EVENING liBDGEB PHIIiADBIi'PHia:. WBTD'A, WWOTSTIBTrR, 8. TSttS: 1 A Philadelphia Convention Hall g S3 Mill Philadelphia business men and others who are members of national or local organizations which may be intending- to hold conventions in this city will be interested in the following announcement : There is an auditorium in the Curtis Building which is freely placed at the disposal of recognized organizations for meetings of various kinds. The only charge is a nominal one, sufficient to cover the lighting and janitor expense. This auditorium, on the tenth floor of the Curtis Building, is primarily for the use of the 3000 Curtis employes. But any use of it that can be made to the advantage of Philadelphians and visitors to Philadel phia increases its general usefulness. It seats 800 persons and has a large stage, facilities for showing motion pictures, including a motion picture machine and a phonograph. It is already being used for these purposes : Regular rehearsals of the Philadelphia Choral Society and choruses practicing with the Philadelphia Orchestra. Meetings of the Philadelphia Mothers' Club. Monthly meetings of the Curtis Club. Concerts and rehearsals by the Curtis orchestra. Meetings of various Philadelphia charitable organizations. Fortnightly musicales by members of the Philadelphia Orchestra for Curtis employes. Motion picture exhibitions for school teachers. Dances of the Curtis Country Club. Various national business and other organiza tions are also making use of it for their annual conventions. T t V The Curtis Publishing Company is proud of being a Philadelphia institution. It desires to increase the popularity of Philadel phia as a place to visit. And it wishes to be of service to other Philadel phia institutions. Any Philadelphia organization interested in securing accommodations for conventions or other meetings in the Curtis Building is invited to com municate with us. THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY, INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA maieammtmmmm tmmmammmmmmmmmtmaem mmmttmimmmmmmimumM L. .tt-rg