Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 03, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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Attractive Floats to Be u Fea
ture of Procession in Honor
of the "Prosperity
Week" Fete
rurnilf lonlslit In Cirrmnnlonn, lnrl
Inn nt 1 n'cnU from 30th nml (llrnrd
TleMr.i-IU In It vniloiw form.", such
,, tho billll.in( rlr-trlc IIrIU nml the dec
Me burel.tr nlnrm. Ims "lone more to
,,,b rrlmp m thl Hiv thnu nny other
Bcnr wlili tl"5 l'lble exception of
the pi'llr" f"r' ' ltclf."
This " "'p '"tr',"t I"'"'0 '' Itl
rt Cameron, hlef of the Dctectho Hu
refill, oi" Ml- fa"lt,ro "cllt on l0
jay. .
"And when I 'ay curlied. I menu vir
tually wlpf-,1 out, for crime In Dili city
Is not hat II u"! to he, due n Bloat
dtil r.o 'lotibt to rlectrlcltj. The scien
tific bmt-'lnr aim ni", which record n
marauders prrFrnrc to the Inch In
houc nnd (In- lilBh-pouered lluhf) mno
done nnnv nllli the many lobbeiles nnd
hold-ill'" of foimor lnH.
"To be eire fiom hurRlarn a. lions
doem't ncreatll have l bp equipped
with a burRHr alarm. A llRht Is Very
effective If verv perion who left their
home for Instance, for a trip to the the
atre Kept u feu llRlils burnlnK. Instead
of t'rjinc to Bklmp on the electric light
mil. there Mould be fewer robberies. A
IlKlit It a Meat safeguard for ttto rea
sons: first the thief It more than likely
to Ket the InpreMloii that ever j body Is
home, nnd, vcondlv. It lie does llnil the
house cmpn, he will contlder n lotitf
while befoio lie dares to operate under
a glaro of liRht That would, of course,
attract Immediate attention, while to put
them out e'ld bo to nrouse suspicion.
Tin: thiiif's mimesis.
The rnnlil development of electricity
has proved to be the btirRlnr's Nemesis.
Ifo Is more arrant 01 u innn ne it oj u
imiiiehnlder's Rim Anv llilet will tnlio
la chance for his llbertv by fiuoiRlng In
'a strucple In t' e clink, but lie will do
lnn tiling to avnlil bolus dleoveied In n
'light-flooded room, where hit features nie
(exposed 1 'i 1'iillre methodt ore
'donn to null a lentlllf standpoint now
'that If a bur lm Is even sien he l.t al
'most cc.ialn to be eaptuted. Pin burglar
knowf It and th.it It wh he molds the
"liurcbr alnnnt nre nlso responsible
for the capture of manv thieves who have
been suiref-fiil in eluiliiiR tno ponce.
For Instnnr-e. In last Jul, the burRlnr
alarm in a house at :'.'d nnd Spruce streets
meat off Tim in' n from the lztn unit
Pine streett station went up nnd found
n man who was iiitt about to make his
'pctaway with a. xaluablo haul. The po
licemen b tuned him and after n. strutr-
fele, in which one was shot, they finally
piibdueil him. lie bml robbed tlvo houset
Hn that row and would have robbed tinny
more and esiapeil If it had not been for
tha electric alarm, rnc iniei, ueorgu
Morgan, n German, pot 10 years. That
Is just one example; I could rivo you a
undred others If I hail the. time to look'
them up '
Tonlglu s celebration In connection with
Electrbal I'rosneriti Week," which Is
.king held throURhout the country to glvo
tlmulus to tho three billion clollnr elec
trical Inter-sts, will lie held In Ccrmun
jtonn ltoxboiouRh It alo celrbrntlns
"Boosters Weelt, and the two celobra
:lons will be cotuhlneil
The feature of the celebration will be
he parade starting from 30th street nnd
plrard avenue nt 7 p. in. Colonel Shcl-
Jlon 1'otter, piesldent of tho Germnntown
Business Men's Association, will ho mar
shal of the parade The parndo will pro-
eed east on Glrnrd avenue from 30th
treet to "3th street, north to Columbia
unue, cast to Uroad street, north to
!rle avenue, north on Gcrmantown nve
uo to Washington lane, where It will
Gcrmantown avenue has been decorated
iilth flaRs and 1 untliiR from Wayne Junc-
lon to Washington lane livery shop hat
(PrranKed a special window display, nnd
Wtery snop win holil "open house," as
.111 the rhllnilelphln. Klectrlc Company
t the Gorm.iiitown lirnnch otllce. Tho
tain olllce of the coiiipaiiy, at 10th and
hestnut streets, will also be open.
Ifred C JIarple, chairman of the Ways
nit Means Committee of tho German-
own Business Men's Association, hat
:o-operated with W. C Loehart, sunerln-
enUent of the branch otllce, to make the
arano a success.
The parade will bo tho most elaborate
i the history of Germantown. according
,0 those who have nrraiiccil it More
Elian DO floats, several bands and 3C0 auto
nomies will make up the procession. Tho
'hllailclphln Electric Company will be
Presented liv slv electrin flnut". shnw-
IiS the history nnd arIous appliances
f electricity Tho Hell Telephone Com
any will also bo represented. Many of
H large manufacturers nnd shopkeepers
e siBiiuied their Intention of entering
loats in tho nnrurin. .1 Wnlker. n.
llStant secretnrv nt tlm nprmnnlnun
Business Men's Association, has received
nny nppllcatlons for positions In line
iie uermaniown Jiojs' Club, which is
oldlns u "Homo Week Celebtntion,"
naer tho direction of Charles Bnlnbrldge,
m pe represented in tho parade.
"Electrical Prnsnerilv Wmli" hna rn.
felved tho npproval and co-operation of
U tho big men nnd industries in the
pountry Governors, Majors, Chambers
i commerce, Hoards of Trade and In
ustrlal organizations liavo sent letters
na telegrams of encouragement nnd
ongratulatlon to the Society for Klectrl
al Development, but what the society
onslders the climax of its success was
then It received n lAttm- nt nni-ntnin
MK5? President Wilson. The letter
,, ,. Tho White House.
Mv rf.j. .ninion, NoiemDer SI, 1U15.
lln-5'v,.,. "." Bb'd la larn trom your
uSh"',' . "in innMnt that the Society for
l fton.ri. V.?1'Tcnt wm. ieie"te Klectr
il e1ft.i!i'i5 '? b.e a"1'""! that the object of
Arm ,r.aiLon ls '. "eato In the public mind
AmeriS! C" n ,he bualnc Institutions
Sum .. .f row things of Greater Im
tChat,a,hne.,?"Pe.' h United Stair.
Bws"i;rnffriiwiSni.,a tK
uneiiil, ,.S.lcn they have created. I
I thip , T ... "' iciiau uj- our poupie
niitrE.1 2at"il.y ? n"'-' the proWenis of
' to 5ua.,;at onal. ,lfe' Such a lanc
ihia.i v'"1' t'l on what we Jiaiu
uy Uok r.Jrf'0'? .Wlth "ucn a reliance
(ook fearUaaly to the future.
m Slncertl) our,
20 Weit W,h . ,ecf?' Development.
, - et39th street, New York city.
!LHy Hinton ," Otherwise Mrs. Billy
"!ion, buccumbs Suddenly
&Vm,-," ':? shJ.e""t .
r mm,. 7 ' ""vr uime -Huseum,
aotllL-h. s ,ouay '" eath of another
CTk' star ot 20 eais ago. LJlly Hln-
M4 In h v "" IIUHie, 11 US lOUIUI
eanT- "" yesterday at ner home
K tkT 0.01' w m118 fro" Atlantic City
Ka t malnlan1' eart trouble caused
r,d0aii ,r,,,a rrom hl! city dlicov
Jtheutf! W",50u'8 bod aUl notified the
moSo l y 1Imton' Mr- Wilson plajed
'oodf r k " iwiiiciiojia ai mu
(..., . "" nu was a lavonte wn
rregoers la tlda city.
Vares Take Slap at Penrosc-
McNichol Faction by Slating
South Philadelphian
The Vnict hnve taken a direct lap at
Iho t'eniosc-.McNIchol faction of tho lie
publlenii Oiifnnbntltin bv Mating Jnmes M.
I.cnnon for president of Select Coumll to
succeed Harry T. tlnn1e, who wnt
elected Shrrlrf last month
t.ennon publishes a South t'hlladclphl.-i
political pnper that Is rcitardcd nt the
oltlrlal orsnn of the Varrs. lilt nper ro
rently mado violent denunclntiont of Pen
rose nnd McNIchol
It l.t not known whether or not the Pen-rosc-McNIchol
forces will oppose Lcn
non. The mucus nt which the pntldent.t
of both chnmbert of Councils will be
selected will be htld tomorrow inornlhK
at II o'clock.
Should the selection of t.cnnoti bo un
opposed, n McNIchot follower will succeed
CIcorRO McCurdy as ptetldetit of Common
Council. Dr. t:. H Ulcnson, of the th
Wnrd, Is the only candidate In the Held
for the picsldency of the lower chamber
If any opposition to the selection of l,eti
non at president of Select Council ap
pears In the McNIchol camp, the Vines
will brliiB out their own candidate fof
president of Common.
Tho Ilcpubtlcnu I'll) Committee spent
$SI idO.ol In the ii'tent campaign. Its ex
pense account was filed .itsterdn) nml
showed teciipls of .$11,131.30. The con
tributor) of the InrRest amounts were
Seuntors Vine and McNIchol. each of
whom ac $.!J00.
Counsel Hints nt Plnn When Unfnir
Discrimination Is ChnrRcd
Vnfnlr illscrlmlnntlcin nmnlntt Philadel
phia and particularly iiKalntt the pntron.t
of tho toth Street Station of the Pennsyl
vania llallroad were the charges nintlo
today bv Frederick M. Hradlcy, secretary
of the Uelmont Impiovement Association,
in his suit nRnlntt the railroad nt a con
tinued heniltiR before tho Public Service
In leplv Henry Wolfe Illkle, counsel
for the tallroad. said that the rallioiul
consldets It time to e!oi the station nl
toKethcr, In view of the fact that tln
cott of inaliitalm; It is more than twice
the lerelpts fiuin the pationnKt. which,
h declared, hut fallen far short of et
pei tatlons.
The complainant, who wnt represented
by Thomas II. MiVuffie), ulleRes that
the commutation into of ,s2 CLiit.t for lo
trips between liioml nnd Will otieets (2.7
miles) Is contrarv tn the 2-ceiit-n-inlle I
nile. He cited In comparison the same j
into which pr-nlls betwten Ilroad nnd
,.'d stnets 1.1 miles), the chat-Ru of 1.0
cents between llroad and 1Mb stieets (3.7
miles) nnd the chartte of it for 13 trips
between similarly situated stations In
Pittsburgh. Witnesses asset ted that the
allesed poor patromiRo It caused by poor
train service.
The hearing Is helm? held bvfnrn Cotn
mlstldiiers William D. U. Alnuy, chair
man, and Milton S. Biccht.
While you admire the beautiful water-colors at
the Art Exhibition, take notice of the aitistic gowns
and footwear worn by tho well-dressed visitors.
are, of course, predominant due to their exclusive
style, artistic color and fashionable design. Sorosis
Shoes are essentially quality footwear.
$4 to $10
knv Ymoc
1 U1 r s
jive riirn
a Globe
Wernicke Bookcase
AND make sure it is
a Globe-Wernicke
Sectional Bookcase. He will
appreciate it most, as it can
accommodate a single shelf
of volumes, or house a large
collection. It is a sensible,
substantial gift.
Whatever your style
preference, you will
find it in the
line, due to our
mammoth pro
duct i 0 n and
direct distribu
tion. Bookcase units from
$2.25 up.
Call or Send for
Catalog roaay
7yt SlobeWeroiekc
1012 Chestnut Street
Sfief ional Bookcases
Company's Witness "Before Pub
lic Service Board Asserts
Property Virtually
I'or the flrl time In lt history, the Slate
Public sen Ire f nmnilsslnn In hnldlnn three
dMInct lirurhiEs In this rlty tuilny.
The hrnrlngs nrei
Tile riilludrlphln Dlfclrlc rate rne
hrnuilil bv tllrrrtur Cnolie, In nn effort to
forie the rnmpnny to rrdure Its rntes nml
Itnprnie Its t.enlro In this c Its-.
'Hie tlctinoiit ltnprmrinrnt Assoelntlon't
ruse licnlnst the lVmisj lvnulii Itnllrnnd Com
1111)1 to prevent the loinpiiti from Inerens
hilt the fare or riillliie dnwn srrvlre between
Intli rtrrrt mid llrnnd Street Stntlnn.
'I be pretest liy Dniishtnii A- Son, rnn
trnrtnrs, of II Smith Iftth street, nBiilnt the
rate for the deliver) id crushed frtone from
Kurther testlmonv to iirove tho
Pirtctleal Indettructlblllty ot tho propel ly
of the Phllndelphlii Ulcctrlc Company 111
this city wns offered before the Public
Seivlce Commission today by Prof.
Ducnlil r Jackson, the company's up
pialsal epcit, who so far has been tho
chief witness for the cotnpnny In tho
case brought by Director Cooke to forco
a l eduction of clccttlc rates In Phila
delphia. William Ilrnpcr Lewis, who Is conduct
ing the irost-exnmlnatlon of Protestor
.lacltson. ns counsel for the tomnlnlnnnt.
has shown In several Instances that no I
definite percentage for depreciation wns
allowed In living tho company's physical
piopertv valuation nt ?.11,CC2,0I.". Pro
fessor Jackson In reply hns Indicated that
some classes of tho company's property
uto not nlfectcd by any lapso of time.
Ornamental Iron poles and Ilrttsh elec
trical generators had been clasred nmong
the propei'tv that dues not dctcilornte
wllh use earlier this week and tod.i.v
Professor Jiickxon voluiitceiul the ln
furmitlon that copper wire, aside fiom
the Insulation roveilng, l.t piuctleally
Sir. Lewis attempted to show that In
istluintlng the value of the copper who
now used by the company a proper pei
rentngo for depr elation had not bei n
deducted. Thp vvltness Insisted, hoiwvi'i
Hint the cost of lepl icing wlie need not
!'o Luiitlil -red at a seiluits cost taitoi
bv the company.
The enormous total of B,7."0.0iiO pounds
of copper wire is now In use In the
'ompanv'rt lines In this city, according lo
iho testlmon.v lllustintiug the rapid
mouth of the Philadelphia. Hleetrlo Com
pany It wnt milled that this total, l,H'.
M) pounds, hud been purchased within
tho last six years, and Iwo-lhlrds of this
latter totnl In tho thtee years ending
Pccumber 1, 1SU.
v5P Art Mission VSSfjr
AY Style 1S&
vL fr. U'TT Ml
SS t I UuarliTeil Ouk. U f$f
V$V J sst.iso jB?
iVt Ciriiulno JJA
,0. Nfcci Mohosttn, $13.00 jf3?&
Explosive at Du Pont Plant
Said to Have Been Ignited
by Car or Horse
WILMINGTON, Del., Dec 3.-I)csplto
Oermnn spy stories which have been
given currency in connection with tho
explosion of n pnettinff house nt tho du
Pont Powder Company's llrnnd) wine
plant on Tuesdav, the accident It now
said to hnve been caused cither bv pow
der fnlllng fiom the car which was be
ing hauled to the packing house nnd n
wheel miming ovei the explosive, or by
tho hoises liuof striking nnd Igniting It.
It Is teeulled by those familiar with ex
plosions nt the dn Pont plant thnt more
explosions have been caused by horses
nnd cars lli-in by any other means It
Is pointed nut thnt the recent explosion
at Carney's Point, when the sorting
house was destro.ved by lire and six men
died ns the result of Injuries, wns due to
one or the other of the aforementioned
muse. Several years ago there was an
explosion In which a number of people
were killed which wns caused by n horse
running awny In the powder ard nnd
creating a spark with Its Iron shoe One
of the famous explosions In tho hlstorv of
the powder mill business wns the explo
sion which occurred tunny years ago In
front of what It now the homo of lllshop
Kinsman, of the episcopal Diocese of
Delaware. It was cnused by towder leak
ing from wagons on to the wheels In this
explosion u number of people were
Edtlystone Corporation Intends to
Employ Two SttrRcons in Plant
That the arms and ammunition plnntt
realize the norossltv of providing for
emergencies mii'ist bv explosions nnfl
other accidents In connection with the
ilangeinut occupation of their emplnvet
was further evidenced todav when tho
Soap clears
The soothing;, healing Rcsinol
balsams in Rcsinol Soap, combined
with its freedom from harsh, irritat
ing alkali, give to red, rough and
pimply complexions that whiteness
and velvety softness for which
women yearn. A skin washed only
with Rcsinol Soap is usually a skin
to be proud of.
oll by ill drumliti. For mpl trie, wrlta
to Dtpt. 10-P, Rtilnol, Ualliniore, M0.
There is NO Belter Coal Sold in
There is no firm buys better, there
is no firm, larco or small, can give
you better service at any price.
We handle only the very
Egg, $6.75 Stove, .$7.00
Chestnut, $7.25 - Pea, M.75
SSiO lbs. to every ton for SO ytara
Satisfied Customers for 30 Years
Our uuta truika deliver norm ur ilrktt
ftrtet, att ot lluth btroeu
Owen Letter's Sons
l In- lurk'tst and beat tiulppcd cool jard
In I'hiluilolplilu.
Trenton and Westmoreland Sts.
nail Phone. Frnnkrord 232. Key.. Cait 233.
aanwrw mm iiaanmyvwanaggg
City Taxi That
Gives You a
'Printed Bi
No more need you be mentally dis
turbed at the contemplated arguments
as to your fare, when your ride is fin
ished. No more need you argue ami
dispute because the chauffeur's calcu
lation and yours as to the amount of
our fare disagree.
The Quaker City Cab Company
has installed upon every one of its
taxicabs the new Ohmer Taximeter.
When your ride is finished you are
presented with a printed bill, which
lias been calculated and printed auto
matically by this taximeter. Its me
chanical accuracy in registering and in computing the
details, including the "extras," eliminates all possibility
of mistake, cuts out all errors.
No more need you depend upon the personal ele
ment of your chauffeur or of yourself in determining
what your fare should be.
These taximeters have been made and installed
by the Ohmer Fare Register Company, of Dayton,
Ohio, whose reputation, based upon furnishing 90 per
QUAKER CITY CAB COMPANY, Twelfth and Vine Streets
Broad St. Station
W. Phila. Station
N. Phila. Station
Market St. Ferry
I IMdystonn
l Uddyttone,
Ammunition Corporation. t
two retired surgeons of the United States
r.. ,,i ,l. ,1 MUliy .,lll IU1
I The call wan In the form of a newspaper
advertisement, which asks for Immediate
.ippllcntlon. The specialty of the sur
geons ls to be first nld In factory acci
dents nnd the manaBcment of a dispen
sary. Match King- Weds nt 71
AKnON, U, Dee. 3.-Ohlo C. Harbor,
,1 years old, millionaire match manufac
turer, promotT of the Cleveland freight
slibwnv, wnt married hero vosterdny to
Sllss Slnrv V. Orr, his private secretary,
who It .1 Sjeins old Sllsq nrr has been
th" secretary of the match king for 15
Fifth, South and Passyunk
Tomorrow We Shall Offer Three of the Biggest Values in
Men's and Young Men's
That Philadelphia Has Known This Season
Brand new coats right down to the last tick of the clock in style, and
so well tailored that satisfaction is assured from every standpoint. There
are KerseysrWiltons, Chinchillas and Fancy Coatings in black, grey, brown
and plenty of the popular blues. The styles include single and double
breasted, form-fitting, tourist, box back and conservative models.
Regular $12.50, $13.50 tiQ
and $15.00 Overcoats at P
I Regular $15, $18.50 dj- - 7
S and $20.00 Overcoats tp JL 1 O
Regular $23.50 and
$25.00 Overcoats at
Boys' $7.50 Over
coats at
Of blue anil (rrcy iliiiii'lnlhi, in 12- to
17-year sizes also in :i- to rj-vwir mzos.
Of blue chinchilla, in !!- to 12-year sizes
Sale Extraordinary of 457
Women's and Misses' Black Plush Coats
At V3 Under Usual Price
All with Fur Collars or Fur Trimmed
Beautiful brand-new co.its in the newest wanted stle all with the
wide supple street ellect. All exceptional! well tailored and guai.mteed a.
serviceable as the are good looking.
m&?' $15.00 & $18.50 Plush Coats $10.98
88 $20.00 & $22.50 Flush Coats 15.00
W- $25.00 Plush Coats at ... , $16.75
E&& $28.00 & $30.00 Plush Coats $20.00
SUes 2 to (i Years
$5.00 Plush and
Corduroy Coats at
S6.50 Plush and
Corduroy Coats at
$7.50 & $8 Plush &A QQ $15 Black Plush fiQ QO
& Corduroy Coats V.O Coats at V'O
1 run nri..r &..
. ... ..,,,
irnrTHTftliiMilM'f " " ' r"T-"--zTm" f'sgwgnna'- Tim HI1II1II F"J.'t'JW)iJ.WJ.',MynlA,SyUH , n TmCTTHIMT
Quaker J JMfc HlO.
" FARE ! tw
ODM I W; 10 I
j W 10 j
Chestnut St. Ferry
Hotel Walton
The St, James
Hotel Atlclphia
Bingham House
3, 1915;
1 ,f .. .. , maa .. ., .. ..
and Silvli (Joltlteb, 732 Wallace et.
Morris n-irag, 72a Tasker et , and Ida OstrofT,
aw S. Mh at
Simufl sitouvltr, .1tl Wlnton ft,, and Iena
(JnMstetn 1(V1S S. oth t.
Aletnmlrr Moss, I7t Kaloa et.
Thompson, 147 Sumac at.
Philip liortnllt .10 cnntrell at
nd Edns
and Brtha
Aaeimsn, 2VJ7 s. ctn at.
.Itirvls Jarkson, I71S Atlantte at., and Blala.
riemlnu. t7ts Atl.intlr at.
Thomas It. (toald. .10.10 N. Oth at. and Mabel
li. lmr. IH v. Wenta at.
bavl.1 ,t Power, .Tr , ffil? Cnllowhlll at. and
Mary ltrcnnnn, IK la, Pa.
Max Levy, lain) Main at. and rtebaec I,vy,
-ill I! Mr nmouih at
James 1! Minis 200 N. 4rtth el., and Hattle.
Vonnff 70n N. Sih at
Antnni kilo, csi) Trrnton e and Jennla
tar fin 4ait liptman at
Boys' $10.00 Over- (gy gA
coats at tVr
Of blue chinchilla, in 12- to 17-year
Sies 0 to 1 1 Years
$6.50 Corduroy
Coats at
$3.98 SISf0-0!? $5.98
& CO.
- .!.. iri. llin
no. 83 I EXTRAS
0 fi 4
the only company in Philadelphia and the first in the
world to install taximeters that furnish patrons with
bills before they pay fares.
For 22 years we have been studying the riding
public, doing the utmost in our power to make our
service meet their needs in every particular. Our
taxicabs outnumber the taxicabs of all other companies
combined, and our large experienced organization, with
its absolutely modern equipment, is ready to answer
vour call with that instant action and quick response
"that you expect. Call Race 90 or Filbert 2500.
Hotel Majestic
Itittenhousc Hotel
The Union League
A1vtn .t rtaker, 2M0 tYankford ave.,
and ntbal
r. Hamilton. 821 N. zva at.
Germain T. Ilolmaa, 1201 V. Columbia, ave.,
and Anna X'. Mecomba, 27." Amber at.
ninteno M. I.oeb. 1M2 N, 15th at., and Mildred
U Levi, 3010 Diamond at.
Harry A. Srllker, 210 Tree at, and n M.
Uusa, 127 W. Allen at.
Alexander Bradley, 10 P. Jenn lane, and
Maritftrct Smith, 10 n. .Tones lane.
Iteiiben Cohen, 739 Mifflin at., and Ina.
Schwarti. 35H) N. nth at.
Polon P Chamberlain, 70(1 f. 4Id St., and Eb-
telte St nrown, 2S S 42d at.
Uenjamln Hopklna, 1210 rittwalar at, and
llottlo Weathers, 131.1 Lombard at.
Paul Prueren, 2601 S Cliadwlck St., and Alice
M. Hurger, 723 Stoynmcnslng avc.
William Arnold, 1M0 Ixvtona at., and rtose
tlnMnaon. Jenklntown, Pa,
Stephen A ntrpitrlek, 300 Oreenwleh at, and
I.lien Strdlnnis, 1521 D. Sloyamenalnc ave.
ml m
If "
W . A .. .1. 1 II
ntes for street cars.
is an absolute guarantee of the reli
ability of these taximeters.
The Quaker City Cab Com
pany is the first to install this new
added comfort to its taxicabs. It is
Racauet Club
Rittenhouse Club
Fairmount Inn
Metropolitan Opera
I -