Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 29, 1915, Final, Page 7, Image 7

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Presence of Uncmptied Recep
tacle in Colorado Advanced
ns Reason for Refusing
Penna. Women Vote
Degradation of Women, DrnRgcd Into
Mire of Politics, Painted
In Contrast
IlrrniiKP one Rnrlincp run In tlrntrr,
Cot "n" ""' emptied, l'riniN)!tnnln
nomrn nlinulil tint hint" the iilp.
Itfi-niiKt" """ """' In "" Mnlc of
Unalilnclim wim furred (n fnrrRo the
Jo) of l,rT "I'rliiU lioiiHprlpnnliiB to
(nr on n Jurj. lrnnnlniiln Mniiirn
lhould not bur the le.
Urcninr. ulnre the lilrth of the vtnninn
toffrnBP movement In Atnrrlrn, 05
Ifirn nKO, the Ntntim of rmninn him
itcnilll.v lmprned, Iennrlniilii Tromen
(hould'not lime the nte.
IlrrnUKP Hip rnfrnnrhlaement of the
(K) per ppnt. of Ihp women In the United
State nn nn,e no property rlRht
nonld pnuip n tnx Inrrenne for the 10
rr pent, nhn do own property, Penn
ajhnnln women nliould not lime thp
Ilrpniixp thp pure food IniT of thU
itntp lire well inn do nnd rplcloiil.r
enforced, I'ennnyHnnln women Nhniitd
not hme tup -oip.
nronuxr thp hpnltli pthllilt of thl
.tnte nt thp I'nnnmn Kxponltlnn mil
twnrdpil thp IiIbIipM honors, Wnnijrl
Timln women nhnnlil not lime thp nte.
OpenliiR their eadpinv of Music rallv
last nlsbt with n re.uiliiK of n list of the
l presidents of the l'pnntvniiln As
foclntlon Opposed to AVomnn SuffrnRc,
fllt! a dramatic pause after e.uh lilsli
oundlnK name so that the full impoit of
Mr So and So and Mr Thli and That's
belnff allied with their foroei mlclit slult
In and duly Impress the proletharlnt, the
antls let down the hats of their most
trenchant oratoij In an endeavoi to stem
the tide of suffrncc sentiment, which een
In the conservative Kej stone State shows
algns of hreakhig the dam of prejudice
and tradition
With tears In her voice and with quiv
ering gestures Mrs O D OUphant. of
Trenton, told how these home-lolnR antls
had been Hteralb forced from their
domiciles Into the public arena b the
Irrepressible activities of the suffragists
With tears In his voice and with rcs
tures that quivered likewise, John Cad
walader, Jr , who presided, painted a
drab picture. Indeed, of the manner In
uhlch women "mothers, wives, sisters,
daughters" was what he said would bo
subjected to the degradation of being
dragged through the mire of politics
lhould a majority vote "yes" on the
amendment next Tuesday
In more robust tones Mrs A J. George,
a Massachusetts woman of Amazonian
proportions, touched on the plnslcal
weakness of the female sex and the un
reliability of woman's nerves, nnd Judg
ing from the applause thnt she got. men,
at least those of antl proclivities, regard
& bit of neurasthenia as an added asset
to feminine charm
More persons could have got In the
Academy than were there last night
More should have been there as a mat
ter of fact, for tho enteitnlnment was
good If ou don't believe this read tho
quota of arguments I have culled as be
ing among the choice reasons put forth
during the eening
I confess that I approached the meet
ing with strong suffrago feelings Strange
as It may seem I came nwaj with them
lam still a suffragist Nothing that was
tald last night was strong enough, not
even an uncmptied Denver garbage can,
to shako my convictions
I do not mean to say that the "antl"
rallv was a failure Addressing their
arguments to antls, they were met with
approval From beginning to end tho
male voters of this State were given pat
upon pat on tho back for the faithful
performance of their duty. In respect to
these tactics the opponents to woman
sullrage do not In any way differ from
those In favor The suffragists, too, be
lieve that good men cast good votes
though the antls seemed to lose sight of
this last night
Oklahoma Tribesmen Congratulate
Executive on Coming Wedding
WASHINGTON. Oct 2 -''resident
Wilson was today congintulnttd on his
coming wedding bv nn Oklahoma Indian
chief with two wives and live children
The President expressed appreciation
The private olllce of the President
looked like nn Invvlan wigwam while the
felicitations were being exchanged, for.
In nildltlon to Uttle Man, the one with
the two wives, there were I.ltm, whoso
six fret follp Tnntln llm Inll tl-t.ltft lAnlr
like a schoolbov; llnbblt nun, Hrnln-ln-Hood.
Gont Chief and Harry Monroe.
"They kh.v," explained the Interpreter,
"that thev could not lenvc the cltv with
out seeing the Great White Chief."
l.lttlo Mnn grunted some more nnd
mnili other signs to llraln-ln-Good. who
exploded some gutturals in the direction
of tho Interpreter
' He wants to congratulate vou on vuur
ii'iulng wedding," cxplnlncd Monioe
The Prisitlent shook hands villi all of
them o-id declared that It gave him much
pin ism e u. send his greetings to tho
tribes tlie represent
Algernon Hogarth Swithmore
Thinks Arguments of 'Antis"
Arc "Preposterous, Bah
Something Is "in the Air" as
Announcement of Date and
Place of President's Mar
riage to Mrs. Gait Is
First Craft of Its Kind Owned by
City to Go at Auction With
Two Other Vessels
The old-time terror of river pirates and
the salvation of many a drowning per
son was today ordered sold at public
auction It Is the pollceboat Visitor, the
first pollceboat commissioned In the city,
which will be disposed of together with
the pollceboat Kunomla and the tug In
spector, on November 17.
The orders were signed today by Direc
tor Drlpps, of the Department of Public
Safety, and Director Meigs, of the De
partment of Wharves, Docks and Terries.
Tho Visitor has been out of commission
for four jears, and has been tied to the
wharf at the House of Correction with
the Inspector The Kunomla Is a 66-foot
gasoline launch of comparative!, modern
WASHINGTON, Oct 29 Activity about
the White House grounds Indicates that
fcomethlng la "In the air." The gardeners
nie laving out flower beds afresh for the
late fall, workmen arc busy cleaning
the outside of the executive mansion and
within the redecorating work goes on
This has led some to the belief that
the wedding of the President and Mrs
Gait may be held In tho White House
Those closely In touch with tho situation,
howevei, declare that the President and
Mrs Gait have definitely agieed that the
wedding should be held In the Gait home
One of tho principal reasons advanced
for this Is that a simple home wedding
will obviate the necessity of Inviting the
diplomatic corps
Under present conditions, the bringing
together of the European diplomats at
a big social function at the White House
might prove embarrassing both to the
diplomats and to tho President.
Tinea young ladles of Washington are
resting In the blissful assurance that they
will be Invited to the wedding These are
little Mary Tumulty, Nancy Lane and
Sally McAdoo They haven't missed a
White House wedding jet during the
Wilson regime.
Washlngtonlans were greatly Interested
today in the exhibit at one of the hotels
here of the Boiling coat-of-arms, an heir
loom of the family of Mrs. Norman Gait.
The insignia is sable with escutcheon er
mlno between eight martlets
Tho wedding gown in which Mrs Gait
will be mnirled to the President Is almost
completed, Intimate friends of Mrs. Gait
say And simultaneously with this state
ment comes an Intimation from sources
close to the engaged couple that the wed
ding will not be much longer dclajed.
,1 77 Suifjimorr on .'itfllls'i ,'',,'?r
o 'AfnitelpMn lie has observed the
auffmoc in orr in cut (it .milfoil mirl Mier-
pool tie became ei roiirrri in "- -ranc
raur, Upon Ms tiithnl n America,
anil especially In I'hllailclvhla, he ions
nmn:r.l to ftml a number ot uomcil ne
tUclu oppostna Votes for llumoii. lie
thereupon wrote his i letra mid then are
hete piescnteit (it his fjplcnl Kiitflls" V'e
It Is so diclilcdl pppostciou
I understand thnt In some of the Moom
Ing States, the Inhabitant cannot vote U
It so happens, don't ou know, that she
appeals on the pulil'c thoroitghfuttu in
skirts Instead of trousera deal me
Dlast ms If It doesn't positively stlUa
my most persistent deductions to discover
that an ndult ot the masculine gender run
dynamite safes and elect Presidents at the
same time, while the fairest fcmlnlno of
most honorable characteristics cannot
have a voice In the selection of the
bobbv on her beat
It nppenm that the polltlrsl hallvwha'-k-crs
have decided tn the comfort of their
own cIhriIi iiiiiciups thai the fnlrvi Is
hcpolessl iiiniuallllrd to loin tho mob of
criminals and asinine takes who par
ticipate In mobilising the ballot although
fho does lollv wll in sin h n degrading
position ns college piesidrnt
The expostulations of these bangdlver-
eus clnptrappern against feminine partici
pation are so hopelessly deficient mat,
In my most magnanimous moments, I
would bfltely consent to their incarcera
tion with really sensible lunatics
Inexhaustible vocabularies falter
IVmales are out mothers, wives, sweet
hearts and daughters Of this fart we
are cognlrant. You Jollv will know that
tlwv taught us to eat, vvnlk, love nnd
Hare jou. In vour wildest dclltlum of
madness, assert that this ndorahle femi
nine suddenl becomes non compos men
tin when she grasps tho document con
ferring citizenship?
It Is most profoundly shocking, I say,
to think that we believe her ijrcat enough
to boll our coffee, broil our ci.ops. raise
j our chltdtcn nnd enler Into partnership
I with our very Important elstence, nnd
I then denounce her aspirations In most
violent exaggerations when she rightfully
endeavots to pfirtlclimlc In the manage
ment of our glorious Institutions, which
she aids In an extremely large measure,
I snv. In maintaining.
What asinine pollv whoddle Is there to
exclaim that women would cotnpllonto
the present mean of masculine Govern-
I meiit, and, believe me, It would be a
most herculean task to Imptove upon
the glRnntlc stupidity of the legislative
connoisseurs, whose superh rot has be
fuddled even the conservative Intellectual
I celebrities, who would rule the universe
by the card Index system.
I The mouthing of convenient epigrams
to suit the weazened views of the arro
gant "antl" Is the only pussy-footed ar-
i Kument presented to a brain congealed
. with perpetual egotism
And really, don't you know. It '. super
lative foil to listen to the alleged rea
sons iiiiiim gated by those opposed to the
feminine privilege,?
Hear their maudlin ravings Just a mo
ment, If ou please
' If women vote, let them fight."
"Thev would double tho Ignorant vote."
" woman's place Is In the home."
I wouldn t take m wife or sweetheart
lo the polls "
And this only gives the slightest Inkl
to the Ignorance of the silly stupids.
Cannot you observe that these are s
penduously Illogical reasons which pt
that they really have no reason at nil
The fairest females tire aiding the mi
to fight. preventlnB the doubling of i
Ignoramus vote and making home '
Ideal place for the great Individual kno
as Man to eat In
And ou lolly well know that they v
purify the polls nnd tho laws wh
emanate thither When tho mnstodoi
males hear that the fair creatures
to be present, the stay-at-homes v '
Munter forth In their most excelb
sartorial embellishments nnd, with '
pandlng egotism, condescend to parti
pate In the nation's deliberations.
r j u r ,t i,
N.WSA iotl "
Good Shoes Maker to Wearer
10 Philadelphians Wed at Elkton
ELKTON. Md, Oct. 20 -Philadelphia
furnished five of the seven couples mar
ried In Elkton this morning They were
Frank A. Kamlall, Jr. and Rachel W.
Randall, George S Stjler and Bessie N
Got In, John C Stauffer nnd Margaict J
McCanna, Ramond A Frelllng nnd Isa
bella H Sayers and Jack B Cottlngham
and Matilda K Max, nil of Philadelphia,
William R. Borger and Hannah R. Rott
cler, East Catasauqua. I.ec H Ming and
Nellie Barns, Chicago.
.... yi yv
Few people find short cuts
to success.
Most of the men who make
good in the world travel
the long road, and work
every inch of their passage.
It takes fifty men four years
to make a Rameses.
Natural, then, that "The Aristo
crat of Cigarettes" should appeal
to the pick of humanity.
Both have obtained Success, not
by a fluke, but by real worth.
The resulting capital of quality
is there for good permanent-inbred.
Rameses character is in the cigarette
not on the label.
That's why "Nobody ever changes from
f Philadelphia f
In tens, twenties
and week-end tins
fypsy wueen
(Trade Mark Registered)
One of Fifty Distinct
ive New Styles at
Ifs been many seasons since
authentic fashion has sanctioned
such a distinct novelty as the
"Gypsy Queen," and quite a
long time since a novelty shoe
was produced that fit so splen
didly. la Kil3n4ffht blue, French bronz.
patent leather or Uoyal Jet kid, plain
or piped with white Leather Louis
heels, light welted aole with cloat
trlmmed custom edges. Our workroom
price S
919-921 Market Street
Oiancb New Cnalal Curntr.
Store. I 60th A Ghratnnt tit
Own 402x-.1O lancnsttr At.
UT,nf (2748-4H (irrmnnlown At.
Evenlnr v8604-06 OrrniHnlotTn Att.
, J' ,v?. ' ttlt&zx&SKWi'hiA i&if I
x T!teSS'lWSHIH,
U I TV-V. W rfTSiJ I &Z&xs&U J"V.'
IFIii 111, Ilk II IP11 If1 Iliflffli
W 111 SWli wm rSii If
11 MMk I'll iiii ItsiJ lliiiii
There is NO Better Coal
Sold in Philadelphia
There is no firm buys better, there
is no firm, larjje or small, can give
you better service at any price.
Wc handle only the very
Best Coal
Egg, $6.75 Stove, $7.00
Chestnut, $7.25 J & Pea, $4.75
tHO lbs. to every ton for SO years
Satisfied Customers for 30 Years
Our uto lruck deliver north of Market
etrtet, eaat of 30th Htreet.
Owen Letter's Sons
The larnr.t and beat equipped coal yard
In l'hlladrlphla.
Tr.n. J 1IT.1 !.! Oi
"cuiuii una wt'simuruiunu oib.
"U Phone, Frankford 232. Key,. Eait 233.
Diamonds and Jewelry
United States Loan Society
117 N. Broad St.
liiiiiaiiniiiii'iiiiii'iiii:, sfffff ' .i.'iiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiii" heppe h ' i1" r " r " :: i1 ' ' 1 1 if i m i 'mmmsm mssmmMmm i iii mm
Enjoy a Victrola for Hallowe'en The Heppe
Rental -Payment Plan makes a
Heppe No. 4 Outfit
Victrola IV $15.
Record 4.50
Total $19.50 DOWN
Heppe No. 8 Outfit
Victrola VIII $40.
purchase possible
Victor merchandise is sold on a basis entirely different from the usual custom.
Although Victor prices are alike all over the United States, at Heppe's you can buy any
Victrola at the cash price and make your settlement either in cash or charge account, or
by the Heppe rental-payment plan. No matter what plan you use, no interest will be
charged. By the rental-payment plan you can secure any instrument at a mere rental
rate, all rent applying to the purchase price. This is only one of the many advantages
distinctive of Heppe Victor Service.
Our various outfits and the terms of our rental-payment plan are listed
Heppe No. 6 Outfit
Victrola VI $25.
Record 4.50
DOWN Total $29.50
Heppe No. 9 Outfit
Total $45. DOWN
Victrola IX $50.
Records $10.
Heppe No. 10 Outfit
Victrola X $75. tr
Record .$10. J)Q
Total $85. DOWN
Kini HVnt si2JiZZir Ml Ml in in v
m M WCTItOLA VIII, to v f
DOWN Total $60.
MCI KOLA , $75
Heppe No. 14 Outfit
Victrola XIV $150. hfA
Record. .jMO. q)XU
Total 160. DOWN
'""nuu VICTKOI.A MV, 1B0
Write for large Illustrated Catalogue
In pianos, remember we have the Heppe patented three-sounding board instruments and the world'famous Pianola.
These instruments also sold on the rental-payment plan.
CI UrppC JPr COM 1117-1119 Chestnut Street
. J. OJLriEj Ot OKJW 6th and Thompson Streets
Heppe No. 11 Outfit
(10 Victrola XI $100.
Q Record. $10.
DOWN Total $U0.
Heppe No. 16 Outfit
Victrola XVI $200.
Record. $10.
TotaJ ,....$210.
H ranch 414 8. 6th St.
t-.jiftjrjM ill) eefianu , A
mar '''"1ii .
. M lV
ti .J"-
' a -iiim 1 1 nJiaaai A i , i n '
n. &&&Siem