Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 03, 1915, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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    M"J ,-- J-tSl
evening ledot?--PTTTT,An-rcT;pmA Friday, December 3, 1915:
Dispatch F r o m London
Contradicting U. S. Con
sul's Report Amazes
:ockitifT, Gcncsec and Knnkn-
kee Reported Taken Over
Without Prize Court
II Corpo di Spedizione in Al
bania Risalirebbe il Fiunie
Semeni Verso Monnstir od
il Drin Verso Prizrend
w.stnNcrro. Dec. 3.
The HrltMi Krcmti Office lms nil
ncmwr.1 tliat the dntcit.cnt Hint tlio shlpi
of ltlrhird Wnpnri. html of tlio Ameri
can Trniintlnntli' Conlpnni, have been
rtquiiilloii'd I ''f'lc' .iccoiillnn to a
dispatch received hctc today from t.m
,,. This hcvva rauvpit Krcat ninnzcincnt
WiioiiB t'nlted StnlcH offldnK vvho await
, confirmation before ncceptlns the report.
The State licpnttinent was olllclnlly
notified tnst niRlit r Consul Clcticrnl
Younir. t Ilnllfn. that the atc-unshlp
Hocklnc, of the I'lniisnllniitlc Line, had
been InKi-'ii over by the Hrltlsh Govern
mctn ttltliout the rormallty of prize court
procccillnKS. The Ilneklim was seized by
a Hrltlsh warship while en routo from
New York to Not folk.
may t'Atwn CRISIS.
Great rtrltalns action In ieiUlslllunliir
the HockliiK, as welt iih the 'lincsee ami
Kankakee, was ilcitoutitcil tolny In Ad
ministration circles. Cumins ns It does
on the co of the nRBcmbllim of C'oiiKiesa
It added pientlv to the crntlinont for
rctallatr IcKMntlnn. Tills Is the one
thing whleh the Administration hnu been
more tlinu nnlnus to avoid, but today
t became certain that KiiKlantl's action
Is to bo nelred tiprii bv the opponents of
tlio nllled fiinlKti policy as an excuse
for a sciles of icsoliitlons and for bit
ter oritoilcal nttneks on vvhnt many
members were today terming "an ait of
near plraej."
Sciretiirv I anslni; will ncnd a sharp de
mind to the llrltlsli l'oieli;n ulllce th.it It
obev th" clstliiK law The leipislllun Is
reported to have been m.ido uiidei a sec
tion of the lliltlsh older In council which
was amended on pill 29 l.ii-t. The I'nlted
States contends tli.it Huh section Is a dis
tinct violation of international l.tw, fully
as llnKr.int ns was the tSeimaii smhnuir n
poll. and the protest will um- ver pi. tin
innirJitRo In so saying, iiccoiiIIiik to of-
flclals at the St Ue Department. Already
the prellmlnaiv protest has Imh entircd
In 1Oiiilon bv Ambassador I'nsc.
Afllavti showing that PO per rent, of
the stock In the American Tiansatlantlc
Compjnv s ovvin.il by citizens of the
United Sti.tts lmo been ptcpiiied by
President iisticr, of tlint coiporation.
They will he iimmI bv the Stnto Dtpait
ment to luck up its claim that tin' Inter
ference with the coinp.inj's property Is
direct nml open violation of American
Sennt r Smith of Ocoi'la. and other
Southern liepu'seiitatlvcs vvhci Intiml
maklnir an open llirht for retaliatory Ick
lslatlon lirruin-i' the Allies placed iot
ton on the continband list, were today
takhiK cunt Ihti-iist In the ship seizures.
They tn.ide no secret of tin ir belief that
this action can be usid to piove their con
tention that tin lliltlsh Government hns
dellhcrUolv t'iken a hostile position to
Amcrlejn Intel ests, and that the only
remed Is eoiiKiesHlonal action vvblch vvlll
tie up munition shipments until lellef Is
Iiritislt Ship Rams U-Itoat
NnWl'tiRT N i:VS. Va.. Dec. .1 -Cap-
lain OlasHcn, of the, lliltlsh steamer
Inverkip, which went Into tlrvdock here
for rush repairs, shvs ho believes he
accidentally raminrd a submersed sub
marine, while pausing out the Ktinlts of
Gibraltar on November 6 The Inverkip,
from Valencia to Nmfolk. wnu about one
I hour's rim fiom Glhinltar, when there
i was a great s-hock. The thlp'n olllceis
taw oil rise to the surfneo of the water.
I A loin; dhiKonal dent was nmde In the
j bottom of tho Inverkip.
NOMA. 3 Dlccmbre.
I.e npctnzloni ill Ruerra sul fionto
dell'lsonzo sono stnto ostncolnte lei I
innio da tin Molenlo iirnmtnn e dalla
liebbla. II Mlnlstero delta Ihlerin pub
bheavn uuesta m.ittlnn It soKUcnte nip
porto del Rencrntc Cndoinit:
"Cnntrn le nosti posllunl ill Monte
t'lnim, nllc te!i dl ponte die dl
fentlc la vnlle del Itirnz, Il nemlco svl
luppo' una InutiU n7lone di nrtlnllerl.i,
che non fu scgultu tin nsdonl ill fauterl.v.
"Sul frontc tlell'Isonzo si sonoitvutl fintl
tempeste, nccompnsuate da tllrt delia
liebbla, die bntiiio ostncolnto 1c nostro
opernzlonl dl nrtlglicila c ill fnnteila
nella Klorn.ila dl mereoledl' Noun im no
II nemlco lento' nttaerhl dl sorptesa con
tro o nostie pnsMnnl nil est dl Osl.nvla
e still.' peiidlel scttentriounll del Monte
Snn Mlchele, nttaccbl the ftirono null
"t'lccole nlnnl tla pmtc tlclla nostra
fanterln I feccro catturitre nlciinl prl-
Klonleil cd una mltrngllatilce sul Monto
II gclierale I'ndnrna nvrobhc dnviito
recaisl In I'riiml.i per coureiieie con
II genei.ile .loffie e con II matcsclnllo
I'ronch, ma a causa d ll'lntetiflta' dilla
lotta sul fronte Itnllauo bn dovuto rlmatl
daie II vlagglo a dopo la ciuluta dl llorl
ln. 1'er II niomeiito II geiiorale Torro,
sottnenpo ill Statu MagRloro tlencrale.
tindia' in Frnnela In voce dl Ciidorna.
Intanlo nit leleRi.iiuma da Ati-ne dice
cite m.irtedl' mnrsii foi7e Itnllnnc sono
sbnrcnte a Vnlona, In Albania Slecome
lerl l'nltio il mlnlstro iIcrII Hsteil, on
Sonnlno aveva dlcblnrato nell.i Camel n
the la lundlera Itiillnnn sniebbo piesto
sventolatn "iiU'opposIa sponda dell'Adrla
tlcu In soccorso del seibl, si rltletie che si
tr.itta ilella spediKinne cho si rechera" a
eombatlere nella Seihln
TeleKr.unirl da Londra dleono die lo
dlchliiinzloiii ill Soimliio tlre.n k!I aluti
lt.ill.inl nl scrbl sono state ncjolte in
iUel oil coll diplnni.itlcl come tin elemciito
che varia' a rhlarlre la sltuiisMtinc nella
I'cnlsola Ilaleaidca. II fatrn che 1'ltall.i
o' declsa a cumbattcrc llnehe' gll allentl
avr.inno ottuitlto cnniilet.i lttoii,i Miria",
si dice, a I.iindrii, a loiideie idu' sollecltn
la declslone delta Oicrl.i dl mctt-isl a
fliuico iIckII allentl n lu.mt.i mono dl dnie
una rlsposta favorcvolo idle domande
deall allentl.
l..i declslone dell'Italla poti.t' avtie
.niche inlluctua sulle declslonl della Itti
m.mln, ilul mnmentn iho forxe Itn'l.ine e
russe st.inno per uniisl a mielle anslo-
fruncesl operantl oia nella Serbia SI '
nice tinzl che forze msse h.iiinn gla'
p.issnto II confine della Itiimnula e mnr
ri.iiio contro la ltulgnrl.i, ma quest i
notlzla nou e' iincnia conferm.itn. Se
fosse vera slgnlllcheiebbe che In Itiimnnli
si e' mnssa a llniico degll nllcatl.
SI Ignor.i iineor.i cjtialc strnda scgulra'
la spedizioue itallana In iilntn ilella Ser-
ina. hemnr.i itoversi c-eliidcre die cssa
sharchl a Saloulcco, ditto le lelitzlonl per
nulla cordlnll cho eslstouo tra firecla ed
ltnlla. Sembra cho la sola via sarebbo
niiellu di Valonn, sebbene in Alb tula lo
stnto dello strade o' prcsso che oriibllc
Da Vnlona le forzo itnllauo segulrebbero
la vnllr del Stinenl che le purterebbe n
sud del lago ill Ochrlda Dl la" chso
potrobbero volgersi it nord-est per por
tursl ad ovest ill Mouastli, clou" nel
ptmto dove or.i Impegnata la b.tttaglla.l
tra heriii e inilR.irl.
Gl, Itali ml potrebheio pero' segulre
niul'. un'altia via, sh.irciuulo nlle foet
del Pi In o se;tuendone la vnlhita. Cosl'
essi Kluiigculibcrii ncllu zona ill I'rlziend.
In 'inesto caso peio' 1' Italia dovrebbe
sbareare nnebe foize lompli mental 1 a
Valniri per la protezlone di quella rltla'
del linnet dtstrn deda colonn.t inaici
aute liingo il In In.
..t dlntan.a tr.i Vnlona i Monastlr o'
dl ilrca 110 miglla.
stohi: tiifs ino A. m. ct.osns n o'clock
MAJii a ritn.Nn onDr.ns iii,i,r:i) ;
Wonderful Christmas Stocks : Efficient Service : Great Values
Our Toy Town Is a
Wonderful Place
I re-
Gift Jewelry
J'rfrri in rirtu ot'taticr nie miici
iirfoie thoir r intomniHtl) ihartjrtl
Women's $10.50 $1 O QO
Watches L&.JO
1tlt. lolld Kohl. i:igin movement
$7 Solid Gold Scarf A Qg
With colored stones, peal Is nud dlnmonils
In nil dl I ion to the hundreds o.
mnrhablr lojt that nrc boimtJ to
riellaht to rcrrj vounntitrr' htnrtt thea
nrc our rrtra spcrtnl prices that everu
jxiieni tiifl appreciate.
Drums, 2.r, "the, PSc to Sl.O'l.
Tool Chrst complete, 35e, 40c A OSe.
Jointed Polls, with evelnslt, 25
inches I,7S. KOUItTH riXJOH
For Men, Women & Children
$7 5il Values !?.",
Jin values, 7.."ill.
J.'D values, .sir,.
?J-i to ?.i:,n values. sai to o.nas;
Two Talks Today by Prof. Uaumsardt
Prof It I:. Ilatimgarilt will appear twice
for the University Kxtenslon Society to.
day. The Hrst leetuie Is "Venice tho
City of Golden Dreams," at Association
Hall, Gerniantovvn, at 4 o'clock, and
"Pompeii, the City of the Dead," at Wlth
erspoon Hall, at 8 o'clock.
French to IJuv Hritish Shins !
TAniS. Dec. 3. Tlio Kienth Cnlilnet
has authorized tho JMInlstcia of ITnnnco
ami Murine to Introduce In the Plmmlmr
of Deputies In tho name of the Govern
ment a measuie authorizing the purchase
by the Kt.ito nf n iiiirpti:uii- ttn,.i nf rs
hips lit Kngland, at a cost of JJl.OnO.OOO.
These vessels are to Include tank steamers
for tho transportation of petroleum and
cold.stor.igo vessels for the transporta
tion Of fiozeil beef tn nrnelsfnn tin, nnn.
ulatlon of France.
Metal Weather Strip
It saves from 20 to 40 in
heating bills
Rattling windows eliminated
Jackson Screen Co.
3440 N. 5th St.
Remington 366 Park 583
I i
s 3
"They're Fine
She saw how hard it was for him to shave
with the poorly adjusted lights. A telephone
call for a "U. G. I," Quick Service motorcycle
man, and everything was satisfactory when
her husband returned home at night.
The only charge was for new mantles,
the retail price she would have paid at the store.
Are your gaa lights O.
our Quick Service.
K.? If not, use
The United Gas Improvement Co,
m tffltnttumianuutmuui
muiiiunufctaiujiiQiwwL uumiun; miuiEiai nwagaa auauHjwum jtnumwiiuuimi ULamamiav
Men's $17.50 $1 A QK
Watches . .. 1.0
Hie solid uobl vvitb niRln movement.
I We Want Every Man in
Phila. to Know AbontTIiis
ScS to Sfi5
Watch $g to ?gg
Solid (..lid nml mild-flllei'
I' ' il mnti'ini nts
So to ,?10
La Vallieres
Hli eolnred stones nml tllamonds
- s 44. - 4 - .0 Of s - 4 s-
Extraordinary Overcoat Opportunity ::
il t -r t ... . - .. w
1 nrce 1 Iwusand of the beusons I-mat Models, Made by a Clothier II hose Garments Rank JVith the Best, Have ..
J heir Attractiveness Doubled by These Sens
sational Savings
111 pllllll
Solid-Gold A QO
Links J Hr.30
or fiitn v discus
S2.O0 Pearl Heads, 51..IO
Undiluted sles, in-kt solid mnltl clasp
$2 Pearl Heads, 89c
Itemilnr 01 csradtinted slis, tin cold
plited 1 ham with Kl-ltt trold dasn
$. Gate-Top Meslit,$o qq
Hass A.0
Scale or ring mesh
$1.50 Mesh Hags, 98c
nprm.ni silver, rlnt; mesh, Kreneh urav
flames silk llitltiK
$1.50 Vanity Cases, 98c
(lermaii Mlvei Have enln holder,
ihivhiit puiT .inn mirror
and $1J!
Men's 51S.no
Overcoats . . .
Tvventv stvlcs. UicludliiK ll.iltnnroons,
seml-tltlltiK. form -lltl Int; mid con
servative models. Hi hersev cloths,
Scotch cheviots, tweeds, etc
Men's 518 Overcoats, Sll.Tii
IiKludllifT slimlc and double-brenst-ed,
lciose-IUtlntr or form-lUtln
effects In Melton cloths, tweeds,
velours and fnnc cheviots
Men's $20 and $22.50 $1 C
Overcoats '
Of ntvllsh Imported coatlnco. Inrlud
Iiik blue cheviots, blnek kerseys,
tweeds, plaids nntl neat checks.
Men's Raincoats at $7.50, $10 and $15
Made of line, tlouble-lexturo tnnterlnl nnd Rtiar
ntiteed absolutely rnluproof Tan nml brown
Men's Suits, $9.50, $11.50 & $12.75
Popular stvles, Including suits of fancy
cheviots, worsteds nntl cassliucres
Holiday Savings on Boys' FineIooking Clothing:
Boys, $8.50 Suits, Reefers and Overcoats : Wi$yor&& $A QR
si its nie in Norfolk stvles Made of cheviots, rassimeres, cheeks, plaids nnd cordurojs.
tti:i:i'i:its have (lannel lliilnir. brnss buttons and chevron on sleeve
0 I2HCO ITS Include Mackinaw of blanket cloths, with Laps and IpkrIiirs to match Also
Mmklnaws made of cluvlots, cassllueres, chlnchlll.t. etc. Sires 2'a to 8 jenrB
Hoys' $1.50 Guaranteed Ilaincoats, $2.85
Of double texture cloth eveij- seam cemented
llnvo convertllile collars that button close to
pick Sizes tl to is jtars.
Hoys' $5 Suits and Coats, $2.98
st ITS are In popular Norfolk st le Also sailor
and vestee models fin smaller bovs Materials
iniluile mixtures, ihevlots eitsslmetes, etc
fit Ts are polo fashion, made of blue, brown or
Kras chinchilla, also fancv tnl-Mures
Hoys' and Little Hoys $6.50 $o no
Suits and Overcoats J7
sll'ls me of cheviots, casslmeres, checks,
tilnlds and mKturo erfetts. A number of excel
lent models also 111 II v Hoy and vestec styles
for the vouiiKer bovs
I'OA'ls ate of chinchilla In polo Msle. with
iiinvertlble tollnr Sl7.es 2'j to is ears
I;I(11IT1I AM) MAHKin' STItl.KTS v s s $40&b&CGe$&-0-&e
skconii ri.ooit, snv
:ntii stiu:i:t
Mm ;;
o 0
Ur&U L0UlS6 DSiiOOn iU.yOirJullllC lllllS UCCtlOIl est Elections .,,, from eomplele frc.l, slocks, nn.l at rxlrnor.llnnrr ..nvlmts.
Lingerie Dresses
to $
This a
Tmltiir All Our Youtlifiil Customers Accompanied bu Adults will be Given Free it "Mildred Louise" Hallaon.'
in iiiiin in mis speitai aitrnctiou ror tne little rot k themselves, we h.ivi In.iUKUr.iteii a ureal special noiitin
sale whose low prices vvlll stllelv tempt all mothers
$2 Hand-Smocked
Coatee $1 OQ
Dresses at ; x iy
One Illustrated
Sizes J to 5 Years
Plain color chnmbrnv and
white rep milmpe also
white Kim'llsh twills with
plaltl or plain coatee
Infants' Knitted Outfits:
Pur, White
Sires to
(1 .10 to $3 Values
One n.sc Stjlc Pictured
Sizes - to H Years
Lawns, tiimmeil with bice.
embioiilerv Insertltm, tinv
plaits and ribbons.
Pretty Tub Frocks
Our fl.io Style Pictured
Sizes 2 to 0 Years
1 i m.i i: en.
Of ehamhr.iv with JUL
cheeked or stilpetl kIiikIuuu
St..1ll M.I 11
Itenfrew lap.inese
enpe In solid colors, with
stripe ciepu waist
.go ( wm
pMJmWJ i
W'uMSS Liu
$1 Pure Silk Shirts, $2.98
lleavv itiiilit silk, with colored stripes intermingled
with bro.td satin stripes. Double soft cuffs.
$0 House and Smoking Jackets, $1.98
Ml-vvnol ihevlols and cashmeres. In plain color, with
backs Have lom; shawl collars, trimmed pockets,
hound eilKis nml bilk froK fnsteners
$5 Blanket Bathrobes, $.'5.98
Ilnch innde ftom Individual blanket Have fancy flKiires
ami stilpes nml deep bonlcrs. Hope Klrdles.
. One Sketched
Three Years
$2 Sweater, $1
Itoll collar, nnd pockets
Drnwor LcRRinRs, 30c
,"i0c Toques, 20C
75c Collar Box Sets. 19c
Include Tie, Handkerchief, Scarf
Pin and Cuff Links
Pl.iln-eolor silk tlbre knlttid fiui-in-
linml, larue Japanese silk handker
chief with coloted border to match,
cold-plated searfpln and cuff links
rutsT F1.00U. ;tii stki:i:t
50c Silk Sox. 29c
Thread silk In black and colors. Havo
double soles. blKli-spllced heels and
toes. Sl?es 1'j to 11 'i. Slltihtly 1m-
All-silk Neckwear, 49c
Haiidsoiiiu patterns nnd colors In
lare opeii-eiid four - In - hands.
IlOMtl If desired.
The Christmas FUR SALE
Far and above all previous sales of the kind held at this time of the year.
A Sumptuous $100,000 Stock at S(i0,000
s ami small furs, of nualltles backed bv our
IneltiillnK fur co.tts,
tillable (guarantee.
$40 Fur Sets at $29.75
Mi ihiumimi .itulrs of black for, led ox. skunk raccoon. Hudson
srnl, jiolden Iteaiir and Mnnchurian Sltka-ratar pointed wolf
Novelty scaifs or whole animal scarfs .Melon, ball or pillow
tdinpe muffs.
$20 Snow White Iceland Fox Sets, $12.75
Keil Vox Sets K.r.n I S.in .silver lliav Kit Pov
J3H ilrny Pox Sets .. Slli.T.
$rS Natural Husslan Pitch Sels
riets . .
$.'J0 Golden Heaver Muffs, $19.75
$2" SO Hudson Seal Muffs. I Jls 10 X.ittn ill Haceoon
snii.Tn I .Muffs iL,..-,ti
ts to tiln Scarfs, to maieh above Muff. . . . fr,.H to MP".
skcoxi) pi.oon
Children's $1.50 to $10 Furs at 98c to $25
S 10 Moire Russian Pony Conts S27.H0
$75 French Seal Coat, $,r'J.7.i I $110 Hudson Seal Coal, $79.75
Of a Prettiuess and Freshness That
Immediately Please
Two Styles in
White and Pink.
In Crepe de Chine
With hemstitched
panels of plaits,
pi city Miuaro pearl
buttons nnd military
tary collar.
In Silk Chiffon
W I t It china silk
foundation, fancy
matnl buttons, wide
corsage ribbon,
larwe soft lev era
and collar of cream
Bilk shadow Jace.
tine .ski-tcliril.
Extraordinary Chiistmni Spctlal in
Holiday Apparel
I sr
$5 Georgette Crepe $0 QO
Waists at O.ZJO
Kxqulsite matinee anil evonliiK blouses.
ilclai embroidered with colored silk .mil
cut steel beads. SUCONU PJ.OOll
70e Camisoles,
Sketched 49C
Crepe do ehlne, flue
nainsook or all-over
embroidery with
voke nf lace or with
medallions mid rib
bon. Sizes 3rt to 14
$ 1 Petticoats,
Picture v.yj)
Silk messnlluo nnd
taffeta, in many prct
tj stjles and nil the
W.illtid shades. In
cludliiK black and
m" i
Misses', Juniors' and
Women's Ultra Smart
In Imposing Array of Styles at Greatly Reduced Prices
In assortment so wide that no woman, regardless of hei taitc, need turn aivay in disappointment.
$ For Junior 515 Top Coats $Q QQ I
Come 111 zlliellne. with patent leatlur belt J "' "-)
and fur trlmmiiiKS. others show Chin- S
Chin collars Cholie of navv blue, marine blue. Kreen nnd
brown. One shetrheil.
Form"" I $22.50 Coats Ul 9 QR i
i In U, rwj, pebble cheviots, bro.ulelnth. ltnuU)
xlbellne, conluro. broadtail cloth and J
mixtures. Husslan Cossnck belted stvles trimmed with fur.
also others fully satin lined ami trimmed with velnur or
Velvi t llur Illustrated.
f h. .h. J rfk Jk d. J . . lh k. .k. .-W.SW.h-X
I Misses' $20 Fur-trimmed Suits. . $1 A JK'
i Seme. lununtsh niKtuies. nbilds. J " - i
, Kanariiiiies. nroaiicioiii ami tiopiin.
kmiin beautifully trimmed with fur or lirald.
iMisses' $8.50 Serge Dresses $C QO
In navv blue and black with cmteo blouse xJiZsO
ami plalteil skirt.
For Women
Top Coals... Sic OQ M
ntpoileil and iloinestic coatliiKS. also ) i. J JJ '
lirown mile anil lilaeK chevintH. trimmed (
with velvet, be.ivir eilKe. belts, or IUkIi mllltnr collars
Women's $25 Fur-Trimmed Suits $
lueluile (.ernes, poplins, ui.innlsh inKtiires.
B.uiaruines ana nroaticiouis wnn rur hands, silk l.i.-.lds
velvet collars hIJCO.M) 1'I.OOIt
flu Ifllll
tSti . LJ JV7 VI dJvl , In
f 4129S Jrr99S
$.1 Envelope Chemise, $1.98
Crape no chine. In pink and white,
ilalutilv trimmed with shadow
lace, ribbon or In tailored models.
This Great Holiday Sale of Shoes & Slippers
s Daily Drawing Tremendous Crc
Women's $3 Shoes., $0 1Q
I'atent coltskln, buh- Ct 1J
la Daily Drawing 7'rcmendaus Crowds With the Timeliness of Its Values
Men's Slippers
2' V' Sj'
, metal calf and clazed
kldskln with dull calf black, fawn or.
gray tops Sizes iVi to S ; widths 11 (
to i;.
Women's S3 to
$4 Shoes, $1.95 )
Patent coltskln. j
gun-metal calf and
glased kldskln, j
with plain and
tipped toes. Sizes
2H to 6; widths B, i
C and D. ;
Romeos, Everetts and Operas
$1.50 Slippers 98c
$2 Slippers $1.49
$2.50 Slippers $1.98
Miscellaneous Gift Suggestions
Women's $1.50
Gloves at
Two-ilasp, Trent h Kid
Women's $2
18I1. I rent b Kid w tit l'arls-i
point backs In black, white, tan and
Washable Kid $1 CQ
ninv ,,r A -?
$1 Malino Ruff. 69c
Imperial Collar, SOc & $1
Collar & Cuff Sets, 25c to $1
Chin-Chin Collar. 25c & 50c
Liberty Ruff, $1 to $2 25
Hosiery and Underwear
white, pearl, tan,
Gloves at
Strap utlst In
gra aim sand
Men's Mocha & $1 CA
Cape Gloves.... J x ,ov
In uray and ton Hcfiular and cadet
Men's 50c toloe to $1
S1.25.f;iih. . J JC 1
plain colored borders
Misses' and Children's
Felt Juliets
Ribbon and Fur Trimmed
Sizes 0 to 8. at
Sizes 82 to 11. at.
Sizes 11 to 2. at.
Misses' & Children's
$1.75 to $2.50 Shoes... $1 OQ
I'atent coltskln. ton llus- tUZf
Women's Felt Juliets
$1.50 value, sizes 3 to 8. at
Toilet Goods
$1.25, each.
Jupane.-e silk,
and initialed
AV.oMt, o II i
,,l,(,VMO iut lioilll- i u. V..a f
Vi ,v;"n "
I 'lleallttftllK' eilllir.1,lAvn,l
Pretty one-cornei embroidery, in I trimmed camisoles.
white and colors Some sialloped KlJtST KI.OOK SO
eillieS 111 lllieil ailll t,illn glui -r.l. I " I.uujv, ou
orvd-bonler irepe de chine ones
kerchiefs at, .
Women's $1.25 SilklQO
Stockings at '7t
Tvvo-toned and dainl striped ef
feits In various similes Also plain
black, white und tolors. tlegular
and extra sizes.
Women's $1 nnd $1.25
Embroidered Silk 2Q-
Stnrkinp-s t ) vJ7U
I l'uro tin cad silk embroidered.
I Hlack, white and colors.
I Women's $2.50
Venetian Silk i $1 no
X. J J
Also lace
1 Children's Handkerchiefs
50c Hox of OC
Three 'iOC
Kevvpie and bo-peep, in fine Japan
ese bilk
Leather Goods
ela calf and Kun-metal calf.
Roma with 'Tel Til' tlD. Button
Blucher btjles. Slies 84 to 2.
: LIT UltOTUCnS ss
and I
$2 value, sizes 3 to 8. at.
I.V OL'U UIG llU5',AlItAT-
$7.50 French Jvory Toilet and
Manicure Combination Sett, $3.98
i:inht pUces
39c French Ivory Manicure
Piece 25c
50c Ivory Picture Frames. . . 39c
75c Ivory Manicure Tray. . . 49c
$1.50 Pink, Blue & French
Ivory Clocks., .. 98c
50c French Ivory Dressing
Combs 39c
39c Puff Boxes and Hair j $2.25 Hand
..cc?.J.rf'. t .v. vu ' 25c i Bags at ... .
:V . , o n M-'Ine pin seal. Morocco and Iomr
$1 French Ivory Puff Boxes, Brain. lllchl lined Newest shapes.
nA Hair Rptvr. ..... AO.f ! .
iouini jcii .. ..MciQH.33n union taffeta llk (and sllk-and,
Hudnots Violet Scented Toilet .Manicuring Sets 49c to $5.98 linen). Women's have jtcrUni,- ill
Water, 75c I Military Brushes 98c to $2.98 sffJi'h'Jl?'!......
39c to $1 Oriental Spice Leather Picture Frames, - $? rnd mulniouBSanuH.a,'U
Bags, at 25c to 75c 15c to 93c i liitluU i:asran); r?v
f Jiisr fUiufl, ouuiu jfiiioi riAiuii, HUHTtl ST I FIRST FLOOR. MARKETT ST'
I Men's Fur Caps,
; ?1.35to12s50
In line fur and beat shapes.
Women's $S $C CA tj
Sweaters at 'OU !
Imtkb shavvl collar, belt and kmt-ln
pockets. Row, navy, maroon and
white. Second Floor
$4 Umbrellas at $2.98
Mmmmxm ir mi) if jem-mbm. mmmmMt