Hi pmW"'',PWI""mr"Wwtw" EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1915. "'3 II MARNE SHELL SALE , WILL ADD BIG ITEM TO HOSPITAL FUND Jlissile Picked Up by Evening Ledger Correspondent on Fn . mous Battlefield Expected to Bring Large Sum LAST DAY OF CAMPAIGN Entire Fund of $500000 Will Bo Renlized by Tonight, Is , Prediction I When the snip of the Gorman shell picked up on the battlefield of the Marno by Kllen Adair, war correspondent of tho Evening I.BiiciEn, la started with Ur. Robert Le Conte's hid oft M50 In nld of tho Children's Hospltnl fund, at the clos ing banquet In the Hotel Adelphla to night, It will brlnjr, It was said by mem bers of the Campnlsn Committee today, from JSOOO to $10,000. Many Inquiries were made regardlnK this shell at tho Adel phla last night, mid Interest In it Is keener than any particular thing offered for sale In nld of the JSOO.OOO fund for the poor slclt children of Philadelphia. In addition to Miss Adair's shell and 11.50 In rare United States cold coins that will also be sold, un nttractlvo doll, whlrh 'has been given the name of "Miss Nurse," because It was made by nurses In tho present hospital on 22d street near Wal nut, will bo knocked down to tho high est bidder. K. T. Stotesbury, chairman of tho Campaign Committee, and who has given the largest Indlvlduul donation, 130,000, to the fund, will be tho auctioneer. Contributions for the SI hours which ended today at noon wero $31,012.13, bring ing tho total to $292,"SS.S6. This total Is nearly equal to the sum that the hospital has received In donations In the last three j cars. Many Interesting auctions will bo held tonight. Wniden McKcnty sent down an Inlaid mnhogany sowing table and tea trav, made by prisoners In the Eastern Penitentiary, to bo knocked down to tho highest bidder. Tho high llguro for today was made by the team led by Charles V. Cbuichman 510,417 This team has brought In more than 25,OiiO In tho last two days Doctor Olttings and Doctor Hand reported that their team had received a check for J1000 from Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo W. Child Drexel The Ladles' Executive Committee received $KKX from Mr. and Mrs. Kldredgc Johnson. A donation of $3 was made by two poor hard-working boys who hod been patients at tho Children's Hospital and felt grate ful for the treatment they had received. W. II. Donner, president of the Cambria Steel Company, sent $300. Tho reports of tho various teams today, designated by tho names of their captains, follow: William Alexander, $1S0. Charles W Churchman. S10.417, Albert n. Kelly. SHO. Wharton Kinkier, .":. Arthur M Wilson. $101.50. the Hex. Robert Johnston, J117. Dr. J. Norman llenrj, 1(10, (Umbel store team. St33, Wanamaker atoro team, '-"-5 10. Doctor Ulttlngs anil Doctor Hand, flJIO. J Randall Williams. 55, Doctor Cheston, 'JiS, Albert P Gerhard. M"4. Chester M Campbell, JtOO. Charles I'latt, B1, SJ75, seth M Whlteley, llfcO, Doctor Fralcy and Doctor Newlln, $2lt. Doctor Whirton and Doctor Hodge. $5isr, I. N. Le Hoy. Ml-!, Julian lllddle. 14M, Jobenh D. Israel, $l4. Doctor llabbltt and D01 tor Jones, SIC111O. IUibert I Mason, $22.1 M, Hotary Club, $10, Mrs J Hrnest Itlrhards, ftC!!!. Mies Sarah II. Hode, 8S1 7.1, Mrs Harold K. Yarnall, $.lS.i, Mrs. Trank M. Wlntman, $1500. Miss Clara Wachnttz, f2."i2 ., graduate nurses. Miss Fenstermaker. $14,153. Mrs. Archer and Mrs. Whelen, ?4S1 . Mrs William 11. Walsh, 4M5, Men's Executive Committee, S14S1.SO, Women's Bzccuthe Committee, $l47, SUIT TESTS PUBLIC SERVICE RIGHT TO PASS ON CONTRACTS Williamsport Men Seek to Have Ap proval Clause Set Aside HARMSnurtG, Oct. 3. Abraham Fis cher, H. T. Ames and M. G. Rhone, of Williamsport, today brought suit In the Dauphin County courts for a decree de claring that clause of tho public service act of 1013 governing the approval of municipal contracts null and void. The effect of this Is to attack the right of the Public Scrvlco Commission to pass upon contracts between municipalities or Individuals or corporations furnishing public service of any kind. Tho suit grows out of a contract be tween tho Lycomlng-Edlson Company and tho city of Williamsport for lighting of tho city streets, following tho decision of the commission some time ago, setting asldo a contract between the Citizen's Klectiic Company and tho city and direct ing that the bids be readvertlsed, the I.y-comlng-Kdison Company being low bid der as a lesult. The plaintiffs ask that the commission bo enjoined from taking action on the contract This lather really seethes your face WHEN you use Roslnol Shaving Stick thero are no tense, smarting aftereffects, no annoying shaving rashes to fear. That is because iU creamy lather is full of the amo soothing, healing, antiseptic balsams that make Reslnol Ointment and Res inol Soap bo effective in the treatment of skin affections. Sold by all good druecliti. For trial Iza stick free, write to Dept, -M, Realnol. Baltimore, Md. Resmel Shaving Stick s jPiJatWVGLy THE WOMEN'S LEAGUE FOR GOOD GOVERNMENT WANTS VOLUNTEICltED AUTOMOWLEa for lb iih ot , THE FRANKLIN PARTY I Oil t A ELECTION DAY Address at one AUTOMOI1ILI3 COMMITTKK. bit Kuphen Glrard llulldlnf. Telephone Walnut Ml). Hanscom'a Assorted Dessert Nuts for Halloween, 20c lb. g sr mar net ot ana orancne jlv HOSPITAL CAMPAIGN CLOSING MOMENT OF FRICTION IN MOTHERS' CONGRESS Dispute Adjusted by Tnctful Suggestion of Mrs. SchofT, of Philadelphia The picture shows members of one of tho ladies' teams Roing over subscriptions and contributions to tho Children's Hospital nt hcad- qunrtcrs in the Hotel Adelphla. Standing are Misses Clara Unss and C. Smith; below, Misses Nancy Haines and Mary Sanders. TOOTHLESS WHISTLER ESCAPES $5 FINE Neighbors Complain of His Constant Warbling, but Judge Cancels Penalty A toothless man whoso neighbors sny he whistled away the value of property, deprived people of fresh nlr, caused In somnia, general consternation and Anally legal proceedings was tho centro of criticism today before Judge Harrcttt In Quarter Sessions Cotut. lie Is I'letcher Dummor, hut ho proved that he was brighter than his nnmc by convincing tho Jttdgo that a ' fine Imposed upon him should bo removed. Dummor lives nt 1D05 North 10th stieet. lie contended that "warbling," on which charge he was arrested, did not como within the scope of the act of 150G, which provides a. line for thos-e who commit a nuisance on the public highway. Landlords said that thev could not get tenants to remain In the nel-ihbmliooil on account of Dummet's whistling, and Harry Lcvalne. formerly of 1003 North 19th street, said he had to move on ac count ot tho whistler, nnd that others threatened to do the same Many nf those who objected to the re moval of the line declared that when Hummer wasn't whistling he wns making a nolsp like n phonograph and an auto mobile or something clue. The noise kept them nwake, they declined, and on warm nights they liml to suffer from the hrat in oidsr to escnpo tln potpouiri which poured fiom the house of Dummor Although Dummer contended that bo had no teeth nnd couldn't whistle, tho complainants said the absence of molats did not au'ei't him, and that he didn't stop whistling long enough to eat. The Judge snld the only lemedy wns to have the man tearrcHted nnd tried beforo n jury. He removed the line STEAMSHIP WITH 400 OX BO.VKI) AFIKE OFF LISBON Assistance Is Sent and All Are Be lieved to Be Safe LISBON, Oct. 13. Klre stalled toda on n. steamship on which there were 400 men, women nnd children. Tho ship was onlv 40 miles from pott, nnd fishing boats went to her assistance It is believed all on board were saved riTTSnmOH. Oct. 20 -This morning's session of the third dny's proceedings of the Congress of Mothers nnd rarcnl Tcicher Association developed a rupture that thn atoned for a time to bring the conference to n close In a rather abrupt manner It niose out of the fnct that the members of the child welfare circles, who have been members of the confer eine b lrtuo of their woik In child uplift were charged bv members of an other branch of the convention, the Par ent Tern hers' Association, with usurping their scope of work and going Into their terrltor A charge was made that the Child Wel faro Circle was organized In the Inter ests of 11 ccrtnln book concern foi tho sale of books relating to the work, and no member could be em oiled unless she bought one of these books The Con gress of Mothers delegates were non plussed for n while how to hnndlo the situation, nnd Mrs. Johnson, who was presiding, had to rap for order many Imes before she could get the concn tlon clown to a working ntrnngement Finally Mis Frederic SchofT. of Phila delphia, president of tho National I'on- gtess of Mothers, brought order out of chaos bj stating that both vldes of the controversy wero entitled to membership In tho big organization, nnd were also en titled to any Held of action they saw lit The child welfare faction then proceeded to show their strength in the convention by electing Mrs. Hllza Q Fothergill, of Pittsburgh, tho first member nnd organ izer of the child welfare work In Western Pennsylvania, president of the Pennsl vnnla Congress of Mothers, after which several delegater of the Paient-Tc.iehers' Association left the hall The cnnentlon ended this .ifternonn when Mrs Fothergill, the new prcsldcn . gave n report of the work of the child welfnro circles In this end of the State P. R. It. PLACES $7,000,0000 ORDER FOR NEW EQUIPMENT Baldwin Works to Build 75 Locomo tives for Company Orders for rails nnd locomotives at an aggregate cost of Ji.OOO.OOO have been placed by the Pennsylvania llnllroAd. Tho order 1ms been divided Into 1715,000 tons of Mecl mils nt a cost of ft.OOOOOO nnd 7S locomotives of the Mikado typo to cost JS,tO0,P00. This order will cover next year's requirement of the system over the lilies cast nnd west of Pittsburgh, Thn locomotive order was placed with the ltaldwln Locomotive Works. 11 is exported that the locomotives will bo completed early next jenr. This equip, menl will be used on the lines enst of Pittsburgh The older locomotives will be suit shorth to the western lines of the l'ennsvlvnnla, where traffic Is lighter. France GetB $200,000,000 in Gold PAHIS, Oct. L"9 In response to the 10 nuest of the Government last June tbnt private Individuals exchange their gold coins for notes, $.'0O,0iOno gold has been turned over to the Hank of France On Very Low Rental Ratoi Come in and See Ui Today WaasScSon, 226N.8thSt. flmiiiHf "QCALrnr rmsr'fmYfnra Men's Shoes $1,251 run ooica, dewed wun LEATHER HEELS fc lSMt Miilcrl.iK rinc-t Alnrk p maiiliii. rrnmpt Sort Ice. or (i'lno while jou vait 'SflOfMPAIBINSCO. 22N.I3WStreet p Hrll Anl lUl'i. Hot Tfn. 1.11 EmiA, AND 2333 N. FRONT ST. Uliil3 Trouser fit Troii!rr istvlo nml tiest QU.ittt fuhrli iit modnrutp n?t TROUSERS A SPECIALTY JONES 1116 Walnut Cum torn TnllorltiK Only The New Picture Framing Gold Carved Mahogany, nnd Circassian Walnut Frames Closely imitated by Dennison's new process. Taught vilhmil charge to all interested at IMMSOHd 1007 Chestnut Street SSfc'sfe ir"Eiwf-;;. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Orthopaedic Braces for dcrormltUt, Cltatic Stockings, Abdominal Supporters, (to. Purchase direct from factory. I'LAA ELL'S M'KiNa ti.MiiiKN ,st. Administration of Estates A Trust Company is in many ways superior to any individual who might be named as executor of your will, for it combines in itself all of the qualities essential to the performance of the duties required. Complete equipment and systematic methods enable it to handle all details of management promptly and accurately. Experience in the handling of trust estates assures proper attention to legal requirements and careful investment of trust funds. Perpetual charter makes certain an uninterrupted administration of the estate until final settlement. Organized in 1869, this Company has always made a specialty of the admin istration of estates, whether, large or small. We invite those contemplating the preparation of wills to call upon our officials and obtain the benefits of their experience. If we are to be your executor, we draw the will free, of charge, and hold it sub ject to your order. Philadelphia Trust Company Main Offlce 415 Chestnut Street Capital $1,000,000.00 Broad Street Office 1115 Chestnut Street Surplus $4,000,000.00 nwL j MESmiDIIMOT (Restaurant 1 fclEMlRlUJIlMDm Vdistinction MMMMLIKML Mjm The names of Messrs. West and Fritz Pflug, "mine hosts" at the Arcadia, are sufficient recommenda tions to Philadelphia's seasoned diners-out. You are cordially invited to partake of their hospitality in the form of a business men's luncheon, afternoon tea, evening dinner or after-theatre supper. THE FACILITIES OF A PERFECTLY EQUIPPED Stationery Department are at the disposal of patrons desiring the distinction that correctness gWes to the station erp for nil social occasions and public ceremonials. J. E. CALDWELL & CO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET Niederman Niederman models reveal tho most fascinating ideas in correct shoes for fashionable women. Daring combinations of striking beauty, distinc tive effects that we alone show, impart the greatest individuality and assure against duplication. Barring the exclusive boot shown here, we have many models at $4 and $5 that dis criminating patrons greatly favor. bTUNMMi Dltl'.HS hTKKIST HOOT. Fatent with l'farl Gray Kid Top, Patent Trimmed and other Combination!. 930 Chestnut AN, huanchks. "Faultless" Bedding Warm, Soft Comforts, Blankets Reliable Hair Mattressei Luxurious Box Springs Attractive Bran Bed A splendid variety of these fleecy necessities specially selected for their daintiness and luxury. All sizes to fit cribs, single and double beds and extra large beds. Frosty nights call for extra coverings. Why not have the faultless kind? Dougherty's "Faultless" Bedding 1632 CHESTNUT STREET A Sight more eloquent than pages of print was the multitude of men : Young", middling- young, near young, who came and went last Saturday At Perry's 'Qt I' iu v4ii WW'-- 1 I ' i l f Perry's mfiii.i;-mti;.yi'i;D mix COAT moi)i;i, nil Knee lcnullii HtrnlRlit linx back, soft-roll lapel; velvet or cloth collar; full-lined or only yoke and sleevo llnlngH. Very clnni-. Perry' 1IOX-1IACK" OVBHCOAT IIUTTOX-TIIHOUtSII FIIONT lonin. 703 Cont hllk-fnrril to edsre. ollirrnlxr entirely Ueleon. A model of cle&ancc nnd luxury. In lilue, In Oxford. In Cam l.rlilKC Km, nnd In inl.liirr. They came buying- their new Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats! C They had been told, many of them, by other men, of the Intrinsic Value back of the Stylistic Beauty of Perry Clothes ! G, They, in turn, are able to tell you their story today! Hearken to it! It's firsthand; it's not ours; it's the kind that rings true! CT, $15, $18, $20, $25 the Suit or Overcoat are the prices; but, remember You're out to buy Clothes that will please you long after you forget the price! Perry & Co.,"n.b.t." 16th & Chestnut Sts. FMbMI f-1 TY k Hrflfl ilTTtf - - '- ""Ifchl 1 . t, i rtiiJi-ar" mil Mtmfii '- rf fcnintiii ml i i m II i i tm