Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 29, 1915, Final, Page 4, Image 4

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    Hi ii ipm
f$pMHrFWmrwi' ' ' "" ' '
General C. II. May Aicramentc Lived
in New Orleans
NKW "Itl.KANM. I.n . Ht !9 - Ui-n-rml
f II Mh Amitmenle, formetlv
ptesldcnt of the American colon v In
Mexico rit, wait executed In the Mexi
can innltal 1ft days ko. according to
dative of the lull"
Teutons Mass Great Force le"'mvwn.hT'r,-
al TCipI With Trnimnnrts nnnham voting, ami m r' ma
at, .iyiv,! vun iidiispuiLs , Io Wil(( ( clnw frr,li( uf ,)rn,,n,, ,.or. ,
for Attack
flrlo IMsr. The ihiii,if- nts.iirit
menle nnii rut nlvi n In th, I' Mm
Further Advance in Tyrol
Threatens Riva Fall of
Gorizia Expected
LONDON. Oct . -The British War
Orfi. Is in p session of information
wVith pnces beyond doubt that tier
many Intends in the near future to at
tempt n l.mJmg on Knglish soil.
The irvasum is planned to lake place
on the cc.ii-t of Kent. Just south of the
Isle of She,,pi More than four artn
corps of tlrst mo Merman troops weie
told off for the itillleh expedition.
Lord Kitchener, the Secretary ef War,
long w.t otber mllltar men who have
been watching the disposition of German
forces, have been puttied for some time
by the nlRciiLr fiom aitlve service of
several corps of tlermanv's best veterans.
3 no trace of the troops could be
secured on the battlefield, spies were sent
Into Holland llclglum and Germanv.
These spies unearthed the Information
that the troops were quartered near llio
Kid Canal where a big fleet of war
ship end transports Is being HeP' uy tn0
German Admiralty.'
The German plan wib to swoop down
on the Kivllsh coast at a spot where
they would bo least expected, yet within
striking distant e of London. Plimlly the
mouth of toe Thames was selected
For weeks thousands of Hittlxh troops
have been dinfted Into this area, and
have bcei hu"y digging trenches on the
Downs overlooking the UnnliMi channel.
Along the beach from Heme bay to
a point opposite the Isle of Shepney
barbed wtie entanglements have been
erected and iiuns planted to sweep the
Most of the wire entanglements wore
stretched on low ground, which Is sub
merged at b.Rh tide. Only when the tide
Is in couM ii landing be expected, for
ot.ierwisa ihr flatness of the beaili would
mean a match of more than a mllo In
wet tand
The town of Canterbury Is ciammed
with troops uii'l machine guns. Heavy
suns havt been moved down from Wool
wich Arsuul The warehouses nre tilled
with nmr. umtlo.i
Two Men Huy Strip of Land on MHine
Coast Call It Experimental Station
mUTI.ANM Me. ct 2! Mvsterv
surrounds the conalrtu Hon of a new wire
less plant which. It Is liellevnl. Involves
Herman Inlerexlt.
(i II. I letter ml Kmll K. Mayer pur
chafed a strip of land on the Maine rnnst.
savin thev were froing to rotwlrwt a
wireless station to conduit experiments
for the fulled Stales tlovernment. How
ever, the land wai bought In Mavor's
name Hoth men hc nppnrentlv Herman
Fifty Days of Hindenburg's
Offensive Characterized
by Heavy Drive
Supplies for Allies Destroyed
Lust Night in Seattle, Balti
more and New York Mu
nition Factory Damaged
NKW YOUK, Oct. 2t
Four fires entailing a loss or mora
than half a million dollars' worth of sup
plies being shipped to the Allies dostrov
od piers In Seattle, a munition plant and
pier In Baltimore and damaged a steam
ship In New York last night. All of the
tiros were of supposed Incendiary origin,
believed to have been stnrtod by mem
bers of the pro-tlcrman conspiracy which
Secret Service agents nro bending every
effort to solve.
That there is a person or persons higher
tip who financed the schemes ol the live
active plotters Fav Scholz. Hieltung,
Klcnzte and Docseha, who are under ar
restIs the firm belief of the Federal in
vestigators. The fire at Seattle destroyed a pier oc
cupied bv Dodwell ci Co.. Ltd., agents
for the niuo Funnel Line of Hrltlsh
steamships, entailing a loss of piobably
more than S.V101100.
The Blue Funnel Line ships hnvo been
taking barbed wire, machinery and Im
plements of war across the Pacific. The
Islon on her next trip was boohed to
stop at Vladivostok with supplies for
At Baltimore, Piers 34 and 3R, at Locust
Point, used ns bonded Government ware
houses and stored with more than $12300
worth of Imports, consisting principally
of china, earthenware ond liquors, were
imo'i'ii itv tv i i ii.'c? i destroyed by fire that broke out at 7 .V)
"' ' ' "" ' l" ""'"'e' 'ol..L inlirhl
ROM!:. Oct .
Slight advances by the Italian troop
0T nirTJCt A MIA WOOI?! O I '" th' Monte Nero son and on theCarso
IN 1 ILKO AlL) VliOOLLO P''faii are recorded In last nl.hr. of.
ii '""u"'!" ' I ilclsl statement, while Austrian attacks
I were reoulsed In the Torra Valley and
In the Plava sector, on the Isonio front
the Italians have c aptured M1 prtMnera.
including 111 officers, and have taken
a mortar, 21 machine guns and a quan
tity of other material In the week end
ing October 17.
The Austrlnns are lushing relnrerce- i
metita to th" Italian front to withstand
the Italian offensive, hut the belief is
cxrrossed In olllclal itrcles hero that
these reinforcements will not be able to
port pone the fat: of Goriala, about which
Italian effort has centred for some time.
It Is ex pert oil also tnat Ulva, at the head
of Lnko Oarda, will soon be In the hands
of the Italians
The official statement Issued by the War
Olllce last night follows:
"On the evening of October 25 an enemy
attack on our position In the Torra Val
lev, preceded by an Intense artillery and
rllle fire, was repulsed with serious loss.
"In the Monte Nero 2one the severe
temperature did not diminish the actlvltv
or spirit of our offensive. Fresh prog
ress was made on October 27 against the
VfKlll forts. W- dislodged the enemy
from strong Intrencliments and took 79
prisoners and one machine gun.
"In the Plnva sector a large contingent
I of the enemy's Infantry attacked on Oc
tober 27 our positions before Cllobna nnd
was repulsed, leaving in our hands 2
prisoners. Including two officers.
"On the Cnrso plateau "n October 27
our troops succeeded vlth bombs and ex
plosives In capturing several tremhes and
dispersing the enemy.
"The net result ot the operations from,
October 21 to October 27 along the Isonzu
front was the capture of JM1 prisoners,
Including 113 officers, one mortar, four
band grenades, 21 machine guns, moro
than a thousand lilies and a quantity
of other material
Puo' Ormai Salvaro la
Piazza di Gorizia
Excepl around Riga and IJvinsk, where
the Germans are renewing their efforts
to reach the Dvina lllver, and near Csar- i
torvsk, on the Styr, thero has been no
heavy lighting In the ttusfllan arena
, , . ,. r, . ' KnfTaenirnts on a small scalo have
Dopo Tre Giorni di Spaventoso , t,i..n piBrp Wet 0r wga. showing that
tt..-. j: r ,.,,(,. TvTinlr ' tr.e ijermans are attacKiiiK in a new u-
Uragano di Granatc, iNiento , iavtlon nithPP, lll0lr ,,,, aU(u.k ,1BV(,
been from the south and southwest of
that ilty, where they were checked. On
the Stvr and In Uallcla the Sertuan offen
sive, according to the Uuselan report,
has been stopped.
The repulse of Russian attacks In the
Dv Insk roglon and near tho central part
of the line, and success for General von
Llnslngen's troops In the southern sector
are recorded 111 the German official state
ment Field Marshal von Hindenburg's nrmy
has repulsed Russian attacks made
against the positions recently taken by
the Germans northeast of Oarhunowka,
In the Dvinsk sector, and German troopi
have ognln occupied tho cemetery of
Sznszuly In this region, evacuation of
which was reported yesterday Two ofll
ecrs and IV) men wetc taken prisoners.
The failure of a strong attack by the
Li iXDON, Oct. 29
A statement issued todav bv the Orcek
Legation dcnlei that Greece Intends to
assume an attitude of hostility toward
the Allies troops now on Greek soil.
The statement follows
"Latelj there have appeared In tho
press various items of news derived from
German ustrian and Bulgarian Journals
and news apt mica and bearing upon tho
attitude and 'mentions of Greece, such
as a nnthlen! mission of M. SophoulU
(a former Governor of Macedonia) to
King Ferdinand the refusal of King Con
stantino to re eive Ministers of the En
tente Powers and Intentions by Greece
to menace the security of the allied
troops at Salonicn. and so forth.
"The Greek Minister has received tele
graph instruction from Premier Znimis
to contradict. In the most categorical
manner these rumors, which. In spite
of repeated denials, were propagated even
In Athens, and the malevolent object of
which Is onlv too evident In the en
deavor to prejudice public opinion nnd
sow suspl, ton of hostility between tho
Entente Powers and Greece."
The buildings vvei c
worth JWO.tiOO.
For week extra cordons or ualtimoie
nnd Ohio Hnllroad police hove watched
the piers, in antUipallun of a possible
attempt to lire them ,and the great grain
elevators at the ends of the piers.
The llaltlmurc plant of the Poole En
gineering company was swept by a lire
which originated In an oil tank. The
I'oole company Is making a larce number
of shells for the Russian army.
The New York fire was discovered on
Imard the steamship Horovlan, under
charter to the French Line, as she lay
ot Pier SI. North River, preoaiatory to
sailing this morning with a cat go of munitions.
VIIiNNA. let 2!i That the Italian of
fensive Ik lolliipsiiig Is Indicated b the
followiim olllclal statement. Just Issued
b.v the Austrian War olllce:
"The Italians have not renewed their
attacks against our positions nt Doberdo.
A second arm.v Is continuing Its attacks
ROMA, Oltobre.
1 ferltl proventlentl dal fronte dl bat
taglla ed I soldatl Che accompagnatto
questl ferltl portano notizle dolla grande
offenslvn Inlzlata recentemente dal gen
cralo Cadorna rontro la llnea dl reslst
enza austrlaca Nclla eola zona dell'lson
zo all Itnllam hnnno catturato In una ct
tlmana ben 8031 prfglonle-., fra cut 113 uf
flrlall ed hnnno preso nl nemlro un olilce,
i mltragllatrlcl ed una nunntlln' dl altto
matermle da guerra. Oil aiistrlncl on In
vinnn In tiiita fretta rlnfoisl sul fronte
italluno, ma in questl clrcoll al lilttnc Itusslnns against troops of the army
che questl rlnforzl non r'tisciranno n
pospoire la caduta deflnltlvn delta pl
ascxa dl Gorizia contio ul si sono in
nuestl ultlml tempi concentratl tuttl gll
sforzl degll Italian!.
Tuttl coloro che rllornano dal fronte dl
i.n,t....iin ,ii.iiin ..tin a ntenaraslone dl
artlgllerla che precedettc roiiensiva e chu j uviiisk. so inr enc oniy tesun nas occn
duro' tro ginrnl fu iualche cosa dl ter- i an enormous loss of men. Despite tho
rlblle. Era un Inferno per k11 attlglleil I mass of heavy siege guns brought from
Italian! r doveva essere uualcho cosa dl KonlgRbern to lllng showers of metal,
assal peggiore per coloro In mezzo a cut Dvliu-k remains be.vond the range of tho
le granatc e Rll shrapnels scopplnvnno German lire
Gil Italian! stanno ora raccogllendo i Yet tlie Importance of the attack Is
fruttl della loro slstomatlca distruzione ; too great to allow It to be abandoned,
del nostl dl osscrvnzlone nemlcl. che la, on Hhidenburg seems determined to
settlmana scorsa ernno tuttl ellmlnatl e reach Dvinsk for tho purpose or sntlsfy
nelle muni desll ltnllnnl. Questa peirtitu Ins public opinion, nnd the Germans nre
e' stntn giavlsslma per gll nustriacl gl- I now preparing a new plan of attack. Gen
aechc' hn rldotto Taccuratezza del loro i ernls von Buclow and Lauetii,tcln. with
tjro i four divisions of von Mackensen's army.
.' , ... . .n,, j have nirlved from the south to operate
Le forae 'tallane sone . ora In solido Ulga-Dvinsk fronts. General Rus-
possesso della Ctma Fre Id, . In. . lrzll determined not to jield. and
Vhri. che c uno degll amtoli el formlda- , 1C ,s u
b lie trlatmolo .11 difesa dl Tolmlno Giossl roroRts-Rlu, marsnes nni n approaches
rlnforzl nustriacl che ernno stntl con- , ...
centrall nelle viclnnnze di Gorizia sono lu "'" p
stall costretti a rltlrnrsl, ma essl Incen- I
dinrono una etesa lona dl cumpngna per ! Wilson Gives Job to Gunner s Widow
protcggersl contro un Insegulmento. WASHINGTON, Oct. 29. President Wll-
01 Prince Leopold or Bavaria near
Thtsnerss ts nnnounced.
General von Llnslngen's nrmy. In the
southeni sector, has riptured Rudka. to
the west of Caartorysk.
Yesterday wns the Both day of Marshal
von Hltulenburg s nrrenslve against
Bonwu Teller cCq
Sfte xScxxtaftitSJiob cfOrtgihationA
Jeunes Filles
Specialized Stylcyfor the Cofcgc
Miss and Debutante in Formal
Taillcur and Lounge Suits.
Misses' Costume Suits TThe y-of J-T f"J
Jeanne Lanvm earned ovl m
the long-coated Ruuian models. S'dl( velvet, chiffon velvet, Rodier
duvcl;n enriched with furs. In rvhile, Anaconda, Afriquc and
other fashionable shades. Prices $65, $98.50, $110, $285.
Rcco 11 testn del comunlcato ufllclnle
PARIS ' . t ."i The Austro-German
advance Into uorthwehtern Serbia has
been clu KeJ a cording to an olllclal
comm.ima'ie mi the Balkan sltuutton
Issued bj ihf French War OHlce today.
It follows
"Since Oi tobei 26 the Austrlans have
contlnu d to bombard the Montenegrin
front south of the Drlna River, but with
out anv 'esiilt Near Vlcegrad tho
enemy s advance has been checked. Aus-tro-Gern
an attacks In tho direction of
Gatzko were repulsed "
Continued from I'llKe One
hoviuiiiva Heights, said to be the key
to the foi'tifliatlons which surround it
Tbo olllclal account spoke of "long and
snnguinary fighting" as preceding tho
Bulgarian capture of Plrot fortress
Mast of Vlcearad (nn Aui-trlan town 10
ml'es from tho Serbian western frontleri,
.aid a Vienna olllclal statement, vvhero
the Serbians have lor a lonrf time been n
few miles across the boundary upon Aus
trian soil, thev have ut last been driven
Into their own tertltor by un Austrian
advance along both sides of the Kalaula
I liver
Two Hanking uttacks against us by
Montenegrins (whose frontier is a few
miles south of Vlcesrndl were repulsed,
said the olllclal statement
The French, according to German dis
patches, have nlrcndy landed 15O.U00 men.
w Ith 100 guns, nt Salonicn.
Forts defending Vnrnn. the chief Bul
garian port on the Btnck Sea. were badly
damaged bv the bombardment of Russian
warships, it was officially announced to
day nt Petrogrnd.
While tho Bulgarian city was under lire,
German submarines appeared nnd tried
to attack the Russian ships, but were
driven off.
The bombardment lasted for hours,
eoaplnncs co-operating with the naval
gunnerB by dropping uumua ,iu,.. ...
aealnst us at Tcrrltaln and in the Flltseh I pubbllcnto ierl sera dal Mlnistero della
(Plezzoi basin. Another nrmy is making uuerrn.
"Nella sera del 2S Ottobre nol respln
gemmo con gravl perdlto per II nemlco un
vlolento nttacco contro le m.stre nuove
posizioni nelln vnlle del Torra. che era
stnto preceduto da una lntcnsa prepara
zlone di nrtlgllerla.
"Nellu zona del Monte Nero la bassa
temperatura non fece punto dlmlnulre lo
spirito della nostra offensive, ed II 27 cor
rente nol fncemmo nuovl progre'sl contro
i forti del Vodll. Ivl nol sloKKlnmmo II
nemlco dn fortl trlnceramentl o gll prcn
demmo 79 piiglonlcrl ed una mltra-
t gllatrlce. I
I "Nella zona ill liava una grossa
nostre poslzlonl davantl n Globna. ma fu
rcsplnta e losclo' nolle nostre man! 29
29 prlslonlerl compiesl due ufflclall.
"Sull'iiltoplano del Carso II 27 Ottobre
rluscliono con bombc ed
attnclts in the Dolomites sector.
"An armv In the southern Tvrolese
Alps, on the I.n Fraun highlands. Is
making sapping attacks. All the nt
tem ts of the Italians to drive us from
our positions have failed utterly. At
tnckn at othei points on the front weie
lep'ilsul In us The bridgehead nt Go
riin is s-till undei hi aw shell fire '
son today waived the civil service rules
nnd by executive order appointed Mrs.
Fredeiick Gillman, of Vallejo, Cnl., as
senmstress or llagmakcr of tho Mare
Island Now Yard. The woman's hus
band was a gunner on the Ill-fated sub
marine F-1.
nUorn.r,.r flndf inn a Ponflll-nrl I le nostre trUppe I'lUSCllOnO con
winwiiiJufeiiv j un v i. j i vu v i CSpjosivl a prendere nl nemlco pareichlc i
by French Under violent Ar
tillery Fire Throughout
Night and Day
Official Forecast
For eastern Pennsylvania Partly
cloudy tonight Saturday fair: gentle to
model ate so thwest to west winds.
Showers oicuned In the St. Lawrence
vaiiev wfsiern .New i oi i, nurwiwuaierii ,,.,
Pennsylvania and the Florida peninsula . .rlp jsulgarlan imrbor works, sheds
iring the last 21 hours, while fair ..., .. i,n,,.riea were reported badly
eathcr prev iIImI over tlie remainder of i ,iamaKCd but It was denied that the town f"'" '
ie countrv clear skies are generally re- ' iteelf suffered i
PARIS, Oct. 21.
A violent artillery duel, which lasted
a day and night without cessation. Is le
ported from the Champagne region in nn
offl ial communhiue Issued by the French
Wur Office today.
Night Puhtlns also occutred In tho
Aitois, where conflicts with bombs nnd
torpedock took place.
The text of the communliiue follows:
"During last night conflicts with
bombs and torpedoes, which weie of espe
cial violence, occurred north of the AImio
River m the sectors of Pulsalclne and
Ijucnni virts.
"in Chnmpaane the nitilleiv duel previ
ously icported continued throughout tho
whole nifilit in tin- legions of Tahuie,
M nun de chnmp.igne and La Courtlne
' There in nnthinz to -eport from any
ti Hi of the fiont."
trincee id ! dixiriileilo.
"II risultato delle nostie operazlonl dal
Jl nl 27 Ottobre sul fronte dell'Isonzn e'
costltulto da 5(it priglonlerl, fra cui 11.1
nfllciali, un obice. quaatro ordegnl per
II lancio di granate n mano. 21 mitraBlla
tiicl. oltie in migllaio di fuclll ed una
quantlta' dl altro materiale."
II Secolo dl Mllnno dice cho Kzio Gari
baldi, uno del tre tlgll rlmastt vtvl dl
Ricclottl Garibaldi, e' Btato gravemente
ferilo In un combnttlmcnto nolle vlclnanze
ill Culurcn t'na pa 11a dl fucilc gll ha
peiforato un pnlmone, ed ora egll glace
nell ospedale inllltare dl Vcnezia dove e'
asslstlto dm genltoil. I'.kil era gin' stato
fcrlto un altra vnltu II IN Agosto, mu era
tomato nl fionte
Awnings Taken Down
HKi'AiitiNo nii:n
Awnlnes utorcd, repaired during winter
for rehanelnc In Fprlnc , nnmlnnl chart.
tvi:iii)iN(i CANoriKS
Bernard McCurdy
Race 0017 A. filbert 23IS
Many cleaners only distrib
ute stains and marks on
household linen. We have
fabric experts to do such
cleansing at the
Neptune Laundry
1501 Columbia Ave.
Misses' Suit Dept. Fourth Floor
Misses' Trotteur Suits
19.50 25.00 29.50
Suits which possess the chic and cachet that are typical of
youthful grace. Simple tailored and smart fur trimmed
styles in gabardines, broadcloth, tweed-like
mixtures, vclour checks and velour
de laine. Sizes 14 to 18.
Misses' Fur Trimmed Suits
Suits developed in broadcloth, vclour, corduroy, velve
teen and chiffon velvet, trimmed with skunk
dyed raccoon, beaver, opossum, seal
and real skunk. Sizes 14 to 18.
College & Daytime Frocks
12.75 15.00 18.50 25.00
Simple taillcur frocks of serge, Jenny plaid silk-and-serge, taffeta-
and-scrge for study hours and general service. Also more
formal styles in Georgette crepe and charmeuse in
the season's favored colorings. Sizes 1 4 to 18.
Misses' Daytime Coats
15.00 25.00 39.75 to 55.00
Russian Cossack and Guard Coats of montagnac-velour, chamois
cloth, gabardine, velour de laine and mixtures. High
collars of skunk-raccoon, braid bindings,
patent leather trimmings, silver embroi
dered edges. Sizes 14 to 18.
rtcd from the central vallejs and the
alns and Rocky Mountain States and
om most of the Plateau region. The
empcraturcs are somewhat erratic In
scattered localities, but, taken as a whole,
they 'ire generally seasonable- throughout
the entire country.
U. S. Weather lturcuu Iiulletin
Obbervatlons tHken at S a m.. ltvtera time.
N la.t Ilaln- Veloc-
BUilcn, u in n'l. fall. Wind lt VVcathtr.
Abilene. Tel IS 4H
t atitt Cliy iio si
Blsr-arlc. N I. 40 411
ilea on, Max Ml 4
Hurt il , N V
IC1K1, 111
, lev eland. Ohio
lien er C'nlo,
Ilea Molnpw la
Ii tro-t. Mich
I im, Slinn
tialc'on, Tex
llamrburg, I'm
Hj'teraa. N '
1'ttcni Mint
Huron B U
.'ill .Ml
44 44
r,2 m
41 4.'
42 Ai
41 41
II :u
us an
Dl 1.0
42 42
411 .11
Ja k nville Fla l
K 1 - 1 111 MU TS .-
1 At lb L l, Ky
M'm(.hia. Tenn
rw Tiri s,
r ilahoi
Hh l
ev YcrK 12 4S
K r atte, Neb . : :i
iianoiia uaia. ,w .is
tpl)l l 4W
i Ariz. . 'ti K
111 io)rn fa. l
I'ortian I, Me 48 42
Portland lire . M 82
tiucbe an 44 42
St 1 Jta, Mo. .VI .14
HI laul lli-m .IH ,IS
BaU ' axe I rah 4 HI
Ban Iian lo no mi
tcranten, la 4S 4'l
l inniirt-f .
dW l.t Clr
u l.t cl.ar
. . H l.t P.CIaudy
. . ,NW IS I'.CIouiJy
w l.t Clear
.. XIV 12 I'.CIoudy
Si 12 Clear
. . vv l.t Clesr
W 12 ciouiiy
HW 24 Clear
.. .'W l.t Clwr
.. B l.t Clear
. NK l.t ' l.ar
. HU l.t t'lwr
.. NK l.t Cltur
. X 38 lieuly
.. MB l.t I'lMr
.. 8W l.t Clear
.. NW l.t Clar
.. N l.t Clwir
HW 14 -u)y
.. 8W l.t tffiiar
.. SW l.t CUwr
8V l.t Cloudy
.. J-K l.t Clr
10 HW 10 Cleudy
.. SW l.t Cloudy
. N l.t Clouily
04 NK 14 l'loud
NW I.l Clear
VV 14 Clear
l; l.t Clear
NW l.t Clear
N I.l Clear
TO lH .01 S l.t 1' ' louilv
W 4S H l.t I'douiJ
HO Jl bW J2 Clear
To Atlantic City
Ocean City
Sen Isle City
Stone Harbor
Cape May
LT Cheatnnt er
South t. Kerry at
1JW A. U.
Ti.e natiliniea tlnallv returned In r.ifeu
lo the ships. Thero were no Russian
casualties and no damage to tho att,i k
Ing slilps.
Tlie following supplemental report was
Issued by tho Ilussinii Adimralt .
"The German stntoment that a Hubuin
llno ilnmngcd a Ilusslnn warship of the
Pantellmon clats Is untrue."
A mutiny tins broken out In tin Hul
garlan nrmy at Vnrnu. snvs an Attn n
dispatch to the Star today. The Bul
garian soldiers refused to man tin rfuns
while th jioit n under bombaidment
by Itusalan warships, shouting "Long
live nns!a,M Many of them were after
ward executed.
While fighting on Serbian terrltoiy.
Hulgnrla is feeling tho Iron grip of war
on her own soli. In addition to tlie
French Invasion near Strumnltza. tho
Illack sea and Aegean sea coasts are
kept under nn intermittent bombardment
by allied warships. Varna, Jlourgnls and
Hedeagatch have been nearly tleslroved
Itusalan aeroplanes have attacked Varna
from the air and also shelled the railway
leading Into the port from the west
frf . . -.fr3, .o -,. -. ,..j -"'
Imagine yourself
at this desk
Since no two men are
alike, no one overcoat can
fit both perfectly.
Only a made-to-measure
garment can Rive you the
d i s tlnctlve appearance,
the Individual style, the
exact lit you really want'
Here you can choose from
superb cloths Meltons.
Muntagnaes, Cromblesand
Alleslans. All fine, rloh.
fashionable, fabrics and
workmanship that can't
be surpassed.
$35 to $75
E. H. Peterson & Co.
1119 Walnut Street
Bitting down, working in comfort, all your accounts
(12,000 of them, we'll say) within arm's reach.
You'd know what you were doing every minute
and you wouldn't be working nights to keep your
"books" straight.
Isn't this the sensible way to keep accounts or
records of any kind?
This Library Bureau unit record desk (in either
wood or steel) represents a plain everyday business
idea. It is the most practical means devised to
assemble and handle card records.
It brings the facts of any man's business right
where be can, literally, lay his hands on them.
It's worth your time to find out where an L. B.
unit record desk would fit into your office system.
Library Bureau
Jdtnufacturlnar distributors of
Card and Ulnar systems. Unit cabinets In wood and steel.
910 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
The International Novice
Championship Typewriter
At the Annual Business Show at the Sixty-ninth
Regiment Armory, New York, October 25, 1915,
Miss Hortense S. Stollnitz
Operating a Model 10
Remington Typewriter
Miss Stollnitz wrote 114 words per
minute net for fifteen minutes, a
world's record for novices in Inter
national Championship Contests
This novice event is open only to those who have never used a typewriter previous
to September, 19 14. It is therefore the one event that gives a real indication of
the machine's part in the development of speed in typewriting.
The question of typewriter merit is not determined by what the exceptional
operator of exceptional training can do, but by what the average operator can do.
And the best answer to this question, afforded by any speed contest, is, what
can the novice do ? for the novice stage is the stage through which all operators
must pass.
By this test the Remington has proved itself to be THE operator's machine
the machine which enables the operator to do the most and the best work from
the very outset, and ever after.
Remington Typewriter Company
New York and Everywhere
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