14 EVENING LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1015. BETHLEHEM STEEL REACHED 600; RAILS INACTIVE AND IRREGULAR Many New High Records as Interest Centred in the Specialties Foreign Exchange "vVeak on Big Trade Balance NEW TOIIK, Oct. 22. r Interest again centred In the war stocks In the stock market today. The demand for this class of securities was large, and prices were easily boosted upward into new high territory for many Issues. The supply of the specialties that Is, those which are known to have received large orders for war munition or which are supposed to bo negotiating for them, nppears to be small. Thoso holding stocks of this character at the moment do not want to dispose of their holdings at the market value, holding off for a better figure. Tho result of this Is that It takes very little effort to send quotations upward when any one puts out urgent bids for any stock. Of course, there Is always a certain amount of pront-taklng, such as was the case around midday today, when prices were shaded from the best, although they still remained well nbovo the final of yesterday. On the first transaction today Bethlehem Steel sold at S00, a new high, and Just H above the high of yesterday. The first sale was 12 points abovo tho top reached In tho early trading yesterday. Tho majority of this was later clipped off. General Motors, advancing 13 points, Studebaker four and Industrial Alco hol five, also touched new high marks. There was a good demand for tho motors Issues, especially for Maxwell Motors common, and It moved up three points before the end of the first hour. A sudden outburst of buoyancy in Distillers' Securities was not unexpected, as It followed tho announcement of tho with drawal of certain Philadelphia Interests from the company and the entrance of now peoplo In the directorate. Distillers Jumped about four points, whllo Indus trial Alcohol scored a new high record. A feature In the afternoon session was an advance of more than 18 points in Baldwin, that lssuo being one of the most active In the trading. Moro attention was given to the railroad shares, which In tho morning had been Inactive and Irregular. They showed general strength. Norfolk and Western, for Instance, rose two points, as did New Haven, while St. Paul was up nearly tho same amount Tho rise was tho result of reports of constantly increasing freight traffic, somo of the roads, due to a large extent to the large shipments of war munitions to New York, being in a difficult way to supply tho demand for freight cars. The closing was Irregular. Bethlehem Steel fell off, showing a loss of 13 points for the day. There was heavy selling for both accounts In Steel, operations for the de cline naturally centring upon this stock, but tho stubborn way in which the stock held Its ground showed that the buying power behind It Is still tremendous. Steel did not go to a new high price, but its action in view of the great rise and tho tremendous bulk of the stock is wonderfully impressive. Undoubtedly the possibility of dividend action at next Tuesday's meeting has had an Influence In the development of the big advance from 79 in the last ten days or so. Tho gossip of the Street is that a new speculative crowd that has not been in tho market for years took the bull side on a large scalo below 80. Intimations are that this party has some connection with the Steel management. So far as general sentiment In the Street Is concerned, the question of dividend action appears to be an open one. One Idea is that instead of putting the stock back en a regular annual dividend basis, a single dividend will bo declared. There is also talk of a dividend by tho corporation's subsidiary which does Its export business. All the stock of this company Is owned by the corporation. But the big thing, of course, will be the statement of earnings. Some very en thusiastic predictions have been in circulation, and It would be surprising if the actual figures when known should equal the most enthusiastic of these esti mates. There are good chances that the showing, especially If nothing Is done about a dividend, may be Interpreted as disappointing by tho professional element. New York Banks Gain Currency The New York banks received from the Interior $8,824,000 and shipped to interior $5,047,000, Including $1,068,000 national bank notes sent to Washington for redemption. Gold Imports amounted to $31,083,000; loss on Subtrcasury oper ations proper was $5,392,000; this makes net gain by banks of $29,468,000. MORE ACTIVITY IN COTTON YARN Wool Mills Have Ample Supply of Raw Material Textile Manufacturers Busy The cotton yarn market has been more active this week owing to the advance In prices than for some time past, according to R. O. Dunn & Co. No Important change is reported In the local wool market during the past week, and most mills report that they have ample supplies of raw material on hand at the present time. The market favors the buyers. The textile manufacturers appear to be fairly busy, some report that they hrfe good prders on hand and otners report the business is dull. In some cases manufacturers are unable to operate their mills, owing to their Inability to obtain the proper dye stuffs, i-. good feeling prevails generally, business con ditions appear to be Improving, with a healthy growth and prices appear to be firm. Weather conditions have affected sales somewhat among the cloak and nit manufacturers there Is, however, a fair demand. Cloak manufacturers are busy and are experiencing difficulties in obtaining piece goods. Jobbers of woolens, etc., selling principally to the near-by manufacturers, are busy. The season has been a satisfactory one and prices. It is stated, have been steadily advancing. There has been more activity the past week or two among men's and boyo' clothing manufacturers, materials are high, collections, however, are Inclined to be slow. Wholesalers and jobbers of dry goods also report Increase In sales. Shirt waist manufacturers are busy; the season opened early. METAL MARKET NEW YORK. Oct. 22. The following prices were quoted at the Metal Exchange today: Lead ottered at 4.75c.; tin, 33.S5933.C0c; pel. ter. prime Western spot, HOUVic per pound; futurei. J2)ei3a per pound. To the CONSERVATIVE INVESTOR Have you availed your self of the unprecedented opportunities now afford ed to purchase the high est grade American rail road bonds which are daily being sold by Eu rope at bargain prices? We make a specialty of this particular Dusiness, Write for Circular 105. i U.S. STEEL PREFERRED! la amos? tbe ftf ti important yrcitarrm aieeks eempared aa to income yWd and reeet mriee advance in a tofeto w have taut compiled. Accompanying this tW sure suggwrtonn of (gtoreat to jweaona IM HeM referred staelw parehased at the low jarieea of early in the year. But fmr rrttuir P. ! X k. MftHMJg WHTfAM TOW, , SI CMKSffttVT , ft k... tack Cm u"i'!ul r BonMarfct Co. I MeiUrict Co. New York Bond Sales" X2 !Fhls0.? c.v. 160..1(j5i4 25 ! an ,L.lne l8t " IUOOO Bait & Ohio 4s 8 liWKI Halt & Oh cv -I 'An... nsu 4000 U & O P L E & WV is S2 24000 gait & O Swn a'An." 89?i JSSf Se,n st J" 6s... 102 3:1000 Beth Steel rfd 5a..." lonw S?0 Brooklyn R T Cs 1028 5000 Brook yn It T 6a 1818.100 WOO Cent Pac 1st 4a..7? 87 ,WjO0 Chill Copper 7e....... lio B00O0 dies. & Ohio cv 4:. 84H 6000 Chea & Ohio 414a...... SS 600O Chi B & Q Joint 4a... B7 jooo an h & 0 fa 4,...::: m 1000 Chi M &5t PSH 7!) 3S0OO C1U Mil & St P cv Se..l05 4000 Chi M & St P cv 4U.. soli -JS90 Drl & fud '1.....1004, 100000 Del i Hud ret Oa 10l2 ,b000 Den & Rio Or 4s 722 16000 Dla iecur Corp 6a....! 75 JS!S 51 conv er A... 68 10000 Erie conv 4a Ser li.... 78 1000 Erie prior 4s s 1JO00 Green Bay Cs 105 2000 Gt North 6s 1st .... U8U iixxV '" ole "en 4V4s.... 88 30000 Indiana Steel Ss ...ICC 30000 Ina Copper cv 6a 1010. 1!2 'jr.wi ,i. ... .- . .... 2S.VX) do ov 1000 Interb Met 4Hs ..., 4000 Interb R T ret 0 13S00O Inter Mer Mar 4Ms! 16000 K C Ft S & M 4s.., 7000 Lacka Steel fig U)23. 0000 do 6s 10.V) , 111MJ lorinard Cs :o 2SW , 82 . 71 , 05 . tnJ inni. !000 Minn Rt P H n r a. vi! 1000 Mo Pan cons 6a 114: 1000 Mont Foner 6a niU loot) N Y C L S 3s 7 10?2N.,YJS " "t Ca.l08 1000 do 4Vj 90 SSKJi ' iw...sk ":: " "' 111 isih 1S1M4 6000 7I1000 do 1063 do 10G.1 .1021, !tt otrtj 71U 05 83?; 100 S4; 01 108 00 05H !)9 102U 6000 N V N II ft II cv 3Us 71 2SE S If-1?" L " 8S.....115M VXXX t. -. ii ! tKL a..,,, iu uuu n j iei gen 4V4S. 1TO00 Nor Pac prior 4s. XSX fior Pttc en 3s 6414 ....102(1 102(1 102i 06T4 , 11-' osw ?w Henna een ct 4 Ma i?JS ILe5na 106 o-1'i 1000 Pub serv N J Sa mu 14000 Reading gen 4a B.m 7000 Hep Ir ft 8 6a u4 Z.r.- i?"-" "' "a....... r.TA 64 42 6000 Rock Island rfd 4a, 1000 Rwy Steel Spga 6s 1031 03 Diwu ot u a tr ria ct 4a WW1 . R 1000 South Bell 8 41000 south Pac cv 4a.... lCMO do cv ret t p 8a.. 16000 South Pas rfd 4a.. 6000 South Pao 1rm 5s 17000 Trxaa Co cv 6a 4000 Third Ave new 4s.. 20000 IT 8 Rubber 6a..... 3000 It S Steel 6s 1000 Union Pao 1st 4s... 370i Va-Car Chm 1st &l. 10000 Va Rwy 5a .-nuo vnnn za ds .'floo west Electric 41000 W E ft M cv 1000 West Shore 4s 1000 West Union B 1000 Wheellns ft L E 4s enu OITi ot1 .105 . "7 . 81 .103 . 8.1 .102 .104 . 05VJ . 07 05W 6a 1015 5a w I..145H .. oou m na? 00 eiH NEW YORK CURB Braden Coprer Brlttih.Amerlcan Tobacco, old British-American Tobacco, new Car Llsht Chill Copper ......., uuiuiiciu .onaoiiaatva ...., itenaee copper Int Marine ... Int Marina pfd ivenr t topper 15 ... sstt sofi 42 I-etilgh Valley Coal Sales 77 ..... 14U 03H tl Bid. Asked. """i OW ........ ............ ........a ........ ....... Miinu Copper iiuvaio .... NlPlsslnc ... Otis Elevator Otis Elevatrr pfd Rlker-I teseman Sterling Oum , Hubmarlpa , Tobacco Producta 1..., United Profit BUsrlng new World film Yukon Gold hi; 73 3 44'' 4 MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAIt STOCKS. ,. .. B,d' Asked. Jim Butler 78 .80 Midway,. It ,u Mlspah Extension ..,.,.,.., 20 11 Montana ,2S ,M Northern Star ,15 .is ionopan mimoni a is Tonopan Extension 2 7-1S Tonopah Merger SI -ronopan Mining ,,.,., o!4 b Rescue Eula ., ,,. .M .00 West End .64 ,o OOLDF1ELD STOCKS. Atlanta , .,,...,,'., .28 :fl Blue Bull ....................... .04 ,0 Pooth .... .. ....... ...... ,86 .SS Bulldog ....,...,,.,.', ,. Ol ,115 C. O, P.. ............... ..,,.,.,. .04 ,05 Comb. Fraction ..,,...,,,,...,. .08 ,10 Dlamondfield B. B.... .OS ,07 Daisy .........,.... ,04 .041 Florenca ,...... .45 .47 OoldHtld Cons 1 5-l IH Ooldfleld Merger ..'. , .17 .is Jumbo Extension .,... ...1.30 L3 Kewanaa ..... ...... .. .31 ,213 Oro ...................... .06 'W Wind. Kan. .,.,...,,.,...,..,,., ,10 .12 Mivr Pick .ee ,1 MISCEIJLANEOUS, Fairy Axtea .01 ,u Kimfcerly .08 .us KevatU Hill .1T .la Nevada Wonder t.Jo t JUR SILVER MEW TOBK. Oct. ,. TJv quotation tut tuuZL?UuXU&i New York Stock Sales" High. Low. Cloe. ail, 32H 33), Am 444 44H 74)i 73J. 73 72 715i 71W 08)f 03M OH 07J 00 00U 03 93 0.1 199 199 199 CAM tai 03 87M 80H 87 150H 1M 155 03': CO 03 100 100 100 14) 13H 13H 69K 67 67 M 24H 23U 23H 1?BU 22H 2CU AIM 41). 45i 71 7tH 73!i 09)f 99X 09)f 27), 27 27), 93 VIM 92), 72! 70), 70)i lat close. AlatkaOola M 32), Allto-Chalmers Mfj. ... 41 Allls-Chalrn Jtfj. pf... 74 Am Ag Chemical 7JJ Am As Chemical pf .. 07 Am Beet Sugar (y) Am Heet Sugar pf. ... 92) Am BraVe SAP pf trios Am Can ojjj Am Car & Foundtj... 80), Am Coal Products..,. 157 Am Cotton OH nn A" Jetton Oil pf 094 100 Am HldeiLpf OTJi Am Ice Securities 23), Am Llnseod jjjj Am Linseed pf 41 Am Locomotive 71 Am Locomotive pf 09) Am Malt pf 29 Am Smelt & Hef trjjf Am Steel Foundries... 7o) Am buear Keflnln? mu nrt 11111- ii5t Am Sugar lief pf no 116)1 115N 115)4 Am Tel 4 Tel 124!, 124M 12l)t 1245 Am Tobacco 230 23U, 231 231 AmJVoolen 6n! 67J 60 60W Am JJoolcn tr r. 5U 65U 65)f 66)4 Am Woolen pf 1.7, 7W i)7)t 07 Am Woolen pf tr r.... 07) i 1)0 93 90 Anaconda Copper 755, 75H 74S, 745, Assets Hcalltatlon 0), fl 5U 65X A!cIlI? S V im ioow 100K 100 .!. T.V1 pf 100 190H NX" lOOJi Atlantic Coast Line... H2)i 112H 112 112 UaldalnLoco 132, 149 132) 149 Had In Loco pf 109!f 110 10!) 110 Baltimore & Ohio .), 113 i)2)t V2H Baltimore & Ohio pf.. 74J, 75), 71), 76)f BatopUas Mining ljj i)j m 1H 1 cinicncm steel C8S 600 6.5 675 ueimcnem bleol pr. . . . ICO 18 1 HrooUyn Rap Tr 87 87 Bron Shoe 40 40J Brunsalck Term 7 7 Burnj Brothers 00 91H Butte & Superior CMi 63)4 Cal Petroleum si 1!) Canadian Pacific 167) 171 Cent Leather Co r.71 mt went reamer tjo pr...l07), Cfaesapeale & Ohio.... 66)( Cblno CoDDer Jur Chicago Great West... 131 i 34H 91 170 87 mi 7 90 COK ISM 107 57U 107 605, 49)f 13 31 01) 18 i 87 40), 7 01M 63H 18H 171 68)1 107 67)S 49JX 13)4 34'f 92, 107 13Vi !12( .127f 12S)f 127H 128 127H 130 128 130 60 52 10X 17 71H 60 34 41 9 52 14H 71 58 31 41 9 62 16K 71H 6851 31 41 9 Chicago Gt West pf. wni Mil & si I'aul.. CM S,St Taul pf... Cbl 4 Northwest. . . . CCO &St L CblR I &l'ac Cluett Tea & Co 71 U Colorado Fuel & I.... 59.54; Col & Southern 34 Col &. So 2nd pf 45 Comstock Tunnel... 11 Consolidated Qas 14-I 14.1U 14AU lans. ContlnenUI Can HO 112J 108f 110JS Corn Froducts Hef.... I8)f VJH 18), 18 Corn Trod Itcf pf 87 804 804 804 Crucible Steel 024 O-Hi" 015X 034 Crucible Steel pf 1074 W7Si 1074 107M Den & Rio Grande.... lOJf 94 051 Wi Den & Rio Grande pf. 15 154 15 15 Detroit Edison 1254 1274 127 1274 Distillers Securities.... 404 504 474 48'i Dome Mines 224 224 224 224 Elcc Storage Bat 72 714 71 714 Krle 3ijf 35 341 351 Erie 1st pf &I54 5451 534 64 le2dpf 414 44f 43?x 44!i FedMIn&Sm 28)f 2b4 284 2ii Fed Min & Sm pf 51 51 60 50 Gen Electric 178 170 1774 1774 ucu juoiors 305 378 3G9H 370 Goodrich B V Co. Great Northern pf. .. Gt N cfs for ore proD. 5: Grecnc-Cananea 404 Guggenheim Expl'n... 674 Int Agricultural 234 Int Agricultural pf.... 524 Int liarr N J no Inter-Met vot t c 224 Inter Con Corp'n 22 Inter Con Cor pf 784 Inspiration Copper.... 4iii International Paper... 104 Internat Paper pf 394 Int Nickel tr r 195 Kan City Southern.... 275 Kan City Southern pf. 014 KresgeSS Co 200 Lack Steel 854 Lake Erie & West..... 10 Lake Erie & W pf.... 2C4 Lcblgh Valley 754 Liggett & Myers 250 Louis & Nashville 123 Mackay Cos pf 654 Maxwell Motors 6G Max Motors 1st pf.... 064 Max Motors 2d pf.... 624 May uept Mores pi Mexican Petroleum.. Miami Copper M St P &SS M.... M St P & S S M pf, Mo Kan & Texa 54 Missouri I'acuic AH 04 705, 70!f 78 121) 1215 1214 1214 64 514 514 40 37 37 075 074 074 23 22 0 524 52 525 1114 110 110 224 22 214 784 445 104 394 24 785i 454 104 404 203 284 615 205 80 104 24 765 250 125 60 70 98 644 OS 895 34 1215 1214 120 127 127 127 55 55 64 45 214 785 444 104 394 1924 1984 275 285 ei)i 614 205 205 07 90 34 85 104 24 75J 250 125 654 674 97 634 9S 885 33 574 634 63 834 81 81 ....1094 109) 109 305 30 Montana Power.., Nat Cloak ft Suit. Nat C &S pf.... Nat Enamel ft S 30 Nat Lead 68 Nov Con Cop 15 New York Air Brake.. 150 NYNUJt II New York Central.. N Y O & West Norfolk & Western., Northern Pacific... Nat Ry of M 2d pf, Pacific Mall Pacific Tel ft Tel... Penn RR , Peoples Gas Chi.... Philadelphia Co Pittsburgh Coal 40 40 Pittsburgh Coal pf....l084 100 85 104 24 764 250 125 654 70 08 63) 98 8S5 334 121H 127 55 64 684 81 1094 30 674 15 Pittsburgh Steel pf, Pressed bteel car. . Pullman Co. Quicksilver Ity Steel Spg Ray Con Copper. , Reading Rep Iron ft Steel. Rumely M Co.... StLouls&SP 0 StL&SF2d pf 74 St Louis Southwest.... 16 Bt L Southwest pf 34 Seaboard Air Line 164 Sloss-Shef S ft I Co... 61 084 674 154 15 150 1455 UF.'S HI 83 80 82 100 101 994 100 294 294 29) 294 1144 117H 1155 117 1114 1124 1114 1124 95 95 04 94 304 305 304 304 . 45 45 45 45 675 585 58 684 1185 1194 1194 1194 404 474 404 405 39j 394 10S4 1084 08 93 97 715 724 71 1634 1694 103 3 485 254 785 55 4 3 49 254 80 655 4 04 84 16 33 164 62 So Porto R Sugar 1365 141 3 47H 25 784 645 4 6 8 16 324 164 61 98 71J 1085 3 474 254 794 644 4 6 8 16 324 184 01 1384 1384 974 98 204 205 69 69 190 104 1124 1124 1124 044 163 13 614 09 105 4 25 105 76 68 63 101 124 615 OJ 105 64 25 04 76 6C4 1304 1315 130 815 814 S14 25 25 25 47 47 47 03 103 13 614 00 105 04 25 10 75 664 Southern Pacific 075 984 Southern Ry 205 21 Southern Ry pf 59 59 Studebaker Co 101 195 btudebaker Co pr 112 Tenn Copper ex its... 035 Texas Co 164 Texas ft Pacific 134 Tmra Are 01 Twin City Rap Tr.... 964 Underwood Type pf...l04 Union Bag ft Paper... 64 Union Bag ft V pf..., 25 United Cigar Stores.... 104 United Dry Goods pf.. 74) United Cigar Mfrs 695 Union Pacific, 135 Union Paclfio pf 814 U S Cast I P &;...,. 255 USOIP4 V Pf.... 454 U S Ind Alcohol 1204 1274 1224 123 United Rys Inrest 25 255 255 254 United Rys Inr pf 424 43 424 424 U8 Rubber 544 655 64 544 UH Steel 855 875 864 b04 U B Steel pf 1155 1154 1154 1154 U 8 Express... 654 605 655 06) Utah Copper 694 704 604 694 Va-Uaro unem iay ion tbH 464 va-caro unem pi iua Va-Iron Coal ft C... CM Vulcan Detlnnlng 164 Vulcan Detuning pf... 35 Wabash wl 13 Wabash pf A w l 454 Wabash pfB wl 244fg Well Faro Kip......lU0 Western UbIobT!.... 795 West K & M 714 Western .Maryland 324 Willy Overland-.. ....3G3 Cent per skare. 1084 1084 1084 O'J an 08 19 14 10 354 30 354 134 13 13 455 45 454 20 255 264 120 120 120 794 795 795 734 711 724 334 324 334 24154 2024 2024 FOREIGN EXCHANGE Tes. Sterling High. Low. Close. Close. Demand .. MVt i,iS 4.63 4.MH Cables ... I.SOVi 1.1654 l.06Va l.9 I "runes. Demand .. K.9J fl.OI Mil S.n4 Cables ... S.OI 8.00 S.90 tf.8S Marks. Demnnd .. J',i . 3',. ',. Cables ... 2 )4 R2 82H GRAINS DROPPED; TRADING LIGHT Better Export Demand Oats Little Doing in Liverpool for CHICAGO. Oct. 22. A dull nnd listless grain market confronted operator at the opening today. Price were easier ami continued to ease oft In the early hours. Trndlntt was light. Tho demand was smalt and offerlngn few, December wheat ended the day with a 3-cent low, while May wag down nearly 2 cents. A bcnrlsh sentiment continued to pre vail. Irregularity was predicted as long as tho weather continues so good and tho arrivals and movements so heavy. Tho underselling of Americans by Canadian dealers Is causing no little worry. Tho chief export sales are for Manltobns, with domestic trailing along far In tho rear. Corn nnd oats were firmer than wheat. Prices continued fairly steady. It Is ex pected that the continuation of tho fa vorable weather conditions will cause de pressions. Oats showed nn Increasing export demand, which gave a good sup port to quotations. Kxport sales reported totaled 1,COO,009 bushels of wheat, mostly Manltobas. Only 40,000 bushels of domestic were re ported, but it Is rumored that moro sales were made. Cash handlers Bold only 30,000 bushels of old corn No. 2 for sea board delivery. Liverpool was virtually Inactive, with American weaknesses overcome by light arrivals. Spot and cargoes were un changed. Leading futures ranged as follows les a s Wheat Open. High. Low. Close, close. December .. 1 ." 1.0.1 1.00 1.1H)4 l.oji, May 1,014 1.05 1.02'J l.Ol'H tl-04V Corn (new delivery) September .. 04i HI'i Kli (U B4li December .. tis-jj r.s-jj r,7'4 5S t-'S May fj) CO Btl'i SU'.i U'J! Oats December .. .fs an ss 38 3SH May 39' 40 0U5i .".' :iU;, l.rd October COO .0X Non ember ..tn.no 8.0." 8.W 8.1(0 'ii.tis January ... 11.07 0.07 8.03 0.02 tlU" nilxi October .... 032 n.x: to.iw January ... M)7 0.07 S.D7 8.07 0.05 Pork October M.40 1.1.37 13.37 13.40 November ..tS.fiO 13.00 13.43 13.."i0 13.CO January ...10.37 10.43 10.20 10.37 10.43 llld. tAsked LONDON STOCK MARKET Business Was Quiot Ponding News From tho Balkans LONDON, Oct. 22. Conditions custom nry at the end of the week ruled on the Stock Kxchange today, there being no session tomorrow. Business generally was quiet, but the markets were steady In tho main. A close watch was kept on tho news from the Balkans. Tho war loans were active, but they showed Ir regularity, following an upward move ment that has lasted for a week. Kxpcctatlons that the Government would finance the war from the proceed of Treasury bills, if possible, until the end of the year, helped tho undertone of other gilt-edged Issues. It is probable that the fixed rate for Treasury bills will bo advanced from 44 per cent, after next Tuesday's payment of the final in stalment of tho latest war flotation. Hesitation was shown In tho American section. United States Steel stocks were strong on the belief that the statement of earnings for tho quarter would be favorable. Financial Briefs Tho following stocks wilt bo quoted ex divldend today except for cash: Central Railroad of New Jersey and Girard Na tional Bank. Today and tomorrow J. G. Brill preferred will be quoted ex-dlvldend except for cash, The financial statement of the Packard Motor Car Company for the year ended August 31, 1915, shows cash on hand Sep tember 1, 1914, $2,426,463; receipt's el6,323,722; total, $18,788,187; express charges, pre ferred dividends, etc., $16,499,075; cash on hand August 31 1915. $2.289,UL Tha annual report of tho American Halting Company shows a decrease of $319,127 In profits. The surplus was $10,974 compared with $330.780 In 1911. 11. J. Jt. Cardeza and James A. Petrio have been elected dlrectcrs of the Ameri can Spirits Manufacturing Company. Chandler Brothers, Brown & Co. and Klemm & Keen were buyers of Rapid Trans't. G. S. Carrigan bought Union Traction. A large producer of copper says that inquiries for copper from Europe ag gregate a total of close to 100,000,009 pounds. He says one of the largest for eign buying movements since the war began Is likely to set In at any time. "In the meantime," said he, "the demand for copper Is not slack by any means. I estimate that close to 0,000,000 pounds of copper have been sold In the last 10 days. The fact that producers have been able to hold copper at 18 cents a pound Is strong enough evidence of tho strength of the copper situation." According to Bradstreet's, exports of wheat this week were 11,113,000 bushels J last week, 10,636,000 bushels; last year, 6,136,000 bushels. Since July 1, 99,482.000; year ago, 115.524,000. Corn shipments this week were 72,000 bushels; last week, 88,. 000; last year, 175.000. Since July 1. 3.427. 000; year ago, lt861.Q0Q ' Tho Pennsylvania Steel Company has received an order from the Norfolk and Western Itallway for 4000 tons of steel raits. It is reported that the railway will take COOO tons In all, the other 1000 going to the Cambria Steel Company. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Oct. 22. HOCSS. -Receipts, 14,000; market steady and Strom. Mixed and butch ers, 0.0O8T.0S: (rood heavy. IT 40(87.85; rough heavy, SO.D037.SO. Ilabt, fO.S3Q7.DO; pits, $9.40 B 83. bulk, $767.70. CATTLE. Receipts, SOOOj market steady, Beeves. J4.rWO10.4O; cows and heifers, 3.7r 8.1fi; stockers and feeders, $6.1568; Texans, lu.40rti8.30; calves, $0011. BHEEP.-necelpU, WHO. Markets steady. Nsttve and Western, $300.83; lambs, $6,639 7.73. COTTON NEW YOHK. Oct- 22.-In view of dis appointing cables and more favorable weather over the greater part of the belt, the cotton market this morning opened remarkably steady, prices being only 4 to 7 points lower. After the call a buying movement set In and before the end of the first 15 minutes prices were 4 to 6 points above yesterday's close. Yesterday 10:30 11:30 12:80 dose. Open. A.M. A.M. P.M. January 12.M 12.40 12.44 12.46 1.BT December 12.42 12.36 12.32 12.44 October ....... 12.31 March 12.74'l2.76 12.60 12.77 12.80 May 1288 12.8.1 12.81 12.00 18.03 July ......... 12.03 12.80 , RAILROAD EARNINGS VIHOINIA AND 8OUTHWX8TEHN. Year ending June 30l ,, 1818. Decrease. Gross U.7U8.S01 $130,804 Net 878,760 11, Ota Totst income A30.3U2 133. MS Surplus ....4.... 100,tK 1US,2T4 CHICAGO OREAT WESTERN. From July 1 f,sw.8" , OBOHG1A SOUTHERN AND JJJJRtaa. Set . .... 3M All Mundua ..M.Mt .s "1 s RANK CLEARINGS junk clearuus today compare with corre .ponding day larto jrear. , r.n'r."::!!:' 'sM aS8;g! Mew York. 470,814.848 1D7.472.83T J02,l43;iD7 RATES FOR MONEY . ., Call. pqlUdeiphla , S ft 4 kew York . ..,...,, . H3 IkftStMl . .8 romioerrlat paper 8 to 0 months, rblUdej; W. li4 per cent. Sales in Philadelphia Yesterday's close, lllih. Low. Close. 100 Ana Copper 73 78 75 2J Am Cement 44U 414W. 44H 8 Am Oa 116'i UiMt 1. 110 440 Am Loro ...... 72 73H 72 73U 7 Am II A L 18 17! 13H 150 Altoona 23 24J 23 40 Bald Loco 133M 1H 130H "8j 12.1 do pre! 109 109 100 109 853 D 8 pfd t C. 44U H 45S4 MH MS B ft fl t C 13 18(4 18H 17H SO B ft O W t3 03 383 Brill, JO 07 06 63 66 3 do pref 08 08 88 PS 6710 Oam Steel 7H 67 67 67H BJ0 Chi It 1 ft r.. 10H 17 15U 17 lOtO Col V A I.... 60'i BO BO BO CO Cent Leather .... RStf B8V4 B8V1 075 Klee Storage ... 7 Hi 72H 71 72Vi 4K) Oen Asphalt ... 3Mi 3BV4 80 36Ji 20 do rf "7S 72 72 72 T Ot North Ore... MVj B3H MTi M!i 10 Key Tel Co ... 14 14 14 14 400 Lake Sup Corp.. 1H tH 8'n Fit 10 Leh NaV 781a 7 78 SO Lch Val ........ 734 701i 78H .. 60 Leh Val Tr .... 18i 18H 18U 1814 303 do pref 37 38 37 38 200 Lit Bros in 10 10 23 North Cent 8IH 81ti 8U4 252 Tenna It It .... 3714 B51 BS BSW 40 Pa Salt Mfir ...101 101 10014 101 W) Penna Steet ... 8314 8S 00 OS 100 rhlla U'eo .... 27U 27S 27tt 274 800 T 11 T 11 15 14 15 CM do tr ctfs ... 1114 13 14S 13 0 Thlla Trae .... 70 70, 70 70 7 Fhla Qer ft Nor .. 110 140 110 100 ttay Cons 2314 2M1 2314 300 Beading- 7SH SO 78'4 80 1222 Tonopnh Bel ... 3",. 3",, 2 S 225 Tonopah Mln ... 04 &tt &' &!i 10i)7 Union Trac ... 42 43 4214 42; 10 U O I e'iti SOU 801J 3050 U 8 Steel 87 8714 SO5 87 335 War Ir ft St ... 1014 1014 1014 lOH BONDS. Last prev. sale. High. Low. Close. 0000 Am O ft B 5a.. 87H 88 SS 8S 31 Cam St acrp '16.102 102 102 102 002 do 1017 100'i 10014 1001, J00?i 4000 Elec ft P Tr 4s. 70 75 73 75 COUO Key Tel 1st 3s. . .. 0114 0t4 0414 11000 Leh Val gen 4s. 80 SO 80 0 1000 Leh Val cons Oa .. 110 110 110 1000 Market St El 4s .. 02 02 02 10000 Tenna Co 41is.. VS4 084 0S4 0814 23000 I'hlla Co con 5s 80 H SS4 Sdlj SS',, 4100 Phlla Ulec 4s... 7014 82 SO SO BOO do 5a 1021'j 103 10J 103 1CO0O Reading Een 4s. 0314 IUH MU 03 H 3UO0 Span-Am 1 6s.. 101 10114 101 101 GOOO Un Ilwy lnv Rs. .. 73 73 73 $100 BONDS Bid Asked. City ef Baltimore 4s 10R2 83 80 City ot Chi Har Con 4s 1017 80 City of N O Imp 3s 1023 100 City ot Vancomer 414 10-J3 02 04 New York City res 414s ioti.1 101 ltcv No York City rem 41,s lliiiO IKWi loola II & O. O St. L. K 1st 5s 10.V) 113 100 Cent Vermont Ky 1st reg 4s 1020.. 07 C U ft Q Den Ext 4s 1022 8SJ4 .. Chi M ft St 1 gen rfda cv r.s 2()14..1021t .. Chi M & St P conv 414s 10.12 !;. 0814 Col & So rcf & cxt 4'4s 1U.-I3 80 82 New York Central cv deb Os 103S..100 107 N Y ft G'wockI I. (Erie) lBt Be, 1040 118 no;! N Y N II ft 11 cv deb ctt 314s 1H3U ret 71 N Y N II A II cv. deb rcg 6a 1018. .110 113 Norfolk ft West 1st con 4a 1080.... 80 81'4 fio Pac-San Ernn Term 1st 4s 1030 70 SO?i Vlrglnlar Ry lBt 5s 1862 84 Amer Agr Chcm cv deb 5s 1021.... 83 8014 Amer Ico So deb Cs 1825 82'4 83I Amer Tel A Tel col tr ctf 4s 1820.. 87 Amer Tel A Tel conv 4!i 11)33 102 104 Beth Steel 1st ft ref 5s 1042 8K 10014 Central Leather 1st reg 5s 1025,... 88 Cities Service cv note is 1018 M'A 0914 Com P Ry A L cv (Is 1818 89 101 Con Power Co or M col n lis 1917.. 08 100 Denver Gns & Electric 1st 5a 1049,. 8214 0514 Oen Electric deb 314s 11U2 70 .. Lackawanna Steel 1st con Os 10 JO.. 82 01 LAclede Gas 1st 5a 1919 100 Liggett A Myers deb res 7s 1014... .121 124 Liggett A Myers deb reg 5s 1831. ..100 10.1 1 Lorlllard deb res 7s 1044 118 121 P Eorlllard dob reg 5s 1851 8S 1004 Montana Power 1st ft ret 5s 1043.. 81 821 New York Air Brake 1st cv Os 1U28. 10214 .. Wisconsin Edison cv deb (is 1024... 84 .. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK, Oct. 22. Prices on the coffee exchange were Irregular today. Today's Yesterday's opening. close. .December 0.B3 0.KlHil.(S January n.113 (Mi3ftH.tU March 0.720.75 0.IU(!0.71 April 0.74S0.75 May 6.7300.79 0.7S-f1.79 June a800.8l 6.83(26.84 July 684(jjO.S7 .... August 6.S5 .... September 6.07 0.08S6.00 Bld. Sales 7000 bags. $250,000 War Ransom Refused OTTAWA.Ont., Oct. 22. It has become known here that John C. Eaton, a wealthy Toronto resident, recently offered the German Government 1,000,000 marks for the release of a Canadian prisoner. The offer, which was made through the Swiss Government, was declined. The name of the prisoner has not been disclosed. American Pipe Financing Arrangements have been made with Drexel A Co. by the American Pipe and Construction Company to purchase on and after No ember 1, 1815, the first mortgage 0 per cent, bond of the Paris Mountain Water Company, ma turing November 1, 1910, with coupon duo November 1, 1013, attached, at par. Pursuant to the above, Drexel A Co. announce they shall be prepared on and after November 1, 1015. to purchase all of the above mentioned bonds, with coupon due November 1 1015, sttached, at par, upon presentation of the same, LEBANON LIQUOR MEN HIT BY DOCTOR STOUGH Evangelist Says They Tried to Boy cott, but Are on the Run LEBANON. Pa., Oct. 22. "There never was a time when the gang was more frightened than now, and I want to give notice to the 'rummies' that they are on the run," said the Rev, Dr. Henry W. Stough at the tabernacle last night. "It was a great compliment they paid us when they offered as high as $25 to mu sicians, members of a band engaged for the Sunday school and church parade scheduled for tomorrow evening. If they would refuso to march, "All those musicians will be in line notwithstanding the attempted bribe. This Is on par with the boycotts which are un dertaken by the liquor crowd In an effort to drive business men from this cam paign. What that devil's gang has never been able to sense is that Ood Is back of this movement of ours, and they can not pay us any greater tribute thaji to try to stop our bands. We want them to fight, and the more they do It the bet ter we like It, for we never feel good unless we are fighting for the right." Doctor Stough Is In high spirits follow ing his participation during the day In the injunction proceeding brought to re strain him from speaking on the an nounced topic of "Who Murdered Cy. Miller?" and among other things said: "I am the fellow who put 'pep' Into pepper and 'pain' Into campaign. It was Odd Fellows' night at the tabernacle and 300 men of the three lodges attended the service In a body. There were 40 "trail hitters," one of them being a young man who turned over to Doctor Stough the bottle of whiskey which he carried In his hip pocket. Sand Car on Fire A sand car belonging to the P. It. T. caught fire at 23d and Spruce streets eaily today. The excited motorman. In stead of putting out the" fire with sand, as the firemen did when they arrived later, sent In an alarm. Commercial Markets en Page 8 ANNUAL MKKTINftg "n3r NOTICK-THK ANNUAL MKKTINll B of the Contributors of St. Chris topiier's Hospital for ChtMresj wilt be held on 1iM4y, Novwtr , at 617 Chtnut street, at 12i20 p. m. ' Hr oreer or in Hoara ei Managers. CHARLES HKNKT BCQTT. Jr.. Secretary, PimSOTOslY OF ACCOUNTAMM MU 4rHsW4 a-eWte -"-'rrJf LAWKKNCK at. KKOWN OO, SHARP RISE IN LOCAL TRACTIONS: PENNSYLVANIA STEEL AT NEW TOpI Philadelphia Still Interested in Du Pont Powder Securi.1 ties -uespiie r acu jlhuu uiu uiuci iviarKeu ior Them Has Shifted to New York A wide Jump In napld Transit In the closing dealings today took the local financial district somewhat by surprise, although It had been known that a strong pool had been formed In the traction shares. Itapld Transit was per sistently bought all day. Around IS It met with some large selling orders, but by 2:30 o'clock these had been cleaned up, nnd In the flnnl minutes the price uas rushed up across 17. Confident predic tions of a change In the administration were heard on the Street, and these ap peared to carry with them a conviction that tho change would be of benefit to the traction system. At all events houses with political njllatlons wero the chief buyers. Union Traction also moved up. Although Philadelphia, which used to bo the chief mnrket centre for powder stocks, has given way to Now York, nevertheless there Is still considerable local interest In the various Issues of the du Pont gtoup. To be sure, mnny long held blocks of theso securities wero dis posed of on the recent rise, but tho storks and bonds nro still largely held In this city, nnd of lata thero has been considerable trading In and out In du Pont sharca themselves. Today local houses had orders to buy the stock at the market, despite the sharp overnight ndvance. It was stated by per sons usually well Informed as to the big powder's company's affairs that it has now nn accumulated surplus of mote than $123,000,000, nnd that the ofllclals of the compnny are looking for opportuni ties to Invest this enormous sum. It Is said that lately tho company has been aculrlng a considerable Interest In General Motors and that, although noth ing llku an amalgamation was contem plated, that certain members of the du Pont management would shortly appear on the General Motors board. Tho local tractions wero prominent features of the trading from tho start. The rise was accompanied by estimates that the dally receipts of the system were running $3000 to $1000 ahead of tho corresponding period last y... nJ business for the traptlnr. -...uoo over the country appears to be devtw inn. nnd notnhlv an In l,. t.i .JV1Tel0P districts and their suburbs. A grou- 7. local bankers la now In Pittsburgh specllng tho Philadelphia Comca. properties Incidentally, the t'nlted ifflu1 roads of San Francisco gave out th port for tho year ended June so, Whbt net decline of $329,920, but &.7t$&l lenresent n nrlrt l,f, il. ... "reai to be heavily patronlrcd and al,0 '" tho general Improvement In business w! suiien wen unacrway. T.ehlffh Vnllitt n1m.. .-.. to tho fine report for September wtT'v' showed an Increase In opcranK rev ch of J27.S10. a reduction in "xnen.. M' $10,950 and n train In R...i "Jt?nM 1 $40,316. Per I ,n, ..'.," ". et como Increased $H8,327. Dper"ng in- Pennsylvania Steel common advance... OS lorinv. n new Inn a. . nca.ta umall amount Is outstanding th.!!n! rise doubtless rerw. t"F ,i".rM, some pel sons to gather in the bL?. Deiore nny cicai is nnnounced. Caml.i Stec was nirnln nn nti. J.:.VI"brU trading, but nothing new was forth-om! ing ns to tho salo of the Property a feature ot tho later dealings was a .',, stocks, each of which rose several !!! menT h'Bh l0VC'S fr th Pr"' 5E Some rather wide changes occurred H several local Issues, although they we not heavily dealt in. Baldwin i fumU over 10 points, while Brill dropped Zt 2. but later recovered a part. Read? and Pennsylvania wero strong spot, .! so was Electric Storage Battery Regarding tho reports concerning thi Pennsylvania Itallroad's holdings ot Wl"! shares of Southern raclflc. it Is under stood the enmnnnv tt'nnlH ..n .u. . . . to any one who wnulH nnv . .-,.-... price. There are no outstanding ODtlons .u .u .utaiuMJ. a JIUIIUS. PUBLIC UTILITIES United Light and Hallways surplus oarnlngs for September incrensed 14 per cent. For 12 months ended September 13 the surplus Increased 6 per cent. Gross receipts of the Georgia Hallway and Power Company, amounting to $522,333 for September, made a small decline as compared with that month in 1914, but a curtailment of operating expenses gavq the company nn increase of $45,624 In net operating income, which totaled $227,714, equal to n gain of more than 20 per cent. Operating revenues for the nine months e.nded September 30, however, were In creased over thoso for the same period a year ago, total earnings amounting 'to $1,(33,457, a gain ot $20,110. Net earnings nflor expenses nnd taxes totaled $1,917,S9S, or $31,612 higher than ih the year preced ing. Tho second annual report of the Cali fornia Railway and Power Company, cov ering operation for the year ended June CO, 1915, sliowa an income of $141,268, and net earnings after expenses and charges wero $127,197. Dividends of 7 per cent, on the prior preference stock totaled $199,500, leaving a profit and loss surplus of $13, 633. Prior preference stock amounting to $100,000, par value, was called" for re demption on January 2, 1915, and only $1500 etlll remains unredeemed, against which there is on deposit an equal amount to redeem the stock at par. The United Railroads of San Francisco paid during the yenr $75,000 of the principal amount of Its notes held by the California Rail way and Power Company, thus reducing the amount to $1,925,000 now in the latter company's treasury. The Cleveland and Buffalo Transit Com pany -oassed the quarterly dividend of 111 per cent, "by reason ot a decrease In lako passenger traffic this season." A ..Im rtf mnr thnn K nt rpnl. In irrnSA business for September, 1913, over tho corerspondlng month of last year Is shown In the monthly financial statement Just issued Dy the i'uduc aervico iorporuuoii of New Jersey. The gross figures include the corporation's railway, gas and elec tric business. Tho Increase In surplus available for dividends was nearly $19,000. For the ninth-month period ending Sep tember 30, the gross Increase In business was nearly $1,000,000, and the increase in surplus available for dividends was nearly $290.000 ' Bank of France Gains Gold PARIS, Oct. 22. The following are the prin cipal Items In the statement of the Bank of Vrinca for the week endliur October 21: ir lanraj (Francs) uct. zi 4,0!'.,,70.000 BIH.ZMO.UUO Gold Silver Circulation .., Denoflttfl ..... ;..v .. -- . . i Jims uiscouiuaa ana extended bills ... Treasury deposits.. Kr.6fi0.00n Advances S71.230.COO Oct. 14 4.047,360.1100 .Hil.l'W.tMtO 13. 8-11 .000.000 13.732,000.000 .DH.UAf.WU ,Ull,74U.UUO 2.2in.4M).Ki0 R1.4 30.000 fi77.2S0.004 DIVIDENDS DECLARED General Chemical -Company, regular quar- 1 n stock ot record November 10, Bercner & Engel Brewing Company, regular aemlannual 4 per cent., payable November 1 to stock of record October 23. terly IVs per cent., payable December 1 To Erect New Tin Mill GABY, Ind., Oct. 22.-The American (Sheet and Tlnplate Company will erect a building costing $3,00O,0uo for the manufacture ot tin and sheet metal. Two thousand workmen will go to work on construction. New Rates on Pig Iron WASHINGTON, Oct. 22.-New rates on pig Iron from furnacee in southwestern Virginia were fixed today by the Interstate Commence Commission as follows; To Baltimore ' is o! a gross ton'. I'hlladelphla, $2.70; New Vork Ih.tXWWi"! M,'85' The railroads were ft points proportion to Intermediary GOVERNMENT BONDS 2s of 1MO registered , 2s of 1330 coupon Panama 2s resluered I'anama 2s In'lg realstered.. l'anama new 3s registered... i'anama new 3a coupon 3s of 1018 registered........ 3s of 1018 coupon... 4s of 1025 registered 4s of 1025 coupon.... Bid U7 .... 07 .... OO . ... I(rt ....100U ....looi; ....109 ....10H Asked OS'i 110 NEW RECORD ESTABLISHED FOR AMERICAN EXPORTS Foreign Trade Balance in September "1 Also Higher WASHINGTON. Oct 22.-FI,ir ,,.. public by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce reveal new high records in American export trade anil export balance. September, 1915, export totaled $297,766,750, and exceeded by $TJ,. 523.749 tho total for September, 113, and by $141,714,417 that for September, 1914. September Imports this year aggregated $151,422,831, being less by $19,662,012 than those of September, 1913, and more by ii,iu,iai cimn inose oi September last year. Nine months' exports this year totaled $2,529,575,095. compared with $1,457,101,553 last year and $1, 733,422,158 two years ago. ' Imports for the nine months' period of 1915 were valued at $1,002,281,591, against $1,410,071,871 last year and $1,327,3$3,071 two year.s ago. The September export balance was $H,, 313,919, being nine times as much as the export balance of $16,341,722 In September. 1914, and only $11,693,371 short of the ex port balance for the entire fiscal year xviu. xiiu nine iiiunius cnuing wirn RorttAtnhA last AtiftTtf an avnnrt tinlaniu of $1,227,293,501, an Increase of $1,170,000, 000 over that for the corresponding period of 1914 and $821,256,417 over that of 191J. Crew '.cvick Capital Increase Stockholders of the Crew Levick Company- win nuiu a. epcviai meeunff on ueceniDer U ' at noon, at the company's ofMoo In the Lani Title Building, to vote on a proposed In . crease In the capital atock from $2,500,OWI to S5.000.000. and on a nronosltlon to create an Issue of preferred stock to an amount to J uti ueciuea uy mo sincitsoiaers. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGf.H NHW YORK. Oct. 22. iIUTTErl.Marlc.. firm; receipts, SS80 packages. Eitra, 2Sc.l i uglier Bi-oniig, .ci,w--',ic, , mate aalry. 28c.: EOGS. Market, steady to Arm: receipts, 568(1 packages. Kxtra firsts, 3330c. firsts, 289 J2c.: nearby whites, C2835C.; mixed color. 28 37c; refrigerator firsts. 21V825V4c: nearby browns. 38040c. .-.. DIVIDENDS TUE AS1EHICAN CIAS COMPANY West Washlncton Square, Philadelphia, Fa., n. A n.B hare) has been declared on tha capital stock ji mm company, payarjie uec 1st, ibis, 4s Nov. 17th. 1916, Checks will be mailed. J. B. TOWNBEND. 8d. Trsasnrsr. THE GIRAItn VATinvn navir Philadelphia. October 39, 1918. JSfl The Directors have thla day declared a ) u...u..u ui Titiii per ceni. B,(, iree oi lax. payable November 1st. 1015, to stockholder! 2i.recj;rd at lhe close of business October 22d. Checks will be mailed. CHARLES II. ASHTON. Cashier. SrECIAf, KOTICEH JJgp AM. I'EllHONS AHK HEIIEUV CAU ' tloned asalnat harhnrlnff frnatlne "'r ' the crew of tho British steamihtpH Ivaslkiix. m vmi... . . . w . 1 .. ..u,j, jrnm uizeria, via uneiier, rat B. Smith, Master, as no debts of thelf contracting will be paid by the Master,! consignees, or by Earn Line BteamsWpl . v oinpanyAgents 4B2Bullltt Bulldlnr. IKS AM. I'KHSONS ARE IIEREBYIJAC. tloned acatnat tinrhnrfno. n, truittns !' of tho crow of tha Brltlnh steamin nuronian, rrom Savons, Italy. Wliuara Bcrogle, Master, as no debts of their con. trading will be paid by the Master, Con signees, or by Earn Line Steamship Com pany. 4S2 Bullitt Bulldlnr. I.EOAI. ADVERTISEMENTS I3S1NT1IK COURT OF COMMON riXAS ij "-' No. 1, for the County of Philadelphia. 4 ..w,i AVrill, 4VUU. no. DOU. ,oc la hereby given that an application ' will be made to the above Court on Friday. November nth, 1015. at on o'clock P. M. ' under the "Corporation Act of 1871" of thi Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and t supplements thereto for tho allowance .and i ' . ;r.'. u Bn amenament to the cnarnr , ?.f...!.1"I'ADELP,nA JEWIBJl SANATO RIUM for CONSUMPTIVES changlnr vi a ma 4 ex TM A 4u w ess t m . mw CONSUMPTIVES. The proposed amend. jnent u now on nl In tha Protbonotarr'l' SAMUEL K. LOUCIIKEIM, ' Solicitor. LINCOLN DRIVE HOMES HKL&TiaVT iH' W umi tuutinrnmuU DhB,i bj aaH. H 6 H oNV ERBl&lsKHraBw JBylBjflMaBM WuWffluuWKM'ty1- M''-4WuWW OLD SHADE. 40 TBAB8, FURNISH BEAUTIFUL SETTINO. AM EXCLVBIVI9 OW MANTOWN SITUATION. LOTS 400 FEET DSaT. McCLATCHT LINCOLN DRIVE- HOMES, $8500 UPWARD These homes are located at IJncoln Drive n4 Carpenter Iavp-a, JOHN M. McCLATCUV, Land Till. BuUdl, UU,DKII aUl OWXIR