t- w jf aMMBpHB9Fw,s''V' f - 'vrwpw -r 3fmi T v-rw? 'n -& EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1915. 5 fci V! IK M it W$ t MRS. ORLADY KEEPS , HER OWN COUNSEL ON SUFFRAGE PLANS New President of State Associa tion Gracefully Declines to Indicate Policy She Will Pursue DISCREET AND RETICENT Follows Advice of Philadelphia!! Who Said, "Don't Talk and Fear Nothing" Ity M'LISS It was my Hrm Intention when 1 np timnhrd Mm OcofRO H. Orlmly at the Hole Adelphl.a toilny to Ret her to tnlls Bbniit 101 Inlnrcalllli' tilings 111 Itlcll BOOit suITi iults mil Kooil nntl, too, 1110 ln trirstrtl but U (Hit not tnkc tne lirinv mlnutcB to discover that If thelo ws nt inlei lowing to bo done, tho now ptPKliIrnt t tho Pennsylvania Woman SiilTn-'e noclttlon was Roll!,? to bo the on to do It Wlilrli of com "sc, lead mo to the con rluilnti Unit tho P'iplilll of tho Ke stone HulTinRK f-'lilp linn that iill.tllllc.ttlon utiirh nbovp nil otheis, li held to be a pniHouorthv ono In an cxcctithc. Khe lin i Ulsiietlon t lespect discretion, hut betas a iiiwspnper lift boll 1 n.itlliulb don I smiip ithis'c with It. 'lo itmmernle tho number of mibjects on wbl h tills cccccdliiKly ftishlotiable and i ha i mini;, If Kotnowlitt letlceut, nonnn was not wlllltiB to tnllt would be an Inllnlt'ly mdei tnsl. than men tioning tlmt on which hbe was. 1'or liiHtanre, Mrs Oilad, who yrs fidn tcsembled tho unlit oite nlotiiul which a whlilpoot of tuibitlrnt HUffiaRi! in niniii'lit and quilt iris ttcpthed, Is not willhiR to rtlscuis am plans tint slm ma lme for the nuccrstfiil conduct of the crucial ciunpnlmi that Is to bo con ducted heie In tho nct few )cnta, "or will she tell whether her husband, JuiIrc Orhidy, of lltmtltuulori, li a Rood snffr.iKl't, nut the names or her three children, nor her hobble, nor any of tho nrinj thing that the Intel ettcd public thinks It has the rluht to know hIiro she has bcLotue a public llRiirc. And et, for all of her icfuilng, she Is a ory Rr trlous person IMIILADIJLI'iriAN'S ADVtCi:. "I am only acthiR on tho advice of ono of our mint aslutfl I'hlltidelphlii men," Bhe Mild, twiddling her Riild lorftnetto apolORetlctillj foi the cl.ini-llko attltudo she said she found It mcsnr to as sume "Some time .iKo, when no name was mentioned for tlili prciidcnc , he wrote to me, and his mHIco was veiy much like that. of the famous Now York ci lmln.il lawjer, who alwas told his clients, "Don't write, and fe-ir nothing ' Well my ndlser s.ild, 'Don't tnlk, nnd fear nothlnK' "I count that ns good ndlcc," sho con tinued, "and I am koIiir to nbldo by It. It Is, of course, qnlto too caily to talk of the plans of the association for the com ing campaign, nnd I am sure that having inn thins about the personal sldo of my life printed publicly would not bo agree able T am so sony that I feel this way about It." DAINTY. BVT DKCIDUD. However, I am suru lh.it tho little woman who has emeiged vluoiioua from the stoimlist convention tho sutTr.iglsts huo ever held, with tho highest olllce to bei credit, will hnvo no objections to a, brief description of hei appearing In cold, unfeeling print, particulaily slnco it Is go ing to be a nice and truthful one. In her smart black suit with ledliiRoto lines and blutk feather-trimmed toque, Mrs George Orl ul l judged to be one of tho best-dressed women attending the t omentum In appearance she Is l.Unt, with a dear completion, .slurp features and white hair, reminding ono of a (Dresden doll Although hho has not been ns prominent In tho cause us rnunj of tho other big llgures In tho State Suf frage Association, and although her elec tion was successful only after a hot con test that almost made Mrs Mnwell K. Chapman, of Set. niton, tho president. It Is not at all improbable that she will proc herself ,in extremely capablo executive, who will start the Pennsylvania Miftrago lull rolling oneo moro to that victory to ward which tho women of the State havo l.'i.ided for 17 years PENNSYLVANIA HAS $3,009,000 DEFICIT State's Disbursements Total $34,800,734 for Last Fiscal Year HAimiSnURG, Pec l-The State had a deficit of nearly UOOO.On) during tho last fiscal year, which ended jesterday, notwithstanding an Incieasc of moro than $300,000 in receipts over last joar. Receipts for the jear from all sources amounted to 131 KK),!27. Disbursements totaled JJ1.S0O.731, leaving a deficit of 12,310.97 State Treasuier Young and Auditor General Powell attributed the deficit to extravagance by tho last Leg islature and tho killing of revenue-pro-duclng measures. With tho closing of tho books, $1, 910,303 Is due on warrants. The re mainder In the general fund esterday was only 3,1947.'58, as compared with $6,575,697 a jear ago Other funds in the treasury jesterday vvcio Sinking fund, f63l.H0. game propagation, t S -721 Insurance fund, J181.0S3; bounty fund, J88.135, school fund, J3500. HOME VICTOR WATER HEATER A new principle, con stant supply, 2i to 30 Kali, 1c. Heats Radta tori, too. Accept no tubatitute. There is nothlnE "Jut a good " Send for I'rre Uooklet. S.V.REEVES,Mfr. 45 N. Second St. rutrnttd and I'utruU indliuf Special Coasters Olt TTJUILEK hTANPS Floral or lirape Deeltn 50c a Vi Doz. THE CUT GLASS SHOP 7 H. 1(1111 bT. WeUoItepalrlns GAS APPLIANCES For Mechanical Purpose! SEUD FOR OA.TJ.LOQ I. D. BERGER GO.. 59 N. 2d Street BtUilarkct . Ktyitoncllai . j licatt, tin I tar. """ wau " Jy Big mono itUliI this laieitlM, lUUr- 5400 K91SE QUI S90t5. (avutiet U i 'NEW JERSEY GRANGERS 1 WILL INVADE ATLANTIC IN "PETROL WAGONS" Automobiles Will Abound at Annual Meeting of Ruralists. Dame Prosperity to Make Big Showing WOMEN TO TAKE PART NEW SUFFRAGE LEADER Mrs. Gcotfxc H. Orlmly, of Hunt ingdon, who was elected presi dent of the Pennsylvania. Woman StiffrnRc Association at a stormy session here. (meat Uj;lJ on k- lack)J 04 tif 1,14 (bo la 1 nlnuti. Sloile tat 4 tksm Mini lo am iu c 0 D. J3 5t HemuHf.C9.itt0r.it.Mt!stu,B.C PENN CHARTER SCHOOL EXEMPT FROM TAXES' Judge Shoemaker Rules in Fa-1 e T..i. .!.;.. .. n.. 1 I VUl Ul lllMltllllUll Ull viiuiutu of Its Character Tho Penii I'li.ulcr School Is exempt fiom taxation, aoooidlng to an opinion Hied by Judge Shoemaker In the I'ouit of Common l'leas No. t today. Tho court cidcrcd that the city and school direclon of the school district of Philadelphia and the Receiver of Taxes be enjoined fiom collecting tho taxes now nssesscd upon tho teal estnlo of the fcchool. Judge Shoemakir docieed that the com plainant Is "an Institution of learning, maintained bv piivato ch irlty, and that its real estate at 8 and 10 Kouth 12th street, used exclusively lor arhool pur poses, Is exempt fiom taxation under tho net of March 21, 1W. so long as the build ings are maintained and the lecelpta from tho school an- expended In tho manner piovldul for In the action of tho com plainant as set fnith In the minutes of the corporation of November S 1113, and tan led out liming the school j,car of September 1, 1013. to September 1. 1011 " Discussing the legal pilnclplcs involved, Judge Mioemahcr said. "In Philadelphia vs. tho Oveisecis, tho Supremo Couit decided that tho school house pioperty of tho complainant was not exempt from tnxatlon as a puiely public chailty under tho piovlslons of tho State Constitution and tho Ait of May II. 1W, because soven-elghth of the locelpts of the school condULtul theieln weio allotted to the be.idmastei, who. after p.ijlng tbeicotit the expenses of m.ilnt ilnliu the school, was entitled to ictaln the balance of the leceiptH 10 malnlng as his comptnsatlon. and the school was, tbeiefme, londucted for the profit of en Individual " The school oveisceis contended that the obstacle In tho vvu of obtaining exemp tion from taxation had been removed when In November. 1011. It was rcenm mended that In the futuie the headmaster "shall not shale In an balance remain ing out ot the icceipts of tile school after tho pajment of expenses, but the entlio revenue shall bo applied to Its support, to Increase Its efficiency and to malto necess iry repairs to Its grounds and buildings nnd for no other purpose " This inhuiti wns nubscnttontb approved and tho headmaster was paid a salary by way of compojsatlon The Pi till Charter School was Incorpo rated In Vi) by the Provisional Council of Pcnnsvlvama and theicafter sucesslvely chartered by 'Wlllhim Pcnn, tho founder of tho Commonwealth, In 1701, 170S and 1711 Tho object of tho Incorporitlon was lo establish and maintain a public school, "wheiein tho children of tho rich mlgl bo cilui ltd at icasonahle rates and the poor gratuitous." Tho corporation consists of a board of ovei seers of 15 persons. Tho school was founded and endowed by private cbarit nlilo gifts, bequests nnd devises and Is maintained by tho tuition fees of its scholars, liy tho Income from gifts, by prlvato contributions nnd, to a small ex tent, by tt 0 proceeds of the sale of t,chool supplies. There are certain free scholat slilps In the school Tt,ANTlC PITY, Dec ! -Prcyipeiit which has nothing to do wltb wai or ders or "war brides" prevails nil over rural Jeise. This mnj be gatheied ft 0111 the aniuiuncement tint, while smne them prefer Pullmans when tbe tinvel fullv half of the WO delegates to the nvi nual meeting of the State tlianse patron of llusbandr will ionic down m lu sboie next week In their own iitiloinnliiles Willi them will come vvlve- In rur .i and smart attire, American woni'ii who have time to keep rlostt) In I" n li tt tli fnoblons while tlu.v sttldv the lat methods in boii'i hold noimnili It "ill not be surprising If among tin m n" dome who havo furtopped foot near and Inveilcd satlcer lltilii to thill wnidiolf fm the feminine eetlon of the grniiMt" 1 onclavc l.tat ellt was one of the but dtissed assemblies AtlnntU Cilv had si en In initio it dav rim sessions of the grange will be liild tiehhid closed doots, on the Steel Plei. In a big hall decorated ptodlglotislv with pioduets or Held and orebatd Women have the same rights on the lloor as men, liu hilling the pi lv liege of upsetting father's vote If tho do not happen to agice Willi him on a given proposition Interest In Atlantic Cltj's convention hall puijrit, which came to life very otiildinlv two weeks ago, when it lookul ns though Chicago was going to uU the great car bulldcts' convetitloti with Its votin delegat.s mid 1 0 0ik)1 e xhibll, has bun xtlrinl 11 fiesh hv a tepoit that the 1 itv mm inquire a "He not li' retoforo meiilioneil foi a building to s-nt l".tW Mnnv would like to sec the huge audi tin linn elected on the site of the old Ocean Plei, at Tennessee nvpiiif, bill iiimplli itlons threaten to defir nctlon In delhiltelv on this point. The location now proposed Is the Hotel Columbli, fronting the Itimrilwalk for IM feet, from MIsouil to Columbia avenue, and cxtnidiiirf Inch fiom tlie Inaih fiont for several I tuidrcd feet Atlantic Clt.v Ih greatlv dlsap.olutcd with tho decision of the lln-ird of llaibor r.nglneeis at Washlngti n to take the dieilgo Absecou, vvlilili nit a steimshlp path through shoals Into tho remfs long bollled-up haiboi. down t Capo Mav The fact that the servlies of tho diidgp ate neccssniv nt Cape Mav to pre vent the $I,:OH..0 expend! d bv the (.iov ciument on Cold Spring Inlet hi lug a total loss does not atsuage Atlantic City's grief i:verlmdv hero was looking for wiuil to a -"i-font ehanncl. big enough for the use of pslace exclusion ste-iim-shlps next summer. Now tills hope seems shattered Much moncv Is being p-..ntleil now on hotel Improvenients. nsldo fiom tho con struction of new limits In tin Rudolf and St Chailes anil the $t'O.0fi0 addition to tlio Strand Tho lllenhihn s-eitlon or the MailboroiiKh-nienhelm has Just hem re opened after several weeks of renovation and refill nlshlng The Chalfonto and the Dennis also are In the hands of decoin tnrs and furnishers, nnd extensive im provements ale being made to Haddon Hall. Moic than 100 of tho prettiest girls In town will help the Mori Is Cumls, a popular mllltnrv companv, to bold a klr niLss, starting on Mondav of next week Tho company's armory will be tinned Into n fnh land with fair maids iu bewilder ing costumes esbaslng the lole of spiltes Tho mntions for tho various booths In clude Mis David Fltznimoiis, Mrs-. Ham Ituliaraeh, Mrs J Hnrry I'ulmer. Mrs William Ilttrkaid. Mrs. J. It Ilotliwell, Mis James W. Hew, Mis Walter need, Mis Itobert Haitlett, Mrs Mlas Shoe maker, Mrs U Ilruce Ilurns, Mrs W III Inm A raunce, Mrs. Mack I.atz, Mrs Warren Somers, Mrs. John M Deiker, Mis John It. Shields. Mrs William Hanks, Mrs George Donnelly and Mrs Charles Itupp, Jr. Miss Dorothy Thomas, of Chelsea, has been the guest of Miss Dorothv 1 licks, In Philadelphia. Mrs. Mclvln Kranklin of Chelsea, has been entcrt. lining Mrs A S Hiaishery. Miss Plorenco Wllv, of Philadelphia, Is the guest of Mrs How ard Colbath. Mis Pu'deilck Thatcher and Mls Ituth Thatcher, of Philadelphia, have been the g icsts of Mr and Mrs James Cono-vcr. SHE WEDDED IN HASTE; DESERTED SAME DAY Actress Tells of Husband Who Said, "I'll See You in Morn ing," but Didn't muMma DESERTED Al TKR MARRIAGE Lillian M. Dtiminp;, whose hus band vanished an hour after vvcro wedded, She has Ki anted it divorce. JIAY IDENTIFY SUICIDE TODAY Police Espcet to Learn Name of Man Found Dead in Hotel li'i iitiiic.itlon f the 111111 ho ,0111 inltiil uii lile with i Knfetv iiirin In tli' Co, .11, ntnl lint, I on Mnndiiv. Is c xpi 1 n d to lie niiuli. as t'n r, mil 01 1 i.iin llll'tll 1,1. 1 '(ll'VIll ll C' "nil ,,f t'l' tectlvis 1 'lime ron tinlnj The man bail leul n nil .11 ihi In ti .1 ' .,, 1111 I .ipinlii Ci'iii' 1011 11 itvid a tilrmaiii this nun iiiii,- 1 null William (Jitliin, .if IV, llsct ttli stint .N,'v nils iltv, snv Ini' the 'liiilde mav have ben Plank P. Qui'i, and Unit he wtiuld nciiiI a plinlo graph timl diuiiptiou of the man later Propped up on pillows In a private room ai Jeffeison Hospital, Miss Lillian Al. Imrnlng told today of tho experiences "in rounding her elopement with Louis P Itrodwell In 1SII and his desertion of her lesn than an huui after their marriage Mls Pinning, an attractive brunette of light llguie, was 11 member of tho enst it "llvcrv wotnati," a pla dealing with 11 od rn times, which bad nn extended nni In this cilv nnd New York She was .ti anted an absolute dlvotce from Hrod well In a deciee handed down Monday by Common Pleas Court No t I know It "otniils rather strange to sa that vou weio deserted by jour husband in bom after vou had been man led" said Miss Pinning, but such was the 1 iso with ue "You see, It was this wav," continued Miss Puitiing "I bnd known Itrodwell "ovrr.il veils and when he proposed mat riiie, I I npostlv believed I loved him and gave nn n'lient I was onlv 17 at the time, and r knew nn I an nts would Make This a Canary Bird f'3r J& MiltS- LlH II will nlr ir tl. w 1,1,1,' f null' ami "Mini ' or "llir" i,i.I oinlrpn Tin J'n, nlcia imiH ou r,r h I Itarz Mt. Warbler $2.50 St. Andrcasberger Rollers $3.50 "Golden Opera" Singers $5.00 "Campnnim" Rollers, $7.50 and $10 Norwich Canaric $5.00 li' ' ini i , I i L.i Klni:, r mil l" i. n ir uiiii , in pi. i nr ,i,n In" itiiirmil nut i m hiint.1 TWO WEEKS' TRIAL 1 til s tmluv, ilillirrv when vim i.iii llruHM im n nn, ntnl , ijfrf, SI On to SIT i ipeii s,itir.)t l"v tiliiKi Cusley & Mullen Co. ..,:.!.'.., "Hie large".! Iliril store In the World. object most strenuously nnd so we Juat decided to elope to Wilmington "Well, wo Just went and did It, ns the saying goes We were married by the Itov Ocorgo Wolf late on the afternoon of March 1, 1911 It was our Intention to keep the affair n secret for a year or so Wc look an express for Philadelphia, but upon reaching hero we discovered that the newspnpers had bent us to It. The news of our marriage had been pub lished. "Arriving ot my home, 2130 South Mth street, I Invited mv husband to dinner. Louis took ono look through the window and seeing father perusing the evening paper, turned to me and said: 'Dear,' I don't think I hnd better stay. I will ce xou In the morning' Well, I am walling for that morning yet. He never put in an appearance "Naturally 1 becamo disgusted after he had failed to see me or communicate after sevcial months, nnd so went on the stage lo make a living for mvsclf. I havo t nut led over the countty from coast to eonst, and now t am clad that ho didn't come back 'In the morning ' " Miss Darning entered Jefferson Hospital f-cvernl daja ago and Is recuperating from a minor operation She Is the daugh ter of Mi and Mis Thomas r Dunilng llindwell Is a lnomotivo deslgnei and re sides In St .lames Terrace. West Phlla delphla. Miss Durnlng was busy rectlV' Ing tho c6ngratulatlons of her friends nt the hospltol. "I most certainly married In hoslo nnd repented nt leasure," she de clared smiling. THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON, Dec. L Tor eastern Pennsylvania nnd Now Jersey; Increasing cloudiness followed by light rain late tonight or Thursday; some what warmer tonight; moderate variable winds. Snow flurries have continued over scat tered areas In tho Lake region, nnd light rains have occurred In the lower Missis sippi valley during tho last 21 hours, whllo cloudiness has Increased throughout the eastern half of the country. Clear skies aro reported from most places west of the Mississippi nivcr this morning. The tem peratures continue low In tho Atlantic States nnd havo fallen slightly at most stations during tho last 21 hours, whllo a general rise Is reported from the south ern portion of tho Lako region and from tho central valleys. 2. "" AS nr Sl? jK tflTB m W.MT I AS GOOD AS DOLFINGER'S is a familiar expression, often employed by competitors in soliciting business. Uncon sciously they endorse our goods and this free advertising is very effective. Just compare our milk with any other and you will notice a great difference in appearance, flavor, keeping-qualities and cleanliness. It costs us more money, but our trade expect and rret the richest and most delicious milk sold in the city. Our patrons cannot do without it. For the same reasons we hope to serve you. In 35 years, the only milk as good as Dolfinger's, is "The Beat by Every Test" DOLFINGER'S STANDARD DAIRIES. 16th and Tasker Streets Daly to IlcRin Lecture Scries . couise of six lectures, by "Tom" Paly, IIvknino LEnoEit columnist, will begin to night In tho auditorium of Ht Joseph's College, I'tli and htlles streets. Mr Ral s subject will be "Humor and Humorists of the Highteeiith Centurj " Tho other lectures of the scries vvll bo held Junuar ' 5, Februaiy J, March !, April 5 and Maj 3 I HURD" 21 &ys Shop idKwiSski Klo I1H I " '"- 9od the ft&s. umm i mmm mm mm v fP 1 ill fP gT 2 Eira . THE HOME OF Vmv I Everything Musical Beinp; Victor Factory Distributors, we haveat all times a complete stock of Vlctrolas and Victor Itecords. "We guarantee prompt deliveries for Christmas." The AVeymann Piano, backed, by our 51-year reputation, sells from $265 up, while wo havo PJayer-l'ianoa from 5375 up. "These make an idea! Xmas present which lasts a lifetime." We carry a complete line of tho famous Keystone State Mandolins, Banjos, Guitar, Mandolutes, Vio lins and cenuine Ukuleles. Classical, Popular, Operatic Sheet Music. fIBMANN E 1010 Chestnut St. Phila. fcySrtVx r t& mm- fp rnictl s-1 "' v 2 mtrr - " ft&4 .... I fa What Makes a Ha ddu Home? Canvass any section and you will find that music is the most potent factor for happiness and contentment The next question is: What is the best form of music for the home? The highest authorities and many, many thousands of satisfied users will answer in unmistakable unanimity: A PLAYER-PIANO. The natural question then is: WHICH Player-Piano? Try them all. Compare tone, ease of pedaling-, range of accent and expression, beauty of design, excellence of finish and durability. Your answer will unquestionably be: LESTER PLAYE It is guaranteed for ten years Make this Christmas one long to be remembered in YOUR home by giving your family and yourself this ideal gift. It is so perfect in its phrasing and color that it is impossible for a connoisseur to distinguish the difference between the performance of this marvelous instrument and the playing by hand of the most accomplished artist. With all its superiority, it is as easy to own a Lester as one of the many inferior makes, Being sold direct, all "in-between" profits of agent and jobber are eliminated, The terms are easy and confi dential. We will gladly show you how conveniently you can have a Lester. Your old piano taken in exchange at full value R-PIANO F. A. NORTH CO. 1306 Chestnut Street All Stores Open Evenings Until Christmas PHILADELPHIA CAMDEN 32 1 1 Kensington Ave. 302 S. 52d St. 820 Broadway TRENTON READING NORRISTOWN 209 East State St. 15 North 5th St. 228 West Main St. ... WILKES-BARRE SCRANTON 170 South Main St. F. A. Norlh Co. 1306 Chestnut Street Plaase send me Illustrated booklet and description of jour LESTER PLAYER-PIANO also details ot ejsytpayment pU without interest or extras. SLI ill1 WW f' li 0 ' NAMB 526 Spruce St. ADDRESS W 1 T liVM-ftrW liiiMAtimiinWifirtoabm!-. JU--