V icii k,k nt i lST ifLm'C tBfcJIB i Mft ,1 a i! 0 EVENING T,EDGERPHILADELPHIA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, lOlfr TRANSIT FUND BIG BNOOGH FOIl '' IKOWff I ,Cnttnned from Pnee One. crIvo the city excellent transit facilities. She loan Itself doe not nuan murh, bill fit 18 how It la Unod thnt will count. If She; money-! judiciously and cronmnlcnllv Expended It should brlnR Philadelphia well to the front among the iininklpall pies of the t'nltcd Blntcs." LOAN'S TWO-POM) KI'l-T.t'T. 1 The 00. TOCCOO fo-tn. which will bo rut Jto a vote of the people on 1-Vbruary S, will havo A two-fold effect on the city's for JtUncd, according to the politicians and financiers foaik of the project. I Primarily, the expenditure of the vast Ssum will place Philadelphia In tho forefront of nrnt-elnm cities ns n rapid (transit centre and as a Kreat port o entry 'or ocean tralllc The second rlind almost Inevltnlile effect of the tils Klodti Will he at! Increase III the city's ijtax rate In 18)7. Mr. Norrls In dlsetisslnit tho port de velopment feature said: i "As for the snno,(o to he ttovolcd to JmpiovltiB the port. It would not lie ad Jvlsablo to spend that sum III les-J than hxio or three enrs Pour years oro tho Jclty had oid one modern pier; today jjthero are four and rntitracti Imvo been filet for the sulti inline of n fifth, whlth Jwlll be ns lare us onv two of the e.xlst ilner piers. "At the piesMit time the shipping nc-i-'commod.-itlons or the city are a little laht-nd of the available blls'ness. My jvltw has alwui 1pm n that such pier no .commodntlons xlmtiM he kept n Uttlo jnhtnd of the di m.ind, but not so fnr In (advance that l.nite Investments will bo (lying Idle If 111" JVXAMO were expended flu a year and a half, this would be tho jCtie. I "This money would build several of the JlnrKcr piers and this should be the mlllmate form of investment, but not at ,the present lime. . "Philadelphia can never rival N'ow York Jns n port, but If It encinirniteM shinning hy nlwn.s belnu piepated to bandlo 'cdlclcntly siicli business as we do got, Jthe city should eventually take nn lin jtportnnt place aiiioiiK the ports of the At Inntlc sealio.ird J "The allotmiiit of l.t.OOO.OOO for main ntul branch sewers strikes me ns small In .comparison with tho other Items, and If Sa sewnfto disposal plant Is to be iltf Jflnltoly taken up, the Item of 2,00".(00 for .that purpose will only llguro ns about 1U "per cent, of the cost. f "Ihe other Items of the loan Impress mc ns beliiK leasonable and proper." i Ml.liiri ANSWKJtS SKllUll Director .lohn Meiiis, of the Department Jof Whiiivi-s. Mocks and Ferries, replied itodny to the statement of Charles Sewer In Councils ciliiday, that "spending money for thlrt port Is like throwing , money Into the sewer'" Mr. rieKer Is 'chairman of the subcommittee on appro priations, which Is nn Important factor In dctermlniti how money derived from Sloans shall be cxpimli-il. t "Mr S-jer." said the Director, "has not Mnvestlcntcd sntth'lciitly to nbtnln tho ;renl facts. If he hail, lie would not have 'made mich a statement as was quoted In Jthe newspapers." I "Ho askid. 'What inn Philadelphia on ipect to do as a pnt? Huston and Now jjYork are on the sea. Baltimore has u Jnaturnl d, p-ea heibor' i "Now. as n ir-itter of fact, neither Hus ton nor New York aro on tho fen. The distance from tin- lightship at Snnd .Hook to New YoiU Ii W miles, while to "reach the sea from Hoston It Is nee 'cssarv to tiairsi- " miles of Improved Ichnnncl The city of Haltimoro Is -i rfmlloa from the Capes. I "There Is no ureat harbor In l-'uropc 'that Is situated dlivrtlv on the sea. And I mlsht remind Mr. Scuor that Ohiirlcstnii. which Ik on the son. hns one nf the poor Jest harbors on the Atlantic const. Sa-lvanm-i. iieuiby, J5 miles from the ocean, than a splenillil ri-put'itloii as u port. "Mr. Seijer has also been quoted ns saving that the lmpiovement or the Imr '5lior Is not a peimnnunt Job. I know as well as be that redreilulm: is often neces sarv The rnlled Htates (invurnment spends $3fli,fl0i) n ear here for tho pur fposo and receives In return upward of i20."P0.0Ofl In customs receipts. "Philadelphia has spent JlO.OOO.noo on her J port. Ne.v York nas spent $1I)W).00'5." KvinKNcr: rip punspi:niTY. Advocates of the loan said today that ithe great wave of prosperity now sweeping over this eountrv was retlected Shy the action ot tie- members of Coun cils' Kinnnc- Committee, who. after con sultation with tho political leaders, de Sclded the time wns ripe to double tho I funded lt lit of the city. The resulting vpood from the passage of such a loan ns the one proposed Is Incalculable in jthe ejes uf city llnthclers. J The net funded debt of the city on Sep tember L was I1,S:8.0I3 and, with tho 1 nA rinn ArtA ..111 innbn tl, nrtotll tleht nf the f-V,WlW',J. ,-', ..,- -- ..--...-. . tracts for the furtherance of the many public Improvements provided for In the measure. TAX INCinBASC JUSTIFIED. The drain which the new bond Issue will entail upon the tax revenues of the city for nnnunl Interest and sinking fund charges Is well known to the financiers back of the loan, but they contend that evi n though nn appreciable Increase In the rlt's tax rate results, Ihe benellts to be derived from the pnssaso of the loan will many times ofrset Ihe Incre-ise In taxes. To provide for tho requests of the various municipal depal tments for IMG would require a tn.x rale of Jl-M In slead of the present rate of (1 per $100 of taxable property. It was asserted to day bv members of the Finance Commit tee" Hint the tax ralo Increase to pro vide for the loan nnd other expenses would not be In excels of 3) cents. No time will be loit In passing the leg islation necessiuy to place the big loan befole tho voters Councils will sit every week of the present month. The bill fav orably reported yesterday by the Finance Committee will be pt lilted this week Nc: t week. If present plans are catrled out, It will be pnscd b Common Council and on tho Thursdav folloulii,' favorable action Is expected III the Select blanch. This will enable the bill to reach Mayor Blank cnburg on the day following Us lln.il passage by the upper brain h. Mayor HlankenbiirB Is expected to sanc tion the big loiin. which cmilaliis pmvls Ion for all of the great municipal under takings started dining his administration, and thcte is little doubt of his approval. Should he see lit for nnv reason to veto the measure the men buck of the measure could oosllt pasx It over his veto In time to advertise It for the required 3D days before Ftbrunry s, the date set for popu lar vote on the loan. In the event of the loan receiving the approval of the voters. It will he neces sary lor Councils to pass measures au thorizing the borrowing of the sums of money needed next yenr for the Improve ments named. Before the loan Is iloated It will he neiessary to ndveitlse Ihe bill for four weeks. All this necessary legis lation requites so much time that no ttionov Is likely to be borrowed before April The need of Tumls for the Frnnkford ebnnteil. In addition to the money al ready appropriated, will cause that project to hi Included In the first pntt of the loan floated. Tho phraseology ol the loan mensuio now hcfoic Councils makes It possible to use a part of the loan money, under the subway and ele vated railroads section, for elevated lines contemplated, but to he decided upon later. This opens the wav to the con struction of a number of branch elevated lines, lo tetleve congest Ion 111 viulous iiii' !lng ic-tlons eUiiiioring for relief The $tr.n00,"00 III the loan for elevated and subway construction and Js.oon.nno for the port would not at once conxtltute a charge against the current revenues. The bonds covering these amounts will be Is-nied upon the basis of the consti tutional autboilly granted h the amend ment approved b the voters at the elec tion last month This creates a new bor rowing power of 10 per cent, for subway and elevated coiistiuctloii, harbor Im provements and docks, the Issue of bonds for M) years Instead of SO yenis, and permits of the pavinents of the Inter est and sinking fund charges on those bonds out of their proceeds for the ears the projects are under construction and for one ear thereafter. For this reason the. greatest drain will fall upon the cin, in the nature of fixed charges, on $3".ocin,ono of the big lsue These bonds can only be IskuciI for 30 years with roriespondliig higher annual (lxed charges for the shorter period of $("1,000 n year for each Jl.nnO.OOO The li.rrowmg enpaclU "f the eltv jit the present time Is approximated Jl( O-ONO. so thnt the new- loan, when Iloated. will leave t'je city with comparatively lit tle leeway In tho matter of a reset ve bor lowlriE power -.tn.... ll.. l,A.,. I., l,n Inn,, Im nrlill- ., .. 1 ,. ' ..,. ...! ...... I. ..,.,., 1 lion III llione mr IIilOJ.ll IUKI t-.-ii i.,,i,.-. ineiitM lire i-oiishlered "nonillar." Among these Is the ,VO'liO lt in for the art mn- I seum to be built at the (Srei-n street en- I trance lo F.ilrninunt Park There Is avail able fjr this building at the present time H"J.U"V. anil lllO liem III llie lu.-in em onii cates thnt this pioject will be pushed at great soeed. ( O'her 'popular" Items supposul to lend strength to the loon project provide vnst ; sums for the exttnsloii of tho water sup plv svstetn. not only In South Philadel phia but In other parts of the city, for the construction of a new Ulockley, addi tional biiiluliigs for the insane, r- eb minded ami female Indigents at licri and general highway iinniovenients. DRUG USERS TAKE NEW HOPE AT HEARING Opportunity for Relief Offered by Narcotic Committee Re cently Formed Persons afflicted with the drug habit hod the opportunity for the first llmo to day lo lake advantage of tho assistance and ntlvlce offered by the Narcotic Com mittee formed recently nt the suggestion of Francis Fisher Kane, United States Attorney for the Kastcrn District of Pennsylvania, ahd headed by Hdw-nrd Hole, editor of tho Indies' Home Journal, to solve the "dope" problem In this city. Dr. John W. Hhelii, nerve specialist, nnd Dr lloiatlo ('. Wood, Jr.. active members of the committee, nttended a scoro or moro of drug hentlngs before t'nltcd Stntei Commlrsloner Howard M. Long In tho Federal llillldlng today, and In tunny cises mcdlcnl attention was given. It was the Inrgcst number of drug cases scheduled In one day since the Harrison antl-tiarcotlc act went Into effect, and committee members thought It a propi tious occasion to begin the contemplated work. Doctor Illicit! Is connected with the Polyclinic Hopltnl. while Doctor Wood rotiduts a clinic at the Medlco-Chlrurglcal Hospltnl. In all, with Commissioner I-ntig and Piere Archer, crlef deputy Internal tevnue collector in this city, both pres ent, the hearing room wns pervaded with a benevolent spirit of social service work. Many of those arraigned had been held for further henrlngs and weie discharged. Many l.ad spent several weeks In Moyn menslng Prison, by speclnl airangement, III an effort to get away from the habit and temptation, nnd the experiment evi dently proven successful In many cases. All thoe discharged were examined by Doctor Ithelti and Doctor Wood, who took a minute record of each case, offered cheer and advice and made arrangements to ki ep In touch with the Individuals. At rntigemetits for further mcdlcnl exami nations nlso wero made. Doctor Wood, Doctor Itheln and Dr. Charles W. Httrr, of the Orthopedic Hospital, also n mem ber of the committee, will conduct regu lar clinics nt which those afflicted with the di tig habit will be treated free of charge. FORD AND DRY AN NOT WANTED IN BRITAIN ' f'nnt I m it'll frnni 1'itrrn fln int iiinK t Hip tnjtiiKi. Ilr hrcantr nroturil hfruiiT n Irrk (iVnlnl him mltnlttuncr to Mr. t'linl'H rmifrrciMT rimm. NO MUTISM WKM'OME I'flK FORI) AND II H VAX l.ciMin.V. Dec ,1-Sii I-Mward A Corn wall, n Liberal member nf Pailiumi-nt. took the lead today In a movement to pievent William J Ilrjan and llenrj Noted Men Say Ford Pence Trip Is Silly, a Big Laugh Itfr l that seme of the lendln men of the Vnltrd Stales think about Henry Ford's prreonnlly eondiifted peace party! President Mllson ? i:-rresldfnt Tnft Just UiiKhed. Kt-I'risldeiil lloosurll Nol inlscbleT ous only bernuse It Is so ridiculous. Alton It. I'nrker Ford Is n clown. I!. t'. Heneillrt It Is sheer foolishness. Cotonrl (leorite llnriej It Is silly. .Tnnus It. Day The plan Is rrolesqae nnd will neenmpllsh nothing but ridicule of our country. Wllllnm .lennlnus Ilrynn It Is worthy of praise nnd will nreomiillsh much kooiI. John Wnnnmsker lr. Ford hits three Ihhntsi n mission, n Renerous heart nnd n fnt poekftbook, but be hns no plan lo slop (he wnr. (nrilliml (llhlmns I thlnlc Ihere nre (nn many formlilslde dimeultles In (he way to hope fnr Us successful culmina tion. tloernor Fielder, of New .Terser Med dlesnme. luilne Hen I.lndsey I heartily npprore Mr, 1'ord's efforts lo (op (he sIsuitlKer. John llnjs llnmmond, Jr. Two weeks In Finland would show (hem their peace plans are nlistiril, Charles . FMol, president f merlins nf Iliirinrd Ford's pence cruise Is nli surd. Ilr. Alnses .stenrn, who spent $3.08 I'll sue hint. Ford cnnilnt' to Dnglnnd on a peace mis sion Ho asserted that the piesence of either man lure would he uiiweholi.e to KiiBlat'd and a source of Irritation Sir Kdward gave notice that be would In'terpollato the Government on Monday, asking Sir Hdward Grey, the Foreign Minister If he had heard of the piopnsed visits of Hrvon nnd Ford and whether ho will notlfv both through the Washington Government that a visit on a peace mis sion b the two Americans would be dis tasteful to the llritlsh Government. FEAIt FORI) TIUP MAY KMHARRASS TIIK V. S. WASHINGTON. Dec. 3.-Stnte Depart ment officials today made no conceal ment of their fears that the Fulled States will be seriously embarrassed by tho Ford peace expedition to Kurnpe. This feeling of apprehension has been Inten sllled by the Inquiries from Kuropcnn nations.' both neiitrnl and belligerent, as to what If am, connection the ptace ship had' with the State Depai tment. To all of thfse lniiililes Secretary Lan sing has leplled with emphasis that the iiaclllsts would carry no authorizations us peacemakers from the State Department. At the passport bureau applicants who 5 J TpewWcr(?o. 8.11 CIICSTM T ST. rietl Phone. Walnut .IliOl. I 1 m at I M H g mmii'mw iC.iiKiiiiiiiiiiiMiiMiiiiiiiMMaMiiiMiii'riiiBtiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiia Lower priced tailors naturally draw the line at some of the costs we assume in making clothes. But we find that, to produce distinctive style and quality fit, we must pay more for the actual cutting and sewing. Moreover, most of our imported fabrics are bought from Scotch and English weavers, who will not sell at all to lower priced tailors. HUGHES C& MULLER Tailors . 1527 WALNUT ST. ESTAllUFUED ISiS r'l n'lir, I Mn)')iTn"''!iMmi)TOiro iclty total JilO.OflO.ioii Thcfco figures aro offset to a small degree by tho moneys now In the Sinking Fund to retire old loans, ltenllzing the Immensity of the 'plan, members of the Fin.ue Committee jhavo gone to gieat lengths to explain that tho monev in the loan would not be Jbmroweil at utiy one time, but th.it loans would onlv be floated at such times as money would bo needed to enter Into con- Canndlan Cardinal in Rome HOME:, Dec 3. Cm dmul Hegln, Arch bishop of Quebec, who arrived In-re Thursday for tho conslstori,, will he re ceived In audience bv the Pope tomorrow. He will be the only American Cardinal at the conslstorv, none of the three in the Fniteii States having ionic Cut Glass Special CUT GLASS 1 O CANDLESTICK 1 Vc SCARLETT'S, 1310 Arch St linn! ill' 'iiiiii'i'iJi.' 1 1 ' i .ihi'ii 111 ', 'Vft yGMa ll I'll,! Of, ,5 K. i CO 111 S: e: ??, j H " nnsiiiias will add another reason for giving a Victrola Don't wait order it at once at any of our four stores three of them are open evenings. $15 to $400 EASIEST OF TERMS Talking Machine Co. VICTOR DISTRIBUTORS Broad above Walnut St. 3 Branches Open Evenings Broad & Columbia 52d & Chestnut SU. 4124 Lancaster Ave. JlpPrfaSi When you feel liver or kidneys the time to take ' out of sorts " and your stomach, are not in good condition that's III -"'irllNWIflllg BEDFORD MINERAL MTERO Nature's Remedy for the Liver, Kidneys and Stomach Or if you are Well now, get this health-building health-keeping water now, and stay well. A phone call will secure the same water that folks of past generations had to travel for days by stage coach to drink, Your physician knows about Bedford Mineral Water. Cu be obuiaed from Iudio drugguU and grocen, ot hono or write to our PliiUdclphi office, M07 Widcccr Building, and we will tee that you axe mpplied. There are tkrtm Uindi of water from famous Bedford Spring i Bedford Mineral Water, for medicinal uo (white label), Bedford Springs Natural Table Water, non-mtdicinal (green label), and Bedford Spring Spark ting Table Water, non medicinal (yellow label). BEDFORD SPRINGS CO. BEDFORD SPRINGS. PA. ft&iup JltustiU la ISO-ft tmtssm tM4tuMPJ fl III I !!BedS mm WM BEDFOm) r C jeeBTJ w. r-.-iacucffliHi ffc Ytltouf Labti SPARK UKC. TABLE WATER TABLE WATER Al d llu U duU bateU ud ul Wkllr Lat.I MINERAL WATER (aecSclaai) Intend anlllnr with Ford nre repftrded os tourlats. Tho previously nnnounced ottl clals will wlthhoM passports to rvny of tho belligerent countries. Ono vcternn illptomat snld that somo or trrnny of a InrKO number ot persons, however well IntcntloncJ, If Inexperi enced In tho ways of diplomacy, might easily commit a faux pas even In n neu tral country which would ombarrasH that country In Its relations with tho belllB erents and so brltiB the United States Into undesirable prominence. Th question of whether former Sec retary of State Ilrynn would bo granted n passport If he wants to bo to ,Mis'nntl on a peace mission was raised at the State Department today. Officials re fused to say what action would be taken, but Indlcnted plainly that they believed no passport would be Issued. Paisports to belligerent cnountrles i are belnB Isiued only when persons hove ursent business there," nn official of the pasport division of the State Depart ment said. A pasiport wan granted Henry Ford todav by the Slnte Department. It Is made out only to neutral countries, Hol land. Denmark, Norway nnd Sweden. Hy noon moro thnn ISO applications for paisports had been made for persons de siring to go on the Ford ship. Amonff those fnvoralilv acted upon were for .Indue Hen Mndsey and Henrietta Ilrood Mndscy, of Denver. The clerkR In the pnssport division wero rushed nil day worliltiR on tho applica tions It was believed that nil of them would be disposed of before nlfiht. Offi cials made It plain that nil would bo grnntcd If tho persons for whom they arc made were born In this country. "ALT, AHOAltl)" WORK PUSHED AT PEACB HEADQUARTERS NI1W YOIIK, Dee. 3. Kleventli-hour picparatlons for the departure of the Ford pence expedition made hendfiunrters at tho niltmoro Hotel ft scene of great nrtlvlty tcday. . --. Many anxious members of tho ejtP'oj tlon tilephoued to nsccrtaln whethe -their passports had arr ved from V Jliwln. Their minds were Immediately put at rest by a statement that theso wuldrtMl hero this nfternoon by n fPe''?',X""" Kcr, who had been sent to V""10" Thl messetiRor will also brlnB Mr. lords 'Tanylhlnfi nhould develop at the .last moment to prevent any of the pfl; grlms from lenvlnB on the Owl'. Ihe will be nble to follow on the next ship and overtake the main expedition nt rtnUtlanl.1. It Is probnblo that nearly two weeks will bo spent nt the Norwcc.lnn capital, as the American party will nwalt Itiere the nrrlal of delegates from other "oveUrHanna, of North Dakota, the only Stato Executive to necept Mr. Ford s Invitation to Join tho penco mission, amVm4 ftTftnr VftrV (aam .-m ntely went Into conference with S?? clflst IcAdcr. n W H was nnnounced that W, J, nn. who Is on his way to New York, iiii been delayed nnd would ba Unabls reach the Ford headquarters befnr i late nfternoon. or8 " Dr. Chnrles F. Aked, of San Frnt!. fonncr nockcfellcr pastor nnd ono of tv" first persons to accept a berth ah,,:;! Henry Ford's pence ship, led peace W nunrters In n huff today after a , bout with some of Ford's lieutenant Aked told reporters positively thai I would cancel his passago nnd m .! sail with the Ford party. ' 8tl A frock-coitcd doorman thrust hl ,, across the entrance to Ford hcadnUn,i. today nnd denied tho San Franclser i ti tor ndmlttnncc ThU caused the preark to chango his mind nbout the b,!T voynge ' Centemeri Glove Every Pair Fairly Priced From $1.25 Up The very nicest rjift for a man, woman or child. Scores of handsome styles. 18 days to Xmas. Choose today. Xmas selections will be packed in an XMAS BOX FREE Delivered Anywhere Any Day 1223 Chestnut Street mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmfmmmmtmtmmmmmmmmmammmmmmimmmamammtammtmmmvmmmfnmmMMummmm I THE GIFT OF MUSIC 1 A Cunningham Player-Piano represents the highest expression of Piano accomplishment at the least cost. Only 20 shopping days till Christmas and you haven't selected your Piano yet I The purchase of a Piano is different from the ordinary Christmas gift is for a lifetime, and, therefore, its selection should have much time and care. Our position in the Piano industry is different from the dealer. We are manufacturers and sell to the home direct. You are always assured of complete satisfaction when purchasing from a reliable manu facturer with a factory in your own city to stand back of their product, but an early selection is advisable. Delivery can be made to suit your convenience, even if it's for Christmas eve. You save 25 to 30 when purchasing a Cunningham Piano, but the value is greater than you receive from Piano dealers, who must charge $100 to $300 more in order to covei the extra costs that we as manufacturers do not have to account for. Cunningham-Made PLA YEi R-PIANO On Terms as Low as $2.00 Weekly A full-size 88-note Player-Piano embodying Cunning ham standards and guaranteed for a longer period of time than most $600 Player-Pianos. IT PAYS TO THINK cL PIANO CO. llth and Chestnut Streets Factory, 50th and Parkside Avenue Philadelphia Branches 52d and Chestnut Streets 283S Germantown Avenue OPEN EVENINGS TILL XMAS M mmmmmmmmm IP3 m m fjy Pleass 1 O m a 1 1 mo a A art catalog sS N ham Pianos and I V Player - Pianos, i $? WJth full partlcu- 1 lars of. your tasy- g O Pa'ment plan. I ? .vy Name Address. .........,.,..,., a E.U12-3-J8 m i ? ,1 i --