Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 22, 1915, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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Boone uuum jjaat rugnw iurs. (Joxe and Mrs
Churchman Entertain at Waldorf
mvn the rhllsdelphlans who are
Kij-lng In Hot Spring's aro Itr. nnd
r J4htl I" "" "lr' rni
KSieined t dinner last mam at uoone
L )) fTUeSlB gulllK wii i,wwfc uiivukii
.. imj rtitt-nlnor hv rrtnnnlltrht.
r'wpoas -".. . "--
who Attended inciuuca flir. ana
t Morris Carneglo. Mr, and Mrs.
Lho Kerlcy Mitchell, Miss ConstAnco
on. Mr. ana Mrs. urate; ultimo,
J .ml Mrs. W. Earl Dodge. Mr. and
El Lawrence Ferrln, Mr. and Mrs.
Rj perrln. Mr, Frederick O. John,
,.. B. Inman, Mr. Charles S. In-
itr and Mrs. Edwin II. Fltlcr, Mr.
Mn. Vllliain ittwi ", i. jviiu
' wniiam 11. SlmoiiB. Mr. J, Gordon
ilM nd Mr' Thomas Sltdcll.
ifLmnt those who have gone to Coop-
rVeddlnl of Miss Emily Borio Ryer
r....... nf Mm. Arlhur livnraon.
i Hi George Hyde Clarke aro Mr. .
LiMnrris. Miss Sophia Dorlo Norrls,
FLsd Mrs. Arthur Rush, of this city,
; jjr. anu mi m " ""i
TOrK, Will BIHU uo iiieauui. 411U
I and DriQttl patiy will uo enter
i .i a. dance tonight, at Hyde Hall.
cme of Mr. Clarke. Miss Rycrson
i tf6 HO aiiciiutuiia ui uiu nvuuiiiBi
L win ha six ushers and a best man.
Ttuv Torkers. Mrs. Ryerson will give
17 . ,. . . l .. AA If. Y..I...
Mugiucr lu " u uiiii
Imoii. a brother of tho bride, will bo
,rf the ushers.
,. Alexander Brlnton Coxe and Mrs.
an nuiiiiiun ciiici imiicu uv
' last nlgnl ai ino "niuori in mew
5ambr of persons from this city whp
spcnuins; neverai uaa ni miu iviiz-
AjSn, rw lorn, uhjiuuu .4i0. xiai
warhnrton. Mrs. Charles A. Munn.
Rjfrn. Henry Llpplncott, Mr. Gouver-
rCadwalloer, airs, fiawara r. moies-
and her aaugntcr, Mrs. "waiter
Its, of Baltimore.
jfce marriage of Miss Katharine Her-
Kremer ana ur. iiuuib huuiuilii x-hko
(tke place on Saturday, December 11.
jt. Raymond S. Keyes, wlfo of Lleu-
t commander K.eycs. u. a. ., nas
Invitations ror a Dtiage party, to De
on Wednesday afternoon, October
t 1 30 o'clock, nt her homo, 2330 South
street The arcnir win do in nonor oi
Bother, Mrs. E. A. Fcrnald, of Pen
is, Fla., who is nor guest at present.
,st those inviica nre Airs, uaipn Jj-
I, Mrs. samuei cogan, Airs. a. a.
Mrs. Hiram Seelye, Mrs. Alex-
f B. Williams, lurs. wiiiiam iuo
. Mrs. Charles A. Lutz, MrB. Henry
r, of Rlvcrton, N. J., Mrs. Morris,
W. F. Cochrane, Mrs. Caperton, of
ind. Mrs. Toulon. Mrs. Ducey.Mrs.
r. Hill. Mrs. L. J. Maglll, Mrs. Parker,
J, Marston, Mrs. Lotz, Mrs. is. v.
Mrs. Drake, Mrs. T. Z. Fillmore,
It H. Norton, Miss Blanche Lane,
R. B. Sullivan, Mrs. Weir, Mrs.
inr Livingstone, Mrs. Porter, of Rlver-
m and Mrs. Fred M. Bogan.
to. Charles Rogers, Jr., of 415 West
ord street, ana Mrs. J. weison tur
ecs, of 240 School House lane,' have
ted Invitations for a children's party
ihturday, October 30, at tho Casino on
kl avenue. About 40 cnuaren win
lltrds have been received announcing
tttasrrlage of Miss Mary KODertson
, daughter Qt Mrs. itooert aiewari.
L of Norrlstown. to Mr. J. Cleve-
i.Csstle. on Wednesday, October 20.
t home of tho brlde'a mother. Mr.
:Mra. Castle will be at home after
aber 1 at the FranKlln, isornsiown,
fife nd Mrs. Harry Cobb Kennedy and
i Elizabeth Kennedy, who havo been
iding the early fall at Haverford, have
ned to their npartment, 220 West
nhoue square.
Rirs. John SInnott, who has been apend-
' It- . A. A. 1I
uie summer monino iriivenns
8th California where she visited
tne San Francisco Exposition ana
6in Diego Exposition, will return
fly and loin Mr. Slrtnott at their
rtment. 1527 Snruce street.
Ik. and Mrs. Alexander Hamilton Rice,
hftvn hpn vltflttno Mr nnrt Mrs.
"Engene Dixon, left Saturday for
rnia where they will visit all tho
U of Interest. They will return
the end of November and spend
winter In New York, where they will
i nouse. Mrs. Rice win tie rcmem-
M Mrs. George D. Wldener before
carriage a few weeks ago.
JPtt Anita M. Sanders and Miss Estello
s, of 1223 Locust street, who have
spending the summer on the Max-
rtruthers Burts Ranch at Jackson's
JO., have returned and have
seendlng soma time ftt Lenox, Mass.,
mey joined their aunt, Miss Hen
Sanders. Thnv will nnfn thnlr
house this week, which they will
for the winter.
Kobert Rathhim. vuhn innt mavitaI
I here last week, has returned to Talo
! lor Class.
and Mrs. Couch and family, of
N. T., will spend the Thanks-
holtd&va Aft tliA mnmtn tt Mr. nnd
traifora u, couch at their farm,
ui, near West Chester, ra.
) Srst meetlnr tVila fall nf hn Tl-fihle.
I lUh ft Tl.llnA1nl.l .lll IntrA nl.M
Vk w- UlUUCJJUia Will MHO 4JVW
Kjfnesday morning, October 27, in
' "uroom of the Acorn Club. The of-
I 'Or tho ensillnir vnr ura "Ml-H 1V11
I.Mmnmn T . tM a. W ......
lvvT'"'''w,, ,, prcaiuGiiii jura, .jstmu
llj'fy, first vice president: Mrs. II.
gtVTmrell, second vice president! Miss
! wcuutoheon, treasury; Miss W.
Ohan. aaslstnnt truinnir! rxnnril.
iretary. Mrs. Frank P. Brooke.
"JM. Mlaa Gertrude Armstrong and
,tUdred Benners.
Uong the Main Line
RBrtOOK. The Entertainment
U of the Overbrook Golf Club, of
..f Philip A. Castner la chairman,
Hog a delightful maaaua danco the
'f Monday, November L when the
will be appropriately decorated
Jswtumn leaves and pumpkin Jan-
JJT Logan MacCoy, of City Line,
tmmron s party Monoay aiier-
1 hOnOr nf thn lilrthflav O-nnlvAr
Wtl Mlra Janet MacCoy, About
i win d present,
Mra. Frederick Fraley. who
i SPWidlnr the late fall with Mrs.
Mother. Mm. William If TTnrnt.
J Iferwynden, wU open their town
Jjenber t Mr, and Mm, Ilorat-
,m cuose Norwynden early in
na open their home, Sl South
t for the winter.
Pv, Charles Wadsworth, Jr., and
LMsworth and their family, have
a lnlr wne, wen overbrooit
worn tmr fummer residence at
MfSU James If. nilllnftnn hnva
their homn MtU street and
SQ&&. afti an vUnilv frln
,h West, where thnv visited the
en at San Diego and an Fran-
Aanft lr.iM , i. . ..
t iui hoh an(j brio,, to be slvw
tndMrs. John R. Fell Hosts at Delightful Dinner at
Wedn,.ime.',.848 ortn M . n
guests. n"")oon. There will be 24
affiW?0.0- nnd M"' M- A-
V?. iS .mVL.1 nd eftr,y wlnt" "h
f I?ni,of ?J?n roaa' w' About
tho middle of Docember for Ashvllle, N.
p., where they will pass the remainder of
the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. John Joyce, Jr.. of Lan
caster road, are entertaining Mr. Joyce's
Onlo1"' T' Dm?' of Colu:n'u.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 8. Poor will leave
Maine the early part of November and
open their Wynnewood home.
J?ilYN ?IA,wn--Mra. Robert E. Btraw
bndge, of Meadow Lodge, will leave to
day for Boston to spend the week-end
with her son, Mr. Robert E. Strawbrldge,
Jr., who Is at Harvard.
Dr. and Mrs. Henry C. Earnshaw have
been entertaining Miss Florence Hayes,
of St. Louis.
fVlAAKN0X.A'7Mrs' J' Dltworth Beggs.
aL p't.tsburs'. Is visiting her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
D. Beggs.
,u,r' 2nd J,rs- ac"ge R. Packard and
ttieir daughters have returned to Tho
Meadows from Upper Saranao In tho
Adlrondacks, where they spent the sum
mer. Owing to tho family being In mourn
ing Miss Mary F. Packard and Miss
Elizabeth W. Packard will not make their
debuts until next year.
Mr. and Mrs. E Iwnrd Browning will
open their town house. 1511 Locust street,
about the 1st of November.
RADNOR.-Mrs W. W. Montgomery.
Jr.. entertained the Main Line Reading
Club at her home In Radnor Monday
afternoon. Among those present wero
Mrs. Lewis C. Wilson, Mrs. Ledyard
Heckschcr. Mrs. Thomns Newhall. Mrs.
w. w Montgomery. Br., Mrs. Burton
h.?ncS,ana Mr8, Adolph G. Roscngarton.
Mr. II. lalo Dolan entertained at din
ner Tuesday night at tho Huntingdon
Valley Country Club.
PrV?N,-Mr- ftnd Mr- C. Emory Mc
Mlchael and family havo returned to
Knoll House. Devon, from Smith nri.
mouth. Mass , where they spent tho sum-
Miss EIlzabAth McMlchaol, niece of Mr.
nnd Mn. McMlchael. has decided not to
make her debut until next season.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Gerhort, Jr.,
of Bangor road, Cynwyd, will give a
theatre party tomorrow night, followed
by a dinner. In honor of their son, Mr.
Joseph M. Gerhart, 3d. The guests will
be Mr. Edward Spencer, Mr. Alpheus Mc
Cracken. Mr. Walter Southcrland, Mr.
Henry Chubbuck. Mr. Arnold Nicholson.
Mr. BiBhop Barr, Mr. Robert Lloyd. Mr.
Carroll Armstrong, Mr. Clinton Getty,
Mr. Allen Lloyd and Mr. Willis Gerhart.
Mr. Joseph M. Gerhart, Jr., and his
brother. Master Willis Gerhart. will gtve
a Halloween costume dance Monday,
November 1, when about 24 guests will
be prcFent.
Mrs. Robert T. O'Reilly, Miss Fran
clsca O'Reilly and Miss Martha T.
O'Reilly have moved Into their new home,
112 Birch avenue. Bala,
Chestnut Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Potter and Mr.
and Mrs. Daniel Hebard will leave on
November 1 for Quebec to be gone a
month on a hunting trip.
' Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hawley, of 222
Nippon street, havo returned from a
trip to New York. Mrs. Hawley was
Miss Emily Taylor before her marriage
In June.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Berkeley Hackett, of
Mt. Airy avenue, will leave today for
Atlantic City to spend a fortnight.
Mrs. John J. Courtney, of 6537 Chow
street, has returned from a stay In At
lantic City.
Mrs. William Conroy, of Greene and
Penn streets, gave a largo euchre and
"600" in St. Vincent de Paul's Parish
Hall, East Price street. The proceeds will
be devoted to charity.
Dr. and Mrs. M. J. ICarpeles, of the
West Chelten Apartments, have closed
their cottage nt Wlldwood Crest and re
turned to their home.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Perry Cummins, of
5736 Greene street, havo returned from
an extended stay in California.
Mrs. John II. Dyo, of E810 Greene
street, and her niece, Miss Clarissa Lo
gan, have returned from a visit In
Washington, D. C.
Along the Reading
Mrs. Freda Brummund will give a
dance tonight, at tho Old York Road
Country Club, In honor of her niece. Miss
Erma Ellse Brill, Mies Beatrice Adams
will assist In receiving. The decorations
will be carried out in blue and gold, and
covers will be laid for 40 guests. A must
cale will precede tho dance.
Mrs. William Newlands, 4152 North
Broad street, Logan, entertained the
members of her sewing circle at dinner
on Tuesday ovenlng. Those present were
Mrs. M. Buchanan, Mrs. Samuel Doak,
Mrs. George Dutton, Mrs. John Freeburg,
Mrs. John Harper, Mrs. John Lamon,
Mrs. Thomas Lamon, Mrs. Thomas Mil
llgan, Mrs. William Newlands, Mr;.
Joseph Watt and Mrs. William Watt.
The table was beautifully decorated,
the color scheme being pink.
Who will be guest of honor at a
dance to bo given by h,er aunt,
Mm, Freda Brumimind, tonight.
Tho marriage of Miss Lillian Q. Foley,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Foley,
to Mr. Leonard J. Deo took place on
Wednesday at noon, In St Clement's
Church, Paachallvlllo. Father Dough
erty omclated. The bride's only at
tendant was her alster, Miss Katharine
Foley, and the best man was Mr. Thomas
Dee, a brother of the bridegroom. A
wedding breakfast at tho home ot the
bride's parents, 7214 Greenway avenue,
followed the ceremony, after which Mr.
and Mrs. Deo left on their wedding trip.
They will make their home In Chicago.
The marriage of Miss Anna M. Klaus,
sister of Mrs. Ernest Knapp, to Mr.
Harry C. Kulp, of Tioga, will take place
tonight, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Knapp, 1718 Bristol street. The Rev. C.
8. Kulp, ot Datton, Pa., tho bridegroom's
uncle, will perform tho ceremony, which
will bo followed by a reception for the
relatives. The bride will wear her trav
eling suit of brown gabardine cloth,
trimmed with fur, and a corsage bouquet
of orchids and violets. Mr. and Mrs.
Kulp, upon their return from their
honeymoon trip, will live In Tioga.
Mr. Georgo .Eller. of 2213 North 13th
street, has announced the marriage of his
daughter. Miss Reglna Eller, to Mr. John
Sidney Thomson, on Saturday October 2.
Tho at home cards Inclosed are for after
November 15, at 6146 Torresdalo avenue.
A very pretty wedding took place on
Wednesday night at tho home of Mr. and
Mrs. Solomon Lubcroff, of 1928 North 7th
street when their daughter, Miss Anna
8. Luberoff, was given In marriage by
her father to Mr. Louis A. Adclman, of
Phlllpsburg, Pa. Tho ceremony was per
formed by Rabbi Albert Wetss. The bride
woro a beautiful gown of whlto satin,
draped with not and embroidered with
pearls. Her veil of tullo was arranged
with a wreath of natural lilies of the
valley. Bride roses and lilies of tho
valley were carried. Miss Rose Luberoff
was her sister's maid of honor. Her
gown was ot golden satin, trimmed with
tulle to match. Her bouquet was of
yellow roses.
Mr. LouIb Luberoff, the bride's brother,
was Mr. Adelman's best man. A largely
attended reception was held after the
ceremony. The bridegroom and bride left
on the wedding Journey, and upon their
return will live at Phlllpsburg.
South Philadelphia
The wedding of Mr. R. McMullln to
Miss Clara Peak took place at the home
of the bride, 2150 South Lee street, on
Wednesday evening, October 6. The bride
was attended by Miss Stella Peak, and
Mr. James Peak was tho best man. The
couple left for Washington, D. C, for
their honeymoon.
A surprise party was tendered Mr. Al
bert J. Culbertson at his home at 1947
South 4th street on Saturday, October 9.
A birthday party was given Miss Carrie
Dick by Mr. and Mrs. E. Carr, at 144 Mif
flin street. Those present Here Miss Vir
ginia Mozoczl, Miss Pearl Hesslngton,
Miss Olga Kcarnlpfor, Miss Maryann Sam
son. Miss Carrie Strang, Miss Mary Henry.
Miss Henrietta Lutnes, Miss Hattle and
Miss Florence Plough, Mrs. B. Blashous,
Mr. William Dick. Mr. John C. Patterson,
Mr. Matthew McKeown, Mr. James Mc
Keown, Mr. John T. Tlttermary, Mr.
David Spratt, Mr. Joseph Cooper, Mr.
Richard Grcsh, Mr. Robert Morris, Mr.
John Gerhart. Mr.' William Plough. Mr.
Nicholas Blashous, Mr. Lewis Stddens
and Mr. John Brennan.
Northeast Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. Emll G. Saltzmann, who
recently returned from their wedding trip,
will give a masquerade party tonight.
Their guests will be Miss Margaret C.
Ilansell. Mr. Edward Masterson, Miss
Jennie Costello, Mr. John Costello, MIbs
Marlo'O'Keefe, Mr. James Comford, Mr.
and Mrs. Nicholas Carney, Miss Mar
garet McCann, Mr. Aloyslus Kane, Miss
Mamie McCann, Mr. Joseph Hayes, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Wardle, Mr. Jack Bur
ger, Mr. Levi Moffett, Mr. Lemuel
Rasher, Mrs. Saltzman and Miss Anna
C. Regan, of Aramlngo avenue.
The Northeast Hiking Club took Its
weekly walk last Sunday In tho direction
of Croyden. 'About 15 enjoyed the de
lights of the trip. The officers of the
club are Miss Rose Samet, Miss Irene
Walker, Miss May Maund, Miss Bella
Tho 33d Ward C. A. R. L. Yearly Ben
eftciat Society will hold a theatre ben
efit In a short while. The. committee
working out the affair Is made up of
Mr. Charles Bechtlo, Mr. George Heuges
and Mr. John Voir.
Mrs. Anna Fellman Greenwald, of New
York, la the guest of her mother, Mrs.
William Fellman, of 2356 North Front
Mr. A. M. Waldron, of Front street and
Susquehanna avenue, widely known In
social, business and political circles In
Kensington, Is touring the Middle West.
Mr. and Mrs. John Houston, who were
married September 29, have returned from
their honeymoon trip to Richmond and
other southern points and are at their
new home, 209 Olney avenue. Mrs. Hous
ton was formerly Miss Lillian Serter, of
Last week the A Class of the senior
year at the Northeast High School for
Girls gave a corn roast at Olney, The
girls met at Olney, and chaperoned by
Miss Bmythe, of tho faculty, hiked to the
woods three miles away, A bonfire was
started, and corn, sweet potatoes and
other edibles were roasted midst great
merriment. At the conclusion of tho
festivities the girls grouped around their
chaperone and sang the school song, In
charge ot the arrangements wero Miss
Sara McLaughlin and Miss Helen Nyce.
Delaware County
Mrs. Alexander K. McClure, oi Walling
ford, Is entertaining her sister, Mrs. F.
F. DeCrano, of St. Augustine, Fla.
Mr. and Mrs C. A. Ownes, of Ridley
Paris ore visiting In New York,
Miss Clara MoVey and Miss Ella
Shakespeare, who have been the guests
of Mrs. Harvey E. Prendervllle, of Clifton
Heights, return tomorrow to their homes
In Marshalltown, Md,
The Clvle Association of Ridley Park
will hold Us third annual photographic
contest In the Auditorium on November
20, Eligible must be residents of the
Park or members of the Civic Associa
tion. The committee In charge consists
of Mrs. Charles O, Hazel, Miss Margaret
Kellogg. Mr. Edwin T. Bullock, Mrs,
Lewis B. Dlsbrow, Mr. Harvey Reld and
Mr. Louis Lloyd.
Mrs. John Pomeroy, of Ridley Park, has
returned from a short stay at Atlantic
Xt4eM fr M SotUtr paw wtH be
accepted aa4 prhited la tke Kiealiir
l4cer, but M Mtoh ttottce must h
written a oa side at Mi tjer, mmt be
lm4 la fuel, with tH smUtcm, Md
wfcea BH4t Ulee4oiw awafecr nut lit
8ed U such comatBaleaUoaa to
"BocWir X4ttr, EtMitas; Lr.r.
M Chtetaat street,
U1m thesa raaitU-emesita ,re carried
t B Mwt verMeraUoa mar be Mulble,
Um aetlee wrtl ret be puWIefc.a.
tL&LssalHDfflissaK' HLHRslSslsalBBlH
hiUMm9t HssKwilsslsH
BHHHKr lllllllllllllllllllH
ilslslslslslslslslslslslslsBsVjilla ..alLalLalH
aeBSaeBSaeHssavMiasaeflBflEiaRsnBeBSaeBSa w It W. .-. a i B
f ; . ,.7 , Ul
WBr m , v '? . . vj
Er xV k' "-'ll
Hr m a-Aj
, a. M
Bu, A ' n
Jsae'sBaw' -.-:A. . &M 1
A debutante of last season, who will be a member of tho receiving
party nt the tea which will bo Riven to introduce Miss Dorothy
Dinsmore by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald A. Dinsmore, on
October 30.
Debutante Doings
Miss Margaretta Dixon Myers and Miss
Sarah Sergeant Myers, the charming
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. William Hey
ward Myers, will make their debut this
afternoon at a tea to bo given by their
parents, nt their home in St. Davids.
Among the debutantes who will assist
In receiving will be Miss Sarah C. Nell
son, Miss Charlotte Eleanor Pepper, Miss
Elizabeth Wilmcr Griffith, Miss Christine
Haro Stockton, Miss Mariana W Gowen.
Miss Elizabeth Wharton Downs, Miss
Gertrude L. Pancoast, Miss Mary Dixon
Thayer, Miss Martha Thornton Mc
Allister, Miss Margaret Ondcrdonk Re
mak, Miss Eleanor Werner and Miss
Barbara Mlfllln Boyd.
Later In the evening Mr. and Mrs.
R. II. Bayard Bowie will give a dance
at their summer home, Mldwoods, Chest
nut Hill, In honor of Miss Charlotto M.
Cheston, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Rad
cliffe M. Cheston, and Miss Mary E. Uoh
len, daughter of Mrs. Woodvlllo Bohlcn.
Prior to the dance, Mrs. Andrew Alex
ander Blair, of Flourtown road and Gra
ver's lano, Chestnut Hill, will entertain
at dinner In honor of Miss Edith Nelson
Page, when the guests will Include Miss
Elizabeth Wharton Downs, Miss Char
lotto M. Cheston. Miss Mary Dixon Thay
er and Miss Alfreda C. Lewis.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapman Thomp
son will also entertain at dinner before
tho dance, at their home in Merlon. In
honor of Miss Sarah C. Netlson, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Ncllson.
North Philadelphia
Miss Viola Harmer, of 915 North 16th
street, has returned home from a trip
to Pittsburgh. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Wieand, of
1907 Diamond street, entertained at din
ner and cards on Monday evening In
celebration of the tentH anniversary of
their marriage. Golden chrysanthemums
were used In the decorations. Their
guests included Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Calvin Trum
bower, Mr, and Mrs. Harry G. Querns,
Miss Sarah Rylands, Miss Christina Hy:
lands, Dr. and Mrs. J. Dewey and Mr.
and Mrs. A. D. Mlllett.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Buch, of 865
North 20th street, returned Monday from
an extensive trip through the West.
The Norrls Penn Chapter, Order of
the Eastern Star, banquotcd a number
of Its Philadelphia friends Thursday eve
ning. The local guests were marshaled
to Norrlstown by Mrs. Anna Buch, chap
lain of St. John's Chapter, and Miss Mary
L. Frlcke.
Bt. John's Chapter will hold Its annual
banquet at the Majestic Hotel October
26. Covers will bo laid for 100 guests.
The Committee of Arrangements Is Mrs.
Mary E. Raff, W. M.; Mrs. Anna Buch,
chaplain; Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton, Mrs.
Margaret B. Hamilton, Mrs. Rose Cooper
-Learn to Think
Thtnklnc la the moat valuable and the
rarest human asset. All PprIe can
greatly Increase thlnklnc ability and
hence their success. Training in think
Ine constitutes a necessary basis of all
courses. Publio Speak Inir. Elocution,
Er.ellsh, Salesmanship, Authorship. In
lere.tlnc literature on application.
Classes now opening:, Call or phone.
Spruce 8218.
NEFP COLLEGE Ch..tnutStreet
"Country Day School for Boys'
lVnnewoo, Pa.
Her. aibson Dell, Head Mastsr.
rhone Ardmore 1S22.
Strayer'g Buiines Collego
801-807 Chestnut St., l'hll.
Practical cour.es. Moderate prlcea Positions
(uarantsed. Day & nlsbt aesslons. Enroll now,
E C K W E R ' S
Philadelphia Musical Academy
1617 llpruce hi. un season.
Branches, 0029 Qtn. Ave., 1 S. 624
St. ISm't Artists In Faoulty, Proa's.
Edwin A. Olfill "erooved to
WHs. J. Both. MUa- BAC
Cbamtsra-Wylle Memorial 1418 No. 18iB at.
10 0. 1B1U ki. Catalojr oa Kwaes
St.. Taconr
Arturo Anetaonl Volc' iulUn Method.
roiM """ s Thoroujn Exponent
Art of btl caate, SM go, ItrUu Keter
West Philadelphia
Miss Beatrice Banks Zeltner, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Charles Zeltner,
of 6102 Springfield avenue, whose mar
riage to Mr. Harry B. Miller will take
place on November 10, will bo the guest
of honor at a box party to be given on
the afternoon of Saturday, October 30, by
MIfs Marian Murray. Tea will follow at
tho Bellevuc-Stratford.
Miss Rosalia Oliver, of 4017 Pino street,
will glvo a dinner on Saturday night at
tho Philadelphia Cricket Club before the
regular weekly dance. Her guests will
Include Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ball, Mr.
Frank Patterson. Mlsa Mary Dove, of
Washington, who Is the guest of Miss
Oliver for a week, Mr. George Fetter
man and Mr. Baldwin Edwards.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Adams, after
spending the summer at Rangeley Lakes,
Me., havo returned to their apartments
at Hamilton Court; .
Miss Alice II. Graft, or Hamilton Court,
has returned from South Poland, Me
The Boy Scout Troop No. 1 of Mill
bourne will start on a hike on Sunday for
ten miles In the country. They will be In
charge of Corporal Louis Welnsteln.
Mr. George Wharton has Just returned
after spending a few days In Cardington,
visiting his aunt, who Just returned from
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pyle, of Hill
Dale road, are visiting in Boston.
Tho Fellowship Club will give a dinner
and theatre party on November 17.
The Ladles' Aid Society of the Pres
byrerlan Church will hold a cake and
candy Bale on October 30.
The Ever-Ready Club, of the Baptist
Church, will give an entertainment to
morrow ovenlng.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Bletz, of Holmes
burg, are receiving congratulations on
the birth of a son. Mrs. Metz will be
remembered as Miss Clara Wlekle,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wlekle,
of Frankford avenue.
Invitations have been received from
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Newbold, of Torres
dale, for a theatre party on Saturday
night, November 6, In honor of Miss
Marlon Isabel Zimmerman, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Zimmerman, of
C. Ellwooil Carpenter Studio, 1123 Chestnut
t. The school "exceptional." Private and
class lemons dally. Begtn's class, formtar.
930-81 Perry Building, 10th and CheatnuL
TeL Spruce 4238.
9nanUVt flac now forming. Free trial
tjpaniSIl VISSS jeeion. Terms reasonable.
Dally from 0 to D.
La Salle College ""OSUiSP
Enrlnernr, Artt, Pr-Medica ana liutlaMi
Couriei. Hlffb Bchool and department for llttlt
witi uiuiwsiuui uu upvrTISea ininua.
larshlos ottered. Bvenlnr rla.
uiiu. uumb jsuwAliU, President.
School now open for fall and winter terms.
TV tsach gymnastics. German, drawlnat
needlework and iwlmmtn to children. T le
10 years, for IS per year. Enroll your chil
dren now. Broad and Columbia are.
SPANISH 1 the old Castlllan
The Klrschbaum School of lAnfuse-es. 1B24
Chestnut Bt. tWelihtman Bid ) .; iggn
1714 Chestnut St. Phone Sprue XtlT,
mm VAN LEER, Tenor
Solo Tenor, Central Consrtf stlonal, BrooUra.
Concert, Oratorio, Sonr Hscltal, voice Cul
lure. ruil8 HLbQ, jo B. 18TH air.
Rahn Bchool of Muate
HAMILTON ,';Vi'Xy" ArtofSlntdn,
Contralto Soloist. Church of the Holy Trinity!
BtudiP. Kstsy Hall. Walnut at 17th en.
Voice, Piano and Directing.
wi vmo1 ma chestnut bt.
UII1U 21' ,-,.,,, u,t as. 2
VM4HUi '
Society Folk Will Be Seen
Arcadia Next Monday,
to Aid Actress' Club
AT THE Arcadia this week, from a o-
Jtx. elf ty Mnndpolnt, on Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday there will be an unusual
attraction. In tho first place, Mary Pick
ford, Idol of the film drama, will be seen
as stnr In a presentation of "A Girl of
Yesterday," a unique play having to do
with n girl of our grandmother's time
transported Into the present and courted
with every modern accompaniment, such
as the automobile, the aeroplane and the
Much Interest will centre about tho
modern picture, entitled ''Melodramatic
Movies," under tho auspices and direction
of tho Charlotte Cushman Club which
numbers among Ha membership as Its
president, Mrs. Otis Skinner, nnd some
of the most prominent women social
workers of the city. Included In this list
may be mentioned Vice Presidents Mrs.
Mortimer Brown. Mrs. Samuel Chew and
Mrs. James Largo; Treasurer Mrs. Clin
ton Itogers Woodruff; Itecordlng Secre
tary. Mrs. Edward needier Flnck; Corre
sponding Secretary. Mr. Newton M. Potts;
Uonrd of managers. Mrs. Wayland Hoyt,
Mrs. Mahlon H. Kline, Mrs. II. fcmott
Hare, Mrs. James Klverson, Jr., Mrs.
Theodore Vorhees, Mlsa Lydla T. Morris.
Mrs. William Harnham, Mrs. Clarenco
Zentmlnger, Mrs. Henry P. Bartow.
Mrs. Stanley Flags, Jr., Mrs. ndward
T. Stoteebury, Mrs. Horatio Gates Lloyd
and Miss Frances C. Grlscom. The cast
of characters in tha plcturlzatlon drawn
from the ranks of fashionable society
will bo made up as follows:
Jacob Livingston, banker.... Qeorge P. Warder
S"?fB: his dauthter... Miss Bonnie Dorle Norrls
Ilobert deforest. In loe with Gloria
,, . . Thomae McKean
Pauline Barton, postni; as titled foreigner
,. . . . . Mls Alberta Brlnton
Clifford Barton, husband ot Paulina
, ,. . . , . Caeaarl Sturanl
Reginald Lonsdale, a pal of tho Bartons
,.... . C. Reginald Ostes
fjclrch. the famous detective... tvm. B. Whelen
Two plain clothes men ....Dr. Joseph Tunis
. .. ,. E. s. Buckley. 3d
A Maid Mlse Margery Townsend
5?.aJ2ito fa"''". ..Miss Sarah Beecher Flnck
Fashionable Modiste .Mlse Anita Phlppa
"utl'r J. Randall Williams. Jr.
Footman ...Charles SInnlckaon, 3d
The Christian Endeavor of the Garret
ford Baptist Church gave a delightful
Halloween social last evening. Among
the members present were Mr. and Mrs.
D. J. Hannum, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cart
ledge, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cartlcdsre, Jr.,
Mrs. E. W. Bearse, Mrs. W. S. Robin
son, Mr. F. C. Gretz, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Hower, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Richardson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jackson. Mr. and
Mrs. John Dewees, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Atlce, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Matthews,
Miss Helen Bearse, Miss Corlnna Hater,
Miss Beth Harral, Miss Mary Erb, Miss
Ruth Carpenter, Miss Sara Cartledge,
Miss Mildred Marshall, Miss Clara Wil
son, Miss Anna Leaver, Miss Vivian But
terfoss. Miss Nellie Butterfoss, Miss
Edna Gretz, Miss Edith Robinson, Miss
Helen Parker, Miss Elsie Parker, Miss
Ruth Atlee, Miss Stella Cates, Miss Alleo
Nafle, Miss Cnrrle Nafle, Miss Alice John,
Miss Helen Bearse, Miss Lillian Cannon
Miss Helen Martin, Miss Emma Clark,
Miss Catherine Johnstone, Miss Ingebar
Dowllng, Miss Mabel McCracken, Miss
Anna Tree, Miss Kathryn Drlesbach,
Miss Hilda Drlesbach, Miss Edna Perrln,
Miss Sadie Guerrero, Miss Clara Guer
rero, Miss Myra Haver, Sir. Cornelius
Hofer, Mr. Morris Rosenthal, Mr.
Wheeler Gllmour. Mr. Horace Dubulst,
Mr. Raymond Dickson, Mr. Charles Dick
son, Mr. Mahlon Murphy. Mr. Howard
Stocker, Mr. Alvah Slack, Mr. James
Fielding, Mr. Howard Gaul, Mr. Fred
erick Gretz, Jr., Mr. Philip Whltecar, Mr.
Stacy Bearse, Mr. Georgo Parker, Mr.
Albert Marls, Mr. Richard Kane, Mr.
Frank Jackson, Mr. Joseph Cartledge,
Mr. Joseph Pearson, Mr. Herbert Clark,
Mr. Clark Woodrlng, Mr. Ernest Eekhart,
Mr. Le Roy Snape, Mr. Russel Collom.
Mr. Percy Collom and Mr. Laurence At
lee. Tho Regal Club will hold a dance at
tho Fhllomustan Club rooms, 33H Walnut
street, tomorrow night. This is the first
dance of a scries to be held this season,
and from the number of applications re
ceived for tickets the Indications are that
It will surpass any of the previous efforts
of this popular organization.
The Delta Phi Sigma Sorority took a
trip to Southampton on Sunday. The
' mmfS" T d
m xxjljuu -ra
The Spirit of America at Plays Magnitude and Cheerfulness
n'lTe3.ro .. Submarine fJrlll Restaurant Trsynors
The Promenade In the Marble Exchange
... Tnr'ePkli;rontln(r the noardirnlk and the Ocean
Ubrarr Tower Two Golf Coursea Evening Mualealea Cloister Garden
Did you ever hear Hopkinson Smith tell of those dinners
at Laguerre's? Did you ever dine up in the trees beside the
Seine bank? Did jrou ever enjoy one of the Traymore
Dinners d luxe? Inextinguishable memories! You
enter the Restaurant Traymore from the Marble Exchange,
or from the Boardwalk, by the Cloister Garden. You ait near
the Moravian Spring, while one of the expert chefs of the
world sends in his offerings. Your mind is free of all burden
of arithmetic; for the reckoning is a definite fixture two
dollars. Croesus, although he was always reckless
about reckonings, never feasted in his Lydian kingdom on
such triumphs of the cuisine as are now at the command of
any motor party or stroller on the Boardwalk. The
Dinner is served from six till nine o'clock, with a special
dinner dance on Saturdays.
Daniel S. White. Pres. IN THE
Your trips Southward made more de
lightful than ever by the superb new
Augusta Special
Southern Railway
&au?Urt.?dJ Sunday, October 24. Leave
West Philadelphia daily at 3:15 P. M.j every
in Moving Pictures at th
Tuesday and Wednesday
Mary Pickford, Too
Riifstn Included MIbb Toarl n, nfHen-v H
berg, Miss Henrietta Jaffa, Miss Hose re.
Caplan, Mls Jeanetto Moses, Mr. Harry
8hore. Mr Irwin Llpschutz, Mr Emanuel
I. BIron and Mr. Louis Zimmerman.
Miss Elizabeth Lubln wilt give a Hal
loween party at her home, 162 South
Durfor street, tomorrow night The guests
will Include Miss Bcsslo Silverman, Mis
Bessie Levin, Miss Pearl Underlclderv
Miss LUllo Qreenberg, Mlsa Sarah Wedow,
Miss Sallle Cyollnder, Miss Rose Llndep
brum, Miss Frances Levin, Mr Nathn
Ludwlg, Mr, Benjamin Corson, Mr. Sam
uel Adelman, Mr, Lowls FelnsUlnv Mr. '
Alfred Moss, Mr. Abraham Kessano, Mft
Edward Kaplan, Mr. Benjamin Kramer,
Mr, Joseph Herstlng, Mr Samuel BcYi
man and Mr. Benjamin Levin,
A regular meeting of the Dorean Bo
clety was held on Monday evening at the
rooms of the Jewish Consumptive) Com
mittee, 406 Wharton street.
The Entertainment Committee reported
that the annual play and dance, which,
will "be given on Thursday, November 3S,
nt New Mercantile Hall, Broad above
Master street, promises to be tho big
gest success of the organization. Th en
tire proceeds will be turned over to the
Jewish Consumptive Institute.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brlckner, of
York, arc the guests of Mr. William J.
Lonlgan, Jr., 4503 Bmlck street
Mr. S. W. Chen, a Christian Chinese,
will deliver nn address at the Harvest
Home exercises In the Wlssahlckon M.
E. Church on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Edwards, of Ter
race street, are visiting friends and rela
tives in Merchantvllle. N. J.
Mr. Jules Falk. tho noted violinist. n.
slsted by Miss Mary Josephine Comer-
torn, contralto, gavo a musicals last
night. In tho Talmage Memorial Re formed
Church. Rector and Pechln streets, thei
Rev. William B, Rcarlck, pastor.
What's Doing Tonight '
..?.man. aufragj parade, from Broad and
MIfTlln atreets. 7 o'clock, to mass-meetlnr.
Academy of Music: 8 o'clock.
Memorial to Frederick W. Taylor. Society to
Promote the Science of Management. Ilouaton
Hall, University of Pennsylvania, 8 o'clock.
Historic pageant. Philadelphia County Sun
day School Association, Convention llall: 8
o clock.
Pennsylvania. Esperanto Assoclstlon. H6tel
Tvlndsor; 7 o'clock.
Franklin party meetings. 2T05 Gerrnantoirn
avenue. 4310 Frankford avenue and Irving and
Thompson streets: 8 o'clock. Free.
Republican mass-meeting. 1007 West Lehigh
avenue; 8 o clock. Free.
Suffrage Events Today
Noon Meeting on Postofflce plaxa; speaker.
Miss Bertha 8apovts.
8 SO p. nu Meeting at Gray's Ferry road and
South street: speaker. Samuel Moyerman.
4 p. m. Meeting on City Hall Plata; apeakiMV
Harry Phillips.
"II J X UllllSh,
8 30 v. m. Meeting at Kensington and 'Alia.
gbany avenuea; speaker. Harry I'hllllpa.
superior location with an
unobstructed view of beach
and boardwalk A recognized
standard of excellence
m . . ." w.
Westminster T- nr- Bah. Kiev, u
.,.!...! Prlv. baths, run. water,
tl.CO up dly.. 8 up nkly. Cbas. Bubre.
U llsWrT'W5fB
m " i
WORLD Joseph W Mott. Mir.
wiuicii cHu nq luxury ox modern travel, Ve
the cities and reiorts of the Caolinu Vn4
Varm genial air and balmy untfcisi4.fatf
courses of the finest In the Sons)' UMt
resofW, superb hotels, exceHt l4ir'
hous and villas and cotuws for (W wiHef,r
S. E. BURGESS, Division Passemwr AlwH
Chestnyt St., PltiUisfrsm. -
' .
,y t !
Fi d