I3VKNING LEDGIOR PHILAI)BLlniA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 1015, u COMMENT ON LOCAL BASKETBALL SITUATION RINGSIDE NEWS AND OTHER SPORTSi f ILDVOLLEYING USUALLY RESULT OF DEFECTIVE FOOTWORK ON COURT Tilden Explains Different IPositions , Which Lawn Tennis Players Should Assume to Drive Ball Correctly and Effectively CHELTENHAM HIGH SCHOOL'S BRILLIANT BAND OF FOOTBALL GLADIATORS READING FIVE ' PLAYS JASPER AT KENSINGTON Home Floor Dope Should Run True to Form at i Nonpareil Hall GREYS BEAT CAMDEN f V li By WILLIAM T. TlLDEN, 2d Philadelphia Champion for 1015 .-Why did I miss thnt volley?" Thh remark ns made flo Often il-irlng one rirrnooti of urncllco nt the Oormmitcmn afternoon 01 pre Acrt(icllly'!t BroUnn- that the person who ns coaching nearly lost his voice ex plaining nnd roltcrnt 1 n s the following terse sentence: "You hit off the wrong food kid." Thero was nothing else to say. Nina times out of ten vol leys nre missed be cause of poor foot work or Inking the rye off tho hall. The relation between them will he about even over n long pe riod of play. WtT.!.Dn,sa in voucyiiw it to (jet the feet In tho exact position wished, onlnB to lack of time, but tho effect will be the same If tho weight of the body Is on tho correct foot. For tho forehand volley: If there Is tlmo get the loft (or front) foot over nnd ahead of the right. The weight Is on tho right foot until tho bnll Is met, nnd then II shifts toward and onto the left with the shot. To vollcv cross court meet the bnll In front of tho body nnd, using a stiff wrist nnd short swing, chop tho ball across. This shot should ho mnde with the left foot way ncrosH tho right, with the weight coming forward to it. for tho straight volley tho feet shouM be nenrly parallel with tho sldo lino nnd the left foot auvanccn noout jo muii-a. BACKHAND VOt.hEY. Kor the backhand volley shot tho samo rules apply, only substitute right foot for left Soot ns the ono to ndvnncc Into the ball. Volley always with your weight coming Into the ball, not away tro It. If the return to ou Is so ntllck, or ipecd so great that there Is not time to get jour feet In position, have your weight on the foot nenrest the bnll nnd coming Into tho lino of Its Might Sever volley n ball In front of your body, nlftnys mnko your footwork such that tho volley will bo mnde nt your iMe, nnd nbout n foot nnd n half from yotfr body. If tho ball Is coming di rectly nt l on, do not ndvanco your front foot, ns this would bring your 'body Into the boll's Might, but retrertt yotir'bnck foot," thus removing your body from tho line of tho shot, yet nllowlng It to pass close to you, so ns to volley comfortnbly. In taking up the question of footwork and the overhead smash, or kill, It must , g.tlrl that every man will develop his-own method of hitting this shot, usu ally1 based on his service, but there nre several fundamentals necessary to grasp fully before the overhend can be made a winning or Indlvldunl shot. l'bp not Jupip In the nlr to mako this shot unless absolutely necessary. It takes your ejo off tho ball nnd jour weight oft tho shot. i JCcep your right foot on tho ground, with jour full weight on It, mnko your shot at tho top of your serving, taking the ball n llttlo In front of your head and hit with a flat racquet fnce. swing ing your full weight onto your left foot Willi, tho shot. If this Is mndo correct ly your racquet would continue to the ground nnd land between your feet. This puts all tho forco nnd weight of Jfolir body Into tho Bhot. It adds speed and, direction. 8. Do, not start off your left nnd end on your right foot, ns this will pull your Weight out of the shot. AH short lobs should be hit overhead, and hit hard, nnd tho only way to hit n ball consistently Is to have yoiir footwork correct. Therefore, In summing up tho two articles on footwork the following Is found: Forehand Shots rjROUNDSTrtOKn or vollev. Left foot ahead of right, weight travels from back (or right) foot onto front (or left) at the moment of meeting ball. To hit cross court left Is farther ncross or nearer aide lino than for straight shot down the line. Backhand Shots GROUNDSTnOKi: OR VOLLEV Right foot nhead of left, weight travels from back (or left) foot onto front (or left) at moment of meeting ball. Cross court shot right foot Is farther across or nearer side line than for the straight shot down the line. OVERHEAD. Left foot ahead of right and nearly parallel to sldo lino (or tho line of tho desired shot); weight travels from Tight to left always at moment of hitting ball. Thero are two examples of ns nearly perfect footwork on a tennis court as one can find playing around Philadelphia every ear, and it would be a great thing for any young player to study their meth ods. These men are Wallace P. Johnson, of Merlon, and Stanley Pearson, of CJer manlown. Johnson, known to all tennis players as one of the most dangerous men in America, Is the most striking example of footwork In Its best form. Johnson's fame Is the peculiar undercut chop stroke of fair but not great force, mag nificently placed and his whole game one of cleverness and subtlety but Jt Is John on footwork which makes him tho treat player ho is. He never hits off tho wrong foot. You never sea him forced to volley In front of him. always at the side, wver hurried in his Bhots nor caught out I position, except by a perfect return. Ho can stand mnhy matches that would try stronger men simply becnuso ho saves every step: PEARSON AN EXAMPLE. Stanley Pearson, city chnmpfon In double's with I C. Ulster, Is nlno a re narkdblc example of wonderful footwork. 1'earsoit's game Is a soft,' well placed heady game, unfortunately It Is too soft Vet lid can alwnjs dile a good man hard nnd bents many of them, 'owing to his wonderful speed nnd ability to mnko re markable "gets." A point Is never over with Pearson until tho ball hus bounced twice, and tho rca son ho gets tho shots ho docs Is due to his perfect control of footwork. Ho Is n natural exponent of footwork on a ten nis court nnd would servo as a good ex nmple for anyone to Bludy who wishes to Improve this department of their gnme, so essential to rent success. It took a Pittsburgh boy to win tho Metropolitan championship this year at "; York, when Charles H. Oarlnnd, usually cnlted "Chuck," went down nnd cleaned Up with ensc. Why not hnve n few Philadelphia hoys think this mnttor over nnd see if we can't hnvo tho Met ropolian title here next year, or cer tainly within n fow. Let's get n, llttlo Interest up In tho titles plnycd far nway from our own homo club. (Jo and get this tltlo next year! My "next nrtlcto will bo on "Court Po sition nnd Court denernlshlp." t In. reading the excellent article of Mr. Glbhons In tho Puiiuo l,moit on Sun day, In which ho mentioned Karl Fisher, of Cynwyd, ns our coming star, I am willing to agree that Karl looks very good, but wish to put tho following rank ing of hoys under lfi nround Philadelphia: 1. Samuel Pcnnock, Penn Charter. 2. Rodney Heck, dcrmantown Acad emy. 3. Hcndley llnrner. Episcopal Acndcmy. 1. Knrl FiSp.cr, Cynwyd Club. 5. Thomas Vischcr, Germantown Acad cmj'. Pcnnock nnd Heck nre nt lenst "15" bet ter thnn Fisher, Judging by their show ing against boys of their own ngo nnd older. Thl3 Is not at all detracting from Mr. Gibbons' Judgment, for he has never seen cither of tho other two boys plnj (.I.A3I3IAK SCHOOL CAE LEAGUE STARTS DECEMBER C Schedule for Southern Section of Cir cuit Announced Tho Grammar School Basketball League of Philadelphia will get under way dur ing tho' neck of December 6. Lawrence S. .nvine, of the McCall School, and manager cj tho southern section of th league, has announced tho following schedule for the downtown school ten ma: nnK ot nncEJinurt o, Campbell vs. Shnrsnood. Utcxel vii Wilton. Hancock v. 1'oe. Tractive v MiCall. wnnic op nncKMiiEn 13. Campbell, Drexel. Hancock, I'oo, Suarsivood, Practice, Wilton, McCall, ' wu&k ok DECEMnnn so.- McCall, Wilson. Hancock, SharswooJ, Drexel. I'raitlcc, Linipticl!, Poo. WKUK OP JANUARY .1. Tractlce, Campbell. Shnrswood. Drqxcl. WIN son, Humock, I'oc, McCall. WKr.K OF JANUARY 10. Wilson, Campbell. Drexel, I'oe, Hancock. Practice, McCall, Khursnooil. "".hck. WKKIC OK JANUARY 17. Campbell. Hancock, Drexel McCall. Trac tlce, I'oe. SlmrBivood, W I lion. ' v Wni.K OP JANUARY St. Practice, Slmrsivood; Wilson, Poo. Drexel Hancock, Campbcl., McCall. ' Gridiron Solons nnd Cagemen to Meet Tl.o annual football Kama between tho fool ball anil basketball maniiKCD of the Unlvcr slty will be staged on Franklin I'letd this afternoon, and thera la certain to be touio koo.I gridiron 'lenormanccs uhen these two aKBiTgatlons Bet tnircther on tho gridiron tn ueclue tl e lollege championship. Doth elevens have been training raulifully lor this annual uftair. and Just which oii'j will bo returned thn iv Inner Is a matter ot much doubt about the Quaker campus. Harvard Crew Announcement CAMimiDfli;, Mass., Kept. 2. It has Just been announced by tho Harvard Rowing Com mltteo that Yalo, Cornell and Princeton will be on tho Crimson's regatta schedule next springs. Harvard expects to have a winning crew this yiar, and It Is the opinion or those In close touch with rowing affairs that the Crimson's chances aro excellent In all oC Its scheduled events. Watts Freshman Tank Captain C. S. Watts, a freshman at the University or Pennsylvania, was elected captain of the 1U10 swimming team' at that Institution at a. meeting held yesterday by tho yearling am phibian Watts halls from Oswego. N. Y,, where he intended high school In that city, and slnco his coming to tho Quaker school has glWn promlso of developing Into one of tho best Amis that has been uncovered by Coach George Klstler In & number of years. Chess Champion Wins Doris Kostle, the Hungarian chess master, made his Initial bow before tho chess fans ot thin city nt the Kranklln Chess Club, vvhera lie met IS strong players In a simultaneous exhibition, winning 12'i and losing 2yj games In less than two hours. The master contested a regular game over the bpard against S. T. Kharp. State champion, who was defeated by the visitor In CO moves. Tigers to Train in Texas WAXAIIACHIU. Tex.. Dee, 2. A telegram announcing this city as the spring training grounds of the Detroit American League base all team has been received here from Presi dent Prank Navln. ot the Tigers. Mp, vj&.? P'H, H JlBsBsBsW'iv4ilBsBsiilBsBsMsBsSssBs ssssssssssssssK v ssssssssssVy'sisssssssVLi I iWrr fljsssai T " jiBHKi ikasBiBniBBBBBBBT' l - JMB&YsSPrslRmJnvVw. . srJfcMMsssMWTRSjivasMho 3gWssBsBsssBiB 'ftKbJii&Uk -&)minSJti&KKmSifai V7H I i ! IIKssssssssf'& jaAMssBsBP SiisBsBsW''" SwMKtfKnagttmgK'' JBslsssssssaBslsssssssssssssssssssssssClsssssssssssssssCJi I i 'IjpsipjPeKBffiasssMfcsMJsi 1 , Tho men nre, reading from left to right: Top row Hiown, assistant coach; Scholtzhiuier, Mackenzie, (. onwny, llunsucrsier, Searing, A. Hoggs, Dungnn, Daily, Quinlan, Ilunn, Wilson, and Sohl, coach. Middle row: Mfmngcr Dickie, Duttorworth, A Gchris, Whitman, Wnldis, Schcetz, J. Gchris, Captain T. Boggs, Carson, Fell, Henderson and Frccston. Uottom row Woodbury, Sullivan, Ungcr, Dctwiler, Hcmmcrley, Long, Smith, Kallenbach and Sigmund. WHO WILL PROMOTE WELSH-WHITE BOUT? BIG FIGHT QUESTION Kaufman and O'Ncil Are Principals in Wain Mix Scheduled at Broadway Club Tonight OTHER JABS AND JOLTS Now that t'hnrllo White, whoso left I100U mmlo him famous, linB been electcil to bo Frcil Welsh's opponent In 11 chnm (ilonshlp IlKht with tho lightweight crown nt slake, who will stagp the mntch? Tho Chlcngoan's selection ns the most populnr cholco for 11 crnck nt the llrlton's Imircla wni somewhat expected. But who will ho the mnn, or In other wonls "the gout," to promote 'the bnttlo seems to bo n mighty blur question. New Otlcnns and Denver nro tho onty two plncrs lit this country whero con tests of more thnn 15 rounds ntc sanc tioned by law, nnd to those plnces only enn Welsh nnd Whlto look for encourage ment In an undertaking thnt already hns been given wide publicity without get ting nrty rtcaror n, solution to tho prob lem thnn heforo Harry Pollok, mnnngcr of tho champion, lifted tho bnriler nnd .nvlted them nil to tfomc. Smooth sailing for the Charlie White Freddy Welsh tltlo bout wns promised In New York today before tho promoters met to sign -agreements for the mi-up. Though Pollole hns held out for $15,000 flat with nn option of 33 per cent, of tho gate receipts, ho wns expected to con cede n few points to Mhxoy Ulumcnthnl, White's representative. If necessary. The articles were to be signed at 3 o'clock. Whether tho city for tho scrnp would bo selected today or bo announced Inter was ono question neither .man would discuss. Denver nnd New Orleans nre making sU-og bls, 4 ,r,t;q . ,-' I'ollok nnd Ulumvuthal have virtually agreed on 10 rounds. t A featherweight bout Is the attraction nt tho Broadway Club tonight. Hcnny Kaufman, tho rugged Southwark lighter, will concedo soveral pounds to Joe O'Nell, who has been boxing )n good form re cently. In the wlndup. The program follows: First bout-Whltey ncamer, 10th Ward, vs. Itertily Kell. Tolnt Ilreeze, Seconil bout I'CKKy Sullivan, Smoky Hollow, vs. Jack llrady, Smoky Hollow. Third bout Hock llonos, Memphis, vs. John Holland. ScmUvlnil-up-nitz Walters. Atlantic City, vs. Hilly llrn Navy Yard, WlnJ-iip Ilinny Kaufman, Southnnrk, vs. Jem O'Nell. North l'enn. Hobby Mcl.eod, of Scotland, Is matched for two bouts In three days. Tomorrow night he will tackle Mnrty Katie nt the Nonpareil and Joo Lavlngo will bo the Scot's opponent nt the Olympla, Monday night. The bouts preceding tho Kddlo jtorgan Patsy Cllne match nt the National, Sat urday night, follow: Charley Collins, of Columblu, vs. JIarty Parrel), Charley Thomas vs. Franklo Conlfrey, Willie Jackson, New York, vs. Benny Kaufman and Frankle McCarty vs. Johnny Stack. Johnny Ertle. the St. Taul Kewple, who will make his Philadelphia debut In com bat with Young Dlgglns at the Olympla Monday nlfchf;' will arrive hero on Sun day. The Westerner will tako part In his third Now York match Saturday night. Herman Illndln Is out with a strenuous howl about "A Fan's" reosons In con- , ncctlon with his proposed alt-llghtwelght card printed' In tho ICvenino Ledobr. Illndln snys ho was glad to see Buck FMemlnir'H name mentioned In the show. but "A Fan's" reasons "wero positively J wrong, as Fleming beat o Keero una also Hlnckle live times." A ten-round setto between Johnny Dun dee and rhll Bloom will be staged In New York tonight. The latter has been prom ised a contract calling fof ten tights at J1000 each if he defeats Jumping John. ' Sunny Jim Coffroth will be among the bidders for the proposed Welsh-White championship match. He wants to stags the battle New Year'i Uay at Tla Ju- ABSENT-MINDED ABNER He RECORDS SHOW BUCK HERZOG BETTER SHORTSTOP THAN BANCROFT, OF PHILS Cincinnati Manager Also Outplays Maranville in Ac cepting Chances Second to Wagner Other Com ment in Poem and Prose by Grant Rice By GKANTLAND RICK Foiling Fate There tOfU nil r;nic triru went illioi'C mil Inwtu siiuitfdir, ltrcrtusc I could not mfifco tha ttctpht.i H'icic other blokc were ItimHtiu; Hut 110m I'm Mitlsflcd to know Thai when i eyrtonc rushes, It xcrerku the lnli; onfcs cititf pines Am! not the little bushes. For lookiny back across the year HVirrr smoUiii; upsrls simmer, All littered up with bustiil chnmpi And stars bcict of iilimmer: Where those on Mph came back to roost, H'ftcie fimo tun aomctcint colder, I'm plail I'm Just a buali-tcngnc bald. And not n tltleholdcr. As I look hack across the way At ex-champs holding session: At Mack, McLauiihlln and McCraxo And Outmet lit depression; As I look oil the all-star list Whose souls have known the iron, I'm plad that I was tnhal I was And not (! Keats or llyron. Shortstops One tiny Inst summer Into In the season wo ndvnnced tho opinion that Buck Ilir zng wns n shortstop to be luted with Mnrnnvl'.lc nnd Bancroft. Loud nnd pro longed laughter followed. But the rec ords show thnt llcrog accepted mure chances thnn nny other shortstop In his league nnd, having accepted moro chnnces, finished second to AVngncr In the way of lleldlng averages. What makes n good shortstop If It Isn't ability to gc nnd get 'cm? -Valuable Athlete Hcrzng Is a fnr bettor hall player than he Is generally ranked. Ho has a lino bean, anil thero Is no better hustler In the game. Ho ranked with the best third basemen of his time, nnd now, shifted to short, Is doing even belter work. Ho Isn't the greatest hitter In the renlm, but at that ho outbattcd Maranville and Bun- BENNY KAUFMAN Joo O'Neil, of North Penn, will bo tho ruBRed Southwark boxer's opponent at the Broadway tonight. ,' ? I Had the Right Idea, Anyhow! By WALT McDOUGALL ns the two Wagnerian suc- "Only rno,(Kio gnlfern In U. S." Johnny Anderson. Thcto seems to be more than that on each public course every Sunday. Tiie Winning Combination Colonel W. II. Ilntuin has picked nn nil golf eleven, flute Is one thai can bent his nil live wnys: Centre tush, Hunker, right gunrd, sand trap; left mini il. water hazard; right tackle, out of bounds; left tnekle. ditch; right end, euppy lie; left end, high grass; ilti.irtcrback, fast gieens; left halfback, slice; right halfback. Hook; lulllinck, Toppeiu. The Jlillion Dollar Entrance The Feds may or tuny not be bluffing nbout sp( tiding SU00.C0O lo bronk Into New Yoik. The cnmple.xltles of these btisebnll magnates hnve long since passed our simple understnndlt.g. Wp iliin'l know Just what we would do If we had $t,00.000. But Iho first thing we wouldn't do would be to lug a Fed tenm or nny other sort of team Into fur ther competition. Comparative Punches Comparative scores In football hnvo nothing 011 comparative punches In box ing. Wlllnrd beat Johnson; JohtiHon bent Mornn; Mor.m knocked out Coffey; Coffey knocked out Gunboat Smith, and Gun boat Smith outpointed Wlllnrd. In view of this, Ihe best scheme we see ahead Is to corral the entire cluster In one ring nnd awnrd an action picture of John L Sullivan to the solo survivor. Tho New York venture of the Feds Isn't so erratic as It seems. By charging 10 cents nnd n quarter they can easily pay nil expenses unent the $1,SOO,000 Investment by playing to an aveiago ot only SS.WO a da). John O. Andeihon postcards us from Scotland that, while he hadn't played 11 lot of golf, ho had gone nround St. An drews In "9. Off-hnnd we should call that playing a whole lot of golf. Easy Stages Many ndvociitra of preparedness over look ono of tho mnlu essentials viz., tho ability to travel 100 yaids In 10 seconds. Theie nro also times when the bad play of one team makes tho average play of tho other look like a vvorld-bcutlng Hush. m Add new outdoor or Indoor sports thinking up tho names of people )Oit'd like to send over 011 tho Ford peace ship. Freddie Welsh tefuses to meet Charley Whlto for S!2,;na And who can blnnie him? Tho Idea of offering a pugilist only $12,500 mi hour when tho President of tho I'nlted Ktntes enn make that much In three months! Military Note. Field Generals McGraw nnd Mack are now planning to start their drive up from the Barren Iands Into Polite Society again. They report thut a winter at Valley Forgo wns as nothing to 11 winter In last place, whero the fright ful frost Is said to bo well nigh unbear able Brickley Humor Denied 'Hie rumor fiat entries llrlcklty, Ilarvunl'a femur star Uit'ktlelil pl.i)cr, hia been np pruHi'heJ by th fntveitlty of PeimsiliHiiU Irmtli.lll nutliorltleu In regard to the lou'hlnx of the Quakers' foothjlt team Is unrounJvtl. states Wniirton HlukUr, dmlrinan of tin, Toot lull Committee ut that Institution. Informa tion wns reielvcd yeten!.t thdt the former rrlmson athlete had rcntvetl an offer tu take ilurt'o of the lied ami lllue grlJIron eleven In liiUl. Boxing at the Gayety In the lOVpouml class nt the flamy Theatre last nlaht KrHnkl fonvvnj ik'ffalel Frankle WlUnn In thrco rounds. In tho I M-pound rlass K. O. VIIon leleate.l Spike McDonnell In ihrei, rounds, while in the lu.'-iiound clasi n.lille Kln. heat Johnnv llraily In four rnun.ts In the peilal touts Vounn lllmsen ilrew with Sammy (bins an 1 Young Krauuo defeated Kddlo Stanley In four rounds. crnll, rated cessors. READING TO PROMOTE BOXING FOR AMATEUR PUGILISTS THIS YEAR I Commissioner John S. Farring- lon lias Announced Inter esting Indoor Work for Pretzelitcs X-COUNTRY TEAM HERE John P. Fnrrlngton, nthletle commls sloner ol the Middle Atlantic Association r th Amntcut Athctic I'nlnn at Reading, has completed n great outdoor year of work In sports. He now Is mapping out pinna for n successful Indoor period. The outdoor season Just closed hns been tho grealcst In history of the Pretzel city. Commissioner Fnrrlngton has ndvlscd that the athletes of his section nro to tuke up boxing In earnest. Scleral tour naments have been nrrnnged, nnd as In track and Hold and cross-country branches. Heading may be heard from brfoie the season ends. Heading will bo teprescntcd by a ster ling squad of distance runners In tho an nual senior ehnmplonshlp lace fit Gcr mnitnwn ticNt Saturday afternoon. Tho way the llendlngltcs have been running In competition mentis other entrants will liavn stiff work cut out for them. George F. Pawling, president of tho Middle Atlantic Association, and likewise of iitorge F. Pawling & Co., engineers, has moved their olllccs to 1132 South Penn sipinru. 1 Johnny Overton, Yule Intercollegiate cross-country champion, has applied to the Aniutcur Athletic Union for the privi lege of reptcscntlng the New York Ath letic Club In open competition. Tho Metropolitan ofllcers have nnnouneed that If It Is found he Is a resident of tho dis trict a registration card will be granted him. George Gouldlng, world's champion pedestrian, whoso amateur status was at tacked, will not have to worry about lis standing for some time, as the Metropoli tan olllclnls, nt their meeting In Now York, decided to let tho matter drop un til a future date. Amateur Fnlon follovvors will bo inter ested to know that the Court of Appeals will order a new trial of Abel Ivlvlat nnd Smith. Both champion runners were ex pelled for padding their expenso accounts last summer. Ted Meredith, the Olympic champion, who Is wearing the big letter ot Penn Hvlvnnli, Is far from being In tip-top piiyslral condition. In the New ork nice Saturday he lacked tho punch that has curled him through the world's fast est Held ot middle dlstanco runners. Harry Glsslng was not In condition and ho did not stnrt In tho Irish-American games at Madison Square Gnrdcn, Now York, last Saturday. Ho Is one of tho strongest middle dlstanccrs when right. George J. Turner, the newly elected president of tho A. A. U., has Issued a. stntement at Baltimore that he is going to do all he can to clean out mercenary nthktlcs from the ranks of tho organiza tion. Some ono has been unkind enough to rem-irk: "Well, If ho does, he won't have an jtlileto left." Tho 7th Iteslmeut A. A., of New York, will hold Ita Indoor set of closed gumes next Saturday. Yale Hockey Dates The Yule University hockey schedulo In cludes guinea on Januory 13, Princeton nt , New York; January 26, Cornell nt New Haven: February 12, Harvard at Boston; February 16, Princeton at New Haven, February 26, Harvard at New Haven I In care of a tie In the crles a third gnme will be plaved with Princeton at ; Princeton February a anil witn Harvard at Boston March 4. STANDINO OF Till Ct.UOS. V. 1,. I'.C. V. 1 p.t:. rirovMnck... R 1 ."s ivuniien 4 -, .411 rrntcn f 1 .'"'I Ilefiillnu. :t a .JI5 jMM'er 4 i .SOU DeNerl. .. PCIIBDUi.K FOtl TONlOltT. Ilendlnv; nt Jnicr. Tho home-floor dope, which ruled su premo In Iho Knstern Hnsketbnll I.enguo during the season of 191M315, but which hns received many a Jolt during tho pres ent campaign, should run true lo form iv hen tho Heading Bcnrs tackle 1)111 Ken nedy's Jasper live nt Nonpareil Hall. Ken sington nvenue nnd Ontario street, to night. Three weeks ngo nuclt n stntement would hnvo been greeted with shouts of diilslon, but since then ono Garry Schmerlk hns moved from Pntcrson. New Jersey, to Kensington, nnd immediately thereafter the Jewels stnrted n winning streak that carried Camden, Trenton and the league-leading Grcystock fives before) them. Heading hns been going rather poorly In tho rcrcnt games, nnd although tho up-State five usually gives n good exhi bition ngnlnst Jnspcr, their chances of winning tonight's fray are very slim, ... Camden proved no match for GrcyBtock hi Inst night's battle nt the Caindon armor), tho lenguo leaders taking a giv-ns-you-plensn contest by a score of 30-25. The homo live failed to register a field goal In the llrst hair, which ended with Grcystock leading, 13-11. Ten mlu-ites of the second half had elapsed beforo Dolln landed Camden's llrst two-pointer, a long shot from mldlloor. Dclghan tallied shortly afterward, and befoto the close ot play Brown backboarded two from tho side of the cngc. Sugarmtin and Cross scored two apiece for Oreystock, and McWllllamH, Wilson nnd Lawrence ono each. Adams' foul-goal throwing was nil that kept Camden In tho game, tho leader ot the Jerseymen landing IT out of 21. Wil son was not fnr behind, with 10 out of 21. For tho third time this scas-m, Ally Mc AVIlliams shut Adams out, while Cross ro peatcd on Steele. Although Sugarman wns credited with but two nscs, ho played better ball in tho 10 minutes last night than ever before. ... Last Night's Scores KASTKnx u.'Aaun. Ore) stock. 3U' Cnmilen, V,. AMEHICAN I-KAOUn. St. IMvvnnl'H, :t,"; St. Cotumba, 18. Miiuoiiiia, SO: Xavler. 20. NOIITHWI'ST WIAQUE. Co'lnllilnn. Ui: Adclplita, 111. I'llli.ADF.U'llIA MIDGET I.I'AOIJE. Viola, 12; Parkway, 11. IN'ni'I'l'KUKXT OAMUS Olivet. 11: Ycrk. 10. l'hlladclpliln All-Stare, r,!i; Denver, 10. Cape May, 41 WIMvvood, 2-J. Salem. 40; Tabernacle, 111. Shcmokln. !i; llaptlit. 10, TONldltrS rjAMI.'S. J KA8TKUX L.VAOVV. Jaiper s. Hearting ' IXDL'bTMAI. I.nAaUL. Weetcrn V.leetrlc vs. J'tectrlc Storage. Ha.'o & Kllturn vs. J, & J. Dobson. NATIONAL SQUASH TENNIS TOURNEY HAS 61 ENTRIES Bull, of Crescent A. C, and Riley, of Princeton Club, Honor Men NEW YOHK, Dec. I.-Tho drawing of plnycis for the national handicap squash tennis tournament, vSlch begins Satur day In tho courts or the Ynlo University Club, shows that fil contestants will rep resent a dozen clubs. Charles M. Bull. Jr., of tho Crescent Athletic Club, and A. W. Illley, of tho Princeton Club, nro placed on the honor mark with minus eight aces, while a half dozen players are rutid at minus four nccs. Donovan Meets Baker WILMIXOTOX. Del , Dec. .'.-Captain Hus ton. of .lie N'evv York Americans, and Manager lllll Donuvnn held u roniereiier at the Hotel du Pont last nlKht with Frank flaker, and tho trio took dinner following, utter which the) left the city. The trains in our yards and the boats at our docks never linger long. "IMMEDIATE SHIPMENTS" ! hobby here. Edward F.Henson& Co. Structural Lumber and Timber X'uiilar hi, Wlmrtc-, Phlln. )- --r-'-ssadft (jt The trains in our yards and i f'f the boots at our docks never r. ' III . flKl FvVHY, I THOUGHT IT 1 I THE SENSE OF ?EA I2S J 1 STUDY OF THE ACTION OF BACK BONB IS THE TRUE! SEAT J?ActionM STACE FRI&HT IN AN ACTOR ON AWur".DAN.MAl-' J ' VISSgg HicSg&a.iP ; 1 T" awPRorFcewTCR3 J of the stiff upper Lip as it were) -flesh faction hay brod wpb fa0JJ2!l J -,- fa-m. mi, i, ma., fcn. fcfc v-. stsott.l.j ' "j- - ''.A-L1-jJOi"-j"u i'4Ju. iju..j-?T-a-sssrirrs-aTsejassTt - r ' ' ' - i ' etjiiai.dr.'- iT.nifciirft-b-f i 1 1 sf" -