WfjjByir.lP i?"v"W- yynitpy - i -"i'?--j-' t-'' SHBe"l r?T"jJg4''V ' It 12 EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DEOEMBEB l, 1915: FINANCIAL NEWS STOCK MARKET STILL IN A RUT; INVESTMENT BUYING ON BIG SCALE New York Stock Sates Diamond Match Has Become an Active Issue Signs of Accumulation Shown in Sloss-Sheflield It Has Benefited With Other Steel and Iron Companies N'inV YOUIv, Dec. 1. Thp slock market continued In a rut today, mid IiiisIucbh whh riikiII. Nevertheless, there- was apparent a more general undercurrent oC cheerful ness regarding tho market's position and the Immediate future. Ocnernlly speaking, this IiaB perhaps heen wrought ahout by the ability of tho market to hold Itself In this level and resist the law of gravity. Many of tho more conservative clement tiaVo been more Impressed by the dulness and strength of the market than by Its previous performances. Any stock market, they say, looks strong when it Is being pushed up by u wildly excited public. Hut a slock market that can maintain Its level after tho feverish excitement has passed has justified Its ndvancc. Prices still show a good deal of Irregularity, but signs nrc Increasing dally that stocks arc in a position to respond to ttew buying. Almost every day or two specialties go to new high marks, mid standard Investment shares of the brand of Pennsylvania give evidence of constant Investment absorption. This Investment buying Is on a larger scalo than most people realize. After all. It Is Inevitable with cheap money, six months money offering nt 2-14 per cent. The money situation Is tho one argument that Is Irresistible, it Is an nrgument which prevents nnybody from becoming really bearish upon tho stock market. Tho Can stocks, or nt least the common, sold on a trifle on the announce ment that the directors had declared tho regular dividend on the preferred stock nt a meeting Inst night. Apparently there had been some llttto buying of tho stocks on tbu expectation Hint something was to be done about tho wiping out of tho preferred back dividends. As a matter of fact, the under standing has been all along that this matter would he taken care of, but not before tho first of the year. Tho meeting last night was called primarily, It la reported, for tho consideration of an additional war order amounting to somo $10,000,000. In tiny cose, the alleged disappointment will not cause much market disturbance. No big speculative position has been built upon tho expectation of this development. In fact, the Can shares are not in the commission houses lit any amount. "When Can common moves tho Impulse Will come from the Insiders. Quito u mnrkot has been made this week in Diamond Match, which, al though listed many years, has not been dealt in In New York for a long time Tho real market for tho stock Is In Chicago, but tho advantage of superior speculative facilities of tho local exchange was made the basis of a speculative coup by n small house. This houso brought a block of the stock from Chicago and started to nmko a. market In It. The same' thing has been done many times before with stocks from many cities In this country mid Canada Un fortunately, this time, however, tho firm putting through the operation Issued n Mtinflnl In Heir ii,Utili . (.. i . - . . .. ..,,.... .v....., ,,.,.... ,,. wio speculative opportunities" offered by tho stock overstepped tho mark a trifle. At any rate, tho special letter has brought forth an olllclat statement from the company condemning the cir culation of reports which nrc described as "misleading, to say the least" Dia mond Match, which was run up from around 111 to 122, has slumped back to ttoout 116 Sloss-Sheftlcld shows signs of accumulation. At 3 it Is onlv -i tmint or so under the high price for the year, made .September 2fl last, nt the apex of the boom in the steel stocks. But even In those wild markets SIoss-SI e'f fleld was never made tho object of wild speculation as were other stocks in the same group. Just why the stock was overlooked by the gambling c ,,, has never been quite clear. The company has bene.lted with the other "eel and Iron concerns from the great boom in the industry, and some good pcopTe think well of tho property. Amongst these is that old veteran. Jeff m Levy. Tho present spurt coincides, curlouslv onomrl. win, n, . , town of Pres.dent Maben. It Is reported that M : " ... ! nco . night this week, ta.ked ent.,slascai.y about the coany's Last close. IHsh. I)w. C1m. Alaska Juneau mi UK I 10 10 Alaska Gold M 25M 25M 21H 2M Allls-ChalmcrsMfg.... :! MM XM 33K Allls-ChalmMfgpf.... 82 82 79JS 70M Am Ilect Sucat 70H 72 70X TOM Am lltako S &F Ff...l99M 109!( 190M 199! Am Can 0.1 02K fI0,' 01 Am Can pf 112 110W 111) , 0W Am Car &Ionmlr... 81f 82H b0!f 80!f Am Coal Product. ...1 4(1 1S1 UM 1") Am Cotton Oil f. &., ',, Am Iro Securities 27 H 27 M,i Am l-ocomotlvo 71 7 0 Am Iwomotlvo pf....l025 1WH i Am Malt !) HM J A"'.iaitf i ,r. a Am Small . Ilf imi 1005 9SH Am Smlir. f a'"". (MlU 00 90, Am Smelters lit tl! !. . . R5K WW f7 70 102 10 :io no 85)4 FOREIGN EXCHANGE " '. Slrrllns Itlth. 1nv. t-iiM. Close Cables..... 4.12 .ll,4 .U4 4.1194 llfmond... 4,71V, 4.W4 4.10 4.11 Francs Cable S.l B.83',4 S.t -81 llemnnd... SMXi HMM ti.M2 S.83 .Mark CablM 10 19 m. 19)4 Ilfmand... 19 T94 '.36 19 Sates in Philadelphia WHEAT STRONG; SHORTS BOUGHT ..155 Am Snurr Am steel Koundrys. Am Siiear Iteflnlng Am Siiear Hot pf . Am I'd &Tei Am Tobacro Am Tub nf new. . .. Anaconda Copper .. Atrh T ami.' Atrh T AS K pf 101M 101M IiaMwIn Loco Ill Halllmore A Ohio Ill friends one prospects. The sugar stocks were again strong. South I'ortn ii,. . . touched a new high mark by advancing seven p nil Tr II,,: Z u'T the coppers. -United States Industrial Alcol o a I ' S, Kcw T "J activity was shown in niKtlli..r H...m.. c " m"" u llcw toI. and its train and n. nolnt mn,. m, .h . l". ' " R,co llf."T lost thing on the list going off. """ " Se",ns at tl,e cl0S all of cvery- COTTON NEW TOniC. Dec. 1. Business in cot ton, was smnU at the start this morning. Tho tone was steady, with prices 2 to t points lower. Cables from Liverpool wore lower. The weather In the belt was favorable. Later In the day tho market Armed up and buying orders camo Hood ing In. The rally carried January up 20 points above last night, with the othor monjtlis almost as buoyant. f Tea. close. Jjmuary December .,..12.18 ..'"Starch UMin May 1S.KI July 1U.SS September October Open ll'.IIS 12.4:t i: pen. 11 a.m. 12 VJ.J.1 1S.S7 liSO 12.SU 12.M 12,51 12.3.1 12.7.1 12.1M 1U.O0 ,42 12.72 12.0.1 2 p.m. 12.4 H New York Bond Sales I IllRh. Low. ciop. siorwhi Aih,n i. o.... ... .. --...! .vi aua J'i.s. . . rti. of KK mrr iBr cv 8- if in- hi'. ........H . u I'.r-H. l-f ...L lOIKI 2HIH Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL, Dec. 1 (2 P. M.) Cotton sales, 10,000; American. 9500. Futures easier. January-February. 7.12c.; March April. 7.13c: May-June. 715c; July-August, 7.0054c: October-November, 6.79c Tho cloae follow a: January-Februarv, T.31'4o. : March-April. T.sSe.s May-June. 7.23c: July Ausuat. 7.18!5c: October-November. e.SSc. NEW YOHK COFFEE 3IARKET NEW TORK, Dec. 1. Thera wan no par ticular feature la the colTeo market in tha -morning seaalon. Although there was aome Irresularlty. prices change at the openinc were narrow, with trading quiet. Today's Yesterday's opening. close, January , n.5o (l..'.8KH.H2 February 'li.M U.SUf;u.ii2 Jlarch aiiOgO.07 H.eoi(i;.(U April . .tt)lti;.BJ May ., (J.U.1S0.73 e.ceue.tit June C.TItftt.72 July 117769.83 Ausust .... September ab'JS6.01 .... Bid. lOtfered. ii:i tuif; ludii llMiL H2 il l'i'-S JLLli Ati'htwnn i in' uu... ...:-- - liN)i. io Juit & Ohio ani nXX It'!' Ohio .':::: 5iio liult Oh sVn aVa "" ,J, K!0 Ijetl, steel8 "f" t ? ! gj. lBOtti riW HdP ? '" WIS 1"M S R2J gather 1st Ba.. Am'', TiDtNi Cent Ino 1st -is imii? "oon cii.c c. .. ' . .., ' 12fHl Jo 4Hs .... 1IKIO lo fl . ' "" jKi c & k in la'::'.'.:'.: lOOil do ia tlOOO C Ot West 4a '.'.'..'.'. lluooo c 11 & Q joint J ... ?W0 C M ii St l- tv .'," fOO do CV iU,3 500O Chi llwv fl ' .'JKiO Cons Gas cv 0a ... "OOO Comput Tab Ua . . . 22HOII Del JL II cow Ss t p. 1000 Den & HOrfdOs ... .JUUU Detroit United 4ha . W10 Dla Kec Corps Da ... 11000 Krie conv Is Scr 11 2uoo Erie l-a Is .'IIIOO (Jen I!1pp rtfth .u .SOOO Qnuiliy tn lis . . ilpOO Hud & Man In 5s. -1CKW 111 Steel deb 4i.,s. ,W "' Outr.U rfd Js. IOiWcO Inicrl- Met IJis... i.. iinero j( -1- rei as. 7',4 .1U3 . Il.113 . MVj . 71U . W, .lOil), .1011,4 . U7 .1211 H .1071, . i2ij . 78 . 72',; .. MP, ..1041,, ..lull j .. ,'illi ..' 77'i as?. 112'. KM!' till!', 112 , II I -V. liSi S7 UP. 1011. lo ll ihin; i:i-'4 R7'9 in". 10.-5, IO'j ?...3 US', 1UU', llll'.j 117 120 MT. 107 1-, .121, , t II ', 1011 IIW'-J 111'. Ill's 112' Hill. Imp.. 1IMI 112 ', 111!, III', ion; unit, iiiii: iki.; inn; 117 1.17I, X7'j liPj 1ii.V, II.M, Vl!' HM, II Hi, 101' j 7 1211 M' 107', l!2l3 Jfc 72 IdS, Mi), 1IH!j 'SSI; NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW TOniC. Dec l.-BUTTER-Market very ctrocer on tops; receipts, C.20 pacliaees; extra, ;illjttMc.t higher scorlne, a3"ti.'!Jc. ; Rtate dairy, 31632c: Imitation creamery, i'ljjilc. BGCIS Market unsettled: receipts. 8S3 pack ages: extra nrsts. SoesSa.; firsts. :ci!i.I3c. ; nearby -whites, -isaaie.: mixed color. 33&40c; refriseretor firsts, 22&u-J!4c, nearby browns, S8fl3c RATES FOR MONEY Call. Time. New Tork 1K472 2VV3 I'hlUdelpbls :ia-i .'twftt Boston . ., H llftS-l CIucmo 3194 4 it, Commercial paper, three to six months, Phil. adelphU, 3K84. per rent, BANK CLEARINGS BanH Uiirlnss today compared with corre sponding day last two years: 1815. 1011. 1913. Boston .... 32,h63.600 29,a21I.SSa 128,0111,743 Philadelphia 43.H7S.U35 Sl.233.tllt 38,007,430 Mw York,. COO, 884, 168 80T.5o3.Qg S31.838.3Sl Advance in Wire Products PITTSBURGH. Cc t-EHecUve De cember 1 the American Steel and Wire Co, advances -wire products it a ton, roahx lug plain wire. LtSs and nalla 12 per keg, "base. The last advance was Jl a ton, on November 15. The total advanoe elivpe December, the tow point, la Jtl per net ton on, wire and (10 on nails. Wire TOda are quotable J3 a ton higher, at 538 to m. Firm bids of Hi have been turned, down by some mills. Ilsi, 7111, Eg 1(K 121 W'4 45 Ml 43', 411 0-1 H 1031 l'2, ltl Ml 7!'j HSlJ lit 1004 121 03 Ml 4.V.3 Ul 41) 4 llli 1U1. U2 Ul1 Slluoo Inter Mer liar ct '4V..S. lil 2WiO Internl Taper .Is..?.. N2 lMUk full tW.l.t !,.. II . . '"' tl;n vur (., -J '..a, fsi1 1"' J'cka Wteel .- 1U2:... UsJ 10UU Leh Val 4U,a tiii).v. 2JWW LIB t, M T it..... 124'' 2too iouls &. Nash 4s 1.3 11W0 ilo Kan tc T 1st Is.. 2i lh'i sto Kan & -V it " 43'i i'OiiOIJ SIo I'ao 4s HI 2(M) ilo I'ao ci fis IU 4500O Slont Tower 3s 113 I2 S X. Air Urake cvt Us.IUIH 2O0O N V City 4s. IUiV). . luuj 10uS lOlC 41UIO N Ti Iiwy adj Ss ;.'i. 52-51 .-,2 1M..1 .N'orf West 4s icwj nil? ikijJ 7000 North Tao prior 4s.... OTiJ mil lHt ySJJJ Sorth, I,a0 e" :"' ""ii '"lB "Wi 1000 Tac Coast 1st 3s 03 113 !l. 2000 Paclfla Tel 3s uy; i,ui. n.,.. 70i fa gen ct 4Vas loot. lot loul! ItlOO Pub lu Serv N J i... iiimI fuul luu? 2000 Rock Island 4 SSU H3tJ S.Hi (BOO Itock Island rfd 4s.... lilt! fli lai'J 4S'-5 4s 4K?i 4'HJ 1)7 117 70 70 1KIU 01IH W'tS .$ 17000 Itock Island 3s -IS 110CO do ct as 4Hli li stand Mill Ss 117 fimo Seaboard A I. adj Ss.. 70 lOOrt Bouth Bell Bs..." Iioil ROO South Pac 4s ksi. mmr.r UU XUU i; . c' TJ S9U0U do CV I50( Pouth icon south 1300O South rttC CV IB. IMIT4 Oi'7 v ret f P 3s.... 10715 107 Pac rfd 4s.... Iioij Urt'l Ry gen 4s.... 7l 7UJ llwy con 3s lOrt'I 10.1 rr. iti. inir irKL; 1000 Texas Co Ua. 4000 Third Ave ad fis. . . 1.10U) V B Rubber it 10O0O U 8 Steel 8s..,!:.. 7000 Union Pao 1st 4s.. 5000 Union Pae cv Is.., 1000 Va Rwy 5s..,.,,,, 1000 West Md 1st 4s... . io3: .. 7IHI ,..1M'I ..1WU .' 07i! .. U.11J ,.. UStJ .. 73 105 7a 10.111 W' 0S IISiJ 7H Weyman-Brulon Financtne KBW YORK. Bee 1. The Weyman Bruton Company 'vjlll Increase the capital ot both the common and preferred stocks by 13 per cent The outstanding scrip of January 1, mt, and January 1, 3915, la to 1 redeemed witlt Interest In cash on De cember 3L Today the company not only declared n regular Quarterly dividend of ver cent, on th common stock, but also a,u extra, dividend or 10 per cent, on the " 'eoMnon: an4 a regulair dividend ot 1 per cent, on the preferred stock, payable Ymfn HeceJpta for State Larger "' JO.BHMBOBO, Dc. J. The State fiscal vijt- om& Iat night with rec-clpU ol lajJtW, 4 epaid wUh rtlpt ot j3f,l, tol isust Hoes:, year. The esspwdl iums tie t l'? "rw IMS347I1, agalnt t,aBt pwfips Heavy p tro' ,tJs Jit S3 a JtW eao. - fp b'ff pt (WEtS W 4h- A crA " fc.ijjelUuJWswijlnaL a. November Municipal Bond Sales Sales of municipal bonds; throughout the United States in November aggregated 2S.5S9,HO. This compares with J27.816.J00 for October and J17.S01.123 for November. 131-t. For 11 months this year the total t given as I117.3S7.JM, compared with I131.163.W3 in the corresponding period of 1311. BOND SALESMAN We offer a position to an experi enced bond salesman who controls a clientele of his own; communi cations confidential. A. B. LEACH & COMPANY JJIBEpOttSf Or ACCOUNTAKT ttrtitlvd Vubli,. Aiicuuutsjiu jawkejics e. brown ca Ittls'BCM, ESTATE TRUaT BUIlijlNO. S.X. WS & aPBAKilAN 8H . 'in . S0 . 81 . 7.1 . am .1811! i . 00 . mi!.' .100J Halllmoro A Ohio nf llalopllat Mlnlne. ... tirookljn flap Tr. ... Ilutns llrothcrs H11I to & Superior Cal IVlrolctim ranaillan Pacific .... Case .1 I Co pf Cent taallu'r Co font Leather Co pf. . l hrviiKaKo & Onlo. .., Ctilla Copixr Chlno Copper Chleapi ( West.., CM (It Wratpf Clil .Mil &HIV flit Al A St r pf fill It I .V IMc f V f & SI I, pf Clove A rittsuiltuh. ... Cluett Pea .t Co Colorado lm-l & 1 Col & Southern C011llnenl.1l Can Consolidated Ua? Corn Product. Itcf. ... Corn Prod Itef pf Crucible. Steel Crucible Steel pf Cuban-Am Sugar Delaware, A Hudson. Del Lack A West. . . Den A Itlo (Ir pf. ... Detroit Kcllson Diamond .Match Distillers' Sec Dome .Mine? Klec Sloraso llat Erie- Krie. 1st pf Krlo 2d pf (feneral Kleclrle General Motors Goodrich It V Co Goodrich II 1'' Co pf. ..Ill Great Northern pf U'll tlt N el's for oro prop.. 00 Greene Calianea t."Vj (liiggiTihcIni Kjpl'n iMi 85H ISO 150 .-.nit fl2W Wi i"';a ".113 1W "iofl'i 107 100'S lOO'S Hi? i (IPs 101M IU mu 11: ., "j', IUV, 1M' "' m 2Ji m 7.114 a i Jin 81)1 8'J 71H :r 8! 2Ji 82 7HJ 2I1U 1KI IKOj ISM" 110 Of !, 59J 60U MX lli)!$ 11051 i1!!'4 Ill l 2iVi r,iu ir.! 110! !llf 5 Hi lflU 0H niH 1.TJM l.'i-'lla liUS an 715 7S'4 (VI i:h 61! .H;i ir.!i 1'!S no Ol'i " 10H 10J1 1 .pi's . Ill) .141 . lM . S7!j . 7.1!i .111 . 17.1 .lil 162 .23!) IBIS 7ll!i 71 62 Hfl W)H Ill's 1SK 88 7liU Itl'i lit 177 ir... llTJ 21(1 6 70)i 71 lOH ;m h5 MiH ISTi S8 733 i "S 2!) -!' 1,'lUi 112 132U IIS 12014 Hfi IS 4HH 40J4 28! i 20 70!1 O'J 41'i 6SH KIM 17.T 406 721 111 120 50! i 10 HH . -1.11 . 68" i . 6H .170 .4112 71H 28!. Oil II" i 68! i 62 17-Ui 406 70W 111 125? i 1014 46Vi 77! 7UU 71 m 30 b'J! 143H 18? i 88 111'i 168 152 2.10 281 1 13214 115 4014 28 09 43? 68H 62 171M 4(15 70)4 111 125)4 40! i 45)i ...108)4 108U 108S4 108) i 70 ... 21' S ... 70)4 ...185 ... 1114 ... 45,'4 ... 45H .. 07H .. am .. 01 .. b-lii ,s: !'4)i 87 7!j 17 3-IJf 0)i .... no ...125)1 . ... 70 .... 2S!i . ... 05 ....112 .. 23' a .. 10' i .. .10 70S 71 22)j 7DJ4 lSlli HJi 40H 40 OS Ill's' MM 84'i 82 121 (if, 0112 lOt 70 100)4 (i0)f Dili 87 7.' i 10; 34)4 01s 1 71 21). 215S 70)4 7tl)i 1S4H 184)4 11J4 11s 10 45)4 0311 .11' i CMi h2)i 81 121 (',5 04 101 73 OU.'t 65 t)2S. 87 7U 10!i 31 0). G9H 40)4 !.) 01 '.4 31U 03) j 82). 81 124 00 () Kit 73 OH' 55 U2U 87 7'.' 105. 3-1 0, 0 120)f 81!i 29)4 05)i U2!f 25!.' 10 142 70! i .W'H W2M 102)4 1021 i . 31)14 30!i 20)4 20)4 11 117?i 80 120JX 12814 70i 81). 28! i 28)4 05 05)i 112 112 25) i 25! . Ki'i 101S 130)i 130!i 75)4 . . 43H ..117).' . 83)4 . 74)i ..110. .. 05 i .. 33W .. CO ,. US 3.i!i 110)4 7), :i3)i 50) j 44 .15)4 .10815 100)4 100 ..I01? 102)5 10: 43 43 117)i 117)4 SO 80 73)4 73H' 110)4 110)4 03. 0)4 3.1)4 31 i 693. 50)4 41 44 35)i 35)j 10!) 102)4 Illinois Central. Int Harv Corp. ... Inter Con Corp.... Inter Can Cor pf. . Int Nickel Int Paper Int Paper pf Inspiration Copper Int AI AI pf efdp.. Kan City Southern. Kan City Co pf. ... Lark Steel Lehich Valley I.toett A Alms pf 11!) Manhattan Snlrt 0214 Alay Dept Stores 01)5 Alay Dept Stores pf. .102 Aia.well .Motors 74! i Alax .Motors 1st pf.... 100 Alax Motors 2d pr. Alexlcan Petroleum. Mm Petroleum pf. . AIo Kan A. Texas. .. AIo Kan A Tex pf. . Allaml Copper Missouri Pacific Montana Power National Ills Nat Cloak & Suit... Nat Knamcl & S. .. Nat Lead. . . Nat I.ead of Nat lty of AI 1st pf Nevada Con Lop. . . N V Air linika ... N Y N II & II N Y Central N Y 0 A West N Y Chi A St L.... Norfolk A Western. . Nort A West pf North American Northern Paclllc Ontario Silver M.... Paclllc Mall Penn lt It Philadelphia Co Pittsburgh Coal Pittsburgh Coal pf . . . Pitts Steel pf Pitts C C & St L. . . P Lorlllard Co pf. . . Pressed Steel Car Pressed Steel Car pf Pub S Corp N J Pullman Co Hay Con Copper. . . . Ity Steel Spring Heading Heading 1st Pf-.--Hep Iron A Steel.... Hock Island Co pf- St Louis A 8 K St Louis Southwest Seaboard Air Line. . Sears Hoe A Co Sloss-Shef S A I Co. SlosS S S & I pt .... bo Potto It Sugar-.. Southern Paclllc Southern Hy Southern lty pf Studehaker Co studebaker Co pf 1 11) i 1 13 1 1! Term topper 58 58)4 57)4 Texas Co 211 215 20S Tex Cosulirccfpd...-2J0 210 210 Texas A P3Clllc 15J 15!i 1554 Thud Avenue 61)4 62 02 Tobacco Products pf... 102 102 102 Union Bag A Paper.... 7)4 8 7!' UmouliAl'pf 2SH 30 28H Union Paclllc 14054 13!))4 138IJ Union Paciac pf S314 834 83)4 Unl Cigar Stores 0)4 0)4 0). Unl Cigar Stores pf. ... 12 12 12 I'nlted Clsar Ml'rs 01)4 UUi 01)4 Unl Kiult 158H 159K 158M 150)4 U S Ind Alcohol 125 129)4 120H 120)4 U 8 Ind Alcohol pf.... 10214 10-1)4 101)4 104)4 US Cast IP &'.... 25)4 20 25 25H Unl Itys Invest 22 22 22 22 Unlltyslnvpf 39J4 40 40 40 V B Ilubber 51M 55)4 54M 55M U S Kubber 1st pf. ...107)4 107).' 107)4 107H USbteel 8014 S7)4 80 80)4 US Steel pf 115M 115)4 115J4 115)J Utah Copper 70)4 79)4 78)4 78)4 Va-Caro Chem 40J. 4754 Wabash wl.... 10)4 16)4 Wabash pf Awl 46)4 46)4 Wabash pf B w 1 29J4 29)4 WestK&M..., 60)4 69)4 West E A- St tr 105 W UW 88 8 Wheel A- Lake Erie.,., 5)4 5!i w&LE2dDf.. 6)4 6)4 Willys Overland., ..-.,242 210 240 240 WooUorth V W Co.U3)4 Ul 11324 114 Quoted ex dividend. 82)4 83 S3 S3 .115).' 115!i 115)4 115)3 . 05H 00 01)4 04)j .105'4 105)4 105)s 105)4 .11-1? 4 111 113 113 .10) 109 J08!4 10S)i 254 .. 43'4 . . i2 . 41.' . . 51 . 1'i . 0 .. 223,' .. 19 .-172)i .. 00 . . 05 ..150 431 M!s 42)i 513. 1)4 19 45! i 80!-i 12. 50)4 1 5)i 25): 451-4 M) -. Sowing of Winter Late in Surplus-Producing Stntes Hes sian Fly in Kansas CHICArso. )3ec. 1. Whcnt became slrotiB today follovvlna; an ensy ntnrt, when prices were off i cent. Deliveries of nbotit 1.75O.00O busliclR went Into ntronff Imnil.i nnd cnflli lionpcn wore cood pur ehnecrs of Dccombcr. Shorts botiRht nnd their wns n lively sencrnl demand. All netlvo Inquiry for expoit to replneo tvhent tnUcn by the Canndlnn Government una lit evidence. Strength nt Winnipeg caused a revival of conildonco on tho long side. Tho Price Curient enld that sowing of winter wheat was Into throughout tho mtrplup-protlucliiK mates, on account of tho wet condition of tho colt. I'l-oapocts for next year's yield of winter wheat were for a Bicatly reduced amount, ns com pared with tho crop of 1511. t'lenrnnrcR from tin- scaboaul wero liberal. Ilr-rclnta In Hit Interior wero double thouc of a ytnr ntto. It was re ported from Winnipeg that 1111 iirratiK ini'iit wnulil be mnde by shippers thrro to pool their Intprcsts and rcplaco lines. N'o ilellverloi" wen- reported at Minneapolis, ltcpoitn were current that llcsalan ily had nppoarcd In Knnsns. lleceinber closed at $l.0i'. ngalnst $1.03 yesterday, nnd Mny nt ILOOtn, aBalnst l.07?4. Corn and oats also finished strong. While fhu market at Liverpool was quiet, tho undertone Ihcro wns llrm In tho main. It appeared as though tho short Interest lu Manitoba In tho Kngllsh market had been satlsllcd for the moment. Tho trade Micro was neitous and niixlous for fuitlicr developments In tho Ciiunillun Bltuntion. Heavy, general rnln has fallen In Aikpii- tlna, whero cnniplnlntH of excessive moisture and ilaninsu to wheat arc com Inir to hand. The harvest there Is extend ing south, but tho wet weather Is Inter fciiim' with II. A further rise In Argen tine freight rates and lack of tonnage for Australia have caused fears as to ship ments from these countries. The harvest In Australia Is going forward rapidly nnd samples of new wheat received at Sydney show that the quality Is excellent. The receipts nt Minneapolis nnd Duluth today were 1713 cars, against 5CS cars a year ago; at Winnipeg, 121!) cars, ngalnst 28B cars; at Chicago, 81 cars, ngalnst 232 cars. Leading futuren rnnsed 11.1 folkmw: Yoflt'y's heat (iron. IHch. Low. I'lii-o. close. DeeeniliiT .. l.u.1 t'.d" 1. Ill's I.iiiI'h 1.0S May l.u"?i l.oula 1MTt l.VW, 1.07?i uoin ucnvrryi l7. I,S Oecembpr May Onts Dccpinbcr May I-i rd Xovrmber January .May Itlhs .lanujiry .May Pork Novembor December, .tfinutuy . MHV m 70' j il?; i.'iti Ml) ii..'ia .. ii. 10 . . :i.i,o ..1.1.00 I.1.MI .1 7.110 .1T.UJ Hid. tAsked. lit rii; n.i2 p. 1.1 11.7(1 II.ISl II.M 1.1.00 10.0.1 17.!ll H4'i UNlj I1U l-i54 II. 0.1 !i.::n 11, .17 11. in ti"4? I2U ll'.i ftl tMi Hl'l t nil Ml! 11.10 t.42i fll.2" l.0 II.M 11.00 0.77 tW2 I'.flll 15.00 1.1.11 I.1.SO 1.1.70 111.0(1 17..10 17.M) 17.W 17.CU 17.77 Financial Briefs Kxcept for a 20-polnt drop In .Kighth Xatlonal Dunk shni us, prices of local securities at auction showed general ad vances today. Fidelity Trust rose 0; Glrard Trust, 11; Commonwealth, 1; Guarantco Trust, 13s., and Philadelphia Trust, 10. There wns a 13!i-palnt rise in Stetson and G'i in Lumbermen's Insur ance; while Union Passenger Hallway was up 1?. One block of JIOO.COO t. S. Steel 3 per cent, bonds sold at lOIVi on the New York 'change today. A block of JKCOuO United State Steel o per cent, bonds sold on the New York Kxchango today nt 101',-. Tho Knthodlan Itronzo Works has re ceived n contrnct for more than 1,000.0(0,000 small rlllo cartridges to bo mado under a special patent process. Cotton receipts nt Now York were es timated today sit 23.000 bales, ngalnst 52.SC1 last yenr. The G. W. Ilelme Company declared an extra dividend of I per cent, on the com mon stock. Complete returns In tlio election for two directors of the Federal Heservo Dank of Philadelphia show that present directors, William II. Peek, of Scrautou, and Georgo W, F. Gaunt, ot Mulllca Hill, X. J., wore rp-elected by largo majorities I '1 1 to represent tho member banks of Group UU'i 1 5j 19 17114 02! i 00 97j 90 101 155 19 174)4 00H 97)4 155b 101 2.1j 03 10, ?4 10H4 101 23J, 21)4 23)4 03 63 01 151)4 150)5 152)i 152J,' 113 57) 20S 210 15) i 02 102 7Ji 29 138)4 83)4 9)4 12 61)4 46)4 46)4 16)4 10.' 4 46)4 46)i 20)4 29)4 68)4 68j 105 105 88 8.S 5 5 6H 0)f . .inu wroiip i, respectively. .Mr. Peck re ceived SI of 10.2 votes cast, and Mr. Gaunt received C2 out of C(j. Frederick T. Chandler. Jr., beeamo a member of Chandler Drothers & Co. to day. Mr. Chandler is tho son of F. T. Chandler nnd he was admitted to the Stock F.xclinnge some time ago. Tho Lake Torpetloboat Company hus contracts now on hand with the United States Government of Su.til2.f00, say Bluett & Holllns. Now York brokers. Edward C, Ratchelor has severed Ills connection with Dertron, Grlacom & Co., to take effect December 1. Phlladelphirt members of the underwrit ing syndicate of tho $60,000,000 new re funding and general mortgage 5 per cent, bonds of tho Baltimore and Ohio Rail road received only 20 per cent, of their subscription. United States Government contracts on hand $6,642,000 Lake Torpedo Boat Company Outitanding capitilization $3,800,230 Tib Is enhene of the factor) dealt uith In eur tlrculat Bluett & Holiins U Bread St. vlw York Brown Brothers & Co. Fouivni and Chtstnvt Streets PHILADELPHIA Certificates of Deposits are issued by us, either on demand or for a specified time with allowance of interest. CO Allls Chslm 33j )00 Am Can ,..,.,. .. 61)1 11 Am llalltvnj-e... .10 .10 120 Duff & Sun t e. S3 Bls K)7 do pref 85 Wi 300K Cam Steel 4. 7(5 KiS Electric Storage 60H W14 300 Brie ,...,,..... 43H TOO Oen Asphalt.... 3. .15 S0 de rtff 7314 !4 10O Imp Copper.... ,. 46 27.'. Ins Co N Am., 2IJ5 2l'i 10 Key Tei Co t e 67 60 ISO l.nk Pilpo Corp (l"i, 0?i fit Lchlith N'av.... 7915 TDK 102 LchlRh Valley. . 92!i S2 W0 I.eb Val Tr pf, 38 38'i 074 Pa tl It CO 60 2R1 Pn Bait Mfe....l00 too 28 I'ft Btl pref M M 42 l'Mla Co 4.1 1HJ 12.1 do cum pref... 4.11i 4 71 I'hiU nlee 28 28 120 Phlla It T I84 IM .1557 do tr clfs.... 18H 18i 1,11 IUflrtlng 62i Rli 317. Tonopnh It.. 4 t.Vlfl 4 : MO Tonopnh Mln... 7 1-10 50 t'tah Copper 270 Union Tract IS 81 t'nlleil (Ins Imp, 881. .1205 If 8 Steel Sot. 225 tVarwIrk 1 A S. 10H 10 York liny 0,i 10 tie pref 31 HON'DS. Last prev. sale. High, f (WO Am O & U 5a. . S7!4 S8 nt Cam Btl ecp '10 0711 211 do May '17... 101 1000 City 4s '45 rcB..102?i 1000 Kiult III Out 5a. .. 5000 James. P & U 4a. W SOOO I.cli Xv cna tis.l02,.i 5000 tli VI gen 4a. . 01' .101X1 do pen 4ii....l02 47000 I'ennn Ktn 4Us..l0l SOiiO P II & V t c-li. .. 1000 Phlla Co cons 5 nil .100 I'hlla. Klec Is... M'i 11000 ilo fia 101'. ::00O IloadlnB Ren la, 05 1000 l'n llwya Inv 5s Tl 2O0 U'eUtuch 5a ... 01 MS 6Hi 29 23 Ml, 73U eS',4 43 33 01l SO 23H CSV, 71W 00', 4.1V, R5H B54 13 46 24 00 0it 70'i 3114 39 69V4 oon 82V. 41, 4.1 27H 18Vi IS", 811, 73V4 40 21i m 70S fil'.t 38VS 50 V, WOT. SI 4IVI 4.1 27i 18H 18l Mli TOH 43'., 80 8T',i 10U n at 5-10 4 4 13-lrf HI. IHs 45 88 10'i 0 34 Close S7, 07 101 loir. 101 02 102 om 102 loon OS S8j, S.1 105 05 71 41 07 10! 102 103 J2 102 U1'S 102'., lOOVi 118 ss'; S3 103 03 71 1 Oii 70!, 43'i 8S?i 8(1 10',J 0 It iMYf. 87 07' lot 102 105 12 102 01 102 IOOV4 08 Wk 8.1 104 14 05 74 04 MANY RECORDS MADE IN NOVEMBER; vahti r.AMRRTA COMBINE RUMOREl y" 77- I Buying of the Stock Accompanied Dy neporcs 01 Merger ,1 With Cramps and Republic Steel Transit Earn- I ings Largest in History of Company J Local Bid and Asked Today Yesterday Illd. Askcl. lild. Asked. iii.rr & sua t c do prt-r llaliiwlii -In prt-f (liimlirl.i Ktcel Klvrtrle h'tcraKo .... (lencral Aaplnlt .... lo pref KcvMonc Tolepliolio ,lo tr itfa do pref . Iiko Sim Curp I.L'lilch Nov I.ehlsli Valtry I.ehli;li Valley True. do prer I'ftinsylviinliL l'bllii Kloctrlo l'bll.i Co do 5 per cent. prof. do (I per rent pief. l'lilU Hup Tr do I c ItiMdlng: Tonopiill lldmoiU ... Tonnpali MlnlHK .... I'liinn Traction fnlted aa Imp .... II S Hlccl York lt.illnny do prur Wm Cramp t c 2.V.4 . oj uu'.jt .113 113',, .112 115 . 74Vi 7I'4 . us on . .151 . 3(1 . 73 7.1' i . 14 14!), . 14 14'. .. lid 07 . 711 75i . IM.i 111 . 3S 3.SI', . 5!5 Wi . 27-, 2S . 4l'i l.-'i . .'id 37 . -IliT, 43'i . lS'b isn . I '. j IHV, . 81 81'i . ; 7'i . I3(, I31 . .S', 8!l . SliV. Ml'i . 1 "la . 3,'lli 31 . m xr 23 r.i 114 ii'i u 3-Hi 72'i 14 II (Kl '$ SS 3S lil) JF 13 IK". lk 4r i.-.i; K81. Mi'J l'i iVo'' Ti'i TO .Ill's 73VI am lit, (17 oji IH.l, 3Si iWii L'K 43', T'l I5V4 Ml 3t'. November end-oMhe-montli compila tions showed mans' now IiIrIi records es tablished In various branches of finance and trade, and went far toward explain ing tho ndvanclnfi tendency of security prices on the stock exchange. Itccord exports', bond sales, hank clearings and railroad earnings were reported. Today tho Pennsylvania report for October showed (Inures which surpassed all pre vious totals. Tho Increase, In fact, was almost double tho big gain shown In Sep tember. Incidentally, the return on tho property alone for 12 months ended with October wrs 4.9.1 per cent., compared with 4.18 per cent, for the corresponding period last year. Other roads having record October earnings wore the St. l'aul, the Chicago and Northwestern, tho Krie, the Huston and Maine and several more. Somo hciv records for steel mill bookings were also mado In November, in many cases gains running from 23 to 40 per cent. In excess of any month previous to October, Tho Street wns somewhat disappointed with tho action of tho local railroad group ot stocks today. Rven Pennsyl vania failed entirely to rcllect tho lino showing and oven receded u fraction, but there wns no pressure to sell. Traders. mora or less, Ignored tho general local list nnd concentrated on Cambria Steel, which fluctuated somewhat erratically on heavy dealings. Talk of tomo Very Important now de velopments was hoard. It was said thu all recent guesses as to combinations rm ' mergers fell short of the mark, and thit tho stock was hooked for very rnuth ' higher prices. One uptown house, ha conslderablo "stop advance" orders k nbovo present market prices. This or dinarily would bo taken to Indicate , short interest, but In the particular la stanco It wan said that tho reverse wsj tho case, nnd that tho arrangement h4fl boon nmdo on tho theory that If u,, stock would rise to certain lovels h would advance much further, Tho latest report Induced tho Republic Iron and Steel Company In a merger with thi Cambria. Stect Company and tho Craran tthlnbtilldlng Company. Incidentally, lt may be said that con trary to tho usual reports, tho Keplojl. party lias no Interest In tho Peunsylvaaii Steel Co stock. The only other Issue to develop net worthy activity was Ilapld Transit, but tho quotation fluctuated within narro limits. Union Traction waa llrm and to was United Gas Improvement. It xru staled In official circles that tho earning! of tho local traction system for Novem ber wero tho largest for any month In the history of tho company, tho aver&tt d.iily Iticrcaso being between 71000 wid jfSOOO. American Itallwaya nnd Keyston Telephone) piofcrrccl each lost a dollar, whereas Philadelphia TOIcotrlc 8 per Cent, bonds advanced lo 103 Just before the close. SECURITIES AT AUCTION ki par $100. .$10.1 ; par Jloo.... 700 par $100 1)10 Tlie followlna; aeciirlllea wero sold nt auction loday py names a: j.ouaua 13 Hhra. filh National Hank a stirs. Fidelity Trust Co, It ahra. illrard Trusi Co.: pa .15O0 I'hiUdHpi.u llleelrio Co. 4 per cent, ttust rcrlincato; interest Janu ary and .Tilly; due 1010 $5000 York Haven Water and Toner Co. 5 per cent, concolldaled luorlRaRo; interest May and November; duo 1037 5 sbrs. Commonwealth Tltlo Insurance and Trust Co.; par $100 43 shra. (Juatantrc Trtift nnd Safo De posit Co.; par $100 33 shra. (iunraMoe Trust nnd Knfo Do noslt Co.: S100 10 shra. Wlldwood (N. .1.) Tltlo and S2'5 45 225' i I'M tr.aii RAILROAD EARNINGS t'l'.NNSYI.VANIA LINES U.bT. October gross .... Hpenses Net Ten montlia gross Mxpensea Net 1015. . . ,S3t,00. 740 ... 17.5S3.II21I .. ll.5lVI.lll ...200.001,437 ...15S,8.10,r,(iO ... 47,853.871 Increase. $3.0(15,(11(1 1,211,21!) 1,t.54,:.07 .,221,121 4,51 1.UAI 0,743,083 rUNNSYLVANlA LINES YVKST. October gross llxpensca Net , Toll months' gross . . . llxpcnsca Net ..$12,115,102 , . 8.415.033 . . 3.000.22SI ... (l7.T5T.ra3 .. 74,730,311 .. 2S.01S.184 $2,102,545 453,077 1,7211, 1117 2,130.010 2.I15I1.137 4,705.707 PENNSYLVANIA LINKS BAST AND WEST. October gross .... Kxpcnscs Net Ten months' gross. 1-lxpensoH Net ....$111,204,003 .... 25.000.5(12 .... lfl.2H5.ail ....3(11,422.133 ....233.370,077 .... T0.852.033 $5,240,101 l,0lll,32T 3,5S.1.8i;t 4,3117,7111 7,171.121 11.538,fiSJ CUNTItAL UAlLnOAD OF NEW JKItSEY. October gross Net Surplus l-'our months' gross. Net Surplus $3,120,110 1,470.2X11 1103.31 2 11,820,45(1 l.Olia.llHT 2.164.403 2;5..-,m 210.3(11 100.4T0 42T,ti3 Til, 022 30,247 CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO. October gross Net surplus Vitur months' grosi. . Net Surplus Decrease. $3,077,102 1,301, 12-.' csii.2-.:: 13,,h:i 5,04(1,005 $572,210 -IIO.HTII .ai.'.'ou 1,ll33,W)a 1,131,11,0 1.32:1,701 TUNING STOCK QUOTATIONS' TONOl'AH STOCKS. Jim IlutUr . . MarNamaiu . Midway MUpuli Ext , Montana ... North Star .. Ton liel Ton Kit .... Ton Merger . Ton Mln .... Hfscud Hula West End .. Illd. .HI .15 ,'2!l .31 .18 V1 7 .no .S3 Asked. 1.03 .00 .17 .30 .37 10 41. 4 1-111 .05 7'i .10 .S3 UOLDFIELD STOCKS. AlUnt.i lllud Hull HooOt llulldos , 1' O II Comb Frae Dlnmf n II Daisy Florence ,, (Toldfleld Cons iloldlleld Mere ,. Jumbo Ext Krwnnaa Oro Stud Ken Silver 1'UU , MISCELLANEOUS, Fain lew Aztec Klmberly ,,,.,. Nov Hill Nev Wonder .24 .01 .40 .! .01 ,117 .01 .04 .35 13-10 .18 M'5 .00 .OS .01 .02 .21 1.0U .05 .41 .01 ,05 .to .CIS .OH .38 IU .10 1.27 .27 .07 .10 .10 .13 .01 .21 I.V3 Trnsf Co.: nnr SiOO IS125 imlri In).. 130 .i Bins, lire Association or riiiinacipniui par $50 23 nhra. Lumbermen's Insuranco Co.; par 35 abra. Lumbermen's Insurance Co.; par Mechnnlcs' Insuranco Co.; par i'lro insti'r- onii 00 ( li!4 K114 15li 82 sbrs. .., 10 cbra. Peoplo'a Nnllonal unco Co.: par 5-., 3 shra. Itrllanco Insurance Co.; par 550 100 rhra. l.ykena Valley llallroad and Coal Co. ; pnr $20 1 hr. (Iroen and Conies Strcctn l'as- nenger Hallway Co 120 3 abr. Union l'nsenger Hallway Co.... 173 1 sbr. John B, Stetson Co.; common; par $1(10 ns.j'i 4 s!ir.. rfiiladelpbi.i llourso; common; par $50 .-. 5 idira. llclmont Driving Club 50 . fdirs. German Theatre Iteally i"o 3',!, $100 Hunbury. Hazlcton and Wlllien llano llnllwnv Co. .". per cent, first inorlBace: cnuponi Mny and Novem ber; due 102S 10li; 1 shr. Academy Fine Ar(s 'Jl'i $2(KX) Atlantic City fiaa Co. 5 per cent, first mortgage: coupons Jonunn- and July: due 1P00 77". NEW YORK CURB llraden l'ri(tsli-Am',rlcan Tobacco old . . Erllisb-Anicrlcan Tobacco new Car I.lsht Goldfleld Consolidated Hendeo Manufacturing International Marine International Murlno pref .... Kennecoli Copper Lehigh Valley Coal Salea Magma Copper Mux Munlt Mldvalo Nlplsslug Otla Elevator .ItlH Elevnror pref Penn Mar Ord lllker-IIegeman , Sterling Ouin Kilbmnrlno Tobacco Products , ilntted I'rolit Hbarlng now .... World Film Yukon Gold Hid. Asked. 101 ll'i l,,i ,.ol"' 10 07'6 5i!'i ,5 TS,i Tl 02 01 m; 21J 101, 31 v.; 4H l is4 (IS 15'1 15',i TO'i 01 U2'.i 5 21 4i; BAR SILVER NEW YORK. Dec. 1. The ,Uotiulon (or eonimerelal bar sliver today was 50JJ (.ents, In London the price was 2(1 15-111 pence. METAL MARKET NEW YOHK. Dec. 1. Lend quiet, offered tl R.25c: tin easy, Rn.nofr.iD.M)e.i spelter. prifM We'icrn -pot, HittlO'.ic., early Deceroblr, 1MJc.: Into Oeccmber. lSUe.; first o.un 10IH quotations nominal: fee. for Jsnuirr 1Tsic. Cor February nnd 171tc for March. Phila&WeslernRy. First tVlortfjagc 5 Bonds Due 1060 "lloncK" nutalnnillng represent les llinn 50 per cent, ot rnsh cost of properly. Earnings now nt rate of about twice interest charge. 1'ltICIJ TO YIELD AIIOLT 5.10 Free of Penna. State Tax DESCItll'TIVK CIIICUL.MI ON IIKQUKST Harper & Turner Investment Bankers Olllrea: 1000-1012 .VrilCK EXCHANGE BUILDING Philadelphia Confidence Restored money Is iilcntlful; tho demand for mnnufacturcs Is very Brcat; railroads huvo prnctlcally no Idle frelsht oars, nnd the prices of he Kood liivenlmcnt Iinndn nrc ntend lly iiilvmirlnpr. This Is direct evl denco that public contldence In the stability of our country Is completely restored. We offer, subcct to tale, or con irrvatlre (lu'cslmrnt Easton Consolidated Electric Company 5 Bonds dm- III 111, nt 100 nnd Intrrent Detailed circular on application Egwar & SMITH) &C BANKERS Established 1602 Jfcmdrrs -Veto Vorfc mid Philadelphia Stock Exchanaca llioin and Chestnut Sts., Pjiiud. 30 I'l.VE RTnCUT NtlT Yosic Investments Our December circular contains a list of Government, Railroad and Public Utility bonds including Anglo-French External Loan Cs, due 11)20, Chicago & Western Indiana R. R. Co. Consolidated Mortgage 4s, due 1952. Penn Public Service Company First Mortgage 5s, due 19C2. Copy of circular furnished on application. EHRY & WEST BANKERS 1417 CHESTNUT STREET - The American Railways Company Witherspoon Building Philadelphia To the Stockholders of the American Railways Company: In response to the offer of the National Properties Company, as out lined in the circular to the stockholders dated November 13, 1915, sufficient stock of the American Railways Company has been deposited with the Continental-Equitable Title & Trust Company, Trustee, to warrant, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, the statement that the plan will become operative. Nevertheless, in the judgment of your Board, it has been deemed advisable to afford an opportunity to the remaining stockholders who have lot availed themselves of the offer to do so for an additional limited time. In the exercise of its discretion, therefore, the Company, under the power vested in it by the agreement, has extended the time of deposit with the Trustee, the ContinentalTEquitablc Title & Trust Company, Twelfth street above Chestnut street, Philadelphia, until December 15, 1915, at 3 o'clock P. M. No further extension will be made. WALTER W. PERKINS, Secretary, November 30, 1915. J, J. SULLIVAN, President