Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 03, 1915, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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Ministering Angels of the Gentler Sex Darby and
Joan's Marriage Lord Chesterfield Proved Wrong
in His Summing Up of Womankind
TAOr (young), with mentis, ulllltiR to
JJ marry wnr-dnmoKcd hero." Such
was the Interesting ndvcrtlscmctit which
Wcontlv appp-)ril In nn KnRllsh paper.
And the very reml
nit; of It seemed to
make nil the frivol
ity fizzle out of
one. nnd such trlv
inlltlcs ns dances,
imrtlea, frolic ami
flirtations cvap
orato Immediately
Into thin nlr.
I o or war-dnm-aced
Jure: Mliuti
one arm or one lR,
so long us mr
heart Is "rlsht
there." that's nil
tltui rcaii niatfrs
Over In London the Itlc rcstnurant.i and
cafes aro filled with wounded heroes.
And the tliHPt-lroklmt and the most cul
tured nic nearly always tho ones most
Injured. Hocunse their fearlessness nnd
their bravery attain n higher pitch and
they tnke tho most d.itigeiuus chances of
any in tho field.
I hean' nn Knqllnh Rlrl rvprct her
opinion on woman's nttltude toward
wuunded hi-roes. "TIioukIi you may h"
changed by tlm war, you men," she said
resotntelv, won't bo changed! What
ever you may lose in looks or rnmfort,
we'll see tlin jcu don't lose In happiness
and affection.
"And the cl-devant Apollo li not to
Imnglne that htoauso he Is no longer nn
Apollo, she nhu knew him as such, nnd
cared for him before, will ceaso to regard
him as the 'bcnutlfulest being' on earth.
Women have the memory of tho heart
tho other sort of ordinary memory, also,
"I am polng to give nvny some of our
woman's wiles. I would not, but I think
It's just us well not to tax your Intultlnn
too far. If you come back wounded, some
woman villi weep and cnll you 'poor deal'
and will look soiry as she tills your plp
but that's only her uay and her art. Deen
down In that motherly heart of hers, even
If ihe be the lluftlnst Mapper with the i
shortest fklrts and the strangest slang
there will bu u sort of soft, subdued Joy.
She frels that ou are more hers because
of her debt to ou. and of her now use
ful devotion to you.
now sho means
"Tou have served her,
to servo you.
"She Isn't going to tell you this, because
she hates fuss almost as much as you do.
And, anyhow, she could not tell you If
EXOPHTHALMIC goitre (exophthal
mos means prominent or staring eye
balls) Is peculiar in this respect: The gen
eral disturbance of health is usually
much more manifest than the local en
largement of tho thyroid gland, If In
deed tho gland Is appreciably enlarged at
all. Many cases of exophthalmic goitre
aro not dlagnored properly becnueo tho
goitre Itself escapes observation, tho
nervous and circulatory symptoms over
shadowing the thyroid gland disturbance.
As we have already explained In a pre
vious article, tho characteristic symptoms
of exophthalmic goltro are: (1) Pro
truding or prominent or staring, frightened-looking
eyes, with widely opened
eyelids which uncoer the entire Irla or
colored part of the eye; (2) a fine tremor
of tho fingers nnd hands; (3) a very rapid
pulse rate with frequent or more or less
continuous palpitation or excitability of
the heart; (J) great nervousness and rest
lessness. In short, tho victim of exoph
thalmic goitre suffers severely from gen
eral symptoms and Ilttlo or none from
the enlargement of the ihyrold gland.
All of these symptoms are duo to tho ex
cessive secretion of thyroid subttnnco by
the diseased gland.
In tho treatment of a case of exoph
thalmic goitre the one Indispensable agent
Is rest. In severe cases this means ab
solute rest in bed, a sort of S. Weir
Mitchell rest cure. It also means avoid
ance of every kind of mental worry or
annoyan -e, pleasant surroundings, gen
tle care and kindly management. Not
that patients cannot or do not recover
In time without such care, but that the
overactivity of tho thyroid gland Is best
controlled by such means. Tho course
of exophthalmic goltro la a matter of
months or years, under the best of treat
ment Its onset H gradual, as a rule;
and so !t gradually disappears.
When rest and sultablo medical treat
ment fall to control the dUease after a
reasonable trial, or when the case is
severe from the start, then tho question
of surgical removal of a portion of the
thyroid gland arises. As this la a major
operation requiring great skill and Judg
ment, we would emphasize the Impor
tance of relying upon tho advice of the
physician who has observed and studied
the individual case in conjunction with
the advice of the surgeon whom he aug
gests. One of tho most unfortunate errors
patients with exophthalmic goitre make
is running off to a so-called "goitre spe
cialist" and accepting his advice without
the wise counsel of the family doctor. As
already explained, tho general condition,
and not the condition of the thyroid
I ttin 7 I I
fleeiNG HeReoNSfTj roooAQsocoTLYnHt:iOLoNTeP lljj f lAY.THi pp.ml2yHeRt ms&$3M T PT sr ooTJmZ L CHIEF, AMD I'LL VhT
the f-ai THeRpC (JoojsfxomY (ircBR16A0e) ff!!3BfeRe 7 'rrisocHA Wx -T7 PAY THE J ?0
she tried there aren't sulllclent words In
the Kngllsh language to tit the occasion.
Modern rpeeeh Is inadequate to her very
nnclent Instincts."
This Is all very true. A Woman doesn't
only want a man to love her; sho Wnhls
him to need l.er. it Is the very fact that
the wounded man must look to her for
comfort and support and solace that tills
her with a peace and n glory which noth
ing else van give.
tave you ever heard pretty, spoiled
lh inula bay "Yes, Ten off to 1'lorlda
this wntcr for three month-)' amusement.
Ilertie" Oh, Hurtle can do splendidly
without me!" And, though thcta was a
plaintive ring In IlellmlaV sllery tones,
w nil sumehow or other felt sorry for
Hertle. Why on earth couldn't he need
her? That mis what all those present In
court di'rlng the subsequent divorce pro
ceedings wondered.
Hut nothing of the eort goes on In Eng
land nowadays No Indeed! When the
men con.c home, there's a new fashion
In family life n. delightful Dutby-nnd-Jo.inness
that certainly wasn't always
there before.
And that's one good thing that the war
has done. It has put loe on a higher
pedestal, and It has brought out all tho
best In men and In women.
Tho other day T was rending good old
Lord ClK'sterllcld's famous Letters to His
Son, and the opinion which he entertain",
anil Incidentally passes on to his son con
cerning women, is far from Mattering.
"Women nre much more like each other
than men," ho writes ; "they have, In
truth, but two passions, vanity and love:
these urn their uulvcisal characteristics.
Ho who Hatters them most, pleai.es
them best; and they are most In love with
him who they think Is tho most in lovo
with th m No adulation li too strong
for them: nu ns-tldtilty too great, no
simulation of passion
too gross; as on the
other hand, the least
word or action that
i an possibly bo con
strued Into u slight
or contempt Is
unpardonable, and
neer forgotten."
I wish that dear
old Chesterfield, with
all his cynic ism,
I coum li- iiii and over in Kuropo today,
I to see the error of his Judgment. For
woman's nuitv ami woman's fallings nro
now submerged In tenderness of heart and
one great and wonderful compassion for
the heroes of wnr.
gland, must be tho guide In determin
ing what Is tho best lino of treatment.
Have you any suggestions to offer a
sufferer from chilblains?
Answer Wo have. Send nlong your
stamped, addressed envelope for tho mon
ograph, u nlso tells what to do for frost
bite. Meal Poultice Best
AVe have been ndvlsed by a neighbor to
keep a Jar of aiitlphloglstine in tho house
to apply for burns, colds, sore throat nnd
the Ilko. Do you approve of tho remedy?
Answer W can seo no virtues in It.
Wo bellevo Ir. tho old-fashioned flaxseed
meal poultice when n poultice Is needed.
Christmas Hints
The woman w ho owns a house beauti
ful cr wants to Improve on what she
has Is always interested in the little de
tails which go toward making a real
home. Every day the shops bring out
a lltllo addition to tho living room, the
boudoir or tho personal costume. These
things make original nnd decidedly ac
ceptable gifts for Christmas giving and
servo us an ndmlrablo solution of tho
problem of giving something really use
ful to the woman of mature years.
These pretty French wnstebaskets make
an nrtlstle fitting for tho bedroom. A
waatebasket Is a necessity when one has
correspondence to attend to, bills to dis
pose of and such clerical odd Jobs. And
tho ordinary version of tho scrapbasket Is
far from being a thing of beauty. One
shop Is showing charming little wicker
models, painted In tht French ivory
shade, with garlands of composition loses
around the basket, and a bowknot at one
stde. They eull for $1 up. Theie aro some
plain models at J- also.
Another useful and highly ornamentnl
accessory to tho boudoir is a large sew
ing bag of cretonne. These may be hud
In almost any color scheme, with a very
wide-mouthed hoop at tho top, llko a
laundry bag, so that one can tell the
contents at a glance. These are It or
51. SO, according to the size and style, Of
course, these may also bo used for
If you only want to send a remem
brance to a ensual friend a Utile shirred
lampshade to match her room Is pretty.
They may be had any place for 40 cents
up for real silk ones. A wicket shade,
with slllc lining, or a plain silk one, trim
med with Frcnth (lowers or old gold,
may be had for a 1 .tic more.
rKu I it '
I "ijwiu
Shops Assume Holiday Aspect.
New Group of Santa Clauses
Ready for Work on
Inrlmllnc Inriny there nrp only
Khopplnir dnjs before t'hrl'tiim,
Christmas li not altogether a monopotv
of childhood, but It comes pietty near to
being that. At any rate, It Is tho toy
shops that seem to bo most aggressively
Christmassy at this time. And the toys
nro showing a happy tendency toward
simplicity, which Is what children really
like best. Complicated devices In toydom
nro nil very well, but It Is a clean slate
that tho young Imagination finds easiest
to wrlto on.
Tht'ie never wero enough plain ordinary
blocks Towers and castles nnd buildings
that used to rise upon nursery floors nl
wnvs reached the lamcntuble phase of
Habcl before long, and had to be aban
doned uncompleted. Perhaps a thousand
blocks and wood bricks of arlous shapes
nnd sl?es would be a conservative esti
mate of thr needs of tin- child with .1
taste for architecture, but It Is doubtful
If ro many were ever assembled In ono
place at tho same time.
tlesldes plain blocks thcro are mnny
other plathlngB that seem popular now
anil which leave a lot to the child to
woik out for himself. There are wooden
locomotives that come In pieces and can
he llttnl together, and the fine old rail
road system, with Just enough tracks to
mnkc one aik for more.
Thn ubiquitous Santa Clauses, with :l
mission In llfo not quite ns obvious as
that of their original, will becomo more
numerous In a few days. These red
coated, white-bearded gentry nro to ho
seen on street corners, collecting coins
as of old for the unfortunate. A new
group will arrive In the central section of
tho city, equipped by Colonel Christopher
C. Iterron nnd Colone'. Alice V llerton.
In rhnrgp of the Volunteers of Aiueilrn.
Another Christmas charltv that Is mak
ing great strides is that cnglnceied for
the IVnnslvonla Society for the Preven
tion of Tuberculosis. About 13.0'i.fOO lied
Cross Christmas seals were put on sale
throughout the State yesterday, and one
third of this amount were distributed In
this city There were 4.tH0,O of these
seals sold In Pennsylvania last year,
bringing In JIO.&V) to tho nntl-tubercnlosls
lund. This sum will be doubled this
Christmas, It Is believed.
"shop i:auly" fop. church.
The women of Wyncoto have opened a
bazaar nnd Christmas fair to procuie
money for the mortgnge on the Calvary
Presbyterian Church. Mnny persons ftom
Wyncoto, Jcnklntown and Olensldo at
tended the bazaar yesterday nftemoon
nnd a "community supper" last night.
Thoso In charge aro bringing the "shop
earlv" crusade home to their neighbors,
who, if they will not shop early In shops
far from their homes In tho city, have
less excuse not to shop early when the
means nre provided so near home.
niectrlc signs nre playing a part in the
enlivening of the streets as never before
this Christmas season. Signs with greet
ings In letters of fire are appearing in
mnny pnrts of the city.
As a Woman Sees It
New Jersey Is the largest Slate to
agitato for laws making health cer
tificates requisite to tho granting of mar
riage licenses. A bill will be Introduced
Into the coming Legislature providing for
such certificates for nil residents of the
State. Persons seeking to evade tho law
by going outside the Stato to marry will
not be nble to return, because their mar
riago will not be legal In New Jersey.
In a portion of tho Stato known as tho
plno barrens, New Jersey has n perma
nent reminder of tho results of unions of
tho unlit. Theie In this arid corner of
New Jersey lives a wholo population cor
responding to the famous Jukes family of
criminals, prostitutes and degenerates.
No sociologists have probed Into the
origin of the pine barren group, but It Is
altogether probable that the liiwt mem
bers of It wero n feeble-minded pair and
their offspring, or n single feeble-minded
parent. Living In one neighborhood for a
hundred years, this ono family has an
nexed others nnd has become a com
munity. The members do not marry, thoy
simply breed.
The New Jersey authorities do not know
what to do with their plno barren popu
lation, but they are determined that thoy
will prevent future repetitions of It. They
want no more feeble-minded children, no
more drunken, dissolute and Immoral
communities or Individuals.
It may be that the proposed eugenics
law will fall of Its object In New Jertey
as It has failed temporarily In other
communities. It might bo doubtful
whether marriages contracted outside the
State could bo proved to be evasions of
the law and hence void. Nevertheless. It
Is good that New Jersey Is to attempt to
have eugenic marriages. It Is good that
the subject Is to be talked about. It It
docs nothing else It will mako people
It will make sentimental boys and emo
tional girls think of marriage as a re
sponsible act Instead of a lomantlc ad
venture, lifter enough young people hue
learned to think beyond the engagement
ring and the orange blossoms there will
bo small need of eugenic laws. Marrlugo
with an unlit person will become so ab
horrent an Idea that no healthy, normal
man or womun can be driven Into It by
force. Like polygamy or polyandry, a
non-eugenic marriage will become an ob
solete form.
(Copyright, 1013.)
EVntl since the in
vention of the re
versible coat a season
or so ngo, tho fash
Ions have necessarily
taken a praellral turn
A clover designer gave
as a smart foundation
gown of whlto net,
aver which various
colored panne tunics
nnd such wero draped,
tho bodice In this caso
being mado pf a few
straps of tho pnnno
Judiciously nrranged
to Illustrate tho pos
sibilities of tho re
versible gown. Now
another practical and
extteme "Invention"
has reached us In tho
Introduction of tho
coat-gown for evening
wear, nils Isn't half
so complicated as It
sounds, being made of
black velvet, or Jet,
chiffon, net, voile nil
the charming fabrics
which nro effective In
black. Of course tho
sleeves aro not mado
llko thoso of a real
coat, tho bodice Is
more llko n sleeveless
basque, with a draped
skirt. Tho paneled
hack shows a Wnttcau
plait falling straight
from the waist line
with a fish-tall train
below. When milady
dances she loops tho
long train on hor arm,
but when sho wants
a smart volvet dinner
frock, oho simply
raises tho train and
attaches It to nn In
visible fastener at tho
shoulders, nnd tho re
mit is a charming
coat-gown. Tho Idea
Is not a had one, par
ticularly for tho wom
an who wishes to
make n Ilttlo bit go n
long way.
Jet Is decidedly tho
most effecthe trim
ming on evening
gowns or mack ma
terial. Today's illus
tration shows a gown
for tho young matron.
w 1 1 h thrcA-tmiieko,!
sMrt nnd sequins for tho onlv trimming.
The V-shaped bodlip Is outlined with
panne, taking the place of a girdle at the
front and back. The front panel of the
skirt 's also made of the draped panne.
when I .squeeze ir i.
street ecr Ust,
All bret-tklesi .rct ht-IF-
de-ui ,
I like to tkink tkt
ioou nr ir
Where to-Kjels
feu to xretd.
An effort to collect JW.flOO weekly for
tho benefit of tho starving Jews In the
war zone of Kuropc has been Inaugurated
by a number of prominent Jewish busi
ness men of this city. S. S. Hloom, presi
dent of tho Central Relief Committee,
dcclatcd last night that the Philadelphia
Jows should contribute that much every
week, since tho conditions among the
Jowb In Austria, Itussln and other coun
tries nro so horrible that they beggar
I'hilomusian Club Buys Property
Tho property ndjoinlng tho I'hilomusian
Club, at 3141 Walnut stieet, has been
purchased by tho club. It wis lonvejed
to tho organization by Margaret 11.
lioden, subject to a mortgngo of JC'O
Lawrenco U. Levy conveyed It to Mar
garet Hoden for $7150 some time ago
14 Fine
H) l w i
wane uiamonds;
in entirely new design
nil platinum La Val-j
Large variety Plati
num La Vallieres from
525.00 to $350.00.
Est jboi 352 S. 8th St.
Srail fur Ilooklrt I'rte
IrEyViJt:-. J3SlHWTWnffiflnffi' ffiu flr ffir w-) Trr-ffifl: fcr wtWttiH rfi
Net tunics, wired out to bo extremely
bouff.uit, nre edged with skunk fur nnd
bordered with sequins. The effect Is vety
rich, although tho gown Itself Is not
The Unboilable Cook
When wo were told that In Montclalr
titer's nary a dyspeptic,
IJccniiso no cooks nre cooking there who
nro not antiseptic.
Wo gave tho partner of our joys a stern
and searching look
And said: "There's no escape, my dear;
you've got to boll the cook.
Tho Indigestion wo'vo acquired will got
us soon or Inter
And we'll ho permanently dead unless
you sanitate her."
What stubborn creature women nre!
She would nor listen to It.
She'd never boiled a cook, sho said, and
.simply could not do It.
And so wo went and told tho cook to
heat a tub of water,
"We hate to boll you, cook," said wo,
"but J.ist simply goiter."
But cuoks, like children, oftentimes by
kindness nro spoiled;
In splto of all our arguments thnt cook
would not bo boiled.
Wo told her what n, boon was health
to the commuting toller,
AVe told her we would raise her pay If
sho wuuhl let us boll her.
In knocking Indigestion germs we really
got enthused.
Hut though wo talked and talked and
talked, sho haughtily refused.
And if upon nn epitaph you shortly see
our name.
That obdurate domestic is entitled to tho
blame. Lxcbnngc.
1535 Clieitnut Street
Take Elevator. Fhone Spruca U-80
Cheap substitutes cost YOU same pric
My iCT.Y.r..Y,ru
Founder of the Rosebud Club
"T SAW In the Corner that j ou ask who
X WB3 tho founder of the 'llosebud
Club I am glad to say I am tho founder.
I organized It with 15 children on April
22, J3I5. I am 13 years old nnd am trying
to do all the good I can to keep way
ward girls nnd boys from bad ways. Wo
opened our club with prayer nnd singing.
Wc havo dono a grant itenl of good with
somo bad children. I thank you for fn
vors you have dono for us In tho club.
Wo need help. Wo always can uso nullt
pieces for busy fingers, t hope you will
be successful In your good work!
"MltS. W. B. T."
Domestic Science Defined
"In response to n query respecting n
matter concerning which I nm an enthu
siast, I send tho following. Condense It
to accommodato your allotted space. It
Is not easy for an enthusiast to be brief
In denllng with a favorlto topic. Domestic
sclenco menns sclentlllc housekeeping In
tho home. There Is such a demand In tho
business world for Intelligent buyers nnd
housekeepers for public and private Insti
tutions that the present course of domes
tic sclenco Includes training alung theso
broader lines. Tho course Includes cook
ing, marketing, household bookkeeping,
managing servants, laundry work, ssnl
tntloti nnd dletetlrs. Tho latter Includes
Invnlld's cookery, properly balanced diets,
nnd the correct foods for various dis
eases. Pomesllc sclenco does not Include
pov.lng, embroidery, millinery nnd design
ing. Theso coma under 'domestic nrts,'
nnd nto often combined with tho science.
In fact, 80 per cent, of tho teachers of
domestic science are nsked to teach the
nrts as well. And Inst, but far from least,
when c.illcd upon to presldo In her own
home, there nto no problems for tho In
exoerlenced housekeeper to overcome.
Most schools require two years for tho
course, and I believe most Stato colleges
have both domestic sclem e and domestic
nrt courses. IIKL12N II. It."
"In reply to tho request mado by Sarah
It. for Information regarding domestic
science, I wish to volunteer tho Informa
tion that domestic sclenco Is not only a
practical profession but a profitable ono
nn well. A few of tho fields open to such
workers aro Institutional cooking, dietetic
work In hospitals, etc.; tearoom manage
ment, teaching In public and private
schools, social work, lunchroom work In
schools. Institutional housekeeping. If
Sarah It. will communicate with mo I will
bo glad to give her moro specific Instruc
tions regarding such a course.
"L. A. K."
Request for Mandolin
"I rend where Mrs. A. U. S. would llko
plant slips. If you will kindly forwnrd
mo her address I shall bend her some.
May I havo tho address of the person
who offers a mandolin without strings? I
want ono bully. I offer a few tatting
patterns which I will send to A. D. nnd
P. M. when I get their addresses from
you. MILDItED II."
Tho addresses went to you by mall. We
had a mandolin to glvo away awhllo ago,
The Wise
"The Ro)alty"
Color Midnight Illue
llattniird Louis Leather Ilrel
It's the Season of
lvrr unman IiinNIh that rtlu look
Iter "lien I." 'Mil "liel" only ponnlhle
when "The ll!ilt?" In nm. Truly
miiiH'il. for UiIm ItidU'H lioot Miurireflt
the relluemeul. the liiur. Hie koh
ttiMe thnt In nu enNentlnl. f
The Koji.lt" In mlilnlKht Mile In
eolnr, jilnln or piped lUth reul uhlte !
enlfMKlii. I nil I. nn in heel or leather
mixed to a HOftt rleh puIInIi,
Like all "HovaJ Ilootx." tlto nolo in haml
sowr. titiariititopil, of roun-e. to clvo
perfect tatMfui-lton, No other shoe Mora
van duplicate It, whether they charge
Jil or 910. Here 13.00.
The Royal Boot Shop
1208 Chestnut St. i&.T'ls.h ..
if-hlNU ("rer cmiu's itntonrunt) (?
P i7i nno CAVFC P
Join Our
"Save $2 Campaign"
Ask About Our Xmai Gift Plan
1 4&L
mm ;
Marion Harland's Corner
but nn earlier applicant got lL ti-
urn, mi viumci uiiijucam got
ftsklnff now for ono for you.
nsKincr now ror nnn fn . " in
" rati., I
twin Jivjyv
Her Children Need Clothinir
"From a wondrous land of MBrt,
and tho grand old Pacific wt, m
watch thn sun sink In , . "H I
L1... u, "" . "."' "na e I
bluo, blue sky, t reach out hands nf -Ing
to alt my dear friends who ket("
through the Helping Hand r.l! 6!
"n-hd Corn..
come to you for help I have nevVi '
to the Cornerltes In -aln for heln f.T"
children,' theso unfortunate 'nA.l
and 'sisters' of mine Tho charhi 1"
lleut In tho snnltnrlum with whom t "i
into touch through the rnrwr,,,. M
...,.., u u.,.uy nne nns been abl .
go to her home nnd sho writes tW. V
children nre barefooted nnd hav. "
clothing at nil. They aro the j.,',1!
B nnd 7. I nppenl to somo of the mmt,.i
to come to my aid. She will get ft
soon If this worry con bo relieved Kt
boy' In prison Is to be paroled and h,n
a place lor him to go where ho uJ?
get his yesterday nnd learn how to L
nrlcht today. Of the eight eases tk. '
irierl to nein In elpht tnm,ti.. t . -
that all without exception are dolnernJS
better. And the best of it is ?&'
nnd every ono of them, though In rJ2
circumslances, Is learning to reach X
nnd help tho other. If It be but Sft
smllo or kind word. Kindly h.'
nnmo In nnv tthn mnv nt . i
mav ne n ton
this mothers of
children whoso liitS
ones no longer need some of the cloth,,
they have, others who want to hdn i
shall be glad of nit the he'p given !
for this mother, nnd will gie ,r .,";
nnd address. I must ask that all th'nn
be prepaid, ns sho Is nctunlly atitituti
of mntcrlal mcnns. rj, p
I anticipate the zenlful pleasure ttla
which "conslnnt readers" will peruss Ui
foregoing nftcr a glance nt the denr ft
miliar slgnnturo. Hvery word of 'til
writer's may bo npprnlscil nt its ',!
vnlue." Her beneficial les are her "chl
dren" from the moment aim puts out ha
hand to tho task of lessening burdens ijl
brightening lives. Do not skip a worl
of tho mlsslvo nnd grasp the tmndj hiH
up to tho sisterhood nnd brethren ill
recollects lovingly In tho ' wondroa
land" In which sho Is sojourning. We-cu
easily bollovo that tho sunshine la brighter
for her presence. Think thnt her let'.e
Is for each ono of tho great family.
i 'i I a
a ' f IN yOU J
i,. think of a I
more exquisite f
- gift than Ayers J
Mitred IS
.'i They arc J'
' ' inexpensive, 4rr?NB
and their (fsr W-
value is en- fijT'
''',, lianccd b y tsgrWr '
, the fact thnt iSfti1?
. ;" they arc JmBr &'
e x t rcmt'Iy fa HUuf
i smart a n d fftffSaft'J
s t r i kingly W??? lii$l
original. 0B$$' M
,r oral W2fKH
Sable fjM3M
ft Fisher JK - 1
Beaver tS fei
A 1330 Walnut St. 9,
Found in the beat homes
sold in tins only
For culinary use for the lunch
table Philadelphia's favorite.