www .j - - - ,TkerJSvcitiwIiattmKt?Sci : '? ""-'. - , -kt: i- jZ?' '&'' :l'Z''- "S &vm 'fcfe'. rr-v'fer-v - I. v T i .,- V - : '-; --- ; t -. . . - - . . j. ;. r v.. '. .;. .- r. . .-IffiEATRrCAL BAEDEKER "The Boad to Happiness" Moves Oyer to the Lyric.J4ai-: -j"i M?Ir A.? Housea few Farce by' Fred-Jackson The Frenclr Players- .- - - ADELPB1 "A Full House," with May Voices. Herbert Corthell,. GeorgeParBOBS, Elizabeth' kelson. Edgar Norton. 'HushCraeron, 'MauVIo -Turner Gordon;' Bernlce r Buck and others. The farce sTiccess of last-winter In New York Fred. Jactaon'a- story has to do with a newly married ypuncrnan yho tries to extricate a brother. irom an analr with a chorus glrr ana succeeas in. geiuns msseu pu-Yciurafl in trouble. Burglars and the police aid the complications. LITTLE THEATRE--?The French Players" of New Tork. In six evening; performances and three Tnatlnees. The company includes many 'Bkllled and prominent Parisian players released by the closing of the Paris, theatres on account" of the war. The plays which the company will present in Philadelphia are: Monday and Tuesday nights. "Les Marlonnettes"; Wednesday and Thursday, "La Petite Peste"; Friday and Saturday nights. "La Prlncesse Georges." The three matinees will be: Tuesday. "Mile, de La SeigUere"; Thursday, "La Souris"; Saturday. "Le Jeu de rAmour et du Hasard." NEW FEATURE FILMS. CHESTNUT STREET OPERA BOUSE Fourth week of Triangle films. Includ ing "The Sable Lorcha," with Tully " Marshall and Joseph Jefferson, a Griffith-supervised production; "Matri mony," with Julia Dean, an Ince supervleed production; and two Key stone comedies from Mack Sennett, "His Father's Footsteps" and "Fatty's- Fall." v METROPOLITAN "The Family Cup board." with Holbrook Bllnn. a flve part feature on the "World program? shorter films of various sorts,- Shubert Quintette' and singing ensemble In a costume- rhuslcale composed of watx gems from '''Blue Danube." "Pirates tC "Penzance;" he Merry "Widow"- and others, and a grand opera finale In which' Selections frtfm "Faust" and "'Tales'of Hoffman" will be" song by- Arthur Aldridge antt Harry' Luckstone: ARCADIA Monday. Tuesday, and .ed- nesHay, "A Girl of Yesterday." with Mary PJckford and .Glenn Martin, the aviator;"' Thursday', Friday and Satur day 'The Family Sfaln.". with Fred erick Perry. There wilt also be shown a "society filmVMelodtamatlc Movies," made under .the Atuplqfes, and direction of the Charlotte Cushman Club. REQENT Monday and Tuesday, 'The Better Woman." with Leonore Ulrich. a' five-part feature: Wednesday and Thursday. 'The Yankee Girl." with Blanche Ring a paramount feature;. Fri day and' Saturday, "Esmeralda." with Mary Pickford. PALACE Monday, Tuesday; and Wednes day. "Zaza," with . Pauline Frederick: a Paramount production. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 'A Girl of Yes terday," with Mary Pickford. Jack 'Pickford and Glenn Martin, the aviator: also from the Paramount. CONTINUING PLATS OARRICK "Under Cover." with Rock llffe Fellowes. A melodrama with laughs, excitement and a detective guessing contest. LYRIC "The Road to Happiness," with William Hodge. A comedy-drama of rural life, giving Mr. Hodge a more youthful but no less whimsical pur veyor of provincial accent than his Daniel "Voorheea Pike, of "The Man From Home;" BROAD "Daddy Long Legs," with Henry Miller and-Ruth Chatterton. Jean Web ster's novel of the '.'Orphan's, Progress" made. Into a .sweety sugary but well-; acted success! v CONTINUING PBOTOPLATS - FORREST The Birth of a Nation." with Henry B. WalthaJT Mae -Marsh and Spottswood Aitken. D. W: GrUBth's "mammo'th photoplay of the" Civil War and Reconstruction; founded' hx part -on-Tbomas 'Dixon's '"Clansman." A maix velous entertainment. " '""', STANLEY "CarmerC with Geraldlne - Farrar. Wallace ReM arid Pedro-de Cor doba. The prima donna's first appear ance on' the screen. A "remarkably' fine picture. STOCK WALNUT ''Within the Law." with Irene Oshier and the, Penn Players. Bayard Veiller'a exciting, and entertaining, drama of the falsely-accused shopgirl who. turns crook, KNICKERBOCKER ZTht Dummy." .with the Knickerbocker .Player. nd Geprgie Mack.. edy o VAUDEVILLE KEITH'S Louise Gunning, the prima donna. "with new songs ;" "Woman Pro poses," by the late Paul Armstrong r the Baggesens; comedians, Jugglers and gymnasts; Milt Collins. "The Speaker $ at - the -.House" , tie WatMBiPsters. sues and c&ittter; TGrom Gees?"' Arthur Steae aa4 Maries Hayes. a,rM- . JBfrarqwaat, Flirtation," ; the,Aiaecas.Sp ' ters, and" the "HearstiSeHs; Tltterlel' - -Newsr "" " """ " "" OtOB-JS Murphys Minstrelsy hrte4 'by" Vie .Bichaitw? Charles Schlsier and Ous Penkert. "Jong Doctors; Isabelle Miller- andcomianr. in Tb New- BoareT- ex"; Sxlpper and Kaatrup; . Batett- and- . Xari; in "ThiTNiiLta ComWy"; Fre4ei James, "the, worst Juggler in the worw: Jack-"Lewis; comedian; Margaret Daw-, mnr Anil1 vinrv l "TJA 1rtTfH'T' the Duquesne Comedy Four and the Rivar Larsen Troupe. NIXON'S GRAND The Revues of Broadway." with Lotta Baker and. Jack Russet; Everett's Monks, presenting "A Novelty Circus"; Murray Bennett, en tertainer: Hayes and Thatcher, in The Bargain Hunters"; Gniett and Gruett, htack-faced cnmdlaiu: the Areola I Brothers, comedy acrobats, and movies ' WILLIAU PENN Joseph Kernan to "The Frivohty Girls." with Jane Hes ton; Edward BtondelL In The Lost - Boy"; Howard. Kybell and Herbert, In a speciality; Loughlln's Comedy Canines; Countess Natalie, musician, and McCabe, Levee and Pond. CROSS KBYSFint half of week. "Pier 23," a miniature musical comedy: Evans and Wilson. In "Kidnapped: the Six, utue song Birds: Hoi Eastman, come' dlanj Weston and Symonds. In. a sing- ing and dancing act. and Cellar's .Cir cus. Second half, -West Point Frolics, Knight, and Evans, the SIX: Attorneys; Ijarion. Saunders. Gordon and White and the DeVeMa, Troupe. AMERICAN First half of- week. "West Point Frolics": Luciana Lucca. a singer with a double voice; Jackson.. Kater buryand; comnanr la "Rehearsal Jfen - ooraon ana -White, and the Emslle SI- .Thfe Y'MM r Guoot SkaSe -r ' . "" - ' i.i. ?-?-c-v-. wvssa. ju .- i vnic&efuuvKr . J5f' M jrj6 c The familiar and amusing com 9f. the boy "cUtec,ave." ' '. ters. Second: half: "Stage-struck KleX; and Wilson and Lucille Savoy. -RBTURNINO' PEOPLE'S 'Peck's Bad Boy." with 'Harry Crandall as the. "grpcerm BURLESQUE DUMONTSVumonfa Minstrels in. a jiff J bill of travesties. Including Whr Is Johnsonr a local skit. COMING OARRICK "The Song Shop." with George ' Sidney and Telda sears. KBITH'8 Wilton LackaVe and cemeanr ' In- "The Bomb," Ray 'Samuels,- Bmfc. j Bau. Mr. and Mrs. relerlc VoeekeM In "Music Hath Charms," Dooley -ia 1 Sayles in "That's SUly," Dolores Val leclta's troupe of Indian leopards. Ed wina Barry and company in The Home Breaker," Relff and Murray, songs and dances; MacRae and Clegg, novelty ' cyclists. gs- - .JZM THOMAS CKAiafMRS that l.tfc.( .Thoawr TTnTiTlftliar toPortw-'HsTiWa Wckuu.- ;k. txyljsa JHtfr thailMairtt eCtWs 5ret vessasv j,- BdiMft StiBtSSMISt ls"bW m a. 3dceUe. straoosv proved tat Mr. Chnliirs vacal dMfB risicWi ut- Utif wts the .r- CHAI3I1 rlvR-QC ect be. cWhtm tfe-re the ss4t- urn of his Ulklac aueWiiM, stet "a perfect retee" skevhl rec ittsmt a vlte. or la- the- venMtcabir. "k sasuld bov tremble ne, saatter wht- vajsjis 1 toae te 9Btaed or; what. aerwa o eawtloH. K te- sakleetedM. K a. vets "w'abMea" k le Mt, a" ql owjutfer racordisg purpoeea.; and tr.JWtoeii, wlM. have, see of itT """ - " - Mr--BcHon has amaeduA- sseet- k gestons eevtecie aesertattx ;- c of vieratlens Beeesemry to iiliti;4e voice from his eataJefltae o LHce aH Inveatieaa of-Sim, RJi and pracUeeL Aa-bt win hlwff - eWttsmry record, the snr veiees we toaes.HtoK large fuoael. Bya stijeWy JMtuiulan. precesa'the teae Is 'himes! lte ' a-rsy oCUht that Jj prWe4e w a sereeic at the other tod of the rseat, 'Cm tste wall are two.warks. whieii'Wj'tmto the "lksOC of the' )Wer' treaMta, As the msniltst faces the wait, tie C .sfce'h. Ike. raekaw Berre-saeMac' exBervMee ef" heMibW ISvCak OVlaV vOwff JQBsvVRVs B9vsWB fssvln- m4V the toaes M ferth.. -Hieelee, iC tt. paeseosea a treeaete. trmsmUs It to she tji- ray as k la tats Satten Wek aad AHreh oa the wall. -Wee fcetfte the jtafsrtWMte artist If tfceHfht faHfl oatatde the esaasa bmu-ms. They are toW that thete- vetee la aet' a geed reconting uiedlunv la Mr. Caalmera Mr. EeMsen haafaeL the eae veiee that never varies.' evea" the sHhtest. frii a stroag. substaatlar aad. true toae. "WVea he slnga lh Sawt ray rpwalas ta the Bddtfa oT the test heard. psssssssjsmsssss&s" BROAD and SANSOM STREETS SAMUEL F. FORREST NOW TWICE DAILY TCIYnM Matmrlns "",x'-" pirecter THOMAS M. LOVE - Badaesa. Maaacer Eveiuncrs 815 MatiatM t:15 1 PRICES, EYEmWiS.AXD SATURDAY MATINSBS, 7e TO Jt ALL OTHEet MATINEES; 38c TO SCM 2 ND MIGHTY MONTH SEATS SEI.UNG Z WEEKS IN ADVANCE Mall Order. Aeeespealeit by Cheek. W Be: HUe4' hv tu Order et Their Bceelpt. Fstroiu WIU Aid C la Aeammodetlag- Thess by Namlar Twa Datesv It IVMikl. D. W. Griffith's 8th Wonder of the World SECURE SSATS EARLY AND AYMD DISAPPOINTMENT 1 : - - I PEOPLE B H0RSE& IN A RED-BLOODED STORY OF GRIPPING HEART INTEREST AND SOUL-STIRRING EMOTION COST $500,000 I SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA OF it HIGHLY IMPORTANT!-"The Birth of a Nation" Will New B Pre sented at Any But the Highest Class Theatres and at Prices Caetonaarily Charged in Such Playhoases. D. W. GRIFFITH, TO OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS: Yoa must see "The Birth ol a. Nation" in Philadelphia or NOT AT ALL- tfek. season. The route marpni out includes none ot the saaller dtiea in thk vkiaity. INWILDkXWB ECIW6THB SiT TSWLL TCTfTM,E STA4 LONOJkB. AmMmmiOf mmmmJlm H . ill