Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 28, 1915, Final, Page 12, Image 12

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Studebaker, at Lowest Point, Was Off More Than 21
Points Short Interest More Extensive United
States Steel Held Up Well
NEW YOllK, Oct. 28.
Tho outstanding feature of tho stock market today was the wldo fall In
the war specialties, losses extending to more thnn 21 points, this being in
Studebaker, whllo Baldwin, Crucible, General Motors and Maxwell Motors
were also considerably lower. Haldwln, for Instance, was oft nearly 10 polntB,
whllo General Motors was down 11 points. Railroad shares, on tho other hand,
were relatively strong throughout tho day, somo of them ending tho day at
their best. Some of tho losses sustained by the specialties wcro recovered
beforo tho close.
Among the standard Issues United States Steel common was tho most active.
It was offered down from tho start, but held up well undor heavy selling. Tho
buying of the stock was good. This was shown by tho fact that It moved
within tho range of a point, and the greater part of tho time was only a small
fraction or so under. Tho resignation of tho French Cabinet, nows of which
came over beforo tho oponlng of tho Exchange, had a great deal to do with tho
unaottlement In tho general market.
Declining prices always create doubt. Their ostensible causes and the be
havior of the general list Is testimony to tho underlying strength of the market
position. The market is now a two-sided one. A week ago there was hardly a
short In sight ! now thcro Is evidence of the presences of quite an extensive posi
tion on this side. The floor trader, who has been assiduously feeling for the top
for a week or so past, has made a great deal of money very quickly, tho tempta
tion to go short of specialties like Baldwin being almost Irresistible. Several
large operators have also conducted determined assaults on what appeared to
be vulnerable spots with tho Idea of dislodging stock.
Erie common again stands out as one of tho strongest stocks on tho list,
and strong buying continues. Besides tho general reasons for a bullish atti
tude on Erie there Is an understanding, which Is apparently well founded,
that negotiations aro under way for a leasing of the company's coal lands on
profitable terms. A good deal of nonsense Is heard about a big pool In Erlo
which Is making tho market in that stock. It is true that largo speculative
holding of the stock, accumulated at lower prices, aro being carried for tho
purpose of distribution later, but tho idea of a pool in tho old sense of the
term Is absurd. In tho last analysis tho public controls tho market In Erlo
Just as it does In Pennsylvania or Steel. Southern Railway, which resembles
Erie in that It has a broad market, Is developing strength and activity. Today
it sold at a new high mark. Authorltattvo reports aro that business in the
South la showing a marked tendency toward improvement. This naturally
finds reflection In a stock like Southern Railway common, which Is easy to carry.
Within the next day or so, probably tomorrow, announcement will be made
that tho Tennessee Copper Company has secured tho services of a prominent
official of the International Nickel Company, who will servo as vlco president.
Tho Individual Is a decided acquisition for the Tennessee Company In tho develop
ment of its chemical business. Ho is understood to have been to a very
large degree responsible for the building up of tho Nickel Company to its pres
ent great prosperity.
Although tho directors of the Consolidated Gas Company declared an extra
dividend at their meeting today, placing the stock on a 7 per cent, annual basis,
the company's stock was weak on the Exchange, at ono tlmo being off over
five points after having shown strength.
Financial Briefs
Charles Fearon tz. Co. announced that
they had acquired much more than a
majority of the $250,000 capital stock of
the Mechanics Insurance Company. They
are, however, still acquiring stock under
their offer of $60 per share, having pur
chased some at that figure today. A
sale at $70 was made at auction yester
day. A New York Produce Exchange mem
bership sold for 1925, a gain of $125.
The New York banks gained (4,232,000
from the Subtreasury yesterday and
- have gained JS,C31,000 since last Friday.
The Governing Committee of the Now
York State Exchange has stricken Corn
stock Tunnel from the Hat by request of
the directors and lending holders. It was
explained that this action was due princi
pally to the high commission rates when
compared with the selling price of the
hares. The TJovernlng Committee also
ordered that tho common and preferred
of the Wabash Railroad Company should
be stricken from the list.
Edvard Roesiler has been elected a
member of the Governing Committee of
the New York Stock Exchange In place
of F. C. de Veau. W. B. Dickerman re
signed as trustee of the gratuity fund and
the vacancy was filled by the election of
Henry C. Swords.
Charles M. Schwab says there will be
no reduction In the par value of Beth
lehem Steel common shares from $100 par
value to 110.
The Russian credits now being arranged
with New York bankers will run for 18
months at 9 per cent. No amount has
been fixed yet.
The annual report of the Toledo, St.
Louis and Western showed a deficit of
$547,906, compared with a surplus of $118,
806 In 19H.
Tho Crucible Steel Company, of Lima,
announced that the capital stock of the
company Is to be Increased from $50,000
to $100,000 and that a new $30,000 addition
will be built to the plant at once.
Japan Is understood to be In the market
for 100,000 tons of steel rounds.
Demand Sterling Exchange advanced
sharply this afternoon.
Ogden Mills was elected a director of
the Atchison, Topcka andt Santa Fe, to
succeed Thomas P, Fowler, deceased.
Bank clearing toaay compared with corre
.ponding day UjrtWo yan.:4
Phlla. $20,040,326 $20,070,024 $20,2UU,02
Boston :H,1'1UH 20.2M.0U3 22,u24,tiu
New York .,497,100,(17(1 220,0O,J.K83 208,15U.30
6t, Louis .. 18,740,0411 10,183.820 11,030.000
Chicago .... 110,874,852 47,832,040 49,828,372
Philadelphia 3 Wi
Nw York 1C2
lioston 3
Chlcazo ... 3U&4
Commercial paper. 3 to 0 monthi. Phlladel
phis, 3VH4 per cent.
-1ttt4 ,
4 UV,
NKW TORJC, Oct. 28. Pronounced strength
marked trading In the market (or coffee
future In the early aualon today. Opening
JuoUtlon (bowed advancea of 4 to 8 points,
dealings were not aa large aa on previous
day, but further upward movement were evi
dent. Ill the afternoon gains of 11 to 11) point
were numeroua throughout the Hue Prices fol
low Today's Today's Yesterday's
opening. close. close.
October ... 6.8MHI00
November ... U.65&U.I4)
becember ....fl.03 6.8106.82 B.tio(UI3
January U.GO8C70 fl.8li5u.B2 tl.mfe.tl3
February .... a.sifm.1,5
March 6.70 fl.82n6.8S A.H4tJll.ta
April 0.V2Q0.93 0.7(160.72
May 6.7766.83 .... 6.70416.77
June .. fl.81O0.KI
July , 6.0rt.B4 7.0287.03 O.Wlftd.87
August ....... 0U.-,i7.GC 7.0U&7.07 Avieuu.1
September ..... 7.O37.03 7.1167.12 0.0700.08
Total ale. 10.7C0 bag.
Bid. Ak.
Bn 10S 10!,
rt T old ,......,.. 14' 16
fi T narw .. . ...,-f j, .,,, 14 id
Slss ::::;:::::;:::r.::r.;:::: jWAl
Eft Co 81 62 ;
-b Val Ceal Bale j ko '
Km Cop 14 l
MMv.U . 87U ftlS
MM4n .. ., M 7
till JtW . J T
do wef .,-., VO W
Liksr.H ' K ?,$
ffrlOu - - .... Wb Jpi,
Tb Product ..... S 30
it Profgaw L-le j?
New York Bond Sales
,,. . . High. Low. Close.
JSxx Aier Agr deb 6 l)i 03 ua
1WO Amer Hide & L bs. . .lOlC lu'lC lwvj
o.?S Amer Tel cvt 4H ltMti lo-IVi KM
200O Amer Writ Pap 6s.... 02 2 02
6000 Armour Co 4V4S 02 IV 02
20000 Atchison cv 4s IMS. . . 0.174 MM KiA
'000 Atchison cv 4a low. ..100 loos luO.
4XK Atchison cv 6a 1017... 101 101W 101 y,
0000 Allan Co Line 1st 4s. . 01 ulff 01
3000 Bait & Ohio 3Hs 02 U1J 111 2
31000 Halt & Ohio 4s. bu 8S& hsg
7O30O Bait & Oh cv 414s.... UI)J ic mS
,iS i1 steel rfd 5a I00S lOO, loo
1.000 Urkn Kap Tr Bs 1018..100H 100 I00S
30000 Brkn Un Elv 1st 5s... 100 100 100
lopo Cal Gas &. Eleo 5s 1.3 tO-J 0i
3000 Cent Leather 1st 5S..100& 100(4 looa
C00O Cent Pac 1st 4s 88 88 88
2000 Cent H II N J 5s Ill 114 114
134000 Chill Copper 7s 134'A 13J'A W3
iwj nes oe unio cv -is. . Ml-) h an-
iiuvju unes & omo os 10IV4 104Vi 104
jauuu um ut West 4s ujy, toVi 60'
8000 CM & Vin 3Ui S.I ki ui
52000 Chi B Ac Q Joint 4s... 07 07 07U
aooo Chi B & y gen 4s 02(4 t U24
1000 C M & St V 3s 70 70 7
30000 C M & St P CV Bs. . . .103V, 10114 1(M
4JI000 C M & St P CV 4lia. . . 00 VV 00
120OOC M & P S 4s S8V4 bm 8SI4
1000 Chi R I & P Bs 03V4 01 054
1000 col & south let 4s... rnH tH ihjh
10000 Con Gas cv lis 11014 llou HO1)!
7000 Del & Hud rfd 4s. . . . 03 OS 05
38000 Del & Hud ret Os lOS 103 10S
2000 Den . Ilio Or 4s 73W 7.'. 73H
1000 Den & Rio Or rfd Bs. . Kltl B5U S3U
50000 Dls Secur Corp 5s... 72W 71 714
3000 Erie gen 4s 7414 74U 74,
34000 Erie conv 4s Ser A 70 IK) 70
00000 Erie conv 4s Ser B 81 70Vj 8t
2000 Qreen Bay Os Km 10(1 100
30(10 Hud & Jinn in Bs. . 27 27 27
1000 do rfd Bs 73 75 75
4000 Hock Val 4H 01 01 nt
4000 III Steel deb 4K. . . 88 87 87
5000 Indiana Steel Bs . 102 102 102
5000 Iowa -Cent Bs 8514 RSW SSW
2000 Ins Copper cv Os ..18214 182 182
27000 lnterb Met 414s ... 7(1 7.'. 70
0000 Intern It T ref Bs. . 00 00 00
12C00 Inter Mer Mar 414s. 8114 81 81
10000 K C Ft S & M 4s.. 74 73 74
5000 K C South Bs 02 02 02
5000 Lacka Steel 5s 1023. 03 03 03
30000 do 1050 02 01 01
1000 Lk Sh deb 4s 1028.. 04 04 04
4000 Llg & M T Bs. . . .10114 101V4 KUVi
12000 do 7 122VJ 122 122
1000 Lorlllard Sa 10014 10014 lOOVi
0000 do 7 123W 123 121V4
200C0 L & N 4s 03 031J Ci
100(1 H & St L 4s 4814 48 48V4
2000 Mo Kan & T Si 4s 54 M 54
20(0 do 4 77 77"A 77
tiiXO ilo Pac col 5s 1917.,.. 071 07 117
1000 do cons 6 0V.1 HSVi OSli
1000 Mont Power 5s 0114 tlU. mil
1000 N Y Canal Imp 4s... 100 100 100
1000 N Y C-M col 3s 80 80 SO
11000 N Y C & II 3s M 80 80
135000 do OS ret 108K 10S 108
1000 do 4s 00 00 00
30IO N Y City 4s 1050 05 05 1)3
1000 do 4s 1000 110(4 00 110
lfitO do 4s 1003 lttt iai 10:1
7000 do 414s 10(14 00 00 00
37000 do 4V.S 1005 10:i 103 lO'l
.".fioo do 4s Nov 10.17 10.1 iai iat
2000 N Y N II & II Oa 110 110 11(114
3000 N Y Ont & W lrt 4s.. 70 70 70
5000 N Y llwy ref 4 70 70 70
.10000 do adl 6 Bt 51 1; 51
1000 N Y Tel gen 414 1)7 0(1 07
.17(100 Norf A West 4s (WW 02 02
S7000 Nor Pac prior 4s .... 02 02 f)2Vj
3000 Nor Pao gen 3 OSVi CJtZ ruti
8000 Ore Short L ref 4s.... 00 00 0014
1000 Ore 8hort L lt 0s.,.10Sli 108 108
8000 Pacific Tel B 08 08 08
14000 Penna gen ct 4s..., UW. OSVI 08'i
BOOO Penna en 4 103 103 103
0000 Penna 4s 1021 101 101 101
1000 Pub Berv N J Bs 88 88 S8V.
0000 Heading gen 4s 01 04 04
7000 Headlng-Jer Cen 4s,. 04 01 01
8000 Hep Ir A S S 04 04 04
7000 nock Island 4s 83V4 8311 83
28000 nock Island rfd 4s.... 0.1 M ai
28000 Hock Island Bs 431i 43 43
18000 Heaboard A L adi 6.. 0(1 OOli .QO'i
1000 Heaboard A L rfd 4. .100 100 loo
11000 South Bell B 08 08 08
1000 South Pao 4 8.1 8.V 8,1
nonno South Pao cv 4 8 8? 80
18(VK)0 do cv ret f p B....lo; 101 103
38000 South Pac rfd 4 87 87 87
jfinono South Hwy gen 4s.... no M no
80000 South llwy con B....looi 01$ loot!
1R0O0 Txaa Co ov Os lot 101 !(m,
2000 ThlrJ Ave new 4,... 84 84 84
1 BOOO Third Ave adj 5.... 70 71 70
1W1O0 IJ S nubber 0 p3 jm Vtt
2G000 1T S Steel 8 IffJJt 103 103
BOO IT 6 Steel reg 5 103 lpiCJ 103(
3B00O Union Pao lat 4. . . . 00 111 W
3000 Union Pao rfd 4s.. . 87 87 Hu
2000 Va Car Chm 1st Bs . . 07 07 07
flSSli vt n.i- Ohm 1st 8s. .102 102 102
KOOO Va Rwr ft 00 00 (MH
im w.hiih "il Ra 01 l3 0.1
I44fiOO Wab B ct ta 4 F P 100 00V4 1W
20000 W B ct sta 4 1st F P 30 34 30
88000 Wab-P T 1st ct 4s... 2 1 S
1000 West Rlectrlc B. .. .00 ooj 00
rono west Wort cv 5. ., jajiJ 10.1 , in.v
62000 W B & M cv 5a w I 144 141- 142
1000 West Bhora 4s . 01 01 01
Total sales, 4,57,000, compared with
$1, 6S 1, 000 yeslerdayi thus far this week,
$18,031,000) same period lat week, 117,170,-000.
New York Stock Sales
Bank of England Also Reports a Fall
ing Off In Bullion
LONDON. Oct. Z8.-The Dank of Eng.j
Jand, In Its weekly gtatemeni now .
falllnjf off In reserves of 2.877,000 and a
dropj of ,4655,000 Ir. bullion holdings Do.
Tnl wek. Last week, Last year.
Pound. Pound. Pound.
Circulation 2,7t4,r.OO 82.B78.000 88.112.000
Pub denoslU 80.8H.1 000 46.128.000 24.!,O00
Prtv dJpS." w 070 000 t.w.ooo i?a.Jg.?o
IJoV. MCUrltle 18.805 OOt 18.(8.000 19.427,000
Othir ec"r OXWKI.OOO 68.018.000 104.8fig.00d
neatrve i.bHl.000 41,762,000 8,210,000
r"SS."V2 'iT a..01ft 80.87 20,7
Bullion .. ;wam.w m,s, m.mt.
Kink rat .
... . Laat close. High. Low. Clou.
Aliska Juneau la Un m
r'W Ooid M Ml !3i 32 32H
AllLvChalmors Mfg.... 42 42 4 OH (1H
Allls-Chalm Mfg. pf... 73W 73M 72 72H
Am Ag Chemlcjl 71M 71 70H 71H
Am lleet Sugar 04K OS 01V4. 0.5
Am llrakeS&F tt...loj 103 103 103
Am llrako 8 & F pr twoo 210W 203 203
AmUin Wi lil'l 6! 01
AmCanpf loot, 100) 100 100H
Am Car & Foundrr... 8J) 8 83U MH
Am Coal Producti. ...1521J 1S3W ISO 150
Am Coal Troducts pf. .114 117). 117M 117H
Am Cotton Oli 01 01)4 0'.!i .OH
Am Kxpresa in 110 110 110
Am limo .V Lost her... 1J)( Mi 'li Ui
Am Hide & L pf A7H S7U oU 60t
Am lco becutltloi 241( 24 t 21 '2XH
Am Unseed 27 27 20W 2CH
AmLlnscodpf 40 404 45)( 40
Am Locomotive CJU 70U 035 U8
Am Malt 8f 13H 1U)4 11JI
AmMaltpt 31 37 31 31
Am Smelt & Jtef Vlii 02H UO '2li
Am fcmeltcrs pf A 8tJJ SOU 80U SOU
Am Steel Foundries... 08(4 01) 05 i bH
Amtugar Hefnlng....ii2 114 111H 111H
Am Sugar Itof pf lloH UW 115)4 llfih
AmTel&Tol 124U 121H 121 121
Am Tobacco 220U 22U 223 228
Am Tobacco pf new. .110 10J 10K 10SW
Am Woolen d2J oO .3 UH
Am Woolen tr t 62H 63 62 53
Am Woolen pf 07 US Uiii U7Jf
Am Woolen pf tr r.... 07U US 00H 03
Anaconda Copper 78H iOM H 7i)M
Assets Kealltatlon lj)4 11 10 10
AtchTA S F lOJ'i 107 lOiiH 107 M
Atlantic Coast Lino... 112 111 111 111
Baldnln Loco VSJH 132 123 i K8
llaltlmoro & Ohio 03 iWi tiVi v'JH
llaltlmoreft Ohlu pt.. 755 75H 7flH 75H
DatopUas Mining 1H Ui Hi 1H
llethlehcm Meol C59 650 525 651
Bethlehem Steol pf....uo 171 107H MH
Brooklyn Itap Tr bO SOH 80 80
Brooklyn Union Gas... 131 132 13J 132
Brown Shoo pf 87 SO 8J 80
Burns Brothers 87 8d bO SO
Uutto & Supenor 05 05 03! 1 05
Lai Petroleum Mi is lo 13
Cal Petroleum pf 41M 41K 4US 41H
Canadian Pacltlc 173U 170 173H 170
CaseJICopf SO 81 81 81
Lent Leather Co 67J 67J 57 57)i
Cent Leather Co pf...l07 107W 107H 107H
Chesapeake & Ohio.... 67H t8H 6ti)i 68U
Clilno Copper 50V4 5H4 60 Mii
Chicago Ureat West... 13! 11 13H 14
Chicago Qt West pf... 345i 35W 34 351.
LhiMll &St Paul.... 02H Vl'A 1)2 l)2J
C M & St Taul pf 128W 12SH 12sJi 12sH
CCO&StLpf 73H 75 75 76
Chilll&l'ac 17i 11)1, 17 1DH
Chi a. Northwest I31li 130 12'JH 12!Ha
Cluctt 1'ea & Co Wi 0!) O'J 00
Co.orado Fuol & 1.... 57H 57 i 64' oO'i
Continental Can 100 03H '.)' 10
Consolidated Oas 113-i 144!i 137Ji 130U
Cora Troducts Itof.... io;i l) lli loM
Corn 1'rod Itef p( 00 8 J 83i 60
Crucible btcel 0 83 blH 84
Crucible Stool pf lOsJi 10 M 100 lOtJ
Deere & Co pf 07 05 01 05
Delaware & Hudson.. 147H 148 147J4 148
Den & Itlo Granda pf. 10 18U 18U lb'i
Detroit Edison 130 ' HfiW l.)2 132)i
Distillers bocurltlos.... 47 47i 42f 42U
Dome Mines 25 25 24 24H
Dul S S & Atl pf 11 10 10 10
Elec btorage Bat 71 71 70H 70H
Erie bOH 4i!f 30 4iH
Erie 1st pf 50! i o7)i 55H o7!i
Erlo2d'pf 47 48Vf 40 48U
FedMln&Smpf 60H 50 40 51)
ben Electric 177 177 176 170
Cen Motors 3CU 302 355 355
Gen Motors pf 113 113 113 113
Goodrich B F Co 77M 77K 74'f 75M
Orcene-Cananea liSU 40 38H 3bH
Great Northern pf.... 121H 123H 12114 123
Gt N cfs tor ore prop. 60 50 4'J 60
Guggenheim Kxpm... b75i b7H 07H 07Jf
IntllarvNJ 103 108H 108 10S
Inter Con Corp'n 22H 22K 21Jf 22
Inter Con Cor pf 78 78W 77H 78H
lntcr-Met Tot t c 22 irJ 2 22'
Inter-Met pf. S2)f 81H 81H 81V4
int Nickel tr r 1D2 102 1U0 192
International Paper... 11 114 10H IOM
lnternat Paper pf 414 43 4t 4j
Inspiration Copper.... 45! 4o-i 44H 45
Kan City Southern.... 20 32X i.0H 32H
Kan City Southern pi. G2K txiH C2 (13H
Kayser Julius & Co... 83 81 84 81
LacK bteel 81Jf 1 7H bO
Laclede Gas 104 103 101 lOi
Lako Erlo & West 12 12 11 11
LehlgU Valley 77U 83 77H 8 J
Liggett & Myers 247 248 248 218
Loose-Wiles Biscuit 27 27 27 27
Loose-W Bis 1st pf. ... 05 05 05 05
Long Island JU'f 20 26U 20
Louis & Nashville 125 128 125H 12
MacicayLospf u5U 04Ji u-Ui MH
MaicliMotors blj, 81 74 77H
Max Motors 1st pf.... 'JjH 100!i 00 00
Max Motors 2d pf.... OUi 02 57 59U
May Dept Stores 53 61 51 51
Mexican Petroleum.... 89K 88K 7 feSJf
Mex Petroleum pf 87 85Jf 81U 85
Miami Copyer 5 -Ml .All 31)1
M bt P 64 S S M 120H 121M 121 121H
Mlnn&btLouU 13M 13H 13f 13h
Mo Kan &. Texas tH 5,'i ort 54
Mo Kan & Texas pf . . 14 14 UV, 13 H
Missouri Pacllic 4K 4) 4H 4H
Montana loer 6H 5S4 5b5 682
Montana Power pf.... 107 107 107 107
Nat C &. 8 pf IOjH lOJH lO'JH lO'JH
atKnamclJcb MH 33U 31H 32
Nat Lead 05 U U5h t4U C4U
Nat lty of M 2d pf... 8 f! Wi OH
NevConCop 15 15H 1 15i
New York Air Brake.. 147 147)4 144 144
M Y N U & 11 H1H h'2h tOW a'2H
New York Central 10u) 10t)i 100H lOlh
N Y O & West 29) 30)4 20H 30)i
Norfolk & Western.... 115M 110 1151 Uu
Northern Pacific 111JJ 113lf HIM 113H
Pacific Mall 30)i 30)2 304 'MH
PacUlc Tel & Tel 43H 43 42 42
PennKK 58 69)4 5SH 6uH
Peoples Gas Chi 120H 120H llUh 110H
Philadelphia Co 4bi 47Sn 45V) h7H
Pittsburgh Coal 38 37X 30 80W
I'ltUburgtt Coal pf...,105)f 100 105 1IJ5K
Pressed bteel Car...... 73 3H 'OH 72)i
Pressed Steel Car pf...lOU 100 100 100
luiiman Co I'.tPi 107 10j 100
P Lorlllard Co 182)4 181 131 181
Hy Steel Spg 49 -itii 48 4S'i
Bay Con Copper 25!i M 25H l'5)i
Beading 7! 82 7o 82
Beading 2d pf 42)4 43 42! 41
ltep iron btoel o2U 6-iH tAH 2M
Hep Iron & Steel pf...lOJij 1UJH 102 103
Hock Island Co pf H ii ii H
Itumely M Co S'i .'.! 4H bi
btLouU&SK 54 5, 5H by,
beaboard Air Line 17) 18H 17H 18H
teaboard Air L pi 3M 40)4 30 40)4
tears Jtoe & Co 157H 150)4 160)4 150)4
tlcts-bhel b & 1 Co... 10 t()M 69 CO
bo Porto It Sugar 1351130 130 1J0
toutbern Pacific DSJf iiOH t)7H 10H
boutbern lty 23)1 24i 23Va 24),
Southern lty pf 01H 03)1 02 03
Ltudebaker Co 170) 170U 153 101
btudebaker Co pf 117 117 110) 11 OH
Tenn Copper ex rts... 03)i 03 01) 02H
Texas Co 105)1107 105 107
Texas & Pacific 14 141 131 141
Third Ave 01 01 o0)j 00),
Tobacco Products pf.. 09)1 00)1 09)1 bO)i
TolbtL&Wpl 11 10 10 10
Union Bag it Paper... 7 7X 7 7)
Union Bag & P pf.... 20 20 10 20
United Cigar Stores,... 0)1 OX )U OX
United Cigar Stores pf. 1 IX 11). 11M 11X
Untied Cigar Mini..... 03 03U 62 G3H
Union Pacific 135) 130 131)1 130
Union Pacific pf 82X b-'X b2V b2)
U 8 Ind Alcohol lib 117 110 117
U bind Alcohol pf... 105 10 J 10j 105
U S Cast I P & - 28)1 20X 28 28X
U b U I P & V pf.... 61 50X 60 60
United -Hys Invest 20 25 24)1 24)1
United Ity Inv pf 43 43)1 42 42
UrJItubber 65X 60)1 60 55X
UU Steel 84? 85X c3X MH
V B bteel pf 115)1 lie ll&X 110
Utah Copper 71 72 70X 71X
Va-Caro Obem 40X 40)1 48i 4.H
Va-Iron Coal & 0 70 71H 70 70
Wabasu wl ...., UH 14X UX UH
WabasbpfAwl 4f)i ilH 40X 47X
WabasbpfBwl 2811 20X 28X 20X
WestKiM 72X.72U 70 71
Western Maryland 32X X 32)1 33)1
Western UnlouTel..., bO 80 70H 0)1
Whoal,& Lk Erla.... 3Jj 4)1 Hi rH
Wbai&LJi Ut pf... 13J1 13 13 13
Wheel. Ai LK 2d pf... 6)4 6)1 6)1 6)1
Vlily Uterlaud 250 247 240 240
YVUljf Overuud pf....l0J 10))1 109)1 10 J X
Wisconsin Central.. 36) -V 301 37
Woolworth F W Co., H2, 115 113 114)1
Woolorta pf . , . 122 122 L2J IU
Total alc, 1,21800 allure, compared
wllti l,0W,O0 aharea yesterday! tbua far
this Meek, 4,34),60 abaret ia parlod to4
week, 4,t,8M aiMMMK r
Merlin lllth. Iiw. Last. Close.
Cable ... 4.01)4 4.88 4,fli, 4.68
Drmand .. 4.05H 4.6JH 4.6SMi .M
Cables .., B.OI B.0SV4 S.Ot B.95V4
Demand ,. B.OS B.S8 S.0S 6.00)4
Cables ... 8H4 8t 81)4
Demand .. 81)4 l tV4 81
Movement From Country Con
tinues Large Liverpool
Market Firm
CHICAGO, Oct. 2S. Prlco movements
wcro nnrrow nt tho opcnlnn of tho grain
market today, but they wcro generally
easier, Tho undcrtono wob bearish. No
chango was reported In tho Canadian sit
uation and traders wcro cautious. Wheat
sold freely, with resting orders being
filled by buyers. Outsldo markets wero
reported to bo on a par with tho move
ments here.
Tho casing off of the cash market Is
said to weaken speculative Interest. Hulls
arc not despondent and predict a growing
demand which will absorb nil of tho
American surplus at good prices. Heavy
country movements continue, with fair
.weather, and receipts aro Increasing.
Good weather caused Increased selling of
corn, with prices gradually falling off In
tho early hours. Sales were scattered.
In tho nftcrnoon both wheat and corn
rallied, so that earlier declines were can
celed and small advances established In
some months nt tho close.
An Increased demand for oats from for
eigners Is said to be supporting the mar
ket, although prices aro Inclined to fol
low tho movements of wheat.
Exports reported totaled 400,000 bushels
of Manitobas, 160,000 bushels of new corn,
25,000 bushels of oats and 60,000 bushels of
bnrlcy. Other sales, It was lumored, wero
made but not recorded.
Chicago cash handlers sold 10,000 bush
els of w4icat, 45,000 bushels of corn and
90,000 bushels of oats, all domestic.
Firmness In the Liverpool market was
obtained by light arrivals, disappointing
native offerings, a heavy domestic con
sumption find scat city of spot. Spot was
strong. Cargoes remained steady.
Leading futures ranged as follows:
Wheal Open. High. Low. Close, ilose.
December .. 0114 1.00t ti8',4 1.00'i . 'DOVj
May 1.014 l.OJri 1.01 U.0.J5 l.Olfs
worn inew aeineryj
May .....
October .
January .
October .
January .
October .
( i-J 14
IU!J4 j02
17 J5SV,
. 8.00
. S.DT
. 0.30
. 8.05
.13 35
.16 07
DM. tAsked.
13.35 H.OO
13.50 14.12
15.03 10.43
The attorneys for the Monmouth County
Electric Company before tho Public Util
ity Commissioners In Newark yesterday
stated that tho Jitneys of Red Bank havo
so crippled the treasury of the company
that it cannot finance a $15,000 outlay for
track repairs which the borough has de
manded. The Atlantic City and Shore Hallway
has made an appeal to bankers, city olll
clals and others to suggest some way to
avoid bankruptcy becauso of Jitney com
petition. Tho company is short $80,000 In
Its estimated revenues.
The Third Avenue Railway System re
ports operating revenues of $910,706 in
gross for September, being an Increase
of $11,571 more than the same month In
the preceding year. Through effecting a
reduction of $11,7G5 In operating expenses,
net earnings of $390,011 were $53,330 greater
than a year ago, equal to a gain of nearly
It! per cent. There was expended $62,154
for taxes, a decrease of $1113, and the
gross income after Interest charges was
$311,276, an -xpanslon of $54,268, and the
net Income available was $128,702, $53,891
more than was reported last year. Earn
ings for the three months ended Septem
ber 30 amounted to $2,SG3,934 In gross, a de
cline of $30,912 from the same period a
year ago, and net operating revenues de
creased $15,998, to $1.128,587.
The Southern Utilities Company reports
gross operating revenue of $1)6,601 for
September, an Increase of nearly 3 per
cent, over tnat month in ibh. Charges
for operation and taxes were Increased
less than 1 per cent., and net earnings,
which amounted to $30,711. were enlarged
more than ,12 per cent. Interest on out
standing bonds, sinking fund require
ments, replacements and renewals, etc.,
totaled $12,513, leaving a surplus of $17,621,
a loss of over 8 per cent., and the balanco
after dividends of $8867 on the preferred
stock was $8755, a decrease of nearly 17
per cent.
French Gold Holdings Expand
PAniS. Oct. 28. The following aro tho prin
cipal Item In statement of tho Dank or Fiance
fr.r week endlnc October 28:
October 28.
Hold 4.720.100.000
rlilvcr :in.l,2(),000
Isenoslts ....
Iltllti fllspnunted and
extended bills ... 2,100,500,000
Treasury deposit.. 38,400,000
Adancej ,. 563,100,000
October 21.
rt(rr"!in nm
.1.1,Mr7,A00,uU0 13,831,M0,00O
i,iHa,ew,WAI i',074,020,000
Record Cotton Seed Prices
MnMI'HlS, Oct. 28. Cotton seed prices hava
advanced In the local market recently to 813
and lo a ton. tho highest ever known here.
The advance Is attributed to a tight anion
the various mills' to set possession of the seed
and Is xald to have already resulted In tho
suspension of several of the smaller mills.
Mill operator say It Is Impossible to crush
fto-seed at a profit at present prices for cot
ton seed products.
Gas Company Increases Dividend
NEW YOltK. Oct. 28. The Consolidated Oas
Company declared a regular quarterly dividend
of 1 per cent, and an extra dividend if
hi of 1 per cent., placing the stock on a 7
per cent, annual basis,"
Lehigh Coal and Navigation, regular quar
terlv 2 per cent., payable November 30 to
stockholders of record October SO.
Llgset & Myers Tobacco Company, reg.
ular quarterly 8 per cent., payable December
1 to stock of record November 15.
titandaid Oil Company of Indiana, regular
quarterly 3 per cent., payable November 30 lo
stock ot record November 8,
11, F. Goodrich Company, regular quarter)
lit per cent, on preferred, payable January 1
to stock of record December 21.
Consolidation Coal Company, regular quar
terly 1 per cent., payable October 80 to
stock of record October S3.
Commercial Trust Company, regular quar
terly 4 per cent., payable November 1 to stock
of record October 80.
Third National Hank, regular semiannual 0
per cent., payable November X to atock ot rec
ord October .10
Sales in Philadelphia
Tr. close. High.' Low. Close.
245 Am Tlwri . ...Sly, 32ft !t2 82
700 Am Loco 0Vi C8 68
100 Anaconda Mln. .. 70 79 TO
30 Bald Loco ....137W 124 J24T4 124H
10- II Su pref.. taji 82 62 B2
745 J Q Prill .... Ot 61tf 00 6114
J050 Cnm Steel .... OS 68 67Vi OTW
050 C It I & P 2Vi 18 1H
200 East Penna .. ,. 03 W "
205 Elec Storage .. 71 T1W 71 71
1760 Brie MH H 30H 42Vi
100 do 1st pref .. .. J7 -B7W &7H
10 Ins Co N Am. 2314 23tt 2314 23J4
100 Key Tel Co ..14 14 1 1
110 Lk Sup Corp .. 0 OH "H K
124 Lehigh Nav .. 78 78H 78 78H
7bth Val 77H 78M 77V4 78
133 Leh Val Trans. 17H 17H 17V4 "Vi
M do pref 37 38 .IS 3S
10 Mlnehlll BOH 87 57 87
1.70 Miami Cop 34 34 34H
100 No Central .... 84H 8 8
403 Penna It It.... B8 6H MH BOH
0 Penna Salt Mfg.102 101 101 101
30Phlla Co 40H 40H
127 do cum pf.... 43 43 43 43
002 Phlla Klcc .... 27 27H 0H 27
SSI Phlla It T 16H 10 1H 1H
3033 do tr ctf 13 10H 1&H 10H
10 Thlla Trao ...70 77 77 77
2240 heading 7UVI 81 70H 81
113 So Itallway 24H 23 28
473 Tonopah Ilolm.. 34 3H3 0-10 3
100 Tono Mm BU-10BH BH BH
100 Utah Cop 71H T1H 71H
OU S ltubber oJ 65 63
220 Un Trao 43H 43 42 42H
133 United Oas Imp 83H 80 3H 83H
3 Un Cos N J.... 222 221 221 223
11243 U 8 Steel 84 83 81 H 83
100 Va-Car Chcm 48H 48H H
20 Warwick I & S. 10H 10- 10 10
30 W J & Seashore 48 4SH 48H 48H
100 Cramp & Sons.. 82H 80 80 80
Total antes, 31,111 shares, compared with
31,075 shares yesterdays thus far this week,
134,037 Nhnres) same period last week, 113,
467 rharrs.
Last prev.
sale. Ulan. Low. Close.
$1.W) Am Q & E Sa.. 88 88 80 80
BOOO Ilald Loc 1st Bs.lOOU 100 106 100
1000 City 4s 1042.... 101H 102 102 102
300 Elec & P Tr 4 .. 78 78 78
4000 Harrison tiros Cs . . 00 00H 00
1000 Key Tel 1st Bs. 04 04 04 04
31000 Penna gen 4s. 08H OSVi OSH 08
3000 Phlla ElecSs...iai 102 102 102
MOO Phlla W & U 4s 07 1)8 08 08
2000 Heading gen 4a 01 04 04H 04
1000 Un Ilya t c 4s 7J 73 73 73
Total unles, 861,020, compared with 8134,
B10 yesterday) thus far this week, $488,0181
same period last week, 8407,507.
Local Bid and Asked
Buffalo & Susq t c...
do pref
do pref
Cambria Steel
Klectrlc Storage
General Asphalt
do pref
Key Tel
do t c
do pfd
Lako Sup Corp
Lehigh Nnv
I.ehlgh Vol
Lehigh Val Tr
do pfd
Phlla Electric
Phlla Co
do .1 per cent, pref..
do 0 "per cent. pref.
Phlla Rap Tran
do t c
Tonopah Belmont ....
Tonopah Mining
Union Traction
United Oas Improv...
U S Steel
York Rwy
do pref
Wm Cramp t c
Bid. Asked,
. 21 Ti
, Bid. Asked.
21 2214
01 62 62 53
128 l:iO 131 132
. 112 ..
07 II7V4 07 07
71 72 71 72
33 34 34 84
71 72 71 71
13 14 13 14
1.1 14 1.1 14
00 07 00 07
0 11 OH 0
77 78 78 78g
" 70 77 78
17 17 17 17
.17 :m 37 .is
0'.! ST 8 M
40S 47 io 47
30 38 30 38
41 41 42 43
10 10$ 15J 16
10 1 15H IB
81 82 70 7
1 H .1 3,,
6 BH S 5
42 41 42 43
8.1 80 85 80
83 83 84 84
'? 7 8
.10 32 30 32
80 81 80
Bid. Asked.
Jim Butler
Mlzpah Extension .
Northern Star . . . .
Tonopah Belmont ,
Tonopah Extension
Tcnopah Merger . .
Tonopah Mining ..
Bescue Eula
West End
1 fi-l
Atlanta .
Blue Bull
C O. D
Comb. Fraction
Dlamondflcld II. B
UoldOeld Cons
Goldfleld Merger
Jumbo Extension
Sandstorm Kendall
Silver Pick
Fairy Aztec
Klmberly ,,
Nevada 71111
Nevada Wonder
NEW YORK, Oct. 28.-Sentlment In the
cotton market was unfavorable today,
owing to tho Cabinet crisis In France
and a sharp decllno at Liverpool. The
market hero opened 8 points lower, with
selllne heavy, Liverpool sold March and
May In large amounts. After the call
there was some good buying by Wall
street and Southern Interests, which
caused recoveries.
These were short-lived, however, and
the market sagged further down, ending
the day 25 to 35 points under Wednesday's
Yes. close. Open. High. Low. Close.
January 12.10 12.0S 12.1(1 llm it m
December ....12.04 11.05 12.00 11.70 11.70
i.(w i.;..i jy.jr iz.00 12 12
12.62 12.40 12.47 12.20 12 26
12.BS 12.60 12,60 12.25 12.211
11, BG
,12.15 11.83
Charge Violation of Usury Laws
WASHINGTON. Oct. 28.-Cornptroller of the
Currency John 8. Williams In a statement
Issued today charge many national bank
with having violated the usury law, accord
ing to their sworn statements. Williams'
communication, addressed to all national
hanks, begins by calling attention to the oath
signed by each director, states that these oaths
lime been grossly violated and orders every
tank director to die not lster than December
20 a letter with the Comptroller' office,
acknowledging the receipt of the 'communi
cation and telling that It ha been read at a
board meeting.
The Pennsylvania Ballroad today placed an
order with the Baldwin Locomotive Works
for 73 freight locomotives. They will be of
the LI. . type and will ba delivered to
the railroad In 1010. "
The Heading Company also gave an addi
tional order for 10 locomotives, to Baldwins
today llocently the. Heading ordered 20 en.
glne from this company.
Midvale Gets Big Shell Order
"it waa officially announced this mornlnr that
the Midvale Bteel Company had received a
large order from tha British Government for
12-Incu shells v"
It 1 understood the order amount to be
tween tl0.000.000 and 120.000,000 In value.
Sale to Schwab Said to Have Been Agreed Upon
1-1 1J Dnn'n T?o1Urw3 C!V,1- '
VjUIIUtJIUU JACrtUiiig AvwwH-u uiiuipiy Qll
Court Decree
Gossip among tho brokerage houses In
tho Philadelphia financial district today
centred nrodnd rumors of a schism be
tween certain of the city's most power
ful financial Interests over the sale of
tho control of tho Pennsylvania Steel
Company. It was averred that at a meet
ing held some tlmo ago, nnd attended by
nil parties concerned, the decision had
been practically reached to dispose of
tho company to Charles M. Schwab.
Thereafter certain Interests present
chnnged their nttltudo and wero powerful
enough to switch tho sale to tho Donner
faction, as tho latter held tho much-talkcd-of
option wltlt Its unusual clause
giving permission to meet any bid mado
by any one else. BInce then both sides
havo been reticent In discussing the mat
ter except privately. Today Charles M.
Schwab, when asked concerning tho pros
pects of tho IJethlehem Steel getting the
Pennsylvania Steel, said ho preferred not
to talk. Ho added, however, that, with
out wishing to criticise any company, ho
felt It would require considerable capital
In order to place tho concern on a basis
nt which It would yield a good return on
the Investment.
A further advance In prices for steel
products failed to provent general reac
tions In tho steel shares hero following
the set-back In theso Issues on the New
York Stock Exchange. Both Drill and
Cambria accompanied United States
Steel on Its downward course during the
morning, but met support around mid
day and rallied quite sharply In the closing
dealings. Cramp Shipbuilding sold oft
more than 2 points beforo a rally occurred
It is nevertheless slated In shDRiJJ
eles that rnntrnM. ..jiJ' ""PHu.'S
lion of vessels are larger thsTthS-SI
yet been, notwithstanding thl ftS&i
soma companies have sold ts-.JISl
output ror two years ahead
Tho remainder of the iSSii,-
fin mstnna unl t-t.. . V1"
slons occurring In Itapld T.f.1
afterwards rallied easily and iL.TSl
a gain. Small declines owumS mJSS
delphla Company, Lehigh v!S ln $M
few others, whereas AmJriS??Jwl
extended yesterday's teZ&&
further. In connection with ihJSl
advance thcro was a report that ik!l
standing common stock mleht V?l?3
over by a holding companTNl
quite a few transactions 'BtwiS ."W
...... i.n8j un a moderate seal. i?i
occurred In T.xtili. m..i .. c'e. i"W
delphla Company shares8a"n M4'
Tho chief Item of Interest l IK...JS1
rendered In tho United 8tatei t3
Court today In the case of ha &
was the decision that th, ZZlTS
Itcadlng Coal and Iron Cnn,..T-n
Lehigh and Wllkes-Barra nr,-?,l
through tho Instrumentality of lk.
Inn Comoanv la n. mnkk.,i... ",
. a .....i ..-.- un in re
ui imuo uiiu violates tne antl.tfJ,J
Within a period to be nxV?S2rTw
court a plan for the Central IL B.Jt'Al
Jersey to dispose of all the .tockJ jiv'
.r.?tncf, sccur't'M of the UhlehVS j
iineaiarro i:nn fVtmMM... .-. "
railroad owns or controls. 'otiWjJt
tlons wero dismissed. viorj.
WHEAT. ttecelpti. 1M1.177 bushels. There
was a lair aeinana irom miners mm e"1"
and prices ruled steady. Quotations: Car lots.
ber. SLOUMttLUM; No. 2 Southern red, Sl.ojH
tiLOUU; steamer No. 2 red, l.O8V4O1.0SV4i
No. S red. sl.OUU.Wl.OSVj! rejected A, Jl.OliB1
l.Od; rejected II. jtl.02Ujtol.04i4.
cdllN. llecelpts, IOiU bushels. Trade was
oulet. but prices ruled steady under moderate
oftorlncs. Quotations: Car lots fr .'P-'al
trade, as to location Western ro. J "
.14b?aVie.; Vestern steamer eUow, ,JWa
75Wc; Vostern No. 3 yellow, .aySQ'-HiC.;
xjeiawaru iei.uw, .-T'w.Ta , , .
OATS. Hecelpts, 2J.043 bushels. The mar
ket ruled steady, with a fair demand. Quota
tions: No. a white, J5I&MUC.: standard white,
44tt45c; No. a white, 41642c; No. 4 white.
U7b:ioc; wimple oats. aanSHc.i purified outs,
BFLOi;i-llelpts. 1283 bbls. nnd 040.783 lbs.
in sacks. Trade was slow nnd the market
was largely nominal. Wo quote per 100 lbs.
In wood Winter clear. $4.0000.10: do.. Etramnt.
15.10M5.23: do., patent. M.40&S.05: Kansas,
clear" Jute sacks. J5BS.20: do., straight, lute
sacks. $5.25(35.00; do., patent, jute 1 sacks. $5.50
(T5.75: sprlnit. first clear. $4.N5: do., straight
$565.25; do., patent. $5 25i0.50: do., fatorlte
brands. $5.76430: city mills, choice and fancy
WnTe'r. ?IWfc 'SSl&u'SS
-ilUYE -l!SinT- wVscfulei'-but -teady under
light offerings. We quote at $535 25 per bbl..
as to quillty.
The market ruled firm with a fair Jobbing
movement. Following are the quotations: cty
beef. In sets, smoked and alr-drlod, Ztezic.
Western beef. In sets, smoked, 24425c; city
beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked and air
dried, 2(ia27c; Western beef, knuckles and
tenders, smoked, 22,c; beef hams, $28&J0.
pork, family, $22.BU&2.1; hams. 8. P. cured,
loose. 129i13c.; do., skinned, loose, 12WU;
do., do., smoked, 1314lJ?c; other hams,
smoked, city cured, as to brand and average.
I6V4O10C.; hams, smoked. Western curtd.
15H$10c.; do., boiled, boneless, 22c; picnic
shoulder. S. I, cured, loose, 12c: do., smoked,
14c: bellies. In pickle, according to aerago
loose, lWtfHc: breakfast bacon, as to brand
and average, city cured. 17SjUSc: breakfasi
bacon, Western cured, 17lbc; lard. Western,
refined, tierces. lUic. : do., do., tubs, UMiC.;
lard, pure city, kettle rendered, In tierces,
HHo'.: lard, pure city, kettle rendereu. In tubs,
Tho market wes quiet but steady. We quote:
Extra fine granulated, 5.25c; standard gran
ulated. 6.30c. ; powdered, 5.30c; confectioners'
A, 5.15-:. ; eott grades, 4.40&6C.
BUTTER. The market ruled firm with de
mand absorbing the limited receipts ot fancy
stock. Quotations: Western, solid-packed
creamery, lancy special, 31c; extra. Sue. ;
extra firsts, 2bc; firsts, 2UliW27c. ; seconds,
25tf20c; nearby prints, fancy. 32c; do., aver
age extras, 3031c: do., firsts, 2720c: do.,
seconds, 2520c.; Jobbing sales of fancy prints,
EGGS. Fine new-laid eggs were scarco and
Bold promptly ut the late advance. We quote
as follows: Free cases, nearby extras, 33c.
per dozen: firsts, $10.50 per standard case;
nearby current receipts, $0.00 per case; West
ern extra firsts, $10.50 per case; flrrts, $0.00
per case; refrigerator eggB, fancy, 20c; do.,
firsts, 24Vi&26Hc, do., Bcconds, 2:1 24c. ; do,,
inferior, lu&22c; fancy selected candled eggs
were Jobbing at -40442C. per dozen.
CHEEB1C Desirable stock was In good re
quest and firm, with supplies well under con
trol. Quotations: New York, full-cream, fancy,
new, 10c; "specials" higher: do., do., fair to
good, new, 16i?15c: do., part skims. Oil 12c.
LIVE. The market was quiet, with fairly
liberal offerings at former rates. Quotations:
Fowls, a to size and quality, 14'nlOc. ; roosters,
114jl2c; spring chickens, according to quality,
14tiluc: ducks, as to size and quality, 13(jl0c;
large sizes preferred: pigeons. dW, per pair,
lNS20c: do., young, per pair, 1718c.
DHES8ED. There was a fairly active de
mand for fine, deslrable-slzcd stock, and up
pile were kept pretty well cleaned up at
nteady prices. W'e quota: Fresh-killed fowls,
12 to box, dry-picked and dry-packed, fancy
selected, 10c: weighing 4HB3 lbs. nplece,
IfUic; weighing 3WS-4 lbs. apiece. 17HCI
Weighing :i lbs. apiece. 17c: weighing under
3 lbs. apiece, 15fil0c. ; fowls ico-packed
Western, 4j lbs. and over apiece. 18c; do.,
smaller sizes. 14Crl7c; old roosters, dry
picked, 13V4c.: chickens Jersey fancy broilers,
21020c; other nearby fancy broilers, 224240.1
Western broilers, weighing 1H82 lbs. apiece,
10820c: northern Illinois, fancy yellow chick
ens, weighing 4 lbs. and over, lSJilOc: north
ern Illinois, fancy, weighing 3U03U lbi., 16c:
other Western, weighing 4 lbs. and over. lflV
61TC.: do., do., weighing 2HS3Vi IBs.. 15c;
Inferior, 14c; spring ducks, nearby, 10917c;
do., western, 1 Off 12c; squabs, per dozen
White, weighing 11 to 13 lbs. per dozen. $4.80
B5.10; white, weighing 0 to 10 lbs. per dozen.
$3.004.10; white, weighing 8 lbs. per dozen!
$2.753.16; white, weighing 7 lbs. per dozen
$2.2362.051 white, weighing 0BOV4 lbs. per
dozen. $Lo2; dark, $1.5082; small and No.
Choice stock sold fairly and value generally
were well sustained under moderate offerings.
riilladrlphla, October 87, 1015.
To the Holder of ' '
the $230,600 First Mortgage 6 Bond of
this Company maturing November 1st,
Arrangements have been made with
Drexel & Co.. of Phlladetihla. to purchase
at par, on and after N-v nber 1st, 1B15,
the bonds referred to above.
Ja''Van.'lJ.soSY ZSS &
stein, rtBMSTi 7rVe'myounV,-r,2ffi.'
western (Ireenlng. u.tmt.i iiltfih t
Wealthy. B.BOWl. W olf 11 v.,D1.VuJ
WSZh .v!aSi Bummer. HarnbTn.J
per 100 lbs., 75c.e4l.20 C?h .J, .
hush 75Cje$lt qulnclj. per bbL-i,
L0.- t'.A?3--."'".- NVwYorkr'Afl
wt wb.iti uuuuio extras, 40Q,loir f
Kood. 2f. M)c.: peaches. Ohio, per bSh-t.
- uu. urvnci, njufo: snRiann. lint, hi
q'AnJou. ne.i..io: Dartlett, .NA. 1 ikM
do.. No. 5. $22.60i grapes. NtwSeKS
4-lb. hasket n ini i,.'I
irn - Pnmvi irvpr,1, JTJl ,l.arlt.
per 20-lb. basket. Concord. 35640c.: I
4. .c. wiitcpies. per crate.
1111-u. iiii.t.mji cranoerries, (jape Cod mpJ
VHBn: do., capo Cod. per crate. a)s9.
per bush.. . ll.S&Al.nO: Plums. VlrtlnuTfl
ron, per 20-lb. basket. 3W4Sc pfumi.1
York, per 8-lb. barket Drartuhaw and km,
Colorado, per flat crate. 507Bc: di,i 1
per olanoara crate, nui.rwi ,
T! . awn stAt- irarei ffnnavallif mi M i - . . I
at'U nit". ssj sj(.uv.nii) aitreiu UCWlfT 1MV 11
erate offerlngH and a fair demand, X)oouutt.
White potatoes, Pennsylvania, r tevl
cnuiic, lunnot, , uu., iair iu fioua, v-miUCjOLI
Thba naas Vinnlrnt Vrt 1 T. rt a 1" 1
do., other varieties, 40045c., do., dallsiuj
No. 1, 30f.36c; do.. No. 2. 15fl20c. Ontens.' M
100-Ui bag, $1.2302. Cabbage, domutlc
ton. $7P8. Celery. New York, per buwVIM
Cl.'iOc. Lettuce, New York, per 2-doz. cnkl
9iQM...i; uo. co., per .i-aoz. cnie, ijp
1.75. Mushrooms, per 4-lb. basket. ShK.
' I
new York butter and eg'gi 1
NEW YORK, Oct. 28.-Bl'TTEItlejl
barely steady: receipts, 7000 pacxatei: ttav
2SV(T20c.: higher scoring, 2VH410c: MkH
dairy, 2Sibc: imitation cieamery, !inj.
1:GQS. JiarKet nrm;, receipts, ikto -
rvtrn flrntfl. 35fT3(lc.: 'firsts. :t0flS4c:
whites, M((.'7c. ; mixed color, S083V.1 ttuAM
ncaroy oiturn-asj
t-rntor firsts.
U111UAUU, uct. o. ii(jua iteceipu. w
Market weak. Mixed and butchers. I19M
?ood heavy, I7.:nnii.ua; rougn nesvy. i
.15: light. $0.6007.55. pigs. $5.108110:
CATTLE necelpts. 0000. SUrket ftj-1
tia.,..as el RiRin nn rona and hptfsra. tLtM
8.2.'.: rtocker. and feeder, $u,25?: TezmJ
SHEEP-Iteoelnt's. 12.000. .a"1! ,t3rJ
Native and Western. $338.40; lsmlu. $M
00.25. ,
Thomas Iron Company Option GiHtj
Stockholders of tho Thomas Iron CcsjiimS
voted tn give on option pn tne . cempuy iJJ
fl.5CO.000 to M. L. C. Kaphelmschrr. of UfsJ
5. This means a little over JM. per , br.
voUed In tho deal It Is said thai : t ffl
nh th TUvior.w'harton Iron aad etMl a I
pany may bo arranged.
NEW YORK. Oct. 28. The !''''
commercial Dar siner io -"-z
with Mexican dollars at 37 cent. J)
,d 1
ngn .
Commercial Trust BoIUIbTsW,!
Philadelphia, Octooer sy J
At a meeting of tne iioaro i
held this day, a quarterly ll"a' !
14) per ceni. was ueciaicu ?f v
stocK ot tne uompany. iinj" " "
1. 101.1. tn shareholders of record I
30th Instant. . . "-"
Cheques will be maiien. lj'u,
11, , oi." .
Philadelphia, October l-!?,
The Directors nave "ii uw -j-dlvidend
of eight per cent. (8, frjj
payable ovemiier .. ;-;,-"-
lor record ai me ciusw - . ,-a
ZZO. WOlCSl Will no ,"""""i. , o
Tlkll.J.tnlila Ol-tobSr Jit i
The Directors have this dy dw
Dividend ot i.ibuv in " j:i
last six months, free of lax, VY
tier nrsi to suocanoi'ivia " r:;. .s
close of business October wi. i"- .
uneca. win u. """-"i-B -. ckWi.
I will DO maneu. . ,
IIIIIUUVIJilll . i ji AiclMm I
The Director nave nw "",.-r.
somlannual dividend of Eight (I)
stockholder of record at
tiess October ow. tn.s - --.-.
E. P, PA8SMORE, Vic. President
Certified 1-ubllo AocouoiaaisjSJ
iwnnunn 15 IIROWN tOj3l
I llssl
These home r locatsd
at Lincoln Drlvs and
Carpsnter Lana,
Personal Trusts
Thw Company ha$, in addition te
qualificatiofw po4d by individual tn
th advantage of an organized stall, we
vision of the CommiMicmer of Banking,
assured extcttmce during the term of em'
longest trutt.
Corr4rf(Miefice or a personal
interview cordially invited.
Commercial Trutt Comi
City Hall Square
Ym 4MM ..,.,.,......,.-.,..... 7 7