The Evening Ledger Amusement Section, Saturday, December 4, 1915 jMI ' S&9& tjr&y''' UJ tarm "KC " Mf awt&' " a WSiS NOTES ON MUSIC, PAST, FUTURE, AND MUSINGS ON THE OPERA A Suggestion Transmitted to the Orchestra, the Rich Quartet Again and Other Matters of Interest A suggestion has been made to the Music Editor of the Evening Ledger, and ho cheerfuly publishes It, with his hearty approval, It Is that since Percy Grainger la down on the Orchestra programs, and since Mr. Grainger has. played with as tounding brilliance and with a very real sort of success a concerto by Delius. that this concerto be substituted for the Cries ' concerto when Grainger plays here. It Is certainly not too late to mako the change, even If the rest of the program must be slightly modified, since Mr. Grainger will Tin nlnw until Thhifv 1 0 1 tt fr ! Grainger is a great admirer of Delius. and played the concerto recently for the flrst time In New York. The Rich Quartet, assisted by Elsa Lynns Cook, soprano, and with Ellin Clark Ilammann at the piano, will give Its second concert of the present season on Wednesday, December S. The success of the quartet at Its first concert was unmistakable, and gives more than or dinary satisfaction in thU year when j chamber music Is not too frequently given. The Kncisels are coy and the Flonznleys have given us up. To take ' their place, the Smith' Musical Bureau has done a very good thins in its exploitation of MM. Itich, I.orenz, Vnn den Ecrmt , and Klndler. The program Is attractive. . and, although thf presence of a singer . with a quartet seems unjustifiable, that will be a matter for later decision. The quartet by Ernst von I"htianyi i ri"t known to us. The other quartet la Bee thoven's In C minor. A THEATIUCAL SCANDAL A tlirntrlrnl scandal lrole nut In Au burn, N. Y., nhrn Itutli Chnttrrtnn ap prnml In- "Duilily Lone lCft" to the licK"t local receipts In jear. After tin- pTformnncr tlie l.iinfs ni una err went to tin telecrapli office anil file. I Iil nlehtly manner to Kfau- & Krlancrr. Tlir receipln were IiulU'iitril In rod. Tlir yutiiiff uornan who took the mesnse hml JtM route from the theatre. She read It nml then gate n shiver of horror. Oh. iiln't that awful" tlie exclaimed. "And he looked nnd ncted mi sweet. Itut 3011 neer can tell about these actor people." The code telecrum read: "Ituth Clmt tertim abandoned child Auburn to-nicht." 'STOP! LOOK!! LISTEN!!!" AT THESE NEW DANCES ccti - ntt TEWtSTMO WSWXE. wcmkts cf turrKocyca- The remarks credited to Mr. Gattl-Ca.-vazza In the announcement of next week's opera have not fallen before blind eyes. It has not been made public that pro tests ngalnst the performance of "II Trovatore" came from more sources than one. Certainly lovers of opera were not In the preliminary work of producing "The Dlrth of a Nation" nearly twenty eljcht mile or picture 110,000 feet of film ore taken. And how much of these are used? At the finale we discover that we have thrown away eight-tenths of oar product we have remaining 26,000 feet, or, say, Ave miles of consecutive story. Itut that 1m twice too long. Wo condense, condense, condense. At the end of two months more of hard labor we hare edited "The Itlrth of a Nation" to 12,000 or 13,000 feet tno and a. half mile or. In theatre-wise, two hours and 45 minutes' lUie entertainment. O. W. Griffith. MVSICAL GermanlownConservatoryofMusic tu'J V. CHKLTKN AVK. Offers Facilities for Complete Musical Education. Special Courses for Children. Pupil prepared for Concert and Teach In it Profession Faculty of Sixteen Artlita. Booklet. (SEOIEttH C. KKICK, Director. ROLLO MAITLAND FELLOW AMERICAN GUILD OF OnOAXI2T3 CONCERT ORGANIST Tieeltal one of the ftpest vet riven la tat I Auditorium. " Scrlntfleld Republican. Instruction in Organ, Piano, Tneory Eitry IlalL Residence. 1633 N. Reddeld St. altos DOUGHERTY f?a TLNIST ACCOMPANIST INSTRUCTION CARL TSCHOPP cTusrque"n.n MANDOLIN. BANJO. GUITAR. ZITHER L. SOBELMAN VIOLIN 1714 Chestnut Street 7&.&Ji J i i Wan VUKjP Vl0,ln SJIf Gutter .R?S5TiW?r?UiEH Cello pgjpp ggjPjlfl Elocution tJtr& thrown Into paroxysms of Joy by the an nouncement of that opera. They made their disgust with the choice clear to certain official gentlemen connected with the press, and these gentlemen added their own protest and left the matter in Mr. GatU's hands. The people who protested were not hlKh brows. particularly. The mere fact that they love opera la proof of that for It Is now the great affectation to be superior to opera. And what is much more to the point, the scat-sale for Trovatore, up to the last few days before the opening, was bo small that special advertising DANCING MARTEL'S ACADEMY 1710 North Broad Street Prof. J. Figel and Miss E. Cope INSTRUCTORS AND DEMONSTRATORS Beginner's Class Tuesday Night FOLLOWED BY RECEPTION 1 ORCHESTRA COMPETENT LADV AND GENTLEMEN ASSISTANTS Receptions Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday PRIVATE LESSONS DAILY Benefit Dance, Monday, Dec. 6 Tendered to the Assistants Xr7 DANCING SCHOOL W aglier 1730 N. Broad Private Lessons Day or Eve. 'Phone. Dla. 833 Modern Country Dance MONDAY Dc- EVG. Funny Races Souvenirs Lots of Fun Usual Line Lesson. 8 Orchestra 8.30-13 Usual Scholars' Practice Dance Mon.. Tues. Thurs. Eves. Line Lesson 8 P.M. Extra Dance Wed. & Sat. Evgs. Assistants' Benefit Dance,,!,, Claral School of Dancing 1W3 N. BROAD ST. Reception Every Saturday Evg. Scholars Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Special Moonlight Dance Saturday Evening, December 11 Instructors. C. II. Brady and JEva M. Baral Students' Chapter S&SSaSSa CLASS MONDAY. WEDNESDAY FRIDAY Demonstration Sat. Reception Wed. Private and Class Instruction Day and Eve nr Krith Ballroom BemiHut. Private VY IOCS classes Monilay A Friday Eventnss. Private lessons day A evening. Children Keith. NUon, Colonial Theatre Buildings. FOWLERyRIYATESTUDIO Tersonal Instruction any hour, day ar evening, make appointment. 4t!75 GIUSCOM STREET. Phone Krankford 350 J. MtsS I YONS PrlVKte School of Dancing. dren's class. Sat., 3 P. If. Private lessons any hour. Studio rented for must, cards dances. elTort3 had to be made to All the house. If this be popularity and Justification, tha Metropolitan Is Invited to make the most of it. But will It explain why in tho name of all that L musical It has to send Mme. Itappold here, unless It be to re trieve the unfortunate impression made by that lady In her flrst appearance? afadama Butterfly Isn't tho very ereat est of operas, by about a, hundred, but if any one wants really to enjoy It he Is respectfully urged to see tho thins In the Alms. After that well, why doesn't some one do II Trovatore? G. V. 3. 6 PRIVATE LESSONS, $5 CORTISSOZ Advlw you to auk for the Stwclal Rate Six Strictly Private Lenonii for 15, In veparate private rooms line! -with mirrors ao tbat you can ntiKly your appeararos. You learn quicker and better thin way than In any class or other manner of Instruction. Call or phone Locust 3192. 1520 CHESTNUT 1S20 AL WHITE'S S. E. COR. 15TH & CHESTNUT Reception Wed. & Sat. Beginners Classes Tuesdays Private Lessons by Appointment Stage Dancing Taught UAL1.TO RENT 12 LESSONS FOR $5 FltF.DKRIC GKNSnURG. lOOt Oxford St. Poplar 1181 Expert instruction, clauses for children. Call, phone or write. THE C. ELLWOOD CARPENTER SCHOOL Ot" DANCINfJ 1123 CHESTNUT STREET 1123 Tne newest positions, the latest steps, class to every movement, distinction of style that Is tcAv c lead. Private and class lessons hero are continuous from W A. 51. on. and 12 competent and experienced Instructors al ways willing and anxious to explain every detail. LOESER'S NIXON THEATRE BLDO. 34 SO. 82D STREET CLASSES TUESDAY & FRIDAY, wllh Orcli. Snow Ball and Snow Storm Dance MONDAY NIGHT. DANCINO 8:30 TO 12 Reception Mon., Wed. and Sat. mon scnooL class. Friday Aft.. 4 tod. wmSSdat All the Old Dances Prtv. lessons any hour. Ph., Bel. 32S0, 1039 J. MR& KEENAN. 223 W. Seymour St.. an nounces that Mr. JACK SULLY. New York's popular Teacher and Demonstrator. Is now associated with her. Lessons any hour, day or evenlnir. Germantown 024? J. ASK ABOUT OCS aVRAXTEBD COUESB THE MOVIE NUT ! 'nntimiril from preceding pace ContlnorU on nrt pneo CLIQUE CON MLc W Q'LL HAVE TRACTS AN -t.iC. Ot. ?flC" nC ACHE IN HIS TO (HVEa. YOU GckSi" ONE AND ONLY TOOTRCAU5ING HIM TO SEEK DENTAL AID. .9- !iff?TrT ?er?fi1 "a$gctaiBie? gSCT,SSaa!!gigas ft" -ie.i i... - -, a.".'.!-.!-.. . tj ..-., fJ.Ja. . rtwt.. a tR3m. HJAe l h. . l,.-t-,'ZJKr,. r3F& T ilia JUL .jtfrjfjJ.. rjdm .JXLM&zLhJ1". .1 aikStiiii!"? ?.rt "!' ;M Tro .:J! TnrTrw TiiTCra??? ewwmMi tM (oui; QOOHl fPRl Y.CK! h iPT 0Vtn n?r rPf) 1 k