Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 28, 1915, Final, Page 9, Image 9

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Another Intercity Alliance to Take Place in the Near
Future Miss Sturgis to Marry
Mr. Wright-Personals
AN ENCAD BMENT of Interest to per
. sons In this city and New York an
nounced today la that of Miss Anna
Inilso Sturfrls, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Sturgis, of New York, to Mr,
Edward N Wright, 8d, of this city.
Miss Sturgis was Introduced last year
both In New York and Boston, where she
was extensively entertained; sho Is also
connected with the Sturgis family In this
Mr Wright Is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward N. Wright, Jr.,- of 507 West
Chelttn avenue, Oermantown, and a
great-grandson of tho lato Peter Wright.
He Is a graduate of Harvard, class of
1SU, and Is at present living In New York,
where ho Is In business.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Q. Itoscngartcn,
of St, Davids, will give a dlnnor on
Wednesday, November 10, to meet Mrs.
Itosengarten's cousin. Miss Mary Thomp
(on, and Mr. Thomas Itcath, Jr., whoso
engagement was rccontly announced.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Longstreth will
entertain at dinner tomorrow night, be
fore the dance which Mrs. Kane Green
and Mrs. Richard Norton will chaperono
at the Morion Crlckot Club. Their guests
villi Include Mr. and Mrs. Charles I.
Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Lud
low, Miss Mabel Brlce, Miss Edith Col
lins, Mr. Frederick Brlco, Mr, Alfred 3.
Collins, Mr. Albert li Sahncr and Mr.
Henry Heston Belknap.
Mr. and Mrs. Gcrrltt P. Judd will also
entertain at dinner at the Merlon Club
before the dance tomorrow night. Their
guests will lncludo Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Bunting, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Ken
nedy, Mr. and Mrs. Norman K. Conder
jnan, Mr. and Mrs. Richard McNcely, Mr.
and Mrs. William H. Tevls Huhn. Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Bromley, Miss Anna
Foulke, Mr. Davis and Mr. Phelps.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dlsston are giving
a Halloween dance on Saturday night at
their homo In Rosemont. Tho women are
requested to wear whlto domlnos and
the men black ones. Among the guests
will be Mr. and Mrs. GeorEe Dallas Dixon,
Jr., Mr and Mrs. Victor C. Mather, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Crozer, 'Mr. and Mrs.
P. Williamson Roberts, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Wain Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. J.
B. Evans noberts, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ice
land Thompson and Mrs. Charles Ran
dolph Snowden.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Heritage, of 41
Bt. Paul's road, Ardmore, announce tho
engagement of their daughter. Miss Mao
Boden Heritage, to Mr. Stuart Earl Serv.
Ice, son of Dr. and Mrs. Courtland S,
Service, of 40th and Green streets. Mr.
Service's business Is In Washington, D.
C, where he now resides.
!rs William Leo Pryor, wlfoof Lieu
tenant Commander Pryor, U. S. N., has
as her guest her sister, Miss Catherine
Knight, daughter of Rear Admiral
Knight, U. S. N., of Newport. Mrs. Pryor
will entertain in her honor on Saturday
evening, at her home, 2323 South 21st
street. Tho affair will be a Halloween
party, and among tho guests will bo
Lieutenant H. V. McKlttrlck, U. S. N.,
and Mrs. McKlttrlck, Lieutenant W. F.
Cochrane, U. S. N and Mrs. Cochrane,
Lieutenant Homer H. Norton, U. S. N ,
and Mrs. Horton, Lieutenant D. Ducoy,
U. S. N., and Mrs. Ducey, Dr. A. H.
Allen, U. S. N., and Mrs. Allen, Mr.
and Mrs. T. S. Fillmore, Mr. and Mrs.
.iark Stembach, Miss Helen Gillette. Miss
Edith Gillette, Miss Cochrane, Miss Glb-
on, Miss Mallory, and Lieutenant C A.
Dunn, U. S. N.: Lieutenant J. C. Byrnes,
U. S. N.; Dr. H. M. Toltree, U. S. N.;
Ensign William Harrtll, V. S. N.; Mr.
Abbott McCluro. Mr. Harold Eberleln,
Mr. Julian Fleming and Mr. John Gibson.
Miss Knight will remain In the city about
two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. W. York Stevenson have
Issued Invitations to meet Mr. David Bls
pham In the- Clover Room of the Bellevue
Stratford on Wednesday ovenlng, Novem
ber 3, after his concert for the benefit
of tho French, which will bo given that
night by the Committee for the Relief of
the French.
Mrs. Robert F. Whltmer will give a
luncheon on Monday, November 29, In
honor of hr-r daughter, Miss Katharine
Whltmer, at which a number of tho sen
son's debutantes will be present. The
tea which was to have been given on that
ft dato for Miss Whltmer will not take
Place on account of tho Illness of Mr.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wirt L.
r inompson will be giaa to Know mat. wr.
P Thompson, who has been 111 with typhoid
rever, is gradually recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahtc, who havo
been In Chelsea for the summer, will re
turn to the Aldlne tomorrow.
Among the Phlladclphlans who attend
ed the wedding on Saturday In Hampton.
Va., of Miss Ruth Purves. daughter of
Mrs. Alexander Purves, to Mr. Alfred
Van Santvoord Olcott, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Eben E. Olcott, of New York, wcro
Mrs. A. Maxwell Sheppard, Mr. and Mrs.
T. Maxwell Meryweathor, Mrs. Francis
X Dercum, Miss Elizabeth Dercum, Mrs.
Albert Lucas. Miss Florence Sibley, Mrs.
Charles E. Morris, Mrs. Walter Murphy
and Mrs. George E. Tilge. Miss Louise
Tllgo and Miss Emma B. Murphy, of
Oermantown, were among the brides
maids. Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison Wellford,
whose marriage took place on Monday,
will live In Woodbury, N. J., upon their
return from their wedding trip. Mrs.
Willford was Miss Marion Hendrickson.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Maybln Hart, who
nave been spending tho summer at their
country place at Ambler, Pa., are at the
Itltz-Carlt.n, whero they will spend sev
eral weeks,
Mrs, George Harlan Wells, of 1807
Chestnut street, will give a. Halloween
Party on Saturday for her three children,
Master William Wells, Miss Florence
Wells and Miss Virginia Wells.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilton HoUings
head hava Issued cards for the marriage
f their daughter, Miss Ida Jeannetto
HolUngshead, to Mr. Harold Watklns
Lelnau, on Wednesday, November 17, at
7 o'clock, at Christ Church, Rlverton W.
J. A reception will follow immediately
ft the home of the bride's parents 201
Linden avenue, niverton.
Along the Main Line
WYNNEWOOD.-Mr. and Mrs. George
H. Rothacker, of Hathaway lane, and
Mr and Mrs. Edward Delong, of Cyn
wyd, have returned from a motor trip to
the western part of the State.
HAVEnFORD. Moro than one hundred
chlMrn iinni, Main T.inn will attend
IK the Wnilnonrtnv Aftsrnnnn Dancing Class
to be held throughout the winter at tho
Merlon Cricket Club, starting Wednes
day, November 17 The class will be di
vided Into three sections, the we tots,
learning their first steps, wilt be In Mrs.
Thomas Balrd, Jr's class, the younger
ehool set will attend Mrs. Burrows
Moan's class, while the near-future
debutantes and beaux will Join Mrs.
Horato a. Lloyd's class. All tura
!?8S.ftrl to. b9 un',fr th direction of
Miss Elizabeth Loekwood.
U a-yeUn, 0f Port Washington, L. I.,
havo taken a houso en Uryn Mawr ave-
ROSEMONT.-MrTTnd Mrs. W. Bark
lie Henry, who havo been spending a few
dayi) at Whlto Sulphur Springs, have
gone to the Hot Bprlngs to spend two
weeks before returning to their home In
Miss Gertrude Wilson, of Rosemont,
has joined Mrs. Oeorgo Lee Thompson
at the Hot Springs for the balanco of
the fall season.
Mr. and Mrs. John Storey Eberbaoh,
i ii 2 yn om, Cynwyd, will give a
delightful Halloween costumo dance Sat
urday nlRht In honor of their daughter.
Miss Anna Getz Uberbach. About 40
guests will bo present.
Mrs. Robert Philip Kochler, of Avon
more, Pa., and hor aunt. Mist M. A. Mo
Cleory, who 1ms been the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Koohler, arrived In Bala yes
terday, where Mrs. Koohler will visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vollum
Hutchliibon, of Bala avenue. Before her
uarnage, September l, Mrs. Koehler was
MIlS Ethel Vollum Hutelilnann. I
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Sullivan, of
Heckamore avenue, Bala, oro receiving
congratulations on tho birth of a son,
Joseph G. Sullivan, Jr., born Monday
Mrs. Edward L&ggo, who has been visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Samuel
Stephenson, of City avenue, Bala, re
turned last week to her home, the Nest,
Auburndalo, Mass.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott Detwllcr
entertained Informally at dinner Tuesday
night In honor of Mr. Detwller's birthday.
The guests were Dr. and Mrs. S. Merrill
Weeks and Mr. and Mrs. John Coatcs.
Chestnut Hill
Mrs. Helen Bancroft, of Now York,
has returned from Honolulu and is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mac
Grath, of Bonezet street.
Among tho members of the Creshelm
Dantlng Class, which meets on Thurs
day evenings during the winter, are Dr.
and Mrs. Frank Wlster Thomas, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Rtttcnhouse Miller, Mr. and
Mrs. Francis B. Bracken, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Antolno Bournonvlllc, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wil
liam R. Tucker, Mr. nnd Mrs. N. A.
Potry, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Welner,
Mr. and Mrs. James Andrews, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry K. Kenderdlnc, Mr. Frank
L. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. N. Knowles.
Dr. and Mrs. A. D. Whiting, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Berkeley Hnckett, Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Borton. Miss Athalla Hirst, Mr.
and Mrs. James Aull, Mr. and Mrs. F.
B. Hurlburt. Mr. and Mrs. John Mustard,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Moses, Mr. and
Mrs. John B. Hamlll, Mr. and Mrs. Al
fred S. Weill. Mr. and Mrs. George Park
man, Mr. nnd Mrs. William J. S. Francis,
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Bateman, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Earlo White, Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Woodward, Miss- Alice Schoettle,
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Anscll, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Clarence Brush, Mr. and Mrs. John
Dickey, Mr. and Mrs. Bernardo do N.
Stokes, Mrs. C. Rockwell Stephens, Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Gummey, Mr. and Mrs.
Stophen E. McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs.
Georgo D. Mullen, Mr. Charles R. Alex
ander, Mr. Philip H. Brocklesby, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Ely J. Smith, Mr. Robert S. Bright,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Shlploy, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Ross Carver, Mr. Lesley Ash
burner, Dr. Wilfred B. Fetterman and
Mr. George Fetterman,
Mr. Norman T. Moore, of New York,
spent the week-end as the guest of his
parents, the Rev. and Mrs. George C.
Moore, of 457 Hansberry street.
Mrs. Robert Sturgis, teacher of the
Worrien's Bible Class at Calvary Mission,
has organized a chapter of King's Daugh
ters. Ensign Paul Cassard, U. S. N of Now
York, spent the week-end aa the guest of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry 8. Cassard, of 333
Pelham road.
Mr. Lambert F. Whetstone has been
elected class historian and captain of tho
hockey team of Amherst College,
Along the Reading
Mrs. B. Miller, of New York. Is spend
ing several weeks at Elklns Park.
Tho Jenklntown Improvement Associa
tion has Issued invitations for tho next
meeting, to be held tomorrow evening
at tho Old York Road Country Club. Tho
meeting will bo preceded by a dinner and
followed by a smoker and vaudeville. The
committee In charge Includes Mr. Edward
H. Stroud and Mr. George H. Benzon.
Mrs. John Palmer, Miss Sarah Bonham,
Miss Ethol Bonham and Mr. Samuel Van
Sant, of New York, aro guests of Mr. and
Mrs. James Lyre, of 6716 North 8th street.
Oak lane.
West Philadelphia
"Miss Beatrice Banks Zellner, of 5102
Sprlngfleld avenue, was the guest of
honor at a surprise luncheon and shower
followed by bridge, which was given this
afternoon by Miss -Gertrude Kelly at her
home, 2127 North 15th street. The guests,
who were members of Miss Zellner's
bridal party, included Miss Stephanlo Mil
ler. Miss Marian Murray, Miss Bertye
Wlnslow, Miss Dorothea Miller and Mrs.
J. Augustus Boersj
Mrs. Charles P. Jackson will entertain
the members of her bridge club at hor
home, 6117 Cedar avenue, on Thursday
afternoon, November 4.
Mrs. James Featheratone and hr
daughter, Miss ICathryn Fcatherstone, of
Boston, Mass., are visiting their rela
tives, Mrs. S. B. Peake, of 133 North
Salford street, where they will remain
three weeks,
Miss Esther A- Lukens, of 662S Chester
avenue, will be the week-end guest of
Miss Elizabeth Sinclair, of Ridley Park.
Miss Sinclair will entertain at "K0" on
Saturday evening.
Girard Farms
Invitations have been. Issued by Mrs.
Alexander S. Williams, wife of Captain
Williams, U. 8. M. C of 2322 South 21st
street, for the christening of her little
son. Wlstar Morris Shives Williams,
which will take place on Thursday after
noon. November 4, at 4:30, after which
there will be a reception to meet the god
mother, Mrs. Alexander Scott Williams,
and the two godfathers. Air. Alexander
Scott Williams and Colonel David L.
Brnlnerd, U. li. A. Tba ceremony will
be performed by tho Rev. Charles 0.
Pierce, U. 8. A. pastor of Bt. Mat
thew's Episcopal Church, 18th street and
Olraid avenue. Mr. William Williams,
of New York city, will be proxy for his
brother, Captain Alexander Shives 'Wil
liams, V. S. M- C, who Is serving as
provost marshal of the United States Ma
rine Corps ta Haiti.
LsLsLsLa jsb. 4s)tisLsLsLsLsLsLsLsLkKf u k &
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Who will Lo remembered as Miss Katharine Malin. Mr. and Mrs.
Bonn havo returned to Philadelphia to live, and havo taken an
apartment at 17th and Pino streets.
Prizes Were Awarded for Best Costumes to Miss Walsh
and Miss Meyers Many Attractive Halloween
Affairs Have Been Given Club Doings
ONE of the most cnjoynble of masque
dances was held Monday night by the
class of 1915 and 1916 of St. Phlloraena's
School In tho school hall. Tho grand
march was led by Miss Marcelltno Meyers,
as Red Riding Hood, and Miss Marlon
Duckett, as a Quaker maiden. A five
pound box of candy nnd a half dozen sil
ver spoons were given as prizes for tho
best and comic costumes. Miss Anna
Walsh, as a Japanese maiden, won the
candy for fancy dress and Miss Agnos
Meyers, as a lady of '75. won tho spoons.
Among the boys tho fancy dress prize went
to Charles Scott, and tho comio prize to
Philip Cuhano, who dressed as a bathing
girl. The Judges were the Rev. Francis
Markee, Mrs. Thomas F. Fitzgerald, Mrs.
Louis Meyers, Mrs. M. Bingham, Mrs. J.
Duckett nnd Miss Ella nudolph. Among
the members from tho 1915 class present
wero Miss Marlon Fitzgorald, Miss Helen
Fnrren, Miss Anna Duokett, Miss Mar
garet CDonnell, Miss Mario McClune,
Miss Martha Loughney. Miss Florenco
Simpson and Mr. John McCullough.
Tho smoker and open house held last
Saturday cvoning In the Madonna House
Club rooms was a notablo social suc
cess, marking the seventh anniversary
of the organization one long to be remem
bered. Mr. Joseph A. Lombardl. tho
club's secretary. ws tho master of cere
monies, and fulfilled tho position to per
fection. Speeches wero made by the di
rector, Mr. George H. Bonner, and Mr.
William A. S. Lapetlna, the club's chair
man, on tho success of tho organization,
and proclaimed 1915 tho banner year of
tho club. Entertainment was furnished
by Mr. Philip Pelllgrlnl, Mr. Frank Sl
derlo, Mr. Henry A. Marta, Mr. Pasquale
Mortolla, Mr. Joseph A. Lombardl Mr.
John Nocltra, Mr. Philip Landl and Mr.
Samuel F. Brunette. Tho Madonna Sym
phony Orchestra, under tho direction of
Mr. Joseph De Luca, Interpolated tho
music for this occasion.
A surprise birthday party -was given
to Miss Elizabeth Marie Conrey by her
friends last night at her home, 6134 Wal
nut street. The house was tastefully dec
orated with ferns, potted plants and au
tumn leaves. Moro than 100 persons at
tended, many of them being out of town
guests. An interesting musical program
was b. feature of the occasion. Among
the, most actlvo in planning tho function
were Mr. Francis J. Lee, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Rynear, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. James
tVebber, Mr. and Mrs. Bdward McLaugh
lin, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bentz, Miss Nel
lie Tucker. Miss Mary Tucker, Miss Mar
garet Kirk Miss Mae Kirk, Miss Marie
Heath, Miss! Mao Enew, Mr. James Mo
Gulgan. Mr, John Qulnn. Mr. Loula Boll
gan, Mr. Thomas Brady, Miss Cellno
Bruce, Miss Marlon Harrington and Miss
Kathryn Fenlon.
Tho Cooper Camping Club will hold a
masquerade at the home of Mr. William
J. Etherinston on Saturday night. The
guests will include tho members of tho
club, among whom will be Mr. Jesse
Whitley. Mr. David Roberts, Mr. Clay
ton Hicks, Mr. B. Thompson, Mr. Rlohard
Thompson, Mr. James Belsel, Mr. Harry
Hartman and Mr. Charles Scheppman.
A birthday party -was given In honor of
Miss Hester M. Goldstein by her parents
at their home, 3111 North 11th street,
Saturday, Tho room was tastefully deco
rated In pink, as was also the table with
pink roses and carnations.
A duet was rendered by Miss Selma
Hassan and Mr, G, Burrlson. Recitations
by Miss Jennie Bear and Miss Hester M.
The guests -were Miss Lea and Miss
Selma Hassans, Miss Minnie Dyner, Miss
Dora Jaoobson, Miss Jeanette Moses,
Miss Estelle M. Adler, Miss Jennie Bear,
Mlsa Pauline Schuster, Miss Reba Koane,
Miss Sadie Bear, Miss Bella Shapiro, Miss
Esther Schleslnger, Miss Pearl Blank,
Mlsa Fanette Blank. Miss Yetta Bchroll,
Miss Lena Blben. Miss Rose Segal, Mr,
Superior location with an I
unobstructed view of b?ach j
V ft
Doarawqirv recogmzea i
idara of excellence I
TW mM mm horn ft M Wfrfftb
Westminster K nr- u". kut. u
VYCMIIUllMCl l Vllr bs,tb, ,. w.t,r.
4 JO up 4ljr IS upvrkly. Chu. Buhr.
TDAVUnUP Lwsestu
AtUntlg Ottf
Is r777J
C. Moses, Mr. .B. Schleslnger, Mr. George
Burrlson. Mr. S. Blum. Mr. Herman Stein,
Mr. Herman Sedenburg, Mr. M. Axel
bawm. Mr Joseph Lowensteln, Mr. Jo
seph Hassan and Mr. Harry Goldstein.
Miss Mary H. Jones entertained with an
informal danco at her residence, 5007
Chester avenue, Saturday evening. Au
tumn leaves and yellow chrysanthemums
wero tho chief decorations. Those present
wero Miss Dorothy Bell Glbb, Miss Eliza
beth Frlcke, Miss Beatrlco Mario Kltson,
Miss Jane Doak, Miss Katherlno Gertrude
Gaunt, Mrs. Grover Richards, Mr. Edgar
Tralnor Hoffnor, Mr. Russell E. Swalm,
Mr. ilyron White. Mr. Herbert Hlggins.
Mr. H. Herbert Longaker. Mr. Grover
Richards and Mr. Geoge B. Brown.
Miss Dorothy Green, of 705 North 63d
street, entertained at her home on Sat
urday n'ght. Among those present -were
Miss Emma Lipplncott. Miss Edith Fries,
Miss Helen Scott, Miss Pauline Baling,
Miss Ethel Pimple, Miss Elizabeth Stew
art, Mr. Everett Phlpps, Mr. Warren
Hicks, Mr. Raymond Stannard, Mr. Kirk
Bromlax, Mr. Chnrles Hayes, Mr. Wlllard
Gregg. Mr. Harry W. Korb, Mr. Hellner
Gaul, Mr. Charles Brownley and Mr. Eu
geno Costello.
A very elaborate entertainment was held
under the auspices of tho Fraternal
League Saturday evening at tho College
Settlement, 6th and Christian streets. In
addition to tho musical program, Dr. Max
Barbour addressed the audience on "Good
Government," Maurice Crown acted as
chairman and tho president of tho league,
Mr. Louis Wallman, spoke of the progress
of the league, especially of the literary
Tho Don Bosco Cathollo Club will glvo
a minstrel show and danco on Monday,
November 22, at the New Lyrlo Hall, 923
South 6th street. The minstrels aro all
well-known singers, and the affair
promises to bo a success. The commit
tee in charge includes Mr. Simon Clcchlttl,
chairman; Mr. Nicholas Alonzo, secretary;
Mr. Philip Ftalplrl, Mr. John do Masi,
Jr., and Mr. Vincent Mazzo, stage
At tho last meeting a committee was
formed of young girls to help mako the
affair a success. Tho chairman of this
commlttco Is Miss Jennie Bruno. The
others are Miss Florence Bruno, Miss
Josephine Cuneo, Miss Adel Cellon, Miss
Catharine de Marco, Miss Ray de Marco,
Miss Julia Ltago and Miss Louisa
Mrs. Bertha Keen, who has been spend
ing tho summer and early autumn at
Atlantlo City, haB returned to town and Is
occupying her new home, 1317 Erie ave
nue. Mrs. Zane Hoffman was hostess to the
members of her card club on Tuesday
afternoon. The game was followed by a
buffot luncheon. Mrs, David Tlmmons,
Mrs, Ellwood A, Steelman, Mrs. Carl
Schaoffer, Mrs. William Voorhees, Mra.
Victor Beck, Miss Alice McFadden, Miss
Jennie Querns, Miss Edna McFadden, Miss
Mary Weldon and Miss Jennie Querns
wero tho guests.
Mrs. Leonard R. Weltzel, of iSHi North
Broad street, will spend part of Novem
ber In New York as tho guest of her
mother, Mrs, Thomas T. Joret
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blggard, formerly
of North 18th street, aro occupying their
new home, 8725 North Gratz street.
ILlridcaL ttuto.fZuri,
"Yes," said the fair visitors, "It really is. It's Just
lone enough to be really feleasant without becoming mo
notonous. The roads are splendid, and with ATLANTIC
CITY for the goal, with its myriad attractions, well
it's just heavenlyl"
BtK, Twali, FkUK. Hrti fctk RITt, tit.
Aid will fursUa lull lulorautloa, rates, etc, m SMihtstlos.
tllottU an all American I'Uo, unless etbcrwiM aoted.)
Oo the Ocean Frost
American ft Kuropesa
Josiak White A SM
H vtvi WKwn
Oa U Ocean Frost
Walter 1. Uuiby
IleUl ft Sanatoria
r, I Xnung. Mgr.
Httol Jlriss
On the Ooran Front
r B. OS and
II. O. KAwsrds
Oa the Ocean Frest
Knnioesn Piaa
J, WeUel, Mgr.
HUI M. tttrld
Oo Its Ocean Front
Kewlln Utlses C.
Only eno hour front Philadelphia. Vteqaent trains via
1'bUa, Kutuuig ltyv or Fauna. K. M.
Debutante Doings
Miss Emllle Posey Kennedy, debutante
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Edward
Kennedy, will bo guest of honor at a dln-ner-danca
to bo given this ovenlng by
her undo and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. William
Campbell Posey, of Knoll House, Ard
more. The affair will be given at tho
Radnor Hunt Club and the guests will In
clude: tho season's debutantes and youngor
Miss Josephine C. S. Foster, daughter
of Mrs. Thomas C Foster, of the Colonial,
11C1 Spruce street, will be guest of honor
at a small luncheon to be given by her
mother today. There will bo 0 guests
present and will Include members of tho
debutante set. Miss Foster has not made
her formal debut as yet. but will be pre
sented at a tea to bo given by her mother
In December.
North Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McManus have
closed their cottage on Stenton place,
Chelsen, and returned to their home, 1419
North 18th street. Friends of Mr. Mc
Manus will be pleased to hear that he is
now convalescing from his recent Illness.
Miss Nan Gill, of H26 West Girard ave
nue, gave a bridge and linen shower yes
terday nftcmoon In honor of Miss Mar
guerlto Josephine Carroll, whose engage
ment was recently announced to Mr. Lee
J. DIebold, of Pittsburgh, Pa. The wed
ding will tako place In January
Mrs. F. M. Blgley, of 1522 West Colum
bia avenue, Is visiting at the home of her
son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs.
G. E. French, Niagara Falls, Can.
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schlmpf enter
tained at their home, 601 West Duncannon
street, Olney, on Sunday. Among thoso
present wero Miss Ella Armstrong, Miss
Catherine J. Gleeson, Miss Gertrude M.
Mundy, Miss Jano E. McQlavo. Miss
Clalro Kane, Miss Angela Kane, Mr. John
W. Schocller, Mr. Thomas D. Aspden, Mr.
August Schmidt, Mr. James Kane, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas F, McGowen, Miss E.
Selbert nnd Mr. Philip S. McDevltt, Jr.
Tho members of tho Rockledge Flro
Company and their friends will hold a
masquerade party and dance at the flro
house on Saturday evening.
Miss Emily Smith, of Forrest avenue,
entertained six guests at luncheon yes
terday, including Miss Mario Davis, Miss
Ella Young, Miss Besslo Levy, Miss
Marie Brown, Miss Ruth Jarvls and Miss
Edna Cook.
Mr. Robert Steel, of Marshall road, will
give a Halloween dance at his home on
November 1
Miss Marie G. Loughney and Miss Emily
Frlcko will attend the house party which
Is being given by Dr. and Mrs. Walter
Webb, of West Chester, this week-end.
The Rev. and Mrs. Edwin W. Saylor,
of 45 East Steward avenue, returned to
day from a short visit to Pittsburgh.
Miss Emma Love, of East Greenwood
avenue, will give a Halloween party on
What's Doing Tonight
llurcau of Soils, United State Department p
Agriculture, Franklin Institute; 8 o'clock.
American Academy of Tolltleal and Social
Science, topic, "Police Administration of a
Great City," Wltherspoon Hall; 8:15 o'clock.
Cedar Avenuo Improvement Association,
Cedar avenue and 47th street; 8 o'clock. Free.
Lancaster Avenue and C2d Street Business
Men, 53d Btreet and Lansdowne avenue;
o'clock. Free.
Baptist mass-meeting, Baptist Temple.
Home' Week. First Presbyterian Church In
Germantown, 8 o'clock.
Anti-suffrage mass-meeting'. Academy of
Music; S o'clock. Free.
Frankford Hall. Frankford avenue and
Adams street. Boall's Hall. 418 East Qlrard
avenuo: Columbia HaU, 2d and Nonis streets;
open air, Clearfield street and Frankford
avenue. republican PARTY.
Nineteenth, Thlrty-flrst. Thirty-third and
Forty-third Wards. Textile Hall, Kensington
avenue and Cumberland street.
Twenty-fourth Ward, Knights of Columbus
Ilall, 38th and Market streets.
Seventh Ward, Citizens' Republican Club, 422
South 16th street.
Forty-sixth Ward, Maennerchor Ilall, Brides
burg. Thirty-second Ward, Fratz's Ilall, IUdge
avenuo and 30th street.
Banquet, Sons of Delaware, note! Rltten
house; 0:30 o'clock.
Suffrage Events Today
7:43 p. m. Meeting at 202O Columbia avenue.
Speakers, Miss F. D. Stewart and A. S.
7:45 p. m. Open-air meeting at Cth and Pike
streets. Speakers, Graham Woodward, Miss
Anna Macrarland and Miss Jano Myer.
8 p. m. Meeting at Broad and Spring
Garden streets. Speakers, Mrs. William li.
Derr and Mlsa Estelle Russet.
8 p. m. Meeting at 218 South &2d street.
Speakers, Miss Nettle Hahn and John C.
fa mall.
8 p. m. Meeting at 2047 South street.
Speakers, Mrs. Ella Reeve Bloor and 11. P.
8 p. m. Meeting at Broad and South streets.
Speakers, Mrs. Marlon Holmes and Mrs. Ella
Reeva Bloor.
8:10 P. m. Meeting at 240 Montgomery ave
nue. Speakers, Mlsa Ellrabeth U, Yates and
Mrs. Harry Phillip.
8:80 p. m. Meeting at oth and Spring
Oordcn streets. Speakers, Mr, and Mrs. J. It.
8:30 p. m. Meeting at Yardley," Speaker,
Miss Dllle Hastings.
7:80 p. m. Meeting at 7th and Morris streets;
speaker, Samuel Moyerman.
8 n. m. Meeting at Frankford avenna and
Arrow siroei; speajtcr, miss Anna Aicuuo.
8 p. m. Meeting at Frankford avenue and
Cambria street; speaker, Mrs. Elizabeth
8 p. m. Meeting at Chelton and Germantown
avenues; speaker. Miss Bertha Sapovlts.
8:80 p. m. Meeting at 7th street and Moya
menslng avenue; speaker, Samuel Moyerman.
0 p. m. Miss Louise Hall will speak at Re
publican Club dinner, Hotel Adelphta.
0:80 p. m. Meeting at Broad and Locust
streets; speakers. Miss Elisabeth MoShan
and Ferdinand II. eraser.
UmU Mmm
On lt Ocean ITrent
IT P. Cook's Bent
1 99 nsflWHtftl
Central Nr Beach
Ilanry Drnl
99 wf InMnf v
Oeatrali Near Beack
bamurl Kills
Oa the Ocean Krvnt
J ll.TUwapeea ft Co.
A t . IW
Y rsIM
28. 1915.
Miss Sarah Lee Avary Evans to Become Bride of Mr.
George Eyre Lippincott, of Germantown,
Tonight Other Marriages
ANUMDBIt ot PhlUdelphtans havo
Kone to Atlanta, Oa., to attend the.
wedding: ot Hiss Sarah Leo Avary Evans
and Mr. Ocoree Eyre Lipplncott, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Lipplncott, ot 2
"West Tulpehocken street, Oermantown.
The ceremony will take placo this eve
ning at S o'clook in the home ot tho
bride's) sister, Mrs. Robert drier Stephens.
The bride will hav six attendant,
among: -whom will be Mrs. Horace Mather
Lipplncott, while her husband, a brother
of the bridegroom, will act aa best man.
Miss Evans Is the daughter of the Into
General Clement A. Evans, who sercd
In the Confederate army under General
SNTrunn HEPBunN.
A very attractive wedding will take
placo nt 7 o'clock this evening at the
Oak TjinA PrAativfttrlnn f-ti,.t t.Mm
Miss Elsie Densmcr Hepburn, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Hepburn, of
6310 North 13th Btreet, will become tho
bnde of Mr. Chnrles W. Snydor. Jr., also
of Oak Lane. The Rev. Prank Scott will
The bride, who will bo given In mar
riage by her father, will wear a beautiful
gown of white crepo meteor. Her veil
will bo of tulle, held in place with lilies
of the valley, and she will carry a shower
bouquet of lilies of the valley. The maid
of honor, Miss Helen Houston, will bo at
tractlvoly gowned In pale-blue taffeta and
white net nnd will carry a huge arm
bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums.
Miss Neva Hartzell. Miss Tdary Arthur
and Miss Florence Fisher will attend aa
bridesmaids. Their gowns will bo of rain
bow shado of tulle and they will carry
arm bouquets of chrysanthemums. Mr.
William Snyder, the bridegroom's brother,
will act as best man, and tho ushers will
be Mr. Comly Straton, Mr. Howard
Adams and Mr. Edwin Hamilton.
A reception will follow immediately
niter the ceremony at the bride's home,
after which Mr. and Mrs. Snyder will
icnj on un exienaea weaaing journey.
Upon their return they will reside at 6310
North 13th Btreet, Oak Lano.
The marriage of Miss Irene Equllla
Thomaa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph M. Thomas, of State road, Cyn
wyd, to Mr. James "Warren will tako
placo quietly this afternoon at 4 o'clock
In St. John's Episcopal Church, Lower
Merlon. The Rev. Dr. H. A. P. Hoyt
will officiate. No Invitations have been
Issued to the wedding, but friends of
the bride and gTOom-to-be are Invited
to be present at tho ceremony. The bride,
who will be given In marriage by her
father, will wear a stylish traveling suit
of brown broadcloth, while a small
brown velvet hat will complete the cos
tume. After a -wedding trip Mr. and
Mrs. "Warren will be at home after Janu
ary 1 at their apartments, 46th and Locust
Tho marrlngA of Miss Cora P. Srott,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Scott,
of 6S03 North 11th Btreet. to Mr. Philip
Ouckes, of Tioga, will take place at 6
o'clock tonight at the home of the bride's
parents. Rev. Edward J. Humeston, of
the Oak Lane Presbyterian Church, will
perform the ceremony. The bride will
wear a gown of white duchess satin and
tullo and a tullo veil caught with orange
blossoms. Orchids nnd lilies of the val
ley will be carried. Miss Katharine Tnrd,
tho maid of honor, will bo the bride's
only attendant. Her frock Is of pink
pussy willow taffeta and tulle. Her flow.
ers will be arranged In a colonial bou
Mr. Raymond Guckes will be his
cousin's best man. Owing- to the Illness
of the bride's father, tho reception will
be omitted. Mr. and Mrs. Guckes will
leave on a short honeymoon trip and will
be at home after November 15, at 1223
Chelten avenue, Germantown.
The marriage of Miss Gertrude McGarry,
of 2211 South 17th street, and Mr. Francis
Jaquette, of 2221 Falrmount avenue, took
place yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock in
St. Monica's Church. The bride was at
tended by Miss Katherlno Smith, and the
best man was his brother, Mr. John
Jaquette. A reception followed at the
home of the bride, after which the young
couple left on their wedding- trip and on
their return will be at homo at 230S South
"Woodstock street.
Mr. and Mrs. "William II. Voltz, of 2022
North 15th street, announce the marriage
of their daughter. Mrs. Mamie Elizabeth
Pollock, to Mr. Allen McGUI. of this city,
on "Wednesday, October 27. Mr. and Mrs.
McGUI will live at 921 South 55th street.
"West Fhlladelphtaj
An interesting wedding was solemnized
last night at 6:S0 o'clock In St Paul's
MartePs Academy
1710 N.
-) Prize Halloween Masquerade
XTr rrnn-v 1T30 N- Broad Bt. Phone Dla. 838
W Uglier prac. Class Mon., Tues. ft Thure.
Scholars' "gSSJST Dance 23&3k.
Open Practice Claas, Friday Afternoon, 4-0
Annual MovI fivna "SU9
Ponev island ,Ai V4 AMhj
3Rat.Oct 30,Ev-.
Inc. 1123 Chestnut St. The school "depend
able." Private and class lessons every day.
Morning-, afternoon and evenlnr Sessions.
Duration Six weeks (one lesson dally, ex
cept Saturdays). ...
Number ot pupils Limited to 10 per class.
Urictn November 1st, 1916.
Vm-s 118,00.
ltrg-lster now, per letter, 'phone (Bpruca,
460H or personal call.
Ilrsldea these Itapld Couraes, the reruler
Classes, meetlnc two or three times per
week, are constantly forming- and private
lessons may be arranged for to be given at
the School or. If desired, at the pupils' resi
dence. Superior Native Teacher
Write for Catalog- or free trial lesson ticket,
Tke Berlitz School of Languages
16th and Chettnut Streets
LOPEK BLPO. (Over Biker's 1'harmacy) .
"Country Day School for Boys"
Yynneioodr fa.
Rev. aibsoa Bell, Head Master.
Phone Ardmore 1S22.
Strayer'i BwhteM Collega
M1-S0T Chestnut St., rtjiau
rractlcal courses. Moderate price. Posltloa
guaranteed. Day fc night sessions, gnrolt now.
mS nujfqa Dramatlo Art, Elosutlon.
English, Bpeclal class for children.
ITALIAN SCHOOL. 1611 Chestnut. FoBUeaU'a
easy, original nietbod tlasua raonaUr -ducted
by Signer VoatieaM. xAaJ kaei ,
jrniijAJLjijriiiAjrio 1
Reformed Episcopal Church, Bro4
Venango streets, when Miss Famtq Arm.
itronjr. daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Arm
strong, wa given In marriage by her
brother, Mr. Edward 8. Armstrong, to
Mr. C. Raymond Rudrauff, of Tie.
The Rev. Dr. Forrest B. Dager officiated
at the ceremony, which was followed fey
n largely attended reception at tt
Roosevelt. The bride was attended by
Mrs. W, Harry Armstrong;, as matron
of honor, nnd Miss Elsa Spencer and Ml
Mad go Horst, of Altaloma, Cat, m
Mr. Rudrauff had for best man Dr.
Paul J Pontius, and for ushers Mr.
Roland L. Rudrauff, his brother: Mr.
"Walter J. Dcvlne, Mr. Edward J, Tague,
Mr. James Spencer and the bride's broth
ers, Mr. "W. Harry Armstrong; Mr. Frank
Armstrong, of this city, and Mr. Albert
R. Armstrong, of Now York,
Upon their return from an extended
honeymoon trip, Mr. and Mrs. Rudrnu
will be at home, after January L at 9Mt
Germantown avenue.
The marriage of Miss Marguerite JB
Heller, daughter of Mr. John Heller, of
16 North S3d street, to Mr. John A.
"Wills took place yesterday afternoon at
4 o'clock In St Ludwlg's Catholic Church.
28th and Master streets. Tho Rav. Albert
Korves performed the ceremony. The
bride was attended by Miss Letltla
Lenahan as bridesmaid. Mr. Gordon
Fellmnn was the bridegroom's best man.
Mr. and Mrs. "Wills left for an extended
tour through New England. They will
be at home after November 30 at 292
Nicholas street
Miss Jessie M. Vandegrtft, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Vandegrift and
Mr. Charles E. Deal were married at 1
o'clock last night at the homo of the
officiating- clergyman, the Rev. Edward
P. Randolph, pastor of St James' Metho
dist Episcopal Church, Tabor rood. Mlsa
txmn vandegrift attended her sister as
maid of honor. Mr. William L. Deal
was his brother's best man. Mr. and
Mrs. Deal will return from their wed
ding journey the middle of November
and will be at home at 5242 Mascher
Northeast Philadelphia
At a party given by Mr. and Mrs. S. A.
Levlt at their home, 2138 North Front
street, tne Detrotnai of their daughter,
Miss Anna Levlt. to Mr. Saul Kwoss. of
Pocahontas, Va., was announced. During
mo evem'ig an appeal was made lor the
relief fut-J by Mr. Leon Koppleman and
S2S was raised and sent to tho Central Re
lief Fund.
Good Shoes Maker to WearC
(Trade Mark Registered)
Leader of Our
50 New Styles at
At the football game take
note of the smart women's feet
You'll seo Hallahan's "Gypsy
Queen" predominating. Stop in
and see how well it looks on you.
In midnlf ht blue, French bronie, pat
ent leather or Iloyal Jet kid. plain or
piped with white. Ieather Louts heels,
llrht welted soles with close-trimmed
custom edf es. Our workroom price, (S.
919-921 Market Street
Tlraneh ( New Crystal Corner,
Stores 1 ooth Chestnut 84a.
Open 1 MM- IamSEr Ave.
wvery I t7IS-48 Uermaatown Ave.
Evening seot-00 Oermantown. At.
Pliila. Schoe! of Design for W
Full courses In Art and Industrial Art,
Practical Deslrctns tn all lu bnutesMa.
Illustration. Costume Illustration. Nor&nl
Art Course. Educational Psychology.
1. A. U. WlDKXKll rar.LowiMur
Y. M. C. A. School of Music
upen o men, women, children. All 1
sou apecjai uourses lor reaxnera. u
evening. Moderate lata. Catalog, lest
ScW. d cay
ApfUTUt Fa
mlV,Atm Am
baS XvJjHLjiaatssssssss