I il H m u m Ii E s ' 'l'! f2 't lit Hi! & AUSTRIANS OPEN VIOLENT ATTACK ON MONTENEGRO Aided by Serb Fugitives, Montenegrins Harry Teuton Frontier SWEEP ON GO-MILE FRONT Kaiser's Allies Circling Greece to Cut Off Retreat of Serbs and French AMHTHHIJAM. tier 2 Furious mountain nchtliiK In In iroai"-s on tlie northeastern Montenegrin rrnntler between Montenegrins, helped bv ftui tlve Serbs niul Austrlnni Knrtlur to tho nottliwcitwuiil the ftrugglc pr'tiiji Into Auslrlnn ternton between the Mon tenegrin border nnd the upper 1'rltn From the beginning or the .ir the M' ntcncRiliiH hae hail the beltr of 111" fighting with the AtiKtrlans The hao been acroii the frontier in mmi iilnco The nlinoinrice to Aimtrln hint be n nerl o;is, ami the Vleinia fjovcrnment Is s.ihl to be determined to mil It. Overwhelming forces are repot tail to huve been ronrentr.ited In the Snnjnk of KovlLnzni or the campaign, ami tmln'8 advices p.i the plan la to malic u clean cep alone n fiO-mllc front, completely across the cmintr Ofllclal nnimunccntent I" made today by the Auntikin War oillce that the Allstritini are cnilciui'ilng to envelop I'leUJe T.telll7.i). which l 12 mile ncropH the Montenegrin holder. The op eratloiiH In thlt le-jlon so far have com prised an attack an the (Jradltia Heights, rorth of I'leiljc, and the plateau betwiell the heights and the city. The Austrian positions are now only six mile from IMevlJe. In the same communication the etatement Is made tli.it Oen. von Koev csc's Army cnplured In November 4U,SI) Serbian troops ami :6,fr civilians liable to military service. Montenegrin forces operating In south eastern Uosnla have defeated the Aus trian near Koch, on the Drlna, seven miles ncioss the frontier, nciurdlng to it Montenegrin statement received here to day, and have forced the Austrlans to retreat alons the Pi Inn toward (lorazda. llegardlug the situation at Motmstlr it dispatch from Sulonlcn under esterdi's dale au "TeleKraph service Ii still open with Monastlr, but It is feared that the Ser bian detachment there will oon be over whelmed The deep snow In the moun tainous eountiv Is stopping opeintlons. Refugees constants arriving here lepoit terrible sufferings " KITCHENER TELLS KING ALLIES WILL WIN INBALKANS But Forces Must Be Trip led to Assure Victory Over Teutons STRENGTHEN ARTILLERY LONDON, Dec. -'. In a conference between Lord Kitchener lind King Oeorgo lit lluclclngh.ini Palace last night, the. wnr secretary H said to hnvo Informed tho King that the Allies can win In the Italkans, but that an army three times titt big as the Anglo-French foreo will tiu necessary. In addition, help will bo needed from Italy and active co operation from ItusMn. Although there was no ofllclal an nouncement ns to I.oul Kitchener's de cisions, it was repoitcd on reliable author ity today that tho war secictary has made up his mind on tho following points os a result of his tour of inspection In tho Near East. Tli.it the Dardanelles campaign shall bo vigorously prosecuted That a great effort bo made to win bnck Serbia for the Herbs. That effort be made to humble Bulgaria and broul; tho direct line of communication between Ilerlln and Constantinople That greater pressure be brought against Rumania and Greece, princi pally Greece. That Russia open a strong offensive movement In southern Gullcia at tho earliest possible moment That every available gun and every possible ounce of ammunition be sent into the Balkans to match the superb artillery rcsoutces of tho Teutons uud Bulgars. From present Indications the n.ilkons will bo tho scene of violent lighting for some tlmo to come. On the political side Lord Kitchener's visit has apparently bten less successful than could have been wished Greece bus given certain assurances, but her answer to the second note of the AUIcs was con ditional and by no means conclusive. In his military and diplomatic mission to the Balkans, Lord Kitchener, during a fortnight of travel, visited Paris for a. conference with the General Staff, Salonlca where he conferred with Gen eral Sarrall, tho Dardanelles for In spection of the Anglo-French forces. Athens to persuade the Greek King to a favorable policy toward the Allies, Home for discussion of the Serbian situation with the Cabinet, the Italian front for audience with King Victor Emmanuel and General Cadorna, and Paris for dis cussion of his mission with President Polncare and General Galllenl. HOPKINS STARS GO Tackles Liebensperger and Wilkinson Graduate This Term BALTIMOnE, Md . Dec. 2. - Although One of the greatest pairs of tackles that ever opened holes in the offense, or that even crouched low and fought to stop a play on the defense on a Johns Hopkins University team, played Its last game un der the Black and Blue colors when the championship was brought back to Home wood, and although next season will Hud the flrst-atring line of this year's team literally shot to pieces, It looks now as If the material and chances for another banner year for Hopkins In the gridiron game are ery promising. Stork Visits Empress of Japan TOKIO. Dec. 2. Empress Sadako gave, birth to a son today. All Japan U celebrating the event. This is the fourth child born to the royal couple. They are all boys. JEWELRY SPECIAL BARGAINS ftS Pvra White Diamond Tiffany Hire (50 Mar Via. U KnulD pearl uud S dUmorila SJ.l DUnioml llraclet. i diamonds glS Beautiful Pearl and Diamond Stick Pin jti Jtorwaho Brooch. 23 diamond - Numerous ether art.lt I cheap a abor "WM, LAYCOCK COOK M TKANSFORTATIOX ULDQ. I . Hta. a. EVEttlttCf MARION LADIES' BAND FURNISHES Ttrt 1iunr1tnr1 ti nn It Vitr-lsvnb-trtr 1 intra delegation marched to the plant of IITALIA HA FIRMATO IL PATTO DI LONDRA . FIN DAL 5 SEHEMBRE L'On. Sonnino Dichiara tra Fragorosi Applausi Che l'ltalia Non Fara Pace Separata Con Nesauno GLI A1UTI ALLA SERBIA IIOMA. 2 nicembro lcrl si r' npcrta la Camera del Dcpu tatl. Er.'tno presentl circa IW tleputntl, frn I quill 200 vestltl In unlfonm1 mlllUro, cssendo In scrvlzlo sul fronto ill battnglla. Questl doputatl mllltari avevnno rice villa una UceniM spcclalu per usslstore nlln sediitii, die crn ill Krnnile linpoi tutiXn glncchc' si nttendevano lo dlchlanizlonl del goerno sl-i per qmnto lUuardu gtu-ria cite per quanto rlguardn la polltlca ostera. 11 mlnlstro degll Ksterl, on. Sonnino foce infnttl dlchlarnzlonl tlflla plu grnntlu Importanza. Eyll dlssc, tra gll applausi fragorosi dl tutta I'assenihlen. cite rifitlla .icva flrm.ito II i SPttcmfTie u s. II Pattn ill Londia. In b-tso ill quale nessiina dello poll nzr- llrni.itarle, o cioe' ringhlltcrra. In rrancla, la ftussla e l'llilla, potra' con rituli re scparatamento la pace ion lo pott nze rentrnll. I.'on Sonnino annuuelo' Inoltte e queslo uununciii fu pure satutnto da giandc ap plausi. di tutta la Camera the 1'ita la aluter.i' mnlertalnicnto lit Serbia, nel unso cite lnMor.t' nnch'essa un tsciclto uella IVnlhola Halcanica per coinbattcro contio le forzo austro-tcdescho u bulgato. I dcputatl cho vestlvnno ruiilforino militate, fra I quail era nucha 11 sergunta Hl.-eolatl. fitrono appliiudltl frenfilc.i mentp da una folia Immensa cho si er.i rnc olta In Plnrzn Mmteeitorlo Nella mnttlnnta, prima tlflla cdlltll alia Camel a, II presidente del Conslsllo del mlnlstrl. tin Salalidia, aiea sotto posto nU'niiproMizloni' del suol cnllpglil una romumcazloiip nella qunli' t-rn chl.ini meiite doflnit.1 I nllltiidlne dfll'Itnlla nel lonilltto europeo. PAItTICOLAltl DELLA SEDL'TA. Le dtchlarnzlnul dell'on. Kounlno Irca II Pnttn di Londra o gll .liuti alia Seibla sono state rlcevute con ontuslasmo In ICiinm ed in tutta l'ltalia, glacche' e' rlmosso orm.il ognl sospetto ehe l'ltnll.i fossti mi-ssu nella sua gueira da scopl afcsolutnmento egoistlci. La rinpprturn del Parlameiiio e' nv venutu bvnzn Incident!, nil ecielone ill qu.ililm 'ptertuloni' i.a p.tite ill ileputati boclnllsti lntmnsljentl, rhepetu' fu wublto M'llulti 1 sot'lnlistl rellut.trono Infntti dl nUaisi quandn II prtsldente iell.i CnmerJ, on. .Mnrsor.t, pronuni lo' II suo dlsiorso di aperllirii della scssloue, u qtiaudo II iiome ill re Vlttorio fu pinniinciato e tatto oggetto dl applausi, II soclalista Jiaran gonl eel co' di liitt-irompcrp, nut lu sue Iaiolo furono loptrte dagll applausi e dallf grlda til evvlia L'on .Maraugont dovette tncete quando l.i C.imeru ull grido- "Abbasso rntistrlnco' .Sllenzlo'" L'on Marconi rlvolse quindi un trlhuto KtoT' ' U w 6 fc. v2, 5& LriOuias will add another reason for giving a Victrola Don't wait order it at once at any of our four stores three of them are open evenings. 15 to H00 EASIEST OF TERMS Talking Machine Co. VICTOR DISTJtmUTOKS Broad above Walnut St. S Branches Open Evenings Broad & Columbia S2d & Chestnut Sts. 4124 Lancaster i, j,w,u - ..,'.' wfm m mw LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THtJIiSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1015. wt tltci ttrMY Mtn T!imlfnn Cforn nrn the Curtis Publishing Company, which the Curtis na.ll erol chc hatino Onto loro lta sul iitnipl ill battitKlIn per la rpilpiizlnne di II Iripilnit.i, apptnudlto vlvuiuiutc dalla I'mnim p dalle trilitino. Hopn clip l'on Mnrcora rlibe llnltn II suo disc hi co. II tnlnlstrn di'gll Efltcll si alzn' per fare le sue dlchlarairloul EgH in loimo In Cntiirr ill qtianto II govertio .tvpia fatlo n Cnmerii rlilusn, p quandn dlsse i he I'lnchllterra, la I'ltinrln, In Hussi.i e l'ltalia lion foim.ti.ino unii qu.tdrcipllcp snlt'iuto dl nntne, m.i hcnsl' nncho til fntto, I'cntuslnsmi) della Caiiicin lion c-libp plu' llmltl Mu nnche applamll llsshlmo l'on. Sonnino fu qu.inde dlsso testiinlinpiitt' "L'ltall.i non n nffnto Insensible nllp sfortuno della Serbia, mu si prcpara in vccp ntl alutnre qtlellVrocIa nazlone " SI rrcile oin cho Una sprdlzlono Itnllnna p qunsl prontrt p sbarch pi a' proslnia mentp sullp coste dell' Albania." IL COMl'NICATO UI'I'ICIALL'. Qui'.sla mnttlna II Mlnlstcro della titierrn ha piibbllrito II scguento rnp porto del generate Cndornn: "Nelln glornata ill lcrl la nostra fan leiln u" statu nrcup.it.i nel Invoro ill con sollilauicnto dolle nuovp puslzlonl picse, 1 rntPtlit tin tin Intcnso fuoco della iiusliii aitlsllerla Impegnnta a dlstruggcre le nume llncp dl nslstcnza autrlache "11 sollto fuoco dpi ncmlco dlrctto con tro ri-Klonl nbitate causo' un luiinillu iielt'ospctliili' clillp ill MonfalcoiiP. che ppio' fu sublto sponlo. "Aeioplanl iiuMilacl lasclnrono c.iderc liombo sul vlllaggl ill Paul.iro e dl liemlsitiLlnlti, iu Ha Carnlii, ma scira far tlantil. In plcioli scontri avvinutl In iliversl limit t del fronte nol prPiulemmo una trentlnn di pilglonlerl cd un enn- none a tiro rnpido IJocommcnds Pardon for Armstrong WAhHINOTON, Dec 2. PieMdent WII hon toda ri'cplvid the faoiablo recom tncndntlon of Attoinev (ienpral (iregory foi the pardon of William II Armstrong. Jr.. one of tho the men lonilcted in con nection with the Internatlon.il Lumber S utllc.its. A .V. Christmas Time is iener Time Arts and Crafts at Either Store FERDINAND KELLER 216-221 S. 9th SI 1207 Walnut Si a 4 fr. It, I ' 'fl e J' 7 r sLi' teg j rf-, Ave. y !!"! ,.i! ii ii J nil iH'MrtUW mu m ?,mi ' , 'w MUSIC FOR OHIO Cdiilhrr f hn clmlira f? PVlil Hflnl till in . they inspected. The girl musicians Building. BIG GUN DUEL GROWS WEAKER IN FRANCE Artillery Conflict Continues at Tahure, in Champagne, and Along Somme I'AHIS, Dec 2. The continued artillery duel along tho front diminished in vlolcnco Inst night, the "War Office announced today. The following communique was Issued: "In Iho course nf the night the nrttllery comllit w.is kept up with less Intensify in various sectors, pnrtlcularl.v lit AitoK lu Iho legion of Iliettoncourl, In tho legion of Krlsp-Pn, Volley of the Sninnip, and In Chainpncnp, near Tnliurp The Helglan olllclal eommimlcatlnn s.iys: Totlnv our advanced posts were bombarded. Prolectlles were tin own on Puriies. I'prvse, Itoote, Oostkerke, Nlpucafiplle and Xooidschootc, n.s wpll us at larlotis fiolnts along our Hups Our artillery vigorously counter shelled tin German artillery anil dispersed groups of memy workers cannonading the trtnilies. Yi sterility our aviators several times gnvo chase to hostile aeroplanes, which f Pictures always make Welcome Gifts If you want a really GOOD picture, look over our portfolios at your leisure.' Etchings, mezzotints in color, old line engravings the largest collection in this citv. Unique, beautiful, DISTINC TIVE pictures at extremely mod erate prices $5.00 to $60.00. The Rosenbach Galleries 1320 Walnut Street Christmas Cards and Calendars. u Do You Know Most children k,m '' CORN GROWERS Among other places of interest tho wore photographed on the steps of were compelled to IIcp In the direction of the German lines HEIILIN". Dec. I. A slntcmcnl was Is sued at army headquarters today as fol lows: West of La IJassec citenslvo mining opprntlons carried out by our troops lauspil conslileiable d.imngc In Eng lish positions. One EiihIIiIi and one French ncrn plune were shot down and the occu pants made prlsonprs Once you taste the de licious flavor of baked Deerfoot Farm sausage, that settles it. It spoils you for the other kind ever after. Have some for breakfast, say to morrow or next day. Deiirkoot Farm : New York Offieo 171 Chamber! St. Phon, Cortland 3Sj Pl J OHIO CORN GROWERS SEE GREAT STORES AND BUILDINGS HERE Boys and Girls From Buckeye State Also Visit Independ ence Hall and Other Places 200 IN MERRY PARTY Philadelphia Is busy today nctlns nn hou to 2W lively, chattering boys and Klila from Ohio, who are on what la known na the lluckcyo Corn Special Tour. Parents anil other relatives arc accom panInB the youngsters. In the lour nbout town today thero wcro nenrly 1000 par ticipants. The party arrived at Broad Street Station nt 6 o'clock In tho morn ing. At 6 39 they had breakfast nt tho Hctlnvue-Stratford. Then they marched to the John Wonamnker sloro and after nn Inspection of Us various departments vlKlted City Hall. Tho delegation then marched to the plant of Iho Curtis 1'ub Ifshlng Company, 6th and Walnut streets, liv wav of Mnikct street After IcavltiB this building tho group visited tndepen- PHIUDELPHJA brooches bracelets Lavalliers JSfECKLACES Bar. Pins 0J Punky Dunk? denco Ifa'll, CArpentcrs' HMvTfJHf? Commercial Exchange, and ti,. ceded to tho Bourse it noon. p l-'rom tho Bourse tlioy xrvn lt Franklin's grave, then past oirf RJ Church to the Corn Exchan Si.Tr'" Hank, where they were Rivon .ob;.?11 thenco to tho Chestnut rect I?'' whero a boat took them to LfAK, land. An elaborate prograiti ,. '" ranged for them nt the Navy tart Tho whole afternoon was nDnt .'? and when they left they went to tho hotel for dinner, Thlg wiitrieU big affair, with speeches by Vit Blankenburg, Governor Willis ,! ir"' others. Charles 8. Calwell, of th,n Kxchange National Bank, will dliint. 7 cash prizes. After dinner they lm. 'The Birth of a Nation " y w" ,(' 1'hllftdelphla always extetida a W. 'f como to the boys. They repress?! ii best and most efficient of Ohio's f. Ing clement. ur At U o'clock tonight tholr specUl int tlcparts from Broad Street station ,2 New York. n ' FOR CHESTNUT RriOlfC street' Social Stationc JUST PUDLIS Jewelry or Women Lorgnettes Hat-Pins Hair-Pins Finger. Rings Bangles K .UAK P... ,, I ... . . -r- IIU h umiui ur py rinur c. Den. ton, author of f,Upton Utteri" "From a College Window," ji.Jo, f "MCBT ME AT JACOB??' ' ristIVatchbs Inexpensive or Jeweled 1HH " rHirWMlffiiFi1iMTlirnii ififfM fltpB3BKgfeiwBBBBwwHHWBJ HR Do you realize what Rood company a Player Piano is' M QjE You prohably don't if you haven't a Blasius Player-Piano HH 19 the music to suit your moods tile touch and expression HI BB of your favorite composer and you arc the musician Let Hj 9H us tell you more about it. H BR! IVrtfe for Special Player Propoiition H mm Wareroomi, 40 So. 16th Factory, Woodbury, N. J. M IfflH xitoJimmy1; - y m