Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 28, 1915, Final, Page 13, Image 13

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C17217R AT MFrTIMf?
, ;, u,u xii ,mu,u
l'f Electors in 7th Wnrd Show
Their Resentment Against
w Councilman
Select Councilman Charles ScKer was
bitterly attacked In his home ward at
a mMtlnR conducted by the 7th Wnrd
jLcsruc of the Women's League for Good
GoYcrnment at the corner of Broad and
Lombard otreets last night. The Issue
was housing and Soger's efforts to block
plans to Improvo conditions In the 7th
ind. other wards,
A striking poster assailing Softer was
circulated amons the crowd of 600 which
attended the meeting. It was addressed
To the Voters of the 7th Ward" and
"Do you know that the death rate In
the 7th "Ward Is EO per cent, greater than
In the cltyas a whole?
"Do you know that the death rate
amons babies In the 7th Wnrd Is nearly
twice as high as In the city as a whole?
"Do you know that there nxo mtfre thnn
twice as many cases of tuberculosis In
m prOllVI VIVit W u,u,.,vi ait v nil .TIIIU
JJL hs In the city as a whole?
B. Hnw far Is this due to bad hotmlnir
S conditions, to the undcrdralned alleys, to
fc open vaults7
E? "Who says ho la 'too busy to bother
E about this bad housing and high death
Eu rate? Select Councilman Charles Seger.
WjC- "Councils under his direction have de
jLiMfled the Legislature and persistently re-
,c, -"What are you going to do about It?
"Save the babies. Work for Good Gov
ts ernment.
"Defeat Seger."
Georse D. Porter, Franklin party can-
5,-1 dldato for Mayor: Bernard J. Newman,
of the Mousing commission; ur, u. is.
Montgomery, Common Council candidate
from the 7th Ward, and the Hev. Dr.
Carl E. Grammer spoke.
i??7 nfMmif f nwmr A ir1t -i f tlm
iO f7itolt TlAiien
111 VUObUlll A1UUOU
Vk 01Di oniw umv iiHiiiici, muun e
faa YntA llOlA Ufl PIMBI. t.t,.n. w.t
pfi'Oeorge . riariner, wno was ior jo years
lAt. ttAitfy. nf 111, riiatnma KmiDn hum min.
Chcumbcd to an Illness of two years at her
P""Ti6me, 5929 Greeno street, Qermantown,
E".1ai4ai. lr Harmnr wad C3 vaar, lrt
Kjiuua, - """ "" "
MKhA wnfl an active memner or inn rcntn.
Scopal Church of St. Teter. In German-
js.own. and well Known tor her charltblo
S6rkctlvltlcs. Her husband died 12 years
.Srcafts a member of Consress.
JJ- Mrs. Harmer la survived by two broth
!rrs, Edward and George Hale. She was
fe&natlve of Pittsburgh and will be burled
hthero after funeral services have been
held here tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock.
Veteran Dies Suddenly
IB-I ,
, Alexander M. Appel, 73 years old. of
JjttM North Kth street, veteran of the Civil
'War, died suuaeniy yesieraay. Mr. Appel
jfor years was In the shirt-manufacturing
,?bualness at 10th and Filbert streets. Ho
V Is survived by a widow and three chll
II dten. He was prominent In Masonic dr.
Jfifeles and for years was treasurer of the
ABBOTT. On October 25. 1915, HARVEY
Jv' and friends are Invited to attend the funeral
services, on rnusy, hi p. m.. at ma late
realdence, 2405 North 10th at. Interment prl.
APPKL. On Octoner 2T, 1015. ALEX
ANPCR ilhusband of the ,late Llzxie
Appel, aged 73 years. Relative and friends
alio Bheklnah Lodge. No. 24B. F. and A. M.j
ana ucvusc w. dicnua x-uni, xo. a, u. a. it.,
are Invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday,
at 10 a. m., from his late residence, 720
North 20th at. Interment at Mt. Slnal Cemu-
JT AUSTIN On October. 26, 1015, EMMA
uiNABU, wiuow or James ii, Austin.
mineral arvlrH nn Krlilfiv a, n m n
J;a: hr late residence. ft4-W Greene at.. German-
iwmii miciiuEiii fiiiaiai
AU8TON. On October 26, 1015, MARY
ELIZABETH, wife nf John R T Anann
'.-'' ajted Vi years. Frlenda and members of the
.Ladles' Auxiliary, O, R. T. D. A. and 8.,
, are invuea to aiieno lunerai services, Friday,
ftl A p. m., ai iiie i)uniueniii 01 Uliver 11.
,j iiair, l!(iiJ cnestnut at. interment private.
w uAuo.-s. on octouer zu. min. bertha.
.V wife of Harris Bacon and dauahter of the
late Edwin a'.d Mary B. Ashton. aged 28
yars. Relatives and friends, also members
of the reorganised Church of the Latter-day
Saints, are Invited to attend funeral services,
on Saturday, at 1 p. m., at her late residence.
Its W. LloDlncott st. Interment nrivatn nt
Mn Fsrnwood Cemetery. Remains may be
vlewea on Friday, after T p. m.
BOLTON, On October 26, 1015, CATII-
inir.E-, wiaow ot xnomss jjoiion, formerly
of Cheiur, I'a. Relatives and frlenda are In
vited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, at
3 a;ou a. m., irom vna rvBtueiice oi ner sonin
law, Hugh McGulgan, 2U81 Edgemont st.
, Solemn Requiem Mass at the Church of the
i Nativity at 10 a. m. Interment at Immacu
' A late Heart Cemetery, Chester. Automobile
ti- lunerai.
Wj' BURNS. On October 27, 1918, JAMES T.
iTii.-t BURNS, Relatives and friends, also lales.
..tlno Chapter, R. A. C, No. 240, and Mat-Vi-
thlas II. Henderson Lodtre. No. C61. F. and A.
a., are Invited to attend the funeral services.
i on Saturday, at a p. m., at nis late resl-
i., nv ins iam irsi-
Intcrment at West
aence. Da a. 4-itu st.
i Xaurel Hill Cemetery.
f CANTWELL. On October 26, 1016, FRAN
I CES T., daughter of Richard and Anna Bott
? ,, Cantwell, aged 11 yeara and 6 months, Rela
f ' ttvea and friends are Invited to attend the
v J funeral, on Friday, at 7:80 a. ro., from her
Ml parents' realdence, 134 Race st. High Mass
Wi" ef Requiem at St. Auguatlne'e Church at 8
WNj Mi m. precisely. Interment at New Cathedral
lit' Cemetery,
t-. CLARK. On October 25, 1015, MARY J. W
ft3f widow of John Clark and daughter of the
, Ute George and Susanna Price, Relatives
, 'and friends are Invited to attend the funeral
IV aervloes, on Friday, at 2 p. m., at her late
c- isiuui-e, ma ntorin rrom ii. interment
at jorin weaar ion wemtiery.
COLLINS. In West Chester. I'a.. October
lr 26, JOANNA COLLINS. 815 New st. Rela-
, i,u triciiua m iiiviisu w menu ma
f funeral, without further notice, on Friday,
L High Maaa at St. Thomal' Church, Ivy Mills,
t. at 10 a. m. Interment at Ivy Mills Cemetery.
CONIY-On October 27, 1015. PATRICK.
husband of Mary Copley and aon of the late
John and Roae Conley, of County Donegal.
Ireland, Relatives and frlenda, also Altar
(society. League of the Sacred Heart and
Holy Name societies of St. Krancia de sales
Church, and all other societies of which he
waa a member, are Invited to attend the
funeral, on Saturday, at a 30 a. m., from
hta late residence, 4827 Paathall ave. Sol
emn Maaa of Requiem at Church of 8L
-Krone I de Salea, at 10 a, m. Interment at
Holy Cross Cemetery,
DEVER. On Octoner S3. 1015. JAMES, hua
band of Catherine Pever (nee McCormack).
J H'Sve Roosters oiSeki
-vw . 1 f
YS 4i.i v i L
x a ,m - i ! -.
fcBiMBwi-Mpl--pi-.aMi4)Wl ililiimiaMaslWsiaSiasskassft.
th'ilCSi.'.'' ,f'n" re lnWted to attend
i ZJSnt!- 1". Way morning, at 8 30
m &-frt,n3, nl "' residenre, 2705 Ann
ih ?'fmn. tiqulem Mass at tho Church of
Vew rfVi'lr .", ,0 "clock. Interment at
imim Ca,nedr"l t cmeterv.
Avn ,K-0n October 2, 10IK. JAMES
iwi' T0n. of Jo"'l'h nd Aamis Iwwnta.
SKJiia. T ,fr- Relatives and rrlend of
a? i ' i?1'? Cuurt folllngwood. No. R K
hi. ,l$. J'""'1?.1- rdy, 2 p. m . from
tera.JfHi "''' '. 4isw U Tront at. In
vLT W"0' Uelme I'emeteo
v iJ57i"r7P.S, rlr 26. 101S. ADOLPlt
VfcJlit .nUTvlwk,TW husband of Kmmn
flr5I .L"VS ,'?hhdflrfl. ttffl ffl vbbm ItelB
in i.SiMlJrI,I!,,' '" outhwrk Turn Ver
liUrt nK.Kr,nk"! Kasse. are lnlted to at
1 JLh '.un'.rH,. "' "Ices, on Sunday, at
i p t"'! " '" 'ate residence. 1801 Tasker
Sinn rl,Bn nt amantnwn Cremate
"t B'p. fn" n,y h vl"fod on Saturday
eaJi 5N,TIBLB intt Cardnneo). agel 4S
t!?,rl nelatlvee and frlenda, also Ruth
H.in,if.. ".I t,c'"l funeral serMces. on
isna i V V m- "l hcr late reldence.
NWii-ii ?'y "n- Interment prtate at
ftorthwood Cemetery. Remains may be
t " "" -nuiy, aiier a p, m.
October 26, 1015,
t,S.t-ui.,v5" nu friends are Invli
in his r.sih year.
lh ri,n.i "Z...:V' "".'.'' !""? " "
tiiv tiiiV. """uu tunner nonce on Kri
iu?'i. '"".at tho residence of William
Carrfc ' i'Z Centerrllle. at 2 n. m.
II rH 5 "i" rnr't '"Ins at Berwyn at
termen. ert",V ?.nSl. ,0:,, K0,n " ln'
terment at Great Valley Presbyterian Ceme-
FRoq-r'u!',',en,,X'. J?" October 26. 1915.
at hi). UViJ?UFE,'T.UB- funeral aervlcea
ou lS8 J'nce- ,M0 pouh Rlttenhouae
tvlva?.' on,Fr,I,ay. at 11 . m. Interment
private. Please omit flowers.
tltVi I,'. !li.S,,M ch'lt'l Hallaxher, IleM
Hntur.!!. l'mna invited to attend funeral.
?M Si'10 m- ,rom l,'r lte residence.
o5K iS,.blne. "Jo-.Oietbrook. Solemn He!
?? , mi,"a ?l ,ur l-ailv of I-ounlea Church
'" " " Interment Holy in Cemetery
OHAU. On October 26, loir,. MARY A..
&?'. h,rl.".t0,,her Off" Sr. (nee Itud.
aJrYnlif.81 .?"' Relatives and frlenda
Sv SJ'o lo aVtn'1 the funeral, on Sun-r-V.V
?f.r.p- m- t.T.om htr lat0 residence, :I24
iJ ,..Vle ""i- Merchantvllle, N. J. Friends
5rti..fi L.R ,ury, ecnlng. Intermint
privnte, at Colestown Cemetery.
OKAY. On October 27, 1010. MARY E.
vi Mow of Joseph dray. ltcUt,. nn,i r',n.i
S!?nJni"2? i" enthe ?unVm7smlce?on
Sunday, at 2 p. m.. nt hcr late residence. 2112
etery0" "" Inttrmcnt at Mount Morlah Ccm-
HAL11EMAN. On October 26. 1015, ISAIAH
l;,5bay,l,i0.f. Annle Haldeman ,nee Ileien'
iM?'..,-".' I"':'.' Bna. 'rle"J arc invited tu
KU nsllle. I
innnnlla rhitlt
buryinij grounds.
iiaierment at the church
Automobile service.
On DMnKa ! imp. r a
Si.?1?? A" lIALLOW-BLi; (nee Thomn?:
it. . ' ,aF0D nailoe . Duo notice of
the funeral in bo given, from her late
rcsldeiuo, 5703 Van Dyke st
1,iVwllfIl')n 0c'ter 22. 1015, JANE
11 r$i "ldow -of. eorse Wileon Harmrr,
?R t .Gt car''' "elatlvea and friends are in
Mtcd to attend tho funeral services, on Fri
day afternoon, at .". o'clock, at hcr late resi
dence. ,.')2'J (ireenc st., Germantown. In
terment Pltteburgh, Pa.
HEINZ. On October 22, 1015, at Monmouth
County, Now Jersey. WILLIAM U., son of
the late John a. and Louise Helm. In his
.loth year. Relatives and friends arc In
vited to rttcucl tho funeral services, on Sat
urday afternoon, at :i o'clock, at the resi
dence if his brother, George Heinz, tHTO
Clean lew St., Germantown. Interment pri
vate. HOEl'NEK. On October 25, 1915, ALBERT,
husband of Viola Hoefner (nee Kilyder). and
son of John and tho late Alberttne Hoefner.
WR. 34 iear.".- IJelatliea and friends, also
Mathew II, Henderson Lodce. No. 0(11. F.
and A, M.. KenelnKtot. Council. No. r.. Jr.
u. u. A. M.. aro Invited to attend the fu
neral, on Si turd a v. at 1 p. m.. from hla late
residence. ;20S Randolph st. Interment at
Belvun Cemetery.
HUGHES. On October 26. 1015, HENRI
ETTA K. C, -vife of John T. Hughes. Rola
lives and trlends are invited to attend the
funeral. Friday, at 8 a m.. from the resi
dence of her uaughter, Mrs. C. Condon, 1258
S. Bonsall st. High Mass at St. Anthony's
Church at 0:;i0 a, m. Interment at New
Cathedral Cemeterv
JENNINGS. On October 25, 1015, CHARLES
v son or u. Wesley and Minerva M. Jen.
nlngs, .aged 20 years. Relatlvea and friends
aro Invited to attend the funeral services,
on Friday, at 2 p. m., at hla parents' resi
dence, 5411 Water st., Olney. Interment at
St. James' M. E. Ground. Friends may call
Thursday, from 0 to 10 p. m.
JOHNSTON. At Atlantic City, N. J on
October 20, 1015. MA1Y A JOHNSTON,
daughter of the late Mary A. Hughes
Johnston, formerly of Mallvllle, Philadelphia.
Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery, Fri
day, at 12 m.
KELLER. Suddenly, on October 23, 1915.
PETER, beloved husbend of Sophia Keller
(nee Elmer), In Mis Ulth year. Relatlvea and
friends, also rnembers Of the Deutchcr
Krueger Verein, Wuerttemberger UeneRclal
Aaaoctatlon, Uhland Yearly Beneficial As
sociation, No. 1; officers and directors of the
Hand-ln-Hand Building Association, and eni-
fdoyee of Adams & Weatlake Company, are
nvlted to attend the funeral aervices. Sun
day afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at his late real
dence, 2202 North Palethorp st. Interment
at Oreenmount Cemetery.
KELLY. On October 25. 101B, NELLIE
KELLY. Funeral on Thursday, at 7:30 n.
m., from the residence of her brother-in-law,
Mr. John Oldt, 2314 Tackcr st. Solemn
Requiem Masa at St. Edmond'a Church at 0
a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemttery,
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend.
KMU1IT.-On October 25, 1015, JANE II.,
widow of Amos Knight, aged U8 yeara. Rela
tives and frlenda are Invited to attend the
funeral, without further notice, on Frldai.
at 2:80 p. m., from the realdence of her
son-in-law, Harry R. Tomllnson, Southamp
ton, Pa. Interment private, at William Penn
Cemetery. Train for Southampton leave
Reading Terminal at 1:23 p. m.
KKEWSON. On October 25, 1015. SYLVIA,
daughter oi J, Howard nnd Sadie M. Krew
son (nee Mclntyre). aged 4 ears 1 month
15 days. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to
attend the funeral, on Friday, at 2 p. m..
from her parents' residence, ,!28 Franklin
avo., Cheltenham, Montgomery County, Pa,
Interment private, at lawn View Cemetery.
Friends may all on Thursday evenlmr.
LLOYD. At Salem, N, J on October 25,
ELIZABETH LLOYD, widow of Firman
Lloyd and daughter of the late Jacob and
Harriett Sheer, In her 80th year. Relatives
and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral,
from her late residence. 69 Walnut at.,
Salem, on Saturday, at 10.80 a. m. gervlcea
at Flrat Methodist Episcopal Church, Salem,
at 11 a. m. Interment at East View Ceme
tery, Salem. Train leaves Market at. ferry.
Phlla.. at 8'10 for Salem.
I.UDLAM. On October 25, 1016, EMMA II.
LUDI.AM, aged 47 yeara. Funeral servlcea
held Friday, at 1 p. m., at tho residence ot
her brother, Somera Iazard, of Rio Grande,
N. J. Interment at Baptist Cemetery, Cape
Mav Courthouse, N, J.
MacNA.MEE. On October 27, 1015. DANIEL,
husband of the late Mary C. MacNamee (nee
Magarahan), formerly of 0th and Morris sts.
Relatives and friends, also Holy Name Soci
ety of the Ascension Church, are Invited to
attend the funeral, on Saturday, at 8:30
a. m., from his late residence, 1921 East
Ontario st. Solemn Mass of Requiem at the
Churou of the Ascension, at 10 a, m, Inter
ment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
MAYNKS. On October 27, 1015, BIUDaET.
widow of Charles Maynea (nee Staus) Itelu
tivta and frlenda, alao the Ii, V, M. Sodality
and tho Le.mue of the Sacred Heart of St.
Paul's. Church, are Invited to attend the
funeral, on Tuesday, at 8 30 n. in.. fr0m her
lale- residence, 712 South (It), st, Solemn
High Mass of Requiem at St. Paul's Church
at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Ceme
tery. McCALLA (nee Crout). On October 27
1015. EMILY R-. widow of Frink. L. Mci
Calls. Further notice of the funeral will
be given from her residence, 731 N. :iuth n
McIIUOH. On October 25. 1015. MARGA
RET, widow of William Melluah. Funeral
on Friday, at 8 30 a. m.. from, the realdence
of her brother-in-law, Mr. Ambrose Hughes,
0.15 North 48th at Solemn Requiem Masa at
our Mother of Sorrows' Ohyrtth at 10 a. m.
Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. Rela
tives and friends, also St John's 11. V. M,
Podalltv, are (nv'ted to attend
McMATII. On October 27, at the Old
Ladles' Homo Wlsslnomlng. Mrs. KATH
ARINE McMATH, aged 77 years. Rautlvea
and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral
WHY noriT
Veuu ;WHat
CB VaaRluillj V? "IiW.'jJ
erMcee, on Friday, at 110 p. m., at the
Home Interment at Evergreen (emetcri.
I'amdfn, N J.
MrSOItT.Ki.- Suddenly, at Mount Holly, N.
.1 . October 27, Hill. St SIE McSOItl.HY. Itel
atlves and frleKts are tmlted t attend the
funeral, from her laio reslttence, iSn Mount
Holly ae , Mount Holly, N J., nn Saturday,
at 2 p. m. Interment at Mount Holly Ceme
tery. M(INtt.--on October 3S, 11MB, FRANK T.
MOSS, son oi the late Thomas and Hllwlietn
Palmer Mom, aged ear. Itclativea and
friends, nlso Kenderton lAxlgq, No. 2(16, 1. O.
O. P., are invited to attend the runeral serv
l..e. on Frl.lH, at 3 p. in., at the realdence
of his brother. Charles II. Moss. 4R22 Dexter
at , ROTborouah Interment private, at Chtl
ten Hills Cemetery
NKSIU'IT. Suddenly, on October 25, 1015,
SUIAtMUN, husUind of Hannah A Neanltt
inee Broker) Relatlvea and trlcnda are In
vited to attend tht funeral aervlcea, on Frl
du. at 2 p. m., nt hla late residence, 2311
hast Susquehanna ave. Interment private, at
North Cedar Illll Cemetery
NORTON. On October 27, 1915, JANE
ELI.AIIKTH, daughter of the late Nathan
iel and Mary Norton, Relatives and frlenda
nre Invited to attend tho funeral services, at
her Ute residence, 1825 N. 11th si., on Frl
lay evening, at 8 o'clock. Interment Satur
day morning, at t edar Grove Cemetery, pre
ceded t.y a service In the Cedar Grove I'rea
byterlan Church on the arrival or the train
leaving Broad Street Station at 0.30 a. m.
Ijinrnster papers please copy.
PARKINSON. On October 26, 1015. AL
BIUtT I, hustnd of Margaret L. Parkin
son tnee While), nged . eats. Relatlvea
and frltnda, also Phils. Lodge. No. r,4. L. O.
0. M and Falrmount Lodge, No 3.1.1, II, or
L. F. and K.. are Invited to attend funeral
servicer Thursday, at K p. m., at lila late
reHence, Ml N. ftMh at. Interment at Mt.
Bethel cemetery, Columbia, Pa., Trlday, at
11'nO a. m.
PKOPI.EH. On October 27, 1915, REBECCA
J., wife of Robert J. Peoples, aged 51 yeara.
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend
funeral, on Saturday, nt 2 p m., from her
late residence, 40.VI I'arkslde ave. Interment
at Mount Morlah Cemetery.
REll.l.Y. On October 26, 1015. THOMAS,
ton of tho late Patrick Itellly. The relatives
and friends, also St. Edward's Altar Society,
watchmen of Ilrond Street Station. Pennn.
11. R. off ices, and nil societies of which he
was a member, are Invited to attend tb
funeral, on Saturday momlng, at 8:30
o'clock, from the residence of his sister,
Mrs. William P Honey, 2827 N. 0th st. Sol
emn Requiem Mass at St. Edward's Churcn
at 1(1 o'clock. Interment at llolv Sepul
chre Cemetery. Automobile funeral.
REYNOLDS. On October 2(1, 1015. THOMAS
J. REYNOLDS, SR., husband of the late
Mi.ry F. ltrjnolda. Due notice of funrrnl
wl.l bo istvrn from tho residence of his son-In-law
Frank c Hnhn. :U12 N. 1.1th st.
ROONEY. On October 20, 1015, REBECCAH
J., wile of ThomaB J. Rooney. Relatives and
Irlenda, also Altar Society and League of
the Sacred Heart, aro Invited to attend the
funeral, on Saturday, nt 8:H0 a. m., from her
Ute residence, 1016 Snyder ave. Solemn
Requiem Mass at tho Church of the Epiph
any at IP a. m. Interment at New Cathe
dral Cemeterv.
SAMUELS. On October 27. 1015, REOINA,
widow of David Samuels, In her M.th year.
Relatives and friends, also I.enh t-odge. are
lnvlte.1 to attend tho funeral, on Friday, at
l.:i0 p. m., from her late residence, Tho
Tioga Terrace. 2224 Tiogi st Interment at
Adath Jeahurun Cemetery. Kindly omit
BASSE. On October 20, 1915, JOSEPHINE,
widow of Henry Basse, need M sears. Rela
tives and frlenda are Invited to attend the
funeral services, on Saturday, at 2 p. irl., at
ths residence of her son, 8725 Arthur ave.,
Camden, N J. Interment private, at New
Lamden Cemetery. Friends may view the
. remains on Friday, from 7 to p. m.
bCHICK. On October 27. 1015, WILLIAM
J., husband of tho late Sophia Schick, aged
7 ycirs. Relatives and frlenda, nlso the
Southwurk So-'lal 1'nterstutzunea Verein No.
1. aro Invited to attend funeral, on Saturday,
at 2 p, m.. from hla late residence. 22211 N.
f.th st Interment Oreenmount Cemetery.
Remains nny bo viewed on Trlday, from 7
until I) p m.
bCOTT On October 25, 1915. GEORGE B.
SCOTT, husband of Mary Scott (nee Hogan)
and son of Chailes I), and Mary Scott, aged
.1(1 ears. Relatives and frlenda, also Har
mony Council, No. K), Order of Independent
Americans, are Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Friday, at 2 p. m., at his late
residence, 240 South Lambert st. (21st and
Rltner sts ) Interment private, at Fernwood
Cemetery. Rematna may bo viewed on Thurs
day ovonlng.
SHARP On October 26, 1915, ELIZABETH
GltlER. wife of Samuel 8. Sharp. Service
on Friday, at lmo.n. m.. at her late resi
dence, 2l. West Jonnson at.. Germantown.
i.t-r.u-ru private, lvinuiy omit nowers.
S1IREVE. At Me.lfor.l. !M. .1.. on r(ni,ae
-' 101-""'. REBECCA P., widow of lslah
I.eeds SPreve. nircl SO ver. U1(,Hi-. on,
friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on
Saturday, from the residence of Rebecca Llp
Mncr.tt, 17 Cherry Bt., Medrord, N. J., at 2
r. m. Friends may view rematns on Friday,
irom 7 until 1) p. m. Interment at I. O. O. X.
Cemetery, Medford. N. J.
SOLIMEO. On October 20, 1015, JO
SEPHINE, wife of Ulysses Sollmeo, aged 40
yenrs. Relatives and friends are Invited to
attend the funeral, on Saturday, at 7:30 a,
m. from her .ate realdence. 250!) Harlem at.
lllgli Mass at St. Elizabeth's Church at 0
i. m. Interment private at Holy Cross Cem
etery. STARR At Island Heights. N. J on Oc
tober 20, 1015. JOHN F. STARR, aged M
vcara. Relatives and frlenda are Invited to
attend the funeral servlcea, on Thursday,
nt 8 p. m., at his late residence. Island
Heights, N. J. Interment at Greenwood
Cemetery. Philadelphia
STAUSNE. On October 26. 1915. VALEN
TINE J , husband ot Nellie M. Stauste,
aged Ru year. Relatives and friends, also
tho employes of Supplee-Blddle Hardwure
Compary, arc Invited to attend the funeral
scivlces, on Saturday, at 2 p. m . at his
late residence, 1008 W. Erie ave. Interment
pi hate.
S'lOOP. On October 27, 1015, ANDREW,
husband of the late Kate M. Stoop, aged 78
years. Relatives und friends, also the mem
bers of the Slloam M. E. Church, and trus
tees of the Union Wesley Cemetery, are In
vited to attend the funeral services, on Sat
urday, at 2 p. m., at his late residence, 1331
East Columbia ave. Interment private, at
North Cedar Hill Cemetery. Kindly omit
TOLER. On October 2(1, 1015, MARTHA,
wife of Robert Toler (nee Hough), uged
10 years. Relatives und friends are Invited
to attend funeral, Filday, at 1 p. m., from
her late rcidetict, 850 N. Darien st.
YOLK. On October 27, 1015, PAUL, hus
band of Anna M, Volk (nee Ott), aged 62
years. Relatlvea and friends, also S. Alber
tua' Council. No. 401, C. B. L.i St. Bernard's
Beneficial hoclety. Holy Trinity BenefU-lal So
ciety. J- P. Balls Yearlv Beneficial Socletv.
Dcutsch-Amerlkanlscher Landwehr Beneficial
Society, Firemen's Union, No. 25, and em
ployes of J, P. Baltz Brewing Co.. are In
vited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, at
B a. m., from hie late residence, 3039 Stiles
st. Requiem Mass at St. Ludwlg's Church
at 0.30 a. m. Interment at Most Holy Re
deemer cemetery.
WALLACE. On October 20, 1016. ELIZA
BETH ASHllY, wife of Frederick R. Wal
lace. Relatives and friends are Invited to
attend the funeral services, at her late resi
dence, Wayne, Delaware County, Pa., on
Friday, at 2 p. m. Interment private.
WAI.LEM. On October 26, 1015, LINDA
WALLEM, widow of J. Nordahl Wallem.
Norwegian Consul. Relatives and friends
are Invited to attend the funeral aervices. on
Friday, at 2 P. m., at her late residence,
421 South Lanadowne ave., Lansdowne,
Delaware County, Pa. Interment at Wood
lanJ Cemetery, Carriages will meet train
leaving Broad St. Station at 1:28 p. m.
lVKTIIKUILU On Ortober 27. 1015, LAW
J Lawrence and Louise Rldgely Wethirlll,
aged 1 eur 5 months. Funeral aervices at
St. James the Lcsa. Falls of Schuylkill, on
Friday, the '.itth Inst., at 12:30 p. m.
WOOD. On October 25, 1015, WILLIAM P.
WOOD, Relatlvea and frlenda, also Purity
Lodge, No. 825. I. O. O. F., are Invited to
attend the funeral servlcea, on Friday, at
1 so p m. precisely, at hla late residence,
1357 Eaat Montgomery ave. Interment pri
vate. YOOS. On October 28. 1015. LOUISA,
widow of Anions Yoos. In the 73th year of
hcr age. Relatives and frlenda of the fam
ily me Invited to attend the funeral serv
lcea on Saturday afternoon, at 3 o'clock
precisely, at hcr lale residence. 1431 Carlton
st. Interment at Mt. Peace Cemetery
ZDROYEK. On October 25, 1915, AN
THONY, husband of Julia Zdroyek. Rela
tives and frlendo, alao J G. Brill Company
Rtnettclal Association, aro Invited to attend
the funeral, on FrWav, at 8.30a. ni rpiii
nls late lldence. 2337 South DM st. High
Mass of Requiem at Church of the Most
Blend Sacrament at 10 a, in. Interment at
Holy C'roae Cemetery.
Copyright, 1013, K, W, Kemble,
This STYLE TYPE for like trial
One time ,,,,. ,,,, l&e.
Three times on week 12Hc
8W tlmee one week loe.
filturtlina Wanted, three times one wee 10
eetita per line.
Place your order for three or
more limes and It will be inserted
in the daily Public Ledger at no
additional cost.
One or two time rtt for EitMNO Lttnsa
and Poslio Luxits combined la 10 centa par
lino with the exception or Help Wanted and
Situations Wautrxi. which la 15 ccnta par Una.
TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this)
which la permitted In all classifications ex
cept Help and Situations Wanted, Lost and
?.?.",'?.!' -A'J.r"""11' Boarding and Rooms, add
There is a drug store near your
home that will accept Ledger want
ads at office rates.
I1S.I;I.i;:.;;IJl:ilH' clerks and stenoo-
RAPHLRS teeklng imsltlons will receive val
oabl. .Information and exceptionally helpful
KUiMCt, by consulting Miss Dean, Ledger
Central, by personal Interview or letter. She
will aid you with your ad. list your qualm
MENT nnd use every effort to locate a posi
tion for you. During the month of September
through thli SERVICE, which la free to
Ledger advertisers.
c?..TnALT0. ,or auburban church quartet:
f2.M n Sunday. 11 7."), Ledger Central,
CHILDNURSE-Wanted, North German child
nurse, 2 children, ages 5 and 7; reference r
quired. Call .'Ou North2Qlh st.
CLOTH WEAVERS wanted. Apply" John &
James Dobson, Inc., Blanket Mills, Scott'i
. lane. Falls of Schuylkill.
COOK wanted, first class; must be good pastry
and bread baker, best relcrence required.
Mrs. Jos. C. Fralev. t:o w ctwstnut u.,..
Chestnut Hill. Phono Chestnut Hill UMI. .
COOK. Colored, for lnu ntilulra wnrlf tm. as. !
slst with Ironing; family of 3; 6 per week.
f.20."i Wayne ave, Germantown.
COOK, Proteatant woman, city, for email fam
ily, reference. Phone before 11 a m.. two
days. Preston 8!t34 V.
COOK, good, plain, for out ot town; family of
two; no washing; reicrtnce. II 437. Ledger
COOK and chambermaid, 2 white Prot. glrta;
family 3. Address Bon 28. Bryn Athyn, Pa.
LOOKING, and dowiis-jttrs work; white girl;
reference reipjlred U4U7 Wayne ave.
GIRLS wnntcd over"l(I jears or ago. Brown &
llalley Co.. Franklin and Willow.
HOUSEWORK German girl or "woman for
general housework, must understand Eng
lish; vvngea (6. Call 374 Gowtn ave, Mt.
Alry. or phone Chestnut Hill 1046 D.
HOUSEWORK Neat colored woman for down
stairs work; fond of children; ret. req. Apply
2533 S. Iaimbert St., between 1 and 3 p. m.
HOUSEWORK Exper. whlto girl for genera'l
housework. Meet lady for Interview, Room
230. Public Ledger, Thursday, 1 o'clock.
HOUSEWORK White girl for general house
work for small family In suburbs. Apply
10 S. loth St.. after 10 a m.
HOUSEWORK (general") White girl. German
orSwedlKhprererred. L 52:1 Ledger Offlcc.
HOUSEWORK "(general) Energetic, expert-
enced woman. 1P04 Walnut st.
HOI'SEWORKER Must be good plain cook;
white girl: to go to Clearfield, Ta. Address
L .122. Ledger Office.
LAUNDRESS, white, Protestant, one willing
to assist In other household duties, Media,
Pa. I. S27, Ledger Office.
MENDERS, experienced, on fine men's wear,
worsteds. Shackamaxon Mills, Hancock and
Allegheny ave.
PAPER BOXES Turners-ln and covering ma
chines; good chanco; competent girls. Apply
Sth and Willow sts.
PAPER BOXES Girls under 1(1 yeara to learn
paper box making. Apply Schoettle's, 310
;. Florist.
STENOGRAPHER. In real estate'offlce; state
exper. and sal, expected. II S.To. I.cdRcr Cent.
BUltO & CO.
WANTED, 2.1 girls, between the ages of IS
and 22. for moving picture work, for the
next few days. Franklin Studio, 20 E. Her
man at.. Gernantown.
WOMAN for cbamberwork and help care for
one child. Write or call. Trolley from
Frinkfonl for Bristol. Mrs. A. R. Burton,
Tullytown. Pa.
YOUNG WOMAN of refinement and Intelli
gence to handle a high-grade profitable com
modity; one accustomed to meeting the best
people: experience preferred, but not essen
tial; state full details. H 040, Ledger Cen.
FIVE high-grade women Immediately to taka
rharre of an established business In Centres
In Philadelphia. Women mer 2.", of good
appearance required Thorough training In
our business methods given free. No cap.
vaislng. Good pav Address The Snlrella
Company, Inc., 1(113 Chestnut st THIS IS
WOMEN wanted. Gov. clerks, $70 mo. Phlla.
exams, coming, Llat position obtained free.
Franklin Institute. Dept. 715 II. Rochester,
N. Y.
enced men. Chailes S. Caffrcy Co., loth and
Market st.. Camden, N. J.
BOOKKEEPERS We will require the services
of lfi men on election night. November 2. to
list and add correctly: six hours' work. Ap
plicants will please address C. F. A . P. 6.
Box KM. Phlla., In own handwriting and
atate Ihono number.
BtRiRKEEI'llR, with thorough knowledge of
uouote entry. imiinii.K experience preierred;
stato use, oxpor,, rela salary expected and
rellgloua -lfflllatlona. It W4I. Ledger Central.
We requlie bright active boys, between tho
ages nf It und 1(1 years, for inside poalilons;
excellent opportunity for those desiring to
quullf) for advancement, bring age certllt.
catea Apply before 10 a. m , superintendents
n. Kneiicnnurg Ac co,
Tirtv l.rlKht. active.
(I to IS, wamc.Tln stocTJ
proaer a mine, uui.e in unn nanulwnt
lng. stating age and references, A 411, Led-
BOV, 10 years of age. In office of manufacture
Ing concern, chanco for advancement; gye
partlculara of yourself. A 403, Ledger Office
BOH, 10 or over, to work In wall paper fac
tory. Apply at once. Becker, Smith & Page,
Water and Snyder ae.
CAU1NETMAKERB wanted. Apply Lincoln
Furniture Co, IPth st. and Ia?hlgh ave.
CAIIINKTMAKKR8' 'helpers" wanted. Apply
Lincoln Furniture Co., luth and Lehigh.
y 1 J
A- T yf. J
r J ww
KJrL jE?
AT "Wa I lev " MTtMF I
Jf W fTe rA JMiMyJr
. yu-'. jrmm
CARPENTERS wanted call 2JII North 3d
CA8K FITTJ-.1IS ithl.j
Apply Lincoln Fur-
nlture i ompan lwth and IrfhlBh a
CLOTH WEAVERS was tail Appll Jhn At
.lames Dobson, in... hlankei Sfllls, flcotts
lane, Palis of S. huilMII
COACHMAN-UROOM Most be a (Wed rider
and understand the cats of hunters, must
also l- able 10 run a small automobile, give
weight. HHlar) and rrierrnces II 751, LHsr
C"!K. -'LKRK WANTED- Permanent imeltlon
with manufacturing concern at llageistown
.. ant assured advancement fprbTlbt
clean-cut, ambitious eunf man ((i-25) with
at lean two years ci pen Mice in .oat Keep
ing and similar records, mt I nest pen
man ami quirk and accurate at flguies. no
consideration will be given except applicant
states fully nationality, education, experi
ence, ase and lar expected to start, cor
reiondenco confidential Address l. asi.
ledger Office.
ELsK'VltlcjAN "l"'. ltt-etaas all-around
INiwer and llslitlug man, one who can repHlr
armatures and miscellaneous electrical work,
lermanent position with uptown engineering
coniny M 1A. J.edgcr Central.
ERHCTINU BNG1NGHR wanted, experienced.
Please apply the Krebs Pigment and Chem-
leal Companj. Newport, Del.
FIIAMEMAKERS Pix men. on window and
door rramts. Plintng mill, nth and Tioga.
LAYEItS, nailers and scrapers on parquetry
and hardwood (loom wanted nt once, bring
tools Haney, White Company, Broad and
OFFICE ASSISTANT -Young man for whole
sale grocery office to assist In billing dept.;
experienced preferred; state exp. and salary
desired. SO, Ledger Braneh.lt.00 Green,
OFFICE BOY-Aged 1.1 to 10. must be bright
and .filtrate, nirlhwestern part of the cits
Emplovment office, Edward O. Budd Mrs.
Co., 2Mb nnd Hunting Park ave
PAPLH BOX CITTElt'S, good chance, thor-
uughli iomp men. Apply Mh and Willow sts.
Experienced printers nnd retouchers wanted
at ome. Photo-Craftcrs. S. E. cor. lath anl
Sansnm sts.
SALESMEN "to handle high-grade "commodi
ties, stato experience and retcrencea In tiist
letter. H WO, Ledger Central.
STENOGRAPHER Young man having expcrl
eive In real estate state particulars and ail
nry deelreil. II 7x, Ledger Central.
STOCK SALESMAN wnnted must have clean
record and refs, ottrn.tlve oflcilng prcfctre.1,
with liberal honus of common cpilck (cults,
city work only. H 8l!i, Ledger Central.
Hand nnd nutomntlc screw machine opera-
lUlfl, i-,-,i,u. riiuii, ,!,, ...iiur irnuD.PS.
Amtlv I.m.lnvm,nr AoMnrt..
WANTED, 2.1" young men," between, the ages
of is and 2J, for moving picture work, for
the next few days. Franklin Studio, 20 E.
Herman St., Germantown.
YOUNG MAN, exp. nn endfr: also operator on
wcqrlng mach. Apply Schoettlc'a, alo Florist.
. Wanted
school and college ,puh or p7l to represent
manufacturer of class pin, 'm no Led. OIL
wanted In each
mediate pua . hiahV r.f. . ',o.,:rre.s ill?
iMKiifni. rem. a ...'a.' L.?d. )1T. '
Sn"j 'S.",! '?. "."'J. Osslrt. per-
erato ks h. rv 1 1 Vc , ',"' kcwq concern , mod--fSIgaiary.
H 444;Ledger Central.
Si?S """. knowl. ..r stenography 1,.:
claea references. H 450, Ledger Central
BOOKKEEPER, cashier, clerk, typist 4 vears'
experience, capable, li 537, "'Ledger Cent"".
Bj0hKKE.EPERtand clerk-Neat, accurate re
J'air'i.slex h .151. Ledger "entrat
NOV iE'esnA ,U'e 3 ' V V lffeiTo.lTlotT by
-Il?iLpP- .i?t L Oil, Ledger O.flce.
German'L1':' ,'". chlMnurse-Rellned
nAe--7t!l-W-:J?i'ts po"-- rf- l7-" Marshal"
, LP'al'. 22.12 Brandy wine st. ,
Co'rA.Sumi:rhl.W"5 ""J5 -alTriT:"oio7eo7-rIty
orsuburbs, goodrefercnce. L ..24, LeJ Oft
CYour!'Iirm malting or -chlldnurte-i
immg,ermanJot(JO wi)oston ave.
""vy13' Oerman. takes enttreTchargu
oLimby;best ref.H S43,Ledgcr Central.
Cone,ilfYS,ll.nl:i,a',. T,M'' willing, whoc
wYs'n rleJ,c5fi1 1 Sjnnan-Anierl. "" woman
wisnea Pqg goqillaker. ref. A .'KiLLed Otf.
C?(eK rSUti J1 wn'a'rs work-Settled woman!
clt preferred. referencn.--.lij;ri,,fr..lT;
Cg2l raerJ oWl?"vvsVva,nt njaltlona together:
. goo.1 ref. .4. .estmoreland st.
COOK, white, reliable, wishes place cltvor
countryjrefcrence. iha. mth."
Clountan0set'1 woma" Ii Place." 1U15
Nortl Germantown preferred. 12.12
DA?'S V'ORK or washing amTlrontnc atTioriir:
coloredwomaii: ref. Add.lt.27 Fernon st.
DItlMSMAKER wishes moro customers: excel-
KnL.,1:'fere.nces' designer, remodeler. 3823
Hamilton, Preston .H07W.
DHBSBMAKEE-rrcnch. ladles and "children";
21P? J carfare. 2110 Balnbridge. Locust
GIRL, colored, reliable, wants dav's work
cltv or country, references. Is.1,1 Christian. '
Highly educated German, all Eng. brandies.
Irench, piano, .1 vears last position. Al rels
wlshea engageinent. II n,0. I,ed:er Central.
HOUSEKEEPER. Plain cook-AmerlcarVproT!
middle-aged, wishes position, outside cltv
pref.: wages 1. Address A 410, ladger Off.
HOUSEKEEPER, managing. Prot". experl-
encedu hotel or apartment. A204. JedOff
HOlfsEKEripilR. managing public or prf.
vate; experienced, reference. I. .12.1 Led. Off.
HOUSEMAID and cooking, white, can wait on
J.able, refs. H.1.11. Ledger Central. '
HOl'"si:VORK. "general." Irish girl wlllllng to
do any kind, of work. ri22B. lfcth st.
LAUNDRESS, good, wishes washing at home
or day' a work. 1010 Manton st.
NURSE First class, expel lenred. refined nursiT
from New York Baby Hospital, wishes per
manent position: (I rurs' excellent city refs.,
rpeaklng 3 languaRca. H 74!r. Ledger Central
NURSE (PRACTICAL)" Atalst light duties,
city or suburbs; Protestant, reference. L 5lu
Ledger Of rtce.
ycais' experience, took full charge of offlco
und acted as prlvato eecreiary excellent
record ana rv.u.c.nef ii ...... i.,
.edger Cent.
STENOGRAPHER Young woman, with good
education and n little expcrlcme. deslrea po
sition In the ofll.e of n. m linn or npeclallHt,
or as prlvato secrctar. II 447. Iadger Cent
BTKNOORAI'HER. knowledge oftookkeeplng!
(I tars' experience high BChool graduate,
deirescentrai location (I HS.I, Ledge cent
prENOGIIAPHER Capable young ladq Kirs'
expeileiue nggiessho, well qualified for sec.
retarlal or confidential work O M.1 Levi Cen
CLERKS and office help of all kind can be
secured through our COMMERCIAL DR.
PARTMENT at Ledger Central. Write or
telephone your requirements to "Miss Dean."
Walnut snort she will put you In touch with
young ladles qualified by education, ability
and experience to meet your needs. This
la a free service to Ledger advertisers,
unique, valuable, convenient and very satisfactory.
HoLtj Youiv fACEV
r0Q l r JO
mm LjP-
3aj If llaVr lv!v , tr .iMil IRHsBa,aai
HTEX'KlliAI'ltMt. three ears- experience
a-iable willing, ran furnish best ref de
sires i.ntral taction H HI. l.clser Ontrsl
STENOGRAPHER, enmpelent and accurate,
would consider moderate swlar with oppor
tune, leference P SIN. Ledger Office.
STKNOllRAPHER and xt Imokk
vrs' exp., will Jem abll. II VVl.
RTENiirlHAI'llUR nnd assistant boojikjseiwr 2
ers' experienre 401. Ledger O'me
UrkNtHIRAPIIKR-Cp. hlfih sch'l gmd
n rs ' ox p.. dea. cent, local' n. G SA,, I"
d . with
WASHING at home or house-cleaning;
rlaaa reference 1815 N.Tajrlnr
YOUNG LADY, exp. clerk, knowl. o( steneg
raphy. capable, willing. G U81. ledger Cent.
YOUNG alRL wishes position as chamber
maid, best reference. Call 2210 Kltienhoum
St.. or phene Locust 22ff7 W.
MI.I.B. BBRTHK, 1117 Walnut, deslrea school
work and private pupils In conversational
met had.
ITALIAN Ref young lady, Milanese," teochea
children; alao grown-ups. 1. 119, Led. Cent.
ACCOUNTANT, otflce manager, secretary or
confidential man. Initiative and executive
ability, familiar with ooat s) stems, syatema
tiling, cjrporutlon work, auditing, credits,
collections and the best business methods,
thorouKhly .nimble uf assuming responsibility
best Phlla, rets., bond, 17 years' exper. ;
open for position of trust. H S47. Led. Cent
ACCOUNTANT, 32, salea and executive exp,
ublllt), wide exp, desires responsible post-
B tlon with established firm. 11 4S4, Ledger Cent.
ACCOUNTANT (Junior), and bkpr.; thor. capa
ble and resjionslble. 10 years' business exp.
mod. aalarywuh pros. O U4(i, Ledger Cent.
ACCOUNTANT wishes sets of books "to audit
or keep evenings, moderate rates; highest
tredentlala. G ti.15, ledger Central.
AGENT Man with IS ears' experience In
steel business would like to securo ucencv
tor Philadelphia terriuu) , small specialty
proposition prcurred which can be developed.
A 4tis, laxlger Otrlie.
ASSISTANT to bkpr., cashier," tngr., salesman;
oung man. 20, quick, scvuruti, 0 ia.' bus.
exp., highest rcl, 11 2M, Lidger Central.
man, 22, desires position, can operate type
writer; mod, sal., best refs. II C41, Led. Cent.
AUDITING and accounting, balance sheets and
analytical stale., exp. hcrv. G B31, Led. Cent.
BOOKKEEPER-Collectton correspondent, also
public accounting experience,: 20 cara old;
nave good record, desire lltlon with manu
facturer. 11 (11. Ledger Central,
rapid, accurate, trial requested. II 041, Led
ger Central.
BUTLER-HOUSEMAN Colored manr'sjTwants
position, 0'4 jeaia" reference from last em
ployer, neat, willing II 745, Ledger Central.
BUTLER Young colored man wants situation
In private family, willing and obliging,
best of reference. A 133. Ledger Office.
CHAUFFEUR nnd coachman, six years' exp"
will care for heaters; lst-class ref. M Pen
llyn Postof lice.
CHAUFFEUR, white. "man-redT-wishes" posU
tlon; rlrst-class mechanic, Al ref. of 4 yeara
In last place. A 831, Ledger Office.
CHAUFFEUR, white, wishes" pos.: 7 years'
experience, best ref. Phono Dlckinson5334.
COACHMAN and plain gardener, middle aged
single man wants place; reliable and Indus
trious, can be highly recom. G 4R1, Led. Cent.
COACHMAN and gardener or chauffeur; best
private ref. M. D., Ambler Postofflcc, Pa.
COACHMAN or groom, thorough horseman!
married; refa. 143 E. Chelten ave.. atn.
COOK or houseman Experienced young colored
man; reference. 1711 Fltzwater st. Phone
Dickinson 3424 W.
GARDENER, single, middle aged, exper. vege
tables, flowers, milking, furnace; comp., all
around man, refs. Jackson, rco Vine st.
GARDENER, married, small fam.. wishes sit..
eenueman;piacejrei. aciii N.LeltnEow.
MAN AND WIFE, butler nnd'cook.'colored;
iirsc-ciass rccerence. VZZi CjnriStlan St,
Young mvn, experienced, capable of produc
ing, going into central N. Y. State, will rep
resent mtr having worthy proposition, guar
antee and commission. H 24S Ledger Cent.
PURCHASING AGENT, long "experience as
buyer of all materials for one of greatest
textile buslncssea in New England, still on
the Job, wants to locate In Philadelphia for
Person il reasons, trained "conwratlon man'."
II 74. Ledger Central.
SALESMAN with 10 years' experience and
ability to provo worth seeks permanent posi
tion, traveling or local, strong personality
and good appearance, highest references as
to character etc. H 137. Ledger Central.
SALESMAN. aze31. now employed, well eciu
cuted. desires to connect, established Arm
local or travel H .1.1.1. Ledger Central
lOL'NU .MAN. 34 years old. having long office
and selling experience, wishes responsible pos.
With H growing concern nr.r.i,jMv n .
cated in a smaller city. H 730J.eJgnr Cent.
iOLNG MAN, ! vears of age, would like to
connect with business house; Immediate sal
ary secondary to opportunity for advance
merit. A 407, LedgerOfflce.
YOUNG MAN. 23 years'oldT marrledT wantslo
hecomo socretary or assistant to progressive
man who has high ideals and ambition H
S44. Ledger Central,
YpUNO Irishman. Juatovcr."lsnese)sRion
In prl. garage, 2d man, willing, obliging
well recommended. 3S w. Willow drove " av.
YiSnJ?-man' i?1' wltn .4 'ar' business ex
pcrlence, college graduate In agriculture,
good habits and character.
I desire fcuperlntendency or clerkship In a
nrm. farm machinery or equipment preferred.
.Whh.CIabll,ty nd hard work will warrant
h,.,ru,ure ,','urC';a8,lnt of an Interest in the
business. H 732. Ledger Central.
A YOUNG MAN from the country and at rres
fn,aKftttdent' nee1" "ork help him
through- he was general mechanic In (he
v..uu, .. ounmeu, ,s an auept ul nxlng
locks: he can do carpentering, plastering or
u n V van,. In ha.1, ......... .'..!.. . . " .
,(.. ""', "" uui a ouiioing, no
ilnC tO takn far, nf r,.rnnr. nna A .,
work about the house for modcrato compen.
satlon. Address Guttavus Rickctson. Y. M.
c . A., 1421 Arch st
HAVING an office position which is unrtcslr
ablo on account or environment and erratic
nature of employer. I desire to change and
engage at moderate salary as prliate aecre.
tHry and traveling companion, American
born, Protestant, unmarried, physical!
sound, aged 60; height, 0 ft., weight, l'O
iclercnces present and past emploers for j
tears. A 4C0. Ledger Office.
Young man. 23. good appearance, with ex
ecutive ability. 2 jears' cleilcal and I vears'
selling exierienee, with knowledge of "Span.
lh. deslrea connections with concern having
lectin. American Interest. Address A. M C
iK)l 'Spruce
OFFERS HIS SERVICES to teach SpanTsTirio
correspond In Spanish, as bookkeeper, or as
sistant or to translate from Spanish Into
English, or vice versa, nr from Italian or
French Into English. Address J, C. M , !o2u
Arch street.
MClioLLS, 11)20 Balnbrldgo st . has rompe
tent butleia, second men, huukemen. Swiss,
German, French, English couples, cooks, 30
to 7i. waitresses, chamberiualda. eivodlsh
cool: and waitress, parlormaids, governesses,
ladles' maids, nurses, laundiessea, etc
Wanted, 10 o'clock, German cooks, English
goerneses. I' renin ladles' maids. Irish cook
anC waitress, together 7, parlormaids tor
counti). kltchenmalds, housemaids, refer,
euces lequlred. Phono Locust 2130,
toURsrchambermaida, clilldnurscr noufowork
girls, man and wife want positions. Wantod,
cook lur Catholic rectory. Miss Rose Dough
rtl 13 (Ilrard ave.
kuppllea and wants young women. s na
tionalities, fur private huuse service. Hpiue
MI8 MAvfMcCltTnr2"iin"'-rnrWliiTi
(l.oc. 131)3). supplies V wants lst-class Prot.,
Catli. male A- female help, all nationalities
MADAME ASH. French Employment Bureau,
133.1 Christian at - Beliablv help supplied and
wantel. all nationalities, Prot. and Cath.
abr can
;0 climb
TOURING CARft of various sites and prlSen.
ranging from 2M up.
2311 Market at. Locust MK
II. A JENK8. Mgr.
-- - Exchange Car Dept. ...,....
10JI WHITE TotlHINa 4 tvllnder, 40 Ji, !".,
i -passenger, self starter, electric lights; ftrat
class enisHilftn with slip covers; price flit.
I U. M(1JK!t, XI North Broad st.
PIRRUl -AHROW. 48 H p 0 cjIMJef, mitt
urban domed model H-.1 Bill, ecrual to new.
tlO0. rull modern equipment. H 049, Ledger
B-41 H. P. 7-Pars.. eIecirlo"ilht" Gray"
f hone
vis scarcer orernauiea: new iirrs.
Woodland 1RC0. 12IS S. Ed e wood St.
iADll.L tui 1 touring car, overhauled sJ
iriwinceo, iuk equipmeni, price ew. auiu
us is
Broad at.
WIS "7" H. P. HUDSON Roadaterj eWrtrle
lights, fujlv equipped looks like ntw H SS3.
ledger ntral. JM
OAKLAND "touting car. Continental motor,
excellent condition will aactinre. Apply 8401
Germantown ave , chestnut Hill.
CADILtAC. 1014. perfect rnn. anct Just. mrar
nlshert; omplete' equip N Scott, I21S Filbert.
DON'T PAY STORAGE when vou"(-n ssTfyeur
rar for cash Friars. (Bif.Nv Broad sL .
SOoTsni) CARS for sate runabquts,"1lourlngs
and trucks. 29 N Broad. "
We buy old sutoJ In ny wrecked cpndltlon.
Get our price before yoto sell them. Phone or
write Southwestern Junk CQ..170S-7 Carpenter
WILL EXCHANGE "beautiful home In phllaj
for auto. Theo. Blank. 410 Land Title Bids'.
13 N. BROA6 ST.
SPIl.UCE.4JSi. . ,,r,RACgJ3f
TO HIRE Limousine, McClement. St WV Phils,
Oarage, 1123-9 Bansom St. Belmont 36-10. .
TO HIRE Bnnd-new r-pssaenger toqrtng ear,
with I0es, $1.25 per hour, Ph Poplar 1617 W.
AUTOM6Blf."fe"S"and" " TRUCKS OF ' ' ALL
used. A No. 1 workmanship. . , ,
Arrangement can be made for' STORING
work la completed. Addreas.
Rebuild Car Department. '
Pottsto wn! rra.
t HPEEUOME'tEff TliOUBLB ' '.'
t 1,1.
r . I . -.
TROY""w'.,l'LfcsH ' '"-
. Auto Renatra.
C YLLN'rERSTiEIlbi"ff!D7""new" "pistons ani
rings furnished, weldings and.-hraitpg.H B.
Unuerwood Co.. 101.1 Hamilton st'.'Thlla.
" nnxRiS-GS'
New Departure Sorv. Sta The 0llllm Co..
1314 Arch st. Phono Walnut
tut nv.it t
Race sT".'
Guaranteed 1000 miles. Compare prices.
Gasoline. 13c. pr gallon.
GRIM'S. 230 N"rth Broad at. ,
TIRES, slightly used, stand, makes; complete
stock of all sizes; good condition; expert tire
repairing. Dietrich & Greenwood. 1331 Rdgta.
PONY with wagon, harness, saddle and sleigh:
bargain price. Mrs. Wm. W. Lukens. 1M
E.lgewood road. Ardmore.
MAN wanted, with reterence for character, to
Join my son In buying profitable buslneaa;
my aon will furnish best reference for char
acter and ability, and one-half or more ot
the purchase price; splendid opening ton re
liable man; state age and amount you,, can
Invest. A 403, Ledger Office. '
I VrENTS Arthur E. Page, 714 Wainut at..
1 hlia., mechanical ana electrical engineer:
leglsiered patent attorney, established here
(U)ears; Inventlonn developed, patents, trade
marks, conyilghts secured and litigated any
where: rejected applications prosecuted; pre
llnnnary advice tree.
JAMES L. GARFIELD. 1011 Chestnut sL
N. B. No charge for listing.
MAN of ability. Integrity and wide experience
would like to Join party having clean com
mciclal possibility that will stand investiga
tion requiring moderate Investment, bust
iicssllke application, etc.; atate particulars.
11 M0. Ledger Central.
OLD-KSTAU. manufacturing flrni. encaged In
mechanical and elect; Unl line, detlrea about
J 10, POO additional capital', seourlty glv'etf and
profitable butlncss shown P 813, Led. Off.
sure and large returns. Join local business
men with small monthly payments in ao
quirlngonc. JIarry Parllrtzton.H'JO Chestnut.
KrfiOO TO INVEST With services In a promising
butlness or combining amall manufacturins;
I.UHlnosses that can Ic mauo protltable by in
creased aa!ea. 11 .14,1. Ledger Central.
BUSINESS with real 'eb'tatn to be taken oer
by new company, want laity with 10OO to
Join ua, money le.-ured. Business Transfer
PICTURE THEATRE-1700; cost 2400. crowd-
cy". nightly; equipment worth J 1000; fond sell-
Ing reuBon. sacrifice. BARIUtiT. 2JL4 N 8th.
VIC I OR J-'EliNS";, CO.
Pntnt Attorneys. Wahli'iiifjon. D O.
Write for des rlptlic Mob'et
STOCK. FIXTURES and ertabllfhed auto sun
Plv business for iale,cheap lo atea sa
Broad Cnll Meyer Coral and Dauphin
Cutaways, Tuxedos and Sicl. Suits
To hire and made to order
Bell Phone- Walnut 2018..' .
SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by elcctroTysls.
the only peimanent way. Ej throws arched.
MISS SMITH, 402 Keith Bl.lg.
Miss Ilnppe, halrdrerslog anc facial massage,
to' imil MlntAr.aJo. Uth Jilts Smith.
Latest stiles full-dress. Tuxedo, Prince Albert
and cutaway suits to hl'e; modeln opera and
silk lists. Open evenings, i-'ptifla! Halloween
rales. KCHUIrZ. 227 N Pth at
" " " DR. W. -) LAWRENCE
Chiropodist. fnrrr),rl' at the HellcVuo-ctrst.
ford far 11 yesrs) now st Wldener Bldtr ,
Chestnut and Juniper sts . Room 518.
PRINTING Ivi wbire harlneas-rards, $1, ail
work rciFomhlc. 71M)qcc t. . .
" Tlilrt)eah;'Year
7SS N, Holly st , West Phlla.
iTeTff?r I NE KfiTTls
Bell phone. ' Lu'ust lOSOi
HIGHEST spot h Paid for diamonds and
jeweuy. niso pann uvoeta ougne ior casn
Amilv 2 30 te 4 SO p
m , Wm. Flklc, Roora
Sfta, 02.1 I'hestnut at
WE REMIM'BL your ,ld Jewelry Into the lat
est de-Hlgn at ta toiy prl v MARTIN W.
ATIHAMB. 711 sansom st . Philadelphia.
Other llasalficd
i!n ou Net Pa bo
Ui? To QeT DE eo.q!v
i 9k mrm jm& Tk
4Xm nfi&w i
1 T ., ft