..' final Cutting k ht. VOL. II.-NO. 35 piiiOE oijb cjfiT PHILADELPHIA, SATlTRDAY, OCTOBER '.i, 1915 Cortstanr, 1915. T tb Tolio Litiasa Cektr'AKT. t..V. PITT DEFEATS PENN, 14 TO 7; (jMkt wtuQtt ANAL TODAY'S 'FOOTBALL. SCORES ' . .-. f v ' , KUst fecond. , Third PENNSYLVANIA ' :i .V . O I 6 V- ,6 ; " PITTSBURGH J. . . . O ' ' 7 JP -0' ; 7 , j , - .' ' ..; . ;.jtf ..- PRINCETON" ..?..,. 7 ' 7T 1i; W DARTMOUTH...;.;...'. O ' o' b ' CORNELL .'..v.';.;. 7 'O '. .--p ' r' harvard ;:...-.'..,o o .; ":-$. , YALE ,..-.... O ,0 O WASHINGTON &OEI?Ff1 6 ' ? '3'- 6 TIGERS BEAT DARTMOUTH, 30-7 I'onrtn l 7 . 7 nsi -" 7 ' .-.an - 7 -10 - 7 PITTSBURGH BACK ROUNDING PENN'S END IN PLAY THAT LED TO TOUCHDOWN It WIT T T A M C CfABFC TAD DflXTM (VYIIiLiiiiiUO CSlAHLiO I'Ull riillll IN LAST MINUTE OF PLAY IN STRENUOUS PITT FRAY .. ... 4 -i ... I After Three Futile Attempts by the Quakers, Fullback Pushes Ball .Over iMSastings' aMlffill ' Make Pitt's Touchdowns.' Pennsylvania mtshuhgii 'Hopkins .... ..'.left end Carlson K'ussell ,., ...left Jackie .TliornlilU Hcnnlng left guard Shapiro Wfay centre l'eck Nelll right guard Soppltt 'Harris (Cant.)., right tackle llockensmlth. MUle,r right end llerron Berrj. iiuarteback Williamson Tlhi(, left halfback , Hustings Rom. i... ...rlcht halfback lie Hart Williams. . , . . . , fullback 1'T Referee, H, Hmlth, of Ilucknell UnWerslty; Opiplre, C. D, Murshull. of Harvard Unl erslty( head linesman, .7. A. Km, of Wil liams CoUegei Held judge, IC. Maxwell, of , flwartbmore College. FRANKLIN FIELD, Oct. 23. Pitt de feated Penn, 11 to, this afternoon, but the result was almost as good an a vic tory for renn. as no one expected Penn to hold the powerful Pitt" eleven to such close score. Pitt played far below IU normal gnmf, but that should .leiraht no credit from l'enn, whp put up a morp aggressive and4 g;ama- battlo from, start to tlnUli. The Quakers played ilko'R new team, and' there was hnrdli- a minute when Pitt was nit woirled. In the closing minute's ot the game Penn outplayed Glenn, Warner's team, scoring ltsouehdojvn one miliute'before time was called, i U the Ited mid. Blue's offensive play had Pen Uevejoped .cltr.Jt Is probable Penn VtOiild have- tied or bettered the icore. In '"shins; from scrimmage 1'enn was out classed, by l'tt. but' the former always; biared pr waH benefited by I'ltt's fum- Mes at Critical stnges: Popr punting flUo ,va4 'n great handi cap to Vitt. ono or HoeUhg'upUnta travel ing less than 10 yara&VIn the entire Am he faijed to avena.cn rtioro Jhah yards, -' -- On the other hand. Berry got i- J'tr Wtt backs had no c)ianc?to,,run thKVall, . Williamson and Hastitiga, two Pitt Stars. Whn wahi InntrAA' ltntfi flv AH. y j American timber, were Covered at all l V,'.r" "' nn and they failed to shine. 1 I lit stars were De. Hart, l'eck and Fry ; "" uotn ends. They were Hie only men ' Ml the Pitt llnrt.nn whn' nlnvil tin in tllA ' "Tin expected, Op the- other hand, prac- THE WEATHER "alr again, which la fair enough. Nice w.ner tor the I'enn-Pltt same, the F'nceton-Darltnmitli nnn . h JhtteroaraU rapes. Also nice weather to iww around iho country un an fter- r " " you iitave ,a car try a spin Mgnt In the Wtlua air beneath the ot October moons. Have you seen moon, vet? It'n a wonilnr. Kvh' If fftf'can't get out of tha city lt' i-alit'l ae it Hght up the ami! on "BHIy" nttfiQ (rcA fe Arc dt looking as iar r,W.In dkHktj b the helr-of millions,. m iinpiisi ruiw ia soaring ana we are kift Ul hy& i Fuiikn Pte for lunch! lKlkEOAST v For pjiitlphla and vflv-Falr md ajiittyvetl cool tQfltpht, with prQb 'i' (fott on lowland; Huudav air and tipiffy iearmtf, moderate northerly Mmft, tlcally every man on the Penn team showed better than was hoped. The tackling of the lied and. Blue team was superior to any for seVer'al seasons, and the (leYce. aggressive manner was Inrgely responsible for the Pitt's backs many fumbles. Today was the make or break day for the Itpd and lllue, and the team came back In wonderful shape. At the end of the tlrst half they looked tired -and leg weary, but barring a few moments In the eeoorjd half, when the .wonderful De Hart ran the ends at v!l Penn played stronger fnotball than Pitt. FIRST PERIOD Pittsburgh won the toss, 'but contrary to expectation. Captain Williamson al lowed Penn to kick off, preferring to take advantage of the strong wind. Russell' booted to Williamson, on PIU'h 5-yard Cniillinieil mi Vane Kleven, Column r'lve w. & J. DOWNS OLD ELI BY 16-7 SCORE SMITH'S "NO" NOT ECHOED IN THE 8TH WARD Morris E. Conn, Republican Candidate There, Refuses to Follow His Lead . - rtj!?Z. li'.W-' on xrantjio ' SIGNS PLEDGE J'95 SAY YES. Yale Unable to Make Touch . down Until Final Period Against Aggressive, Foe ' LUCK SAVES SHUT.OUT W. ami J. . . WIllttlllM Wllherspoon . . . McKean Uoettnar- Tale. PoJlllun. Church left end ....'. C Hhehlon left tackle Vonholt left guard..., Wav centre...... J. Hheldon tight suard Wlmberly ilHten right tackle.... Henry lloseley , .right yna. ....' iieynan Wilson (Capt.)...UurterUai,K titobba Navllle right halfbaek Nun C. Hmlth loit huliback .. Moser Bcouvll ...fullback..... jMsCrelght NKW HAVK.V. Oct. SL-W. and J, com pletely outplayed Vale today. Her for-' ward passes seemed to mystify the Blue team and was the chief factor in scoring a 10 to' 7 victory. This woo the second year. In succession that W. and J. has beaten Yale. W. and J. worked wjth a machlne-JIke procession tlijit contained a reminder of , the powerful, llurvatd team of 1314. Yalt'6n the other hand played a hard1 -game, lighting, every atep of the way, .Vellowlng W. and J.'a kick-off . Wilson and Scovil alternated hammering the op posing line for steady Balm to the B-yrd (llne, where W. and J. held and took the ball. W. and J. waa forced to. kick from behind hr goal line, making a poor at tempt bopauaft pf the wind. A: "'successful orward pass tiered V. and J. 20 yards, which was lost through a'penalty.A fumbled punt gavo ,Y.V und J. the ball on Yale's 40-yard Kne; fiuy forward passes, -MuKelb to Btobb, placed Ihn ball on Yule'a O.arti line. Moaher atteiftpted a placement P,at from tiie sp, yanl line, Hjinan hpldlng the ba,ll, frvnt, thd SO-yatd line. The attempt li .cd by a small margin. Tiie period ended, Hcora: Yale. 0; W. ant J , 0. A stone-Viall defense on the part of W. and J- ended Yalta hope or score In the second period Thrco times the !itvy Yala hacks; struggled to cross Vf and J Continued n I'svaw T.to, CMttsmi Xh SUMMARY OF CANDIDATES' RESPONSES TO PLEDGES Iteplles received from eleten Council manic candidates in the following six wards; 6th, 8th, 0th, 11th, 14th and 10th. Summary:, Candidates slgnlnr transit pledge.... 3 Candidates refusing to sign '1 Total 'recorded today U HeiiubllcanNi .,.,..... 8 Nlgned pledge I Kefused to sign T Franklin men ' 2 Hlgned pledge - Itefused to sign, 0 Indorsed by both Democrats nud Itepiibllcans .; 8gned pledge 0 Jtefused to, sign , 1 TODAY'S WAHU STATISTICS ropulatlon of the wards In to day's siimnin'ry. 10T,350, Hours lost to residents through prrs ent Inndrquate transit system In course if yeur, 91,100. Jlonry lost to residents through' pres ent R-cent eichange ticket system In course of year. I0.700. Total for 41i wards' recorded Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday, Friday nnil todayi Itepubllcans .......,.. 8a Hlgnnl pledge ....SI Itefused to sign 3 I avoralile , . . . 1 Doubtful .................. S Franklin men 80 I Signed pledge ,, It Defused to sign... 3 I'utorable v,, X Doubtful .....''S Indorsed' by ImiIIi ltepuhllcan and Franklin parties Signed pledge ;.. t Favorable"" ". V, .'. ; " 1 Indorsed by both Itepobllcan and Democratic rtles T.j. , Signed pleilge .'.... 5 Defused to sign 1 SHE HALTS PASTOR' WEDDING Girl Charges Breach of Promise on Eve of Marriage to Another BURLINGTON, Vt. Oct. 23. The threat of Miss Laura Louise Johnson, of Minneapolis, to start a breach of promise suit against him, today hnlted tho mar riage of tho Itev. Charles C. Wilson and Miss Mary Clarke here. Everything, was In readiness for the marriage when cards wero suddenly sent out announcing tho postponement of tho earemony. OTMAN CREW. TURN PIRATES; TAKE US. SHIP Escaped Officers of Kron prinz Wilhelm in Com mand, Government Hears CUTTER MIAMI IN CHASE cK 23. Total. alllrmatlTes Total negatives 93 67 STATISTICS FOU 41 WAIID8 I'opulatlon of wards In which camll 'dates' responses to "Transit pledge" liatel thus far been recorded, 1,188,300, Hours lost to residents .of' these "41 wards through present Inadequate tran sit system In course of year,' 0,778,300, . Money lost to residents through pres ent 8-cent exchange ticket system In course of year, 8011,400, J 'Another Republican councllmanlc can didate; has signed the ''transit pledge," although the head of .the Republican ticket,' Tbomaa B. Smith, has said that only- an' Ignoramus would set his liand to this document wlthouj giving himself a very lpng time to consider the various question. The rejly of Morris E. Conn, Republi can candidate for Common Council In the 8n Ward. Implies. Imwever. tliat the Taylor, trttnstt plan has been a famllilar publlo' Issue, In Philadelphia for a longer tlpie th,anthe eight .days which is the most teceot period In which Mr. Smith' lias failed! to make up tils mind about questions which have'beeli threshed out' in publlo for the last two years. Mr. Conn writes: "I have at all time approved of Direc tor Taylor" recommendations, and hve given them my earnest support. I shall be glad to have tha opportunity of help ing put theirt through.' Mr Conn signature brings the lUt-of Republican councllmaplc candidates to Jl CoalhuMst f rsw, t'aluuia Tfcrs WASHINGTON, Oci Somewhere off the Florida coast the United States, revenue cutter Miami is 'In hot pursuit of the steamship Zealan dla this afternoon, . according to confi dential reporta to the' Department of Justice. ,' The Zealandla Is alleged to be manned 'by a German crew, among whom aro the Germans who escaped from the In terned cruiser Kronprlnz Wilhelm at Nor folk, Va. Agents of the Department of Justice earlier today had reported that they had received Information that the Zealandla Is to be used as a commerce raider by tho Germans. It waa stated at the' Department of Jus tice this afternoon that If any of the men who escaped, from Norfolk nre found aboard t lie Kealandla they will be prose cuted on charges of piracy, which is pun ishable by death, ' The Kenltindia discharged It's regular crew at IV-nsacola, and shipped a crew1 (made up entirely of Germans, Govern mc'iit agents reported. Tho Zrtalandla ostensibly was to' go to .Tamplco and get a"' cargo o foil. Krom Tiimplco It was reported today that the 'vessel has not arrived there, though suftl clcnt time- has elapsed for her to com plete the voyage. The clue to the Zealaudla'a disappear ance was furnished to tho New York customs otllclals by K. W. Strceter, a ship broker, who said he had recelvod his In formation from the engineer ot the Teasel. The corroboration of Street's report, of flolals here declare, means that a Xierman pirate ship Is abroad, subject to capture by Any vessel able to effect It, and with hanging awaiting all of the crew. FOUR OVERCOME BY GAS Pulmotor Saves Aged 'Man's. Life After Hour's, Work Wis Family Also Revived Quick action on the part of physicians saved tho life, of Charles Doerr, 73 year old, end of threo members of his family who were overcome by gaa at the Doerr ealilnce, 237 West Clapler street Oer mantowu, early today, 5lr. Doerr, who is n retired business man, has been In 111 health for several month. Shortly after midnight his wife went to tho kitchen to rnalte him some ten. Later she retired for the night. Mra, Doerr awoke at 6 o'clock and de tected the odor of Illuminating gas. She Managed to get downstairs and found Mr. Doerr unconscious on the kitchen 1 floor with the gas jet turned, on. I Mrs, Doerr" screams uwoke her on Josef and hla wife. A phono call brought . Dr. M. J. Karplcs. of the West Chelten Apartments, who at once, summoned an I ambulance with a pulmotor r'om the Uer tnantown Hospital. 1 iric rrilBliigiirmaii amjni J Dfiiny i'offQ U hack q Alt old triekt, I playing plnocAIa again, TIGERS SWAMP DARTMOUTH IN 30 TO 7 GAME Green Team Outclassed Un til Princseton Sends Subs Into Fray , TRIO OF FIELD GOALS rniNCKTON DAItTIOVTir lllghley . left end Dusossolt McLean left tackle McAulltf Nourse left guard Merlll Gennert ...........centre Baxter .Hogg ........ ..right guard. Spears llalsey ...right tackle... Cotton llrown rlcht end Kmerr ,0'llck quaretrback,... McDougough Sheale left halfback Gerrlsh Tlbbott right halfback.... Thlelscher ''Dries fullback Duhumel v Iteferee, N. A. Tufts (Drown) umpire, J. J. Ilallahan; Held Judge, T. V. Murphy (Drown); head linesman, K. J. Obrlen (Tufts). UNIVERSITT FIELD, Princeton. N. J.. Oct. 23. Princeton fairly swamped Dart mouth today by the score of 30 to 7. The Tigers kicked three goals from field and scored three touchdwons. Not until the last period, when the Tigers were represented principally by subs, Continued on Page Eleven, Column Three HARVTRD LOSES FIRST GAME IN THREE YEARS, CORNELL WINNING, 10-0 Ithacans Register Defeat of Crimson by Barrett's Touch down and a Field Goal STAR KNOCKED OU'T llAUVAIll) COHNF.M, Soury left end Kckley Oilman- left tackle Gillies C'oweu. left guard Anderson "Wallace centre. ......,., " Cool Mtadmuu right guard.... Miller I'arson right tackle .lamrson llurtei right end ., .Hheltoa Watson .......quarterback , Darrett Whitney Ift halfback Collins King . right halfback. Whit crick Mahan fullback Mueller Iteferee, W. M. I-annford. of Trlnltyi um pire, C. J. Mct'art, of Germantown Academyj linesman, U, N, llankhart, of .Dartmouth) extra official, T. II. llankhart, of Dartmouth. Time of periods, 18 minutes, HARVARD STADIUM, Cambridge. Mass., Oct. 23. Cornell ..this afternoon administered tie Jlrst defeat that tha Harvard football team has knqwn'ln Continued on Tage Two, Colurau Seveaj lost axi? rouxp ULACK POOKETUIWK knit. In ColumblsAvc. Station about 10 o'clock October 21. contain ing mousy snd papers. UberSt rtwanlMf r. turnud to above ticket ernes or 10M Horth Sd st- I'hllailtlrhls. . AUTOMBIU-BW RliWAltD FOn sj MODKU, NO CJUKSTlONrf ABKriD IN. QUintlOsS, ga FTJLTOM STitKKT, NiW NKW Goodyaar nonskld tlri, '375. laountsd on' rim, lost on October S3, between, 1'iilladel. phU ad HI. DavlJs. HewarU. Uox 4. Jjadnor, Pa.Phons 'Pt.402. ' GOLD BAFKTV 1'IN lt. Oct. 2. irsraldl from Mollis, s. (Irriiunitown, la iloUe. llrturn to Dorsey & Dorsey. 70 W, Chelten aa. t Jejrmaiitoa n. VAMTT CASB-Lflst. In Waiumaksr's ladle? room stiver vanity case, twarlng Initials L. O. T' .RewS'l If rf'SfjiJj" iaJ N 8j st. J UVM' IIHI1 WliU HHUWHl U rrniTS, lOSS. nw. Fh. rp, 1S77 or l'ark 3a, lIUu lUrUn. Olfcer Cliid Ait e Ptf It, it, i ao4 u : 3 '7 3 7 1 7 VI , . 1st 5d3d'4thrtnal " . , 'lt';3d'4thi Allegheny 012 0 7 'T 9Rochester. ...:.. :.0, 0r.O D- Amherst... 3 0 0 '7 1 OWesleyah 0 V 0 0- Brown 0 0 0,'lO OSyraciise . 0 G 0 0- . i', '-.' Carlisle..., Catholic Univ.. Colby.... ....!... 13 20 27 Colpnti.... west ' m i DicV.mcon 0 0 0 Fordham 0 0 -' Georgia.... 7 Gettysburg, 6 0 0 12 :1 Johns Hopkins 0 0, o'o- OBucknell 0 ,0., n. 0 0 7 3 0 ICVillanova ....'... 00 C 0- Borjoln.... !.,'... 0 0..0 Ren. 1T:.. '...:.:.." .' ' ' Lebanon Valley. .-J-' 3 0 -Holy .Cross..;;. 00. U. of Virginia.... G , .. St .John's! 0 0 0 Or rinai - O - - 6 - 7 O Washington CoL. TV w u Lafayette.. , Lehigh.... Pcnn'Statc . . : ' 3SUKI W. VaWesleyan! iHSS .P. , Albright ........... Z ' -1" - ', , re ' . s ,-T . i ?!-. . Muhlenberg , .JJ ? Susquehanna Sarthmore ;0 Tufts ..'. Haverford ,. ... WcstPoint 1.J.9 Annapolis ,0 r Chicago' S':'"' ' tlilnois. .". . -a .... .-V8;.'; r- Dickinson F. and M. "..... ..' 0' Boston College . . . New York Univ.. Georgetown .....00 0 Virginia-P.. 1 0 Purdue . . . 0 Nebraska.,. 'S&.fiL. West Virginia Wisconsin..., . " Ursinus...'. ;.. ' si a Northweatern .'S.. ' i.''' . j- a'"- ' . , 1 imttiiijaa , ,t, ui(cwgan Kgics.-. Minnesota , jj wa-State,,'..,... Notre iDame.. Wash.,"ahd Lee.ri. Ohio State .V.Vvv. Temple ",'. . '. ... .,'.. . -" :." -.J. ' Wki: .)"&. -' . ' -( ..i' s... r '?-i"'4. Trinity. ..,.-... iv.''' -!. - Tj; 0r-!S; CJprdUriij, ''-; i -.'t- Maryland' .".;v'..;.. . ' - ;'00' 0. 0- OWenonah M.. I... 0- 0 13 7-20 ,.,,,,, n . n ri 1 YJ!t. r. m V VYlUlumson. . .'. . .-. www v uk,cnuai nign,.,,u-7f u sjf. Haverford 'School. , m . - Williams..- N. C. A. & M. . . P.M.C Villanoya Frep . o " o ,'o -' f g; g . Perkiomen Swarthmor'e Prep'.. ' '"f Northeast High... AllentownHigh..,. Pottstown High. . , t(,., Strayer's B. C j FA- ' .. H'te . Princeton Prep J Bordentown ...,'..v Norristown. High, West .Chester .H... Pa. Inst. forDeaf. Conway Hall ' jfl r 31U-School'. .',$. ' i i ?' t, . . - -' M .,.- ,.t ,' '- V" . i t ' TTRGE RUMANIA T0 AID ALLIES BUCHARBST, Oct. 23. A University' pvbfcssors' meeting Vos '' H m.... ..... .. ... ....... . .......... . u ..... b.M.k.Ub.UA. .U .A. LL... . M 'Allies In th war. A huge popular! g;a,ner wasschedulcd for Sunday - in-fayoro tho same action. 1 ,'?' ' ' ' - i ' " ' fROOPS BOUND . FOR SERVIAfRECALLED BEBX.TN. Oct. 83.F1V0 tralnlpads of filled troops' ou tnelrivay I ioServIa ha,v been' recalled' 4to ,alonlca ,by tSeJt commander, Jbt ! Aclstche 5feltu:tg stntd today. ; .'. '--!" " ' V . v' ' h t , '1 ' .- ' , , . ITALIAN KING CLIMBS. TO SKOWYMQUlfTJUir POSITMIf jJl.OME, 09f JJ3. Ciaabprirjfi ;up tl snowy wbnntam, jalou. wbHf Knnii-tap mctint death, Xtn Vlcr jgrffi,' ot -It, V(kM 3V UtMCBKOfA -Wlio had J ry ,i Wd,'kJ Kqu&jAjin on FrJy. tjl cousratto tAVgTr6V '.reniujca vcrj AUnrittnpNltlpu i," Awow wJ8 v iTivvca.tr 1ji4v ?.W' .'-",' ' r ,Af ':i m &. . ...... . , yZ nfl .; ' 3 At & -.- '. ' -trv i ,. ii'i w t a -,. fcr r.;5r ".; .,.;.. m!t- " f. .' VATC17'DiTTrTJcyiTti-.'H I-&ACH lasTsaias ai I ssini ' uuMftojg-i- fkyy .'ri-Tw, 9ct.34Yxai'; 'wilmM M Urn 04rv ,.ui? f.rrujnano orouigavia. - r-,, .. " 71," '! ' MyjWW i1 'I1 "TfcM .T) Stoj