntlflAKIttT AVI1 nmill StlTIKAtT Churches supplied. Frederick It. Davis,' Mgr. Voice Culture. 1711 Chestnut St. llaptlst I1AITIHT TEMl'LE, Broad and Berk sts. RUSSELL. II. CONW'BLL will preach. Morning. 10.30; Ulble School. VM! eve.. TZ0 Special music by th Choru tn the evening. Organ Recital, 7:13. W. I'. Tw adell. M. D. CHESTNUT BTHEET IJAITIST CHURCH Chestnut st. west ot iotb. clF.OHUE D- ADAMS. D. D.. Pastor. 0.43 a.m. Ilrotherhood of A. and P. 10.30 u. m. Worship and Sermon by I'attor 2 JO p. jn.-Hlbl School. ' 7:45 p. ro. Worahlp and Sermon by Pastor. MANTUA 1IAITIS.T CHfKfU, 40th "Ind Fslrmount ave. uu Rev. W. U. SHUMWAY. D. D., Supply. U-M-Brotherhood Meeting. ' vt' 10.30-PrechL.g Service. 2J30-UIW School. T:4S Prsachlng Service. g.QO Wedatday jEv. Prayer Meeting;. SECOND UAlrvHELVINO HAND CtASa 4, 1015. rtRMOIOUS NOTICES Haptlst ContlnueiI SPntTK STREET IlAl'TIST CHfTtCH .'.nth and Spr.ic t. ... , . Rev. J. R. SCliAEFFER. Tttstor. THURSDAY. DECKMHKIt , .T30 p. m. "The Incarnation and Its Pur- Pno' p. m.-'Tne Jewish tjuestlon." Alt nbout the future of the mojt wonderful nation nf thn world .,-... , FRIDAY. DKCEMIIP.11,10 ' 3:3d p. m. 'Tho aiorlricd Man TMio rills the Tlifone." , , , ,, ,,. - S:00 p. m. "The Golden Age.'.' reace on Earth nnd tilery to Hod In the HlgJicst. SATURDAY, DECEMHER II . 3:30 p. iii -"The Prayer Life ot tho Lord HAliliATlt r.VENINO. DECEMrtER 12 R:00 p. m. "The One way nnd tho Only Way Into tho Kingdom." llrelhrert rillMT CilCltCH OI THE IlRETIinEN (Dunker), cor. Carlisle and Dauphin ft. Preaching 10 30 n. m. nnd 7!43 p. m. Sunday School 2:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday evening. Disciple nf Christ THIRD CHRISTIAN CIlURCir , Lancaster ave.. Holly and Aspen sts. T. E. WINTER. Pastor, 10:30. 2:80. 7, S. Etlilrnl Culture ALFRED IV. MARTIN will lecture on "Thcosophy and Reincarnation." llrnadSt. Theatre. Sunday. 11 n. m. Public Invited. Franklin Hnme FRANKLIN HOME FOR THE REFORMA TION OF INEHIIIATKS, 011-1)13 Locust st Sunday, s n in., services, conducted by Mr, E. P. Tomklns, Jr. . Lemon Hill Association "1IETTEII THAN ANGELS" (lAtlRICK THBATItn. , St'NDAV NIOHT. 7:30. A M-WEI.COME A LI, Lutheran .MESSIAH LUTHERAN "The Friendly Church." Ifith and JeffTsnn streets. DANIEL i: WEIOI.E Pastnr, will, pre tch, 10 30 a. m . "The Empty Pew." 7.43 p. m. "W'ho Is Jesus?" Francis J, tipltlnn. solo harpist Victor Talk. Ing Marlilne Cnmpany, nt the evenlnc; ser vice Professional Bolo quartet. TAIIERNACI.E, 30th nnd Spruce Wm. J. Miller, Jr. 10:43. 7:43. S. B 2:30 p! rm TEMPLE, r.2d and Race Rev. A. rjohlman, M. P.. 111:30 a. m,, 2:30 nnd 7:43 p. m. Methodist Episcopal C'lU'liril OF THE ADVOCATE Wayne nve. nnd Quern Inne. Oermantown, (1DADSTONI-! HOLM, Minister. 10 43 Holy Communion. 7 13 "Leaving the Fair Havens,," first In series to younc people en "Paul Voy.tKO and Shipwreck." Miscellaneous MISSION VIOKKEHS meet tlnllv nt 12:30, except Siiiulny, nt 320 Hale lliilldlnc New .lerusnlem (Swedenlinrglnn) Otllt TWO tillKAT CI.AIMANT.Si (JOD AND .MAN," In the subject eif the sermnn, Sunday mornlncr, by the Pnttor, the Rev. CHARLES W. HARVEY, at the Oliurch of the New Jerusalem, 22d und Chestnut stlefts. Service nt 11 o'clock. Sunday Schnnl at 0:30. All scats are free. Everybody Is welcome. l'reshylerlnn HOPE, 33d nnd Wharton Bis. Minister, Rev. J. IIRAY ItOl.TON. D. D. : Rev. WILLIAM TAYLOR CALDWELL. Assistant. 10 43. Rev. Mr. Caldwell. 7 43, Dn.tnr llolton,' subject. 'The (lospcl of Failure In Europe. Why7" WELSH, 21st below Fntrmotint Rev." It. e! W1LL1AMS. 10:3(1, Welsh: 7 .10, English. CENTRAL NOK'III HROAD ST. 1'RESHY TERIAN CHI RC1I. Ilruittl nnd elrein sts. ItOREHT Ht'Oll MORRIS, D D.. Pastor, cordially Invites you lo nil tho services nt tho church. 10:4", it. m. "Rcmembntnce." 2:15 p. m. Sunday School and Men's Bible Class. - , II 43 p. m. Young1 Peoples Meeting. 7 13 p. m. Illustrated Sermon, "Lire's Voy age." Mnny beautiful pictures. Children nro wclcnmo at nil services; TAIIERNACI.E PRESHYTERIAN CHURCH Chestnut nnd .17 in streets. Ittv. JOHN ALLAN 111. A 1U. D. IJ., Minister. It a. m. "The DIVINE COMPULSION." S p. m.-UNIVERSITY SERVICE. Henry II. Wright, Ph. D , Ynlu University, will speaK REV. A. C. (iAEIIELEIN EDITOR "OCR HOPE." Will hold a SERIES OF MEETING'S IN CHAMRERS-WYLIE PRESHYTERIAN CHURCH- HROAD BELOW SPRUCE STREET. REV. JOHN ORANT NEWMAN, D. D., PASTOR. WEDNESDAY. IlEf'KMHEE S. 8.00 p. m. "What Shalt Ho the En I nf TIichii 1 IiIiiks?" The great war In tlio light of prophecy . SA1I1IATI1 AI-TERNOON. DECEMBER 12, MASS-MKhTINll 4:00 p, m. Lecture: "Modern Day Delu slo'is." A dlesecllon of Chrlmlan Science, Theosophy. Russelllsm nnd other cults. I'ruleslnnt Episcopal CHURCH OF ST. LUKE AND THE EPIPHANY IBth street below Spruce. Rev. DAVID M. STEELE, Rector S A. M. Hnly Cnnimbnton. 10 A. M Sunday School. 11 A, M. Holy Communion anil- Sermon. 4 P. M. Evening Prayer, Anthem nntl Ad dress. The rector wilt preach nt both services. HOLY flUMTV MEMORIAL CHAPEL, 22D AND HPItrCi: .STS.-Hlll.V CllMMl NlelN, 10 A. M. ilOilNINU PRAYER AND SER MON. 11 A. vM. SUNDAY hCIIDOU 2:4.1 P. M. EVENINO PRAYER AND AD DRESS. R P. M. REV. 11. C. STONE. SUN STER IN CHAROE. THE CHURCH III" THE HOLY APOSTLES 21st and Christian sts. Rev. Corse Herbert Toon, D. D. Rector. 0:(.0 a. m. Holy Communion, liulu a, m. Hoiy Communion and Sermon. 2:3n p. m. Sunday School and Illble Clasura. 7:43 p. m. Tho Se.-ond Monthly Musical Service of the Seabfcp. Maunder' "Song of Thanksgiving" will bo rendcieil by the eh dr. Fred Lyman Wheeler, Organist and Ch.l.--nustcr. Miss Charlotte Tyson, soprano. Mrs. W Loltaiid, mezzo-soprano. Mrs. II. A. Orr. contralto. Mr, Walter, buss. The choir, with a chorus ut .13 voices, will be assisted by Mr, O, Manypenny, Icnir. Miss Hazel Hannum. violinist. Mr. J. F, lluber, Jr., eouietlit. Mr. Alfomo I'orelll. flutist, OLD ST. JOHN'S. Ilrovvn t below- ltd Dr. Richmond preachea tomorrow. 10:13 and 7:43. hT. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 10th st. above Chctnui. Rev. OARI. E. flRAMMKR, S. T. D., Rector. 0:43 a, iu.-Sunday School. 11 u. m. Morning Prayer, Holy Communion and Sermon by ihe Reclor. 4 p. m. Evening Prayer and Address by tb Rector. Special Mutlc. Reformed KpUropal OUR REDEEMER, 10th und Oxford sts. AUGUSTUS E. HARNETT. D, D-, Rector. 10:30 Holy Commuuloa. 7:43 "The Reformation Morning Star," Pre lude: "Henry Ford's Dream." Reformed FIRST' N. A.. ISth and Dauphin Rev. Juhn D. Hicks. Pastor. 10.30 aud N, S. S , Si'SO. Preparatory tervlces Wed. and Friday Evgs. I.OCUST THEATRE 82 D AND. LOCUST STS, 10:30 A. M. 7.43 P. M. REV. CHARLES V. gCHABfePR. D. P. Socialist Uterary Society JOSHUA IVAMIOI'E, Editor New York CalL will tpeak oa "After the War-Whatf to morrow. 3 p. m at llroad street Tbeatr. Musle by tha Van Uem llrcmt string. Phils. Sch-.ol ot Social Science. 002 Walnut St. uuoer ausclte of above society. Eveulua courses In hi, ton-. loclolezy. English and ecouomlie. For information write to Mrs. Rea Laddon Hanna. tecretary. Swedenborglaa SEE NEW JERUSALE31 UnllarUn THE OEHJIANTOIVN UNITARIAN CHURCH Chvlten ave. and qreene it. llvv OSCAR U MAV. ES. Mlnleter. lis, nt.SukJvct, ' Spiritual Power ' 10 a. m. --Sunday School od Adult Claw. AH are, eli,oaiev ItELIOioUN NOTICKs Unitarian C'ontlnned inein, J ear c.ot. u IJlnd," 1j.i."r"IV m'inlon Service 7 p. m., Italian a'3. Rev. . A. Tnallalatela. n Swl.S '"""' '"" Vi'""nn Assoe'tUj.Kfi .MIL FOSTER, frnm l'nel ,.m. " 3 .... fl.Tflo reenle. sensation, showing th. '" V queer, weird nnd wnndcrtul cansiii ""h. ilay. Central Y. M. c. A. AualiertS1' 1 dress. .1 .to. Musical, .1 to 3 30 I $?" your Invitation. u' ,nt' Tsti' i? .tllllN II. MetNTVItt:. sni TTr sjl Mission, will spenk nt the Loetiit -rj? 32d nnd locust sts., tomorrow siiiJ1" 4 o'clock. (Inod singing. Oreheatrs nu"' , Ran. Sqlolsts. MEN OXW, yf j " i 1 I1ENEV0I.F,NT ASSOCIATION! i AMllKIUAN lES(!LrE"woilKrtTir": 1'ree Temporary Hume for Homeless n i nnd (llrl. "' "nl v.ioS'.V-.V:.. . '"..vcinii inn street, Open-nlr Services, Sth nnd Mnrkd ,. ,, 147 North Dili streel, niun-iiy e-.e-iuiiK wiuies, 141 N. fits ..1. -1-, 8, p. in. Contributions mailed to tit, " uddresH will be promptlyjirkno!MrflJ'JI THE SALVATION AHMY7nc. " " mi.tucii'i,... Mio'iiiunner, Colonial - I Rullllng, 1.1th nnd Mstkt7U '"'I Colonel II. E. llnlz In eommiiil ' .il .ciuiHiunrii iteu, iininui aia.Vfi, ill CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING t.Enr.FD . 'j this sniiK iii'B (or like this) ,-t One time live W.J Tlirka limes nnn n.,V nil. "' t' Sit times one week loo JJfjjJ Situations Wanted, three times cms wetku ccnta per line per insertion, vy Place your order for three "of more times and it will be insertti1 in the daily. Public Ledger at V additional cost. One nr two time rate for Ersstso Inn,' nnd Ptinuc I.Enai:it cnmhlned is in eemiJl' line with tho etreptlnn of Help Wtnttd ,3 ! Dlliinllnn. Wnnl1 .ulilnl. I. 1 R ... - .- . u,, ..,.,..., ...,,v.. .o .u CIICS per UX FOR TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which Is permitted In nil clntHVtiA.t. eept Help and Situations Wanted. Lett mi I.-niind. Persnnnls. llnardlnc: nnd lliwim. . FIVE CENTS PER LINE TO ANYOFABCA1 RATES. ,.)l 'tl I Here is .1 drill? store near , I home that will accept Ledger -vraat I ads at oiticc rates. PEKSONALS T Iirill'tlV pIpo nMlrn T ivltr ..! .. , miims ri... ....v. -mi nu H, f ppuiiBiiuu iur uvi'w uiihm i unirHcieii ojr (aj, i w cifliirou, l-i.t weiiinorelam 1 Your Precious Future I He who values his future-, too highly to entrust to others must carve well his own destinies. ', So, if the iob you expect" doesn't come your way, start something in yourj own behalf. Campaign', yourself with a want ad 4 But be sure of the wants ad. Better insert it in the Ledger, where job-pulling -power is a huge fact. The Ledger s mam ottice. Ledger Central, or any Ledger Station drug store will accept your bid for a good job. HELP WANTED PEMALE CHOCOLATE COATEE tvunted. erf.rl"f I ermniient position, kiwi! wages, A"' ti. RivicJ-IJ,Rervvyn, Pa. t , , - (FTlOCOLATE COATBR-Experlenced tMtf manent po.ltlon. ood leases, AdJresi r. VS. Rervvyii. l'n. - CLOTH WEAVERS tvnnted. "Applf lJ James Dobson, Inc.. Hlanket ill'''. Ewetl lane. I-alls of Schuylkill. Cv'vOE Wanted, nn experienced cook for inir t.i.iiiij. ii, ,iiaii vm,,... -- . ,, ably of riwedlsh or Norwegian descent. ; elreis npplleatlons to ills Hart Irvine. Jw cersburg. i'a. (IIRI-S tvuntcil to learn paper bor rntW Kood pay to lienln: anusual oPPJ'tS steady work. Call National Meta Ml J? t:oniiany, Mh nnd Willow sts. HOI'HKWORK-Rellablo Trot, girl W J"J2 adult tnmlly for gen. housework, IgpISi. nnd wanes: rets. l'JU N JIRh St.. Vv tl, llfUL.t'll,!.' n...r..l II.Al.,1111111 nO S"T Inir'or Ironlne: referen'oe. Call lull hKJJJ t!ermautovvn, orjihone Germantown mz llOfSEWORK.'iio vvashlnir; 3 In farollr; f - itlrl. Call 4nl I Itarlifa -' " MACHINE OPERATOItS wanted onKS work. V. Vanderhetchen' fton. 1ws Water st. -j NimSK-One trim I vvilllnir and "WW, tor twu children', best reference requl"y inn t .il, rtrrtfo . PAPER HLXKS - Experienced operatw' linvo position where bocmI "'injn Plume Market '.'I0J, g STENOCIRAPHER-Vounir lady for rePS nnd permanent iMwltlonj urt "vlrti,p bllllnir. on reicular L'nderwopd n1",": part Fetter wrltlni; applicant must wiwj tiKure and rapid operator ! . i jj unto fully pat experience, APP'r 'gi ldxer Office. . -5 j TVPEWRITEH, with tomci experlenc ' ernl office work; must be good mP(., mi. i.kic, r...... hlTii&t WAITRESS-Wanted. experienced. ". m SIU per month, together , "' '-in-tip; Ideal environment; must glv " ences; :til minute from rblljdrtPJ )al phone l. Hotel Pitman. Pltmao. "j S. 1', Clark, proprietor. TT"3 WOMAN, white, for general hu;f"m,'a to bake; reference required, famlW 1UU N. IBth. 1'optar -H-'T J. -rff WOM AN, emplocd. vvlshoa gi . -jm II annrtniriit and T-J ear-old tx' 'j ger Central. . -&& 1 eilcer YOl'NO WOMEN - Steady fllasa Works. Wlsslnorrlng wora. PblliW llostpn THRESHER 1'ng .. "The 8eUltrSI'k Store YSSri tntfsinuv jj- m PhlladelphtaPa LEDGER CENTI1AU . . llroad and cnesinui sirvces. si AttSnTlou.MIS.3 IEAN; .,.., ,oQ tS: Wo take plensurc in "."."""Kina Vli, naOc arranged with Mh nJ tb whom ou rent to u today, vo " ,m cancy fn our office ,,, atUiS Thanking ou iur r ; -; ... vout.r I1ET- Bt'M " -JSI w- - jmi . rvt MENT a frej erlc; to, JUedTJ , ier,! a. large nuueur u, '""",, ii uti r to locate satisfactory VOW!', . 4m will help ou with our is.'D.lti Peillon aid aid jou to locate " ..rvr,,.. rtn Ifl WOISSJ ..... tp.ii. iM,t.ti4.iw tM frea ? I'lllST ktlNITARlAN, 2123 CKnnr--! Itev. 0. E. St, John, h. ii., Mln,,VSt Mi m.. Sunday School. II a m 5 llf'- ftTilf will nreneh The i,ht, i...n.'.' l'T Sl ijC?! i Dlreeti.tywlll Mnir -power Vt4I;.ifiJM ranged By Horat o Parker. tioh 'l ornndvaij "Stibat Mater nt?nVi5t'. Ii!