Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 30, 1915, Final, Page 4, Image 4
wonwl "''' Ty3-iVf " .mpum . ,HijWg EVENINO LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1915. I?jWp-. -'wygity r - FOUR GERMAN ATTACKS FAIL IN CHAMPAGNE Desperate Battle Rages at La Courtine for Positions Taken by French FftENCH GAIN AT SOUCHEZ I'AHtH, Oct. 30. Violent llRlitlnB Is iwtaln tnklns place In Artols tlhc region north of Arras) nntl in Clmnipagne, It la reported In nn ot fklal communique Issued liy the French ur ofllcc today. Tliu Hunting In Champagne Is described da ti-ins or the nreatest llcrcmcss. The Allies have made (urthcr piogroas In Uoli-en-llnche. The Germans atneked the Trench posi tions at tllll U0, but were repulsed with curtnlna of artillery lire. Furious German counter attacks were launched between Ithclms and the Ar Bonne forest In an effort to recapture lost trenches, but all failed. The toxt of the official communique follows: "In Artola during the night wo made progress In Bols-En-Hacho and occupied part of an enemy trench southeast of Bouchez. "The Germans this mornlntr attempted an nttack In tho neighborhood of Hill HO, but they were repulsed by our rapid flrers and curtains of artillery Hie. "In Champagne tho fighting continued In tho neighborhood of La Courtine with tho greatest fierceness. "Tho enemy attempted four times to retake trenches conquered by us yester day. "These four counter-attacks completely failed beforo tho energetic resistance of ouf troops, who everywhere maintained the conquered territory. "No action of nny Importance Is re ported from nny other part of tho front." ITALIAN ADVANCE THREATENS TO CUT RAILROAD TO RIVA Last Austrian Positions South of Main Line in Tyrol Cap tured, Says Official Re port From Rome GAIN NEAR MONTE NERO i uoMrc. Oct 30. The loot remaining AuatrUn positions 'toiith of the railway between Mori and K"ugo, In the Lagarlna valley, have boon occupied by tho Italians, who now arc presslnc on to cut the railway, thus Iso lating Arco and the fortress of Itlva from Rowrcto and Trent, their only sources of supplies. A foothold on tho railway I uj, means an Important step forward In I tnqltallan campaign against -Royeroto, and eventually gainst Trent. In addition to this marked advanco tho Italian otllcinl statement records gains at many points of tho lino and a steady continuance of the recently inaugurated offensive Further air raids by Italian aviators huvp been made on the railway line be tween Gorlzla and Trieste, nt Ilasnovlcn, on tho Cnrxo plateau and on the railway In the Ilaca valley. The olllclnl statement Issued by th.9 Wnr Office last night follows: "In tho I.nqarlna valley wo captured Yie enemy's last remaining positions south of the road from. N'ago to Mori, and also on Monte Glovn and the heights pf Tlrno, Besagno und Talplna. "In tho upper Cordovole valley our ad vance on tho right bank of the torrent progressed to the west of the Sorarua hill, which was captured on October 18. On our left we captured one of tho nu merous fortresses on the Col dl Lana. "In tho Monte Nero zone the gradual ascent of the summits of the Vodll nnd Mrzll continued. Also yesterday our Al pine contingents captured strong In trenchrnentH and took 279 prisoners, in cluding eight officers. BQYS BONFIRE WOOD RAIDED Police in Northeast Seize Supply Stored for' Election Night A patrol wagon full of policemen from the. fh Rnd York streets station rolled through Kensington several hours beforo dayllnht today on tin expedition that brought nothing but sort on to the boys ot tho neighborhoods they laitetl. Hope ful vliifonn of great bonfires in the street on election night have vanished. The boys of four neighborhoods aro down to the realization that they will be lucky If their fire lasts 15 minutes. The pollen were on a raid to recover wcod. For weeks the boys In that sec tion have been slipping off when no ono was qpklng with ash boxes and shutters, railroad ties and wooden rates, nnd have been, storing the wood In empty houses. Four empty houses were entered by the police. They were at 5th street nnd Sus quehanna avenue, 3d street und Susquc hanna avenue, Dodlne and Huntingdon streets and 2d and Vork streets. In each case they found cellar and yard plied high with wood that In two days would Imve been converted Into smoke and ashes for the amusement of many youngsters. Three bis loads of wood were taken and carried to the station house and stored In the basement to be held for use this winter when the old weather comes. ILTJ0 PriQP a T nl ii i il BiEBBIBWil-'WwwlirB ..' ." StaBs II "HK 1 Wfci I'll M, i nrTOTT n Hi ImITi I HH-iFs" 'iffJltelSi, .teoiL,. ALTF.R S. BAUER, Bmlr and Owner GREAT ITALIAN OFFENSIVE ON; GUNS NOW DOMINATE GORIZIA Artillery Dragged to Lofty Summits, Commands Forts Defending Austrian Stronghold on the Isonzo May Force Foes Back to Julian Alps By BEUTO DI BHAHALLA CAI)()lt.- IlKADY TO STRIKE CADOKNA PRONTO l'EU ITj SUl'ilKME BLOW AT FOES j (ill N C0LP0 A (UHUZIA General Cndornn'o ntmirs nre ngnln on the offensive. A few days ago It Mill appont-ed thai they were kept Inactive before tho Austrian lines from the Stelvlo to Monfiilconr. Those who nre fnmlilnr with the country vvhcio the fighting Ii going on, and with the conditions pre vailing in thnt theatre of war, knew that the Itnllnus vvern ninny on tho offensive, although engaged In minor operations TIicp were apparently of no Import- n.ton I... I.. i..llt.i !..... .. .1 .. 1 ....,., M.k iii it-uuiy nicy n ti e nit! iH-uea-j sary steps to renr-h n stage which would allow of the devdopmctit of the grand of fensive. The Italians then could deliver tho nttack which would eventually smash the resistance or the strongly fortlllcd Austrian line and compel the enemy to retreat to a line futher back, perhaps as far back as tho Julian Alps lange, the Snvn valley and the lino of the Uriivn. This grand offensive lino begun. Gen eral Cndorna has thrown his full strength against the Austrian front and ii fuilous battle, or rather a chain of battles. Is being fought from the Dolieido plateau, Just cast of the lower Isonzo, to I'lezzo and Malborghiitto It l quite Impossible to pass Judgment uu these npcintlnns now. It Is fairly well known whew the Itnllans nie hammering harder at the Austiian line, but It Is khowu also that It Is but tho bcginnlnt, of the battle. There are, however, hints which will Justify a few considerations. A dispatch from Itom announced n few dajs ago that the fortress of Gorl zla had fallen Tho announcement was not olllclally given, and up to now the Wnr Ofllcc at Homo has nlil nothing about It. That Gorlzla was .ong doomed to fall was bevond any doubt even weeks ago. Tho Austrlans had been compelled to abandon tho summit of the Podgora spur, which defended Gorlzl.i against at tacks from the west and southwest and, although the Italians could not occupy permanently the .summit, as It was still oxpotied to tho lire from the San Marco batteries nnd other defensive positions, the Anstrlnns were as well unable to regain this important height, because It was within range of the Italian heavy artillery anil was nctually covered by a dally rain of shelln From the l'lava zone, only a few miles north of Gorila nnd In the Isonzo Vnl ley, the Italians had stalled it series of small operations, which finally led to an attack on tho strong Austrian positions of Monto Sabotlno, which nllovveil them to approach near the forts of Monte Santo, the northern defenses of Gorlzla. Tho northern slopes of the Snbotlnn were recently occupied by Italian troops, and the Intrenchments on the summit were sublccted to heavy artillery fire from Italian batteries on nearby heights. If tho Italians hnvo been able to drag their lio.ivy guns up on the Sabotlno they can easllv check the flro from the Austrian stronghold of Monte Santo, just across tho river. Itnllnn troops may have been able to force a passage of the Isonzo near Salcamo and thenco nttack Gorlzla directly from the north and Monte Santo from the south. If staff officers homo from tho Isonzo front have really stated that Gorlzla has fallen, that did not mean thnt the fort ress had been nctually occupied by ths Italians or that the Austrian line of de fense had been broken. It meant rather that tho Italians had succeeded In drag ging their heavy artillery on the sum mit of tho Podgora and could engage tho batteries of Sun Marco, thus having vir tually gained control of the narrow plain on which Gorlzla lies. To occupy the city it is necessary that the batteries of Monto Santo and San Marco be reduced nnd si lenced. JOFFRK INSPECTS DEFENSES AND TROOPS TN ENGLAND Holds Conferences With Kitchener. Now Offensive Planned LONDON, Oct. 30 General Joftre, com-mander-ln-chlef of the French army, who Is In England, spent today visiting mili tary centres He Inspected the defenses of London and reviewed troops. A visit was mado to Aldersliot and the Wool wich Arsenal with its vast scores was also viewed. General Joffro was accompanied by members of his staff ami a number of Dritish army ofllcers. Since his artival tho French soldier has held Important conferences -with Lord Kitchener, the British "War Sec retary. They are believed to have dealt with tho Halkan situation and plana for a new allied offensive In Franco, Once you taste the de licious flavor of baked Deerfoot Farm sausage, that settles it. It spoils you for the other kind ever after. Have some for breakfast, ay to morrowor next day, Dekrfoot Farm : New York Office 17a Chamber St. Phon, Cortland yA Lincoln Drive WhereCity and Country Meet I THP PRODUCT OF MASTERCRAFT Einllrct ircbltictara aurlor worknuuhia uiJ tb trr btl la mtrUI bit produced thru boat Wtotlal U tbrlr llor--luiurlov4 la Ibelr aotv.lnlmeou mj romtqfenct. Dd ill wllhaut U tllmloalloii ot that "bomr" flusaat. Ilullt do tub B4trl rollln (rouni. IUB4UK IMIKB hlDK FERQOU. Xtlitbyrtwod Btt lucillou rtrluli. Bj molar -llrect t It cli. tttcmrb ?4lnuunt Park uo-bl( bloei to UpmT-su-tiaa tad Vro iiiuw troIU l'rlfi rauv from SlOnoO to tlS,O0O. pyu ffjr tvtutiif. ixctpt Bauity vsla(. J I.e fnr7o dot jonernlc C'ndornn sono dl nuovo still' offenslva. Ancora pochl glornl fa parcvn cho esse fossero tenute fermo davnntl ntle llnce dl reslstenza nustrlache iHlto Stolvlo a Monfnlcone, sebbene qlielll die enno'cuno II paese dove si avolge quc&tn standi1 lottn e aanno quail sono lc comllzlonl Hello quail 1'cserclto Itnllnno cotnbatto, sapevnlio gin' che gtl llnllnnl eratio simpre sull' nffenslvn, ma crano iiempllccnnnto Impcgnatl In opcrnzlonl mlnoi t ijuest'- piccolo opcinzlnnl In nppnreiua lion nvfviiiio iilcttiin importnlizi, nm esse ernno I jiasi nicesfnill pur cranio turn sltunzlom Uic peimcttcsso lo svlluppo de'ln srnnile offonslvn, I'atlnccn Che doVo pczzato la loslstonza drlla fottl.sslmn linen, atislrlaca eil obbllgaie II nenilcn n rlplcgare ru ill una llnea niiotratn, forse lino alio Alpl Glulle ed nllc llnro delta Xnn e delln Dtnvn. Questn grando offenslva o- oin lulzlat'i II gcneiale Onilornn ha lauclnto le sue forzo cutilro II fioiite nusttlneo, ed una furlosn Imltnulln. n ineglio un.i calen.i dl baltiiglle, o' lmpcgnatn dnll nltoplaiin dl Dnljoiilo' a I'Uvzo ed a Malboighclto 15" impo.ssibllo dare un gludlzio nrn che le operazlonl sono nppena comlnclalu. SI su plu' ii nieno piiclsnmeiilo dove gll Itall mil battonn plu forto, ni.i ma essl niiiio appena nl pilnclplo della hnttnglia N'ninlliiieiiu vl sono gia' fattl che per mettuno poelic coiisldciaztonl. I'n illspacelo da Itoina nnnunclnva gl nml fa che hi foitczza dl Goitzla em c:i iluta tannitnclo non era iilllclalo u Ihioni II Mlntstcro dell.i Gucri.t ha nuintciiutn II slUnzIo Inlorno n iiiestn plnza Cho Goilzla era ciiiidaiiliiitn a cndeie, si h.i pev.i da tin pc.7t). Oil nustrl.iol cruno stall costrettl nit nbbundoiiaie la suiiiinltii' I del Podgora che dlfcndova la piazza loii trr nttnechi dall oVest c d.i .-ud-ovest. o, bebbeue gll itnllnni non nvcvnno potuto mantcnersl stilln Hommlta' porcho' questn era tuttora csposta ill fuoco ilolle battel lo dl San Marco o dl nltro poslzloni, gll aus trlacl dal canto loro mm nvevnno potuto plu' rlguardagmire hi clma peiduta pet che' spa.zuta glornalmonte il.i un ura gatio di granate dalle batterlo Itall.inc. D.illn zona ill Pl.ivn. pocho nilglla u noid dl Gorl.la, gll iliilinnl nvev.iuo inl zlato una wile ill operazlonl che per mlsnro loio ill atlncciuo leccntcmentf lo posizloni iiURtrl'iche sul Monte Habotlno o dl avvlclmiisi nllt- foi tlllcnIonl dl Monte Hanto, le dlfcsu fottPiilrlonlnll II OnrUl.i. I tiunchl settcutrlonall del Sabotlno funino occupatl rocentemente dnllo trtippe Itnllano, ed I trlnceiumentl nustrlaci della sominltu' furono assoggottutl nl fuoeo dello battcrle Itallaiui delle posUIonl vleine. So gll Itnliiiul hanno potulo por ta n I loro groj.sl canuonl silllii clma del Sabotlno, essl possono facllmnto bat tel e I tortl dl Monte Santo, sull' altra hponda del tlume, muitni probabllmente truppo Itnllanc hanno liotuto passaie I'lsonzo nelle viclnanze dl Salcamo o dl II nttaccare Gorlzla dal nord o Monto Kauto dal Hurl. Ke iimdall Unllu.nl tornntl n Konia dal fronte dell Isonzo hanno realmente affer mnto che Gorlzla o cuduta, do' non riK'iilflCHVa che la fortezza era stnta oc cupata dalle forze Itallnna no' cho la. llnea nustrlnca era spezzata. Slgnlllcavn pluttosto che 11 generale Cadorna era rlusolto a portare la sua artlgllerla sulla clma dol Podgora, Impegnnre lo battcrle dl San Marco o rendero Intenlbllo la poslzione degll austrlacl, guadagnando II controllo della plccola planura su cul glare Gorlzla. Ma per occuparo la cltta' e necopwarlo che lo battcrle ill Monto Santo o dl San Marco slano rtdotto al sllenzlo. Slips on Orange Peel; Badly Hurt Peilous Injuries were received today by Mrs. Anne Kltzpatrlck, 56 years old, uf 2'112 Gordon sticet, when she slipped on an orange peel at Mth street and Susque hinna iivonue. She was taken to the Women s Homeopathic Hospltnl, where phvsicians said sho had concussion of tho brain. Mrs. Fltzpa trick was returning home from marketing when the accident occurred as she vvus crossing the street. RUDWRDV GRV 9 KIPLING'S DAWNi "Franpp rt War" W ' W A Great Novel of the Vigilante mm m r ranee at war Day in California, by wm 1 ,',-V.runnc'.n:.,i dr. I 1 STEWART EDWARD WHIT I B H "FRANCE" m K MvM and colortul. attirlll with ro- M 0gfi m ... ,, , V U 9b manes and adventwre, ohareed flf gsi m Mr, KIpllnK'H faraoui. noem Of m wt, the tenene. ot blc "vein. M ggj m now llrst nublUhed In m m und hlStory , , maklne. M Bi '. Imok form fcf Ibi iii... m. tt is JMf iPUSi All HooKBhoni., MF . .,llu- " 'r: P B b j,-ej ijq,,' ' jSF .Iu"t out A" DookatoresjW' Ejjsg fcw noublrdar, I'ajte P T. nnublriloy, 1'oBe xrr ' ' " ' pa .. p- r 4 M0HT- m mBr 9 Vtt" WwBmjSSk1 9 . -.. Uln bUU L fcB fc-!tf - ' v ? ci A rTz-BKEtfiiiHLB-fF art i V inn EZ3 PtrtiJ Suifrg fF EZ23 tWdcttU Suffrno M WM "Women and Children First" J is the law of chivalry. jjBlf "Women and Children Last" jj is the present law of the Commonwealth, H Chivalry is man's inherent instinct be chivalrous protect the women and children by giving them a chance to protect themselves. Vote "Yes" for Amendment No. 1 on November 2nd 50,000 U0MINI PERSI DALIAUSTRIA IN SEl GIORNI DI BATTAGLIA Le Comunicaziotii Tra Rovereto e Riva Sono Ormal Troncate e le Due Fortezze Sono Isolate SUCCESSI A COL DI LANA IIOMA, 3D Ottobre. Telegratnml da Parlgl dlcono che su tutto II Ironic Itnllnno Impervcrsn da died glornl una glgantcscn battnglln nelln qunlo sono Impegnntl ECHX) cnnnonl ed 1,200,000 nomlnl. I combattlmontl plu' Molontl si hnnno sul Carso e sul fronlo doll Isonzo, dove si trovn sempre II re Vlttorlo Mmmnnuclc. Lc pcrdltc tlnora sono state cnorml tin rmbo le pnrtl. nm iiuollc mnggloil lo hanno subite gll austrlacl. Put ante 1 prlml rel glornl vlclln bnttnglla gll nustilnel ebbero 10.COO mortl, 30.000 forltl .... - - --- e peidettero WXI prlglontcil, sccondo lo liotlzlc Blimle nl Figaro. per nunnto rlguniiln rnzlone comunc Ua II Comnmlo Itallno e' dcclso n con- Hplemrp nelln Serbia, tulnuaie hi battagt.a lino a che tut.a lo J- K.V li".." llnea fortlllcatu Plczzo-Tolmlno.l.oiizla , tlIimin Hmnfltto lo forze bulg.ire pel sara' caduta. prlmo senntro, mentio I russl hono proiitl Nollzln dal frouto dl battaglla dlcono nd Inlzliirc una vlgorur.i offonslvn oonlro cho gll Ititllnnl lintitiu conrtilRtnlit un'lm- la Hulgarla c ooiltlniia it Salonlcco In poitntitc tioslzluno u sud ill Plavii, dalla slmrco ill truppc alloato Lo Miuailu iiuale bomlmnhuii) orn la leslo ill imiitu lolla quattro potenzo nlleate hnnno dl GorUln. ' Ixlhito nlicho un'azlone comunc uoutiu 'la costn btllg.irn. SUL LAOO Ul GA11UA. ; fnU) d)e ,n M(m,,nl , ItQlInti.t II gcnciiili t'adotna iinituiicln cho lo nvevn prcso parte nl boinbardanu-iito del ultlliic difes'c nustilachc nclla NirlK- (Vim porto blllgaro ill Dcdeaghatch era con eruso, Ira Moil o Nngn, Bulla fciiovla ill , nscluln qui sin da piuecclil glornl fa. Hlvn. koiio state occupato dnllo truppo m,i oia stalo sopptcsso dalla ci'Iihiiiii. Itiillatic die ura sono ImpuiMto nd lsulaic nFFLMtTM ti,i t mtM v.vi Arco. dove iiiiimi In leiiovla pilinn ill ,,,,'", UMAMA ulungeru u Hlvn. l.'lsoliimciito delle duo i In 'llspncclo da Atcnc dlco cho d.i route forteiizo .11 Illva o dl Itovcrcto l'lllin nutorowlo si appicn.lc che lc Potcnzo d" Pallra rcnib... on, completo. Mmrno Qu.liumi. lninno fatto iinoi. S 5n"C;....f. L,.""t.".I?.lW..firj P,t, 'P". ''"'" "I o cho questo offorto v....,..tu.. ......... """ "-- teslo del I! I I I III lll'l kCIIL'IIIIU f'.irl'iriin Ml Vat Lngnilnn, e picolsnmcntc In V'nl Comcriiso, nol abblamo pivso nl nemlco le poslzloni cho ancora till rumnnevnno nulla straihi da N'ngo a Moil lo posl?lonl ill! Monto Glove o Hiillc nltiiio ,11 Til no, IhiKigno e Tnlplnii. "N'ell'nlta vnllo dol Cordevolo lit noslia avail -ata nulla ilv.i riostr.i del toncnto ha DON'T MISS THESE THE "GENSU5" flic Story of the HiiiiI'k MruKKle Sent TlirmiKli 1lit H)cn of tieiiliM Its- iiiF.oixnti: I 1 : 1 : 1 s 1 ; 1 1 liilior of "Sliler t'orilr," "The Titan," etc Cloth. SI. so net. "If America can boast of a novel ist now livinp; of creator power, in sifcht, imnRinative sweep, let him step forward and claim the laurel wreath. Ho seems to me our great est novelist now writing, and destined in the wise judgment of posterity to be given a place among tho noteworthy writers of this aKC.EDGAR LEE MASTERS, Author of "The Spoon River An thohfy," in the Chicago Evening Pout, MOONBEAMS FROM THE LARGER LUNACY ll .STKl'llEN I.IlACHCK liilfior 0 "A'omcnse Novels," "Lltcraru Looses," "Behind the Itcionil," etc Cloth, SI JJ net. As all good writers should, Stephen Leacock follows up his last book with a better one. "Moon beams from the Larger Lunacy" is by far the best work ho has done. While the humor is as droll as that of tho "Nonsense Novels" or "Be hind the Beyond," it is more subtle and satisfying. AT ALL BOOKSTORES JOHN LANE CO., Now York fatto progreosl nd ovest della colllna Sorarua che fu presa da nol II 18 Ottobre. Sulla nostra sinistra nol nbblnmo prcso una delle numerose operc dl fortlflcaztone del Col dl Lana, "Nclla zona del Monte Nero lo nostra forzo hanno contlminto la grndtinle nscesa delle sommlta' del Vodll o del Mrzll Vhfl. e lerl le nostro trtippe alpine prcsoro nl nemlco alcunl fortl trlnceramentl o 279 pilglonlorl trn cut otto ufflclftll. "Fortl e trlnceo rtej ntmlco furono nnche prcsl dal nostrl sulla colllna dl Santa Maria, nelln zona dl Tomlno; nella roglono dl Plnva, dove furono fattl anche 21 prjglonlerl: sullo nlture dl Pcwnn o dl Podgora e still'altoplano del Carso dove I prlglonlerl fattl da nol nelln glornatn dl furono 210, cnmpresl tre ufflclall. "I nostrl ncroplnnl nllnccarono Bnsso vltza, stilPnltnnlano del Carso. e bombnr- I dnronn vnrli ptintl della ferrovla delta ! valto dl Hnca, sulla llnea Gorlzla-Trleste, lnFclando endcro bombo yugll nccampa menll c stillc colonno In maicln dol liouilco. Nonostnnto un furloso fuoco dl nrtlgllertn, t nostrl nvlnlorl rltornnrono senza dnnnl alia loro base." LA GURKHA ALLA UPLGAUIA tori fu tenuto qui un Importnnllsslmo rohsltsllo ill mlnlstrl nel quale fu dlscussn la sltnazlnni' nelln Penlsota Ilnlcanlcn e i mi-o.n ...tlHnro o polltlon In gen erato. Dnlle nollztc che st hnnno In i a i. in coiislgllo ,11 mlnlstrl. Roinluu die si nbbln taglone ill cssere fodi.ifuttl. II mlnlstro degll Hstcrl, on. Sonnllio. dlthnlnro' chr oslslovn oomploto Ll'llllll IIV Ml II'MIII l . Ill V flllllllt 1 UIIII1'V faivoulri trn I govornl della Quailrtiptico iinutsliino complctninenle lo amblzlonl ' .. . i a I rumen,-, ginu'lio in osso cnm.iresa cmiMmm:mmmMmmmm 9t jRmvm" &&rjts6WJL. . r saga tA imiiw&rtzmk f I Emm m gT ' '&' s I pHPPiKPPk 1 KiEFi Kp I ffji lorn Daly's Column Begins Monday UR own chat appears in the next issue of the Evening Ledger gentle, genial bits of poem and prose, culled from the highways and by ways of our city. If you would listen to anecdotes about Philadel phians, great and small, told in a spirit of friendly humor, spend five minutes with Tom Daly every .night in the Evening Ledger. If you would know your city and its sunny, human side Rittenhouse Square and the Walnut Street Clubs as well as "Little Italy" and the streets of crowded hu manity, know it through the ' Philadelphian who speaks of them as one who knows. If you would see the bright, happy life of "An He and lEwning I l503l.i'maM2ffii'liniyf!!l!!i!!H',!lJ!Jlii;! lid ..Ii "ilLhL .iAj ... dl J11H....U Mm. .i i.jf m , ,. , H li l'cffertn. dolla nc.ssnrabla cho dal 187? o' possesso della nussla Sebbene II governo rumeno si ! rlservnlo dl rlspondero a nueste offerto, sembra fcho tn seno nlte sfere dlrlgentl rumeno vl sla grando dlsposlzlono nd ac ccttarle. Ad ORnl modo una declslono ira' presa presto e preslo la rlsposta sara' data alio Potcnzo delta Quadrupllcc, So rnra' nfformatlvn, alloia lo Iruppo russo cho sono concentrate nl confine rumeno potrnnno passnre nltravorso la Itumanln ed allnccaro gll nustro-tedcschl In Serbia od ontrnre In tcrrltorlo bulgaro. Da Parlgl tclegrafano cho le Humanla ha mobllltnto Ilnorn 450,000 uomlnl, del quail 2iiO.0"H sono conccntrnll sul confine della nulgnrla od II rcsto U quelto deli'Unghcrln A Hucnrcst si sono avuto vlolento dlmostrazlonl rontro II governo ed In lav ore dcH'Intorvento contro gll Impcrl ccntrnll. II qtitnto nrtlcolo delta serlo che It Puw.ic LEOnnn delta Domonlca vn pub bllcnndo stllln sllllnzlono mllltare In Italia compnrlra' nol Puni.tc LEtmEn dl domnni, Domonlca. Queslb artlcolo trntter.i dolla sltuazlone nol settoro trontlno-llrolese, dove In quest! ultlml tempi II gonernle I Cndorna hn splognto una nuovn offenslva' per ta conqulsta della linen Itlva-Ilovcre- to K qiilndl ill nttualltn' o ,11 grnnde In- tercsse. c gll Itnllnni dovrebbero lcggorlo tutll. Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition San Diego, 1915 For Flavor and Quality iff II m n 9 RC trtx MSrtvs t iLAil REO U B PAT OFF. Caution: Get the genuine with our trade-mark on the package. WALTER BAKER & GO. LTD. Established 1780 ' DOKCIICSTER, MASSACHUSETTS BfflS3ffiEELiarfemgH3J&WMZ H II i, I I . ill 1. 1.1 . III. :.,';., I ' III Ii.IM.,1 , , HI1 I'll'l I "HI Tom's daily j&w To v Sfe- v tonio Sarto" and "Ha-Ba-Ha Hanniga n," see it through the eyes of this poet and philosopher of the city streets.. Tom Daly is with us Monday and thereafter every weekday. He tells about folks in a keen, friend ly way that has brought him recognition from all quar ters of the land even from across the sea. Make Tom your boon companion. He's a hale, hearty fellow, his touch is bright and witty and after you read his translation of life's common things into humor, beauty and philos ophy, you cannot help feel ing that this old world is a pretty good place to live in. is here on Monday evening, every day thereafter in the MRS. CLEWS A MOTHER VI,nt W8l I - birth of a MntaMrT' ?f.Ml Clows, Jr., who nro now In Paris r' jur. anil airs, uiows were mafrl.j . cembor 10..19U. Mrs Clews " 4 formerly Miss KMe Whelen and k .Z of.Mrs. Craig Riddle, was T,, i,l?t Ilolicrt Goelot In loot and divorced nVW B, 19U. Mr. Clews' first wife wi,'1?' Louise Holllngsvvorth Morris" 7A( acbM " "rBt hU8bana WM ed U Mr. Clewn Is a son of Henry C'Iri. . 1 banker of 27 West Blst rtreelT Kew 'V3 ami m wen Known in nrt circles. PIKE WRECKS AUTO PLANT Boston's Fnshlonable Residential Sec tion Threatened P.OSTON, Oct. 30.-Fre tnd,. . ( the big slx-slory automobile and carrlnt. big slx-slory automobile and carrlnt; ory of Chnuncev Thnmn. n5ir."" r.vciory oi vnniinccy Thomas CoMn.h. Incorporated. Smoke nnd flnmpJ I ...il.T' tho direction of the homes of 8C0,M i, lloston's most fashionable residences l ' tho flromon confined tho blazo to tha'fn , loo- building. Tho lire started with J- Exposition, San Francisco, 1915 & Mooa m xfv IS JUST RIGHT It has the delicious taste and natural color of liigh-gradc coco beans; it is skilfully prepared by a perfect mechanical proccjj without the use oi chemicals, flavoring or artificial coloring mcttcr. It is pure and wholesome, conforming to all the National ind State Pure Fond Laws. 1! iira Lllll.. ,1 I. i ' ' K 1 I I, W 1 il'J "iillllillHUI! lErtrger 11 TTWCTWCiUB: j"'v','r "B '