iiiiKiwiKuanmutgi 20 EVENING LEDGER PHILADEfUFBTOL, FBmAX DBUBMBER 3, T9T1T? tffliS rem sale I100-,DIAMONn JlMIl v-ir.ATINUM t.iVit- MERE. 24 EWE WHITE DIAMONDS;, VALUE JT. RIEDER'S LOAN OFFICE, FOn SALE Two steM moVMtek, 100 ft. Knd 1MI ft, tiy 3 ft ft Ins ; rftionsbtc B. rttt Mfg. Co., Margaret and Rermud!ijt Wli lit Y nit Yalkinir t(lrhTl IteeonK . we sctianfre talking machine records, 60. . 233(1 Rldgt nve , 7 .m , 11 p. m. 'xJh;!A'M0Nn.,nlN'r! wnv white and TRnrErTi value oo. niEDBll'S LOAN OFFICE, 12S MARKET. MM CALENDARS to miltnny tiuslnf"; l.tVO. 000 in stork, at wctliwns nlecs. renn Ia rrCo.. 2S N. nth st. WiNTEROVEncnAT. 41 stout: "rifwTrve nlngs. 2217 N. rth st. Dl.imon.1 .ITHO W. HEATING KtAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT Is better and chtuper than str-am or liot water. IMiro freih nlr with normal moisture. MAKIN KEL8EY, 0 N. IStli st . Phlln. MACHINERY AND TOOL3 YOCOM ANTI-KRICTION METAL"for lining rnachlne bearing places your power trans mission on a fouml-itlon of toltlvp recoril of aurahleness. 1IION AND BRASS UODN DRYS, H3 North Seron.l JAMES YOCOM A FON. I CARRY tontlnun'.v j ijre stork or sec-ouil-hsnd pipe, from 1 to 12-Inch dlimeter, will tut Ihil threw J same for vour requirements; net my prlco tefnrp phi. In? vmir tiMi-rs else where. M J. HUNT, 111(1 Ue-ir-h St. i'OWRR-rU.NT nqlltl'MUNT Dynamos, motors, hollers, steam and oil en fines, pumps, air compressors. FRANK TOOMKY. Inc.. 127 N. 3d sU I'llRVRNT Arvmn.VTH USE BArilTY AI'l'MANi EM ON MArtttN'CS C1IAS linsp fij , (iSl Altflt KT. BLISS No. OS clouhlc action power presses; No. IS, 20. 21, 21'$ llllss Inclln.iMe iiower presses, power punchc. Nutlnll, 1TIS N. r.th. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bousht, snld and rented, armatures tepHlred. Mnln Ul, Market ::t'(rf. Yejrsley Co .221 N. 3d tt. VAltlAIlLU speed countershaft "Reeves," class O. In roo1 condition; cheap. Hcyfert's Sons. 41T N Id st PIPE Second-hand, nil sizes. 1'hlln. hand 1'lpe Surply. luo.1 N Ttli st. Second- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 138 LAnOB ZONOPIIONC TALKING machine, wllh cabinet and fw re. urds. tlnlshcd In beautiful quartrred 03k. tost new ?M. Can ba paid 73 cents vvcckl. Ati excellent bargain; in rood . nn.lltlon Wrlto tor com plete) list of bargains and srer iil trial offer. HKl'PK'H I 1'TOWN STORKS, Corner Gth and Thompson sis., l'lilla., l'a. EDISON DIAMOND rOINT I'lIONOORAni Cost J00 now. Thla outfit Is complete with records and will be sold for $.1n, pnynblo 73 cents weekly. Call or wrlio for completo do crlptlons and larae U'ustratpil catalogues. iim-i'ira Firinvs storus Cor. nth and Thompson sts. l'hlladetphla, l'a. 185-cnicicnRiNO urnioiiT tiano HOWARD VINCKNT. MS N. 6th. 17S STEINWAY I'PUIOT. ir,-,; Chtckerlne used pianos, .1S, Jin. JM. 4 monthly: pla. . ers, J7fi up, HUCIIIRS UROS , MS N. tilth. CIIOOSK n Leater plaser or piano; tiariralns. somo Hllghtly u-d easy ia incut Send for list. F. A. NORTH CO.. 3211 Kensington OLD GOLD HIGHEST prices In tho city paid for old cold, liver, platinum, false teeth, old coins bought and sold. Jewelr I'm limine. Ms. sth. OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated vvnre. old style Jewelry, teeth pla'es I ought for casli. Est. 1S70. J I.. 'l vrk, renncr.s07 Sanaum. OLD OOI.D Cast) iialil Tor old oM. silver, antlqun clocks: will call. Hell phone. Locust lain. ROCIRRS IT K 17th st. CASH PAID TOR DIAMnNDS, PHKCIOl'S stones, gold silver, platinum, false teeth. Phlla. Sn-ettlnir nnd ltrf. Co. 12S H 11th st. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES THE PALACi: POfLTUY SHOW. New York city, December 7 to 11 Don't miss attending. I D, IIOWLI.L, Setretarj. Mlneoln. N. Y. PRINTING BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS EARLY Make your selections from 12p designs, price 2.1 to SO tents per dozen The Card Shop, 100-1 Chestnut st. Open evenings. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS ALL KIN1S of leaky roofs repaired, old tin roofs coated, alag roofs guaranteed 10 ears. J. KNOWLAN. 45 N. nth at and 2::i.i-7 South at.. VE coat leaky roofs at small cost and guaran tee them 10 years, let us estimate. AMERICAN ROOFING CO.. IMS Ridge ave. 1 : a STORAGE CONTINENTAL KTOHAUi: WAREHOUSE SOTH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKING, MOVING. SHIPI'INO. Rugs, Cari els cleaned, scouted, stored. Bell. Loiuit low I'hoiies Key. Haco 4100 FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES, -M1-1MU MARKET bT. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Storage. moving, pdvklrg. shipping, carpet cleaning. PhjJJirinB 7.12 for estimate. Market nnd 37th. I.EVINE STORAGE, moving l.y"auto vans; paiklnc. shipping. urpet cltanlng. 2UIS . ltUgo uve Park. 54&0 A. tVUST PIHLA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. IVlii' 1'tlU.A. AUto ito i.irklng nnd shipping! 3!'70 LANCASTER AVE. VKStT 1'llIL.V. 3 McCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE. 174S N. lltn rt.. moving, packing, shipping; auto vans. Both phones Let us rstlmute. WANTED ANTIQUE furniture, false teeth, broken Jew elry, cold, sliver, dlumond feather beds bought. 73.1 Walnut. Walnut 7S2U. Fst. "tu. BROKEN JEWELRY false teeth, pistols, coins. Coin book, with prices 1 pay, mailed, 13c. J. . U. Bosa (People's Store). 2iyj S. 11th. Wql. 4I. CAST-OFF CLOTHING -We poatllvely iay M more for gentlemen's clothing, shoes; tend postal, werall, da evening, vlty or suburbs. Frleilman Broa. 1441 south st. Phone DUkln on Ul.'v.l. CAST-OFF IXOTHTNCTTvanted Imniediatcly: eyenlne gowns and gentlenien'e clothing; highest prices paid. Seligsuhn. th and Hprln Garden sta. Write ur pfconeMarkeSOLO FURNITUItE BOLfGHT FOR CASH Part cr entire house, ulio office furniture. ........,fc i,,htb jiu. t..-.ia, i D. oin. 1'UiiMTUItE pianos, carpets, antiques; entire or part house bought for cash, no matter . how largv. J. Bernstein. 1354 Illdge ave. MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED Uest prices; we call anywhere, any time. Phone Wal. GSiiS. J. S'hultz. 2S7 y. 0th st. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOitHBlAMONDsT olaEulu, platinum, false teeth; also pawn tickets 1300 Filbert st.. 2,1 floor front, 3 A setTOCid J FOR FALSE TEETH LEE'S OLD GOLD SHOP 712 WALNUT ST. ROOMS TOR RENT BALTIMORE AVE.. 3031-Sulte of 3 furnlshej rooms and b.th. Baring IPSO J. STlOAD, N 2S1U Comiortably furnished rms.. single cr en suite, rerliwl private home. BROAD, a. 128: Apartments, S roomj and bath, and single rooms with bath. Susan A Moore. BROAD, S-. 2120 Furntshea rooms, all conven iences, private fam. i'nuno Dickinson 2015 J. MToTMewosvu) y ffedterwbuvamo (HowcoMav,Lu L BHAli0l,t (- THREE VETEK31. Three v,EE ' J TfKXUr 'NUFF( A ( Afte-R ms yJ tHr f iS, " 1 " y"HE Hospitau ? y , f T Three vweeks vitw KOOMS FOR RENT CATIIAniNR ST., 3 Ntcftjr furnished rm., nil convenience Prions Woodland IBM n. CEDAR AVK, om -Attractive front room, well heated. suR riliystclnn or dremRer. CUKSfSTT, 12V Drslraluc weTwurnlslitt rooms, with orvvilhoutrlvato tisth. , , HESTNUT. ll)l. ,iiricccnny lumisnrn irom rmim. CHKSTNI T, il)2T ciinire 2-room apt. arid elntrliltv orroslte Aldlne. num. vvr-u rum. chestnut," 2i'o.v-.siNLn nooM. Douift.E IIIK1M. SUITE WITH HATH. IlK.KEEENl'E. CHESTNUT. 20n-Slnslc or en suite, electflcl tvhotwater heat, new management, ref, COLI.EclK AVE. N.. 2o.lI Rooms, single or rn suite, newlv furnished, private bath If de sired, over! mkltig (llrnnl c'nlleRe; 1J mln- utes to Cite Hall. Call Toplar 1201 J. Luc L ST, I ill- Ties rooms n,l). bath, southern est-os, , h.-iv. heat ; central lo atlon. phone. T.ncrsT. 150.1 I'urnlshVd sltiRlo room. 3d floor front, ?l:i r month. 4th floor room J10. MARSHALL, N.. irtli-a rooms and b.th."2d fln-ir. all conveniences; small family. NollltlN, V'., l'JlT-.! large IM-rTwr rooms and hath, ini-le or en suite, hc.it. IIbM, suliabl 2 or '1 Rentlcmen; f-." monthly, phone vl'AU N., 2.YI5 3 rooms, 2d floor; single or cn suite, unfurnished. Dlam. ISH J. PARK AVE, N.. SOOJ-IIOOMS. SlNOLH. RN r SLTfl: HATllH: Rl.EC. L1HHT. DtAMJtSpt;. I'lNIS. VS Attrnitlvely "furn. room; running watir ooil location: private family : phone. PiNil. .vctv-Nirfiiy rurtilshcd room for gentle man, board optional, phone. Itelmont :t7:ift. SAl.KORti ST.. N , 131 inenr 0"th and Market I Neatlj furn. room; prirnic family; reasonawe. Sl'Rt'CK, 1310 Two unfurn. rooms, private Imlh. furn ronm running water; board opt. Bi'llU-'i:, I ili-lto.ims. Hlngle'or en suite; prl." bitih. prof. nTU-es steam heat, electricity. 8PRUCR, SOS-Attract Iv elv furn. bachelor apt.. 2 rooms, private hath, flrepl.tco, phono. WAI.l.ACi; ST. 1l7-Nlcclv furnished room7 simile or en sulle. hot-walrr heating. v-alki't, tin Atlrnctlve rooms, private bath. rnturnlshed, ir wilfurnlshk . WaES'I'T, .llli -Kurrilshed npartment. 4 rooms, ,.bath. slnglo rooms hol-vvater heating. VvaHni t, :ittr tjirge tmfurn "cbnimunlcating front rooms, running water, hot-water heat. WALNI'T, " .Vi02-Furnished " 2d-story front mom. hnr L; phone, llelmont 3.21 J. ltrrf f. M . :ioi-2d floor, turn, front rooms for gentlemen, running vvater, J3and 4. fsrii, s., nu-coMKORTAtii.Y rriiNlsniip HlrtNTJl(iftM. AD.IOIN.HATH- PHONE. KiTII n., m:ii-i,auhi:, DnsntAlit.i: -;d 1'hostui:v:ry miiu:hx cony phonic i.'.TH. N.. IKIS-Itachelnr apts , furn. si ed". two rooms, private lnths, g-irago atnl phone. t IlTII" MONTtinMERY-Tivo'inoms for bach, elor; prlvato family, ref 11 1117 Lodger Cent. KM PINE bT. Largo room, Sd-ltoor front, unfurnished, SIS per month. 62D. S.. B3 2.1-story front room, nicely turn., hot-water heat, near L. phone. 4111 WAT-fT Large sunny rooms with Dal" f.-'.l and Sanborn Kurnlshea WEST RHANClt rooms; men only: meals, Y. M. C. A. shower Vaths; near L; nl'. Jos comforts of home. Phono Ilel- imint4BSl. Key.. West .IS GENTLEMEN wishing rooms In an unusually fine house, neighborhood Ilroad nnd locust; rcferrnces ptehangeil. NI74I. Ledger Central. COWollTAULK furn. foom:"rearonahlefconv. tocars. private family. Tioga r.'-Sl v. TWO rooms In opnrtmcnt. bar window, water. ncai: iu. mh ortn nun st Bnhurbnn GERMANTOWN-SI-lloor front room, furnlsh ed. well heated: private family. Otn. 33.11 W, ROOMS WANTED YOUNO mart nnd mother who would appre ciate tho companionship of refined people, want two unfurn. nums nnd bath with privilege of light housekeeping. Address Teacher. VM Mldvalo nve , Germantovvn. . WANTEIi, a vai.ipt room, "central, "to storo furniture. Address c 40, J.edgerJinice; WANTED, studio, suitable T'ir nrtlsf ono with skvllsht preferred c 404, Led. Off. BOARDING BALTIJIOItl? AVE., 4111 Altrac. house. Just open : slngIe.douhlo rms. :jt1v. baths, board. BALTIMORE, 4ll!-l.rge, sunny, second-floor room, ,ouplor gentlemen, tscellent table. HAZEL AVE., 170s Warm furnished room; KfMi.lhomtahle: prUate iamll : phono; SI'RU E. 7-2- omen's Catholic Boarding Ai-ociation rooms, wttii 1 oaru. ?.;.. u vveeKiy. SPRUCI1 12.10 Second-story sulto:alsofront room. SPRIVE. 1010 Rooms, wllh boanl: running wner elevator. Phone Filbert .MSI W. SPIirci:, io-.'S-IO Secomi "floor "front, prlvato bah . 1 hoi, e table tablolKnrd Sl'RI't'U. 1S20 Attr.Ktlve rooms, single or en sulte private bnth, table board. SI'lll'i E. 1221-2(1" (Brhmonde) Furn rooms, slnr'e, i-n Hiilto'prlvate baths, table board. WALNUT, 1.-.31-Rooms' with board, 2d and 3d lloor; Tienr L: references. ' BITH. N., 14W HANDSOMELY TURNISHED ROOM RUNNING WATER. FIRST-CLASS TABLE HOARD: PRIVATE FAMILY. 4I1TH ST. 8, 321 Large double rooms; re fined, modern tnblo boar,lu Bcllplinne. ill). S.. 74(1 (nr. Hallo "nve.) Room, with board; gentlemen: hot water heat: prlv. fam. Tnlilr Hoard TIOGA 3.137 N. l!th exicl tah. brd.; near sta.: rood home cooking. Tioga 2313 J. ATTRACTIVE front room with hoard In select section of Oermantown. pool train and trollej service; gentlemen pref. P 110, Ledger Office. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location; special sclentlflo care norvous, elderly: vvery comfort, nurses, HwkUt. Dr. Randal. City line. Chestnut HII,. APARTMENTS X. E. CORNER 17TII AND WALNUT STa Thla 13-story concrete and steel fl-eproof structure reaches tho highest iolnt of devel opmjnt nt )vt attained In apartment con struction and may bo properly stled a per fect plate cf ubode. An earnest effort has been made to offer a matchless home to those whose first con sideration is not to count the cost alone, but to procure that which they desire, vvhero there is only perfection, the size and char acter of which may be selected and shaped according to the distinctive requirements of the Innivdual. Suites are arranged from two rooms and one bath to seven rooms and three baths. The ioiullon la excellent, being convenient to tho business and shopping centres and yet not toi near. All things considered, the rentals are mod Further Information, arrangements for In spection and reservations may be made through NORMAN B. SHEnWOOD 1411 Walnut street. 1830 South Rittenhouse Square Three Apartments, enlarge,! during tho sum mer, are redy for occupancy, one fa duplex) contains 12 room and 4 baths; the others S rooms and 2 batlia, and 10 rooms und tl baths. Also a small apartment of 7 rooms and bath, O. ANDERSON, Superintendent. WALNUT, 1111-33 Very attractive apts., 2 to 1 rmi . bath. aUo single room and lath. furn. or unfurn . lacellent location, Istiiasa serv ile. Phone Spruce 4S.V). or apply tu Janitor. itlTTENHOUSE faQ. (218 S. UlTII) Large, beautifully turn. rins. und apts.; 1 or 2 run.; prlv. baths; hot-water heat; 1st class In appointment and service. Spruce 3002. APARTMENTS 12T1I, S., 200 Modern apartment honsst two larg bay window rooms nd private bsthl also furnished housekeeping; npartment; will unfumlsh Applj M A Ost. on premises. ltaa niixin Avn. o nooMS, all xionniiN imphove- MHNTS; lOT-WATBU IIKAT; J2S.00; LOCfST. 121.1-1 (I.lon's Head) Turn. apta.. suites and rooms jv lth prlvato n.ith. SPIttNfl OAnHKN, 1817-Rreellent npts. In S illffcrcnt houses, somo furn. , kitchenettes. NEW APARTMENTS ON RITTENHOUSK SQUARE Three apartments, enlarged nurlnit th past summer, at 1S80 South nittenhouso fquaro, are now ready Tor occupancy. These apart menls rontnln respectively, S rooms and '1 baths, durlcT flpirtment, 12 rooms and -t baths. It) rooms and 0 baths, nlso one small apartment. O. ANDERSON, Superintendent. THE PARKSIDE 4(,TIt AVvi!?s-u"lARD OPPOSITE fAtRMOUNT PAUk" One to four rooms and bath; reasonable terms. Phono llarlng 221. IVest riillnilrlpliln POWELTON. 4'KI7 5 otitsldo rooms, bath, porch. 2d floor, M0. Inoutro 4001) Powelton uve. Phone l'restoni,l,iO CHIJSTNl'T ST., 3C0.V7 fLeonel-Elegant npts, reduced rent. Call .1 to B. Jan. Ph. Har. 7.I10W I OFFER a largo variety of apartments nt varied prlres nnd to meet almost nnv require ment. Call or send for Hat. Automobile serv lcs to Inspect npnrtments If desired, NORMAN S .IIEROOD. 1411 Walnut st SPRUCE II2C0. RACE 3Q'A CHILTON rirst.flocr rooms, Tho Chilton, No. 3218 llarlng; llcht and heat Imluded. $"..'. Mrs. Hello McCliln, manager of Chlllon. FURNISHED APARTMENTS SPRING OARiil.N. 2121-Attrnctlio npts., with prlvntn baths In prlvato home. Pop. 3071. APARTMENTS WANTED THERE IS AllSjdl.t'TEI.Y NO REASON WHY ANY DESIItAIH.i; APARTMENT SHOULD BE VACANT AT Till! PRESENT MOMENT, The number of applicants for apartments handled by this office frequently averages over one hundred a day. I placo at the disposal of my clients tho best equipped, largest and most altr.irtivo ""ecw ever devoted to tho business of rent ing apartments. I give them highly organized, courteous and efllclent service. I havo prlvato branch ex changes to handle phono Inquiries, two auto mobiles waiting lo show apartments to pros Poctlvo tenants, nnd In every way give serv Ico of such 11 character that tho npartments placed In my hands nro rapidly rented. Will you not help yourself and nt the same, tlmo assist me by furnishing me with com Plet Information relatlvo to vour vacancies? CALL. PHONE OR WRITE NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. HPRUCE C2HO. R CTJ 8023. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 13TH AND MT VERNON-'Apls.. 3 and 3 rooms, with bath, steam heat, electric light; nil outsldo rooms, corner. DIAMOND, SI 12 Three rooms, bath, kitchen, hot-water heat and hot water, J23. 1811 COLUMBIA AVE. 3 BOOMS, WITH l'ftl ATE HATH. ALL CONVENIENCES. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT Ton can look at ono after another unttl you nnd ono. or You can go around to tho d liferent nRcn cleg until In dcM'Jlr J on take one, or You Can Call, Phone or Write to This Office It Is quite true that nearly every desirable apartmrnt In Philadelphia Is listed with and may bo rented through n. Call upon us In our new offices; they are really quite attractive you vlll bo given tho mot courteous nnd efficient servlco obtain able. An automobile Is waiting to tako you to tho Hat of apartments vou designate, nnd if by any chume ou are not perreitly suited, our entire organisation will bo placed nt your disposal to procuro for sou exactly our heart's dcilrc. , ,,, . Think of all the trouble you will have saved, and how glad ou will be 10 know you have found tho ono apartment In Philadel phia whlih must nearly approaches jour exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. M, Spruce 6200. Rice 3025. M. W. QREIMS, Oiletnator of Apartment Bu reau Service, will iiulckly Und the apartment tbut suits ou. Phono Walnut e-237. U30 Real EMato Trust lildg. THP NAC.M 1327-20 SPRUCE STREET 1 nc inori houseeeepino apart ments and PROFESSIONAL OUFiCES. CORONADO. 22d and Chestnut sts. A few derlrablo vacancies, largo nnd small. HOUSEKEEPING APTS.. all pnrts of city: rents. ?2. to $70 per mo. Call, phono or write for Information. SamjJclStern.l!.')l CheatnuL FOR modern furn. nr unfurn. apartments, Northivoxt Phlla nnd Tluga, see us (list. KCHOEPPY ft CO., 1.117 Montgomery ave. LARGE ROOM, kitchenette, furnished. J3; room, prlvato bath, I.",. llul N Win t. U1T PHILADELPHIA DRHXEL APARTMENTS' OVERBitOuK STATION One housekeeping suite. 41 rooms nnd bath. $H.1,31 per month, one furnished suite, 2 sleeping rooms, one exceptionally largo living room untl bath. $73 pir monilt; public Ulnlntr room. Phone iiver.Tonkj:32S, THE RUTLAND APTS. JUST COMPLETED LOCUST ST , .MTU TO 53TH ST. 6 and 7 room apartments, with all tho latest conveniences, 137.4.0 to (13 per month. ROBERT PtTTH. AOENT Hell phono Bilmont il"-l, S1I3 ljcust St. OBEY OABLES. 312-314 N, 33D. Very attractive apts., :i to 7 rooms, furnished or unfurnlbhed; all outsldo rooms: shower baths. tc. ; icagon.ible. mln. from City Hall. ' J.tO TO JOil CHOICE SELECTIONS KERSHAW ft. CROWU 3215 Cheslnut. ESi5i:.. 31th and Chestnut; Monterey, 43,1 and Chester; Belmont, 31th and Spring Harden. Inquire Janitor, or Cieate, .".is Halo Bldg. GERM A VI 01 V.N SCHUYLER bT., 522V30-32 Housekeeping uiiartments with pontics, t rooms und bath, hot water heat, electric lights, domestic hot water, one minute's walk from Oueen Line btatlcn. Apply F. C. Screl.l. 13th and Snyder .uve Phone Dickinson J1S. WALNUT" LA'S E. 1..." I.A7 t rooms and bathl nov-waier mat; private porcn; iu. THERE ARE A FI7W FOLKS WITH "KID DIES"wlio positively will not rent an apart mint In the city. So In order to please them and others who MUST have a suburban home THE QUEEN LANK APARTMENTS 1VERE BUILT No. jou never have teen anything quite like them ctmntes are ou never will again. Fresh air trees, btrds. grass, country sur roundings; In a word, tho great outdoors all ubout nu. A block from Queen Lane Station, same dutanca from the Cermantown Cricket Club, three blocks from Wane avenue The price is Fifty Dollars a month and As to t'.io upjrtments: They have llvo root-is an 1 bath, plus an extia maid's room, hot-water boat the test obtainable ample hot water, exceptional closet room, butlt-ln bookcases, private iionhes, unusual construc tion and decorations. ou mut tee them to know t'lat they are 'Just what ou have been looking for. und our automobiles will make this an easy matter. We might furnUh one or two at, say. Sev enty Dollars a month. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1111 Walnut a'reet. PETEY Any One Would Rather APARTMENT HOTELS A BHAT FOR EVSRYDODT RESERVATION TlCiaSTS 2 EACH' BXCIIANOED FOR PURCltASES NEW YEAR'S BVB, 101S-1910 Philadelphia's Greatest Celebration. HOTEL MAJESTIO $2,000,000 Property, Nrw Osmershlp. The greatest homo value, for th ISMtexpsn diture. Highest hotel elevation In .PhllsdM rhl.1. MONTHLY RENTAL BCHnDULB Bingls roo-rs, without bath, but running water, with bath adjoining each room, suit able for two persons, HO to 10. Blnglo rooms. Including Uige, attractive hath, S0 to j.W, Two-room suites. Including large, attractive bath, J01 to 1100. Three-room mites. Including largo, attractive, bath. IS! to 1 130. ALL ROOMS AND BEITES FUX.LT miR NISIIED Bubstantlat cluh breakfast, 80o -JOo., Mo, Special dainty r,0c luncheon, 'SKi olsiount from nil a la carts charges for regular guests. JAMES A. MEAD proprietor, JAMES S. MCCARTNEY General Manager, Hotel .Majestic, IT IS 'WITH A FEELING of pnrtleular pleasure, nnd satisfaction that I nnnounco tho opening of S2ft South Broad st. Suites consist 0' 1 room, 2 rooms and 3 rooms, arranged with private baths If de sired. Tho furnishings, decorations and appoint ments am quite perfect, ami the resultant combination Is nn illustration of tho fact tint tho email apartment hotel may roicli a height of conifortal.lo and homcllkn desirability which tt Is physically Impossible to achlovo clsowhere. I do not believe that K shall cvor bo flb1o to orfer a moro perfect rcsldcmo to thoso who deslro their rvcrj requirement ond wish to to anticipated. Here nu inav, In truth, relect our home to day, and without tho spending of a single r-itn doltnr or glvlnc tho matter another thought, imv occupy jour apartment tomor row with evtry housekeeping problem solved for jou In udvanio and every care and worry vllmln.iteil nnd id without tho loss of the trim homcllkn ntmophero. Of 2. suites offered for occupancy, twelve ii.ivo rcen rcserveu. Your earlv reservations will, therefore, be greatly appreciated NOIIMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. THE GLADSTONE 11TT1Aff?TsINn Al'ARTMl.NTS roil WINTER MU.STII3 FLKNISllUil OR UNFURNISHED . A USOLL TELY Fl RE PHOOl. T1IU l'ELMAlt-MOHRIS . C1ER.MANTOWN AT OHELTEN AVE. STATION, rENNA. RAILROAD, LO MINUTES FROM BROAD HP. TERMINAL. ATTIIAl'TIVELY FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED SUIT! .3 AND UOUSEKEEF . INC, APARTMENTS. THE C.ENEVA 1CTH STREET ABOVE WALNUT Iltgh-class apartments with or without prl vnte bath, entirely rcnovnted und refur nished; under new management. DOUOHTY MAH9IIALT, THE COVINGTON, CHESTNUT AND "I7TII ST3 It. U. ENOt.E MANAOHIt. ALSO THE E.VOLESIDE, BEACH HAVEN. N. J. THE ESMOND s' E. CORNER I2TII AND SPRUCi: SUITE OF 2 ROOMS AND BATH THE TRACY PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS .'KiTH AND CHESTNUT THE NEWPORT SI'nLs?KEETDs 10T" REAL ESTATE POR SALE CITY 1300 LOCUST ST. Handsome, modem 4-story brovvnstone dwell ing. E"pecally llttej rur profeslonal ortlcca, Jyiw prke and easyjcrmsfor qulcksale. ONLY Jlou TO $ii"0 CASH required I.'. North r.tli. n-4siMd J'.ir.ou. rent S7mi, price $:3u; 1712 IVallate, 13 rooms, assessed $IjjoO, price 5(H1, corner 21st and Wallace, assessed JTOOil, prlio $0230. 2"l!l North tilth, ctlltrnl, 2.1 feet front, (heap; Bill Mount vernon, 4 stories, offer wanted: 1000 Melon, 3 storlei, prlco 1U7.: 2;no Sydenham, assessed 2.ou, prlii- $2100, n rooms. 42UH218 Woodland ave , Jl.VO each, 1721 North 1Mb, 12 ravins., a bis birg.iln 2il-2S.'l0-12 Church line. $1200 each. MARSHALL II. SMITH, I'll! Chestnut bt. Oil H. 3D ST. 4-story building: 21x103; as sessed 5..".iiu, prlto $i.00: icrm.i can bo ar ranged, this Is $2000 less than it Is vvorth,' J. EDWARD LU1Y.. 210 N Kill st. IF YOU WANT TO MORTGAGE, rent, buy, tell, ext hange or Insure, "SEE TA CLANK ABOUT IT" Mil walnut st. SITES FOR SALE-SultnMo for erection of business building", large or small. Invest ment properties Money for mortgages. ARTHUR BOSWELL. 2X1 N. 11th sL FINE HOME near Rorer and Allegheny, all conveniences. In tlrst-claes order; little money needed for quick buyer. CAMERON. 2111 Kensington ave. RENTS COLLECTED Mnru-.igcs, Convevanclng AI.HHC1-H1-.S. 2111 W. Lehigh, CENTRAL PROPERTIES for snle YMUtOW ft: VAN PELT N. E. cor. 17th anil Chestnut. INVESTORS, SEE WARD'S HOUSES AT 4200 N. DAR1EN KTr OFFICE 1231 N. OTII ST. GROUND A1X1NG N E. BOULEVARD JOHN G. WILLIAMS. 727 Walnut st. Smcessor l-tviis H. Redner. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT BARBER. II UITMAN ft: CO. 1201 Chestnut st ATTRACTIVE apartment lmus site, good lo cation: reasonalde price lot I00x2.vi. HARRY (I. C. WILLIAMS, r.22 Walnut st. IluiliUug Jolts, 1'uctory Mies, Etc. DESIRABLE BLOCK OF GROUND. IBth and Chester nve.: rlpo for development: city tm jrovemenls In main streets and available for entire trait, will sell clear of all Incum brances for hilf cash nn.l half equities," YOCUM ft POWERS CO. 2(1 South 13th st. UHO Woodland ave. VALUABLE .entral sltr, 130x100; ,1 streets: good bulldlni," Mile to cloi-e estate; -easy terms. J. A. Trltx. r,23 Land Title Bldg. AVF.ST I'illUMlEI.l'llIA Modern Sunlight Homes In Beautiful Sherwood 12ti0 Cash Prices, $2N)0. Easy terms. Itent, $22, H Built, Modern, Beautiful Frailer St., Thomas to Hoffman aves. Agent, 10111 bo. Frazler st. (3100-8 BOOMS, hot-water heat, gas and elec. trie light, parquttry ttnois. shower baths, gas Ltlchena and all other modern appolntinetits. DANIEL I'RAWI'tlllD. JR.. BUILDER f.Sth and Hadfteld sts. I1ERSIAN BROS.. 0010 MARKET Houses. Apartments. Stores NEAR i0T!I ST. "L" STATION' For Rent or Sale. SEND FOR LIST, SALE OR RENT JOS. M HAKER 62nd and Baltimore ave. WHELAN'H -HOMES CBTH AND PASCHAI.L AVE. APPLY 1011 CHESTNUT ST. POTTS fi. TOWN-SEND WEST UJIILADBLPIIIA HOMES 4903 BALTIMORE AVE. Have an Operation Than Hear About It By C. A. VOIGHT REAL ESTATE TOR SALE IVEST l'lIILADEtrillA TOtm PROPERTIES en be rented ef sold quickly by placing them with DAK1N & K1LPATRICK, B13S Market st. TWO-STORY poreh-front dwelling, Bi3T Calh,a- rln St., good location; goofl condition; cheap, IIarry (1. C Williams, r.22 Wslnut st f3!KrO--l'Ni:f)tIALEr llnMES, SOth t tbo.v Lansdowno avo. Every known convenience. JAMi-.q c ENHURfl, nuilder. fiER.MANTOWN 1R8 B. UPSAL ST. Modern 3-story comer homo. 11 rooms magnificent Mow; garage privileges; ivmw. friviieges: e 1 iju. hoad and Erlo avo. North rnua. irusi uo., RKMAltKAHLU IIAROAINS-Only 200 cash. 20-2S-30 and .12 Church lane: prlco $120(1 eich. nlso 2!)3 and 2U7 Cullom St.; prlco clear 1100O each. M AJIS HALL II. PM 1 TJ I.l 0 11 Chestnut st. . ir Yotr are T.ooKiNO ron a home in Germantown, ML Airy or Chestnut Hill, con sult m. A. It. Meehan, 11747 German town avo. RESIDENCE BITES Ground In hest section of flermantown nnd Chestnut Hill. 11. II. LISTER & SON, r,(112 Ocrmnntown nve. WE CAN assist you to find that house you are looking Tor. Oermantown Trust Com pany, Chelien nnd Oermantown aves. SMALL INVESTMENT HOUSES, almost dol lar for dollar. OLYNDON. PRIESTMAN. Bond Liormanlown ave. Chestnut Still NEW SALE AND RENT LIST READY Pelham. Mt. Airy nnd Chestnut Hill PEL1IAM TRUST CO, 0710 G"rmantown av llogn WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOGA till LOGAN KENNEDY tt RAMIIO, 3710 Oermantown. Logan LOGAN REAL ESTATE SALE, RENT AND HXCHANOE M. M. Binltli, Ilroad st , pp lgan Station. REAL ESTTE, " ir.ortpig-a nnd ronvev. anclng. W.M II. CHAMBERS, 40.13 N. Ilroad Bt. link Lane TO CLOSE AN ESTATE Slnglo property on a W-foot lot, near tiolley; prlco SO.VX). Tor Inlormatlon apply W 1111am Bnrr, Sth and Oak Luno nve. M.'IIUHIIAN BETWEEN TWO AND THREE ACRES at steam and high-speed electric stations; I-ans-dalo section; ery neat B-room dwelling, hot water heat, bath, electric lights, pressure water, etc., stable, splendid oung sn.tao nn I fruit. The only ono of Its kind at tho price. Brown 01 Cloud, Norrlstuwn, Pa. NEW, deslrnblo suburban homes, conveniently located to train and trolley, f.'',00 to T15.O0O, Hneclal llstn lit on reou ISt. .IA.MU3 u. 1JVI.A.N fi CO., 123 Bala avu., Cynwyd, Telephone v.ynwya to-'. HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT WENDELL . MASSEY, Real Estate Trust llldg, SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE Any price. All locations. Snlo or renL CHARLES J. HOOD & CO., Morris Hldr. CHOICE IIUILD1NO SITES and acreage. ARTliyR PTOWNSI:nD, linghorne,Pa. SELECT PROPERTIUS-Country "seats, farms. List orders now. LEWIS T. HROOIvE & SON, 141iSouth Penn sq, FOUNDED 1870. l7Ail;i: LIST til' hUltl'llllAN HOMES", sale or rent, on tho Main Lino or Bonding It. It. WM. II. WILSON .c. CO., Morris Building. SUBURBAN RESIDENCES for sate nr rent"; attractlvo locutions, prlien right. Maurice J. Hoover, Real E"tnto Trust Illdg. Ambler, Pn. SEND FOR LIST or suburban homes, farms, country peats, building ground, etc, I have a largo and varied list In Montgomery and Buck:-) Counties, if you nro looking for any thing In tho way of country real estate, do not fall to get my list berore you buy. THOMAS ATKINSO.V, ; Ambler. I'a. FABMS country pliices'and auburban homes on tho Reading's Bethlehem anil Doylestown branches. 11. J. Piper", Inc.. Ambler, Pn. lliiln, Pn. COLONIAL. Holmesburg granite. 13-room house; h-at location In llila, Bryn Mnvvr ave. nnd Upland ten: all mod. Impmnts. : nwtr .'U' liaia nve.; rent :in, jon.v nvi ,i.,. Ell.lns Park. Pa. HOMES FOR SALE nit RENT Mccormick a .Mccormick 1011 Chestnut, nnd Ulklns rant. BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE, high location, nei.r train and trollt), at decided bargain; all Improvements. P ino. Ledger Oftlcc. (len.ile, Pn. HOUSES AND l.OTf, i-v.rv description. HENNINGER .I' RENN1NGER llrnid and Walnut sts 1 tutlfil ge, Pn. $200 CASH will buy to-room modern house, s minutes from station: carrjlng charges only $18 per month; largo lot. 11. 713, Ledger Cen tral. SUBURBAN MAINLINE, PA. 11. It. DESIRABLE PBOI'ERTIES SALE Oil RENT WARNOaK AJIMLEN, Commercial Tr.Bldg. best"linh OF MAIN LINE HOUSES EUher for salo or rent, at all prices. HIRST .- MtMUl.l.lN, Utt End Trust Bldg. blllll'llllAN HOMES, country places and building sites ti, suit all requirements; Main Lno. H'" HUNTER. Wayne. IM. . 2110-ACRE" TRACT Beautiful building sites, springs, timber, excellent Investment: rcas. A D. HEALD, Hut Chester, l'.i. NEW .lERSEY IlaiMoii llrlglits, N. J. LIPPINCOTT I1TS AND HOMES HADDON HEIGHTS. N. J. W1ILET LIPPINCOTT Maple hlintle, N. L THE OREATIIST privllego of the 20th century Is to own a llttlo ono-ncro farm closo to Phi! tdel. hit. and remember $3 down buys one, $3 monthly pn)s for It. For u squaro deal cull on or vvrlte HARLOW & CO.. Mnplo Sh-lde. N. J. Ml. Eplinilm. N, J. ONE-ACRE FARMS Mt. Ephralm, N. J. (adjoining Haddon Heights), enly 5 miles from Cimden-CJ stn. tluns on tract). $-'100 to $000 per ncre, title Insured: f-ee deed: no taxes for 1013. CAMDEN COUNTY GARDEN FARMS CO. 12(13 Brnailvvay. Cumden. N. J. 1'ennsgruve, N. J. 700 I-OT3 adjoining du I'ont Vorks now being sold; prices, $1U) up; new buildings on all sides; enormous ilemaml for houies. Write or call Peutirgrovfi Impraveinent Co., I'enns grove. N. J. SEASHORE Cape Slay, N. J. COTTAGE erected by n reliable builder Is a satis action attractlvo plana submitted free, OTIS M. TOWNS END. Ocean L'lty,N. J Ocean Clly, N. J. COTTAGE erected by a reliable builder Is a satisfaction: attractive plans, submittal free. OTIS M. TOWNSEND, Ocean City, N. J. PENNSYLVANIA FAR.MS MONTGOMERY COUNTY. 20 acrcs-$1500j $300 cash; 13 acres in sandy loamy lleld.s, bal unco woodland and brook-watered pasture; 7-rooni stune bouse, bank barn, outbuildings. Wrlto for Jack's New Farm Bulletin. Mark's Farm Agency. 215 Stephen Girard Building, Philadelphia 23 ACltim, STOCK. CROPS, good buildings: $2-a,0. half rasa HUNSBERGEIPS FARM AUENOY. Green Lane, i'a. REAL ESTATE TORSALB TENNSYLYANIA FA11M3 107 ACRES for J00O0, H eaah: storm Mdr-i stream. 12.1 fruit trees, near BelleravHIe. A. II. TYSON, uvnsnaie, in. 10 ACRES-Oood llttlo farm nnd country """ VlTTHOMrSQN. West Chester. T. :1V .lERSEYFARMa BURLINGTON COUNTY TAnMB.., Ail sires, nil purposes. Established 1808. A. W. DRESSER. Iturllngten, N. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CENTRAL PROPERTIES For Silo and Rent. JAMES D. UINCHIILU 17th A Sanson, sis. CITY BUY A HOME r!UM I'H-Monthly payments, ?I7 to W), N. Willi nnd Oermantown; prices $iH to 57000. Merchants' Union Trust Com- I'lny, 71S-710 Chestnut sL BUIIUIItlAN CITY AND SUBURBAN properties for esle or rent. Lower Merlon Realty Company, Land Title Building. Philadelphia, Pa. . llaln-Cynwril, I', LAROE LIST HOUSES, sale or rent, at all prices. SAMUEL c WAONER. Jr., Commer cial Truct Illdg., 1.1th nnd Market sts REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Unfurnished houss between Market nnd Pino sts., rent about f30 month, would consider subletting furnished houso for win ter, or house In or between Overbrook and Etla; highest credentials given. II 837, L. C, ''.LI. TS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort. pages find fire lnsurnnco placed quickly. See Kane 'or prompt results. 2.2i Tnsker st WANT listing of country scats nnd farms II. B. McCOLI.UM. 1.111 Walnut Bt. "Don't Forget the Number." WILL BUY houses Wn-t or South Phils.; rent apotit siu; if cheap. M 113, Ledger Office, l"urnNlict1 MODERN HOUSE In Overbrook or Motion, well furnished, to have r bedrooms and 2 baths: referenco given; prtco $123 per month. II (I.,,, Ledger Centrnl. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CI I'Y 1110 FAWN ST., 8 rooms ,.$J8 l.Ml N. Alder st., 7 rooms, newly painted, 13 100:1 Euclid ave., 8 rooms 11 And others; WALDMAN, 1110 Qlrard ave. .340 S. 1STH ST. it rnomn nn.l l.nth MEAns& DROWN, 202 S. ISth L 2304 LOCUST, ST.: 230 South 1.1 til St.; 110 bouth Broa. st., llo .outh 20tli tu Edgar O. Cross, 1411 Walnut st. 010 CHERRY Ml- inriA eAM.. . w. -- '"- , - "" o'. ..Dl. ICRUHKUIfl icii-.. uimn-tuaio possession, iavia p. Novln. Olal N. 20th st. 2143-2143 N. PARK AVE., dwellings. 11 rooms; riowly -done up; low rents; keys, loin N, 12th. Wm. U Craven's Sons, into N. 7th. STOR1VS AND ,DWELLINC,s"ln nil sectlonsof city, Sco our list In tho Ldgcr Saturday. SAMUEL T. FOX CO. S. 11 cor. ,ith and CallawhllJ. REDUCED TO $23-12 largo rooms, bath, range, heater, etc.; good condition, 2103 Otford at. mniS&BARTir. Illdgo aye, nnd 10th. RENT catalogue gladly " sent upon appllca- ! ?" lo.m' ,' 'lMin. 300-301 Land Tills Bldg. 1017 Columbia nve. .. SEND I'OIt OUR RENT LIST THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY iroationui;ncsinut sts. 'fr-v" -s- Wnrnock: 0 rms., all convA; toilet -'' ""or. Naglo .t Snder, 1207 Glrnrd avo. Business Properties nnd Stores , 401-10-1 CO.MMERCE ST. rf.7 CHI' STNUT AND .111 N. 4TII ST. C. P. PETERS ft: SON. tins CHESTNUT ST. SMALL STORE Centrally located. vv .u. v. iirj.M-.uin, 1300 Arch at. l'nclorles, lYnreliouses. Mfg. Floors ROOM.havIni; throe fronts, containing 11,100 S'l- ft ; elevator, heat, low rate of Insurance; railroad siding; sub-postofflco In building. Located 11 blocks south of Market-st. C. .1. MILNE .4 SON. 11th nnd Wnalilncton. lot RENT. H01-'JO.I Latimer St., below Locust. Ihrco stories and basement, suitable for Plumber and stcamtltter, manufacturing, tailor, upholsterer or any light inaniffnctur- Ing. Geo. L, Sipps. 012 Locust L , ITU ST., N.. 110-2.-. JlnnufncturliiB lloors; strum heat nnd, power. Apply ivnnn. Co., SKChestnutst. 010 CHERRY ST -V100 sq. feet; reasonable rent, tmmcdlato possession. David it Nevln, r.20 N. Liitli at. MERCHANTS' BUILDING ,,. NORTH 4TH STREET .JEIlLUlI.i: ROOMS. POWER AND LIGHT BROAD AND WALLACE (Metropolitan HulldlrE) Rooms, s(sm to 40.(si: cheap; . powel. Applyto Geo. F. l.asher.147 N. 10th. FACTORY FLOORS and warorooms, largo and small- centrallv lnrnt-il HARRY T. SAl'Nl ERS, :il S. ISth sL HA VII PARTY who will erect building, cen" tral or other location, or sitlsractory tenant. DIEritlCH. 737 Walnut St. " OFFICES. BUSINESS ROO.ILS, I.TC. 130 S. 15TII ST. Oillces from $23 per mo. up; rent Includes neat, light, elevator und Janitor service. J. A PATTERSON CO . 130 S. 13th st. . WALNUT ST., 1111 Suite of offices, second floor Go id business location 1310 GIRARD AVE.-Seondnnd"thlril floors: suitable for a photograph gallery. $10: good Hand. C. P. Conicrd Co.. '.tith nnd Jcfferso.i. 130 WALNUT ST. OROUND-FI.OOR OFFICES i-e.i estates. ,uo .lnsom st. CHESTNUT. 172S Dcslrablo innunuplcatlne rooms; tultablo for studio or profession. DREXEL BLDG. OFFICES. Annual Rentals? htnglo Rooms, $100, $1211, $ISrt, $2is), $t(s), $130 Suites 2 Rms , S130, $173. J2m. $223, $2'fl. $273 Suites .' Rms., $273, $100. $.!.-.. 3lsl, faSli. $72.1 Corner Suites. 4 to s rooms. $330 10 (1H.VI ELLIS 1 1 W I LLI AM S. r.Dil Drexcl Building, P I. A 7. A B U l" L D I N (1 Ofllces Single und en sulto 1303-07-OO ARCH ST. MERCHANTS' BUILDING 41 North 1 th street. ery desirable offices. Heat and light. CENTRAL OFcfcES. STUDIOS AND BUSINESS PROPERTIES. : J. C. FULLER. 10 S. 1ST11 ST. OUFICES for rent: first floor suitable for banker: smaller offices on other floors. FOR. LEST BUILDING. 110 S. 4lh st. "Room 425. Professional Offices PROFESSIONAL BUILDING. 1S.IJ..T1 Chestnut st. A tc-w suites lor phsic-!nns vr dentists. J. T. JACKSON CO , Chestnut and 13th. WEST PHILADELPHIA 3001 BRANDYWINB ST $1.1,01 .'IHOI llHANDyWINK ST 14,00 30I5-31I10-.IH21 BRANDYW1NE ST 12 00 421I-421U-421S WALLACE ST . 1 1,1s) 4201 WALLACE ST Is.lsl 111 111 DE KALIi ST 10,(0 ailKI WARREN ST 15.00 JAMES O. FRANCIS, 703 WALNUT ST. 3013 HAMILTON BT.-Ono of tho most'at. tructivo homes In this section; In excellent condition; rent reduced. TAYUJR &JSO.V, 2lAND20 S40TH ST. $30-BEFORE THEY ARE ALL GONE you should look at the 3-story houses on Willows uve., west of 3Mh st.. for rent at $30 a month tn desirable tenants; these are ex tremely nlco houses. In a mout attractlvo neighborhood, and great bargains ut this moderate rental. Ask lor Mr. I-ox. 143$ H. IS ti st.. corner or willows ave.. agent for PHMllEltTONESTATi:3. NEW HOUSES FOIt"RKNT-107"s. clrld St., failim Cobb's Creek Boulevard; rent IliiD; 0243 Sansom. 8 rooms, ull conveniences, large lot rent $32. JAS. N. MITCHELL, 40th and Market. $2S Three stotles. 11 rooms, hardwood finish; others, $1S 10 $12.30. E. II. APSLEY. SSth and SpringntM ave. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT OEItMAWTOWN C1S8 nt5S3 BT., T rooms ana tu,, , venlences. near Washington Laos IrJS" ksyat 0121; rent low. Jabil? $30-dwellinos. 11 nobiir c-riiu cor CISC Cantlnental-Tiultabl Trust Co..ai w. is, MT. AIRY Telham Trust Compiny, 0710 mmi"i."- Tlotn FOR IJENT, TIOOA-Coty 2-storr 8-room -S hood Vsttl W.'Taclhe'Vt.'nea'rTsdrte- aVe.-JoiiNj; TURNER'.- SoiVgffi SUI1URI1AN WAYNE. 18 rooms, 2 baths, steam hot i St. David's, 10 rooms, Isrge lot eenv ."'ff Colllngdale, 1 rooms, all conveniences . d II. M. AM AN. 1801 Chestnut sl"" h Darby, r. NEAllLT 10O CHOICE SUBURTJAN JIOMEsi fist sent freei S lo $100; all rarts DtlswSi county. swopfi a Sons, Dirtr lllille.T. I'nrk, Pn. LAROI1 I1UNOAI3W HOMH ALL MODERN IMPVMTS.; IlcrrllwATira HEAT, BATH, LAUNDRY, orEN yiiffl PLACfM, POliCHES, 10 ACRES WelE SHADED OROUNDS; STABLES CHBSTBB PK. NHAR MORTON AVE.. NEAR BTaI IN RIDLF.Y PARK. J. H. VOGLBrtrfe CHESTNUT ST., 2D FLOOR. " .MAIN LINE, VA. 11. IL MODERN HOUSES. $.10 to $200 per mono, various stations. Send for special Hat. iiui bert fr Claghorn. 201 Ballsy Building. lVynnewood 40 MANOR ROAD Modern! 13 rooms, 1 Htlu! 4 aero land: $10 per mo. Walter Baintt Smith, Wynnewood, I'a, " ' J SEASHORE Allantln City, N. .1. 18-ROOM COTTAGE, beautifully fumlih.l Ideal location; rents for $225 per month tar'. Ing summer; will rent for $40 per month from now until May 13; reference required. L I'.oO. ledger Central. "" FURNISHED COTTAOE. $.13 me,, winter: quiet, pxcluslvo neighborhood; every contml ence. Ad. owner. 2 S. Surrey ave., Ventner, MORTGAGES Large Amount TRUST FUNDS TOR FIRST MORTOAOH Immediate Attention HORACE A. FRITZ 713 WALNUT ST. MONlY FOR MORTGAGES " 5oo $1000 $1200 JS1S00 S1600 55000 W. II. HOOD, 612 NORR1S ST. MORTOAOE MONEY Sums lo suit. Firsts und Seconds. O. C. SEIDEL & CO.. INC. 4th nnd Callowhlll sta. $30 TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE sseOT to Ity; Immcdlato settlement; payable u 12000 desired. EDW. M. MOLL 13.1 S. 12T11 ST. A LAROE CENTRAL BUILDING AND LOAN Association desires applications for good Ant and second mortgages nn where in the city. Addreis Secretary. M lu.1. Ledger Office. J. R. MAS3EY fie SONS 13TII AND GREEN STS. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAriE3 BUILDING ASSOCIATION FUNDS S49 7 SO Special fund for mortgsrss. & v st 1 jvy g. , fum,, tor Becon,i mottfil". WORRELL. 33.1 N. 17th St. $100. $200 TO $3000 TO LOAN, LEWIS & CO. 1227 W. Girard Ave . S50 ALL AMOUNTS, 1ST AND 2D MORTOA0ES Quick answer. MAURICE II.MATSINOER.Real Est.Tr.BHr. FUNFS I'OIt 1ST AND 2D MORTQAaM ANY AMOUNT POTTS k THOMSON. 2321 Frankford sts. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATE3 REASONABLE CHABOES JOHN A. BARRY. 507 LAND TITLE BLDQ. FIRST AND BLDG. ASSO. MORTOAaES Any Amount. Quick Service J. VERNON P1NNO. 110(1 Franklin Bk. BWf. TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MORTOAQB HERKNESS & STIITSON LAND TITLE BUILDING. DEEDS DRAWN. $1; MORTGAGES, $1.50. WALLACE, 1112 Lincoln Building Both phones. TUNDS FOR "St AND 2D MORTQAOES MORTGAGES FOR SALE THEO E. NICKLES. 2513 Oermantown ats. FIRST AND SECOND. ANY AMOUNT , city or suburbs. Quick service. JAMES C. SIMPSON. 1120 Chestnut st, . REDY FUNDS for good first mortgaies; bring ua jour iippll -atlon. . . . CIIAS. U BROWN Ac CO , 217 S. Broad st. . FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS for sale. Will call for prlvatu Interview. T. A. Richardson, Con- ClIIL'llllll llOLL-l. OWNERS If your mortgage has been called, , .. Ill .1... ,. ..n. nl.n '1.1 ntn.l,,!' mnSeT. CUESTI.lt P. ROTTNER. 1420 Cheslnut St. $100,000 FOR FIRST, SECOND OR SPLIT mortgages, "see in nret." AULii.-vt.iiii. 2721 N. 3U1-133 South Elthj . LOANS Large or small sums on real estate. Judgment notes or mortgages, loans on untt in.l estates Deiiipto a; Co., 2i S. lttn. ANY SUM. ANY MAMOUNT Placed ut Once. Lowest Rate. F. X. DEI.ANEY. 1112 Lincoln Blds- FUNDS for llrst nnd ccond mortgages any amount: quick answers CHAS. vV, Mii I.ER. 401-107 Commonwenlth Bldg. 310NEY for first ami second mortgages; biilM Ing nts'n and Instalment mortgages. Willis- Winchester Company. 1001 Chestnut sL BUILDING ASSOCIATION MORTGAGES. J. W. ARMSTRONG. 123-1 Oerminlown at MONEY wanted on good first mortgages Is. pclavvnro County. 11 010, Ledger t.entraL ALL AMOUNTS to loan on 1st and 2d mljrej Cnas. Z. Do Young. 100 W End Trust BlJf. MONEY TO LOAN IF YOU WANT MONEY FOR HOME NEEDS CALL ON US We make LOANS or HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ib Philadelphia LOWEST LEGAL RATES CALL. TI10NE OR WRITE REMEDIAL LOAN CO. of Philadelphia 34 ami 36 South 16th street BELL rilONB ROOM 303 LOCUST zu YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS, JEWELS, ETC. .-. Af.w ur -v itV. $1110 " $-00 " " .... irS 41IMI.I a 128 MARKET ST. JUDGE AVE. AND OXFORD ST. 22 D AND -SOUTH ST& I mt . 5 k