7Ti. .mi WHBrflW'-"?'.!. j- tfgW&F ?heEz Section; Saturday, October 30, 1915 -AriJ 1WI-i"t SM.'TvTrKiAnr-p7l XR played a mother defended In couft by a. son. who does not know the relation ship. Tease,, moving-. YJLVDETtLLB "The Show Shop" ArriTCsfaPtKel lay. ' " A New Qarmen at the Arcadia "We K" in. "Tbu, Soiirtif' Tb atWfofcMirifilSh TCrrtfe. Ttn.ll. fciSilVffBfri'uliB4. iT.& A Fresh Triangle Bill OARRIOK "The Show Shon.,f with Zelda Sears. Rmrmt RMnnv. Jeannette ta' Robert Frailer. Mildred "Bright. Tlollv LawIs. "Waltpr Tonnp. Emmrtt Rharttalfi Saxon Kllng and A. R. Tilburne. James Porbes' comedy of theatrical life, which! oiAjreu a aisiinct success in New YorK last season, it recounts the efforts or a rich jounff man to win a stage-struck girl by proving her a failure as a. star. Naturally, it deals with all the more amusing sides of life behind the footlights. Mr. Sidney plays a theatrical manager. Miss Sears a .stage-mother. Limited en gagement. Extra matinee Tuesday. NEW FEATURE FILMS CHESTNUT BTREET OPERA Fifth week of Triangle Alms: Weber and Fields in a Keystone production, "The Best of Enemies": Douglas Fairbanks in "Double Trouble," a Griffith-supervised production: Bessie Barriscale in ' The Golden Claw," and another Key stone comedy, "Saved by Wireless." METROPOLITAN "How Mollle Made Good," a, six-part feature in which Marguerite Dale, as a young newspaper woman. Interviews" Robert Edeson, Lee Ditrichstcm, Henrietta Crosman, Cyril Scott. Julia Dean. Henry Kolkcr. Lulu Glaser, Julian Eltlnge, Mabel Fenton, Charles Ross, May Robson and Mmc. Fjorde, of the RoaI Opera, Berlin. Minor films, and a musical programme Including selections from "Martha." by soloists and ensemble, popular songs, and ballads by Arthur Aldrldge. STANLEY "An Allen," with George ucian, mward Gillespie, Thelma Salter and others A plcturization of Mr. Be ban's popular vaudeville playlet, "The Sign of the Rose" It shows him in his admirable impersonation of the pathetic Italian father of the slums. The piece will be seen all through the neck accompanied by special music. ARCADIA Mondav, Tuesdaj and Wed ncsdij "Tho Masnucraderfa." with Hazel Dawn, a picturization of Henry Arthur James drama of the English barmaid who marries above her station Thurs day. Friday and Saturdaj "Carmen." with Thoda Bara playing part in which Geraldine Farrar his lately been seen. A Vox production, employing Edmar Linden James A Marcus. Carl Har baugh and Elsie McCloud REGENT Monday and Tuesday. "My -Madonna." vikh Olgi Petroa. a Metro production of Robert W Service's poem Wednesday and Thursday, "The Final Jud-rnv-nt." with Ethel Barry more Frid-iv and' Saturday, "Should a Wife rors-vtr with Lillian Lorraine CONTINUING PLATS GARRICK"VnCer Cover." with. Roclt llffe Fellowes. A melodrama with laughs, excitement and a detective guessing contest. LYRIC "The Road to Happiness," with William Hodge. A comedy-drama of rural life, giving Mr. Hodge a more youthful but no less whimsical pur veyor of provincial accent than his Daniel Voorhees Pike, of "The Man rrom Home." BROAD "Daddy Long Leg3," with Henry Miller and Ruth Chatterton. Jean Web ster's novel of the "Orphan's Progress" made Into a sweet, sugary but well acted success. ADELPUI-A Full House," with May Vokes. Herbert Corthell and George Parsons. Three laughs and two roars every other line over a. crook, a cop and a chorus girl. CONTINUING PHOTOPLAYS FORREST "The Birth of a Nation," with Henry B. Walthal. Mae Marsh and Spottswood Altken D. W. Griffith's mammoth photoplay of the Civil War and Reconstruction, founded In part on Thomxs Dixon's "Clansman." A mar velous entertainment. PALACE "Carmen." with Geraldine Farrar, the remarkably beautiful pro duction seen for the past fortnight at the Stanley All the week, STOCK WALNUT "Ready Money." with the I'enr Players with Edward Everett Horton and Irene Oshier. The first stock production in this city of the skillful, amusing farce about the young man who bluffs himself to success by merely showing S3).000 worth of counterfeit bll's KNICKERBOCkER "Madam X," with the Knickerbocker Players and Ruth Robinson, a new acquisition to the company. The popular French melo drama -in which Dorothy Donnelly 11 "O . 5MfVWHt.r wiaiisiaantas era t lmwIwk i moiol Mil f StsvBfc;-BWH r Ktti ,mm m i Mfta. iW "ews V GLOBtt -Tho Si West ?ou.i Cadets. featuring Tony the lUUUci Saundfirsr, voi atist ix -dates &. Btti entertainers K Ro c Th ' Artist s Dreaar Mi,r j ! blackface cnterij. i - r i i Latham, in a omw atie and Mulvey, In I an in a Agency"; Rojk Qard" dienrte, and Jba BHe tea GRAND "THor Cabart rogero ana Arowr Thornton, in 'AtTj tho Scotch xyioptwatoift' Home." presented hf and company; "Wolssy "The Blowout"; Von CeU & CROSS KEYS First half: "The SfesJ of Asia": Five Veterans, 'The Politi clan," with Marguerite Dawson and company; Golden and Llvzey. Jack Williams, monologist, and Richards and Montrose. Second half: Lois Clark, and Company, In a musical melange; Neilson'e Aerial Ballet. Rome and Klrby, comedians; Irving Roth, Fred Benello and Sister, cyclists, and Hirsch and Tabb. In "A Night in New York." AMERICAN First half of week: Neil son's Aerial Ballet. Paul Fetching and company, "The Musical Garden"; Mann and Burke, singing entertainers, and Galloway and Roberts, in. "Black and Tan." Final half of the week: Mur phy's Steel Pier Minstrels, featuring Vic Richards; Jules and Frances, "At the Soda Water Fountain"; Whitney and Wilson, In "The Fat and the Lean," and Charle3 Thompson, Juggler. AT POPULAR PRICES PEOPLE'S "The Two Johns," with Ed. Begley and a musical comedy company. J. C. Stewart's production. BURLESQUE DUMONT'SVumont's Minstrels in trav- "The Eye la the mirror of the brain, and the screen has Riven to eye play an Infinitely greater scope, power and Impor tance." Sarah Bernhardt. I"i4 ' m. ." i , ifiit . I iC!)iiiTcBmiiBBIIvBHBWWwwwilfr WILTON LACKAYB At Keith's next week, in "The. Bomb." esties and burlesque dealing with local and national affairs. "Whero Is John son?" satirizes fortune tellers. COMING NOVEMBER 8 KEITH'S Nora Baycs, singing comedi enne; Lew Dockstader, as '"Teddy" In "My Policies"; Harry Green and com pany In "The Cherry Tree"; C"lK Campbell, tenor; Cantor' and Lt comedians; The Werner-Amoros Com pany In a European novelty; Whitfield. Ireland and company. In song, dance and merriment; John Singer and Zlcgler Twins, dancers: Balzer Sisters, In aerial surprise, and others. , KNICKERBOCKER "Seven Keys to Baldpatc." PEOPLE'S "Today-," NOVEMBER IS t KEITH'S "The - Fall Fashion Show.T MUo, Harrison Brockbank and company, Ralph Smatley. Mr and Mrs. Jimmy Barry. Tracey and Stone and others.1 g,5S;XSSS.viST - - --'" -tv,-; CORREST V -,vK1fcs'S SAMUEL F. NIXON, gSSSj?" Ya 4 a5 MONTH 'r BROAD and SANSOM STREETS THOMAS SI. LOVE Business Manager NOW TWICE DAILY Evenings 8:15 Matinees 2:15 Trices. Em. Sat. .Mats., 25c. 50c. 73c, Sl-S $1.50. Lose HoifK. SI All Other Matinee, 23c, 50c and $1.00. Loses and Boxes, 31.50 D. W. Griffith's Marvelous Spectacle 18,000 PEOPLE IX ! iiASl 4 5000 SCENES COST $500,000 8 MONTHS TO PRODUCE X M ml illir f Pv 1 4 1 I J m XiSI IM ,'05S gm m m xdw wrssj5jit3iKsy?' SECURE SEATS -EARLY AND AVOID JLHSAFl'UJINTMttiNX na 3000 HORSES J" engagement: positive mf ENDS NOVEMBER FACTS ABOUT "THE BERTH OF A NATION j 27th IT WILL BE YOUR LIFE LONG REGRET IF YOU MISS THIS' Women's Dree ed 25 000 Yards and Ku KIux Ccslilmcs 12,000 nrcl of CIntli. A Mrleal Score f 40 I'lecen. Synchronized to the Several TIiuu.am! Distinct nnd Individual Scenes. Mtlit rhirtoernphy at Kittle Sienrs Invented nnd Perfected nt Cost at $5,000. A Series of Wild Kn Klnr "Klden" That Com mandeered a County for a Day and Coat $10,000. Vonl's Theatre. Msahlncton, Iteprodnced to the Smallfst Uetcll for the Lincoln Tragedy. IllEKCSt Uattles of the Civil War Ke-enaeted. Cities Dullt Up and Then Dentroved bf Tire. MAKING ALTOGETHER Tlio Matt Stupendous Dramatic nnd Spectaenlar FnterprUu Which tho Brain o( Man Han Yet Vta loned nnd Krallirdt i TO OUT-OI-TOWN 1'ATllONh: lou must see 'Tile lllrth of a Nation" In Philadelphia or .OT AT A I.I. tlilt hhwh. The route mappnl out Includes none of the smaller ciliei In this vicinity. HIGHLY LMl'OKTANT : -The ISlrth of a Nation" Wilt Never Be frcientml at Any nut the Ulsbest Clum Theatres and at Trice Customarily Chnrxrd In Such riayhouitea. D. Vf. GRIirnTU, SEATS ON SALE TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE W jj, JfU; ''!, jj 8SSSS"iS,W's""s!! 5" ''CS'SgJSS'SSSSm . -'i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers