wivumj'wmwiw:?nimiaiw 16 EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1915; MANY PENN FOLLOWERS AGREE WITH THE SENTIMENTS EXPRESSED BY BOB FOLWELL OLD STARS AGREE WITH FOLWELL ON FOOTBALL SITUATION AT PENN Dr. Carl Williams, Present Head of Red and Blue Sys tem, Refuses to Comment on Folwell's Personal Attack, but Friends Defend His Policy BOU FOriWKIjIVS Honsnllonnt denouncement of Hip nineties titul ronrtltllft system nt I'cnn lm eiuisetl more comment nnmnjj follower; of cnllrulnlo football In thin city tliiin any event of recent years, lit ntnkln his Hlnlcmelit at I'rnnldln Kielil ypstrnlny nfternooti, l'ohvrll salil only wllnt lias lipon uttered by many other former star.M. but until the WnsliliiRloit and Jcrrorstilt coach publicly expressed IiIm views nil who How ailnilt dKreelilB with hltil lintl refused to talk for publication. Wherever Pcnnsylvniilitiis have gathered since the tied and Hint started on Its IosIiik streak the coaching system ntid coaches have been discussed. There nre many who npreo with Folwell, who says that It Is not reasonable to expect people to believe that vonr after year the material nt I'elin Is poor, Last night many old stars, some of whom arc now coaching tit other colleges with great success, declared that Kolwell was undoubtedly right and that they believed as he did. but did not cure to publicly criticise the com mittee which controls these affairs. One man who was prominently mentioned I ns n likely choice of the I'ootball Committee when It selected Ucorge HrnoUo i thrcq years ngo declared that he would have vnlrcil the same sentiments a ' year njro had It not been for the fact that he had beta spoken of as a possible ' coach and that the public would think he had "an a.e to nrlml." Old Stars Express Similar Views on Coaching I Ono can go through the list or men who arc spol.i'il of as the brainy men ' of Pennsylvania's football and ho will llnd the nvijnrliy ngrr-r- with I'nhvcll. There arc Ilollenback, .S'ommcr, Stevenson, Corson, I'leknrskl, Draper and a host of others who have nt some time expressed views to the KVllNisn I,i:imi:u representative which coincide at least In part with those expressed by Kohvell. On the other hand, Carl Williams, who Is generally credited with bring the man behind the 1'enn system, also bns his supporters. Such men as Truxton ' Unre, Wliarton Sinkler, Ilobart Porter, Perrot, Oeyellti anil others believe that ! Williams will place Penn on top of the football heap if lie Is Riven time. Williams refuses to Fay anything In his own defense In rcirnrd to Kolwell's j claim that Williams pained fame as the coacb of the Pennsylvania teams of 3904 and 1005 when It was the players who made the coach and not the coacb , who mado the. team. Williams says that he Is perfectly satisfied that he did ' na much as possible under conditions and that he will make no defense. "If Pcnn Is Not Satisfied. I Will Step Out." Says Williams "If Pennsylvania Is not satisfied with my work, let It appoint another to run the. team," said Doctor Williams last night. "I nm not roIiik to reply to n personal attack. I know conditions at Pennsylvania and think that the pub lic will also know them In another year. 1 think the football situation very much like It was In 1903, We liavo passed through the hardest stage, and I I firmly bellove that 101 G will be another 1004 If the same policies nru followed i out. I "In regard to the material In 1001, I think It was by far superior to what wo had last season. There were a few Rreon men. but one of them was Steven son, who could hardly be termed green from the day he llrst stepped cm Frank lin Field. The trouble Is thnt those who are talking don't understand condi tions as well ns 1 do. Let Pennsylvania decide as It wees lit. 1 know that we have mado progress and that results will show In lime." The great question Is what will be the effect of Kolwell's sensational de MOVIE OF A MAN TRYING TO CUT DOWN HIS SMOKING ... i . - i " . j. . ,, t- .t t-S - v, Full pass t5 n. 2 YEs-jfC dlOftR tr AN ClfiN MKK6H SMCKlUli li TCRMITrEfc T Jf jsth aW j fp SSSS $? Wc-n 'T LIGHT 'HAPPr A6A.U , LEADING CAGE j FIVES FIT FOR M Jasper Plays Greystock an Eastern League Game Tonight OTHER BASKETBALL fine of tho biggest basketball games ot the season will bo staged this evening at i noper jmimiion tinn, wncro Hie tlrey stock and Jasper lives clnsh In an Uatt. em League game. The Jewels are tho "I only tram In the league that have been ' "4 nble to stop tlio mnd dash of tho down- towners. j Jasper will nnd It a much harder nrnnn. s Plllon to beat the dreys tonight than they did a week ago Inst night In tho N'rmpatell cage. In the first plnrc, tho dreys will be playing on their homo Hour. Pinthermore, tho Churchmen are f-ir better In a larue cace thnn In sm. ill one. Tho stipeilor weight of the I Jasper tram, combined with tho small a rnuf In Kensington, gave them the vie- loiy lint week. Tho dreys were not able ' to play their usual speedy gntno because .' nt die 'nek of room. Hut tonight In their Jjj own cage the dinners nre thnt they will llnish by defeating their uptown enemy. j. i -a si AQUININE PLAYS ST. RITA TONIGHT Randolph, Spalding, Budd and Other Amateur Teams Are Filling Schedules RICE REELS OFF THE RHYTHMIC DOPE THAT SPRINGS ETERNAL, JUST AS HOPE Manager Hcrger, of tho iVqulnlne, has He Sings a Song of Coachless Yale, He Tells Us Many a Sporting Tale of Crawford, Cobb and W. Good, of Collins, Gavvy and "Smoky" Wood Champion Filly Is Sold I.KXINOTON', Ky., Hoc. .1. t.cwls 11. Titus, of fioshen. X. V.. has mirchared J I fr-im A. lliiril.-mii, of Seattle, Wash., the world's champion lllly Ansellln, 2:li'4. The price was inn innde public, but Is thought to lie close to J.liiOO. .ttuniiKcr itcrer, ei mo jiiuinine, imn -. Hlnp'TI Y Ills men In grent shape for their gnme to- H " ' night with the Si. Itltn C. r. on Satur- XJmctinn or day .iilnliu' will travel to Ocean City nnd meet the loenl live there. On .Mim- 13y GRANTLAND RICK we must Improve our I n bin league star, so why not provide practise the art of elin-l- i for ,1"" agnlnst the futuic? Our stylo must he developing a .1., i In I, ...v - .,... .. w-,.,.1.1 . M .....1,.. .. ..,..! I...,.lr HI Mill,, I'ntilnlnvlll Un hrwl llw. Itlpn thnt ' ,,.,... ....... . . ........ nounccment, which apparently meets with tho approval of those who have been da.v tlioy open 'he ;"son for ""i "own- , W(, ,mi, ,)cpn fnvorln,. C()nlc rlu along , niid"tlie' kiiiicknf'iinve'lo.ili.L- voimii 'talent. connected with Pennsylvania football In recent years. Students Not Particular, Hut Want a Winning Team To the public and students there Is one thing apparent, and that Is that tho conches have not gotten results. If It is to be for the best In the long run that Penn should be in tho rut for a brief period, und that the present system nnd staff of coaches are assets Instead of hindrances to progress. Ponnsyl vanians and Phllndelpblans are wilting to patiently submit to the sting of con stant defeat; but If what Kolwell and others claim Is the truth, will the com mittee which Is to appoint the next coaching staff be blind to the defects? Tho sporting world loves a winner, and college students nnd those who fol low colleglnto football nre probably oven more Ilckle than the fans who wor Bhlp tho winner on the ball field. Tho students at Penn do not care who conches tho eleven If It wins, but they do want a winner. If the present coaching sys tem is at fault tho students want a change. They aro voting In tho coming elections at Pcnn for men whom they expect to bring them out of the rut. Thoy havo thought the same thing for 10 years, but still the same conditions exist, Now Is the Time for I'cnn to Act on Future Policy Now Is tho time for Pennsylvania to decide its future policy. The season Is over and thero is plenty ot time to thoroughly investigate conditions nnd still make nn early appointment, so that whoever Is selected will not be handi capped by n late start. In consideration of the poor showing nnd the upset state of affairs. Pennsylvania's coaches nnd football authorities lmve been fairly and leniently fronted during tho season. Tho period of construction for tho futuro is at hand nnd now is tho time to build. ingtoun five. Aqulnluc has n few dates open In January for all llrst-class trams in or out of the city offering a wood guar antee Address A. Merger, cnio ot South work National I tank. The llir.iliilph limn' lnl, I'hninplniia nt the F.'.'ml niel thud cl.iMifH lur lui t nml tul., h.is a fi-v ipn-n iliit( aw.i fruit home In Ut'ci'in Iwr iiml janunrv uml unuM like ti hear imiii to iipi. Imvlnif halls itnl cn.Hns a KUarantic. Aiulrrni William II. Harris, Starr Harden Iti'iTmitnn 1'nrk. The SinlillnK A. A. vmilil llkn to arrange B'inii-H with a llrst iir Miami clns lenni hiv ing Imlls. Stale irunrantee. Wally J. Vol, I -.'111 rhestnut direct. Mersl.ih bnskothall train wiuld llko to ar range giini'S ntth tlrst-t'ii.HS iinintiHir tiuius l'h..iie ileum H. Hklllman, I'cilar !. I tecn ami .1. i fnKrrslty lloiire uniilil like to nrrntiRn f lumen wlih thirl nml fourth tluss teams line ns hnlls ami I'livtnit lair xiienseH. rllv I'. T Urtiirvry, fnlversliy I louse, tilth ami l.nnitiar,l streets. The Merrill C'tuh has defeateil some of the hett teems In ami amuml l'hllailelihia. Rome of the vli tlnis were Southwestern Y. M. I?. A.. Nnrlirth V. .M. ". A . HIversMe. ConiMne nn.l te.uiir- oi that calibre. The team Is coniposoil of Prs-ien .in,l I.ulrirt. of Southern (tilth; Momlros, llunnln ami lotllel. of Chester Uluh. .mil U piukI't an.l Ureciiwnlt, fermpr tni n. tiers o." the National LeiiKiie. This earn tilnatton will hlay the Indiana II. L. In n l'tv,1iiun:ir came to the Iio Xerl-Trentnn i paine tomorrow ntKlu. It still luis a few j ope!' dates iiw.li. Ai.iiei.-H T. wilnstetn, 1.: Kouth Ith Mi'-et. May Alinlisli Hnschall While nothing certain will he niinniinreil until the mil tins to lie hel.l net wiek hy tho Atlil' tic Comnilltre or ll.e West I'lill.nlpltiliin 1 liuli Sihenl, II Is ifi'iiile.l thnt the Spied llos will not he repl'i'M lileil on tin- li;itel.ill llcl.l neil .ipilnis Tlil inpert uiusmI n meat ilenl of illsnislmi tiumni; die -vxu enls an I urn lnati s when It w.ih I, iriie I II at n)c , eiu nilttee hail liiniirht i.h 111 the illirllnn One of the most Interesting features of tonight's game will be the Individual scrap between Hay Cross anil O.trry Kchmeelk. When the two met a week age Kchmeelk had the better of tho argu ment by two goals. Ho shot four to Cross' two. The Oreystoek management Is expecting the biggest crowd of the year to witness the Oreys-Jewels battle. Kvcry available seat Is expected to he sold by the tlmo the preliminary game Is played. Lou Siignrtnan has played rings around .Tlramy llrown In every Camden-Grcystock battle to date. The Oreystoek forward not only manages to connect with the net several times, but meanwhile he Itecps a close watch on llrown, and the latter gets few chances to hit the cord, even from a distance. lira. tine Is now In a three-cornered tie for tliiM place In the Kaslcrn I.cikuo taBketbtl r.ict as the result of a vlrtorv ovr Jasper lnt iluht hy a hi ore ot :'l to is. The game was ptaed at .Lisper's halt, which was well lilted Willi tidlowcis of tne sport i'lny w.is fast from start to Mulsh and thfre uas plent or scoring. The winning tfam shllt'il Us sljle n' iil.iv. using Sears Mini Mor lis r.ir rf 'ill shooting, and tills pair tallied li i the Pi llel.l go.ils registered hy llpijlng. na liiistern cliampion, with ritisinirgn deserving Its share of consideration. Yet from two quarters we aro assailed by Irate correspondents today for picking iliirvurd as lender of tho pack. Wo .Id enough actual sinning without being bawled out for sins that we've never committed. The Suspense Incarnate Orarlr, fmlcl in tlrliihlr reunion. The only Inch he faces Is pennant mate rial. Foster Sanfnrd The Oukdalv would llko to henr from all si innd-d.iss teams h.i leg halls and offering n reasonahle KU.iramee. h'nr thla uttrnction phone or urltc Willi un J. Dunn 1"I'J Houtli Ulst street: Sprin e r,7TO iieiween s nnd .". SIXCLAIH SAYS FEDS WILL KKEI FICIITINR Get Everett INrIi to Play Detroit in Championship (Jame There nro threo intorsectloual seliolastlc football gumes scheduled for tomorrow and all aro advertised ns contests for tho championship of tho United States. At Itcverly, .Mass., tho lleverly High eleven meets Depntil School, of Chicago: rt New York, tlio Hamilton Institute plays the Aurora, III., High School, while at Detroit tlio Detroit Central will clash with tho famous Everett High eleven. An excellent opportunity will be afforded for comparing tho Knst nnd West on tho scholastic gridiron, with tho ISverett-Dotrolt gamo as tho real headllner. Thero Is llttlo doubt in the minds of followers of scholastic nnd , prep school football that Everett is the strongest cloven, barring Kxotor nnd Andover. Everett will enter tho gnmo with n team averaging 1C0 pounds, which la 11 pounds below the team nverngo of Detroit. The latter team Is bigger than the majority of small collego elevens, but Clou O'Donnell's boys en roule to Niw York, and shooed away will gtve a good account of themselves. the pence clove supposed to ha hovering ... ' nbovo baseball circles. .S'laclalr said ho I liked to light too well to consider a coin- promise, but denied tlio leport that ho ' 11'nnlr.J I,. ,,,,e,.l,i,i:ii nnrl liilni'Kut In Ilin Now York Olauts. l lni'liAi' .It.Mnmtrta ttin lemlpr nf tn been In more or less of a muddle for several years, nnd Wright will havo to n0trot Tigers, may be lured from organ build from tho ground up. It took Cornell years to establish Itself tin a llrm tzed baseball to take the iiiunasemcnt of Millionaire Declares He Can Hughcy Jennings C'HIC.ViO, Dec. :i. Hurry I". Sinclair, millionaire oil man of Tills:!. Okla.. and i one of the lilg money k:ugs of the Kederal League, passed thmugli t'lilcngo touay Joe Wriuht Starting Career at Penn in Proper Manner PennBylvanluns must not expect too much rrom ,loo Wright, tlio now coach of tho varsity crew, in his llrst season. Howlng affairs nt Penn havo Yale Iiiih fallen bark ) fnr In fonthntl that only an uiiiisiml leader can lift her up again. And jet she bus the best niiiii j In the business for this particular Job standing on her doorstep. ' The imino Ih Foster Sanfoid. Illuelow Is ' exactly light. If Yalo yearns to linger forever In the valley of lnollmll Inconi- ' potency, let her keep on her present way. j ntxr ,-,.,,, .. ,t.i i,.-.,,,i. n, , i Mie coiiiiiirt improve upon it. n sue i - ii JfWMI lllllll (III Illicit 9 J(lf t thr iiirs; ' desires to rise up and take her old place, l JijD rum Hi,' tins.) nf in unir.i .mil utrilr. I tho answer Is fc'nnfotil. . ilnwn One furlhrr line n;mn history's pilars; Having tiled out football, chess, cbeek Vot whrlhrr Teutons shall rule or shall I ere, golf and trap shooting, Mr. Mathow piixa ' son would III:- to receive some lllerntuio .Vol whether llnplaml or Turkey bhttll ' upon tho ort of discus throwing and all; eipiasli. One query only looms over tho iikis? ,,., ... r ,, i.'.v Who'll be the next coach at Vulot ' ,K Ald of 1,a I'ncm I Ooi many, hy hoinhaHIng unforllfled I'raplirl, who baeh In the iinoii o the j towns nnd by tossing Zeppelin bombs on world , private homes, was a big aid to IOiikIIhIi' Itamled out tlys unto klnys and to '. recruiting. irfiices, j Vnil Harvard, by beating Yalo SO to 0 l-aretold what flays would be lilted or i m, fn nMll (1 to (p tIl) ll0.Nti ims ilcen furled, t, ,.,! fctr , Heeurlng a return nt Just ibio trrih-M finish as yeaehesand Yie etllclcuey. which wo bellovo un- iifners dmiblcdly will soon bo on the way. .lie once ayaln in your miracle shroud I vlinf say nut tiirti peace shall return to earth's vale. If Mr Kord deslies to nllay a lot of niiffeiitig and heavy anguish, why ilnesn t I Holt in tho North-.' "Out of the bunkers before Christmas" should bo a winning ,,.., .,., t ... ,.... ... ... .. I IIK"lll ..... ,ar Keener grip on iio i ,(J ,lt ut (, ,!X)(,iton , st,n, winter Whu'll be the next coach at Valet fie.. .,... . .... ,....,. . "logon. .,...b ...,.a,,,,,a ,i,,it HWblf 11.11 IHV li. ... , Shall ire juepoic or some militant tuition t ll'inf are we drifting to sorrow or mirth What lies ahead for the next yencra (frill Will llclylnm recover from tlermany's clutch f Will Font check the bullets that patter tike hailt These die nil byplays or sidelines or such; Whu'll be the next coach at Valet Why doesn't Mr. Ford's charity start at home'.' He tsnw what llnrvaid banded Yale without batting an eyelash, much less subscribing a million for a new Yale coach, "Over the IJordcr" "Over the border lies spring nnd its roses; Over tlio border lies spring and its posies." Old Song. foundation in tho rowing world, but once at tho top tlio Ithncnus linvo always remained there or thereabouts, Wright took a step in tho right direction in calling the candidates out earlier than his predecessors. The famous Canadian coach realizes that it will require n great deal of practice for tho men to master tho stroko ho favors, which, although English, is slightly different from that taught by Vivian Nlckalls and other coaches from tho other side. Moran Wants Fortune to Meet Coffey in Return Match Frank Moran, the Pittsburgh heavyweight, generally considered tho most promising candidate In the elimination contest among tho big fellows for a match with Jess Willnrd. wants 51 2,500 to meet Jim Coffoy In Now York for 10 rounds, but will accept $7C00 for n 20. round fight with Fred Fulton In New Orleans. The fact that Moran is willing to fight 20 rounds with Fulton for $3000 less than he will accept to meet Coffey in 10 makes it apparent that the Plttsburgher does not think very much of the ability of the man who baa been suggested as the most logical opponent for AVIUard. Kieckhefer After Al DeOro's "Three-Cushion Billiard Title Alfred DeOro, world's champion threo. cushion billiard player, is engaged Jn a three-day match with August Kieckhefer, of Chicago, for tho title. DeOro ia a heavy favorite, but Kieckhefer, who represented Milwaukee In tho Inter state Three. Cushion Millard League last season, has been averaging .nuch better than tho champion in the practice matchos and may spring a surprise. International Meeting May Affect. National League's Policy The International League has decided to' hold its meeting one day previous to the opening ot the National League session, nnd the meeting will also be held at the Waldorf. It is believed that the Class AA organization is taking this step in order to adopt several resolutions for presentation to the National League directors, which may play an important part in the policy adopted by the senior league toward the Feds. the Federal club in New York," said Sin- clair. "ills contract will not hold him with Detroit, and if I go after him I'll make him a proposition ho will not ho nble to refuse," .tint what shall mean even more to our job. Over the border lies spring and Ty Cobb; Ty Cobb and Matty and Wagner and Harry, I llanrroft and Ilersog and livers and l.nrry, Point of Order Sir Has It ever occurred to you how many of our so-called All-American foot, ball men are chosen through a Judicious advertising by clinches nml newspapers? Heboid, then, all-star teams with live men:"' la' tho-U,,'.,;nd,.y,n.r,.,'no ",1"'' '""",S0" """ Cr"""r" """ Iniiirium. 1tinnlrA.l fll.,i.. ..II ,... n... t . I OOtl . -puYyed him Vo imnl ho I m ', t I "I" ' """W " Co"'s "' ".' j out. No team that Cornell .lave.l 1 rror mid passes and popflies and hits, j alilo to gala any ground through Jnnie- resounding 'a upholstered Herring Lehigh Coach SOUTH Hi:THLi:iIi:.M, Pa., Deo. J. Harry Herring, one of the best-known I professional basketball players in tho Fust, has been elected couch of I.ehlgb University's riuintet for this season. feon. Jtestilt Oilman picked ami Jame son not even mentioned. Then Kins 3 given preference to Shlverlck, Cornell's next best man after Harrett. Shlvcrlck, a speedy head runner, a wonderful punter, a great drop-klcker, n big power In Har vard's defeat, Is hardly mentioned. Cor nell, with her star player out, heat I lur. vnrd handily. If Harvard had five stars, as selected, to Cornell's two, how far ahead of Haughton docs this put Sharpc? i n. i. w. Iltnaca). In the midst of all this foitball dlsor- i d.-r mid uproar, has Harney Dreyfus named a manager for the Pirates? Or i ia he Job going to Wagner through ' gravity? Wagner will celebrate Ills 4IM birthday in a month or two At the most he can last only cl'ht or ten years Ionizer as .S'fdfcc.oiifs mitts, Let "roses" and "posies" move on eith a lope Over the border lies spring and its dope. KOSIILAND w 40 F anions fir11 ASiifiA. CfrtT" 3KVit5jrtCQM.iW. m$ Advertised Brands of Men's Clothing in a Stock of Over 5000 Garments Here at Koshland's at 50 Per Cent Less Than Standard Retail Prices It is an invariable rule that once ymi come to this famous clothing establishment you would think the idea of jjoinjj elsewhere perfectly preposterous. The uninitiated come here with the idea of nitying a suit or an overcoat expecting to find the ordi nary line of clothing carried by re tail'clothiers. Imagine the surprise upon enter ing to find before your admiring gaze, the cream of" the country's finest clothing the nationally ad vertised clothing creations of more than forty of America's leading manufacturers. ---.V S. i& ! Yi .t.ru a .-. .- f&Z .iBBSK8KS?fi sm&- . Your Choice Any S30 to $35 Wooleni in Uur Stock Suit or Overcoat In Your Measure s 20 ,oo 3 Tailors 1039 Walnut Mietl, Philadelphia WM. II. St I.HVV, Mr. PENN'S 191C CAPTAIN Neil Mathews, tackle of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania football team, this afternoon was elected to lead the Red and Blue next year. English Lounge Suits Finest fabrics tailored to your measure in latest English styles. $25 and up. ORANGERS & CO, Tailors xo JJVu UVio fare 915 Walnut St., Philadelphia - OTVMPIA A A "mail & Huhibrlilsr. uli i mi ia t. n. ,arry .;,HllriU j,-er. tf.ii,.s .i inn aai4u mi. nn, J ee I minor . Ilolilir Mi-I.ri"! .lap Tulifr . Alf .Mam-lli-ld Hilly llrtun . Vouiiic Kitrhrl l.ew Trmllrr . Kid (iuudmaii Johnny Ertle vs. Young Diggins Ailm. Mr.; Hal. Itt-s. 50r. Arena Un, lie, VI IBBiHiaiBaBiB9BaBiuuiaaiicaaiaaBtaciian Here they nro, those inimitable salesmen's sum pies, odd lots and broken sizes, each nnd cverv one at actually but ono Iialf its standard retail price. Imagine your feelinjr of satis faction in tho knowledge thnt the duplicate of the suit or over coat you h a v o just bought here is being regular ly sold elsewhere at twico the pries you paid. You should at least come here and see this reve lation of values. You owe it to yourself to come. Trousers $2 Pants, 98c $:i Pants, $1.18 $1 Pants, $1.98 $5 Pants, $2.18 $(i Pants, $2.95 AThs iaine Suits & Overcoats Elsewhere Will Cost You Double These ""v Prices J. 7.45 Value $15 d.95 Value $20 21.45 Value S2S TOMOHKOVV NIGHT TOMflltKOU NIGHT National A. C, ftfti'Jft".'.!? j Patsy Chne vs. Eddie Morgan I Ojieu MutiUuj. 1'tlilay uml h'uturilay ICrtiilnst X4&1'& So.l5H-St. T7&lQNo.l3ih-Si. Ihou-s trom Otrr forty ii j ! EVENING LEDGER MOVIES-THIS IS REAL, CECILE; HE DROVE THAT ONE STRAIGHT DOWN THE FAIR-WAY THAT You AP-E: N (gVEFL 5AWJ THE tAOST 5TUPJD CAPDY M i N tV jA 4&citi -H3., ...,HLli,j..li4 . ? ' if tmt tmmmimmmmmmtm 1(1 MUST ADAnV VTOBIAS (TELL ME?) PID YOU WHERlT(FROAA yoUR. j I fsJn f HE'S G-OT IT 1 VCAPDY 4 r a