Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 02, 1915, Night Extra, Image 1

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    "ffiMJfeu 'i-gyyagFW?"
vol. n no. c
Philadelphia, Thursday, mzvmuimi 2, 1015.
CorumtiT, 1015 M tiib Pcstia Iimii Commni.
parliament Told of Pact
Signed With Allies.
Greeted by Applause
People Cheer News That Al-
banin Will Be Invaded
by Italians
noMi:, Dec. 2.
Forelfin Minister Sonnlno'i announce
ment in Parliament tint Itnly lind
signed the pact providing that nono of tho
Entente Allies should mnke a separate
peace, nml his plodso that Italy would
help Serbia crcutcit Intense enthusiasm
hero todas, except nmoiiR members of
the Socialistic partj Patriotic Italians
bcllcvo that Soiinlno's statement will tc
movc any suspicion tint Itnlj Is seklns
EClllth ends without r('aid to the
eventual success of the combined Entente
The rccoiivcnlnB of Parliament took
place without nn untoward Incident ex
cept that caused bs Socialistic Diputies
They refused to stand when SlBtior Mnr
eora, president of the Chambei, delivered
bis opening address.
At the conclusion of the President's
address the I'orclKit Minister made his
statement. InfoiniliiR tho Deputies of tho
steps taken bv the Goornnunt during
the period while Parliament was not In
session Trcquent cheers also mirkcil
his address, an overwhelming hurst of
applauso following the announcement
that Italy, Prance. Ilussln and nnghind
jiow form n Quadiuple Kntento In fact
as well as In name
The pledgo of help to Serbia struck n
popular chord. Qin.cn Helena being a
princess of MonUncRro. which Is fight
ing with Serbia ngalnst tho Central
Powers In Itulguilu
"Italy Is not Insensible to Pcrhla's dis
tress," Sonnlonl said "She Is preparlns
to aid that heroic countrj "
It Is understood that an expedition Is
nearly re uly to snll and that the land
ing will be on tho Albanian coast.
The battle on tho peaks of the Isoii70
front has developed Into a slaughter In
Which neither the Italians not Austilant
appear to bo near a decision
Tho following olllclul communication
from the Italian headquarters wis issued
last night
"Yesterday our Infantry was occupied
In tho work of strengthening the positions
attained, under tho piotcctlon of an In
tensive fire from our nrtlllery for tho
purpose of smashing tho new lines of tho
( .Austrian reslstnncc
"The usual lire from tho ndversary, di-
rectedmnlnst Inlmblted regions, caused
an outbreak of Ilium's in tho civic bos
pihl at Monfnlcone which, however,
was very promptly brought under con-
"Austrian ncroplanes diopped bombs on
the vlllagts of l'aulnro and Ilemislnclnln.
In the Carnla rcRlon, causing no d unaRc.
Jn small encounters which occurred at
different points on tho front we took
about 30 prisoners and a quick-firing
IlIJilLIX. Dec 2
Imperial Clnnccllor on Ilothmnnn
Ilollues will discuss tho question of peace
In the near future at a session of the
Reichstag, It was announced todns
The Overseas N'cws Agency issued tho
following statement this nftornoon
"The Imperial Chancellor probablj will
how that the rulers of the countries at
war with Germans nro still blinded by
their belief In Germans 's starvation nnd
economic prostration and other Illusions,
and that, therefore, Germanj's peace con
ditions, which would he dictated bj her
successes on tho whole battlo line, would
hardly be acceptablo nnd might bo In
terpreted as signs of weakness or weari
ness of tho war"
"This Interpretation," says the Over
seas Agency, Is caused by the fact that
nobody In Germany understands why our
enemies, after their diplomatic defeats
and military failures In tho Palkans, have
Jiot yet begun peaco negotiations."
The Chancellor's statement will be In
reply to an Interpellation by tho So
VIENNA. Bee. 2 The Austrian head
Quarters Issued this, olllclal statement
last night
"On the Isonzo front jesterday re
peated attacks on tho bridge head of
Tolmlno collapsed before our fire
"Last nlBht u stroiiR artillery fire was
epened against the northern slope of
Jlonte San Mlchele.
"At tho same time the Italians attack
ed the summit of this mountain but
ere repulsed
"Attempts by the Italians to attack
we sector of San Martlno also failed."
Two.foot Snowfall in Adirondacks
UTICA, N. v, Dec 2.-The Adlron-
oacKg section In Lewis and Jefferson
counties north of hero is covered with
4 arylnR ln denth from six inches to
il!. u?1 M Carthage train schedules
were shattered last night when two feet
?,.mn9W over"! the tracks, , but todsy
. uamc conditions were approaching-
IlOFninI Th.nilt . I rL . -
I jaeie was a one-Inch fall of snow during
last night.
FhA lMitun . . .. .
tj,:r :w""' " ooesni suck
Nobody likes to see waste. Waste of
""''' "a" ol J"", waste of words,
vrH. . V'UUB," ae or politeness,
hot'n.5.."LC- b'. whe ipowtlakes are
ltVV.i ? .. .""' '"" lne email uoy,
Slai eHy-uniper." Just aching to
3....I ". , B"-coverea mil, the pe
hit i ' .W,th thln 80les and maybe a
y?," . "?, ana uie om maid who
tlAtW o' Pneumonla-all these become
iMai- V wa'en me nakes disap-
p;.- ""i "' urown, wei earth. It
ms go useless.
B Rn. n. -i. ...
!lS 'i ' r ?" us ony y trying a
Skaa' ,S Whlle that snQW ""ally sticks:
. mi mm peopie, too.
mcor ratiaaeipnia and vicinity
1 f 0V anil. nif;.n.,J .i,,r...i.i.. i.j
tonight and Fridau. with madernta
mterlv winda.
TO $100,000,000
Most of It Intended for
General Improvements
and Transit Construction
Finance Committee Chairman
Says Mayor Was Wrong Try
ing to Make it Great
Thn loan for Keneral Improvements to
ho jnsscd upon by tho Councllmanlc
Plnnnce Committee this afternoon will ho
nearer $100,000,00 tlnn $V),(iOi,0O0, accord
ing to Charles Soger, chalrmin of the
Subcommittee on Plnaticc. Mr. Segcr
m ido this statement In tho course of n
rapid lire Interview In which ho s-ild that
putting mmipj Into tho port of Philadel
phia Is like throwing It Into a sewer.
Hie amount of tho loan had not been
lln illy determined when the subcommittee
met at noon In City llnll, nccordlnR to
Mr hegcr, who was seen just before ho
cnteud this meeting, lie said that J17,
000,000 can be borrowed in addition to
what is obtained for transit and port
developments, and because of this tho
loan would bo nearer $100,000,000 than
"Hut I want to sty one thlnR," added
Mr Scger, "and I do not caro whether I
am quoted or not Spending mones for
this port Is like throwing It into a scwci
Mas or HhinkcnliurR Is all right, but his
cffoits to build up Philadelphia as a port
are all wronR What can I'hititrlclphln
expect to do us a port? Huston and New
York are on the sui 11 iltlnmre h is a
natural deep harbor Philadelphia is
100 miles up tho liver fiom the sea. and
it Is almost liuposslblo to keep a chan
nel clear in the river
"Major Illnnkcnburg sns ho wants to
make Phl.adclpbla another Hamburg, nnd
points to the progress that Hamburg,
which also Is Inland, has made as a port.
Uut Hamburg has become a big port
because Germans has no seaport.
rou gi;nuiial impuovkmunts
"Tho p ismiko of the amendment In
creasing tho borrowing capaclts of the
cits and restricting the use of the money
to poit and transit Improvements was
wrong. All of tho loan money should bo
available for general Improvements Tho
only solution I can sec for Philadelphia
as a port would bo a canal across New
Jersey to tho sea Tho tide backs up
Lnntlntird on I'nite Tim, Column Two
Attacks Organization in Supporting
General Wood
NHW lOItK, Dec 2 -Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt sharply criticised the League
to Hnfi-reo Peace and its piesident, Wil
liam How aid T.ift, In an article In this
week's Princeton Alumni Weckls. calling
them piattleis Tho article, which Is
headed "General Wuud on Preparedness,"
is a rev'ew of tho latter's new book "Tho
Milltarv Obligation of Cltlzenshlr.' pub
lished this month bs tho Princeton Unl
vol sits" Press
Withdrawal of Name From Pri
maries in Nebraska Should
End Such Talk, He
NnW VORK, Dec ! Colonel Itoosevelt
has absolutely no Intention of returning
to the Ilepubilcan parts", according to
George W. Perkins, chairman of the
Progressive Htecutlve Committee, who
was slated for a conference with the
Colonel todas.
"Tho Colonel's action In withdrawing
his name us a Presidential candidate
from the Ilepubilcan primaries In
Nebraska should end all talk that he Is
going back to the old parts," said Mr
Mr Pel kins' statement apparently Is
backed up by recent activity at Ojster
Hay During the last few weeks several
Piogressivc parts leaders, particularly
those from tho middle West, have been
In conference with Colonel Itoosevelt.
Victor Murdock and Medlll McCormitk
have confeired with the Colonel within
the last foitulriht Chairman Prank P.
Coirtck, of the Nebraska Progressive
State Committee, was at Osster Hay, on
Tuesday Chairman Clarence P. Dodge,
of the Colorado Progressive State Com
mittee, expected to see the Colonel to
day Mr. Perkins was asked about reports
that the Progressives are willing to In
doise Justice Hughes -in case he Is
nominated for the Presidency by the Ile
pubilcan convention.
"I am too uuss to ileny all reports cir
culated by reactionaries," no said "Uut
the statement our committee Issued a
few duia ago should cover that point
The Progressives are not bothering ubout
what tho Kepubllcans or the Democrats
may do. We are going straight ahead
with our plans for l'J16."
The 19U Progressive platform "brought
up to date" will form the basis of the
parts's appeal for votes In 1915, Mr
Perkins bald Besides Colonel Itoosevelt
and Governor Johnson, of California, Al
bert J. Bovcrldge and Charles Sumner
Ulrd former Progressive candidate for
Governor of Massachusetts, are being
talked of as Progressive presidential pos
sibilities, he said.
"The, Progressives have an organiza
tion for this campaign," said Mr. Per
kins. "Four years ago we had nothing
In the wuy of au organization. Financing
the campaign probably will bother us.
v. eiDLct. however. o meet with suc
cess in a popular appeal for funds as In
Sir r iB? wLa IE'" Sl tIHhi
When little Louis Snyder crows uii to be n hif; man he can boast
of having been kidnapped and then, after two days, left on a
doorstep by his nbductors. The hoy's parents, who live at 151
Lcithfcow street, are rejoicing today over his safe return.
Commandant at Rock
Island Reports Attempts
to Destroy Post
Coincidence of Fires and Explo
sions Causes Suspicion of
Wide Conspiracy-
Sinister circumstances attending fires
and explosions in Industrial plants in vn
rlous pa-ts of the countrs' within tho last
few weeks nre emphasized by todas "s re
port of the discovery of what the com
mandant of tho United Mates arsenal nt
Hock Island, 111 , declares to hive been n
series of attempts tn destios that grent
milltarv post Pi om Mndlf-nn, Wis , comes
the story that the Punch Ilattcry fac
tors", engaged In construction of warnti
tomob'los, was dam iged bs an Incendiary
lire S'sterdas
Theso events, following closely upon
the explosion last Tuesday at tho du
Pont powder plant, near Wilmington,
Dil, where 31 lives were sicillleed, tho
reient lires at tho ltocbllng works In
New Jcrses". at the Hethlehem Steel plant,
and mssti rlous troubles at suudrs other
munition factories, lend color to a sus.
piclon w Idols entertnlned of tho existence
of a consplracs to ripple orf destrov es
tablishments under contract to furnish
supplies to the Kuropenn belligerents
Anxiety caused bs tho frcciucnt repetition
of these attempts, successful nnd other
wise, is not lessened by the fact that they
are reported from widels scpirated
Commandant Reports Failure of Sin
ister Designs Against Military Post
nOCK ISLAND, III. Dec. 2-That sev
eral attempts have been made to destroy
tho great United Stntes military arsenal
was revealed todas by tho report sent
Contlnurd on I'oife Three. Column Hue
L'Austria, sull'Orlo della Ban-
carotta, Avrebbe Fatto Inu-
tilmente le Prime
II generate Cadorna ha nnnunclato die
le forze Itullane si sono rlposato neila
glornata dl lerl l'altro. occupandosl sol
tanto del consolldamento delle posizionl
recentemente conqulstate. Soltnnto
1'artlKllerli e' stata in attlvlta' ule per
proteggere I lavorl dl consolldamento
della fanterla o sia per distrugsere II
plu" posslblle le nuovo llueo dl dlfc&a
t'na eccellento notlzla vlene Invcce da
Roma. La Camera del Deputntl si e
rlaperta ed il mlnlstro dell Hsterl. on
Sonnlno vl has fatto dlchlarazlonl Impor
tantlsslmo chc rlmuovono dubbll die
crano statl frcquentemente espressl in
queste ultlme settlmane circa I'atteggla
miiito dell'Itnlla dl fronte al probleml
militarl e polltlel della Quudrupllce In
tcsa 11 mlnlstro ha dlchlarato che
I'ltalia llrmo" sin dal 5 Settembre II
Patto dl Londra in base al quale nesjuna
delle quattro potenze alleato dovra' fare
separatamente la pace Ncl clrcoll po
lltlel romuiil si rltleno che 11 barone Son
nlno non avrebbo avuto blsohgno dl fare
ouaesta dlchlarazlone se non av esse avuto
seutore dL prossiml passl dell'Austrla per
la pace con l'Halla, e si dice anzt ch
aualche passo sia stato gla" faito.
SI rltleno che l'Austrla si trovi In sra
vlssUnl Imbarazzl linanzlarll e iho sol
tanto con la pace puo" evltaro la completa
bancarotta. E' notato ancbe a Roma II
falto die 1 impcratore Francesco Giuseppe
ha scelto tre nuovl mlnlstrl tuttl bauchi-
....nil uinn anntintn nuelll rhe In
en. 4 -.. rv- .-.-. t ---- .
Austria sono plu' In favore della pace
(Lelar ln - puiiiuu to uiuiuo u viu
dettasllate notizle sulla. guerra. In 1UU-
Officials Try to Trace the
Explosions at Muni-
tions Plants
Dr. Ritter, Taken in Cleveland,
Said to Have Conferred With
Austrian Diplomat
Ry a Staff Corrttpondent
WASHINGTON. Dec 2 With scores of
lives lost nnd millions of dollars worth
of properts" dcatroscd In an unprecedented
series of eplonIons, Department of Jus
tice ofllclals aro causing the arrest of
overs' pen-on nlleged to have any knowl
edge of plots to blow up munition plants
and ships carrslng supplies to tho Al
lies. Tno department was advised todas" of
thn arrest In Cleveland of Dr. C AV.
Ititter, an AUHtro-Ilungiirl in chemist,
who h.iss ho Is the Inventor of liquid
(Ire nnd other denth-deallng war devices
Tin arrest wuh made upon Inform itlon
sworn out by Chailcs Do Woods, spiel il
agent of the Department of Justice.
According to Doctor Hitter's confes
sion, made shortly after his arrest, Il-iion
Krieli buledlnck von .Sudenhorst, who is
ln charge of the Austro-IIuugarlan I'm
basy here by nason of tho ncnll of Dr
Theodor Constantln Dumbi, tho Amlns
sador, went to Cleveland nnd met Doctor
Hitter Itiron Swlcdinek while In Cleve
land registered under tho name of Itohert
smith, urciudimr to Doctor Hitter The
chemist asserted that ho mule an nlll
davlt concerning the sinking of the I.uhI
tanl i while Ilnron Kivieillnck was pres
ent, that ho was given several hundred
dollar bs" Ilaron Swiedlnek, and ho was
rosally entertained
With llaron Swiedlnek nt tho tlmo ho
mado his I.usttnnla confession, according
to Doctor Hitter, was Judge Charles S.
Heed, counsel for Urnest Ludwlg, Aus-tro-Uungnrian
Consul, who vas named
as a conspirator in tho plans that led
to the recall of Doctor Dumbi. Judgo
Heed admits having a, long atlidavlt from
Contlnurd oil 1'agp Two, t oliinin live
Weather Bureau Promises Con
tinued Cold, However, When
Clouds Disappear
Clenrer weather for tonight and Trldis
Is predicted by the local weather bureuu
following tho first real snowstorm of
tho sear, that struek hero this morning
and lasted several hours
Prospects for the next 30 hours aro for
continued moderately cold weather The
wind U expected to shift to the west bs
tonight, clearing away the last remnants
of the eloomy weather that accompanied
the snow.
Two-hundredths of an Inch of snow
fell by S o'clock this morning, at which
time the lowest temperature for the last
21 hours was registered It was not
quite low enough, tc suit the smill boj-,
who has been overhauling his sled, how
ever, and Indications arc that it will not
be todas.
New York Gets Snow, Too
NCW YORK, Dec 2 -New York was
visited bs its first snow fall of the season
this morning. The Hakes began falling at
S.20. Telegraphic reports showed that the
fall of snow extended as fur south as
FRANKLIN, Dec. 2 The ground in
this vicinity Is covered with about two
inches of snow, after a snowfall which
began jesterday afternoon and continues
IOTTSVILLE, Dec. 2.-A light blanket
of snow covered the lower anthracite re
gion this morning with prospects of u
warm rain.
PITTSBURGH. 3cc 2. Snow, which
bi,-'an falling early last evening, continues
to fall today The snow is falling heavily,
but only In the outskirts of the city U tt
covering streets or pavements.
Detectives Trace Woman
Who Stole Louis Snyder
and Expect Arrest Soon
Young Mother Relieved to Have
Tried to Replace Her Dead
Roy With Infant She
Saw in Street
the voung woman who wheeled nway
l-mnntiis-old Louis Predollck Snvdcr and,
after keeping him In hiding for two (lavs
while n house-to-house si arch "f the
northenstern section of the city vvns
nude, left him mi a doorstep when the
police wore elns upon her trail, will
shoitlv be located. Is the belief of the po
lice, who this afternoon rw mrims the
first definite clue to her IdentltS".
It was through some close reasoning
tint the detectives found the clue There
Is only olio thing to give n liahy I months
old lo keep It alive and tlmt is milk So
their work wns cut out for them, to visit
every mllkshop In Kensington, Prnnkford
nnd the other sections in the Nortlunst
until thei should lind some one who sells
milk and who sold It to u soung woman
nboul 11 venrs of nge, of slight figure,
weighing ubout 110 pounds, live feet llvo
In height, a blonde, with n sllghtls
turned-up nop.
Mich mis the description of those who
had seen her with the linh Mnndav after
noon befnio the knew a b ihv had been
kidnapped It wnsjiio easy task to find
n milk shop where sho hud been to get
th linbv s siippls. theie In Ing so nrinv
of tin m And the chances wen- gieat
1 n-alnst tho milk shop people's remem
bering suih a voung worn in
Hut this afternoon, nt a milk shop nenr
Indiana avenue nnd C street, n wor -n
remembered n girl who bought mlllc id
who earrled a vers souug baby on '..r
Acting Detectives Clifton nnd Hedmond
nnd street Sergeant .Inrcpli Illllcgus, of
I In- ltd and York streets station, ques
tioned the woman closelj. Shu hid nil
Idea which way the girl went with the
This nirrowed the Held of Inquiry Tho
net thing was to lind n voung mother,
and perhaps n souug mother who had re
cently lost her littlo son Por tho fact
that Louis Snvder, when he wis taken
to his parents' home at 2111 Noith Leltli
gow street, last night, was In good con
dition, hiving been carefully diesscd an J
washed mil fed by his abductor, mado It
seem eertaln Hint the womni who had
run awn with him had much more senti
ment thin an oidinits Kidnapper.
Tho theory w is tint she was a grlcf
ernzed mother iv ho li id lost her bobs
and who was walking thn streets brood
ing ovir her loss when she saw thn Pns
der b iby sitting In his co ich In front of
tho 5 and 10-cint store on Pi out street,
neir D luphln. where Mrs Snsder had
left him Xlondas afternoon whllu sbo
went In to nuko some puichases. The
facts that the ditectlves unenithcd this
nftiinoon bore out this tlieors.
Tin soung mother under suspicion lost
her b iby two weeks ago Her liusbind
Is n traveling man nnd Is believed to
have been out of the cits whm Ills wife
brought home the Infant Hi turning sea
terdiv. the polUo believe that ho nt once
advised his wife to g t lid of the child
ns soon as possible hj lenvlng it on n
dooistep, and. If tho tlieors li totrect.
It was be who accompanied the woman
when she left the child on tho step of
2J10 Itonr stnet last night
the lnhv tint diul wis three months
ild, n month oungir than Louis Snsder
It was this bibvs ilothts, wlileh his
Continued on 1'uge Dilrlrrn, Column One
Says U. S. Is Affected With 'De-
tectomania.' Jury May
Get Case Today
NHW YORK'. Dec 2.
Dr Karl Huenj! and the other Hamburg-American
Line ollieliils nnd era
plosts on trial for eonhplraes to defraud
the tloveinment expected ti know their
fate before couit adjourned tonight Ted
eral Judge llnwe enlivened court half an
hour earlier tod IS', to glvo thu Jurors
dunce, to lender n verdict without being
locked up overnight
In his rulings on tho cNidenco Judgo
Howe Indlcuted that the defendants had
a right to send out the biipply ships to
io.il and provUion German ships In the
Atliutie, that there was no violation of
neutrnlits nnd Infraction of International
law. 'Hits loit tho vvholo ease resting on
the alleged fali-o manifests and tho fact
that tl o chartered ships did not go to
their porta of destination.
William Rand. Ji , chief counsel for
tho defense, led In the argument He
pointed out that tho defendants weru
chirked wltli four crlmes-fnWfsing tho
destitution of the ilmrtered supply ships,
falMfsing the names of the shippers of
the cargoes, falslfsln; tho contents of
the cargoes and faUUsing the value of
tho cargoes
l'inds $300 Pearl in Ojster Shell
HAGHHSTOWN. Mil. Dec 2-A pearl
valued by n local Jeweler at &, was
found bs William Saunders while eating
ossters on the half shell ut one of
Jlagerbtown's restaurants The pecirl
bearing bivalve came from Chlucoteague
Moderate Amount of English
Cash to Aid the French Loan
The kubterlptlon of the PnglWh people
tn the lench wur luuu U inoilerutr.
One cufbM. by un etpert In l.oitdoii. ue
Erl ftoO.OOU.OOO u the turn.
The IrrncU piuuut ure draw Ins f ree
ls from their sold and tlher hourdu to
buy their beloved rente.
'Ihr welcome flrimuft of AmcrUuu ex
ihuuxe, u) l'runil . Hint, rdltor of
the liOiulou KcouomUt, U ueribed to
American purcliatm of the trrncli loun,
which niiut jlcld luvelor 1" America
nearly 7 per ceut . Iliuuks to I tie double
rxihuuse premium,
'Hie Uuuorlul kltuutlon la Kinlaiid U
dUeukrd lu an urtlcle eut by prc'l
cable and published exclusively la the
KTralns Ledcer on pse It ol this Uaue
Mrs. Mnry Kennedy, C5 years old, committed suicide today by
leaping fiom the thlrd-sto'y window of her home at 400 Morris
street. She wis pronounced dend nt the Mr, Sinai Hospital. It is
said she worried over the death of her husband nnd the absence of a
too, from whom she had not licad in scveml months.
LONDON, Dec. 2. The seventh German spy to be shot to death
iu London slnco lite wnr begou was executed this morning, it was
officially lUMtouncecl.
JJDnLIN, Dec. 2. Attempts by Russian divisions to advance
wcic repulsed by the army of Ocucial von Bothmer, the official War
Office report, issued this afternoon, announces,
WASHINGTON, nor. 2. In a letter ic-relvcd by Kerrctnry of Wnr Onr
rlson todas (Icner.il (loetluils, Onvernor of tho I'nnntna Cnnnl, sulil that It la
Itnpossllilo tn predlit when the cnnnl will bo open ngnln for tralllc. General
tluetluils pointed out thnt tho Bcologlrnl piertH lmvo fallen down on their
reports on tho cnnnl. IIo F.ild the jilneri they picked out ns safe from slides
lmvo been tho ones where most of the trouble has occurred.
Ili:Ut,IN. Dor. L' Only nrtlllery nnd mining operations are reported from
the west front liv the Oernmti Wnr Ulilic toilnv. Tho leport sass. "Thero
lia been in tillers lire nnd mine warfare nt different points. A blplano con
taining two lliitlsli nllleers vvns foiced by motor trottblo to descend near St.
Quentiii The iicriipants were captured.
LlVIIRroOL, Kng, Dec. 2 Tho thousand women ( eiors whoso duty It
Is to lend nil mull Kolng to America were swuniped today by a delugo of letters
and purcels. Kim o the. Wnr Oilii e established a censorship over malls ad
dressed to Amoilcii nil letters unit parcels Rolng to tho United States must
bo posted a das earlier. Olllces Imve been prepared for thu women on tho docks.
CHIC'AClO. Dec. 2. Juno Aililiims upent a (food nlglit nnd Is resting easily,
the i'resbstcrlan Hospital announced today.
LONDON, Dec. 2. It Is stilted authoritatively tlmt thero is now no question
of tho llrltlsh abandoning thu eiunpalKii on tho Gullipoll l'eninsula nnd at tho
Dardanelles It is leported from Turin that several battalions of liulffurian
tioops Juvo Just been bent to the lialllpoll l'eninsula to hearten tho Turks.
l'i:TUOGRAD, Dec 2 A telegram from Tiflis to tho Novoo Vremsa sa3 the
Russian troops nro advancing In l'crsla, havlncr dispursed a forco of Kurds, after
a sharp encounter, on November 20, south of IaiKo Urumla. and advanced the
net day within 12 miles of Teheran The hhah's Government, tho correspondent
sass, has been Impotent, in the face of Gel man agitators and armed bands, to
carry out ItH plcdgo to prescrvo order These bands lmvo nin isscd at Ispalmn
and Ilninailan a Krcat riunntlty of munitions of wur. Save lor I'rinco Firman
rirmn. tho members of tho Government nro tald to bo In sjmpathy with German-,
nnd tho Shah himself Is poweiless.
LONDON, Dec. 2 Tho Dally Now a reports that 100 Glasgow- University
women have entered upon a fortnights training in munition works On tlnlshinK
this course they will undertake week-end work witli a view- of resting men.
Hundreds of offers from other women had to ho refused
LONDON, Dec. 2 -The number of llrltlsh prisoners of war In Germans Is
now approximate 33,000 Tlno figures were Riven in lespon'-o to a question
In the Housu of Commons by Harold J. Tcimant. 1'aillamentary Undersecretary
for War.
MONTHVIDKO, Dec. 2 The presence of llrltlsh cruisers in tho South
Atliutie Is interfering with the passenger servico between .Montevideo and
Huenos Aires Tho steamship Oalio Corrlentes, Using tho Argentlno flag but
owned bj tho Hamburg-South American Line, suspended sestcrdis"'3 trip
AMSTHUDAM. Dec, 2. When tho jear covrel by the original war levy
on Uelglum expired last month it was reported uero that tho German Administra
tion would continue to collect at the rate of 40,000,000 francs monthly without
stating tho total sum desired or tho period of Its collection Later, according to
prominent Belgians who recently left their countrj-, tho German authorities
announced that they would require tho sum of 4SO.000.000 francs ($96,000,000).
collectible as previously lu monthly sums of 40 000,000 francs each, hut that secur
ity for the sum total was to bo provided immediately. Unless sucli securities
were voluntarily produced, tho Helglan travelers reported, private banking and
safe deposit accounts were to bo seized by tho Germ in administrators as col
lateral for tho lovs1.
HO'ITHHDAM. Dec 2 An autograph letter from King Constantino to the
commander of tho Grecian army Is reprinted bj tho llerlincr Tngoblatt. He
orders tho commander to keep nllvo enthusiasm among tho troops and tnka
caro that discipline docs not relax. Tho King also draws the attention of the
goncrac. to tho necessity of keeping all political agitation out of the ranks and
of taking caro that the soldier remains what bo is Ho adds. 'Soldiers have
nothing to do with politics They onl have to bo well equipped and ready any
moment to fullil their duty "
HOSTON. Dec 2 Tho war will cml In tho spring Tills is the prediction
of I'rof Hugo Muusteiherg. of Harvard University Ho has, he sas-s, veiy
good reasons for thinking so. but he is not ut liberty to stnto what they are.
This was the most that rouhl lie obtained Irotn the eminent psschologist, when
seen in his studs in Imierson Hall Cambridge. Ho slinpls made a little more
definite his statement in llrooklvn that "pence will come sonnc. than we think."
Inspector Says Man Uses Dwelling as
Place for Killing: Chickens
"Just as soon as he would seo me com
ing ho would rush into the front room
of his home, put on the robe of n rabbi
und start to pros'," declared Inspector
William fWahl, of tho Hureau of Health,
to Magistrate Jieaton 4t the Central Sta
tion tod is while testifying against Harry
Cohen, of ill Emits street, whom he
charged with using his home as a place
for slaughtering chickens, which Is a di
rect violation of the nealth laws
"The conditions in this man's home ure
unbearable," said Wahl "it's a three
stois house He and his fumlls occupy
the tlrst floor and sleep on the third He
sublets the second Moor When I went
there on November 13 I found feathers
and other refuse from the chickens strewn
on the dining room tloor, where the nun,
his wife und children cat"
Boy Seriously Injured by Car
Seven-sear-old Arnold Zwler Is In St
Josephs Hospital suffering from Injuries
received last night when he wa struck
by a cir nt i Uigtnn s eet and t'ol
unib a avenue His -nnd on is striouj
VV.VTf !!- reward for return of very fmall
kruii ih.ittlnlno natch sold trimmed grun
fjiv. wltli toll imikI and Agurca. bark ut
Willi i poarU Tor .cnonal riutcn, the wntrh
U of niu.h greater value to the owner than
iw In trliule worth H.-J Spruce t
PIN Uwt uupblre ani diamond bar pin. con.
lalnlhi 7 diamonds and -' tnuar rapphlrtj
luomiled In platinum gold item, solajr from
Slooroihtown to Academy of SIujK. FrliUr
aftej-noon. S'ovembr ?tl Iteaaid If returned
to J r Caldwell . Co WH Che.lnui fit
.NBe'Kl.ACh:-I.oi, Imitation wwrl neckla
with diamond cup In red leather caie. aoinj
from lirond and e hemnut to tlth and c'beimui
ite . MonuUl. Nov em tor il. Reward If re"
turned to J a Caldwell T Co. 005 Chei".
HHOOCll-Tnauumd horMhoe brooi b loat plat
mum uuu god iiioununz containing si atones.
jt in llroad btr-c-t Theatre Tue.day evenln?
Nov inter HI Itewrard If returned to J K
Caldwell &. i-o. SOS c hMtout it
UKSTI fcUVN S llll'SV ltINO-I4t un No
iinl-r , gesllamaas alpay rln two dui
inonda. on tatty bet 37th und t ambrta. and
riiauuirani at lth and c.lrard e lleturn
to --7a8 C-ambUJjto treet buluble reward;
UlthTAOTf JN - laut dlawond breu.tpn. oo
Moatay. ob was to elevuted from Ilewey C.
lleturn 110 North Dewey at
GEAIl AND SHAFT I ol Urae douW,ear
and abaft ltw.n ai and fmh. on Ch
nut TlVone Kiun, ft,r Mill. Co. Del.
luont IS70 and r ..no r ward
jJUAC'H ET Imt ilarlc tlu CM1Kled tft 5
aruelit miTliurHn leee i ilia and SUta
on Diamond M Hi w ir i sse llMaoud.
FIN I oat wbi --iti roity iJb. a nn
J2 da. mi rvwi M wi Ldcar Central.
Olarr . .- J 4da on p9stt ii e4 44