Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 23, 1915, Final, Page 6, Image 6

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Mai-iii r i ,j I
by Edrfar Rice Burroughs
.. i r n I -I 1 r iibw-.i "ASaa
.. 3
r wawm. mm,, y
- -vl
HE entire affair ta shroud
ed in mystery," SaH
D'Arnot. "J havo 1 on
the beet of authority
that neither tho police
nor tho Special agents
of the general staff have
the faintest conception
of how It was accom
plished. All they know
all that anv one
that Nikolas Rokoff has
m John Clayton. Lonl Onviitntni,i nhn
ha.1 been "Tnrzan of the Apes"-sat In
---- -"" ---. WIH.IIIO ui iin a.lCIlU,
?ii?Jan Pau d'Arnt- in Paris, sizing
"cu.sni.veiy ai me ioo or ma immaculate
HIS mind rV.Mvri mftntr m.mA.ln. i-.
xalled by the- Escape of his arch-enemy
!.iit 1110 f rqncn military prison to which
nA nail naAn aa.- . li. ... a.
-. .. .ocn nciuunucu mr me upon mo
tcstlmonyof tho ap-m
i Ho thought of the lengths to which
RokOff' hfarf nnn PfMIA in nsianfinai.. lit-
. - - -- .., qwiiu .imJ4oo ma
death, and he realized that what tho man
:had already done would doubtless he ns
.nothing by comparison with what he
would wish to do now that he was again
Tarzan had recently brought Ills wlfo
and Infant son to London to escntm tho
discomforts and dangers of tho rainy sea-
SJson upon their vast estate in Uzlrl the
land of tho savage Wazlrl warriors" whose
broad African domains the ape-man had
once ruled.
He hadi run across the Channel for a
brief visit' With his old friend, but tho
news pf the Russian's escape had already
can a snaaow upon his outing, so that,
though he had but Just arrived, he was
already contemplating an Immediate re
turn (o London.
It Is not that I fear for mself. Paul."
he said a.tjast. "Many times In the past
have I thwarted Rokoffs designs upon my
life; but now there are others to consider.
Unless I misjudge tho man, 'le would
more quickly strike at me through my
wife or son than directly at me, for he
doubtless realizes that in no other way
- .H
t could he Inflict greater anguish upon me.
I must go back to them at once, and re
main wiin ncxn until jioitoit is recapiurcu
-or dea'd.'t
Aa thepd two tallied in Paris, two other
men were talking together la a little cot
tage upon, the outskirts of London. Both
were dark', sinister-looking men.
One was bearded, but the other, whose
face "Wore, the pallor of long confinement
within doors, had but a few days' growth
of black beard upon his .face. It was he
who wasjSpgaktng.
f "Youjjnosjt needs shave off that beard
?ef yours. Alexis,''" he said to his compan
ion, "with It he wpuld recognize ou on
the Instant We must separate hero In
the hour," and when we meet -again upon
the deck Of the Klncald, let us hope that
we shall have with us two honored guests
who little anticipate the pleasant voyuge
'we have planned for them.
I "In two hours 1 should be upon my
'way to "Dover with one of them, and
by tomorrow night. If you follow my In
fractions carefully, ou should arrive
i with Hhe other, provided, of course, that
j?he returns to London as quickly as I
'presume he will. And nowgood-by. and
: gond luck!
I "There should be both profit and pleaS
i oro as yrelj ai other good things to re
ward our Efforts, my dear Alexis. Thanks
Lto the stupidity of the French, they have
gone XO alien lengllla u uuiitcm mv lilt.
of my" escape for these many days that
I have had amnio opportunity to work
fout every detail of our little adventure so
carefully, that there is utile c nance oi me
aitghteet hitch occurring to mar our pros
Thre hours later a messenger mounted
the steps to the apartment of Lieutenant
I Paul d'Arnot.
"A telegram foo M. Clayton." he said
Rb the servant who answered his sum
t'rnons.. "la he hereT"
The mnrr answered in the affirmative,
,nif aimta? for the message carried It
fwlthln to Lord Gerystoke, who was al-
ready pn-partpg to depart for London.
QreystOKe tore open mo envelope,
'as he read his face went white.
" -iiraAHt. Paul." he said, handing the
.Up of paper to JJ'Arnot. "It has come
1 -I ,!.. fr
t"The .Frenchman took, the telegram and
Fread: ... ' ...
Jack stolen irom garaen iih"
complicity of new servant. Come i at
innce JASI
a. iMma leaned from the roadster that
v. ..'tim at the station and ran up
the atbps to his London town house he
, met at the door by a dry-eyed but
almost frantic woman.
..i-viw .rn Porter Clayton narrated
all that she had been able to learn of the
Too baojrs nurse nu
him In tho sunshine on the walk before
the house when a closed taxlcab drew up
it the comer of the street. The woman
r... 7i w nmlnr attention to the
KVehlcle" merely noting that It dlch"-B
Lbo passenger DUl aioou. at mo win "in.
.the motor running as though waiting for
'" . .2 .t .M.n- l.fnr which
rare irom .
H Tnad stopped,
r Almost immediately the new houseman,
Cart, had come running from the urey
Wcfce house, saying that the glrlM mls
mm wished to .speak with her for a
'.iii). anil that she was to leave little
Jck, la ht care until she returned.
The woman said that she entertained
not th fllghtest suspicion of the man's
i... tt-tiiTtiA had reRched the door
.v (th house, when It occurred to
W to warn Wmliot to turn the buggy
Ma to permit the sun to shine In thd
Tju ho turned about to call thla to hlrn
was suhw"1' "i!' -1 .ww .
M wheeling the buggy rapidly to-
rwnfr ano, ai uw mure iimo
i tpfat the taxlcab open and
tor a jnuuici.b tu
tka daassr to the child
upon Hr. ) with a shriek she
Aawii ttu atecs and up the -walk
& the uateab. to which Carl was
ktr1 Was ha. V, th swarthy
Om nsMsaaa the vshiclo Cart
la ihasla aai eonfederats. slam-
tk doorla ajted hlro. At the
m tba i)hnsss,.r attempted ta
Ma maohtM. a"t was evident
BMtalutfr pasta ttmf wrong, as
b. ib geejN nakaaaa a mesh, and
4tay aattaasf y fcais, while he
O0 Wr mw -wprmnm anu uacneq
m famr' ti.clina hafnrir fif ntn al
w -w " ..-..-".- -w -, ... T
jro ahMd, -vo the nurser
a ta tb aUU of the taxlcab.
b M. i Miiulng jsoaid she hail
u utWi ih- by from the
r, Ml hri, jirreatr-
h4 tiLii.jf ig br
under wavj nor wns It until tho machine
had passed the Oreystoke residence at
good spcrd that Carl, with a heavy blow
to her face, lmd succeeded In knocking
her to the rmymen:.
Her icrenms had attracted servants
and memborr of the families from resi
dences nearby, as well us from the Orey-
stoko home. Lady Qreystol-o had wit
nessed tho girl's brave battle, and had I
herselt tried to reach the rapidly passing i
vehlole, but had been too Into.
That was nil that nny one knew, nor
did Lady Oreystoke dream of tho pos
fctble Identity of the man at tho bottom of
the plot until hor husband told her of
tho escape of Nlkolns HokolT from tho
French prison where they had hoped he
was permanently confined.
As Tnrzan and his wife stood planning
the wisest course to pursue the telephone
bell rang In the library at their right
Tatvan quickly nnswored tho call In per
son. "Lord Oreystoke?" nsked n man h
volco nt tho other end of tho line.
"Your son hns been stolen," continued
tho voice, "and I nlono may help ou to
recover him. I am conversant with Uk
plot of those who took him In fact t
was a party to It, nnd was to shnro In
the reward, but now they nro trlng to
ditch me, nnd to be quits with them I
will nld you to recover him on condition
that you will not prosecute mo for mi
part In tho crime. What do you sny'"
"If you will lead me to where my son '
Is hidden." replied tho ape-man. "you
need rear nothing from me.
"Good,"' replied the other. "Hut you
must come alono to meet me, for It l-j
enough that I must trust you. I can
not tnko tho chan-c of permitting others
to learn my identity."
"Wheio and when may I meet you?"
asked Tar7an.
The other gave the name and location
of a public house on the waterfront nt
Dover a place frequented by sailors.
"Come," he concluded, "about 10 o'clock
tonight. It would do no good to arrive
earlier. Your son will be safe enough In
tho meantime, and I enn then load you
secretly to where he is hidden. Uut bo
sure to come alone, and under no cir
cumstances notify Scotland Yard, for I
know you well and shall be watching for
"Should nny other accompany ou, or
should I seo suspicious characters who
might be agents of tho police, I shall not
meet you, and jour Inst chanco of te
coverlng your son will bo gone."
Without more words the man rang off
Greystoke repented the gist of the con
versation to his wife. She begged to bo
allowed to nccompany him, but he In
sisted that It might result in the man's
carrying out his threat of refuslnc (o
aid them If Tarzan did not come-alone.
anu so iney partea, he to hasten to Dover
and she, ostensibly, to wnlt at home until
he should notify her of the outcome of
his mission.
Llttlo did either dream of what both
were destined to pass through before
they should meet again, or tho far-distantbut
why anticipate?
For 10 minutes nftor the npe-man had
left her Jane Clayton walked restlesslv
back and forth across tho silken rugs of
tho library Her mother heart ached,
bereft of its .first-born Her mind was In
an anguish of tormented Indecision u
chaos of hopes and fears.
Though her Judgment told her that all
would be well were her Tarzan to go
alono In accordnnco with the mysterious
stranger's summons, her Intuition would
not permit her lay aside suspicion of tho
gravest dangers to both her husband and
her son.
The more she thought of the matter
the more convinced she became that the
recent telephone message might bo but a
ruse to keep them Inactive until the boy
was safely hidden away or spirited out
of England. Of it might be said It had
been simply a bait to lure Tarzan into
tho hands of tho Implacable Itokoff.
With the lodgment of this thought she
stopped In wide-eyed terror. Instantly It
became a conv'ctlon. She glanced at tha
great clock ticking the minutes In tho
orncr of the library.
It was too late to catch the Dover
train that Tnrzan was to take. Thero
was another, later, however, that would
bring her to the Channel port In time to
reach the address tho stranger had given
her husband before the appointed hour.
Summoning her maid and chauffeur she
Issued Instructions rapidly. Ten minutes
later she was being whisked through the
crowded streets toward tho railway sta
tion. It was 9:15 that night that Tarzan
entered the squalid pub on the wntertront
In Dover, As ho passed Into the ovll
smelllng room a muffled figure brushed
past him toward the street.
"Come, my lord!" whispered the
The ape-man wheeled about and fol
lowed the other Into the lll-llt alley,
which custom had dignified with the title
of thoroughfare Once outside the fellow
led the way Into the dnrknetis, nearer a
wharf, where high-piled bales, boxes and
casks cast dense shadows. Here he
"Vher Is the boy?" asked Oreystoke,
"On that small stoamer whose lights
you can Just see yonder," replied the
In the gloom Tarzan was trying to peer
Into tho features of his companion, but
he did not recognize the man as onu
whom he had ever before seen. Haa he
guessed that his guide was Alexis Paul
vHoti he would have realized that naught
but treachery lay In the man's heart
"Ho Is unguarded now," continued the
Russian. "Those who took him feel per
fectly safe from detection, and with the
exception of a couple of members of the
crew whom I havo furnished with enough
gin to silence them effectually for hours
there Is none aboard the Klncald. We
can go aboard, get the child, and return
without the slightest fear."
Tarzan nodded.
".Let's be about It, then," he said.
Ills guide led him to a small boat
moored alongside the wharf. The two
men entered, and Paulvltch pulled rap
Idly -toward tba steamer. The black smoke
Issuing from her funnel did not ot the
time make any suggestion to Tarzan's
mind. All hi thoughts were occupied
with the hope (hat In a few moments
he would agajn have his ltt)o son In
his arms,
At the steamer's side they found a
monkey-ladder dangling c'pse above them,
and up this the two men crept stealthily
Once pn deck- they hastened aft to where
the Russian pointed to a hatch.
"Tha boy is hidden there," he said.
"You bad better go down after him, as
there Is less chance that he will cry Jn
Irlght, should he find himself In the arms
of a stranger I will staid on guard
Bo anxious was Tarsaa to Jescue the
child that he gttva not tha jllffh'est
uiougni zo tnt irwiMfqpt aii m oo-
The barest fraction of a second
her deck was deserted, though she had
steam up, nnd from the volume of smoke
pouring from her funnel was all ready to
get under way made no Impression upon
With the thought that in another in
stant he would fold that precious little
bundle of humanity In his arms, the ape
man swung down into the darkness be
low. Scarcely had ho released his hold
upon tho edge of the hatch than tho
heavy covering fell clattering above him.
Instantly he knew that ho was the vic
tim of a plot, and that far from rescuing
his son he had himself fallen Into the
hands of his, enemies. Though he Imme
diately endeavored to reach the hatch
and lift the cover, he was unable to do
Striking a match, he explored his sur
rcurdings, finding that a little compart
ment had ben partitioned off from the
main hold, with the hatch above his head
the only means of Ingress or egress. It
was evident that the room had been pre
pared for the very purpose of serving
as a cell for himself.
There wlb nothing in the compartment,
and no other occupant. If the child was
on beard tho Klncald he was confined
For more than 20 years, from Infancy
to manhood, the ape-man had roamed his
savage Jungle haunts without human
ccmpuiilonshlp of any nature. He had
learned nt the most Impressionable period
of his life to take his pleasures and his
torrons as the beasts take theirs.
So It was that he neither raved nor
stcrmed against fate, but instead waited
patient!) for what might next befall him,
though not by any means without an eye
to doing the utmost to succor himself.
To this end he examined his prison care
fully, tested tho heavy planking that
formed its walls and measured the dis
tance of the hatch above him.
And while he was thus occupied there
cams suddenly to hlrrt tho vibration of
machinery and the throbbing of the pro
peller. The ship was moving! Where to and
to what fate was It carrying hlmT
And even as these thoughts passed
through his mind there came to his ears
above the din of the engines that which
caused him to go cold with apprehension.
Clear and shrill from the deck above
him rang tho scream of a frightened
B TARZAN and his guide
?Tk had disappeared Into tha
2f -! shadows upon the dark
-Tr'i wharf the flgu.-e of a
2Spk heavily veiled woman
"flf .JL " na hurried down the
e.ta 1 nnrrnar allnv In th
drinking place the two
men has Just quitted.
Here she paused and
looked about, and then.
as though satisfied that she had at last
reached the place she sought, she puh4
bravely Into tha Interior of the vile den,
a scoru of half-drunken sailors sua
wharf rat looked up at the unaccustomed
sight of a richly gowned woman In their
midst Rapidly she approached tho sIoVt
enly barmaid, who stared half In envy,
half in hate at hr more fortuaate sis
ter. "Havo you san a tall, well-dressad mail
here, but a minute, since." aha asked,
who met another ond went away with
7b aW f eawarao la tha afflrmaUva. bat
coin a uoi iM wiiitu wy ina iwo
' i
before his spring, another beast of prey
savage cry n'tingling with his, '
listen to the conversation vouchsafed the
had seen
tow ard the wharf.
"Show mo tljp direction thev, weqt,'
erica uk
the man'
together thfey walked aulckly toward the
wharf and aloniir It until ncrdss tjie WatetJ
me aavv u eiimu uuui juhi j)uijii; imu
the shadows vaij .a 'nearby steamer. ,
"There JpeKQle.'Vjwhlspered the mari.-,
"Ten pbUndfllf ypu'VtfU find v. boat and
row rrie tortna) .stirer, cried the
woman. t ". l3r;
"Quick, then," hf 'replied, "for wegotjfl
ic..J..uji.;. .. '...' -a.. T,.L-i
.thaWdjjnomeritt'beftfretns htf .the pressure of -his flneera unnn..hr. lltw
been abbut! fcCjfater rte,$'PWt;j o Sind with a little' moan Vs'f terror the glfl
twornWleaftlng It whorwyW 'hranlc 'away from fter captor.
J' "TIIlffito TfnVnffl Hr n-v, .. l.l Oi "'
3jtwomanr auppings"Coin Into;
'flhandi ",- -" --
fellow ltd. hefc.4 nlmNlfo- nlarp. nni
Sjdn .;r3Aw,n-.ft?A:?.?rt, W "Mm.? .reUIIed Rokoff. "riut'
cald afore she sails. She's 'had steam, unf
for three hours. anJil"sfc UcVtnJja .waftbTt
fer that one. psVriger. I, Was talkln' tofj
one of her,oi:ew'!irf an hour ago." . .. . X
An Ha annV.(iA 1 IV.A ...... 4A .v.)
end of the wharf; where heknew another
boat lay moored, and, lowering the worn
an into It, he Jumped In after andipunhed
off. The two wero soon scudding oVeft
the water.
At the steamer's side the man demand
ed his pay and, without waiting to count
out the exact amount, the woman thrust
a handful of bank notes into his out
stretched hand. A singlet glance author
bonvlnced the fellow that- ha had been
more than well paid. Then he assisted,
her up the ladder, holding his skiff close
to the ship's side against the chance (hat
this profitable passenger might wish to
be taken ashore later.
Out presently the sound of the donkey
engine and the rattle of a' steel cable
A. k. k.l.ll.- J, ... ' ..J . .
Eat ft. eS SSKa
raised, and a moment later" the 'waiter
heard the prdpeltera teVolvin'sl ir.d stow
ly the little steamer moved away from
mm out into tne channel.
As he turned to row back to shore' he
heard a woman's shriek from the ship's
"That's wot I calls rotten- luck," j,e
soliloquized. "I might Jest as well of
'ad the whole bloomin' wad."
When Jane Clayton climbed to the deck
of the Klncald she found thehlp.apparj
ently deserted. There was 'no s'lgn pi
those she sought nor of any other
rupuon. - - f
Quickly she .hastened to the cabin?
which was half above and half' below'
deck. As she hurried down the sfiort
companion ladder into the malncabln,
on either side of wblth were the smaller
rooms occupied, by the officers, she failed
to note tha quick, 'closing of one pf, the
doors before her. She passed the rfull
length of the main room and than, '.re
tracing her' aep. stopped before eioh
door to' listen, furtively trying eacfar
.. . '
latch. ft . V'yl
One by one the-djojp opened before hMf
tnnrh. nnlv to revalmntv Inturlnra "' fafl
her abaarptior? she, '&) not note th.u
den actlvRr.P,ron'Hie.vaaael,.the purring"
of Lie eHtoa, fte throbbing aftheipra-.
peller. . . , , 4 ' h
fie had .reached tha last Ceor&upon
tha rlht nawi ;Vid as Mta pusMad It
09n after was aatced from within v a
sowarltri sVark-vkaged man and wawn
HaatMy hi thVinterlor, ft
Th Usen shock of fright whloi the
unexaactn attack had upon, herdrew
a alnale piercing' scream from har Mrout.
then tha man clapped a hand roughly
oyer lh mouth. . -
"Mot until Wa ara further from imgi
my W." he said, "Than you aaa.'.
ty bad off " -fi
'above 'him 'leapt, its weird and
, '
face so claso to hers. The man relaxed'
Nlkpjas Rokoff I M, .Thuran!" she ex'
claimed. , .,
H, "Your- devoted admirer," replied" the
".Russian, with a low bow,
"My 'little boy?" she said next, Ignor
ing the terms of endearment. "Where
Js he? Let me have him. 'How could y6u
be socrucl even 'you Nikola's Rokoff
cannot 6e "entirely devoid of nercy nnd
compassion? Tell me where, ho Is. Is he
aboard this ship? 'Oh, please. If suchta
thing as aheart beats within 'your breast,
take me to my baby!" r , i
. ii -you-uo. as jounro- Dia nt
"If 'you', do as j ou nrohld no hnr'rh
jeineijiDijr i"arit is your own fault that
you arc nero. you came aboard volun-
tarlly, and -you "may take th Annnn. '
?? Ay TVQ:W' to
.this would come to me."
He went on deck then, locklpc tho
cnWn apor tlppn .his .prisoner, and, Tor
several ,day,s, sli did not 's. e him, tne
(truth of tlje matter being that rflkolas
R.okoff" was so poor a sailor that the
heavy seas the KhicaId.sncoiuitered.iram
the very beginning of'Tiier voyage sent
me nufsjan in.ms peryj with a bad at
tack of. seasickness. v
During this time her only, visitor was
ah uncouth Swede, the Klncald's uni,
savory cook, who hrought her rneals tfli
her. Hls.jiame'wns .Sven. Anderssenhls,
one pride .being .that his patronymic was,
spelled with a double "s," , .
. The manias ta)l a.n,d raw boned, with
n long yellow mustacho and unwhole
some complexion and filthy, nails. The
ryvy mem. ox mm .mm one, grimy thurij'
urled deep In, the lukqwarm stew- tha
seemed, from .the .frequqnqy of its repe
lltion, to constitute the nrlde of hla nil
2z ,-x ..;:, "?.i"r..'" .'i?:T '"
'Jnary arf, was suffjcle .aotake away
wo KIM " UPVmiB, , f. ,. I (
HISismalU lue, closesei yes never",
met hers squarely. There, was a shifti
ness i ijjs wnoie, appearortpe that even
.found expression in the patlike inarner
f)t his gait, and to.lt all a slplster sug-
KCBuun was uuuea oy me long sum blade
that alwayp rested at his waist, slipped
thrqugh the greasy c6rilthat supported
his soiled apron Ostensibly it was but
an Implement of his- catling; but the
harmUbsAuses, 3 '
v,J?.i m,ariner toward. hert'Wasi.surly. yet
4h never failed" to .maot hhn with.
pleasant smlla-no a -word of .thanks,
when he brought her food to her. thouglv
more often 'thAn not she hurled ths'bulk
or u inrougri xne tiny cabin port tho :
moment that the door-closed behind hl
During the days '.of anarulsh ihat ri
lowed Jftna CJaytpn's laprl-onfcsit
two questions were
mind tha. whereajuoi
W0t m har
.ana-duur'ftOB.w .She1 fu
'by Maaatisard the JCtnaaM, ,,
tatat.M atui uvea, ;bm whether
.awtJT. jerriiuci taW 'aft
'.mm.rftV D0r -sfYlJTi
oswsr at" - ywv -
Bii auow,
that, tha i
reason far Ha
tha sw-w.,
tlve sazatUv
i thwarted Itoi
and far
Jiavill. ween ksh
him wa rrMfnjpi
- Jrni;on wls.'i
lay lin the durk-
the fact that
': d vnaaa sjwaaj tnat sryei Jaa
,.,,n,lii h mahi to iiiot but Uuu
! tJUK
W I asal Tri iin
LfaaaVeM 1 lb
StSJasPkiasrft Its
SBTBaaTfuksT- I J
"J a'aiAtrh. ;
iiBBiBBHa in aa
WW-P.-W h
Ptr. tasMaMaaanaa'
ilie maBu of
to draw the man Into conversation,
had been unsuccessful,
He had hoped to learn through this
fellow whether hl little son was aboard
the Klricald, but to every question upon
this or kindred subjects the fellow re
turned but one reply, "Ay tank It blow
purty soon' purty hard." So after several
attempts Tarzan gave It up. i
r, 'For weeks that seemed months to the
two prisoners the little steamer forged
,on they knew not where. Once tho Kln
cald stopped to coal, only immediately
to take up "he seemingly Interminable
Rokoff had visited Jane Clayton but
once since ho had looked her In the tiny
cabin. Ho had come gaunt and hollow
eyed from a long siege ot seasickness.
The object of his visit was to obtain
from her 'her personal check; for a large
sum In return for a guarantee of her'
personal safety and return to England.
"When ydu set me down safely In any
civilized port, together with my son and
my husband," she replied, "I will pay
you In gold twice the amount you ask;
but until then you shall not have a cent,
nor tho promlso of a cent under any
other condl tfdns'
"You will tftve-' me the check I ask,"
he replied wltfi a snarl, "or neither you
nor your child nor your husband will
ever again set, foot within any port,
civilized -or otherwise."
"I wou'uinot 'trust you," she replied.
"What KUaralitoo have I that you would
not take, my money and then do as you
pleased with me and mine regardless of
your promise:?'
"I think you' will do as I bid," h
said, turning to leave the cabin. "Re
member that I have your son If you
chance to ,hear the agonized wall of a
tortured child It may console you to re
flect that It Is because of your stub--borness
that the baby suffers and that
It Is your baby."
"You would 'not do It!" cried, the girt
"You would not could hot be so fiend
ishly cruel!"
"It Is notTtha am . crycl.-but you,"
he returned, "for you permit a paltry
'sum of money to stand between your
baby and Immunity from suffering."
The end ot It .was, that Jane .Clayton
wrote but a check of large denomination
nnd handed It, to Nikolas -Rokoffr who
left her cabin with a grin of satisfac
tion upon his lips.'
The following day the hatch was re
moved from Tarzan's cell, and as he
looked up he saw Paulvltch's nead
framed In the. square of light above him.
"Come up," .commanded the Russian.
"But bear in mind that you will be shot
If you make a Blngle movo to attack
me or any other aboard the .ship."
Tho ape-man swung himself lightly to
,the deck. About h(m, but at n respect
ful distance, stood a half dozen sailors
armed with rifles 'and revolvers. Facing
him, was Paultou.
; Tarzan looked ahout for Rokoff, whom
he. felt sure must be, aboard, but there
was no sign, of him.' ' ,
. "M. Tarzan," commenced the Russian.
,"by your continued and wanton Inter-
ierence, wun m. okoh ana nis plans
,you havo -at las.t brought yourself and
your family to this unfortunate extremi
Jty. You" have' only yourself to thank.
Aj you may Imagine, it, has cost SJ. Ro
"koff a largo anrount.of money tp finance
this expedition, and, as' yqu are the sola
'cause, of It,, he naturally looks to you
for reimbursement,
"Further, I may say that onjy by J
invoking ix. xiokoii. a just aemanas may
you avert the most unpleasant conse
quences .ttf your wife and child, and at
the same, time retain your own life and
regain your liberty."
"What; is the amount?'' asked Tarzan.
,"And vhat assurance have. I that you
Will live UD to' vrtnr rnrl or fh ncrr...
Lment? I have Utile! reason to trust two
such scoundrels as y'ou antT Rokoff, you
The Russian flushed.
"You are In no 'position to deliver In
sults," he said, "You hhye no assurance
that we will live up fb our agreement
other than my word, but you have before
you the assurance that we can 'make
Bhort work of you if you do not write out
the check we .demand. ' '
"Unless you are a greater fool than r
nothing th'aT would g.vo greate". lias
imagine, you should know that there' Is
ure than to order these -men to Are. That
we do not Is because' we havo other plans
for punishing you that would be entirely
upset by your death."
"Answer one question," said Tarzan, "Is
my son on board1 this ship?"
"No,' replied Alexis Paulvltch, "your
son Is quite safe elsewhere: nor twill he
be killed until you refuse to acoeda ta
our fair "dernands. If It becomes neces
sary to klir you, there will bo no reason
for not klllirtg'tho: child, snce with you
gone the one whom we wish tn rinnuw
. through tho boy will be gone, and he will
wen ne to us only a constant source of
danger and embarrassment. You' see,
therefore, that you may only save the
life of yourson by saving your own. and
you can only save your own by giving us
(lie cnccK we bsk,
.'Very well' replied Tarzan, for he
.knew that he1 could trust them n hn-v
lout any sinister threat that Paulvltch
naa made, and thefe was a bare chance
that by conceding to their demands be
might save the hoy.
That- they would permit him to live
after he had appended his name to the
check, ixieyer occurred to him as being
within the realms of probability. But
he was determined to give them such a
battle as they would never forget, and
possibly to take Paulvltch with htm Into
fitprnlty. Ha was only sorry that It was
not Rokoff.
Ha took his pocket check book an
fcPW his popket.
is amount?" he asked.
named an anormoua nm
Jfjarfcan. could scarce restrain' a smite.
-ir very cupiany was to prove the
mofltla nt tlia.1-- nmlnlHa. Ih At.-. a.
of-the tonaom at leasi rposely lie
hisjtated and haggled vatha amouwu
hut Paulvltch waa obdurate. KlnaiivTa
.ap.-m WWM .out his check for a lariarl
"sum thatj stood lo his cr$rt "at I tha twit
'!,. .,ro k.cTr Iv.. : :.." I
ffaPer " the Huwlu lu ,iJI2
Mncaa to pass aarea tha atarboarl
gwf Pf.. the KlncalSlVo bi, ,urrtaa
MtJ "vrds of lajX ;A)naat dor
nm 4a water's adi rajw a dt troaleal
n w4itoi iitti rniir iiar wnaik a -
ire, aiu xiiiim rrtLM W(Mr Ual
ad In foraat. . : , ' '
aulvlUh Mata4 tha 4tretWn
'You are ta ha aat at "--- w. i
aa.M . ' -, f T
Tarass plan for JmrnaaJstaa iawaasi.1
raoama uo tha RuMtlaa vaaukka B2-'
tfcaufht tha la4 aafAre hlwt taa isjaiS.
laWfl of Africa, aaa ha kaaw that-aZuLl
they ltbrU him hato ha aowU CSjg.
paratta aaaa" "
Paulvltch took tha chaclc
'JRasaova yatur elotkhia." va aaia. ..
Una apa-aaaa. "Hara yaa am Bata
Taraan cassmrm.
I ! i K !
Then tha Englishman ilbiy dlvesti
himself of his clothing. . ,;i
A boat waa lowered,' andjjtlll het
Half an hour later tho, saltc-rc Aiad
.... ..- .- ,.. ,.,.-,u, unmrnip i.
was slowly getting under wayv
As Tarzan stood unnn ih
strip of beach watchlnor (h iJftL.,...,
of the vessel he saw a fleur mi..!. -. .-
tha rail and call aloul to attract hli . (
tentlon. ffJ
Tha ape-man had been about to rciaAr
" nBl on oi ne sailors had hand. j
him as the small boat that bo,o him to,
the shore was n thn nnlni .i .....'". ''
to tha steamer, but at therhall from UuP.
-vessero deck ,ho- looked up, " '
ti . - Li.... . r. 0'
' w ujucKrpearaea man wKn .JH
laughed at him In derision as he AeM
high above his head the flmira nf m. ."
child. Tarzan halt .in.i.j Ti. ",l."
to rush through tho surf and strike, oteu
lor ino aireauy moving i,wner; butiV
realizing the futility of so rah U ..M
he hatted at the water's nsdge. '
iiua no siooq. nis gaze j-ieted upea,o4
the Klncald, until It disappeared bvbnl'a3
a projecting promontory ,of Uie coast. u'-
From tho Jungle at his back fierca
blood-shot eyes glaro4 from- beneathS.W
'".' jiiiaiium Qroiys upon hint , .UI
Little monkeva In thn. ir...inn. Jl.. ,j-'
tered and scolded, anil frnm iv,. ji., '
of the Inland -forest camo tho scream of 2h
But atlll Jnhn riar.n . T J n '. 'JI,
stoke, stood deaf and unseeing. suith''.
tho pangs of keen regret for the oppor-' 4f
tunlty that ho had wasted because he uil
In a slnele statements nf th. fl-.i iu. rrm
tenant of his nrrhnnmv .?:
"I have at least," vhec thought, "one !J
connnlatlnn. tna I,nnu7lf1fva il.n, .t..x U
safe In London, Thank Heaven she, tooi !
did not fall Into tho dutches. ofthoiii
villains. ' t
,, - ,
1 him the hary thing whose evil "
d been wtchfng hlrrf is n4U0il
nf mouse Wna hrenlntr iifaliw,iaiiil
eyes had
watches tf rnouse
Whl1 wr
nftvnirn arwi.tvinW7
- o ,- ........ , It -
Whero the scuta hpnrlnir?
Where the uncanny senso of scent?
t s
Beasts at Bafr v
k LOWLY Tarzan unfolded
"the not thV sdllor ha'T
aaaV.' 'W
thrust Into his hand and itiim
I readilti At first 'it .madi
' .lllla ln.n..k. . 1.1. la
porrow- numbed sense, N
but finally tho full pin1.
port'of the hldeoua"pl6t H
l aKSBa I
ofretehgo nnTolded lt .iI
sen ueiore nis imaginsr tail
Alpn- 4 , ... , M
T,H.n explain tp ypii, (the APtflMttf
reaa; mo exact naturp of my inten-.. .
ions reiative'to your'orrsprlng and'tb"v a
you. .,,( - jiiij,i(
You wre 'bora an ape "YoulIvtd MV
iatcu hi Lite junnioau Atiur own..a ....'
have I'ftturiied you; but .your eon sha.r ,-fi
Xse a 'step' aboVo filff'Alre. It' la the 'S1
Immutable law of evolution, t ' l,f xf
Thn fntlla-r tuna l Kaabt Kiif (ha Lkrt "'CjisF
shajr he a man-he Bliall take (he. iiext ' ?f"M
ascepdlng: step In the, scale of proff-, "'It
'ress He flhall be ru? naed .heksfof '':,i,
the Jungje, but shall wear a loin ploth .f
and copper anklets, 'and, perchance; ' V,
ring In his, nose, for he Is to be warfd aTA
by men a tribe of savoga cnnnlbals, .,,.
I might hae Wiled ipu"'' but tijat ,nV
would haye curtailed the, fufl rncasure , j -of
tho punishment you have arned.at .$
my hands. f , JI
Dead, ypu ,could not. hve. sqffered if
In the kn.gvledga,'of your flon'p illght; ,
but llvJng anAJn.n, place frororwh)f)j,,jj
you may not.escape to seek or sucqnr, , j,
your child, you fchal) suffer worse .tijan.! tgj
deaHi for oil the, .yenrs of. your JlXftjui-, , ,.),,
oontem.platlon prtheLbprrors 0t yoifJm
son's existence. h- '.r
This, ften(li.b par.f jt yffur $$
punlshmept for hayjjigdare,!! .to. pa ,.j
yourself against v $. K.' 1
i P, S. The halancc,of ypur.inuptih,- ,j,ii
ently befajl- ypur wjfe-that I )",
Instantly 'his senses aw,oke,acd heratoW
again, rarzan Pf the Apes. it,4-,
As ho wheeled About, It was a ibta.st n'X
at bay, vibrant with the Ipstlnct.pf ntfh Afi
ficBcfvuiujn, wmt, ja.ce., n, nuge ajmf $m,
that .was' 'already changing iownuippn'n
hin- i - . . YAil' Sfllft
The two jears that had elapsed, l.n,ca'.ittifl
tnrzan nao cqmq out qr, ta,vage forefhTH
With his rescued mate had wltnejuea ,ial
slight dlminutlpn of the, mighty pomtf,
that had made him the tnvtriclble Iprd, -,U
the Jungle, His Vent, .tat. Ih IJW J'.?
had claimed much of his time And atjen-'
tlon. and there he Ktfd found" ample J1?1J Tj
for the practical "use and retei)tfon hij'.S
almost superhuman poWort) but' flaked I to
and unarmed' to db ajhttle wlthftfiV
shaggy bull-necktd boaat thrff "rlow'ebiw J
ironiea nun was a test me ape-man iwouw-s
scarce -have welcomed ht-nyTfiod"f!t31
nis wild existence) ' "r
Tint Ih.,. . -.a .u.n..iui -haMK4Sl
than to meet the rage-maddened creatuttVUB1
with the weapons which nature1 had irniW'JI
dpwed him. J J,"J
Over the bull's shoulder tfarzan cOuW jL
sea now the, heads and shoulders of per-"
haps a dozen more of these 'mighty fore
runnftra Af .rlmlt1vjr .At. l
He knew, however, that there Wa4llf ft
ue cnanca that they would attacx mm.
since it is not within tha reasoniu.
powers of the anthropoid to, be. able ta
weJeh br a'pprecla'te tha TyaJuA. .f09ncn
trp.tjfo actlpn aalnsf an enjrny othr,
wise they would long since have beconit
mo aominanw,crearure .'01 -Meinmi i
i Zt. , -. T .. . IL 4.
of clvlllsaa man, cartala mothOdsT
safantlOa warfare that are uknoWa-,
'Wharaas. a few yvtSti .'laa. 'ha woU
;Wva Mat tho bnHXh" wWfc brut ior4
Wfiw iuMwupfa bm nmt!onnvii f
cnara, ana a' tha hruta'ini
aaat aim swung a wtghift- right tf
KtM shaiwaa'a atotrlaalt. V fl
virm, i '.
k ,. 1
Unt OxJ
iavai jam grew
aAJ aanlr tn lli
outrh alnv
lkkataBfcfif lia wn
Bgling to bl
Hoforo ho could rM4A,'A)ltm, howavor
Ma whlta-aklnnad foa Juai wheU4 an.l
upon him, and In tha act thert
from tha ahoulaers of tha Enf
tha last shred of bis superficial
of olvhlsaUa. t
,eQo ain ha waa tha JutKla bMt
stvUp in bWay oonHict-wlth his kind.
.' Hla otV4 hlta teeth" aaak. Into th
in iner Jnigoty tnewaajm,vafejim(s
With a low snarl thp,,bcat njw WMV'
himself at Tarzan, but tlw'aBvnan.A".-
found. among other thins IhThV haMnU;j
mm fe
IsS5j&-. 1