Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 30, 1915, Final, Page 5, Image 5
T&rB)g$r r.mf1rT - EVENING LEDGEft PniLADELPnTA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1915. 5 CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL CAMPAIGN CLOSES WITH DONATIONS OF $308,053 Fund Short $191,946 of $500,000 Mark, but Manngers Say It Will Bo Raised by End of Year ARTICLES TO BE SOLD With approximately fiOOO Individual eubwlptlons, rmiKltiB from tSO.OOO to the penny of n newsboy, the campaign to raise hnlf a million rtollnrs In 10 days In nld of the Chltdi en's Hospital, of Phila delphia, closed last iiIkIiI with a dinner nt the Adelphla Hotel, $101,910.47 short of the amount aimed for. Tho Brnnd total turned In In 10 days amounted to J30S.O53 61. Hcpjamln Hush, first vlco chairman of he Campnlun Committee, who presided because. IC. T. Stoteshury had been called to ChlcKO on business, pronounced the cnmpnlmi an unqualified success, despite the fact tho full amount had not been raised In tho time RfJccMcd. Mr. Mush said tho balanco needed, a little less than 1200.000, would bo obtained beforo the year 1813 closed, and that around would bo broken at tho ISth and BalnbrldRo strcctu site, on November 23, which will bo the COth anniversary of the founding of tho Children's Hospital, at 40S Blight street, with 15 beds. Mr. Kush announced a subscription of $6000 from John Wanamakcr and a virtual assuranco from him of the last $25,000 which will be required to round out the full half million. Ha said nlso that a woman, who In tho last threo years had Riven $12ii,000 to tho hospital, had told him during the day that n. little later she would bo asked to mnko an additional Important donation, and ashed what could bo built for $30,000. There was no doubt whatsoever, Mr. nush said, that the group of buildings would bo completed and In use according to tho original plans beforo tho leaves nccan to fall In 1916. H was Intended to auction off for tho benefit of tho hospital several articles, In cluding Ellen Adair's German shell, upon which rests n. hid of $430; four rare United States gold coins, two pieces of furniture made and donated by tho Inmates of tho Eastern Penitentiary and a doll made and dressed by tho nurses of tho hospital, but Mr. Rush decided that tho only auc tion would bo that of tho doll, and that tho other articles would bo placed on dis play In tho establishment of Dally, Banks & Blddle, there to be sold for tho benefit of flS fund. JovMry. consisting of diamond rings, braceloV nnd n lavcllcre, valued at $2000. will bo placed on exhibition and sold with the shell and other material dona tions. This Jewelry was donated to Team A, captained by Mrs. J. Ernest Illchards. It had bpen tho property of Mrs. Fred erick A. Itlclo and been placed In a de posit vault since Mrs. Itlclo's death, 18 months ago. Mr. Itlele. who lives on Do Lancey placo nbovo 22d street, de cided It would bo of more value turned Into cash for tho benefit of tho hospital, and gave It to Mrs. Illchards. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES Richard r. SeHndlor, league Island, nnd Rllzabcth II, Johnston, Ml 5 V. llnrmer ft. Julius llretz. ISM N. 15th Bt., and Martha Klemp, no Rockland Bt. John S. lluzzi. 112.1 Mifflin at., and Lena Al- bnnctc. 1112 K. all St. Hurry ( Danncr. Newark, X. J,, nnd Julia H. Uses. Mosart, l'n. Kuroly Rosnyskovlti, MOS Klpp it., and Helena L.uozlnsky, ,1.'I17 Muschor at. Earlc 0. Royer, 10 Hi W. York St.. and Anna j;. Iluxhcs, Drlfton. I'a. Stanislaus Murkunls. l.'HO Carlton st and Rcglnu Pasklutc, '-27 Watts st John II. lJenuctt, lCIS N. Caniac st., and Es- tvlla Smith, 1KI8 N, Cnmnc Ht. John Burnskl. 32C.1 IlcUradc nt., and Zofyn (."zerrnierys, -."L'S L'ambrldffo st. Hurry A. .lonca, 21(10 Scdsclcy nvc., and Viola M. Iluchlcr, 1132 W. Dauphin st. George II. Arnold, .".Ml Howell st., and Mamie I. Wallace, MOS Jackson bt. Iva Mittusz, .11 South St., and Anna Mascnko, SOI Urron at. Kazlmlr Kaladlnakls, 1022 Ilrandywlno at., nnd Annie Vallnrzus. 1.'I2.1 Huttnnviooil at. James J. Thomas, 57 N. KrlKewood St., and Helen (1. Dunlovy, 2'llfi Ellsworth at. Robert Anderson. HIT V. l.lpplncott ,st., and Rlsle M. Stevenson, 3.111) N. Leo at. Charles MacDonald. IMS N. Coneatojta at., ami Certrudo A. Itynn, 1720 S. Dorranco at. William V. Macce, 2I!0 N. Lavvrenco at., and Jane lirondhcnd, .'nt) R. Tusculum at. Jmnca J. S-ullln. 2731 N. 4th St., nnd Mary C. Kane. 27.11 N. 4th at. Charles MacUonnld. 1513 N. Conestoua at., and Elizabeth A. Morris, .TI14 Arch st. GrorBo Keith, Jr.. 75H S. Clev eland nvc., and llertha Itej nobis, lS'ill Lombard st. James Closs, litis N. Mil at., nnd Harriet XV. Hall, IMS N. Allison at. Clarence C, Scott. Oeontz. I'a., nnd Mary Dempsoy, McKlnlcy. i'a. Antonl Xlellnskl. 1327 V, Thompson at., and Jnnla KoKonskii. MC2 Orthodox at. WoJIch Mlsock, 2011 Almond at., and Kata- rzyna Hlawlorskn. 2032 Toronto at. Sidney WollborB, Washington. D. C. and Car- ifo HammcraloUEh. BSiHl Cedar avo. St in Illadosak. 4735 Stiles at., and Maria .Sumnivicz, 4740 Stiles at. John II, Clark, 171S N. llodlno 8t., and Caro line J. Donnelly. 1314 N. 4th at. Itobert S. Fecnoy, 2102 11. Dauphin at., nnd Rdlth Griffith. 120 Moyer Bt. Edward T. Donahue, m2 N. 1.1th at., and Mabel D. Reeves, C02 N. 13th at. IVndaw Wasllowskl, 41C18 Dermuda at., and Ai.irn Junlewlcz. 40.1S Ilermuda at. Yon Wojnar. 2I2S Duncan at., and Marya l'aczosa, 4330 Sttlea at. Franclszelc Rolcor, 4320 Stiles at., nnd Teoflla Miorna, 45.111 Htllea Bt. Edwurd O. Snyder. Moorestown, N. J., and Ruth P. llaBktll. 20.1:1 B. Wlshart at. Joseph K, Connor. 130 Mifflin at., nnd Marie E. Shanahan, 12J Christian at. .... Leon Getley. I.caeue Island, and Julia D. lilcelns, UI15 Magnolia nve. Samuel A. Klein, Cleveland, Ohio, and Anna Wlrtshafter. 27.1(1 Kensington avo. Frank A. Cloud. 21.1 W. Tabor road, and Clara II. Reed, Ml V. Westmoreland at. George O. MoCann, ,233.1 U. Dakota St., and Anna M. Vockeroth, Jtoco Joyce st. John J. Kavanaugh, 4K1S N. 17lh at., and Mary A. McLaugrlln, 44C3 N. 17th at. THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON. D. C, Oct. 30. For eastern Pennsylvania; Fnlr and slightly cooler tonight: Sunday fair; moderate northwest winds becoming vatl able. Showers occurred from tho eastern por tion of tho Lake region to tho Atlantic coast during tho last 21 hours, under the Influence of a disturbance that Is central oyer New Brunswick this morning. Show era are also reportod from southern Florida and western Washington. Fair weather with generally clear skies has prevailed throughout tho remainder of the country. The temperatures aro slightly above the normal along tho At lantic coast and in the plains States, and re mostly seasonable elsewhere. U. S. Weather Bureau BulletiR Observations taken at 8 a. in. Eastern time. Low .. , 8 laat Rala- Veloc SUtlon. a.m. n't. Calf. Wfnd. Uy, Weather. Abilene. Tex 4S 43 ., NW Lt Clear Atlantic City :..W 60 ,. NW 12 Clear Jiumarrk, N. D..42 31 Uonton, Mubu..,..&0 30 Burrin v. v'.i" 42 U 1U Clear W 18 Clear W 21 Cloudy Chicago. Ill 52 K .02 NIV Lt Clear Cleveland, 0.....48 48 ,, KW 20 Clear enver. uoi.....dx SV 10 Clear Dea Moines. la.. 40 41 Detroit. Mich... .42 42 Uuluth. Minn.. ,,42 42 Galveaton. Tes...UJ us llarrUburs. Pa... 31 6n Hatteraa. N. C.,04 C2 Helena, Mont 40 40 Huron, S. D 32 44 Jacksonville, Fla.ftl Of Kansas City. Mo.. BO f. Loulnllle, Ky.,..B0 SO Memphis. Tenn...M 51 Nw Drlcan.. Ia.b M New York, N. Y..32 4S K. Platte, Neb. .48 48 Oklahoma. Okla. M Ml Philadelphia. I'a. .51 M Phoenix, Aria ,.5S M PltUburgh. Pa...4 in a i.i uicar W 14 Clear NW Lt Clear K1V 1 Clear NW 20 Clear NW 22 Clear SW Lt Clear SB 12 Clear NW Id Clear SB 12 Ctuir N 4 Clear NB Lt Clear NK Lt Clear NW IS Clour H Lt Cloudy s lt Cleur W Lt Clear K Clear NW 20 P.Cloudy roruarui. Me, Portland, Ore. 48 48 .08 W rt Cloudy 48 IS .04 SW 12 Cloudy "uebec. nan 44 44 .28 NE 12 llaln Bt LouU. MO....M M .. B Lt Clear gt. Paul, Minn, S8 8 fait Lake. I'tab 38 3d RE 10 Clear E Lt P.Cixudy SW Lt Cloudy h frwiPlBra n .- t& ' v2 ' SYLVESTER A. MAIIAN RoxborouKh boy, who Is recipient of CarnoKie mcdnl for heroism in Rnvintr it child from heint? run over by train nt Crcsson and Levering streets July 20, 1D12. TWO PHUADELPHIANS HONORED AS HEROES Carnegie Medals Arc Awarded to Sylvester A. Mahan and Horace D. Beck Two Phlladclphlans have been awarded bronzo medals by tho CnrncRlc Hero Fund Commission for acts of heroism. Tho men wcro among CO recognized by tho commission. They nro Sylvester A. Mahan, 17 years old, of 303 Martin street, noxborough, nnd Horace D. Bcclc, 23 years, of .Icnklntown. Tho commission's awards, announced last night, Included eight silver medals and 62 bronzo medals. Nino of tho licroen lost their lives, nnd to the dependents of six of these, pensions aggregating $2520 a year, were granted; to the dependents of ono of the heroes nnd three others who lost their lives, sums totaling ?2IGS, to bo applied Biibjcct to tho direction of tho commission, In various ways, were awarded. In addition to these money grants, sums aggregating $11,000 were appropriated for educational purposes In six of tho enscs nnd J2S.B00 awarded toward tho purchase of homos In -10 cases, nil of which pay ments nro subject to the approval of tho beneficiary's plans by tho commission. Tho act which brought tho bronzo mcdnl to Mnhan occurred on Sundny, July 2 1912, at Crcsson nnd Levering streets. Ho was approaching a grndo crossing nt that point when some ono shouted that a child was on tho railroad tracks. Tho child was sitting about 30 feet nwny from tho lad, playing with ballast. An express train was npproach Ing nt a high rato of speed. Mahnn ran up tho track, seized tho child nnd Jumped away Just on the train whizzed by. Tho locomotive brushed his arm and knocked him to. tho ground, but ho got up, turned tho child over to a policeman nnd dis appeared. A companion reported tho rcscuo to the police. Horace D. Heck, a member of tho Heck Engraving Company, who nlso won a hero mctlnl, Baved Dr. W. M IIIHegas from drowning In Grassy Bay, near Beach Haven, N. J on October 20, 1013, when a lunch burned. TUBERCULOSIS AND TYPHOID Week's Record Shows Increase of Both Diseases Although only 393 deaths wcro reported In tho city this week, there has been an Increase In the number of trnnsmlsslhlo diseases. There nro 133 now cases of con sumption, os against 89 new case.i last week, and 40 new cases of typhoid, an In crease of four over those of last week. A list of denths follows: Typhoid fever 4 MoihIoh ... 2 Diphtheria and croup , 2 Influenza 2 Kpldemlc rilsonaeK 2 Tuberculosis of Iuiir.i 44 Tuberculous menlncltli 1 Other forms of tuberculosis .1 Cancer and mnllKnant tumora 31 Simple meningitis .1 Apoplrxy raid Hnftcnlng of brain 2.1 Organic il Inclines of the- heart Kl Acuto bronchitis -. r Chronic bronchitis 1 1'ncumonlsi lfi nrnnchopnrumonla f Mxenaea of reaplratory ayatem 1 Dlse.iae.4 of tho etomach .1 Diarrhoea and enterltla 21 Appendicitis anil lyplilltla 2 llernl.i 4 Clrrhoals of ller 2 Acuto nephritis nnd Bright' dlaeoao 34 Noncancerous tumora and dlae.ises of tho genital orgnna 1 Puerperal rcld'nta 3 Congenital debility nnd malformatlona. . 23 Old age 1 Violent deaths ,. Suicide " All other dlaenan KJ Coroner's caao pending 1 Total E0D ACCUSED OF IMPERSONATING U. S. SECRET SERVICE MAN Leo Ayres Faces Charge of Passing as Federal Detective I.eo Ayres. of 622 North 12th strcel, an employe of the Philadelphia Itapld Tran ult Company, was arrested today by Cap tain Matthew Orlllln, oftho Secret Serv ice, on a chnrso of Impersonating nn op erative In tho S"crot Servleo dennrlmont According to officials of the secret serv ice, Ayres went to a department store In the early part of this month and. In an effort to open nn account there, stated thnt he was a member of the Kecrct Serv ice. The Government's local office was Informed of the case and the arrest fol lowed. Ayres was arraigned this after noon before I'nlted States Commissioner Long in the Federal Building and held under 300 ball for court. PHILADELPHIA CONVENTION Laymen's Missionary Movement November 7-10, 1915 IIAV SESSIONS AIICH STUEET M. E. CHURCH Broad and Arch atreeta EVENINQ SESSIONS THE BAPTIST TEMPLE Broad and Berka atreeta SPEAKERS QV NATIONAL DEPUTATION Reclamation Fee. Covering- all. the Seulona. (1 Headquarter for Information and Literature Room 21T. T- II. & A-.H21 Arch St. FRANK B. EVERITT Executive Secretary BLIND GIRLS "SEE" MIGHTY BATTLESHIPS AT LEAGUE ISLAND Their 'Verdict Is That a War ship Is Like a House Deft Fingertips Their Weapon of Discernment PLEASED WITH VISIT A hntllrrhlp Is llko n house. This vcnllrt was rendered today by n majority nf 3) blind girls from the Pcnn (vlvattln Institute for tho Instruction of Hie Blind, nt OvcrhrooU, nfter n "sight seeing" visit to Ihn navy Mini. They had n fiver "won" a battleship before, but, In splto of their Inability to behold the gray hulks with Ihclr eyes, their description of the senflghtcrs Is nuiolt more minute and painstaking nnd nrcurnte than that rendered by ninny a giddy girl whose pretty eyes lostilsbly wander over the outlines of the vessels and record noth ing on the binln. IVplIng their way over n ship, touch ing hero a gun, n cutlass, there n railing, a Rnmplo of powder, limning their smooth hnnd.s swiftly over It on wnlls nnd port hole frames and loekeM. the girls slowlv but surely gritted n conception or the battleship a house, a thice-sloiy house. Swiftly tho trained nerves sent the Im pressions fiom the re t litinp'l t" the brain, nnd when tho tedious Journey over the ship was llnMicd there was lerotded In the over-active brain nn Imaco of the warship a three-story house with stair ways and many rooms. There nrn lock ers, loo, nnd hnmmocks with honks, nnd stoves In the kitchen and n bakery. The steel masts, gray nnd Inwerlms: tho ftuinels, the ventilators, the blond rxpinso nf water, with here nnd them a little whltecnp: tho llnu llnpplnu In the breeze these they could not "sen." All that wns beyond the ciop of the lithe fingers was lost Tho Indlvldunl pirts thev could "sec," but not the ship, at a whole. "1 suppose tho masts must bo very tall," sold n 17-ycar-old girl, who had been blind from birth. She said It smil ingly nnd not n bit wistfully. "I haven't a very dcllnltc Idea of what a mast looks like; but, from what I've heard, It must be like the polo wo slide down In the gvm. I have helped haul up the ling nn our flagpole, too, nnd I know thnt It Is tall." Just what "tall" means to her we can not conceive "It fs, nfter nil, useless to nsk a blind person for a conception of nn object ns representing the conception of all blind personi," said P. II, llurrltt, principal of the school. "No two seeing persons con ceive of nn object In the same maimer, and so It Is with blind persons. And, nfter wu have beard their conception, do we understand It?" The girls, under tho care of teachers, have recently made several trips to Lcnguo Island, where thoy are especially honored guests. Tho tours nro part of their education, a model of a ship being "shown" them before the visit nnd writ ton accounts, In tho Braille system, being required in tho classroom after tho trip Is finished. (.GORGE C. LEUPOIiD'S WILL LEAVES ESTATE TO RELATIVES Its Value Estimated at More Than $100,000 An estate valued nt more than $100,000 wns left by George C. I.cupold, who died recently at his residence, 131 East Gorgas street, and whoso will was admitted to prohate today. Although the exact nmount of the cstnto involved Is not named In tho testa ment. Its slzo Is indicated by tho foe paid to tho Itoglstcr of Wills, which was tho maximum and Is paid only on estates of moro than $100,000. Tho bulk of the estate Is loft to a brother, Charles W. Leupold, nnd to six sisters. Tho executors nro Charles Leu pold and Georgo C. Weiss. The Pennsylvania Society for tho Pre vention of Cruelty to Animals received n bequest of $2M in the will of Susan Aldrlch, l.r Carpenter Innc. Tho docu 'ment was ndmittcd to probate today. Tho cntlro eMnto is valued nt $2300. Of this sum $t&00 Is divided In private bequests and about $J0O Is divided among relatives. An estate of $12,E00 Is Involved in tho will of James New by, S5D North COth street, which was admitted to probate today. A daughter, Kttlo Nowby, Is cut oft with a bequest of $." by tho docu ment. Tho remainder of tho estate is divided among tho widow, Sirs. Zella S. Newby, nnd a daughter, Cornelia XV. Newby. Other wills probated today were John C. McLaughlin, 3d nnd Cnthnrlno streets, $IT00, nnd Henry XV. Lambrlth. 1S3S Green street, $:'W). Tho personality of tho estnto of Morgaret J. Doylu was ap ptulscd today at $13,128.23. North Philadelphia to Celebrate North Philadelphia merchants will take part tonight in nn elaborate Halloween parade and "mardl gras" celebration. Thn parade will form nt 7:30 o'clock nt Ilroad nnd Wlngohocklng streets. Tho carnival will take place at 18th street and Germantown nvonuc. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE SUBURBAN yltis,iMjf1rrtayfiiiAVVMi Scott's Beautiful Homes at Bala-Cynwyd Moa( heniitlful hoiuen you ever suit avvult your chooslnc today. Ouly l iiiiU-M front Ilroud Street Slutlou. No two of tliem alike, yet eai-k liutluK aouie one touch uot found In the other. SpuuUIi, Dutch Coloulul uud KnulUhi each built from atoue taken from our orrn iiuurrlea. The bouiesj ure vltuated lu the very prettirat part of Uuln-Cynnyd, on I.utcbex lane, Uplund terruce. Union uveuue nnd Kdue mil road. We have u lieuutlful booklet sjIiovtIuk tbeae liolum vhlch vie would Kladl) scud on requeati but. better yef, come out toduy uud aee them. 'Puke I'euuajltuulu Rullroad to Ilolu or Cjuvvyd, or market Street Elevutt'fJ to S-d afreet, tbcu Ilnla cur to city line a O-ceut fare. GEORGE C. SCOTT, Morris Building, 'Phila., Pa. 1421 Choitnut St., Room 900-901. Telephono Spruce S930 Don't forget our beautiful booklet showing: our houses In detail, which we would gladly bend on request. HORACE D. HECK Awarded Carnegie medal for res cue of man from drowning near If each Haven, N. .!.. October 20, 1913. BOYS' PLAY REVEALS HIDDEN EXPLOSIVES Found in Shack After Lads Arc Discovered Hammering on Caps Thioc little boM wcio playing on the steps nf the Colonial Hotel, at Lclpcrvllle, nenr Uddytono, Delaware county, today. They had a hammer and they hammered hard at something. Two men came along nnd nsked what It was. It turned out to bo fulminating cal. "When; did nu get these things?" the men asked. "Out to Wmd'ft iiuirry. In the shack," Aiilit ruin r tho ,lilli1iti. "We've been idnylnt; with the thlnus there In the shark i ioi two or tnree iiays. The two men, John Dunlevy and David Woodsido, nre employed nt the Baldwin plant at l-Mdylonn. They never heard of a shack In Ward's quarry that had ful minating caps in It, so nn Investigation was made. This was what was found In 'he shuck: ihlrtrcn sticks of dynamite. ..oils of wire. nqtilpnienl. for exploding dvnntnlto at a distance. Culminating cops. The hoys are GcorTC Roberts, S years old; his brother Samuel, 7, and Thomas Ketn, 10 years old. They said they were surprised that everybody didn't know nbout the llt'le shack and tho Interesting things it contained. i lli:i.l(JIOrS MM'IL'KS niMiANIHT AND CHOIR lU'RDAU CluirclifH nuftllefl. Krnkrlck lt. l).vK Mgr. Vtil"H Culture. 1711 Chc-itnut St. IlaptUt IIAI'TIST TIIMl'l.i:. Ilroml and Ilerks stu. Ill'HSni.l. II CUNWGM, will preach. .MornltiK, IO.:iO; IHMc School, 2-30; eve., 7-"0. Nprrl.il nii'sle hy the Chorus In tho evening. Organ Recital. 7 4r. W. RTwailell. M. D. 111:1111. i:nr.M iiAi'TisT cifuitcn. lstii and York. Rov. THOMAS C. NillMHIAM. Iho noted evangelist, will prcuch. Humlay morn ing, subject. "If Christ Hnd Not Kln-n, What Then?" livening. "Caleb, the Wliote hcarte.l." A cordial Melcoinc to nil. ciin.sTNtr stiii:i:t iiaitist church ClicHtnut i-t. vieHt of 40th. OKOItai: D. ADAMK, I). D., l'niitor. Ii:l."n m. Hrotberhood of A. and I. 10::!Oa. in. Vorshlp nnd Sermon by Pastor. Consecration of vlsltorn on the "Every-Mom-bcr Canvims." 2;ao p. in. lllhle School. 7:1.1 p. m. Reports from tho "Rvery-Mcmbcr Cnnvnfs" visitors. MANTUA IIAI'TIST CHURCH. 40th and Diilrmount ave.. Rev. XV. 11. HIIUMWAY, D. D., Supply. H:.'IO a. m., Hrotherhoofl .Meeting; 10:.-!0 n. m., Trenching Service. :.'::I0 p. m., lllble School. 7:1.1 P. m.. Preaching Service. S.00 p. m., Tuesday Rvenlng Young I'eople's Meeting. S.nu. Wcdncuduy Rvenlng Church Prayer Meeting. 21) H.MTIST Helping Hand Class meets 2:.n.O, 7th bcloiv Otinrd nve. Rcnjamln If. 1'hlle. speaker. Friday night Mr. C. Will iams nnd his Roy Scouts No. 123 villi conduct the gcrvtco. llreljiren 1IIIST CHURCH OF THE IIRKTHREN (Uunker). cor. Carlisle and Dauphin sts. l'rcachlng 10:30 n. m. nad 7:45 p. m. Sunday School 2:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday 'evening. KEAL ESTATE FOB SALE KUIIUHIIAN New Jersey Special $2100, Worth 52700 For a short time 1 can build, you this stucco or pobblo-dash slnglo hoti&o. H rooms nnd bnth, all conveniences, liu-lml-lug nn acre of fertile farm laud, on trol ley to Philadelphia nnd clooo to cloctrlo trulna, Trrms tu Suit You. M 007. Ledger Office. BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE SUHURIIAN iv--..- ALL PEABODY WEEPS AT FIRE VICTIMS' FUNERALS Seventeen Victims of School Tragedy Are Laid to Rest While Thousands Mourn PKABODV, Mass.. Oct. SO.-Penhody Is mourning today. Finns are nt hnlf staff, factory wheels are still, while thousands of men, women nnd children voiced their grief for the dend In the school fire. Seventeen little girl victim of -h- ter rible fire nt St. John's Parochial School that cost 21 lives were bin led from St. John's Catholic Church with solemn and dramatic ceremonies. All of I'eabodv turned out to witness the funeral ptneejfslnn nnd to pay a last ti Unite to the victims. Tho streets through which Ihn hcnrsei bearing the whlto cas kets passed were lined with weeping men, women and chlldicn. Of the four victim not Included In toddy's general funeral service ono burial will lake placo tomuuow nnd three on Monday. Girl Kun Down by Auto An aiilomoblllst ran down 17-venr-old Tcssle Jones, Si", Nmtll Ifif'i street, on ll'dge avenue hist night, nnd without In vestigating the extent of her Injuries pro i ceded on bin way. thus avoiding nrrest. The g'rl wan taken to the Ht. Joseph's ltopllrl. Her collarbone was fractured and sh" letelvcd other Injuries of a less serious n.itura. iti:i. idiot's Miners lll-rlili nf ClirUl III IICK CHRISTIAN CHURCH Luncastn' ave.. Holly niiil Asptn ts. T. 1:. WINTIlll. I'iftor. Ill i. 'J.SO. 7, n. I.llilinl Culture AIR. AI.IRRD W. MARTIN will speak ori Tho i:thlinl Atiltuile 'inivnril Mm Inn CH- itiltlMii," I inn Mn ft Ihcatic. Kmul.iy, II n. in. I'ublli- lnvlte.i. 1'rr.nkiln I'mne i'ranki.in iiomi: nut Tin: iinrmtMA rids or im:rria'ii:s. hi 1-111:1 t.oeust ht. Sr.nda , 1 p. 111., beivjce, cuiiduc'cd by Ml. 1" I'. TiintUhis, Jr. I t'timn Hill Association "CHRIST AND CARSAR" o.irrick Thciitie. Kiiiulny 11 Ir lit. 7 .'10. All ucliome all. Lutheran MRis-IAII LVTIIRIIAN "Tbo Trlendly Cliurch" lnth -iinl J -rti'ison Mreets, DANII'.t. R. WRIOLR. I'nstor, will preach 10 :io nnd 7 4". Male fhiarlrt nt the Rvenlng Service. lllble S'hool nt 2.:10 p. in. TAllRRNACLi:. r.nth nnd Spruce Wm. J. Mlllrr, Jr.. 10:1.1. 7:4.1. H. S.. 2::;o p. in. TRMI'I.i:, RSd nnd llmr-It.. A. ''ohlmnn. M. u., hi::;ii n. in., 2..'!'! nnd 7:4.1 p. m. 'ifethmllit Rplscopiil church or Tin: advocate Wayne nve. mid Queen lane. Otn, OLADSTONi: HOLM. MINISTER, 10 45 "THE HREATCST OF THESE." 7-4.1-Mrs. J. Owen Phillips nn "THE RE Lienors PHASE OK WOMEN'S SCF- niAnn." Mrs. Frank Miles D.iy. Mrs. Wendell Reber nnd MIsh Knthrlnc Puncheon will also bo present. Special music nil day. 'HIE nit.ST METHODIST CHURCH IN (IKIIMANTOWN CHARLES WESLEY lltlRNS. Jllnlster. Morning service, 10:15. "SHIPS THAT NEVER SAIL." Evening worsnip. s. lultlil nildreas on "MAJOR MESSAGES Or MINOR PROPH ETS." Music by vested boy choir, direction of IIow nrd Roblnett U' Daniel. George JJundiis, tenor: George M. Vail, b.isso-contntc; Master Marsh-ill Ward, soprano. CORDIAL WELCOME TO VIS ITORR .ST. ANDREWS. W'nlnut nnd 4.1th sts. Rev WILLIAM I'OWICK, D. D.. Pastor. Woishlp, 10:45 and 7:J5; S. S., 2:W. BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE CITY The Right House Tioga Heights Higher H and Tioga Have Vou $3SO? not, a deposit of $25 will hold one of these houses, and you can occupy It until settlement is made Nowhere in the city can 'ou get as tlesirahle a location and a house containing the conveniences these have for anywhere near the price. Anions other things, they are equipped with electric lights and hot-water heat. The parlor is tastefully decorated and its comfort and beauty are enhanced hy the latest model GAS GRATES, Aside from these features, the splendid location in the most booming section of the city and the reasonableness of the price, y a 17 X INVESTMENT 7"ff .- ' , TTil if, .- r'ERN ROCK -Zmumi M riff&r WKTVJ--T -&XV m litSf lftC lsaiPTT.i B mm a3 K-' HllflM m,fjm Ka- wEn&SBs&sm tfalLIH SKir 'iSHrri7Ci-K'WBt mx "2E K&iiWmchikrtmM7WS-a.3S 3&Vi ItKf.IGlOUA NOTICES .Mfflhodtut i:plcopil Contlnnert . OKTIISKSIANK, Hrosd ft Wtatmorelund ts, Ilverett I Decker, MlnKter. ripe (,rinn dedication fiplendlcl new pipe organ used for th first Al'm.-nev. L. W. Munhall. D. D. r. m.-Th Mlnfster. , . , ,. . Prof. W. C. Young orirnn!t, for the day. Splendid music, larna chorus choir and quar " . .. . All former members "Pccuny invitca. . MT. CAR.MDI., Rroad Street Casino. It'evV'i'TKlT-VAN CI.RVE STIIWART. 10:30 n. m. Sermon by the rastor, 7-4.1 p. m. The Japanese Evangelist. R'v. K. P. Illralde. ...... , , , lleorite Knnvllle will direct the singing. Ap preprlJte program hy chotus choir. James If. Ilartrell, director. URsi.KYAN .MKTIHIIUST CIlt'HCII Tliompson. rat of .12,1 st Rev snwel Ctementi will prerh. lO'lO nnd p. m. Ilienlne theme- "flood Cltlenhlp." Thurst'ny Mr. vVm. Thomas will speak on "I Iteral farnei." New lfitilem (Swedenliorelan) "nn: zi:ai, or thini: iiotsi:" i the fulilert of I he serinon Sunday innrnlmr hy the Pastor, the Rev. CHARI.RS W. IIAR VIIY, at the Cluirrli of the New Jeruialem, 22.1 and Cheatnut sts. Service nt 11 o'clock. Sunday School at !i:.10. All scats nre free. Riervlioflv is welcome. . I'reali-rterlan MK.ST IIOI'i:, Cor. Preston and Aspen sts. liel. CIIAttl.nS n. IIRONHON, D. 1).. Mill ltif. Rev. CHARI.RS II. WHtTAKRH. II. 1. AHSlstnnt. IH',0 11. in. Ilrotherhnod of Andrew nnd I'hlllp. KI.IUi 11. in. Morning Worship, "How to us the Will." 2-:;n p. in ItlMe School, Men's lllble Class. S W p in -Ml . John C. McKenney will ad dress the Men's lllble Class. 7oo , m. Cbrlftlan Rndcaver Societies. 7 1.1 p. 111. S.utnl Cin'.itn, "Penitence, Par don 1 nd Peace," Maunder. ARCH STIir.KT CHURCH, ISth nnd Arch. Ilev. Ct,AlinN'(.i: DDWARD MACARTNEY 10-41 "Dots Oofl Reign on Rarth'" 1:ti0- "The Wood of Zlph-The Other Side of Krlenlfjhlp" 7:30 Ilerllnl on the Turner organ by Mr. Dnughertv. aslsted hy Mrs Howard Knln, sopr.mo, Mrs llnrntlo IMtesrll, contralto! Leonard Anty. lenoi, nnd William Miller, bass. CRNTRAI, NORTH RROAD ST. l'lSRSIIY TRIUAN fill KCII, llrnad nnd (Ireen sts. ROtlllRT HI'llll MORRIS, t). I'.. I'nstor. ill 1.1 n. 111.- 'liORB OCR CITY IIRI.ONO To Tin: unvn.-' 7 1.1 p. m Ai'drcsi by Rev. Homer . Tope, 1) li.. "ANierlr.i's tlrentert Shame." Rurj one Is i-firdlally iielcnmeil i;T tlRIIRN, llltli nnd tin en. Sff-ivli-cn. Ill 1.1 mid 7 4.1 Sablalh Si-liool. 12 m. Preaching by Rev Riliiln I', Himkln. I'rolr-linil Rplsropnl ciicRcii or mt. ,iudi: and thi: na tivity. 11th nnd Mount Vernon. Rov. I.I.KWRLI.YN N. CALKY. II. 1)., Rector 7tat Anniversary. ln.W a m. -Morning I'rnyer nnd R'rmon. 2.. in p. in. Sunday ScIhkiI mid lllble Classes. 7.4.1 p. in. Ilicultig Prayer and Sermon. The Rrrtnr will prenc.li at both services. Munlny, Nov 1, All Silnts' Hay 1U .In n. in -Service nnd Holy Communion. 1 ST. EI.ISAIIETII'S, lilth and Mllllln sts. On Sund ly. Nov. 7. In the octavo of St. Elisabeth D.iy, the Priiuher nt the Solemn High Mass, nt Pc.Ui u. in., will he the Rev. J. O. S. Huntingdon. Superior of the Ordor of the Hoi Cross ST. MTEPIIKN'S church 10th st. uLove lle.tiiut. 'to. t ARL 1. iiKA.ii.MER. 8. T. D Reclor. U:lj n in. SiimUy School. 11 u. in. Moining I'riiscr nnd bcrmon bv the Rector. . .... , ., 4 i. in. -Evening I'rajer nnd Addiesi by the llcilor. SpeMal nui8lc: M OLD ST. JOHN'S, Rrown st. below 3d Dr. Richmond preaches tomorrow, 10 4.1 and 7 45 ItEAL ESTATE FOB SALE CITY Well-Built Attractive Hornet. Torresdale Ave. pn.ioo iii.ock) NEAR PROPOSED ELEVATED 7 rooms, Including bath, hot-vvutcr hent, laundry, stationary tuba, etc.; electric lights and all Improvements. Artistically decorated; hardwood (HUhIi throughout. (JARAGE l'RIMLEGES 15-KOOT DRIVEWAY IN REAR. Price $3000 TERMS 1() SUIT ' JAS. W.ORR "TCiS On Premises, or 3532 KENSINGTON AVIS. in the Right Section Than William Penn Statue Streets "7 "At 9'uu and up wards on e a a y terms. These attractive, homes have 7 rooms. Including bnth. und every up-to-ilato Im provement: hnnl wooil finish, luundry In basement, hot water heat, brick and stonu porches, terrace front, rear entrance to y a r d . uo-foot street. Three Inrgo stores for saloj suit any business. Tuko No. 3 ear on I3th St.. or No. 4 cur on 7th St. Five cent faro. SILVER & CONNOR Rullders and Owners nn Premises Dougherty s Homes Are Built to Last Come over and Investigate, anteca atlsfactlon. He suar- $2250 Total Kprne $13.63 Per .VIonlh Frankford Ave & Venanqo St on l'lrkulrk, Vlitorlu and I'urltle Sts. All cam Issue freo transfers to Route S (Frankford Ave.), This cur passes the door. AVIthln three square of proposed l-'runkford Ulevated. -MAT. DOUUIIKRTV HUII.DEIt AND OWNKR On the Premises, Sample House Aluuy Open. I'EItN ROCK Suburban Life WITHIN CITY LIMITS Cor. 11th & Champlost Ave. Iluy one of these elfsant modern T""i-' homes, with every convenience. Near scnuois. tourcaes. iruiivjs aau irala. (Lot 20llGS ft.) (Two Fronts) COMB LOOK 1IIEM OVER Take Vers read trolley (fare 5c) to Nedro are. (only Hi xis. abort Olaey are. teriulnus of Broad Strut Subway) or UmJlor Itwr. to Kern iL"00 S""01"- m u x, I 14V t: " & 1 4U RKI.IOIOUS NOT1CBS Ileformexl i.qcust tiiuatrb bsd and Locust sts, 10 SO A. M. 7 4.1 r. M. REV. CIIARLRS K. FCIIAEFFER. D. t. 11RST N. A., IRth nnd Dauphin. Rev. John P. Hl-k, Pastor. 10-to end 8; B. B., t:'.. , Reformed Kplacopnl , OLR Itni)i:KSti:R, inih and Oxford st. ur. Augustus b. uarnctt, itectorA 10:SO "Sounds, In tho Mulberry Trees.' 8:00 'Tho Patriot's Duty on Tuesday." Socialist Literary Society KATK RICHARDS O'HAIIK, Editor M tlonat Rip-saw, will speak on "Our Attltud on Woman Suffrage," tomorrow. .1 p., m at Rroad Street Theatre. Muslo oy Von den Heemt String. . Phlla. School of Social Science, 002 Walnut at., under auspices of above society. Even,n courses In history, sociology, Dngilsh nnd economics. For Information write to Mr. Rosa 'Lnddon Hanna. secretary. Swedenborglnn SKH MAY .IMRLMAMJ.M Unitarian riHST UNITARIAN, 2125 Chestnut at. Rev. C, I:. St John, D. D., Minister. 10 a, m., Sundny School: 11 a. m., Dr. St. John -n 111 prenrh on "Tho Tarty; the Iloas; the City; the Suffrage. 7 p. m., Italian servlca hy Rev. F A. THgllalateta. ilTli: ORrTTaNTOU N UNIT.uTiAN C1IU1.CH Chelttn ave. and (Ireene t. Rev. OSCAR H. HAWKS, Minister. 11 a. m. Sermon by Rev. Dr. J. Estlln Car penter, nf Otforrl, Rngland. All me welcome. Universalis! RESTORATION, Master below 17th st. J. O. Leo. D. D., Pastor. 10:45, a. m., Scrvlco ef Worship. Addresa, "The Proposed SuffiaKO Amendn.ent." by Mrs, Mary Oiace Cantleld, of Vermont. 2:45 p. m.( SunJay School. Welcome. " Welsh rrrfibylerlmt WELSH, 21st below Knlrtnount Rev. R. E. WILLIAMS (English), 1st. .Id Sunday, 7:80 p. in., 2d. (th nnd nth. 10.30 n. m. VnuiiB Men'i. Clirl-tluu Asioclallon CKN'rilAI, X'. M. C. A.- Mrs. Harry Phillips, of Cambridge Lnlnrslty. In address. 'A Modern Trinity," :i p. " ocnl and instru metital music, All mm vielcomc. lllJNiriTlLENT ASSOCIATIONS THlTsAIAAIlON ARMV. Inc. Philadelphia Hcrtduuiiricrs. Colonial Tut llulldlng. l.llh and Mnrket Colonel II. II. Hola In command. Telephones! Hell. Walnut 37S.1-0. APARTMENTS N. E. CORNER 17TH AND WALNUT STS. a IttcSrfe Jt v a. " iff 3? g& 11 This 13-Htury cuncrele and steel llruproot structuru reauhes the high, est ulilnt of devulopun-nt ns yet at tained in npartniont construptrori nnd mnv be prnperlv styled a per--feet place nf ntiode An uariiHt elturt has been madu to offer n matchless Home to thosi whose first consideration Is not to count the cost nlnne, but to procuid thnt which thoy desire; where there In only perfection, the slzo nnd char acter of which mny be Rejected and phnpr-d necordlne to the distinctive reonirementn of the Indlvldunl U Suites are arranKed from two moms nnd one bath to seven room and three baths. 11 The location Is excellent, bains: convenient to the business nnd shop pine centres nnd yet not too near. 11 All things considered, the rental are moderate. II Hulldlni; will be formally op-ne.l November 15. 101!i U U Further Information may be ob tnlncd nnd reservations made through NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT STREET Found in SUNDAY'S SPORTS MAGAZINE "Athletics and the Police a Better Type of Cop." By Billy Rocap. "The Football Scout." By Robert W. Maxwell. "The Ballplayer's First Love." By John H. Gruber. "The Sport Democratic." By Stoney McLinn. "Oh, Where's the Funny Bleacherite?" By Will Greenfield. "The Tennis Styles." By Jos. J. Armstrong. "Teaching the Billiard Game." By F. S. Hovey. "Emperior Williams of Tennis Land." By Paul W. Gibbons. "The Club Thrower on the Links." By Wm. H. Evans. "The Winter Leaguers." By H. Perry Lewis. "Swim to Keep Warm in Winter." By Katharyn S. Haire. "The Pleasing Motorbo'at Rules." fcy E. H, Ros'en berger. "Yo Hotel And the Fox Gallop Is On." By Clifton Lisle. "The Best Boy Rifle Shot in America," By a , small arms expert. "A Girl and Her 20-Gau$e Shotgun." By H. D, Ham mond. With Tomorrow's lils ill ilrfiiw ' Lwvwijirjt.,jLbaj-.'Wiwi jj lIMJ-UJi-lr PUBLIC && LEDGER L Praoton. Pa 48 4B 02 NW 12 riouly 7mo. en e .w vw c ear Washington M NW 10 Clear Wfanlpe- IS 28 H Lt P Cloudy IT liWMMihiiVi I i3Tn and neduo ave. fm0ttft'P!fiW& I L. " - -- -" "rc- "Vf -SSSiUJff&&Afi9