- p ywtw&tr'imw'sipifwf-f w ? EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 3.915; 13 If CHRISTIVIAS SHOPPING DAYS BRING THEIR JOY TO MULTITUDE Only 10 of Them Loft Between Now and December 15, When All but the Tardy Will Finish GIFTS FOR THE HOSPITALS Inctmllnc Initio. i"c nre nnlj- 20 KhoilK TH '""'"re llMnini. Seclnu that everybody Is Piippnocil t have his or lier shopping done this your before December IB. nnil na tliere nre only ten sliopplHB dnys left befnie tlmt date, the presumption Is nnturnt Hint sitKKca tlons nbatit whnt to rIvc for Chilatmnn presents would lie now out of nt.icc, every body linvlm? ilc-clilcil whnt to rIvc, If he or she hnvc not Indeed ntrondy mndo tho ncecannry purchases. However Tliete nre n few thlnns Hint may Imvc been overlooked. Thin nnmollmes hap pens A few tlilliKS nro sometimes lioURht In the shops by u Rood many people fit about 4.37 P m., December 21. It Is Rencrally admitted Hint the best thing lo Ret for n llttlo plrl Is a doll; for n big Rlrl an etiRncement iltiR, or If there Is nnv danger that this mlRht be taken seriously, then some other similar ly nmiiRlnR trinket; for n IiIr boy, pipes or cigarettes or sonictlilnR nasty llko tlinti nml -for n little boy, leaden soldiers and cannon but stop! There Is a controversy thin yenr nlioui this question of toy soldiers for boys, and It Imil letter bo settled at once. There Is no nnim In RlvlnR a boy toy sol. diers, because ho must kill somethliiR fiust as his father must connive In hnv- InK cnttle and harmless veRetables killed) nnd It Is far Doner mat no snouid Kin toy soldiers than live files. If war Is to be piayeu ni an it is neiier mni it or piayca on a pin loom Iloor than on a battle- field; and as for Inculcating murderous tendencies, it Is well known that the most bencvolent persons that ever lived, like Herbert Spencer nnd William Jennings Bryan, nil played with toy soldiers when they were little. These gifts to the heroes of the sister republic ncross mo sens win renen rails Dciore i iiiittmiun, ni mrj mo KuuiK on the steamship Hochaiubeaii, which .Balls from .New lork licit Saturday morning. Tho gifts will be In charge of Mrs. Mary H. Wlllard, chairman or the i International Charities Surgical Dress ings Committee. She will icport to Mmo Wmlilliigtnn, chairman of the l'"iciioh Commlltcr, who will see that they Ret to their destinations It. the hospitals ot Prance. Any contiibutor tnni Ine'nse hi' Christmas card. Mr. Ballcy'a phono Is Cynwjil IS) W. The hospitals will bo remembered. This docs not mutter much to many who hnve never been in a hospital, but It Is worth While knowhiR that n hospital Is a great place In which to be forgotten. It is dis mal nnd cheerless, at least to those who lie there on cots. Some remember, liuvv . ever, and these thoughtful ones are asso ciated In the Prison and Hospital IJvan scllstlc Association; for a prison Is n sort of hospltnl nnd a hospital is a sort of prison. ' But It Is not directly for the prisoners t In prisons nnd the prisoners In hospltnl.i that tho Christmas baskets nro being col lected by the nsaoclatlon. They nro for tho equally unlucky ones whoso bread winners nre contlned. Many families will receive gifts of food nnd clothing If tlm appeals of Mntllda Silverman (address, care of Cth District police station, 11th and Winter streets) and Mrs. Albert S. -Smith, 322ii Powelton nvenue, reach under standing cars, To Mrs. Smith money can bo sent, as she Is tho treasurer. SALES OF MILK FOR BABY CLUE TO WOMAN Continued from Page One mother had saved nfter his death, which were put upon tho kidnapped baby, It la thought, and these garments form on Important link In the chain of evidence. SNYDUR'S NEIGHBORS HAPPY. A big American flag was strung from houso to houso ncross Lelthgow street, last night In honor of tbo baby Hun dreds of persons went through that thoroughfare today and were rewarded by a glimpse of 4-month-dld Louis Sny der, who was kidnapped, nnd nfter two days' search wns left on a doorstep by his abductors. Tho Hula boy wns held up to tho win dow of his parents' home, 2131 Lelthgow street, and those who camo along tho street, today In tho snow, waved their hands to tho baby whoso disappearance had aroused tho wholo northeastern sec tion of the city. The flag was hung out In honor of tho child that was lost nnd was found be tween the time the grent news i cached the street last night and the time tho parents brought him homo In an auto mobile, Tho party was cheered to tho echo. Neighbors could not do enough to thpw their sympathy wltl tho family's happi ness aa they had vlth their suffering, and the baby wns luld up to the win dow before he went to bed so that thoso who could not crowd Into tho dwelling could see that he wns all right. fc " "ig Plncard was pinned to the edge 'f of the Stars and Stripes. It bore this U message to the world ut large; BABY FOUND GOOD CONDITION jA ALL OVER Jt Shortly after 6 o'clock lost night n man & nd a woman walked throtiRh Borer 3 ttreet, a narrow, poorly-lighted thorough v fare, They looked back over their shoulders nnd hurried. The woman wan young, she seemed about 19 years old. The VOUI1P Wnmqn cnt-rlml nnni.thltii, in - her arms. Sirs. Kmma Steel, who sat at her window nt 2015 Borer street, could r not make out whether It was n. bundle or a baby Hbo saw them leave It. ulirit. ever It was, on the doorstep of Mrs. Ella ut, at jaw Horer street. Then they at full speed out of the street. Sirs. Steel thmiE'h nt Aral It w.ia Ihn family wash tieliiir brnuuht linmo Thou she saw that the bundle moved. a oaby!" biie exclaimed. -Then thn fn,,,,,, ,, nnm.a i.. .. one had not heard bf the Snyder baby's Disappearance. She thought some mother w.?p. could not afford to take caro of her emid was leaving it for somebody who eould. i-Ati..thl8 tlmo 1Irs- Poust was having In! V1"1 h?r ow" bab"' wn'cli was sick. She and her husband were about I00 ou' and get some medicine for the i yL Ab JIra' Foust reached the dpor bundle at her feet screamed. She Waned over It while her husband ran Jeii : Into the house for an oil lamp, and w the light from that they beheld the tabyy ani hunsr' face ot the Snyder it' "V a" we've read about It. to think " Would be found right on our doorstep!" exclaimed ATr Wn,,a B The nolinA wi A .....i.i ? nun tBH illl.i V c toiviii"B lvl run- W S p w for a clue that my 'cad to the --v.wuouis oi inchard C. Meeklns, the KS.TS. ?.,a so" of H"8h Meeklns, of 2t Wrixl ttt 'lt street, who has been missing T jrju Monday, found no trace of him to- Tb father of the missing Richard has ward from nplElihn Ihn . l,- ...nr. f - --Wr.w i, .ft fil)J ..MOW. - ,7 ta at 62cl tr' ald Elmwood ave- .?' .r,ljr af,er lhe by wa "cn 'or tae last tlm (1.1 Mnnrfiti attofnnrt If ?fJStilX lbe. be PoUca say. that the BjUiut ninf detected by this time. WANT ALL POSTMASTERS NAMED UNDER CIVIL SERVICE First Step of National League, in Session Here, Will Be to Boost "Merit System" for Officials AIM FOR EFFICIENCY The Nntlonnl Civil Service Ucform I.euRuo will begin n sweeping attack upon the system prevailing In the 1'nlted States which make the lawmakers of tho country the distributors of le.-ltllng olllc.es, nccordlnpT to tho council of that organiza tion, which Made, a rcpott today to Inoio than I2.i members of the lenguo at Its 33lh annual mt cling, now being lield at the Hotel Adelphla. Tho "mtrlt system," the civil servlco reform ndt'oc.ited by Hip organization, will bo pcrslMently advanced In every Stnto In the country as well as In n cam palRn to refuim tho federal system of making appointments to olllce, If the Ideas of the council are carried out. It Is asscited today tbut lO.cxfl superior olllcets In thtj federal service are outside tho hcope of tho civil Bcrvlce rules under tho present system, and that In Demo cratic States these patronaRo nppolntcea urn the political niront.i nf their ran. grcsslotial sponsors, while In Hepubllean j suites sucn appointees nie tho political ugctits of the Admlnlstiatlou In power. I'ltO.MOTIO.V ADVOCATED. Tho lepoit stnted that, until these higher adinlnlstintlve posts nre with in awn from tho Held of politics, tho service will never hnvc the permanence w men is cssent al to rnirlonnv. 'rim "merit system" of appointment following I ' competitive civil scrvlco examination, I with promotion bnseil upon an olllclal record of nccompllihmonta and ability, i wns asserted to be the only method lv which satisfactory reform mny be ob- ininrn. The present system, according to the teport, "fosters n prnctlce by which guat numbers of olllclnls nre from time i to time nnd moic or lcni peislstently, noscni irom llieir ninces, devoting their energies not to the business of their olllees, hut to tho control of local political affairs." The phrase "by and with the advice and consent of the Senate," which ap pears In the Constitution to regulate the powers of appointment by tho Presldei.t, has been taken advantage of by Sena tors for the last SO years, It Is stated, with tho lesult that virtually all appoint ments) have been made by them. The lepoi t continues: "These Senate-confirmed olllcen, with the exception of n mcio liiuidfiil, hav.i nothing to do with the deteimlnatlon of Ciovcrnmcnt policy. They comprlM-, with others, thenimy of postmasters, col lectors of customs and internal revenue, district attorneys and marshals who aio encamped in every corner of tho country, and their use as polltlcnl agents of the party In power Is a piostltutlon of tho civil service." FOR ALL POSTMASTDItS. Tho first htcp which the National Civil Service, Reform League will tako In tho light for reform will be an attempt to obtnln legislation providing' for the com petitive classification of Iltst, second inni third class postmasters. Tho Council of tho organization asseits that there Is no moro renson that a Democratic po.st mnster should be removed with a change In administration than that n clerk should bo removed for similar reasons. Under tho "merit" system It Is snld that It would bo possible to 1111 many of the postmastershlps through promotion from tho clerical force In the postofllecs, and tho remainder by promotion of a post master from n smaller to a larger offlco on a basis of efficiency. It was pointed out that If It wero known Hint devotion to public horvico would receive recognition by promotion to the highest ofllres, many young and ablo men would bo Induced to enter tho field who nre now seeking other occupations that offer hotter opportuni ties for a future. NORTHWEST OBSERVES "ELECTRICAL WEEK" WITH BIG PARADE High Lights of tho Big Celebra tion Will Be Shifted to Roxborough nnd Mnnayunk THOUSANDS TO MARCH rarade tonight In Mnnayunk, Ktiirtlnc at Hi3() o'clock from ltlilKe avenue mnl Main fctrtet. The high lights of tho "Electrlcnl Pros perity Week" celebration In this city will shift to Manayunk nnd Roxborough to night, when an "electrical" parade of more than three hundred nutomoblles, headed by a band and several Moats, will assemble and start from Ridge nenue nnd Main street nt 830 o'clock. The route of the parade, which Is through all the main streets of that sec tion of tho city, will be ,i blaze of light. Every shop of any Importance has bton decorated In honor of the occasion with window displays and tasteful arrange ments of flags and bunting. The shops will be lighted from cellar to roof with electricity; those shops that have no elec tric current will celebrate with gas Il luminations. Following the parade, which xvlll be hended by Joseph B. Seamen, chief of the meter testing department of the Philadelphia Electric Company, as mar shal, a. smoker will bo held by the 21st Ward Board of Trade and the Manayunk Business Men's Association, In Masonic Hall. Main and Cotton streets. The hall has been especially decorated with strings of lights and flags, and a big time, Is ex pected. The speakers at the smoker will bo William B. Nickels, president of the 2tst Ward Business Men's Association; t Dixon, president of tho Slst Ward Board of Trade; E. J Cattell, city statistician, and other prominent men. Many of the manufacturers and shop keepers have entered Hosts In the pa radeadvertising their goods in original ways. One of the prettiest floats will be that of the H. C. Roberts Electric Sup ply Company, which will carry girls In niadri gras costume. The Manayunk branch office of the Philadelphia Electric Company has been elaborately decorated, and II. W. Wenzel, branch manager, will review the parade from tho windows. BIG ESTATES FOR RELATIVES Joseph Beaston, Leaves ?70,000 to Widow and Son The will of Joseph Beaston, of 5323 Woodland avenue, admitted to probate to day, leaves an estate, valued at fiu.oco, to Mrs. Susan Beaston, widow of the de ceased, and to Harrj Beaston, a son. An estate valued at tOf.OOQ u devised to the widow and children by the wm of William W C'oUaday. creslden.t of the Hensel-Colladay Company, wh.o. died on November a, at the Jewish JlospitaJ- REORGANIZE OLD COMPANY Gus Scidcl Chosen President of turn many Pea Shore Fishing Company The surviving shareholders of the fa mous old Tammany Pen Shore Fishing Company met at tho ofllce of Congress man J. Hampton Moore Inst night nnd elected otllcers to take tho places made Vacant by the deaths of Colonel M. Men nidt Muckle, president, and Samuel W. liny, tho secretary-treasurer. Ous Keldel, tho only remaining officer of the concern, whoso membership dates back W years, was clotted president, II. Cooper Shapley vice president, John V. Lewis treasurer and Doctor Wray secre tary. A committee was also nppolnted to dc cldo whether the organization was to be held together until It could be rcorpra.iil2ct or whether the property should be dis posed of, Spqucer D. Wright was elected chairman of the committee. Tho propel ty of the company li located on the Detawaro lllver at Pish House Junction, near tho l'ennsylvnnla Hnllroad bridge It was organized In 1W and hni been (he scene of many festive gatherings of prominent Philadelphia!!. Colonel Hawlc's Funeral Tomorrow t leutcnnnt Colonel William llrooko Ilnwlc will be burled tomorrow, nt 2 o'etiiek, from St James' Dplseopnl cimrcli, 22d and Walnut streets He died on Tuesday at his home, 2.10 South 2M street. Lieutenant Colonel Ttnwle was a prominent member of the bar. He Wns a veteran of the Civil War and wan bre veted for acts of bravery dutlng soer.il battles. OBITUARIES TIIEOMOKE SCinVERINEK Retired Business Man and Civil War Veteran Theodnro Rehwcrlner, T3 years old, of W West Chellen avenue, a X'eteran of tho Civil War and letlred business man, died early todnv nt the Jewish Hospltnl from a complication of diseases. Mr. Schwcrl ner was well-known In C.ermantowti. nnd wns rignrdcd as an ex-pcit on the history of tho Civil Wnr. He wrote of (Irnnd ' At my events and memorabilia as "Chat" In tho (Jcrnrintown Independent Onzette and other sectional newspipeis. i Mr. Schwirlnnr wns born In (lermnny nnd enme to the Culled States when ho was 17 enrs old. Hi' settled In Missouri and enlisted In a Missouri regi ment for service In tho Civil War. He was wounded In tbo arm nt the battle of Vicks'iurg nnd later, wns honorably discharged. After tho war he moved to iSirniiintnnii. There he opened a shoo store nt f!er muntown nnd Chelten avenues, nnd con tinued tho business for SO years. Seven onrs ago hp letlred. Mr. fchwerlner was n member of tho Kills Post. CI. A. It, which he helped to found; the Ma sonic Veteiiins. and tho Kotcsters of America. Ito was prominent la' charity work In Corniatitown. Mrs. Schwcrlner and u daughter, Mrs. Miriam Edwards, of Rooky Mount, N". C , survlvo him. No funeral aiMugiincnts have been made as yet. MERRITT H. HAINES Insurance Agent, Stricken on Railroad Train, Dies Merrltt II. Haines, an Insurance agent, died yesterday at his home, 271S North 1.1th street, following tin attack of heart disease, which he suffeied whllo riding on a train. Mr. Haines had been nttendlng an In formal dinner, given bv one of bis friends In Oermantown. Ho took n local train for lili homo nnd' was conversing with sev eral other pahsengcrs when ho wbb sud denly stricken. Mr. Hnlnes was a trustee of tbo Gaston Presbyterian Church, 11th street and Le high avenue, and n member of Lodge No. 2 of Masons. He Is survived bv his father and mother, Jeremiah and Sellna Haines, and two brothers, Lawrence T5. nnd Ernest C. Hnlnes. Tho deud man was 33 years old. catljs These Notices Are Printed In the Evening Ledger Free of Charge Altll WIAMS. -- On Nmnniber .10, 11)15. IIUHTIIA. w fc of Jofpph Abrahams, hkoI 1.8 years. Hyalites n I friends are tnvlt-tl to .itteml tho funeral services, on Friday. Ht 10 n. in precisely, hi her lite residence, 111 North Hnhv St.. Md and Arch bis. In torment nrlxate. iitllltll'l"!' On Pei'emlier I, 1UI5, nt her lVin ' lisWeme. PHa C'ulwln l . IDA ... IIUIUKTT. i'ue nolle of the funeral will .!' clven. lllliiAIHIS. At I'eiin Square. Kant Norrltnn loiwlP. on .Nniember So. Jlil.v WII.UAM. Mill Ul IW ,u,- IIW' Ml,., .l.lll.tll IllUtVOS, In his T'lb ' ltel,ittea nnd trlemts nre liivltfl tu attend the funr.l ueribex, on S.imnUy, at -' p. m . nt hla iuto reaMeiue. l' nn tauiire, i:at Norrlton inwnhlp. Mrint Kiimery founty. rnrrisgis meet trolley eav. InK Seile ut , N'orrmtnwn, at 12 :io ami 1;:(0 at Iho ilermaniunn pike. Interment t Gulf Cemetery ,.i I.I.Altl). On Kntembcr SO. 1D15. Mru. SAI1AII A. liri.LAHK. widow of Hamlet , Itull.ir J, In her UUth e.ir. Due noilco o! the Mineral Mill tu Klven, frutn ihu rel-.li-in-e of her bon, CliiirU'u II Ilullard, 1321) ropl.ir t. Ill 'I I. int. On November 30, 1013, I'AT ItlfK r. husbanil of Tlirea H llutler me, t'aiinon.) lleUttvea and friends, ulao Ibily Nime Society of Annunilailon I'hurch, arc lnlte, to atteml the funeral, on Friday. Ht S 10 a. m., from bis late lolilcnii'. d t'r.nnlnghaiH place (Kederal et. ubaie 11th si ). IllKh Iteiinlem Mans ut i'hurch of An iiuncl.illmi at 10 a. m. Interineni at L'atho Ural Cemetery. l.l(l). At National Soldtern' Rome, liampion HoadH, Vn., on November 21', 1U1.1. Ji ill NT llVAItl), husband ot the latu Mar tha A. Hyiird. aeetl 71 ear Itrlatlvea and friends are Invited to attend the funeral aervUt?1, on Fnda. at 2 p. in., at the. resi dence of tiU aon. J ihn C ilard, 1217 South :i2d rit , rhlladelrhla. Intfrnivnt at Pernwood Cemetery. Ifmalns may be Mewtd on Thursday, from S to 10 p. m. COX siuclileiil. on November 29, 1013, WILLIAM I'OX, Jr., ton of William. Sr . and Hannah Cox, aged fi.1 )eara. IteUtlten and friends, alto KUworth Caatle 'o 1,7. u. K.. and employia of Molt Urothers. are Invited to attend tho funeral, nn Sundav. at 1 p. m.. from hla jmrents' residence. 137 St Win t. Interment ut Cheltenham Ceme tery. Remains may bo viewed on Saturday evening IltATKI. On November 0, 1015. IO SKI'ltlNK, widow of Harry Dentel. Funeral on Friday. t R..';o a m., from her late resi dence. 311 .Northeast Boulevard. Hilcnui Ttequlem lllsn Mais at St. IJonaventura's Churvh. ttlth and Cumbria uts , at II) u. in. Intvniient private. IIIIMllAN. On November 30, 1813. HIILK.S'A. wife of John J Donovan. Rela tives und friends, alao the Altur and Rosary und Leauue or the Sacred Heart, are invited to attend the funeral, on .Saturdav, ut S:"0 a. m., from her husband a residence, 221H Race st. Requiem Mass at the Cuihedral. at 10 a. m. Interment at New Cathedral Ceme tery. DOWN"- On November 30. 101S, WILLIAM. nufeoana Ji aan juoure iiqwhs, sged DO. Ittlallvcs and friends also Equal Rictus Lodge, r.o. i", 1. u. w. v.. anu employes or Dock St. freight department. Pennsylvania II, It , are- Invited lo attend the funeral serv ices, on FrlJJ. st 11 a. m.. at bis late resi dence. SliO Ht. Albsns place Interment at Northvvood Cemetery. Auto service Re mains can he viewed TbursJa. between 7 and u P' m' EVANS. O'l December 1, 101B. JOHN It., husband ot the late Mary Evans. Relatives and friends, also orders and Rosary boclcty of M. Kdmond's Church, sro tnvltel to at tend the funeral, .on Monday, at 8 SO a. m.. from his late residence. lS2d South 20th st IlrquUm HlBh Mass Bt the Church of St. Kdmond's at 10 a. m. precisely. Interment st Holy Cross ptroetery. VIEI.I). On November 30. 1918, JOHN R., husband of Carrie Field (neo Wtlngard), and 5,n ot Emily A. and the Uts John R. tbli. "a. bis :d esr. Relatives and friends, also ii es A. Gsrfield Chamber. No. ID. o. K. F?: Keystone UcneBcIil Asiotiatton and employes of llenry Dbtston 1 tons' Jobblnu dept. ate Invited te attend the funeral, on FrliUy atternooo, at So slack. Iroro bl mother's residence. 7121.. State Road, Tacooy. Inter ment at Magnolia nmcUry. rnul). At Mill llliN J, en November 29, ill"' tllARlFS toun. fa the 624 sr oi 1U a? Re(aUv and friends ar. Invited ui sicM the fuuertl S4rvl.es. at lbs real denca t his son In . lvv Thuraaa WblUksr, SvW Siena -u w, ,. DEATHS dny, at 11 . m. Interment rrlvate, at Mount Mcinnt cemetery. (IILHKItT. On December l, 101B, SCR A. UILHCHT (nee Wllnn), vvlfo of Theodore T. Ollhert. Relatives and frlendi nre Invited to attend the funetM crvlce Saturday, nt a p. m . at hfr late reildorce. r,40t Webster t, Interment private, mends mny tall rrldi irom 7 until n p. m HAIM'.S. At Trenton, N. J., on Eleventh Month '10th, 1HI. KSllintt ANN, wliow ot William i'. Hnlnep. ItMjtlve and friends are Invited to nltend the funeral ervlres, nt the PrlendV Meeting, lloufe, Medford. N J., on Saxth-d iv, .id, nt 1 p. in Interment nt Medlerd. N. J .lONI.S. At lUltlmore, Mil, on December I ml.-., SA.tAII II JONlis (formerly of Vnllaileirhl.i, t'n ), nldovy oi Robert Jone-t nnd daushtir ot the lato Inac II nnd Sarah rolehi'wer. Relative nnd frlemU nro In vlte'l to ftttend the luneral rervbea on Frl d.vv nt 2 p. m.. nt the nartmen( of Oliver II Hair, H20 ( heatnut t., Philadelphia. Interment nt Mt. Mnrlah Cemetery KYIX.-At hi late resldenre, anjo Houth liarlenst., on Deeembor 1. inif, Rfait. huKband ot Maruaret Kyle. Ilelatlvia n I frleivls nro Invited to attend the funeral, on Fitiirrtny. at 1 10 p. m i, from the rrajdenre of i,i Kon. William J. Kyle, loiri) McKean nt Intermenl.nl. Fernwood Cemetery. I-rlcnJa may rnlt I-"'!1'"' evening. 1 P.P.DS. In MooreKlovvn. N. ,t., on Eleventh 1 Month nOth. 1015, ALFrtni W. LHEDH. husband of I.ydlA II II. Lend. In hli r,;,ti vear. Relatives nnd friend are Itivliod to attend the funeral, on CIMIwlay arternoen. Twelfth Month, 3d, nt s o'clock, from rrlends' Meetlns Houe. Moorestonn, N. J Interment private at WcaideM, N J. Train leaves Mtrhet st. ferry 12 SO for Moore town. Trolley leaves Cimden svery half hour. IXlMi. On November ao. nun, janij, widow of Alexander Lour, nped ii sear Relatlvei and friends are Invited (o attend the funeral service", nn Friday, nt 2 10 p m., nt the residence of her daUKhter, Mrs Fred erick zoos, -'i'H soutn .ill) St., inroy, i"v. Interment private. li:l.1!V. On November 20, 10tr, WYND II AM S.. luuhnnd of Kate Mele, In his Qlth year. Relatives anil friends are Invited to attend the funeral rcrvbes, on Prldav, De cember :t. at II a. m., at his lute rrsldeti' e, I2S Hlehey nve., Wet l-olllliKSWood, N. J. Interment private, at Harleljili (Vmetrry, r.S convenience of thn family, rrlenda may call Thursday cvciiIiik. Please omit flowers. O'llHIKN. On Deromber 1, H"lf., IIANORA, widow of I'alck O'lirlen (neo Trenol). Relatives and friends nre Invited to attend the funeral, on Haiurday. at s to n. in., from her late residence, Wnverly road near Lis more nve, illenslde, Pa. Solemn Hlnh Re. julem Mas nt fit Luke's Church, nt 10 n. m. Interment nt Holy tjvputchro Ceme trr. PANCOAST At Rlverton, N. J, on lie. umber 1, IMS. PnWARIi II PANCOAST. In hla dst jenr. Relatives nnd friends nro Invllel tn attend the funeral service, ,,u Haiurday, at I :!0 p m , at hla late resi dence 101 Main st.. Rlverton, N. .1. Inter incut nt r.ilmvrn Cemetery. Trains levvo Market s. ferry, rhlladelphla, at 12 noon and 12-JO I'Al'L. On November .10, 101S. PHTnil, htislmnd of Wllhelmlnn Paul (nen llausch). aced 4S years. Relatives and friends, also Herman Lodgo, No 12.1, P. and A. M.; Ih-iknhappo Tribe. No. 1.1H, I. o. It. M : Canslntter Volksfest Vereln. nlso directors ami membcra of Philadelphia Sehuetzen Veielp, nr" Invited to attend hit funeral, on Fnd.iv, at 2 p. m, from his Into rc-ldeni e. 1217 I rankfnrd nve., Fintikford. Interment nt HlilMde Ctmetcrv. Automnblle service I'l'.TIMIS On November III). Ill IS. MA TIIIL1A HOPI1IA dniiKltter of Hie lite Am brnsi and HlUabfth Piters. Relittves and frbnds nre Invited tn attend the funeral erilc-H nn Pitnrdnv, ut 1 II'l p. m.. at her late rsldince, 12ii" I'nlunibl.i nve. Intermint strlctlv p'lvate, nt Nurthwnod Cemetery. Re mains may bo viewed on Pilday. from 7 to 0 p. m. I'IKIIMIN On November .10 IMS. I.P.'.Ii: W.. widow of .Teremlab O. Plcrsnn. Puner.il services on Prldly, nt 2 p. in., nt the chsnel of Kirk ,t Nice, tviol Hermantown avenue. Cerniantewn. Interment private. RAM Li:. On November .11), 11115, WILLIAM IIIUHiKrc IIAWI.i:, son or the late Charlei Wall ice Ilreoke. Funcrnl services at at. .Tames' Church, 22d and Walnut streets, nn Prldav. December 'J. nt 2 p. m. Interment private. HUM. WAY. On November .10, 1015. HHNRV WHIllllT IHIMIWVI relatives ami trlrnrts nre Invl.el tn ittend the runeml scrviies, on r'rl lav , at 2 p m,, at his late residence, 22-'l North nth st. Interment private, nt laiurel Hill Cemetery .SCIIATTi:. Oil November K0. 1P1B. CON RAD I'. P. husband of Caroline II. nt his homo In Hwnrthmoro. Pa. Relatives mid minds nri- Invited tn itttend the (uncnil servicer Saturday at 2 110 p. m. pr.'clselv, at the Hpartnieuls of OUver II Hair, l.s;o chest nut t., Phlla Interment private. MMIIIU.- on Nnvililber SI), IMS, .TAMPS P. faU'OUU, ak-ed Til jiars. Relatives nnd Irlcnds me Invlterl to attend the funeral setvlctst on Prlda afternoon, nt 1 o'clock, nt hi" late rmllenrc, 1112 North llouvlcr st Interme-'t private. THOHNDIH'" At her residence. 175 Marl boro street, lloston, on November 20. 1015. nLI.UN LI1WIS, widow of licorge Qulncy Thorndlke, In her 7lh je.ir. , "CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STYLE TYPE (or llko thbO One time Lie per line Three times one week J'Jc per line tdx ilmrs one week loo per line Situations Wanted, three tlmea one wick III cents per line wr Im-enlon. FMacc your order for three or more times and it will be inserted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One nr two time rate for Gigmmi Lr.tsirR nnd Pi in It Lmmimi tnmhlned Is II) i-vnia tier line with tha exception of Help Wanted and BltiutllotiH vvunteu. wnun is in ccnis per lino. FOR TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which la permitted In all ettispltlcatlons ex iepi Help und Situations Wanted. Lost und Found. Peri-nnalH. Hoarding and Kooiiim, uiM FIVE CENl'ti PER LINE TO ANY OP AHOVB RATE.S. There ii a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want a its at ollice rates. PEIISONALS NOTICE Will the two oun girls who lolt on ilic norlh-lxiund Jliney nt 5 ..0 o'clock Fri day evening, November 211. from the I4)th st. terminal, write to the fcllnwln; dildrctui: IHIIIIV ROTH. 110 North lUth t., Allen- town. Pa. NOTICE la hereby glien that I, John Ile.ittlc. Sr. residing at 2SP Oakfoid ,1.. will not be responsible for any debts unlesr vonlracted by myself. STERN .V'LEVINSON. srocerlesT .MPO Kolsoin st., sold to Morris Abmhaimun Credi tors call ut 3-11 W. Ulrard uve., until Decern-ta-r -1. HELP WANTED FEMALE CIlAMllERMAID and wultres., white, In snialll fun.ilv. $S. 1S2S S Rlitetihousa au. CIIILDXPRSE. Pintestant. with good rcfer-V enie .vppiy i-vmi pruie si. CHOCOLATE COATER wanted, experienced! I ii,-n:iiiBiit (uwltlnn rivnl i,neau I .l.lmks l 'I o. Hox 42. llcrvvjii. Pa iHUCiiLATE COATER-Experlenced girl; per.i m.inent ima.tlon; teod wages. Address P. O,1 4'.", Herwjn. ra CLOTH IVmVBRS wanted. ADlllV jnnti AZ. james lionson, inc , ma lane. Palls of Schuvlklll. Inc , Hlanket Mills, Scott's! COOK Wanted, an ex,e. tenced cook lor a prl- vale lamtiv in a email cuLnuj town, preier ably of Swedish or Xarweglau detctnt. Ad-1 dress applbutlous to MUs Hart Irvluo Mer- cersbnrg. I'a COOK Svolvh, Protectant, no vvah, small faudl . good reffienw; iticit einp!oer. Hoouil 2:;0, Public Ledger. Kildav, 11 a mi. COOK, uod at dinners and oidirs lilt Vinei street. UIHU lialf-srovvn. white, tn assist with bouso-i vvork,l. 1S2S S. Rlttenltite tq. I GIRLS wanted to leain iiaper box maklngfi gocd jay to begin, unusual opportunity, I steady work. Cull National Metal Edge Hox Company. Mh aiKlWillow stL 1103IV.RY Exp.toppcrs andkolitersand learn-, ers: steady work, good pay. 1120 N Lawreiusl HOl'SEHOLU ASST.-Yuuni; or iiildJle-asedL white, no washing or lionlng; no heavy clean ing, suburbs. Hox JSn, Drescl Hill IIOl'SEWOHK-Gen liousework mldd'e-agtai 1'rot. woman for toun. . family. 2. Meet ludvl for luterv.. It in. 2IQ. Pub. lad.. Prldav at 11, IIOESEWOHK-Rellable Prot. iltl by prlvaici adult family for gen. housework, gooa ho.uel anq wages, reis. i-u . a111 u.t vv. i'nila. llOPSBWOHK-acneral, lOloieJ. good cook i suburbs. Meet cmidoer, Koom -Jt), Publul Ledger, Thursday, 11 . in. 1IOP8EWOHK Young refined woman for prl-l SS: ate uancing siuaia; rer. it ,i:n. lom. HOUSEWORK White Proteatant girl; ref.V req.; ill, wainiu,. vaii ai. a. ihl at. HOPSEWOHK-Nest. reliable girl: family 4.1 Call 4910 N. Broad St. LADY'S MAID, must be experienced goodll sewer, packer, etc. Address, giving nit ref-1 erenvc. a. i..iioa isi. ,'pimueipma, t U; uai r.uivr.s.9, coioreu oy uay, waaicq m urynil Mavvr. Pa., ens llvlna la the vicinity of Urjolj Mawr preferred. II ll'l. la-.Iger lfflce. J MAlU- Ward maid. Aprlv In person, Vofij VCIS.vj (1W,'Jlij i. ?v'ul? ! StHSPHY liOVUNt-SS lor child i jevrs old. French or English vreferreil, la go to truim rrnraTivBzua re erriure reauirea 1 Meet lady for Interview Kooni jno. Vublli. Ledger idy mo'cliu;, Decerober 3, be tca S.30 id iq.30, HELP WANTED FEMALE PAPER no.VP.q- Pxperlenced operators can h.ivo positions where rood wages con bs made, rIvo hrp, ejpcrlenee, etc. Call Mar- SALi:sVliliLST Apply between 10 nnd 12 nna 2 nnd 4. must be nnie lo give nooa rcirrenics. ileorite II Pvins, 1100 chestnut. SAt.nsWO.MHN for confectionery end eakes: must be experienced Apply nt Ilureflfi of Pmployment. P noor. before 11 a. m. sTRAWiuuDUR cLOTiunn. STKNOOHAl'tlPn for broker's office; salary to start, $r per week; slate aire, previous eTrerlencenndniinIincatlons. H ciI2. 1.. C WOMAN, white, for general housework, able to bake; tefcrencc required; family of 3. Kill X. lflih Poplar 4407 J. . yntxil vo.!I:n stendy work. OJIInder Olnss Works, Wlstlnomlng. VOPSO LAPIRS peeking office positions ns STPNOORAl'IIRRS, fiOOKKEEPDRS or CLlIltK'S will receive valuable ndv Ico and helpful service by calling nt Ledger Central nn I cnniulting ''Miss Dean," ..., Through tho COM.MHRCIAI. DHt'ART MENT. n free service to Ledger advertisers, a largo number of nunc ladles were nbla to lot .ue sitlsfnctory positions. "Miss Dem will help nu with jour ad., list jour ipiJll flcallons and aid sou to locato n ixisltlon ir possible. flenernl LADY Mature, for high-grade position, Vipen Jan. 1. permanent, whole or part time; short hours exceptionally good pay, no nrnvlnuR b.islncss etnerteneo necessary, but must be ambitious. Apply Immediately, glv- lug telephone. It 1l, Ledger Central. GOVERNMENT positions open to women, 1,5 month Wrlio Immediately tor free list. Frank lin Institute, Depl. 715 J. Rochester. N. ' IIELr WANTED MALE UOYB wnnted, 111 or over, to work In. wall paper factory. Apply at once. Decker, fa'mlth .c l'nge, Water und Bnyder live. HOYS, not under HI years, for messengers, with advaiiicinent, l. Including lunch. P 213, i.odner unice. , llt'TI.EIt Expericncod, joune, colored; refer ence rcq'd. isiri Walnut st, nfter 11 o'clock. i AIIINETMAKEItS wanted. Apply Lincoln Pmnlturn iviiipinv, loth nnj lahlgliav'c l AIIINETMAKERS' HEI.I'EHH wanted. pply i immn Furniture i o . loth et A Lehigh nve. CASE FITTI'lts wniilid. Apply Lln.-oIiiiPurnl. turc luinpinv, Huh and lelilgh ave. CIIAPPPEPR Klngle mall, white, tuhurhs; must take iare of heaters, also lawii. Eng- usiiman proterreo it mu, i.eager central. CLOTH WI.AVEHM wanted Apply John e et Mills, Bcott'a James DoLson, Inc , lllnnke lane, 1 alia ol HinuviKiil. ENllRAVP.il - EXPERIENCED MAN ON STKEt DIES FOR PAPEIt EMllOSSED hi: u.s. Mi.n' in: good at lettering AND MEDALLION WORK: WAGES 1S, .STEADY POSITION. APPLY, WITH SAMPLES. RICIIAItl" M KRAPSE. 22 AND 21 W. ID ST, NEW YORK CITY. ENilRAVEH ExpcilenceJ mini on brass stumps dor gold leaf work on fancy box topa and perfumery labels: Mo.idv work, with Mtod pn. pply, with sample, ltd hard M. Kralise, 22-24 W. 'Id at.. New York ilty. JANIToll wanted for a private schiwl In thn cnunirv . man lompctint and experienced In tho ItiiiiK and hatiilltni; of fi.w-pressuro steam boilers mid to do gcnernl utility work 'Hid Janitor's duties about the building. If nuurled nnd no children wife inn be given poKition ni maid, tn do genernl housework atid wait nn table, wages lor man, ui pi r mouth, Uiard nnd lodging, for wife, $1S per month Address, with full pnrtlriiliirs, ex peileuto and releuuics, Yeatea rJchool. l-lln aster, I'a LATHE II VXIiS-cleveUnd, Acme," "iTrbitTy end Turrit lathe hands wnnted; ist-clasa lueti only; hUbest wages ild. Apply Htand . ard Rollci HearlnCo, l.ith A Merlon ave MACIIINIHT-Slngte young inanof good nib drees for traveling poa . Prot . American born. asol.ltel temperate habits, no others need apply, answer full particulars. C 4ul, Ledger llftbo. MACIIIXIS1K Wanted, experienced vise hands" Utters unl I'nlshere nnd milling machlhu b.ini'H P 211', Ledger Ofllce. N'lTloN SALESMAN wanted for collar Mip lorts, ll.ues, dress weightings, weights, elas tics, beltings. i-Mrt blnlds. cable lord, etc., to eoicr the nmnufai turtttg nnd retail trndo In the ilty, on u cnmmlfslou basis only; ttntn exrn rlence an! reference. New York Notion Cuinpanv!2.l-2S E. 2l',th bt.. New York PIlfXTKIt. Prop slant, ull-arniind "enterprising oung man, take charge of small .plant lentrally located; atiitc ngo and experience. C' 120, l.edgir Central. SAt.LSMVN WANTED"-- Active, resounerul business man wanted to take high-grade pnrhtnt' In the city as selling agent, com. menial liisiiraiiie. must be familiar with merinntllo business and especially iledlt riantlllg: splendid opportunity for capable, inergetl.' man who has the business cxperl enie and neitssiry t ict an Intelligent e ((l lilt position, gltt'edge refeienie na to char ntter and stnndlng incetairy, atate age, hitslnesN cxpeileme and full particulars In Loutldenif. T. A. Jnlimon, Iftll Comimriial Trust Ilulldlnr. Philadelphia, Pa. SAI ESMAN Eastern Hlioie Marvbinrt und Hell awtue. for Importer laces, embroideries and manufacturer and distributor notions and ladles' H'aJy to wear. Onlv those havrng i tiibllaSod trndu and experleiuv in the above limn nted iippl. Good p'aie for tho right man Adil'eaa H 7i:i. ledger Central. SALESMAN stnlnner. lommandlng trade; plop, aienni. in ami. ioni-eii. ,p iw ral.lin. SECRET RY for Mi tori manager, i3enn,.ii, not under 2',. must be aggretslve, inimble of handlluB large amount of detail work, reil oblo. good education, preferably expincnied In fce, ictoriul work, mate age. experience, former cmplniers nnd Milary expected. ,,. dress Secretar), P. O. Hox y, I'lulnitrlil, N.J. SOLICITORH, tlrst class, wanted on big prollt ntle proposition to he launched In Philadel phia within next few days Address, .giving age, exiwrlenie and references, II SIS, Ledger Central. bTENOGUAPHKR "Young man, Cliristl.in, about IS years of uge, good nt coinpnilttoii and English, opportunity to learn li-niklnc. Reply, stating experience and salary ex peeled. C 4111, I.eilgcr office. STRAWIIItlDGIl A CIoTHIER require experienced doll repair man. Apply llureau of Eniplojmint, iVt floor, .before 11 a. m. 1 TOOL GRINDEns (Seller) wanted; flrst.cUss nii'ii ul. Applv Standard Roilcr-HearhiE Co, lull nnd Merlon nve. WANTED, at once, two retired or ex-hospital surgeons, L". S. iinny. specialty, tlri-all fin lr iiceldints nn 1 managing dtspcTisii) Applv in peri'iti. lMd)smno vmtuuuliliin cor poiali'in. Eddytlone, Pa. WANTED An eleetrlml 'cngmier to fake cluirgo of local plant In Ccnti.ll Pennsyl vania Must be willing to waik for moder ate salary to commence and furnish best references. , Addicts P. O. Hox l'Jl.Altoona.pH. YOPXG MAX cnpalilc taking iare of store, of flic, with eoun knowledge of ateiiojrnphv and leslro to become salesman, inmlerntx wages In start. Call TUT Ilnlley Huildlng before I n. YOI'XG MAX wanted" to "work foot pflntlitff pros and 10 inal,e himself useful ta a nhiie nalo house. Apply IS S. Pront st. bctwiCii I iid iS a. in. vC ,l MBX Steady work. OliTlluTer iltiss Works. W IsnInoiidiiK. Philadelphia, Penna.. Novembtr 20th. 1US. Mr. E. P. Gilbert, , Ledger Cent ml, 1 Phllidelphli. Penni. Dear Mr. Gilbert. 1 wish lo lake this opportunity of extend ing nil appreciation to you und tn the Pub lic Ledger for the efforts of your department In assisting me to get a position. As jou know. I tilled out one of our emplovment blanks and placed an advertisement In your paper for three Insertions, the cost of whlca waa trivial comiuired with the results, 'i'h ever ready and courteous arnica rrn. dernt by our offke, together with my own experlcme. make mo say that I think our nvjtem tho best of any newspaper in the. my, and I ihierfullv recomineol the Lel gir to any one seeklnu .1 position through Uts medium of advertising. Again thanking )ou. I am, Sincerely youra, JOHN M. RHEERAN. Si)7 North Markoe st. Generu! till X. UUOAO bT. Tha Odeat Original AVTOM01HLE SCHOOL Teat lies sou how to repair and bow to drive autos. F. PHrrZ. bll X. HitOAD ST. III SlXEss SEHWi'E I'OMI'.VXY POSITIUXS l-Olt llli'.ll CLASS MEX ONLY PiOO LAND TITLE HI'ILOIXll SITUATIONS WANTED FBfSI ALE ASSISTANT bookkeeper and t plit d.lrva ,'jnlion. A Ny 1 -ief. 11 oil, ljd.v.'oDt. ATTENDANT, or nurse to Invalid oi elderly iwrkiw. men line, etc . In goad I'rottstant home, ryterenn'. II ISO, Levis er Olflie.' BOuKKKPEIl. stfiioirapber, "13 rs.' eip., dulies g'-od perm, pualiion IIM2 lahLCVa. CASHIEIt and iMHikkeeper. thoroughly tip., quiik and a'-urate. van hsndle orders routes, sslesj reports, etc.; exe. rets. E 732, LeJ. Cent. CUAM1IHKM a'ID and waitress, exp. white slrl. Ulu. preL2.L! S. Ceilt st, V. Phils, CHAMDEltMAlb Awist laundry, good refeK ": Li.1 ' . Ledgur Ofllce ' . crfAMHEHWOUK and vvaltlag; Irlin- eip.'r country pref. , ref. C 1U2, Ledger Office. CHAUUEltWOHK and waiting; Eligllih ProT estant. ilty jreferied. 271S Alrerord . COOK Chambermaid and waitress, two com" pitsnt )u'ids while libr's. ph Ardmore JU2-W COOK ScoUta Protestant goo.1 reference,, country pier.rred II 120. IcUter OftUe. COl'li Tnorcighy operienced, eompstenT neat Wsr 'iv re'erenie 2U20 Sanson r COOK - r "tnpetent wooiau prlvatt turn ly it im ref . i. ldgtc 'iUe, f fOOK Exp-le-4;eil rl'-fd ij-i re'erence city f.t uk b Ji Ut, U ,, J ace, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE COOK, good, competent, colored, desires 'city positionrerercnee202.i catnarine. COOK, chambermaid and wallres- Two drls; elty or suburbs. Mil North 20th st. COOK Experienced while woman, good ref eience. It 1.12, Ledger Office. COOK-Oood cook would llko position, down stairs work. 1N20 South lutli st COOKING nr general housework-HIrl, col ored, wishes tlace, city or country: refer ences. Call or write, I2u s. Van Pelt. COOK1NO In small adult family; no washing. See Miss Heed, Public l.edger,1io'clock. DHESSMAKPlt. 1st class, expor., des. engage ments; per day, $2 lo. l527V.Montgomery. UIJ1L. reliable, neat, colored, wishes day's wurk; but ref. Apply 12.11 s. 10th st.,clty. IIOPSEWOIIK-Uxpcrirn rd young white Rlrl wnr.ia neneral housework In oernmnlown; wages 7 per week. II 117, Ledger Office, LADY'S MAID or Invalids nurse-Exp. Prot ertantv"oman. II 125, Ledger Office LAPNDHKS, first class, wants week's tvork. .Mrs. Hrown, 2021 N. 2d. . MILLIN'PIl wishes oisltlon, salarv no object If opicrtunltv to gain expedience on line bqts nnd trlinmlnc. c 114, l.idger Ofllce MOTHER'S ItPLPEtl by d ty or hour during parent's absence. H 1IM. Lodger Ofrue. NPftSEPract, rcf. mldd.e.aged woman etp. with Invalid, as motb-r a helper with cllil dren; sewing, light duUtsJl dill, led. Cent. NPRSERY Koverness or companion; refined, educntid Italian lady. II I'll, Ledger office STENOilRAI'IIEIt, expert, 0 years' vxpcrlnino. familiar with technical work, gno. ior-e-sj'iinilcnt nnd seiretary, II 547, ledger Cent j STttyrKHlAPIIEIt, llrat class, I ears' expel. i koou on corresimnncnco. n mv i.engei vcri simnd BTEXiulUAI,IIEIt-HFi"Y, thoroughly exp. and cipable, best refs It U'l. Ledger Cent HTENOGRA I'll Fill, high sihool gradimtu.sllght exper , willing to lenni. KMl X. 4th si. STEXOUItAI'HLIt, neat, inpabb-, energetic, rapld typlft. trv me II 01 1.LedgerCetiiral. sfEXOGIIAPHER - Neat. meunite, xlepend able, very rapid tjplst. It Ml, Ledger cent. STENOGRAPHER Thoroughly exper. and rnp nhle. kjinwleilgo of book'g. 11 41, Led. Cent, lEL'"I7iloSE" opentnr, pflv. trnncfi " prefT Ihorougl.ly exp. II Si5, Ledger Centrnl. WOltK- l'a's"vv"ork, "cleanleg, private family best icjercncp. II 127. Ledger firrii e VolJXG Oliil. vvfRhe- thambervverk or walling or housework 'n prlvnte faiull), good refer ences jt; North Pith at. CnMPETEXT woman of euifure "nnri edtica7 Hon desires the care of one or more children In good ralnll. supervising lessons, music, ite. ; could rell-ve tnnthir of Innumerable duties, verv psirrletieed, gon. dlsponl'Inn, finest credentials. JlS-JIn, II. SSS, lo-d. Cent. GENTLEMAN, cloilng his ; ountry place" for winter, wishes to nnd position for his cook nnd waitress (white), can reiommend loth highly. It 712, Ledger Central, If you nre In need of a STENOGRAPHER. noOKKEEPER, CLERK or OFFICE AS SISTANT nnd do not find an ml which meets jour requirements, phone "Miss Dean." Ledger Centnl Wnlnut :i0OO. nnd tell her nur needs She will submit for sour lotislderntton several voiiug ladles, ex perienced nnd qualified lo fill vnur pnxltlnn Through the COMMER 'I.M. DEP Mt I'M EX T nt Ledger Central n great many flrina halo bei n able tn secuie competent oITleo he'p. This scribe Is free lo Ledger advertisers SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOPNTANT. ofllco nnd sales man, ,12. wldo expirlclue, lollegt lueii. uiiusunl ablllt.v.vle slria position AildresH II ill 1. Ledger C1ntr.1I. ADVP.lt TIMING MAN. 2.1. exis-r. sa'esmjin: mp, hie of writing cool, fonoful copv, mii'.e tho lavout, handle coircs., refs. C II... Led. () P.OoKKI:EI'EII. 21 yeais old. five viars'.ex perleiue. desliri position with reliable house. brt-i I iris lefcrcmes. C lir,.loiUer OITit e. HOOKKEEI'EII. l. II", and stenogrnphcr. I ears ovpirenn. leliuble, tnodcialc salary. II 7". Ledger Central ildOKKEEI'ER or office work. "was mfg,; gooil reason fur ihangc. will mako good. C 1-tl, Ledger Olflie. HtiOKKEEITH. 2il. at present eiiiTiliiil. .de sire 10 make change. C .Tt.1, Ledger Office. llOOw':EEPEll nnd clerk-Young man, 22," de slriHa position, best of refs, II 7il, Led.Cen. iu'TLEft, young. German, experienced; best referen. e. II 12U, Ledger offtie. CARI ENTEIl nnd millwright foreman, with many jeara' experlcnio in construitlon work, vvanta steady poHltlon; Al references. II Ml, Ledger Central. CIIAPPIT.I'R. mecliuilc, English, slngiel wants position, disengaged end of November. Address "Chauffeur." Hox 1.11, Radnor, I'a. CIIAPPPEPR. inei hanlc. l.fr.ini' exp. enu- nble driver; excellent references. Dtjmond bihO. 201U W Hostoli ave CIIAPPPEl'll wWics position, beat nf.rels, doown repairing. Hi E Tiibor st..Uiney. CllAVPl-'EPIt. oung man, vvlilie il yeari' experleme. best of referent e. c 112, Led. llif CIIAPPPEPR. white, good driver, work round house: ref. Oliver Parrons, 1012 S. 2.'ilh. CLERK." jnung 111. in. high aehool graduate J scars' exp, wish. a pn-ltiuti. It i,."it. la?d.Cent. COACIIMAX-HARIH'.XEIl Gentleman closing country pl.ico for winter deslria position for hla coiibnian' 1'ioroughly reliable nnd cipa- j IMO ll lillU H'l ll'l"e, ..,,.,, hlluni 01 Vll4lh" of fnrm. P St.'l, Ledger iillke DHAPTSMAX and median! id engttiier wlaliea imtitlnn. ofllce and ehop ixpcritn e, age 2.1. Norwegian, apeaks Pimllsh and Goiman. Wrlto h. V . Ill 2d St.. lloboken, N J. . ELECTRICAL nnd niecliaiilcul 1 nglnecr, sales- k-h hasi AcSiili,lfltit I'tili bi-alll iiriuliirirA illtltlt iunrajii'nriiv, 1 uii'icnj it t ipiuuir) U(.nnii'ai Bnuiuiue in eieciricui enmiiccrinR, 10 LMiit ixirtence au olhe manaKer. i-or-rospondcnlt anU mlesnMn of ?U'CtrlLt. and iut hnnlcul insicliinery. II iCil, Ledger Cent. MAX. li.tnrly with toots, luuhet nml n iw man or shopworU. II TBI, I.cilcer CVntral. uTFU'I i..SI'l"I I IX thorough arrtitp"i.U- nt; 1 wiim i nncipni tuparinienc or; system, detail, routine; complete charge. II n .ii, i.cuhrr v ninii. OPPICC .MAN Willi executive ability and originality; thir ty, long cxprleme as stenographer, secre tary and uaalstnnt to Impor.nnt buslnets iiien; valmblt' selling experleme, evlinurill nary nriiiptablllt), hlglivst rcferencev, rea tun for change, reoiuanlxatlon: salary ila fctied IIUO pir month. t H all, LEJJUEIt OENTIIAI. tTPPIPE 'MAXAiIEH destrei iKmltlon, lias liad I years' cxpeileme Uert ally, U years' execu tively, 2 yeais' setting rxperienie: uuihle nr Hiking full linrgi' of nfllc and liamil ng ....... ...1 (I.A rnl.l II TlO I n.l.r... tfM....t W lilt;,, W,l ,t,D t.M,,,. . . ,,,, ..I,fc ( ,11,.,, , 1 OI'PK'E MAXAliEIt lilul bookke, per, cxp.'an.i thorough, good refereme. II "... Led. Cent. ' P1AX1KT Oentlemall destrea ehallLe lo iiri.c- t Hie with voung gemleman iloUalM who, can read iiiusle readll). C lid. I.clkir iiiilee. PPltl'llXsLNii' AliEXT desires ittQli with! m.niuiai tilling ur luntiatilng linn, Like i charge ur. department ur ue,xtt. know costs, upeincailons. blue prints, etc.; unierstanda viiemtstn and elrmtnts of ineilunli.il en gliietiing. 7 ears' expeilence; references! moderuo saliry. II till, ladijer Central SALESMAN, with r"Ud ,xp, uung. unmlttous ant euergclie, mn produce results, deiira staplc line, best refs. M 6tl. Ledger Orfiie. SALESMAN', eniplOjeJ. desires i hinc catuli llslicd ttrm, I ears' cxuvrlm e. g 27 In.nl or travel, excellent rem. p Jul, Ledger Oif. SA1.I.HMAN", 2.1, with selling record, a )ral' evt'erieiue. dculrea louuntlon with reliable iHiune. wtlMralel rfi ren e. P 22U, la'-l. Oil SAI r.rM N'. 2. husllcr. prudilie lulls, Ge nres cii.in.c. giiarj Aii'in-a n M'.i. !.,.! I ', nt. faTEXininxPHEH-Younir man. "I desires I'oauion iii uve ie.il estate oriuo with opi'i tuntt tn liMrn bulnes II 711, Lnlger t'ei C'PI-ll' i 1 IV" ..n ,.A.IIIn... ,.. "I . a - 'I'or 'ent. &TEW'AHI wants position; best of references, II rSa, Ledger Central. YUlXCi MAX. ,1i). with lnade'unil outside-?! lerleme, would like ultion where tkeas Qualities would be valuable sxcilleiil refer ences. II 7&2. Lodger Central. ini'Xil MAX wlIca to conneit with printing houae that has binder) . II tears cm.it. bookbinder anrl cuti,r.C!It,Lcdser 1'rIKi!. YOl'NO MAN dedrea a position ss chauffeur or retail clerk. 12 vears' experieiue. renir- ences given. M 7S2. Leigrr Central YOl'Nii MAX. competent, desires cteilcal po sition. vai. of making good. 1521 X. Dover. YOUNil MAN. fi e.irs' eicrital experience cot and railroad accountlns II 763. Led Cen YOl'NO MAN wanta potltlon as butler or houseman, best references H G.11. I ed Cent YOPXi, MAX. tunable. dlies tler'cal iosi Hon, ex; er and reference II 71S, Led. emit. Ctll.I.Ei.E "nltAHPATE -- Man. S'.Cpcrfectiy familiar wlih South American (xoort bul- ness. lesidea hailiw eupcrieni-e In linanctal work and credit. Manager of mauufaw'turlng builnem. tor 10 eu and t vc.trs as tteua- urvr. desires to connect with buainesa tliat wants a hard worker with exeiutlte ability, would mike a valuable manager ur asUtant to an executive In a linaitilal or bualnea hoiie II Stl Ledger Central PnaSKSSIXII orgaplaation. etecutlvu ability. bUh charartir, with i.ra illc.il cxpstleoce. plant manufacturing opcrutionv, I desire coti iie, ttoii with rstabltiiicJ ar new in ern as of Hi e Manager ur ehle' clerk uuqueai ocable refs. . mod Ml. U 80.1 Press Off Atlantic City EMPLOYHENT AGENCIES Mllb. KANE. Sit S. Hllh. vvlWies elluatlei.B lor bullets, cool's, vhamlMiraialds w.iiircsisa, laundi esses, maids, sssmstressss. cbllil nurses. mothers' helpers, housework girl.. best class ot servants supplied oillv, all kiuds otjmsle and female help. Spruit 1101. S'lCHOLLS. "HI2U IIAIXHHIURI ST -COMPEL TEXT MALE ANI1 PEMALE HKLP SUP PLIED ANHJVANTEU. PHONE LO&2M0. MADAME ASHE. Freni.& Eruploi ment SireauT lSitl i-lurlsiUin st.-ltellatls lislp ii.uiljVd JiS iv anted U attonsllilfs Pint hV (Sth.. MRS. MINV.LAPP ln-'lt) Chrutlin (I)jT5huu,n SIM. supplies al! kinds D 1 f I ' a,, ant ,e. male, ft'i anl ITt . hers Su.llm, mo, reis. ANTED Cooks, hjldnurses. ho sewotic mlr.i nnd mot,1er-s helper flrst-'l - hl3 warn V-U,!' mm iwm: , .u.,,' w , 4 l trSra jiiPAMV I" IT4. S5 8. r -mi supeliej flr i lW' be'' lib-u J i op e " ASTKP. Pip'-" ' I i, aitrees, inn&smia.H ww tense g JbC JVTJTOMOBILfeS 1'or Pale CAD1LIM.C, 1113. touring ear. overhauled anl repainted, full equipment, price J7.V). Al VO . SALES CORPORATION. 1 12 N. Ilroad St. COLE. 1011. n-cllniler, 7-pass. touring, et cellent condition, newly painted, $700 LO;OMOIIILn 2T1H Jfarket st. Locust 450. II. A. JENKS, Mgr. Exchange Car DepL COLE, mill, DEMONSTIIATOR3. SLIGHTLY t'SED, POK 8 VLB. .: B. HOWEIfS CO.. 213-47 N. HROAD ST. S. O. V 1014 touring, equipped with etectrle gear shift starter snJ llghtsi newly painted and overhauled, 1,017, Ledger Central; STANLEY- steamers 2i0 up. also limousine body,calh m-vke offer Il.to Westmorelsnd, WHITfl TOURING, 1M3. 0-csllnder. 60 If.lC 7-passenger, self-startei, electric lights: first class condition, prke ir,00 " I. C. MQ3EI1. 218 N. Uroad st. AUTOMoniLE OWNERS TAKE NOTHE' Tou can storo jour car In n modern fireproof storago house on dead storago for 2 per month. . ctjtaiar storage company, 4011 Aspen Jt Phone Belmont 281. HARGAIN Ford with Closed body; ideal for slallon duty or taxi; In excellent condition, neatly hew; Price JV10. Phono 2011 Filbert. William T. Taylor. Uroad and Usee streets. SEND FOR PIIPE IIPLLETIN OP PSED .CARS P.ORSOX AUTO EXCHANGE. 2.1S N UROAD Wiinled , , 8TOI'! LOOK' AND LISTENI vve buy old nutos In nny wrecked condition. Get our price before you sell Ihem. Phone or wrlleSouthwe-tcrn Junk Co .170S-7 Carpenter AUTO LIVERY AND OAHAGE8 TO HIRE-Rrnnd-iicw S-pass touring car with robes, $1.55 hDur. nlso brand-new 7.pnss. iiinuufiiir. ti.iiu nour Weddings, funerntt. etc. I'opiar mi. v. Open day and nh?ht. PACKARD car to hire, $l.".n per hour. Chad wick Repair Shop, 2041 .. Chadwlck. D .1.188 1 6-PASSENGER OAKLAND touring car, $1.21 hour. Hell Phone Walnut 41.11 ATJTO REPAIRING FORD OWNERS I can do the Job. Stop the oil depositing rn our spark plug 1 will guarantee same In every way at small cost Call Adolpli Fey, I0.I Rerkeiej st., .inc Jumiinn Gtn. .1110. ANY CAR completely ovcrhaulci by expert mechaniis. .'Iiti . 0,1 br a, tnqteri.,t r'lixtv IVJCIV. Jtl.t'Alll TlliUI', st. Dlcklnron .11SS Y. 2till a. ChadwUi SI'EEDOJIETElt TROCHEE 7 7 7 SEE H1LI.Y-311 N. HROAD r 7 WINDSHIELD OLASH REPLACED W. .1. ROSIIOIIOPGH 1220 Cilluwhlll st. VOn IIUPMOHIUs IinPAIIta Pt Jnck Starr. thollunp expert, .1311 N. Crtrllslo it. I'hon Tlng' S4M. t'wiNuniiH unnonnn, now pions and rtnts'H furnished. ucMlriRH nml hruzlng. II. G. rnilrrwio.l A 10, ini Hamilton nt 1'hIU. AITOS stored nnl rppilrpl, rrnr inhle rnttfl. Q njlior's (.urnRp. US N faitl. I.riniont tM.lis. AUTO SUPPLIES HIZAIIINHIS- " Now Dppartitm Kerv. Kta.. Tin- '.ullliam Co.. MM Arch jt. I'honp Wulnut 'I:7 luce flow. ini3. Jiffy curtains, ullp roerH renalrln rohlrtn hltth- KrHvln, jirii-r mn.i co . ;iii n rlip-i mo.lernte. KIlVarONB A I 111 Till' Hr'Ut st AUTO TIRES I'llANK NIIAW nnoAO and wnnii sT3. TIKE VI'LCANIZIXd PIIOl'E UHUEHS TO Sl'IU'l E .331. I'PI.LMAX TIHES Cluaranleei! 4iii miles. 1'oini aro prices. Ilti-ollne I'o. per gillon. ijHIM S, 2 ill X. llrond st VULCAXIX.IXI1 .T100 riiestnut. :r.nl Woodland ave. 11. WM. SHBI.nttAKE I'leslon 2I0. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES THK PALACE I'UPLTIIY Slll, New York ell, Uevenil er 7 to II Hon t ndsa attending. L. H. HIlUI.I.L. fei ret.tr, .Mlneola X Y BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A PHOSI'Elinl'.S Phllidelphli con ern. lor ears inaniifacturlng peceaity of ualiv nnv, la ,,r.it.i i.tl au.iii.pi'd wltn mcrensinK tairliiecs, and dvair a mod, 1 1 ate iimonnt in new capital to finance It. No war Imslncss. UlitEl'TlUt.- Alii: r-l Eltl.LS'.. VV ELL- K.VHVVN lll'.SIXI.SH MEN Ouod execuilve lusliion p.n. Writs vr call II. Ii. iv .. nil Xeiv hto k Ex. inacge Hunting, fur details Nu agents. , , , pooo 1)i:siiii:d An underwriting syndhato of $2.-koM capital jus secured an option at a IHghi. aitra'tlie I rue on a mill on-dollar sto. I isuo Phiu doiphla enteriTUe). there is a wide und Imma. uute inarfcKt lor iheeo seiurliiia n r.tth Dirt- ,lvlih,,',,,,J!'lU"l'"e',',, "" '""" inleiesi with the oilier members; money sm uraa. Ad.,resa M Til. Ledger Ccntr.il ' ii.rJiin"vt; " lo '" ballw '"'"I'less or slm i.mi'i n1"1' -0 ."''l1' Lic " am fa tory buildings pioduvilve. have r.iilio.d thJab jioiver, i runes; ncul enrrgetn mn. wltn some money and business itl,ilii to dig uC piiiers. ulaic iwdiiiir), siuri m.inufa. tur-bif- P. Works, Ho T.-.U llarris- POIl SALE--Ico rream and liakon known all over houih PhPudelpIila gnu I uunc s tne year around, ne.n a blj tatn.ill a rLh ami sihool, w.ll larntiie toijul.k .iir reas n or selling guliig Sou Ii. this is a s, 1,-n.ii,, ....iior tunlt loi a nam who wli . t i norklnt vluss of ptope fll 751, Ledger i ,utt .1 AX Ly'.l-.T1,U.VT oi ;i.-hki win s.curc uri oxii utlie pus. tiun and gopd i-alnrv m new uunHin jut forming; unmv iuii pro. tine.1 ny icul estatii und imiui..i) ui in. vesiur out ur tlrst prot, ula of lnn.im.sa ef. iremes dim.inilcil und given. M 7;,3 Led ger Central. ""-V :,'?. "-"I'lPiri-. PAIUE Ii I Walnut st,, I hlUi.. nici h.inlml nnd cle trd , engi liter, registered pat, nt uttoimn ,i biu.iel here Sn eirs. Invnittons devilii,.. m ems. tiailrmurks. lopyitghls Ki.ur.-.l ind mi. SHiml unwh re, njet'fd niiii i ,u nroue. cuted, pnl inlu.tiy ndvtve free HPSIXESS, etttUllsheil I "e,ir t ,rp ages! vvugons uutos, autitlrlrs. repali ni ii.if.ln shop, for sail at very icisinahli ng e ms fliantial man whu can furnU i ie. u tty cn sn ur sumo on rosy terms. M 7rH 1 ger Centrnl. fJOOiJ TO JI0.OW TO INVEST, with servirrs nt cxierienccd buslncs man, in profliabie ninu factuilng buslnos. or in loniilmng s-iail uianiii.ii tones of cpeilaltlcs that an bs na la piorltuble b extended butluets Addict, with particulars, lonrtdenttally, il Ml led nt AX old-established cum em nee..s a promoter to IniTesi cupitwl in a businii'B with isiep tlor.al tirulit-niaklng caihttliis irnmotloi, entliely oi, lommtbuion b.isls. u fliial suls ol builmss. M Mil, Ledger i eutrnl &EVEHAI. stilitly Ilrst-cl.ua theatres to est ensnge lor gooa investment prop rues every- tiling In picture, theatic. Iliin.t ,0 X Iirnati. OilUJVIXli OltciIAHliS all aces for sale, T HAflllY llAHI.IXC.TO.N JI2II Chestnut st PnOP.POCKP.T in.U. YAltn m P 4 O. for rent. Jit) month Kn w Tioga , VICTOIl J. EVAN Ii CO. Patent Attniiieis. Wiieh'.nslon (i c. Write for dcscrlpttve tjok et EXi'El'TIDXAI. opporlunllv tol n car flOOnO In established manufacturing bus'ness ncilv Interest If deshtil P sni la-dger Of ilea EXCEPTIOXAI." opportunity fvr parties with $1IS) alvd up tq seiure profllaHo Int rett In ,stal.lshc,t mfg bi's'ii. P 2n.l Ledgrr t'rf IXVESTOH-Wan'e.1 V) nd urward 10 p c guartntei.l ms,itIIHi.'s g", t r in '"'S. trial stock lorn Intervlsu I! sis Ij-1 cnt BUSINESS PERSONALS k. SI i'Pltl-'I.l ill S II VIII removed tn ele ire -sis. the only peinuinrnt way. Ecbr"a ar bed, MIS-! SMITH -R2 K.iih Thtatir pp,g Misa lloppe. liairdre,slng and fa iul to ais. lormerlyMlnt Arcade, with Miss Smith. PPLlT DIIRSS SPITS Cutaivavs. Tuxedos and Suck Suits Tn hue and mnde to order NEUHAI'EH. THE TMLOp, 1 N Bth st Hell plione Wulnut ".'HIS PUI L DIIPSS SPITS All new. stylish gaoJs isrge sssorfmeot. Samuel Ceape- 1010 nirnrd nve Por. CWS CARPEr CLEANING CO X TIJiBNTAL CAHPET CLEANING HOI SE 20TU ST AHOVB t'HESIM'T lull phone loiiust 10oa WPSTI'lllLA. MUX villi! "I'up. v IHU WEST PHIt A 3c PEIt YAHU WEST PHIL 1S70-T. LAvi'ASTiH AVE. iAiviONlOS AND JEWELRY Wli IitMi'l'EL your old Jewelry Into- the Ut wsfc w,,,s 'v isiiw uri s SI ll nnv vv AHKAMS 711 3anwai rt . Philadelphia I IH'V dlB,sls. iewclry an I Fnn ibkets lor cssb- Ail,,))' tu tu 4 -to p. m. in FHck, noom MS; AM cSetinut st ' - EHESSMAKING AND MILLINERY ijllESaMAl.lNa tausbt. short praciuab In Hruive course, u, tterns eut "i Mac- HPMST1T. Hi ii is i i at 1 t i-u-le ii ib in I' Hi' ' "i "!'Er.T S. pt r. nr. tte iyi ir-mx p-'Tjsh e irom of r KgsiMAtS'i, too tn. -did es Kins m ,i, mtli ,, "'- . - --, .,, .,, , ,, iiMiiiisa.-, n-- -