UMTOIJ-y;,,,,,,,,, III IS:; I 3 a i KM9 m I sit m IS EVENING LEDGER-PniLADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DEOEMBEIt 3, 1915, FINANCIAL NEWS TRADERS HAVE SOLD STOCKS FREELY; MARKET PRETTY WELL LIQUIDATED Short Interest Small, but It Is Being Built Up Invest ment Buying Better Bull Movement Not Yet Ready in Interboroughs NKtt YUIIK. Dec. 3. Tlio derllnc In the stock market 1ms hrmight tin rhatiKc In Hk rsscntlnl chnraeterlstio. I'rlres tire down n little liul lint rtiotiKh tn lndk'iitp that tin mnrjeet Ih nliout to iilmmlon tlio groove In wlilt'li It Iium Iliir-UinU-tl for several tvccUh past. The market Ih still it traitors' nfinlr, Willi little or Ho outside participation. The professional nhtl HPlitlprtifesslnntil element Is utmost uni versally benrlsli, simply on the nrtlott of prices. There hits been n Viist nmotnit of booiI news, they sny, nlul pi Ires have fulled to respond. Therefore, the market must be overbought itltd deellne Is Inevitable. Ai-tliif- on HiIh theory, they have sold stocks freely, mid this week's decline wns nlivltmsly nwide In the Street. On Tuesday oftertiooil word was passed n round the commission houses that Steel would ro lower, tittil the professional element promptly sold Steel. Accompanying the decline were all sorts or reports regarding the Presi dent's message by people who professed to have Intimate knowlcdKe of Its Contents. One story that the message Would recommend drastic taxes on fabricated steel and Iron did more than anything else to depress sentiment, particularly as It was reported In addition that the head of the biggest Inter national banking house had privately expressed his belief In tho correctness of tho rumor. As far ns the present condition of the market Is concerned, the Street is not nt all surprised nor discouraged because of the lack of activity. One broker put It thus: "I'or the last 19 years I have never seen much done In the market In December. It Is more or less of nn evelilng-up period for the com ing year, and no one ever really expects very much In a December market." The Street Is Watting for the President's message, and this appears to be the most Important factor at the moment, t'titll this Is received nothing much Is expected. Nearly every one today seemed to feel that the market was pretty welt liquidated; had reached the bottom for the present, tit other words, although most commission house gossip continued to preach against the Increasing of commitments for the moment, tt was sold that the Inlying was of a much better kind than the selling, though neither was much to brag about. While a new short interest Is gradually being built up. It Is said thnt this interest ts now very small. Krom day to day there Is talk that the Investment buying Is better. The bull movement In tho Interboroughs, whLMi has been predicted for some time, Is not unite ready to start. It appears that the stage is set. but that there are slight formalities to be gone through with before the piny may start. All but one of the big holders of the stock lins agreed to hold his stock off the market until tho price reaches a certain point. The last one, however, has so far failed to give assurances thnt he will not Interfere, and, naturally, the others do not care to rim the risk of providing him gratis with a market to get out on. liven If this gentleman's consent to the movement Is secured, there would always bo a certain element of doubt In the mind of the' Street nbout the manner In which any agreement would be carried out. The Interborough crowd has never Inspired the cnnlldenco of tho Street any more than Its members appear to have confidence In each others. The outstanding stock of firmness was United States Steel common. It withstood bear pressuro well, and It helped to reassure sentiment on the general market. The untitled tonnage statement for December is expected to be good. Street gossip today hnd It that it would show nn Incrense In orders on the books of more thnn 70,000 tons. There was further selling at the start of trading today, ami nearly every thing on the list went off. Support appeared, however, and the market turned strong. International Nickel was a feature, advancing nearly ten points. For the most part, the advances were not wide, and where they were large it was mostly in the specialties. At the close prices were off. a little from the best. New York Slock Sates FRENCH CONTINUE TO TAKE SHARES IN THE NEW LOAN I Germans Attack Result, but People Stand by the Government New York Bond Sales IIIkIi. . W' !" I'M .11,1'.., .Ill" !.L'la !Mj -I" Amnion lelj la " v,T " -' UU .ttunisnn i',' J. I,,... ,,., ?.v, iV,.v.inly?..H"'-.'!!' -'' i'h iitxm nait & tm'io -ij.:;:: UljuUll lliilt ,j oi, t.v tu.a,. -VXtf S.S . & $1IUC0 Aincr Asr ileli .- . Uni .n, L.r Cot Mil .",.. IM .liner Hide . 1. li.H I..IK1I AIIICT MlM-lt So.' li ..WHI aiiut III i!VI ll.s wi Aimrnir Uo I '.a . i'ii-i Ken u. . 4. .win. .vitiligo!! . I.OW CtOHl'. 101 II.!' . in Vi, M L ... I'll If.'. ill'- U2't M-N Idtt eltwt. inch. tiv. Clo-e. Ataxics JunMU It's ll'l 1111. 10U A.k.-t (ioM M 2(V 20'1 2. 2.Vf AIII-rhlir.eM Mftr ... Itl'i V.Vi .11'i ... AIIK-fhalmMfUIrf.... 70' Kl'i 70 S2!i Am licet Susar 70H Vi "0! 71 Am llrake H & F 10IH 102'a 1024 lii-" Am ran litl'l Ill's fiOU nl-i Am Can pf lO.t'i 110 110 lit) Am tMr & Kniiiulr-... 7'.) MH 7S SO Am far & My i 117.4 118 US Its Am Cod Product- ...llsti loo MV4 l&Vi Am Hide l-M'tie .. llf 114 114 It's. Am lllilo h pt 04 fyJ4 -" "24 Am Unseed B:J'I 2:14 -'lis 2:14 Am I.o.-omatlvil rS, 0H 0 0!IJi Am I.ocrmotlvi pf ...102 li)-". l(J"!i III.'. Am Malt pf .Til' ;l.V. .MH 3-1 i Am Smelt A. ltcf 1)74 '..'. '.175 0S4 Am Sm .t Hcf i( 1104 111 1104 111 Atn Smelter- Pt A .... 00 00 00 00 Am SnwT t',0 liW 1.V2 lo'. Am Sled Koiimltyi.... 1)14 014 1 01!i Am Sugar Itt-tlntns ...lliVS 117 1IWS llfiN Am Tel A Tel 12.-S4 12S4 12S4 lt!81 Am Woolen 48 -I-.4 -184 '184 Am Woolen tr r -IM' o04 -ISV 504 Anarontla Conpef H.V, b04 M4 s04 AtchT&SF 10.4 10D4 10.4 100 AiehT&.Hl-' pf 1014 1014 1014 1014' lt.ilillnl.oeo I0:i4 H2.4 110 U2 llaldin hoeopf UI4 1U4 1114 lll'i llalllmore & lhl.) V.Vi 0.')4 li24 O-'l'i llalllmore .V Ohio pr. . 774 774 174 774 Hunk of Commerce. . .173 17." 173 173 lUlopllai .Mlnlna 24 24 24 2'f llelhlehem Steel 4R0 -175 -ISO -173 llrooklvn IMP Tr ,v.)4 004 hl)' Wa llron Shoo pr 0(1 0'J'i OS IlD.4 llnrni limthen 80 St st 81 HulUi A superior 71 724 714 714 Cal Petroleum 234 20 214 234 C'al Petroleum pf 35 334 33 33b ranaillan I'.icltlc 1824 1824 181.4 1824 rent heather Co 30V, r,04 504 fi04 Cent Leather Co pf...H0 110 110 110 Chesapeako & Ohio.... 024 iW'f Wi M'i Chile Copper 23 254 214 234 Chlno Copper fi.)4 514 3:0 f 514 ChlAiBO (ireat West .. 15 154 154 13)4 Chi (It West pf ns4 ;i0 3H4 .")'.) chi mm & st p ti.i o;t!j o:ivi 0:1,4 rhl & NtirihMt if...l7o 171 171 171 Chi It I ; Pas 11)4 10.4 1UJS 104 Colorado Fuel & 1 ... -IS t 41)4 -lit 404 CoinlHltlni! Tab Itec. . . 4 24 124 42 42 Conwll'laleil (i.11 1 1.1 11.1 1124 14.1 C (1 M I. k V Hal. ...1114 1114 1144 1144 Continental Can bJ. hi SO SO Corn Product- Iter.... 1S4 184' ltv4 ts!i Corn 1'ro.t Iter pf 874 8!) SO 80 Crucllile Meel 724 'Vi 71H 724 Crucible Steel pr Ill 1104 1104 110.4 Culian-Am Susar 102 100 101 100 Deere A- Co pf 00 004 0iS4 0(1.4 Del Lack A West ....'.It I 2.TI 2.11 2.TI Den It lllo (iramle.... 10 114 114 It's Den V ltlo (ir pf 2S4 274 274 274 Diamond Match 1114 1124 112 1124 Distillers' Sec 104 474 40.4 404 Dome Mines r.rle Krle 1st pf llrle 2d pr (ien Chemlral FOREIGN ENCHANGG SlfrlliiK CnldM Demand. . . Tram- Calilr. . . . Demand. . . Mnrki CntdrK. . . . Ilemiiml . . IIIkIi. I.:i',1 4.:oyH run ,4 :4 l.nw. t.:t t.-roV, S.RI S.8S :r0 :s l.n.(. l.:ov-i fi.RI ft.S.'i R4 Ye. (loe. 4.71 4.70 tD"u '.0 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS 'si: 2S GRAIN AND FLOUR WIIDAT. I!"cfl,ts, Snl.lirtl liu-li. There was n K'wl ilfnmncl from MfmrWrs nml tnlllersi mid proVs Jurlher mltntirp,! tr. yunlnllnn-. Car lots. In espoft tlevntnr-No. 2 re,l. fmt nn.l l)e,.ml,er.'it.lti. S 8 .fmilhern red, 1.11)1.1. cteamrr No. 2 foil. t -1 f J 1 .1 ' -! -i tfii, Jl.lUil lv rnjicted a, J1.tl4'ill'4i rejo-ied It. Jl iofil.12. roltK. ttri'ilplK. ."I'd imsli. Trnitc wn onli't. lull prices ruled ntcnily undrr llslit of-ferlrn-. CJinlntlnn I'ar lot- for loenl irnile, ns in lo-nilnn-Wtttrii No. 2 yellow. ...V ; Wr-lern mraitrr yellow, TUiine.; Western M. :i .llnn- . ('.(. OATS.-llncelpts, .12. "1.1 liurli. OfTerlnns nern only moder.iie and "llh n futrly, nctlve ite mnint pities ndvrtncrd ij,r. Quotation.: : No 2 white. 4T' fiv.; tnndnnl white, lilffli.'ie.i No. A white. l.-W?l.MW.i .Vn. I while. l.Ot.; ampin oils. Wll'-V.: purified, unified, 4 AN 4 lie. I'Uifil.-llfrelnts. 1.110 lilil. and 2,11 12.-..1 Sates in Philadelphia 7(1 Am (ins 500 Amer Mllllnir, 12.1 Am llallwny-... .104 1 Amor llwjs pfd 1104 10 Am txico Ufl Huff k SOS t c. 2,-, 10 do pref M'i 10 llrlll .1 (1 Wi r,a"l!i Camhrla Steel.. "tH 0 C.itnwlKsa 2d pt "il 2.",0 Rlec ftoraBo .. 1174 in Krlo 42'4 7 (Jen A-nhnlt :t.1S 1.10 do prer 7.1 4 Yes. close. ltlKh. tow. CI;;. 1.4 304 tiMj 12IU n1- V21 114 .104 !l.j', !!: r,i r,i 7UU M 1:11 sp 71i fli :m4 lo- r,!i4 tf!l4 114 4MI I.uke Hap Corp U'i nn i.rhimi nhv ... ,ii .,0 f.ehlKh Valley.. M14 72.1 Vnl Trnn.. If 4 (In pref flsli 10 Pph i'oa1 pref. .. r..17 Penna It It .... .ViiJ 27 I'll Rillt Mfff. .loo'l, 10 Pit Hieel IH4 2.. do pref Kl f-'a Mil I'hlln Klee .. 271 2S .,0 P 11 T f! 1 l.-so do tr ctfa ., li',4 !'.' Xl Phlla True .... 7! 74 10 Hep t H S 4fi CO IlcaillnK S0'5 M'S 17.10 Ton llel 4 4lf,, lull Ton Mln ; 1 .,':.i Mirt t'n Tine 4.1 -l.'U MJ, 177 C (1 I S")i "- Ssffj 2K1 V S Steel . . . . 44 W!i M II W Jer & 3S,. M) M1i r-o!fi 7.1 Cramp ". S-onji. ft'l s.i w IK) York Itwy .... 1X4 ti',4 t!5 ItoN'DS. Uit prev. enle. HlRh. Low. Cloo. D-CiM Am (1 .t 11 b.. 7S ,4 !i M iiimi n..ih li o Illila 120 12i 12fl. IKII l-ltv 4I lUlll UU'l ."'''I '"' 121 n'4 ?.o i?i I 71I4 SI 1114 :m 1c; wit Pli'i ill Wi 27 10 1S 711", 49 RIS M r,4 7S'i K1 :i.- 7.1Ji n j :is(3 1IIH1. mil 1 2i7 in inu 411 W n,. 4.14 fn r.o4 M OH . In -arkn. Trmie was quiet, 1111 111111 1 1 k ti- in UIII 1024 Ira!, l"2f vk; limit- eie Mendlly held. ijuotnljoiii. ,er ' K .'V'T4 ' " " s"4 tun ili. in nond: Winter clear, '. 2.1: jlo . .. ,, ,,,tnli. ll: 9 .Vi fi " r's'' Ftralirht, s.1 2.V..1.-.0; do., patent j.V" Hi .VO. i! JK 1 h mii V.l tt 1"2 K 102, elenr. lute sirA. 4.7.ii.. do. 1 J '' 1'' F ' nfti utM Ul IUH Fimlnht. Jllte sielfS, I5.IS1i-.I0: do., pa ell t. X S IM.W i V1'! M :, Kl lull. i,k. $.V,of...7A: -prln, tjrt clear. ,J IJ " J '. 114- t -.'I mn '"" 1no2 sltfi.-. 'M- do.. ntrnleht. .1.2.,1f.,...o: flo., Iltdio 1 11 Ren '7, ' ' ,,,- m-.s 111-.I. KiMj I1II.IS. ilt mill-, flmlie nml tnney patrnt, ,K ,,h,1, P 4 '' '" "" ft.luiWO 1.1. do.. rrKUlnr Kr.ide. winter. -Mr ; , " VonJ'.li'sHV M ,SS, ,W r,.2.1: do. do.. -tral-Jit, f5.l'Si do., do., S , ' n IM Oil H!4 1"! patrnt, W.Wrtlfl.fVi. I Jr 'VriV 4,, .. " ' nt former ralea. nn to nu.ilil). S I'll'- liXKi llulilwln Liki l-t'i, UD, f'f. in .1 n.i; BANK BALANCE GROWS I -.'.;' g" ltol Tr ,i pits. pi4 "iiw iL.c.1 ',lt,1,-r t .la.. !(.; ,'" un Inc lt 4s tin.-: By YVES GUYOT Editor I.'ABence Kconomtquo et Plnanclere. JlpfCfflt Cable Dixvalch to the '.'reniim Lritntr, PAHIS, Deo. 2.-Th Ilourso end of No- ' Vember llqulOntlon Is procecillns, with j carry-over rales between 5 nnd 6 per cent, j on "Ions" accounts. Threo per cent. rentes arc carried over at 20 centimes that Is, at 5 per cent. whereas nt the previous liquidation the quotation was par, the difference arising from deliveries of rentes made for the purpose of su-Bcrlbliif- to the loan, which created the , lonsr account. Coulisse rates have varied, , but generally are about 0 per cent. Ar- bltrah'e rates have been unchanged since the end of OctoBer. Loan subscriptions continue to flow in, but the total la not likely to reach the fantastic Hsures given in certnln quar ters. Such suf-cestlons probably emanate , from German sources, so that when the 1 Inferior total is announced the German 1 press can say, "Tho French expected j .W,CO0,000, but haven't obtained half ot i It." I A similar maneuver was tried on the j emission price. When I stated hero that 1 the price likely would be S3 certain quar ters gave It as , with the result that when the price was published the Oer- mans declared we were compelled to Issue t a lower rate than originally Intended. The Dank of France balance sheet I hows a further sold Increase of 4;.C"j0,Ou0 francs. Loans on scrip at the date No- vember 18 ivero C6I.000.00O francs; on So- , vember 25, 567,400,(00 francs, nnd today 1 57S,'0O,00O fruncs. The Increase is Inslg- ntflcant relatively to loan subscriptions. , It Is proof that subscribers had little re- ; course to this means of obtalnln casti. The bank charges 6 per cent, interest, according to its custom of fixing rates at 1 per cent, above current discount. If the bank had wished to boom loan sub scriptions It would have lowered the rate of I below discount, mak:nf- t per cent.. and thus glvlns the borrower a gain of 1.73 per cent, on 3tooks pledged to en able him to buy the loan. Or by restrict ing loans to M per cent, of the value of jcrip he bank might have Increased the number of stocks on which It gave loans, thus Including foreign gtate loans like the exterior Spanish or Amtrlcan railroad bonds. Doubtless this method would have procured at least a billion dollars more for the loan, but the bank preferred to renounce It In order not to Increase lh amount of Its own bills. flolders of foreign stocks have dono considerable business through arbitrators. Owlnx to buying- from Spain, exterior Snanlsh has risen, aided by exchange. the Spanish purchaser getting' the benefit of JO or 11 per cent, throush the peseta premium. Similar arbitrations are being made with the Swiss. Scandinavian and Dutch State loans. They are profitable alike to the foreigner, who gains by ex change, and to the French seller, who la thus enabled to buy the loan and get better interest plus the probability of in creased value of shares at the end of the war. Unfortunately this operation 1 mnonl - bie for American stocks, like Central Pa clilc, Missouri Pacific. Chicago. Milwau kee and St. Paul, Cleveland and Cincin nati' few York, New Haven and Hart fpxd and Pennsylvania, which In the form ot bonds are mistakenly nationalized. However, the following "locks can still be so:iJ on your lde Ateiiawm, American Telephone and phornyric oppors Chlno. Mtonu. Ray. Vtoh, Butte and Superior. Hi, l.nis, S7T, UiTili 2'4 74 ilium int It It N j "J..11 wnin cupper , 11 cxl tt u cv 1L.S lomi do ,1s anxi cm & 1: juaj'; utao Chi tit tww, j. lOi.O c iv Nun d.b r.u ii..',i'i,,, luiuo u II tj Joint Is .... 11M, -"" do gei, u i: I'CliO O II m y in gi, . ,S1. ' IWI do la !l.V- .... : - v Rfc hi -is. . lii'u Uni' llflou uo cv 3 .Tfiis) uo tv 4'ss 2UU0 d.i Kvn 4'aa lu-J Col ft a'uiuh 4i,s .. l.'MK-j Cons Udo ci lis . . . JUfi Cumberland Til Sa. 4IXJ0 Uel .t llu,l .Is f n. . .ww Detroit fulled 41 s mii'i l)u font 1'ow-l 4s 4IIHU Knc kco 4s ..".. I'i do conv 4a Ser A.. lion ih jr 11 OiiW do prior Is I1.0.1 Ct-ii KIim- deb .la . . :i(MKNi Hud & M,m In ..... SMKI Hud & .Man rW ,-... 1U1", ..KCt, . . ! .,121) . US', ..1117 . . 7 ..lUI'-, .. 7i .. 7.-IH .. Mfc, . . Mi ..10.1 .. 3U4 .. 7IP; 4IDII ill suit deb 4K.s til -W" Indiana Hleul 5a 11111, 21.01) loini, LVntrnl rcf la.. ,11, l.KH)0 lua Cop iv Cs iT!i smu lnierb Met 4-a 77', 2IU1I liutrti It T ret 3a ua .ti-(K.O inter Jler Jlar ct 4if;8 ut 2.1ui Japanrbo new 0 a 4Wa 7.1 -lajfi Jnpanrie N 4l-ja S2 7l0.l Kan City Sa Sa U4'i loon Uieka tl r.a liou., .. U'i 2IU4J IjuleJu lias let ' lul'-j lOon lcledo (las rtfl 5a....l0i)" luui I.i-h Val eons 4a lliti- 401-1 Uiuta & Nash 4s nt' HOI Minn tic. St I, .la hs 22000 Jlo Kan : T 1st Is, iliU) Mo Kan .V T 2d a. :iu) Mo I'ac 4s ISi" 0 Mo I'ac "s linn) Mo I'ac et Kfl'O Jl.i IT.e Us :um Munt Power 5a.... Itilill .Vat Tube ,1s :iooii x y c j II .'llss r.ix) x y L' t II ii -iiihii X y C & JI 4'va... iCUu X V Cent cu mioii X Y city la litis 1! 5 411 411 45 plUii .!" IfJ-a 81 . ui .1111, . ps, .1011, .1111', .tun; . 711.; liiou x Y cliy i4 new. H'iMal X Y City 4f.4a tl lit. 1701 11 X Y City Mv-a tii a2uno X Y ltw rer la ... iiiufj n v liwy a.ij ,ia m, I T0W X Y Ttl Ben ih Iss 2.11I1XI yorf & West 4a "H", Xor I'ac prior 4a PIP llllii Nor 1'ae gen "la 'I lunvi Ore rihort I. ret la IKfrf, lOK) l'Htlllc Ti'l 5a MH, l.Ml l'fnna ten it 4 Vis lm!l K'niii I'mna en Vi U0.V5 llaai I'eople'a 1 Us (la 114 10, m I'uMle t-'erv K 5a... la) tone) Hay Con Copier Ua. . . .12.1 tMMMt HraUInK fen 4a !" fiortl Hep Ir & SS UT lixii) Itlo Or & W clt 4.... V., hlHKI A I, udj '.. "'., 8mm HraboaM A I, rft Is.. T4 50il South Itoll 5s flf- 4000 routli I'ac cv 4a bO'i ,lo vv rrt t p 5a . . . . Kiri4 fcono South rue rfd 4a ti) 4(i South Hwy S") 4. .. il .114111 South Itwy con 3a IKS lOmi Tenas Co (la 10.1 ImKl V S Realty .la TS'i It-mi I' S ltubber Ha icau 2Hai I' S Steel 5a 10li r.K) t'nlon i'ac lt 4at U7l4 UU) V I C '.' It 0a KSlJ 54) Va Car Chm lit 3a... lu! :ilMHJ WaU Kqu it e p. ..lO'Hi MRMf wau-c 1 ,f f. -ia . -i ....,,.. ,. .... t. ,- ,,i,r ,4h, tvL ciiuru -...... 2tu Weat Union 4i-is UP. OS V in.; ii.n; 112 1, llt-S. U'1'4 111.', 1im;i, 1I.,V 1ii-, Kf-S imi, 1 in i.i.-.i, 7' ln.1i, to, 71 101 !' H4-, Sll II.HJ Id j lllfl'a ion-, Jirjia S!l llll, ,st, lmi'v Js lUl'a 7i; ai, Mi.j Sll 10.-. It Til lit. mi', 77", lis", iT- S2 til Ul UU', II I ls 7sL, w: 411 4.1 llxl'i P4S, IW XI 1f2 UU-i 111)', PS4, 101", lOH'a 1CXI4, 74 .Wj, J U'lH PS (111 Ittli opt! lOU'J 10.VJ 114 (XI UT.; 11.1 1IT 7.1' "II 7.11,.. ff.l'i fcfl'I Idilll b!)'I 7k 102U 'Su IClill 101; u7it KS lot 10.1 ' llfl 03 Ml', t'.l', PI-. I'll , III'. llH.f, Kill', lll', UK.-., UO-. II. . l.lii sT' in..', S2', 71 II I !,M, III', Ml U.lf-j 112';, II II,.', l(ll-'l 1024 S!l 120 0s4 I11I14 7S 1I, 7U 7:n S.l'j Ml " 1U3 ." I "il '' IISI, HI 7.1 HI HI 101 'i, UUf'.n 101 'a P4T, JS 7' 37 411 Hi 4.1 HO', PI., lto , S.I 02 lllf, lisi Kilt" lOil'l KlO'i 71 W'. U1, lHi P.P-, mi 112, tiu'T lOilta 111.1'; 111 ' fl 125H M II, T.ll, 70 73'S 001" KOi," icapf 80i Tl lit1, 101 T-n-i tun, inn! t7 '( KSI mi 1UI JO'S 05 .. , . -1 "a -0' mi -n -: . -r.-8. !;iw -i't t'l'j . jjT'a .',' r'i fh'i . 0I1 ..0-a .Vi'i ."tl'j . ..tas.'j ni m."i ;it. (ii-ni'Mi l-.KTirlc 171 l:i'i 1(I Jieneral MotoH IIVI -17.1 IfiO -17(1 Motors pf Ill 111 111 111 (ioodndi 11 !' Co 70', 7P, 71 7IU nri-at Norlhern tl 1W l.VS I2-I'. l'.,.)'l til .N efs fororo prop...-I'j -I!) -IV, Is', (lUKcenhi'lm i:.ipi'n... . 77' "Mi 7-iS 77'i (ireoni' I'.inanc.i 13 -Wi AV.i II'. lilt .... 21 '.M -M "Kl lilt Ai; pf. .. . 37 "'' j ,"."1)3 r.ti'i Inter Con imp L'Ui ii't -'l't -"-" Inter Can Cor nf 71HS 7!ii 711 71)3 In t .Nickel IN) IMI'i 1711'f. li- Int I'aper ll'i lt'i 114 ll' Inspiration Copper..,, -lllj -ITi'i 11 l-'i IntMMpfcfdp 031 1 (17 I.V. If.'i Kan City MMth.Tii. ... :)j .'!1'5 .'l())a ."US 1 Kan City Co pf m'i ni.'S im'i iki l-aO-Mnil hl'S S.-i M U Lake Krlu k W M II l.'l'ii M I.ehlah Valley M)' M'f M M'i I.lecett & MyeM 117 217 247 217 UlMP'tt & Mji'ii P' -..l-'i llll'j llU'J ll'i Mackay Cos pf 03', li !i (',. , r,3'i Manhattan Kl Bid ....l.'JD'i l.'l'l'i loO'i 1,'H)', May Dept Morns. . . (.0 U'J lil'j Ifl'i May llept Mori'j pf .101 10 i 10 i 10C Maxwell Motors 72 V-l'i 71!5 74Ji Mai Motori 1st pf.... US'i ll'.Da 1RI li'J'a Mat Motors 2d Pt... 324 .13 32" j 33 M St I'iiiS M ....122 12.1 122'i 12.1 MI1.11 A: St l)Uls 13 13 13 13 Mu Kan .. Texas 7 7 7 7 Mo Kan X Tex pf 10'!i 17 17 17 Mr-lean Petroleum.... til'. '-' 01 ''- Miami Copiwr ,'I3H "i.'l'i 3-l'i "MH Missouri Paclllc 3Ji tVt "' JIM Montana Power 70 77 72 77 Nat Cloalc & .Suit SI) M) SO SO Nat Kn.iniel & S 27j 2i'f 2S 20 i Nat Knam .V S pf !)1'3 IH'j 01'4 Ill's Natl.ead (il!l ('J M 03 Nat Ity ol M 2d pr . Wi 0 0 0 NetaiU Con Cop lOS-a lli' WIS HI'. N Y Atr Uraka Jit 137 KI7 1U7 NYNII.V1I 73 7(iJ 7t' 73JS N Y Central 101!' 102. 10U5 102, Norfolk & Wisttn 11114 U73i HIVj 117!j North American T'l'i 7.1 7J1 7;t Northern Paclllc 113i 110 U5!i ll.Vi Ontario Mlver M t) Ci 0 (', Paclllc Tel & Tel 12?i 42JJ 42 V. j Penn II It 50'i 3!IH 30 3!)U Philadelphia Co -i:'.!,' It :' 41 Piit-liureh Coal a.T3 :fii :it :i3)i l'ittshurgh Cotlpf 101) , 10s4 10S lOs'i l'reawd steel Car UU' ti.'JJ ii.-t thlJi,' Pullman Co 107 1074 107! l()7)j Hy Steel Sorlnc 11U 13'i 13 -13 Ity Steel Sps pf 0J 1004 tOOSj 100.4 Hay Con Copper 23)ii 23! i 23' j 234 JtCdiUnc SOJi MU SI S14 Itep Iron .t Steol II) 30 4S.4 30 Itock Island Co 'f !i ? Itock Island Co pf.... Ji V Ji Itumely.MCo :t .'14 'AM MM Itumely M Co tr r.... IDS ll'i 14?i IHi bt louls & S t i'i 5 44 4j St I. .S f 2d pf K 7 (14 0!i Sears Itoo ft Co 173Ji 173 172X 173 tilosvShef S & I Co. . . 00)i 01' IK) fiO'f SlossSS&Ipf 00 07 07 07 to I'orto It Sugar 155 100 157 15s southern Paclllc 100,4 IU13. 0)' 101 Soulliero Ity 2,1 2.1'i 23 t 23J Southern Ity pf 113 02 i 024 02) i Studehaker Co ll'.i)" 152 140 1514 Mudebaker Co pf 1124 1124 1114 1114 Twin Copper , 3(i!i- 57, 50!,' o7 Texas CO 207 21?. 207)5 212 'lexas 1. Paclllc 144 114 114 114 'llilrdAU'tiue 014 1)14 OH, 014 Union lias Paper. ... 74 74 74 7. tlVB ri.i't'lt oolfl nlowly Vc minto nt $.".fr.1.2.1 ptr Mil., PROVISION'S Tlit m.irlirt rulnl firm with a fair Job. Mnir trifle. (juntntlonn: City Jiref. In tela, mniiked nn,l nlr.ilrled, 242.1f.; et rrn t.ecl, In net", smoked. 2l2."c. : city bef, knu, klc nnd trnilera, -trnked nnd nlr-'lred, 2111127c : Wci.t.'rn l,"cf. knuckled nnd tpin'.er, ininknl, 2Mii27i-.: 1,et hnm, "Si'i."'). pork, innilly, .2 1. 1011 2 1. Ii.un. S. V. cured, Irtnpe, 1.1 fil.l'p., fin., klnno'l, lnoe. 12?l24c.: ilo., do., intoUcil, t:hil.'t'LC; other h.tinp, Rtnoki-d. city iiirrwl, iia to tirnnil nnd iivcriiRc, 1 711 1 7LaP. rmokc 1, Wratcrn cured. i7if17'f,c: do., Inllctl l.nnelca- 22e . plcnp1 Iioulflor. S. P. rurrtl. lnoe,ll2',r., do., att.okcd, l.'l',..c: bcllle. In ptcktc, nc, onllnir to iiU'rupc. loo.e, l.'KJ ).t'jt. : lnrakfftt liiioon, na to brnnd and nvcr pn. city .urcd, 17 f-c; Incnkfiipt hncon, MVntrrn ciirrj, l77is,.,;'l, Wralcrn, rcllncd, tlfrtca lie; fio , do., tuba, lie; lard, puro city. Kctllr rendptpd, hi Uitcph. 11c; lard, puro city, kpttlc rpiiflcicd, In tub", 11c. KKKIN12I) SUGARS The mnil.f't wna quiet, but meaily. U'p Quote; lMr;i Uni. crntntliitcil,'iiie. ; -pindard ftrnnulnlpil, ilfni 0.1c. ; pnuflcrt-d, r. (i.",iil.l(ir.; fonfnai'illir.s' A, .1 Slri.l.lnlc. ; mrt (Jllldi-a, .1.10 l.1.7.,c. DAIRY PRODUCTS ItfTTtllt. t'oniiimt was fair nnd rrlcci ruled linn un tcr llstht rpcidpts. l-'ollon-lnir arc the iiuotnttnna: Western, Holld-piickcd creamery, fancy -pedal", ail'ye. ; extra, It I'tiC. . extra tlrsta, ;t2fi:i.'lc. : ilrata. 'livft.'ilp.: Mccnnda. 2iw 20c; nearby print, fancy, Its,-. ; ,to.. acrni;e PltniM. :i.,ii:i7e.; ,ln.. Ilrat. flOll.T'r. ; ill,., ic nn. la, 2tl1i2.ic. ; Jobbliu anlea of fancy prints. Il'illc. K1I1IS. Choice frcah stock una promptly f teanpfl up nt tlrm prices. Stornito pisks tin, I aaldo from the tlnest marks. We uuotp: p'rio cnsi-s, ncarb extras, as,, ner 1I.1Z. . Iln-ls, .llt..1n pel htaiiflnrd .iim-: nearby current receipts, JN.i.'.i per i-uif.; We. tern extra llrsts, .'lo.r.n per case; firsts. i.HI per case, reft tKera tot ckk. fnney, 3.7."Otl7M per tll'e. ,ln., firsts. '7.211 per case; ilo.. second, $ii.i;mi(1.!iii per ease, do., luietlor lots, lower, tnney sclei ted candied eftijs were lob'. Inu nl Itwi 12c. per ,102. c'HIK-.SK.-lictn.'"i,l una irooil nnd tlio mar ket ruled firm nnd u shade higher ulth sup plies Mell under contrnl. ('iiotiittons lolloiv: Ne' York, full cream, fancy, new, 17tl7',, c.; "spertala" hlwher. do., do., fair to good, new, l'Mltci'ic: do., part tklms, tit) 12c. WHEAT UP AGAIN ON ACTIVE BUYING Sensational Rise in Argentine Freight Rates Liverpool Market Strong POULTRY 1,1 VI. The rnnrket was quiet and un chnnKeil, Ith tn.rl. liberal offirltlKS. Follow inu are the .imitations: I ow.a. as to slue and quality. Iliiliic, rcKisteis, Ilil2c; spitui; i tip kens, nccordinir to ipiallty. I4?i1i',c., tur- . ke., lsiL'Oc.: ituiks, ns to size nnd ipiullty, la'nlU'., eeei'. llr,ill,c, larue size plelelie.l; plltenns, i,,l, per pair, lsf21'i..; tin., iounK, pel pair. 17111V'. liltl'MMH). -Demand was only moderate nnd with ncuinulatlnt; supplies, iirleia o fowls declined 'e. Quotatltms: Kreah klllcd turtteys, fancy, nearby, 2.1c2ik:.; do., do, Vestern. dry-packed, 2l(fi2.1c; do., fnlr to Knod, 'rj-iSle. ; do.. Inferior. I.IH'.'nc.; fowls. 12 to l,,,x. ilry-plcketl mid dry-packitl. fancy aelectcst lSe. , welhlnc; 4',fi.1 Iba. apieee, 17'.,-e. ; welching 4 lbs. apiece, llP.'.c. ; tvrlithlt.K 'I''.. lbs. hiiU" p. i,. ; welKlilm; :i lbs. npffci. and under. ; tine, heavy fowls, hi barrels, dry-picked anil dry-packed, 17c. : lowla, pt.-pa.-ked W'estrm, 4', lbs. and 0er aple. e, 17i.: do., smaller sUcs. l.'I'iIIV. ; oil roost. is, dry-plcke.!. ui'jc. ; chickens Jersey. fai '.rollris. 24'12'lc. : m-u-by tnney broilers, 221l2lc.; Western broilers, vili;hnt; I'..;i2 His nilece. '.(lo22c. ; northern II Inola chickens, rnney, yllow. wtlKhlm: I lbs. and ovir. liltie. : do., tunc), wrls'lilng 2'fii:t',a lb-- l.'U ik' ; other Western, ut-ltthliii; 4 lb. iuii our. '7'itse.. ilo., do.. wcIkIiIiik 2'ii:ti, ibs.. ll'.it.V.; Inferior. 1.1c; sprlnK ducks, nearby, lssi20c.; do.. Western, fanej, 17filc; lair to K"Ofl. 12' :, nenrliy, HITilSc. ; do.. Western. 14ii li'a-. ; S'lunbs, per dnz. UhttP, wplKhlnt: 11 to 12 Iba. per doz., H. M -fi., iu; wiii'r, weiKiunK ii in iu ins. per iloz. ji-n.'ii; wniU', wcmninK . iba. per doz.. i:'; white, uelKhlni- 7 lbs. per dnz.. fi'.t- white, wetRhtm; iw.u iua. per doz., 2.2.1; da.k. 1.7".fj2.2.1; smnll and No. 2, 1.10. CHICAGO, Dec. 3. The upward move ment In wheat continued unchecked tills murnlnr- under the Inlluenco of netlvo huylns. Them wns .1 st'iicatlonnl riff In Argentine freight rates, which were innrltPil up 1C .slilllnrrs 'i pence to 107 Hhlll Inss 0 penre. iiKiilnat 91 hIiIIIiikm Inst Tucs clay. t'ront-tnnkltiK k;iIps sent tho mnrlcet off from the host today, fnllowlni it slmrp iiilvimco in the early clpnllnKs on -llhernl Imylni;. Pccemlier was Tclatlvcly the stfonupst ioltlon In all tnnrkctM, Inillcnt Ini the Hliarp call for tho cash nrtlc r. I'orc'lrjn lioUffCH were on hoth side,, of the mnrUet. .Siimc of the scllln wna duo to reports of 11 re-sitle of a cnrRO of wheat by Itnlv. Wenltness In tho southwpHl iMiplrif with freo offcrlnRH from tho rountry forced corn below last night's elnso after It had shown strcnKth. O.i ts also worked off. The mnrkct nt Liverpool was stronK. Sintlnicnt was bullish, but conservative operntor.M were Inclined to be cautious becnuse ot tho sharp rla In prices. Spot at Liverpool advanced 141i.1d., winter cursors CiiOd. and Mnnltobas Is. Ilxpurt anlvals In (Ireat Ilrltaln are belnK con sumed ns fast ns received. Native offers there are hard to obtain by millers, nnd flour prices are beini marked up. Commitments for Amentlne wheat nro small because of the difficulty In Kettlni vessels, llntvestiiii there Is ueneral. Tlio terelpts nt Minneapolis and Duluth today were II", curs, itKiilnst 527 eats 11 year urii; nt Wlnnlpe',', 113s cars, aRalnst SOI oars; nt C'IiIchko, 72 cars, nprnlniu ISO cars. I.endlnK futures mimed aa followa: :t.2.l 12..MI -2C. JltS FRESH FRUITS nnd mod- per Union II fc P Vt. 204 27) 27 174 DANK CURRENCY MOVEMENTS The New York bank received from the Interior thU week S.431.OO0 and shipped to the Interior 7.56!:,0OO. Includlti'- H.Ui.OdO 1 ratlo'wl uaux notes sent to Washington ! for ledemptton. Gain from the interior I wag JW2.0W. Hold Imports for the we-k i totaled 111 tTKi.OOO. Qaln on Subtreasury I operations proper was It, 370,000. Thla mad ) tho total sain li.M37,fX. RATES FOR MONEY Ttu followlnc rvtia for n:oncy are quote, to ItfoAef aud sre iwt nxwrily the rtttea for oihtr Umu: CalL Tina. ll.t.2 24fa3 t'n. IBTt , 'fTTB'r.-Jl-J-kot , . j ra. J4'v ' .' KB VORK BUTTER AND EGGS VI V V Uk f i- pl It . ' rr , -"., t - M ' ' T " - J ' ! !'- el.. tt-.. "Hi " J tzm'lt. u'.J.a". Bhr. ' f '" -"' ll.-4'14" ,tw firnsi, -SMjSSas.. uerM Iwowrm. Vau Voirk , HlUiUh-hU , iuts 1 lWi J11 Zhw ".''' 4 4 HIV, C'wos i-rcll toper starM: to 'I, uiosttuf, FIUI ISL. '..tBl tr .ot. I DANS CLEARINGS i fJ-uit c-le inif nh$ . inp ir-j with cor-. rwPO a4.s:. 1.14 2S 172 4131 ..TIO.SII 3m. Vc-'s il0.l 23a.7T0.ilJ S0i,0-,5J3 Union Paclllc 1374 13-4 t:t74 VWi Union Pidtlc pf KHi Kl !i24 U24 Uni Clsar Store U4 01' UVi U4 Uni Cisirhtoruapf.... 114' 12 114 12 Uni Clear ilfrs pf UW 101 10 " lOti Uni Kiult 154 1594 150 151)4 U t Cast I P A'.... 25 254 254 254 L S lnd Alcohol J174 1224 1174 1214 Uni lis lov pf BMi H'J .TJ 'J U S Healty & Imp.... 4.4 42 42 42 U & ItuuOer 514 64 M4 55 Ij i. Itubber 1st p(....lU74 1074 1074 1074 USSitti-1 S" t04 fc44 a Uabteelpf 1154 llo4 1154 1154 Utah, topper 774 7t4 774 'iK4 Va-taro Chem 454 40 454 40 Va-Caro Chem pf 11:1 11.14 11.14 1W4 Va Iron Coal &V 01 0'J BO 00 t abash vr 1 Jr5; Hi J.,4 ili Wabash pf A w 454 40 454 luJi Wabash pf 11 w 1 UHH 2U4 .Wi :-J WestK&M 07-. W, 074 lMi West Maryland ;i2 UUi 314 314 W U Tel b74 bS 7U 674 V i. I, K 2d pf tili 54 5,4 54 Woolnorlti r Co... 11 14 1114 ll U13, Quoted ex dividend Tutul -aim, 07,000 tharm, compared llh Ci,'JU0 khurra jc-tcrduy; tliu fur till, nttek, 2,5',000 tharmi ume period last neck, 1,833,000 lmrc. Choice ttoek was In f.dr demand ,tu,n k1 if runs ruict Mean) under enito otferlriBs. tjuotatlon.i: Aunlti.. oiu. jnnrtiii.iu. iiuicv. .i... nil ... tn .. n boo.I, 2.r,iifi:i; Mclntoth, Wit, ,Sniokelioue. .1.'I..1U: Clrlines' Oolden, .7.l4i:i..,i); 'neap. 2.7.1'; lireenliiK, J2.7.1fi. '1.2.1: luidnlr S2.7,l't.2.' Tuenty-ounce. 2.."-IC5l; Pippin. i2.rMi:i: lllacu Twin. Jj...ori:i; York imperial. I2j'l: lien l)al". J. t. 7.11(2. 2.1: other varieties. ..r.0TiS..1ii- No. 2. JKil.2.1. ApplcB, m bul. per t'i lbs.. .10c 1i$1..10. Apples. Wettirii, per l,ov. 1.7.1'i2.7.1. IViirs, per litil. S-YcUel, flit 10: .Sheldon. JIW.1. lleurre .PAnJuii, 2.,iW.'t.MI. Ilratiei, New York, tier 4-lb. tMiket Dvlawnro. K)fil2e., NlaEnra. HifiU'c.: Concord. 10flt2c. Clrnpes, New York, per 2ll-lb. Iwnket Concord, lOfi.Wc.; Nlairnra. 4,11i.vk. lriiiiKen. Kloridj, per crate, 1.7ufi2..m, Urapefrult. Kinrlda. per crate. 2fi!.S0. Lemon, per lot, $2tit. I'lne. npile. pir erntc -1'orto Itlco tSUH. Cran Perries. Cape Cod. per Pbl., f.lfill; do.. Cape Cod. per crate, l.71C(;; Un.. Jertey, ptr cruta Vest ds WPent Open. IIIkIi. Low. Close. pIohc. DcueniPer .. 1.11 1.I2 1.10', 11.11', I.11;'. Jlav I.l.'l'i 1.14. 1.124 1.111'. I.12' Corn tnew delivery) .. ',i '.s'i MiH J". ci4 May 71', 71'. IIP-. t'W- 7'' Oits Dmoinber .. 41H 414 I25I. 42; W; .itav 4:f. 4UV. lit; !:, is), .1a'miur7 .... tl.,17 !Ur. tji.JS '.IV) Mu,. fl.Si P.S7 H.7.1 P.73 (MM uiiuary . o.11 '' I'."" "-'"ll. '.'.7 M,,j. 1(1.00 H..S7 ll.S-7 P.H7 1)lM.mer ..111. 12 HIM HI. 12 VW IB,!I7 Jilliuary .. .1s.2"i IS..'12 17.P2 17.1C 1N2.. liiiv , ..".:is.20 1S.27 17.PH 17.PU 1S.2II Hid. tAsknl. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET N13W YOItK. Uec. I!. There h-iin little cbiiiiufi In 1 rices for rnfteo futures nt t!i onenlni- today, anil Iradl'iK continued on a small scale. Quotations follow: To lay s oeentnir. H.4fli.lli December Junmry . l'pprunry .March . . Apitl .... May Juno .... .Inly . . . . AukuM . . ieptembir Uetober . , Hid. u,iifii:.n.l il. ',' 0,0111 H.OS ii.7lVii.77 ri!Mfii.fii 11 Ml Yentcrd.iy's clone, 0..,7til.,V.l I..Vlllll.l'i ii.i;iii 11.112 0.1:1111111 : i;.-.fii; 1 it 1111111. OS l!.7Hfl 11.72 i:.7.1lll.7'i U.71ICliSil ll.MCllt.S.7 ll.S ITlt.(M) NEW YORK CURD llrndi-n 1 Itrltluli-Amcricnn rooacco 01,1 .. I llrltl-h-Amerhnn Tobacco new Car LlBht Iloldfleld CollKOlld.ltcd Hendee .Mfb- I International Marine I Marine preferred . 111,1. Axlcc I. 1.1', III Kene't Copper Marconi Lehigh Valley Coal Sales Tlie Kenc rat market ruled tlrm under mod erate offertnKs tin.! a fair deninnd. t'uota. tlons. White iiotatoes. I'ennaylvanU. per buih. Choice. Mfil'Uc.; lair to Kfloal. 7.1fi7Sc. IVhlte potatoes. Jersey, per basket- No. I Uom-, 4.1 f..i.le.: No. i other varieties, 4e14"ic.; Xn, i, 2lll2.V. Hwet iiotato. s, Jersey, per basket No. I, Imi.vic. : No. 2. lrifitiV. Sivw potiitoe.-, Vlrslnla, -iir btl.. 1 Mill 1.110 Onions, wr lim it, bau No. 1. 51il. Tr,; No. 2. f,ii7.1c. f'ali l.aee, Iinnlsh. per ton, "sfit); do., domestic. per Ion, l.1. Celery. Ne York, per Imiiih, ' t.lsHtic. Lettuce, New York, per 2-doz. crate, I tttf'-. do., i'o.. per .l-ilox. crate, Il.,uji2: do, ' Florida, per b.uktt, l.062..o. llcans, Florl- ' da, per b-isket. I2l.'l.2.1. IV.ts, 1'lorlda, per ' basket. ;..HHi;t.21. KKgplant, Klorld.i, per 1 crate, 2fi2.30. Mudhruoms, per 4-lb. basket. $lcil0. 1 .Mai; ma Copper MPIVHIO N plssliu; otls 'levator ............. ...... T.,n. n.nM mfn...ll , ,,113 ,-.,,-, ., ........ ... I'enn Mar Onl I lllker-lleseman Sterlliu flum , Suluiiarlne I Toli.icco Products , flitted I'rotlt tctmrlng new Worbl Film "1 . Ill, 1 a.iii ...20 . nn; . iivi . M'I . b'l . ll'i . 7.'.'? ' 7l' .' i'e . 111 :'.:; n h,4 '! .1 111', ij;i oil'' 4 1.1 711 7 73 III 112 2'3j 411, w."i 14 44 MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAlt STOCKS. F-Jiltftf'a..-g New Check Collectini System The alterations In the Philadelphia Clearing House to take care of the col lection of checks on trust companies and Lanka which are not members of the association have been completed, or.d within a few days the plan will be Initi ated The outside institutions which will participate are 33 lrj number. The new plan will supersede the archaic method of collecting by hand, through which at times as many" as 60 or 60 run ners from other banks would appear dally at the teller's window cf the outside institution with each of which a separate settlement woultl be made. I'nder (he new arrangement a representative fr:m the outside institution will appear at the Clearing House at a stated hour and re ceive in one lump all the cheeks payable by bis Institution which are held (or col lection by the members of the association. s-JIwjjif '.jtMfrfjtsffe. ,,iNi .,, Jim Ilutler MacNamara Midway .,, Mlzpah Kxtrntloil ....... Montana ,. Northern Star ...., Tonopah lleluiont Tonopah 'mention. ....... Tunopali MInlliK Itescue BuU West Kni GO!,Dl-IEI, STOCKS. Atlanta Hluo Hull Ilooth llulldos t! O 1 ,;;, combination 1-ruction .. Illamondneld II H DaUy Florence, OoUltleM ConUdate4 ,, cloldnel.l Merser Jumbo Kxtenslon Kettana. Hid ,. .l.lio ... .01 ... ,11 . . .27 ... .:n i? an llTi tu - . , .ui Oro Band Ken Silver Pick MISCEM.ANKOCS. Falrv Altec . . . . Ktmberly Nevada Hill . . Nevada Wotuler 40 Jit .07 .01 .01 ft .. ':?,' .cm .CIS .07 .01 .. .is Asked l. in ! .(1.1 li '.l"s 1 '.. .'in .st 1 .11.. 1 12 ' .01 .01 1 .11s . .03 .CO .10 .211 I 1.2.1 ! .28 1 .117 1 .M) I .c)s ! .en .04 .21) l.M Confidence Restored Money Ih plentiful: the demand for manufactures Is very great; railroads have practically no Idle freight cars, nnd the price of the icootl liielment bond- are "tend lly iiiHiinfliii. This is direct evl rleucc that public confidence In the stability of our country Is completely restored. H'e oBtr, nubjcrt to tale, for con- ei-ialiie fiicctiiitiit Eastern Consolltlatecl Electric Company 5rc Donds due 11)11), lit 100 "uil lufere-it Detailed, circular on application Edward B. Smith &Go BANKERS BSTiBIISlltll 1S'J2 Members New York and 1'hiladelphla Stock Eicixanoes 3B04.U l.M' OltUTM-'T tjTS., P1IILAV4. 30 vise Siueet New Yosk Tax Free in Pennsylvania Penna. R. R. Cons. 414s DIK Al'ti. 1, 1900 Particulars on application. A. B. LEACH & CO, 115 South Fourth Street I)lUECTORY OKACrOUNTANT8 tertllleil t'ublic AreouDtants , UlVKEXtU E. UKOWN &. CO. . . UJtBAU B3TATB TKLaT UUIt-P"--ut'iiiys Sl'BAKMAN - The Bourse. I.F.UAL. A1IVKIITISKJ1ENTS i-'SalN TUB COl'in Olr f'OHMUN 1'I.KAS ,' No. 4 for the County of I'lillaUelpbla. Of Srnlrinber Term, 1UI5. No. 412(1. N'atice Is berebv giveu that an application u'lll bo made to the above Court on 1'rlOay, uecember 21, A. .1). 11)13. at 10 o'clock a. Jii. under the "Corporation Act of 1874" of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, aril tht sUDPlements thereto, for the charter of utt Intended corporation tp be. called the Provi dent Home Ueiieflcla.1 Suclsty, the character and object of ublch la Co provide funds from monies collected therein from Its mem bero, whereutth to aid Its members ir sick ness, accident, disability and misfortune; to provide a funeral beneilt for them: to aid them In obtalnloK remunerative employment and to Incubate, in them, the prlcvlple of thrift, economy, tober conduct uud eood citlxenship. und fur these purposes to have and posses uud linjoy all tba rlchts. beoe UU lad privileges: of the bald act ot As sembly and Its supplements. The proposed charter 1 rev, on flla la tha ITotboaotary s otttce. M LI THEH NICHOLAS, Solicitor, ID extb 'uslper t. nAMRRTA RTF.F.T, AT NEW TOP PRTfltt. NEW YORK FIRMS BOUGHT HEAVILY ' , , - Local Traction Stocks Also in Strong Demand Aver. ' -. 1 j-w..i.j.i cm .,,1.1.- rii:.,t.j.. . , age 5011(1 lUOUlbiuna oieauuj viiiiiuiug, anu Dealers Look for Still Higher Figures OverAlirulowlnB nil rise on the Philadel phia HxchsiiiKC this nfternoon wn- the heavy miylnr- of Cambria Steel, wlilcli lifted It nbove "9, n new hlr-h record. The dcinnnd enmo from ninny source.- and sev eral loenl houses executed larce orders for New York nreount. Incldelitnlly, nn odd lot wns sold under tho rule, but no name wns clven out. t'pwnrd of w.OOO Rhnrea dimmed limit's tltirlni the session, llumnr hnd it that nn Important an nouncement mlRht lie forthcoming nftcr the close of the market. One -torv hnd It that tho Donncr hold liiR9 of rn'mhrln hnd been -old out In the oepn rnnrket, nnd thnt they had been taken by the Iteplonle Interests, tl wns nlxo said thnt the ntoek wns vlrtnully cornered That n Vast deal or merer Is afoot Is prnetlcnlly taken for Rrnnlcd by the street. Tho loenl trnctlon stocks were nbout the otilv other nctlve feature, Hnplil Transit nilvnticliiK ttcioss IP nftcr the sup ply hnd been cleaned up nrotind IS'.--Whether or not th new city loan lut't nnytlilnR tn do with tho rise Is prnli lemallenl. Half of It, or $IS.0OA0OO has been cles-l-rnaleil for the completion of tho llroatl Rtrcet subway nntl eleVtited linos, cotit-prl-lnt, the city transit project, but it probably will bo live years before It Is necessary t" Issue nil the bonds for tho purpose. Althoush the Pennsylvania Steel Com pany wns one of the lowest bidders for 31, fMO tons of steel for battleships, specifica tions for which were opened today nt tho Navy Department, the stock dropped n puln't or more. The prerldetit of the com pany denied today thnt the Ciilmti Iron oro properties bniiRht by Mldvnle boloiiRcd to the I'enn sylvan la Steel Company. The last month of the yenr Is usually Financial Briefs Notice Is Riven thnt all bonds of the qtiltublo lllimiiimtlni- tins l.lKht Com panv ot IMillntk'lplil.'i have been called for redempliiin January 1. Numbers are on tile In the olllce of the secretin')' of the stock cxchniiKe. New York Imnlts Rained from the Suh treasurv .vostculay il,333,UW, ntul since last Friday 0,37",0o0. I'rnnklin DTlllcr, hend nf rriuikllti IVOII.-r & Co., wholesale yarns, has been elected director of tho First National Dank, The American llrass Company declnrcd nn extra dividend nf 5 per cent., payable December W to stock ot record Decem ber 3. Atchison's November Innillni:, 141.0T0 cars, or 13 per cent, increase. New York Stock rixehaiiKe memberships sold yesterday for i'Z'W each, or $l.'0U below i hi- last sale. Cllltiild Hemphill, n son of Chairman Hemphill, nf the CSunr nnt) Trimt Cmnpriny, purchnseil tho MMt of lletiiv It win, Jr., nnd William V. Stnf ford that of Henry I. Unities. (JeotRo II. l'ost. Jr., and 1'llny Fish were elected members. t'arrlsh fi Co. botiKht Cambria Steel Chandler Hrothers bid up Haplil Transit. The Federal Heserve Hoard has nuthnr-i-ed for tho Federal Heserve Hank nf Kansas City n new icdlKcotiiit rate of 3V'. per cent, on commercliil paper tnn ttirlnK In 10 days or less. The previous rale wns I tier cent, on nil pripor inatur Inpr within 30 days, which rate now ap plies on 10-3)-day pay paper. COTTON NI'W YOltIC, Dee. 3. Cotton opened stert .y this niorniiiK. with prices 2 to '.I point ' lilKher. Later some smnll selliiiK forced the list down 3 to 4 points. The buyliiK was scattered, hut tho maiket lacked feature. Tho tespoiiHo by iirlcts hero compared with tho cables from Liverpool wns poor. Yis, i Iom'. Open. IIIkIi. I-fiw. Close. January l-'.-'lt IS. to 1". I" l-Mlo ".'M DciemblT ....1LVJ.I P.'...-! 1'J.W 1LMS lL'.'A- sinnli Pino li'.iw I'.M'i ls.r.ii, May I2.NI U'.M, P.'.H.! 1L'.7H 12.M! July IS.S7 lii'l 1-'.'.i"' 1-'.s7 r.MU cietober r-'.W 1 "'-' H.'"' 1'iW I ..." Liverpool Cotton l.lYi:tirooI,, Dec. a is p. m.).-Cotton Miles, i whnj; Ainfrican. ,.Jfo; luiurcw iuit'i: January. IVbruary. 7,'JS.I. ; .March-April. 7.L'."id. ; July August. 7. l.-l. a period of curtailment rather than M pnnslon. A new f 'nnrtress comes into j.,1 "Inn nnd sentlnient Renerally Is apl , he conserynllve. Tills year there ,-nDMr, to be, oil the contrary, a tendency towBrJ cortlniteil Improvement In ceneral trail, not only locally, hut throw-limit the cou try. Trntispoltntlon rompnnies nro rushfj With record-bicnkltiR train,', commdj,,; btiyilirr Is on nn incrensltiRlv inrre ,; nhil fiillectlotis nro dei idedlv belter TiiJ hnll.lny ttnde nlso promises to be ar-. Money continues abundant, with no Inji cntlon of nny iminriiinie tlRliteiitnf., ri, nil these Indlenlintis of Itn reuilni- pro, perlty It Is no wonder demnnd til Inv;stmet,t securities l expatuling. The ndvnnco In Amcrhnn cot poratlra bonds iu the Inst few month. Ii.n he; olio Of the features of the fintniclal situ, tloti hoth here nnd In New Ynrlt jn -cj. vember alone the nvcraee price of 23 rPp, rrFctitatl.'o rnllrnad lsur itinv-ii up threa full points. This followed n Kan c, nearly llnee points In ciitob, r nnd about a point In Seplembef. Slne Auturt Mi average rise litis been ne.ulv seven poltrli anil the only continued ndvetieo In tht nvet'tmra that com ares wllh this n-M the r,i,i point rise In the tlrt two rnonthi rollciwlti- tin pntile nf Pro;. The nveragt' prlco of these bonds is now over twj points nbove that of am previous month since the wnr licRnti. but l still about a point .1111101 the nier.m,' at the close ol Juno 1.1st year before ,m dire, t effects ot the war matin themselves felt in the n, vestment situation. I.onillnir bond dealers report a is-ftrcl'j of hlRh-Rrnde Issm s ntul sm- tlial In. vestoi's are now bicltiiiiim to turn to seroud-Rtnile seenrltl, s. Thev predict that the upward ninvemi nt II conllntu ns loiiR ns the mnnetarv outlook remain AS tt Is, and trade t'oeq on ex. pandliif. DIVIUKNDS DKCI.AREI) Mey Department Store, reuul u ,itinrtrrr per in on prrfetred Mm u. pneanle Januarr 1 to "tl" of li'iiilil lleietllb'r I.", ' Amert' 11 C'nr ntul rtin.liv ivmipiitiy, rira. lar ipiar rly 'a of 1 p- r 1 1 nt n , .mnion ant 'i, per cent, en pt.fene.i. ,.,iu,, i to Kto U of record lie, ml" l- 10 I'litted l.lKht and H.illw.iv - c'-mmnnv. rejtu. lar iiunrterly l'jpereini on 11"" " "t piyah:i .latlllary 1 to Moil, of moid In, tnlier l.'i, Statldatd lias and l-llctrli c'-,ui. , i, fiu.irt(r. Iv cash 1 per iclil. 011 pnf 11 I ii.iahlc Pt. 1., to t,. It of r'-'ir.l N .vmtcr 30, Pteilon illvldindi on tlil" "t" I. tun vnld In scrip. The Investment Market Now and After the War Few, if any, other questions are of such supreme impor tance to private investors and officers ot financial institutions as the probable course of the investment market after the war. A summary of the arguments advanced on eacli side, includ ing records and charts of the financial markets foltowinj- the panics of twenty and forty years ago, arc given in a paper which we believe should be read by every one controlling investment funds. We will, send copy on request for Circu'-ar No. 292 William P. Bonbrigh! & Co., inc. MORRIS WISTAR STROUD, Jr. Manager 4.17 CHI'VI'M T sti:i:t Philadelphia New Vork lloston Detroit Ixinilon: William p Itoiihrit-ht .t Co. I'nrN: Unnlrlclii A i'o Rise in Pennsylvania Crude Oil Tho price of 1'ciinHylvnnln crtulo oil has been advanced 10 cents u barrel; now 52.10 a ban el. I U. S. Government conlracts on hand, $6,642,000. Outstanding capitalization $3,800,230. Lake Torpedo Boat Co. There has never been a fatal ac cident with a submarine of Lake design. This is only one of the factors dealt tcith in our circular. Bluett & .HoHins IS Broad St. New Ycrk Introducing a New Fish The U. S, Department of Fisheries will introduce, next week, to Philadelphia a new food fish, the Tile-Fish It wa. .eported as an extinct species by Cooks like e National Museum in 1883, Halibut it has been rediscovered and is now 6 to 40 lbs. caught in large numbers seventy miles off the Jersey coast. This cheapens food costs and opens an other important line to our fish dealers, Philadelphia is the natural market for handling this fish for a wide territory For information call Corn Exchange National Bank Philadelphia Wsli LOGAN TRUST COMPANY CAPITAL ,900,03 i OF PHILADELPHIA SIJRPLU3 AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS 3T5,0 We invite ths consideration of this Company for the conduct of Trust Com pany business in its several branches. ROWLAND COMLY President WILLIAM DBADWAY. Treasurer m :-tl mmtjm.--, --mii.ftnmmimmiMWxmmmmiiimmli uiii ilHtill ll :'