Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 27, 1915, Final, Page 14, Image 14

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Iberal Announces Interpella
tion ns to Official Status
of Proffers
LONDON, Oct. 27.
The question whether pence, busk est Ions
ave been made from any quarter will
naked of Premier Anqulth, by Annnn
LsKryco, n. Liberal member ot Parliament,
ktrom Inverness, Dryco announced In the
(ouso of Commons today.
Having formnllv nntlftrrl the, Housn of
Ills Intention to Interrogate the Premier,
It was expected h would nut his nucs-
E(ton nt tho earliest opportunity.
o bucks io Know wnetner:
Anv Official tieacn neirotlatlnns nrn nro-
m Any rcnrcsentntlvo of nnv neutral
It'ower Is making Inquiries with a view
to restorinp; peace, and whether
Tho Premier still adheres to his Guild-
hall declaration that Hnsland will not
ieease fighting until German militarism
was been crushed, Belgium has been
Efreed and small countries' safety Is Ktia
frnnteed It was believed tho Premier would rIvo
specific answer to Bryce's queries, ns
R Is understood the Cabinet mombers
iagreo the point Is ono on which tho coun
try should be definitely Informed,
Directed That $20,000 Bo Paid to
Friends and Relatives
n4. ..mi r .i. t-..i 1, . inn
w aiiu will V'l ui'wib Lmwo, lain ui ji-iu
IfKorth 17th street, admitted to probate
If today, contains substantial bequests to
ftho Temple rreshytcrlan Church, Frank
llln nnd Thompson streets, and other
fV Presbyterian Institutions. Letters tcsta
Cmcntary were granted to the Pcnnsylva-
, Bla Company for Insurances on Lives nnd
S Granting Annuities.
Tho will leaves tho entire estate, valued
Eat "J105,C00 and upward," to tho trustees
Pof the General Assembly of tho Presby
terian Church or tlio United States of
L America, with directions to pay bequests
fto a number of relatives and friends ag-
grcgating J20.000.
In Thn hnl.lnpn nf thn Batata la tn ha t,M
I fin trust, the Interest to be paid in an
nuities including $1000 annually to the Re?.
S"vVIlllam Dayton Roberts, pastor of tho
pxemple Presbyterian Church. When tho
annuities; terminate by death, the prin
cipal Io to be divided equally between the
f Presbyterian Orphanage, tho Presbyterian
I Homo for Widows and Single Women and
l,tho Presbyterian Home for Aged Couples
and Aged Men. It is stipulated that tho
j. amount to be paid to any Institution shall
Knot exceed $1000 In any ono year.
I "All tho balance of the Income," the
ewiu provides, is to bo paid for tho benefit
of tho Temple Prcsbyterlun Church ns
J follows J10OO per year to the sessions of
fsald church for Its special work: $1000
(per yt'ar to the Sabbath fachool of h.iM
rchurch for the expenses of rnnrliintlmr
lithe school; all tho balance of th Incomn
.t to the trustees of tho church for general
f expenses."
f- The beuqest to the church Is made on
t,tno following conditions: "That It shall
f remain In its present location, or, If neces
Isary at any time to remove It. it shall
Snot be located south of Glrarri avenno.
Jnorth of Columbia avenue, cast of 5th
Jstreet, nor west of 8th street: that It
Jshall retain Its present name and that not
it more than Jj00 n year shall be paid as
isaiaryot its pastor or pastors and ths
gnot more than $1250 shall be paid in any
Eone year from tho funds rnr mmln
lf In disposing of an estate valued at
li6.ouo. the will of Mary A. Ray, late of
11635 Pine street, devises iKOOri tn tho Ur,-
WStor Widows and Slneln Wnm. Kh
Ilstrect and Woodland avenue, to cn'dow a
Iroom in that Institution In memory of
KDavid Ray, an undo of the testatrix. Tho
Jrest of the estate goes to relatives.
X A bequest of J100 to the Societies for the
Propagation of the Faith, New York. Is
'contained in the will of Annie T. Gallaghe,
13H South College a'enue, who left prop
erty valued at $9050. The rest of tho ef
fects are left to a brother, nephews and
IT The estate of Benlamln 'Rlnhere-. m
North 33d street, amounting to $103,000. is
14 bequeathed to the widow, Annie Finbers,
ianq a ncpnew, lewls Frankel, the former
Ibelng appointed executrix,
i Other wills nrobated wern tlina nt mi-
l&A. Carbon, 1012 North 29th streot. who loft
property valued at $30,800; William N.
fFelley, 800 South 16th street. $7000, and
pvtlllam A Nofer. 1716 Frankford avenue.
fc Demand to Be Made on U. S. for Re
turn to Mexico
WASHINGTON. Oct. 27. fionor.il
pfuertn. yet may face a firing squad for
the killing of President Madero and Vice
p-resiuent suarez in Mexico City. Tho
I new de facto Government In Mexico.
headed by General Carranza, will make a
'demand for his extradition tn irrin
C Within the next few days. A copy of tho
inemanu, accompanied with what officials
tho Mexican Embassy here declare Is
ncluslve evidence imnllcatine General
fuerta In the deaths of the former Presl-
Hnt and Vice President, has reached here
rom .Mexico city.
When tho new Mexican Ambassador Is
amen this demand and tho evidence will
e submitted to Secretary of State Lan.
rlng. Mexican officials say the proof to
ke submitted Is so conclusive that Huorta
Itssnnot claim immunity at the hands of
fs United States on the ground that any
flense he may have committed was a
political ono."
Vmong the new evidence found Is a
l6tpleto confession from tho man, who.
is Alleged, actually committed the mur-
rer oR Madero and Vice President Pino
IhjareiX He Is Major Cardenas, now held
by tho XJautemalan Government In the
penitentiary In Guatemala City His con-
tension, It is said, shows that he acted
Bunder orders directly from Hucrta when
killed Madero and Euarez and then
urmally reported that they had been
hot wn'le. trying to escape from their
!T SHoor THAT TJoc,
? YolJffs.
. "T SHooT MV OC'
"-. x 1 -
V9fa "terlTAUlNCi ABOUT? m.foh
Soldiers Escapo Injury, Al
though They Drive Cacos
to Cover
WASHINGTON. Oct. 27.-A detachment
of American marines under Captain
Campbell, patrollng n district in the
northern Interior of Haiti, from Bnhon
to Grand Klvlere, were fired upon by
C.ico rebels. Admiral Caperton reported
to tho Navy Department today. No
Arrerlcnns wero killed or wounded. No
mention was made of Haitian casualties,
but It la believed hero that several were
killed nnd wounded, ns the Americans
returned tho flro nnd drovo tho Haitians
to cover.
An ndditlonal force of marines Is being
rushed from the battleship Connecticut
to llnhon to strcngthon Captain
Campbell's force, Caperton leported. The
trouble reported today Is the first to occur
In Haiti In necks.
Wnlnut Street Business Men OfTcr
Prize for Best Slofrnn
Wanted A good phrase, the best
phrase, In fact, not exceeding six
words which will put forth all of
the ndvnntnges of Walnut street.
Walnut street Is to 'navo n slogan nnd
a prize of $25 In gold Is to be offered by
tho Wnlnut Street Business As'oclntlou
for the best slogan of six words. The
contest closes November 30. The Judges
Include Trof. Herbert W. Hess, of the
advertising course of tho Wharton School ;
Robert II. Durbln, president of the Poor
Richard Club; Hnrrls J. Latta, president
of tho Rotary Club: E. J. Ucrlct. presi
dent of the Wnlnut Street Bulnes Asso
ciation, nnd Cyrus II. K. Curtis The
prize will bo awarded at tho December
meeting of the association, which will bo
held at the nitz-Carlton Hotel.
Fireman Fifihts Fire in His Own Home
John Spi anger, a member of Hnglne
Company No 'U found that It was his
own home. 2137 Nassau street, which was
burning when he was Mimmoned to fight
a Are last night, and that his wlfo had
been so badly burned by an explosion
of paint which started tho flro that It
vas necessary to remove her to a hos
pital After spending the night In tho
hpxp'tnl sho waa discharged tcriay. The
Are did little damage.
City Physician Who Died Last Mon
day Will Bo Buried Friday
Preparations arc being completed for
the funeral ot Dr. Harvey N. Abbott, of
2l0i North 11th street, who died last Mon
day at his home from an attack of apo
plexy. Doctor Abbott, ho was B9 years
old, was a graduate of Rugby Academy
nnd of the medical school of the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania in the class of
Doctor Abbott was for several years a
medical examiner for the Philadelphia
and Reading Railway Company and for
the last 15 years had been a city physi
cian. He Is survived by his widow and
two sons. The funeral services will bo
conducted at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon
at his late residence.
Roswcll G. Fcltus
Roswell G. Feltus, Civil War veteran
and prominent clubman of this city, died
yesterday at his home, 1830 Hlttenhouse
t-quuro He was formerly bales acnt of
the Reading Coal and Iron Company,
res'gnlng that position 10 ears ago. Mr.
Feltus, who was 75 j ears old, was a mem
ber of the Philadelphia and Rabbit Clubs
and the Loyal Legion. The funeral will
be conducted by the Rev. Elliott White,
of St. Mark's Protestant Episcopal
Church, at the Feltus homo on Friday.
Mr. Feltus Is survived by his widow.
Mrs. Elizabeth Sharp
Mrs. Elizabeth Sharp, wife of Samuel
W. Sharp, president ot the Penn National
Bank, 7th nnd Market streets, died at
her home, 239 West Johnson street, Ger
mantown, yesterday. Before her mar
riage. Mrs. Sharp was Miss Elizabeth
Grlr, of this city. She had been an
active worker In Christ Episcopal Church,
of Germantown, for many years. Tho
funeral wilt be conducted at tho residence,
at 11:30 o'clock Friday morning.
William Roeser
William Roeser, Ohio's oldest Odd Fel
low, died yesterday at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. J. B. Joyce, at 521 York
street, Camden. He was 93 years old and
n resident of Marietta, Ohio, Mr. Roeser
was a member of Gutenberg Lodge, I. O.
O, F.; Elkye Encampment nnd Mahaltan
Tribe of Red Men. He Is survived by
three sons and his daughter.
AHUOTT. On October 25. 1018, HARVEY
.V. A'JHOTT, M D.. aged 09 years ItrUtlvea
and frlendi are Invited to attend the funeral
services, on Friday, at 2 p. m.. t hla late
residence, 240S North 10th st. Interment prl
vate. AUSTIN, On October 20, 1015, at her late
ipsldence, S118 Greene it., Oermantown
EMMA UYKN'Isn. widow of James H. Au
tin. Duo notice of the funeral "ll be ghen.
Iini.TON. On October 20, IBIS, CAT1I
mUN'E, widow of Thomaa Ilolton, formerly
of Chester. Pa. Relatives and Irlenda are In
vited to attend tho funeral, on Saturday, at
,0 a m., from the residence of her son-in-law,
Hugh McOulsan, 2UK1 Kdxemont st.
Solemn Kequlem Mass at the Church of tha
Nativity at 10 a. m. Interment at Immacu
late Heart Cemetery, Chester, Automobile
HltOWN. On October 2B. JD15, OKOnOK
V., son of Elva and the late John C Drown.
Kelatlves and friends, also members of Ken
sington Council, No 8, U. O, of A., and
Purity Council, No. 48, D. of U, are Invltod
to attend the funeral services, at his lata
residence. Ill Pleasant at., Mt. Airy, on
Thursday, at 1:30 p. m. Interment at Mt.
Morlah Cemetery.
IIU.MM On Ootober 25, 1816 OEOROE W.
IIUMM. Relatives and friends ara Invited to
attend tho funeral services. Thursday, at
2.30 p. m. at his late residence, 827 N, 24th
at. Interment private. Kindly omit flower.
CANTWKI.U--On October 28, 1615, FRAN
CES T , dsiithter of Richard snd Anna lott
Cantwell, ared It years and B months. Rela
ttvea and friends are invited to attend the
funeral, on Friday, at 7 SO a, m., from her
parents' residence, IB! Race st. High Mas
of Requiem at M Auguatlns'a Church at 0
s. m. precisely Interment at New Cathedral
CHANT. On October 58. 101(1, OERTRUDR
RUTH, eldest daughter of Wntter nnd Ruth
Chant. Relatives and frlenra urn invited to
sttend the luneritl tervlcrs, on Thursday, at
2 p. m.. at the reHdenre of her parents, IRtJ
North lsdgswood at. Interment private R.
mains ma bo Mened on Wcdnesdry, from 7
to 0 p. m.
CI.A1U. On October 2t. 1015. MART K.,
widow of John 8. Clslr (nee Van Leer) R.
Rtlea and friend are Incited to attend the
funeral eerlce, on Wednesday, at R p. m.,
t her late residence 5745 Commerce st.
Interment prhate. West Cheater Local pleass
CI.AHK. On October 25, 1015, MART J. W.
wldon of John Clark and daughter of the
lalo rieorge and Susanna Price, Relathes
nnd friends are Invited to attend the funeral
,rlc.. tn rrlday, at 2 p. m at her lute
residence, tils North Front st Interment
at North Cedar 11111 Cemetery,
CI.KUO. -On October 28, 1015. 3ARAH
CLKUO. nldow of Robert Clcgg Relatives
and friends are linltrd tn attend the funeral
tcriUes, on niur-da at ' n. m.. at thn
lealdenco of her ton, John R Clegg, 14S2
Oxford Pike rrankford Remains mav be
Mewed on Worineida from S to 10 p, tn,
Intern'tnt strktlv wltati AutomoMlo ru
COLLINS. In Went Chester, Ta , October
2ft, JOANNA COLLINS. 315 New St. Reti
tlves nnd friends are Invited to attend the
funeral without further notice, on Friday.
High Mara at Ft. Thomas' Church. Ivy Mills,
at ID n. m Interment at Ivy Mills Cemeter).
CIUDLAM). On October 2(1, 1915, ANNA
KMZAHF.rit wife of l.'rrn Crldland, at her
UteTesldencc, wiutheist corner of Township
ilne nnd Forrest ate., Oeonti, Duo notlco
of tho funeral will Le given.
lWVKH. On October 23, 1015. JAMES, huo
hand ot Catherine Dcxcr (nee McConnack).
Itelatlxei and friends are lnlted to attend
the funeral, on Friday morn'ns, at S ao
0 clock, from lili lato residence, 2703 Ann
t. Solemn Requiem Mass nt tho Church of
the Natlwtv nt 10 o'clock Inlerment at
New Cathedral Cemeterj
rMOUS In Trertiffrln, October 20, 1015,
EMANUEL n FAMOUS. In his (Win scar.
Kelnltxea nnd friends aro InMted to attend
the funeral, without further notice, on I'rl
ilny. SerMcca at tho resldenco of William
Itavts, near New CcntcrWlle. at 2 n. m.
Cartlnge will meet tralna at Ilerwyn at
11 02 going west, and 10:40 going east. In
terment at CJrcTt Valley Presbyterian Cemc
IT.I.1 US. Suddenly, on October 2(1, 1015,
UOSWEL.L O. FELTUS. Funeral services
nt his late residence, 1S.10 South Rlttcnhoue
fquare, on Friday, at 11 a. m. Interment
private Please omit flowers.
ri.OEO. On October 25, 1015, ANTONIO
FIXJRO, nged 50 years. Relatives and
friends arc InMted to attend tho funernl, on
Thutmlnv. October US, at S o'clock, from his
irjldence. 701 Alter st Requiem Mass nt tho
Church of St Mary Msgdnlen de I'azil ln
lermei t nt Holy Cross Cemetery
HAI.I1EMAN. On October 20, 1915. ISAIAH
R , husban i of Annie llaldeman (nee Rosen
beiger) RelKtlxrs nnd friends are Invited to
nttend the funeral orMces, on Friday, nt 8-10
p. m , nt hla bi other's residence, 2y0 North
.'revjp st Further services on Siturday, at
1 :m p. ni , at Tomeniln Mennonlte Church,
KulpsMlle, Pa Interment at the church
liurylnt; grounds Automobile sen Ice.
HAMMOND On October 25,1015, THOMAS
HAMMOND, In his 7 id year Relatives and
friends are InMted to attend the funernl, on
Thundaj morntnt: at s 10 o'clock, at his
lite rcsldcmc, TIM N. I'roid st Mass at
St Stephen's Church, Rroad and Butler, nt
Cam. Interment prlato Kindly omit
II.VILKTT On October 2.1. 1915. JAMES
R. 1IA55LETT eon of late John and Catha
rlne Hazlctt need IS ears Relatives nnd
rrlenda are InMted to attend the funeral
f.erMcos, on Thursday nt 2 n. m.. at her lata
lesiuence, 21" niekiron et. Interment pri
vate ,U Mount Morlah Cemelerv.
HEHITACIE. On October 20. 1015 f dlnh
therln, ASHTON C HERITAGE, Jr.. aged
(I ycurs 0 months. No funeral.
HOUARTY. On October 25, loir. DELIA
11.. wile of Thomas F. Hogarty. Relatives
and friends are Invited to attend the funeral
on Thursday morning, at 8 o'clock, from her
late residence, 10."a Sharawood st. Solemn
Requiem Mass at tho Church of the Gesu
at ! 30 o'clock. Intern-ent at Holy Cross
HUGHES. Or, October 28, 1018, HENRI
ETTA K. C, -v Ifo of John T. Hughes. Rela
tives and friends are Invited to attend tho
funeral, rnds.r. at 8 a m., from the resi
dence of her daughter. Mrs. C. Condon. 1258
S. Ilons.ill st. High Mass at St. Anthony's
Church at OMfl u. m. Interment at New
Cathedral Cemetery.
JAMISON. On October 25, 1015, JANE
I.EATHEM JAMISON. In her 8Sth year.
Friends are Invited to attend funeral serv
ices in St. David's P. E. Church, Thursday,
nt 10 a, m. Interment private.
JENNINGS. On October 25. 1018, CHAnEES
W.. Bon of C. Wesley and Minerva M. .Ten.
nlngs, aged 20 years. Relatives and friends
are Invited to attend tho funeral services,
on Friday, at 2 p. m , nt his parents' resi
dence 5411 Water St., Olney. Interment at
St. James- M. E. Ground. Friends may call
Thursday, from 0 to 10 p. m
JOHNhTON. At Atlantic City, N. J., on
October 20, 1913, MARY A JOHNSTON,
daughter of the- late Mary A Hughes
.Tohnxton, formerly of Mallville, Philadelphia,
lnttrment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. Frl
l.iy. at 12 m.
JONES. On October 25, 1913, MARY, wife
of Clureme II. Jones (nee Wood) telatlvea
and friends, also the members of the loth
Uaptlst Church, are Invited to attend the fu
nernl services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., at
her lato residence, 2iK3 Caduallader St. In
terment private. Remains may bo viewed on
Wtdnefday after 8 p. m.
KAI.MHACII. On October 24. 1915. JACOH,
husband of Catherine Kalmbach (nae Scheck).
aged hi Itel itlvca and Irtcnds. also directors
of the PhoiVilx liulldlng and l.oun Associa
tion, arc Invited to attend the funeral serv
ices, on Thursdaj afternoon, at 2 o'clock at
his sop's residence. 117 Keswick ave., alen
side. Pa. Interment private, Northwood
KANE. On October 24, 1915, WILLIAM M.,
husband or Katharine Kano. Relatives and
Irlenda, also St. Leo's Holy Name Society,
St, Eeo Council. K. of C.i Eeo's I. C. B. U.:
ht. Patrick and Kevstone Beneficial Socletv
tho directors of the Tacony H. and L. Asso
elation and National Engineers. No. 0. aio
invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday,
nt 8.30 a m.. from his lato residence. GU2')
Tulip St.. Tacony. Solemn Requiem Maaa at
St. Leo's Church at 10 a. m. precisely. In
terment at St, Dominic's Cemetery.
KELI.KU. Suddenly, on October 23, 1015.
PETER, beloved husbend of Sophia. Keller
(nee Elmer), In Ills 5'Jtli year. Relatives and
friends, also members of the Deutcher
Krueger Vereln, Wucrtteniberger Beneficial
Association, Uhland Yearly Beneficial As
sot latlon, yo. 1: officers and directors of the
. Hand-ln-Hand Building Association, and em
ployes of Adams & Westlako Company, are
invited to attend the funeral' services, Sun
day afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at his late resi
dence, 202 North I'alethorp st, Interment
at Oreenmount Cemetery.
KELLY On October 25, 1018, NEELIO
KELLY. Funeral on Thursday, at 7:30 a.
m., from the residence of her brother-in-law,
Mr. John Oldt, 2314 Tatker st. Solemn
Requiem Mass at St. Edmonu's Church at U
a. m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery,
Relatives and trlends are 1m lied to attend.
KL1NG. On October 24, 1018, CHRISTIAN,
husband of Agnes KUng and son of tho late
Jacob and Johanna KUng, Relatives and
friends, also tho member of Cotnmandery
No. 1. of the A. E. C. of A and employes
of Tongue Brothers, are Invited to attend
funeral, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., from his
late tealdence, 2113 1.", Ann st. Interment
ut German Lutheran Cemetery, Remains
' may be viewed Wednesday, after 7 D. m.
KNIGHT. On October 23, 1015, JANE II.,
widow of Amos Knight, aged 08 years. Rela
tives and friends ara invited to attend the
funeral, without further notice, on Friday,
at 2 SO p. m., from the residence of her
son-in-law, Harry II, Tomllnson, Southamp
ton, Pa Interment private, at William I'enn
Cemetery. Tialn for Southampton leave
Reading Terminal at I 23 p. m.
KHEMMIN. On October 25, 1018, SYLVIA,
daughter o. J. Howard and Badle M. Kiew
Mn (ee Mclntyre), aged 4 years 1 month
13 da, Kelatlves and 1 1 lends are invited to
uttnd the funeral, on Friday, at 2 p. m..
from her paients' residence. 328 Franklin
ave. Cheltentam. Montgomery Countv. Vn.
Interment private, at Uwn Mew Cemetery,'
fslanila ma u nail n T Vt 1 1 .4 Aaal '
iiis ( sit eijuipunj cvvrmim.
Copyright. 1018. y.. W. Kemble.
) I ARE You Ettt"Af4 2
KVNI On October 24, 1015, MINNIH W.,
wits of William H. Kunl and daughter of
Mary and the late George Frank, aged 10
yeiKis. Relative., and friends are Invited to
attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 1 p. m.,
from her late residence. 1044 K. Beeelwood
t (22d nnd McKean sts ). Interment st
Northwood Cemetery. Remains may bo
viewed on Wednesday, 7 to 0 p. m.
LITTLE. On October 24. 1618. HENRI
ETTA, widow of James Little. Relatives snd
friends aro InMted to attend the funeral, on
Thursdsj. at 8 "O . m., from her lalo resi
dence, r.C31 Chester ave. High Requiem
Mass at tho UletFeJ Sacrament Church at
10 m. Interment at New Cathedral Ceme
ter). LLOYD. At Salem, N. J., on October 25,
ELIZARKTII LLOYD, widow of Firman
l.loyd and daughter of the late Jacob and
Hanlrtt Sheer, In her ROth year. Relatives
and trlends are Invited to nttend the funeral,
from her late residence, r,o Wnlnut st ,
Salrm, on Saturday, at 10 80 a. m. Services
st First Methodist Episcopal Church, Salem,
at 11 . in. Interment nt Bast View Ceme
tery, Salem. Train leaves Market t. fcrrv,
Phlln , at 8 10 for Palcin.
H'KENH. At his late residence, Upper
D.irby, Delaware County, Pa., on October 21,
11113, LEVI, husband of Mary K. Eukcin.
Relatives nn 1 Irfnds nrn Invited to attend
the funeral services, on Thursday, nt 2 p.
in Interment private. Carriages will he at
Cedar Lane between 1 nnd I JO p, m., to meet
trolleys from Kith st,
I.YNAUII. Flurtdeniv. on October 25, 1015,
JOHN, son nf too lute Patrick und Bridget
l.vnagh, of CnrtMStaul, parish of Kllmacren.
non. County Lnncgnt, Ireland. Relatives nnd
friends aro Invited to nttend the funeral, on
Thursday morning, at ".30 o'clock, from the
resldenco of Anthony McOnrvey, 2fl1o Rich
mond rt. fUth Ward). Requiem Mas nt St.
Ann's Chiirch nt 10 o'clock. Interment nt
New Cathrdral Cemetery
.MAUAULEY. On October 25, 1DI5, SARAH
(ii.ivi.it, wiuow 01 joiin a Mncauley, Rela
tives nnd friends nie Invited to attend the.
funeral servicer, on Thursday, ot 11 a. m
n her late home, 41t Maple avo., Westmont,
N. J. Interment private.
MALLADY, On October 23, 1015, GEORGE,
husband of tho Lite Annie Mallady. iteln
tlves nnd frlt-nds. also th League of the
hncred Heart nnd Philadelphia Printing
Pressmen's Union, No. 4, are Invited to at
tend the funeril on Thuisday, nt 8 ,10 a ni
from 2017 Christian n. Mats of Requiem at
St. Charlen' Church, nt 10 n. tn. precisely.
Interment nt Holy Crops Cemetery.
McCAL'SEANl). On October 23, 1013, ELIZ
AlU.ni, widow of Robert J, McCnusland
Relatives nnd friends of Ihe family aro In
vited to attend tho fvhernl ,rv Iron nn
Thursday nttouoon, precisely nt 2 o'clock, nt j
imu 1 vpitii-iii.,1 v., 11,-1 m,Miii'i, .win. .Margaret
A. Ciilnertepn. 210) South st. Interment nt
Moi.nl Morlah Oemeterv. Remains mny be
viewed on Wednesday evening, between and
!) o'clock.
McGINTY. On October 24. 1915, CORNEL
lUa. husbanJ ot Margaret Mculnty and son
nf tho late Ml had and Mary McGlnty. of
Countv Donegal. Ireland, aged 3q vears.
Rebitlvcs and friends are Invited to attend
tho funeral, on Thursday, nt 8 'IO a. tn.. from
his late residence. SV) N. Hambrev st. (26t!i
and I'arrlsh sts). High Mass nt St trancl'
Church at 10 a. m. interment at llolv Cross
McGOUOH. On October 25. 1015, RODERT
MuCULUH, husband of MHiy .lc(,ougli.
Relatives and Irlendt, also the members ot
thi Knights of the Mvstlc Chain,, of which
he was a member, and members ot the Light
house, arc Invited to nttend tho funeral serv
lro.i, on Thursday, at 1 p m , at the resi
dence of his scn-ln-law, John Harris Neville,
"12' O st. Interment at lielvue Cemetery.
McllUGH. On October 23, 1015, MARGA
RET, widow of William Mcllugh. Funeral
on Friday, at 8 30 n. m., Irom the residence
of het brother-in-law, Mr. Ambrose Hughes,
0.13 North 4th st. Solemn Requiem Mass at
Our Mother of horrows' Church at 10 a. m.
Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. .Rela
tives nnd friends, also St John's B V. M.
Sodalltv, are Invited to attend I
MITCHELL. On October 24, 1915, CATH
ARINE, daughter of Anna mid tho late John
1 Deacon and wife of Robert W Mitch
ell, aged 17 jears. Relatives and friends,
also Ladles' Auxiliary of tho A. O. II., Dlv.
8, aro Invited to attend funeral, on Thurs
day, at 8:30 a. m.. from her late residence.
1'i.ii Wlliard st. Solemn Requiem High Mats
nt Holv Souli' Church at 10 a. m. Inter
ment Holy Fcpulchro Cemetery.
MOSS. On October 25, 1915. FRANK T.
MOSS, son of the lato Thomas and Elizabeth
Palmer Moss, aged 50 years. Relatives and
friends, also Kenderton Lodge, No. 260, I. O.
O j.. are Invited to attend the funeral serv
ices, on Friday, at 2 p. m., at the resldenco
of his brother, diaries B. Moss. 4322 Dexter
st Roxborough. Interment private, at Chel
ten Hills Cemetery.
MUKTAUGIL On October 25, 1015, MARY
A., widow of Thomas Murtaugh. Relatives
and friends nr Invited to attend tho funeral,
on "lhursday, at 8 30 a. m., from her late
residence, 2151 McClellan st. High Mass at
St, Edmond's Church at 10 0. m. Interment
nt Holv Cross Cemetery.
NESMTT. Suddenly, on October 25, 1015,
SOLOMON, husband of Hannah A. Nesbltt
(nee Broker). Relatives and friends aro in
'vlted to attend the funeral services, on Fri
da. nt 2 p. m., at Ills lato residence, 2311
East Susquehanna ave. Interment private, at
North Cedar Hill Cemetery.
NEWLIN. On October 20. 1015. JULIA M
daughter of the late James W. and Julia M.
Newlln, Mass at 10 a. m. at bt. Patrick's
Church, Thursday, October 2S.
OSBOllN. On October 24, 1015, MARGA
RET MacBRIDE, widow ot William Os
born, of New York city. Relatives and
friends are invited to attend the funeral serv
ices, on Thursday, at 1 p. m. precisely, at
her late resldenco 1710 Mifflin st. Interment
at Mount Morlah Cemetery. New York and
Jersoy City papers please copy. Friends may
call on Wednesday eening from 8 to 10
o'clock. Kindly omit flowers.
PARKINSON. On October 20, 1015. AL
BERT L. Notice of funeral later.
ItttlXrilIED. On October 20, 1915, JOHN,
husband nf Margaret Relnfrled (nee
Lebender), In his CStn year, at his late resi
dence, 227 North 3d st. (Lagle Hotel). Due
notice of the funeral will be given.
HIXON. On October 24, 1015, MARGARET
RIXON (nee Wlfherden), wife of Edward J.
Rlxon. Relatives and friends are invited to
nttend tho funeral services, on Thursday, at
.1 p. m. precisely, nt her late residence, 8J
Owen ave , Lansdowne. Interment private,
ItOCKS. On October 23, 1015, JOSEPH A
son of Anna ard tho late Hugh Rocks, In his
24th year. Relatives and friends, also St.
Joachim's T. A. II. Society, ara invited to
attend the funeral, on Thursday, .at 7:30
?'.,.rm-A.ro!P tho .residence of his mother.
H4S Church st.. Franklord. Requiem High
Mass ot St. Joachim's Church, at 10 a. m.
Inteiment at St. Dominic's Cemetery.
HOONEY. On October 20, 1018, REBECCAH
J., wile of Thomas J. Rooney. Relatives and
friends, also Altar Society and League of
the Sacred Heart, are Invited to attend the
funeral, on Saturday, at 8.30 a. m., from her
lata residence, 101H Snyder ave. Solemn
Requiem Mass at tho Church of the Epiph
any at 10 a. m, Interment at New Cathe
dral Cemetery.
SCHENCK. At Aldham. Chester Co . Pa.,
on October 23, 1915, GEORGE SCHENCK, in
his 82d year. Relatives and friends, also
Tipograplilcal Union, No. 2, are Invited to
attend'the funernl services, at his late resi
dence, Lynwooit Farm, Aldham, on Wednes
V?1".?1 7:30 m- Continued services In
Mt. Vernon Chapel, Thursday, at 11 a. m.
Interment nt Mt. Vernon Cemetery.
SCOTT. On October 25, 1016, GEORGE B.
SCOTT, husband of Mary Scott (nee Hogan)
and son of Charles D, and Mary Scott, aged
3u years. Relatives and friends, also Har
mony Council. No. 33, Order of Independent
Americans, are Invited to attend tho funeral
services, on Friday, at 2 p. m at hla late
residence, 2400 South Lambert St. (21st and
Rltner sts ) Interment private, at 1'ernwood
Cemeter). Remains may bo viewed on Thurs
day evening,
SHARP On October 26. 1815, ELIZABETH
GRIER, wire of Samuel 8. Sharp. Services
on Friday, at ll'SO a, m at her late resi
dence, 23J West Johnson st,, Germantown.
Interment private. Kindly omit flowers.
HTRAU8HE. On October 26, 1018, VALEN
TINE J husband of Nellie .M. btluusie.
aged 30 years, l'elatlvea and friends, alio
tho emplotes of SuppleeOJIddle Hardware
Company, are invited to attend the funeral
i-ervlces, on Saturday, at 2 p. m , at hla
late leiidence, 1008 W. Erie ave. Interment
SWIRE. On October 28, 1018, MARY A.,
daughter of the late Ellas and Mary A.
Swire. Relatives and friends are Invited to
nttend the funeral tervlcea, on Thursday, at
2 p m. precisely, Bt the residence of her
brother-in-law, George 11. Hudduck, 3438
North 18th at. Interment private, at Wear
mlnater Cemetery. Remalna may ba viewed
on Wednesday, between 8 and 10 p. in.
mT r 'ly, J
TEICHMAN. On October 25. 1015. CARO
LINE, wife ef Jacob W. Telehman (ne Hut
ton), in her 83d year. Relatives and friend;,
also members of East Montgomery Aye. M.
E. Church, Fenn Treaty Temple, No, 28,
t . A . Athelstan Temple No. 51, f. O. E..
sro Invited to nttend the funeral, on Thurs
day, st 2 p. m., from the residence of her
father-in-law, George W. Telehman, 105S
East Berks st Remains. mny be viewed
Wednesday, after 7 p. m. Interment st Pal-
mer Cemetery.
VANZANT. On October 26. 1015, JOIIN
VAN7.ANT, husband of Emms Vaniant.
aged 03 sears Relatives nnd friends are In
vited to attend tho funernl, on Thursday, at
11 a. m., from his lato residence. 1235 rjln
ce ave, Cnmden, N J Interment at Har
lelgh Cemetery. Friends may Mew the re
mains on Wednesday, from 8 to 10 p, m.
WAL1.ACE. On October 28, 1015, CLARA
I.AUOHTON, wife of George. M Wall see,
need (17 ears Relatives and friends, also
Columbia Lodge, No. 21, S, of II . are In
vited to nttend the tuneral, on Thursday, nt
2 p. m , from her late residence, uin North
4th st . Cnmden, N J, Interment private,
nt liarlelgh Cemetery. Remains may bo
Mewed on Wednesday evening.
WALLACE On October 2(1,1016, ELIZA
HKTH AS11HY, wife of Frederick R. Wal
!ae. lleritlvts and friends sro Invited to
attend thi- funernl services, nt her late resl-d.-ne.
Wtyne, Delaware County l'n on
Friday, at 2 p. m interment private.
WALLKM. On October 2(1. 1015, at her
reeldome. 41 8 Lansdowne nve , Lansdowne,
Kcl.ivvnio lounty, Pn.. LINDA WALLEM,
vidow of J Norclall Wallrm, Norwegian Con
sul. Duo notice of the funeral will bo given.
WATSON. On October 23, 1915, MARIA E.
WA'PSON. daughter of .tho lato Daniel M,
nnd AiinMbclla Schelllnger. nged 07 years.
Relative and friends nro Invited to attend
funernl services, on Thursday, at 2 o'clock,
at tho resldenco of Robert P. Morton. 1444
8. llwvtl tt Interment prlvnte.
WEINERT. On October 24, 1015, MART C.
WIH.SKRT, widow of William Wclnert.
Relatives and friends nro Invited to attend
the luiieul service", on Thursday at 1 P. m.,
ut tho roidctcnco or her son, John Welncrt,
Mi? fust Westmorelnnd st. interment private
nt Nnrthwnod Ct-inctery. Body may be viewed
on Wednesday from 8 until 10 P. m.
WEIR. On October 23, 1918. JAMES R.
WL1K, husband of Emma J. Weir, aged 70
scan. Relative and friends are Invited to
attend the tuneral tervlccs. on Thurcday, at
J p. in., nt the Cresrentvllle Reformed
Cliuith. Interment In Rdjolnlng cemetery,
carriages will meet 1 02 11. m. train from
Reading Terminal nt Chalfont,
MINI Lit. On October 23, 1015, MAROA
RET T., widow of William Winter (nee
Welnl, In her 40th year. Relatives and
friends are Invited to nttend funeral, Thurs
day, at s 10 a m , from her Into residence,
2433 N. Waterloo St. Solemn Requiem Mas
at Church or the Visitation nt 10 a. m. In
terment New Cnthedral Cemetery.
WOOD. On October 23. 1015. WILLIAM P.
WOOD. Relatives and friends, also Purity
Lodge, No. 323. I. O. O. F., nre Invited to
nttend the funeral services, on Friday, at
1 30 11 111. precisely, at his lato residence,
1337 East Montgomery avo. Interment pri
vate. WUOIHNOION. October 26. 1915, JAMES
W , husband ot tho Into Sarah J. Woodlng
ton (nee Gardner) aged 84 jeats. Relatives
and friends, also Ingohocklng Tribe No. It,
Imp. O. R, M., nre Invited to nttend tho fu
neral services, on Wednesday, at S p. m,
at hli son's residence, Fred Woodlngton,
4111 Paul sty Trankford. Interment strictly
pilvate, on Thuredav, nt the conventenco of
the family.
MOOI.I.EY. ELLIOTT J suddenly, at the
homo of hla daughter, Mrs, P. A. Gould, Wo.
burn, Masi., on Tuesday, Octoher 20, 1013,
in the D2d sear of his age. Relatives and
friends aro Invited to nttend the services, on
Thursday nfternoon, nt the residence of his
rtnughtcr, Mrs. A. II. Davis, Hammonton,
N. J.
YERKES. On October 23, 1015, MARGA
RET, wlfo of Henry Yerkca. Relatives nnd
friends, also tie members of tho Altar So
ciety of St Joseph's Church, nnd nil other
societies of which she was a member, are In
vited to attenci tho funeral on Thursday, at
It a. m , from her late redencc. 850 North
27th rtu Camden. High Mass at St. Jo
seph's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment nt
Calvary Cemetery.
FTampton, Hallowell, Pa.
This STYLE TYPE (or like this)
One time 18c.
Three times ona week 12Mc
Six times ono week lOe.
Blturtions Wanted, three times ona weak 10
cents per line.
Place your order for three or
more times and it will be inserted
in the daily Public Ledger at no
additional cost.
One or two time rate for Etenino Lkdois
and Public Lxooeb combined is 10 cents per
line, with the exception of Help Wanted and
Situations Wanted, which is 15 cents par line.
TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this)
which Is permitted in all classifications ex
cept Help and Situations Wanted, Lost and
Found, Personals, Boarding; and Rooms, add
There is a drug store near your
home that will accept Ledger want
ads at office rates.
:,k7 "L'ta seeking positions will receive vol
o.o?r,V,',f.ormiu"n and exceptionally helplul
rliaXlSP .OX .consulting, Misa Dean. Led
ter Central, by personal Interview or let
S:. She will aid jou with your ad, list
?frUr.A?,'i?.1.l?.'S,yona," tho COMMERCIAL
DLi'AHTMENT and use every effort to lo-
oitepteDmber0n f0r V0U" Dur'n tho moI"h
through this SERVICE, which U fre. to
Ledger advertisers.
Cl,MliDNoUI5S?5-Wanted' North German child
nurse, 2 ch dren, ages 8 and 7: references r-
OUlred. ('nll Win VJn-tv. nu -V
Annltf T.t, .
utiiMoa uouson, inc., Jfla
Inc., Illanket Mills, Scott's
lane, falls of Schuylkill.
'S..' cilS.mbSrmald and waitress; 2 girls:
white. 7d(l Westvlew ,t., cor. Wayne ave.
.. w..-,, J"-"' "cniinniowri iiUJD.
COOK, colored, for downMalra work and ai
l-t with Ironing; tamUy of a. JU per week.
,.. .f .. .,,.,,, ,
COOK, Protestant woman, city, for small fam
ily, refeifhce. Phone before 11 a, m.. two
days. Preston 303t W.
COOK, good, plain, for out of town; family
of two, no wakhlngj reference. II 457, Led
ger Central
COOK and assist downstair work; ref. req ;
German preferred. Apply 2228 N. 11 road st.
COOK and chambermaid, 2 white Prot, girls;
. n'lwc, jkja n, nryn Amen, i a,
C1IRL vanted lor chamberwork and waiting;
white, reference required. Apply 8107 Wayne,
avo , Oeimantown.
He swALi-owep THe'
Piece . he. niD--
(URL for cookln and downstairs work, refer
ences. 00.1 Vernon rd., Oermantown. Phone
Oermantown 4747.
fJIRL, colored, between 18 and 18.,yfr i
assist housewotki no washing 8100 Larcn
wood avs.
OIRL winted for general housework.
rail B. .id st
HOUSEWORK While or colored woman for
general housework In small family, must
e good cook and laundress, with good ref
erences, stato wages required Address A JJJ,
imager ornce
HOUSEWORK German girl or woman for
general housework) must Understand Eng
lish 1 wages 10. Call S74 Oowen ave., Mt.
Airy, or phoneChestnut Hilt 1040 D.
fioTJSRWSRK. gen., white girl, no .washing,
attend 1st floor, wait on table, small famlly(
suburbs. Meet employer Ledger Central .Oft,,
JJroadandChestnut sts., Wednesday, 10-iu.
HOUSEWORK Neat colored woman for"down
stairs works fond of children; ref. req. Apply
28BS 8. lvmbert st., between 1 and J! p. m.
ilOLSBWORK--Exper white glrT for general
housework Meet lady for Interview, Room
2.10,Puhllc Ledger. Thursday. 1 o'clock.
HOUSEWORK Experienced white rrot. girl;
family of 2; Wayne, Pa. Seo Miss Reed,
Public Ledger, or write L 818, Ledger Office.
HOUBEWSftK Experienced white Protestant;
no laundry: small family; Swedish preferred;
suburbs SeeIlssJteed, Public -Ledger.
HOUSEWORK Young colored BlrTlor general
housework, small family. Apply, after 8
p. m . 217 North b2d St.
HOUSEWORK Neat German girl for house
work, fond of children. ApplyJJIS N. 08d st.
HOUSEWORK, general Young girl wanted!
family of 3, no laundry. .'1825 N. 24th st.
fiblJSEWORK (general) Oooii home aiiH
wages; reference. Call 2128 S. 0th.
HOUSEWORK Three adults. Call before noon.
Hewert, i'lmii urcen si.
LADIES wanted for profitable outdoor employ
ment: art needlework novelty. Apply between
11 and 8, 1180 Real Estate Trust jlulldlng.
MOTHER'S HELPER Reliable woman wanted
by day, reference required, I, 520, Led, Oft.
NURSERY GOVERNESSjilerman or English,
for child fl jears old. Call between 0 and t)
p. m , 1000 J'lne st.
PAPER HOXES Turncrs-ln and covering ma
rhinos: good chance, competent girls. Apply
8thnndW'!Mow sts.
BAI.ESLADY, Gentile, exper'd, for dry goods
store; reference required, 2725 Qlrard ave.
SINGERS for vested chorus choir, West Phlla,
church; exceptional opportunity for training,
but without remun.; Prot. only. Har. 710.1 W.
WANTED Two women of good appearance for
newspaper contest work. Must be able to
produce results. Strnlnht salary. State ref
erences In making application. Address Con
test Dept., Telegram and News-Times, Read
ing, ra.
FIVE high-grade women immediately to take
charge of an established business tn centres
in Philadelphia. Women over 23, ot good
appearance required. Thorough training in
our busines methods given free. No can
vassing. Good pay. Address the Splrella
Company, Inc., 1013 Chestnut st. THIS IS
YOUNO WOMAN of refinement and Intelli
gence to handle a hlgh-grado profitable com-
moony; ono accustomed 10 meeting tno Best
people; experlenco preferred, but not essen
tial; state full details. H CM. Ledger Cen
tral. General
WOMEN wanted. Gov, clerks, $70 mo. Phlla.
exams, coming. List position obtained free.
Franklin Institute, Dcpt. 718 II, Rochester.
UO wanted by banking house to work on
quotation board; state education and expert
euce. if any. II 747. Ledger Central.
HOY, about 10 years of nge. wanted to work
In wholesale paper house. Irwin Megargee,
12 8. 0th st.
BOY. 17 to 10, for office duties; state age, ex
perience mid reference, A 336. Ledger Office.
CABINETMAKERS wanted. Apply Lincoln
C.-..,i.m,i.,jmn u omg" ave.
CABINETMAKERS' helpers wanted. Apply
...s.v..i .u.iii,u,K ju , luvii ana ,enign,
CLOTH WEAVERS wanted"ApplyJohn&
James Dobson, Inc., Blanket Mills, Scott's
InVt- Irolld w Ca1..i. 11.111 '
...., nua w. ct:iiu) mill
COST CLERK WANTBD-Permanent position
with manufacturing concern at Hagerstown,
lid., and assured adtancement for bright,
clean-cut, ambitious young man (20-28) with
at least two sears' experience In cost keep
ing nnd similar records; must be neat pen
man and quick and accurate at figures; no
consideration will be given except applicant
states fully nationality, education, experi
ence, ago and talary expected to start, cor
respondence confidential. Address L 321,
".uftii viiitT;,
DRAUGHTSMAN-Marlne engine work; want
f,ii man w,th CXP' ot ?en- arrangements and
. pipe plans, state exp. i. sal. H 408, Led. Cen.
ELECTRICIAN-Wanted, lst-clasa all-around
power and lighting man; ono who can repair
armatures and miscellaneous electrical work
permanent position with uptown engineering
""''. " ", xjEer ventrai.
FRAMEMAKERS-Slx men, on window and
door frames. Planing Mill, oih and Tioga.
HAND SANDERS wanted Apply Lincoln
Furniture Co.. 10th st. and Lehigh ave.
LAYERS, nailers and scrapers on parquetry
and hardwood floors wanted at once; bring
tools. Haney, White Company. Broad and
MACHINISTS and lathe hands.
Apply 4300
vvissanicKon ave.
MEN 12) wanted who do not drink, for news
paper contest work; must be able to produce
results; straight salary; tell all about your
self and state references in making applica
tion. Address "Contest Dept.," Telegram
.... ..pnp-,,iiicB, acamnc, la.
PAPER BOX CUTTERS, good chance: thor
oughly comp men. Apply 8th and Willow sts
SALESMAN Joseph G. Darlington & Co. re
quire thoroughly experienced salesman for
upholstery, curtalna and furniture; only
those accustomod to.a first-class clientele will
be considered. Applymanager upholstery and
decorative dept.. 3d floor. 1120-28 Chestnut st.
SALESMAN Wanted erper. outside salesman
to tell finest grocerlfs to family trade: state
, ....w ..u o..jr. . uu, aeqger uince
SALESMAN to handle hlgh-grado commodl-
f-T?i, tV?Jp?rtnca Snd "rencea in first
letter. H 040, Ledger Central.
VI'E:SMENToun-f rnen of good edu
fS.Uon, "PPoarance. energy and ambi
tlon, who are desirous of making a
permanent good future In a fast-grow-ir!5
!?!1fil.ne"s!,.mn.,?f undeveloped eell
nFa ".'? who will eventually develop
lato district sales managers that will
jay better than J250O annually. Prefer
XShJS. m? w.hocan finance themselves
d1r,n the training period (about 2
unnk'n, T.h,slml8.,a ,Wh-gradel propos.:
1,011 .'.ua rnerltorlous line, and only
men of the above calibre will receive nn
interview. No Investment li required 5
t,h company, which Is firmly estab
l.a rf'r ana'?l''tatfon. Ad-
. j M.-u, uou,rr yjiiice.
BINGETRS for vested chorus choir; West Phils,
church: exceptional opportunity for training
Sli.,ffi5lnUi,,?ffiuWlonS 1'rotestants only'.
Iland and automatlo screw machine oner,
ators; 48-hour shop; no labor troubles
.,r-?l'1-HmPloym'nt Agent,
..,-,. .,... m.VJ,, yyjfn,
YOUNO MAN wanted, best recommendations
for Integrity, quick and energetic. fo?a run
ner: write stating references; aalary 30 a
month. Address Rankin. nuln...ryviJX.
YOUNO MAN wanted, experienced. In whole,
sale cloth house. P 010, Ledger 6fi!eT 0,a
TpUNO MEN Prominent banking house win
Inake positions for three or foufyoum? men
to become bond salesmen; must be graduate.
of day course, class 1012, 1013, ll3 or JulS
of recognlred college or university: realoD.
Ytnrtnnltv fnv men nf l-l. ,.,.. Zr'm rt..V'-
state age. when and hr ra.,.. !'.vy'
state age. when and where graduated, hi,.9.!
ence. salary required and anv
nthee Item nf lnt-.--. XI mn - .-r"1 any
II 840. Ledger Cen
WHY NOT HAVE a manufacturing business
ShJ.0UT Ynr Very small capital required
ve!!0N".,w'0Yrork.rt'CUUr'' "W.
: " r
Three Insertions in one . n H ""
- IB.
ACCOMPANIST or secretary. rertn4 """"
woman, 28, would like nosuionrwMl .iJ?"
as housekeeper, 11 010, Ledger Ctntr.'. tet
HAJ1Y NURSK-Kirst class. exper.lncedTT
etl baby nurse from New Vert 1 nJih. 'J!1
pits wishes situation, sick or well babv-'i!"
of city references, o 147. Ledger Cemr.'
DILL CLERK, assistant bookkeeper sT.:
of nee work, f) years' exp.Hjm. Ledger ?'
HOOKKKEPER, stenographer, gooTeTrrr1
dent. Ihdroughly experienced, dsUs.".
ncnt connection with good concern USf""
salary. 11 444, ledger Central "' modrM
HOOKKEKPER, clerk, "typist; thorou.KT.
perienced. apartment hois, or hoW Sffi1
capable executive, refs. Q ssg, uE!l'Vtt.l
IlOOKKEEPKil. prac. knowl. erstenorT
and typewriting, excel work", ae,e.T2
medlute nos 1 highest refs a ni- tI'l '
IlOOKKEEPER and etenogropher. "WnT
Hlgh graduate, a years' experience- S'..rf??
erence. G nXT. I4, r---V i c"' D,t tf.
UOOKKKEI'll, stenogiapher.'oll'lct m.n.
relieves employer ; ot details. H 282 UacTJ1
CHAMHERMAID. waitress, desTres wsltfT1
Nov. 1 exp.; ref. L 821? Idxer Ws "l0B r
itt 'ir tx'rti r tt -. . " ' .' - -
. , -.vv.qti VtllCQ,
CHAMRERMAID and waltressdrsTtM5r
Hon. 8S24 Lena St.. Gerrftanin r"
CHAMUERWOIUC or watting or cmidn
YoungOerman Trot. 2000 W,Bo.?on .v?
CLERK. 7 years' experience; famlihT? WithTT
vestlgatlng A card systema. Kg Lsd,"S,y
CLERK years' experlenco In all kin.
office work.I 846, ledger Central,
COOK Experienced Oerman-Xmerlcan" .
wishes pos.; good bakerr ref a si? t?5
COOK, plain, good, wants place a ....,
work or housework. 1S18 North IbiR1"""
rtr.1" nl.tn aa ...-.- 1 '
COOK, first class, wishes posltlonTr'ef'if...
mi. Ledger Branch. 1041 J.ek.' rrBCMk
COOK Experienced young woman wish.. J,a
COOli-Good cook, with references, wants slS'
ntlon, 2118 Lombard st. "is sita.
COOKINO nnd downstairs work, sll ivi. -'
day and Thursday; girl: city, lisnivi "
"day and Thursday; girl; city.' Ilea N
DRESSMAKErt French, ladles and chilsS
DRESSMAKER from N. Y. des. enragemimC
ovenlnir eowns ft srvectnltv w.i..T. -.-'anil
-- ".", -- -r. ,. ...tlluL UtQB
DRESSMAKER deslit-s engagements lnnr
llles by day; good fit, and Tfln'rV 8608 fo.gg"
GIRL, white, wishes position, waltreis
chambermaid: experienced; references n!S
or write before 11, 420 8. 16th" ' Cu
GIRL, young, German, wishes position wiTS
children. It. Q. Vell. Ph. WIlFow GwvrTs'r
GIRU colored, wnhos position, general houi;
work; good referencejrellabl. 1823 QiiV.
GIRL, colored, reliable, wants day's wn-T.
city or country; references. 1838 nhri.tiTy1
GIRL, colored, experienced, desires co'oST5Sri
tlon; best city references. Ph. Tlarinif 7"
GIRLS, two, experienced: waitress andchir
bermald want poilttons together elt5
. Main Line; bestreferences! . tDlBChrtstSi. ,7
GiilLP: ?. d!e."'.ro Pos'tions. cook and chambic:
mnld; up-Stnto references. 1640 S. 10th
GOVERNESS-Rcflned young North Germa
Indy. pleasant disposition, wishes posltldrTsi
fe.Jn.e",v,oJ,com.v;an.,0.nJ. A"". PrencifaS
1 . ...-. ....., ., .egl. oia ,, Hew York.
( OOVEltNESS-I wish to place an excelUSS
I Knsfllsh trnverni.ee tI. - . i- . .. vrl"ns
1. a. H. Ralph, H 40, Ledger Central.
GOVERNESS. German, speaking French .M
S lf$n ch5r8e, ntle scraTe.:
JnRtochlldren under 10 yrs. A 221. Led.?."
Gi?iE?!NnSS-S,tua,lon wanted for much m:
lfa Pinmtn K0Xcrncs,, Mrs. John fihita.
ifOITSRK'lslilPinri ,.n..i- t. .
enceq; notei or apartment. A 201. Led Off.
-T---.--". -- ...uxobiiik, -rvji.. exDen-
..VwUu...u. j,, ,,iviiLcu, posiuon as man
aging housekeeper; capable ot taklnr full
position as mta
HOUSEWORK Competent woman for general
housework. Call or write 4812 N. 2d st.
LADY A reflneo, intelligent lady, with years
11 5? n?St,eta,ry' !?alr Position In rennea
lly; highest credentials. H 741, Ledger Ceiii:
Mummm English, thoioughly exp., prlv.
family; city or country. L 320, Ledger bfilca.
NriRiiBrirBi.cla,,,exDeJlened- refined nurse.
JnmS8W I).0""15 n'aby "OSPltal, WishCS .
manent position: 0 years' excellent city refs
. speaking a languages. H 740. ledger Centrti:
STENOGRAPHER High School graduits:
2iatslst w,,th b'SE,tv.:ood Penman: 4 moi,'
experience: salary $S. H 741. Ledger Central
STENOGRAPHER, competent and accuratt;
would consider moderate salary with oppor
tumtyjreference.P018l Ledger Ofrtce.
STENOGRAPHER and clerk, thoroughly ex.
pable nnd experienced; $12. H251. Led. Cent.
STENOGRAPHER, nsst. bkpr., about 2 years'
experience, capable, refs.: O SPt. Lea. Cent.
STENOGRAPHER, capable, willing, exp.; mod.
salary; references. II 653. Ledger Central
STENOGRAPHER and asst. bookkeeper. P4
yrs.' exp.: will dem. ability. II 850, Led.Ctnt
CLERKS and office help of all kinds can be
secured through our COMMERCIAL DE
PARTMENT ot Ledger Central. Write or
telephone your requirements to "Miss Dean."
Walnut 8000 she will put you in touch with
joung ladles qualified by education, ability
and experience to meet your needs. This
Is a free service to Ledger advertliars,
unique, valuable, convenient and very satis
factory. TEACHER (visiting) wishes engagements, chll
drcn or adults; English branches, French,
German, history, literature; Unlv, of Pa., for.
elgn study; references; terms moderate. Mlas
Lynch. 1208 Spruce.
TEACHER, French, visiting. Parisian, expert
enced, wishes some engagements; high rcfer
ence; Berlitz method. Add. II 048. Led. Pant
WOMAN, elderly, energetic and active, excel
lent cook and baker, wants position, city r
suburban: good ref. H 043. Ledger Central.
WOMAN, colored, wishes day's work, Montari
and Tuesdays. 1720 Webster st.
WOMAN wants work mornings or bundle wash
home. 10S1 Panama st. .
WOMAN, colored, wishes position; good Plata
cook. Call 844 N. Watts.
YOUNO LADY' Capable, thoroughly experi
enced In detail clerical work, accustomed to
meeting the public, handling responsible
work; advancement desired. H 838. Led. Cen.
10UNG GIRL wishes position as chamber
maid: best reference. Call 2216 Rlttenhous
St.. or phone Locust 2207 YV.
YOUNO LADY, experienced, as clerk: knowl
edge of stenography. 884 Ledger Central.
A YOUNO LADY with exceptional business ex
perlenco In bookkeeping, office work, manue
ment, accustomed to meet the public, desires
an opportunity In hotel or office where tlwM
qualifications and good education would be
required. Q 040. Ledger Central
MLLE. BERTHE. 1117 Walnut, deitres school
work and private pupils In conversational
a OOP SEWER desires position In private
families. 2001 N. Von Pelt.
Three Insertions fit on toeefe. He. a lis.
ACCOUNTANT and bookkeeper. 22. experi
enced in cost, production, timekeeping wors,
mod, ealsry. F. n. Snyder. Heverlv. N. J.
ACCOUNTANT (Junior) and bkpr., thor. caps
bio and responsible; 10 years' business exp.1
mode, salary, with pros. O 040. Ledger Ceau
ACCOUNTANT. 82. sties and executive exper
ability, wide exper,, desires responsible pen-
i tlon with established firm. II 461, Led. Ctttt,
ADVERTISING MAN, experienced In rtll
and national advertising and sales manage
ment, at present with prominent manufac
turer: forceful in copy, layouts and '
plans; 23 years old. M 148, Ledger Central.
man, 22, desires position; can operate typ'
writer; mod. sal.; beat refs. II 641, Led.Cent.
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