Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 25, 1915, Final, Page 5, Image 5

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    LBDU -Bli FfllAJJJtiLJPHlA. MCNDA-V. OOTOBJWK 25. 1915.
unacquainted with tho detail nnd can
not commit myself, on the matter."
Mr, OutterBon said he did not quite un
derstand the pledge. It would take him
several day.1 study to underatand It and
that It would rtmt him several daya' cam
PalRnlnir and possibly his chance of being
( THOMAS WAI.nrn, R pnhllcnn, Common,
when Mr. Walker wns nt his home.
t ntM 1r0,n r,e ne
It. out down as "Favorable s" and throe,
Ilr? 1 -.. nf (own. nre Hated a "DouM.
Vfett '
WLfit Vtt Hepubllcan Organization candl
fcii,. a algned the "Transit Pledge"
lit. o""u" 'mi .n 5,n2ii rw.. im Tacony avenue, several days ago,
1 th 5!ff bL'S? lSr'r l0 ecllnd to answer the questions until
KLrl- that abOUt OnC-fOUrth Of tllO ' ),0 hn.t Ml nnnArtiinllv ..nn.iilf 'nv"
J" . th tloket with Thomni n. i - .,. ... . . : .. ...
2Sih and John P. Connelly have refused
ST follow their leaders' refusal to com
Wt themselvoe on ttje, Taylor program.
: .! refused to algn tho pledge.
gj" is listed as "FAVorable," threo are
There remain, as yet unaccounted for
in this P" R 'ow candidates, fewer than
."... .nnnernlnir whom there ni not
R.nnlte Information obtainable at the
Sheeted to return to the city before the
toil was completed, and did not. Their
Lultlon on mo transit, pinn ana me
Jrilsht five-cent faro Issue will bo pub
Whed as soon as possible.
i Th reports on six wards are given to
y They are the 10th. 13th. ISth. 23d,
SJu' ,na 47th wards. Their 24 Council
or "i candidates broke about even In
Joining end refusing to sign the pledge.
Ir.n slmed, nine of them being Franklin
1'".-. i i-.fito1 tn alirn. nil lltnnh.
weans However, one Hepubllcan signed,
ieconvlnced by his leader's, Mr. Smith's,
vil,f that It would be Improper to be
V-it. nhaut transit promises.
irsnmmary of six wards:
popnUtlon of ward, 17,000.
yj, ward blng In the central hnsl--eM
district, no compntallon of "lionrs
lt yt!r" or "money lost through 8
ctat exchange ticket system" were made
w the Department of Transit.
J'jtOIXA DANCE, Republican, Common,
llir. Dance, who Is a Heal Estate As
Lfjor, refused to sign tho pledge, say
Uf be would not put his name to any
document, "for you or anybody else."
yi am In favor of rapid transit," he
r.u I'lnv mnrt mat xan't in ernxv. imt
I will not sign a pledge. Suppose I did,
"mA 1 changed my mind after hearing
hrrumenta that proved somo of the prop
ortions to do oaa investments! wnere
would I be?
ft"! favor the elevated lines with tho ex
ception of the Itoxborough line. How
ever, I am not familiar with that lino.
The question of eliminating tho exchango
tickets Is a big one and requires moro
MiAiieht. At present I am undecided aa
to what my future course will be. The
PrOPOoHlW" " v.. v. what... vu.tt)uu,
HD,000,0OO, should tho exchange tickets
bs eliminated, does not sound good. I
Iwould oppose It."
reputation of ward, 20,500.
Honn lost to residents through pres
ent Inadequate transit system, In course
f year, 24,700.
Monty lost to residents throngh pres
ent S-cent exchange ticket system In
course of year, $13,000.
.WILLIAM II. JONES, Republican, Corn-
am, "no."
"itr. Jones would not sign the pledge and
wo declined to say he was in favor of
"I don't feel like signing anything," he
kid, after considering the pledge for two
"Are you In favor of rapid transit and
tie elimination of the exchango tickets?"
"I have nothing to say; I haven't given
any opinions out."
:!"Do the people living in your ward be
lieve you are In favor of the hlKh-sneed
"No: they don't know anything about
nj views on the subject."
ropnlatlon of ward, 45,900.
Hours lost to residents through pres
ent Inadequate transit system In course
ef rear, 294,000.
' Montr lost to resident ilirnnrli nr.
eat S-ttnt exchange ticket system In
enne of year, $84,000.
. -'""--'.miiouii,
Mr. Davis wrot "vm" nttf oil v.
Uons in the "transit pledge" and
HABKr M. STEIDLE, Franklin, Common,
Mr. Steldle made this statement:
r I have read and I nnnrnvn thn nlnt.
jwm of the Franklin party, and if elected
l nm, Common, "no."
Mr. Bradenhurir riM!
t "J "n in favor of rapid transit or any
"nvr uniiroveroeni ior me aavancement
i nHadelphla. Philadelphia has stood
"HI long enough; but I will not make
-v vic-ciecuon pieages."
waUAM J. SIILIJaAN, RepubUcan,
Mr. Mllllga'n said:
am more Interested In ward proj-
. ior example, for a Convention Hall
the Parkway."
ropilatlon of ward, 33,100.
Hears lost to residents through pres-
at laadequate transit system In coarse
t- - ., vvv.vvv.
U.... I... . .. .
" ivsi ia resiaenis inroagn pres
5llr,t ,'cnt change ticket system In
.w f year, $7600.
Merkert algned the nled without
r quallflcaUona of his repllea to the
nous questions.
5j?N 1EVIS, FrankUn, Common,
i LftVfll 1aXktvAji a naMiunA4ln HAml.
Hon and was Indorsed by the Franklin
Fx wruie ies- aiier an mo
lwes of the pledge.
IgWtKNCB E. ODTTEHSON, Republican,
I"" OUtterSOn mailA thla titnnmtl A
rjtte only reason I will not even con-
mug is inai i Know notmng
JJJJ ProbabiJIly. the Taylor pUn will
7w uu, lio mopiea ana u -wm
MMord, but as I said before, I am
wonds and Jewelry
tWttxl States Lean Society
117 N. Bread St.
Braaek 414 8. Bth St.
A&TH7TPIAT. flMlifi
uoTf?,"e lireM for 4forIU.
fcTiL""' Aomlnal Bumortsrs.
Hart, the Organization leader of tho 23d
Ward. Following the conference with Mr.
Hart Mr. Walker said!
"We decided that It would bo bctler not
to answer the questions. You know 1
haven't the ghost of a show, anyway, so
what difference does It mako whether 1
eny anything or not? You can put me
down aa being In favor of rapid transit
or any other Improvement that will bo of
benent to the pooplo, so long as there
la money enough to pay for It, but aa for
theso questions, just say that 1 am not
prepared to Make any pledges at tho
present time."
ropnlatlon of ward, 63,000.
Hours lint to residents through pres
ent Inadeqnnte transit system, In course,
of year, 283,01)0.
Money lost to residents throngh pres
ent 8-crnt exchange ticket system In
course of year, $20,000.
CHARLES T. HAAS, Franklin, Common,
Mr. Haas not only signed and wrote
"Yea" after all tho questions, but also
added comments such as "Yes, most as
suredly" and "Yes, without hesitation,"
to show his sympathy with the spirit of
tho Taylor plan.
OEORflE C. FERRY, Common, "yes."
Mr. Ferry signed without further com
ment. GEORGE REESE, Franklin, Select, "yes."
Mr. Reese sent the following letter:
"Your list of questions received, nnd duo
note taken of same. I am inclosing them
signed as per your request, nnd hopo that
they will be used to tho best advantage.
"I hnvo not signed these questions bo
cause I am a candidate for Councils, but
becauso 1 bellevo In prosress, and from n,
business point I hold rapid transit as a
very essential point In tho life of my em
ployes. "Inasmuch as the present system is not
as dependable as It might be, the work
ing class either has the cholco of arising
early and getting to their places per
haps 20 minutes before their time, or use
tho system at the regular time and worry
for fear they will bo late.
"There Is a mark of weariness on all
who are compelled to ride from tho out
lying districts to the centre of the city,
and it would increaso their emclenoy if
their ride was shortened.
"Therefore, as one interested In his
employes and without considering the
olllco to which my friends havo sought
my election, I am, whether or not elected,
for real rapid transit. Yours very truly,
WILLIAM A. MILLER, Republican, Com
mon, "yes."
Mr. Miller wrote "Yes" after all tho
clauses of the "transit pledge" and signed
his name.
JOHN M. FLYNN, Republican, Common,
Mr. Flynn declared the first day he
saw the transit pledge that ho had no
tlmo to discuss it and that he didn't
consider it worth thinking about. He
was asked whether or not he cared to
sign on Saturday.
"I won't sign any pledge for any pa
per," said Mr. Flynn. "The people who
will elect me know how I stand, but 1
won't sign any pledge for the Evenino
JOHN II. RAIZLEY, Republican, Common,
Mr. Balzley, upheld by sympathizers
in tho Select Council room, questioned
tho right of any newspaper, and particu
larly of the Evenino LEDOEn,to quiz any
candidates about anything. After assert
ing these views he said he would not
sign a transit pledge.
'I believe in rapid transit," said he,
"but I don't bellevo newspapers should
mix in on it. Why not let the voters hold
mass-meetings and question their can
didates themselves? I don't believe in
this transit pledge business."
WILLIAM E. FINLEY, Republican, Select,
"I will not sign the pledge's' said Mr.
Finloy, but added, "I might do so if I
gave tho matter more time in which to
consider It."
RALTII BRANDON, Franklin, Common,
Population of ward, 28,000.
Hours lost to residents through pres
ent Inadequate transit system In coarse
of year, 157,000.
Money lost to residents throngh pres
ent 8-cent exchange ticket system in
course of year, $26,200.
WILLIAM E. NICKELL, Franklin, Select,
Mrl NIcke wrote this statement:
"I am heartily in favor of better trans
portation facilities and will support the
best measure which will help secure
them, but decline to commit myself to
any plan In advance of its consideration.
I want to be free, If elected, to. get the
best legislation that will benefit the com
mon people adopted. The eight-cent ex
change ticket Bhould be abolished and
universal free transfers granted the peo
ple," EDWARD B. MARTIN, rranklln, Com
mon, "yes."
mon, "yes."
OSCAR H, rniCE, Republican, Select,
Mr. Price said:
"I am In favor of rapid transit, but the
questions In the pledge are too general.
1 should lllto to seo tho whole plan in
operation, If the city did not go bank
rupt doing It."
RORKUT N. GILLESriE, Republican,
Common, "no."
"I would rather not sign It," said Mr.
QlllMple, "but I am In favor of rapid
transit. I'd like to leave this to men
who know more about theso things."
GEOROE W. SHEEHAN, Republican,
Common, "no,"
Suffering Man Ends Life
Illness Is believed to havo caused Tcter
Keller, of 2202 North Palethorp street, to
end his life. His body was found early
today In his bedroom. There was a bullet
wound In his head and a ,32-cnllbro pistol
lay besldo tho chair in which ho eat. Mr.
Kollcra's family had retired. They wero
awakened by tho shot and the dead
man's two sons, Edward and William,
ran to the room. Dr. Thomas Jones, of
143 Susquehanna avenue, was summoned,
and ho pronounced tho man dead. Mr.
Keller had boen suffering Intensely for
about a year. Ho was f8 years old.
Would a nice black shirt
and black satin waist be good
style to get I would like
to have you tell me just the
kind of trimmings that would
be practical and pretty. I
want this dress to be appro
priate for almost any occa
sion The young woman
who works for me wishes
some kind of wool dress.
What material, color, trim
mings and style would you
advise for her
(from a letter)
Women are more de
pendent on the fashion
department of their pub
lications than on any
other phase of the maga
zine's service.
A woman could man
age to run her kitchen,
furnish her house arid
take care of her children
even if there were no
magazines, but the
women outside of large
cities positively could not
be smartly dressed with
out the fashion depart
ment of the women's
The Woman's Maga
zine is a welcome friend
each month in more than
250,000 homes. In our
advertising columns
many manufacturers and
merchants are glad to
associate their message
with ours.
The New Idea Publishing Company
New York
is one of the three
magazines called by
advertising men lno
Dutterick Trio and
bought as an adver
tising unit. The other
members of the Trio
are The Designer and
The Delineator. The
average monthly net circulation of The
Dutterick Trio is guaranteed to be in
excess of 1,400,000.
W-X. UU!l!Ua S
The Resmol in it
I makes shaving a
I positive caimorc
You tender-faced men who can't
get a comfortable shave without
wasting precious minutes on after
shaving applications or on steam
ing with hot towels will be Class A
Resinol boosters after your first
shavo or two with Resinol Shaving
That's because its creamy, lasting
lather is full of the Resinol medica
tion which physicians have pre
- scribed for 20 years, in Resinol Oint
ment, to heal skin affections. So it
leaves the face free from smarting,
tenseness and shaving rashes, no
matter how hasty a job you have
Resinol Bhavlnr Stick has been tinnd
for many years by men who appreciate
something a little better than usual, ao .
most first-class druggists keep It In
stock. If yours doesn't, write to Dept.
2-M, Resinol, Baltimore, Md., for a trial
size stick.
Preserve the Independence of the Judiciary
Retain Competent, Experienced and Faithful Judges
Philadelphia, Octobcr22, 1915.
Prior to the primary election in September, the Honorable Morris Dallett, President Judge of
the Orphans' Court, who for ten years has discharged his judicial functions with fidelity, skill and
integrity, was requested, in a paper generally signed by members of the Bar, to be a candidate for
re-election to succeed himself upon the expiration of his present term. As a result of the primary,
his name will appear upon the ballot as a candidate for the office he now so meritoriously fills.
The office of Judge of the Orphans' Court is one which requires not only industry, common
sense and practical experience all of which Judge Dallett possesses ina high degree but also that
technical knowledge which can onlv be acqulrecfby long study. During tra ten cars that Judge
Dallett has filled the office, he has demonstrated his possession of all the qualifications enumerated,
and he has discharged his duty to the satisfaction of those concerned and for the benefit of the public.
Iniour opinion Judge Dallett should be retained in the office he now so acceptably fills, and,
feeling that the loss to the community of his knowledge and, above all, his great experience, would
be very serious, the address made to him by the members of the Bar requesting him to be a candidate
is herewith published for public information.
The Bar Endorsement of JUDGE DALLETT
A E, THE undersigned, members of the Philadelphia Bar, recognizing the distinguished ability,
r r learning, attention to duties and uniform fairness of the HONORABLE MORRIS DAL
denced during his ten years of faithful and valuable service, and believing that the interest of the com
munity will greatly suffer by his retirement from the office ne now so acceptably fills, hereby endorse
OF THE COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA, and respectfully request him to permit the use of his
name as a candidate for re-election to the said office.
Atrons. Alfred
Aaroiis. Ues. Plunsss
Abrams. J. Addison
Abramion, B.
Ai&Vshin6 R,dw
Adams. John
Adams. John. Jr.
Adams. Jno. S.
Albertson, Harry ft.
Alcorn, James
AldrlcH. Wm. Trumbull. Jr.
Aledo. Edward J.
Atcaaandronl, Eutrns T.
Alexander. Binlamln
Alexander. William O,
AlKer, Harry j.
Allen. H. Mori an
Alllton. Wm. A.
Amblar, Harry S.
Amram, Dttld Werner
Anderson, James R.
Andrews. Soholleld
Archbald. Robert W Jr.
Archer. Pierce. Jr.
Armstronr. William ,
Arnold. Arthur 3.
Arronson. Hsnry
Ash. Isaac
Aihbrldxe, A. S Jr.
Ashton. Aur. Trask
Aehworth. Janies 3.
Aanls. Charles Edward
Aull, Charles Edward
Halle. William II.
Itaker. Howard Scholl
Jlallard. Ellis Ames
Rallou, DeForreat
Bamberger, Albert J.
IJannard, Arthur U.
llannard.Charles U.
Barcua. wlllard B.
Barlow, Thomas W.
Barnes. Albert E.
Barnes. H. Edrar
Barnes, John llamptoa
Harnett, Edrar A.
Harnett. Michael
Barr. Vranklln E.
Barrett, Theodora
Barroway, H, L.
Bartllucd. Joseph P.
Bartlett, Charles B.
Bartlett. O. Douglass
Baaf ord. John j
Bauer, yred'k W.
Bauerle, Albert T.
Baur, Henry
Bay. Charles
Bayard, James Wilton
Baylson. Isidore
Bean. Theodore Lane
Beasley, O. Oscar
Beatty. John Ecksteta
Becker, John A.
Bedford. J Clauds
Beeber, Dlmner
Bern. Robert A.
Belknap. Maurice O.
Bell. John C.
Bennett. Stanler
Berensteln. Lout!
Berkowttz, Abra
Bernstein, Louis
Bernstein, Robert N.
Best. Jno. W.
Beury, Charles B.
Blddle, Chcxles
Diddle. Charles J.
Blddle. Francis B.
jiircK, nenr
Bishop, J. V, S.
Black, Edrar
Hlakelr. wain
Bley. John M
Walter 0.
den. Quttara L.
Bluett. Tliomli
Bookius.' Morris R,
Bodlne. William W.
Boennlnr. William M.
Boratln. Robert T.
Booth, Edwin
Borneman. Henry S.
Hortln. David
Bortln, Samuel I.
Bowden, Charles
Bowker, Georxe O.
Bowman. Charles M.
Bowman, Wendell P.
Boyd. A, Culver
Boyer. eo. W.
Boyer. Herbert M.
Boylan, James r.
Boyle. Robert M.
Boyls. Samuel A.
Boyle. Samuel A.. Jr.
Brady. William J,
Brand. Walter B.
Brann an. Robert
Braude, Henry W.
Brery, Louis
Rrenony. Thomas. B.
Breltinrer. Frederick h.
Breltinrer. Frederick W.
Breltlnier, J. Louis
Brian, Alex. J.
Brlce. Philip H.
Briihtly. Frank .
Brlnton, Ferrse
Brintoo, Joseph
Brlnton. I
Brock. Joh
ui mici iiuivi ....
liromley. vraiiaco
Brooks, Edw.. Jr.
S rooks, Geo. B.
rooks, William Srasr
Brown, Everett II.. Jr.
Srown. Henry, T.
rown. John Arthwr
Brawn, JosenhJ.
Brown, Paul R.
Brown, Reynolds o.
Brown, William FtwHay
Brown. W. Ross
Browoback. Garrett sv.
Buchanan. Frank R.
pueher, Franols IS.
Buckley, Bayan
Buckler. Blton
Tlucklsy, Monro
lluletts, lorsns
llunttnr, jossb
Tlurrh. Irajlels
r turns, j no. u.
lusssr. Franks,
llutterwortb. Gordon
Byron. Robert J.
Cadwaladsr. John, Jr
S shall, Thomas
Idwsll, Wsslsy Hwwt
Calkins. Hlrim B.
Callaway, Hsnry ,
Calvert, urahara
CamnbslL John SaT.
Centre). Francis 8.
CsntrstC Howard M.
carey, james
uarmt. jonn
carr. Osnrrs
uarr, wm. a.
Carssn. llamptoa ,
Carson, jesesk
Carver, Alexander Henry
Bayard L.
i J.
ise p.
Allan J.
a Fraak A.
n, Francis
n, Joseph
Ohalmsra, )
t; lapman,
C lapman.
C lapman, B. BpSBOar
C lew. Oawals
C ark, Frsdarlo I
Clark. Walt en, Jr.
Clarke. Jno, J
rlawaen. Wm. S.
Clement. Bam'l M. Jt,
Clevenrsr. Samuel Jr.
OHITord. James a.
Cloud. Hdward H.
Coane, Mermsn
C6r. Frank M.
Cohso. Samutl r.
Pojah. J. ..
ColesVerrr, AlexapAt T,
Corntrfera. Jams A.
Cooklln, K. twMin
CeroUn. Wlltl J.
Connellan, Jns, X.
Connolly, Franola X.
Conner, Hamilton O.
Conrad, p. Howard
Conway, I'atrlok I".
Conway. Peter P
Conwell, Joseph B.
Cook, Bayard 8.
Cooper, Bamusl W.
8ooper. William T.
orcoran. Daniel P.
Corry. Jemes c.
Coatello. Charles B.
Couinlln. John P.
Crawford. WtnOsld 'W.
Create, Jere. X
Cropln, Charles I.
Croaker, Ralph B.
Culberi. Joseph A.
Culln. Clarence P.
Daly, J. Burrwo4
Daly, James M.
Daly, Joteiih P.
Daly, T. Martin
Daniels. Benjamin
Daniels. Maurlca V,
Davis. William Potter. J.
Dawson, 1L Alan
Dawson. II. lleras
Dechert, Henry T.
Acaivr, ruBon
uelser. Oeorce
lieiraMni, Qecrr
Denclsr. Geo. J.
Detweller, Qeorre R.
Derelln, Jno. F.
Devsreux, Ashton
Dlsmond, Philip
Dick, J. Nelson
Dickey, John, J.
Dickson, Arthur O.
Dickson, Byron
Dieterich, J. Fred
Dillingham. Conway
Dlntsntats. Benjamin
Dixon, Edwin B.
Dtxon, J, 8hlpley
Dohan, Joseph St.
Dolan. D. J.
Dol&n. Joaenh A.
uoiman. Job:
avert. Alex. M.
tnier, h. Leroy
er. Oeorce F.
.Donahue, F. Rorere
6nnUy, ijjchael F.
Donoghu, Daniel C.
Donoehue, M. F.
Doran. Joseph I.
Dormon. Horace Paul
Dos Fatsos, Morris
Douglas, Walter C.. Jr.
Douglass, J. Walter
Downing, Charlea II.
Downing. Charlea L.
Downs, Chas. B.
Doyle, John Martin
Doyle, Michael Francis
Drinker, Henry B., Jr.
Drlpps. Robert Dunning
Drovln, Qeorg Albert
Duan. Russell
Dubbs, Henry M.
Dudley, Joseph J.
Duffy. James C.
Dungan, Ralph "A.
Eareckion. Oh. Ct
Karle. George II.. Jr.
Karley, Robert James
Kastlack. Francis F., Jr.
Eaton. Arthur O.
Edmonds, Donald Spencer
Rdmonds. Franklin 8.
Edmunds. Charlea H.
Edwards, Oeorgs J.. Jr.
Elchholi, Adolph
Elcock, John J.
glllott. William J.
lllott. William T.
Ellwanger. William T.
Elwell, Isaao
Elwert. M. B.
Embery, Joseph J?.
Englander, Samuel
Englert, Joseph F.
English. Ernest L.
Ensign, II. Legrnnd
Ephralm, Samuel J.
Erdman, Henry Prestos
Erdman, Preston K.
Ermentrout. Charlea B.
Hreklne Robert O.
Krvln, Spencer
Evans, Frysingsr
Evans, Harold
Kvans, Rowland C.
Evans, William nes
Ewing, James Arthur
Eyre. Lincoln L.
Fahy, Joseph R,
Fahy. Thomas A.
Fahy, Walter t.
Farley. Henry If.
Fair, Cheeter N Jr.
Feger. Percy C.
Fegley, Nelton .
Fslger, Harry P.
Felix. lUrrr
Fell. David K. Jr.
rll. Edward: W.
Fenerty, Wllllara a
Fsnatsrmaker, Thorn A.
Ferguson, wilNSLm u. B.
rife. Lewi n.
rtnetton. Lewis
Cher. FMwtn
Fjschsr, Joseph J.
ritipaincK, jam
rianertr. Jam .
Klelsher. louls Mot
fine per, james w,
Flstohsr, Robert B.
Folr. Ion II.
Foody, ThomMX
rorster, Isaao p,Jhfr&m
roulke. Roland TV
Foulk. -William a.
Faulkrod, John J Jrv
row. r Carroll
row, John II.
Fox, Charles Edwta
Fox. Harry
Fox. Henry K.
trajty, y. uraaror
rraiey. joepn
1. Lewis J.
r. JCdwin U.
r, Robert w.
Freman, B. Clark
rreeman, .
ohn 8.
Frev. Victor
Frlck. Benjamin O.
Fua-ee. Frederick 0.
Fuller, William If.
furth, Emanuel
usell, Howard Lwl
Gabl. Vivien F
Qal. Trtamaa Fraaaas
Gallaghsr. Edward V.
0lhr, . Hay,,
ail en, James E.
allovay. CharUf By
arrtt Aloert JT.
earning, unane as
!!! 2tT
via. 1 iiomu
". .
0lgr, Frsderlok 7,
fnsmsf Jhn M.
hty. Mloha
srbtr. Harry J.
erhard. ChaileaT.
Qery, William J.
John P.
Olbb. Thoma .
uiDOonejr, u.
diiniian. joi
in. Wi:
van, Jami B.
asgow, wnitj
ww. niiin
. XAwln t.
. Bolemoa. T.
toy. Frsnol T.
Qofder. Benjamia
Xoiaman, natna
ikilt...il .
Qoosfrteni Leuf
m ti. Jr,
Goodman. Joseph J,
Goodwin, F. DsWttt
Gordon, Jama Oar
Gordon. James Gay, Jr.
Oarmao, John F.
Gould. W, H. OT
Oourley. Harvey
Graft. Max
Graham, Qeorr B.
Graham, John W Jr.
Graham, Warren O.
Graham. William J.
Granger. Perclral It.
Green. Harry
Graen, John J.
Greenblatt, Louis
Grsensteln. L, Arthur
Greenwood. Bront. In
Grler, Jar H.
OrlBlih. Davia 9X. Jr.
Grlfflth. Katkan M.
Grlscom, Wm. Morrta, Jr.
Gross, Henry
Gross. Joseph
Gros Thomas F.
Grossman. Isaao B.
Guckea. J. Reoh
Gumbes. Francl Maeen
Haag, Edward Newton
Haas. Julius C.
Ilackett, Earl I
Il&gen. Jame F.
HagKartT. CorneHu. Jr.
Hair. Alfred R.
Hall. John Handy
Hall. Thoma B.
Hallaiian. John W.
Hallowell, Fred. F.
Hammerslr, Edmund O.
Hammond. Roeewell
llanby. Albert T
Hanoook. Byron
Hanna. Meredith
Harding. Chaa. B.
Harkln. Oeo. W.
Harklns. Geo. W Jr.
Harris. Albert H.
Herri. Alfred. Jr.
Harris. Bsrnard
Harehaw. Edward
Hart. Oeorge
Hassler. Isaao
Hastrtck. Romaln O.
Haverstlck. Horace
Hawkes. Thomas G.
Hay. George Dougla
Haydock, Thomas O.. Jr.
Hayes. James A,, Jr.
Hayes. Michael D.
Hayes. William A.
Hecht. Herman L.
Heokler. Howard D,
Heckaoher. Stevens
Hetdtnger. Willis D.
Helllgman. Otto R.
Heine, II. Eugen
Helsler. Roland Ct,
Hemphill. J. Mloki
Henderson. Georg
Henderson. Horao L,
Henderson. Samuel J.
Henry. Bayard
Henry. Oeo. McClellan
Hepburn. Barrv Hayes
Hepburn. W. Horao
Hepburn. W. Horace. J
Herman, Mayer B.
Herman. Sarntiel B.
Herrmann Philip
Harxberg. Max
Heuer, Harry Herman
Heullnsa. Jos. C
Hevmann. Alfred
Hlbberd. D. P
Hickman. Lawreno C.
Hinckley, John C.
Hirst. Anthony A.
Hltchoook. Edward F.
Hochstadter. Harry C.
Hod. Henry B.
Homeland. Maurlc A.
Hood. Frank P
Hood. Jamea B.
Hopklnaon, Edward
Hopklneon. Edward. Jr.
Hopklnson, Joseph
Hopple. J. Temple
Horan, Hubert J,, Jr.
Horton. Arthur w.
Horwlts. George J.
Houston, Samuel J,
Houston. Wm. II,
Husr, Arthur B.
Hulburd, D. Wendell
Hunn. Exeklel. Jr.
Jluntloker. J. Qutnoy. Jr.
Hunter. Ernest Howard
Hnrshman. A. B.
Huteie, Wm. M.
Hutchinson. Arthur B.
Hrndman. Thorns M.
Illowar, Bernard A,
Ingenoil. Ch. R.
Ingham. Jno. II,
nrram. Henry A.
reland. C. hivmonj
Jiraell, Samuel M,
acks, Charles T.
Jackson. Arthur B. L
Jaoob. O,. W,. Jr.
Jayn. H La B
Jenkln. Harrr L.
Jenkins. Owsn B.
Tsnklns. Theodore F.
enainson, j, rrsdanelC
asp, JiODert d
snntngo. John W.
Jermon. J M. Rush
JohDMB. IrrMtiilA '
Johneoa. John d7
Johnson, Lester .
Johnson. RegnaultV
1""". . von rnui
oon, J. it
Jenes. Jimn
ones, j. Levirins
nes. James Colltna
ipfoo, ino. w.
Jordan. Thoma O.
Junkln. Joeeph DeF.
Kn. John Kent
Kats. Harry P.
Kaufman. John O.
KeallSlf; WalttpT',
KelT, David Fulmar
Keen. Geo. Frederick
KelmrAlfrid J7a,nc
Ker. Harry H
Kefir. Edwvrd A.
Kendrtok. Murdoch
Kennr. John B.
Kenworthy, Joseph W.
Kern. William kennr
K noade. Robert r
Klnler. Jam B.
Kjrbr. Edmund W.
Klrchner. Edward J.
Kirk. Howard
Kjlnges. Joseph A.
Klinges. J. Peter
inaua Frederick J.
Cne. Hm R,
fnihT Harold Of.
(och. DharTe It.
John. Adolph ttlrw
JU91H, uiyeMwi o.
orn. Micnai
at si
Kraus. Otto, Jr.
Maxwell Vf
ratsok. damuelll.
Kraus. Meyer
raus. 8ldner ki.
rutubhaar, Chas. H.
ummerit, ui
oca B.
a. Ph'llln S"
dner. Allwtri w Tv
mbwton. Kri B.
oil. jnaar
Lanard. Joseph .
Ls. Ja. W.
UsHn. Klluaai J.
liwowlok. aml a
lfnt. Bparats
Loir, e.
Lelterman, BnJ, B.
Leonard, Frrdevlok X.
Lealer, Joseph O.
Levi. JuHu 0.
Lertck, Mauri o B.
Levin, J. Blermund
Lerlnton. Herman B.
wis, Albert It.
ewis, rrancis A,
s-is. Francis A.. M
ewis. Fr and D,
wis, John Frederlok
swls, Bhlppsn
v rn.&viaa to
Lichtenberrer. James B.
LJeberman, Herman
Lilly. Wm, Meharg
Jnn, J, Slrmuni
.inn. wm, u.
Jnton. Willlara
pschuU. Bphralsa
rue, J, Washington
m. Meharr
. sirmuna
oyd, Malcolm, Jr.
ieo, viarenco
Lonr, Howard M.
ioni. minora u.
Longbottom. Albert Jk
Lonrstreth, Mayna B.
Lonrstreth. Waltsr 0.
Lord. Georre .
Louchhelm. Saml K.
Lovs. Alexander
Lowengrund, Ernest
Lowrey. Dwlrht M.
Ludlow, Benjamin If,
Lultberry, Henry R.
Lukrns. William H. B,
Lynch. Patrick!!,
MoAleer. Joseph L,
McAnany. Hugh, Jr.
McCaffrey, Thoa H.
McCarron, Frandt A,
McCarthy. John A.
McCarthy, John K,
McClure, Charles A.
McCosch. David
McConaghy, John. Jr.
McConnell. Chas. W.
McConnell, Thomas. Jr.
McCouch, n. Gordon
McCourt, Harvey
McCown, Andrew R.
McCoy, Jos. D.
McCracken, Robert T.
McCullagh, A. Kerr
McCullen. Joseph P.
McCully. John B.
McCurdy. J. Kirk
McDevltt, Harry S.
McDeritt, John J.. Jr.
McEnery. M. J.
McEntree. Stars B.
McOlathery, Thoma B.
Mclnnss, Walter 8.
McKean. Fred'k O. Jr.
McKeehau, Chas. S.
McKeon, Joseph A.
McKim. William W.
McLaurhlln. Henry B.
MOtanus. M. T.
McMullan, James
McMuIUn. John D.
McNeal. J, Hector
McOwen. Lawrence 7.
McSorley. Richard T,
MacAllIater, Alex. B.
MacCaln. Christian 3.
MacFarland, Leo
Maeker. Harrr A.
MacLaren. Peter M,
Madeira. Peroy C,
re A.
Miree. Foprpt N.
Mares, Joseph O,
Marlll. Watson if.
Marulre, Chas. R.
guire. rranaa Lyttieton
Marulre. Fran
Mafr, Robert
Malts. David I
jnaioney, Andrew J.
Maloney, Clifton
Maloney. Michael A.
Mandel. David, Jr,
Manderson, Edward W.
Mann. Benson
Manning. J. Thurston, Jr.
Wimn F.
sthews. Charles
MatiacK. Joshua
Matlaok, Samuel T,
Matthews. Trevor T.
Mayer, Clinton O,
Mead. Glenn 0.
Meagher, Thos. J.
Melcher, Webeter A.
Mellors. Joseph
Merrill. Geo. Irrlng
tetlror. Harry. 8.
aetirsr, uruc a
levers. William
Miller. Alfred Harmer
Miller, B. Spenoer
uiiier. xiarrr u.
Miller. J. Albert
Jllller. PhllippusV jw
lllllgan, p.wild .jtv-
Mlnds, John H, "r A
Mlngey, Cdward J.
r, Edv
k, Th
omas A J
MJnster. Arthur &
1 rKIL I. llaileten
Mirklt. L. naslstoi
ohr. Alfrsd M.
Libert U
onlhan, James la.
l aroTi
Mitchell. Edward
wonr. Airr
Molse, Albe
Ifenlnaji. Ji
Montgomery. Wm.
Moen. Harold P.
Moon. R. O.
Moor. Alfred
Moore. Henry W,
Moorehead, Frank A.
Mordell. Albert
Morgan, Allen B.
Morgan. Chas. B.
Morgan. C. if. Ta
Morgan, F. Corliss
Morris, Howard W.
Morris. Wm. B.
Moss, Joseph
Most, Harry a
Mowlts, Arno P.
Mwtds, Thomas aV
Muhly. Geo. 0.
Mullsr, Herman
Muno. Georg T.
Munson. George S.
Murphy. J. Joseph
Murphy. James J.. Jr.
Murphy, Thome B.
Murray. Jos. Kd.
Murtsgh. J. Chas.
Myere, A Charles
Myers, payld J.
Mrers, U Horac
Myers. W. IlsyWard. Jr.
Nached.'J. Xrnt
Ksraeii. TBoma
Esiisoa. William .
siaen, O. Alfred
wboargh, FrrVk C, Jr.
Nicholas, Bdward B.
Klchlerlefn. Theodora L
Hdee. sumuel
i.'ile. Alfred J.
Jorrfs. Chsrlss Comly
Jorrli. a. Hold
Norrls. Thomas J,
O'Brien, jMward. X.
O'Brien. Jame J.
O'ConnelL Danul
Okie, Howard 8.
OljensliL, Bto-Wea Bv
Oliver, L BlauHsr
Orlsmann. Mwrr r.
I aiJVita asBsa i
Pattsraon. O. a. Ja
Paul, J. Rodmaa
Paxson, Ourtl
Paxson, Henry XX
Peaoe. William JS.
Peace. William a
Peck, J. Newton
Pelree. Thoma O.
?lta, Samuel
ennypacker. Berasi AobV
Psnnypacker, Isaao A.
Pennypacker, Samuel W,
Pepper. B. Franklin
Pepper. Geo. W.
Pettcoe, Maxwell
Petersen, Abram
Pleraon, Ward W.
Platoweky, Harry .
I'leatanta, Henry
leei. wrn.
Smith. lwt Laurens
mtth. Morris Edgar
8mltb, R. Stuart
Smith. Sidney H.
Bmith. Thoma KUbr
Bmilh. V alter Usorgs
SmitEers. William W.
Smyth, CharUs U.
Smyth; Wlillam JT
Pookraas, ijernar
PodollD,Emll L.
Porter. wT Hobart
Raken, Blm
mini, ft. nuuui
Porter. William W.
Potter. Sheldon
Powell. Humbert B.
Brenner, Ieedor B.
Prettsy, Sean
Preroet. Ernest B,
Prtoe, Julius B., Jr.
Pries. Oscar H.
rrlchard, Frank P.
Propert. Frank O
prosssr. Thomas B.
pussy. Fred Taylor
Putnam, Earl B.
luinn, f . a.
nanus A.
Rambo. Ormpnd
Bambo. 'Wayne .
Ramaar. W, How era
jtanaati, samuna
ilandajU MattkeV
landau. Samuel J.
taepln, X. Smith
Ratlin. David B.
Rawle. Francle
Raymond, Eugen. Jsv
llaymqaa. Eugane
Rearlok. Bertram Bl,
Beath, Thomas
Reoer, J. Howard
Babmau, Henry J.
Itedhefter, Wm. H.
Redheffer Wm. H., Ja
Heed. Clarenqe H.
Reeves, Frsd'k R.
Relchner, L. Irving
Rellly, Paul
Remak. Gustavas, Jr.
Itemlck. Raymond u.
Rennlnger, Frank X.
Kettew, J. Barton
Rex, Walter B.
Ilhoads, J. Howard
Rhoads. J. Snowdaa
ltlcharda. B. B. .
Rlohardson, E. Stanler
Rlchman. Joseph A.
Rldgway, Thoma
Illter. Frank M.
Sitter, A, Howard
Ivlnus. F. Markos
Bobbins. Joseph A.
Roberts, C. Wilson
floberts, Owen J.
loblnson. V. Gilpin
Robinson. Wm. Arrett
Robinson. W. Alx.
Ronsy, Albsrt B.
Ronon, Gerald
l.oot, Stanley W.
Rorke. William T.
iioasnoaum. uscar
Snyder, William Henry
Sobernhelmer, Fredwtok A.
noits-conen, a. n.
Bomers. Jams A.
Bomsrt. Jotsph X.
Bowers, Clinton A.
Gpahr. Boyd Lee
trpaldlna-, Henry
Gcangler, Allen
BparhawK. Harrt ,
Spark. Jo. A.
Speckman. Jno. W.
Scelser. Maurlc J.
Sptvalc J, Henry
Staak. Wlltam W.
Btanton. Jamea I
Stanton. WillLiraX.
btaplea, Alex. B.
Btsarne. AUea X.
Bteedle. Robert &.
Stelman. Herbert 'r
Steffen. Pater B,
Stein. Geo. IX.
Stem. Samuel O.
Stern. Horao
Sterner. Clareno
(iUrrelt. Robert J,
Btevenaon. Hsnry X.
Btevenion. John B.
Stewart. Ardemu
otewaru JJaulel w.
Stewart. Jam
Stewart. Raton C
tewart. Wm. M., Jr.
Stllr. -vVallac Chili
Stltea Fletcher W.
StiUelL Henry F '"
Stockier. Frank B,
Btockwell. Herbert OX.
StoddarL Ilarry T.
Btoever. Vm. C.
Stoke. Thoma
Stokes; William B.
Stoyle. Richard B.
Stradley. Lehlahto P.
Strong. John M.
Stutxbaoh. Martin K.
Sullivan, John J.
Bundhelm. Herbert P.
Sundhelm. Joaepb. H.
Sutton. Isaao C.
Swartley. Franols X.
Swartlsy. John C.
Sways. O. A.
Tack. Thsodora A.
Tahl. Herman J.
Taollngtr. Matthew
Tatem. J. Flthlaa
Taulass. Jos. H,
Taylsr. C. Berkeler
Taylor. Franola jt
Taylor. Samuel J.
TeTsen. Axel
Teller. Osoar Bl
rhlel. John
Thole. Franola H.
Thoma. Alien C.
Thoma. T Foster
Thempeon. Honry O.. Jr.
Thomson. Frank Qrahlm
aw.ou. uuvini
uewnsend. Jea. B Jr.
Rosenberger, Emit
nosengarten, Samui
Roeenwey, Paul M.
Roaevllle, B. Mason
nots. Carlyle H.
Rotaa, Samuel Pennlngtoa
)".th, Albert M.
Bothermel, Daniel R.
Itothermej, P. F Jr.
jlothermej. P. F id.
Rothsohlld. Jerome J.
Rounds, William
Rumsey, Horao M.
Sunk, Louts Barcroft
utherford. John B.
William -
Ernett U
r.yon, Lewis H.
laiasln. Frank
i. Hsrbert
er, Joseph B.
. Randolph
Baius. Herbert
Bandberg. William
Sanson. Albert w.
Ssuder, I, Emanuel
Saul. Maurloe Bower
Saul. Walter Btdal
Sautter, H. Jame
Savage, Charles C., Jr.
caviare, joeepa
Cavidl, Robert J,
oaie, iticnae
snk a
JsMBi rr
asfJBPf1' .OB V.
avid J.
dward J.
aefen. loula
oheeffr. Frederlok fV
Schafter, Henry B. Jr.
iohekfer. Tale tT
EchelL Horace Mich
Schick. Rudolph U.
ncniesingsr, Liansi
nenneeberg, Charles
Schnslder, Arthur T.
ocnoca. LTton u,
Schofleld. Charlet a.
gchotleld, Everett A.
Soborr, Hsnry W.
echult, T A, Rt
Behwartx, John H.
(ohwebtl, 'William 0
T-w xiZZZ. "
Trinnle. William T.
Tnll. Samuel PT
i uiu ar. jommnn
Twlblll, A.
Ueta. r!anT
Umeted. John R.
Untsrberger, Edvtr4
Val . Erneet M.
JajL Louis DsP.
Vale, Kuby R,
Van Arudalen, C W.
Vanderallo. Claranoa
VanDussn, George R.
VanDussa. Lewis VT
VanDyks, Edgar cT
Vltl, Marcel A.
Waber. Louis
Wag-nsr. J. Harrr
walksr, James A.
Walker. Wlnneld
Wallaoa. John S.
walnut, T, Hanrr
Walter, ortbert
Walton, Henry
Wanamaksr, Alfred V
Wanger, Georg
""", Jiawin
rrarner. rran
Warnarl Frd
Warwick. Neli
jvatton. Palmar
Weaver. John
Werner. Albert
We nberg, Maurlaa 4k
ueieio. uaooi
nk BL
nTHenry rP
ir, Joh
. Hora
ScotL Forrester HV
il liar
Scott Hen
lenrv j.
Scott. John. Jr.
Scott John W.
Scott. Samuel B,
scuiry, Charles AtHam
8e btrlloh, mdward n,
SsIpp. J, Edward
e era, Edwin JaquwW
Bellsra, Jame 0,
Berber, David
Serf, J. Rogers
Settlor, Irwin Tt
Shannon, birrs MB.
Shanlro. BernardT
Hnapltr. S3, Coorsr
Bhaltuck. krankTl.
Shepard. Jesse 8.
We i
we la. Edward
We ah. Gea. A.
Wernlchj Abra nana
wsslsy, cnaHmM
Wettbrk, CharUsTtV
Wetter. Charl .HarT
Wheeler, Samuel JT.
Whltaker, Bunutl A,
"White. Brral
TVh te, Homer O. .
;)' A.J'
'ui, a nomas XBarr
tvnits, 'inos. ,
White. Walter
Whltlock. Ban
r Ilhoads
"W llar
eneppars. waiter ,
gnerts. Harold S.
SfilejL Robert T.
CbleUs, fraaela H.
J"s. Jhn PraakRa
mkfcs. DanTil W.
ffhata. Jam Nay
iBMa, Al.. Jr.
ra. It. Teraer
fr. Jaoeb
itr, JaM4
klA CVarlM
loom, y. rercjr
Jltama. WrollTL
Ullsma, EUU Q.