16 EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1015. "What You Should Know When Building a Small Home" A Free Booklet at Ledger Central BXAX ESTATE FOR. SALE west ritit.AnEt.rmA LESS THAN $5000 . .... Tftfw.ttory twli L tM. I a, barga iHrhly more. TAYLOR ft I- WM, It. W twin. Haxel ave... wesi .tin t.l bargain originally .old it or eon- SON. 2 and in 8. 40th ti II. W QUICK tmo.. INC. S SOUTH 40TH 8T. ATI. 1'I.IK.S :n west Philadelphia property. send for 1 1st. 8alk oh rent jus. m. baker 62d and Baltimore ave. WHELANB HOMES. TH AND 1'ASCHAl.li AVB. APPLY 1011 CHESTNUT Hi'.. OEKMaNTOWN ARTISTIC HOMES At Seymour and Morris Sts. GERMANTOWN OLD ENGLISH AND COLONIAL 8TYLE or architecture Price, JS420O to S6 150 HENRY W. BAUER BUILDER AND OWNER jUvNTON New aetactierf dwellings, w 1th largo Kll. mm weal urrouiiamBS, imwii umiy hiiii Sundays trains to Stenton station. Rdln Rallwuy, or drive out stenton ave. to Vernon road O.MX North) FIIANK MAUUAN. SW Land Title Building "" sti.ni ANH brick liOUSTS 10 rooms nil conveniences, lot ISHxWO; llansberrv iimr Vtnyne av no. exjo. : $3200. C. I PETFR8 SON, WIS CHESTNUT ST. BEND roil NEW DOOKLKT Something Special, OLYNDON PRIESTMAN. 5300 atn. ave. WxoV AnE i.ooivtNO "for Anojia In Germnntown. lit. Mry or chestnut I ill 1 con suit me. A, ft Mcch.n. 6717 Germantown nve. Hl3I DUNCE SITES -around In beat section or Germantown and Chestnut mil. jj. u. L.I.rrrcn & son r.m" (lermantown are. IwK CAN ASSIST you to find that house ou tare looking for. Germsntown Trust wo.. iieuen ana i.ermantown aves. Chestnut 11111 i NEW SALE AND ItENT LIST READY Pelham, Mt. Airy nnd Chestnut Hill. PELHAM TRUST CO.. 674(1 Germantown ave. TIOGA 30IU N. 15TH ST. Large S-room houte. lot 17x101; In best con dition, large Jnrd. wile Includes toal, Ven etian blinds, shades, lludit heater; 2 equates frvm North PMlaria. Station! Oben for In- K .peiUcn. FDWARD NAl'MANN. WES1 r ,... ...ci,n,. u Ell.. I. tx utiliauio m,i via- frmt dwg. , rood rendition: reasonable price. HARRY G. C WILLIAMS. 522 Walnut .t, E-ai-itrATT.-i Ar en. ion ri I I.. ah... BUILT BY BROCKLEHURST MEANS WELL BUILT E. Side 9th St. Pike to Luzerne Sts. Adjoining Beautiful Hunting Park Price, $2900 For Investment or home-buying proposition. 7 rooms, electric lighting, hardwood finish and floors, tot-water heating, selection of pa pering. Salesman on premises. Terms to suit. HARRY BROCKLEHURST BUILDER OWNER. SI" W. NORR1S ST. &5UILT BY BROCKLEHURST MEANS WELL BUILT 2410 to 2420 Hunting Park Avenue Cozy 7-roomcd dwellings, hot-water heating, hardwood finish and floors, terraced fronts electric lighting, selection of papering. PRICE 1400.00 Salesman on premises. Terms to suit. HARRY BROCKLEHURST BtlLDER & OWNER. 812 W. NORRIS ST. i FOR SALE Property 3725 to 37211 Old Tort road, Dwelling containing it large rooms, with front and side porch: 2-story brick sta ble, coach house and offlce buildings; 1 story brick factory and sheds, lot 00x30 1 ft. deep to Reading Railway In rear, would be suitable for largo garage. Apply at premises, KTOrtY. 14-ruom. modern. Dorch dwelling: lot 20x130, can bi purchased on easy terma. JAJ41VS D. VVirvUIll!.L,Li N. W. cor. 17th and Sansom. WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOU WANT IN TIOOA OR LOGAN KENNEDY & RAMRO. 3740 GERMANTOWN Logan SLOGAN'S PRETTIEST HOMES Every mod em feature suuatantiauy Duut ana artisti cally finished, combined to produce a "real home ; Imposing terraced front, select and unusual equipments; Ruscomb St.. south side, 13th to 10th. Just west of station: largu porches, deep lots; U closets: high, light basements, with cemented wnlls; expcnsle plumbing "Arco" heating system; "Ideal' boilers. ftSOO, walk west on Llndley avo. to Fuller's tan-) to 13th St., then H block south to Ruscomb M.; 3 trolley lines on York road; open dally. S. C ABERNETHY. 2724 N. 8th. ifWORES. DWELLINGS AND APARTMENTS For Sale or Rent. In Best Sections of Logan WM. D. CHAMBERS. 4133 N, Broad at. LOGAN HEAL ESTATE. SALE. RENT AND EXCHANGE M. U. Smith. Broad St.. opp. Logan Station. f REAL ESTATE, mortgages andT convey aill-ms, VVAl. U. Wil A311JUU3, 'JJJ 14, Broad st. Oak Lane "DEdlRABLE LOTS WIdo frontage, high ele- vaiion near toe station; suitaDie lor Dunga low purposes. William Barr, Sth and Qak lane. "'"'y- IBEAUTIFUI, MODERN HOMES. J1S00 to 4wu easy lerms; Borne garage privilege. ABERNETHY. 2721 N. gth. 408 Tabor road. SUBURBAN STONE FARMHOUSE Hot-water heat, electric light, all acommo datlonj. stable, greenhouse, roultry hous' and 18 acres of land; high elevation; old bade, fruit, truck garden, running stream and lake, near station. In Huntingdon Val ley; convenient to golf and hunt clubs; price $30,000. HURKNES3 k. STETS0N,Land Title Bldg. " MEDIA "FARM. 42 ACRES Farmhouse, bam, etc, old shade, spring, nnnlnf stream, convenient train nnri trnllpv fci Said tie Hose Tree Hunt Club UEUK.JN fciBIS AC BliSWVn LAND TITLE BUILDING. CHOICE BUILDINQ SITES ana acreage. ARTHUR P. TOWN3END. Langhorne. Pa. MOM Bfl for sale or rent, Wendell & Master, : lUal EsUte Trust Building. ECT PROPERTIES Counirv seats, f srma. List orders now. LEWIS T. BROOKS a BON. 1414 So. Fenn sa. FOUNDED 1878. f JUKQ8 LIST OF SUBURBAN HOMES, sale 01 msi, on tna iiain J,ln or Heading It, R. WM. H. WILSON & CO.. Morris BuUdlnc. ' IWJBUItHAN REAL ESTATE; Main Line. Oer- Buntown: rarms: iteaaing n. it.ena lor usu, CHARLES J. HOOD CO.. Morris Bldr. ;ULE OR' EXCHANGE Business building, Pth and Arch sts. MKKBllON. ZS3 uina Title mar. rRACTIVE country homes: state your re sjalremenu. J. M. Fronefleld. Wayne. Pa. Ambler, ra. IWEND FOR LIST of suburban homes, farms. country seats, puiiaing grouna, eve. a xuiv 1 large and varied Hit In Montgomery and ucks Counties, If you are looking for any thing In the way of country real estate, do Itot fU to ret my list before you buy. Thomas atkinson Ambler, Pa. WEE I, country places and suburban homes Reading's Bethlehem and Doylestows) 11. j. uager. inc., Amoier. s-a. rXITH-KTt RTONIB 1ND VRXitK HOUSE! Tejser train and trolley; 11 rooms, 2, baths, odora appointments; lot 61x103; fine chance & buy small houao In A very convenient Psrh. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDING MMBtg, ATTENTION Chester seed mm; m wt , wu located: aewnr, waUr I la street: price $178 each; ride or wHl Uk part equity la sata laisl H Will OIT1UO $ unburn ac runr-ss vu. H S. lath M., PhHadelphls, CyawyJ. P. TACHM9 ITTONH AND FLAHTKR HOUSE. fet ! 45; wU butlt 'aU tnr BaU. P. I xV. " - r . . - - in i I i in C4ier, F- I J Jl I VJV7. -f n.l A"- V Ti-Ma -l . ....., J- Wf V. a"Wj . T W W a ifioaerBi-. virice. I Jiff i I sHSsIbIbB- ssyy 1 s1s1MsbbT 111111 jmiim... j -fewr shsj bbsusbj .. . sslslslslslslsTyS RsbsK ployers depend upon Ledger Want REAL ESTATE FOR SALE " fiimUIUIAN Derby, r. WIDOW must sell extra fine 2H-ty. det. prop.: eleq., parquetto floor, tiling, ete.; cost over jlluou; sac. S4100. 8 wrote gens. Darby. Elklns Park. Pa. OGONTZ HILL ON YORK ROAD NEAR ELKINS PARK STATION, OVERLOOKING CHBLTUN HILLS HaiKlMme new homes Just completed; eer ono a OlfCerent style archlteo tme, and containing everything to appeal to discriminating good taste. Conveniently situated; York iwil trolleys pass door; Rending RnllWHy, nlklns 1 erk ftatlnn nmrby; close to unttngdon Valley and Old York Road Ountry Club, See these luopertles. Send for our booklet on Okontx Hill. gUIng photo, plans nnd full descriptions of every house. HERKNESS & STETSON Land Title Bldg. IO III Vhontt. ELIZABETHAN RESIDENCE tieoutltul stone nnd half-tlmlicr l-.ouso near Inc completion. High location, with fine Mew. Trench casement wlndonc Open terrace front. Tim only bouse for the money In the lork road section Terms to suit. RHOAn Ft PAUI 13.-, s btii st nnmua a. rauu tuLKiNSPARic W E S T V I E W ELKINS PARK-Brnutlrut bull.llng trtcfj high locu.lon extendeil view over line homes of Elkins Park, near train and trollcv. Prices rilOO and upward. Our automobile bv ntmolntnT'nt. Phone Mrlroe 1174 RHOADS & PAIII in-s r.Tii st. JSHSZJI tt raUI- A ELKINS PARK COIXJNIAL DWELLING, recently romplcted: 12 rooms, 2 baths; high ground, n minutes from Katlou; price leasotinhlc: open. Mc '"rmlck & Mct'ormlck, 1011 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia nnd Flklni Park. Glenshle. Pn. MAONII'IcnsT stone and shingle residence, contalnlns 12 rooms, bath, all modern con veniences, lurge lot. with stable; convenient to train nnd trollev. belt location, property could not be duplicated for lets than $15 two, will tnlto 1 TOO for quick Falo: ccveral other unusual opportunities. RENNINOER RENNINGER Glcnsldc. l'a , and Rrnnd nnd Walnut fts., PhlladelphU. Pa. MODERN HOMES, beet location: building lots and acreage-, manv rare olTcrs. Call at Glcnslde office toi'ay. Rennlnger & Ren nlnger. Glenplde. nnd Rroad and Walnut. Ioinsdnle. Pa. TWO LARGE BUILDINGS, suitable for var ious purposes: hot-water heat; 2 acres high ground. 30 building lots; J3S00. A. II. TYSON, Lansdale. Pa. .Media. Pa. S3-ACRE I-ARM. rear Rose Tree Inn, Media Moaern stone nouc, an conveniences, includ ing hot-water heat, electric light, open fire places, etc., new barn; plenty of water. Apply JOHN B. MILLER. 415 Land Title Bldg. llTdal. Pa. STONE COLONIAL RESIDENCE Thoroughly modern, on Cleverly lane, over looking tbo Huntingdon Valley; 2Mt acres. HERKNESS STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDING Swarthmore, Pn. SWARTHMORE On the Hill, near Baltimore pike. Attractive building site, 5'4 acres, adjacent to good Im provements. Must bo sold to close an ac count. An Inexpensive bungalow Included with the land. Price $4000. YOCEM. fc POWERS CO., 20 S. 15TH ST. Wjrncote. I'a. SKVEUAL hlsh-clasa suburban residences; at tractive locations; pricra right. MAURICE J. HOOVER ;ru'Btc'',yge Wynncllcld, Pa. STONE HOUSE AND STABLE: LOT 100x180; fine location: house has 12 rooms, 2 baths, all co tvcnlcnce".; stable will hold five or six car: complete with elevator and mn's room. LOWER MERION RELTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDING MAIN LINE. I'A. R. R. ST. DAVID'S Handsome Colonial-type house, In Cambria Court, for small family; In excellent repair; smal lamount of ens!.: owner going West and is going to sell quickly. NORMAN P. SINCLAIR G0 Real Eftate Trust Building. SUBURBAN HOMES, country place and building sites to tult all requirements; Main Line. II. C. HUNTER. Wuyne. Pa. Merlon ATTRACTIVE STONE AND PLASTER house of 12 rooms, 2 baths, nil modern con veniences; lot UlxlSl; located in attractive part of this handsome suburb; worthy of con sideration of those desiring a place close to town. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINQ Narberth NO. 2 BROOKHURST AVE. 7-room stone house, lot 30x200; $3750. Walter Basset! Smith. Wnnenood. Pa. Wynnewood NEW STONE AND STUCCO HOUSE, 12 rooms, 3 baths, 2 porches; modern appoint ments throughout; will rent or sell. Full particulars from LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDING Ardraore We Have An Exceptionally large list of very attractive properties, both for sale and rent, at all prices; let us know your requirements. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST BUILDING , i i ii taftfl ()G? I MRS SMITH TotO MB " TeRRAfcL' A TVEej 0HK i r toR- Vou SViK HA.5 PttCOVRe TWT U-IHWEHO TntWC AT5O0T YotJ f -r N (TML fflW&Xmry A?urS5: irzTZ a ( nolo MSr g faffia S amount op Yourty C Jffe AWfv.y Cs a, ' . I Kuov r jj:uht x i;iyM VaumbrTakb I j. - wefv vyy ? X ; J rfZkW i -S-tXV ,5Ho lT SgV mWt ' -w(w iMBIL .VXTl j M&k. , W. '"Mk iv - km- -- ? w REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MAtNI.lNKr..lT 11; llavrrforrt NEW STONE HOUSE Desirably located ner Merlon Golf Club, at llaverford. IS moms, I bathe, S ehambera, hot-water heat. nl-tHi llerti Mfaml nriAti ItrefriacM. heantlrul outlook, fcarage, 8 ears: 1 ,vnr,n ior men; aoout 2 acres oi groumi; prlco moderate. HIRST & McMULLIN WKeTT END Tltl'KT BUILDING NEW .IHItM'.Y AiiiIiiIxmON. J, .tin CllT.trr i rooms, 4 tafge'eioeots; Wert "'SVi Iwdwood finish, combination ranjto nnd lighting natures, papered to order: JiS); 'pan. loo, st 2IW rheatnut, building. HP1AN18Y. "tl Owner." 411 Mast A tlantlc. , , r llcverlr.N. J. LQUIPIKT) T'OITLTRY PLANT, eniwelty 5555"; M aires lirst toll, fruit, ahade, oJ bulli"- fi , on MTHipti, near nation! iuu, ree-er, llurllngton. N J. lladdon llrlgtils, N. J. Lll'1'l.M.UTr LOTH AND HOMES HAL HUN UKIUHTS, N J. WILLET LIPPINCOTT Maple Shade. N. .1. THE G11EAT8ST privilege" of fheS0th century Is to own n little one acre farm cloee to Phllii., ami rememlier, $ft down buys one, $B monthly pays for It. For h equate deal call on or write BARLOW At CO., Maple Shade, N, J. Jit. Eplirnlm, N. J. 5nk-acu"B FARMS" Mt. Ephraltn. N. J., adj. Haddon Heights: only 3 miles from Camden, 2 stations on trait: $.100 to $000 per num. title Insured, free deed, no taxes lor 1013 Camden County Gar den Farm Co.. 1205 llroanway. Camden, N, J. Vtndlng River, N. .1. WAlvrvn RlVElt. N. .1. 223 acres, nlwut 40 clenr; good 8-room dwell ing; sev. other oulbldgs ; price $1300 to quick buer. Lewis A. Sooy, Green Bank, N. J West Colllngsvvood, N. J. I HAVE SOME ELEGANT HOMES for sale, some on Vvlilto Homo pike, etmo lino homes for rent, fine location; all conveniences: old shade. 11. ROIUIINS, Qmnt ave. yi'ooilbiiry, N. .L BUILDING LOTS 111 the bcVt residential sec tion of Woodbury, paved, graded, gas. elec tricity and sen en. rhort wnll: from station; SO trains dally; price $430 up; easy terns. Theo. Schalllol, American and Delaware Bts Wnodbuiy. N. J. SEASHORE Capo May, N. J. COTTAGE elected by n, reliable builder Is a eatHf action, attractive plana submitted tree. OTIS M. TOWNSEND. Ocean City. N. J. Ocean City. N. J. COTTAGE erected by a rellatlc builder Is a aatltactton; attractive plans submitted tree. OTIS M. TOWNBEND. Ocean City, N. J. Mono Harbor, N. J. 1 HAVE $4OC0 equity in house 17th st. above Diamond, rented $1:00 per annum, I will ex change lor furnished cottHgc, dear of en cumbrance, at Stone Hnibor. N. J. C. Harry Sboaker. 3(l't3 N. Broad st PENNSYLVANIA FARMS ONLY $95 PER ACRE For a Bucks Co. farm, close to station and trolley, thli sldo of Trenton, on Main Line to New York. Should greatly Increase In value In n few yours. See Farm Catalog. C. P. PETERS & bON, WS CHESTNUT ST. JIEAlIIFL'I. BUILDING site for country estate, Burrounded by 125 acres; stone tenant house, barn, outbuildings, Itnceil, nil In good rondlllon. btrcatn, main road, convenient to Philadelphia, e.ixy terms H. B. McC'ULLUM 1314 Walnut rt . Philadelphia. Appointments b) phone Walnut 421 B 3 ACRES, COLLEQEMLLE, modern home; 0 room etono house, barn, garage, henhouse, 30 fruit trees, old shade, price Jl'-'ou. one-third cash. JACK'S FARM AGENCY, 215 Stephen Olrard Building. Philadelphia. TULLYTOWN, PA 17(1 acres, splendid build ings, barn; suitable for stock raising. WORRELL, 033 N. 17th. LARGE AND SMALL FARMS lor sale, trans act your buMness direct with the ownem. W. F. ROOOENT1NE. 33.10 Germantown ave. BKANDYWINE FARM. BIO acres, fine views, good meadow: bargain. $15,000. & r. iit. at r. t-. i.nA. ti. ... mj. m,rtm, .. cat ,ttt:ai..'i, u. S3 ACRES, STOCK, CROPS, good buildings. $2300: half cash. HUNSBERHER'S FARM AGENCY. Green Lane. Pa. 110-ACRE dairy, ttock or general purpose farm: a money maker, price $7000. Wrlto Tltug Franklin Dovlestown. Pa. 27 ACHES, northern Chester County, stock, implements, etc.. $2500. J. B. THOMPSON. West Cheater. Pa, FARMS to suit onj buver. all klre, all prices. scid for list GROSS MINGLE, 5219 Mar- kct et. NEW JERSEY FARMS 10-ACRE FARM. 7-room house, barn and out buildings; 5 minutes' walk from trolley. 1 mllo from Woodbury. 2 miles from Glouces ter, $2000. termn to suit. W. EARL JESSUP 13S Maple ave . Woodbury, N. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT BUY A HOME FROM US Monthly payments $17 to $50; N Phlla, and Germantown; prices $1800 to $7000. Merchants' Union Trust Co., '-.. V,C0lIlUt ttl. nnMiMTnwv urMttij'o Let me know what price sou want. R. T. MITCHELL. 0200 Germantown ave. BuMncus Properties end Stores LAUNDR for sale or rent, completely equipped, read for operation; excellent op portunity: reasonable terms. JAMES D. ViINCIIHLL. N. W. cor. 11th and Sansom. SUBURBAN Bala Cynnyd, Pa. LARGE LIST HOUSES, sale or rent, at all prices. SAMUEL C. WAGNER. Jr.. Commer clal Trust Bldg., 15th and Market Bts. Svrnrtlimore, I'a. SEVEN MINUTES from station, opposite new high school, noar college: 11 rooms and bath; electric lights. Call or phone 211 R. Owner. 10:: College ave, R. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE MODERN 14-ROOM pointed stone house, Lynn Boulevard, 73x1.15; sacrltlco; eale or exchange. 1U01 Cheetnut. Room bOL EXCHANGE for small houses or sale on In stalments, $15,0011: corner: Broad below Clearfield. 8HOWAKER. 3033 N. Broad et. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE SALE cheap, or will exchange, ground rlpo for builder or Investors, 0 miles from City Hall, M.rshon. atS Land Title Building. SEVERAL small dwellings; rents. $7 to $35: subject to first mortgages only; net Income $000 per year. Livingstone. Broad A Walnut. SEND ME DESCRIPTION of tho property j you have to exchange; state what you want. LoutrioVst. an orror at once- Qu,n- SEASHORE EXCHANGE CLEAR, 10-room cottage. VllJ- wood, furnished, for email, city property, clear, or small farm. RANKINS, 225 Kglghn, Camden. REAL ESTATE WANTED RENTB AND INTEREST COLLECTED, morti gages and fire Insurance placed quickly, ate Kane for prompt results. 2528 Tasker st. REAL ESTATE. CONVEYANCER, notarypub. lie. K. F. Sellers, 501 Commonwealth Bldg. PETEYPetey REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY ills N. J0T11 ST.To rooms ..$.' lrwy miiiman at., n rooms. 3(17 Bolton st., (1 rooms IMS Lambert st . 5 rooms c, P coward CO . smh and Jefferson nte. S. . COR. 20TH AND SPRUCR 8TS. Handsome 4-story residence, 18 room.. Z tllfd baths, 1 servants' bath, hardwood IBreugn- eut: southwestern exposure J A PATTI RMM I'M I.. WO S. 15T1I. SlU M1WIIC AVE, Hett aland for rrnaat war i nr rtMHefttesefln! refit $0: ket, rrovlslem store or deflceteseen ; i efit iu rooms, upper rooms mioiet week 1 1 Annlv 1111 N. WHh st. rooms sublet for W to $10 IB CllfciiTNI'T HT., MiTi feet to SMom et.; alteration, to suit tenant. Apply . . JOHN ll MILLER. 4I lotnd Title HM. iWi NORTH 1WAN SQUARftrTo reomsTl battle, modern te rent, good condition. J. T. JACKPo.N CO. t'h.-stnut nnd 13th Ms, 304-307 CltEBTN'UT ST. llve-s'lirV oWce and wnti bouse. Apply JOHNB MlLLBflt, 4l IJinuTUleJU1s. DRoAD IJt . Wisi N Modern U - front dwelling, is rooms, moderate rental. CHAf. 1,. BROV N A CO.. 117 8 Brtmd St. KWi N. rR7NKl.lN ST. -10 rootn,"tdVvard. yood order, porc-lnln tmthtub; low rent. Wm L. Craven's !on, lllin N. ith st. KTO BRA.VDYWINh 8f.-fhre-MoryiJweii- ing, just us...re.l and Minted tntnugnout lent riM. t.m I M nnti Walnut at. rus vi. lack sr. 0 inoint and tmlh; aTl 'onvenh nees: nno rnnciltton. rent JHU a. , WEAVER ft SON. SBI N. 2M st S. ltTH-El rooms nnd f nil., HlftAttl 'J'. Jut renovati-a trmugnout. -il'P-l!L BRON & CO., 217 SBrpad it 53111 tROWSON ST.. f rooms, "jJTfl: nlo new Ide-yird houses, $1S and $20. Brown. 0100 ork road 1713 AIIINOTON n.wlv renovated ST. 1 rooms and bath; $iii: open. STORES "AND DWELLtNGH In nil sections of city, see our list In lh Ledger SatUniay. HAMl'EI. T. FOX CO. S. K. cor nth and Callow hill. AIART.Mr55fTnO"fSE HT.14-STTlT'Il ST.' 13 rcome, 2 baths, steam hont; rensonable rent .LA. PATTBHSON CO., 130 B. 13T1I ST. tiTe land m: and truTt"c7JmpaS7 Broad nnd Chestnut streets. Send for our ront list. i OLD COLONIAL HOUSE, tnil columns, 4 open fireplace; 11 rooms, 3 baths; garnge; shidy lawn; $100. SUTTON, 301 Franklin Bldg. RENT lf.08 Stlle"s st.. 0 rooms, $23": newly popercd and painted. llllslticm Propcrtlca nnd Store N5 gsot'TH tSTH STREET Modern store nnd batement. 10x15 It.; high telling, dry basement, etenm heat, electric lights, etc.; cult any high-grade business. J C. FULLER, 10 S. ISth St. MARKET STREET. 023 Entlie building to tear street; lot 23.3x200: Immediate possctslon. Apply Pcnna. Co., 017 Chestnut st. 50.1-11 MARKET ST. Desirable, double bulk Etoro nnd basement, 30x130; possession Jan uary 1, CIIAS. L. BROWN & CO., 217 S. Broad st. 1S0S MARKET ST. 3 stories nnd basement; stoam heat, will alter to suit tenant; reason able rent. J. C. FULLER, 0 S. ISth st. 4022 MARKET ST., suitable for confectionery: rent. $25. JAS. N. MITCHELL., 40th .and .Market. 017 LOCUST ST. Basement; suit any busi ness; cheap rent; open; bco It. Emerson Conrad. 5.1 N. 10th at. Building Lois, l'nctory Sites, Etc. 7000 SQUARE FEET of ground, centrally lo cated; suitable for etorago purposes; price seasonable. WILLIAM C BENKERT. 1500 ARCH ST. RENTAL LISTS THE PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY For Insurances on Lives As Granting Annuities, 517 Chestnut st Both phones. 215 S. ISth, 15r$20S.3 300 S. 1.1th, 10r.$150.00 .205 S. 22d, 20r..l50.00 2020 Locust. 13r..l33 31 1340 Pine, 10r...los.314i0 Pine, 15r....l03 31 EJOS.Broad, lOrlOO 10 1420 N. 10th, 17r. 0.00 1302 Pine. 13r... 75.00, 1MB Green, 15r... 73.00 151 N. 18th. 18r. 73 001 PUS Pine, llr. . . . 70.00 lOlSPlne, lOr... C0.07I I'M S. 23d. 13r... 53 00 3 S. 21st, 12r. 53.UUI 102S Green, 13r... 50.00 012 N. lftrh id r.nrsi l.'t'.ll r.irarj Up Ko in 1'.f!. 1'oplar. 13r. 5o!oo 12.U S. Broad, lCr OoioO 318 S. 3d.,10r . f.o.uol 8th. 17r.. 50.00 i'?i,oitn',r1Ir- -y,"170S Wallace. 13r. 45 00 82IRace, 15r... 45 00 ir,.L-i n, i7ih 11, (llil i-M-fc' i.1. ' ,' fiu' 1 1531 Master, 13r.. 41.07 iTii ovfi"."' ,Vr' IS-'IHO Lombard. Or. 40.00 1rf.i 2xf.ord' Hr. 40.001 1730 N. l'Jth. I2r. 35.00 -f& 'th.. "r.. 32.00 830 N. Fkln.. 12r 30 00 02J N. 11th. lip :tnon 9.VH fnlnr..i.ia 11- oijoii "lo wnarton. Or 28.00 1010 Falrm't, 8r., 28.00 27.00 20 00 20.00 ,V.. airm-t, sr. 2S.00 32.1 N. 0th, Or 2J3 Master, llr. 27.10,1443 N. 0th, 10r.. Ail ".Sharpnack, llr 1720 N. 20th, Or... JOloN. Mil. Or.. 25 00 2 111 Master, Or... Master. Or... 25.00 H38 s 11th. or 25.00 120 N. Fkln., 9r 25.00 i'l.UU 541 N. 10th. Or.. 25.00 25.00 020 N. 10th, lOr. 24.00 23.00 1514 Wharton, Or. 22.00 22.00 510 N. Or'na. lOr 21 OO 1M.UU22.L'I Ilnlnhr'ire. Up 21.00 70S s 10th, Or. . 2141 N. 11th, Or.. 2130 N. Uber. Or. 107 W.Pnmjo tlw 720 New Mktl.Or 014 N. JcsKun.iip 'i.nni nil i.timep inp. "nri 1013 Rodman, llr 20.001 2002 Turner, 9r. .. 20.00 142(1 Stiles. 7r... 20.00 2.122 Wallace, Or.. 18.00 Ji'.'ff' Camac.Or 1.0017.) N. Uber, llr. 18.00 314 Parrlsh, 5r.. 18.00 811 N. Amer., Or 10.00 iE',?.N,'.M',rv,i ar I1"0 217 Fitzwater,5r. 10.00 IMiijN.Ring'Id.Or 10.00 0.15 Nectarine, 5r 15.00 ivi'.f ,ey.d B ct'Ur !5-0U J020 Olive, Cr 15.00 ..?! $Ptl"S- Or-- 13.001 413WHew'n, 7r 15.00 .0-7 Page, r.... 15.00 lootl-mon, 7r... 15.00 wi a 1,.. .;. .St. ;.:r. - 'M'",i, u?. . julii, j.r.iu.ou 1000 I'oplar, 10r.. $41.01 231 N, 2d. 18r... 40.00 11112 Oxford, llr.. 30.00 ,518 N. 3d, 8r.... 25.00 12 N. 2d, 8r... 41.07 1343 Ridge, 12r. . 37.50 724 N. Front. llr 23.00 2j15 I.ldge nv.,llr 25.00 1KJY.i f.ulrm't. Or.. 25.00 417 Green. oia , morris, ur ).i;u 22.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 ia w.uxtord.Or 21.00 1120 S. 2d, Or. ,,3-iSl'ui2' ?r-" zu uu 25S3 Amber. 7r., ni?.rt2d' hr"- "0.00,1201-0 a 2d, 7r, 204 Wharton, Or lB.Ool J. EDWARD LUTZ, 240 N. 17TH ST. ,..., , DWELLINGS 1A??5-,n?i..l4r.;.""00l 110s lth. 12r...100 -ixt" I'th. 12r. .. 453715 Walnut, 14r.... 55 'Ji?. ?f: "r0413. 351 314 N. 10th, 12r.... 40 iSS,&n,.hn n" "rSO 2S1N 11th. llr.... 35 h,-.i? yjP.ter' Jr- " 10 2105 E.Chel'n av.,10r 21 J:WJ Addison, 5r. . . . I'li215 Button'od, llr.. 20 l& 9ri.ton- US"" Wlloiaotn. ave.. fer... 20 1300 Addison. 5r... 10 1522 Winter, 7r 18 R. 2218 Summer. 3r ml S'(1 w rrh.lA t. in It. 17.1S Carlton, 3r. 71 411 Diamond, 'i,'. 15 It 1530 Spring, 3r. 7 302 Master. 7r .. 13 ..$50 ..$20 .. 10 .. 18 APARTMENTS 1704 Race 4r $2.', 24(1 N. 17th, fir, STORES AND DWELLINGS -S,1.4. ?;. 3d 75 1700 callowhlll 1512 Vino (0 1720 Callowhlll 2122 Race .1012212 Race T. F. NEAL1S, 010 S. 12TH Office open Saturday night until 10 p. m. 2021 Pine St., 12 rms., open for Inspection $00 1310 Carpenter, 0 rooms, u!l convs 20 174SLlndenwood, 7 rms., 62d At Parkslde 20 1410 N Warnock. 0 rms., nth & Master 15 2052 S. Watts ht.. 7 rooms., all convs.., 14 7.11 Race. Rear No. 2, 4 rooms 11 180.1 Trenton nv., 7r cor. Front & Norrls 13 1438 N. Alder St., .1 run.. 10th & Master 0 3130 NORTH 21JT .... 5H. 43d at. ...$20 $12.50 300 Cambria st $12 OWN. 42d at 12 i221 Orlanna st in 721 S. Mole st 20 3210 Spencer ter. ... 17 (111 N. 42d at 13 2010 Catharine st.... 8 2052 Helen Bt 131 ALFRED H. WILLIAMS. 622 Walnutst. DWELLINGS, 1B10 Tioga, 13r porch tin Z2 1I ptt wuniiiv, ivtjj rr.'.S I? "i(. ivr... z 1028 Susquehanna,8r 23 2125 DauDhln. 8r "-i 2210 rv.i'TanKiin.iur " 020 W. York, Or... 221 "3(11 N. Camac. 7r. 14 203SJannoy. 5r H 2328 Lcltbgow, 4r... 11 12034 N.eth. 3r.. rear 7 C. R. RHQADS. 15th ab, Susquehanna. Factories. Warehouses, Mfg. Floor. 317 DE LANCEY ST. Well-adapted manufac turing building, 4 floors and basement; good light, from street to street; 20x100. "SEE TAULANE ABOUT IT" 600 Walnut st, MERCHANTS' BUILDING 44 NORTH 4TH ST, DESIRABLE ROOMS. POWER AND LIGHT FLOOR HPACtt 11. 1C0 square feet at N. E. corner 11th ana Washington avenue. Apply C. J. Milne & Bona. 5 CENTS PER SQUARE FOOT. 13.000 ft., ceni tral location, high ceilings; good light. ;m ivnn ec ujtiuo. niagp ave. ana lutn ct. METROPOLITAN BUILLINO. cor. Broad and Wallace; rooms 8000 to 40,000 square feet on r. floor. Apply to O. F. La slier, 147 N, 10th. Seems to Be Working Pretty Ads when in JtEAL ESTATE FOR RENT Factories, lVnrehoiinea, Mfg. Floor MODKHN FACTORY FLOORS 14,000 Square Feet. N. B. COR ARCH AND S3D STS. Steam and electric power, S elevtr. law ltwuranc, amoimitle sprlnk1.r, watchman. R. R. eldltigs. extra lan windows and Meti elllne. Owner mnnawmew. Apply O. P. FILT.lNa SON CO. on pretnlwrs. CFilfftAh .MANUrUeWwiMfl dH ffWltABI Steam boat, electric elevators, modern build- 214 N?Sid st., 0S-1M, eommanlcatlng roomi, HUB Ludlow st., MxlOO, X floors and basement 22vi; t. SSJ St., 2 doorf. 8000. ti() Sansom t.. 4 noors, 20x100. Iteaeotiable rentals. .. HARRY T. SAUWDHR3, M gOUTII 1STfiST. CENTRAL WAREHOljSl Six floors and basement, 20,000 Ure feetl high ceilings, elevator, good light; rear out let; stable or garage If desired. TAUt.ANK, 000 Walnut at. LOW RUNT lfr.d above Cumberland: manu fnttuntig spare In tho Wright niodern flro proor building, near North Phlla. nnd Hunt ingdon st stations and freight yards, W't)IltllCl.tcq..3MN ljlb. DTH AND SPRUCE STS.-r5ntlronoor,"00x93i light mi nil aides, levator.; low Insurance, central location. C1IAB. L. BROWN CO , 217 S. Droad st. 1112-t114 WALNUT ST. (Corner Oulnco st.l Two iloors. each about 40x140. J. A. PATTERSON CO.. lfo g, 1th at. Garages 802-4-0 CHANCELLOR (St. James) ST.-2-story central garage, 40x40; now In course of erection, reseunnblo rent, exceptional quar ters lor corporation. L. A. TAULANE, 000 Walnut Bt. OFFICES, IlfSlNESS ROOMS. ETC. A FEW DESIRABLE OFFICES RENT VERY REASONABLE ROBERT MORRIS TRUST COMPANY BUILpiNG 927-929 Chestnut Street 1520 CHESTNUT, second floor. 1533 Chestnut, 2 suites, 2 rooms each. 1020 Chestnut, second, rear, 2 rooms. Professional Building, sulto of 4 rooms. J. T. JACKSON COMPANY . Chestnut and 13th. 17TII ABOVE CHESTNUT (Mlddlo City Bldg.) Desirable offices and studios; some with (.kyllghts. WILLIS-WINCHESTER COM- l'ANY. 1001 Chestnut. 1317 ARCH ST. 3d-floor back room: cheap rent: open; see It. EMERSON CONRAD, 53 N.10th Bt. CHESTNUT, 172S Desirable, communicating rooms, suitable for studio or profession. offices And studios. FULLER BLDG., 10 S. ISth St. VVAI.I, BLDG.. 1710 Chestnut st. SMITH BLDG.. S. E. cor. 18th and Chestnut No' 20 S. 18th st. Offices, business rooms and studios, large and Email room, singly and en suite; ele vator servlco nnd all modern appointments; will suit architects, dentists, artists, musi cians and other purposes. Rent $15 per month upward. Write or apply for list. J. C. FULLER, 10 S. ISth st. Bright Attractive Offices 1118-20 CHESTNUT ST. MPARS $r RROWN 202 s. lr.TH STREET DREXEL BLDG. OFFICES. Annual Rentals. Slnglo rooms, $100. $120, $150, $200, $100, $400 Suites 2 rma., $150, $175, $200, $223, $250, 27S. Suites 3 rms., $180, f273, $100, $450, $500, $550. Corner Suites. 2 to 8 room $500 to $1050. ELLIS D. WILLIAMS. 500 Drexel Building. DESIRABLE sccond-IIoor corner suite, 3 large rooms, N. E. corner 16th and Walnut sts ; also slnglo or communicating offices, elevator and all convenlencs. CHAS. L. BROWN & CO.. 217 S. Broad st. ENTIRE 2d floor, 1318 Chestnut, opposite Wanamakcr's Suitable for any high-class re tall line; showcase and Blgn prlvllego at door: reasonable rent J. T. Jackson Co. S. E. Cor. Chestnut and IBth. BASEMENT. 1629-31 Chestnut St.. under New Arcadia Theatre; 42 by 103; suitable for rug or carpet store, etc. J. T. JACKSON COM- 1-AJN1, tjncsinui ana latn. Floors . Studios Greblo Bldg.,l70S-10 rhestnu" J. B, JARDELLA i635 chiubtian MERCHANTS' BUILDING i orxn in st. Very desirable offices. Heat and light; HEED BLDG., 1211-15 Filbert st-CentrOUy located; all conveniences; offices, both small and large, nt very moderato rentals. PLA7. A BUILDINO Offices Single and En Suite. 1605-07-09 ARCH ST. CHESTNUT. 1732 Offices for doctor, dentist, studio or other bus,; running water; elee'lty. Professional Offices SPRUCE, 1337 Prof, offices, steam heat, elee triclty; excellent phone and door service; good light. CHESTNUT. 202G-2 largo physician's otttces; mmiui neai, eiec. ; newiy renova'q; long lea an. SPRUCE ST.. 2110 Physician wanted to share wuite mm uwior; private oinco; bath 19TH ST.. 8.. .'B-Deslrable newly furn.. bright off ices., reception room: mod, rental. Loc. 3012. WEST rJIILADEI-FIIIA S402 CHESTER AVE. nooM8 2 baths; modern In every way; semidetached: s 4uairent: BC0 "' tJulck & Uro" ,nc" 8 WILIyOWS AVENrii6STH ST. TO PARK BOULEVARD. THREE STORIES, garden., LCAOTES.a2l0s'!i15UU'.t.0Pn- """"Torf JS7I'.. Overlooking FAIRMOUNT PARK. ESTATE . $25 to J100 Per Month. AITS. & Apply to A. J. P. GALLAGHER, HOUSES 4210 ParkBlde ave. Ph. Bel. 420.1! DWELLINGS. STORKS AND APARTMENTS WM, II. W. QUICK & BRO., INC. a sjvj 1,1 ?v4l nil POTTS & TQWNS0ND WEST PHILADELPHIA HOMES 4905 BALTIMORE AVE. $28 THREE STORY, 11 rooms, hardwood fin Ish: others $17 to $42.60. E. II, APSLEY, "." mm pijiikpiu aye. 2005 B. SSTII Modern two-story house, op. poslte, large open grounds; reasonable rent. J. C. FULLER. 10 8. 18TII 8T. uain ana ppnngneiq ave. GERMANTOWN 228 irARVEY BTREET-Colonlal semidetached residence. 11 largo rooms and 2 baths; lot 82x100. It Is situated In the moat deslrablo section of Germantown, near the Pennsylva nia Railroad and Wayne ave. trolleys; house has electric light, open fireplaces, ample closets, light and airy rooms. Can be seen by appointment. Olyndon Priestman. 5500 Oermantown avo "1OOU C'ltESljUIM ROAD Nine rooms and bath, large yard rent $27.60 per month. J. T. JACKSON CO., 18th and Chestnut sts. Hard for His Fifty Beans nee d of." REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Or.nMANT01VN Ml W. TULr-EttOCKIEN ST. J-story semidetached dwelling, 13 roj"1"'..2 modern baths, tewently renovated; lot 88x210. J. A. PATTBRBON CO., 180 B. ISTH ST. . 4000 WAYNH AVN.-3-rtory porch., 11 rjm and 2 balh., hot-water heat; newly painted and papered throughout, rent $1. North Phlla. Trust Co., Broad and Brie ave. OBRMANTOWN-Brlnton rt.. .near Chew nnd Johnson sts.: only n. few left: 11-room eml jteta hed hone.; wide yards; newly reno vated, will rent to deslrablo tenants a t ri diculously low figure. Olyndon IrleBtman. MOfl Germantown ave. TWIN Colonial houfe. 10 rooms, bath, southern exposure, near stntlon. WARNOCK A 10MLEN, CornrnercUl T. Bldg. fSO-DWELLINOS. 11 ROOMS Send for List. . .... , Conllnental-Tftiultable Trust Co.. 21 B. 12th at. Chestnut Itllt DirrACHKD DWELLING at Mermaid Station! 0 rooms, hot-wator heat, garden, chickens, fruit: reduced to $40, lot 40x250; auto space. Pgl.HAM TRUtrrn6..674qOermantown av. UNFURNISHBD 'AND" FURNISHED Bertdenco. from $100 to $100 per month. HERKN1JS8 & STETSON ijvvnjriyiJiim:pINfl DWELLINOS-$20 to $150 month) get list. Pelham Trust Comniny. 0710 Germantown. S- c , Tioga 1702 ONTARIO, very largo rooms; another bathroom lust added! $15. i tVnyno Junction $25 MODDRN and most deslrablo 3-story, porch-lront houso at Waj-no Junction, on 20th et. In 4400 block, lust above Germantown ave.: all conveniences; near trollev and J minutes' walk from It. R. R. station. Apply 022 Chestnut st.x second floor. SUBURBAN WAYNE, 15 rooms, 2 baths, steam heat.. ..$45 RT. DAVID'S. 10 rooms, largo lot, convs. SO COLLINQDALK, U rooms, nil convs 20 DARBY, 7 rooms, all convs 10 O. M AMAN, 1201 Chestnut st. Bala, Pa. 2 Attrac. Stone & Shingle Houses each having 7 bedrooms, 2 baths, hot-water hoat, electric light, etc. Lot 45x100 ft. Near station. SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 201 BALA AVE., CYNWYD. AND COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDG. llnlo-Cynwyd, ra. BALA-CYNWYD 0 bedrooms, 3 baths 7 bedrooms. 2 baths $100.00 85.00 80.00 75.00 65.00 02.50 60.00 0 bedrooms, 3 baths. 0 bedrooms, 2 baths. 0 bedrooms, 7 bedrooms, 7 bedrooms, (1 bedrooms, 5 bedrooms, B bedrooms, 5 bedrooms. 5 bedrooms, 5 bedrooms. baths baths , baths ., bath , baths bath , hath , bath , bath 65.00 50.00 45.00 42.50 B7.50 85.00 SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 329 COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDG. 201 Bala ave., Cynwyd. Pa. 1'ox Chnse, l'a. NEW HOUSES. 2d et. pike and Princeton ave. Cook, on premises. Phone Wyoming 1451 Y. GlenolQrn. Fa, 227 S. CHESTER PIKE Three-story dwelling; all conveniences; $22 O. F Eggleston, 121S Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. Glenslde, Pa. BEAUTIFUL HOMES, up to date In every detail, $23, $30, $31. $40, $50, $00 upward to $150 per month. Call at Glensldo office to day. RENNINGER & RENNINGER, Glen sldo and Broad and Walnut fits. Jenltlntown. Ia. WYNCOTE Ono square from Jenklntown Sta tion. 0 rooms and bath, hot-water heat, eleo trlo light and gas open fireplace; lot 60x100: $30 per month. HERKNESS & STETSON Land Title Building. MODERN residence, In excellent condition, 14 rooms, 2 baths; garage: $70. D. B. Cham, bers. 710 Commercial Trust Building. Ridley rark. T. LARGE BUNGALOW HOME ALL MODERN IMPVMTS.; HOT-WATER HEAT, BATH, LAUNDRY. OPEN FIRE PLACES, TORCHES; 10 ACRES WELL SHADED GROUNDS; STABLES; CHESTER PK. NEAR MORTON AVE.; NEAR 8TA.; TROLLEY PASSES DOOR; HIGHEST LOC. IN RIDLEY PARK. J. G. VOGLER, 022 CHESTNUT ST., 2D FLOOR. MAIN LINE, TA. K. IL MERION S bedrooms, 2 baths, garage 7 bedrooms. 2 baths WYNNEWOOD 7 bedrooms, 3 baths, garage 7 bedrooms. 2 baths C bedrooms, 3 baths , , 0 bedrooms, baths... G bedrooms, 2 baths n bodrooms, - baths 7 bedrooms, 2 baths... . ARDMORE ...$100 ... 75 ... 125 ... 125 ... 00 ... 75 ... 05 ... 00 ... 55 203.33 160.00 110.00 105.00 S0.00 75.C0 C7.50 63.00 60.00 60.00 123.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 0 bedrooms, 4 baths 7 bedrooms, 3 baths 7 bedrooms, 3 baths 7 bedrooms, 3 baths T bedrooms, 3 baths 7 bedrooms, 1 bath 0 bedrooms, 1 bath, garage 8 bedrooms, 2 baths 0 bedrooms, 2 baths 7 bedrooms, 1 bath, garage HAVERFORD 0 bedrooms, 2, baths 7 bedrooms, 3 baths, garage 6 bedrooms, 2 hatha 8 bedrooms, 2 baths , 4 bedrooms, 2 baths,... t TO. 00 SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. COMMERCIAL TRUST BLDG. 15th and Market sts., Phlla. MODERN HOUSES. $30 to $200 per month; various stations; send for special list, liar bert & Claghorn, 204 Bailey Bldg. Overbrnok 6030 DREXEL ROAD Within 3 minutes' walk from Overbrook Sta tion, a stone house, all conveniences; garage: large lot: rent $1200; can be purchased at a reasonable figure; attractlvo terms. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST BUILDINQ Nnrberth BRAND-NEW HOUSES,-T rooms, all modem conveniences, electrlo lights, etc., J10 per month; others at $21.50, $20.50, $28,60 tin. ward. HARRIS REAL ESTATE, oppc.lti station, Narberth, Pa. 7',nP9H "OUSE. all mod improvements, with lot 200 feet deep, for $25 per month, WA1 TER BASSETT SMITH. Wynnewood. pjjT Wynnewoofl FOR THE MAN WHO HAS AN AUTOMOBILa HOUSE NO. 48 MANOR ROAD WYNNEWOOD, PA, It U modern, with nil necessary conveniences rooms; has liberal lot of ground, wltn nlc. .roonJcTfioiiser "" "Dt ' " "h Automobile storage, $3 per month. WALTER BASSETT SMITH WYNNEWOOD. PA, By C. A. VOIGHT above the average" employes REAL ESTATE FOR REW5T MAIN LINE. PA. ft rt. Vfynnewnod ATTRACTIVE HOUSE, 10 roonTrT": hot-water heat: reduced rent ' a k. WARNOCK & feMLEN.Vjyi:,., T Jiav-crford 20 WEST AVE. 0 rooms, bath- nTn-" . . - J3 " " "ampejritjip Com! Tr. Biff Vlllanota UAKQAIN, $00; 12 room. 2 b.iv,. .. - ??, ""al .? Radnor TteaitV hJ!l clal Trust Building. ---., WIQI5(J, .St. David'. 14 rrmD.P3an?.ScerTOn?iiP C. I ...... o. wh E3TNUT rt.' NEW JERSEY Hlv-erton, N. ,il $25 TO $40 A MONTH-9 to 12 ronmt -'i FENNBriA'ANIA FARMS FOR RENT Farm 100 Vbout.ArllFM1 t. PhlladelphU. I,Mtl".. ran; possession i Harrison Building, FOR RENT FURNISHEn CITY. A Rmf A ?T r j-k. "" ! jva i-r i-AJKi UdT HTH Jl-room Dutch-hall house; water hw, , table: piano, etc. A very Rttraoti ii Several others foo to 412.-. U.-otlT fcoma Several others 5 to $123 per lSif c. f. peters & spjLjjflsL' Tmrr tjr. " "- i vw r i4.il npr t - ,aiu s. 10th st, 12 rooms. 2 baths. Meara He Brown 202 S. 15th st. oMORTGAGES ADVANCES 'TO BUILDEB3 A SPECIALTr ' $500,000 TO INVEST IN ; . FIRST MORTGAGES ! , In tho City of Philadelphia ' LOWEST 1IABKET ItATE8 Apply to ' IIAZLETT & MOSS 518 WALNUT ST. Main 175. Lombard u LARGE AMOUNT TRUST FUNTJ FOR FIRST MORTGAGE """ IMMEDIATE ATTENTION HORACE II. FRITZ i 713 WALNUT BT. $50 TO $5000 MORTGAGE OR NOTE REAL ESTATE SECURITY Fayable In Instalments if desired Settlements same day It desired! BUILDINO ASSOCIATION FUNDS DEMPSEY & CO. 27 B. 10TH. ST. jMONEY F"OR MORTGAGES $500 $1000 $1200 $1500 $1600 $5000 W. H. HOOD, 512 NORRIS ST. MONET- tO LOAN ON 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGE LOWEST RATES, QUICK DECISION ALSO BUILDING ASS'N MONEY J. J.TURNER, 1201 Chestnut St. $50 $100, $200 TO $5000 Mortgage or note, real estate security; ray. u.u.a o .&iitd, ccnicuicui Bitnie Gay. LEWIS & CO. ""ErD MORTGAGE MONEY Sums to Suit. First and Seconds. Q. C. SEIDEL & CO., INC.. 4th and Callowhlll sts. iM TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE su J&, ityv ln"nediate settlement: payaW. u sooOk desired. 133 SOUTH 12TH STREET. FIRST AND SECOND. ANY AMOUNT. Private or trust funds for 1st mortem. Building association for 2d mortgages' city or suburbs. Quick service. JAMES C. SIMPSON. 1420 CHESTNUT ST. J. R. MASSEY & SONS 13TH AND GREEN STS. FIRST AND SECOND SIORTGAGES aummu Apam.lATlU. KU.VDS. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS JOHN a. WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS II. REONGR 727 Walnut Bt. MONEY FOR FIRST AND SECOND . MORTGAGES 1420 CHESTNUT STREET ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES Quick answer. i MAURICE II. MATSINQER ! MONEY FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES TTT-KTl.V O ..i.t-p. 1429 CHESTNUT bTREET ANY AMOUNT of money to loan on first and second mortgages on Philadelphia property. Low rates, of Interest. Donnelly & Sueas. Lehigh and Germantown aveB. IF YOUR MORTGAGE has been called, let us place it In a building association at 5 per cent. Interest; new series Just starting. U, Getz. 15th and York. Both phones. LARGE building and loan association detlrea applications for good 1st and 2d mortgaxea; no premium charges. Apply secretary, P1W, Ledger Office. BUILDING ASSOCIATION and private fundi for first and econd mortgages; city or su burban ; prompt action. Apply M 14S, Leiltef Central. WORRELL 653 NORTH 17TU STREET FIRST AND SECOND MOIITUAUES DEEDS DRAWN. $1: MORTGAGES, LfA WALLACE, 1112 Lincoln Building; both phones. FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES ANY AMOUNT POTTS & THOMSON, 2521 Frankford an. MONEY for 1st and 2d mortgages, liberal amounta; bldg.assoclatlon funds, any amount. flnno & Taylor, 1100 Franklin Bank Bldg. FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES MORTGAGES FOR BALE ' THEO. E. N1CKLE3. 2513 QERMANTN. AT, TRUST FUNDS for first mortgage. HERKNESS & STETSON. LAND TITLE BUILDINO. LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES REASONABLE CHARGES JOHN A. BABHY, 507 LAND TITLE BLDG. WE HAVE A FUND OF $12,000 for 8r mortgages; will split; quick answers. C. r COWARD CO.. 20th and Jefferson sts. $100,000 FOR FIRST, SECOND OR SPLIT mortgages, "See us first." Abernetby, 2724 North 6th, 183 South 12th. FUNDS FOR FIRST and second mortgtgea; rents and Interest collected in any part of city. Cameron, 2811 Kensington avej MONEY for first, second and split roortgagea; , building association funds. HOWARD 3. ! , vviisupj ec w.i yia uermantown ave. , . 6v?NKR8-If your mortgage ha. been called I win take it up; also M mortgage money. ,,j CHESTER D. ROTTNEll. 1420 Chestnut at l FIRST and 2d mtgs. or on noteany amount: low rates! lmmnHlntn tmwitr. Tr. X. D.lSDy, 1112 Lincoln Bldg., Broad and Penn Bjutw BUILDINO ASSOCIATION Funds for Firat ana Hocona Mortgages, C, R. RHOADH, 16th above Busquehinni.