apiHiw.'iy".imiijiiM , i EVENING- LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, .1915, 1 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE .trrrnrcAl and mechmlcal engineer, St'""iI.nninlB(. UnlvorMtv en MltS Rraduite, JJiSileal graduate in electrical engineering, !?mJS! experience as office manager, cor iStnnndfnt and MiMiniin of electrical nnl SJchSnlcS machinery. M hSO. Lodger Cent. rTXvTRIClAN, lltal claim, can taha charge of 1'iJSm fiulMln or factory: good on nil repair. X 10L Ledger,1'"' Front jindjonlnno. Z7mk middle aged, RooiTreference, wants rm WM'pSfit. lo Ingcnoll st. (below Master). iiiN AND win? MA'S .?.!. 2S2T vmnt altuatlons as cook N. Taylor nt. ar. ay u..-., , tiOTBT Gentleman desires chmeo to prae iiJS i with young gentleman Mollnltt who can rwt muslo readily, u 4u,i, jigger umce. rimCHABISO AOE-NT denlrei position y.-.:,.,,i-lna nr contracting Arm. with take Ihsrge of department or nsslst; know costn, metricAtlona. bin rrlntn, etc, : understand ehemletry and element of mechanical en gineering. 7 yearn' cxperlenco; references; inaderata.Mlarr.ll OIL Ledger Central. ' raLESMAN, with road xp joung, ambitious and energetic; can prnduen result: dcitrei Sig.lBn?ibest refa. M H., Ledger Ornre. SALESMAN, employed, desires change: estab lished firm 4 5 ears' experience; nge 27; local or ? irivej..exccllent rrfs. 1' 210, Ledger Off. BTBXCMttAt'Iinil Young man, 21. desires caption In Ilxo real estate otflco with oppor- tunlty to learn business. II 141, ledger cent. STEWARD wants position: best of references. H Ml. ledger Central. WAITER Al colored waiter, with 20 years' reference private or boarding house, Ad riifss M. I'.. lUl" tie Lartcy at. lOL'XO MAN, 2. jenra olil, with como expe rience, would like posltinn In real istuto offke, well educated and Ht present emplojcj. II Cm, Ledger Central. roLNO MAN desires a p cr retail ilerk, 12 ir-.it . position as chauffeur cr retail ilerk, 12 jeats experience: rercr ...ref given. M 7.12, Ledger Central. VOl!N'l MAN wains position na butler or houseman liet refriciiies. II (131. Led. Cent, COLLEGE GRADUATE, oung man of good ri'nne tlons nllli esperlmcu In nnanclal work and a knowledge of credits and Sikvu Ish, Rlmg with n broad gcnernl business cx n'rlcwe .leslres tn become nmnccted with a business vv Hi h has a future In It for a hard tiorker cvemtlvr ability, energy nnd ca. parity for detail work would mnko me 11 valuable aslstiiit to 11 busy exccutle. II 1IU, ledger Central rat' I'LL lolornl. want situations; good cook mi hn.neniiii. leferenrci Call lainsdovvno all J, nr. Lrn Mnnr ae l.ansdomic. JAI'A.M:.4I; rxperlenieil cook, wishes position private fnnlly. best rcfa. K- 308 N. 18th. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Miid Mi'IloliLS 1U20 IMInbrldgo at., has corn relent Prcn. Ii l.ngllsh, Hclglan, Ucrman but lers tci niiil-Tiii n. houseman, r.ngllsh, Hvvcil Isli Irish, lerm.in cooks. nnltrcsseH, iham berniaid'. Infant niirBcs, InillcV inalds house nisliS. eti Wanted chlldnurnes, kltchcn innld and additional help, rclcrcnces required. I'hontLoiust 2t'.0. MADAMP. AHUM, Trench nmplnvmrnt Ilurcau. JKI.I christian st -llcllublo help supplied and wanted, nllnatloniilllles, I'rot and Cath. MHS MiN.LAl'r. "1IH0 Christian (Dickinson ' 5131. supplies nil kinds of help male and re mile. Clh. anl Prt.. cheta.?8u.j:luii mo.; refs, lvTNToung cooks aiiil housework girls, cltv n'r countn: supplies lst-clas help. Mary T. McCarthj. 2107 Chrlsttan. locust 1381. AUTOMOBILEB l'or Sale uiodIjOW-wiulky motoh co. used ans 1815 PAICli:. Model and repainted... . 1010 PAISIX Model as now rnlrflcld, rebuilt $1,000 Hollywood, samo Touring Touring 030 800 400 430 500 500 550 200 450 1015 DETROITEn, 18H DBTROITEn, 1DU TAIQE, Model Olonwood. overalio tires, recently rebuilt 0. J. a. Touring, cost ?3200 1811 DUICK, Model 71-2.'. 1913 HUDSON, rebuilt and repainted.. 1000 AUTOOLUl, Touring 10HHAINE3, Touring BIOELOW-IVILI-EY MOTOR CO. COl NORTH IliiOAD STRCET PHONEH: Rell, Spruco 0110. Keystone, ltaco 1363, Ask for Air. S. 8. RODGEJtS USED CAJIS IIUISIC MOTOR CO. 233 N. BROAD 8T. As nuiCK, Molel C-37, Touring. nz HUICK, Model C-2S, Touring 115 11UICK, Modol C-21. Roadster. l'JU HUICK. Model 1J-33, u cylinder. 7 paa. scnger. Touring. 19H HUICK. Model H-37. Touring, 1010 UU1CK, MoJel 17, Touring. WE ALSO HAVE ON HAND 1H OVERLAND, Touring. 1813 VEUQ 3 passenger. Touring. 11U0 CAUIULAC, 'loy Tonncau. USED CARS TAKEN IN TRADE TOR COI.D 19)1 MORA touring. 1912 OLDS1MOIHLK touring. IMS cpi.B touring. 1012 MAItVfnV m,A.h 1911 JEKPKRY j-oadster. JU 1HTCHELI, touring. J8U COLE touring. 19U HAVERS roadUr. COLE DEMONBTRATINO CARS I S. BOWERS COMPANY 213-27 2VORTU BROAD BT. Distributor ,OOLB ORAM- BUY AT a-3T NORTH BROAD DELIVERY BODIES for FORDS Five Carloads These Bodies Just Received SAMPLES ON THE FLOOR Mall Order Solicited Specialties for Ford Cars Co. 635-637 North Broad St. iffiaV .V.1.3' '.unn car. overhauled and ELECTRIC COUPE, almost newj batteries and IU.INES. 19H. touring car: electric llrhii S?Vfterl newjjr painted; In nm-clasj me- xtra; prica 50. H 462. ui(Bri,enirai. WK A.l yu!?Miiy. occur.; owtag hi. iir i .. "" !"""y. vnui najuiome car tfi ?ea l,e,,t-on l at our hovyroooui, and n'.ltahf,.l?1 vfry HHIe use, looks Ilka ff-". ,uv;0vcom,,,n " B W LSrt? ?W c" " uiUm LB. 23H-5' faflr r.t r -.. An JLA i.svityar;T-T.T"w -wv-hyw. 9 r--T" 1?. --w. ikir. xumanttM jar ddl f KMKAWnRrr.ta' ni""'o . 'i:!1.- "- i; Sit&ii4.ffJl"t,yj owtcjc . to tt. imlii rSu.?" ! " toa the best" "g qusJitfes on account of Ju good, anrlngi 2FJbTUnc?l 10-lnch upholstery i Sa iftvi??k S opportunity: price lUJoa CpilOiBILE, 2311-23 Market. LocsJitivi kgkbft Wis, mod.!' K-i,1 4 it P., (j-pmsT ffl?4?,. Mllnt condlUoui tppearsnei most tun awj Una mschanicaiiv! noii THTiT T ----- est j-ihs,m v-fc aSUIm L25Siac'5:t,'ni.fSiuUt' bisTaTvs3 AUTOMOBILES Tor Sale "S&Si.?3 nOAMTnn, 1010: haa Just been Jigger Cviitral, rw"onbl "! 11 3.12, lVCKAHDrTmoru,"limVulTnVnirtourlng; aomJ"1-" Ju" onc 0Vr t"" r mechani cally ami nro ready to removo the touring body and attach the limousine; both bodies ??!.uPh0.""'!Ml ln bl;Kk leather, with extra seats facing forward, equipped with demoiint .!?".?" K00'1 Hi Including one, extra on !?ita.r,m! ' 'oon " limousine body Is at tached car will 1,0 painted a dark blue, tin .,..purch.n,'J ,,n ,tn meantime. In that jnt can bo painted to suit purchaser; prlco with two bodies, $W)0. fAXOMf illl I.E. 2314-22 Market. tajcut -CO. ILA JI.NKS.jlgr Exchange Car Dept. '''ntP'' l!'l4-Wlll guarnnteo In first-class on dltlon; tires good, 2 extra tires; will sell nt rc-isonahlo price. H 4;.3.Ledger Central. l'AKli: SO 1014, touring car; electric lights and starting; In excellent shape, will sell for MM II .112, Ledger Central l'litSHt.IJsn. Hill. !t. limousine, trimmed" In nark bluo broadcloth upholster), chair scats lacing Torn aril, equipped with demountablo rims, and Una thnt are like new: will '!.!. ""eliniikally and ready for paint middle of w(ek. can be palntiil to suit pur rnaser; Is a er nltractle and suitable car Tor slatlon work, hocking or hotel work of any kind; price when nnlshel f.'.OO I.OC()MOIUI.l:. 2111-22 Malkct. Locust 450. ' A .llNKS, .Mgr Exchange far Dept. a. (1. V intl touring, equipped with ilictrlc gear Bhllt starter nnd lights, iiottly iialnttd and oierhaulod. Ij"I7, Ledger Central. HIMPMjX Touring Car, 7-insciig(r. perfect condition, a great opportunity for Ihe nun wishing 11 high-grade hcai car. Call Mac car HaleB Co.! 2110 Marknt St., l'hlladelphM, STANLlli steamers 2iX) up. also llmouslno -MtL .caM,make offer. ll:!0Aestmoreland. HTlJVnNS-DfllYr.A. 11)12, "aa limousine, lue't compleied and ready for Immediate delherv, this car has alt been gone over mechinlcnlly nnd has been painted a llrowalcr green with black trimmings: tbo Interior U uplinlatercl In black goatskin and extra seats nro ery comfortnblo chair "cats which face fornatd; ''i! !'. a.very good-looking car nnd finished nultable for nn undertaker or funeral work of mi) kind: would also bo it cry desirable 'dosed mr for n prlialn rnmtly, and la In tho best of londltlon: prlco MOOO. l.tJCOMiillll.i:. 2.111-22 .Market. LocuU 130. .11. A. Ji:.VKS. .M gr. Kxehnngo Car Dept. ! t I ATTKNTtON I ! ! PUOSPIXTIVR Al-TOMOIIIMJ HUYHItS .," ?.nu .nr" '' tho market for nn excep tionally hlRli-grnd" used automobile, don't fall to see us. Wo havo Just taken In trido for . , WHITi: CAKS tho following cars, all ln llrsl-class condition: 1P12 WHITII, 7 passenger. (I cylinder. 111.'! LOCOMilIlll.!:, it cj Under, touring, tn .1 KTUMINS-KNIOHT. I! 1 Minder. 7 Pasa Hill LOCO.MOUILI:. 0 cjllnder. ''"" Hill I.O.lin:. I passenger. !Ti:-:NH-UL'UYi:A. r passenger. t n u c ic s r.U-TON HAUI'.lt .1-TO.V PACKAItU 3-TON .MACK no iii:asonaiimi opfkii iii:pusi;o Como In and look them over and ask for demonstration. t. C. MO.nit 2111 NOIITH IlltOAl) STHKKT PHONEH: Poll, Spruce CTO2. Keystone, ltaco 1783. AL'TOMOtlH.i: OWNHHS TAKE NOTICn' Tou can atoro jour car In a modern fireproof storago house on dead ntorngo for J2 I'KH MONTH. CUTAIAIt STOllAUi: COMPANY. 4013 Aspen t. l'honoDelmont 2011. WE LOAN MONEY on nutomobllc.i nnd atoro them nt low rates or Interest: nutoa bought and sold Acmo Loan nnd atorago Co., 2H3I Kensington ave. Ivenslnglon illl Established 20 jeara. HL10I1TLY used tires. 33x4 Clincher; 32x4 QD. :i(xl QU.. 30x4Vi OD.: 37x5 (1.. nlso tubes :i0xl!i, 3.1x1. :i4xl't. ilfixl's. 37x,-.. good con dltlon; will celt cheap, Kcystono Tiro and (io pair Co., .'131 N. l'l I h. UAHOA1N Pord with closed bony; Ideal for station duty or tuxi; In excellent condition, nenrly now : Price 1300. Phone 20S.I I'llherl. William T. Taylor. Uroad and ltaco streets. AMERICAN OARAOB and Mnchluo Shop. 1411 Locust Bt.. make goirn and parts for Pnn hird, almptex, Renault, Mercedes, Dclaunay, Hellvllle, and all foreign cars. 3-TON KELLY TRUCK in goo I running cordl" tlon: can bo bought at a bargain. Call Mac- car Pales Co.. 2110 Markt st., I'h! a. HENI) roil PltEE IHILLETIN OP USED CARS OORSON Al'TO EXCHANOi:, 23S N.HROAD 3-TON truck? good condition: ct' p. Call Mac car Sales Co.. 211tl .Market Bt" Phlla. Wanted STOPI LOOK! AND MSI EN! Wo buy old nutoa In any wrecktil condition. Get our prlco before you sell theni- rhono or write Southwestern Junk Co. ,1705-7 Carpenter AUTO LIVERY AND GA:'.GES TO HIRE rierco-Arrows, I'acknrds, Ford Un. Cars. Special shopplnB ruto, $1.50 per rvour, rord Town Cars. ,. Autos for Weddings nnd Punerils. PACKARD SERVICE COMPANY 1411 Locust st. Race 215. Sprue.. 3140. I'ELTON GARAGE STORAGE, $5 UP FIRST-CLASS MACHINIST OIRARD AVE.. FELTON AND II3D STS. TO HIRE Brand-new S-pass. touring car, with robes, $1.23 hour, nlso brand-now 7-pass. limousine, $1.30 hour. Weddings, funernlj, etc. Poplar 1817 W. Open day end night. PACKARD car to hlro, $1."50 per hour. Chnd wick Repair Shop, 2041 II. Chadwlck. D 338SY 6-PASSENGER OAKLAND touring car. $L2S hour. Ball Phone Walnut 433.1. AUTO PAINTING SPECIALTY made of tine automobile painting und upholstering. Let us estlmito jour work before going elsewhere. AMERICAN GAR AGE AND MACHINE SHOP. Illl Locust st. AUTO REPAIRING FORD OWNERS I can do the job. Stop tho oil depositing on your spark plug I will guarantee same In every way at fcmall cost. Call Adolph Fey, 10.1 Berkeley tt., Wayne Junction. Gin. 311b. ANY CAR completely overhauled by expert mechanics, 3Uc. per hr &. materials. CHAD WICK. REPAIR SHOP, SOU 3. ChadwHk t. Dickinson JJS8 Y. SPEEDOMETER TROUBLE ! T ! SEE DILLY 318 N. BROAD FOR HUPMOUILE REPAIRS see Jack Starr. the Hupp expert, 33 1 J N. Carlisle st. Phone Tioga SlOt. CYLINDER'S REBORED. new pistons ami rings furnished, weldings and brazing, H, E. Underwood & Co, 1023 Hamilton St., l'hlla. AUTO SUPPLIES -BBARINaS- New Departure Serv. Sta.. The Owllliam C 1314 Arch it. Phone Wulnut 3107. Race 30 AUTO TIRE8 AS THE MILDS RBBL BY YOU WILL NEED REAL TIRES Note well following list, all guaranteed. Suxd .$1.1)5 34x4 fOOO 33x1 .... S.&O 3ux! .... 0 05 t0x3W. 34x3;. 3U1 . 32x1 , .-'Jlit . . U.SO . 7.40 . 7.0.1 . B.25 . H.CO 33x4K,,,.u.u 30x115.... 1L'..V) 30x3 ....13.50 37x3 . ...H.&O of N. Y CIS N. Broad. Poplar 51U0. 8,73 Akron Tire Co., Inc., open jrveiuugs. FRANK SHAW BROAD AND WOOD STS. TIRB VULCANIZING. PHONE ORDERS TO SPRUCE i Ml. PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4000 miles. Compare prices. Uasollnu 15c. per gallon. PRIM'S. 238 N. Broad st. VULCANIZINO 3300 Chestnut. 3301 Woodland ave. R. WM, SHELDRAKE. Ireton 2303. HORSES FOR BALE Contents of private stable; car riages, sleigh and harness; all the belt make and In good condition: alio blankets. 131 Eait Gorgas lane. Germantown. CHEAP HORSE, single wagon, double four post wagon. Holden. 1323 Frank ford ave. POULTKY AND SUPPLIES COCKERELS FOR SALE S. C. W, Leghorns, 233 eig strain, (3 and upward. PALMER POUlmr CO.. Bridgeport. Pa. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 6EVERAX. strictly nrst-clasa theatres to change for good investment properties; ev ex. evsrv. thine ln picture theatres. lUrrltt, 201 N. 1U9W. EXCEPTIONAL! opportunity tol nvest 110,000 In csUbUsbed mMOunirlns; business: actlvt Interest U desired. P 201. Lodger Oface. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for, parties with lino and up to secure profitable interest la .itabUshsd tats- business. P 203. Ledger Off. GROWING WcHARDD3hkesr sale. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ACTIVE PARTNER WANTED To a young or mlddlo-aged man of character and references sn opportunity Is offered to become connected with nn nctlvo, growing business whose books show tho names of ?omo of tho most reputablo ilrma In tho city. 'InUO is needed. Wo want n live, up-to-date lusiness man of ability to take place of inactho silent partner. TO A MAN WITH SALES RXPKtIIKSCn this ia suihilv ixjo r,voi to hk ovintr.ooKni) lluslness Is Incorporated about fi 5 ears and has large orders on hand. Itlgld Investlga lion Is Rotlclted. If you are really Interested, wo will be glid to grant jou nn Interview and explnln nur proposition In full. We will eatlsfy )ou as to our teponslbl!ltJ. P ir.. I.EIHimt OKKIlMi WANTKD A lady lUIng ln the country and having a select egg nnd poultry business desires to Interest n pirt who haa Jinw tn Invest to Loiomo Interested and to do some of the city end of tho work. An Investnunt of the above amount will allow mo to pay 113 per week to start and besides a nlco profit to party becoming In terested. 1 have the finest trnde In Philadelphia and (ho seashore, nnd lieed the assistance of a rellnod lady or gentleman to assist me. IMcaso advlsn In first letter If ou nro reodv to talk business, and address M H2u, ledger Office. A PUOSPr.rtOt'S Philadelphia concern, for jenra manufacturing necessity of uillv use, ! practically awamped with increasing hurlness, and deslrca mod erate amount of new capital to finance It. No war business. DinccTons Aiti: nrmti.iMi, wiu.l- KNOWN 1IU8I.NI:S3 MI'.N nood executive position ojrn. Writs r call II. u. VV, till New Mock K vhango Hull ling, for dclalla No agents. 1.. ,. . PATENTO WANTED vvrltn for List of Patent Uuycra nnd Inven tions Wnhtcd. f l,ooo,ixn In prizes offered for Inventions. Hond sketch for freo search. rim ior our 1 t,ooks aent free went freo upon quest v luroii j. EVANH-.VV CO . Wnnhlni?, ton, u, C: Chestnut at. l'llILADELPIHA Ori'ICE. 11211 (kill nlinno. M,ienn C.W, llmltf i to n. Mondays until (1 p. in. ' , f.000 DEfllRHD An underwriting ndknto of J25.000 capital lias secured an onion at n hlghl attrnctlvo prko on n mllllon-dollnr sloik Issuo (Phlli ilelphla cntcrprl!i: thcro Is a wldo and Imnia dlato maiket for these kpi tirltles. a tltlh part tier with J3U00 will be given an equal Interest with tho other numbers: money aciurci. Address M 73.1. ledger Centnil. WANT ' llvo wlie" In boiler business or sim ilar line to nuke several vainnt futory buildings productive, have railroad. 1 heap power, trnnes, noeil energetic man, with Komo money and business ability, to dig up ordor.i. place machlmrr. start mimifnctur Ing. Wrlto Steel Works, llov 750, llarrls burg, Pa. OWING TO INCREASED I1USINESS wo rn. qulro more capital, wo deslro (o get In touch with some one who has S3000 to Invest fur n stnted time, with or without services, satis factory red miLcs furnished tnd money so- cured. HOIS. Ledger Central. i AN INVESTMENT of $3VK) will accuro an executive position nnd good salary In new company just forming; money fully pro tected by rial estate and rep tyahto to In vestor out of llrst proceeds of business, ref erences demanded and given. M 753. Led gerCentral. PATENTS-ARTHUR E PAIC1E. 714 Walnut at., Phlla.. mechanical and electrical engi neer; registered patent attorney; established hero 30 veara. lnventlona doVeloped; patents, trademarks, copyrlghta secured nnd liti gated anywhere; rejected applications prose cuted, preliminary advlco free. STATIONERY BUSINESS Central locitlon. unusual stand for flrfct tlasa stationery Btore; no good will to buy; reasonable rent, owner will alter front to bur tennnt. J. C. FULLER. 10 S. 18th Bt. BUSINESS, established 31 ears, carriages, wagons, nutos, sundries, repair and machine shop, for palo nt very tcntmnuhlo figure; me chnnlcul man who can furnish security can securo samo on easy terms. M 735, Iedger Centrnl. $5000 TO $10,000 TO INVEaT. with Bcrvices of oxiKTlenccd busings man, in proiltablo manu facturing business, or ln combining small manufactories of spcclaltlea that c.111 lo madi proiltablo bv extended business. Address, with pnrtlculars. confidentially, II 311. Led. Cent EXCELLENT opportunity foe energetic young man with offlco and Belling nullity, willing to invest $20u0 In established, hafe, money making business; liberal salnry and Interest on Investment, full partlculnra nnd Investiga tion ut Interview. AddrcHi H Oil. Led Cent. WESTERN MANUFACTURER whoso orders exceed present shop capacity wantB factory facilities, under long-term contract, for mik ing $13,000 worth of high-grade sheet steel spcclaltlea per month to Bupply Ida Eastern trade II 2111. Ledger Centrnl. Boarding House 11 ROOMS KITH & CHERRY Good central location, aamn owner 7 yeare, now Belling nn account of 111 health. C. P. PETERS & SON. 1'iOS CHESTNUT ST. BUSINESS PERSONALS SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electrolysis, tho only permanent way. Ejcbrovvs nrched. MUSS SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre Bldg MIsb Hoppe, halrdresslng and facial musuage. formerly Mint Arcade, with MIbs Smith. FULL DRESS SUITS Cutaways, Tuxedos nnd Sack Suits To hire and mnde to order NEUBAUER, THE TAILOR, in N Dili at. Hell phone, Wulnut 201S FULL DRESS SUITS All new. stylish goods; large nraortment. Samuel Cooper, 1010 Glrnrd ave Pop. (El 12. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY WU REMODEL your old Jewelry Into the lat est designs at factory prices MARTIN W. ABRAMS. 711 Bansom rt.. Philadelphia. I BUY diamonds, Jewelry and pawn tickets for mall. Apply 2 30 to I 30 p. in. Wm. Flick, Room 301. 023 Chestnut st. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY DR113SMAKINO taught, short, practical, Inox- EenMv-e courso; patterns cut. 30c. Mac lowell, 307 Denckla illdg., 11th and Market. HEMSTITCHING. 10 cents a, yard, a'll mate rials A. REICHARD 1113 CHESTNUT faT. PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERN'S POTTER SCHOOL OF anl evening sessions. DRESSMAKING, dally 1135 Olrard ave. GOWNfJ remodeled, J'hone Spruco 223. high-grade work only. TOR SALE BILLIARD and pocket tables, shuftleboard, new and slightly used, liberal terms, rvntlng, repairing fc supplies, llosatlo. 21'J S. Jith BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES - Also bowling alleys: easy payments RKUNH-WICK-BALKE COLLENDBR CO-IOJ Arch. BILLIARD, pool, combination, 2d-bandbought, sold, rented, exch'd. Keafer. 320 Glrard ave. BILLIARD, pocket. 2d. hand tables, cepalrlngi supplies. Clark-Herd Mfg. Co.. 2481 N. Front. CASll""REOrSTERS. new and second-hand; to. tal adders as low as 130. on easy monthly payments: all registers sold by us fully guar anteed. The National Cash Register Co., 7S0 Chestnut st. DESKS : SAFES Roll-top desks, typewriter, bookkeeper desks, filing cabinets, telephone booths, safes, house hold furniture. Dullng Central 2d-Hand Furn!-. tura Co-.tXH-Ooe-U Callowhlll. 1'h.FUbert 410S. DESKS, flllng cabinets, safes, telephone booths and office furniture and fixtures of every de scription, used, but In fins condition, and very cheap; free delivery anywhere HUGHES. 11T1I AND BUTTONWOOD. PRIVATE RESIDENCE to be sacrificed, up right piano, parlor ault ($15), gold mirror ($10) rugs, bronzes, paintings, tables, hand some tapestry and leather library, plaer. piano, davenport, bed. period bedroom furni ture, brass bods, oak and Jacobean dining furnlture: no dealers. Het.. 1701 N. 13th SAFES, fireproof, all sites; bargains; special terms: opening A repairing. 1131 Ftnnkford ay. J20.30 VICTROLA VI AND BIX lu-lNCH D, F. RECORDS guaranteed to be la perfect condition An excellent outfit for one who Is looking for a good machine at a reasonable, price. Fifty cents weekly accepted. Call or wrlto for complete descriptions anj large Illustrated catalogues. HEPFE'S UPTOWN STORES, Cor, Uh and Thompson sts . r-nnaueipma. Pa. GET A VICTROLA NOW PAY FOR IT NEXT YEAR Call or write for our new special Payment Plan, whereby jou can have a Vlctrtla for Christmas, and start to pay for It next ie. HEPFETB UPTOWN STORES. ' Cor. tlth and Thompson sta. Philadelphia. Pa. FIFTY CENTS A WEEK BUYS A VICTROLA call or write for particulars. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. Cor. Clh and Thompson sta. Philadelphia, pa. $2S-LADVS DIAMOND TIFFANY ENGAGE: MENT RING, BLUE-WHITE. PERFECT; ABAROAIN.' IUEDER'3 LOAN OFFICE. 1US MARKET ST. . iTooT DIAMOND AND PLATINUM LaVXE: rVtpnll M BLl'K WHITE nlAMAwna L1ERB. VILI-B 21 VALUE flTA RIEDERa LOAN OFFICE; 12S MARKET fc.Il HUF Tv fr'eit p.nkes'1 as 100 tt. mil 1 c by i ft U ins. reAS03-oie 10. roll, iilf.. C0. Mararet aui licraula sts. FOR SALE WI3 M'Y nil Talking Machine Ilecords. Jvo exehmgo talking machine records, 8c. -j i"HF .ne., t n. in . it p. m. J-'.O-PIAMO.VD KINO. PUItn WIIITIJ ANIJ pi:ihxt. VAi.rn no. . mi'.ur.u h loan orricn, 121 maiiket 1 in CAU'NDAItS lo sultany buslnessj l.OiX), wo In stock, at sacrificing prices. Penn Pa per Co.. 2S n. nth ft. HEATING MAKIN-KKLHRV IIRAT.TH HT.AT Is better and eheiptr than sleam or hot water. Pure fresh nlr with normal moisture MAKIN KRI.SnV. II N. 18th si., Phlla MACHINERY AND TOOLS i:t'ONOMY. OFTUJ CONSIRTH solely In seir 1lcnl.1l. Perhnp It may to wisely nalsted b) ndnptlng on our machines and shaltlng VCOM ritlCTIO.N CLl T''H PllllejS and riticTio.v cuT-orp Couplings, kiiaptinu and MACHI.N'r: WOIIKS, 14'. North .Setiind. . JAMi;s yocoM & son. POWER-PLvANT EQUIPMENT Dynntno", motors, boilers, steam and oil en gine", pumps, nlr compressors PHA.VTqoMIlY. Inc.. 127 N. 3d st. BI'.COND-HANU PIPE Cut and threaded to sketch; largo quantity of t nil aires In stock flrltflth, 4111-20 Muyer st. COMUINEII CIlfltN and butter worker; No. i ' Squee7er," cheap, . SEYPURT'S, Jl N. 31st. DYNAMO!, motors and machinery bought, iwlil and rcnteilj armatures repaired. Main 111, .1'niiv" .u'o... iear"iry io., rt. ;dl- SI. uf evrry description for Textile CHAItUES llOND CO, Ko Arch 30, 30, 40, 42, 41-Inch Extractors or Whlnjers, engine driven. 20. 21, 20, 30-lnch bettiilrlven Extractors NI'TTAl.U 174S North 6th st. PIPE Second hand, nil sl?es. Phlla. Socond Hand Plpo Supply. 1003 N. 7th at. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 33 r.AIKlIJ ZONOPIIONE TALKINO machine, with cnblnct ami M records, nnlshcd In beautiful ijuartrred oak. cost now fst. Can be paid , cents vveeklj. An excellent bargain; In guod condition. Wrlto for com pleto list nf liargalns and Bpeclal trial offer. HEPPE'S UPTOWN rollK.S. Corner Mil nnd Thompson ets., l'hlla., Piu EDti-'ON DIAMOND POINT PHONOGRAPH Cost JOO new. ThlB outfit Is eotnplela with lecnrds and will bo sold for $11, pnvuhlo 75 rents weekly. Call or wrllo for complete do BcrlpllniiH nnd large Illustrated catalogues. HEPPE'.S I ITOWN STOltia Cor. Mil nnd Thompson Bts Philadelphia, Pn. f3 CIllCKEllINO UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT, MS N. fdh. li.. STEINWAV t'PntOT. Illl".: fhlekerlng used piinns, f JI5, jm. 4 monthly; play era, !27,-, up. lli'GHESHItOS . .112 N. loth. CHOOSE n Lester plner or piano, bargains: -nnuj sllghtlv um,hI: easy p.ivment. Send for llst.P A. NOHTIICO..rll Kensington HIGH ORADI1 playcr-plann, slightly used: pri vate owner, must uell for task. Loan Office, Uthand Arch. 1EST-MAKE PIANO, upright, slightly" used; cash sucrlllco, private owner. 14 N. loth OLD GOLD HIGHEST prices In (he city pnld for old gold. silver, platinum, false teeth, old colna bought undMolil .h wcirv I.M'hiugi. :n ,s. Mh OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old stlo Jewelry, teeth pi lies bought for cash Put. 1S70. J I. Clark, reflni r s()7 snnsom. OLD GOLD Cosh lull for old ';nld sliver. Locust nntlqun clocks: vvlfl call Hell Phono. 12111 ROGERS. 2 S. 17th st CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS, PHHCIOFH Mines, gold silver, platinum. fnIro teeth. Phlla. Strolling and Ilcf. Co.. 128 H 11th St. PRINTING BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS EARLY Make your felfctlons from 123 designs; prlco 23 to 30 cents per dozen. Tho Card Shop, 1001 Chestnut st. Opin evenings. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS ALL KINDS of lenkv roofs repaired, old tin roofs coated, slag loofs KU-iruuticd 10 jcars. J. KNOWLAN. I3N. l'lih st and 2.10.1-7 South at.. AVE coat leaky roofs at small cost and guaran tee them 10 yearn, let us cattmute. AMERICAN ROOFING CO., 131.1 Ridge live. STORAGE CONTINENTAL ' STORAGE WAREHOUSE 20T11 ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKING. MOVING, SHIPPING. Rugs, Carrels cleaned, scoured, stored. Bell. Locust lOCO phones Ke . ltaco llbu. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES, lhll-lolu MARKET ST. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE .Storage. moving, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph. Baring 732 for intimate. Market and 37th. GIRARD STORAGE CO., illS Glrard ave. Moving by auto, paiktug, gtnrngu, Bcpnrutu looms, carpet i leaning. Hell phone. Pop. f.S'KS. LEVINE STORAGE: moving t.y uuto vans: p.iLklng; shipping. I'arpe Rligo avi 1'ark ri4li A. tarpet cleaning. i.vifj McCANN'S hTORAOE HOt'aE. 174S N. Ittn nt. , moving, packing, shipping, auto aus. WEST PIIILA. MONARCH STORAGE COT WEST PIIILA. Autn packing and thlpplng. WEST PH1IA. 3S-70 LANCASTER AVE. WANTED ANTRJUK furniture, (also teeth, broken lew. elrj, gold, silver, diamond feather beds bought.733 alnuLWanut VP"- ,:1'- 'Lt BROKEN JEWELRY, false teeth, pistols, tolna. Coin book, with prices I pay. mailed, 13c. .1. 11. Boss (People's Store), 2wJ S. Hth.Wnl.JjSil. CAST-OFF CI.OTlllNO-VVo poclllvely "iwy Wo uioro for gentlemen's clothing, shoes, bend postal, vvccall, d.t). ovcnlng, i Ity or suburbs. Friedman Bros. 140 South at Phone Dlckln. ionjll.li CAST-OFK CLOTHING wanted Inrmedlately; evening gowns and gentlemen's clothlnir: highest prices paid. Sellgsi-hn. Mh anl Spring Garden sts. Write o phone Market 2OH0 FURNITUREBOUOHT FOR" CASH Part cr entire house, also oitite lumlture. highest prices paid. ENNl. 212 S. eth. lFRNlTURE, pianos, curpots, antltues. entire or pa.t houses bought for cah, no matter how larsv.. J. Bernstein. 1331 Ridge nve. MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED Beet prices, vvo call anywhere, any time. Phone Wal. 0SU3.J. SchuUi, SS7N Jth st. PIANOS Cash fur uprights", will buy Imme dlately.Walker's, 'Jill N. Park live. filGHEST PRU'ES PAlll'FOR DIAMONDST old Kuld, platinum, false teeth, nlso pawn tickets jjuu l lioeri st., il uoor iront. .ROOMS FOR RENT ARCH. 2021 (The Diamond) Well-furn. single ami doublo front rooms, hot and cold running water, steam neat. 2 ana -'.ia per weeg. BARING, 4011 Vacancies; roan and wife, single men: moderate price; home comforts; pnone I'reston oiuj w; near emvaiea. BBOAD, N.. I'd 10 Comfortably furniBhed rms.. Blngle or en suite; reiined private home BROAD, S., 42. Apartments, 2 rooms and balh, and single roumg with bath. Susan A Moore BROAD, S . 2120 Furniihed rooms, all conven. tences, private fam. Phone Dliklnson 2013 J. CATHARINE ST., 4025 Nlcelv furnished rms.. all conveniences. phone Woodland 10ti3 R CHESTNUT. 17'.' Desirable, well-furnlsKed rooms, with or vv Itl-out private bath. CHESTNUT, lliol. AltroctlyeJyfuniUheiWroiilj-ooni; t CHESTNUT. lW5-Bcautlfully funilshed front rooms, run, water, elec.siean heat, ref. CHESTNUT. 1027 Choke 'Jruom apt. and bath, well furn.; electricity, opposite Aldlne CHESTNUT. 2003 One desirable single or double room suite with bath, reference GREEN, 1S27 Nicely furnished rooms, with running wuUr. reflned surroundings; phone. HAZEL AVE., 5140 Desirable front room and other vacancy In private family, phone. LEHIGH, W.. 721-Attrac. 2d-tt. suite ot 3 rms. and bath. furn. or unfurn , also single va cancles: hot-water heat Call Dlam. 3317 W LOCUST, 1211 Dear rooma adj. bath; southern expos.: h.-w. heat: central location, phone. LOCUST. 1503 Furnished single room, 3d floor front. $11 a month: 4th Uoor room. $10. MASTER. W,', 1813 Two desirable communl- eating front rooms, furn. or unfurn.; run. water- also sitting room, reas. Poplar ono. OPAL. N.. 23353 rooms, 2d floor; single or en aulte, unfurnlsh id. Dlam. Bll J. PARK AVE.. N.. 2CJ7-ROOMS. SINGf-H, BN SUITE; BATHS; E. -EC. LIGHT. DIAM.3SOU. PINE. 802 Des'rabl furnished large front room: also rlnglen. aminear bath. PINE. 1323 Attractl ely furn. room; running water; good locatti 1; private family; phone. PINE. im-SINGLL ROOMS, NEAR BATH, REFINED SURROUNDINGS. PINE. 1530 Furnish 3d room, with or without bath; electric llgt , hot-water heat. HAN!UM ST. 4520 Private family having modern home will rent 1 or 2 very desirable rooms. Preston 2723 J SPRUCE, 113V - Well-furnished rooms, hot- water neat, gentlemen, reference. SUHl'l-E." Large room running water; bath other vacancies. cc nlent bl'Itt- 'E, I33f Ko- ms, sujgl or yn "IK pri ticc fc. Protl off f it-am b-st e tH it SsR-E trg- i- in as-aronesu. I jmHoik lhj?, osutSeru sxpoavire, ROOMS FOR RENT SPRUCE. 1732 -Furnished apartment, near hath; steam heat, references exchanged. WALLACE ST. 17-Nlce!y furnished rooms. single or en suite. hot-waterheatlng. ... ..WAT.NPT. Illl. . . Attractive rooms, private bath. Cnfurnlsheil, cr will furnish WAI.NPT, fl3t-Purnlshed apartment, 4 rooms, bath, single rooms, hot-water heating. WALNUT, 3003 Third-floor communicating rent. rooms; nil conveniences; near In 11TII ST. N, 1 Ill-Two tinftirn. (hlrd-floor com, rooms, reasonable. Ph. Poplar 5014 W, 11TH, P.., 322 (The rarlton)-Clean, well-fur-nlshed rooms for refined people, steam heat; nhundat.cn of hot water; central; referrnce. 15TH. S, 314-COMFORTAHLV HJRNIStlED l'HONl ROOM, ADJOIN. HATH; PHONJi l.lTIt, N ini8-ltiehelor npts., furnished, two rooms.prlvolo baths, garage aril phone. 10TH, N., 2,-,21-Two 3d-atory front rooms, fur nished for light housekeeping; running water: rispectnble Prot. ramlly. Diamond a..1!! W. 17TII & MONTGOMERY Two rooms for baeii. elor;prlvn(e family, ref. H (117. Ledger Cent. BIST ST , H , 3 Neatlv furnished or unfurn- lsled rooms, fevv nt $10 per month. MsT, P., 3il-l.nrge and' small furn. rooms; r electric light, hot-water heat. Phone. . 1C01 PINE ST. targe room, .Id-floor front, unfurnished: $12 per month 4111 WAI.NUT Large sunny roomn with balh ,VJd and Sniisotii furnished VVI'OTI Tltl .IVrlf n.m. ....... -(, MM). .- . .'...-. ,. .v.t'ii.n, 11., 'i. uiiij . ,,,',..o. . V. M. C. A. Bhower baths; near 1: all the I M -. - ..1 ...- ...I. ' iwiiuuns ni Home, i-naiiu nn- mont 4I.SI. Ke:., West .IMI. STRICTLY private "adult family, Ti-tvlng beau tiful home near 10th and Walnut, desires to rent ittracllvo room and bath to refined gen tleman; board optional. M 741, Led. Cent. OWNER. Invlng beautiful dw elllnir-onRpruco St.. neir 20lh desires to rent 2 largo at tractively furn. rooms; private bath, open fireplace, to refined gentlemen who will npprerlale a good home. M 531, ledger Cent. GENTLEMEN wishing rooms In an unusually line house, neighborhood Hrond and Ixicust; references exchanged. M 744 Lrdger Central, TWO ROOMS In water, hent: $10 apartment: bay SOI N. Huh st. window; Suburban (!ER.MANTOWN-2d. floor front room, furnish ed, well healed: private family. Gin. .1314 W. ROOMS WANTED Ol Ml man nnd mother who would appre ciate tho (ompanlonshlp of refined people, want two unfurn rooms nnd bath with privilege nf light housekeeping-. Address Teacher, nil Mldvale ave.. (Icrmantnwn W ANTED, furniture. a vainnt room. Address C 40S, central, to store Ledger Office. WANTED, stuclln," suitable" for artist- ono with BkMtRht preferred C 401, 1yd. Off. BOARDING BALTIMORE- AVE., 4I1t-Atlr.ie. house. Just open., slngle.riouble rms.. prlv. baths; board. BALTIMORE. l IKI-Lirgo. suTinv. n-iond-lloor room, eouplo or gentlemen, excellenttnble. LOCUST, (,n20-Kurnlshed room with bonrd" near L:convenlences. Phone Ilel. lo.'il Y. SPRUCE 7J2-Women's" Cathode "Hoarding Aioclatlon- rooms, vvllli tnariL$3.30 vvcrklv. SPRPCI1 1230 Second-story sultc.ulso front room. SPIIfCE, loin Roniim. with ho-ir.l running nnter elevator. Phono Ullbert .1'ls."i VV . HPRUCi:; o.'s..-.o Semiiil floor front, private bath: tholre table table hoard SPItl't E, I22I-2H (llrlmonil"l Furn romnsT flnge. n suite, private linths table bn-lrd. IfiTH. N., flln HANDSOMELY I'l'RNlSlll-.D ROOM. RUNNING WATER. FIH1T-CLASS TABLE HOARD, PRIVATE FAM1LY. 4BTII 'ST.. S ."521 Largo, double rooms; te- llnod, modern tatilo board. Hell phono. KID. S 7HI (nr. Ilalto nve.) Room, with Joaril: gentlei-u'n: hot water beat, prlv. fam. ATTRACTIVE 'room nnd board In strictly private famllv for voung woman, emploved: owners; vv Phln.- rens. II 357. Ledger Cent PRIVATE family, no other lioirders, enn ao- conimodato 1 or 2 pcrfronr. nrighliorhnntl nf 33d nnd Chester nve Phone Woodland 1003 L. Table llouril TIOGA 33.17 N IMlr e.-el tab t.rd.: ata. : rood home cooking. Tioga 2313 Siihiirhnii ATTRACTIVE front room with tmrd In select eectlon of Germ intovvn, gonl tr.itn nnd trolley pcrvlco: gentlemen prer P 13". ledger Oftlce. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL lo-ntlon, apcelil ncientlllc tare; nervous, elderly, everv cumtnrt, nurses. Booklrt. Dr. Randal, Cltv line, Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS N. E. CORNER 17TII AND WALNUT STS. This 13-atory concrete and etecl fireproof structure icaches tho hlgliest point or devel opment as et attained In apartment con struction and may bo properly styled a per fect place rf abode. An lament effort has been mado to offer a matchlc-sB homo to thoso whoso first con sideration Is not to lount tho cost alone, but to procure that which they desire, where thcro Is only perfection, tho alza and char acter of vvhlrh may ho Heluct.d nnd Rhapcd according to the distinctive requirements of tho Inulv dual. Suites aro arranged from two rooma and one hath to seven rooms nnd three, baths. The loiutlou Is excellent, being convenient to tho business and shopping centres and yet not to near. All things considered, the rentals aro mod erate. Further information, arrangements for In spection and reservations may be made through NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut street. WALNUT AND 11TH STS. (S. W. cor.)-Mod. suite- exceptionally attractive, large, high tellings, abundantly lighted on 3 sides. Also 2hil South Uth i-i- .suitable for huuekccpluK If desired Rentals l" und $7." Junltor on corner premltes. BARBER. IIARTMAN .V CO , 1201 Chestnut st. 101 s'llTII ST. Bachelor apartments; except tlonally desirable 2d tloor suite. 2 largo rooms and bath, every modern improvement. Jani tor on premises: steam heat Int luded. BARllElt. IIARTMAN & CO., 1201 Chestnut. 12TII. S . 200 Modem apartment house, two largo bay window rooms and prlvato bath; also furnished housekeeping apartment; will infurnlsh. Apply .M. A oat, on piiinlscs. ItlTTENHOL'SE SO. 121U S. HlTll) Large, beautifully turn rms and apts.; 1 or 2 rms.. prlv. hattm, hot-vvutcr heat; 1st class tn nprotnlment and Bervice. Spruce Ju'J2. WALNUT, 1131-33 Ver attractive apts., 2 to 4 rms.. bath, also single room and lath, furn. or unfurn ; excellent locution; Ist-class serv- lce Pliune Spruce 15k), or npplyto Janitor. YORK ST.. W.. 1SJ1. Beuutlfully furnished upartment. prlvutebath. an mouern conveniencts. neat anu gas. IWU RI1KIE AVE " a ROOMS ALL MODERN 1MPROVE- MENTS: HOT-WATElt HlAT, $23.00. OXFORD. 2u0 Near Park, first and secondT blngle or together: hot-water heat. ABERNETHY, J3J S 12th. N AV. COR. 17TH AND HANSOM ST3.-Two apartments. 1 room and bath and 2 rooms and bath. Apply on premises. 2017 RIDGE AVE Second tloor. 3 rooms and bath. $10. C. P. COWARD CO.. 20th and Jefferson sts. SPRING GARDEN, I17-Excellent apts" in h different houses, some furn., kitchenettes. TIOGA. W.."H17 2 rooms und bath, 2J IrontT large, nicely furnished. NEW APARTMENTS ON RITTENHOUSE SQUARE Three apartments, enlarged during the past summer, at IVIO S.uth Rittenhouse square, arc now ready for iucupanc These apart ments .ontain respectively. 8 rooms and 2 baths, duplex apartment. 12 rooms anJ 4 baths: 1U rooms and 0 baths, alio one small apartment. O. ANDERSON, Superintendent. THE PARKSIDE 10T" tf&Se"0 OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT PAllK One to four rooms and bath, reasonable terms. Phone Baring 221 THE KENSINGTON PINE, BELOW BROAD New apartments, open for inspection. YARROW & VAN PELT 17th and Chestnut sis. PEGNOT-13TII AND PINE STS. 1 rooms, bath and kitchenette. WILLIS WINCHESTER CO.. 10)1 Chestnut. West Philadelphia CHESTNUT ST. 3003-7 (Leone)-Elegant apts , reduced rent. Call 3 to 0. Jan.Ph Bar. TuluW I OFFER a large variety ot apartments at varied prices und to meet almost any require ment. Call or send for Hit. AutantobUa service to Inspect apartments If desired. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. 1111 Walnut St. SPRUCE 0200. HACK 302. CHILTON First-floor rooms. The Chilton, No. Baring: light and heat Included. $33. Belle McClaln. manager of Chilton. 3218 Mrs. Ttoga 3720 N BROAD ST Five-room apartment: all Improvements, vara at door to all parts of city, excellent Janitor service rent reduced to $25. UabeU, Broad and Erie. Cynwjd. Pa. K QUEST HOUSE" MUcgom,rVA. ' Half 1 'It f-m station 20 minute Broad Si Sta -a -jus anl als lo ( eiiry .on fn.e r. t s v vi or a hut board good ublvi fcoard 7 wevsJjr Tel. Cjfowjrd TS2, FURNISHED APARTMENTS SPRING (JAIIOiJV, il2l--Purnshei; atarl ments single nnd en suite rrlvat hath APARTMENTS WANTED THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO RHVPON WHY ANY DESIHAKLE APARTMENT SHOULD HE VACANT AT THE PRESENT MOMENT. The number of applicants f r apanments handled by this office frequently averages over one hundred a day. I placo at tho disposal nf my clients tho ret equipped, Hrget nnd most attractive nflcefl ever devoted to the business of rent" lng npartments. I give them highly organised, courteous and efficient servlre, 1 have private branch ex 'hanges to hindlo phone Inquiries, mo auto mobiles waiting lo show apirtments to pros lieetuo tenants, nnd In over way give serv I o of such a character that the apartments placed In my hands arc rapidly rented. Will von not help vourself and at the same time assist me bv furnishing me with com plete Information relative to vour vacancies? CALL. PHONE OR WRITE NORMAN 8 SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST HPIlt rn (BfiO IIACM3(H.1. , furnished PL'RVISIIED housekreplng nptrtment 0 mos., ,1 or 4 bedrooms, nearby auburh or Vst Phlla. II LI-., ledger ofdee. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 15rit AND MP VEIINON-JAnts A and 5 light. rooms, with bath steam hell, elect all outside rooms lorner. DIAMOND, 2115-Thtee rooms, hot-water heal una hot water; lath, $25. kitchen. 1S11 COLUMBIA AVE 3 ROOMS. WITH PRIVATE MA Tit; ALL CONVENIENCES. POW ELTON AV11, ,1327-2 hskpg." apts.; .also singlo room; 10 mln. from I Ity Hall. M. W. UREIMS, OilRlnnlnr of Ainttment Bu reau Leivice, win ituu-Kiy nun tne apariaiini that suits von. Phono u, piiono walnut h237. 030 Ileal Estate Trust lltdg. THEE?E ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT You can look nt ono after another until ou And one, or You tan go around to tho different agen cies until In despair vou take one or You Can Call, Phone or Write to This Office It Is qulto true that neurly every desirable apartment In Philadelphia Is listed with and may be rented through 111. Call upon us In our new offices, they are really quite nttnvitlve, jou will bo given the most courteous nnd efficient service obtain able. An automobile Is vvnlllng to tako ou to tho Hat of apartments vou designate, and it by any chance ou nro not perfectly BUIteu, our entile orgnninvtlon will bo placed at your illposil to procuro for ou ixactly jour heart's desire. . ....... Think of nil the trouuie vou win "-- snv ed. and how glad jou win ue 10 m i" 10 found the ono apartment in Philadel hav phia vvhli h moat nonrlv npprotcnes your txact Ideal. ..r- NORMAN S. SHERWOOD Illl WALNUT ST. HprucoJKfO K' 3Ka. THE MONTEVIbTA 0.1 D AND OXFORD STS. Ill the exclusive Ovtibrook section, within 23 minutes of City Hall, Ma Market st clo vntd ant idith t. rrnssiovvn line, which runs direct to 03d and Oxford, sis. Tne new building Is now ready for jour In ipectloii. liavlng hultes of live (5) looms und bath, ranging In rlie (rom $10 lo $30. A limited number or twites of two (.) rooms bath and kitchenette nt $',0. t.vcry to iin hni an outside exposure. Refren-e nqulied irnm all tenants. Dining room located in building. P1ION11 0 FRUROOK 3UW.. THE WARWICK in(W-0K-10 Sanwmi street. A modem 7-Iur, llitproof building, ron tJlnlnc oiiltea oi npnrtmiMits l.nvlng I to II rooms villi nil cnmenlinces for hoimekieplng. The entire water supply In thin building Is tillered. There will be 2 nr 3 desirable v.l-iHiii-lif. i ne sulto on the r.th floor, containing II rooms, at $," por ntonth. and one on the :iu liner, nt ?.".() per month. Thcro 1 n catcicr in ill" building, who will ervo meals when wanted, ilther In the public dining room or In the npurtmenti WHITESIDE A; McLANAHAN N. W. ior 1.1th and Pine ntB; CORONADO 22 J AND CHESTNUT STS. I roomnnd bath 7 rtonia and Imth 12 looms and 3 baths HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS BERNHEIMER ft SUNDHEIM Walnut 371.".. 1001 CHU3TNUT. Raco 403. THE GABLES 4i)0 Old Yolk road, a few choice ti-room housekeeping opartments, all tonvcnlences; MO in i- month. Apply i Israel liecht, 121s Chestnut ft., pi Janitor, onjiremlsea TIIX ENGLEWOOD. 320 S. 11TII ST.-Ideal central housekeeping apartments; sultcii. 3 rooms, kitchenette nnd bath. Apply Jaullor. on pn-mlcs, or LEWIS A. TAULANE. uoo vvniiiui st. THP NASH 1527-20 SPRUCE STREET I TIU ltOri Hol-SEKEEPING APART- JIENTS and ntOFESKIONAL OFFICES. HOUSEKEEPING AITS., all parts of city; rents, $2.1 to $7u per m-7 Call, phono or wrlto for Information, humuel Stern, 1201 Chcs'nut. FOR modern furn. nr, unfurn apartments. Northwest Phlla and Tioga. eo us lirst. HCIIOEPPY S. CO.. 1.117 MontgMmcoave POPLAR APARTMLNT3. llilf-20 Poplar Suites fur. of unfur.. rot-water heat, private baths- hut water, beautiful llmt Moor LARGE ROOM, kltchijietto. room, private bath. $.1 llul furnished N loth st. S3. WEST PHILADELPHIA lv.23-20 WALNUT STREET 217 I'ARRAGIT TERRACE All modern apartnvnts of .1 rooms und bath, with porches, rentals. $JS to MU. Including hJt-vvuter heat, hot water; high-class Janitor service, exceptional values, be sure to ex amine them todav. WM. H. W. QUICK & BltO.. INC. ! SOUTH UiTH STREET U3D BT. N.. 33-A-Flrst Iloor, ti rooms, all con vcnluces; near elevated station, lent $J3. Ul-B--$.17 SO. LEHIUH REALTY CO 1322 riiephen Glrard Building. THE PINBHL'RST N. W. Cor. 43th and Pine sts. Just completed, good-sized rooms, attrac tively tinlihoi throughout. Individual Torches. hlgh-claBS ri'l.ii-ntlal section, rentals $47.30 und $.10; only three left, uneiiualed at the rental. Apply on premises, day or evening, or to JOHN C. KNOX. Inc.. 15 S 32d st. THE CHANCELLOR APTS. ( hanccllor ubove .nth. Best valuu In West P.illaaekTihla ft. living mom; splendid condition: 3 rooms, bath and Urge porches, hvcri modern convenience, rent $.'0 and $12. Apply J-inllor, on premises, or KERSHAW A CROWL. 5215 Chcjtnut st. DREXEI. APARTMENTS OVEKBROUK aT.VTION 5ln,'..hou'"I)"'ep,'"i 8uUei u rooms and bath. $;vl,.H per month one furniihed suite 2 sleeping rooms, one exceptionally large living room and bail, 7J lKr month, public din nt room. Phone Ov er. rook U32S. "'uuifc THE WARREN. KWI-OI S. 4oTHST-The most attnecilte secoiid-floor ainrtment tn West Plillildrlptoli U rooms and bath (all outside), with private iwch, beautiful sur- TAYLOR & PON 21 AND 20 H 10TB ST. or Jsnltor inJIwiUj THE RUTLAND APTS. JUST COMPLirrED Loci'smtrr .iith to v.th st. I, and 7 rivom upartimnts. with all the latest conveniences H7.aO to $15 per month. ROBERT F1TTM. AGENT Bell phone Belmont II ti. 51 IJ Locust st. GREY GABLES. 312-3U N 3JD Verj' attractive Wpts., :i lu 7 rooms, furnished or unlurniihcd. all outside rooms: shower bat ha. etc.. reasonable, s mln. from City Hall $10 TO $00 CHOICB SiKI.KCTIONS KERSHW S. CROWL. 3215 Chestnut. ESSEX, 'Uth and Chestnut, Monterey, l"IJ and Chester: Pclmont. :mh and Spring Garden. iliulre Janitor or Cresee. .'IPS liulo Bldg. WELL-FURNISHED sunny housekeeplns apt . 4 rooms and bath, levator Iiarlng I7u7. . UEKMANTOMN THERE ARE A FEW FOLKS WITH Kll DIES"who positively will not rent an apart ment Pi the cit. So in order to please them and others who MUST have a suburban heme THE QUEEN LANE APARTMENTS WERE BUILT No. ou never have seen anything quite like theui ebancas are )ou never will again. Fresh air I'M, birds, grass, country ur roundlngs. In a word, the great outdoors all about ou. A block from Queen Lane Sutton, same dutanre from the Cermautovv 11 Cricket Club, three blocks from Wayne avenue. The price U Fifty Dollars a month and As to tae apartments- They have nve roous and bath, plus an extra maid's room, hot-water heat the best obtainable ample hot water, exceptional closet room, built-in bookcases, private porches, unusual construc tion and decorations, you must see them to Vsuw that tbey are Just what ou have been looking for and our automobiles will make this ui easy matter. We might furnish on or two at, say. Soy t nty Delurs a month. NORMAN S. 8HERWOOD 1411 Walnut street Vac ScIEd in the Scbiol Lane and West as ea 4 iiartny-tit individual por bes tn-n settuvi i" lleroiiuto-a u rem. $M vmt $70. JJ. vU. JUSXEit & bO.N, W12 (jerminto&u av. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMrNT3 GEII.MANIOUN SCHUYLER ST.. 32210-32 HoiiMkretil-it atmrtments with porches. 0 rooms ani" hi hot water het, electric lights, domestl, not water; one minute's walk rrom Queen Laon stntlcn. Apply p c, Scheld, lath and Inrett ave. Phone Dickinson HIS WALNUT I,NE, hot-water heat. I... .1.101 rooms and bath private porch. $10. . Main Mne.Pn. II. n. HAVERPORD-RRYN MAWIt 7 rooms convs, Ixwn. shade, near stadon j:. 1 pEtbus & pon, wis chestnut nr HnTerfnroPn HAVERFOItD. PA " Near station and club: new apartments, 7 rooms, 2 baths, $70 to tto per month; south rm expesure, beautlfuV outlook; large duplex apartment. $100 per month. MelLVAIN & CO, 13 IS l.md Title Eulldlng, Phlla. APARTMENT HOTELS IT IS WITH A FEELING of particular pleasure and satisfaction that I announce the opening of 225 South Broad st. Suites consist 0' 1 room, 2 rooms and .1 rooms, arranged with private baths If de sired. The furnishings, decorations and appoint ments are quite perfect, and the resultant combination Is nn Illustration of tho fact that the small apartment hotel mar reach a height of comfortable and homelike desirability which It Is phjslcally Impossible to achieve elsewhere. 1 do not believe that I shall ever be able to orfer n more perfect residence to those who desire their every requirement and wish to bo anticipated. Hero jou may. In truth, Belect jour home to day, and without the spending of a slngls extra dollar or giving the matter another thought, may occupy jour apartment tomor row with every housekeeping problem solved for you In advance and every care and worry eliminated and vet without the loss ot the truo homelike atmosphere. Of 23 suites offered for occupancy, twelve havo been reserved. Your early reservations will, therefore, be greatly appreciated NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. THE DWLMAll-MORRIS GERMANTOWN AT CHEI.TEN AVE. STATION. l'ENNA. RAILROAD lo MINUTES FROM BROAD ST. TERMINAL. . .. ATTIIAITIVELY FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED SUITES AND HOUSEKEEP ING APARTMENTS. THECUNTON TENTH nEIJW apitncn L'iiO IU.OMH EVERY CONVENIBNCa. I'urnlhhcd or unfurnished; either by lcaNe or transiently, aultes of one to four rocms, with bath. THE GENEVA 1QTH STREET ABOVE WALNUT Illgh-cUsB apartments with or without prl vato bath, entfrely renovated and refur nished; under new management. DOUGHTY A MARSHALL THEGLADSTONE 11tret8INE APARTMENTS' FOR WINTER MONTHS FURNISHED OK UNFURNISHED ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE COVINGTON CIIEHI'Nlir AND 37TH STS, It. F. E.SOLE. MANAGER ALSO THE KNOLKSIDE BEACH HAVEN, N. J. THE ESMOND E. CORNER 12Tn AND SPRUCE suite or ROOMS AND BATH THE TRACY P HtMANENT OH TRANSIENT GUESTS RUTH ANV CHESTNUT THE NEWPORT vnulS, 16TH STREETS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY US N. 3D ST. I-arge 4-story brick build ing, suitable for manufacturing purposes. rllAS. W. MILLER, 401-407 Commonwealth Building fill R ll" HT.-4-story building; 21x163: as sessed JS.1IKI, prlco JV.0O, terms can bo ar ranged, this It $2000 lets thnn It Is worth. J. EDWARD LUTZ. 240 N. 17th St. -Porch-frcnt dwelling: KOOd WILLIAMS, r,2J Walnut st. MASr'HER near Dauphin S rooms, bath- lot UlxVI. rent Slit: assessed $1700. price $1700 CAMERON. 2H11 Kensington ave. WALLACE NEAR 20TH-8lde yard. 12 rooms; bath In centre asiessed JHWJ, prlco only S.;,iih Owner, S2 North 2tth 102O MANTON ST.-2 stors : rent $12; Price $1210. E.Blnl. 15.10 Ellsworth. FOR SALE . ATTRACTIVE HOMES On Very Easy Terms MANY LOCALITIES SOME VERY HIGH-RETURN INVESTMENT PROPERTIES See Us Before Buying CENTRAL TRUST AND SAVINGS CO. Market and Fourth Streets J2S30 ONLY ONI? LEFT Etist side of -II Hi si., south of Allegheny nve.. 2-story, brick, porch-front houses. 7 rooms nnd outkttehen. hardwood finish, hot water heat, electric light, cabinet gas range: combination booktase und writing desk lit Dutch hall. It will be worth jour while visit ing these. houtrcH before dei Ming elsewhsrt'. SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN EVrRY DAY J. A. McNELIS Agent on premlies. or Somerset St., west ot 23dj WILLIAM FBIEDRICH & CO. bill North 12th st. 1222 Parrlsh laiu N. Franklin 1121 North r-0.1 W Cumberland 12:17 Full mount into W Lehigh 4100 Block N. Oth jiwi-i N Lamac .shl N. dlh st. G0.1 Montgomery ave. 817 N 12th 14'r'l N, Camao 1213 N. Uth 1120 Harmer 32U E. Ontario KM N. luth I 11.411 N. 7th ;oin I'opiar . -211-43-43 Germantown avenue. 3SI0-I2-II-10-S aluslng avenue. UPGE WAREHOUSES 210-2.12 AND 2,11 NORTH FRONT STREET 230 consists of a 3-story building, 23x149. 212-2.11. a 2-story building. 42.cTxlTu. Basement unue rthe entire property, power elevator, heating plant, moJern offices. The close 1 roxlmttv to shipping points by rail anl water nukes this a very desirable loca tion HARRYT. SLS'pERSL 31 SjJWTIC ST. ONL $100 TO $no CASH required isliorth nth. assessed $1)100, rent J7M, irlce $7V30; 1712 Wallace, 1,1 rooms, assessed $0000. price ?1suO, corner 21st and Wallace, assessed $70oo, price jraiu. 2:1a North lHth. central. 2.1 feet front, cheap, BII4 Mount Vernon. 1 stories, offer wanted: lOOd Melon. 3 stories, price 1i7.1, iriou Sdenham. assessed $230l. price $2100, 0 rooms; 4216-4218 Woodland ave., $1,100 each, 1721 North 18th, 12 rooms, a bit! bargain 20-28 ..S0-32 Church lane, $1200 each. MARSHALL II, SMITH. 1011 Chestnut st. FOR SALE nt special prices, to close an estate. 3U20 Market st . through to Ludlow st., store and dwelling 212 McAIpIii st dwelling. 7 rooms. 1R21 Fclscmst , dwelling, 7 rooms. .ISJii Folsom st . dwelling. 7 rooms. JAMESJl FHANC1S.703 Walnut ; ...., EOCAJIINE THIS BARGAIN $1200-0 rooms, side jurd, $550 below build jr'a price: never ocupled, i!3J Chew st. labor, large lot hot-water heat, elect! I light, parquetry flooring, terms arrangea. J I ml 1... u l.l....lr .an... ..1 . L.l . .:.7..:2; n ." iiiiuh t ueiiroiinis. ABERNETHY. 1.21 S. 12th. 2721 N. 3th. UEAUTHUL HOME with garage, corner Per-y anl hrie ave a ron. bath and reception ha all mc-iern conveniences: Urge Inclosed porch, excellent eoudltloii throughout, lot IixuJ. one-story brick garage in rear SHOEMAKER. 7th and Erie GOT AN AUTO OR A FORDT Private gsrag with uur beautiful Ruscomb st. homes (Just west of Logan fetation), ue-t this S4J00 for hpuie, garage and 120-ft, lot. without garage, $300. Sre Logan ad. ABERNE-rHYSIFJlXth. 113 S. 12th. CENTRAL PROPERTIia for sale or ren74 sei'd uj sour requirements. . YARROW 4. VAN PELT .. fc cor 17th and Chestnut sta Pltone Sltal Spruco or 2U7U Race. IF YOl WANT TO MORTGAGE, rent, bUT sIL exchange or Insure, "oEE TAULANE ABOUT IT" tiCO Walnut st. MUST BE SOLD-843 N. loth st.. 3-tory trick store and dwelling and 3-story lirldt dwsll Ins In rear, large lot. CHAS. W. MILLER. 401-407 CommonwealthBulldlng. "" SITES FOR SALE-Sultabla for erection oi business bulldlngi, large or small. Invest, ment propertls. Money for mortgages. ARTHUR BtjaWELLWl N E Jt. INVESTORS, SEE WAItD'a HOUSES "" AT 120C K DARIEN ST. OFFICE 4231 N UTH ST RENTS lUILEfTEn MorU-agcs. Conveyaacuig ALUREi 111-5. 2U W Lehigh ay. ilOOd CASH buys 3 Investment houses? alvtan T rented at i each pays la persntT J W l YTpN4T3JJnI!il a. DEaiaABLK DWEIJ.1NG, 1114s K, si,t, e,- pnitr, owner will sell cea ..- A. 11 WIULlAMtTaaWete-. s Mh UsuaiaW 4 si Wasst r ,1 I I 4iJ